The Ultimate Noob Dragon Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

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On day one I spawned in as a noob dragon with a gang of angry villagers surrounding me hey look another Dragon we better get that nasty Beast before it gets us what mister I just got here I don’t want to get anyone more draconic lies you’re not going to pull one over

On us let’s get him boys the gang of villagers all started to chase me across the valley I didn’t understand why they were so angry at me I was just a baby Noob dragon I only had five Hearts luckily I was still pretty fast for being a scaly Noob and I managed to

Outrun them reaching the Aspen forest and leaving all those villagers to eat my dust with them gone for now at least I took a moment to rest amongst the trees and Catch My Breath boy these guys sure know how to roll out the Welcome Wagon I have no idea why dragons have

Such a terrible reputation around here and I didn’t get much pondering time before I could pick myself back up and run off I was surrounded Ed by those same villagers again they caught up with me and emerged from between the trees completely surrounding me tag him and

Bag him boys one less dragon out here makes our Villages just that little bit safer on day two after the villagers captured me they took me straight to Dragon jail and threw me into my cell they didn’t even take time to hear me out what about due process don’t I have

A right to a trial those are human rights Noob dragon and you’re not human darn it at least I wasn’t alone in my cell there was also a bored looking Komodo dragon lounging around I was happy to have someone in the same boat that I could talk to hey I’m Zozo all

Those villagers captured me pretty much as soon as I arrived just because I’m a dragon I don’t understand nice to meet you Zoo I’m Carl kodo Carl I’ve given up on trying to understand while the humans do what they do I’m not even a real dragon I’m just a commod Dragon I can’t

Even breathe fire breathe fire wait Carl you’re a genius I am I mean thank you I’m happy to finally have my genius recognized I turned to the door of my cell summoned up all of my might and blasted a fireball at the door it wasn’t all that powerful but it was powerful

Enough to at least set us free let’s go Carl before the villagers realize we’re gone you don’t have to tell me twice buddy Carl and I ran out of there going our separate ways now we both at least had a Fighting Chance out here on day three after escaping from the dragon

Jail I fled to somewhere that the villagers would have a lot harder time finding me the black forest by the time I’d gone deep enough into the forest to feel safe from the villagers I was so hungry I could barely stand it I guess using my Fireball power and then making

A daring Escape really works up an appetite there wasn’t a huge amount of food around but I at least gathered up as many sweet berries as I could eating some and storing the rest away for safekeeping suddenly a huge Shadow passed over I looked up and saw

Something amazing it was a huge fully grown Ender Dragon sewing right above me when she spotted me she turned herself towards me I look so tiny compared to her hello little one I didn’t expect to see another Dragon down here even a teeny tiny Noob Dragon such as yourself

Hi Miss Ender Dragon my name’s Zozo and I’m pretty surprised to see you too people are aren’t very kind to us dragons around here ah so you’ve encountered all the cruel small-minded humans who are out here threatening to ruin our way of life you’re lucky you escaped with your life wait you know

About all of that please tell me more I’d love to understand everything that’s going on here you’ll understand it all in due time fly with me little one and I’ll take you back to my La so me and the Ender Dragon used our dragon wings

To take off into the sky at least it’d be a lot harder for humans to get us up there from day four to day five I flew with the ender dragon all the way back to her draconic lair in the wooded Red Rock mountains as we flew over I noticed

That there was an unusual number of Endermen wandering around the mountain I figured they must have been there with the Ender Dragon we touched down near the top of the mountain and that’s when the Ender Dragon started telling me her story you see Zozo we dragons once ruled

This whole world the natural home of all dragons is the end but the the end isn’t a very vibrant place instead we dragons came here and helped lift up this world to Greatness but some creatures especially the humans were ungrateful for everything we did for them they

Decided instead to hate us and Hunt us to near Extinction just because we’re the rightful rulers of this world that sounds horrible what can I do to make it all right again miss Ender Dragon we must reclaim our territory piece by piece Zozo you can you can start by

Finding a good place to build a base here take these tools the Ender Dragon gave me a set of stone tools and I flew off again I searched from the skies until I came across a guanna shield biome this seems like a good place to hang my hat I flew down and started

Using my stone axe to clear trees and make space for my base this also gave me enough wood to make a decent start on actually building it too I took a break from my building to appreciate the scenery when I saw a gang of villagers wandering through the forest searching

For me I swear I saw a dragon fly through the sky around here we need to find it before it does any damage but this time I wasn’t going to settle for being captured I blew another Fireball and it exploded right next to them they scattered immediately after that then I

Leveled up thanks to me using my dragon skills I had 10 Hearts now and I’d gotten bigger not as much of a noob now am I from day six to day eight I was exploring more of the guanna shield when I happened upon a sadl looking raccoon wandering through hey raccoon is

Everything okay you look a little glum of course I look glum my home just burnt down I’m the only one who got out oh no that’s terrible I’m so sorry what happened was someone being careless with matches no no someone else did it or something and I know I’m not the only

One there are a lot of incidents like this some place is getting burned some folks are getting poisoned you better be careful out there and with that the raccoon wandered off I knew even more now that something horrible was going on out here was it something I could fix in

Less than 100 days the day after the Ender Dragon returned floating in the sky she had some things to say to me zoo I’m afraid I have grave news the humans are working together with some of the other creatures to wipe us dragons out completely we need to find and Crush

Their resistance movement completely but where would we start Ender Dragon I need information first and foremost make your way to the jakaranda forest I believe there may be some people of interest there find out all that you can and while you’re there if you can find an

Old chest of mine I left an echol locator inside it’ll help you find caves without any delay I set off to the jakaranda forest from day 9 to day 10 I flew away from my base and made my my way towards the jakaranda forest hoping to find some information and if I was

Lucky the Ender Dragon’s old chest I landed in the forest and started searching thankfully it didn’t actually take me long to find the chest that the Ender Dragon told me about plus thankfully there was an angry Crimson Phantom guarding it the owner of this chest told me I could have what was

Inside it sir oh yeah well I don’t care it’s my chest now and if you want it back you’re going to have to fight me for it the fight began and because I was still technically a real Noob Dragon the Crimson Phantom was stronger than me his

Attacks were powerful and he seemed to be good at tanking mine I pulled out of the fight and tried to collect myself I was worried the Crimson Phantom was going to attack me until a phantom Fox ran in and distracted him for me hey Crimson don’t you know why you shouldn’t

Fight with Dragons you’ll get burned this was just the distraction I needed to fire a fireball at the Crimson Phantom destroying him for good thanks for the assist Phantom Fox no problem Noob dragon with the Crimson Phantom gone I easily searched the chest and grabbed the echolocator the Phantom Fox

Was still there waiting for me see want to come visit my friend the Elder Guardian I think he’d like you sure he might be able to help me with some information I need we traveled deeper into the forest Until We Came Upon the Elder Guardian all three of us sat down

To chat and I asked the Elder Guardian if he knew anything about the human resistance groups resistance groups where have you heard of such a thing I don’t know of any resistance groups just people trying to do their best to survive Hard Times interesting I’ll

Report back with that from day 11 to day 12 I flew from the jakaranda forest back to the wooded Red Rock mountains where the Ender Dragon was waiting for me well do you have anything to tell me about the resistance groups our continued survival depends on it Zozo I spoke to

Some people and the funny thing is nobody seems to know about any resistance groups just people trying to survive fools all of them fools do I have to do everything myself gather up some iron from a cave to create some iron armor then find a remote Village to

The south of here you’ll see evidence of the human resistance with your own eyes since you seem to have so little trust in me I had no idea why the Ender Dragon seems so mean and angry with me all of a sudden but I figured I still better do

What she said I flew down from the mountain and used the echo locator to find the nearest cave I headed inside and started mining until I found some iron ore this would be perfect for armor and tools but when I left the cave some angry dread thalls were waiting for me

Can’t you guys give me a break I’ve been having kind of a rough week they didn’t listen instead they attacked luckily for me it was easy to make short work of them with my fire breath attack now I need to go find that remote Village from

Day 13 to day 15 after searching for a couple of days I found the remote Village that the Ender Dragon told me about but it seemed so peaceful it was a small isolated Community guarded by a single iron golem it didn’t even seem bothered by me being there like the

Villagers that had first imprisoned me a lot of what the Ender Dragon told me doesn’t seem to add up something’s wrong I need to get out of here and find out the truth from day 16 to day 19 I flew back to the wooded Red Rock mountains to

Get some straight answers out of the Ender Dragon only to find that she she wasn’t there this whole situation just keeps getting weirder and weirder I’m starting to get a little worried honestly I flew back to my base turning this whole thing over in my mind when I

Noticed someone was already at my base waiting for me it was one of the villagers from that little remote Village that the Ender Dragon made me stake out oh gosh I hope you’re a nice dragon because that evil Ender Dragon is attacking my Village and I need some

Help wait the Ender Dragon oh no don’t worry I’ll go over there right away I flew back to the remote Village and saw to my horror that the Villager was right the Ender Dragon was flying above destroying everything I flew in and tried to reason with her Ender Dragon

Why are you doing this these people aren’t part of the resistance you gullible fool you barely deserve to call yourself a dragon there is no resistance there are only we dragons and all inferior species you can either be with me or against me I’m not going to let

You hurt innocent people Ender Dragon then you’re against me the Ender Dragon blew one of her poisonous purple Fireballs at me and everything went black from day 20 to day 22 I woke up from being knocked out and found that the Ender Dragon was gone but she’ also

Destroyed the entire Village and left no survivors except for one Iron Golem who is left without anything to defend I feel terrible it was my duty to defend them and now they’re all gone because of me it isn’t your fault Iron Golem it was the Ender Dragon’s fault come back to my

Base with me we’ll work together to defeat the Ender Dragon and avenge everyone she hurt yes that sounds like the only way that I can bring my heart some peace the Iron Golem and I went back to my base I let him stay in my house and made sure he was happy here

Thank you Zoo this looks like a wonderful place to stay and while I was there I built a smoke Melting Furnace where I turned my iron ore into iron ingots built a few new pieces of armor and an iron pickaxe I’m going to use all my might to become an experienced dragon

And take down the Ender Dragon for all she’s done from day 23 to Day 26 I decided to take my new iron gear out for a spin if I was going to become a mighty enough Dragon to defeat the Ender Dragon I needed to get to work and explore some

New areas I ventured out to the desert and started looking around then I spotted a X piglin attacking a kodo dragon wait a second I know that kodo Dragon Koto Carl I’ll save you Zozo thank goodness I thought I was a goner I rushed over and started attacking the

Vex piglin but it was really strong yikes this is going to be a harder fight than I thought the Vex piglin knocked me down oh no Zozo look out Carl I can’t defeat this guy by myself I need you to help me how can I help I’m just a kodo

Dragon you’re the real deal I couldn’t even free myself without your help just trust me if we work together we’ll be much stronger than we are by ourselves I’ll give it my best shot comoto Carl jumped in and attacked the Vex piglin while I was down attacking him and

Saving my life thanks for your help see I knew you were stronger than you thought you were thank you for showing me that and helping me save myself hey let me give you something to say thanks he gave me a kodo dragon spit bottle oh

Uh thanks I guess I know it seems gross but you can use this to make a potion Resistance potion it should help protect you oh cool thanks from day 27 to day 31 I took a stroll through the beautiful rose fields to catch my breath after that fight with the Vex piglin seeing

All those flowers definitely put me in a good mood while I was stopping to smell the roses I saw a herd of sheep they were wandering around and looked pretty lost so I told them to follow me back to my base once we got there I built a pen

For the Sheep to live in here you go you guys can stay here as long as you like oh Zoo you’re back I’m so glad I wanted to show you what I did while you were gone the Iron Golem showed me some bookshelves he added to the base awesome

Thanks meanwhile in the wooded Red Rock mountains the Ender Dragon was up to no good with a frightening Ender Blaze standing by her side I’m so glad you see things my way Ender Blaze with your help no one will dare oppose me ever again my pleasure we Ender beinging should be in

Charge of everything and if you’re the one who’s going to make that happen I’ll do anything I can to help from day 32 to day 35 I left my base to go explore the Enchanted Forest I was just taking a casual stroll and looking around when suddenly a group of warped moscos

Spotted me oh no a dragon quick let’s get him before he burns down our forest they rushed toward me and started attacking me hey wait I’m not here to burn anything down I live in this Forest too that’s what the dragon in our last

Forest said but he was a liar I bet you are too wait a second the Ender Dragon she lied to me too it’s my mission to defeat her so she can’t hurt anyone else really you promise I promise my name is Zozo and I’m a nice dragon if that’s

Really true then you should come with us I followed them to a warped toad who was sitting under a tree well I certainly didn’t expect you boys to bring me a dragon I’m here to help I swear my name is Zozo I don’t like the Ender Dragon

Any more than you do well as the old Sayan goes Fight Fire with Fire having a dragon on our side might be the advantage we need to end the the Ender Dragon’s reign of terror the Ender Dragon isn’t used to battling his own kind you see she’s tricked most of them

Into working with her I’ll tell you anything else that I learned and help you however I can Zozo from Day 36 to day 39 I decided to work on upgrading my armor I went down into the mine and started digging for iron I found enough

To craft the rest of the armor I needed and I even found a couple of diamonds too I gathered everything and took it back to my base I used the iron I mind to complete the rest of my set and when I was finished I saw a raccoon at the

Entrance to the base hey are you Zozo that’s me oh good I heard you’re trying to learn more about being a dragon so you can get strong enough to stop the Ender Dragon right I am are you here to give me dragon lessons or something nah

I’m just a raccoon I could teach you how to find food in the trash but I think you’d rather talk to my friend she’s a lightning dragon and she’s not too fond of the Ender Dragon either if you’re not busy you can come with me to meet her

I’m never too busy to learn let’s go from day 40 to day 43 I followed the raccoon to the araria Savannah she’s really excited to meet you oh jeez but I’m just a noob Dragon I’m still learning yeah but you were brave enough to stand up to the Ender Dragon that’s a

Big deal here she is I saw a huge tough Lightning Dragon sunning herself in the middle of the Savannah it sure was a sight to see you must be Zozo I’m so happy to meet you I know you’re looking to get stronger and learn more about

Being a dragon I’ve been a dragon for a pretty long time so I hope I can help that would be awesome can you help me get better at breathing fire before she could answer an Ender Blaze jumped out from behind a tree and landed right in

Front of us well well well look what I found a couple of traitors working together who the heck are you I’m the guy that’s going to teach you a lesson about of hosing the Ender Dragon the Ender blaz fired a missile at me and I just barely managed to dodge it help the

Lightning Dragon gave me some of her power to fight the Ender Blaze I felt myself get bigger and stronger too but just when we thought we defeated him he kept attacking you’ve done a great job here today Zoo but you need to get out of here I’ll keep this guy busy go from

Day 44 to day 49 I flew back to my base I hope the Lightning Dragon is okay I didn’t have too much time to think about it though because the Warped toad came to see me Zozo I have some news my research has pointed me to a weapon that

I believe will help you defeat the Ender Dragon it is a netherite axe a powerful axe made by combining a diamond axe with netherite ingots oh I have some diamonds already excellent and you have the amount of diamonds required to craft a diamond axe well no I need to go get

More diamonds then hop to it young dragon time is of the essence I get it hop like a toad very funny this is no laughing matter Zozo much is at stake good luck on the encouragement of the Warped toad I headed down into the mine and started digging for diamonds phew

All this mining is hard work but it’ll be worth it when I finally defeat the Ender Dragon it took a while but I found some diamonds enough to make a diamond axe now I just need to figure out where I can find a netherite Ingot from day 50

To day 53 I started my quest to find some netherite ingots and build the netherite axe I ventured out to the crab Gardens to see what I could learn when I got there a claric came up to me greetings little dragon are you a friend

Of the warp to I am what can you tell me about a netherite axe well the Ender Dragon is vulnerable to netherite weapons according to stories I have heard she isn’t able to melt them with her fiery breath the way she would ordinary metal weapons the combination

Of of diamond and netherite makes it indestructible to her that’s great news do you know where I can find some netherite now that I’m afraid I don’t know I wish you luck though okay well thanks for the info I started to head back to my base as I was walking a

Fireball hit the ground just a few feet away from me hey what gives I could see a fire dragon just up ahead I’m so sorry I wasn’t aiming for you I was aiming for those zombies sure enough he was fighting a hord of zombies want some

Help with that yeah I’ve got this he shot another fireball out of his mouth and blew up the rest of the zombies without any trouble at all W that was awesome say do you want to team up with me and help me fight the Ender Dragon no

Thanks I’m good sorry kid but I fly solo good luck with uh whatever you’re doing though sounds like you’re going to need it from day 54 to day 57 I explored the crack Garden some more if I were some netherite where would I be just as I was

Searching the Ender blazes popped up behind me again I don’t know about netherite but it looks like there’s plenty of a loser right here because you’re a loser you tiny Noob Dragon ah the Ender Blaze is back I drew my weapon and got ready for a fight but he was

Still way bigger and stronger than me oh no I can’t beat him yet Andre never will all hail the Ender Dragon May her fire cleanse the land of all weakness I didn’t have any choice but to run away as fast as I could next time I see that

Guy I’ll be ready meanwhile back in the wooded Red Rock mountains the Ender Dragon was floating back and forth it’s all coming together marvelously soon there will be only dragons and those who serve us any of my kind that refuse to join me will be dealt with swiftly all

Else will be burned to Ash or reduced to nothing but dust from day 58 to day 62 I went back back to my base to check things out and figure out my next step when I got there I noticed something was different there were walls wow this looks great the Iron

Golem stepped forward glad you think so my mother always taught me that a good house guest helps out however they can and I had some spare time so I built some bigger walls thank you I still think the base needs something else though maybe something decorative yeah

Like a statue I know I’ll build a statue of an adult Dragon to remind myself what I’m working toward when I look like the statue I’ll know I’m done growing up I gathered some materials and started constructing my adult dragon statue then I added some banners to the base to

Spruce up the place even more next I used my diamonds to craft myself a diamond axe what a great day I’m one step closer to having what I need to defeat the Ender Dragon I just have to stay Brave and keep going from day 63 to

Day 66 the cleric came to visit me at my base Zozo the time has come for you to gather the remaining materials for the netherite axe in order to find netherite you must enter the nether okay um how do I do that through a ptal Dear Dragon

There is one I can lead you to and once it is operational you will be able to travel through it to the nether oh okay neat follow me Zozo I followed the cleric out to the snowy blue tiger this is where the portal is unfortunately it

Appears to be broken you will not be able to pass through it until it has been repaired a bummer how do we fix it that I cannot tell you I will return to my research and see what I can learn in the meantime explore this area and see

If you can unlock the secrets of the portal for yourself I never could have dreamed becoming an adult Dragon would be so much work but I was ready for the challenge if I needed a working portal to help me complete my quest I would

Find a way to make it work from day 67 to Day 70 I wandered around the snowy blue tiger looking for clues that might help me fix the broken portal Zozo is that you buddy oh hey Koto Carl what brings you all the way out here I came

Out here to visit some friends but I ran into an ice dragon causing all kinds of trouble freezing my vacation house oh no let’s go see if we can stop it I followed Koto Carl to his vacation home and sure enough enough there was a great big ice dragon stomping all over the

Place hey what are you doing cut that out you you work for that infernal Ender Dragon you can’t tell me what to do I don’t work for her anymore a likely story ice to meet you little dragon prepare to be frozen in your tracks then the ice dragon rushed at me and attacked

I had gotten a lot stronger and better at fighting though and I was able to defeat him and knock him down please listen to me I don’t work for the Ender Dragon anymore in fact I’m trying to stop her but I need help to do it if you

Join me maybe we can stop her once and for all that would be more productive than taking out my rage on this random vacation home you know what I will join you from day 71 to day 74 I returned to my base and found the Ender Blaze had

Beaten me to it he was launching Fireballs at everything in sight and it already knocked down one of the walls completely no stop that if you want me to stop so badly you’ll have to fight me what if I’m not strong enough I guess I’ll have to try anyway I attacked the

Ender Blaze but he knocked me down he’s still too strong what do I do perish he attacked me but I dodged it get away from our base you Fiend The Iron Golem attacked the Ender Blaze but the Ender blazes grabbed him I’ll take this smell you later foolish baby dragon

The two of them teleported away in the blink of an eye he’ kid napped my friend no that was too far I needed to get strong enough to beat the Ender blades so I could save the Iron Golem who had helped me so much I won’t let you down

Iron Golem no matter what I can promise you that much first I had to repair the damage to my base I rebuilt the busted wall and added a guard Tower and a fence for Extra Protection in case Ender Dragon sent any more minions to attack me looking at my hard work I couldn’t

Help but feel regret for not putting in all these security features earlier meanwhile back in the Red Rock mountains excellent work Ender Blaze without his little friend to help him Z Zozo stands no chance not that he had one to begin with there is none mightier than the

Ender Dragon in all the land and soon everyone will bow down to me from day 75 to day 78 the Warped toad came to see me at my base Zozo I heard about what happened I’m so sorry little one but all hope is not lost I know I just have to

Work harder and you just need the right equipment I’m sure you know by now that diamond weapons are more effective against the Ender Dragon but they’re also most effective against his Ender Blaze as well I brought you this and it should help you in your quest he handed

Me a diamond sword thank you do you know where the Ender blazes might have taken my friend yes that was my second gift you didn’t give me a chance to show you anyway here it is take this map and it will lead you there you’ve come a long

Way already zoo I know you can do it thank you armed with the map and my new diamond sword I headed off to confront the Ender Blaze for what I hoped would be the last time from day 79 to day 84 I followed the map to the Ender blazes

Base give me back my friend you monster he came out of the base to face me I could see the Iron Golem trapped behind him oh I’m a monster am I and you aren’t for betraying the Ender Dragon who took you under her wing and taught you what

It means to be a dragon being a dragon isn’t about hurting innocent people and being a bully she’s a liar and you’re a loser please feel free to fight me again if you’re so eager to taste defeat once more I drew my sword and attacked as

Fast as I could he blocked my attack with ease and I started to get worried oh no is this new sword enough to defeat him of course it’s not he hit me hard knocking me down it was looking like things might be over for me when suddenly the ice dragon slammed into the

Ender Blaze not so fast I thought you only worked alone I usually do but I’m not going to let the Ender Dragon ruin everything for Our Kind let’s teach this guy a lesson here take this he tossed me a dragon enhancement potion which I drank quickly wo tastes gross even

Though it didn’t taste good the potion made me transform into a full grown adult dragon and I gained Hearts not such a little dragon anymore now let’s handle this Ender Blaze with the ice dragon’s help and my brand new strength and size we were finally able to defeat

Him and free the Iron Golem from day 85 to day 89 I headed out to the Badlands to collect some terracotta I could use to finish off my statue it was perfect timing finishing the statue of an adult Dragon when I was finally one myself I returned to my base and put the

Finishing touches on the statue that looks great then the cleric came back to see me zoo I have great news I know how you can fix the nether portal take these obsidian blocks and use them to repair it then you can go through and collect the netherite you require awesome thank

You so much I took the obsidian blocks and ventured back out to the snowy blue tiger where the broken portal was waiting for me I used the blocks to fix the portal and then and I was ready to enter the nether wow this place is kind

Of spooky I looked around for a while and I saw some ancient debris oh that’s it if I get that ancient debris I can get some netherite but as I ran toward the ancient debris an Ender gas jumped out and attacked me I don’t have time

For this get out of my way with my new strength and size it was easy to blow that Ender Gast away then I grabbed the ancient debris and headed back through the portal now I have everything I need from day 90 to Day 94 I emerged from the

Portal and was back in the snowy blue tiger but my good mood didn’t last long because the Ender Dragon was waiting for me hello again Zozo you’ve grown I see not a noob Dragon any longer you’re a mighty Beast now join me come and work for me again and Together We Will

Conquer this puny land no I’ll never join you fool me once shame on me fool me twice well you’re just mean if that is your choice then so be it hey what’s that behind you when I turned to look she snatched the ancient debris out of

My hands hey give that back no I don’t think I will I’ll give you something to keep you busy though as she got ready to fly away she dropped a cage on me I was trapped from day 95 to day 97 I used my fiery breath to destroy the cage so I

Could Escape yay I’m out but now what should I do I know I’ll go see the Warped Toad and ask him what to do I traveled to the Enchanted Forest and tracked down the Warped toad when I arrived he was lying on the ground dying

Who did this to you the Ender Dragon she attacked me I don’t have much time listen to me she’s taken what she stole from you back to her base you’ll have to go there and retrieve it thank you for your heroism Zoo goodbye no I’ll make

Her pay for this I swear on day 98 I returned to my base and was greeted by a horrible sight my base was completely destroyed while I was gone she must have come here too curs her this is terrible I looked around for my friends that were

Living there but they were gone oh no what do I do my base my leader my friends she took everything from me not everything I turned around and the ice dragon was there I’m sorry you’re sad Zozo but I can help if the two of us

Team up I think we can take down the Ender Dragon together what should we do we’ll gather up our weapons and supplies and we’ll head to a base together then we’ll fight as hard as we can okay let’s do it on day 99 the ice dragon and I journeyed into the wooded Redrock

Mountains where the Ender Dragon’s base was ready not really but I don’t have much of a choice let’s give it our best shot hello traitors come to groble at my claws the Ender Dragon rushed us both no we’re here to take you down ha funny joke but I’m finished laughing time to

Taste defeat time for you to freeze the ice dragon attacked the Ender Dragon but she dodged the attack and came back with an even harder hit she knocked the ice dragon down and he didn’t get back up no I attacked next but the Ender Dragon was

Still way too strong I did get one good hit in though and she dropped the ancient debris with no other choice I grabbed it and ran all the way back to to my base there I was finally able to craft the netherite axe when I did I felt the strength coursing through my

Body and when I looked up the ice dragon and lightning dragon were back you’re alive sure am and I’m ready for round two on day 100 the dragons and I returned to the Ender Dragon’s base we can’t let this lady keep giving dragon’s a bad name let’s show her what it really

Means to be a dragon Al together we attacked the face the Lightning Dragon and the ice dragon work together to fight off her minions well I went inside to find the Ender Dragon your days of stepping on the little guy are done ready to lose again so soon if you’re so

Eager then let’s fight well I’ve got this now I pulled out the netherite axe and she actually looked a little bit scared how did you get that with a lot of help because unlike you I believe in kindness and friendship and kicking your butt I ran at her with the axe and

Started fighting this time I knew I was strong enough before long I delivered the final blow and the Ender Dragon fell to the ground finally there can be peace between dragons and the rest of the world on day one I spawned in as a mutant Dragon wa I’m a dragon but it

Looks like I’m a mutant one I had spawned deep underground in a m shaft and I noticed I had an iron pickaxe equipped already looks like there’s one thing to do dig I figured every good Dragon needed a treasure horde and since I was a mutant Dragon I needed to find

Some uranium to fill my Lair most dragons would prefer gold or silver but uranium is perfect for me as I was digging I stumbled on some ore but a bar guest showed up and attacked me wait I’m just a kid I was so afraid that I

Dropped my pickaxe as I ran for it if I was a full grown Dragon I could have handled him no problem but because my mutation was still weak the only way I could survive was by running I’m just a hatchling for now and I only have four

Hearts I tried to make my way to the surface but I was intercepted by another bar guest oh no I guess there was more than one I was boxed in on all sides with no Escape I’ve got you now I can eat this dragon and absorb his mutagens to become

Unstoppable well this isn’t good I was dragged away and thrown into a cage on day two the bar guest brought in another prisoner who had also planned on eating at first I thought he was the normal rooster but when I looked again I realized that he was a cockatrice dinner

Meet the appetizer we hope you two can get along when the bar guest left us alone together inside of the prison the cockatrice ran around the cage in fear don’t eat me it’s all right I might be a little mutated but I’m a dragon just

Like you that means I’m a friend call me Zozo oh thank goodness another Dragon I thought I was going to become a chicken dinner but my name’s Rusty nice to meet you I that if we work together we could break out of this place well I do have

The ability to chew through Stone all cockatrice is do perfect let’s do that Rusty ate through the stone floor of the prison and we were able to make our Escape but we were soon interrupted by a huge pit with lava at the bottom oh no we can’t go any further don’t worry

Rusty I’ve got abilities too I had Rusty get on top of my back and together we jumped out into the pit I used my Mutant Wings to Glide slowly towards the opposite side and just like that we had made it past the lava pit that was impressive Zozo thanks Rusty we stayed

Underground for a little while longer before Rusty dug us a path back to the surface we decided to split up for now so that the bar guests would have to do the same to catch us on day three I found myself inside of a strange Forest

That I didn’t recognize I wasn’t sure if I was still in Bargas territory so I wanted to lay low but my Hunger meter had other plans I have to eat something fast I skulked around the woods and ambushed some cows for meat it seemed like I was the only mutant animal around

So all the other ones were scared of me I had to be extra careful if I wanted to hunt successfully I also picked up some fruits and vegetables because dragons are omnivores we’ll eat anything just then I noticed there was a bizarre creature approaching me greetings who

Are you what you don’t recognize a fellow mutant when you see one I’m a mutant Dragon what are you a mutant of I am half mutant crab and half mutant brain call me dror invert brain I don’t get it but that’s okay I’m Zozo you need

To listen to me zoo there are a lot of enemies after us mutants right now and I’ve got some knowledge that can keep us safe how do I know I can trust you because I’m a brain it’s my job to be smart and think of things so you just

Leave that part to me this way then Dr inverte Brain crab walk deeper into the forest I wasn’t sure if I should follow him but I felt like I’d be in more danger if I didn’t on days four to five I caught up with Dr invertebr and he

Told me more about the enemies that were coming after mutants like me you’ve probably caught on a little bit but there are creatures out there that think they can steal our mutant Powers by eating us we mutants can unlock special abilities that no one else has and

Because we are so rare the ones who want our powers will stop at nothing to capture and consume us that doesn’t sound fun I’m happy with being a mutant and having unique abilities but being attacked because of it is going to make my life some so much harder mine too I

Suggest you try to awaken your greater mutant Powers as soon as you can those will help protect you against the enemies thanks for the tip doc one more thing here are some stone tools to replace the pickaxe you lost another way to keep safe is to make a base where

They can’t get to you with the new set of stone tools that Dr invertebr had given me in hand I set off in search of a safe area to build my base it had to be a place where I could keep a nice treasure horde as well as store all the

Food I had gathered up in the strange Forest I reached a small Valley between two hills and decided that it would work I began working on my base straight away and it was coming together nicely eventually I’ll have a nice big Lair where I can store all of my belongings I

Had barely started when the same bar guest from before showed up again you ‘t escape this time Zozo suddenly he attacked with full force trying to capture me again I drew my stone sword and tried to fight back but he was too strong that’s when I remembered what Dr

Invertebr said to me back in the forest I have to unlock my greater mutant Powers I concentrated and seconds later I was able to use a breath weapon of green energy that blasted the barast back it wasn’t fire like you might expect for most dragons but I wasn’t

Most dragons I was a mutant dragon and the bar guest was done for suddenly I felt my dragon Powers tingling and I started to get bigger and wo I’ve gained six more Hearts I felt stronger than ever before maybe I could do this after

All on day to8 I left the base to go search for Rusty I figured since the bar guest wouldn’t be bothering me anymore he would also want to know I had a feeling that my problems as a mutant were far from over but at least I could

Tell my fellow Dragon friend that he was safe I wonder what invertebr really meant about enemies they couldn’t have been just the bar guest because they were pushovers once I activated my real Powers this thought stayed with me until I met up with Rusty next to the strange

Woods hey Rusty Zozo I took care of those guys that were trying to eat us we should should be safe now that’s great news but you should still be careful Zozo I’ve heard that there’s a bad guy on the loose who is trying to gain mutant Powers the same way that those

Bar guests wanted to sounds bad I’ll keep my eyes out thanks Rusty when I got back to my base Dr invertebr was waiting there I told him that it was true that there was still a bad guy out there hunting mutants and he agreed to tell me

More I doo know about this evil Hunter of mutants in fact I once had to deal with him face to death his name is z and he is the Duke of dragons the Duke of dragons you mean the ruler of dragon kind is after me even though I’m a

Dragon it makes no difference to Duke Zed whether you are a dragon or not as long as you are a mutant he will try to steal your powers from now on you must be wary of every Dragon you meet did that also include Rusty I was starting to get worried about our friendship

There has to be a way I can go live with other dragons even though I’ve been mutated there is one way way if you find a way to pass your mutant Powers onto someone else then Zed would have no reason to come after you that might work

Do you have anyone in mind I just might but in order to do it we need a power transfer Stone which can only be found on Sunny mountain in that case I’m off to get the stone on days 9 to 10 I made the trip out to Sunny Mountain to seek

Out the power transfer stone that Dr inverin had told me about I had to find a way to become a normal Dragon so I wouldn’t have to worry about people trying to steal my Mutant Powers the path up the mountain had no trees so the sun was beating down directly on me now

I know where the name comes from farther along I noticed a ruined set of standing stones and I thought that maybe that was where the power transfer Stone was I went over to investigate and a Geon knock appeared so another mutant has come to claim the power transfer Stone

Draymond I am the Stone’s protector and you should turn back now no way getting that stone is super important to me if I have to fight you for it then consider this battle begun I Unleashed my breath attack but the geoo seemed resilient to my Mutant Powers I realized I would have

To use my sword for this but it was Stone against Stone so it wasn’t doing anything either will you not turn back even though it is futile of course not I will never give up then perish you first right when I needed help the most a Sunbird swooped down and gave the Geon

Knock the hot foot with its fire breath the geonox outer layer started to weaken so I hit him with my sword until the battle was over I went to retrieve the power transfer Stone from the standing rock formation and then I thank the Sunbird that it helped me we flew down

The mountain together stopping at the bottom of it for a quick chat thanks for the help I’m Zozo I am tyberius the winged Warrior and I am on a quest to find the next Duke of the Dragons I saw that you were a dragon in danger so I

Dove in to rescue you that was very nice of you but I’ve got nothing to do with any Duke of dragons that’s that’s my choice anyway I need to get this power transfer Stone back to an ally of mine don’t tell anyone I was here on days 11

To 12 I found that Dr inverte Brain was still living at my base which was what I was hoping for since I planned to give him the power transfer Stone I retrieved the stone doc ah perfect my plan is going perfectly by that I mean our plan is going

Perfectly I didn’t think it was that funny but anyway what else do I need to do in in order to transfer my Powers away eager to get to the next phase are we well then pay attention because this is where things are really going to get challenging I’m listening you must place

The power transfer Stone within the mouth of a magic Idol that sits on a nearby Island I’ll show you how to get there excellent I can’t wait to be free of my Powers I can’t wait either I still didn’t know what Dr invertebr was laughing about but I figured he was just

Remembering an inside joke on my way to Idol Island I stopped by an open cave to dig for iron ore a strong suit of armor should protect me in case anyone working for Duke Zed tries to capture me unfortunately the cave was full of hyenas so I needed to do multiple sweeps

With my green energy breath weapon to clear them out once I had cleared the Cave of the hyenas I collected the iron ore then I went back outside and flew off towards Idol Island on days 13 to 15 I came ashore on the island and saw the

Idol waiting for me to place the power transfer Stone in its mouth there were signs all over the place with messages that said here’s Zozo and transfer your power here I want to feel welcome but I’m starting to just feel creeped out instead was Dr invertebr not telling me

Something about the idol maybe he had been planning to do something with the power transfer stone for longer than I thought but then again he’d still have to have known my name and we didn’t meet that long ago this was getting too weird so instead of placing the stone inside

The idol I jumped back into the air and flew back towards my base I needed answers about all of this and I was convinced that only the good doctor could give them to me on days 16 to 19 I was surprised to run into doctor invertebr in the field while I was still

On my way to the base he noticed that I still had the power transfer Stone in my possession why didn’t you put the stone in the Idol’s mouth like I asked I’m sorry I didn’t mean to not listen to you but that place was really weird and I

Have some questions about what has been going on questions for me well I am a brain so I should be smart enough to give some good answers first why hasn’t Zed sent any minions after me you said would but I haven’t seen any signs of it

Second why did it seem like you had been to that island and knew my name before you met me you should ask better questions Zoo those will get us nowhere just leave the rest of the thinking to me will you all right but I’m still

Confused when I made it back to the base I was startled to see tyberius the Sunbird there waiting for me it is you you’re the one I’ve been looking for we need your help quickly the duy of dragons is under attack the duy of dragons isn’t that the place ruled by

Duke Z head of the Dragons wait did you say I was there’s no time you’re the only one who can stop that madman Dr inverte Brain what it couldn’t be true I followed tyberius and the two of us hurried to the duy of dragons once we

Got there I saw that it was being attacked by Dr inverte Brain he was using mutant powers to destroy the buildings inverte brain stop this what are you doing I tried to do this the nice way but you chose to defy me now because of you your people will suffer I

Don’t understand you said the dragons wanted my Powers no you fool I want your powers so I can become the most powerful mutant who ever lived and I would have had them too if you had just placed the stone in the idol I’m not doing that I’m not listening to you anymore you’re

Going down I charged in and prepared to use my Powers but he hit me with the mutant energy attack before I could due to the power of it I was knocked out cold on days 20 to 22 I woke up and saw that the Dutch I of dragons had been

Completely destroyed there was no sign of Dr invertebr anywhere what was even worse was that the power transfer Stone was gone from my inventory he must have stolen it from me after I was knocked out you’re awake I guess inverte and still needs you alive tyberius I’m so

Sorry I was too weak to stop him don’t worry Zozo I’ve gathered the remaining dragons and told them that you could make it up to them by giving them a new home in your base you did well how can I say no it seems like everyone got in a

Whole bunch of trouble because of me nothing of the sort there is still hope Because Of You the faces of many dragons looked at me and they didn’t seem upset it was like they saw me as one of their own and not a mutant I promise I’ll do

Everything I can to keep you safe at my base or my name isn’t Zozo the mutant Dragon I spent the rest of the days Gathering materials and expanding the base outward so it looked like the new duy of dragons I added a bunch of houses for the dragons and a bridge to connect

Them all I wanted to make it feel like the home they lost and provide a safe space for them on days 23 to 26 I was searching a nearby Mountain for some gold that normal dragons really like and found a hidden Canyon with loads of it the canyon seemed to be crawling with

Aggressive macas which seemed to be very Territorial and seems like they could deal a lot of damage I better go out of my way to avoid a fight I went deeper into the canyon undetected but it turned out that some of the others weren’t so lucky I saw a zombie getting attacked by

The macas he looked like a mutant too just like me and was punching them with his green fists hey fellow mutant we should work together I can help you no way you’re just going to try and steal my Powers aren’t you just like in vertebra I promise I won’t he tried to

Do that to me too it sounds like we’ve got a common enemy then okay I’ll accept a hand I jumped in to help and used my energy blast to scatter the macas so the mutant zombies could take them out one by one with his punches together we

Defeated all of them with ease thanks for the assist I had almost given up on my fellow mutant here’s a tip about unlocking your powers as a reward the mutant zombie showed me how to focus my energy into my limbs like he did thanks to his demonstration I could jump super

