CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft Monday $10000 YouTuber Tournament #7

Video Information

Wait it works on oh that’s why oh my god oh my god it works in both directions so we back in the mine so we back in the mine Oh what is happening right now all right highlights week number did I don’t know what this is even anymore all right

Best best screenshots here these are minecraft selfies ladies and gentlemen I’ve gotta change the fov get it in there so it’s like perfect and then no nope wait hold on it’s too many selfies going on here one selfie at a time ladies and gentlemen God dang it no Ted

Ted out of the way God dang it Ted I’m trying to get a perfect screenshot there we go perfect got it brilliant we good brilliant okay well we’re we’re just getting set up here ladies and gentlemen but I started the recording early just because I needed to capture this moment

In case you’re watching on YouTube I apologize there might be some downtime before the first game starts but I just I had to show this this incredible really in time this lineup this lineup might never be assembled again for in the history of the universe so I so here

We are it’s it’s pretty pretty great by week 202 will have the full lyrics set did you actually calculate it is that how many weeks it would take boy stop typing why do we need to stop typing oh god there’s too many notifications coming in already I’m not

Gonna be able to keep up so um I spent like 30 minutes on these skins glad you appreciate the reversibility is great it’s very impressive it’s very impressive they just need to stay next to each other the entire time and it’ll be perfect until the meme dies I expect new

Lyrics every week pretty please but anyway yeah that’s that’s great so here’s the prep right there the issue is I’m gonna be I’m gonna feel sad if I have to actually go up against them in Hunger Games I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to actually do monetize

Them I might just feel too badly about myself in order to to do it it’s it’s gonna hurt me it’s gonna pain me too much oh well anyway I guess we can try to catch up on some notifications in the meantime yeah let’s see Chevy Kurt Jesse

Fishy things it’s upsizer name thank you for 12 months of sub äj– and yeah good to say hi to you filming for the fortnight cinema stuff I see oh she gaming thank you for the sub Grand Grady thanks for the two months first one to de monetize thank you for the one year

Josh BK gaming think it’s six months mr. cruise they give this a thermic waffle thank you for doing a sub gift – ginger istic Mari Anjali thank you for the 200 bits I appreciate the good luck wishes oh wait did I that public the video I didn’t public the video yet I’m slacking

Here Megan Laura Bankston simmer Susie thing observes mario craft youtube thank you 300 bits winter valley thank you for the sub gary gray hair thank you for the two months t keer the last hexed elf target the antagonist JN hoi Luxus frontier and daniel Renton thanks for doing the subs much

Appreciated and still if anyone’s wondering if you are watching live right now as much as I appreciate The Creeper on man image the unfortunate part is it does translate into a twitch chat that just starts reciting it over and over so I appreciate it but also its

Way to what the did Dan just oh my god oh my god what is happening right freakin dan dan has combined the kings outfit with the creeper with the oh my goodness oh my goodness what is this what is going on right now so there’s

Two teams now that I’m gonna have a hard time do monetizing I don’t know I don’t know he was he said in in The Hunger Games or sorry in the the Twitter chat earlier he’s like if you D monetize me in Hunger Games again though I swear and I was

Like I mean I I don’t know I didn’t actually respond to it because they didn’t want to say it wasn’t going to oh boy this is gonna be rough brow it’s gonna be rough all right Rohan’s BFX was two hundred bits Finn for the chat Finn the chat for Kmart

Boys thank you for the sub and thermic well thanks for gifting a sub to moobot that’s very nice of you super buddy thanks for the two months I’m just waiting on Mitch to jump into the team here and then hopefully we get started I’m sure he’s working on behind the scenes things

He’s currently muted over in the support channel on discord so yeah Superbike thanks for two months talks with killer and this guy looks likes ducks and love dokkan and gray boy thanks for subbing appreciate all that yeah dude so what are what are the team’s this week are there any new ones

Since last time let me see Vic No doesn’t have his partner yeah I forget who Vic’s partner was supposed to be though look at the look at the emoji skins it’s pretty impressive this is great can’t and then I can’t you can’t see the backside but it’s okay we’re standing

Next to him before and then we got this are there any others there any it’s gonna be too much if there are any others then we have the backwards skins over here all right we got our team for this week is there gonna be an upside down hair O’Brien squad because that’s

Gonna be a thing we got the default skins over here are these um I wonder I don’t know if these are like the editions from the public server here I’m not totally sure but they could be they could be Luke Bron thank you for the sub command and command onero thank you for

The two months dr. Cameron Finnegan’s face buttons and nan Joe thank you for the subs much appreciated let’s go Game one but Mitch put join my voice chat channel dang it oh oh there you are wait there you are I was like I was about to type in chat I’m like what do

You do it oh god yeah your mic is is absolute terribleness right now what is happening okay oh no not like this hi yeah hello I’m good it’s pretty terrible Oh God it’s kind of a mix between quiet and robot and and all that sort of stuff

Are you how is it like on the server for you is this your internet or there’s something wrong for me oh he’s not in the channel anymore oh dear oh dear um well hopefully we can hold that well you know we have a good excuse to blame

It on if we do not get third place or hire again this week I don’t know if it’s discord lag or if he is having internet troubles cuz I know last week he was also having some internet issues fortunately held up to a playable extent but we’ll see anyway for now anyone

Watching live gonna gonna gonna try to catch up on notifications after the stream probably unless unless things happen where Mitch is not able to continue and then plenty of time to read up on notifications know you sound a little better a little better oh you try calling you privately okay actually oh

Okay all right well let’s see how that works if it is a discord server thing or not fingers crossed it did sound a little bit better though you know okay yeah hey is this any better yeah I mean it actually sounded like you were slightly better in the discord server

Channel as well but it’s it’s it’s flickering a little bit what is is there an issue at your house yeah I don’t the problem in it I don’t know the issue started so it’s like the perfect storm right now yeah it is no kidding okay well you know we’ve we’ve got we’ve got

An excuse if things don’t work out well for us I think and we’ll have to just play with that big name call because I think actually that bad and it’s making my game like really bad Liz well I’m gonna restart my computer after Game one and

Hopefully don’t think this is it okay so we’re gonna play with no communication whatever yes Oh okey-dokey alrighty uh yeah we’re gonna have to make up some points in the well okay um this is this is the thing okay whew ah yep don’t don’t think this is

Gonna be going well ladies and gentlemen I’ve gonna do my best oh god I don’t know what’s going on with him but you Mitch we’re gonna go at mm-hmm I’ve never played a tournament game with frikken are we going it I’m gonna see where he goes let’s freaking

Are we gonna go into the okay uh yeah this is freaking I don’t know is he going in he’s going out all right we’re gonna we’re gonna just follow Mitch I’m gonna let him lead the way and see what happens we do have a grace period you

Know at worst what just win this game at be phenomenal but uh all right it’s just gonna be kinda it’s probably just gonna be if we run into a team we’re gonna fight him because otherwise well I don’t I don’t know man I don’t know welcome to solo Hunger Games teams

Hopefully at least he’s doesn’t seem to be lagging too badly like in the game itself where in the world are the chests out here what is this dude I see like nothing where are they Mitch what are chase where we’re the chests dude they don’t exist

Oh god I don’t okay there’s one there’s one cool yeah sword and all that stuff okay Supply Drop nothing in there alright let’s go back over do you know where we go did you know where I went he’s over here okay cool we’re good come back to you my dude yep

Jesus Christ this is my partner ladies and gentlemen it’s going well uh number one Hunger Games game ever oh look at that that’s the thing you didn’t notice hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy would you like a thing would you like you know I don’t know

What would you like some of that I don’t know anything a little bit of anything at all uh-huh God Jesus yep Oh key dokey okay he’s gonna be there for a little bit nope this not gonna be good it’s not gonna be don’t do it man don’t do it I

Don’t want to engage on anybody I don’t even know what to do man this is terrible hey hey hey cool you’re here now and then that’s a team over there that’s that’s they’re geared cool huh uh yeah more fun more challenging this way absolutely 100% internet issues make

Everything more exciting where is he deciding to go he doesn’t have a weapon I don’t think so we go in on the parking garage is that the strat here all right that’s the strat parking garage strats it is slight concern okay I guess he probably knows where the chests all

Right we got people Mitch Mitch we have we have people they’re here and and they exist and don’t shut the door on me nothing nothing nope I have nothing to give you but there’s stuff in here to take here take it take it there you are and and there

