Can we defeat the elusive cave dweller?!

Video Information

Oh this is the regular C experience welcome in welcome in guys X thank you bro thank you for always hopping in thank you for being the first one always you’re the goat all right we’re just getting a a couple things uh set up here first and then we should be good to go

I know what it is maybe this one was able to upload to uh Discord no I’ll share it with you one more time just case you don’t have the the mods share share with link copy link done all right there you go it’s those mods okay sweet let me just double

Check while I double check um I’m actually going to go get my hot chocolate mhm oh it should be good nice is a is Aon still playing U balers gate oh man nice nice nice all right let’s see here I’m going to boot up Minecraft and see if everything’s working

Right we’re going to be trying to kill the cave dweller tonight man X you’re the goat dude you gotta you got to watch the streamers before you go to school you know what I’m saying all righty one oh wait he went somewhere oh yeah I think everything’s working just fine here I will

Uh 6 a.m. tomorrow all right well you don’t have to be in too long man no worries when you got to leave you got to leave it’s all good um but yeah just hopping in for any amount of time it’s much appreciated by the way I am supposed to

Be having a video out I’m hoping hoping this week uh I ran into a couple technical diffic technical difficulties but should be done this week for sure I think it’s a pretty fire video if I’m I do say so myself man am I on an island believe I am on an island very

Strange I not literally just m oh there we go there we go all righty so all the mods are good yep uh I believe so oh my God it’s so dark with this fog Sav me some changes real quick go to my stream link actually

Let’s all right X if you insist man if you insist seems good all righte it’s so dark I’m on like I’m in the middle of an ocean right now I’m on our world right now oh okay wheat wheat um good yeah that’d be awesome X oh my God it’s so dark with these

Shaders on oh do you have the night time the nightmare one on yeah there’s some mobs over here holy [ __ ] oh my God what I don’t know what that is bro some creature God did what was that I’m about to die there’s no animals on this island

Do you want me to restart the world or should I just hop in and join what you’re doing no definitely restart the world there’s like I’m in the I’m on an island at the middle in the middle of the ocean right now I also only have one and a half hearts and now

Dead all right I’m going to change one last thing hop off just check on my stream really quick ready X we are we are we’re going to be trying to hunt the cave dweller tonight see if we could see if we can kill him oh I forgot to do this one last thing

There we go and then you have your resource pack set up the scary sounds and the C valer Sound over hole I believe so I’ll double check in a second though all right all right everybody Welcome to the stream today we’ll be hunting the cave dweller yes sir we

Will all right I’m ready to go cool um I have a timer up there let’s hide that cuz we’re not using that you got on timer perfect actually okay cool should be all good to go sweet um multiplayer don’t show the screen again safety warnings be gone ready to join when you

Are all right I’m ready 3 two one go and I’m going curious how uh now we’re actually hunting it and not running away from it I know right uh beautiful optify grass it looks beautiful I love it you where are you Auto jumps on oh nasty

I’m good all right I guess we GE her up optify grass yeah man that makes grass better you look if you look at my My Stream here here actually I’ll send you a screenshot yeah I live up to find grass punching trees on stream I got to show my friend

Gabe d here the beauty of OptiFine grass I need to know I must know ghost equipment what’s ghost equ equipment X ghost equipment that sounds cool uh my frames Minecraft not optimized for anything what just happened why did my thing just why did my headphones just ah

They’re down again I’m confused okay now they’re good all right first thing first Squad anyone in chat we need wood is to attack the uh I almost said mine FL for some reason to attack the cave Builder yeah we’re going to want we’re going to want weapons we’re going to want Iron

We’re going to want armor as best as we can possibly get so probably iron the moment um there are some other uh there are some other mods in here too to make things a little more difficult I noticed that there are definitely other creatures yes oh I just realized something uh I

Did not turn on my nightmare shaders oh that sounds very interesting Insanity shaders here we go ah much better the fog oh my God these shaders make everything gray I know right what the heck I just have a gray overlay on my screen all right I’m going to need some

Cobblestone or some Stone now that working I really to the stream this is aest think so hold on stream making sure everything’s working multi streaming runs into a lot of issues technical difficulties occasionally okay yeah everything’s good I was just paranoid we’re chilling uh Gabe where’d you go um I’m

Kind of off on an island right now just Gathering resources oh okay I want to get myself some more wood somehow I still don’t have PL which is quite annoying you could burn the cave dweller you try to catch on on fire yeah that’s exactly what I was

Thinking oh we could set up a trap to where we uh like uh drop them in lava or something yeah let’s try it they like lure into a hole like or something you know yeah we could do one of those uh like you can make traps that use like

Sand or gravel and so walks over it that it collapses you know yeah fall into the lava like that I like the sound of that let me get a little bit more food hello sheep do you know where water sheep is water sheep water sheep what’s that

Water sheep’s in heaven it was it was a trick question water sheep is dead is that PewDiePie sheep yeah what the she lights are that perfect um this is weird not like I’m so used to speedr running I know I’m sitting here like I don’t need to like

Do the things I’m normally doing right although there could be a village here it would be nice if we found one to be honest true we definitely want to armor up what’s up what time is it we might want to get together here soon oh [ __ ] you’re

Right and we could probably start we should probably Mine at Night Don’t mine at night I was literally thinking the same thing because there are some scary things that spawn on the surface all right all right bet I don’t want to deal with them they’ll just kill

Us uh I’ll come to you can you give me your cords I’m coming back to spawn actually I’m almost back oh okay right there we if you find some sheep I did actually I killed two of them I did two I have one white wool and one

Black um all right I’m pretty much back oh there’s sheep in there spawn actually too sheep right here perfect oh there’s a village right here wait I’m not a spawn wait you’re not at spawn right now I I just came across the village where are you here let’s meet about the

Village take it’s near spawn not uh it’s -250 okay about I got a bed now oh what smithing table really 00 and then positive 50 yeah oh [ __ ] more like negative 200 positive 100 okay take the Cobblestone hope you don’t mind villager kind of need this oh I see

I’ll replace it with wood for you there you go villager I know sleeping inah wait you know the lyrics of that sort of jadina likes that D I’m jealous does she really yeah it does catchy I know right I’m a little little jealous I need to lyrics little more

Research on that my homework yeah yeah being a Minecraft Youtuber I got to got to know those kind of things exactly bro it’s a necessity ah give me my Cobblestone I found a little mind watch My Stream get a freaking copyright because I said that sh dude right honestly all

Right oh look at all the villag is conjugating over here all right everybody btime just in time I’m about to kill inside inside hurry it up night time is falling going to be out after dark o I got five iron good job oh my goodness oh really nice sauce noise you need food

Game uh sure yes you need food here you go thank you all right I guess we should go to bed huh yeah I don’t want to be out you know what’s funny about the Don’t Mind at Night song game H it’s actually bad advice it’s better to M at night so I’ve heard

Man oh you know cuz cuz you avoid the mobs up up up above right yeah but you know why I guess not the uh there there’s a cap on how many mobs can spawn so if you’re in caves during the day that’s the only place they can spawn

But if you’re down during night they can also spawn in the surface so less mobs will spawn in the caves gotcha right that makes sense cancel whoever made that song eat meat not potatoes oh potato here yep no no no that’s X he by that room I do like meat

So how about eat bread do be potato Bread’s the best cuz you can get so much of it oh yeah for real I want to grab the rest of the bread actually while we’re here max out on food worry about it there was no uh um what’s it blacksmith shop

Here uh I have not seen one no just found some emeralds 17 apples oh really 17 this might be a dumb question but can you make golden apples with regular apples you can yeah really with just gold you just need eight gold ingots shr it Fred around the Apple

All right I guess we should probably go get some iron now huh yeah I’m actually we a little bit more things real quick yeah me too I’m going to smell some meat I actually want uh there has to be more um oh you know what might be good to take it for the

Torches sitting around oh good call hey Fox welcome welcome to the stream SCP fo torches CP mind me villagers I’m just going to take your take your lighting borrow I mean yeah we’ll put it back if we don’t die we won’t die bro the cave do is the only thing

Down don’t mind at night Fox is your um game plate yet the one you’re working on my New Year’s resolution X um honestly my New Year’s resolution is to keep doing YouTube and you know make it a career job yeah you know actually it’s a good

Question I I think I think a good goal is to make it where we can have YouTube income that covers our MPL expense that’s great I think that’s realistic because that’s only like a couple thousand dos exactly it’s not a lot at all I think that’s

Totally doable and a good goal to have for the this year yeah Fox Aaron’s really into SCP I actually got him into it I showed it to him uh we have a temp map right now okay yeah know Aaron’s getting really into it which is really cool we actually played

A little bit of SCP Containment Breach a couple weeks ago that was lots of fun x thank you bro thank you we’ll be around for a long time don’t you worry what what was your uh New Year’s resolution by the way you don’t have a job useless

Useless get over here you’re just as bad as a nitwit what even is a nitwit they are lazy villagers they they they they like they won’t take employment even if they have the option they’re often found roaming along the outskirts of villages and just kind of Meandering doing useless things

With all right I’m going down in this cave oh wait wait for me hold on let kind of sus down here I don’t like how dark it is don’t mind at night don’t mind at night don’t worry I’m collecting the Torches in the village all right I have 10 right

Now should we actually make a base on the surface real quick before we go down yeah I see I have I have this cave already here so like in case we die we can just respawn where our beds are at yeah why not that’s a good point we don’t have to

Give up every time we die now M I found a new it got to eradicate it from the society sh Wait oh this is a leather working shop excuse me I’m actually want to take these if you guys don’t mind thank you thank you thank you very

Much um okay can you give me your cords I’ll come to you yeah here actually I’m just right I’m right next to you I’m in the village oh okay our BS up here I think if we should do you want to like maybe claim a house

Yeah yeah yeah let’s do it yeah you want to claim this house yeah I like this house okay it’s kind of cramped hold on I don’t I’m going to build I’m going to we’re going to make it bigger yeah sneak PE sneak peek at our house is too small yeah yeah you sneak

Peek X those are both good New Year’s resolutions man I’m sure you’ll do great B of remodeling scp’s pacing P or box is pacing the lyrics to the song in our chat oh God that’s amazing don’t mine at night one two three four I’ll make it five long what the oops

Ah actually you know what I’m taking that down there we go slightly bigger looks a lot nicer also two you have a problem what’s up these doors they aren’t going to cut it we need steel doors I got I I got something even better all righty if I can remember how to

