Chonky Lotus – 😕 Minecraft lost in caves! – Twitch VOD 😊 (Vtuber: ChonkyLotus)

Video Information

Love language is bite boy very sweet sweet equals yum bite oh Look at this beautiful house we’re gonna live so happy forever here no one is gonna kill us what the [ __ ] Give me my snacks i hope everyone is having some snacks as well they are delicious what is this what is this dude what are you doing here what I thought it was playing in single mode i don’t think this is a multiplayer game hold on how do i type hello I am single player oh that’s an npc oh no i didn’t see anything you didn’t see anything now is this good for you is this a sassy face or it’s more like a weird face yes okay wait let me screenshot it i got it let me let me take away this coco coco

It was an easy one it’s not gary it’s crocodile it’s [ __ ] i can’t say this what’s wrong with me it’s coco trial [ __ ] it’s crocodile okay let’s skip it because i will keep mispronouncing it Mario eyebrows are like this i think i forgot how his eyebrows were one This should be the last one let’s check what i did let’s check my creation let’s we need a 60 score right to pass so let’s see i mean when you’re done i’m done um [Laughter] oh this is so funny i created a monstrosity hey hey hey let’s see if i pass if i pass if i didn’t pass i will spin the wheel okay 10 jumping jacks that’s that’s okay let me put a seat i got it nice i’m pro oh everyone is together but bowser hit

Bowser doesn’t have a mate we just got licked sassy chunky i am not chunky no guys would you take me out for a walk if i if i offered you my leash would you like it let’s go for a walk i am not a dog i’m a dragon but i like it

Park park park yes Hi thank you thank you for the speeds thank you for the hydration thank you for the for the bunk don’t bunk me no hi welcome good sunday no chaotix stop it not yet wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on before before everyone starts uh donating

Before everyone starts so wait wait wait before you start wasting the channel points give me a moment i need to make an announcement now ah okay before i before before any before i say anything and before you go ah and any further um i need to i need to i need to greet

Everyone in order holy [ __ ] what is that announcement on twitch chat is that 100 challenge complete no this is a mistake this is wrong Thank you thank you for the bits but no no outlast hold on this is a mistake hold on before i before i say anything else let me get it everyone real quick black knight hello you were the first one to arrive at metallica’s as well and then kitties

Welcome how are you doing striker how is your sunday i hope you have your guys having had a fantastic weekend silver as well the unchosen one chaotix cakes i was about to greet myself then pisnaki as well um that phoenix hello fancy kron kronk dara phoenix i i i i really could

Do seraphim welcome how are you nice to have you here welcome also nice to have you here everyone’s in there as well hello welcome enriqar and we also have um who else do we have i’m scrolling general grievous as well welcome and stephen heim how are you feeling i

Hope you have you’re feeling good okay hold on no there is a mistake now that i have act now that i have a greeted everyone i love why you say my name yeah i tried to say your name uh but i cannot pronounce la quack underscore oh

Okay guys hold on that is a big mistake i think there is a glitch right now on twitch there is no way in hell that you just unlocked the community challenge so let me go into my uh analytic my dashboard creator give me a second please stand by

I’m going to my manage rewards No no no i i refuse to believe this that is definitely a mistake it says 100 completed but i don’t know Hey stop it stop it no general grievous it’s your birthday is it really oh my god happy birthday how i hope you have a fantastic day or you are having let me make it better with a mlm that is for you happy birthday look at this chunk look at this chunk

Look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk hola linux welcome hi heat wave also hello welcome ah no stop it i knew you would like that song i know you will love that song

I know you like it but okay that’s enough hi siobhan welcome first of all congratulations everyone on working together i admit my defeat once again you have come on top do you have common top and you are victorious today you have unlocked the outlast challenge and congratulations number one

Let me clap for you good job you are very tenacious i i salute you and i will promise next week is outlast okay because today we have minecraft uh prepared because there is no way i’m changing my uh my there is no way i’m changing my relaxed stream of minecraft for outlast today

But next week you will you will see in the next you will see on the next schedule hold on you will see the next schedule that i have uh oh i will set up all the outlast thingy i also have to collapse next week

So that is going to be a busy week i’m very happy with the everything and stuff with the ah no more buenos air i think you guys broke the sound a little yeah the oh sound alert is so funny i love it i was clapping with with my hands what were you expecting

Outlaws one was the challenge let me now clap ah hi red mesh links welcome how are you i’m clapping with my tights no stop it happy hello welcome ah 10 piece nugget today is sunday today is uh stop it you guys wait there is an important thing i want to announce

Before you burn your chunky points i know you want you’re very eager to do that ah but hold on i i was giving an anti-bunk helmet by the way so i need to i think you are about to break my you’re about to break my my sound alerts

If you keep it up like this okay i am protected from you now no no bonking can affect me You can’t touch me today now no no no no no don’t touch me there this is my no no square no no ah stop it tiger welcome i think i’m going to have to endure that oh every all the time now it’s good it’s a good sound No i’m not it didn’t hurt because i am wearing helmet but the helmet did damage so let me explain you what’s gonna happen with the challenge okay uh heat wave i will do now leave it my helmet alone it only has one hit point left uh what is going to happen with the