High with an energy powered Wing boost thank you I’ll make sure to put this power to good use have you see Dr inverte Brain give him the old one too for me on days 27 to 31 I found some sheep wandering through a burnt plane so hungry what happened to all the

Grass here guys there was some kind of evil energy blast and all the grass got burned up we used to graze here all the time but now it’s gone don’t worry the grass is always greener on the other side of the valley and by that I mean my

Base has some grass you could eat thank you the sheep and I returned to my base I then built them an enclosure around a grassy field where they could live and eat peacefully after that I went to see Tiberius and noticed he had created a training area where everyone could

Practice sword skills we need to be ready in case of another attack especially because Duke Zed and his Noble guard have gone missing that’s right I almost forgot there are still some dragons that fled the city during Dr inverte brain’s attack we’ve got to make sure to find them I’m sure they’ll

Turn up but for now we should prepare for inverte bra’s next move meanwhile unknown to myself in Tiberius the evil doctor had been growing more powerful he had captured that mutant zombie I had met in the hidden Canyon and was using the power transfer Stone and the island

Idol to drain the zombes powers and add them to his own you’ll never get away with this inverte brain oh but I already have and I’ll keep transferring the powers of every other mutant to myself until I’m all powerful on days 32 to 35 I was mining

For more materials when I encountered a group of fire dragons are you refugees from the duy it’s one of them mutants that destroyed the duy get him uh-oh they must think I’m working with inverte brain I used my Mutant wings and glided to the other side of the group of

Dragons I didn’t want to attack them so I tried a diplomatic approach I promise that I’m the good guy no Li to us dragons we’ve been deceived before just when I thought nothing could work a bigger dragon appeared who looked like he was their leader stop this at once do

Not attack Zozo anymore he has fought bravely to protect his fellow dragons as I knew he would you know my name I know a great many things about you young dragon for I am Duke Zed the Duke of all dragons your Duke Zed I was told you

Would try to steal my Powers but I’m guessing that was another one of Dr inverte brain’s lies indeed it was he tried to turn us against each other but the truth is that we share a strong bond strong bond what did he mean by that I

Had never met this Dragon before in my life but somehow what he was saying felt like it was true in my heart I had to know more Duke Z please return to my base and tell me everything I need to know about invertebr and why I’ve always

Had these mutant Powers no I cannot it is too risky for myself and the rest of these dragons to be out in the open but if you need my help you can find me in the underground well that’s good enough for me for now I’m going to let tyberius

Know that you’re okay but I’ll be back soon to hear more of the truth I will be looking forward to it young dragon on days 36 to 39 I decided to get prepared for the next battle by getting my armor to iron I crafted an entire set from the

Iron I had collected while ago not too shabby if I do say so myself I also wanted to upgrade my tools since I had access to several caves with iron ore deposits in them I started from there and kept digging until I had enough iron wow these are some awesome mines I

Should look to see if I can find even more cool stuff further down in the cave I found a treasure chest and inside was a unique weapon an enchanted crossbow that could fire any arage rockets at enemies these Rockets are made of parts that you can only get in the end the

Explosions caused by these Rockets could be useful later down the line I went back to the base in order to show tyberius the cool weapon that I found when I arrived there was another guest inside of the training area a warped toad tyberius was standing by so I knew

It was okay hello I’m warpo it is riting to meet you I’m Zozo oh I’m well aware every mutant has heard of you now you’re the mutant Dragon who defied Dr inverte Brain you’re a mutant too warpo well yes I am there’s somebody I need to take you

To see it’s an old friend who has some important news about the battle between good mutants and evil mutants you should go Zozo don’t worry about the base I will defend it for you thanks tyberius that makes me feel a lot more secure it’ll be a few days journey but I

Promise you that what they have to say is worth the journey all right then warpo let’s get a move on on days 40 to 43 I traveled with warpo until we arrived at the home of the person he wanted me to talk to it turned out to be

None other than the mutant zombie that I had helped before he was now just a normal zombie I because DR inverte had drained his mutant Powers he told me everything about the power transfer Stone and the Island’s Idol so that’s what have happened to me if I had gone

Through with it glad I avoided that us too you’re the only mutant whose Powers come close to matching Dr invertebr that’s why he wants your powers most of all that might be true but how can I become more powerful than him the last time we fought he knocked me out easily

That’s why we’re here I managed to steal back the power transfer Stone while inverte wasn’t looking now we can transfer warp’s mutant powers to you and make you stronger are you okay with that warpo that I am Dr invertebr must be stopped and I’m willing to give up my

Own powers if it means you can take him down then let’s get to it that’s what I like to hear go ahead and place your hands on the stone just then a giant crab burst into the house and attacked us hand over my brother’s power transf

For stone or I’ll put the squeeze on you with my claws your brother do you mean Dr invertebr yeah yeah I’m herma his non-mutant crab brother even though my brother is evil and a mutant I’m as loyal as they come so am I you crusty crab Zozo warpo I’ll hold this guy off

Make the transfer and hurry and with that the zombie who used to be a mutant pulled out a sword and started fighting with herma I turned to warpo and the two of us used the power transfer Stone to give his powers to me it worked now run

For it we all split up and herma didn’t know which one of us had the stone so he kept rampaging and Wrecking the zombie house I was the one who had it though and as I retreated back to my base I could feel the strength that warpo had

Given me running through my veins I could tell I was closer than before to being strong enough to defeat Dr inverte on days 44 to 49 Zed showed up at the base with the remaining dragons I did my best to make sure they felt welcome

After that I made sure no one was coming towards the base by checking the surrounding area once I knew everyone was safe I met with zed alone I thought you were going to stay in hiding I was but learning of a certain powerful item changed all of that I think that my

Subjects and I have discovered the key to defeating invertebr go on we have reason to believe that there is a way to build an idol just like invertebr an idol that can amplify the power transfer Stone and allow you to take his mutant Powers before he takes yours you mean I

Could defeat him by giving him a taste of his own power stealing medicine exactly Zozo but it will require you to build the idol in a particular shape before you switch the power on whatever must be done I’ll do it thanks Zed you’re actually a really cool guy I

Began to build a specific structure needed to house the idol it was important that I get this right because I was up against one of the most powerful brains in the world when it was prepared I left the base in search of the rest of the idol on days 50 to 53 I

Went to a village that Zed said would be able to give me information about building the idol it was an island Village of Crafters who specialized in building powerful Idols like the one I found on the island so many days ago they might have accidentally helped in

Vertebrae in the past but today they would be able to help me I asked The Village Blacksmith for information and he turned out to be just as willing to help as I hoped the secret to the Island’s power is in the crystal eyes the more pure the crystal is the more it

Can amplify the energy of the stone that is placed inside of it see do you know where I can find these Crystal eyes they are extremely rare almost as rare in this world as well mutantur I can’t tell you anything more concrete than that sorry that’s okay

Thank you anyway I left the idol crafter’s Village and decided to return to base I was going back the way I came when I saw a mutant spider pig being attacked by a feradon a fellow mutant hey do you need help before I even managed to get close the spider pig used

A blast of mutant green energy to take down the feradon oh wow it looks like you handled it just fine your powers are really strong do you want to lend them to me the spider pig just shook its head and left it didn’t seem interested in

Sharing its power so that’s how it is every mutant for himself I suppose on days 54 to 57 I was still on my way home when herma ambushed me out of the blue you thought you could Escape Zozo give me the power transfer Stone never herma

You’ll just give it to your brother Dr inverte and he’ll use it to take my Powers away that is the plan he his spener attack hit me in the side and it really hurt I had taken a lot of damage but fortunately I was regenerating a lot

Faster than normal this must be the power I got from warpo mutant regeneration so what if you can survive more of my attacks I’ll still Cut You Down to size Perma was a tough opponent and even my Mutant green energy blast wasn’t able to scratch his powerful crabshell my brother used to practice

His mutant powers on me all the time so I’ve become resistant to it you’re nowhere near as strong as he is I only had one weapon left and I needed to use it as a distraction I blasted him with an endrio phase rocket it didn’t beat

Him but it hurt him enough that I had time to escape meanwhile Dr inverte was fighting a bunch of geonox in a place that I had never been before it turned out there was more than one power transfer Stone in the world and he was

Going to get the other one I should have done this a long time ago once I acquired the second power transfer Stone I’ll outfit my idol with even greater Crystal eyes so I can transfer power from anywhere on days 58 to 62 I returned to find out that my base now looked almost

Exactly like the old duy of dragons the fire dragons and Tiberius had been rebuilding it into a brand new capital city for the dragons since the previous one was destroyed I decided to join in and build a statue that would make this new home even more special for all the

Dragons living here it would surely be the talk of the base when it was complete for now it didn’t look much like it would turn out to be I also decided to place a bunch of fire pits to keep the base well lit even when it was

Dark outside that way no one could get lost in the dark I went to the training area and saw that I needed more weapons so I built a bunch of iron swords for everyone to use and handed them over to diurnas these are some exceptional swords Zozo I will make sure that they

Are in the hands of exceptional Warriors back to training everyone after all that crafting I was running low on iron so I returned to the mines and went searching for some four while I was at it I also Min for diamonds the diamond or was less

Common than the iron ore but with enough effort I was able to find some at the end of the day I had enough diamonds to craft a diamond helmet and Diamond chest plate on days 63 to 66 the blacksmith from the idolmaker village showed up at

My base welcome to the new dragon base blacksmith I hope you have some good news to share with me I don’t just have good news I have great news the village has located another source of Crystal eyes and z these might be the purest form that we have ever found no way

That’s incredible if we can get those then I’ll be able to transfer Dr inverte Evil mutant powers to me and use them for good that’s why I told you first you were so nice when you came to visit the village I thought we would lend you a

Hand in your quest thank you so much will you lead me to where I can find the crystal eyes of course Zozo follow me we traveled away from the base for a couple days until we found the entrance to the crystal mine the cryst eyes that we

Needed for the idol would be inside there but it looked like it was guarded by some really big geonox oh man these guys guard everything cool and if I remember right they don’t take much damage from mutant energy attacks well at least you know where it is now we can

Come back when you are ready to take them on you’re right for now we should be grateful that Dr invertebr doesn’t know where this is on day 67 to 70 an old Dragon friend came to see me at the base it was Rusty after all this time he

Hadn’t for forgotten how we work together to escape from those evil bar guests Zozo it looks like you’ve gotten even more powerful since the last time I saw you you’re looking very well too rusty I came by because another enemy is giving me trouble I was hoping you could

Stand up to the Mob so I could be safe you know like the last time we worked together sure Rusty anything for a friend I followed Rusty back home to his farm where a Tremor Elemental was destroying the fields that’s the guy Zozo go get him all right Rusty you wait

Inside I’ll handle the this I approached the Tremor and tried a diplomatic approach to hopefully resolve the situation but the Tremor didn’t listen it just started attacking me instead have it your way then I shot a blast of green energy at the Tremor stunning him in place it seemed like my Powers were

Growing even stronger the Tremor was helpless so instead of defeating him I spared him you’re not going to cause my friend Rusty any more trouble but I do have a job for you since you are an earth Elemental if you can talk to the big geonox and have them let me into the

Crystal ey Minds I’ll treat you like a friend from now on the Tremor agreed and because of that I had a way into the crystal ey mindes when the time came and that time would be arriving sooner than expected on day 71 to 74 herma had made

His way to the base and was smashing down the dragon houses it was like the destruction of the duy all over again I can’t let this happen to my dragon friends herma you’ve gone too far ooh I’m shaking actually no I’m dancing I’m dancing with because it’s so much fun to

Stomp on your dragons my Mutant Powers wouldn’t be that effective so I focused on hitting it with my sword attacks and dodging his pincers using my wing boost I had my regeneration but even that wouldn’t let me stay in the fight for long nice try Zozo but you’re not even half of the

Mutant my brother is if I wanted to I could end this right here but instead I’ll just take your little power transfer stone with that he hit me again and took the power transfer Stone right out of out of my inventory give that back herma a what are you going to do

About it see you later Zozo my brother sends his were Gods herac crab walked out of the base and was gone the feeling of defeat almost broke my heart but I decided not to give up hope I built back the parts of the base herma destroyed and equipped the walls with cannons in

Case he returned the time would soon arrive when the dragons would have to face not just herma but our Real Enemy the evil mutant Dr invertebr speaking of that dastardly villain he had found the village of the idol crafters and was using his greater mutant powers to threaten them into

Revealing the location of the pure Crystal Eyes by now my brother has successfully taken the first of the power transfer stones from Zoo once I get the purest Crystal eyes my idol will be able to take the power not only from Zozo but from every mutant in the world

I will become the ultimate mutant just as I had planned to on days 75 to 78 Duke Zed announced that he and the fire dragon would be leaving to go back into hiding I tried to persuade him to stay at the base where it was safe why do you

Have to leave Zed this base could be a new home for all Dragon kind everyone worked so hard on it there is no point in staying here when Dr invertebr could show up and destroy it just like he did to our original home now that his brother herma has the other power

Transfer Stone it is only a matter of time before he steals your power and becomes too powerful to stop what if I could take the stone back from herma before he gives it to the doctor I know that I failed before but I refuse to give up when everybody needs me very

Well young dragon I had always had high hopes for you when your courage has inspired me take this Dragon orb it will enhance your powers enough that you might be able to take the power transfer Stone Back Duke handed me a dragon orb and I could feel the magic giving me a

New level of power but it didn’t feel the same as my Mutant Powers when you said Powers did you mean my Mutant powers I mean your dragon Powers you were born to be the next Duke of dragons cerus saw that potential in you and I am

Choosing to believe in it again go now and fight to save Dragon kind I will Duke Zed thank you for giving me the strength to fight I left the base with the dragon orb and followed the tracks that herma left behind on days 79 to 84

I found Hera’s base it looked like a Coliseum and from the looks of things Dr inverte hadn’t shown up here yet so there was still a chance that I could take back the power transfer Stone herma I’m here to fight you and take back the power transfer Stone haven’t you learned

Your lesson like I said before you’re not half the mutant my brother is that may be true but I’m more of a dragon than either of you and Duke Zed gave me the dragon orb so I could win so that was Zed’s plan let’s see how it goes

Even with the power of the Dragon orb Perma was incredibly tough my attacks could damage him but I still couldn’t rely on my Mutant Powers I flew up and dive bombed him from above but it was no use even if I had more andas Rockets the battle was still going against me time

To call it quits Zozo herma swung its pincer at me my regeneration wasn’t fast enough it looked like it was going to be lights out not so fast when all hope was lost tyberius showed up and covered the arena in Smoke thanks to that we were

Able to sneak away but herma managed to hit Tiberius in the smoke oh Tiberius you’re hurt don’t worry about me Zozo I have something you might want he gave me a power transfer Stone I’ve always wondered what would happen if a non-mutant tried to transfer power

Through it what do you say Zozo will you accept my fir powers of course let’s fry this crab I used the power transfer Stone and sent all of the firep powers of a Sunbird into me now I could breathe fire just like a dragon I was now larger

Stronger and capable of shooting strong Flames my heart hearts even doubled you’re toast herma brother I have failed you no with Tiberius his powers I defeated the crab and was able to keep the stone on days 85 to 89 I collected more materials on the way back to the

Base I could use these to complete the statue that I was planning to build for the dragons I made it home and immediately put the finishing touches on it it was a statue of a mighty fire dragon a sign of strength and a show of respect for all of the fire dragons that

Had moved on from this world so far of course there was still the matter of defeating invertebr with the help of the Tremor Elemental I was able to talk my way past the Giant geonox and enter the mine with the crystal eyes I went deep into the Min shaft where the villagers

Told me the purest crystal eye could be found this mind was deeper and shinier than any I had ever been in but because the crystal eyes were inside I bravely made my way further in when I made it to the Chamber of the crystal eyes I found

A chest guarded by a giant lurker the powerful enemy ran at me on sight and tried to bite me but I was in my most powerful form now I defeated it with a single Blast from my fire breath and claimed the crystalize for myself as I grabbed it though I was temporarily

Poisoned due to the chest being trapped on days 90 to 94 I returned to the entrance of the crystal ey mine and found that Dr invertebr was waiting for me of course you were after the crystalites too I should have known and thanks to you I don’t have to

Father getting past those geonach Guardians seems like you are helping me again Zozo just like old times I will never help you again Dr invertebr you betrayed me I got those Crystal eyes for one reason to defeat you and save the dragons from your reign of Destruction

It wasn’t me who betrayed you you were the one who betrayed me all you had to do was give up your mutant powers and you could live freely but you sided with the dragons instead and then you you destroyed my brother this is a warning Zozo hand over the crystal eyes and I

Will spare you after I take your powers disobey me and I will wipe out both you and all the dragons including Duke Zed I’m not afraid of you I may not be as mutated as you but I have Tiberius as firw and the dragon orb I am everything

That my friends made me I will win so be it this is your destruction inverted brain used his strongest mutant Powers against me and it was even more than the level of power he was using when he destroyed the duy of dragons back then a single attack would have knocked me out

In one hit and even though I was Stronger the damage was still too much to handle he knocked me down with a blasted mutant energy and while I was stunned took the crystal eyes away from me how can you still be this strong how can you still be that weak W pitiful

Dragon you will soon know what it means to be the only one of your kind after I steal your mutant powers that is Dr invertebr got away with the crystal eyes even now I was powerless to stop him the hole he left behind was Giant on days 95

To 97 I was able to call upon enough mutant power to fly out of the hole that Dr invertebr had trapped me in since I still had my Powers I knew that there was time to warn the others instead of heading to the base I remembered what

Zed told me and went to the underground to find him if anyone could back me up in my next fight against the evil doctor it had to be the Duke of dragons when I made it to where the fire dragons had been hiding out I saw that I had been

Too late Dr inverte had already found the dragon’s secret Bas and attacked them the dragons were injured and it looked like many of them wouldn’t make it Zozo is that you Zed is over that way and he doesn’t have much time either you must talk to him before he goes I nodded

And made my way to where Zed was lying down dying it was a sad sight to see see the Duke of dragons like that zed zed I’m here I’m so sorry if you had the dragon orb maybe this wouldn’t have it’s okay young dragon I always knew you were

The only one who could stop our greatest Nemesis in vertebrae he always planned to use the mutant power inside of you to conquer the world that is why he stole your egg from us before you hatch how do you know that Zed I didn’t know where I

Came from before I hatched I remember your egg a mutant dragon egg it was different from the others but still a dragon still my son the next Duke of dragons Zed you’re you’re my dad yes young dragon and when I’m gone you will be crowned the Duke dragons take care of

Them my son Zed was gone I now knew everything inverte tried to raise me as his own so he could someday take my Powers away but everything he tried had failed the mutant he tried to steal would now become the Dragon who defeated

Him on day 98 I made it back to the base and found it in ruins it seemed that Dr invertebr had kept his Wicked promise and wiped out the dragons the fire dragons the ones from the duy and even Rusty every last one of them had been

Destroyed it was horrible on some level I felt like it was all my fault and the guilt of not being able to save them weighed heavily on me was this your plan in Verte brain to take everyone I cared about away so I wouldn’t have anything

Left to fight for it was only a matter of time until my Powers were transferred to Dr invertebr he would get to that island with the idol and then I wouldn’t stand a chance against him this is hopeless there is always hope Zozo your father believed this Tiberius look at me

Zozo I gave my firep powers to you because I believed in you and even in my powerless form I still believe in you what can we do he was always stronger than me and even if I win I can’t bring everyone back perhaps you you can

Remember what powers you have now if you have the pure Crystal eyes you’ll be able to transfer power into yourself but also to others of course if I transfer your Firepower to the dragons along with my regeneration the combined power could revive them there’s only one way to find

Out let’s take those Crystal eyes back together tyberius and I vowed to do just that on day 99 I raced to the idol Island to confront Dr invertebr the two power transfer St and Crystal eyes were floating next to the idol and he was about to combine them I dive bombed over

And grabbed the crystal eyes and power stones from the magic Stones there were on Zozo you dare disobey me again I dare you thought you could crush my spirit but like I’ve said time and time again I don’t give up you’re not thinking straight that’s why only I have the

Brains to rule this world you should have just let me do the thinking your thinking stinks doc I’m going to fix the damage you’ve done I flew High into the sky with the crystal eyes and power transfer Stones then glided over the water to land on the mainland Shore

There was no way that crab could catch up to me now I zoomed back to the base and placed those pure Crystal eyes next to the idol that I had built many days ago then I flipped a switch to combine them please work please work I let my

Powers go and they flowed into the machine to be given to all of my Fallen Dragon Friends the fires within the dragons began to reignite and they regenerated back to life Rusty was the first to show up he ran over to me and jumped for Joy I’m saved

You did it Zozo giving us your mutant regeneration power saved us don’t forget the Firepower too courtesy of Tiberius you better believe I won’t forget it I feel all warm inside and fired up put an end to that doctor invertebr once and for all thanks Russy I’ll make sure to

Defeat the ab brainia once and for all and make the land safe for all mutants and Dragons alike on day 100 Dr inverte and looked up to the sky and saw me flying towards him what what are you doing back here after saving all of the dragons by sharing my power with them

I’ve come back to finish this you’re going down Brainiac curse you Zoo if you think you can beat me now I promise you that you are still too weak maybe alone I was but not with everyone having my back all of my friends believe in me and

I refuse to give up or let them down I attacked and blasted Dr Inver the brain with my flame that wore him down enough that I could face him in close quarter combat we battled mutant Against Mutant hitting each other with all we had he

Was strong and evil but I didn’t let up for even a moment you tried to control me to take everything from me but now I will defy you again and it’ll be the last time you order me around Zozo think about what you are doing I fired up one

Final blast of my remaining fire mutant energy and destroyed him no the the battle was over now the rebuilding of the Dragon duy could begin and all mutant and dragon kind could finally live in peace and Harmony I may have been born a mutant but because of my

Heart everyone was now free to be who they truly are on day one I spawned in as a baby dragon wao I’m No Ordinary Dragon I’m a warden Dragon I opened my mouth and shot out some dragon breath then shot off a sonic boom they were both pretty weak but still cool that’s

When I noticed a nearby Ender Dragon and Warden hey I have the same Powers as you guys you must be my parents my mom and dad were excited to see me and everything was happy but suddenly a big buff Evil Steve came out of nowhere what’s this a warden and a dragon

Combined I already hate dragons but a dragon combined with a warden is even worse run Zozo we’ll hold him off I wanted to help but she was right I was too weak as I watched the battle I saw that buff Steve was able to destroy my

Dad no how can he be so powerful buff Steve then captured my mom I had to hurry away you get back over here or your mom will never be free don’t worry about me run to a portal and destroy it behind you I listened to my mother like

Any good boy should and ran away before buff Steve could capture me I ran into a nether portal to escape on day two I came telep ing through another portal Landing in the Overworld I turned and shot off my Sonic Boom destroying the portal behind me I don’t know how much

Time that buys me but I have to get stronger to save my mom if I was going to save my mom I had to get the gear to do it using my claws I began Gathering up some nearby materials in order to build a base I don’t need anything fancy

Yet I just need something that can keep me safe speaking of being safe I was suddenly attacked by a bear get back I have claws too but trying to win this fight was foolish I had no choice but to run oh boy it looks like the Overworld is just as

Dangerous as the nether I kept running until I found myself on a nice steep Mountain if I Hollow this place out this could make for a perfect base excited with the idea I got right to it building my base I have so many ideas of how I

Can improve it but we’ll start simple for now soon the start of the base was ready I feel like it’s going pretty good so far tomorrow will bring me one step closer to saving my mom on day three I kept mining down into the mountain when

I popped out on the other side but as luck would have it there was something unexpected is that an Ender Dragon Nest it looked like there was an egg inside of it too just then a phantom appeared he got closer to the egg he was going to

Eat it oh no you don’t the dragons are my friends the Phantom clearly didn’t expect anyone to be here and I was able to hit him hard hard in no time I managed to take him out finally it feels good not to run away for once and what’s

This the Phantom had dropped some Phantom skin which I picked up with it gone I was able to get really close to the egg that’s when I saw there was a note nearby my dear child if you are reading this then something has happened to me I was setting out in search of

Food for us it is very likely that a powerful being called Steve may come after us he collects powerful creatures like us dragons take care and stay safe oh no it’s not just me dragons everywhere are in trouble it’s not enough to just save my mom from buff

Steve I’m going to have to defeat him I quickly picked up the egg to take it back to my base I could keep it safe there on days 4 to 5 I arrived back at my base I got Right to Work building an incubator for the egg if it was going to

Hatch safely it needed a good environment to thrive in just as I finished up I heard a noise outside I ran out and saw even more four Phantoms oh man you guys really want this egg we’ll just try and take it the Phantoms did their best to take me out but they

Were no match for me they would have to try harder than that if they wanted to win with the two Phantoms defeated I picked up the Phantom skin they had dropped oh I know just what to make with this I went over to my crafting table

And used the Phantom skin to make myself some Phantom skin armor it was about as strong as leather armor but it would be better than nothing on day 6 to 8 I was starting to get hungry and decided to go look for food I was a little nervous

About leaving the egg behind but if I couldn’t get food then no one would be able to protect it I soon came across a village hi there please do you have any food to spare the villagers took one look at me and ran away I guess they weren’t used to meeting friendly dragons

Or friendly wardens for that matter well no one is around so Bon appeti I got Right to Work attacking the animals around sure it felt bad to hurt other animals but hey a dragon’s got to eat and there’s no way I was going to eat a

Salad at last I found you I looked and saw buff Steve standing there this time he had on dragon armor he was even stronger than before you what do you want isn’t it obvious you he clearly wasn’t in the mood to chat and I had no choice but to fight I started swinging

But it was clear he was too strong looks like you’re all mine I saw a window to escape and I took it I had to get out of there and fast ah you might have slipped away this time but mark my words I’ll find you he was probably right but today

Was not that day on days 9 to 10 I had made it back to my base that’s when I heard a noise coming from the incubator oh no the egg is in trouble I ran into the room to find the egg was still there but it was hatching suddenly a small

Baby Ender Dragon climbed out are you are you my mom who me no I’m oh so where’s my mom uh I’m not sure but she left this note in your nest it was there when I found you and then I brought you here to keep you safe the

Little dragon read the note I guess being able to read was a gift us dragons get a birth I see H I wish I could have just stayed in my egg it’s sad out here hey it’s okay there’s a lot of cool things to do in the world too really

Like what I thought about it for a moment then told her to follow me I instructed her to mine out a big room in the mountain because we were going to build a cool statue I wanted to be sure we built it out of sight though so buff

Steve wouldn’t be able to find our base the little dragon seemed to really enjoy the creative process and was much happier as we finished the first part this is a good start but do you have any guesses as to what it’s going to be I

Then got to work building her a room to stay in I knew how hard it was to get your mom taken away from you so I wanted to be sure she was happy and comfortable soon her room was completed too on days 11 to 12 the little dragon came out of

Her room to chat hey Zozo what’s my name oh I guess you were born yesterday and could probably use one of those how about cth cth yeah that sounds cool oh and Zozo yeah Sith I’m hungry oh right hang tight I’ll get both of us something

To eat I went out into the land to try and find some crows to eat after a bit of searching I spotted a few as I got closer though I spotted a human nearby oh no it’s Steve I went to run away when they called out to me wait little dragon

That’s when I realized it wasn’t buff Steve I waited until they got a little closer hey don’t worry I’m not here to hurt you like Steve my name is Alex what do you want I want to help you Steve and I used to be friends but not anymore

What happened Steve and I used to adventure together along with our friend Briana one day we were exploring the Nether and came across the Nether Dragon the dragon didn’t mind us being there until Briana decided to mess with the dragon’s eggs there’s something magical about them and Briana got too close the

Nether dragon destroyed her as the three of us tried to escape I was sad but Steve was angry he vowed to take revenge on all dragons he finds them and locks them away in his base is Revenge through this he has become stronger but more evil turning into what he is today I

Feel like it’s my responsibility to stop him thank you for sharing that with me he captured my mom and my friend’s mom if we team up we can stop him yes I was thinking that as well although I think it’s important for me to keep searching

For more dragons so I can warn them about Steve but here take this horn if you ever need to talk to me you can use this I took the horn and thanked her for her help maybe we could defeat him after all on days 13 to 15 I continued looking

For food as I thought about everything Alex had told me oh no it’s that bear again I have to fight him off otherwise I might not be able to find more food for days I was Stronger now so I charged in to fight the bear was still really

Strong and really packed to punch but everyone was counting on me I couldn’t lose I kept swinging and finally took him out what’s this I feel so much more powerful suddenly I leveled up growing in size and gaining more Hearts wo I feel amazing if I keep growing like this

Maybe I can actually stop buff Steve I quickly gathered up the chickens and started leading them back to the base on days 16 through 19 I arrived back at the base with the chickens I got Right to Work building a CPE for them to live in

Once the CPE was complete I went over to Civ to tell her about the chickens and also Alex this Alex sounds really nice but I do have one question about everything you told me what’s that why are we eating eggs dragons come out of eggs too so that seems kind of weird uh

Yeah I don’t know it’s different try not to think about it too much I left Civ to think about life and got to work building a mine I might be able to grow in strength but I can also build strength by making better armor and weapons speaking of which I found some

Iron oh perfect I can finally get rid of my leather armor this is great back in the base I smelted down all of the iron then used the iron to make myself a fresh set of armor and weapons I’m feeling better already on days 20 to 22

I woke up with a bad feeling in my stomach I went to Civ room and saw she was missing cth cth where are you just then I heard another sound it was the horn Alex had given me she was calling me I ran out of the base toward the

Sound maybe Alex knew what had happened to her soon I saw Alex what’s going on Zozo I called for you as soon as I could I caught sight of Steve he was chasing a baby dragon that’s not your friend right I don’t know it might be she wasn’t in

Her room this morning oh no I’m not strong enough to face Steve yet but I’ll tell you where you need to go Alex explained where she saw them and I hurried off I soon got to the place Alex described and saw Steve was about to capture civi I had to do something hold

It right there Steve I jumped between the two of them out of my way I hate dragons and this one is no different wait you’re that Warden Dragon I saw earlier you’re the worst kind of dragon of all quick cth run Steve wasn’t paying attention and cth was able to get away

Steve was then so distracted by her escaping that I was able to escape too hang on you’re not getting away this time Steve chased after us and I tried to knock him back while Civ got away he was still too strong but I was able to

Get enough hits in to stop him from capturing us Civ managed to get away soon after I was able to lose Steve in the trees Civ and I met back up then hurried back to the base on days 23 to 26 cth and I arrived back at the base I

Was really worried about what had happened I’m so sorry Zozo are you mad at me that depends what happened did Steve find our base no I left to go and find more supplies to upgrade our stuff when Steve came out of nowhere and tried

To grab me so you don’t need to be mad because he didn’t find our base I would have been worried if he found our base but I’m mad that you left you could have been captured and I would have never seen you again I could tell cth felt

Really bad look it’s okay I’m sorry for being mad I know you were just trying to help but right now it’s too risky promise me you’ll stay at the base from now on okay I promise but Zozo yeah before Steve popped out I did see something interesting I think you should

Go check it out cth explained where I needed to go and she was right it did sound like a good place to go nice one cth I’ll go take a look after a bit I arrived at the place she described it was a large Temple I stepped inside and

Was immediately attacked attacked by a bunch of husks oh go drink some water you dust heads the husks did their best to bring me down but I took them out first after the last one had disappeared I saw something interesting oh and what might this be I took a look and saw that

There was a bone sword wow this is cool that’s when I realized that the sword also gave me a special ability now I could spit spikes now that is awesome and mildly confusing I tested it out sending spikes shooting at the wall as I hit the wall mural started to appear

Just then a mummy came out and attacked me someone is jealous of my spit takes I kept launching spit spikes at him slowly wearing him down he was not a fan but it didn’t matter because I had to survive this soon enough he was gone so what’s

Up with these murals I took a closer look and realized they told the story of an epic adventure one you can watch if you search for my channel Zozo zo zoo this is when I survived 100 days is Moses you’ll really like that one if

You’re liking this one so far on days 27 to 31 I had left the temple and arrived back at the base as I entered my base I could barely recognize cth she was now the same size as me wow cth you’re even stronger now and I know just the way to

Celebrate cth and I headed out to do some more work on the Statue cth felt like a little sister to me and I was happy to have someone on my side together we could do anything we were finishing up the next part of the statue

When Civ had a thought of her own to share this is looking good but something isn’t quite right feels like it could use a different material H I think you’re right and I know just what to get I took off to grab the material I had in

Mind I am a little bigger now I wonder if I can fly I gave it a shot and found that while I couldn’t fly I could Glide well that’s better than nothing I soon arrived at the bottom of the hole but was soon attacked by straddlers out of

My way I’ve got a statue to save the straddlers did their best to knock me down but they were no match for me with them out of the way I quickly found what I was looking for this amethyst is just what we need I can’t wait to see if it

Looks good on the Statue I mined up as much amethyst as I thought we’d need then got ready to head back to the base the statue is going to look amazing now on days 32 to 35 I was on my way back to the base when I was attacked out of

Nowhere by piglins what are you nosy oinkers doing out here I fought them off using everything I had until the last of them were defeated that’s when I heard something nearby hey were you hiding from the piglins it’s okay now the dragon is talking to me the Villager was

So scared and tried to get away from me but just then another piglin popped out and started chasing after him hey watch out I rushed over and took on the piglin in no time I was able to defeat him you saved me wow thanks no problem where did

All of these piglins come from anyway I’m not sure but my Village is full of them we could really use someone like you to come and clear them out for us would you be willing to help say no more I’m on the case on days 36 to 39 I

Followed the Villager back to his village as we got closer I could see he was right the village was full of piglins let’s try to get a better view of what’s going on We snuck around the outside of the town to get a better Viewpoint of what was happening you see

That structure in the middle of the Town that’s where everyone is probably hiding out got it hang back I’m going to rush in there and get everyone out whoa hang on I know you took those guys out back there but those were just low-level Scouts you can’t hope to take on all of

Those guys down there at once okay so what do you suggest it will be night time soon enough I think we might be able to sneak in and get everyone out safely I’m good with that plan we’ll give it a shot on Days 40 to 43 the

Villager and I waited for Nightfall soon we saw that the piglins had begun falling asleep it was tough time to make our move let’s do this We snuck into the village doing our best to keep quiet even the smallest of noises could wake up the piglins which just then there was

A clang my new villager friend accidentally bumped into something sorry it was too late though the piglins were awake and not happy to see us looks like it’s plan a after all my new friend was right these piglins were much stronger than the scouts I had fought outside the

Village what he wasn’t right about though was my ability to take them off on I was tough and the piglins fell one by one as I took them out soon enough they were all defeated Zozo you did it we then went over to the scared villagers who weren’t exactly happy to

See me don’t worry everyone he’s a friend I know dragons can be scary but Zoo here was the one who rescued all of us we owe him our lives the villagers were happy to find out I wasn’t there to eat them and it felt good for people to

See me as the hero thanks again Zozo and in the future if there’s anything we can do for you just let us know we’ll do now I’ve got a statue to go work on on days 44 to 49 I returned to my base and got to work adding the amethyst to the

Statue cth was right this was just what it needed all right now we’re making some good progress but still have a ways to go what do you think so far all of the building and rescuing from the previous days had made me realize how badly I needed to be protecting myself

From Attack so I made sure to do some work on base we were going to need strong defenses and traps if Steve ever found us it had been a while since I had run into him but I was sure something was going to happen with him soon on

Days 50 to 53 I received a message from Alex Steve and his goons were on the way to my base how did they find us all I know is that he was told something by a villager a villager after everything I did for that guy he still didn’t trust

Me oh no not the guy that was working with you just someone from his village still it’s a shame they would sell us out like that well thanks for the warning I’ll go tell cth I ran over to cth get ready cth they’re coming for us

And we’re going to be in for the fight of Our Lives meanwhile outside the castle Steve soon arrived with a gang of other players oh Zozo The Jig Is up we’re here for you and that little friend of yours I don’t care what you want we didn’t do anything to you let us

Live our lives in peace peace is not an option attack Steve motioned for two of his soldiers to charge as they got closer to the door our trap started firing arrows which quickly took them out you’re smarter than you look but there’s plenty more where that came from next up came an

Archer who did their best to try and disable our traps shooting flam arrows into them unfortunately that seemed to do the trick and the trap stopped working two Griefers came up to the door laid some TNT and lit it but suddenly the traps came back to life taking out

The Archer and trapping the Griefers in there was an explosion which took them out but also took out the traps and door the base was open now though and the player started to run in but not before falling into my pitfall trap another Noob tried running in too but fell right

Into the hole just then someone vented in through the side and took a look in the hole unfortunately for them their spec op’s teammate popped in and knocked them down the hole these guys really need to learn to work together he filled in the hole and the rest of the team

Charged in Bring It On The Players charged at me while I did my best to fight them off leave us alone we didn’t do anything to you most of the players were pretty weak but I could hear someone setting off explosions in the background I had to hurry I had defeated

Most of the players but one stronger one with a flaming sword stepped up to fight look man you don’t want to mess with me the player simply attacked his flaming sword was really strong and kept setting me on fire yeah okay I see why people don’t like dragon’s fire breath ouch he

Was tough but my attacks were getting the job done I could tell he was getting weak and I got him lined up with the edge have a good flight I hit him hard sending him flying over the edge just then I felt the energy surge through me

And I grew into an even bigger dragon with more Hearts yes I feel amazing just then I heard cth let out a cry she was in trouble I looked and saw she had been captured by Steve say goodbye to your little friend Steve ran out of the base with cth in

Chains I’ve got to stop him I ran out of the base but two more of Steve’s players were waiting for me they weren’t very strong but they gave Steve enough time to get away I knocked them out but it was too late hang on cth I’ll find you

On days 54 to 57 I got out the horn and gave Alex a call she arrived soon after Zozo you look so sad what’s wrong they got cth I’ve never felt so hopeless do you know where they might be taking her I’m sorry Zozo I really wish I could

Help but I have no idea where they could be going I could tell Alex felt really bad and she offered me some raw beef to cheer me up look we’ll find her in the meantime let’s get this place fixed up you won’t be of any use to cth if they

Come back and capture you too I agreed and Alex and I got to work repairing the base we had soon finished up the repair but I was still feeling a little bit down one thing that I thought might help though was working on the Statue Alex

Offered to help on that as well which made me Greatful to have a friend in her I was so worried about myself and my problems I hadn’t really thought much about what Alex was going through thanks for all of your help Alex I know you’re

Going through a lot too so it means a lot you are willing to help me anytime Zozo now take care I’ve got some things to take care of I said goodbye and got ready for bed tomorrow I would figure out what I needed to do to save cth on

Days 58 to 62 I headed into the mines I didn’t know where I needed to go to find Civ but I knew I needed to be stronger before I could do anything anyway as I explored the mines I was suddenly attacked by silverfish these guys have always

Grossed me out they were quick little buggers and hard to hit lucky for me though I was able to take them out without taking too much damage I continued into the mines and soon found some diamonds excellent this is just what I need I swung my pickaxe and

Gathered up lots of diamonds I was going to have much better gear now with all of my diamonds collected I made my way back out of the mines back in my base I got Right to Work crafting all of the diamond gear that I could Steve wasn’t