Craft uh that’s backwards going to go this way aha we need more sticks though oh man fox has the whole whole song in my chat right now I could practice practice the practicing un it as I play don’t mind at night I could learn actually more than the first

Two like the only line all right I have a bunch of w mind um I’m G to go get a I don’t know the beat I don’t know the beat already good here I’m making my place the door something better see thiss oops oh nice now it I’ve never seen a mob that

Should be programmed to open these so we should be good they’re programmed to open doors but not Gates too dumb for that that’s right whoa I got a chest here too by the way so we got we can like store stuff you know sweet I’ll make two

Chests stomach’s all tied up in a in a knot oh my goodness he’s giv me the whole song for free thanks I appreciate it no no no no I want this to be on top of the yeah Ser in space can I I can let’s go actually you

Won’t be able to see what water’s in here so maybe we can go like this yeah don’t mind at night I actually have to listen to the song so I actually know what the beat is because I haven’t heard it in so long are you making a what’s going on down here

Oh it’s a little a little dark it is actually it’s not too dark for me though cuz I’m I have the Torches in my hands but oh okay yeah I just like oh God what is that sus I don’t not like that noise at all do you hear that game there thunder

I heard whistling I didn’t hear the whistling oh my god oh is something outside outside don’t mind at night please don’t kill me I’m going down here oh my God I’m hiding please don’t hurt me don’t mind at night oh hello it’s the Derpy qu cave dweller that’s not the cave dweller oh

It’s not oh yeah that’s the other thing the Manhunter so I want to keep this like this I don’t think he can open the fence gate I hope not I guess we will oh oh what just happened he TP out bro tped out bro just tpd do you have any oak

Logs uh no I can grab some real quick out there where the scary man is he left it’s fine oh okay how many do you need to get uh I don’t know like five want to borrow him up another villager’s house I did the same end of

Song cool thanks Fox I’ll memorize the lyrics hopefully have the skills to sing them next time skeleton all right that’s my CU to leave don’t mind at night here make your make your base look very pretty thank you bro I definitely will I’m going to uh going to

Um I don’t know do something I know what I want to do I want to change the entrance to a little different I want some of these I want a trapo and some ladders wasn’t there a time where you only made like you only got one ladder

For crafting ladders man I couldn’t even tell you that doesn’t surprise me oh my God you hear that I don’t know a thank you for putting the source Fox that way we won’t get sued yeah or anything of the sort whoa back I’m leading protector I’m going down here uh that’s an

Achievement even mean I don’t know go he’s insane GB he’s making some creepy noises I’ll tell you that much don’t mind me I’m just making my house look all nice so searge protector doesn’t make any sense read the achievement protect a villager oh uh oh I hear him too

Actually is he back again already is says sege protector protect a villager from an undesired shock without starting to fire oh yeah we definitely did that there we go and clean looking clean much better but nice build anything else you build something all right now that that’s done I can put my bed

Down here’s here’s my bed oh no I don’t like that spot we can technically make B bunk beds I think I place my bed on top of yours oh nice oh you know what make it look really cool too I think we put uh trap doors like

This and then wait I need one more trap door oh my goodness what go up there holy [ __ ] did we get struck by Light House the dude did we get struck by lightning it’s that creature he did that oh my God I got plenty of wood either that or maybe he’s truck the

Lightning and just burn down yeah get out of here all right uh fox wants to join us Fox we have a SCP plan that we’ll do we’ll play with viewers SMP SCP yeah SMP SCP SMP and once we get that rolling uh then we’ll play you guys will be able to

Join yeah you X all the all the fans the OG fans want to take a little bit of time and a little bit of expensive setup because running Minecraft servers are expensive for no reason he’s back oh what happened let’s go to sleep who Gabe your bed

Disappeared I know I tried to get in and it broke it said you can’t sleep oh that’s because of the guys here oh yeah okay he’s back yeah we won’t be able to see while he’s around oh my oh he’s going to kill me he went down there oh my

God is he in our house yeah how dude my bed was broken I opened one of the trap doors and he got in through the top layer no or one of the fences I didn’t think he would be able to oh he crawled in through the top that’s funny

Yeah damn that’s crazy where are you what happened I’m still down in the basement I’m on my way back I’m making I’m making our Bunk b look nice damn he just what happened he was in our house no mine at night are you Community page sure fox go ahead and send it

Over don’t mind at night oh yep all your stuff is on the ground right here how the hell how did I’m wondering where he went death number one I’m just going to go back down there so I don’t pick up all your stuff good call actually I kind of want

You to have this because this my inventory and I don’t want e there’s your Cobblestone by the way oh I think I had I need some wood too do you mind making another fence or gate I forgot what I don’t I don’t see it how is it

Gone oh god oh oh no like that do you have any wood problem solved uh I lost my wood oh and bread oh wait no I have my bread don’t mind it all right we got to we need to be more let’s try and night yeah now you

Can sh place your bed there and it should work if not maybe the bed my bed needs to be raised one one higher or something we’re good all right all right let’s leave that there and now let’s go down and get some iron and try and see if we could kill

Ourselves a cave dweller take some children huh don’t know in the basement oh he wants to capture some villagers you know I agree I want to create a villager dungeon get out my way you let’s get some more wood what are you why did you do that I don’t know strip the

Log hold up oh what up spider want to use the Villagers houses as building materials don’t mind at night more like don’t be a villager baby villagers and make a villager farm huh he’ll give me leather pants for these emeralds will really damn come here buddy man he really wants these leather

Pants or wants these emeralds for for his Lea pants come on come on all righty I think I got enough stuff I’m going to start gearing up or organizing the house getting ready to go mine our house looks absolutely beautiful and gorgeous in every possible way I know right come down

Here oop sorry buddy no come back no everything was going so well look in you went in push him down here who there almost there almost there almost there nice look emeralds emeralds emeralds look get your ass down here I have emeralds don’t mind at night oh he’s

Trying to escape no escaping no no do we have a door uh uh I do actually but he’ll open it up here on I’ll make something better oh wait push him back down push back ah push him back down get away get B get back okay cool that

Works all right I’m no Fox is going off with the with the uh why is there a spruce Log In the doorway with what with the lyrics again the villager’s going crazy he’s trying to get out sorry villager where the rest of the villagers you’re not going

Anywhere this is your new home villager you live it in here with us we need more don’t mind that oh no excuse me sir you need to move you need where all my torches go we want to use this instead this should work better do this quick though uh can

You stop being like that there come here already already getting more trying to but this guy doesn’t want anything to do with me right now he knows what’s up fine I’ll just steal wood from your house dump everything in here don’t mind at night oh he lost his profession he now a useless

Villager don’t mind at night could turn him into a librarian if you want like build Le or something sure how do we do that but I’ll do that later we have to make a Le turn I don’t remember how to make one of those up all sounds good X thanks for hopping

In for a little bit hopefully you’ll uh we’ll catch you later tonight hi by bye I need Cobblestone actually already you ready to go mining go mine at night I think fox fox has been putting the lyrics mine at night in chat again I think he wants to see some mining at

Night all right let’s do it we’re have to like if we if we find a cave doorer now we should probably like run away yeah you’re right I’m I’m dropping a bunch of stuff off I don’t need can I have some uh can I have my crafting bench back somehow I lost it

Also wait really I’ll just make make one don’t mind put here Five Nights at Freddy’s Five Nights at Freddy’s this is where you wna be Five Night at Freddy’s stream give me one second I got to go grab something give me like 30 seconds I already

Stream what we want to do to Gabe in need 30 seconds don’t mind at night I don’t know if you notice Fox but singing quite isn’t my uh my my strong suit definitely not a skill I possess that has much value in that cave no you’re feeling kind of bra don’t mind at

Night oh I’ve got zero viewers yeah I got three nice ni viewers one is Fox I know that why am I what the I’m trapped let’s go let’s get out of Here all righty here’s my cave all righty hopefully it’s something amazing and beautiful Matthew saved the day oh my this is a big gi I know right I just stumbled upon it okay hold on I have laders good oh watch this oh wait there’s actually

No way to do uh there’s nowhere to place the ladders yeah we got to we got to go this way bro you hear that I heard I did I did not hear that thank God pretty jump scare you know we probably would be fine if we just

Jumped but I don’t really want to take that all right don’t mind all right way oh my goodness oh my whoa there’s a house down here what what what do you mean look at this it’s part of the village I think I’m want to build yeah stone cutter in it and

Everything mine at night he built a house that night that’s cool Matthew says I hate you guys for putting that song in my head don’t mind it’s everywhere I can’t get out my head oh why did a zombie just SP in my one block

Hole ball ah where are you do oh oh oh oh you good you see that Matthew oh okay it just disappeared I can’t believe there’s a house down here a white creature with a creepy face staring at me that might be a sign that we should

Leave yeah I changed entrance by way a little bit I put torches around it so you don’t get okay Enderman hello my fellow Enderman all right I guess I’ll look for some iron actually you know what I’m going to do this is going to be our base now

William okay this going to be our second base uh Base number two be our mining base mining base of operation furnace in here with some wood if you find some coal it’d be nice to have some coal I actually found some oh nice coal everywhere don’t M at night hello hello no Stone

Ax wow ow oh backwards again stupid ass okay so we should probably have beds down here too then yeah yeah yeah this is this wasted space Wast wasted space there’s a lot of iron right here yeah we’re chilling probably have enough oh gear I hear it which is all righty which

I feel is usually the first sign to leave but you have fun with that yeah not tonight Matthew not tonight we’re the hunters tonight yeah we are the hunters we’re the hunters now wow this is a great cave dude it’s insane I I I don’t know how this is just

Under the village that we happen to stumble across okay let’s switch this out for coal I’m going to make myself an iron axe everything okay I heard a scary noise and I didn’t like it I heard that too and I also don’t like it oh shoot I

Missed uhoh gab get into the house get to the house get the house get the house oh oh oh open open the doors bro open them Jesus Christ I was trying to close him but both trying to close at the same time we were both trying to

Open that’s true man very true these these doors have one design flaw called multiplayer yeah okay we survived that we survived that I’m make a chest I’m going to go and grab our beds when it’s safe whoa what is it oh it’s just water Matthew you said certainly the

Sound of Brave Warriors we’re like sque squealing and [ __ ] yes that’s right don’t mind that night got your Lea pants don’t mind at night dude I love my Lea pants Lea pants are tight yeah my leather pants are tight oh let’s go rotten flesh yes just in case I

Really I really appreciate that gift here should we put some beds down in here yeah do you have some on you I do I have two oh oh perfect let’s make bunk bed again bunk bed number two all there we go we need wood I’m grabbing some wood was an