There you go there you go no I dropped the thing for you mate here here you go is take that do that stuff it’s pretty good hopefully we can get some survival points here I do have the ability if we find a workbench to make and so it also

Mushrooms are actually good to have in case we want to make the soups and stuff mm okay so how’s life it’s pretty free it’s going pretty good going pretty well yeah yeah all right ah yeah all right go team go team we’re gonna I don’t know

We do much better as a team if we get the survival points so we’re just gonna try to survive that’s what’s gonna happen here yeah border might be coming in soon though so we’re gonna have to be careful about that yep okay cool cool cool

Wait oh yeah yeah okay you want me to take that yeah sure sure that’s good here I’ll even give you that it take take a pearl pearl you can get away from things you want to go you know okay we got people we up we got people we gotta

Hide and yet sighs okay all right well uh back down we go I’ll try to lead the others chest here isn’t that beautiful cool here at me let me a hint where is he ready Mitch where are you where did he go he’s still on the roof why is he

Still up there Mitch are you coming down MIT Mitch oh oh he’s waiting for the chest refill I got it I got it smart smart place okay let’s golden apples are good nevels pretty good TNT okay and then I guess we’ll get this one up here oh yeah why are moose not bad

Not bad okay if I got a bowl I could make some good stuff but I do okay hey hey hey buddy hey buddy I got that that’s why you take that at the very least this and then you can have one of those that’ll be fun it’ll be fun times and

Then here you can take leggings and here he can take food there you go and we’ll be all all good okay if only we had a bowl all right this is so bad this is so bad dude do what is happening come on come on Mitch come on it’s like

An escort mission right now I’m in a I’m in a single-player game I’m on an escort mission help help I’m where are you going NPC what are you doing yep NPC help Mitch Mitch what are you doing we’re gonna get hit by the border if you’re just tuning in wondering what in the

World is happening mitch has internet problems right now we’re not able to be in a call and he’s he’s not he’s what are you doing well at least we’ve gotten eight points so far it’s good it’s good good okay all right all right I got oh

He handed me one arrow that’s good Mitch I’d like to at least like okay so what are we doing right now I don’t know what we’re doing I really don’t know what we’re doing at all what are you doing what do you want to do what are you

Doing are we are we gonna enderpearl under a roof what are we doing are we are we I don’t know we’re doing what what what I don’t know what we’re doing do what we’re gonna do for sure ah man okay well we’re not gonna win standing water where are we

Going where are we going to win NPC tell me please are we under purling guys I can’t I open what I can’t I can’t call him that’s the problem or I we would if we could believe me we’ve thought of that idea we tried hey Jess okay Mitch we’re gonna have to go

We’re gonna have to go are we get are we to do this we gotta do this is that we’re gonna do is this what we’re gonna do is it freakin do that yeah okay all right here yep I’m gonna I’m gonna go for the other there we go we’re we’re

Hucking it over please okay we’re good we are we good are we good I hope we’re good yeah we’re good okay oh there’s chests up here that’s nice that’s pretty cool what do you know iron ingots a helmet and that’s better than one I currently have cool we get that

You cannot really get that hey hey so here let me here here’s this and and then just in case there’s that and then we can do things that are good potentially if we can get into the middle right right cool I I don’t have his cell phone

Unfortunately so that I cannot do he’s gonna between this and the next game he is going to make an effort to restart his computer and fix it oh yes give him helmet you make good point still don’t have a bowl though so I can’t make any stews good god

Ten people that we got in 30 points so far ah look at that iron there’s some iron down there that’s an eye-full set iron armor that’s definitely what we need that’s techno blade down there and full iron armor I think mitch is kind of going back and forth between fixing stuff and then

So I just don’t I don’t know Oh make wait okay all right okay guess we’re just gonna hang out here until the border closes up and we’re kind of forced to go into the center okay we’re gonna have to move my friend but I have to move okay

Oh yeah we’re about to get poop done pretty hard over here Oh God Oh Frick that’s gonna hurt we tried we tried ladies and gentlemen we got 32 points I don’t think we’re getting first place this week sadly but now at least mitch has an opportunity to try to

Restart do we really get fifth place hmm Bravo Bravo techno blade with the 87 points moxie with the 96 points good god ah what an NPC escort mission that was their chance I don’t know what the next game is but I’m really hoping it’s like parkour or find the button or

Something like that so that we don’t have to have that team communication oh god what if it’s building Oh what if it’s building next then we’re so screwed we have to have communication for that well we tried everybody we uh we tried yay okay so who do we have left

Techno blade gonna take it it’s looking like uh-huh the techno blades um ball team pretty big oh he’s a diamond sword what even what even are the chances Oh Tecna blade on the back foot there but now junky Jagger coming in techno blades unky Jake hundred and thirty points for

Techno blade my goodness my goodness all right um what is next please be something that is not team oriented because he might I wonder if he’s gonna have to wait for it find the button this works well this is okay I can hold my own on this oh wait

Is it different is it the same it’s different actually I think I think this is different oh it’s probably different part of like the same map or something so alright alright I can solo victory this if it’s anything like that last week oh boy this is my turn to make

A comeback I can I’m gonna ask it I’ll ask him if he can do like a discord call on his phone or I’m shooting him a message or I’ll actually do okay we’ll see at least of all the games that this could be while we’re still troubleshooting this find the button is

The best one unless I get bogged down by actually doing the troubleshooting while we’re so we’ll see about that we’ll see about that parkour – that’s right yeah lava Run lava run would be easy I don’t know what else I actually didn’t check the full game list dropper

Would be fine a dropper a little communication helps I guess but it’s not like the end of the world otherwise yeah this is just kind of gonna be a see how high I can place on the solo leaderboards even though some of the team games will have an impact on what I

Can do there if only there was a solo leaderboard for the solo games so that I could figure out exactly you’re right all those not super team dependent so the only other ones that are gonna be kind of team dependent is the other Hunger Games assuming that we’re still

Doing two and what else battle no ballerina isn’t here anymore so it’s gonna be the other Oh bingo bingo yeah that’s a problem bingo is gonna be a real problem no lava run this week okay gotcha yeah build battle is gonna be a real proof build battle is gonna be a massive massive

Problem if we can’t talk to each other oh wait he’s calling hey hey you’re muted by the way hey I think I think that might have done it you sound good you sound normal okay okay hopefully it stays that way what was the issue honest that couldn’t tell you I

Unplugged every computer in the house because my brother was on as well I’m like if you’re downloading stuff you’re done I’m sorry unplug the router I restarted my computer and I guess that fixed it I don’t know okay fingers crossed we’ll see okay here we go I hope

This is the right command it’s a good thing you’re the admin so that you can delay everyone for your sake hey I did yes sir alright we’re gonna we’re gonna try to find something just way distant and away from everybody it’s possible looking building or not never mind on a

Different entrance yeah yeah um trying to see like who I think I might have a double here boom two double first and then there’s gotta be some stuff over here they do they were just sitting on the car is the bumper of it I walked

Past in that first ah as a whole lake over your whole like River thing over here I don’t know if that’s worth even focusing on there’s not there’s not as many like obscured distant places this time it looks like yeah there’s a button here I don’t know if it’s worth going

For only five on that one 312 buttons on this map by the way whoa really okay so in that case really gonna be embarrassing if we don’t find any yeah so we got to put it some work here let’s try and break a hunter buttons okay I’m

Gonna go where’s the most distant place you can go off to I wonder I feel like I’m slacking right now I got those two first fine buttons but the other ones I keep seeing I can’t reach okay I am going to what seems to be more

Of a far-off land except I see open doors so that’s not a good sign nothing there that’s only five dang it this one has been here gotta be some stuff here jeez really no one found that button there’s someone on that roof they didn’t see it was a

Button that I couldn’t reach I finally went up to it yeah there’s a that definitely happened a few times last time we’re like how in the world did you not see that one and then there are others that are like super obscure that I just figured no one would have seen

And then it’s like oh no you have gotten that one yeah we’re getting a few plus fives my plus tens are definitely lacking since the very start sorry we’ll bring it together here people on their fifteenth what are we on fourteen we’re not too far behind okay

Yeah it’s all good I’m gonna go too hey this place sucks okay there we go your bridge I’m gonna cross it and try to go to the kwik-e-mart if this is I know I’ve been kwik-e-mart there oh wait uh no no never mind I think that’s behind the barrier or