Going to know what hit him on day 63 to 66 I woke up with a brilliant idea I might not know where Steve is but I know someone who might and something tells me they are not going to be happy to see me I took off towards the village I had

Saved days earlier e it was time to have a chat with the Villager who ratted me out as I arrived in the village I saw my friend from earlier I explained the situation to him as well as who I was looking for I’m sorry to hear it but I

Can’t say I’m surprised billam has always been the village rat I know just where you can find him we headed off and found Bill WAOW whoa waa you’re uh bigger than the last time we saw you I am I’m quite a bit stronger too I can break little villagers like you with no

Problem oh wow uh yeah well you’re not going to do that are you that’s up to you my home was attacked by Steve and his goons my friend was taken prisoner I can’t forgive this but I might be able to look past it if you tell me where I

Can find her I’m sorry but I don’t know where they might have taken her uh-oh that’s the wrong answer I took a deep breath and got ready to blast him wait I’m telling the truth I don’t know where they would have taken her but I can tell

You where to find Steve’s messenger that I talked to I thought about it and decided that was probably the best thing I was going to get from this guy all right then looks like today’s your lucky day William spilled everything he knew about where I could find this messenger

After he had told me everything I headed out something tells me bilam is not going to be very welcome in his village anymore sounds like that’s in the best interest of everybody on day 67 to 70 I arrived at The Fortress that Bill had told me about I charged up to the base

And immediately started attacking the guards where is your leader where is cth the guards weren’t interested in my questions and simply did their best to fight me off but my friend was in danger and nothing was going to stop me out of my way tin heads as I fought my way

Through I soon came across an even bigger guard this guy was tougher than the first ones but I wasn’t going to let that stop me he swung at me and did some serious damage it really hurt but I swung back and was able to take him out

The bigger they are the harder they fall I had made it into the castle and more of the big guys were trying to take me down they swung I dodged and knocked their blocks off hang on cth I’m coming on day 71 to 74 I had officially made it

Into the Fortress it was as if the whole base had been alerted to my presence as every bad guy in the place was swarming in on me I don’t care how many of you there are I’m going to make it to the top as I knocked guard after guard out

Of my way I eventually found myself inside a library wait a second what’s this I had found some kind of special item with this I have the strongest Spike attack I can get excited with my new ability I immediately put it to the test there were some guards up on the

Balconies and I managed to take them out oh yeah whoever this guy is he’s in for a real surprise on day 75 to 78 I made it to what looked like the lair of the Castle’s boss you there you must know where Steve is keeping his prisoners

Tell me or else H you really think I’m going to help a dragon look at me Steve has been stealing the power of the dragons to make us stronger and there’s no way you’ll be able to defeat me what what do he hope to gain from all of this

Not only will he finally destroy all dragons but he will become a powerful Dragon himself then no one can stop us yeah well this Dragon isn’t going to let that happen bring it on the henchmen and I started to fight I did my best to fight him off but since he had been

Given Dragon Powers he was incredibly strong this wasn’t going to be a simple fight do you really think Steve will let you live your life once he’s King he’s going to turn on anyone who has even a little bit of power silence you don’t know what you’re talking about but it

Doesn’t matter because you’re going to lose it looked like there was no talking sense into this guy the fight was getting intense but it was time to end it I focused all of my energy used all of my attacks and at long last I won the henchmen was nearly defeated no how can

I lose to a measly Dragon last chance tell me where Steve’s base is never the henchman leapt forward to attack me but I took him out instead well maybe there’s something around here that can help me out on day 79 to 84 I started taking a look around the castle wait

What’s this inside of a chest was a bunch of golden apples suddenly there was a sound outside as I ran out to look I could see Steve in the distance and he was looking right at me ah zoz zo just the one I was looking for what do you

Want Steve where’s cth who huh who cares all you need to know is I finally finished my potion the power of the Dragons is finally mine I received word you were here so I thought I’d let you be the first one to see Steve drank down a potion and suddenly started to change

He turned into a disfigured but powerful Dragon Steve what have you done here let me show you up close Steve took off into the air and flew toward me I was strong but not strong enough for this I couldn’t even fly yet I had no choice but to run come on Zozo what’s

The problem afraid of a little fire I kept running toward my base as Steve continued to chase me I had to get to cover we ran across the land and I finally snuck into my base Steve flew around for a bit but realized he couldn’t fit inside after a while he

Left I fear for the worst with cth is she still alive on days 85 to 89 I got out of bed after a sleepless night I had no idea if Steve would be waiting for me outside and I couldn’t risk going out there I went back over to my statue I

Had planned on completing it with cth but I was worried I might not have that chance I worked on completing the final part well it’s all done it reminds me of cth and she would have been proud of what we did here I only hope I can

Avenge her and save everyone else from Steve’s Insanity I was feeling more confident than before and stepped over to the ledge maybe I was strong enough to fly I leapt over the edge and sure enough I was able to get my wings going and fly yes finally I took some time to

Get used to Flying luckily it looked like Steve had left the area I was able to get some good practice in when I heard Alex sounding off on her horn I flew toward the sound and saw Alex was waiting for me Zozo you did it you’re

Flying this is great news thanks I just wish I knew where Steve’s base was one way or another I’ve got to end this well I’ve got some good news for you I found it I couldn’t believe it maybe now we could finally get revenge for all the

Wrongs Steve had done even though I was feeling stronger though I was still worried about how we could defeat Steve Steve is afraid of anything that might harm him so he likes to keep that close to him when we get to his base we should take a look around there might be

Something there that can help on days 90 to 94 I flew to Steve’s base as I landed outside the base I met up with Alex wait a second how did you beat me here I was flying oh I have another Highway set up so I can get around pretty quick oh yeah

That’s a good idea so have you seen Steve not yet I think you should be good to head inside I’ll wait out here and let you know if Steve shows up sounds like a plan stay safe I took off and flew over the wall Landing in the

Courtyard the place was full of half dragon guards oh man what happened to you guys as I fought off the guards I realized that these must have been Steve’s failed Dragon transformation experiments that guy was twisted even though they were failed experiments they were still really strong I was able to

Hold them off but I lost some pieces of my armor in the processo okay that was tough let’s move in deeper and see what we can find on days 95 to 97 I moved even deeper into the base jeez this place is huge I soon found myself in what looked to be a

Forge room I decided to take a look around and see if I could find anything that could help me in my fight there was a cool dragon statue nearby then I noticed a chest was near it I wonder what could be in here I opened the chest

And saw it was full of netherite gear this just might give me the Boost I need to win the fight I kept on exploring when suddenly I was attacked by more of Steve’s minions how many of you guys are there I smacked as many of them out of

The way as I could if there were guys down here I must be getting close I was finally going to be able to get my revenge after I defeated the last of the minions I came face to face with another one of Steve’s stronger Dragon guards

The last fight against one of you was hard let’s hope this time can be better we both sprang into action hitting each other and firing off different attacks he was still really strong but my new equipment was doing its job I managed to get him lined up with a cliff hang on to

Your horns I gave him a good whack and sent him flying over the edge to his Doom bet you wish you had the power to fly on day 98 I moved even deeper into the base it was starting to get really cold and wet how deep underground had I

Gone more guards no problem at this point I was getting pretty good at fighting these guards that’s when I realized there was a dragon in a cage nearby it was civi I defeated the last of the guards then hurried over to the cages hang on I’ll get you out I used my

Sonic attack and opened up the cage freeing my small friend I was excited to see she was still alive but had a question to ask her I was scared to ask but I had to know the answer cth I’m so happy you’re alive have you by any

Chance seen my mother down here a sad expression came over Civ face I have but unfortunately she’s gone we were only both here for a short while but I believe she saved my life what do you mean when Steve came to extract her powers from her she gave him even more

Power than she needed to more power why would she do that that just let him turn into a dragon sooner it’s true but you have to understand that she was out of time and Steve would have used my power next he was going to figure the transformation out but your mom

Sacrificed herself to be sure Steve wouldn’t need to hurt me too wow I understand she was always looking out for others she also told me that she believed in you and she knew even if Steve was able to harness Dragon powers you would be able to defeat him she told

Me to give this to you when you arrived zth tossed something out on the ground warden’s heart this was a gift to my mom for my dad I had always heard that there was a special power inside of it that combined the power of the dragon and the

Warden but before I could investigate any further I heard a noise from Alex’s horn Steve must be here come on cth let’s get out of here on day 99 cth and I arrived back outside of the base Alex was waiting and we hurried over to her

Watch out Steve is just then Steve came smashing down into the courtyard in his Dragon form sorry to break up the party but you three have been getting on my nerves it’s over Steve you might look like a dragon but you will never truly

Be one it’s time for you to pay for your crimes is that so well come and get me Warden Warden Zozo use the warden’s heart I quickly grabbed the warden’s heart and activated it I felt an amazing amount of energy flow through me and I leveled up into my strongest most

Powerful form I can feel the full power of the Ender Dragon and the warden within me you’re going down Steve Steve let out a growl as we started to fight we flew around launching our dragon’s breath at each other the sound of our battle could be heard for Miles give it

Up Steve I have the power of the two most powerful beings in the land you can’t hope to defeat me you’re just a freaky mix of two creatures hey man look who’s talking I finally landed a powerful blow which brought Steve down to his final heart I soared high and

Dive bombed him delivering the final blow oh no Steve started to explode as his head spun violently his entire being was glitching out of existence and stay out of our land on day 100 cth Alex and I all made it back to our base we had lost our families and close friends but

Together we would be our own new family and if anyone else was in trouble we’d be here to help help them out on day 101 I was on top of the world flying around the Alps as a fully grown Warden Dragon one of the strongest creatures in the

Overworld I’ve got all my special abilities and 100 Hearts it doesn’t get much better than this but while I was busy flying and celebrating I didn’t even notice that someone was standing on the Alps it was a scary looking robot and he was staring right at me with his

Big red eyes huh I wonder who that is Dragon detected Loy attack six depowering energy blast before I could even react the robot shot me with an energy blast and something terrible happened I fell down to the ground feeling myself getting smaller and weaker my 100 Hearts went back down to a

Measly 10 and almost all of my Powers disappeared and not just that all of my equipment disappeared too what this is impossible the robot came running over to me who are you why are you doing this I am dragon slayer 3000 my primary directive is to destroy all dragons

Initiate Dragon killer blade he pulled out a scary looking sword and charged towards me lucky for me I at least had one power left flight I flew off as quickly as I could leaving dragon’s layer 3000 in the dust I landed on the ground nearby and was immediately

Attacked by a saber-tooth Pig I was so weak now I couldn’t even fight back so I just flew away as fast as I could until I got somewhere safe I was on top of the world and now I’m on the bottom how could this happen I took a second to

Breathe and rest I needed a way to get my powers back and defeat dragon slayer 3000 on day 102 I traveled out of the cold unforgiving world of the Alps and made my way into the nearby cherry blossom Forest yeah this is more like it I just went through a traumatic event I

Need somewhere nice and calm to stay but before I could make my myself a new base to stay I needed to make myself a whole new set of tools I busted down a tree and made myself a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe that’s a good start now

Let’s go for stone I mined into the ground with my wooden pickaxe and started collecting Stone until I had enough to create a stone pickaxe Axe and stone sword it’s building time I started cutting down some of the cherry blossom trees until I’d collected enough materials to start constructing my base

I started small at first seeing as I was small now too building a room for myself to sleep in but I didn’t have enough material to finish the roof so I went into the woods to collect more materials that’s when I ran into an angry zombie

Spiner oh no this day is bad enough already I don’t want to deal with any zombies today I pulled out my stone sword and fought him off lucky for me I still wasn’t too weak to take down a zombie Spiner phew now back to base building I collected the materials I

Needed then went back to my base to finish off the roof it was a small B but it was a good start and I knew I could build myself back up from here on day 103 I decided to travel around hoping to collect some more wood for constructing

My base and find out more about the crazy robot that had attacked me back in the Alps that’s why I went to the coniferous forest but this Forest wasn’t quite as welcoming as the cherry blossom Forest my big clue was a huge vile ogre who showed up and tried to shake me down

For some emeralds you have to pay the troll toll if you want to pass through this Forest puny Dragon but you’re not even a troll you’re an ogre they’re not the same thing what a silly technicality I’m going to bound you for that kid he gave me a powerful whack after that

Taking off a few of my hearts remembering the powerful Dragon I once was I pulled out my stone sword and fought back until the vile ogre Was Defeated darn I’m still injured though this is the worst but in my moment of need a mysterious Spirit appeared the guardian of the forest hello little

Dragon you’re certainly a rare one I wasn’t always little wait what do you mean I’m a rare one that terrible machine has been destroying dragons and droves you’re the only one I’ve seen in ages terrible machine you mean the dragon slayer 3000 the very same you look injured here take these healing

Potions I took the potions and it immediately helped me reclaim all of my hearts thank you Forest Guardian want to come back to my face with me we can work towards destroying that machine for good I’ll like the sound of that lead the way Zozo from day 104 to day 105 the

Guardian of the forest and I went back to my base it was still pretty tiny and there was no room for the guardian to fit in as is no worries Guardian I’ll build you a new room where you can stay I mined some extra wood and Stone from

Around the cherry blossom forest and used it to add a nice new house onto the base a house that would be perfect for a forest Guardian complete with some plants and a window to let in the sun he seemed impressed this is perfect Zozo I think I’ll enjoy my time here with you

But he was wrong not everything was perfect because a gang of skeletons had heard all my construction work and were making their way towards the base oh no I better take them out before they can ruin anything I pulled out my stone sword and charged in skeletons were no

Match for even a small Dragon so it didn’t take me long to defeat them all and when they were gone I I noticed that they dropped some potions of regeneration I added them all to my inventory it’s always good to have some of these on hand for

Emergencies from day 106 to day 108 I got a crazy craving for fried eggs but I couldn’t just go to the store to get them I needed to do it the oldfashioned way I built a chicken coue and a fenced off area on my base perfect for a little

Freerange chicken farm then I started collecting chickens and hering them back to my base I’ll have a steady supply of delicious eggs in no time I can hardly wait still feeling hungry in the short term I decided to go wandering through the cherry blossom Forest again hoping

I’d find something cool to eat instead I found something very different it was the dragon slayer 3000 and his big red eye was fixed on me dragon detected can’t we just talk this out initiation destruction protocol D4 dragon slaying cyber battle axe the dragon slayer 3000 pulled up a huge battle axe seemingly

Out of thin air and he charged for me Swinging the axe again and again only barely missing me each time resistance is futile all dragons will be annihilated the dragon slayer 3000 had really earned its name I needed to get out of there before it could slay me I

Took off and flew away trying to get as far away from that robotic monster as possible but back on the ground the dragon slayer 3000 was unfazed tracking flight pattern processing estimated arrival location this Dragon will not escape from day 109 to day 110 I returned back to my base still feeling

Terrified after my close encounter with dragon slayer 3000 he’d taken my Powers he’d taken my size and my progress and he’d almost taken my life I’m so scared that the next time I run into that evil robot he’ll destroy me for good just as I was slipping into anxiety and panic

The guardian of the forest came into my room with some encouraging words words zuu I sense you’ve been feeling down I understand the odds are against you and you’ve lost a great deal you may think you’re weak but strength is not about how hard you can strike it’s about how

Hard you can be struck and keep on fighting go outside and you’ll see a statue I’ve been working on just for you that’s so kind Forest Guardian I’ll head out there and take a look now so I did I went outside and saw the statue that the

Forest Guardian had been working on and it looked amazing this is so cool I can’t wait to see what it’ll be when it’s done what do you think it’ll be when it’s done just as I was admiring his hard work on the Statue the forest Guardian came over

With some more good news that ain’t the only thing I’ve made for you go back to the base and you’ll see another upgrade I’ve been working on I think it’ll come in handy with keeping an eye out for that terrible machine I went back to the base and saw that the forest Guardian

Had transformed one of the cherry blossom trees into an awesome wat tab to it would be a perfect way to keep an eye on the forest around us and know if the dragon slayer 3000 was on his way I’m starting to feel more powerful again

Already I can do this thing from day 111 to day 112 feeling more confident than before I went back out into the cherry blossom Forest to understand my surroundings better this time if I ran into the robot I wouldn’t run away like a scared little coward I’d stand up for

Myself and fight like a real dragon but lucky for me I didn’t run into the dragon slayer 3000 at all instead I found my way to a cozy little cabin where a friendly old witch was waiting hello there Deary you look a little tired from all your wondering how about

You rest here and talk with me for a little bit I’d love that thank you I’m Zozo so what are you doing out here sweetheart you are walking with a real sense of purpose as a matter of fact I do have a purpose I’m trying to get my

Dragon strength back so I can defeat the dragon slayer 3000 oh oh dear what’s wrong it’s just that if you’re planning on going up against that metal monstrosity I recommend you be extremely careful you have no idea the Terrible Things it’s capable of there used to be many dragons

Around here and not just little baby ones like you adult dragons at their full power and within 100 days the dragon slayer 3 ,000 wiped them all out one by one you’ll need to be exceptionally powerful if you want to defeat it well that sure fills me with

Confidence from day 113 to day 115 I returned to the coniferous forest wondering if there was anything valuable I’d miss during my first trip there you can only imagine my surprise when another big mean vile ogre jumped out of the woods right in front of me wait how

Can you be here didn’t I defeat you before no that was my brother he was out here minding his own business and you started to fight with him he was literally trying to shake me down for money in a forest he didn’t known he even hit me first that doesn’t sound

Like him at all for defaming my brother’s memory you’re going down you teeny tiny little dragon the vi ogre attacked me he fought just like his brother but this time I was prepared before he could take too much health for me I defeated him with my stone sword

And leveled up I got bigger and my total Hearts rose up to 20 and I gained back one of my most important abilities fire breathing I’m getting my dragon mojo back baby from day 116 to day 119 saying as I’d upgraded my size and strength I

Figured it was time to level up my weapons and equipment too that’s why I found my way to an underground Cavern that was perfect for mining myself some extra materials specifically some iron ore once I’d gathered up enough I started building an underground furnace so I

Could smelt the Y into ingots and start creating all my new gear but I was interrupted by another nasty creature living in the underground Cavern a deadly giant cave spider and he thought I looked like a delicious Dragon snack well I hope you like your meals extra

Spicy cave spider I huffed and I puffed and I breathed a jeda flame right at the cave spider scaring it back into the darkness it definitely wouldn’t bother me after that then I used all that iron I collected to make myself an iron sword and an iron pickaxe I was officially stronger than

Ever before and one day I’m going to use the sword to destroy the robot that ruined my life from day 120 to day 122 I spent one day just resting at the base having no idea that the day after would bring me my toughest battle yet that day

Started with the guardian of the forest waking me up in a blind panic and telling me the last thing I wanted to hear at that moment Zoo dragon slayer 3000 he’s here he’s practically outside the gates we need to stop him before it’s too late oh no I ran as quickly as

I could I hoped that I’d been dreaming for a while until I saw that the forest Guardian was absolutely right dragon slayer 3000 was standing right next to the base carrying his battle axe Dragon detected initiate destruction methods wait why do you want to destroy us

Dragon so badly is it something we did to you what you do to me is irrelevant my programming dictates that I Must Destroy all dragons I detect at all costs who programmed you like that anyway you do not need to know battle ax attack initiated talking time was over

Dragon slayer 3000 ran at me with his battle axe again getting two strikes in before I was able to hit him back with my sword and when I did it didn’t seem to cause much damage I decided with the threat of getting slain right here in

Front of me it was time to unleash my latest Dragon power fire breath I breathed my fire at Dragon sler 3000 and it almost seemed to Short Circuit him for a moment he backed away looking confused dragon has access to fire abilities activate contingency plan G6 Retreat mode initiated and with that the

Dragon slayer 3000 fled back into the forest and out of sight I hadn’t defeated him fully this time but somehow after this fight I finally understood that this monster wasn’t Invincible if I kept getting stronger I could defeat him once and for all from day 123 to day 126

I was working on creating a weapon upgrade for my iron sword after seeing how dragon slayer 3000 reacted to me using my fire breathing on him I thought he might have some kind of weakness to fire that’s why I applied the fire aspect enchantment which would lend

Extra fire damage to every single swing of my sword this is really going to help me out on my quest and if you’d also like to help me out on my quest search zo zo in the search bar to find and watch more adventures with me zoo we’re going to have an awesome

Time from day 127 to day 131 the guardian of the forest came over to share some less stressful news with me than the last time Zozo I’ve done more work on the Statue come check it out of course I’ll be right over I met with the guardian outside and saw all of the

Amazing work he’d been doing on the statue it looked so cool the guardian certainly had a real talent for building statues but for this next part I need your help Zozo the statue is coming along nicely but I need some ebony logs to really take it to the next level

Would you be able to Journey out to the ebony forest and get me some I’ll be there and back before you know it that was a bit of an exaggeration but I did travel out to the ebony Forest as quickly as I could gather up the material I needed for the forest

Guardian statue on the way there I ran into an Enderman who really didn’t like Intruders entering his Forest even if they were just dropping in to grab some equipment you better not tell me I need to pay the Enderman toll thankfully some fire breath was enough to scare the

Enderman away and I was able to gather up plenty of the material that guardian of the forest needed to keep building and improving the statue from day 132 to day 135 I started making my way back to the ebony Forest eager to give all the materials I’d gathered over to the

Forest Guardian on the way there the though things started to get strange I spotted a flying ghast which is normally only seen in the nether what are you doing out here the guest obviously didn’t reply they attacked me with their ranged attack and I replied in kind and

Flew up towards it and hit it with my fire breath knocking the ghast out of the sky it feels so good to be a dragon as I continued my journey back towards my base I ran into a worried looking piglin I stopped to see if he needed any

Help hey little piglin don’t be afraid you look like you need a hand anything I can help with oh oh yes thank goodness you’ve really saved my bikon here my uh piglin friend was kidnapped by an evoker and his zombie minions and dragged out

To the bve desert i’ go on my own but I worry I’m not strong enough and then we both be captured don’t worry piglin I’ll get right on it and with my new Quest I set off from day 136 to day 139 I traveled until I reached the Mojave

Desert it was exhaustingly hot and dry out there but it didn’t take me long to discover a mini base set up deep in the scorching heat of the Mojave it was a fenced off area surrounded by patrolling hordes of zombies inside the camp a piglin was locked in a cage and the

Evoker stood there talking to him we’ll see how much your friend cares about you little piglin maybe if he comes and gives me the money we agree agreed to I’ll let you both go or maybe I’ll just kidnap you both please you can’t do that you’re in my clutches piglin you can’t

Tell me what I can and can’t do I’m holding all the cards here watching this happen I knew I needed to get in there and stop this I’d free the piglin and defeat that evil evoker and my dragon Powers would help me do it from day 140 to day 143 I

Launched my plan to defeat the evoker and save the piglin rather than fighting all the zombies gathered outside I flew and lowered myself down into the camp from above the evoker didn’t seem happy about that how dare you invade my Camp you lousy Dragon zombies eat them alive

Zombies inside the camp Rush towards me I pulled out my iron sword to fight them off but there seemed to be no end to the zombie horde the sword isn’t powerful enough to take them all even with the fire aspect but in the nick of time I

Got lucky I saw a kther lying on the ground exactly what I needed Don’t Mind If I Do I grabbed the kther going crazy and taking out every zombie I could soon enough there were no zombies left it was just me the evoker and the trapped piglin the evoker backed away feeling a

Little nervous no hard feelings about me telling the zombies to eat you alive right that was just a a prank bro instead of answering his question I blasted him with a Jett of flame after that I freed the piglin thank you so much kind stranger how can I ever repay

You go back to your friend in the ebony Forest he’s been worried about you that’s the only repayment I need from day 144 to dat 149 I returned back to my base and gave the guardian of the forest all the materials I’d collected for him in the eony forest thank you for these

Zozo it took you a while to get them was everything okay oh yeah it was fine just got a little sidetracked I’m going to get working on some base improvements while you work on the Statue sounds good to me Zozo I decided to work on a security perimeter wall around the base

While the guardian of the forest was Statue building I built the wall nice and Tall just to make sure it kept out potential Invaders once I finished the construction and stood back to take in the side of my big powerful wall the guardian of the forest approached me

Again with the good news come take a look at the Statue Zozo it’s almost done so I did exactly what he said I went to take a look at the Statue and was amazed at what I saw the forest garden was clearly a statue building whiz can you

Tell what it is yet let me know down in the comments from day 150 to day 153 I woke up to some more bad news the dragon slayer 3000 was once again waiting right outside my base and the guardian of the forest was following along oh no he’s

Kidnapped my friend but I couldn’t just Chase after them because at the exact same time a group of husks that the evil machine must have led here were attacking my base my anger at that monstrous robot kidnapping my friend let me fight even harder and during my

Battle with the gang of husks I got enough XP to level up and become even stronger I got bigger my total Hearts increased up to 50 I used my newfound strength to take out the last of the husks my base was safe but the guardian of the forest was still gone and I

Needed to save him from day 154 to day 157 I checked around my base to make sure there weren’t any holes in the walls besides the entryways you have to keep a Keen Eye to make sure your walls are as sturdy as they can be after my

Base was secured I went to go meet my other Ally in the Cherry Blossom Forest the witch in her cozy cabin to get her advice on what to do next I sat across from her and told her about the situation since you first came to me

Zozo I’ve been doing some research and I think I might have information that could help you a few hundred years ago there were some extremely dangerous dragons on the prow some scientist working in the Lush Tundra created robots like the dragon slayer 3000 but even once those few dangerous dragons

Were destroyed the machines endured I’ve just never seen one this Advanced before still if you want to save the guardian of the forest checking the Lush Tundra may be your best option just be careful out there from day 158 to day 162 knowing that my best friend was trapped

In the territory of my most dangerous enemy I needed to get better Weaponry that’s why I once again returned to the underground Cavern where I did my previous Mining and as usual I had another guest while I was down there what I wasn’t expecting was for that

Guest to be a creeper I panicked as it skittered towards me ready to explode it was terrifying that I managed to get away just in time Boom the creeper exploded if the dragon slayer 3000 doesn’t get me the stress of these 100 days is going to be what finishes me off

At first I thought this was just another one of my many near-death experiences but these lemons came with a free side of lemonade in the crater left by the creeper exploding there were a bunch of diamonds it looks like my luck is finally turning around today I gathered

Up all the diamonds and forged them into a powerful diamond sword a perfect weapon for taking on that diabolical Droid now all I needed was the courage to actually go and do it knowing how scary and dangerous the dragon slayer 3000 truly was from day 163 to day 166 I

Returned back to my base with my new diamond sword feeling frightened and worried about what I needed to do even though my friend’s life was at stake to make myself feel a little better I gave my diamond sword the fire aspect enchantment just like with my old iron

Sword that would make it a more effective weapon against dragon slayer 3000 but I was still afraid I stood and looked at the statue that the guardian of the forest had created for me it wasn’t done yet and if I didn’t save the forest Guardian it would never be

Finished it would be an eternal reminder that I’d let my friend down I Won’t Let You Down Forest Guardian I’m going to come and save you from that evil machine no matter the risk I’m going to the Lush Tundra and I’m going to help you and if

You want to help me you can subscribe to Zozo and turn on notific a so you never miss another one of my exciting Minecraft adventures from day 167 to day 170 I put my money where my mouth was and traveled all the way to the Lush Tundra I

Searched around until I discovered what looked like an abandoned Factory this must be where Dragon Slayer 3000 was created he probably turned it into his base when all the scientists left if the forest Guardian is going to be anywhere it’s here I ran into the building and immediately found that more hordes of

Husks had made made their home here just like the ones that he’d led to attack my base I must have been getting closer come at me husks you don’t stand a chance the husks did come at me in whole swarms with my diamond sword I was able

To cut down a lot of them and I defeated even more with my fiery breath there was no way I was letting any of those low-level mobs stop me from saving my friend it wasn’t long before I was standing in an empty room having defeated all of the husks I kept

Searching the building trying to find where they might be keeping my friend Forest Guardian it’s me Zozo I’ve come here to help you that’s when I Heard a Voice at the other end of a deep dark hallway that went into the ground Zozo oh thank goodness I’m down here please

Come save me I ran down the Long Hall and saw the room where the guardian of the forest was trapped I didn’t waste any time and busted down the bars that were holding him I’m so glad you’re safe Forest Guardian I don’t even know why he kidnapped you you’re not even a dragon

He’s an incredibly intelligent machine Zozo I think he kidnapped me just because he knew that you’d come and save me let’s go back to the base before he realizes you’re in here no Forest Guardian I’m sorry I want you to go back to the base but I’m through with running

Keep the base safe for me I’ll come back once I’ve defeated this robot once and for all just be careful Zozo I have a feeling he’s got at least one more trick up his silver sleeve with that the guardian of the forest turned and left and I started going deeper into the

Dragon slayer’s base from day 171 to day 174 I went deeper into the abandoned Factory while in there I found a Dusty old chest locked away in a corner it contained two things one was a potion of strength and the other was a book marked scientist notes

I looked through the book and it contained the following we witnessed an extraordinary event in the factory today our dragon slayer 2000 model seem to have gained true intelligence in fact they use this intelligence to construct an entirely new machine the dragon slayer 3000 it’s the first machine to be

Planned and built entirely by other machines wa that explains why this thing is so cold and cruel the sooner I can put this Rogue robot down the better from day 175 to day 178 now knowing of his true origin I went far enough into the factory to discover dragon slayer

3000 waiting for me dragon detected prepare for your immediate Annihilation funny I was about to say the exact same thing to you I didn’t want to waste any more time talking to this evil machine instead I ran in and pulled out my diamond sword I hit the robot again and

Again and again not even giving him a chance to fight back I wanted to end it there and then but before I could deliver the final blow dragon slayer 3000 stepped away and ran into a nearby room I went running after him as fast as

I could I’m not going to let you get away with this anymore dragon slayer your days of hunting us drag dragons are over from day 179 to day 184 I entered the main chamber of the factory it was large and completely abandoned but I still saw the glowing red eye of the

Dragon Slayer 3000 staring at me but this time I wasn’t going to let him go I defeated him and sent him running before now it was time to finish him off time for the dragon slayer 3000 to get slayed by a dragon I’ve got to say dragon

Slayer I enjoy the irony I wasn’t programmed to have any sense of irony it is of no use to me the point is I’m going to destroy you for everything you’ve done to me and dragons like me there’s no place in the world for a machine like you then I will have to

Upgrade activate contingency plan z13 metamorphis protocol uh what dragon slayer 3000 began to transform getting bigger scarier and way more advanced I’d never seen anything like it all my confidence in the fight completely drained away in that moment upgrade complete I am now dragon slayer 4,000 the ultimate stage of my technological

Evolution my capabilities have increased and I can now destroy even the strongest dragons you cannot harm me Zozo oh no I think I may have overestimated my ability here destruction blast the new dragon slayer 4000 blasted an even more powerful energy weapon I was able to

Dodge it in the nick of time and ran out of there as fast as I could I need to figure something out fast or I’m doomed from day 185 to day 189 I returned to my base in a blind panic I immediately went up to the guardian of the forest hello

Again Zozo thank you again for saving me ready to celebrate finally defeating dragon slayer 3,000 not quite kind of the opposite actually dragon slayer 3000 got even more powerful he upgraded into dragon slayer 4,000 and I don’t know how I’m going to defeat him like that oh no

That’s the last last thing we wanted to happen here take this knockback enchantment it’ll make your attacks a little more effective I believe someone is here to see you in the meantime I’m going to go finish up the statue who’s come to visit me it turned out that it

Was none other than the witch coming straight to my base to deliver some valuable news Zozo I have something that I think you’ll want to hear please tell me it’s good news oh yes very good news I’ve Tracked Down something that can fast track your leveling up a special

Potion known as Dragon serum it will help you grow into a full-size dragon with all the relevant special abilities they say it ran out years ago but I’ve tracked down one more bottle of it in a single chest that’s amazing do you know where I can find this chest it’s in a

Place you may find familiar the Mojave Desert that’s perfect I’ll set off right away stay at my base in the meantime This Witch just to be safe but before I could leave I heard the guardian of the forest calling out for me before you go Zozo I have something to show you the

Statue is finally finished excited to see what the guardian of the forest had created I flew up high towards the mountains next to my base to get a better view it was amazing a beautiful statue of a powerful adult Warden Dragon it looked exactly like I did before the

Dragon slayer stole all of my power thank you Forest Guardian this is truly awesome and when I get my hands on that Dragon serum that’s going to be me again on day 190 today 194 I returned once again to the Mojave Desert where I defeated the evoker and his minions and

Saved the piglin if only last time I’d been looking for that chest this whole thing might have been over a lot sooner I searched all across the desert feeling the intense heat on my dragon scales whoever had hidden that serum up here must have really wanted to keep it

Hidden eventually I found a small chest hidden amongst a bunch of sand blocks I opened up the chest and inside was one item a potion labeled Dragon serum yes I found it it I finally found it I can become a full-size Dragon access my complete powers and use them to even the

Score against dragon slayer 4,000 with the dragon serum saved in my inventory I turned and made my way back to my base from day 195 to day 197 I worked on my final few upgrades knowing that the battle that would decide the fate of all the dragons in the Overworld would soon

Come to pass and if I didn’t win dragon slayer 4000 might not just wipe out me he might have wiped out my entire species I better go in strong then I gave my sword the sweeping Edge enchantment to increase its power and also crafted a full set of iron armor

This would give me a better chance in the final fight but what if the dragon slayer 4000 defeats me then immediately comes back here to attack my friends I can’t let that happen or at the very least I can’t make it easy for him I decided that I wasn’t going to so I

Built the wall around my base thicker knowing that I’d buy the guardian of the forest and the witch some time to ES Escape if that evil robot did come looking for them it’s all or nothing now on day 198 I prepared to leave my base

And go to the Lush Tundra so I could take on and decommission this Rogue robot once and for all but what do you want to see next from Zozo search zo zoo on the search bar and leave a comment on one of our videos telling us what you’d

Like to see next I always love reading through them oh and wish me luck on my battle with dragon slayer 4000 I’m going to need it time to settle that age old debate of robot versus dragon on day 199 I returned to the abandoned Factory in

The Lush Tundra when I entered the main chamber of the building yet again the dragon slayer 4000 was waiting for me dragon detected yeah yeah you detected me well done I’m about to get a whole lot easier to detect in a second attempts to intimidate me are futile

Zozo I will be the agent of your destruction activate battle axe turn Shields to 100% prepare to be destroyed time for you you to take your own advice you evil bucket of bolts before dragon slayer 4000 even had a chance to attack me I drank the dragon serum in an

Instant everything changed I became a huge powerful Warden dragon adult with the 100 Hearts I had 100 days ago but that wasn’t all I had a new power now the fireball attack Dragon detected Dragon detected this does not compute compute this summoning up every last ounce of my strength I fired a fire

Blast directly at the dragon slayer 4,000 no the blast was so powerful he was destroyed instantly I’d reclaimed my former glory and the dragon hating machine was finally gone for good on day 200 with the evil of the Dragon Slayer 4000 finally defeated and all my Fallen

Dragon Friends avenge I returned back to my base there the guardian of the forest and the witch were already waiting to congratulate me for the first time in over a 100 days I felt like my old Dragon self again and I I could finally relax don’t you just love a happy ending

On day one I spawned in as a mighty dinosaur well not really I was pretty small and only had four Hearts I’m just a baby I looked around and noticed there weren’t any other dinosaurs around and then I noticed I was in an enclosure with tall walls hey that’s not fair I

Want to run around and be free I ran around looking for a way out I couldn’t find anything just then I heard a bell go off and I saw some food being lowered into my cage I was hungry but I still needed to find a way out the food

Lowered to the ground and I ate all of it then I got a brilliant idea I held on to the hook as it was brought back up to the edge of the wall I jumped on the edge free from my enclosure then I jumped off and ran toward the jungle

Dinosaurs are meant to be free as I was running I saw a human in a car trying to chase after me he started shooting at me I managed to jump over a large tree that had fallen down but the car couldn’t get through one human threw his

Weapon down in anger and yelled at me we’ll get you back mark my words what a weird guy I found a little cave and decided to hide out there for the night I would go looking around for more dinosaurs in the morning on day two I woke up feeling very hungry man I’m

Going to need to find more food if I want to survive out here I quickly began chopping down some trees and managed to make a crafting table with that I made some wood tools I feel a bit more prepared now I explored further in the jungle and found some sheep I hurried

And got their meat before they could run away I really needed to gain my strength back M yummy as I was enjoying my food I heard a snap of a twig I turned and saw a small ocelot trying to hide behind some bushes hey do you want some food

The ocelot peaked out and slowly came and grabbed some meat for me thank you of course what are you I’m a dinosaur you won’t eat me will you no I won’t have you never seen a dinosaur before the ocelot shook his head I know that park over there has dinosaurs but I’ve

Never seen one until today interesting I wondered what that Park was all about and why there weren’t any other dinosaurs on the island thanks again for the food you take care of yourself you too he ran off into the jungle I need to figure out what’s going on here on day

Three I gathered some more materials to make a little base I knew that the humans would probably be back and I wanted to be ready for them once the base was finished I went out to look for some food boy am I hungry again I managed to find a bunch of sheep and

Tried to her them back to my base but then a bunch of alligators came and started attacking me get back you nasties I used my sword and my pure strength to fight them off and before I knew it they were all gone just then I

Felt a surge of power and I grew into a teenage T-Rex hey I have more Hearts now I finished Gathering the sheep and led them back to my base I hurried and set up a pen for them what a good day on days four to 5 I made my way back to the

Park to scout it out maybe I could learn more if I watched what the humans were doing I was searching around and found some rusty shears these might come in handy just then I saw a bunch of humans driving toward me I ran through some rocks and dirt Hills to lose them but

They just kept following me I roared at them and the force almost toppled their car over that’s new this caused one human to fall out of the car the driver didn’t stop and they left him he got out his weapon and started shooting darts at

Me hey stop it I roared again and the force made him fall over I was starting to feel the effects of the dart ouch I felt pretty woozy what was that the human pulled out a walkie-talkie Dr harand I have subdued test subject a come to this location to retrieve him I

Couldn’t let the humans take me especially not this Dr Harland he sounded like bad news I mustered up my strength and smacked the human with my tail sending him flying over a Cliffside I got to get out of here the sleeping Dart definitely was doing its job but I

Managed to get back home before completely passing out I’ll have to find that doctor tomorrow on day 68 I woke up still feeling a little groggy that wasn’t super fun I need to be sure not to get shot again I went out and grabbed some food before heading out to gather

More supplies I needed some better weapons to defend myself I went further into the jungle and spotted a small Mountain I started to mine out some of the materials and set up a crafting table to make myself a new stone sword pickaxe and shovel nice I was about to

Make my way further up the mountain when I saw some little Jaguars hanging out they’re kind of cute but that was shortlived because they started to jump and bite at me come on guys I’m not food they didn’t back down so I used my new

Sword to fight them off it only took a minute before I defeated them all thank goodness for that otherwise I would look like Swiss chees I atte some food to heal and I headed further into the jungle on days 9 to 10 I journeyed past