Accident all right do you want an iron axe I can build one build one for you that’d be awesome all right it’s right here what would you do if Mr Beast join your stream I would I was going to say something that’s probably a little too foul ah

That’s right Matthew it’s a battlecry it’s a very ancient battlecry that we comes from our people of old I gave you like my my bunk bed support yes I did damn we’re kind of stuck in here right now yeah don’t mind a uh man if Mr Beast joined my stream I

Would kiss Mr Beast his hands and be like thank you Mr Beast he look at this oh nice you can’t hurt him though he wants us bro I don’t you step back a little bit oh my God he doesn’t know how to open these fool God look at him he’s behind

You why did I just do hey a wo welcome EDD whoa what was that all right is our house on fire no good struck we’re good yeah he do that oh this is Q when he leaves oh thank you for the iron ax by the way don’t mind at

Night damn there is so much I don’t even know where to go Matthew that’s right dude it’s a very very calculated and thought out time on fire no the is fine no no we’re chilling false alarm everything don’t night it has been thought out and calculated

Right William we have a Flawless plan we have a plan yes sir it will reveal itself in the process exactly we might look like we don’t know what we’re doing now but oh oh my God what the [ __ ] was that bro what is that open the doors for me go go

Go go go go go go go I’ll close them I’ll close them I’ll close them I’ll close them I’ll close them oh my god dude I’m I cannot believe he did not catch you I can’t believe I’m alive oh my ears sorry yeah what is that can he get in

I’ll turn down the desktop audio until it goes away that’s Extremely Loud look at his feet open the door by accident I want to kill him bro oh my God he can’t even get in here bro oh is he gone he’s should disappear I think dude I’m I’m sorry for that noise right

Now yeah dude you can’t hurt him he’s Invincible let me know when that noise is gone I just turned the master volume off so I don’t destroy everybody’s ears yeah L low key looks like SCP 96 whoa look at that oh no Gabe close the door close the gate

Close the gate Gabe his feet is his feet are kind of cute no there’s another one here wait really the other guys here I’m turning the music back on oh my goodness it won’t stop oh my God those fingers this house really fits the creepy pasta Vibes dude I know right

There we go oh yeah look there’s the uh man of whatever it’s [Applause] called turn down in-game volume he’s built like wemy oh watch out is this thing ever going to leave bro he is for Real do he like ever going to go away I

Want to look at his feet a look at him a they’re so tiny there three toes I won’t like tickle them I know right I I think the modder forgot to program him to lead after turn about that would suck oversight uh is he going away did he

Leave oh my goodness he’s gone all right turn my volume back up yeah thank God okay jump scare I’m going to open the thing all right stream everything should be back to normal going to the actually I don’t need to go to the surface what I doing I

Need I need iron we need iron I need things I need stuff I need coal torches I need lots of things look at all these creepers over here bro yeah there’s tons of mobs everywhere I just heard mind night it is creepy over here Gabe I

Don’t like it down here Gabe I don’t it’s all foggy and I don’t see anything I’m I don’t like it either but we need to find a cave roller who I’m not ready to find a cave dollar I I need I need no we need to

Find a cave doll but yeah H creeper ow oh my goodness I’m not doing so hot right now gab Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper oh man creep I got skeleton more go away skeleton no w w this fast yeah was like Zoom he straped around me that was what are you doing go away

All right so SCP 096 is currently in the game at least a knockof of him pretty awesome pretty awesome what’s over here don’t mind at night more skeletons I don’t want to be over here no no no no I want to got to school we’re going to get

Dmca oh we probably already are for singing that song like as as soon as I this video gets like fully published just want to be like definely be like that going down this gu yeah there’s iron right here I’m going to have to kill this damn

Skeleton I got some coal so I can make more torches is there is there a mod pack that we have installed that makes these skeletons like extremely powerful and fast no they were doing that when I was doing the speedrun speedrun thing they were just freaking straping around me whoa

Dude this cave is crazy it really is it’s massive over here some lava down there guess we just try to go for full iron right start out I would say so we translate it start doing any I’m guessing it’s Elis more the Rings what are you speaking Nuna that sounds like

Spanish doesn’t look like Spanish don’t mind I bro what is going on down here found more iron Matthew says just do long-term survival content honestly yeah we are making a SC I mean we were talking about it actually so that is the plan eventually yeah I’m having a lot of fun right

Now don’t mind at night that’s good glad you head all right um [ __ ] we got to make another workbench it is German oh okay you did that last time you made a little German German do I have any s guess not don’t mind that what was that noise uh I

Don’t know but I’m a little too I’m a little too far away from our house I heard a squishy squishy thing oh I heard like gring noise squishy oh gr noise something over here okay I see the house I got some iron I’m going to I’m going to go smelt it don’t mind

Night oops I got eight iron in there now okay we’re good making uh what what does that German say okay so more iron being cooked awesome yes sir I’m going out what what have you been doing this whole time man uh I’ve been being productive Goa made torches oh Sho don’t mind at

Night dodging skeletons left and right bobing weaving they can’t get me block Clutching that is something else never going to give you up never going to let you down bro put that in German in my chat I’m still looking for iron the plan is get full iron armor oh everything okay I’m good somehow I didn’t take nearly much damage I was expecting to take okay

That’s good like a creeper blast to the face no I die you’re pretty great all right just got some more iron I made a little stairway right here that kind of takes us down pretty cool pretty neat proud of it takes us down to like the bass

Area um I’m not find a lot down here though area what what is this deep s deep s deep yeah mind looking for some more iron I’m trying to get us both full iron armor right now before we go this is C isn’t it yeah I’ve actually

Found a lot of so far have you I think I’ve gone too deep I need to go up oh my goodness I’m going back I’m going back that did not sound good oh my goodness I saw I saw something too over there I’m going inside I’m getting stared at right now

By what by the guy with the long fingers and the cute ass feet no get out that’s the thing don’t look at him too much or else he’ll attack you oh I looked at him like for a long time there’s mobs everywhere too now that’ll trigger him [ __ ]

Creeper oh man I thought that was water wait are you over here uh I think I’m almost back at the house I think I saw him I saw something over there I man I I can’t believe that guy didn’t chase me oh wa the doors are open in our house

It’s the cave dweller it’s a cave dweller are you serious I’m going come back over R there he is there he is I I open door oh my God he mad he big mad bro so mad he can break blocks too oh we can no yeah okay I’m ready to repair I’m ready

To repair dude I want to kill him bro this is our no we we aren’t ready I’m ready bro look at me look at me bro I’m in my I know I know the rest of the Iron’s yours take it take it build yourself some armor I want a bucket a

Bucket says I want a bucket in his leather pants oh my goodness all right I got two iron I need to go find more I’ll be back wait where did he go he left he’s gone oh hi oh hey Aaron you want to join us Jo us I just ended my Baldo gate

Stream I think I’m just going to play some regular Baldo gate my play bro join us this is pretty I know I would I’m just you know what we’re doing you don’t have to join us I understand to all right first encounter with caver survive we survived the first

Encounter uh you want to heal a really dark joke spooker fun Channel welcome to chat you know as long as it get me banned from YouTube yeah go for it yeah if it does I’m personally holding you accountable getting the letter of cease and assist oh my God William he’s ready to go

Tonight I have my non-existent lawyer on on on speed dial gbt his name is Mr Saul Goodman Saul Goodman B balls all right I got another iron I got oh here’s gold [ __ ] I’m leaving why all Goodman I mean spooker spooker fun Channel you can do it if it’s really

Bad my moderator will just kick it out of the stream it’s really really bad what is that you might be kicked you might be kicked from the stream I don’t know it’s whatever my moderators end up doing at your own risk I kind of want to know the know the joke though

Yeah that’s the best way to put it say it at your own risk you’ll be at Mercy of my moderator rers don’t mind at Night okay it don’t mind we’re not going am supposed to do G I need more iron oh let’s not let’s not turn that whatever I’m lighting up the I’m lighting up the cave yeah William’s lighting up the cave I’m getting iron it’s a team effort guys yep oh that dumbass

Skeleton oh he’s over here oh he’s over oh he’s right here get the goofy skeleton get the F out of here bro okay I found oh no what I’m dead gab I’m I’m dead it’s what happened I lived let’s go oh my God what just happened he appeared behind me bro and

Started attacking me the cave dweller I just heard a weird you’re right spooker fun Channel that’s why you do want to mine a night you should mine at night you should mine at night oh my God that’s an Enderman I thought that was a cave dweller scared

Me we’ll make a parody of that song make it Minecraft lore accurate accurate akan Ohio wait I heard aan Ohio Willi white guy is right here I know he he tried to attack me bro God he’s Loud Aaron you should hop in stream you can see what we’re

Looking at he’s got cute feet now he’s gone oh no he’s right there what did the United States when they what did the United States when they lost Vietnam oh no yeah spooker it does look like scp096 there is a scp096 mod we should try it one day

All right he’ll be gone in like two minutes or something I need to hire a mod to change a code what what we say we should do uh stream SCP play through yeah weed play through the Minecraft it is a thing uh William make some armor for

Yourself I would suggest you uh start doing that I only have two iron on me there’s five in this furnace right here you know what I can make there is the Minecraft SCP the SCP that’s stuck in Minecraft oh yeah there’s that one too I wonder if there’s actually a mod for

That one he created Enderman bro did he really that’s the lore cool yeah oh wait do you want to hear a climax for the joke now I like clim what did the what did the United States they lost in Vietnam I did not see that

Coming I get it get it not see not see not see can this can this guy scadaddle all right thank you Matthew that makes sense my moderator’s watching you guys yeah dude gab Gabe look I upgrade my pants to Iron Pants nice dude that’s smart pretty cool that was really smart what

Generation is for scum a oh man I have my eye on you guys Ro hitting me with those jokes this thing like man Roland is not at the last Light in I’m very serous I can’t even damage him William he’s not even attacking me yeah I know he’s on

Me I can’t even hit I think the programmer wasn’t expecting the person to actually survived the encounter so I just made where like he doesn’t go away can we even hit the uh cave dweller yeah I I’ve done it before when he was chasing you I’ve attacked him

Okay don’t mind at night I’m going to sing in here to he go oh he’s finally gone my goodness that mod has some serious flaws we’ll be using that one next time or I’ll be having a a modder like change that cool down time freaking oh get it

Get get get back in what I hear whistling and heartbeat oh no it’s night time let’s sleep let’s just sleep oh yeah that’s right oh [ __ ] you kidding me oh gosh Dar I’m leaving [ __ ] this guy he’s so annoying rescue the teelings I’m going to save this guy in named