Something crossing the bridge yeah no it’s not oh really over there okay it is you’re right never mind take it back it’s like yeah I don’t think you can do that boo got +10 there we go 16 out of 300 it’s just so funny when you realize there’s 300 nothing +10 we

Wouldn’t have thought that one we get another I’ll plus five shoot all right there’s got to be some buttons in here I hear some redstone going off I’m trying to find where whatever just keep my eyes out for any old button with 300 of them there’s a lot of Plus dents is still

Grabbed and there are for sure did you go to the the statue of like I think it’s Homer Simpson or something I didn’t go all the way into it but I was near it and there were a lot of people but I could have admittedly put more effort

Into it at the entrance yeah you been here oh there we go got it got it can’t believe I almost missed that one five minutes all right buttons here there’s this massive massive brick building over here I feel like it’s got to have some stuff in it

Some plus five I love the buttons in item frames the most obvious ones I’m not feeling as confident this week because I’m not finding just crazy amounts of plus tens buy we did not I mean it’s like yeah we will revenge haha yeah hopefully we can bring it back

In the last Hunger Games although I don’t know that’s a lot to live up to with how you did last week no we got to do better we did get enough kills that’s where we slacked yeah but you managed to Solo in it so true kind of kind of

Wasn’t a soul I spot Technos bit he had the same idea he’s like I’m not fighting Beijing I’m gonna I’m gonna let us try to qv2 in a weird way so it worked out he knows what’s up at the end mm-hmm Oh give me that +5 only shoot did you go

On a little train station underground I have not been underground no okay Oh plus 10 there nobody saw that one don’t bother okay give it a look sounds good we need you finding those ten toes ten point buttons yeah it’s gonna be tough I just got a tenner nice this place just

Keeps going I feel like I shouldn’t waste my time in here but how are there no buttons what the heck no buttons in either of these two rooms oh my god this place is treating me okay done like 25 points in here this place is not

Treating me super well oh there we go I was not gonna be there anyways I was the 11th person to find him that unless that’s button 11 I don’t know how that works ah we’re at 36 so I doubt it was button it was probably I didn’t know that it

Said how many people had okay I didn’t realize that nice what I’m doing here is dumb but could be 10 points water come on this could be a ten-pointer right now maybe ah now four people everybody oh you’ve already found this button okay so you were in the park already I was yeah

The park next to the golden building yeah did you go down the waterslide or you said forget that I don’t know that I’ve been down a waterslide now okay oh no access okay all right back down we go easy buttons all right we’re done here else got to be some buttons now I’m

Building most intense find the button adventure you’ve ever had yeah why are there no buttons in here is ridiculous Oh item frame button thank you feel like I’m following your trail so sorry yeah don’t go into the big brick building cuz I have been in there and then I’m also I

Mean the one neck across the street from the big brick building currently I went into the like lucky landing yep yep I had been in there I’ve been here too yikes I keep going in circles don’t do it you’re 45 seconds you’re better than that alright have you been in the

Diamonds building yeah I was in there okay shoot whatever I’m just gonna choose a building and scout it there we go there we go getting the name in the three piece almost four piece wait oh this is this building is the jackpot there we go I mean everyone’s found them

But still they just like loaded it up yeah finding some extras here nice oh this is loops back around here though all right two seconds come on nice sixty-seven how many did we get we’re about 50 okay pretty good where scores were pretty comparable to a lot of other

Teams so it seems like most people got a lot of a lot of points on that one how are we number seven with that first Hunger Games oh my god we’re not even f it’s not even that bad we’re a hundred points behind with the performance of that

First round like it’s not that bad yeah it’s good it’s actually fine I’ll take it okay we’re doing you have two hundred six total very nice I have one hundred fifty six so you just crush that find the button apparently I’ve improved my finding things skills cuz that’s always been

Like really something I’m bad at what is next Oh build battle okay well we know what not to do this time do you know what the theme is um I believe it is going to be weddings weddings wow this is interesting okay huh what should what do you think what

Should we build that is a great question I feel like we can’t take advantage of the James Charles memes this week cuz he’s not even in this what I didn’t even know there were James Charles wedding memes well I don’t know if there’s wedding memes but I find that he just

Like he gets a lot of sympathy in here people want to be a sister so we can’t appeal to that any more okay well we have to do something wedding related clearly yeah yeah okay a big a big wedding cake a red wedding from Game of Thrones I don’t know if people would

Realize though I think a lot of redstone dust laying around okay a lot of skulls okay I don’t know though would they would they a technical blade in a wedding dress [Laughter] alright let’s do this I think everyone’s in I hope the spectators are ready they just make sure

Cuz now I’ve got to do this this admin stuff to this week so should we oh we could do what if we did like two villagers that we build kind of pixel art style getting married and then we have like a bunch of villagers in the pews yeah I mean unless unless you

Another idea no I like the villager one it’s I think we won’t lose okay cool so let’s do like two actual pixel art ones and yeah I guess what should we build them at all the little villager oh wait actually should we do well it’s on

A beach right so we’ll build a little little beach set up here looking nice and drop oh yeah that’s a good idea okay I’m looking at a villager just so that we have a proper reference image and I build up a little you get a different view maybe let’s just do it on

The sand let’s just do elevation okay so I’m gonna build it like I guess a little bit smaller just so we’re not overdoing it what’s this this would be like the feet oh you’re building a huge one okay a pixel-art one yeah I figured maybe it’s

Not gonna be like super big but but it’ll be that way there’s like some effort you know they’re gonna be facing each other actually are we going that’s a very good question okay so it’s gonna be a beach wedding I’m not gonna follow any skin like super to a tee just

Because it’s gonna be I don’t want to go that big yeah okay and they’re gonna definitely be in shorts it’s gonna be it’s gonna be great because it’s a beach wedding all those sandals might be good at the bottom okay well I’m just gonna start building

This thing I don’t even know if they call a psychic as evil but it’s not a yeah no I know I know what you mean I know you mean and then Oh we’ll do like we’ll do those red bottoms over here and then you will just put down like a bunch

Of put down a bunch of stairs you know in in the crowd and then put some villagers on them oh yeah mm-hmm that’s the idea do this the idea heels in the sand you know and he’s gonna be wearing some some nice shorts it’s gonna

Be great all right now we go tour so these are really they’re really short shorts it’s what’s in these days all right and now I will do the head yeah we’ll see how magical it actually is but yep once I get one done it should be a lot easier to do the other

A little bit uh I don’t know cobweb or Okay set up the pews alright that’s a beautiful villager right there and we just got to get a nose on there there we go yeah that’s what I’m talking about right there and then not exactly to scale but it should do the trick yeah there we go

Brilliant okay and now I’m gonna do a white wedding dress I suppose for her I’ll build the arms after I think I think we actually have time think you actually have time now we’re chilling i’m just getting the basics done then I’ll add flourishes if if it’s possible

To do like a flowing like a flowing wedding dress you know also I should add like some buttons set up for our audience here I’ll try and get a nice variety of friendly friendly mobs well you’re right a bowtie would be good there we go dude it’s it’s okay it’s gonna be great

This will 100% as long as I am able to complete this at least do far better than last week this and then we’ll do different color over here will give you beautiful magenta eyes so I’m a little off-center but that’s fine no one needs to know and then alright what else I

Guess we need some arms going across alright that’s good down here that’s perfect alright we need we need more random stuff out here maybe I’ll spawn some iron golems near them actually I’ll trap one in that’s the altar man he’ll be up here helping them do their vows okay sounds good alright

And then Oh flowers dude let’s get some flowers in here yeah okay actually I need to get her arms real quick before anything else speak for yourself and we don’t hey we don’t need to score huge we just need to score better than last week that’s all we need

I hope he doesn’t fall off oh yeah that could be a problem what I guess it doesn’t work here I just use this I’m stupid oh yes fawning what’s she doing what’s she doing yeah where is he where is he where is he it’s our Gollum spawn Hank I thought it

Was maybe it’s not no all right I’m just filling in hair here everything is good everything is great yep yep yep okay we’re good well people can use their imagination because I all right you got families though in the audience and everything okay honestly I think we

Did pretty good with the time in hand there we go perfect that’s fantastic all right that’s it I think that’s pretty good I think we honestly did pretty good yeah you killed it nice job nice job with the audience there that’s pretty great oh we

Got this we got this using ours as a reference bro nice toaster back here [Laughter] yeah there’s a toaster I’m not sure oh okay you don’t have limited amounts now on your votes you change that yeah before after Wow Wow Wow this is dark dark wait really