The trees to the edge of the Island it was beautiful too bad there were humans trying to hunt me down just then I heard a screeching of tires and saw a car coming towards me wow I was just thinking about the humans and then they show up maybe I have superpowers I

Started to think of it raining sheep and nothing well it was worth a shot I started to run away from the car but they caught up to me pretty quick the guy I had seen earlier who had thrown down his weapon was inside he must have

Been Dr Harland you can’t run away from me now you’re fine go away the car soon caught up to me and the humans had me cornered ah a heavy iron cage made out of chains pinned me down thank goodness for that tracker we didn’t realize it was attached to you until later because

Jones never came back but at least he did his job right Dr harand plucked something off my leg it looked like a dart then I noticed a little blinking Beacon that human Jones must have shot me with a Tracker a few days ago I felt

So sick silly I don’t belong with you I belong out in the wild Dr Harland just laughed I was confused and desperate I needed to get out just then I felt a whoosh of air and part of the cage was broken I saw a blur of pink whizzing

Past me run Zozo I ran following the pink blur back toward my base when we finally stopped I realized the pink blur wasn’t just a blur it was another T-Rex the dinosaur jumped down from behind cover and scared me I knew there were other dinosaurs on the island I’m Zozo

The dinosaur smiled at me I’m Zoe I’m your sister sister wait back up what we’re twins I was put in a different enclosure though I heard that you escaped and everyone was freaking out so I took my chance when they went looking for you and climbed out as well they

Really need to work on their security system but hey good for us though right right so you’re super fast Zoe nodded her head and zoomed in a circle demonstrating her speed wow what can you do uh I don’t know am I supposed to be able to do something Zoe looked a little

Uncomfortable no not really oh wait I can move things with my Roar it’s like a sonic power I showed it off that’s really cool do all dinosaurs have powers like us no I guess we are just special zo seemed like she wasn’t telling me something I was going to ask her what

She knew but then I heard her stomach growl hey how about I get you some food you must be starving thing that’d be great actually thanks we went to the farm and ate until we were both full Zoe must have not eaten for a long time

Because she had double of what I had how about you live here it’s safe there’s plenty of food and I’d love for you to stay with me Zoe looked really happy about that and she readily agreed sounds like a plan on days 11 to 12 I made an

Area for Zoe on the base I worked hard to give her everything she would need in order to be comfortable soon it was all ready to go she seemed really happy to have found me and I was happy to be reunited with the sister I never knew I

Had I decided to go exploring a little bit to improve the base and the weapons that I had while I was out I came across a flock of birds nesting on some Stones they were beautiful looking woodpeckers hey could I have some of that stone they seemed friendly enough but then out of

Nowhere they started pecking at me seriously I tried to smack them but they kept flying and then dive bombing me I need to get out of here I ran into the trees hoping to get some coverage I stopped attacking but I really needed that stone what am I going to do I

Looked around the jungle and noticed some long Vines hanging from the trees I had an idea I gathered some of the vines a couple small sticks and a bunch of rocks this should do the trick I snuck back to the rock formation and attacked them with my new weapon a slingshot take

That it worked perfectly and before I knew it all the birds were gone nice and I have some food to take back to Zoe I gathered the bird meat and started mining out the rocks it took a while but I finally got enough enough to make some

New furnaces this is awesome I headed back to the base and showed Zoe my new weapon she was super impressed and even asked if I could make her one I happily agreed she was super excited and shot with the slingshot towards the lake once that was done I used some wooden logs to

Build a wall surrounding the base it was all starting to come together on days 13 to 15 I had a weird dream I was back in the park but it looked like I was in a lab of some sort people were poking and prodding at me I saw Zoe and she was

Down let her go then the dream changed and Dr Harland was there he was presenting us to a large crowd of humans he had trapped Us in enclosures and we were chained the humans stared and laughed at us it was horrible I woke from the dream with a start wao that was

Terrible I went to go find Zoe I told her about the dream and asked her what it meant she hesitated we are lab experiment Zozo we aren’t natural dinosaurs Dr Harland grew Us in the lab giving us special abilities why would he do that he’s not just a

Doctor he also owns this entire park over there he genetically Engineers dinosaurs for human entertainment that’s awful but you and I are special he made us specifically for a new exhibit he’s working on this was a lot to take in we were being hunted by an angry doctor in

His goons it felt like the odds were definitely against us on day 16 to 19 I woke up to find that Zoe wasn’t in the base Zoe I looked everywhere and called called out to her but I couldn’t find her I wonder where she went I looked around the entrance and noticed some

Footprints they looked a lot like mine but were smaller these must be Zoe’s Footprints I followed them leading away into the jungle they stopped at the mouth of a cave oh no I hope Zoe’s okay I tried to quietly creep in the cave my slingshot at the ready I heard some

Muffled screaming along with some maniacal laughter that doesn’t sound good I went further down and I saw Zoe she was was all tied up there was also a monkey tied up next to her around them were a bunch of big hairy spiders oh gross I charged shooting rocks as I went

The spiders looked alarmed and tried to Scurry away but I managed to fight them all off I hurried and freed Zoe just as she yelled at me Zozo look out I turned around and there was the biggest spider I had ever seen in my life granted I was

Only a few days old but still you taking my dinner that’s my sister she’s not food I slung some rocks at the huge spider before charging at him he smacked me with his legs and I was nearly down to my last heart when I remembered my

Roar I let out a big Roar the force made the spider fall over I then attacked with my tail and weapons and within no time he was gone victory is mine all of a sudden I felt power course through my body and I leveled up into an adult

T-Rex nice I had way more hearts and my tail could swing faster now I helped finish freeing Zoe and the monkey thanks for rescuing me I’m crew I’m Zozo I looked over at Zoe and she was shaking are you okay that was so scary I went

Out this morning before you got up and I was ambushed by those spiders I tried to Roar but they tied my mouth closed before I had a chance to call for you I’m glad I found you being spider food wasn’t really a part of my grand plan so

He laughed and crew joined us you’re from that park over there I knew there were dinosaurs but nobody has seen any yeah we managed to escape Dr Harland but he is kind of crazy he wants to bring us back so he can make money off of us and all the other

Dinosaurs that’s awful how many more dinosaurs are there we don’t know but they don’t belong in there we’d need to help them Escape crew thought for a minute I might be able to help out with that really how this island has been inhabited by dinosaurs before a really

Long time ago there was a T-Rex like you guys that had a special item that could ward off the humans that sounds awesome do you know where it is no sorry Legend says it’s on the island somewhere but nobody has found it this was good news

Maybe we could make the humans leave for good on days 20 to 22 crew came with us to the base he seemed to really like us and wasn’t scared like most animals were he was also really funny and would ride on our back sometimes once we got back

To the base we tried to get settled in but then then a bunch of jaguars showed up trying to get our sheep hey there’s enough food for all of us you don’t need to steal from us they didn’t listen and just continued to attack with our combined strength the Jaguars were gone

In no time we made some improvements to the base including a treehouse for crew to hang out in he really seemed to like it Hey Zoe would you want to help me with something yeah sure what is it I want to make a statue I want the humans

To know that they can’t mess with us and I want all the dinosaurs to know that there is hope to be free that sounds awesome Zozo we chatted about the design and started on the base of the statue can you tell what it’s going to be also if you like what you’ve

Seen so far don’t forget to subscribe we love having you here on our adventures on days 23 to 26 I woke up to the base being attacked again they broke through the wall I guess the Jaguars had some reinforcements and didn’t like that they couldn’t get to our sheep come on guys

Really Zoe and crew joined me and with their help we defeated the Jaguars in no time I noticed that one of them had dropped something so I picked it up it was an iron sword whoa neat I swung it around and nearly jabbed Zoe with it hey

Watch it sorry I looked around the base for a minute maybe we need to make some changes to the base so that it’s safer Zoe agreed and we went to work we worked on expanding the walls and making our own areas larger we ran out of supplies

Pretty quickly so I headed out to gather some more materials I also would really like some more iron so that I can have some better weapons I explored for a minute before finding a large cave I delved deeper and deeper until I found some iron ore perfect just then a bunch

Of bats came out of nowhere and tried to swarm me ah I hurried and started smacking them with my new sword the last few that evaded me I shot with my slingshot nice I really like having a sword I mined the rest of the iron and hurried to craft myself an iron pickaxe

Axe and an iron helmet this will be perfect I left still feeling accomplished I had a weapon and a new tool I felt like I was on top of the world on days 27 to 31 I went to crew to chat with him about the special item

That would help me defeat the humans he was chilling in his Treehouse I was too big to fit so we just talked from a distance well the legend says that thousands of years ago many dinosaurs lived on the island in peace then one day the dinosaurs saw a boat approaching

They had no idea what it was so they didn’t fear it but then the humans landed and they began to IM immediately attacked the dinosaurs they took over the island and started to chop down all the trees and pollute the land one T-Rex his name was Ignatius the great he

Sacrificed his most prized possession to the volcano gods in order to gain the legendary item to ward off the humans what was the item exactly it was an amulet that granted him awesome power to grow to 10 times his size wa that is awesome right so he used the amulet to

Defeat the humans and protect the D dinosaurs so what happened to him in the amulet I’m not sure exactly that’s all I know what an interesting story I hoped that it was true it could be the answer to all my problems on days 32 to 35 I

Thought some more about what crew said I really need to find that amulet and if it’s on the island how hard can it be to find it I decided to look around for something significant that could possibly help me while I was venturing further into the island I Came Upon A

Group of ocelots one of them recognized me hey it’s that dinosaur that helped me get food he ran up to me and started talking to me his family seemed a little reluctant so they stayed further back what are you doing I’m looking for the amulet that was lost on the island do

You know anything about it my little ocelot friend shook his head but his dad piped up that amulet corrupts all who hold it you don’t want it why do you say that the dinosaur that held it Ignatius the great began to use the power to unfairly rule all of the Dinosaurs the

Volcano gods were angry so they willed the volcano to erupt taking out all the dinosaurs that’s awful well that’s what happens when you mess with power you shouldn’t have I couldn’t agree more I flipped around to see Dr Harland how did you find me it’s not that big of an

Island I knew I would find you eventually I tried to run away but Dr Harland shot a dart at me it got me right in the leg and I immediately felt woo again oh no I can’t pass out again everything was starting to get fuzzy it’s okay we’ll take care of you then

Everything went dark on days 36 to 39 I woke up back in my house hey how did I get back here I went outside and saw the ocelot family hanging out with Zoe look who’s awake my little ocelot friend ran up to me Zozo you’re okay what happened

Dr Harland shot you and then you passed out we worked together to move you we met your sister outside she had been looking for you and was worried she helped us to carry you in wow you guys are the best thanks no problem I don’t even know all of your names the ocelot

Officially introduced himself as Marty the rest of his family had M names as well Melissa Mo Miley you get it now that you’re feeling better how about we make some room for our new friends sounds like a plan Zoe and I worked on making an enclosure for the ocelots I

Could tell they were scared to be living out on their own by the time we finished I could tell they were really happy about it I decided to talk more with Marty’s dad Marvin about the legendary amulet I asked him where it might be and

He shook his head all I know is that the legend says it was buried with Ignatius somewhere on the north side of the island that’s where his home was everyone claims that he was wearing the amulet when the volcano erupted interesting I would have to travel a

Long way to go looking for it but before I went went back out I got to work on the Statue it was coming along pretty great I was excited to finish it so was your guess right on days 40 to 43 I went out to go looking for more iron since I

Hadn’t found that many deposits nearby I went North and found a pretty big cave as I entered I saw a bunch of snakes slithering around not today I quickly shot them with my slingshot hit them with my sword and also used my Roar to send them flying into the lava I was

Starting to feel really powerful I journeyed deeper and sure enough I found a huge deposit of iron as well as coal I made myself a little crafting table and set up a camp for myself in the cave with the iron I had collected I made myself all new tools and weapons I am

The mightiest of T-Rexes nobody can stop me now on days 44 to 49 I journeyed to the north side of the island in search of the amulet I was tromping through the jungle when I heard a scream I snuck forward to see a bunch of alligators who

Had trapped a two can it looked like they were about to eat her hey stay away from her I dropped out from my Hiding Place and the alligator snapped at me I guess they didn’t like me intruding on their dinner plans they started to attack me but with my Sonic Roar and

Powerful tail they were gone in an instant thank you mister I’m Zozo I’m Greta I thought for sure I was going to be alligator food well I’m glad I was around I’ve been hearing about the dinosaurs on the island what brings you over here I’m looking for the Lost

Amulet of ignacius the great oh that’s a tricky one that is it’s supposedly here on the north side of the island but what well it’s kind of complicated to explain I think it would be easier if I just showed you okay sounds like a plan to me

On days 50 to 53 I followed Greta further into the north side of the island we were about to enter a clearing when Greta stopped me is that chanting yeah I looked through the trees and saw a temple of some sort there were a bunch of other toucans gathered around

Something on a pedestal hey they have the amulet wait Zozo I didn’t listen and I dromed through the trees toward the birds they immediately squealed in delight and started bowing um what’s going on oh great and mighty one you have heard our call and you have come to

Retrieve what you have left behind I looked on the pedestal and no noticed that it wasn’t an amulet it was a is that a foot yes great ignacius it is your foot we have been saving it for you I looked behind me and saw Greta was super embarrassed these must have been

Her family members the crazy side of the family no doubt um yes I have been missing my foot thank you for taking such good care of it they continued bowing as I went up and grabbed the foot it was definitely from a T-Rex um my humble toucans where did you find my

Foot one hopped forward eagerly oh yes we found it over here we journeyed on a path leading toward a large rock formation the foot was just sitting right here oh holy one thanks do you mind if I look around do as you wish great one the toucan left and Greta flew

Up a moment later to rest on my shoulder I should have warned you I don’t come around here anymore because they are all a bunch of crazies I mean who worships a foot I just laughed it’s fine it was exciting to say the least I began digging at the rock formation and sure

Enough I found more bones inside this must be ignacius we managed to uncover all the bones but there wasn’t an amulet in sight if he wasn’t wearing it where did it go all the story said he was wearing it this was beginning to feel like a wild goose chase I gathered all

The bones and we headed back toward the base on days 54 to 57 Greta and I made it back to the base she didn’t want to be with her crazy family understandably so we made a little Nook for her she seemed to really like it hey Zozo it was

KW he came over to me what’s up I’m running a little low on food do you think you could grab me some more bananas there’s a tree nearby with some in it but there are also some spiders in there no problem I went to the tree crew was talking about and immediately saw

The storm of spiders yuck I used my slingshot to make them fall out of the tree and then I attacked them there were no match for my Roar and soon enough they were gone sweet now KW can have all the bananas he could want I used my Roar

To make the bananas fall out of the tree and I gathered them for my friend he was ecstatic to see all the food I had gotten for him wow thanks Zozo wait here for just a minute crew went to work in his Treehouse he started mixing a bunch

Of ingredients together in the mixing basin and before I knew it he had a big loaf of banana bread for me where did you even learn to bake and where did you even get a mixer I have my ways here hope you like it I ate it and it was

Actually delicious M yum thanks crew he jumped up and down into light no problem on days 58 to 62 I worked on the statue for a little bit I was nearly done when I heard a scream from down below the base was being attacked by some humans

Oh no I hurried to run down to the base and noticed that all my friends had been shot with sleeping darts the humans were trying to take them away you let my friends go I roared with all my might and the humans focused their attention

On me they tried to shoot me but I dodged them I managed to take out a few of the guards and then went to chase the rest away they got scared of me and ran off good riddens I hurried to help my friends get back to their homes when I

Noticed that Zoe was missing Zoe I looked outside the base and I saw her lying on the ground she didn’t look too good uh Zoe let’s get you inside so you can sleep they didn’t hit me with a sleeping Arrow Zozo they hit me with a

Real bullet what why I heard one of Dr harland’s men say that they just needed one dinosaur for the exhibit you so I charged him and he shot me oh no Zoe it’s okay the hunter that shot me Brett said that they were going to get the

Amulet from its secret hiding place Zoe weakly handed me a map they dropped this hurry Zozo take care of the rest of the dinosaurs protect the island and with that my sister died no on day 63 to 66 I used the map that Zoe gave me to track

Down Brett they won’t get away with this I traveled to the north side of the island again past the temple and down into a large cave there didn’t seem to be anybody around but then I saw a pool of water with a large glowing squid in it there were a bunch of humans

Attacking him stop hurting innocent creatures the men jumped in Surprise as I attacked them in only a matter of seconds they were defeated thank you Ancient One of course I knew you would all be back someday it was only right that the dinosaurs ruled this island

Again do you know where the amulet is the squid nodded and pointed down further into the tunnel I’m afraid the rest of the humans have already started heading down that way though how did they know to look for you Dr Harland was my friend when he came to the island he

Discovered me and studied me I told him of the amulet in the cave but he wasn’t interested in it at the time it wasn’t until recently that he wanted to retrieve it I guess he didn’t want a chance you finding it and overpowering him he ordered his goons to destroy me

I’m so sorry that must have been hard breaking you can’t trust those humans they only want Power they’ll do anything to get it I’ll go retrieve it good luck to you friend and with that the squid swam further into the pool and disappeared on day 67 to 70 I went

Deeper into the cave which then opened up into a huge underground Chasm this must have been ignatius’ Lair then I saw Brett and some other goons grabbing a chest from an Al Cove that doesn’t belong to you Brett dropped his chest in surprise he turned and sneered at me it don’t belong

To you neither I charged ready to strike the men got out their weapons ready to shoot don’t hurt them just put them to sleep the dock wants to save them for later I managed to dodge all the darts and I used all of my strength to swing

And hit the humans I finished off his men and then went to attack him Brett looked a little uneasy as I got closer so then he pulled out his Dart shooter I don’t want to hurt you dinosaur but I will if I have to he fired his weapon

And it wasn’t sleeping darts it was a stun Blaster ouch electricity pulsed through me and I fell down hard just give up it’ll be easier then I blacked out on day 71 to 74 I woke up my bones and body aching then I remembered the

Chest I looked in the alov and it wasn’t there shoot Brett must have taken it while I was out I felt awful as I made my way out of the cave and up into the jungle again it was super slow going to get back home but eventually I made it

On day 75 to 78 I entered the base I was so exhausted and just wanted to be alone but my friends came running up to me Zozo you’re okay we were asleep and when we woke up you were gone where’s Zoe I told them all about what happened and

They stood in shock we are so sorry Zozo Zoe was a really good friend I felt awful I told them I needed a rest and I went into my house for a little while it wasn’t until long until I heard screaming and shouting I hurried to run

Outside only to find Brett in the base trying to shoot my friends again what are you doing here I need your blood dinosaur give it to me ew gross no I roared at bread causing him to fly backwards into the wall I smacked him with my talent sword easily defeating

Him I then felt a surge of power and I leveled up into a full-size T-Rex my Roar could demolish anything and I had tons of Hearts what did he mean he needed your blood I have no idea but that was definitely creepy I looked and saw that Brett had dropped some things I

Was hoping it was the amulet but it was just a key card and a painting the painting had some glyphs of humans shooting a dinosaur with a dart shooter and then growing to be huge have you seen anything like this no it just looks like something the old humans must have

Left they probably just thought that defeating a dinosaur would grant them power I guess Brett thought so too probably why he came back to hurt me creepy I looked at the key card a little bit more closely it had the park symbol on it and a label saying site B what is

Site B the park is site B site a is the abandoned site down the hill there’s two yeah site a was abandoned because it was too small now it’s just storage there must be something in important in there if Brett has a key card to it must be on

Day 79 to 84 I traveled to site a to go exploring I was hoping the key card for site B would work here too as I approached the front gate I took out the key card put it in the key card scanner and the gate clicked open nice I

Followed the path and arrived at the main building that Rose Through the Jungle High into the sky I slowly went inside the building and saw lots of boxes and cobwebs the place looked like a mess this place has been complet completely abandoned I explored the building and saw an interesting roller

Coaster through the window it goes straight through a dinosaur skeleton exhibit what in the world was happening in this place all of a sudden I heard a noise from a back room I approached and looked through the window only to see an alligator looking through the cabinets I

Wonder what she’s doing then she saw me and charged at the glass she then opened the door and ran towards me I quickly backed up and she snapped her teeth at me what are you doing here I’m looking to see see if there was anything that could help me defeat Dr Harland here

What are you doing here the alligator looked at me she paused for a moment then started speaking slowly I’m also trying to get to Dr Harland he’s been running tests on my family in order to make new dinosaurs I need to rescue him we can work together have you found

Anything useful here uh yeah there’s some sort of weapon downstairs but it’s too heavy for me to carry maybe you can carry it I started to go down the stairs to the control room as I was about to enter I felt something push me down the

Stairs it was the alligator hey what was that for you aren’t supposed to be here dinosaur you’ve been extinct for years and now you just expect to rule the whole island the alligators are the real Predators here she snapped her teeth at me and almost got me hey I’m just trying

To survive here I’m not trying to hurt anyone she ignored me and kept snapping her teeth I backed up and then used my Roar to push her back I hit her a couple more times and then after only a minute she was gone I wonder if there was

Anything down here or if she was just lying I looked around the room and sure enough it was mostly just trash then I noticed a trapo I was too big to go all the way down but I did notice some diamonds and other materials but they

Were Out Of Reach I looked around and there were a few more diamonds just laying in the corner of the room these will definitely come in handy I grabbed them and headed back to the base I would definitely need some help scouting out the rest of the secret room on days 85

To 89 I went back to chat with my friends about what I had found wow I knew that the alligators on the island were super territorial but that’s just crazy what weirdos I know right but would one of you come with me back to the room can’t fit down there but I

Would like to see if there is anything else of value yeah sure crew and I headed back to S A and he checked out the secret room he came up in a few minutes super excited there’s a tunnel and it look looks like it leads into the

Site B Park this was great news now I just needed to figure out a way to fit down there crew explored some more and said there was a bigger tunnel opening near the river that’s perfect I’ll go in that way once I’m ready on days 90 to 94

The monkey gave me the diamonds and I used them to craft myself some better weapons I didn’t really have enough diamonds to make armor that would fit me so I just made weaker diamond armor with a few chunks missing from the armor pieces it would be enough to cover my

Weak spots I tried it all on and I actually felt really cool not only am I a strong dinosaur with superpowers I now also have some protection I knew that I was one step closer to defeating Dr Harland and freeing all the dinosaurs on days 95 to 97 I finished the statue it

Is in honor of Zoe as I looked up at the finished statue I felt a sense of hope and strength I knew that I would get the amulet and fulfill my destiny on day 98 I said goodbye to all my friends before heading out out take care you guys I’ll

Be back I promise they cheered me on as I left the base and headed out to the park on the way there I noticed a plane overhead and it was dragging a sign in the sky subscribe hey that sounds like a good idea you should do that so you can

Follow along on some of our other Adventures on day 99 I went to the river where the tunnel opening was I broke the bars and headed inside toward the park it was dark for a little while but then I started to see light the tunnel led to

An enclosure with all kinds of other dinosaurs I approached the gate and roared to break it open wo it’s the T-Rex they all gathered around me are you going to free us yes this tunnel leads to the outside world I’ll go open up all the other enclosures so that we

Can all be free the dinosaurs whooped in delight and then a bunch of darts started flying the humans came out of nowhere and started shooting at us run you’ll be safe they all started running into the tunnels as I roared at the humans I drudged through the park

Defeating the guards easily I continued to the other side of the park on day 100 I was loose in Jurassic Park there were a bunch of humans running around in panic I tried not to step on them I just wanted to find Dr Harland then out of

Nowhere came a bunch of humans with weapons they shot but I dodged and roared and swung my tail at them setting them flying in different directions they quickly ran away and I continued through the park to the big building in the Center I smashed through the doors and

Sitting on a pedestal was the Amulet of ignacius I went to grab it but I felt a dart hit me I flipped around and saw Dr Harland with a large shooter come quietly and I won’t hurt you no I grabbed the amulet and felt a huge surge

Of power I turned into a giant T-rex with massive teeth and a mighty tail so be it Dr harand backed up into the lab and closed the door I heard some worrying and then he appeared in a large robotic suit I didn’t want to hurt you

But you have ruined my Park you are a liability now he shot at me with some tough Shooters but they didn’t hurt me as much since I was so powerful however he soon started throwing bombs at me which were not so easy to avoid we exchanged blows and I almost thought

That Dr Harland was about to end me ah that hurt ha I dodged that one you will not take me down that easily take that ah you dirty lizard that hurts but I was also doing some damage I could tell some of my Roars were hurting his Mech

Because spark started flying finally his Mech started smoking now I was doing some real damage then I used my Sonic Roar and sent Dr Harland flying the suit crumbled into pieces and Dr Harland was finally defeated I made my way throughout the rest of the park releasing all the dinosaurs back into

The wild they all seemed super happy once we all reached my base I saw my friends cheering for me life was back to the way it should be on day one I spawned into the deep dark Forest as a skeleton dragon one of the coolest and spookiest kinds of dragons there is well

I guess I’m more of a baby skeleton dragon I must have just come out of the skeleton alter that’s got to be why I only have three hearts and what’s this in my inventory a void worm ey what would I use that for that’s when I saw a

Skeleton horse riding out of the trees towards me for some reason she looked worried what are you doing here baby skeleton dragon I just got here my name’s Zozo what’s going on it’s dangerous to be in this forest at night we need to get out of here before I

Could ask any more questions I saw shadows in the dark between the trees and suddenly I felt uneasy Zozo we have to leave now Mr dark is here Mr dark who’s Mr a tall shadowy figure appeared in the trees behind us at first all I could see was his glowing purple eyes no

Need to run away why don’t you come with me little ones I’ll take you to Playland we’ll have toys and games and Candy I just know you’re going to love it I knew in my dragon bones I couldn’t trust this man he creeped me out just standing near

Him so me and the skeleton horse ran away as fast as we could you can run little ones but I’ll take you all to play L soon we took Refuge in a nearby cave to wait out the rest of the night worried Mr dark might find us at any

Moment what’s your name skeleton horse Sally I’m Sally the Skeleton horse thanks for the save Sally on day two Sally the Skeleton horse and I emerged from the cave with the sun shining high up above we’re safer during the daytime I’ve only ever seen Mr dark under the

Moonlight we decided with a little less pressure on us to start exploring the rest of the forest it definitely wasn’t so scary with the sun shining in through the trees maybe we should collect some apples that’s a good idea Zozo a skeleton horse is still a horse and I

Love apples we happily collected apples until a huge shape came lumbering out of the dark it was a skeleton dragon a huge adult skeleton dragon with black bones oh wow hey Mr skeleton dragon I’m Zozo and I’m one of your kind the adult skeleton dragon seemed relieved to see

Me oh thank goodness I’ve been looking for you everywhere I’m in terrible trouble and I need the help of another skeleton dragon I just didn’t expect you to be so small I may be small but I’ve got a big heart how can I help you a friend of mine the blue skeleton dragon

Was taken by something some tall shadowy entity and I need help in getting him back that sounds just like Mr doc he terrorized us too but don’t worry we’ll help you get your friend back from Mr dark no matter what thank you Zozo and friend for now now how must go stay safe

The adult skeleton dragon flew away leaving me and Sally alone it was time to work on our first base so we started breaking down trees and collecting sticks and wood I was able to build a crafting bench and made my first set of wooden tools and weapons these would be

Perfect for my first base we found a clearing in the forest and started building ourselves a humble wooden Shack with one bed and a stable outside but all the while Sally looked a little concerned what’s wrong Sally that’s skeleton dragon’s friend we better work hard at getting him back Mr dark only

Keeps people at Playland for 100 days after that well you don’t want to know and she was right I really didn’t on day three I was wandering through the forest looking for apples to eat and more supplies that I could use to upgrade my base nothing like fresh air and a walk

To make a morning happy and healthy but during my walk I saw a hulking figure behind the trees a mutant skeleton he looked big and a little little scary so when he turned around and looked at me I ran for the hills not today mutant skeleton I returned to my base where I

Felt a lot safer and started mining into a nearby Hill to gather some Stone then I made my first set of stone tools a stone sword and even started building a sturdy stone wall around my base but as I was building my wall I was suddenly approached by an angryl looking gang of

Rogue Tomatoes they somehow looked both silly and like they meant business don’t you laugh at us bub or I’m going to get you a knuckle sandwich with extra ketchup you hear those were fighting words so I decided it was time to give my brand new stone sword some action if

It’s a tussle you want it’s a tussle you’ll get tomatoes I fought them all making short work of them with my stone sword and after their defeat one of them dropped a milk bucket guess I’ll just keep this in case it comes in handy that’s when I looked up and noticed it

Was getting dark I’d need to finish the wall another day I definitely didn’t want to get stuck outside while Mr dark was on the prow and instead I went back to my bedroom and got a good night’s sleep on days four and 5 I woke up to

The sound of Sally the Skeleton horse entering my room hey Sally what’s up Zozo I noticed you brought back a milk bucket last night you should drink it milk contains Calcium and calcium is good for your bones it’s the perfect way for a skeleton dragon to get stronger

That sounded like a great idea so I chugged the milk and immediately found myself getting stronger I grew to a big tougher form with six hearts rather than three this is more like it I’m going to go take a walk in my new form I’ll finish up the wall while you’re out so

That’s what I did but this time I didn’t want to just walk through the forest I went all the way to the desert so I could feel the heat on my bones ah sun and skeletons go together like peanut butter and jelly I turned and saw a wither skeleton further out into the

Desert he seemed to be fishing in a pond I couldn’t believe how many friendly skeletons I was running into these days I made my way over the small hill to him enjoying the sun fellow skeleton want to come back to my base and hang out with me and my horse friend Mr Wither

Skeleton we’re putting together a group to help save an innocent skeleton dragon from an evil man sounds good to me brother let’s Boogie the Wither Skeleton and I traveled back to the base together and we came back just in time because a big Angry ravager was trying to break

Down my defensive wall uh-oh want to help me run off this nasty customer Wither Skeleton heck yeah let’s do it with the both of us ready to fight the ravager was out manned we didn’t manage to defeat it but it did Run Away by then it was already almost Nightfall we

Needed to get some sleep in case Mr dark came out looking for us I installed a second bed in my cabin as well as some more furniture and invited the Wither Skeleton to come stay with us sounds good to me brother sleepover time on days 6 through 8 me and the Wither

Skeleton went out into the forest and collected some more yummy apples but that wasn’t all we were looking for we found the same cave that Sally and I had hidden in the first night I arrived here it’s mining time and then I mined all over that cave it didn’t take me long to

Find enough iron and coal to smell myself some new weapons and tools iron weapons iron tools I’m really moving up in the world after leaving the cave with our Loot and returning to the forest we were suddenly ambushed by the same ravager looking for Revenge be ready to

Fight Wither Skeleton this won’t be easy I was born ready Z but sadly he wasn’t actually born ready that ravager was way stronger than we thought we fought the ravager until it was defeated but the Wither Skeleton was destroyed in the process Wither Skeleton no I’ll never

Forget you he dropped his hat which I decided to take with me he had also dropped a flint and steel a useful item for lighting fires on the way back to my base I encountered a soul vulture hanging out amongst the trees hey Mr Soul vulture want to come back to my

Base I figure us bone Brothers should stick together H is it cozy the coziest in all the forest well I can hardly say no to that can I the soul vulture came back to my base with me where I built him his own room I also used some of my

Excess iron to create an iron golem to guard the base now I can sleep a little easier on days 9 to 10 I was woken up in the middle of the night by something scratching my window I looked up and saw Mr dark his bright purple eyes staring

In through my window it was so creepy I could barely stand it Mr dark how did you get past my guard wall and my iron golem Mr dark gave a creepy little giggle I can go anywhere I want at any time I want Zozo no walls are too high

No trenches are too deep and no Golem is too strong if I wanted to I could open your door and walk into your bedroom right now then why don’t you because when where’d be the fun in that silly little dragon boy you’ll choose to come

To play land with me I just know you will and you’ll have a wonderful time I’ll be keeping my eye on you Zozo I’ll come back when you least expect it and then you’ll be all mine then he disappeared and I couldn’t get back to

Sleep for the rest of the night on days 11 through 12 still feeling shaken up from my encounter with Mr dark the night before I decided to build some base improvements I made the wall taller and started digging a trench around the outside of the wall so the only way to

Get in or out would be the front gate guarded by my iron golem this should keep that nasty midnight creep away after my work was done Sally the Skeleton horse approached me with a suggestion Zozo you should train yourself and get stronger by visiting new biomes how about a trip to the beach

Yeah I could use a trip to the beach after a week like this I made my way to the beach with Sally for a mixture of relaxation and and hardcore strength training and it didn’t take long for us to need it because a bunch of angry iron chickens started attacking us where the

Orion chicken muggers and Beak leave us we can be pretty foul so you better hand over all your buck buck bucks thankfully with Sally and I working together we were able to defeat the iron chicken muggers and keep all of our hard-earned money this kind of thing is exactly why

I hate chickens we kept exploring until we found another skeleton friend a skeleton deer so of course I invited her back to my base gee thanks I’d love a new place to stay I’ve been getting tired of all this sand the skeleton deer followed us back to the base where I

Built her a new section of the stable to sleep in this is so comfy thanks Zoo don’t mention it skeleton dear and by the way I saw you fighting the iron chickens you were good but if you want to get better I recommend seeking out the Necromancer he can mentor you to

Greatness The Necromancer that’s sounds like a plan on days 13 to 15 I left my base and began searching the forest for the Necromancer I’m sick of being afraid and hiding away when the bad guys come I want to be strong enough to be brave and

Fight back but it turned out I was talking to myself a little too loudly because an angry Stone monster came running at me through the woods uh-oh sorry about the noise I’m guessing we can’t just talk this out he did not want to talk it out instead he chased me and

I ran as fast as I could on my skeleton dragon legs but he was faster oh no oh no no no no no but just as he was about to catch me something burst out of the tree line as quick as a flash it was the mutant skeleton I’d run away from

Earlier he pulled out his bow and easily defeated the stone monster really saving my bones thank you mutant skeleton I’m so sorry for running away earlier I guess I learned a valuable lesson about judging on appearances no problem Zozo I know I could look a little scary

Sometimes but really I’m out here trying to help want to come and stay at my base for a while I’m putting together a team I’d love to but there’s too much work to do protecting people out here perhaps I’ll drop in for a visit sometime though me and the mutant skeleton went our

Separate ways and I continued searching for The fabled Necromancer until I saw a gremlin hopping around looking clearly distressed what’s wrong little Gremlin I’m in trouble man these like nasty jungle ERS have been chasing me all day and I’m worried they’re going to get me h stand back little Gremlin this sounds

Like a job for zoo with my trusty sword I found that nasty swarm of jungle spiders and took them out before returning to the gremlin who Zozo you’re like a real hero that was awesome no problem little Gremlin say you know where I might be able to find a

Necromancer oh The Necromancer you’ll find him in the west of here keep heading in that direction then you’re sure to meet him thank you Gremlin that’s exactly what I needed to hear for days 16 to 19 I began my journey West In Search Of The Necromancer until I heard

A terrible crashing noise coming from the distance behind me it sounded like it was coming from my base I immediately turned tail and ran all the way back only to see that my defensive wall had been destroyed and a dangerous zombie tiger was attacking my base what are you

Doing you meanie it’s nothing a personal kid Mr doc told me to do this if I don’t hurt you he’ll hurt me that’s just the way it is I turned and saw something awful he’d already destroyed the skeleton deer and the Soul vulture Sally the Skeleton horse was my only companion

Left that’s it you’re going down I pulled out my sword and attacked the zombie Tiger but it seemed like he deflected the hits without any effort he was almost Unstoppable that was just embarrassing if you couldn’t defeat me you’ll have no hope against Mr dark I’m

Out of here and with that the zombie tiger fled leaving me in the ruins of my base with two of my friends gone I feel useless like I can’t protect anyone that’s when a gang of Mossy skeletons turned up they looked frightened and said they’d heard I’d been offering

Other skeletons a place to stay of course you can stay here new buddies but I’m going to need to make a few Renovations first I built a new barracks on the side of my base for the mossy skeletons to live in they seemed quite happy with their new place and I took

The time to rebuild some of the defenses that the zombie Tiga destroyed but I can’t just defend my base I need to be able to defend myself too I mined for more iron and coal until I had everything I needed to smell myself a

New set of iron armor I may have lost a battle but I wouldn’t lose the war on days 20 to 22 I left my base to search for some statue building materials after all a cool statue is great for inspiring everyone to do their best but on my way

Out to mind some Stone I was ambushed by a green troll with an axe to grind well more specifically he had a giant fist I’ve got no interest in feeding any trolls today with my sword at the ready we engaged in a tense duel thankfully

With my new iron armor I was able to withstand his attacks and defeat him iron and Bone beats flesh afterwards I traveled further through the forest until I stumbled upon a desert with the remains of a giant skeleton wo this is perfect for building a cool statue and I

Know exactly what I’ll make with them I started mining the ribs one by one making sure I didn’t fall into the pools of lava by the end of it I had all the bone blocks I’d ever need on the way back I encountered a herd of wild sheep

Raising and decided I’d tame them and lead them back to the base because you never know when some wool will come in handy when we reached the base I made a new fenced off section where the Sheep could graze and be left to their own

Devices and with that out of the way it was time to start statu building laying down the base is one of the most important parts so the statue doesn’t just tumble over can you guess what the statue is going to be yet let me know

Down in the comments from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the forest to search for The Necromancer I needed his teachings to help me get stronger and defeat Mr dark while wandering through the woods I got attacked by a nasty gang of rotten rats and tried to bite me and

Give me some nasty diseases when it comes to rats versus skeleton dragons rats don’t win I defeated the last of them with my iron sword and continued searching on the way I ran into a wither skeleton jockey riding a spider he reminded me of the Wither Skeleton who

Used to be my friend hey Mr Wither Skeleton jockey want to come back and stay at my base nice offer but no thanks there are some evil things lurking in these woods and I’ve learned not to trust anyone maybe some other time all right suit yourself stay safe out there

It felt like the day had been a total waste as I journeyed further into the forest but just as I was ready to give up I saw the Necromancer himself sitting on a rock and meditating no way the Necromancer is it really you those who seek me will find me Little skeleton

Dragon and I assume you’ve been seeking me I have I want you to Mentor me and help me become more powerful well young dragon with great power comes great well you have to have a good reason to have great power so what is your reason I

Don’t need it for myself I need it to defeat Mr dark and save everyone he’s captured that little dragon is a good reason your training begins now for days 27 to 31 The Necromancer gave me my first challenge to defeat an entity as evil and spooky as Mr dark you need to

Learn to conquer your fear it’s okay to be afraid Zoo but true courage is knowing that there are some things you must do even if they make you feel afraid what would you have me do Master Necromancer do you see that nearby cave it contains a monster I want you to go

In there and defeat it to help gain control of your fear if you complete this first challenge I’ll give you a reward I believe in myself I can do it good and you can take this bat to help you it will freeze your opponents for 3

Seconds may it come in hand I took the necromancer’s bat and went into the cave it was dark and scary and I could feel myself getting nervous but I took deep breaths and kept going I needed to strengthen my courage to defeat Mr dark the deeper parts of the cave weren’t any