Thanel yeah he’s oh [ __ ] he’s right there down here safe put our beds down here break through trap doors what that would be smart to do he can open regular doors yeah World War II wait wait hold on I’m being overwhelmed in chat hold on guys

Uh greetings not my oh why why did you just take damage I know reading is not my forte uh make it so he can break through trap door World War II conflict that involves virtually every part of the world during the oh are you talking about the uh

Fire I’m on the cave dweller side plot twist plot twist World War II conflict that virtually every part of world during year for 39 45 partial deligance where the access powers and the why are we talking about world I don’t know people are I’m getting history lessons by chat is ging history

Lessons I need is is it SCP site Fox that guy was giving me history lessons too I know about s Fox but I don’t oh wait what I know there’s like this this lion SCP that does World War II stuff but I think it’s just a regular history lesson and I don’t

Know why I’m getting history lessons I need iron G Willam I’m I already told you bro I’m on the cave do side I need iron no you’re not why am I placing torches can’t joke around man can’t be joking around like that all right I want to go look for

My oh oh my God they’re smoking my tank I only have three iron left more no my poor tank just got [ __ ] oh here here I have some iron no I don’t I I got a ton of iron what did you do with all this you good everything all

Right are you being chased by something oh okay uh anyways let’s go down here and find some more iron for you read your bio okay hold on wait what what’s going on I can’t can’t yeah put put your bio put your bio in chat what why okay I’m I’m on my way

Again I’m on my way stream is taking chat’s being fish right now crazy yeah yeah h h h you good no oh oh God he just spawned right in front of me we did oh my God William don’t mind at where you at yeah what the hell is all that noise

Oh my goodness I’m back it’s a cave dweller he spawned right in front of my face dude the white creature with the freaking red fingers spawned right in front of me there’s William y the cave doller is like over there he’s literally spawn in front of my face oh he’s slow look at

Him oh wait that’s yeah that’s the man of war ow or why do I keep calling the man of war what’s it called again language all those bidos did a number on my brain AK I only have three iron g i my God all right I’m want to go find more

IR William no go to bed I literally bullied I don’t have a bed wait really here thank you all right well we need to focus up I know we more World War II [ __ ] chat’s been distracting me yeah we’re playing Minecraft right now not freaking World War II wait why did we

Break the beds that was a dumb idea that was a dumb idea what the hell is wrong with us for that one I’m putting it back down there U we can’t sleep anymore uh uh I’m going back inside yeah we got to wait for them to leave

Now all right you have three iron for the foundation for the foundation you know what I’m going to do I’m going to create a bow oh wait do you have any string William no damn I need one more string that sucks Ro said my hair is built like Lego piece 96859 what

Smoking him right now Alex welcome in my boy alexo Lego peace now I have to it up we need to focus 8 five nine that’s hilarious Wim bro my hair is like that man it’s actually kind of sick so everybody’s aware that’s what it looks like

All right X welcome back dude you missed a lot of good stuff but don’t Mine at Night Don’t mine at night okay I want to go look for iron again can you come with me I don’t have much nah let’s go this way over here you’re not on the cave doer side I

Don’t believe the C do side I don’t believe you I’m on the cave side until start working together as a team build your deception save save throw oh I found no actually at this point you’re on the Cave the other side nope I found iron with how much

You’re getting distracted Noe I found iron too my chat’s on the CER side my chat is trying to distract me yeah I di cers all right I’m on the I’m on the I’m I have an iron magnet attached to me that’s why I was able to harvest so much

This okay I don’t remember that mod but already I added it secretly oh you added it okay yeah bro hacked my Minecraft server change your name to Lego piece 960 Jeff fungus with Lego piece 96859 ah what’s happening get me out of here I don’t see anything Jeff fungus

With Lego he’s n something 96 96859 J fungus J fungus J fungus Lego P 859 or my two new alter OS all right I found 10 more iron all right cool I found seven oh there’s a spider I got to kill this spider for string I’m going to make a

Bow oh oh look over there look over there oh I’m out I’m out I’m running away I’m not even going to look at him not even going to look at him he he was about to disappear but now he’s looking at us I’m not acknowledging his existence I’m

Leaving I don’t see him back there SCP 035 is a manipulative entity capable of processing its wires especially brainwashing people and servants yeah X Aaron Aaron joined up he’s just he’s just on the mic he’s not actually playing with us right now oh what okay cool I actually have enough iron I think

Now or at least if you have seven then that should be enough for me to have full armor all right whoa where you going uh grab something over here quick something I want to grab it’s right here watch out oh I accidentally hit you [ __ ] oh my God like watch out almost

Knocks me to the there’s lava over there oh oh oh your profile was that slender what the [ __ ] just popped up on my screen that was weird that was on some SL oh yeah I am haunted SL [ __ ] oh I have weakness and Mining mining fatigue damn that’s

Where oh that’s your profile okay is 059 the face mask come on come on come on come on we’re on the same team don’t make me do it Aaron X says he’s going to be a mod for you yeah I know he really wants to I told him I might don’t mind at

Night did they just kill Shadow heart they did night I killed Shadow heart yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I killed Shadow art I’m I’m making my I’m making my armor I’m I’m almost done I’m almost done I got to whip William into shape this stream see see look look I

Got boots on right now got boots I’m feeling confident bro I can’t lie we survived every encounter so far ow [ __ ] [ __ ] off oh oh that was my bad talking about surviving the cave doer almost Di let some zombies in my house there you go that’s for you what

What’ you give me oh thanks thanks you’re welcome son all right cool one look almost done game almost done almost done almost done how do I make arrows Like Flint and and wood and feathers I don’t have any feathers yeah it’s a very complex process um you should just kill

Skeletons instead uh Aon is not streaming anymore right now uh right now it’s just William and I playing some Minecraft and eron’s playing some by himself yeah I’m oh William after this do you want to try exporting my video yeah I’m so excited to post my new video guys don’t

Mind at night I think you guys will all really like it everybody that’s watching watching it’s going to be 30 minutes long I put a lot of effort into it I’m very excited I put more eff into it too that hurts did a video too

Man I didn’t put any effort into it I didn’t do any video uh he just fell from the roof just go away just don’t come over here oh he’s gone okay very nice he’s a little shy holy God don’t mind at night so we should actually probably go to sleep and set

Our spawn down here before we go deeper into the uh it’s not night time yet oh it’s not night time yet it’s wait for it to be night time we can set our spawns and then we can go deep oh my God this noise oh yeah I turned my volume like way down

Oh he’s done he’s done screaming yeah X there was some technical difficulties I was doing a couple of minor editing changes and then my editing software decided to [ __ ] me and not let me export hey Robbie so we’ve been welcome to chat we’ve been trying to deal with

That but hopefully should be out this RG Airsoft RG Airsoft Green be kids in chat I haven’t seen you at Inn out lately bro quit dock in him bro what do you mean there’s like 3,000 Inn Us in I’m kidding all right let’s go deeper I actually made a pathway over here follow

Me follow me here follow me see this look at this pathway I made right here no I don’t see anything yep you see got to open your eyes we got get diamonds now that’s how we’ll defeat the cave buer no I don’t like diamonds Wella no no no now you’re not

Being yourself K it’s opposite day bro no it’s not no yeah it is no it’s not what say there ain’t nothing down here bro no no no it continues over here look what what is going on oh yeah you’re right hey see this look at this more I should

Probably build a Do you have any EXT should probably go the other way actually this is a dead end oh extra iron call yeah for for what uh Shield damn it Gail nice get up ga oh look more iron cool I have enough for a shield it was one single

Piece well I kind of like holding the uh torches in my off hand right now because of how dark it is take your turn guys yeah yes sir Robbie streamer grind yes sir where’d you go oh you’re not at in and out anymore oh [ __ ] that makes sense no where’d you go

William back to the house um I just heard the cave dweller he just made some elephant sound that’s probably a good cue to the house um so there was another way wasn’t there with like that went deeper into the cave um maybe oh there’s iron right here oh look at that

Iron nice there was another path this way yeah I mean we could Shield up and like try to kill the CER that might work Shield up yeah like he attacks us right we both Shield up and then we alternate hitting him I guess whoever actually he’s targeted on would attack or not

Attack with shield and then the other person would attack yeah oh this side game right we prob over here yeah I was messing around over here I I kind of forgot what was over here goes deeper this way so damn dark I’m just going to put my torches in my for

Now oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah okay out of oh my goodness holy [ __ ] holy sh [ __ ] oh oh it’s all good I’m headed back we’re allowed to die in this game mode I need my stuff though yeah I don’t know if he’s want to go after you

Again I gra that was just that was just unlucky I fell and I had like one and a half hearts left and then he just immediately [ __ ] spawned like right behind me and there’s a creeper right in front of me too make sure the creeper doesn’t blow up your

Stuff oh my God I can’t see no he blew up some stuff oh thank God I have my torches stuff um I want to make a pathway down well I don’t have my pickaxe or or the rest of I got pickax for you I don’t have the rest of my

Armor either I only have my all your Armor’s gone I have my chest plate and my oh no thank God here are my boots and here’s my pickaxe did you I’m grabb more iron by the way yeah there’s iron right here too you probably just make more if you

Lost some stuff what’s down there iron are you I can hardly see you it’s so dark oh yeah I’m right here hold some torches in your oh there you are it helps I want to put some ladders right here D all right son of a [ __ ] there we

Go I’m a dip bye peace see you fox bye Fox hi Fox uh oh man is my Ste G you will be Miss I have FL on me if you need actually G here just just take mine thank you how about my crafting table is y it’s going deeper Gabe going

Deeper do we want Retreat back to the house and recuperate and then come back down here uh hold on I need my leggings do you see them anywhere or they’re probably look like they’re I want to go back and make some leggings I guess so actually you know

What let’s go a little bit further okay where iron right here perfect yeah more right here too turn it into a deep slate again okay X don’t mind at night I’m out of torches try not to get in trouble he said by being on his phone oh anything for the stream

Bro oh that’s make you leave don’t know what that was I’m gone I don’t know what that is I don’t see it hear it more like us smoked all right I’m ready I don’t like that there’s a big right there okay I think it’s time to scattle let that thing

Despawn holy God don’t know what that is but I’m leaving I hate fighting these shadow creatures [ __ ] so annoying Shadow creatures je yeah they’re just Shadows it’s like you’re hard to hit no they’re very easy to hit they just have like 150 Health oh oops Yeah we’re chilling nope right there