It’s funny but like is it it’s it’s Oh God oh really listed divorce stats oh wow I didn’t strike this this is pretty cute five I give this a 5 I’m gonna try and be a little more generous in my ratings today even though I shouldn’t I didn’t

Even get a chance to vote on the last one so I think they gave it max score right yeah all right well I gave oh wow this is okay this is good this is good well done killed it looks good I wonder whose that is dang a really well alright

I this will be interesting to compare what our score was last week was like 50 or something here we go seven all the way beautiful I think come on your pretty pretty cute come on guys come on if we don’t break a hundred points this week I’ll be

Disappointed that’s for sure that’s a good that’s a good build is anyone getting married at this one he was actually getting married here okay that’s a cool wedding cake yeah with a couple of popsicles on top okay so we got 57 last week I think yeah we can do

Better we can do better we will do better this is pretty good give that five first I thought it was I didn’t realize it was a cake at first I thought they started to build the wedding dress that’s pretty cool commitment oh that’s great

This this is me right here this is um oh he’s getting married to something yeah I’m not sure man that’s that’s unfortunate oh boy alright this is it’s pretty cool decorate okay very cool give it a give it four yeah so if we I’d say a good score would be like 150 probably

Yeah I unless unless I don’t know for sure on this if the 57 was actually x – it was like divided in half so each other okay I guess we’ll see I don’t think so I think we actually just got oh they’re just why are they that’s not

Very nice hanging dude yeah good thing you didn’t actually spawn mobs and you just did the what oh that’s a that’s a bill huh Oh we’d uh Oh show you what happened I think they said vote came from the five wait what happened mr. admin I don’t that’s the problem

Apparently they died I don’t how did they die I don’t get maybe they spawn to wither on themselves creative Oh apparently people were saying look at chat because of that maybe they were talking about something bugging out Wow people are just wrecking the poor villagers here that’s why there’s no one around

Sorry Preston Tyler all right and everybody’s about to get punched oh you people can break the armor wait can you just break blocks oh I think it’s yes pretty brutal voting rounds but you can see everything before 20 seconds of destruction happens so guess so people are gonna think that I built this

Seven there’s a seven for me they forgot your eyes I’m just you know I’m Cyclops from x-men super powers are good is this this is to wither skeletons about to be married to each other they’re a little too close together for that yeah oh that’s pretty good yeah

That’s nice slender arms look at these arms that was like the last thing they decided to add is like oh god there’s 20 seconds left we need arms oh that’s pretty good too from the other side oh that’s pretty good I give you that that’s a that’s a six right there

Not bad the crowds got some decked out gear – no kidding this is a very high-class beach wedding in Hawaii they don’t really like each other the audience they keep their distance oh no is this another oops I can explain well they’re all good a three out of

Sympathy just in case I don’t know witty poises wait what oh we only got 71 but maybe we got no you got 71 I got 71 yeah then we got 141 oh okay so I got 70 okay so last week we did you as bad as we thought gotcha

Okay that’s better than so they got 160 and we got 140 so that’s not bad at all all right that’s good okay so that added personal and then our team score went up by 140 nice oh dude we’re number five now or says wait we’re only 30 with the first round

Performance we are only 30 points away from first right now they didn’t have a bill that feel like they just got some serious points wait are we not doing a break now we are okay we yeah it’s supposed to be a five-minute break I don’t know how to do the five-minute

Timer though hmm okay I mean just we’ll type it in chat and you don’t start the game for five minutes I like the addition of one in the quiver that’s nice what’s wrong with the points what is wrong with the points points still confused Oh Lord this is not good

Actually Jordan let’s rejoin team said they don’t count team 20 should be in the lead five teams couldn’t even play oh I can’t do anything about it guys I that’s behind me we should rejoin team five in the Minecraft Monday just so in case right

Or anyone needs to drop in to call they can sure yeah yeah all right all right Score cards I can try this hopefully I don’t break everything oh god score card wipe are you like trying to roll it back I gotta wipe everyone oh it’s gonna be I got five minutes I guess oh okay well I’m gonna go pee I’ll be enjoyed that

I’ll be resetting scores down here white just put three techno there’s a scorpion on my floor right next to me oh my god I almost stepped on a scorpion why am I in Australia Jesus Christ what’s not tabbing TV what the face oh my god oh my

God I’m I’m boxed in I am about to smash this thing with a Kleenex box Jesus Christ I don’t know what the mass sitting on the log wire that’s why this is a crisis they went to the next game xbox okay oh my god bro okay hold on I’m

Gonna take a picture really quick so everyone it also has a freaking gigantic wad of hair on its Jesus Christ this thing is like ready it’s God’s frickin stinger thing up in the air why is it a big boy okay I’m Jesus Christ what do i do do I smash it

With the Kleenex box or do I fix my mash it with work your to miss what do I do which one do I hit it with I don’t know that you won’t do I hit it with will find Oh ah but I am typing the role I’m doing

What I can you think the role everyone’s saying the role Jesus Christ bro if I miss it though see this is this is flat this is flat and I’m glad you like no that’s I can’t believe because it’s right there I can’t even go to the bathroom okay

I’m not taking it outside I want to make sure I do everyone’s obviously Jesus Christ I went on out here I think it is very good I think it’s dead it doesn’t look happy it’s spazzing out which is kind of sad and it’s it’s very done okay it’s dead

It’s I think it’s pretty dead it’s looking kind of dead by the time I finish this pretty much over as well so okay now I can walk around it and we’re gonna have to deal with disposing of it later but I don’t think it’s gonna be

Moving much so oh my god don’t you dare surprise me by still being alive Chris Oh – we’re almost there guys almost at the bottom of the list stolen dark for 20 all right wipe them all we’ll see if they did the trick say one minute left

Honestly I’m allowing me to type that there’s no point we’ll just hope it worked hey I hope I didn’t miss anything no you’re all good okay I had a scorpion issue what yeah there’s a scorpion that I almost stepped on walking to the bathroom scorpions are a thing but they

Usually don’t get to hear they usually are in the garage that’s crazy yeah so what do you know I just smashed it with a Kleenex box oh it’s tight it’s that small yeah dude that’s not a big one oh my god bro when I picture a scorpion I’m picturing you

Know solid five six inches Jesus Christ no no this one’s this is like two inches so it’s not Australia you’re fine no but people in Chad Ikuta you could have taken it out I could have taken a scorpion outside what you should have taken a tissue out of the box

Clapping on top good deed going on whatever you are all right cool I guess for joining we like seeing three people Thanks issue you should have gone and golden there I know it’s glass that you could have used to take the scorpion outside and then you should have kissed it you

Always got to make sure to kiss his scorpions after you take him outside Jordan your monster you didn’t even give it a chance I did but it took like two – Kleenex box Masha’s jeez dude I don’t it’s I’m pretty sure it’s a bark scorpion which if you look

It up people in chat you will find that they are quite venomous they won’t they won’t de monetize you but they will cause you great pain that does not sound enjoyable in the slightest yeah Kleenex box smash you throwing it at them or you’re getting up close to personal I

Just kind of like I lifted it up and I make sure it was pretty pretty parallel to the ground and and as flat as possible and just yep all right here we go I just try to snag the old snowballs keep my distance I’m a peaceful man no

Needs to know I exist here yep yep stay back don’t do it Preston don’t do it don’t do it Preston oh I got you Oh God I slipped nevermind I don’t know who-who did you got I wasn’t even Preston it was Chris behind you I think

Oh no Pratt I think Preston was was definitely on me but okay too greasy trying to I’m trying to live in peace out here no one needs to know I’m here I got someone it’s good swagger stop go away get you backed off I’ll let you Jordan I’m so sorry Jesus Christ why

Oh my god what the hell bro why would you do this I was there’s someone oh my god trying to get your someone got your own that’s good careful careful Tyler watch next to you I’m trying to shovel them out yep there we go nice there we go see Ashley I’m

Gonna move yep yeah good call good call careful yeah I’m uh oh my god dude don’t don’t erode it so that we can’t move because people are gonna rain green balls Oh God we’re still chillin who’s up top though that’s what I’m worried about ah there’s still at least two people it

Might be better to not worry about the guys on top dude they’re gonna they’re gonna throw balls damn it I’m down yeah no I don’t I don’t like isolating ourselves because then they just can erode us by throwing stuff so there was one escape route that’s my bad