Better only some lyan and mushrooms giving off faint light suddenly a scary growling Soul Leader leaped out of the darkness toward me ready to attack I stayed calm and hit the creature with my bat studying it I’d pass the T okay now it’s time to get out of here on

Days 32 to 35 my new Mentor rewarded me for passing the first challenge by giving me a potion of strength I immediately drank it and felt myself getting bigger and tougher this training was really paying off I have to be at least twice the size I once was this

Whole thing made me feel so happy I decided I’d go back to my base and tell the mossy skeletons and Sally the Skeleton horse about my victory and on the way I encountered the Wither Skeleton jockey I’d met a few days before hey jockey have you had any

Second thoughts about coming to my base well now that you mention it I have been getting some Eerie Vibes lately maybe we should stick together after all but those Eerie Vibes didn’t come from nothing neither of us noticed it but the day had gotten away from us the sun was

Going down and the night was upon us that’s when Mr dark himself came creeping out of the trees o new friends I’ll take you to play with me we’ll have so much fun he grabbed the Wither Skeleton jockey with his long spindly arms Zozo help me I’m being kidnapped

But I couldn’t help him Mr dark was too fast and too strong and all I could do was run my base may have been the only place that was safe at night on the way back I encountered an ancient Spirit villager who started chasing me and I

Was too afraid to even fight him I just ran away all that training useless I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to defeat Mr dark on days 36 to 39 I woke up and took the jockey spider to the stable when I heard noise coming from my

Front gate I made my way over to see a familiar face waiting outside of my base it was the same zombie Tiga who attacked my base and destroyed Soul vulture and skeleton deer this time he’s going down I ran out ready to fight this time I had

Full iron armor so the zombie Tiger’s attacks weren’t nearly as strong what sorcery is this this Mr dark told me you’d be easy to defeat this isn’t fair with the help of my new strength and the bath that the Necromancer had given me I defeated the zombie tiger and Avenged my

Fallen friends speaking of friends Sally the Skeleton horse approached me with a wonderful idea Zozo we should make our way to the stone Shores I’ve heard that some of the friendlies over there have created some awesome upgrades oh really then there’s no time to waste we hi

Tailed it over to the stone Shores where we saw an innocent skelet being hassled by an ogre we couldn’t let that stand get away from that Skelly Sally and I charged in and that was enough to scare the ogre away he seemed thankful and gave us two rewards the knockback

Upgrade which increased the power of my weapons and a treasure map you hear that Sally we can use this to search for buried treasure now that sounds like a cool adventure to me Zozo let’s do it for days 40 to 43 Sally and I followed the map until we arrived in the warm

Dusty Badlands we were getting a little nervous because it was almost Nightfall we were right about that but we didn’t consider that Mr dark might send his minions to do the job for him look out Zozo some night apparitions are coming straight towards us Sally was right three big scary night apparitions I

Pulled out my sword now with increased knockback and fought them off they were tough but luckily Sally and I made a good team and we were able to defeat two of the three the last one escaped to fight another day let’s keep going Sally according to this map we’re really close

To finding the buried treasure soon enough we found an area of the ground with a big red X marked on it don’t they always say x Mark’s the spot zoo let’s start digging we mined down into the ground until we found a buried chest and inside there were a whole bunch of

Rubies this is awesome I know exactly what I’m going to use them for on days 44 to 49 I continued my work on the Statue it was really coming along now can you see what I’m making now now I bet you can’t guess but while I was

Working on my statue I saw a Traer on a horse making his way through the forest near my base and decided to strike up a conversation hey Mr Trader got anything cool on offer it’s your lucky day dear Customer because I’m actually doing a two for one special on netherite ingots

Today it’s a rare and very valuable material perfect for a skeleton dragon like you that sounds so cool how much I only take payment in emeralds but don’t don’t worry if you haven’t got any you can always raid the emerald mines of alonia near here they got abandoned by

The workers when the boss decided not to pay them enough so all the emeralds were left for the taking I really wanted those netherite ingots even though I didn’t really know what I’d use them for so I journeyed to the mines and collected as many emeralds as I could

From underground netherite city here I come I traveled back to my base and made the trade the trader gave me my two netherite ingots and rode off pleasure doing business with you Zozo but I didn’t have long to enjoy my fancy new ingots as night fell the third and final

Night Apparition came back for revenge and I needed to run out Beyond the Wall to take it on you guys don’t know when to quit do you soon enough I defeated the night Apparition but it made me realize that my base needed better defenses if these monsters and Mr dark

Mainly come out at night maybe they hate the light perhaps adding some torches to my wall would help Ward them off on days 50 to 53 I I realized something horrible the night Apparition attack had just been a distraction while someone else had sneaked into the stable and

Kidnapped Sally the Skeleton horse I ran to my mentor The Necromancer deep in the forest and asked him where Mr dark’s forces may have taken my best friend well Zozo I hate to tell you this but it’s likely that Mr dark’s minions will be taking your friend to the Twisted

Kingdom he calls playand oh where can I find that even I don’t know exactly but my senses tell me that you should travel to the east your answers lay there there was no time to waste I didn’t want Sally to get trapped in Playland just like the other skeleton dragon’s friend so I

Immediately set off to the east hoping to find her but on my way I was suddenly ambushed by a zombie Spartan ready to fight but unlucky for him I was ready to fight too nothing is going to stand in the way of me rescuing my friend the

Zombie Spartan was tough but I had the power of Friendship on my side it didn’t take me long to strike him to submission with my enchanted sword in his defeat the zombie Spartan dropped something to void worm mandibles huh I already have a void worm eye I better take them they

Might come in handy on days 54 to 57 having defeated the zombie Spartan I continued searching for Sally the Skeleton horse and my search soon led me to a deep cave suddenly it felt like everything got much darker around me I’m never going to let Mr dark take you to Playland Sally

That isn’t your choice Zozo I turned and saw one of the Shadows in the cave moving with bright purple eyes it was him Mr dark standing right behind me do you want to come to Playland with me now what did you do with her I swung my

Sword and Mr dark teleported out of the way appearing right behind me she’s playing with my friends right now but later she’ll play with me do you want to play with us Zozo I tried to hit him again but but Mr dark was too fast for

Me he hit me with one of his long spindly arms and knocked me up against the wall knocking out half of my hearts in one strike still too weak we’ll play again when you’re stronger Zozo mark my words and then he disappeared leaving me with nothing a silver Lobo approached me out

Of the darkness looking worried and gave me some apples to replenish my hearts thanks silver Lobo you saved my life here but Lobo told me about a secret room further into the cave where I might find some Vital Information I went deeper into the cave feeling around on

The wall until I felt a button and pressed it opening a secret door there was blue fire torches on the wall and an old map left on the table with some locations marked they must be keeping Sally at one of these locations on days 58 through 62 I decided I needed to

Become stronger before I could find the location where they’re keeping Sally first I went to The Diamond Mine the silver Lobo told me about and took the old elevator down I quickly found some diamonds near the entrance and started mining I then saw what looked like an

Old abandoned mining camp a chest inside of it had a book with the unbreakable enchantment I don’t think whoever owned this Camp would mind if I used the crafting table to make my gear I made myself a diamond sword and a diamond chest plate to match I used the nearby

Anvil to put the unbreakable enchantment on my chest plate now this is one of the most powerful pieces of armor around after that I returned to my base to continue work on my statue it’s really coming along nicely now I even got to use all those rubies that Sally and I

Collected but I could use some more materials I went out into the forest to hunt but in the process I found something remarkable a magical Enchanted Halo I decided to try it on and immediately felt its magic Empower me I got stronger and healthier going up to

14 Hearts wo talk about a functional headwear as I continued hunting in the forest I stumbled upon a spider nest I saw the same gremlin from before stuck in their webs calling for help the spiders noticed me and charged towards me this was the perfect opportunity to

Test out my new gear but they were no match for my diamond sword after I dealt with them I cut the web holding the gremlin and he fell down he thanked me for saving him again and ran off into the forest next time I take on Mr dark

He’s in trouble I went back to my base feeling a lot more confident and found that a huge bone serpent was waiting for me but don’t worry he was friendly so you’re the skeleton dragon I’ve been hearing about I heard something about this friend of yours a skeleton horse

You want to find her I recommend you look for an abandoned house on the plains finally a break in the case you’re a lifesaver bone serpent literally want to stay at my base well since you’re offering why not I built a new room with a pool where the bone

Serpent could stay but by then it was already nighttime Mr dark would be on the prow I’d go find Sally first thing in the morning on day 63 through 66 I Was preparing to go on a rescue mission for Sally but before I could leave my mentor The Necromancer arrived to give

Me a gift Zozo I wanted to give you a gift before you went on your quest Mr dark is a mutant Enderman and this dagger will do extra damage against Enderman but be warned it’ll be incredibly weak against anything that isn’t an Enderman thank you master Necromancer these will come in handy I

Left my my base passed through the forest and ventured out onto the plains this was the exact direction that the bone serpent told me to go in that’s when I ran into a group of zombies and decided to test my dagger on them and it did almost no damage wow Master

Necromancer was right this dagger is useless against things that aren’t Enderman instead I pulled out my diamond sword and easily defeated the zombie horde before moving on with my quest I got distracted again when I saw a villager dressed like a Craftsman standing next to a burning house he

Looked like he needed help hey mister I’m Zozo can I give you a hand yes please my wife is trapped in that burned building and I’m too old to rescue her myself please help me I ran into the burning building and found the Craftsman’s wife waiting inside thanks

To my training from The Necromancer I was able to stay cool under pressure and lay the Craftsman’s wife safely back out he was delighted to see her thank you Zozo I owe you one for this and I always repay my debts on day 67 through through

70 I arrived at the abandoned house in the plains where I figured they must be holding Sally this place looks so spooky but I need to do the right thing just like my mentor taught me I carefully entered the house trying not to be detected I noticed that there was a

Broken end portal inside huh that’s weird but I was quickly distracted by the sounds coming from upstairs I drew my sword and ran upstairs seeing Sally the Skeleton horse locked in one of the rooms don’t worry Sally I’m here to help wait Zozo it’s a trap three Enderman

Suddenly appeared all around me I tried to fight back but I wasn’t fast enough they kept teleporting and attacking me back little by little I was backed into the corner it looked like I was a goner until I saw something on the floor is that a potion of fortitude it was I

Quickly grabbed it and drank it and it made me tough enough to collect my thoughts remembering the gift from my mentor I pulled out the dagger and charged in he was definitely right about its strength against against Enderman because soon enough all three you were defeated although I barely survived that

I went to free Sally from the locked room we celebrated for a moment in the room before I led her out and headed towards home let’s go and rest Sally I’ve missed you I shared some of my apples with Sally as we walked home happy to finally be reunited on day 71

To 74 with Sally’s help I invited more skeleton horses to my base and let them stay in my stable though I had to take time to expand the stable so everyone could fit inside let me know if it gets too cramped in there after I’d finished my Renovations I decided to Journey down

Into the diamond mine again and collect more you guessed it diamonds when I return to my base I used those diamonds to complete my set of diamond armor and enchant it with the protection enchantment to help improve my chances in an intense fight when the armor was

Done I noticed that I received a letter oh it’s the Craftsman whose wife I saved from that burning house he says he wants to meet me in the tavern of a nearby Village That’s so exciting on day 7 5 to 78 I did as the letter said and traveled

To the nearby Village I found the Craftsman waiting for me in the Village Tavern just like he promised good to see you again Zozo after what you did I’ve been thinking about a way to repair you and well I’m not a rich man as a

Craftsman I can give you an idea of mine if you are able to combine two netherite ingots two void wor mandibles and one void worm ah you could create a dimensional Carver a special pickaxe that can teleport between locations wait I have all of those materials that’s

Incredible I can build one right now thank you Mr Craftsman I made my way over to a nearby crafting bench and made myself a dimensional Carver and gave it a practice swing boom I was teleported to the Village outskirts with a group of great beasts charging at me uh-oh better

Get out of here I swung the dimensional Carver again and boom I was back in my base wow this tool is amazing though I’ll save it for emergencies in the future future on days 79 through 84 I started building a new storage shed for extra supplies in my base you never know

When you’ll need the extra storage space then I made a full set of armor for Sally so she could be better protected when she’s wandering through the forest this is great Zozo thank you but then I was running low on materials especially Stone and wood so I decided to head out

Into the forest to cut down some trees and mine some more Stone while I was mining and lumberjacking a passing Mage noticed me and approached excuse me young SK skeleton dragon but would you happen to be Zozo that depends do you work for Mr dark well I used to and

There’s something I want to get off my chest you have to understand Mr dark is pure evil if ever there was good in him it’s gone now you cannot reason with him you cannot talk to him the only joy he takes is in making others unhappy so

When you’re dealing with him just be careful he is not to be messed with and with that the Mage left guess that’s my daily dose of nightmare fuel on days 85 to 89 I returned to my base from the forest in the late evening only to find

Out that the worst had happened Mr dark was attacking my base with a whole gang of Soul leaders look friends zoo is back he’s here to join our little play time I want nothing to do with you or your deranged games I just want you to stop

Bothering everybody H yes we could do that or we could protect Soul Leader throw one of the Soul leaders pulled out a javelin and threw it at me but then something strange happened rather than losing Hearts I started to get bigger and stronger I’d become an evolved skeleton dragon reaching my full size

And going up 20 Hearts wa I guess all that training is finally paying off want to One V one me Mr dark why should I have all the fun my friends want to play with you too play with him Soul leaders Mr dark vanished again and the Soul

Leaders ran towards me with my new size and power it didn’t take me long to defeat them which made me even more frustrated that I couldn’t have taken on Mr dark there and then instead I had to increase the size of my bedroom a bigger skeleton dragon needs a bigger place to

Live on days 90 to 94 I finally finished my statue it’s a giant cool Skull statue showing how we skeletons stuck together and stood against the evil of Mr dark and his minions did you guess what it was before I just told you let me know

Down in the comments once the statue was finally done I decided I’d give some extra training to my best friend Sally the Skeleton horse we trained together on the base grounds by play fighting until she upgraded and became bigger and stronger it feels so good to be powerful

Enough to fend for myself thanks Zozo I never would have gotten this far without you Sally and after training Sally took me to her Brewing Station she had set up to make a bunch of healing potions you never know know when these will come in

Handy on day 95 to day 97 I met with the Necromancer in the forest he had some more valuable advice for me Zozo I’ve heard of the location of a cabin in these Woods once owned by a person who was researching Mr dark might be able to find some valuable information there

That definitely seemed like a good lead so I started searching the woods until I found a rundown old cabin on the inside I found a Dusty old book inside a chest oh I wonder what secret knowledge is inside but I didn’t have time to read it just yet suddenly the cabin was under

Attack by a gang of fire Elementals who’d come to burn down the cabin I was lucky to have my diamond armor or I would have been burned up too okay fire Elementals let’s go I took them on with my diamond sword and defeated them one by one only getting a little burnt in

The process great now I can finally read this book the book was filled with frantic notes including a part that read Mr dark that m Maniac he calls it Playland but it’s nothing like that there’s only death there it’s the end nothing but the end of course that

Explains the broken end portal too Mr dark’s Playland is actually the end on day 98 I prepared the final enchantments for my weapons and armor and met with Sally one last time she was nice enough to give me some more apples for the trip I’m going to take on Mr dark I

Discovered that he’s hiding in the end and without an End Portal I can use my dimensional Carver to get there you’re not going alone Zozo I’m coming with you but Sally but nothing I saved your butt the first time you came here and you think I’m going to let you wander right

Into Mr dark’s base alone we started this together and we’re going to finish it together too well when you played it like that I can’t exactly say no can I but I can say that if you want more exciting Adventures like this you should subscribe to Zozo and find more of our

Videos by searching zo zo on YouTube I’ll really appreciate it on day 99 Sally and I were ready to take the fight to Mr dark and free everyone that was still trapped in Playland let’s do this Zozo let’s make it so the people of this world never have to fear the night again

That’s what I’m talking about Sally Sally stood close to me and I used the dimensional Carver to teleport us all the way to the end so we could storm Playland together but as soon as we arrived we were immediately surrounded by a gang of Enderman I immediately

Regret this decision yeah me too I pulled out my handy dagger ready to fight off the Enderman when I realized that they weren’t here for me they surrounded Sally too fast for me to stop them and grabbed her they teleported away taking Sally with them to who knows

Where Sally no I knew why they done it they were working for Mr dark and Mr dark wanted me to face him alone on day 100 I walked deeper into the end alone looking for Mr dark he didn’t seem to be anywhere around here that’s when I noticed a cage containing a skeleton

Dragon just like me I’d finally found him don’t worry fellow draggy I’ll get you out of here I heard an evil laugh behind me and Mr dark appeared you’ve come to play with me had long last I knew you would in the end little one I’m

Not so little anymore I pulled out my dagger and turned to attack Mr dark but he teleported out of the way and hit me again he was even stronger than I remembered thankfully I had a spare potion of healing to take to offset the damage play along Zozo it’s no fun if

You don’t play I tried to attack him again but it was like fighting smoke every time I went for him he teleported out of the way and attacked me back it felt like all of my training was for nothing against him you don’t play fair Mr dark that’s because it’s no fun to

Play like that and I’m sorry Zozo but you’re starting to feel awfully boring to me I looked behind me and saw that a giant chasm had opened up in the ground behind me it was so dark down there I didn’t even know if there was a bottom

You’ll find find more friends down there Zozo you’ll never want to leave while Mr dark was focused on me I saw a figure charging up behind him it was Sally the Skeleton horse and still Mr dark hadn’t even noticed her any last words before you go into the dark Zozo

Yeah play time’s over what Sally the Skeleton horse charged into Mr dark and knocked him into the bottomless pit he screamed and fell never to be seen again can’t say I’m going to miss that creep let’s save the prisoners and get out of here Zozo you know that sounds good to

Me on day one I spawned in and ate my way out of a giant pumpkin as a fat dragon with 10 Hearts it looks like I’m way junkier than the average Dragon it’s okay though because it’s what’s on the inside that counts but my thoughts were interrupted by a huge Fireball hitting

The ground next to me I managed to dodge it just in time and looked up to see a huge fire fire dragon floating in the sky above me sup tubby what are you doing on my turf you know this is Chad’s Place who Chad’s the best hey don’t call

Me mean names and who’s this Chad guy I’m Chad and I rule and when I’m flying around here taking selfies for my red hot fire dragon insta I don’t want your goofy butt sitting in my background killing my vibe but but you can’t just

Call me names and kick me out yeah I can I’m Chad the fire Dragon I’m number one you aren’t the first loser I’ve chased out of here and you won’t be the last baby it’s fire time Chad the fire dragon blasted another Fireball at me I dodged

Again in the nick of time and flapped my wings flying off into the air and escaping Chad’s fire yeah that’s right you better run Nobody messes with Chad when I’d escaped Chad I landed for a bit to breathe and C myself down that guy was a major jerk why would you be

Mean to someone just because of what what they look like he must be evil my thoughts were interrupted by a big Angry dread Beast who thought I looked like a filling snack oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no all I could do was fly

Off before the dread beast pounced at me this world doesn’t seem too kind I need to make things better around here before everyone hates on each other on day two I landed somewhere that looked a little safer at least here nobody would start attacking me for no reason I need a roof

Over my head before I can do anything else maybe it’s time to build myself a fat dragon base I used some of my natural dragon strength to break down a few trees it wasn’t long before I had enough wood to make myself a wooden pickaxe and a crafting table then I used

My wooden pickaxe to dig up some Stone and create a stone sword and a stone pickaxe this is exactly what I need to build a base but first I need to get myself a sweet treat I had a hard couple of days I’ve earned it I flew off to a

Nearby area and found a delicious looking cake just laying around the perfect treat but then a dread ghoul jumped out of the shadows and started laughing my fish plan worked I knew that a cake would attract a perfect fat little victim and I was right oh come on

Why is everyone here so judgmental it’s the way of the world fat dragon and now you fallen for my trap you’re all mine but before the dread ghoul could pounce I flew away again all the way back to my base to enjoy my cake wait I got so

Distracted by the cake that I didn’t even start my base when I landed I used my stone pickaxe and collected more resources and started building myself a basic base at least it would give me somewhere to stay at the end of the day I should work on a kitchen next on day

Three I decided that I needed to make my base a little bigger I wasn’t the tiniest dragon out there after all and I needed the base to be roomy to be comfortable in it so I flew off to a new location to collect more resources of

Course it wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d hoped because nothing seems to be easy around here the second I landed there was an angry looking dread Knight waiting for me a vest thou art a hefty Dragon for sooth Alec is a battle a battle good sir I literally don’t

Understand anything you’re saying but I still feel like you’re being mean to me thou art correct battle me Nave I was really upset about being called me names again probably so this time I was ready to engage in battle I attacked him with my stone sword until the dread Knight

Gave up and moved away thou doth won this time Dragon but next time I will have my revenge for sooth stop saying for sooth it doesn’t make you sound cool or smart it’s just weird with that the dread Knight ran away moments later a different figure emerged a big black

Hippogriff oh no are you going to say mean things about my weight too what Heavens know I’d never dream of judging someone based on their appearance that’s a total Chad the dragon move I’m buck buck the hippogriff wait Chad the dragon you know that guy huh I wish I didn’t

He’s so conceited if he was made of cake he’d probably eat himself talk about a selfish meanie oh speaking of cake I have some back in my base come join me we can share it together I’m Zozo by the way finally someone kind around here you seem hungry already I’ll let you have

Some of my fish and let’s go was oh I’d made my first friend and we started back to my base things were finally looking up for me from day four to day five I returned to my base with buck the hippogriff it felt nice to have someone

Who is so kind in a world that had been so mean to me let’s build you a room Buck something that really suits your awesome personality you’re too kind Zozo you are kind to me first this is just me getting even I started expanding my base

Creating a nice new room for buck to stay in I even made it with an open roof so he could fly out and explore anytime he wanted this this is an awesome room Zozo I’m so happy that I met you you’re the coolest fat dragon I’ve ever seen

You’re doing a lot to help boost my confidence Buck I love it but our wholesome friendship moment was interrupted by a bunch of deathworms slithering out of the ground towards me oh no I need to do something about this before it ruins my whole base I ran in

And started battling the death worms lucky for me in the Battle of worms versus dragons dragons normally win and this was no exception and once the worms were defeated they dropped some delicious apples onto the ground huh apples in worms it doesn’t normally go that way around I stashed the apples

Into my inventory and went back to my base where Buck the hippogriff and I could hang out with the death worms taken care of I could work on expanding and improving my base first I need to make sure I have a fixed source of food breakfast especially I’d love some eggs that’s why

I built a c and some fences then collected a few chickens and let them live inside free range of course because that’s the kindest way to do it it’ll make the eggs taste better too but while I was out searching for more chickens to add to my teeny tiny chicken farm I saw

The last thing I ever wanted to see Chad the fire dragon he was flying right above me looking just as mean and arrogant as ever what are you doing here chubby didn’t the Chad Meister tell you that you need to get off the Overworld maybe go to the nether that’s where all the

Other weird ugly beast hang out nice one Chad you can’t nice one your own joke Chad it doesn’t work like that Chad can do anything that Chad likes he’s the best I mean I’m the best whatever look at what I can do suddenly Chad started growing even bigger and stronger than

Before he made even his old self look small Oh no you’re so huge how I’ve been getting some extra reps in at the gym it’s making me real swole you’d know this if you followed my fire insta like I said instead you’re going to deal with

My fire fire Chad blasted an even bigger Fireball at me there was no way I could fight him like this I needed to just get out of here I flew off as fast as I could just hoping that Chad wouldn’t follow me getting rid of him was going

To be a lot harder than I thought from day nine to day 10 I sat in my room at my base feeling terrible about all the things Chad said to me and how much stronger he was than me how can I ever expect to stop him from being so

Horrible to everyone if I can’t even stop him from being horrible to me Buck the hippogriff seemed to sense that I was upset and came in to com me Zozo I’m so sorry about all those terrible things that Chad said to you for what it’s worth he’s only like that because deep

Down he’s so insecure about himself he wishes he had the kind of confidence you have those are kind words buck and they do make me feel a little better I just feel bad that I wasn’t able to defeat him maybe what you need is a little inspiration go look out into the yard

And see a little something I’ve been working on for you I ran outside and saw that bug had been working on a statue it looked incredible but it was early enough that I couldn’t quite tell what it was yet wow this is amazing what do you think it’s going to be when it’s

Done let me know down in the comments Buck came up to me again amazing workbook I love the statue what’s it going to be I couldn’t give that away and besides there’s something else you should see I built you a base upgrade I looked back at my base and saw that buck

Had built me a storage room the perfect place to store all of our weapons and supplies Buck you’re the best friend I’ve ever had from day 11 to day 12 I decided it was time to rest and recover from the stressful last few days after all it’s important to take care of

Yourself and take time off now and then but while I was sleeping I started having the strangest dreams I dreamed of how Chad the fire dragon was first created he crawled out of lava deep underground a dragon of pure fire wao I’m a dragon of pure fire this is crazy

You think I’m going to call myself self Chad yeah that feels like a good name for me but everyone was afraid of Chad because he was so big and so dangerous because of his Firepower Chad felt bad about everyone being afraid of him so to

Cover up how bad he felt he decided to pretend he was confident in a completely over-the-top way the Cher’s number one but because Chad’s confidence wasn’t real he could only protect it one way by being mean to others putting them down to make himself feel better everyone is

Dumb and ugly except me oh yeah Chad is awesome and I’m Chad baby Chad developed such a reputation for being rude and mean nobody would tell him to stop and as the years went on he only got more powerful needless to say it was a really

Weird dream but I definitely felt like I knew more about Chad afterwards I just wish I knew how I could use it against him from day 13 to day 15 I decided I needed to settle a few old scores to improve my confidence idence this fat dragon was through with running away

That’s why I flew back to where it all started to face the dread Beast that thought I was an easy snack now I was going to show him that fighting me was going to be anything but easy I landed right next to the dread Beast ready to

Battle with the stone sword at the ready let’s go dread Beast we’ll see who’s really feeling the dread when I’m done the dread Beast ran at me but I didn’t budge I fought back and this time I won and with the XP I got from winning I leveled up into a bigger t

Fatter Dragon Chad is going to think twice about messing with me now I’ve got an entire 30 hearts and a brand new weapon Dragon claws I took to the skies happier than I’d felt in a long time from day 16 to day 19 feeling encouraged by all my progress lately I decided it

Was time to treat myself to a gear upgrade I found a nearby mine and went underground digging until I found some iron ore perfect this is exactly what I needed but I wasn’t alone in the mine because the perfect opposite of a fat dragon was down there waiting for me a

Bunch of human skeletons at least they don’t have enough telling to make any mean jokes about me I defeated the skeletons then used my iron ore to smelt and craft an iron sword and an iron pickaxe looks like my fighting and Mining skills have just leveled up Chad

Is going to feel so jealous about this when he finds out with all my new gear I went back to my base feeling better than ever from day 20 to day 22 I was rudely awakened By Buck storming into the room so zo Zozo you need to wake up right now

Something terrible is happening terrible oh no that doesn’t sound good quite the opposite actually it’s terrible Chad the fire dragon is waiting for you outside I think he wants to fight I got up and ran outside as quickly as I could and just like Buck had told me Chad the fire

Dragon was waiting he hey jabroni it’s the Chad Meister chaddon the Central African nation of Chad and as usual I’m happy to hand you a big steaming plate of humiliation baby you may be a fire dragon Chad but I think you’re just full of hot air are you really saying all

This stuff about yourself because you believe it or because you want to believe it o look at you Mr Big tubby head shrinker you think you understand the Cher’s brain the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma you could never even hope to understand what I’m about

And I’m actually super duper confident you’re just way too much of a loser to get that sounds like you you’re not that sure of yourself I so am let’s fight doofus we charged at each other and began battling he blew fire at me but with my new Strength since our last

Battle I was able to take the heat that’s when I showed him my new claws swiping at him again and again he seemed so shocked that I was really fighting back that he broke away from the fight and started to fly off I didn’t really want to fight you that time anyway smell

You later fat dragon it wasn’t exactly a true Victory but I’d seen the first C in Chad’s confidence maybe I can beat him after all from day 23 to Day 26 I decided that I needed to treat myself to a new enchantment for all my hard work

Surviving my first true fight with Chad given how much he’d helped me so far I asked Buck what he thought I should do seeing as you got yourself an iron sword while back maybe you should apply the sharpness enchantment who knows it might even make your claws more powerful

That’s a great idea Buck you’re always looking out for me on Buck’s suggestion I crafted and applied the sharpness and en all my weapons were a lot more effective after that from day 27 to day 31 I got more good news from Buck Zozo come take a look I’ve been doing some

More work on the Statue and I think you’re going to love it a That’s so exciting I can’t wait to see I ran out and took a look at the Statue it wasn’t done yet but it was coming along so well Buck really had a gift for making

Statues this looks amazing Buck I can’t wait to see what it’ll be when it’s done that’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about Zoo the statue is coming along great but it needs something else think you can go get some for me no problem Buck I’ll set off

Immediately Buck told me what he needed and sent me off to the West I headed out with my iron pickaxe ready to mine like my life depended on it it didn’t take me long to find the blocks that buck needed but there was a Wither there waiting for

Me nothing is ever easy around here I took a few wither schulls but soon managed to use my claws to turn the tide of the battle once the Wither was gone I Min the blocks and went back to my base Buck was waiting for me here Buck take

These thanks Zozo this is exactly what I needed from day 32 to day 35 I went out exploring again wanting to increase my strength and confidence if there were any Quests for me to take I’d be happy to take them but my confidence was shaken a little by a huge creeper spider

Suddenly skittering towards me this is not how I wanted to spend today I ran away as the creeper spider exploded taking out a bunch of blocks beneath it but thankfully not me creepers are one of those problems that take care of themselves while I was wandering around

The explosion scarred area I saw another strange creature a rabbit wolf hopping around and looking worried are you okay Miss Rabbit Wolf the truth is no things are awful right now awful oh no what happened is there any way I could help my friend the rabbit was kidnapped by

The Crimson Phantom he’s a local weirdo who thinks he’s a super villain and if if we don’t save the rabbit Su who knows what will happen we’ll never have to find out wait here I’m going to go save your rabbit friend and with that I flew

Off ready to become a hero from Day 36 to day 39 I arrived at the location where the wannabe super villain the Crimson Phantom was holding the rabbit he was every bit as weird as the wolf rabbit had told me it is I the Crimson Phantom the Lord

Of Darkness I am the the most powerful and evil villain in the Overworld and nothing will stop me from taking control I number one but isn’t Chad the fire dragon number one oh no Chad is he here no no he’s not here I was just talking figuratively pH that’s a relief almost

Lost my cool there hearing all of that gave me an idea the Crimson Phantom may not be afraid of me but he was definitely afraid of our mutual enemy Chad the fire dragon maybe Chad can be useful for once from day 40 to day 43 I flew out towards the Crimson Phantom and

The captured rabbit trying to look as intimidating as possible both of them turned to look at me as I approached be the fat dragon for I am the Crimson Phantom the viest villain in all of the Overworld and this rabbit belongs to me fool I work for his chadness Chad the

Fire dragon and he is extremely displeased that you’re out here tarnishing his rad name oh no oh no no no no no please please tell his chadness I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cause any offense I’ll do whatever he wants I promise you’ll give up the rabbit and

Let her go his chadness requests your presence of course I’ll Wait f Dragon Chad’s been making fun of you on his Dragon insta for weeks now you’re not with him you’re trying to trick me ah you can’t blame me for trying with my plan foiled I attacked the Crimson

Phantom with my powerful claws despite all his bragging he was one of the easiest enemies I’d ever defeated you saved me thank you so much I was worried I’d never get away from that awful villain don’t thank me rabbit you’ve got a friend who cares a lot about you as if

On Q the rabbit wolf hopped in thank you for all you’ve done Zozo here take this potion of swiftness it’s the least I could do you’re a true hero oh stop it you’re going to make me cry from day 44 to day 49 I gave more materials to Buck

The black hippogriff so he could continue work on the Statue great job Zozo you’re really pulling your weight with this project I’ll take that as a compliment considering how much my weight is I mean it buddy you’re a kind and reliable person anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend thanks

Buck now I feel like a million bucks there’s only one me Zozo just like there’s only one you that’s deep but you knew what I meant I let Buck continue working on the Statue and realized that I was hungry after all the quests I’d been doing I had really worked up an

Appetite it was time to add something to the base in order to help out with that a proper kitchen I’d craft a couple of cooking surfaces and shelves to store ingredients that way I’d be able to make the most nutritious meals when I was in the mood for food it’s like they always

Say never trust a skinny cook and always trust a fat dragon cook once I had completed the kitchen I went back to see how Buck was doing on the Statue it was starting to look even more like what it was supposed to be I couldn’t wait to

See how it would look when it was done from day 50 to day 53 I was minding my own business at the base when jaad the fire dragon decided to rear his big over inflated head oh hey chubster still your lame roly pully self I see lucky for you

The Chad Meister decided to take some time out of his busy insta schedule to instigate a little one-on one conflict leave me alone already Chad I’ll fight if I have to but I didn’t wake up this morning choosing violence too bad because Chad the cool and rad always

Chooses to dunk on losers by the way when I said oneon-one I meant one on several because I’ve brought my fans with me it was true Chad had rolled up with a bunch of fire Guardians who listened to everything he said they must have been followers by Nature how is it

Fair to outnumber me Chad at least fight your own battles if you’re going to be a bully well sorry there’s so much of you to go around that I thought I should bring more guys get get up boys Chad’s fire Guardians tried to gang up on me

But I was a fighter now so I shredded through them with my claws I was so focused on the fight that I almost didn’t see Chad and the other Guardians kidnpped Buck from the base Zozo win that fight and come save me I know you

Can Buck how low does Chad want to go in order to ruin my life I took down the rest of the attacking fire Guardians like Buck said and I felt my confidence Rising I grew larger and obtained 60 Hearts I could also breathe a big blast

Of fire looks like Chad isn’t the only one with fire around here with that I also set the front yard on fire from day 54 to day 57 I spent some time putting out the fires left over from the attack on the base they sure did set a big part

Of my base on fire but it didn’t bother me that much because I could easily extinguish it once I had extinguished the fire I thought about the one thing I couldn’t repair I need to get Buck back he always stuck up for me so I want to

Do the same for him I went to the desert to go visit Miss Rabbit wolf I knew a thing or two about friendship and because I helped her rescue her friend not too long ago she would probably help me rescue mine I’m so sorry that buck

Got taken away by Chad’s henchmen I know exactly how that feels want to do something about it but I don’t know where to begin why don’t you try checking the Selfies that Chad posts there’s got to be something in the background that could help you find out

Where he’s taking Buck that’s a good idea he posts pictures of where he is all the time it should be easy to find his Evil Lair from that you can turn his false confidence into a real weakness thanks rabbit wolf from day 58 to day 62

I went mining for diamonds so I could upgrade my tools I’m a confident dragon and I deserve to treat myself to nicer things of course not everyone in the mine agreed with me on that point there were a bunch of warped Phantoms swarming around where I was trying to dig I could

Use my fire breath to scatter them but they’ always come back this seems like more of a task for my claws can’t a dragon mine in peace once I had cleared out all the Warped Phantoms I was able to gather a good amount of diamonds from

The cave I crafted a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe both of which would come in handy when the time came for me to go rescue Buck from the clutches of Chad from day 63 to day 66 I was looking at the unfinished statue and feeling sad

That buck couldn’t be here the two of us had been working together on the statue for a long time now and seeing that it was unfinished was a reminder that without him I’d never see what the statue could become I thought about working on it myself but that wouldn’t

Do any good Buck is counting on me to rescue him from Chad I couldn’t back down from facing that terrible bully for now the statue needs to wait hang on Buck I’m going to find you wherever you are and if you want to find more of my awesome adventures make sure to

Subscribe to the channel and ring that notification Bell so you’ll always be able to from day 67 to Day 70 I found a place that looked a lot like where Chad the fire dragon took many of his selfies the Crimson Gardens were definitely red like one might expect for a fire dragon

And there also seemed to be a huge Lair designed to show off that’s got to be Chad’s PAD as I approached I noticed that there were a bunch of fire Guardians hanging around outside my guess had to be correct since those mobs would do anything for Chad’s attention

Including trying to keep me out of Chad’s pad I knew I was looking at a fight if I tried to get past them hey you guys is my friend inside there the the fire Guardian said nothing and charged me all at once I knew fire breath wouldn’t do any good against

Creatures of pure fire so I stuck to melee attacks thanks to my increased Health even fighting this many fire Guardians wasn’t much of a problem it was true that I’d gotten even bigger and stronger since my other fight with Chad’s minions I’m not just fat I’m

Large and in charge I was able to battle my way through the inside of Chad’s pad I just knew my friend was in here somewhere from day 71 to day 74 I explored Chad’s pad and fought off more of the fire Guardians as they did this base is gigantic Chad must really enjoy

Having a lot of space that he doesn’t need all to himself while I was sneaking around I saw Chad he must have been finished taking selfies in a nearby room oh yeah Chad rules the camera loves Chad and so does everyone else and Chad he seemed to be really into his routine at

The moment and it felt awkward to interrupt him I came here to rescue Buck not to pick a fight so I just let him continue bigging himself up of course I couldn’t help myself from sneaking some potions of healing from one of his pad’s chests he won’t miss it and besides he’s

Hurt me enough times that one little potion is the least of what he’d need to do to make up for it from day 75 to day 78 I managed to find the dungeon where Chad had been keeping Buck it was time for a good oldfashioned Prison Break

Zozo you made it I always knew you had it in you friend thanks Buck it was hard making it all the way here without your kind words but I was still able to do it because I’ve got confidence in myself now I used my fire breath to destroy the

Bars of the prison setting Buck free nicely done now let’s get out of here whoa whoa whoa who said you could leave Chad didn’t and if Chad didn’t it doesn’t matter who did Chad oh no it was Chad there was only one thing I could

Think of to make sure that buck would be safe from this kidnapping bully jerk get out of here Buck I’ll catch up with you after Chad and I have a talk with that buck off leaving me alone to take on Chad H like Chad would talk to you for

Any reason other than reminding you that you’re totally stupid looking actually I meant talk asn’t fight let’s work things out like dragons with our Claws and fire breath can’t get enough of Chad’s fire breath okay you asked for it Chad breathed his fire blast at me but I

Returned with my own he was surprised that I could do what he did but that made sense because he always underestimated me we started to fight with our flws and even more than the previous time I was holding my own I got several good hits in on him before he

Started to show a little bit of nervousness what’s the matter Chad not able to pretend as well as you normally do as if Chad needs to pretend I’m the real deal L check this out from day 79 to day 84 Chad flexed his Dragon muscles and totally hulked out into a super

Beast of a dragon oh yeah Chad was already the best but now you can say hello to the even better super mega Ultra Deluxe Chad Meister Supreme yikes I didn’t expect he’d have another form Chad totally could have beaten you in his regular form Chad just didn’t feel like it right so he