Okay oh no oh my God down here gab what the hell happened bro can we kill it oh did he break in stay down there tra did he break and go after you yeah this is broken right here I don’t know what happened there we go jeez prob

Solved perfect you know I want to make an iron door all right hold on I got to make some leggings first I need three more iron he still down there ow yeah [ __ ] is that hurt am I going to have to Fireball again yeah we are playing a horror mod

We are hunting the cave doer actually I just realized a kick I think the title is not correct we are we yes we are hunting the cave dweller we are hunting the cave dweller CU I don’t know how to change title on Kick when it stream’s live only after we’re the hunters y’all

Yes by the way I have four viewers thank you guys all so much for watching right now oh he’s still oh my god oh holy [ __ ] okay let’s just let’s just leave him there let’s just oh one Health and one Health okay okay he’s is literally dead

Aon sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry that’s scary bro I don’t know who carlac is but oh she got [ __ ] oh okay absolutely Bamboozled all right William SOI what do we need in the way hey yeah well if you want to play we do oh wait hold on why did my bed break I

Don’t know so Random we do sometimes do well we’re planning on doing you can join our Discord um yeah join our Discord it’s the first link in both of both of our bios uh you’ll be updated about our SMP progress and when we’ll be playing with

Subscribers yeah I should be here in the next few weeks and you’ll also just be updated on all our new videos all our new live streams uh we have our live streaming schedule in in there our discords guys it’s actually a good idea to be honest it would take forever but it’s a

Good idea Matthew said we should make a moat oh yeah that is a good idea uh let me look real quick if you go to my if we had TNT that’d be nice Channel powder yeah my discord’s actually not link to kick think I believe oh this is a kick viewer

Channel I could have swore I linked my Discord and kick all right William um let’s go hunt the my boy we need diamonds for our at least guy wants my Discord oh okay can I put it in oh look at that oh I can do that okay so panel title Discord panel

Title uh image links to okay hold on oh oh want to hide down here what just happened bro Bros honest there we go and to Discord we be getting hungry he says don’t mind at night all right I think we’re ready bro okay hold on I’m getting um light Link

Here this guy still oh yeah there’s his finger do the trick look at his hand guys wondering where he went there we go it should be there now yeah there’s a panel if you go under about the giant picture says Discord like that it should have take you to the

Discord hopefully that works if not you might as want to go to my YouTube channel and join through that way all righty I that’s the stream I thought I had that set up uh it’s the cave dweller and the man the fog actually oh my God look at

Him yeah we Al we also have this guy I for what’s this guy’s name with the red hands and the red feet I really know Matthews first you’re looking at his feet now you’re looking at his hands bro look at him look how he’s oh my god look how he’s conducting himself like

That that volume down yeah oh my God I just turned this creature into a sheep for five turns man would he go away so all more yeah and know he’s a little little irritating more so than scary oh all right gab I got an iron door made okay we’re going to use these

Buttons nice yeah see that ah no G please I’m I’m I’m working faster I promise get to work to work bro he’s still not gone do we have to like go downstairs so he forgets about us or something oh he he’ll go away God that noise it’s

Crazy there’s another one of them down there I think what okay is he done yeah it sounds like he’s done yeah I hear the other one though oh wait one he’s right here God I just turned my volume back up why are there two of

Them uh it is I think the newest cave doer it’s Le it’s one of the more recent ones yeah the cave drer can do that is he done is he on me or is he on you defeat defeat defeat defeat I don’t like that you can’t hurt it yeah it is

Annoying oh my God oh my God oh my God find like you should be able to hit it and like it runs away or something right yeah come on you can go you can scattle now you’ve determined that you can’t catch us we need to go find a cave buer

Now taking the rest of this coal for torches sounds like he’s on his way out oh that was anent all right cool let’s get that hell out of here before we uh another one of those things wait [ __ ] kid me he never left oh my God still

Here uh I might just let him kill me so he goes away I have my spawn set oops I just saw him for a second he still on you check it out Gabe nice iron door let’s go let’s go we got to go finish this finish this this hunt yeah damn it let’s

Go you all good you got night I do got my stuff I’m big popping now Big Daddy Popp go deeper down here big daddy popping oh sorry big daddy why did I say sorry I don’t know small daddy slipping big big daddy popping is quite literally my favorite thing SCP Fox my oh

My oh I like that one too so William he’s right here he’s right here him I’m ignoring him too and I just realized this we got to go deeper ah I’ve added some files to my community tag tab nice oh he don’t he don’t like us and he we can’t hurt him can

We one get out of there bro gay bro bro BR totally like hard what oh my God G I found it I found it it goes deeper actually it does go deeper oh my God what where’d you go run dude when do you have play with I’m

Chilling gab bro I I he’s been absolutely Bamboozled by my tactical strats oh [ __ ] dude where does it go deeper you can kill this thing he’s not dying n maybe lava the mod that we downloaded at least this version of him I don’t think can be killed at least not

By our weapons yeah chat’s saying the best thing to do is go away from him when you see him yeah wait where oh can you tell me can you educate me where you went no I don’t see you oh your name tag yeah I went way too fish with the

Insult oh apologies for my offensive language I hope you can forgive me ow ow oh my God what this looks dangerous I can’t see what’s down there oh I I hear a Cav wer down there so it does continue you hear that yeah I want to make this a little safer

I do have a water bucket so I can MLG water bucket clutch but oh nice go for it g i I can’t see the bottom so I’m a little scared to try that um that’s fine you’ll see it when you get closer as like fall toward it you

Know it looks like I got some ladders here G so we can get out easier okay there we go we’re big CH oh yeah Matthew I don’t know why I didn’t think of that I’m we at to continue oh it was just right when do you play with viewers um

We don’t have a schedule for something right now but there’s plans for it if you join our Discord um you’ll you’ve had a lot of people ask yeah yeah if you join our disc you’ll be notified of when and where and how we’ll be playing with

Viewers so yeah first link in my bio on YouTube and I’m pretty sure it’s the same for William what look it down there oh it’s C that’s not a cave dweller it’s the creep oh no oh that is a cave dweller might want to get back up here

No you got to kill it bro you want to fight it I that’s what the stream’s about do let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it I got my I don’t have more building blocks to get down there let’s do it let’s do it I don’t really know how to approach

This we Pro we need lava yeah I’ll verify you uh after stream I will too I got lava yeah I’ll type in chat um I’ll hello I I don’t know where he went building block my discord’s in my in my uh Community but I’ll put it in my

Bi behind you I dropped some building block [ __ ] oh thank you I want to just we was make a make a way up I’m scared over here by myself dude this cave is like a looks creepy it’s like a tunnel it’s like a lord of the

Cave yeah ow skeleton just spawned in on me we do have a way out now here yep are you going that way yeah I see you yeah so what we can do is uh just use our Shield I guess I did find one Diamond but more yeah you’re right I need to be

Ready to pop out my shield no gosh that song is stuck in my head forever for the rest of it the rest of time all right nothing over here when we need to go back really all right cave dweller time we’re hunting him now next time he

Spawns we’re standing our ground oh yeah ready ready to go ready to attack there’s another ugly ass skeleton okay all righty that is not the cave deller oh I’m leaving that is not the cave dweller where you going up here he’ll quietly there I think really yeah just like the G

Dweller I love using speak with speak with dead I don’t see him hear him anymore maybe none of these courses are talking to me though speak with speak with I’m going to go crazy I’m G to go crazy I need coal please give me coal why would why you need

Coal Matthew says I love that iron Just Vibe with uh well gate three in the background dude I’m having so much fun I just used to speak with dead on one two three four 5 6 seven eight n Nine Dead tee flings and none of them responded to me so it’s dark down

Here it was really dark this is a dead end over here is it I don’t think so there so much iron why don’t we find this much iron when we’re doing speed runs I know right ow ow [ __ ] hiccups ow right I want to place my last torch

Right here just so we know where our way out man you’re really using torches I just have them in my hand well like I want like a pathway so we can like see yeah I know that’s find our way out you have coal on you I do here you

Go man no one’s responding to me oh sorry I didn’t none of these corpses want to speak to me yeah I heard that I heard that sticks I don’t see the coal here um the coal I dropped it like I don’t see it it’s not in your

Inventory no oh here it is it’s right here oh there we go oh so many torches oh yes I can see I guess we got to go the other way dude he’s scared I think the cave wer is scared he’s not coming knows we’re after him bro shering sh ring in his

Uh in his feet he’s shering in his feet yep he’s shrimping in his boots here we go some water down where’d you get pass the lava yeah you take a left I take a left yeah take a left oh man there’s Warden block over here I don’t know what it’s

Called okay maybe we should go the other way why do you got to live out of state money out of state oh I went wrong way you went left the you went you took that left okay yeah I took left not right I see your name tag

Ow holy that was a cave D is that the cave I’m I’m on my way gab where you at you went left at the water right here yeah oh I see you right there okay okay wait you hear that yeah I don’t see him but the warden’s layer is also down

There okay I I used uh fuing called out housee door I used disguise self because this guy wouldn’t talk to me because I’m should we go up there sitting on a dirty toilet seat dirty toilet seat yeah let’s go up here cuz I don’t like the warden area down

There I just realized I have a bow might want to oh inventory know next time Matthew we’ll go next time I visit we’ll get lunch oh yeah go to Five Guys again Five Guys I remember going to Five Guys with you guys you and you and

Matthew Five Guys I want some Five Guys yeah ho ho okay what I hear the heartbeat which is not the case oh we’re screwed oh what’s that that’s a witch the [ __ ] what’s he doing down here yeah you Elon Musk oh mat Mak me BL Matthew you’re so sweet bro you’re such a sweetheart Matthew is he is such a sweetheart we love you Matthew he said go with you guys if that wasn’t already apparent we love you Matthew dad gets Yankee Warrior I hear

Him he’s like on the surface my cat’s obstructing my view guys I can’t see I just I forgot I used disguise self into a female Dr so I just got jump scared all right we may find some diamonds where are we but I I don’t know where we

Are oh my God witch right here [ __ ] off another one she hit me with the goddamn poison he’s on you die took care I’m poisoned for 40 seconds mine’s already over bro where K going to attack when I’m poison feel it this is all or nothing bro all our

Eggs are in the basket right now yeah look I boxed up oh nice oh wait but the cave like going to open doors right oh Fair Point you know what G huh box up with metal doors he’s on the surface again oh my torch you place it on the

Door taking my doors back all right let’s keep going this way my cat is on top of my PC right now oh that’s so cute I got to send a picture of it to my Discord I think I’ll definitely win the pet photo of the weak