You always you always got to wonder how well would we’ve won would we have won if I was able to stay up top why am I so trash dude you’re still in it though this is good top four that’s quality I gotta breathe find my Zen it’s the

Guys up top that you got to worry about them can you craft snow blocks you can’t do anything with that right careful oh No almost it so that is Preston up there still alright hey man you were fourth place that’s pretty good oh we you get an extra 20 points for winning the round oh okay so I don’t want to keep killing you again that’s for sure no ideally not wow they really give you

A bonus on that holy crap so techno blade with TNT run is gonna be as to be a whole thing a lot of points I don’t know I hope not cuz techno blade doesn’t lose that no this week he will though I feel it it’s nice of you to think ok you

You’re all you got an island up top nope I don’t have an island up top but I am up top currently I’m worried about the island strategy because I don’t want it to just get snowballed yeah well I’m doing the drum strat please no one notice me are you upstairs

Yeah I’m upstairs ok go away no I’m downstairs shoot I’m getting I’m getting sandwiched and sure almost one of them sandwiching me damn it there’s fit are you downstairs oh yeah you’re living I see us you clearing out some blocks oh no don’t tell me there’s ok I thought

There was such I swear to God fit just got me twice because I thought there was an invisible player behind me I cannot believe this oh you fell all the way through I did sorry apparently fit has a vendetta against me thank you for avenging me I appreciate you man

Aggressive on techno oh nice nice oh oh he’s just going in oh no he can’t take the man out oh I guess I jumped I shouldn’t have jumped as soon as he saw me midair he was waiting for that jump he was waiting for it cuz then I

Couldn’t control my movement anymore I think alright good good plays good plays oh jeez no I think he took him off the top and then just brought him all the way down and like one fell swoop yeah see the thing with techno is people live

In fear of him so then he gets extra points cuz yeah doesn’t have to sweat as much true people go you gotta go for him now I agree Oh Jerome doing the Tyrone strat someone’s season though how many points you that I got 59 total so far

Okay nice are you were you able to work out the score thing I didn’t I didn’t catch her name in and did the white command I don’t know if it’s gonna work is the thing would not have shown until after this game I don’t know yes but I

Don’t know no clue just says our total score 604 but it shouldn’t be we have like a easyacc 200 points from that right or the 141 2 okay so yeah I mean I don’t know how much that affected stuff because I think people were voting on the no builds anyways and giving them

Points so I think so unless unless any of the builds didn’t actually get shown in the rotation it sucks like it’s bad for content for them obviously but they’ll battle is just pure memes anyways it’s not exactly skill driven as we saw last week uh yeah we had the best

Build last week so it was just everybody Oh techno is down I think he wasn’t looking and he just got hit by the snowballs when he wasn’t expecting I got a root from my boy Dan over here dan don’t don’t let me down now with that

Skin Dan no dad I cursed Dan I couldn’t even find him that’s because he looks like a creeper in the king outfit he’s got the best skin dantdm he changed his skin I don’t know I don’t know I want to feel like he maybe change the skin for

The first time in a long time just for that and I’m honored thank you I’m glad you enjoyed it I think it turned out very well I even if the fallen kingdom and and such aren’t like memes I honestly feel like I might I might do one for falling Kingdom

Because I think that’d be fun to do yeah call up to chains do the fallen kingdom to and I’m wait dude I’m still waiting on lil nas x2 to hit it up about doing the crossover see the thing is you and you would hardly even have to rewrite it you just

Basically almost just be the Minecraft and remake yeah just literally need his permission and and if he wants to jump on it even better oh the cross map yeah okay is this is so this is now really just gonna be who outlasts the ice oh oh the Hail Mary on

That one the pro overwatch player right moxie I think so locking it down ya know this starts right away oh god right right right right right let’s try and stay on the top amazing I’ve never survived the top oh yeah I just saw Danskin run by oh never stay on the top

That’s my mother well you don’t is that just you got you got taken down or you don’t like to be on the top okay never oh god I’m over the game oh no the spliff orangy was not on my side – that’s bummer that’s a bummer I’m

Gonna try dude I’m gonna try you’re holding it oh I don’t know it dance down okay all right we out here we out here boys the only thing with the spot you’re hanging out at is below you looks real dangerous oh that’s good point that’s a good point

Here we go here we go better okay it’s just me and fit this is just me on me and fit on top ha ha ha ha is he gonna is he gonna be the aggressor is he gonna be the aggressor that’s the question hopefully hopefully Landon below you

Does not clue in I think he’s too busy he’s too distracted to even see you I think he knows I’m here but it’s just a matter of does he want to come after me because I have the advantage like that I can throw snowballs as he’s trying to

Get to me so he’s thinking about it we’ll see man we’ll see oh shoot dude team 21 is both alive below you okay do you think I should move no they’re moving out there all right all right I’ve never been in this position before if you you could maybe

Try and snowball below you I don’t know nah dude oh it’s happening how many people are left only three you hit him I hit him but he didn’t go down he’s running out of blocks and someone else is throwing snowballs he’s down he’s down I think unless he’s just out

Of my render range it’s okay it’s actually you guys versus another team though okay that’s yeah that’s them below I don’t know if it’s worth Khurana yellow it oh no I want to outlast fit I don’t think they noticed that I’m here oh god they

Do oh god oh no oh shoot it’s fit still up there yeah is man at least I got some good score that time yeah five points I’m in 76 right now yeah oh he’s down dang I I if I had just reacted a little bit better I could have potentially

Potentially landed below but who knows I might have still been eliminated pretty ASAP it’s all good I mean I usually play more aggressive and that’s sometimes works out for me and sometimes doesn’t I would have probably dropped down on landing a verb just to try and slap them

Off but it’s dangerous that’s for sure it’s like that scorpion man you don’t know you can drop the Kleenex box or not he looks he hasn’t moved much so I think I think I was successful all right where we at still at number five all right and

Oh we moved up we’re number four did nice and the scores are right on each other problems with the battle they’re still up here on points anyways yeah so okay it’s 50 now on PvP all right all right I like it I really hope the one-shot kill game-mode works out really

Well because so is that gonna be let in one in the quiver if you get a good spot you can do spawn kill people over and over huh this has been a roller coaster though the recovery after the game one debacle has been strong honestly the game one

Debacle wasn’t as bad as it could have been I really thought Vic and mr. savage we’re gonna come kill me and then out of nowhere you showed up you’re my hero and you just appeared just my mere presence makes people run in fear I am techno blade all right everyone ready

We’re at 39 team one is missing someone oh no never mind never mind team one’s both here they’re just split up yeah I don’t see who’s missing I’m waiting to see if father um gee guys gonna be okay so do we do we stick together and this

Is that even like a possibility or is it kind of just go free-for-all and try all about killing it but if you can get in on those lawsuits that’s huge okay I mean maybe if we’re comboing together then sure but all right we’re starting it I hope everyone’s ready all right all right

Getting yelled at so I’m starting it yeah cuz I think the guys who won last week that’s there’s no chance they got that many actual 1v1 kills definitely chaos like this I see a good fight and dang it Oh Jerome was 1/2 a heart my god all

Right I got one think don’t you even think about making an escape let’s go oh god he might kill me he’s gonna kill me who got him with the potion dude I’m behind you nice dude let’s let’s team this up oh my god he is far now I’m on it I’m on it

Wait you can you can team you couldn’t hit your own team yeah nice oh that’s them again I’m hitting Oh got it I got it got it I don’t have it I’ve eaten it already do we are taking people out here all right yeah I’m close but we couldn’t

Maybe get Ted we got Ted all right dude seven kills pretty good pretty good yeah I’m with you I’m with you here okay nice whoo oh shoot you want it nice nice I’m on the I got the gap –all I did I’m so sorry I’m so sorry we’ll pretend that

Never happened I wonder you got points for that ah shoot got hit by an arrow all right 15 we’re doing good oh heck no oh man I just got demolished there he killed me good god I got him he didn’t have very much health left oh nice we’re both here dude good stuff

Good stuff nice try to steal the kill got it nice got it no we good don’t hit me oh I got shoot we’re doing okay we’re doing okay oh I’m back with you I’m back with ya nice hear how you give you health health health health they go got

It got it oh oh spawned again we’re doing the double the double 1v1 there we go probably got it got it got it we’re good for you oh nice more speed potion of death myself nice finish that one try ah shoot should have focused on the