Transformed for absolutely no reason at all I’m really not sure I believe you but I’m also really afraid of your new form I ran away as fast as I could behind me I could hear Chad laughing and calling me more mean names we would see who would be laughing the next time we

Met but this time it was definitely Chad who would be laughing from day 85 to day 89 I returned to base and found that buck had already made his way back there before me I was really glad to see him home the base had not felt the same without him did I miss

Anything Zozo I was gone for a long time at Chad’s pad that fire dragon was so annoying and talking about himself the whole time I’m really glad to be back I’m glad to hear it Buck sorry you had to go through all that it wasn’t all bad

I did manage to swipe some relaxation supplies from Chad’s relaxation room I bet we could turn these into a room of our own that sounds awesome I love relaxation I got to work on upgrading the base with a brand new relaxation room well Buck chose to make up for lost

Time and work on the Bas of statue I made sure to put all the right details into the relaxation room including lots of couches for buck and I to lounge around on I bet both of us will really appreciate the work I’ve done on this room after Buck is done putting together

That statue when I was done with the relaxation room I went to see the statue and found that it looked absolutely incredible it was only a statue of me but I never looked at myself so proudly before remember how you feel about yourself at this moment zoo that

Confidence in who you are recognizing your own best qualities is the key to defeating Chad I did almost have him last time but he’s got this new super duper form now and I think he’s going to knock me out the next time I see him in

That case you just take what you already like about yourself and make it even more powerful there is a spell you can cast that will bring your inner strength to the surface show him who you really are from day 90 to Day 94 I sought out

The book of spells which was said to contain a spell that would bring my inner strength to the surface it was located inside of a deep cave that was full of Wither spiders there was a time not so long ago that I wouldn’t have dared to fight for myself especially

Against such powerful mobs but if what Buck said about this spell was true then I couldn’t wait to get my inner strength on I’m becoming more like who I want to be every single day and there’s nothing that some bully can say that would make me feel like I’m less than that the

Wither spiders had powerful attacks and could shoot deadly wither skulls but with my chubby body and huge amount of Hearts I could withstand equally huge amounts of damage big is beautiful I burned the spiders away with my fire breath and found my way to the book of

Spells this must be the right one I’ll read it when I get back home from day 95 to day 97 I was back at base preparing for my Showdown with Chad I was determined to use everything that I had in order to win this fight and overcome

The that bully once and for all I knew that I’d be having the fight at his place so instead of doing any sort of upgrades on my base I focused on what I would need to do to fight at my best potions are the way to go I can drink a

Lot of those at once to give myself an advantage first up was a standard potion of strength to increase the damage of my claw attacks second I chose a potion of regeneration so I could get even more use out of my high amount of hearts and

The third potion that I picked was a potion of fire resistance Chad is always bragging about his fire but this should take the heat off of me on day 98 I decided to relax so that I wouldn’t stress out too much about the impending fight I was going to have with Chad I

Couldn’t let him get into my head so I made sure to fill my brain with fun and positive feelings and if you want to feel fun and positive too you should type zo zoo into the search bar so you can find more of my videos also while

It’s just us relaxing go ahead and leave a comment about what I should be next on day 99 it was time to settle my score with Chad one and for all time I walked through the Crimson Gardens and stay inside Chad’s pad that mean and nasty fire dragon himself was lying in weight

And he was still in his tricked out new form back for more you little dragon tender Chad is better than Chad has ever been this new form is totally awesome and definitely better than anything you could do I Now understand why you decided to take that form Chad cuz I’m a

Beast like that no it’s because you have something to prove you may have scared everybody else but I was able to Rattle that fake confidence of yours you’re the one who has actually scared Chad what no you you don’t know what you’re talking about Chad is the man or the dragon Man

Actually I’m just a dragon yes and I’m just a fat dragon who’s got Inner Strength I downed my potions and use the book of spells to cast a spell of power and unleash my inner strength my heart rose to 100 and I now had a mighty tail

Slap Attack ready to throw down Chad Chad is having second thoughts I mean now Chad’s the best Chad will take you out in any form tubo the fight began and I whipped him with my new tail slap he tried his fire breath of course but I was resistance your fire can’t hurt me

Anymore and neither can your words I gave him serious claw strikes and even more tlaps then I Unleashed my own fire breath no way you can’t be fire Chad is fire Chad is fire as fire not anymore then I tail slapped Chad one more time

And he was was done bothering me on day 100 I was once again relaxing at the base with buck the black hippogriff Chad won’t bother me or anyone again I really taught him a lesson you sure did stand up for yourself Zozo and you never let

Anyone tell you who you should be or how you should look you said it Buck I’m the best at being me and that’s what counts more than anything else on day one I spawned into the Badlands as an awesome lava dinosaur I may only a baby but I

Think when I grow up I’m going to be the coolest creature of all but being that cool comes with certain drawbacks you attract a lot of attention that must have been why a terrifying soulblaze suddenly appeared in front of me behold is I the ultimate being the Lord of

Souls and I wish to add yours to my collection Zozo wait how do you know my name I know all I see all and in time I will be able to do all I will absorb your power little lava dinosaur and with it I will become unstoppable my power I don’t even have

Any power yet oh but you will Zoo you will over the next 100 days I will challenge you I will hunt you through these trials I will make you strong and then when you reach the high of your power you will be mine before I could

Try to talk him out of this wild plan he fired an energy blast from his supercharged soulblaze rods I ran as fast as I could terrified by what he planned to do I want to get stronger but if I do will I just be playing into the

Lord of souls hands this is going to be a tough one on day two I ventured out deeper into the Badlands to try and see what I could find there’s still a lot I don’t know about this place it’s called the bad lands but it seems pretty okay

To me so far I’ve got to be careful though I only have 10 Hearts so I want to stay out of trouble suddenly I heard my stomach growl oh that’s right I’ve been alive for almost 2 days and I haven’t eaten yet I better find some

Snacks I wasn’t sure what kind of food I could find in the Badlands but as I was looking around I spotted something red on the ground hey apples perfect an apple a day keeps the Lord of souls away that’s the saying right I ate the apples

And felt much better with a full stomach good luck didn’t last long I saw some Vex piglins scowling at me and flying toward me face us Zozo the Lord of souls sent us to test your strength no I don’t want to too bad time to fight it got

Even closer and started to attack I did my best to defend myself but I had never fought anyone before and these guys were way too strong for me all I could do was run away from those terrifying Vex piglins and in the process I ran into a spider llama follow follow me these

Piggies can eat my dust on day three the spider llama led me to a campfire further out in the Badlands it was a huge relief to find a cozy safe place to rest for a while this is where the magic happens and by Magic I mostly mean

Sleeping and hanging out with my buddy the fire Guardian I don’t see a fire Guardian until I did see one standing by the fire that’s because I’m over here guard in this fire hello there baby lover dinosaur I see you too are being for in fire May your flame burn brightly

Thanks I’m Zozo by the way it’s nice to meet you Zozo my name is Dennis and this SPID of Lama who brought you here goes by the name Zach I’m grateful for both of you those Vex piglins cornered me in a totally unfair fight they were working

For this awful Soul Blaze big scary guy maybe you know him unfortunately I do the Lord of souls means to add you to his collection I assume yes he said he’s going to wait for me to become strong then he’s going to take my soul and

Steal my power so I decided I’m not going to get stronger at all that way he won’t get me I’ll just lay low and stay out of trouble I know it seems frightening but you must seek strength and progress anyway but you can’t allow the load of souls to steal that strength

Instead you must use it against him so that he never takes another Soul again oh jeez that sounds like a lot of work it will be but you will have help no dinosaur is truly alone in this world now when he has friends go with Zach and

Build your first Bas will develop from there okay then it’s decided I’ll become the biggest strongest lava dinosaur I can and I’ll defeat the Lord of souls before he can use my power to become Unstoppable it’s the right thing to do from day four to day five I got to work

Building my base first things first to build my base I need some tools I’m going to need to gather some wood can I even touch trees without setting them on fire I sure hope so luckily me being a lava dinosaur didn’t have any effect on

The trees and I was able to gather some wood then I use that wood to craft a wooden pickaxe next I’ll get some Stone I use the wooden pickaxe to gather enough Stone to craft a full set of stone tools including a stone sword my

First sword check me out I’m not just a weak little baby dinosaur anymore now I’m a baby dinosaur with a sword but I didn’t have time to practice sword fighting I needed to build a place for me and Zach to stay I built a small house and added a room for Zach and

Another room for me there we go home sweet home nice digs simple but nice we can always add more too Zach went inside and I was able to follow him when a skeleton ran up and started attacking me luckily I had my new stone sword and I

Was able to defend myself I was still pretty new to fighting but I managed to defeat him after the fight I started to feel funny not in a bad way but different I grew a little bigger and I felt stronger my heart’s increased to 30

Yay as I yelled I saw a blast of fire shoot out of my mouth wow cool fire breath I’ll have to be careful not to accidentally burn anything down when I talk but this is awesome from day 6 to day 8 I decided that it was time for me

To explore the area outside of the bad lands I can’t just hang around here forever I’ve got to get out there and learn more about being a lava dinosaur like what’s the difference between a lava dinosaur and a dragon is it that I don’t have wings I got to find out and

Also stopped the Lord of souls from stealing my power yeah that too I traveled to the Black Forest I thought black forest was a type of cake but I don’t see any cake here I guess life is disappointing sometimes oh well I was distracted by the lack of cake when I

Saw poor old fisherman being attacked by a nasty Thorn wolf I ran at the wolf with my sword and attacked it took a while to defeat the thorn wolf and it snarled at me snapping its jaws it was pretty scary but I managed to fight it off thank you young dinosaur I was

Afraid that blasted wolf would tar me limb from limb yikes I’m glad he didn’t you need your limbs a should do can’t really in the fish without them which is what I was trying to do when I was attacked by that beast but if you think

That thorn wolf was bad you should see the other guy the wolf guy that is say if you manage to defeat that Mongrel maybe you can defeat this monster too could you give it a try sure I can try just show me where to go from Day N to

Day 10 I followed the fishermen to a place deeper in the Black Forest is it just me or is it getting really creepy be in here it’s definitely not just you you can probably sense The Thorn corrupted Wolfman that’s taken over this part of the woods which is a shame

Because some of the best fishing is over here and I can’t get to it with him attacking anyone who gets too close that’s not fair I’ll do my best to make sure you get your fishing spot back up ahead The Thorn corrupted Wolf Man appeared he had nasty matted fur and

Wild eyes ow who’s trespassing in my Forest it’s me Zozo you huh well I was getting pretty hungry I guess you’ll make a nice snack how about you try some fire breath I used my fire breath to attack but the Wolfman didn’t even Flinch he came back at me and slashed me

With his claws ow oh this might be too tough of a fight for me I ran back to the fisherman and away from danger as quick as I could quick let’s get out of here you’re just giving up no I’ll come back when I’m stronger but if that’s

Going to happen we need to survive another day come on the fisherman agreed and we both ran out of there until we couldn’t hear the wolfman’s bone chilling house anymore from day 11 to day 12 I led the fisherman back to my base you can stay here until the Black

Forest is a Wolfman free zone well thank you but is there any room for me I don’t want to be rude but your home looks pretty small well I can fix that just wait wait right here I’ll build you a room I got to work and built a nice room

For the fisherman to sleep in when I was finished I saw that he wasn’t where I left him he had added another room to the base too what’s this just a weed token of my appreciation I thought you might need more room for items and such

So I built you a storage room I hope you’ll find it useful you didn’t have to do that there is very little we truly have to do in this world it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing I’m glad there are nice people out there and not just the

Lord of Souls and his minions stay far away from him my friend he would love to steal a power like yours that’s what he told me too I’m going to do my best to defeat him so he can’t steal people’s power anymore be very careful I’ve heard

Rumors that he’s been waiting for the chance to absorb the strength of a fire breathing dragon and as a lava dinosaur you’re probably the next best thing yikes talk with the fisherman inspired me to keep working on upgrading my weapons so I went to a nearby by Cavern

To get some mining done I gathered some iron ore which I took back to my base and smelted into iron ingots then I used them to make an iron pickaxe and an iron sword spiffy hey with another new person staying here we’re going to need more supplies I should find some animals I

Spotted some sheep grazing nearby and decided that they would be perfect I built a sheep farm for them and harded them into their pen this place is really coming together from day 13 to day 15 I was out of ideas for how to get strong

So I decided to ask Zach for some advice hey you’re a tough guy right sure am why did someone say I wasn’t I’ll fight them no no no I I just wanted to ask you what you think I should do to get stronger what should I do well everyone’s journey

Is different little dude but I do know that facing your fears is a good way to grow maybe try that well I was pretty scared in the Black Forest I guess I can go back there I’ll just make sure I don’t run into the wolf man oh yeah

Don’t mess with the Wolfman they’re always looking for a fight and they’re no fun at parties I traveled back to the black forest keeping an eye out for the Wolfman got to face my fears it’s so creepy in here though why is this Forest so scary as if to answer my question

Some Vex piglins popped out maybe it’s because you’re nothing but a weak little baby oh no it’s those Vex piglins again yep we’ve decided you’re a waste of the boss’s time fine it would be better to just get rid of you and find a better

Target for him guess I have to fight you then and face my fears I used my fire breath to attack then ran at them with my new iron sword they fought back but I dodged them after a little bit of fire breath and sword action I was finally

Able to defeat them I did it Zach was right I do feel stronger oh look a health potion they must have dropped it I picked up the health potion and drank it my heart increased to 60 and my claws got sharper cool I have a new ability

Claw attack from day 16 to day 19 my exploration took me out of the black forest and into the Cypress swamp lands so nice to change out those old trees for some new different trees and those different trees brought me Good Luck because I spotted a book and picked it

Up the title said Better Living Through Exposition what is that mean better take a look inside just to see okay it says that the Lord of souls hides somewhere dry and hot so definitely not anywhere nearby then that’s good to know why read about it you’ll be winding up there soon

Enough Vex piglins but I just defeated you no those are some other Vex piglins there are dozens of us dozens and we’re all coming after you well this worked before so I guess I’ll try it again fire breath attack I used my fire breath but it wasn’t quite enough to defeat them so

I followed it up with a few swipes of my claws claw attack turns out the Vex piglins were no match for my new and improved Claws and I managed to win the battle from day 20 to day 22 I headed back home to my base on the way I fought

A mean looking spider to test out my new abilities it was easy to beat way easier than the Vex piglins okay now I need to get back into the mines and see if I can find some more materials Zozo needs some iron armor I don’t know why I talked

About myself in third person like that let’s go I climbed down into the mining Cavern and searched until I found some iron ore back at my base I smelted the ore and used the iron ingots to craft an iron chest plate this thing makes me feel pretty tough between this and my

New abilities I think I can finally Fight The Wolfman with my new confidence and more importantly my new chest plate I traveled back to the black forest to look for The Thorn corrupted wolf man I followed the sound of his howl until I found him when he saw me he growled back

Again good I was start starting to get hungry and you’re bigger now even better I could use a good meal he came at me with his claws but I had claws too I used my claw attack and he looked shocked at how much damage it did that

Didn’t stop him though and he attacked me again but my iron chest plate protected me from his fangs and Claws and I was able to get the upper hand and win the fight Splendid I turned around and the Lord of souls was there you’re getting stronger I see soon you will be

Strong enough and your power will make me Invincible or I’ll use it to defeat you impossible you were born for this very purpose a prophecy foretold that the power of a fire breathing dragon would allow me to conquer all but I’m a dinosaur close enough I didn’t want to

Stick around to hear what else he had to say so I got out of there as fast fast as I could from day 23 to Day 26 I ran away from The Lord of Souls and headed back to my base I can’t stand that guy at least I have good news for the

Fisherman speak of the devil you do I love good news yes the Wolfman is finally gone you can go back to your favorite fishing spot again thank you so much Zozo next time I’ll catch a fish I’ll name it after you okay next I went back into the mining Cavern to find some

More iron ore once I had it I smelted it and used the ingots to craft an iron helmet and Boots pretty snazzy stuff while I was admiring my new armor the fisherman came to talk to me again before I head out to catch some fish I built a perimeter wall for the base

Something to keep us all a little safer here just my way of saying thanks for getting rid of that man eating wolf man no problem wa it looks great from day 27 to day 31 I decided to return to the Cypress swampland to see if I could find

Anything else useful I found that book here before who knows what else I might stumble on turns out the answer was a fire Elemental and he stumbled on me excuse me are you the dragon that got rid of the Vex piglins who were here earlier I’m a dinosaur but yeah that was

Me that was really impressive they were causing a huge mess around here but before you managed to get them they got to my house and destroyed it any chance you know where I could stay for a while follow me I’ll show show you the way to my base I escorted the fire Elemental

Back to my base then I collected some fluffy wool from my sheep you know what sheep I think this place is looking a little bit boring what do you think the Sheep didn’t say anything back but I could tell they agreed so I put up some decorative banners much better from day

32 to day 35 Zach came to me to ask for help what’s going on it’s Dennis he’s facing some kind of Menace I think that Lord of souls sent some creeps to mess with him oh no let’s go right away I traveled to Dennis the fire guardian’s

Campfire and by the time we got there there were Vex piglins all over the place and I couldn’t see Dennis anywhere you will pay for this I rushed in and blasted the piglins with my fire breath then I shredded them with my claw attack

I was able to defeat a bunch of them and once they were out of the way I saw Dennis fading away oh no Zoo you came thank you but I’m afraid it’s too late for me be strong help the others save the world and just like that he was gone

From Day 36 to day 39 I traveled back to the black forest so I could see how the fisherman was doing at his fishing spot before I could get to the fishing spot a ghost Miner drifted out from between two trees and approached me well Alby you

Look like a strong young who might just be able to help out an oldtime like me what do you say sure what do you need back for I was a ghost I was attacked by a deep spider around these parts suppose you could destroy that spider so I can

Finally get my revenge on the Critter sure I searched the Black Forest until I found the Deep spider it was pretty easy to defeat with just a blast of my fire breath and a few swipes of my sword then I went back to the ghost Miner I did

It feels good to let my soul be at rest thank you Sunny speaking of souls better be careful of yours around that soul the fellow if he snatches yours there’s no getting it back he’ll absorb all your power and leave nothing but a husk behind oh make sure to remember that

Thanks from day 40 to day 43 I returned home to my base when I got there I saw that someone had added a nice new Lounge area outside this looks so nice it’s the perfect place to curl up with a good book and relax I’ll definitely do that

Once my quest is complete and the Lord of souls is dealt with I wonder who did this it was me little dude oh cool but why I don’t want to cramp your style but I’ve got a few buddies that need a place to stay mind if they kick it here with

Us for a bit sure that would be great a little while later some other spider llamas came to the base Zozo these are my bro Bros welcome to my base everybody after I said hi to the spider llamas the fire Elemental came to see me I know

You’ve already done a ton to help me but could you do one more thing there’s a skulk scorpion that’s well skulking around the ruins of my old house until he’s gone I can’t rebuild it I’ll write him a strongly worded letter just kidding I’ll go out there and see if I

Can get him to leave from day 44 to day 49 I traveled back to the Cypress swamp PLS to look for that pesky skull scorpion that was giving the fire Elemental so much trouble is there a scorpion in the house or around the ruins of the former house I didn’t get

An answer what I got instead was an unwelcome surprise appearance from The Lord of Souls why waste your time trying to help other weaklings when you could be growing stronger when you could be fueling my eventual victory over all this isn’t about you foolish Zozo everything is about me now hone your

Combat skills and fight he disappeared and in his place there was a huge powerful pigas I don’t want to fight you but I get a feeling I don’t have much of a Choice from day 50 to day 53 I battled the pigas he was much bigger and

Stronger than me I did my best to hold my own I did have one thing he didn’t have though fire breath and my other dinosaur abilities with the help of those moves and my positive attitude I managed to defeat him you may have bested me but only a pure heart and a

Diamond sword can defeat the Lord of Souls with those final words he vanished into dust that was a tough one but I did it oh hey sparkly the pigas dropped some mystical diamonds I’d better take these with me they’ll probably come in handy later from day 54 to day 57 I resumed my

Search for the skull scorpion no matter what the lord of the souls says I know it’s worth it to help out those who need it I spotted the ruins of a house and there nested in the middle of it all was the skull squirel scorpion you can’t

Just take this place it’s someone’s home the Scorpion just approached me threateningly and attacked but the Scorpion Stinger was no match for my claw attack pretty soon I had won I sprinted back to my base and gave the fire Elemental the news wonderful thank you Zozo you really are amazing no

Wonder the Lord of souls thinks you’re the hero from the prophecy he’s convinced that you’re the fabled fire dragon that can give him the power to take over the world all he needs is for you to to come into your full potential then he’ll steal your soul I keep saying

I’m not a dragon I know you’re La a dinosaur I’ve met others of your kind before you have many abilities similar to those of dragons but you’re different too thank you I was starting to worry I might be wrong so many people kept calling me a dragon never let anyone

Tell you who you are Zozo you know yourself better than anyone from day 58 to day 62 I decided to make some quick and improvements to the basee I built another sheep pen and found some more sheep to HT into it Welcome Home Little Sheep next I remembered what the pigas

Said about a diamond sword so I went into the cavern and mined until I found some diamonds I was going to use them to craft a diamond sword but then I remembered I also picked up those mystical diamonds before so I used those to make my sword and the other diamonds

To craft a diamond pickaxe afterwards I exited my base and noticed Zach standing outside my door little dude I added some awesome stuff to the base check it I expanded the resting area outside to make it even better this looks amazing I can’t wait to hang out here from day 63

To day 66 I was trying to decide what to do next I went down into the minines where I was surprised to find the fisherman Zozo I was looking for you I heard that the Lord of souls has his heart out in the dunes I thought it

Might be worth a look oh that’s good to know it’s definitely somewhere dry and hot like that book said I’ll go check it out I traveled to the dunes and looked around for any sign of the Lord of souls or his Hideout I didn’t want to find him

Yet but I wanted to be as prepared as possible while I was exploring I wandered into the domain of a crimson Phantom get out of here no Associates of the Lord of souls are welcome wait I’m not one I don’t work for him I’m trying

To get rid of him oh that’s great news sorry for the scare hi my name’s Coco hi Koko I’m Zozo so if you’re a good guy does that mean you could help me get rid of the creeper spider that’s been lurking around and trying to bite me

Sure does I’m great at fighting spiders from day 67 to Day 70 I helped Coco the Crimson Phantom with her spider problem it didn’t take long to find the creepy spider it was creeping around nearby and looking for a chance to bite her hey there’s a bug problem here and I’m the

Exterminator I don’t think spiders count as bugs but I like your spirit I’m not good at bugs but I’m good at fighting I blasted the creeper spider with my fire breath then attacked it with my diamond sword pretty soon it was done for that spider won’t be bothering you anymore I

Can’t thank you enough I wish you lots of luck in your quest from day 71 to day 74 I continued exploring the dunes I can figure out where the Lord of souls lives I’ll know where to go when I’m ready to fight him speaking of fighting and

Adventuring if you want to see more videos like this search zo zo that’s Zozo me but that call to action attracted the attention of none other than the Lord of souls Zoo there you are uh-oh why aren’t you cultivating that wonderful power for me soon it will be

Time for me to take it I tried to blast him with my fire breath but it didn’t even make a mark he was way too strong I had to run out of there before it was too late from day 75 to day 78 I went

Back to my base and headed into the pool to cool off can’t believe I had to run away what if I’m never strong enough to beat him what if I get just strong enough to help him and I ruin everything just then the fire Elemental came to see

Me that won’t happen zuu I know it hey to get your mind off things check out what I built it’s a watchtower for the base I’ll admit that’s pretty cool it’s hard to be sad with a watchtower like this thanks after that my main man Zach approached me

If you like that then how about these apples sorry that was confusing there aren’t any apples but I do have this mace awesome let me try it out when I did I felt magic coursing through me I grew bigger and stronger the gift increased my hearts to 100 and I felt

Like I had a new power too I tested it out and I was right wao you have a dragon Fireball ability nope I have a dinosaur Fireball ability from day 79 to day 84 I returned to the dunes feeling much more confident in myself as a hero

I didn’t see the Lord of souls anywhere but I did see a zombie shuffling around and tested my fireball out on it it worked I blew that zombie to Smither hey that was really cool a big Axel came over to congratulate me I got this for my uncle’s birthday but I actually think

You should have it you’re a way better fighter than him he handed me diamond leggings wa thanks sorry to your uncle though nah it’s fine I’ll just get him a gift card these leggings will go great with the rest of my diamond gear from

Day 85 to day 89 I headed back to my base to show my friends my new diamond leggings but when I got there it was under attack there were Vex piglins all over the place hey get out of here stop I rushed towards the piglins and started

To defeat them one by one using my mace but some of them man to run off and I gave Chase I lost sight of them after a while but I didn’t give up I heard a loud buzzing sound though and when I looked in its direction I saw a giant

Mosquito ah don’t bite me bite you oh no that’s not why I’m here I need help breaking apart this block I’ve been trying for days but I have no tools and my little bug arms are too weak quickly I broke the block apart with my pickaxe

There you go got to run bye I’ll never forget you kind stranger from day 90 to Day 94 I tracked the Vex piglins to a spot in the dunes this place looks super evil oh this must be the lair of the Lord of souls I’d better not get too

Close I noticed something I hadn’t seen before the Vex piglins had an Ender Blaze with them they were all listening to him and following his orders we messed that place up good huh yeah the Lord of souls will be pleased with your service as his right-hand man I will

Deliver reports of your loyalty I rushed out of my Hiding Place and confronted the Ender Blaze so you’re the one who messed up my base I guess this Fireball is for you then from day 95 to day 97 I began my battle against the Ender blades I shot a fireball at him

But he shot a fireball back at me I dodged it but just barely ouch that’s hot glad it didn’t hit me but this guy is really strong this is my hardest fight yet I drew my mace and attacked again this time I had more luck I managed managed to do some damage and

That gave me the confidence to keep going I got him with my claw attack my mace again and that managed to finish him off when he went down the Ender blazes dropped a key this must unlock the Lord of souls base this is awesome yeah tank the key go inside it’s right

Where the Lord of souls wants you to be once he has your power he will burn down the entire world to Reb Build It In His Image thank you Zozo you will ensure his victory with that he was gone I won’t let that be true it can’t I have to get

Ready because it’s time to prove the Lord of souls wrong on day 98 I returned to my base more determined than ever I’m almost out of days I’ve got to make every moment count first the fire Elemental came to speak with me Zozo you saved my home without you I would have

Nowhere to go I know that you can conquer this force of evil then came Zach the spider llama little dude well not such a little dude anymore but you’ll always be little do to me I’m so proud of you man you’re going to do great Dennis would be proud too and

Finally the fisherman Zoo I’ve brought you a fish in case you get hungry I’ll need some extra protein good luck Brave dinosaur on day 99 I started my journey to the Lord of souls base on the way there I passed through the Black Forest can’t believe I used to be scared of

This place that seems like so long ago now finally I reached the base but it was crawling with Vex piglins oh no I’ll have to fight all of them to get inside no you won’t I will Coco you solved my pest problem I’ll solve yours go Zozo

Get inside thank you leaving Coco to take on the Vex piglins I unlocked the door and ran inside on day 100 I entered the lir of the Lord of souls I had faith in myself but I was still so scared that I would lose if the Lord of souls beat

Me it wouldn’t only be me who suffered it would hurt everyone so I guess the solution to this is don’t lose I found the Lord of souls waiting for me in his room ah here you are as for told the missing pieace in the puzzle of my Total

Domination of all life not so fast I shot a fireball at the Lord of Souls and hit him but all he did was laugh Zozo fire cannot harm a lord of souls you cannot burn me I can get you with this while he was gloating I attacked him

With my mace he staggered back from the hit no impossible the prophecy a fire dragon will give me the power I need to ascend to Victory a fire dragon might have helped you become the ultimate ruler of the world but this lava dinosaur is going to destroy you I swung

My mace again and again as we fought fiercely against each other finally I landed one last hit and the Lord of souls collapsed on the ground I guess it turns out that when it comes to prophecies close enough just doesn’t cut it on day one I spawned into the Prairie

As an awesome Venom dragon wa I must be what happens when an alien symbiot fuses with a dragon I wonder what awesome powers this will give me but I didn’t have much time to think about what awesome powers being a symbia infused Dragon would get me because I suddenly

Saw a small group of heavily armored Royal Guards running towards me uh-oh those guys look a little Sinister I should get out of here I turned and ran as far from the Royal Guards as I could but I was only a baby Venom dragon with 10 Hearts so I didn’t have that much

Energy still I was able to outrun the Royal Guards and stopped to rest jeez I just got here and already I’ve got gangs of armored goons running after after me what’s going on here your capture is going on here Nave I turned and saw one of the royal guards standing right

Behind me I haven’t done anything wrong trespassing and suspicious Behavior our Master the chief evoker demands that we take in any possible accomplishes of the accursed one accursed one I’ve never even heard of him oh forgive me for not believing that come with me right now

Little Venom dragon or I’ll be forced to call in reinforcements and there are a lot less kind than me on my current tiny strength I had no choice but to go with him on day two the royal guard who’ captured me took me back to a base

Somewhere in the prairie there was a small structure that seemed like a headquarters and a large walled Courtyard protected by a secure door what is this place is this where that chiefy voker guy lives the chiefy voker is in a different biome trying to build alliances with other factions so we can

Ally against the accursed one we will keep you in our storage center until he returns I promise I’ve never heard of the accursed one can’t you just take my word for it the chief evoker has a good sense for the content of people’s Souls when he returns he will judge your

Worthiness he didn’t tell me anything after that he just locked me inside the courtyard where I was trapped with a fungus thrower hey Bub name’s bogy what are you in for I’m Zozo and honestly I’m not even really sure why I’m here I guess cuz I thought I had something to

Do with this guy they call the a cursed one how about you I’m in here cuz I don’t like Authority the accursed one the chief of voer doesn’t matter I don’t think anyone should tell anyone what to do for no good reason can’t say that I’m

Keen on them right now either before we do anything else I need to get us out of this place I’m open to ideas fella I’ve been in here for 3 weeks I think I’m starting to go insane Boogie’s Insanity aside there was still hope here I waited

Until Nightfall and then I put my plan into action I have wings maybe just maybe I focus focused really hard until my wings started to carry me upwards I flew up and out of the courtyard and then landed next to the door outside I opened it and freed bogey you’re a real

One Zozo I hope we meet again someday we both ran off in different directions relieved that the Royal Guards hadn’t noticed our daring escape on day three I took flight and sailed through the sky above the Prairie everything below me looked so tiny it was breathtaking I

Felt like I could do it forever but I couldn’t as I suddenly realized that my Hunger bar was looking uncomfortably low I needed to get back on the ground and quickly get some food I landed and started searching for fruit or some animals that’s when I happened upon an

Apple tree and gathered apples I tasted them and they poisoned me I guess a dragon only eats meat ah apples me no likey I decided to stay on the ground and rest my wings for a bit when I heard huge thundering footsteps somewhere in the distance it was way too low to be

One of the royal guards from earlier who Could That Be I should check it out I quickly ran over until I saw a massive figure strolling across the Prairie a giant tough Redstone Golem wao he’s so big I bet Nobody messes with him you’re right about that kid oh you could hear

Me I can hear a lot just because I’m big and tough people assume I can’t be smart and perceptive too but I’m the whole package my name’s red how about you I’m Zozo and a lot of people have been giving me trouble lately can you teach

Me how to be big and tough like you sure thing Zozo so long as you pay me back follow me I’m sure I can teach you a thing of two from day four to day five the Redstone Golem led me to his home biome the red desert fun fact it’s named

After me red I’m just that cool you know wa you’re awesome red I’m so happy you’re my friend he led me back to his base and gave me a stone sword and a stone pickaxe take these and go make your own place Red’s Al Lone Wolf well

Alone Golem you get the idea first step of learning to stand up for yourself is learning to offend for yourself make yourself a base and then we’ll talk about making you big and tough like me sure thing red I took the stone sword and stone pickaxe and flew across the

Red desert where I started Gathering materials to build myself a cool base of my own it was quite a sight to look at a beautiful Clock Tower home I made I felt good to have something I could call my own I’m the venom dragon and with help

From Red I’m going to become the co coolest creature in the Overworld I may have yelled that I was the venom dragon a little too loudly though as a small group of Royal Guards appeared and came running towards me oh no it’s time to fight I pulled out my stone sword and

Ran in to battle the Royal Guards it wasn’t easy but my pure willpower saw me through I defeated the royal guard Detachment and gained enough XP in the process to level up I got bigger stronger went up to 30 hearts and gained a new power Venom breath oh man is going

To think this is so cool I can’t wait to show him from day six to day eight I continued to test out my Powers blowing flames on the trees and cactuses to test their strength feels good to finally have some power some fire power is that

Even a joke oh gosh who knows but during my fire practice I happened to run into an old friend bogey the fungus thrower hey bogy how’s it hanging and better been worse say have you had any luck finding that accursed one I’ve been on the lookout I need to find find a new

Authority to rebel against while the evoker is still out of town does the accursed one count as an authority I’m still not really sure what his whole deal is I’ve been asking around a lot lately turns out he’s been causing trouble around here for years he’s rolled through towns and they’ve

Disappeared that same night he rarely ever leaves survivors so it’s hard to know who he is and what he looks like that’s worrying I think I know exactly who to ask about this I flew over to my good buddy red and told him everything that bogie had told me he immediately

Knew what I was talking about and had a great idea yeah I’ve heard about this accursed one he’s a tough customer pretty cool apparently but obviously evil too I’ve heard that his true power comes from a bunch of dangerous magic users one of them is the wind collar he

Lives in the Red Oak Forest not far from here you want my advice go take him out the accursed one won’t like that from day 9 to day 10 I flew straight to the Red Oak Forest searching for the wind color the first magic user who helped

Prop up the power of the accursed one if I can defeat him it’ll bring me one step closer to defeating the accursed one himself when I spotted the wind colar I immediately flew down towards him and landed a few feet away he did not seem

Happy to see me to say the least get away from me please I don’t want to fight I don’t want any trouble that excuse won’t work on me wind caller I know the truth about the accursed one you’re going down you cursed one you think you know the truth you arrogant

Little dragon how show you how little you really know he fired an energy blast at me and the fight was on the Wind collar was a formidable opponent because of his magic use but in the end I was able to take him down thanks to a combination of Venom breath and sword

Strikes sadly I lost a lot of hearts in the process less sadly bogy appeared soon after and let me drink one of his healing potions to regenerate my lost health bogy I can’t thank you enough why are you here were you just following me around n man i’ just been told the wind

Caller was the right man to speak to about finding the accursed one but I guess you beat me to him he attacked me first and besides red told me to you shouldn’t let other people tell you what to do and think Zozo at least not without questioning why first come on

Bogey it’s fine red has my best interest at heart I think from day 11 to day 12 I returned back to Red at his awesome base to tell him that i’ defeated the wind collar in the Red Oak Forest good work Zozo good work but you’re feeling

Tougher already right just like I told you if you listen to your boy red everything will turn out all right it just felt a little weird though it didn’t seem like he wanted to fight isn’t that a little strange especially if he used to work for that a cursed one

Guy don’t be a dumb dumb Zozo he just told you that to try to trick you you can’t trust everything that people say people lie to get what they want literally all the time except me of course I’m old school fair enough red what do you want me to do next there are

More magic users out there who want to help that big probably handsome accursed One jerk in the end you can destroy that ioka but first you need to go back to the Red Oak Forest and take out the geomancer upgrade your gear first though he’s a tricky customer on Red’s advice I

Explored until I found a deep dark cave and followed it until I discovered a rich vein of iron ore this is exactly what I needed I mined enough iron ore to make the equipment I needed then created an underground furnace to smelt it all soon enough I added an iron pickaxe iron

Sword and iron helmet just in case of a flying accident my head is protected remember to always wear a helmet when riding but on the way out of the cave I found another Royal Guard blocking my path I Found You The evoker has returned to the base and here request an audience

With you oh I’ll see the evoker soon enough but I won’t be going with you with a powerful burst of Venom breath the royal guard was gone from day 13 to day 15 I returned to the red Oak Forest flying through the trees and keeping my eyes peeled for the geomancer that red

Wanted me to find it took until Nightfall to find him where I discovered him by the light of his campfire he was just standing next to it trying to stay warm rather than attacking him straight away I hesitated remembering that the wind colar didn’t want to fight me or at

Least said that he didn’t maybe I should at least try to talk to him first that’s the least I could do so I descended onto the ground and approached the geomancer when he saw me he didn’t seem to be bothered hello stranger it’s getting cold why don’t you come

Over and warm yourself I approached the fire and felt its warmth the geomancer didn’t seem aggressive at all I had no idea why red wanted me to destroy him mind if I ask you a personal question I don’t see any harm in it do you have

Anything to do the thing they called the accursed one there was a long pause before the geomancer replied the accursed one is one of my greatest mistakes it was me the wind colar and the evoker that created him he was meant to be a weapon for good but he developed

A mind of his own we have no control over him anymore he’s the monster we created something about this whole conversation unsettled me I didn’t know what to believe anymore I needed to talk to red as soon as possible I left the geomancer to his own devices and flew

Away from day 16 to day 19 I flew back to the red desert and returned to Red space but to my surprise he wasn’t there instead I found a note left by Red simply reading I’m going to do what you should have done don’t contact me again

We’re done Zozo it was a devastating note to see but before I could even properly process this a familiar person came walking up behind me it was bogey bogey what are you doing here I was about to ask you the same thing I’d come here to pick a fight with that a cursed

One guy wait what yeah I asked around some Big Stone guy around here is that ACC cursed one you told me about I figured I’d come down here and beat him up Big Stone guy that sounds like oh no I need to get back to the Red Oak Forest

I took flight again and flew back to the camp at the Red Oak Forest as quickly as I could but when I reached the camp the fire was out the geomancer was gone and only red remained red are you the accursed one duh I’m amazed it took you

This long to figure it out I wasn’t even that subtle about it the geomancer told me the truth yeah yeah yeah that’s why I needed to destroy him and the wind collar and after this I’m going to destroy the evoker too they made me and

Once they’re gone no one will be able to unmake me that’s where you’re wrong I’m going to unmake you right now I ran in ready to strike red with all my might for the Terrible Things he’d done and he punched me so hard I was immediately knocked unconscious from day 20 to day

22 I woke up my head still aching from that powerful strike that red gave me H even with that helmet getting punched in the face by a literal Stone fist that’s no fun the dead campfire next to me only reminded me of the geomancer’s horrible

Fate and the part I played in it I didn’t get to wallow and self-pity for long because bogey the fungus thrower was emerging from the trees get up Bub we don’t have any time to waste what do you mean well we’ve got to defeat that big rock guy right the accursed one or

Whatever you’re not just going to let them walk all over everyone are you you still want to help me even though I used to work with that monster let’s not focus on the past we’re not going there instead let’s go back to your place and

Work on a plan to take on and destroy that doofus before he can hurt anyone else you know what I think you have a point I went back to my base with bogy and mined enough wood to build him an entire house for himself he deserves it

With all the help he gave me so far and this way we can be neighbors and work with each other I showed bogy the house and he loved it I’m going to make red real he messed with the wrong venom dragon from day 23 to Day 26 I returned