Contest oh there’s a lot of mobs over here oh my God hold up what’s with all the spiders I thought you were a skeleton put your iron armor there for a second that would have sucked if you CR critted me I was like at three hearts

You were at three hearts oh my God yeah it’s a little scary don’t mind at night Elon get on my lap and and lie down buddy don’t go crawling on the keyboard what the [ __ ] going On what yeah oh look like you just stood still there for a second I was holding my shield up oh oh finally coal sorry Matthew I’ll stop I I’ll stop stop singing the don’t mind it night song the only one part too that I know

Yeah okay okay he that I did hear that I heard BS everywhere no oh my God so sad let’s go over here I nice yeah this looks like a dead end I like ra iron easy easy easy peasy hey look goes deeper down here wait another hole whoa water

New Hole found where you at where did he go no we’re good we’re good I I don’t want to go over here we’ll go over where you are oh my God mobs everywhere what the [ __ ] I don’t know where he at you I see your name tag I’m coming back oh you nice

Y look out look at this wow this is like a cavern yeah oh it’s down to the warden area already well did we go where’s the cave well that little [ __ ] I know or doesn’t want to fight us anymore we’re making the final stand right here oh my God

Bro oh my God oh my goodness there’s a lot of mobs here I need to make a new iron axe do you have any smelted iron um I do actually I have 11 smelted iron on me oh nice oh my God I’m kind of where we fell I don’t

Have a I don’t have a weapon my freaking axe just broke God come over here I have iron for you thank you I don’t have any um wood though that’s fine I do Elon I cannot see my screen bro I’m getting blocked by a cat oh don’t you know what Minecraft

Is okay so I don’t see the warden spaw you thing just the regular the regular um whatever you call them I still can’t believe this is an actual part of the game it’s not a mod it’s really weird why am I in battle Elon I can’t

See damn it he’s in front of you Elon watch out El I’m going to have to move you bro I’m going to die couldn’t see how many Health Food bars I had come on just relax oh my god do that oh he’s here he’s here GB he’s right

Here yep he’s on me Gib I need help watch out fire everywhere I got to heal up ah he got me no where is he he just disapp I was not ready at all I was I wasn’t ready bro I wasn’t ready I was eating food it’s okay your stop is

Here jumps on me that boy was snacking man snacking snacking I was straight up snacking bro will was doing the straight up snack bro bro why bro okay will I got all your stuff down here yeah I’m running he just despawned as soon as he killed you uh no so I

Couldn’t did you do any damage to him I couldn’t see I wasn’t really ready I was holding my shield the entire time because I was trying to heal back up and I I tried to light him on fire but I couldn’t even see if it worked or not

Yeah so it doesn’t look like he changed targets because he was on me the entire time yeah he he did not care about me c you snacking while you were slacking yes sir exactly what happened I think my way back over here down this way or no it’s up here yeah course over

Here might skeleton I SM some more IR oh that’s right went this way then I think going this way yep there’s my door that’s why I place it there did you have any coal on you no I used it to make torches okay oh my God there’s diamonds right here talk to

You oh I have enough for an diamond axe nice that’ll get him that smack nine attack damage no that’ll definitely get him wait it does the same exact amount of attack damage as the iron axe oh you’re already I love being I love being a during stealth missions what about Stealth missions

That I love being a rogue during stealth missions I literally just turned invisible and nobody can see me yeah and I’m taking the rest of my party and and sending them away from the area need anything William that I have I pick up my armor I think no I don’t dude must have

Despawned oh it’s right here oh I need torch so I can see oh I have I have how many do you have I’m good I have some okay um oh God initiative my armor that my shield see he just rushes us like that he spawns in out of nowhere and just rushes

Yeah tried placing lava on too but I just all happened too quick oh I noticed that do you want your lava back sure thank you I’ll put my water down over here so I can pick up your lava oh that’s where that water came from I think I have everything might

Create a second bucket here just so I can have a lava bucket if we find lava popping popping pee pooping pee pooping farting farting hey man say what you got to say say what you say what you got to say say what you need to say what I

Think oh I only have four more bread oh my God you should have grabbed more food up there uh maybe we should go back and grab some food yeah all right I’ll let the area kind of reset we come back down here and hopefully he spawns

Yeah so I think the the plan so he wasn’t able to break through my shield I think the plan is whoever he’s on holds their Shield up and then the person who’s not on yeah yeah now that we know not going to like attack the other person I think that’s a good

Idea I love the cave generation dude it’s so sick hear that yeah was that him not sure water here water I’ll get some lava what you need say say what you need say say what you need say what you need where did we come from over here

Where we go where we come from where’ we go cotton Okay guys okay did we come up over uh where we came from think yeah came from we came from this way over here shut the [ __ ] up hey man that’s really rude no it’s preventing my sanity from dis come on it’s okay it’s okay sorry I’ll quiet down quiet

Ah they’re everywhere oh my God it’s a slime don’t die up against the wall sounds like he was beating your ass bro he was hold on game you good look look I’m going to make baby slime okay you like this he don’t kill the baby slime though don’t kill the baby

Slimes what is that they don’t hurt you no don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill him oh sorry why not look look look they don’t hurt you isn’t it cute no no thought you would like this baby SL I’m sorry I do like them I feel horrible all four

Woles I’m sorry guys I’ll see you in the after 1 through four I’m sorry I love you slimes it’s okay it’s okay no I’m team oxalato team oxal freck slimes freak them yes I said freak who said freak r g yeah g we’re g g for G string G ow

[ __ ] take that oh he’s alive all right let’s go to the surface surface really it’s yeah let’s get some more food and bread and [ __ ] stuff no I could take some bread gab actually how much iron do do you have any diamonds I don’t have any

Diamonds but I have a ton of iron next time we get two diamonds let’s make an enchantment table yeah that is a good idea all right oh my God oops why does that [ __ ] haveen little dangerous right here nice we should go to bed up in our old house

Oh my God I already hear creepy noises out here it’s a good idea it’s a good idea oh my god oh he’s here he’s here he’s here here I’ll open the door oh my God what was he doing he was going fast oh you [ __ ]

Get out of my bed you num scull I’m not going to hit him with a diamond axe I almost hit him with a diamond axe I kill him I just want to M him him what you need to St stay what you need what was in my table oh okay there’s food up

Here oh beautiful daytime see if there’s more wheat that we could Harvest okay oh there an iron golem come on little buddy I’m going to get some more wood too just so we don’t come on little buddy yeah that’s idea deserve my iron axe or my diamond axe

All right it’s time we kill this Cade baller I agree think we’re ready kill this iron bom really quick just because oh my God they’re conversing they’re conversing they make him pay same thing right oh do we have any bread I didn’t see any Wheat um no bread for

You all right maybe we should say what you need to say say what you need to say it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay oh my God brain rot brain rot brain R brain rot brain brain rot don’t night pigs [ __ ] you just tanked a hit from my iron

Axe that’s great really I love taking brain rot I love eating brain rot me too oh God my God that chicken dead chicken was just tumbling this quartz was flying all around all right I got some more food do we have a BL or a smoker uh

No whoa what’s he doing over here yeah he’s trying to get out we got to stop him do you have any coal him he’s hovering uh not I wood though yeah look at the Villager get down from there you son of a [ __ ] I’ll be right you string actually okay yeah I do

Wait yeah I do how much do you need two there you go I’ll be right back stream don’t mind at night don’t worry I’ll keep gab stream occupied don’t mind at night get over here get over here you can’t escape no you fool what the [ __ ] I know how to do

This need more space I know how to get of I love provoking attack of opportunities oh yeah he didn’t move get [ __ ] [ __ ] yes got him don’t get in there in there good good villager that’s right that’s where you’ll stay h what the [ __ ] you good no it’s

About S one one two 3 4 5 6 7 eight n 1 2 10 versions of this all right I’m back one kid sorry about that wait time there sing for no no gab gab oh [ __ ] you guys use your water bucket there we go it’s okay I probably deserve that for

Everything I’ve done to you I like how you place the water like off my head dude I don’t know I plac it on the ground it just goes under your head for some he placed the water bu bucket on my oh let me I have an idea I have an

Idea I have an idea oh where’s my wood my God I have a fantastic idea I don’t know how I’m supposed to do 150 damage to this thing sounds like the thing’s little overleveled it’s it’s a dome if you know you know you know you know you know you know unheaded mini mini

Mugin yeah you know he knows right cuz I don’t know what cotton Ed n muggins mhm cottonheaded Min mugin if you know you definitely one I don’t know I put the sign a sign that says cottonheaded n Muggin above the this villager’s house which is just a three block

Tunnel with some copper in it you want some copper give some co wait do you have Emerald him some cotton headed n Muggin no I just gave him some copper how do you trade that you can’t he doesn’t haveed min muggins oh we give him some rotten flesh

Too he is a cottoned Min muggins that’s why he’ be locked him away down there here take some food give him some cotton headed any Muggin I will all right let’s get out of here I want to give him so many cotton headed I want to do one last one on last one

Last uh hunt for the cave wer and then and then I’ll prob stream I’m getting kind of tired uh do you have iron GB uh I do I it’s oh wait no I how much do you need three yeah you have string too how many do you need two what are you

Making uh fishing rod oh G Gail just got [ __ ] up ow I’m getting my n muggins [ __ ] up right now bro n Muggin I’m getting my NES mugged my NES are getting mugging bro what is happening ah all right let’s FOC let’s focus up let’s focus up I want to kill this

Guy this is this is the climax tell what happen bro get mug this is hit or miss this is like where we want to do it it sets up the we either do it here or we don’t we don’t make it we fail just don’t do it it’s it’s now

Yep now down where we were yeah I want to do I’m going to put some of this iron in our second house here say that smart here let me actually Craft um some more sticks real quick why did I only do that many there we go sticks I got myself a torch perfect

Just get him got shield in your H hand I do nice okay go ignore the skeletons me when the cotton head is n mugging oh I too far you know you know no you know no you know you the MLG water buckety I do be I do be skeleton over here [ __ ] that

Guy crack him bro got cracked all right we’re in the zone right now we are in the zone we need good call outs calls the spider I think we would left right yeah yeah we went over here head an any mug why are there doors randomly placed

Over uh those are my visual aids so I know where to go my visual aids you also hide behind him if you need to wait G us it’s up right it’s so dark other way it’s up here what is this hole then yeah it’s this way that’s a