Hits instead it happens I’m with you do it do it we do do pearls hurt you a little bit okay God I got it now oh the splash potion hurt oh man he just barely got me there we go 3232 not bad if we’re doing good

We’re doing good like hell oh god got alright junkie you gotta be there we go alright with um with you nice I hate you I’m so sorry my bad I hit again I’m okay yep alright he’s really weak swagger our techno blades on me that’s not good Skippy got me I had half

A heart I couldn’t do much got it okay oh shoot I threw the health potion like it was a harming that was my bad we’re a hero moxie yeah oh oh oh alright well how many did we get we were in the 40s so we were really close

Alright do we get a little bonus point at the end they’re trying to see Plus oh my god were in number two yeah we got second place overall we got yeah we got second place not bad not bad except they have Skippy and hallo once again taken off we’re ahead tet

We’re had a techno blade though let’s do it one point wonder did you crush it you were you were finishing those skills man you were still my best issue box and those boys whoo all right drop her this is I doubt anyone’s gonna really take off on this one so techno blades gonna

Get some points in TNT run but honestly if we can just get top 5 or for both top 10 every round that’s enough that’s asking that’s asking a pretty decent amount I think we could do top 10 I mean you’re not giving yourself enough credit and TNT run as long as I

Don’t try to kill techno and get myself killed I should be able to talk 10 all right so should be our frie our best I think everyone is here it’s 39 was the same as last round let me just check real quick with Brian yeah what’s there Brian we get to go one

Second no worries Oh higher render distance good point good points see if that helps okay good to go just wait on him to join ari come on click it distress alright we’re good to go alright firing it up alright alright see we need a balance between it being too

Difficult two weeks ago and pretty easy last week I think oh god what the heck oh this one’s so short yeah wait what in the world where’s the freaking button where’s the but I don’t like find the button Maps now what I signed up for [Laughter]

Oh my god that’s too funny well I was like I was like yeah looking all through this little bunny down here it’s a very cute little bunny wait are all the maps this week really short they are this is the shortest dropper map of all time what is this

What I hear this the time what is this oh my god grand I please make it alright I hope it aldo ends when he clicks the button i really go always looking at the bunny wait where oh come on dang it you make yolk I’m it’s just I’m

So terrible what am i doing oh wait is top 10 now whatever okay there we go number 33 you know we’re doing great out here we’re doing great it’s in a random order so you can’t yeah no I I realized you guys swapped that after the other

Time but I can still memorize what has what it’s good some of them have like pretty small landing areas true but I feel like because there’s not a lot of distance to draw it’s pretty forgiving alright people are telling me fov down will help if I try to change it

For parkour or dropper it just messes with my brain yeah maybe I should and I should stick to what I’m used to I mean whatever works just that never helped me in the past I’ve tried Ennis this is just awful I’m getting a headache

Come on mo you got this you can do it ah the the Purple Heart one is is gonna be really great because it’s just basically straight down Oh God dang it kind of or not go to the side like I jumped as far as the left as I could

Basically for the left oh I see it I got it alright 22 at least I’m consistent that’s good yeah there’s binds to you alright cheering I’m cheering for a smile I want her to want her to finish just one before somebody how many of you left there’s some people left yeah there’s

Some jumpers some jurors I’m trying to think where we’ll make our big run and it’s gonna come down to Hunger Games again this week I already know it will the teams are gonna be closed after tea run the one shot maybe maybe you could get a ton of points there and pull ahead

But do you get points per per kill it’s the same structure as the PvP one except it’s one shot okay gotcha so you just have to get into a good place where you keep seeing the spawns can you mail a people or is it only arrows we’re gonna find out because I

Didn’t even have a chance to test it with Lake he went away for a vacation and he said planned for a while okay so Hopefully everything works oh I should have first tried that come on not right there number 16 not the best I don’t know how I’m gonna get any top tens but has anyone not completed a map this time around I could be wrong oh right shoot this one’s like the far out

One okay so whoever does it on the first try is gonna get 10 points otherwise there’s no chance Oh God dang it that one 11 sorry I wanna see if we just finished them all it’s fine like the difference in points is not gonna be that big there you go

All right number 30 yeah these are almost so easy that it’s just like the RNG is going to go to ten people who just kind of happened to take the right path at the start yes so far haven’t gotten that someone’s gonna complete it on the first job for sure I’m trying to

See if there’s any that are gonna be really toxic but I can’t maybe the diamond one but I don’t even think so wait this map is for Danny it says yes doctor there was something about dr. Trey Aras I should just start reading them I don’t think I’m gonna finish top five anymore

17 yes I could finish and then go read the signs let’s take a peek what’s the story of this drop oh this levels a bit mean which one the one we just did there’s a lot of oh it’s for popular mmo’s – this is the level

For Jen I tried to make it a bit easier just for Jin I said I I know you were trying to be nice but I I think you uh yeah actually used come on freaking number four I guess number one doesn’t make much of a difference there

Was a stupid villager I think was dr. tree arse sorry who was walking in front of the button when I was going to click it Yes Doctor poor Jen this will stick to you for very long but oh literally the one I was just looking at come on number two there we

Go you go there we go it was the one I was just happy I happened to be looking at it so no that’s what I’m looking at right now far just clear the middle and then just jump right here easy all right let’s get first and second place on this

Everyone else is lining it up – yeah is that the only one left okay all right there’s the thing oh well that’ll do it I’m sure what’s next where’s the button I didn’t see the button number eight I got it number one nice wait oh it’s top five that gets the

Score yeah – nice job we’ll take it let’s check out the one of the next potential droppers um have we done the red one oh we haven’t done end though we started with n stone right no we haven’t done in stone okay that’s just a one yeah that’s

Tricky just kind of go short and then out short and then go out a little bit yeah okay it ain’t too bad two more people to complete the other drop and then it will teleport us somewhere hmm I know each other ones we haven’t done oh we haven’t

Done the laker one that’s not really Lakers it’s blue and yellow but that’s just jump far out and hold forward good luck on the end stone level because this is the hardest in my ominous voice oh God have we I don’t know yeah we haven’t had the extremely easy one either so it’s

The blue one it’s the lap yz1 the pink wool super easy and an end stone I think Oh oh shoot got it I was number oh I was number five there we go oh I was number two I was number two and I fell the first time huh I’ll take just you don’t

Even have to jump just walk off sure all right so just lap ease lap ease is just forward oh yeah it’s the acai kiyah it’s the IKEA level that’s what it is giving me way more stress than it should and then this one is just dropped down to Moorea

Easy gates lizzie and ikea yeah i think so yeah yeah this level is not particularly for Jen but it’s not much harder than her level great little stories someone should hit the button as they’re falling on this one because right next to the water pool okay well which one’s

It gonna be which ones are gonna be is gonna be the super easy it’s gonna be the super easy got it shoot buttons there I was number 12 Wow oh my god Jen Wow she’s 12 and I did it like instantaneously yeah I forgot yeah I forgot to check the button on it

That was dumb but okay everyone knows IKEA is next they’re all lining it up hit it hit the freakin button I was saying let me let me hit the thing I was number seven oh my god I was 13 yeah we were all stuck on each other’s skulls

Yeah all right everyone’s got this one all right fits press the button winner techno blade GG of course it is of course it is pretty close he probably had all top 5 finishes true he’s number one in score number 5 though still 5 minute before 7 yeah

All right well we’re still at number three and we have a little bit more of a gap so that’s not bad yeah TNT run we already know who shines there well one shot is just gonna be it’s gonna be like the kit pvp it’s gonna be

Just kinda rng base although we did play pretty well as a team in fairness oh you’re right we were number two sorry we were no – yeah well um yeah it’s gonna be less about teaming in the arrow one because obviously um yeah I’m I’ve never been particularly great at my

Bow and arrow skills but maybe I’ll have a moment I well I owe you some points right now so I’m gonna try and catch up on that one for sure fingers crossed how many points is it per in the what is it five points okay five per kill everyone

Placement you’ll get extra points okay so we’ll see how it goes 35 kills to win so I’m wondering how long it’s gonna be or if it’ll be super fast or if it’ll take a bit more time than the PPP I think it’ll be pretty quick thanks to be really quick if it’s

Anything like one in the quiver games on mineplex those if they have 40 people in the game which i’ve done i’ve had games like that before it’s over in about 30 seconds yeah it depends how big the map is but if it’s a small map it’ll be like