To the Prairie where I spawned in to do some exploring I heard the Telltale sound of a creeper nearby and flew into the air to get a better look at the terrain from up above I saw where the creeper was it was heading for a witch who was completely oblivious to the

Hostile mob witch watch out there’s a creeper behind you I flew down and landed in front of the creeper burning it with my Venom breath to my surprise it didn’t explode and struck back with a close- range attack I fought ferociously until the creeper was vanquished you’ve

Creeped for the last time after that the witch came back and cast a PowerUp spell on me here Venom dragon this should enhance your strength and increase your health and that it did I gained 50 hearts and some mighty shooting claw attacks but I won’t use them without

Just claws like just cause get it from day 27 to day 31 I found some sheep in the prairie and decided to pay them agre hello there sheep the sheep’s wool looked very overgrown perhaps they had been wandering for a while without a trim I invited them back to my base so

That I could help them shed their extra wool it was the biggest sheep Barn I have ever built never have the Sheep had so much space under the roof I want to keep their wool nice and dry when I had placed the last piece of the barn bogy

The fungus thrower showed up he had some news of his own about the state of the base great work hurting those sheep Zozo while you were doing that I built us a storage building you’re welcome super I’ve always wanted a place to store things now all I need is some things to

Store let’s gather some resources then we’ll have to be well stocked if we want to take on red you got that right bogy elsewhere in the red desert our Nemesis red the accursed one was gathering resources of his own go forth my Dark Knight Ridder the evoker must be

Eliminated along with that pisky Venom dragon and anyone else who tries to step on our coolness You Can Count On Me B I want to rest until all the uncool fools are cut down by my axe from day 32 to day 35 I made my way back to the headquarters of

The chief evoker in order to warn him about red the guards at the gate were quick to attack me thinking that I was a potential threat to their boss I defended myself with some normal attacks but avoided using my shooting claw attacks so I could hold back and not

Hurt them too badly you’ve gotten stronger trespasser but why are you not fighting us with all you’ve got because you don’t want to get get hurt and I don’t want to hurt you I bring news about the accursed one and I’m glad I made it here before the red Golem did he

Knows the true identity of the accursed one we should let him through to speak with the chief of ochre it seemed like my words had gotten through to the Royal Guards so I followed them inside when they told me to enter the humble base to a room full of bookshelves the chief

Evoker was standing right in front of me he turned around and looked at my venom dragon form with much curiosity your soul is conflicted it holds the power of both great good and great evil with it I’m not sure how to judge you just yet forget about judging me the cursed one

Is coming to destroy you so that nobody will know the secret of his creation I should have known it would come to this creating that Golem was a mistake that cannot be fixed the best I can do is hide out here and hope that the accursed

One doesn’t find me you won’t be able to hide forever not from that monster he’s too powerful the ACC cursed one may be strong but he isn’t unbeatable if we can gather all three of those who made him don’t have that option anymore you’re the only one left well in that case I’m

Going to stay put you try to figure it out yourself Boogie was right trusting Authority doesn’t always work out from Day 36 to day 39 I went mining for the materials I would need to complete my iron armor if the chief evoker is going to hide from Destiny I will face it with

A full suit of armor I didn’t just unearth iron either once I found enough of the metal to build my armor pieces I was able to find diamonds in the ground as well oh yeah diamonds these will come in handy later I crafted the rest of the

Iron armor and equipped it now don’t I look snazzy in this armor leave a like if you think so and don’t forget to subscribe I went back above ground to my base in the red desert where I met up with Bogey and told him what happened at

The evoker base it looks like we’re going to have to take this matter into our own hands we’ll stop that accursed monster without the help of the evoker yes that might be the only way to get it done it’s you and me bogey here Zozo you can have my favorite machete it’ll help

You the next time you’re in a tough fight I equipped the machete and gave it a couple swings it didn’t deal any more damage than my sword but it sure looked a lot cooler later on I was patrolling the outside of the base when a camel came walking towards me across the Sands

E Venom dragon come with me someone you know wants to speak with you boy says I don’t have to follow orders but maybe this time I should do what this camel says from day 40 to day 43 I went to the location that the camel specified and

Found out that it was none other than the chief evoker waiting to meet with me I thought you were hiding Chief evoker you thought right I am hiding someone is coming after me I need you to protect me really your guards throw me in prison you let your fellow Mages die and you

Won’t do anything about the accursed one but now I need to help you only if you want to your soul has the potential to protect or destroy okay okay where is this enemy that is following you anyway it’s coming prepare yourself myself I looked across the Prairie and saw

Someone on a horse there you are chief evoker I’m going to chop you up for being so uncool who are you buddy I’m The Dark Knight Rider and it looks like I’ve got another Target right here in front of me not now you don’t because we’re running away and we did from day

44 to day 49 I had run all the way back to my base only to find that the chief of ochre had arrived there before me so it’s not just hiding but running you’re also good at I am not your enemy Zozo you don’t need to get sassy with me if

You say so but don’t expect I’m going to let you hide here at the base I’ll return to my own base soon enough but for now I’m going to give you this the chief evoker handed me a mace even though I already had a powerful weapon

He also showed me a book of Secrets full of magic spells what are these for my companions who helped Forge the accursed one the geomancer and wind colar might be gone now but the magic we use to create the gold existed before us and remains without them I have written my

Part of it in my book of secrets and if you can find the other two we can enchant the mace with a breaking spell to unmake the accursed one now that’s more like it I’ll take on this Quest and gain the power to defeat red where

Should I start return to the Red Oak Forest there you may seek the wind color’s magical secrets and with that I was on my way from day 50 to day 53 I sought the magical secrets of of the wind color deep in the Red Oak Forest here secret secret here secret finding

Secrets was a way more difficult task than I had thought but then again I guess that’s what made them secrets in its current condition the mace was not a powerful weapon so I couldn’t even use it to fight regular mobs I was about to head back home when I ran into a mummy

Did somebody say secret as in the magical secrets of the wind collar yes I did but don’t tell anyone it has to be a secret hey I remember back when the wind collar and those other two were first building their Golem with the intention to protect us all the wind color said

That the Golem would have the power to listen to the wind and know when others are in trouble H that probably has something to do with finding the secret but I can’t figure it out right now I walked away and traveled off through the woods I’d be back to scout this area

Again on another day from day 54 to day 57 I was taking a Scenic walk through the Prairie on the way back back to my base when I encountered that Dark Knight Rider who was working for red time for me to ask you a question venom dragon

And the answer is your devise why are you even working for red Dark Knight Rider don’t you know that he’s a loner simple because I’ve got a score to settle with the chief evoker but you won’t need to hear about that I’ll just chop you to pieces The Dark Knight Rider

Ran towards me and I used my Venom breath on him it barely did any damage and he just kept charging forward i’ bet better get out of here I flew away escaping through the sky where the Dark Knight Rider couldn’t reach me while his handyman was tracking me red was rooing

All alone in his base I can hear him now those voices on the Wind yes that’s a sure sign that my enemies are in trouble it’s cool to know that people I don’t like are failing from day 58 to day 62 I came in for a graceful Landing in the

Middle of my base where boy was quick to welcome me back home our base has become much more self-sufficient thanks to my efforts come check this out I looked around inside to see bogey had installed a furnace for regulating temperature throughout the base this is excellent

Bogey who doesn’t need a furnace in the desert for when it gets cold I also started work on building a defensive bunker in case things really get dangerous out there can you gather some materials to help complete it of course the mines were full of the materials I

Would need to reinforce the bunker so I went down below to gather them I went further than the usual mines and arrived at the Deep mining cave there was iron and stone and of course diamonds never can have too many of these I should upgrade my gear with these shiny

Diamonds while I’m here I mined the diamonds and crafted myself a diamond sword diamond pickaxe and Diamond Helmet while I didn’t have enough diamonds for a full suit of armor I was armed with a strong weapon now in the form of my diamond sword I returned to Bogey the

Fungus thrower and gave him all the materials I gathered so he could finish the defensive bunker within the base from day 63 to day 66 I found the evoker had come to visit my base again with further knowledge on how I could complete the mace and the unmaking spell

I have found the secret location of the magical secrets that the geomancer had once brought to the table in the creation of the accursed one that’s great news I wasn’t able to find the wind coler’s magic secrets but at least we can use the gancer secrets they are

In a new biome that you’ve never seen before allow me to guide you to that place the chiefy voker LED me down to the Lush caves a forest beneath the surface of the Overworld which had unique plants seen nowhere else in the world the this looks like the work of

Geomancy no doubt about it we soon Came Upon a huge door that was sealed with geomancy magic the magical secrets are behind here that’s good to know but it looks like the door itself can’t be opened it’s true the geomancer was so ashamed of playing a role in the making

Of the accursed one that he sealed his Secrets behind this door I guess we’ll need to backtrack here once we’ve learned the way to get through this door from day 67 to Day 70 the chief evoker once again asked me for help with another matter it is ear

There is a bad Soul running loose around the Prairie you have to stop it I guess I’ve got to do what you say I arrived at the Prairie and saw exactly what the chief evoker was talking about an evil wraith was going absolutely crazy and tearing the place apart I drew my

Machete and moved towards The Wraith cautiously it fired a lightning bolt to me which I dodged I returned the favor with my Venom breath I have achieved true power I don’t need anyone anymore I am strong all by myself s just because you’re cool by yourself doesn’t mean you

Should go destroying things huh I bet somebody else made you believe that so you wouldn’t destroy him life is better when you’re on your own and you’re only saying that because you aren’t listening to others if you listen to me I promise you’ll be stronger with someone to help

You the ray thought about it for a moment H you have convinced me to accept help from others if it really does power me up I solved the problem without fighting I guess not every bad soul is beyond convincing from day 1 to day 74 The Dark Knight Rider showed up and

Started breaking down my base with his deadly horse not so cool after I pag your base H then again you were never cool you’re the one who’s about to find out what cool is after I slice you I drew my machete and we battle each other

Weapon to weapon the fight was even for a while but then the Dark Knight Rider disarmed me of my machete and stole it for himself it’d be hard to slice me without this see you later you uncool fool wait this isn’t over the Dark Knight Rider didn’t wait and just like that he

Was gone I may have survived with my life but I lost Bogie’s favorite machete and that made me extremely sad I ran into my room and cried about it for a long time wishing I had only hung on to the machete a little bit tighter after a

Few hours of crying boogy showed up in my room I was almost too sad to talk to him I’m sorry bogy I can’t believe I lost your favorite machete Zoo it’s only a machete at least you’re still okay you’re my best friend you’re right thanks bogy come out and play I’ve

Already fixed the base up from The Dark Knight Rider attack I spent some time with bogey not knowing that red was once again plotting something all by his Lonesome try to unmake me will they I’ll unmake them when I get my hands on the fully completed Mace of magic from day

75 to day 78 the chief evoker was back at my base once again you show up here A whole lot don’t you it’s because you’re so useful Zozo now have all these javelins okay I’ll have all those javelins I took the javelins that the chiefy vokker was giving me and asked

Him if there was any other reason why he was here there is I thought you could help me deal with the Dark Knight Rider that has been plaguing us I is because he tried my magic secrets but I said no and kept him from learning why didn’t

You let him learn your magic who knows but secrets are meaningless unless you keep them that sounded kind of cool but not in a nice way either way I took my javelins and went to track down the Dark Knight Rider from day 79 to day 84 I

Explored the red desert until I found Red’s base there I saw the Dark Knight Rider obviously about to report to his boss the accursed one eat javelins you Thief I flew around the Dark Knight Rider and hurled the javelins one after another he was barely damaged at all the

Javelins were ineffective so I switched to my shooting claw attacks why would I eat those javelins and Claws aren’t food but you’re going to be minced meat once I’m done with you Dark Knight Rider attacked me with his horse which even with my diamond armor still did a lot of

Damage see I don’t need magic to be a cool guy all I need is a horse and style and I can do whatever I want with my life you need more than that Dark Knight Rider life isn’t about doing whatever you want it’s about doing what must be

Done that’s what real coolness is all about inspired by my own words I embraced the power of coolness and leveled up into a big siiz Supreme venom dragon with 100 Hearts how do you like me now probably not a lot because I’m going to destroy you with my coolness oh

No he’s so cool now I sure am but enough about me here’s something that isn’t cool my 1 million degree Dragon Fireball I used my new special attack to defeat The Dark Knight Rider the dragon Fireball scorched him and his horse leaving behind no Trace he was even

There beyond my machete and a special key marked with geomancy magic I have a feeling I know where this goes from day 85 to day 89 I saw that bogey the fungus thrower had almost completed the defensive bunker that I had gathered all those materials for all it needs is a

Strong door to keep out the authorities I can handle that leave it to me bogey with a few more pieces of iron and glass I crafted a set of metal warning doors and sealed the chamber by placing down the doors the defensive bunker was complete I’ll be heading to the Lush

Caves stay inside the bunker where it’s safe I brought the special key I got from The Dark Knight Rider to the caves and used the item to unlock the geomancer’s door finally I can enchant the mace with the magic secrets of the geomancer on the other side of the door

Was a giant tarantula that spit poison at me I struck back with a dragon Fireball the tarantula was too tough to go down in one hit but the second and third Fireballs hit their Mark and Flame roiled the spidery mob now for those delicious Secrets the geomancer had

Written the secrets on the wall and and as I read them the mace became infused with power could this be the unmaking spell I need to defeat red I certainly hope it is from day 90 to Day 94 I exited the geomancer secret cave with

The mace in my hand and found that red was standing there in the Lush caves menacingly what are you going to do with that Zozo are you going to try and unmake me now punk are you it seems like the thing I must do right wrong you

Could be free and cool like me if you put down the mace and stood by my side I can still show you how to be awesome I’m not listening to you it’s unmaking time I hit him with the mace but the charged up magic didn’t accomplish much of

Anything was the spell still incomplete he hit me with a big punch that knocked away almost half of my health that knocked me so hard I dropped my mace which he grabbed and hit me again before I could do anything back I was frozen by some magic oh no I can’t escape

You actually believed what Chief evoker said he doesn’t know how to destroy me and soon nobody will be able to goodbye Zozo red left and I was still frozen by the scared still effect I have to find a way out of here from day 95 to day 97 I

Waited just long enough for the effect to wear down and go away now that I was released I traveled through the Lush caves I knew that I had to talk to the chief evoker to find out the real way to unmake red when I arrived at the

Invoker’s base in the prairie I found that all the Royal Guards were dead and the evoker himself wasn’t far from it Zoo where were you the accursed one rampaged through here and took out everyone including me I tried my hardest evoker but I was trapped in red the

Accursed one was too strong for the unmaking spell I guess there really is no way to undo a mistake I was the most uncool fool of all as he faded away I was reminded of something I had known for a long long time I’d need to take

This matter into my own hands red was going down on day 98 I found my base in the red desert had been reduced to ruins the Sheep had all wandered far away this was probably the work of red since I knew his base wasn’t far from mine I

Guess this desert really does belong to him now he’s made it clear that nobody else is welcome here since when do we have to listen to what the accursed one says it was bogy the fungus thrower he had survived the attack by hiding inside the defensive bunker bogey you’re alive

I’m more alive than ever we’ll protect the Overworld now just you and me I’ve got an idea to deal with red let’s hear it you’ve always come through for me just like your favorite machete if we can take the mace from Red we might not be able to unmake him but we can

Reprogram him to be what he was always meant to be a protector I like that plan on day 99 I went to Red’s base and flew in circles shooting dragon Fireballs at it until he came out to to face me after a while red finally appeared give it a

Wrist you lost I’m too cool to care about anybody now that’s what you think I’m pretty cool too and I bet you can’t beat me without the mace you mean this mace I don’t need it he threw the mace onto the ground and we began to fight

Each other I avoided his punches and hit him with my shooting claw attacks then my machete red hit me with a strong attack and I needed to get some distance on him I blasted him with dragon Fireballs he ran towards me and tried to punch me again but I flew into the air

To avoid them the damage from the fight was difficult to withstand but I bought enough time for bogey the fungus thrower to sneak up and steal the mace off the ground Zozo I got it let’s get out of here great work bogey I shot another Dragon Fireball at Red to distract him

And then retreated back to the base with bogy once we were there we used all the magical secrets to change the unmaking spell into a make better spell you stay here Bo I’m going to use this spell on red the accursed one and make him red

The Reversed one or the nice one on day 100 I flew back to Red’s base and went inside red the accursed one was there waiting for me but I was ready to face him all this time you’ve had to learn how to be cool but you really just

Learned how to keep being a fool actually I’ve learned the best lesson of all people who are really cool don’t have to say it all the time and they don’t just do whatever they want they do what they must no more Spees I will unmake you like you tried to unmake me I

Was wrong red I won’t unmake you anymore I’ll make you better we battled in melee combat for some time I used the machete to chip away at his defenses until I could use the make better spell from the mace the spell worked at secret magic and soon red was starting to seem a

Whole lot less mean he grew in size and changed his color to a friendly Green becoming a Golem with a kind streak as big as his armspan wow I don’t want to be a loner anything anymore I want to protect other people and everything was better now thanks to my make better

Spell red or should I say green would be the world’s protector and I would have a chance to relax until I was needed again on day one I spawned in as a fire wither storm a force of pure fiery destruction why am I so puny I only had six hearts

To begin with but I knew wither storms grew stronger by absorbing blocks and mobs I tried to absorb some of the nearby blocks and grow big Bigg but it didn’t work maybe I needed to unlock that ability first it also looked like I couldn’t really fly yet at least I’m

Immune to fire the area I spawned into was a molten lava field that would be really dangerous for regular mobs it was like home sweet home but there was nothing to destroy I didn’t see any other wither storms either so I figured I had been left behind by the others

Well they went off to grow bigger wait for me guys I ran around looking for my friends until I saw something really strange there was a snowy biome right next to this fire one what’s the deal everyone knows that Fire and Ice don’t mix I heard a growl behind me and saw a

Fire curus looking really hungrily at me hey wither storms aren’t nutritious I hit the Cerberus but because I was so small the damage was nothing I was losing heart’s fast to its bite so I decided to run away I ended up running straight into a Vex that wanted a piece

Of me too all of a sudden Fireland doesn’t feel that much like home I jump down into a lava pit and hid myself away I knew they couldn’t follow me because of my fire immunity so I stayed there safely until the next day on day two I

Hopped out of the lava pit and found some burnt out trees it wasn’t what I was expecting but at least I could gather some wood to make my first tools I’ve never seen a Wither make anything before but it’s nice to be the first at something these tools would probably

Burn up if I used them here so I made my way towards that snowy biome that I saw the other day on the border between the Fire and Ice biomes there was a wide river with a strong current if I try to cross that I’ll be put out out like a

Campfire I didn’t have enough wood to build a bridge so I followed the banks of the river to see if there was a place where it was safe to cross that’s when I noticed something small flying towards me from across the river it was an imp

With icy Wings do not cross this River I’m warning you fire face that’s rude first of all my name is Zozo second why do you care if I cross it it’s not me who cares the ice Meister is the one who doesn’t want anyone from the Firelands

Coming over here I’m a Wither sto first and a fire creature second I’ll go where I want my warning still stands there’s a war going on and Ice Mya plans on winning it a war between the creatures of Ice and Fire that sounds heated and chilling steer clear of the fire face I

Mean Zozo thanks I finished the day by mining some stone blocks from the side of the river with my new set of tools on day three I started building a base on my side of the river with some stone blocks as the foundation whoever this

Ice Meister guy is he can’t be mad at me if I don’t leave the fire lands I was still really weak for a fire wither storm and needed something to protect me from all the wandering mobs until I could unleash my full potential I was betting that the mobs could sense my

True potential and that’s why they were attacking me almost done putting up the walls I’ll be safe now it turned out I spoke too soon because a dread Beast ran inside the base and started trying to infect me with its plagues I pulled out my wooden sword and swung away at the

Mob the wooden sword caught on fire as soon as I started using it it felt good to be the one attacking for a change probably because I hadn’t gotten to do any actual destroying it with the final blow the wooden sword got destroyed but I down the Beast bye-bye beasty hey I

Wonder if I can use my absorbability on it now come on let’s go absorb the ability actually worked this time the dread beast and a bunch of the surrounding blocks got added into my body I had gotten way bigger and my total number of Hearts was 14 now I had

Three tentacles now instead of none I could make three times as as many melee attacks now the only downside was that absorbing more material into myself made part of my base disappear I better be careful what I absorb in the future I replaced the blocks that got absorbed

And made sure to finish the foundation and replac my broken wooden sword with a new stone one this one should last longer now I plan to go and gather more Stone tomorrow on days four to 5 I went looking for more Stone by the Riverside this time I noticed that part of the

River was frozen solid like somebody had built a bridge of ice blocks over the running water if I tried to walk on it the ice would melt but something told me the ice and snowballs wouldn’t have the same problem I was right there was already a tiger zombie on the Fireside

Of the river how many times does the ice Meister need to teach a lesson hey I’ve stayed on my side why can’t ice Master stay on his it seems you don’t remember what you used to be what did I used to be you were the ice meister’s greatest

Rival the leader of all the fire mobs in this world you you almost melted all of the snow Zone before he defeated you w I used to be the ruler of the Fireside of the river that’s really cool what happened that made me so small and weak that’s not your business anymore I’ll

Destroy you before you become that powerful ever again the tiger zombie clearly wanted a fight so I made sure to give it one the zombie had only one weapon and I had three tentacles and a stone sword so he was quickly outmatched I won now I’ll absorb you too the the

Absorption didn’t work this time which probably meant that the ice mobs were totally immune that was disappointing but important to know I finished off the zombie and gathered as much of the stone as I could before my wooden pickaxe broke I went back to my base with the

Stone I gathered If there really is a war I need to get fortified on day 6 to 8 I found some lost tentacles lying around in the Firelands I wonder if these used to be mine when I was big and strong the Mysteries grow deeper I couldn’t attach them back onto myself

But I did know of another way to put put them to good use first I had to gather sticks from around the burnt trees next I upgraded my wooden tools to Stone this let me mine for a couple ingots of iron and gold beneath the Firelands with

Access to both sticks gold and iron I was able to craft a hook then I combined the Lost tentacles with my hook in order to make a tentacle grab this special item would let me grapple enemies and keep them from getting away it would be perfect for keeping mobs within melee

Range not long after I crafted the tentacle grab I noticed a few ice mobs on this side of the river they were ice piglins and they were not happy to see me get out of here go tell ice Meister that I survived and I’m going to become

Big and strong again they started moving towards me time to test out my new weapon I quickly struck down the first mob and then the second I then snared the ice piglin with a tentacle grab and pulled him in for a tentacle beat down bet you weren’t expecting that those old

Lost tentacles were good for something after all the piglin Was Defeated ice Meister would have to do better than that if he wanted to elim eliminate me for good and next I was going to strike back it was time to see what this snowy

Biome was all about on days 9 to 10 I gathered as much Stone as I could find and built a sturdy bridge over the river now I can cross over to ice Master side of the river and see what I’m up against the snowy biome had tons of materials

That I had never seen on the fiery side of the river there were blocks of lapis and the polar bears dropped some pelts which I used for decoration on my base I continued through the tundra seeing all sorts of Wonderful things along the way

This was a nice area it would be a shame if I had to burn it all down that’s when I saw him ice Meister memories of the last time we fought came flooding back to me I was a lot bigger than I am right now when I lost to him but it seemed

Like he used some kind of enchantment on me I had to find out more I approached ice Meister confidently remember me it can’t be you’re the fire wither Storm from across the river that’s right and you’re going to stop sending ice mobs into the Firelands or we’re going to

Have a problem huh pathetic little puff of smoke I’ll let you live just this once but only because I’ve already sealed your power away I didn’t know what he meant but I had the feeling he wouldn’t be so understanding if I stuck around I turned back towards the river

So that I could make my way home when I got to the stone bridge I noticed a brown bear halfway over the bridge oh hey don’t mind me please don’t tell me you’re another ice mob invading my territory me not at all I’m trying to get somewhere warmer are you from the

Firelands actually I used to be Top Dog over there I am Zozo the fire wither storm I’m Reginald all the other bears like the cold but I’d rather be in a nicer climate everywhere icem goes He freezes the terrain and starts building cities made out of ice well then you’ll

Be right at home in the Firelands it’ll always be warm there on days 11 to 12 Reginald and I returned to my base on the fires side of the river I soon made an extra room for him with a sunroof so he could get the most out of the

Pleasant weather after that I went to mine for more iron with my stone pickaxe because of all the lava Firelands were Rich an obsidian which I could gather later it’s a sturdy material that would make my base stronger but before I could get enough ingots I was ambushed by a

Wildkin it did a ton of damage with a single attack ow my heart I couldn’t get any further into the iron mine with that mob down there so I ran back above ground I have to unlock more of my former abilities what else do WEA storms

Do I concentrated as hard as I could on one of the nearby magma cubes with some effort I was able to fire a Wither Skull projectile the mob was destroyed in one hit wither skulls that’s it the wildkin would take more than a few Wither Skull

Attacks to be defeated but I could at least weaken it before it got close I went back down into the iron mine and put my plan into action the wildkin was waiting for me so I wasted no time blasting him with three wither skulls now I could fight at close range without

Worrying about getting worn out wildkins claws were still doing damage to me but I had three tentacles so my attacks were much faster once I beat him I crafted an iron pickaxe and M the obsidian from the surface of the Firelands this obsidian will look great on my base I was right

The Obsidian made a perfect addition to the outer walls my base was becoming a real fortress on days 13 to 15 I started to remember more of what happened back when I was a fully grown fire wither storm I was huge and absorbing everything in sight I remember the

Terrain being covered in ice but unlike the snow biome next door it was the middle of the ocean I must have been able to fly here from the Firelands down below I saw ice Meister he was slightly smaller than the present day so this must have been its younger self you’re

Not so tough move aside pipsqueak I won’t let you destroy my home he sounded really upset and from the look of things it seemed like I was the one who had attacked first I saw ice Meister hold a black block and it began absorbing me no impossible my destructive power

Your true form is sealed now it will never escape this enchanted block I fell down to the ground a tiny and weak version of what I used to be I’ll be back one day ice Meister called some other snowmen to put me on a block of ice which floated away from this land

And Down the River to the Firelands back then the Firelands were on both sides of the river the dream ended there it seemed like ice M just wanted Revenge because of what I did but he showed Mercy to me the last time I was there in

Spite of that I can’t believe I used to be the bad guy I should just leave the ice mobs alone from now on that might be the only way to make up for all the destruction I caused when I was big on days 16 to 19 I decided to tell Reginald

About the memories I was having I felt really bad about what I did so I needed to talk to a friend I thought ice Meister was the bad guy but it turns out I made him that way because I bullied him and melted his home but is a lot

Have you thought of saying sorry and trying to do something nice for him I might have messed up too bad sadly for that there’s no way to Undestroyed from the base leaving Reginald behind he was better off without me anyway I was a destructive bad guy and he was just a regular bear how could he understand what I was feeling right now while I was out wandering the Firelands I saw a village

Under attack by Tiger zombies oh no I have to help without even thinking I raced to the aid of the villagers the zombies were easier to defeat this time now that I was bigger and I could clear out several at once the villagers cheered as I drove the last of the ice

Mobs off their home was saved and I actually felt good the Firelands were attacked because of me but I’m going to save them anyway I can’t change the past but I will stop this war and save my home thank you Zozo we were hoping someone would protect our Village from

The ass mobs but we never expected you would return to save us I’m back and better than ever the villagers brought a large stack of blocks out of their houses and set them down in front of me we were storing these blocks for you to absorb so you could become strong again

You’re not afraid of my True Form no way you are always nice to us fire mobs and with you around nobody messed with us go on absorb those blocks I did what the Villager said and became an even larger fire wither storm my total number of

Tentacles was five and I had three heads now hi hello my armor and hearts were both increased too with iron level durability and 25 Hearts I was really starting to resemble my old self in a good way I hoped do you villagers know anything more about how I used to be we

Do know one thing the legendary block that contained your true form was hidden away by Ice Master after he defeated you the first time if you can find that you’ll be back to full power in no time full power I like the sound of that even

Though taking my old form could make me a bad guy again I decided to find the sealed block anyway if I’m going to end this war I may as well be prepared to do whatever it takes on days 20 to 22 I went back to the base so I could

Apologize to Reginald for running away I found him outside the base fending off some polar bears it’s over Reginald you’re coming home with us no this is my friend’s base and I’m protecting it until he comes back you’re a fool we were right to kick you out of the Polar

Bear Club I ran over to help Reginald I’m back I’m so sorry I yelled at you oh it’s The Firestorm Retreat poers ran away in fear in the side of me thank you Zozo I’m glad you came back what are friends for now that the base was safe

From the ice mobs I started laying the foundation for a statue I would need a lot of obsidian so I got to mining as much as I could with my pickaxe I diverted part of the river into the Firelands to create even more obsidian where the lava was flowing freely this

Also let me improve the base with a moat that even the ice mobs would have trouble Crossing I made sure to give it a drawbridge and I filled it with lava that should be enough obsidian to get started what do you think I’m building also subscribe to Zozo if you want to

See more of my Adventures on days 23 to 26 the base was attacked by more ice mobs those polar bears who bullied Reginald must have told ice Master where I was there was a whole pack of frost stalkers trying to get in they were some strong mammoths but fortunately they

Weren’t the kind that were clever enough to open doors thanks to the blocks I absorbed in the village I was big and strong enough to give them a real thrashing the last one to be defeated dropped their Pelt which I used to craft a frost stalker cloak with this I could

Disguise myself as a frost stalker and infiltrate the snowy biomes I traveled over the stone bridge and into the cold Forest where the frost stalkers lived the cloaks disguise worked like a charm I could tame the frost stalkers and have them keep other mobs out of the forest

The trees here were made of spruce wood which couldn’t be found in the Firelands I should take some home with me since I’m here I would have stayed longer but I was worried about being discovered by the ice Meister I went back to the base and built myself a fireplace that would

Put the spruce wood to good use when I went back back outside I saw a fire Elemental hanging outside the walls of the base excuse me is this where the resistance is resistance you know the resistance against ice meister and his army of Ruthless conquerors some villagers told me that the fire wither

Storm was coming back is that you yep that’s me oh wow I’m your biggest fan I wanted to join up with you and help save our home you’re a fan of me wow I’m not sure how I feel about that but I’ll let you in it’s safer in side of the base

Sweet I added a room made completely out of obsidian to the base for the fire Elemental to live inside on days 27 to 31 I had another Vision but this time it wasn’t from the past but from the present I could feel my sealed destructive power calling out for me

From inside the enchanted block it seemed like it had been locked away inside of some kind of underground Vault I didn’t get to see the outside of the chamber but my best guess was that the entrance was somewhere in the snowy biome I went to the stone bridge in

Order to cross but saw that it had been destroyed while I was away that must have been the ice meisters doing it looked like the mob who did it was still there a ferocious Yeti that was bigger and batter than any ice creature I had faced yet it snarled and charged at me

You may have wrecked my bridge but I’m a lot tougher I launched a Wither Skull at him before hitting him with the tentacle grab the yeti attacks were strong but so were mine after fighting the big lug for a bit I let go of the grapple and pushed

Him into the river the fast moving current washed him far away I jumped over the gaps of the bridge and made it to the other side on days 32 to 35 I came across a village of Icemen they’ll probably attack me if they find out who

I really am I’d better blend in I used the frost Walker cloak in hopes that they’d think I was just a mammoth passing through it didn’t really work it’s the leader of the fire mobs darn it there goes that plan what do you want with us don’t be afraid I’m not a bad

Guy anymore I just want my powers to be unsealed do you know where the ice Meister is keeping the block F I can tell you that it’s not anywhere in the snowlands ice Meister didn’t want you to invade us looking for it I’m not invading I swear like we’d believe you

It wasn’t on this side of the river that was bad news on its own it was even worse because the villagers were really scared of me I figured I might as well leave and then ice Meister showed up what’s this Iceman Are you seriously being friends with a fire mob that’s not

Cool no ice Meister it’s the leader the fire wither storm you sealed away that’s even worse I should have you all Frozen for this betrayal hey don’t blame them I’m the one you want and you I told you I’d only spare you once then come and

Get me ice Meister started chasing me so I ran away from the Iceman Village back to the river thinking quickly I took a risk and jumped in the water would deal damage to me but I had enough Hearts to withstand it now I had gotten away from

The ice Meister but the current took me for a ride that was until I hit an ice Bridge further down the river and was able to went back to shore it was the Iceman they had come to save me thank you for distracting ice Meister he’s gotten really angry lately and he’s

Obsessed with war you protected us so I guess we misjudged fire mobs no sweat come on follow me back to the base on days 36 to 39 I made some big changes to the base so the Icemen who were staying here wouldn’t be too uncomfortable with

The heat I carefully made a big pool filled with water for them to cool off you can never have enough water fun or well I can but you guys have a good time you got that right now that you’re all here why don’t you tell me more about

That block that contains My True Form ice Meister said he hid it in a place that is neither fiery or icy a pasture with a balanced climate and huge fields of crops it sounds like there wouldn’t be any War happening there yeah wherever it is after talking to the Iceman I did

Some more work on my statue I’ve moved past the foundation and it’s starting to take shape do you know what it could be on days 40 to 40 3 the base was visited by a friendly dragonfly salutations I’ve heard that you’re trying to take the fight to the ice Meister you heard

Correctly all right it just so happens that I know about a way to upgrade your wither skulls oh tell me tell me there’s an ice mop Outpost up River from here where they are keeping the power up which will turn your wither skulls to Blue wither skulls it’s guarded by a

Goat Centaur Archer so be careful I followed the dragonfly’s advice and went to The Outpost as soon as I got there the Archer started opening fire I avoided the arrows and struck back with my wither skulls Kabam I’m a pretty good shot inside The Outpost was the blue

Wither Skull power up I absorbed it and my projectile attacks became twice as strong these blue ones do serious damage I felt the call of my sealed self further up River so I decided to trust that feeling and keep going on days 44 to 49 I was astounded by how beautiful

The biome around me was there were crops growing everywhere and the grass was Lush and green so this is what the world would look like if Fire and Ice weren’t fighting there were still dangers out here A whole pack of coyotes tried to eat me but I was too spicy that’s a fire

Joke the coyotes turned away from me and ran back into the field of crops I saw them a couple seconds later chasing a poor scarecrow help help if only I had a way out of this Mass hang on I’m coming I ran in and smacked the coyotes with my

Sword scaring them off why were they chasing you I thought coyotes ate meat they’re vegetarian coyotes and most of my body is made out of vegetables oh glad I could help I’m straw Bastion feel free to make yourself at home there are plenty of crops here all nourished by

The magical power source we keep underground this magical power source wouldn’t happen to look like a black block would it oh I’ve never seen it personally all I know is that it has a great f DIY power which can keep the ground nice for cultivating crops that

Has to be my sealed form on days 50 to 53 I followed straw Bastion as he showed me around his peaceful land I was Keen to get my hands on my True Form but I didn’t want to scare him since he seemed like a nice guy has this place always

Been so peaceful there isn’t any Great War if that’s what you’re asking but we do have our own problems huh like what look around all this delicious food and nobody to eat it every season so much of it goes bad because the people in the surrounding lands don’t come to visit

Well I’ll make sure that changes that reminds me there’s another traveler here oh how nice do I know them turns out I did the yeti who broke my bridge jumped out and attacked me he must have swam all the way back up let’s finish what we

Started I grappled him and we began to fight straw basan got scared so he ran away I wanted to go check on him but I had to teach this this Yeti a lesson first don’t break people’s stuff I hit him with my Wither Skull and the yeti

Was no more after the fight I looked around for straw Bastion but couldn’t find him I guess I’ll come back later I was walking home when I ran into another vegetable person this one had a tomato for a head wait are tomatoes fruits or vegetables what’s it to you sorry I’m

Just looking for the legendary enchanted block how do you get to it you got to dig for it but you’ll need better tools than NE there’s a garden shed nearby with a strong shovel you can use I took the Tomato man’s advice and found a diamond shovel inside of a nearby

Abandoned shed the shed was too small for me so I used my tentacle to pull the shovel towards me without damaging The Shack on days 54 to 57 I told everyone at the base about the peaceful Fields Upstream all the Fire and Ice villagers were excited about all the food there

And wanted to visit to make the journey easier I made Rob boats out of the Spruce Wood while I was working Reginald came outside to join me he said he wanted to ask me something what is it buddy I wanted to mention something about this place with all the vegetables

Doesn’t it sound amazing it does for everybody else but Bears don’t eat greens we prefer fish and lots of it oh I get what you’re saying you want me to rustle up a source of fish so that you can have your favorite food too yeah as

Long as it’s not too much to ask you’ve got nothing to worry about my friend I decided to go fishing but not with Nets or fishing poles dug a gigantic hole in the ground it was big enough to be a pond Just Add Water Reginald would have

All the fish he needed right here at the base thank you so much here’s a weapon I think you could use like you it’s a destroyer Reginald handed me a powerful breaking weapon my excavations would be a lot easier with that bad boy in my

Arms on days 58 to 62 the statue was really starting to come together you could almost guess what it was going to be a new wave of ice mob suddenly broke through the base’s defense there were ice piglins Frost stalkers and even new enemies I hadn’t seen

Before who let them in Zozo help I saw Reginald being attacked by those polar bears again thinking quickly I put on my Frost stalker helmet and sent some of the frost stalkers to deal with them Reginald and I ran away to another part of the base together when we were there

We saw that the fire villagers and Icemen were fighting hey break it up what’s going on here I knew we couldn’t trust the people of the snowlands you’re the ones who couldn’t accept us enough I shouted loudly and got everyone’s attention I probably scared them but at least they stopped fighting stay here

And don’t hurt each other I’ll go deal with the enemies outside Reginald you’re in charge yes sir I left Reginald and the villagers in the safe place behind my house and fought back the ice mob single-handedly there was one friend I hadn’t seen in there and I was becoming

Worried come on fire Elemental where are you I discovered him at the drawbridge surrounded by Ice mobs they had already depleted most of his health by the time I got there I wanted to do something but it was too late sorry Zozo I thought we

Could win so I called for a battle it’s okay I’m here now we’ll win oh good you can do it Zozo with that the fire Elemental faded away he had been so brave and unlike me he wasn’t coming back from this this was Ice meister’s

Fault he was going to pay on day 63 to 66 I went to the snowlands and tried to convince the local creatures to stop the war this battle is between ice meister and myself none of you need to get involved if you don’t want to fight me

There is a place at the top of the river with plenty of food and no war if you stay here ice Meister will force you to invade the Firelands a few of them seemed to listen and started heading Upstream but one ran out of the crowd of

Snow creatures and attacked me for ice Meister I will defeat you you cannot be allowed to reclaim your true form he was strong so I had to fight back at least I was wasn’t picking on the weaker ones stop it more fighting is not the solution it’s too late you already

Melted our home once and most of the world too how do you think the fire lands ended up burned and destroyed I did that yes you are the fire wither storm you are the true evil in this world please I’m going to be nicer you don’t have to do this he wouldn’t listen