Different hole we could go down there actually if you want it’s just a different way our OG spot was up there but let’s go down here our OG spots kind of a dead end but yeah oh I don’t see the bottom of this hole I don’t

Either oh oh there’s a giant Lava Lake down here oh my goodness what the f wait careful careful last one we want is a war you have to break these little blocks right yeah yeah actually have a hoe break them with oh oh you have a hoe

Okay they’re a bit better got H mining them oh my God there’s creepers everywhere here we Go’s got h oh H when look at this giant Lava Lake I didn’t know oh my God you hear the hear that oh I do the whistling and the yeah

Heartbeat this is kind of crazy come on y’all kind of C some slack let me be okay what is no matter who I attack I’m provoking an opportunity attack honestly what if I just did he hear a little explosion I don’t hear him we’re good there’s no um Summoner gab here

Oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I almost forgot about that guy oh is he on someing I just saw him so I’m going to go the other direction because I don’t want him to ATT me I didn’t even see him oh that way to go just leave I don’t want to go over

Here oh G hold shift over here I found a warden I want to go break it okay not sure where you are got it okay without alerting anybody where’d he go oh he’s behind me he’s behind me no no the thing oh oh my God what is that I got away

Though I can’t see Jack [ __ ] I got away G you can build up on that guy he won’t attack you if you build up okay he can’t he can’t get get you cool that he is I can’t see Jack [ __ ] yeah I wish I made more torches honestly that would have been smart

Where are you oh there you are should have made more torches um oh well he left he’s gone let’s go easy damn that was a little maybe if you let him hit you once then you run away maybe they’ll these skeletons are pissing me off yeah that’s what skeletons

Do bro you’re B what is that are you [ __ ] kid me really that’s dumb that’s dumb I’m taking on three skeletons right now that’s dumb I’m going to get killed by skeletons I call c i call C i c bro I can’t I can’t oh my God where’s my mats where’s my

Mats I’m safe I call C on that oh my goodness he’s here again no no h I want to fight the CER not you the [ __ ] I’m I’m going to sleep bro I’m going to sleep wait I can sleep I just set my spawn that’s all oh

And the the other house okay he’s gone again I’m making my way down good I just throw my pickaxe I’ll be there in a couple minutes through his pickaxe oh my gosh he back I I don’t I don’t exist you’re not here bro on like freaking hostile Attack Mode right

Now all right I think I’m safe I’m not safe from skeletons though oh one of them just killed the other one let’s go oh he’s back don’t mind at night I’m just going to run away from her oh God the other thing on me dude T to be this TR you can

Uh build up Gabe if you see him do he can’t seem doesn’t seem toble to do anything I know that’s what I did to save myself oh okay almost there I’m almost there where’s the cave dweller we’re supposed to fight him these are Target not these other guys

Right I am on my way down I am here where’s my stuff di over here think near to Lava wait am I a different area no when your stuff is right here where did these things come from I don’t know how do I make a hoe real quick where did these come from

These weren’t here before Oh that was that was not cool zombie careful give don’t don’t do anything don’t move do you have the hoe don’t move don’t move I’m just going to break it oh no okay I got it I got him all right okay got some of my stuff

Back I’m missing Celler quite a few more things though here William over here see right there where you see me where on me way I don’t see you oh I’m like right next to you right in front oh there you are you’re like what’s over here oh I picked up

Something yep right here right here now here go there you go yeah oh my torch that’s funny you can’t see anything at all I think we should go there we go yeah I don’t like it here C I ran away bro it doesn’t exist anymore do you have my shoes I don’t

Bro I do have iron though it’s fine oh I went the wrong side oh well okay okay that’s that’s his Q that’s his Q get ready get ready let’s put some torches around everywhere yeah okay oh he’s here wait that’s the other thing no behind you there’s too many mobs everywhere get

Out of here I know right come on hey do you have cooked iron on you yeah I do thank there’s more iron right here actually oh oh my goodness stri oh my God oh my God that scared me you see that iron uh yeah where’s the cave DW when you want

To find him okay new spot let’s go down here oh okay yeah geod what is that get here oh yeah oh okay this way oh wait never mind came from that way huh um well there’s this tunnel over here probably just a dead end it is going

Somewhere this way way there you were going oh Loops back around we’re back at my crafting table X you’re back welcome back man welcome back X we’re still trying to we’re trying to find the cave dweller no uh no cave dweller bro no cave brother he’s

Scared of us he is man he knows we’re hunting for him ow where did you come from oh wait is that him please be him that noise maybe this way oh where do you oh uh well yeah I’m not one to spawn anymore he’s done with us wait did we go

Down here again scared uh yeah I think we were just down there right or maybe not oh we from the other way we were definitely down that way I think but not this way yeah X that’s true he’s only going to pop up when we’re not looking for him oh

Yeah uh okay it goes back down to where we were at damn what the [ __ ] we might have to go back up yeah no Cav Weller this is so sad oh my goodness I am sad this is so sad there’s KW please I want a KW pleaseeee please please we’re ready

Man ready to get him did we go this way we go all around you this looks new this looks new oh [ __ ] no hi [ __ ] get off the platform actually good there’s coal right here oh okay that’s him where come here come come close to

Me hold on I need my food I need I need to eat he’s here he’s on us gab where’d he go was that him or was that the other guy I heard the heartbeat so it might not have been him I really hope it’s him now okay let’s grab this real quick so

It gets more torches everybody wants watches come on where is he they just get scared of us bro where you again right here okay make some more torches quick all right oh there we go all right well let’s keep going this way this is kind of new area all right you

Beta bet buddy find him eventually we will find him we will find him too many skeletons skeletons you’re not loved you’re not welcome go away well this is weird does this go nowhere probably yes oh so dark yeah it’s a that end up here well maybe you won’t find the okay

Follow her to stream oh [ __ ] god oh okay that himle up that was him was it yeah I think it was that was definitely him where’d he go oh God careful oh God that was him but we were like falling so we like vanished I’m running

Low on food again all uh oh I am too actually are you filming again are you filming again filming again that sounds like him are you filming again V again again all right I see some Warden spawners so just be careful to our right or no those two over there are the

Spawner ones oh those yeah careful oh Gabe he’s here he’s here Gabe holy [ __ ] uple up okay he’s on me gab attack him attack him attack him oh I hit him hit him again hit him again he’s wanting keep get him get critted we got we got him hey

Woo oh let’s go kill the skeleton get him dude it was so dark I was just all like I could barely see what was going on let’s go oh nice we did it Mission success Mission successful all right bye stream yeah all right later guys good stream see you thanks for

Watching all right well let’s go let’s fight the warden now fight the warden bro we’re ready come on Warden come on Warden come on I’m going to one more time one more time oh there’s another creature oh Gabe look he’s back oh wait never mind that’s the other guy no that’s the other

Dumbass guy yeah don’t care I don’t like him don’t care R around the spawner I did I it three times I think no no no let’s go Aaron are you there I have Darkness 6 yeah did you hear that no we killed it you Gabe he’s not spawning oh my

God did you just get haunted oh he’s here he’s here Gabe oh my God oh my are you filming again are you filming again good call Willam he’s confused he’s confused he’s confused oh he’s not confused anymore oh ow bro launched at me bro he doesn’t get on fire two of them

There’s two of them oh my God you’re right oh my god dude hey hey what’s up he can’t break my box take that I wish I had my lava bucket heart holy [ __ ] I’m at three [ __ ] all ready I’m at half achieved it we achieved it no William I’m alive there’s still a

Chance you got this kid we killed the cave dweller that was what was part of the plan oh my God I just block clutched I have one heart I’m happy so dark again what okay I’ve been killed that was fun that was fun I’m glad we did it me too did it Mission

Success all righty stream we’re going to call it there I’m tired my god dude the water looks all shiny or the ground looks all shiny from the rain oh I know I love it yeah guys uh thanks for watching Everybody thanks for joining up thanks for subscribing liking all that good

Stuff uh moderating that was really fun x I’m sorry bro I’m sorry we got to leave but we’ll be back on Friday and who knows uh stay posted on the Discord may be able to get that video out before Friday so stay posted and um we’ll be back on Friday yep

This video, titled ‘can we beat the cave dweller in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Gabedee on 2024-01-03 08:25:14. It has garnered 27 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:20 or 9920 seconds.

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    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16

    Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16 In the world of Minecraft, where tools are key, We delve into modding, with Fabric MC. Basic tools like axe, hoe, pickaxe, and sword, Crafted with care, in the game they’re adored. Tool materials, a crucial aspect to know, In Minecraft 1.20.6, they put on a show. From wood to diamond, each material unique, Enhancing gameplay, for players to seek. Join us on Discord, for more modding fun, Where the community gathers, under the sun. Fixing errors, tweaking code with finesse, In the world of Minecraft, we always impress. So leap into the verse, with tools in hand, In… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire’s Bride

    SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Accusations – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-02-18 23:00:26. It has garnered 8231 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:37 or 1117 seconds. It’s daring to make accusations with no proof… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: Check out Merch! – Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – Damien… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music 🪼 Arcanum Squad

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music 🪼 Arcanum SquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HARDCORE 🪼Neues Projekt🪼Anime Music Abend🪽Arcanum Squad #minecraft #hardcore #live #tinix’, was uploaded by Tinix on 2024-02-25 01:09:19. It has garnered 51 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:52 or 13372 seconds. Welcome to my hardcore project! Immerse yourself in a world full of possibilities and adventures in 1.20. ↓↓️ More information ↓↓ ️ ···················································································· Spotify Cherry SMP PLAYLIST ···················································································· SOCIALS Discord: Instagram: CHANNEL: @TinixTV @tinixVOD @techtinix ···················································································· SHADER Complementary Reimagined: TEXTURES ····················································································· PARTNER Arcanum Squad: PixelGHG OmegaCat TacoEnte LordMeloneHD @LordMeloneHD ····················································································… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!

    Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-09 08:10:00. It has garnered 435 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA Axom

    Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA AxomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sweet 😋 #2danimation #animation #comedy #spongebob #minecraft #jokes’, was uploaded by ASA Axom on 2024-01-11 08:59:44. It has garnered 9652 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Crystal SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Technical, Version Climb, Shared Resources, Whitelist, Carpet Mod

    About Us: We are a technical Minecraft server exploring the game in a semi-vanilla way. Starting from an early version, we progress by collecting cool items and features while encouraging players with different expertise to come together. Current Status: We are currently running a 1.8 snapshot (14w26a) to obtain illegal blocks and a second exit-end portal. Updates are on the way for more exciting content. Features: Upon reaching modern versions, we will implement the Carpet mod for optimizations and quality of life features like flippinCactus and accurateBlockPlacement. Join Us: We are constantly developing new things as we are just starting… Read More

  • OVClub – 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews

    OVClub - 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews🎮 OVClub Minecraft Server 🎮Rediscover the essence of Minecraft at OVClub ! Immerse yourself in a pure vanilla gameplay experience with a few knacks. Join a tight-knit community of players who appreciate classic Minecraft in its truest form.🏰 Thriving Economy: Engage in a player-run economy where you can trade resources, shape the marketplace, and witness the dynamic interactions of our community — Currency is Sponge 🧽.🛍️ Player Shops: Create your own shop in our server shopping mall and showcase your products. Let your entrepreneurial spirit shine as you attract customers from across the server. 🌟 Unique Monthly Events: Experience exclusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Groundbreaking interior design”

    Minecraft Memes - "Groundbreaking interior design"“Who needs a fancy designer floor when you can just mine some dirt and call it a day? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More

  • Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina

    Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Odo Potatoes and Levina Vina, brave and bold. Their adventures in animation, a sight to behold, With each frame, a story, beautifully scrolled. From the depths of creativity, they rise, In Indonesian animation, they mesmerize. Kulpi Semungku channel, a place to subscribe, For funny, unique experiences, they prescribe. So join the journey, explore the extraordinary, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are visionary. Support with likes, subscribe with glee, For Kulpi Semungku channel, where animation is free. In every upload, a week’s worth of creation, With characters like… Read More

  • Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition

    Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition I tried using a diamond portal once and ended up in a realm where all the creepers wore top hats and monocles. It was quite the fancy explosion! #minecraftmadness Read More

  • 10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together

    10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together The Power of Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft has revolutionized the gaming world with its multiplayer feature, allowing players to connect and collaborate in a virtual world. This innovation has propelled Minecraft to the forefront of online gaming in the 21st century. Building Communities One of the key aspects of Minecraft’s multiplayer feature is the ability to build communities. Players can join forces to construct elaborate structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in epic battles. This collaborative element has fostered a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to the formation of tight-knit communities within the game. Shared Experiences By playing together,… Read More

  • Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure

    Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure Welcome to Cubed Chaos SMP Server! Welcome to the exciting world of Cubed Chaos SMP server, where Minecraft adventures come to life! Join NastikCraft on a thrilling journey as they dive into a new Minecraft community network reminiscent of the popular Hermitcraft server. Cubed Chaos offers a vibrant and engaging community that promises endless fun and excitement for all players. Establishing a Strong Foundation As NastikCraft sets foot in the Cubed Chaos world, the first order of business is to establish a solid foundation for their adventures. Starting with the basics, they gather essential resources such as sugarcane for… Read More

  • BobbyBoley’s Insane Minecraft Horror Adventure!

    BobbyBoley's Insane Minecraft Horror Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nightmare SMP_V2 #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods #smp #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by BobbyBboley on 2024-04-29 07:37:55. It has garnered 7259 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #herobrine #herobrineinminecraft #scary #horrorgaming #weird #forest #fear #entity303vsherobrine #entity303 #mod #nightmare #demon #gameplay #gaming #game #gamer #minecraft #minecraftworld #minecrafthorror #scary #horrorgaming #minecraft #zombiesurvival #apocalypse #endoftheword #minecrafthorror #backrooms #weird #nightmare #demon #survival #minecraftsurvival #vhsrecords #vhstapes #vhsrecording #playthrough #gameplay #game #gamer #film #scary #horrorstory #horrorstories #creepy #creepystories #foryou #foryoupage #weird #strange #unknown #monster #creature #gameplay #playthrough #fullplaythrough #gameplay #gameplaywalkthrough #fullplaythrough #zombiegamingchannel #playthrough #horrorgaming #game #gaming… Read More

  • Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game Live

    Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live)’, was uploaded by ItsFilsFR on 2024-05-11 06:43:12. It has garnered 239 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:06 or 4986 seconds. Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live) SUBSCRIBE Read More

  • “INSANE Ice Survival Challenge 🏡❄️” #shorts

    "INSANE Ice Survival Challenge 🏡❄️" #shortsVideo Information [Music] the planet come on sing it with me sing words relate to the key key it’s a pattern if it’s a pattern just repeat after me life and death and and and War on the planet Earth life and death then This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Tree House🏡🌳 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-05-03 06:00:12. It has garnered 112698 views and 6557 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ –My Socials– –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest Malaysia

    Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest MalaysiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Survival Tetapi Di Twilight Forest (Minecraft) Malaysia’, was uploaded by Itz Mizie on 2024-01-13 04:00:10. It has garnered 182 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:59 or 539 seconds. #malaysia Mode: The boss in Twilight Forest is very difficult when you fight without creative mode, but I have defeated 4 bosses in this mode in a survival video, but there is a mode Read More

  • Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!

    Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!Video Information hello everybody Welcome to my channel guys we’re playing Minecraft and let’s go play we’re going to build a biggest biggest mansion so I’m thinking we don’t need a oak plant we can use the iron block and we need glass I need to find a Clear Spot finding oh wait this should be a good spot let’s get building though let’s place it right here here here we need to make the world biggest now I can carry on the world biggest house last time we made a biggest house remember guys and let’s make it even… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Saitama VS Genos 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Saitama VS Genos 🔥Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh help me [Music] what This video, titled ‘Destiny Run: SAITAMA VS GENOS😎 #minecraft #fypシ #minecraftanimation #minecraftvideos #shorts’, was uploaded by FlyingCow Toons on 2024-05-31 01:37:41. It has garnered 25419 views and 2018 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Please Don’t Forget Like & Share The video THANKUOUUUU😍😍!! Pleas Help Saitama!! Read More

  • Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!

    Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of The Sky Block series here on royal. Enchanted IP is on your screen right now and it’s always you know in the top left of all of my videos no matter what server I’m on you guys can always see that and whenever you guys directly hop on using that custom IP it will directly support me in the channel so obviously I greatly appreciate that now guys it has been a minute since the last Sky Block episode at the… Read More

  • INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!

    INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!Video Information today we’re going to be setting up a secret base inside of one of these mountains to stop our friend from breaking in all right well I kicked blade so we can’t cheat all right guys let’s get to work so I’m thinking we put it in the side of this mountain right here so let’s start carving about this m this mountain right here so let’s just carve out a little area and cap you know what to do buddy can you make your magic happen okay time to make it thickens all right so first things… Read More


    HOW TO PLAY MINECRAFT LIKE A PRO vs NOOBVideo Information как Нуб играет в Minecraft так а вот тут алмазы подберу их стоп а как мне выбраться как про играет в Minecraft стой стой стой Если ты сейчас поставишь лайк и подпишешься на канал то завтра найдёшь iPhone под подушкой о тут алмазы ха-ха какая тупая Ловушка просто поставлю два блока под себя This video, titled ‘КАК НУБ И ПРО ИГРАЮТ В МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by henkall on 2024-03-09 15:12:36. It has garnered 10513 views and 1036 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft… Read More

  • MilkFactions

    MilkFactionsA Nice faction server to hang out as a community with multiple players and you can gain multiple types of armor and custom enchantments Read More

  • The Grotto SMP – Java 1.20.4 – LeveledMobs – Dungeons – MapArt – Quests – Jobs – Community Events

    The Grotto (1.20.4) Join us at About The Grotto The Grotto is a 4-month season-based survival server, offering a unique experience for players of all types. Whether you enjoy exploring custom-generated landscapes, battling in raid dungeons, or simply making new friends, we have something for everyone. Core Features Custom World Generation Custom Items & Recipes Boss Dungeons No Pay-to-Win Ranks Player Leveling/Rankup System McMMO Jobs Economy Interested? If you’re curious about The Grotto and our features, feel free to join our Discord or connect to our server at Read More

  • earth

    earthearth is and will be the longest running server of all time and will last for eternity.the purpose of earth is to keep the world running forever, any player can join and do whatever they want, call it anarchy if you will.with a powerful host, capable of maintaining everything, earth is essentially what we will have left once the universe decides to take us all away.server version will be updated always, the current being 1.20.6 Vanilla. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!Well, with a score of 20, it must be more than just a coincidence that this meme is hilarious! Read More

  • Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer

    Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer In the Minecraft world of layered rock, I spent 100 days, ticking the clock. Mining and crafting, building my base, Exploring the depths, at a steady pace. With each block I break, a new challenge awaits, Creatures and dangers, behind every gate. But with skill and wit, I conquer them all, Leaving my mark, standing tall and tall. So here’s to 100 days, in the Layer Rock World, A journey of triumph, my flag unfurled. I’ll keep on exploring, with joy and with glee, In this Minecraft world, where I’m truly free. Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥

    Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥 Perché Minecraft? Because punching trees and building virtual houses is way more productive than my real life. #minecraftlogic #gamerlife #virtualreality #procrastination101 Read More

  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

    New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1 Minecraft Java Edition Playthrough – EP 1 – A New World Embarking on a New Adventure Nine-year-old Alexa Grace D. Elizaga takes on the challenge of playing Minecraft Java Edition in Survival Mode for the first time. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she sets out to explore a brand new world. Surviving the Unknown As Alexa navigates through the game, she encounters challenges like finding sheep for wool and dealing with the dangers of nighttime. Her survival instincts kick in as she builds a makeshift shelter and crafts essential tools to stay safe. Exploring the Terrain Despite… Read More

  • Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Battles

    Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft - Epic Mob BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Redwood Forest as a hacker oh nice I wonder if there are any computers in this Forest that I can hack right away a redstone Golem appeared and he didn’t look happy to see me Red Alert there’s a hacker stop right there this is a no hacking Zone uh-oh I wish I could remember some sick hacker moves to get me out of this situation but I can’t remember anything guess I’d better just run instead I ran as fast as I could but that Redstone Golem was gaining on… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in Minecraft

    Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in MinecraftVideo Information where the [ __ ] are we what the is that the Ender [Music] Dragon and that’s the Enderman uh This video, titled ‘This game is wiild… #lethalcompany #scary #funny #minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZ_MJFINN on 2024-01-15 23:04:28. It has garnered 54 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbait

    Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbaitVideo Information CH P de French French French French French CH de FR frente frente frente frente tem Ti P de frente frente frente frente frente contente This video, titled ‘Subscribe ☺️Ravager vs IRON GOLEM#music #animation #song #game #minecraft #epic #fight #pvp #vs’, was uploaded by Gaming GUAG on 2024-05-11 05:45:02. It has garnered 961 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More