30 seconds okay see one shots no it’s a different map oh cool this will be interesting 1v1 me on shipment mm that’s two three-dimensional shipment as the superior wouldn’t be one map of all time that’s a tomorrow for one map right call it for call duty for yeah isn’t so I

Haven’t watched much about the new Call of Duty reveal but they’re calling it modern warfare which is called duty 4 modern warfare so there just is it the same thing I haven’t looked at it I’m actually curious I’ll look it up are they calling a modern warfare all over again like a

Reboot you’re right oh yeah I don’t know if it’s a reboot or so it is a reboot I don’t know I saw the trailer I mean it looks fun cuz for me I I the first call duty I really play because I was a halo

3 guy I didn’t play Cod 4 I played Modern Warfare 2 so I played halo 3 before that but the simplicity of it is what I appreciated as the games got more complicated I lost an interest so they’re definitely going back to their roots as far as that is

But I’m like I don’t know if it’s a reboot I guess it’s a reboot I don’t know if it’s like an actual coffee you know what I mean they people in chat are saying different story so I don’t know I guess we’ll see let me actually do I

Have time to run go pee real quick enjoy watch out for scorpions while you’re out there yeah – my stream viewers I’ve got some shoutouts to give so big shout outs to who’s out here do I owe some shoutouts to my boy Shai records thank

You very much says hey what’s up bud I don’t know if you remember me from the Facebook streams but it’s Brett welcome back Fred good to see you again appreciate you Hindu god can I join the staff team I don’t know you have to apply during the or to the correct

Channels I don’t do that I’m sorry man Nikki what’s up Laci what’s good you need to restart this game or skip it yeah that’s that was the build battle stuff I’m sorry about that Harvin reacts in games big fan for long time we’ve been so much appreciate use

Arvind the one gamer what’s up man been missing you on pixelmon I’ll be on there soon don’t worry bro Veronica preciate you as well good to see you again one of the Quivers so fun I hope it’s flawless we’ll see fix the quality sorry bro

Doing what I can out here no life hunger games the one who don’t dude I’m teaming but we’re out here looking for revenge ass all I’m saying we’re gonna deal with it and we’re gonna get these dubs edgy Thank You Riley thank you hey Mitch I hope you’ve had

They tell Jordan the singing revenge for the lols thank you for making my day with the streams good luck free you very much and we’ll do the best we can Mitch the quality is weird well because my internet and computer has been trashed alright I’m back

Welcome back I’m good to be here Oh is everybody joining join game yeah okay should be about that time all right are we it four layers on this this time because it was it would used to be three and then I’m like last week I think was

Four I was in the night before I think I don’t know never changed actually yeah we fed that changed leaf was five layers at first so oh really I didn’t realize that yeah I’m trying to get them in the hub I’m spamming them yeah that’s fun I

Started up whatever cool sounds good all right we’re gonna try the techno blade hop and not run strategy at some point if I can even get to a point where I level allows me to do that that’s it I mean if you can stay on the top floor

Its GG like I’m honestly as I mean its first place he’s in second place Oh particles particles particles I might try to get him to fall cuz it’s not political I all loved techno but he’s too good at this game mode someone needs to make him drop off that first floor or

He’s gonna win gratitude so that’s what I’m gonna try and do game seven here we go alrighty all particles off render distance down we ready we out here is he really gonna try to cut him off there I’ve got to I did it to him once last

Week that was the only round where you probably still won but it was close it was the only round where it was close the top floor we’re trying to find him whoa blocks are disappearing like after the votes you’re going fast okay blocks are deleting real fast this time

Yeah dude I don’t know it’s with the freaking blocks deleting after-the-fact can’t make that jump okay I’m down way too layers because I just got presented with an anime Keable jump no the blood the blocks are actually vanishing like before my very eyes that’s why Jordan there’s a fire

Particle on blocks this was a slight nerf to make it so techno can bunnyhop infinitely but oh my god is it too much what do you mean it wouldn’t what is it doing why is it the fire means that blocks gonna disappear it’s it’s to prevent the bunnyhop being opie but this

Is this is Opie this is too much well yeah they’re like our oh my god bro how did this is what the heck turn particles on okay but that’s when I turn on particles it oi Oh God yeah which well now it’s gonna lag like crazy I bet no there’s no like

I know lag in with my setup I still kept you got it okay alright I had no lag action no like okay even techno blades asking why do blocks disappear mr. savage says 0.5 FPS this PC can Vic said PC can’t handle particles well we’ll see how this goes

Once we start particles on might be a mistake as well I was fine actually alright and to be honest I didn’t even know this update was coming out this week because this hey we won’t go into it right now oh my god yeah what the heck dude see you can see it happening

At least now yeah oh oh yeah except it’s still it’s terrifying yeah I’m a I’m a few floors down now wait so do the blocks just randomly disappear that is from somebody touching them I think just random Oh Briella if you see the fire you know

It’s coming I’m on the top layer but I have nowhere to go now Oh God happened fast now what the heck is this no no Rick it’s not supposed to be this awful on the bottom floor it’s supposed to only do the fire thing on

The top floor so you can’t stay up there forever oh my god everywhere Jesus Christ help oh god I’m just I’m down to the file frigging floor I’m out oh my god what is this oh my god Tyler gonna get the dub I’m cure for Tyler out here

Where is he where’s yet he’s out Oh what the heck dude well at least I didn’t lag but uh all right well let’s get ready to rumble oh boy yeah no yeah yeah without particles now with this update that doesn’t work very well so we definitely have to have particles on that’s for

Sure Jesus oh my god it’s not supposed to be like that this is not what I had put in a request for it not even close don’t don’t do me like this you should kind of work with it though you gotta just draw your face and have a good time

Smile a wave all right oh god I’m still up here bhop bhop to victory yep nope down a level but that’s okay we’re still here dog no I know God and I’m down to the bottom floor oh my god God get away from me Phil Jesus Christ [Laughter] wow wow wow

Yeah I was like doing pretty well on the top floor – and then it was just like oh all the blocks are gone so that’s a thing well ah Technos not winning so there’s that yes I guess the nerf the nerf worked you did Murph techno blade was

Not the intent and I’m sorry that’s all believing in that I was not supposed to be like that well we’re in fourth now unfortunately we have lost a position but not by too much but halo and Skippy are in a commanding lead now so it’ll

Come down to this one in the quiver game mode that’s for sure and this is the worst part is this is the gaming mode that I was worried about okay please just work no one embarrass me too much that’s all I’m saying all right ah yeah let’s hope my arrows fly true because

I’ve never been the best at it times Legolas it’s gonna be easy I hope so Oh crystal ooh too low wait how did he manage that my cells are killing each other let’s pretend that that didn’t happen wait what wait what’s it it’s like lightning effects are you able to / co’

Command right now what how do I restart this thing Oh God Lake this ain’t good maybe it’ll start over stop killing please need to start it just stay peaceful until the real game start why are people getting flying too low thing like I need to just wait till it says 39

And then I’ll start it what good to go in our image whatever you want well people are people are not cooperating cuz I I need to wait till says 39 players that they’re not gonna be in the game they’re killing each other as a glitched a bit so they need

To stop stop okay you’re 39 nope so I can’t restart this thing I have no clue how so alright well if they want to do this some people are not gonna be in the real game I don’t know alright game four start alright we’ll see what well that’s

Their fault for not listening I guess 39 hopefully hopefully just puts everyone in a real game open okay oh God whoa hopefully there hopefully we spawn okay I’m down again oh my god I’m at minus one I’m trying to run for my life shoot oh boy so if you miss there is no

There is no melee oh I just covered your ass thank you oh god okay wait and then does it replenish your arrow oh it does oh that’s you Jesus maybe we should climb a tree oh my god I’m climbing this tree I’m wait what how did that not oh yeah that’s probably not

A bad idea oh god I got someone at least wait I just got Oh someone’s spawn killing right now a real not real nasty Oh oh shoot oh god this is call of duty this is call of duty at its finest right here well we got to do we got to do I

See you are Jordan farming yep oh my god oh my god dude it’s fun it’s fun no no it messed me up I’ll get him down I can’t get oh nice nice shoot if it had to be their team kills 27 more to go got him nope shoot behind

You behind you go through the vines what’d I miss I’m dodging and weaving how did that miss I’m a beast – I was on our streak worth 30 what oh my 32 dude 32 I just missed a shot 34 one more Oh buddy okay there we go