I had no other choice I defeated him with a blue Wither Skull attack the other ice creatures ran away I’m sorry on days 67 to 70 I caught up with some of the other ice mobs that had gone to the crop field at least they are safe I

Saw some ruins in the distance and went to check them out with the Destroyer I started to dig into the Earth until I Came Upon A vault made of Bedrock even the Destroyer couldn’t get through this probably because of enchantments I dug around more and found an entrance but it

Was guarded somehow this Guardian seemed familiar I was wondering when you’d show up who are are you and why do I feel like I know you that’s when I received another memory of the past I saw myself as a fire wither storm raging across the land I saw everything on both sides of

The river get turned to Ash and lava by my side the whole time was my loyal pack of Cerberus mobs and their leader tardus the same Tartarus that was standing in front of me guarding the entrance to the Vault Tartarus you remember now I don’t understand why are you guarding the

Vault buddy my true form is inside of there and I need it to beat ice Meister the only thing you need is to return home and give up on this quest for the legendary block I can’t do that people have gotten hurt because of this war people have gotten hurt because of you

Too I’m here to stop you from becoming your worst self again even if that means ice Meister becomes my worst self instead yes even if that happens then I’m sorry for what I have to do as tardus and I began to fight all of his special attacks started to come back to

Me I avoided his breath weapon and his is breaking claw strikes I pelted him with wither skulls until we clashed head to head you were really strong old friend sorry again I drew the destroyer and swung it at him but he dodged and ran away rather than chase after him I

Checked the Vault for my sealed form on day 71 to 74 I entered the room that had haunted my dreams this was definitely where the block that held my True Form had been I said had been because it wasn’t there now someone had taken it I

Felt its call again from far away and real realized immediately what had happened Tartarus must have been keeping the Block in his own inventory he was really determined to keep me from returning to my full self he’s probably on his way to ice Meister right now to

Hide the block again I didn’t want to have to fight tardus again but if he was with ice me the two of them would be unbeatable at my current level dejected I left the empty Vault behind on day 75 to 78 I asked the frost stalkers I had

Recruited during the ice mob attack what they eat like Reginald the frost stalkers ate fish too so I Ed the Destroyer to make the pond bigger all of them will have enough to eat now you’ve really made this place feel like home for me I have this I think it’ll help

Reginald gave me a book with an enchantment that could make me take no extra damage from water thanks re this will come in handy next time I cross the river you’re welcome pal well aren’t we awfully buddy buddy oh no tardus seems like you have a new best friend I should

Have known you’d leave me behind tardus where is my true form doesn’t matter you’re not yourself anymore I’m going to end this bitter memory once and for all he lunged forward I drew the Destroyer run Reginald be careful Zozo the second battle between me and tardus began I

Could still sense his moves but he was fighting like I’d never seen him fight before it took everything I had to keep on fighting until I struck him down at last that was a good hit you aren’t totally different after all tardus why listen closely because I only have time

To to say this once I brought ice Meister the legendary block and he probably still has it that means I can get it back from him yes but pay attention that sealed block has had its destructive energy reversed through enchantments that’s why all the plants grew so beautifully in that field above

They are all going to wilt away if you don’t put it back but what about me my power looks like you’ll have to make a difficult decision I wish you luck Tartarus tardus hey I’ll still be there for you just absorb me than I can help Okay I absorbed tardus and grew even

Larger I was close to a full-size wither storm now I had 60 hearts and Diamond level durability thanks buddy I’ll never forget my oldest friend on day 79 to 84 I crossed the river without the bridge because I was too big to get swept up in the current I took the forest route

Saying hello to my friends the frost stalkers along the way hello oh hey there The Voice came out of a nearby tree or should I say treant wao I didn’t see you there didn’t mean to sneak up on you I’m The Gardener of the field and

I’ve come to give this ice Meister fella a Stern how do you do how do you do doing quite well thank you yourself I’m actually looking for ice Meister too believe it or not we might be after the same item you mean the legendary power source that nourishes our crops yep I

Used to want to have it for a different reason but I’ve decided it belongs in that Vault where it can help people I like your thinking you’re not as mean and evil and scar as you look thanks I guess I traveled together with the gardener until we saw a formidable

Fortress of snow and ice on the horizon I suppose that must be ice meister’s place I would keep walking but I’m pretty tired you could say I’m bushed same and I have a feeling that he’s not going to make this easy for us to get

The block back how about we return to my base for now and discuss strategy I like where your heads at all three of them on days 85 to 89 I told the gardener of the field everything about my journey so so far including how I used to be a bad guy

When I was the ruler of the Firelands and how I was trying to stop the war sounds to me like you’ve seen and done a lot of things since you first spawned into this world so long ago changing into a better person from who you were

In the past isn’t easy but that’s what growing up is all about if only I could make ice Meister understand that I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me and that makes me sad well to be honest with you ice meister and you might never be friends but there’s a lesson in that you

Are a being of pure destruction who brings fire down upon the world while ice Meister creates snowy Landscapes and gives a sense of urgency to all the creatures he meets you two are Polar Opposites and this world needs both of you okay I sort of understand but how do

I stop him from creating War I just want the mobs to live in peace I’ll let you in on a little secret Zozo I was the one who Enchanted that block wait you helped seal my Powers yes and look how it turned out don’t you feel free now I do

Actually well there is your answer together we will free ice Meister from his Ambitions and the war will come to an end I’ll enchant the new ceiling block but you’ll need to gather the raw materials done on days 90 to 94 I searched high and low for as many

Emeralds as I could find after that I traveled to every village on both sides of the river that would let me in sorry sorry I know I’m scary little by little news spread across the land that I only wanted to trade Emerald for bottles of enchanting they started treating me like

A regular guy which I really appreciated even though I was too big to get inside the villages throughout my travels I gathered a whole bunch of bottles of Enchantment and returned to the gardener these will do give me a few days and I’ll have the seal ready awesome with

Some of the leftover enchantment bottles I decided to give myself the fire aspect enchantment it worked my wither skulls had turned red and could now catch any enemy that they hit on fire on days 95 to 97 seven I completed the statue it had been a statue of tardis all along I

Didn’t even know that when I started building it but I guess there are some things you never forget no matter how much you change my oldest and most loyal friend would now be remembered as a beautiful statue for all to see and every time I saw the statue I would

Remember him you’ve done all right Zozo thank you for remembering me tardus yep it’s me I heard his voice inside of my head okay this is kind of really weird don’t worry I won’t be doing this all the time just wanted to tell you that I’m proud you chose to put the legendary

Block back where it truly belongs well some things are more important than getting back something you lost or even being the most powerful fire wither storm in the world you’ll always be number one in my book thanks Tardis on day 98 I told the villagers that they

Could all go home if they wanted to because very soon there wouldn’t be a war on either side of the river but this is our home oh right I guess you fire guys can stay what about you ice men we’re not sure there were so many great

Memories in this place I don’t know if we want to leave yet a stay as long as you like well I’m definitely staying of course Reginald I wouldn’t have it any other way you’re going to go fight ice Master soon aren’t you yeah buddy it sure seems that way do your best okay

And come back safe this base is not a home without you of course I’ll be back shortly after that the gardener walked in with the new enchanted block we’d be using to seal ice meister’s evil side Zozo my boy it is time the ceiling block is complete we’re going right now to the

Fortress of ice Meister all right let’s go I said my goodbyes to everyone at the base this adventure is almost at the most exciting part so soon I’ll be saying goodbye to you too but don’t worry we’ll have lots of other adventures together subscribe to the

Channel and go watch some of my other ones after this there are so many to enjoy like the time I spent 100 days as a lava Wither on day 99 The Gardener and and I returned to the Fortress of ice meister and found that it wasn’t guarded

At all where is everyone it looks like you’ve brought Beast to this land after all Zozo must have been all that traveling and trying to do the right thing yeah and most of all he has no other mobs to fight for him this is our chance I blasted my way in and realized

That I wasn’t completely correct there were traps everywhere that shot ice and snow at me in the gardener oh help I’m not an evergreen tree these cold temperatures are going to make my leaves fall off just stay close to me I’ll keep you warm a trap door opened up beneath

Us no no this is it no way I jumped over the spikes and landed safely on the other side then I used my tractor beam to catch the gardener and grapple him to safety thanks you’re using your fire wither storm powers for good never thought I’d see the day you’re right I

Don’t have to be a bad guy even though I’m fiery and scary I can help people just the way I am now you know let’s go get your true form back you mean you’re letting me have the other block sure the field only needs one at a time and

You’ve had your turn now it’s ice meister’s turn I can’t believe I’m going to be returning to my true form after all this is so exciting on day 100 The Gardener and I came face to face with ice Meister he was holding the block that contained My True Form it’s over

Ice Meister give back what you stole and we’ll make this easy easy you think there’s an easy way out of this I don’t think so you’re fire wither storm and you’re bad to the bone your path of Destruction won’t stop as long as you still exist no it stops now I’m good and

I can prove it to you zoo is telling the truth ice Meister why don’t you call it quits our plants need that block you mean this block Ice Meister held up the block with my True Form inside and absorbed it becoming a terrifying new version of himself as if that weren’t

Bad enough ice Meister also spawned a bunch of other snowman to attack us seize them little ones The Gardener looked at me and held up the new enchanted block I’ll fire the ceiling spell up you keep him and his minions busy you got it I Unleashed all my

Powers on the miniature snowmen I made sure to clear all of them out first before facing off against ice Meister you’ll never defeat me Zozo I already have you thought absorbing that power you took from me would help you win but destructive power like that should only

Be used responsibly and what would you know about that more than you’d think we all get to decide who we are and I’ve decided that this is my true form as soon as I said that I instantly grew back to full size I had 180 Hearts now

The playing field was even while the ice Meister was distracted The Gardener finished charging his spell Zozo now move I dodged out of the way as a beam shot forth from the Block in an instant it absorbed ice meister’s evil form and left behind only a tiny snowball I’ll

Get get you for this okay but take your time maybe you could be the good guy this time with the seal set in place The Gardener was able to save the crops at its field meanwhile I went back to my base in the Firelands it was peaceful

For now and I hoped that would last either way it was a good day to be myself on day one I spawned into the frozen lakes as an ice wither storm W even as a baby ice wither storm I’m pretty awesome and thank goodness because I don’t feel cold out here either

But my celebrations were interrupted when I heard the flapping of Mighty Wings coming towards me I looked up and saw a huge ice dragon floating in the air above me you uh me don’t be funny with me boyo what’s your name I’m Zozo Mis I’m Ivan Ivan the ice dragon and

That means ice is my thing you think you can steal my thing you wey little wither stor I’ll teach you what it means to be truly ice cold Ian fired a huge ice blast down towards me it nearly hit me but I was lucky enough to dodge at the

Last second hey you almost hit me yeah that’s what we in the business call a warning shot dummy the next one will come when you least expect it you want to keep the icy cred you’ve got 100 days to earn it or frostbite is going to be

The least of your worries he Unleashed an even more powerful ice blast and this time I just had to run for my life got to beat Ivan or he’s going to freeze me to my doom on day two I wandered further across the frozen lakes in weather this

Freezing even I started to feel the cold this is so embarrassing for an ice wither storm maybe I just need some food I only have 10 Hearts it’s important to keep my hunger bar filled up I searched across the frozen lakes until I finally found an apple tree it’s not easy to

Grow food in a place this cold so I needed to enjoy everything I could get I broke down the tree and ate some of the apples solving the hunger situation but it didn’t solve the situation of a dread thrall charging out of the the distance huh enjoy those apples you little baby

That’s such a baby thing to do eat apples is it I’m not sure I follow your logic here it makes sense when you’re a dread thr okay it’s like a cultural thing anyways let’s fight I been told me that a Wither storm was trying to Jack

His style I owe it to him to put you down the dread thrall ran at me and Unleashed some powerful attacks I wasn’t strong enough to fight him yet so all I could do was break away from the fight and run for my life I got out of there

As fast as I could but as I cowered behind a pile of snow I heard something approaching I was terrified worried that it could be the dread thraw instead a cyclops stepped out come with me if you want to live how could I deny an offer

Like that on day three the Cyclops led me across a safe part of the frozen lakes telling me to keep as quiet as possible you need to keep a low profile around here if you want to last Ivan’s dread thrs are all over the place where are you taking taking me shh somewhere

Safe that’s all you need to know I kept quiet as the Cyclops led me then he suddenly stops this is as far as I’ll go it’s too dangerous for us all to be in one place go forward 50 paces and you’ll see a Dodo hippogriff at a campfire

Speak to him and then come back to me when you’re done okay understood I followed the Cyclops instructions until predictably I found myself at the campfire where the dodo hippogriff was waiting he sent you good you follow orders you might have a better chance of surviving than the last one wait what do

You mean the last one you think you’re the first ice wither storm to spawn here there have been many and Ivan has destroyed them all out of his evil jealousy but if he’s after ice wither storms why are you and that Cyclops guy so afraid of him and his goons your

People have the worst of it but Ivan is a nightmare for all of us anyone who bruises his ego gets destroyed we want him gone and with our powers combined we can make it happen what do I need to do go with Cyclops train get stronger if he

Finds you this threatening now imagine what you can do when you reach full power from day four to day five I carried out the dodo hippogriffs wishes and left with the Cyclops I knew that if I was going to survive this I needed to put a roof over both of our heads sit

Tight Cyclops I’m going to make us some tools and get started I knocked down a tree with my weather storm strength and made the pieces into a wooden pickaxe from there I mined into the ground and collected some Stone I had to be careful where I mined and built because some

Areas were just a thin layer of ice over water when I had enough Stone I built myself a stone pickaxe and a stone sword with my spare Stone I started building a basic two room base to protect myself and cyclops from the elements this is a

Good start Zozo solid but low key this won’t attract any undue attention thank you I think but it may not have been that lowkey all that building had attracted a dangerous dirt scorpion a long way away from home as it attacked this time I fought back until the dirt

Scorpion Was Defeated this gave me the XP to level up getting 30 hearts and a new power ice blast now I can finally start living up to my ICE wither storm name from day six to day eight I left the Cyclops back at the base while I

Went out to explore a nearby Frosty mountain range called the Alps wow the air is very thin up here I probably wouldn’t make a habit of hanging out up here but my thoughts were interrupted by an adorable orange and white kitty running up towards me please stranger I need some help there’s something

Terrible happening back there calm down calm down what’s going on here kitty a dread scuttler it’s horrible and it was chasing after me I was so scared don’t worry Kitty you just hang back here and I’ll go take care of it thank you stranger thank you please call me Zozo I

Braced myself and went off in the direction that the kitty came from it didn’t take me long to find the dread scuttler and with the help of my ice blast and my stone sword it didn’t take long for me to beat it either afterwards the kitty approached me happy that I’d

Taken care of the nasty dread scuttler zoo that was amazing you’re the best please it was nothing well if it was so easy maybe you’ll help me take care of a dread L not far from here he’s been causing a lot of trouble sure I’ll

Always do my best from day N9 to day 10 I followed Kitty’s instructions and went further into the Alps that’s why I found the dread waiting so you’re the one who destroyed my dread scuttler do you have any idea how hard those are to summon I’ll make you pay for this you wretched

Little ice wither storm Tu is cheap dread let’s duke it out but it didn’t take me long to regret being so gung-ho The Dread L was way tougher than I thought he Tanked my attacks and returned with some magical attacks of his own my only option was to run away

And survive to fight another day I met with Kitty again and told her the bad news don’t beat yourself up Zozo you tried your best and you did an amazing job getting rid of the dread scuttler and I’m going to take care of the dread

L too but I need to get stronger first why don’t you come and stay at my base in the frozen lakes it’ll probably be safer there that’s a very generous offer Zozo and I think I’ll take you up on it from day to day 12 I returned to my base

With Kitty and quickly set about building a new room in my base for her to stay I made sure it was the kind of room that’d be really cozy for a cute little kitty what do you think Kitty I think you did an amazing job Zozo so

Amazing in fact that I made a few base upgrades of my own to repay you and kitty certainly had made some awesome upgrades she created a sheep farm full of yep you guessed it sheep she’ also created a furnace and a storage room are you implying I should go and Forge

Myself some new weapons Kitty nothing gets past you Zozo I searched until I found a decent Cavern for Mining and searched until I found a healthy vein of iron ore I dug up the ore and took it back to my base with me there I used the

Furnace Kitty built to smelt my ore into iron ingots and with those and some sticks I made myself an iron pickaxe and an iron sword now I’m stronger than ever before that’s what I’m talking about from day 13 to day 15 I spoke to the Cyclops again asking if he had any

Advice on how to get strong enough to defeat Ivan the ice dragon well what have you fought so far I fought a lot of things fought and beat I mean oh uh a dirt scorpion and a dread scuttler you’re going to need to fight stronger things than big bugs if you want to

Really level up Zozo go back to the Alps and find something worth defeating there only true challenge will help you grow your skills great advice Cyclops following his advice I went back to the Alps even making my way up there was exhausting this was going to be more

Challenging than I thought hey if it is isn’t a big Goofy Apple eating baby I knew I’d find you eventually and now you’re doomed it was the same dread thall who’ hassled me earlier but this time I wasn’t going to talk to him I was

Going to fight him and I was going to win with a combination of ice blast and lethal strikes from my iron sword The Dread thrw was vanquished and I picked up a healing potion he dropped once I’d swigged it down I started to transform I got bigger stronger I had 60 hearts and

A new ability shooting with a Wither Skull half ice half wither storm my power is really coming along from day 16 to day 19 I went from the mountains of the Alps to the even higher Frozen Peaks if getting challenged makes you tougher I’m going to be as tough as one of these

Mountains soon during my journey I happened upon a book laying on the ground it’s title read dread thrs diary well this seems like a central reading there was a section that read Ivan’s been such a drag since that ice wither storm turned up he’s so paranoid and

Stuck in his own head he started staying in that base in the eroded Badlands what kind of ice dragon hangs out in the Badlands it’s way too hot there he’s staying in the eroded Badlands that’s really useful information I looked up and saw another dread thraw standing a

Few feet from me hey that’s my diary you jerk oh before he said another word I blasted The Dread th with a powerful Wither Skull and he was no more from day 20 to day 22 well heading back from the Frozen Peaks I wiped out a small but

Vicious gang of coyotes it feels good to be so powerful I think I’ve earned myself a treat I returned to my favorite mining Cavern and collected a few extra trunks of iron ore then I returned to my base and used the furnace to smelt them into iron ingots from that I built

Myself an iron chest plate and equipped it you probably can’t see it in all my wither storm swirls but it feels good to know it’s there with my new power and new armor I felt the confidence to go back and settle an old school I returned

To the Alps where I saw the dread waiting ready for me to hand you your ice wither storm heiny a Zozo I’d like to see you try dreadit this time it was a much more even fight with my wither skulls and Ice blast this time I put him

Down for good kitty is going to be so pleased when I tell her suddenly a chill went down my already chilly ice witherstorm spine I heard the great flapping of wings in the sky above and saw Ivan the ice dragon coming towards me a there you are you little plagiarist

You lazy copycat I’m going to be the only ice being out here as strong as I’d gotten I still wasn’t Tough Enough To Take on Ivan yet I did the only thing I could and ran from day 23 to Day 26 I made it safely back to my base and

Rushed to tell Kitty the good news hey Kitty remember that dread L you were having trouble with you mean the one you were having trouble with Zozo well those troubles are over I defeated him perfect FF nicely done Zozo I didn’t want to rest on my victory for too long after

All I had only just nearly escaped from Ivan I still needed to get much stronger if I was going to take him down for good I decided to venture back to the mines and have another shot at Gathering up some more iron ore luckily for me there

Was plenty to be found in another vein underground and I hacked away with my pickaxe once I had gathered up enough ore I smelted it into some shiny new iron ingots I had plenty to Smith myself an iron helmet and sturdy p pair of iron

Boots to match my chest piece now I was fully protected Soo come have a look what’s new kitty cat wo Kitty had been working on an upgrade to my base as a way of saying thank you for helping her out she’d built a brand new perimeter

Wall to keep danger at Bay now I wasn’t the only one with added protection my base and my friends were too from day 27 to day 31 I headed back to the Frozen Peaks now that a few of the dread thalls and that pesky dread Lich were taken

Care of it was a bit safe safer for me to explore the area although I had my guard up when I spotted a mighty Beth but was he a friend or Foe relax little ice wither storm take a chill pill sorry I can’t be too careful with Ivan and his

Dread hord around oh that buzz kill yeah I can imagine he would have given an icicle like you a really icy reception are you going to keep making jokes like that all day sorry man I’m just feeling pretty good since she took out all those dread throlls it’s made things around

Here way cooler but you know there’s still plenty of Ivan’s minions around right you’re right and it’s not safe for you here Beth head back to my base with me sweet you’re a pretty chilled guy Zozo I made my way back to the base with

The Beth once we had returned I was able to grab some wool from the flock of sheep in the pen and use that wool to make some nice decorative banners that really liven the place up once the decorating work was done the Cyclops ran over in a panic Zozo come quickly I need

Your help there is another challenge that might help build your strengths then lead the way from day 32 to day 35 my Cyclops friend and Mentor took me towards the frozen lakes where we came across a sight that even made my ice wither storm self shiver a swarm of Ivan

The ice dragon’s dread thalls were chasing after dodo the hippogriff Zozo help it’s Ivan he’s found me he’s on to us I leapt into battle swinging my iron sword to chop down some of the dread thalls I let off an ice blast then another attack my Wither Skull blast I

Was desperately trying to clear a path to reach the dodo hippogriff but there were just too many dread THS in the way no The Dread thalls destroyed the dodo hippogriff I slashed my sword at them taking down each and every one of them until not a single thw was left standing

But I was still too late from Day 36 to day 39 I decided to wander off on my own for a little while I needed to clear my head and be alone with my thoughts I hadn’t known the dodo hippogriff all that long but I was still sad I couldn’t

Save him he’d had a lot of faith in me being able to take on Ivan so I figured maybe my sadness was a reminder that I couldn’t take his wisdom for granted I had to make sure I lived up to the dodo hippogriffs expectations on my travels I

Encountered a cactoid in the elves oh oh my my will you please help me I’m being pursued by a beastly creature sure thing just point me at the nasty Critter and it’s a as good as gone the cactoid led me to the creature that had been coming

After him a horrible hellhound I grabbed my sword and Reed for a fight after all the dodo hippogryph had told me the path to victory was getting stronger and any battle was a chance to improve I took down the hellhound with a little effort and went back to the cactoid to tell him

The good news oh my oh my my thank you kind chilly stranger I’ve seen Ivan’s Minions on the Move more and more lately his ego must must have been pricked something fierce yeah that Dragon really is vain he took out one of my friends

Just to get at me well he wants to be the only ice creature around I imagine he feels threatened by you take it from a guy covered in spines some people only act tough on the outside to protect themselves on the inside from day 40 to

Day 43 I decided it was time to rejoin my friends back at the base the Cyclops and I had parted briefly after we lost the dodo hippogriff but I thought about what he’d said before only with our powers combined could we take down Ivan hey there Zozo glad to see you’re back

Don’t worry I’ve been keeping an eye out while you were gone thanks Cyclops say this place looks a little different well I wasn’t going to just sit around on my hands have a look around the Cyclops had worked really hard at making the base more homely just the thing I needed to

Lift my spirits after losing the dodo hippogriff he’d built plenty of new bookshelves and even a few comfy couches you know Cyclops it’s not like we can sit on more than one of these couches at a time about that zoo I was wondering if I could invite some guests there are

More cyclopses like me who have had it up to their eye with Ivan would you mind if they came to stay not at all the more the merrier after the other cyclopses came in and found their places the bmth came over to talk to me say zoo when

You’ve got a moment I also have a favor to ask you from day 44 to day 49 I set off from my base to carry out a quest that my friend the BMS had given me he said that there was a silver Lobo hiding somewhere in the Frozen Peaks and that

He had some useful info that would help me taking down Ian if I could take him down that is but while I was beginning my search I heard the flap of two icy wings and had to LEAP out of the way as Ivan arrived swooping in for an ambush

There you are I thought you would have given up after my dread throlls killed your poor friend the doo hpog you know he’d still be alive if you had just turned yourself over and let me destroy you little wither storm what’s your problem Ivan you’re really going out of

Your way to try and stop me from getting stronger seems like you might be a little insecure you you’re a pest nothing more than a chilly Breeze I’m an ice dragon I should be the master of the freezing cold I’ll unleash a whole new Ice Age on this world an endless deep

Freeze but as long as you’re around you’re in my way so let’s see if we can’t fix that little problem suddenly a monstrous Reaver burst out of nowhere and came charging towards me Ivan had already flapped away leaving his minion to take me on this creature might be my

Toughest fight yet from day 50 to day 53 I got to fighting the Reaver this thing was one of the most powerful mobs I’d ever seen it was all brute strength and rage I deflected its blows with my iron sword the occasional hit knocking into my armor and causing me a little damage

I’d need to keep my cool if I was going to defeat this monster wait that’s it I blasted the Reaver with my ice blast while the icy attack didn’t freeze it completely it did slow down the Beast attacks I could Dodge out of the way of

Its fist a lot easier now and got around behind it to deliver the final strike with my sword the Reaver fell I had not only survived but I’d beaten the creature too but my trusty iron sword was looking a little worse for wear now although much to my surprise the Reaver

Dropped something that could come in real Handy later on some mystical diamonds I’ll stash these in my inventory for now but they could make me a great replacement for my sword as soon as I touched them I was Gra Ed a magical Vision by the mystical diamonds they

Showed me a little dragon just newly hatched it was Ivan as a baby he was scared and all alone left abandoned on the top of a frozen peak so that’s why he was such a bully he’ felt so helpless and now he wanted to be the strongest

Around to avoid that feeling even if it meant being mean to others from day 54 to day 57 I continued my search through the Frozen Peaks until I finally came upon the creature I’d been searching for the silver Lobo this thing was nasty I didn’t even have a chance to negotiate

Or come up with a peaceful solution it just lunged straight for me lucky for me I had already Tangled with a Reaver and survived not to mention all the dread thrs I’d taken down so with a few blasts of Wither skulls the battle was over as

Quick as it began and then I saw the thing that was so handy that the bmth had sent me here in the first place the silver Lobo dropped a map it had been tasked with guarding a location that obviously Ivan didn’t want me getting to

So I grabbed the map and made the track back to my base I needed to speak with the Beth hey there Zozo it sure is cool to see you back in one piece say Beth why send me after this map well I figure you should go to where it leads and find

Out for yourself will I find out why Ivan wants to stop me from getting stronger oh I can tell you that he doesn’t like being the weak one and you intimidate him an ice dragon like him can harness the frost in the freak but you you’re cooler than cool you’re

Ice cold ice Withers are made of pure Frozen magic he only wants to hold you back because he knows you could outmatch him from day 58 to day 62 I decided to do some more work on my base now that I was back for a while I upgraded our

Sheet pen making it more spacious for the flock so they could roam around a bit easier then I took a look at the map I had gotten from the silver Lobo and started to follow it to see what all the fuss was about and it only led to a mine

Filled with diamonds no wonder Ivan didn’t want me finding out about this place I got to work mining as many diamonds as I could carry and race back to my base so I could turn them into useful items before long I had a brand new diamond sword to replace my worn out

Old iron one along with a new diamond pickaxe to make mining a breeze then just as I was finished my Cyclops friend came up to talk to me Zozo I noticed some of my fellow cyclopses were a little bit chilly so I made a brand new fireplace with them hope that’s okay

Sure even though the cold never bothered me anyway I’m glad you guys can keep warm the Cyclops and his new Pals had even built a whole new comfy living area for everyone to show their appreciation for being allowed to stay in the base I had to admit I was pretty impressed with

What they’ done with the place from day 63 to day 66 I decided to ask around my base for some advice I knew I still wasn’t tough enough to go head-to-head with Ivan yet but I had to do something to get back at him and besides the dodo

Hippogryph had made me realize that team was the best way to putting a stop to Ivan’s plans eventually the best advice came from Kitty you know from that dread THS diary that Ivan has a base in the eroded Badlands right well why not go and Scout the place out you don’t have

To go in or try and face him just take a look from the outside to see what it looks like and how to get there good idea a recon mission thanks Kitty no problem Zozo I made my way to the eroded Badlands making sure I kept to the shade

As often as I could since the Badlands were so so much hotter than the frozen lakes even though ice wither storms like me were pure Enchanted ice I didn’t want to run the risk of melting I was able to get a good look at Ivan’s base it was

Well guarded by plenty of his minions the place was crawling with Dread thralls getting inside was going to be tricky unless I got a lot stronger suddenly I caught the sound of someone sneaking up on me it was a siren oh no I thought one of Ivan’s perimeter guards

Had found me but to my surprise she wasn’t with Ivan at all you you’re an ice wither storm then the rumors were true come come with me there is something I need your assistance with from day 67 to Day 70 I followed the siren as she explained what the problem

Was one of Ivan’s dread beasts drove me out of my home not far from here it’s an incredibly territorial creature and I can’t convince it to leave I need someone to well not to be in delegate but someone that can remove it no problem Miss siren I’ll handle it sure

Enough there in a clearing sat the vicious dread Beast it immediately sensed the presence of an ice wither storm in its territory and I got ready for a fight after all I’d been looking for a chance to test out my new diamond sword the snarling dread Beast was quick

But only a little bit harder to defeat than one of the dread thalls I swung my sword at the monster and it fell bested in combat and now the siren’s home was free from the nasty Intruder oh thank you Zozo I wish I could offer you more

Than just my gratitude but know that should you ever need a helping hand I will come to your Aid wow thanks Miss siren from day 71 to day 74 I ventured out across the eroded Badlands trying to get a better feel for the area and see if I could come across any hidden

Passageways or other areas that could offer me some secret way into Ivan’s Lair I just needed to find something to give myself an advantage and if I could get a drop on that egotistical ice dragon maybe that would help me defeat him I didn’t didn’t find much in the way

Of secret tunnels although I did pass a strange rock formation when I looked at it from a certain angle it almost seemed to spell out a word if you’re enjoying this video and want to see more then find our other ones by searching zo zo or clicking the channel icon below

Suddenly I heard a familiar flapping of some fearsome Wings Ian I must have wandered close enough to his base for one of his dread thrs to spot me you never should have come here Zozo I’ll tase you to trespass Ivan fired his icy attack SS at me under the sun of the

Badlands he was weakened either that or because I was Stronger now I could take more of what he could dish out feeling confident I swiped my diamond sword at him as he swooped down low but it wasn’t enough to cause any lasting damage I still wasn’t strong enough so I dodged

Out of the path of Ivan’s next ice blast and took cover until he flew off frustrated he couldn’t find me he wasn’t the only one feeling frustrated though from day 75 to day 78 I headed back to base and went to sit quietly in my room

I was annoyed that I still couldn’t beat Ivan in a fight I knew all about him now how he had become the meanest toughest around so nobody else could harm him but he still needed taking down and if I couldn’t even manage to do that then no

One else had any hope of stopping him I wasn’t strong enough and that made me feel like I’d let down the poor dodo hippogriff hey Zozo don’t feel so disheartened come and check out the base we’ve made some improvements that are pretty they’re good it’s okay bmth you

Can make a nice joke they’re pretty cool that’s what they are here I’ll show you the bmth showed me around the base eager for me to see the new battlements he and the others had been working hard to install there was now a brand new Watchtower offering a great vantage

Point to spot Ian or any of his minions coming if they ever tried to attack our base I had to admit even in my low mood it helped to lift my spirits a little but not as much as what came next Zozo my Cyclops Brethren and I have been

Talking talking and I’ve been thinking about what the dodo hippogryph said to you about combining our powers this battle axe is a sacred item to us and well we think you should have it I was honored I took hold of the Cyclops battle ax and hoisted it high I could

Feel its magic coursing through me as I suddenly grew larger it granted me 100 hearts and even passed on some ancient wisdom to me how to perform a special attack called a whirlwind attack from day 79 to day 84 I was feeling pumped for a rematch with with Ivan the ice

Dragon so I made my way back toward the bad lands to take him on with my increased strength and the Cyclops power at my side much my disappointment Ivan was nowhere to be seen probably hiding back in the safety of his base I did come across a fire ogre though this was

One mob I really didn’t want to let get the better of me his burning blast of flame could have melted me but luckily a huge gust of wind from my Whirlwind attack and some ice Blast for good measure quickly snuffed out the fire ogre for good but before I could

Celebrate I got quite the Fright when a ghost appeared behind me hey don’t sneak up on me like that my apologies have been wandering these bad lands for longer than I could remember just looking for where I fell in my last life well I’m sure I could help you look The

Ghost and I searched around for a while and he seemed to be pretty grateful just to have someone to talk to after being on his own for so long after a little digging we came across a shiny Diamond Helmet you found my helmet this must have been where my body was thank you

Zozo now I can rest here take my helmet I’d rather had went to someone worthy like you this was perfect some added protection from attacks would give me an edge against Ivan from day 85 to day 89 I headed back to my base only to find a terrifying sight waiting for me dread

THS they were attacking my base I jumped into action and Drew My Sword I let out a blast of my Whirlwind attack sending dread thrs top in over and flinging them into the air I cut down two with my diamond sword then froze another with an

Ice blast a heavy strike with my sword and he was gone ah jeez they promised that ice wither storm was just a big Goofy Apple eating baby that’s no baby let’s get the heck out of here with that the remaining dread thrs ran off and I

Rushed after them I had to make sure they didn’t make it back to Ivan if they led him to where my base was located he could destroy all of my friends I wasn’t about to let that happen I chased the dread thrs across the frozen lakes until

They were pretty far from my base I almost lost track of them but thankfully I passed a pink pixie who pointed me in their Direction hurry Zozo those horrid brutes are tearing through the Lakes causing chaos please give them what Flo from day 90 to Day 94 I caught up with

The dread THS they’d ran all the way back to the eroded Badlands if I didn’t act quickly they’d reveal the location of my friends to Ivan then he’d attack they were approaching Ivan’s base when suddenly the thw stopped a hideous creature came out to meet them it was a gorgon what news for

Masteren we uh we found where the big Goofy Apple eating baby was hiding but he wasn’t no goofy Apple eating baby he’s a powerful ice wither storm silence lower your voice don’t let our Master hear I will break the news to him first tell me where I can find this trouble my

Wither storm after the dread THS left I ran in to take on the Gorgon alone I’m right here the Gorgon gave an angry hiss as I jumped out from my hiding spot and cut down one of the THS I took them out much easier than when I first started

Out but getting rid of them was only the beginning the Gorgon attacked I had to use all the attacks I had learned to fend him off this was by far my toughest fight yet from day 995 to day 97 I continued trading blows with a gorgon I

Thought of the dodo hippogriff and his wise guidance and of the Beth Kitty and the cyclopses and all they had done for me I couldn’t let them down an icicle like you can’t best me out here in the bad lands is where a serpent like me can

Thrive yeah well if you’re anything like your boss then you’re just talking a big game to hide how uncertain you are and I never met a snake I could trust a snake that was it a cold-blooded reptile that’s why the Gorgon lived out here where it was warm if I used my Frosty

Powers I could make him drowsy slow him down so that’s what I did firing off as many ice blast as I could despite the scorching sunlight it was working the gorgon’s attacks got slower easier to dodge and I could slash the Frozen parts of his body to chip away at his health

Soon he had been defeated I’d done it I’d taken down Ivan’s top henchmen the Gorgan even dropped a key that would get me into Ivan’s base wait don’t you want to know what happened to the others others the other ice wither storms yes how my master destroyed them all with

His dying breath the Gorgon told me that Ivan after being abandoned on a frosty Peak devoted himself to being the coldest creature around he had hunted down other ice Withers to absorb their freezing powers and make himself stronger that was why he had been trying

To get to me this whole time I had to stop him but I’d need to gear up before the final fight on day 8 I made my way back to my base hoping to prepare myself for my final showdown against Ivan it had all been building to this and I

Hoped I was ready first I spoke to Beth don’t worry Zozo I’m sure you’ve got what it takes to take down Ivan you’re the coolest customer I know thanks for that bmth then Kitty zoo take care remember to lick your wounds and don’t fight if you’ve got a hair ball trust me

On that one I’ll take your word for it Kitty and and finally the Cyclops listen Zozo I can’t thank you enough for giving me and my Cyclops friends a home I think the dodo hippocrip would be proud of how far you’ve come we combined our powers

And it made you the powerful ice wither storm you are I just hope that I’m ready to take on Ivan none of us are ever ready for challenges Zozo we just have to tell ourselves we are and remember what challenges are for there to make us

Stronger on day 99 I made my way back toward the lair of the ice dragon passing the Alps of my journey towards the eroded Badlands when I finally reached my destination it seemed Ivan hadn’t taken the fall of his Gorgon too well the place was crawling with Dread

Thralls I knew I could handle a group of them but this was way more than I had ever seen what I could really do with is getting help getting past these dread thralls but of course you only had to ask Zozo Miss siren my siren song Can

Distract these THS for a time that should help you deal with them you go in there and take on Ivan once and for all on day 100 I made my way into the heart of Ivan’s Lair and came face to face with the Frozen Dragon himself so you’ve

Come to get melted like all the other ice wither storms no way Ivan I’m here to stop you I understand why you feel the need to be so tough but it doesn’t excuse hurting people I am tough what do you think that me an ice dragon would

Make my home here in the eroded Badlands because I’m strong enough cold enough to withstand the heat let’s see about that we clashed the fight was on Ivan was much bigger than me and could fly so he already had a few advantages I didn’t

But I had plenty of my own I was smaller faster and far stronger than when we had last fought like before I kept trying to take some swings of my diamond sword whenever Ian swooped down low and came in for an attack this was working for a

Bit but Ivan quickly realized what I was doing and began to stay hovering in in the air to evade my sword strikes flapping his wings to stay above me he launched icy blast my way and I had to dodge as quick as I could but that gave

Me an idea Two Can Play That Game Ivan I’ve Got The Power of ice and the cyclopses on my side moving quickly I used my ice blast then I stayed Out Of Reach and fired some wither skulls his way it worked one more swipe of my diamond sword would finish it hey Ivan

You really need to chill out boom Ivan the ice dragon was defeated

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a NOOB DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft! – The Ultimate Flying Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-12-31 02:15:01. It has garnered 8152 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 06:44:57 or 24297 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a NOOB DRAGON in Hardcore Minecraft! Everyone knows Noob Steve, now meet the Noob Dragon! I have to figure things out on my own, in order to stop the mysterious super villain. I’ll meet tons of dragons, including the famous Ender Dragon! Can I save the world in time?!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a NOOB DRAGON 0:35:42 100 DAYS as a POISON DRAGON 1:19:08 100 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON 1:55:20 200 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON 2:29:50 100 DAYS as a JURASSIC PARK DINOSAUR 3:07:47 100 DAYS as a SKELETON DRAGON 3:49:18 100 DAYS as a HUNGRY DRAGON 4:22:00 100 DAYS as a LAVA DINOSAUR 4:53:52 100 DAYS as a VENOM DRAGON 5:29:44 100 DAYS as a FIRE WITHERSTORM 6:09:45 100 DAYS as an ICE WITHERSTORM

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    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

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    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More