There we go that was so good oh my god dude I had like an eight streak of just at the spawn oh holy crap I did not think I had nothing we had a physician to skip week seven number three unbe individual audio we’re number two in score now oh my god I

Don’t even want to win this week [Laughter] yep yep yep yeah there’s that all right this map we uh we made it to top two so see if we can repeat it yeah we have to do really well and have Skippy and hallo get eliminate I say if

We see them early on and even if we’re like pretty even year we just go for it yeah sounds good we have to and then we just avoid thank you I take it I’ve gotten decent find the button points fine with me alright 39 whoa boy if you

Keep the points from that last game keep them for build battle I’m pretty sure no points got your rapes anywhere and that’s out of my hands okay god I don’t like if we’re going into the last game in second place again alright are we going mid for armor or we running back We are going mid for armor there’s the one-minute grace okay may as well go minute all right hope for the best hero for the best or we can do the half a half if we wanted to one of us goes oh god iron legs got some good stuff all right I got

Hyoeun legs and Shayn legs nice right with you all right we know buildings are bad so how they don’t go in let’s just go straight down this road yep this is the road to redemption here is the road to revenge and we just charge and look for chests

At the end of it all right this maps pretty big I don’t have any weapons yet so trying to avoid teams here there are teams around here shoot all right here I’m gonna drop leggings actually now wait until we get somewhere okay there’s got to be an area with chess over here

Come on come on where’s the chest area oh I remember there are a lot of chests in that oh we were out here before it yeah we were we can go inside the stadium thing I know there were chests in there all right chess verse okay oh there we go

Okay I’m going into the the stadium all right I have okay you know where I am though inside the like track-and-field thing yep I have still no oh my god I have so much armor but I have like I have no weapons this is unbelievable

You’ll see what I have for armor and no weapons with it please have a weapon I am – yeah I think the chests are messed up – all right well I need I need a weapons super badly where you at where you at okay here let me give you some

Stuff that and that there you go your two missing pieces okay please for the love of God weapon oh my god I only have an eye what our wooden sword where’d you go I know we went no we don’t I I need something better dude I need something

Better than the one next takeaway good did we okay you’re with me good I’ve tea and tea so if they get close I’ll use them they have a similar armor and unlike the RNG right now is unreal and they are making today or making chase okay oh it’s moxie it’s the

Overwatch pros okay is there a place we can get a high ground there’s something oh this could be a Supply Drop on the Miller Street to your left I’m going to the hole shoot another team three teams okay everybody converging oh my god hit me up with something I got to get

Some kind of sword if you can here you go what what a clutch oh my god okay I if we can find a I do have two iron ingots if we can find a crafting table uh yeah that’d be great I just don’t know where the coffee table

Is but otherwise yeah yeah we might would they hold on we’re probably gonna get cleaned up because there are other teams I don’t want to I don’t want to fight with like a bunch of other people uh sure there’s there’s so many people that it’s

Gonna be such a cluster and we’ll get I feel like we want to at least try and take one team fight right now I mean we could but they do have iron and it is yeah he has gold armor so we could unless we if we want to chase them if we

See another team no they don’t want to fight they want to run we could go back for the red team if you want I would love to get an iron sword if possible bench good call wait Tyler over here hey Tyler here slow ball oh did he

Yeah no he didn’t his interpreting work or something oh I hit him with a slow ball no no I meant like he arrived out of nowhere oh nice wait yep yep careful it’s the the overwatch dudes just refilled back you know they are chasing okay I just give it a moment to regen

You’ve a Golden Apple and you know – oh geez do i I don’t have it in my inventory okay they’re not Jason hold on all right putting it in okay here behind us it’s rushar again well we need to find you that workbench MB would be great

Are there any inside buildings any stews I have a hold on I have a ball I can make us do okay I’m watching you okay gonna do that and watch keep watch their name tags are behind the building on either side I hope there’s not a second

Engine here let me give you this you want to go mid and try to see if we can I don’t make it work I imagine so I’m not sure on this map there might be a bunch scattered elsewhere but okay here I’m gonna get this wait don’t go

Too far away I was gonna get the chest here I eat pearl nice and then arrows and bow all right cool nice okay we don’t take more damage because that thing is punishing and there’s a lot of players left still a lot of players yeah Mayan sword would be big come on

Enchant table I have 30 XP I don’t know how much you have but I have 2200 other diamond nice I have an iron okay let’s make a move out of here so we’re continuing in oh that’s border never mind we’re on the wrong wrong side yeah we’ll head this way 21 left now

I think skipping them died yeah oh my god no pressure no pressure no pressure lots of pressure get in this chest iron pants do you need iron pants yes you do there you go okay should we check mid I think it’s worth a quick gander yeah yep is there a

Workbench oh oh nice I didn’t even see that good good good good any um any boots iron boots no I’m boots okay I mean do we want to get that bonus before someone else is able to use it oh we got some people over here and the border orders coming in border careful

Iron Chefs play do we want it we should try getting this fight here okay shoot wait I am not over okay coming in coming in okay I’m going in for cleanup actually let’s take a look at the loop anything we want here boots Iron Boots be great actually

Another diamond diamonds and a bow from oh my god hold on any diamonds oh my god just be on the lookout for me I’m trying to get these damn boots oh okay Jesus hold on and on yeah okay cool we’re good we’re good we’re good

That’s big this is solid okay if we can find that crafting table then that would be really big we need to get some kills I know I’m coming through teams fighting I’m trying to clean them up say you throw in oh my god nice job so it’s at

Least some points some points anything in here to get anything in here I think we’re pretty geared okay and shamon table would be great we got out Connor over here yep and another team another fight just happened to the left let’s go to the left okay actually no no let’s

Not let’s not alright let’s play safe because that’s a full team of two we’ll have a full team of two at the end of fight may as well get the second place secured yeah oh it’s techno it’ll be techno for the final show really yeah okay Connor over here how many arrows

You have they’re coming for us they’re coming for us wait wait oh okay hold on I’m good I’m good I’m good I don’t know where you are the border the border take those one shot taken one shot is he where oh geez no he said he’s got nine hearts oh my god dude

Well when I saw me with one shot said four above his head cuz I got pushed into the border and it did five hearts of damage did it really stuff I turned around and tried to get him and I was like one shot nope nevermind nine right

Well I saw my four hearts above his head which means two hearts yeah so like I guess he healed stupidly fast somehow he probably had all his mushroom stews lined up yeah I think we got probably second or third third again oh my god it’s within ten points wow I thought I

Was mine I was purposely dodging into the border like I did it on purpose the worst part that’s uh well we’re consistent that’s for sure dude look at you third overall really oh yeah I’ll take that woo all right I mean I’m happy without that way

I just do we actually we would we would have won probably if the technical difficulty hadn’t happened in round one true and and because all we needed was literally one kill and we would have won it yep we would have won by one point we would have I mean but that’s assuming

Only one kill we actually like we’ve taken it yeah good games though good games well assuming that we don’t get forced to split happy to do it again unless you got something else in mind like there was a bunch of problems this week that shouldn’t have been there but

Again that happens when the lead admin dev is is not available so anyhow week 8 will take you yeah we’ll get it back and wait that’s for sure good performance all right well yes sir all right well I will catch later I’m gonna wrap things up on my end time later all righty

Thanks for tuning in everybody hopefully you’ve enjoyed if you’re watching on twitch make sure you follow the stream also if you’re watching on YouTube make sure you follow the stream twitch at TV slash CaptainSparklez then you can catch these live when they’re happening make sure to subscribe on youtube if you’re

Watching it there and there’s a whole playlist if you want to catch any previous weeks and all that so not bad I’m happy with the performance that’s crazy how close it was if I yeah if I was able to pull out it if either of us

Could have pulled out a kill in that last round it would have been it would have been it so close so close unbelievable but the other teams they could say the same thing if only we did this in this round then we would have had it like techno and junkie there are

Two points off it’s like oh if only they survived by two more people in spleef so anyway that was good times thanks for tuning in and I guess we’ll wind it down there for this week catch you in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monday $10000 YouTuber Tournament #7’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2019-08-07 00:00:04. It has garnered 230722 views and 3204 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:57 or 8157 seconds.

The biggest Minecraft tournament ever to grace your faces. eSports. Minecraft Monday Playlist: The man Mitch:

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  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More

CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft Monday $10000 YouTuber Tournament #7