Outlast challenge let me explain because you all work really hard for it and i think it’s important for me to honor your efforts so this is what what are we going to do ah today ah no stop it no more linux i know i know the sound is very fun

Don’t worry i i will never get upset has that just been bunked okay the helmet broke i think you absolutely broke my soundless but don’t worry it’s fine ah secret no okay cute you’re wiggling coming before you do anything else crazy i’m very happy that you’re here how is this how’s your sunday

How was your beautiful today sunday right yeah today is sunday how is your beautiful sunday did you have a fun do you have a fantastic week chad what is happening to you today you are out of control stop it i’m gonna eat you um today i played minecraft for the very

First no for the third time and i will be collecting a lot of things and we’re going in backs into the caves we are going to be doing plenty of things you will see i want to build a shrine for each one of you or at least for the ones

That are still present by the time i’m building it it’s the atlas stream oh let me let me explain a 10 piece nugget i was about to say um so right now i don’t have the schedule yet because i usually work on my scale each new week considering tomorrow

There is that monday in which i don’t go live i will have time to set up the schedule i think outlast is going to be on the weekends and then during the i don’t know this might this might change this might be subject to change maybe tuesday and saturday or tuesday

And sunday outlast and then to counter the spooky on thursday and um and the other day i don’t remember something comfy like minecraft you know i i think that would be a good balance because if i play outlast non-stop you know that would be crazy but don’t worry don’t worry i will i

Will try to uh i will try definitely my best to honor your outlast effort oh my god how are you so tenacious is there no defeating you that challenge was 150 000 points that is a lot that is too much how many points do you have no

Your sunday was great hey wave that’s that’s nice when to have a nice stick for lunch um sounds yummy and your restaurant oh that’s good i’m very happy for you massage your bits for the many ribs no chaotix i’m not dying today we have an intensive mlm redeemed by digi no

I did not die cute here we will incoming i know i mean intensive emblem you’re getting me all confused my two last brain cells are all mixed up but all the sound alerts i am making no okay i hope you like it hi saru welcome i i am doing good i my

Community just unlocked me playing outlet so i’m going to be very spooked next week it’s going to be a disaster oh my god i hope atlas at least is easy on me i hope there is not enough monsters i hope it’s more about exploration and a story than scare jumps you know

A miscalculation about how tenacious chat can be yeah i i keep telling myself you are not gonna make it then a lot of sudden two weeks later boom community challenge unlock holy freak humans are strange creatures yes silver i understand i like humans a lot they’re very good very very smart

Uh i like scary games i do like survival but i am i am a big coward okay i might be almost 200 meter stone dragon but i am a big coward i could i will probably i will probably scream a little bit or be very scared i will need your

Headphones as well you know as much as i would like to amuse you i will need your support emotionally as well by the way since the outlast uh unlock community challenge is important like a special event everyone worked together to complete i am 100 going to upload that into youtube so

It is recorded and archived forever so you can watch it Alex thank you so much for subscribing thank you how are you como estas welcome i’m so happy i feel very very very blessed today i was making a new youtube video which is still under editing i was basically just talking about what is like or what is my

Perspective on being a transgender girl be tougher on what it’s like to be transgender in that tuber community basically that was a little bit of a video that i wanted to make forever but i never actually uh got the time to do it now i am doing

It but it’s not gonna be ready probably for tomorrow we’ll see how that goes hi falcon welcome and shadow wheelchairs as well both of you just got em limped oh i have a hydration thank you i have my gigantic bottle of water here next to me aesthetically laughing exploration i

Hope outlast is about exploration and finding the the secret rooms rather than being being chased by horrific monsters i can’t i still don’t get over so much it still haunts me in my dreams holy freak yes i like saying holy freak a lot that’s my like my signature thingy

Aside from my pouring and my rolling arse welcome back chris am i winning gangster how are you nice to have you here i am winning indeed except for the fact that the community just unlocked the spooky challenge which i need to make an announcement in my discord right now

Let’s do that in fact right now so i can mark it as completed um let me give me just a second while i do this don’t mind me i am i am always multitasking so channel points i take a screenshot i’m gonna mark the um that the challenge

Has completed but it’s obviously it’s happening next week and maybe next next week you know depending how many days i need to complete outlets so don’t worry about it i am not cheating about this i am copy pasting this on my discord now so we can notify the chunky eggs ow

Stop it hold on let me do this have i completed this now yeah it’s completed so i just deleted the challenge is no longer available for view but i’m going to post this on my discord on announcement challenge right now because it’s important i’m using the bold uh the bold fonts omg

My beloved chunky eggs i love it might be lovely hold on chunky eggs i need to type this my beloved chunky eggs have worked together and and in less than two weeks they have they have been able to unlock a really terrible a spooky game that i will be

Oh that i will be facing next week ah i’m just screaming internally and then um i’m gonna add of course whoever needs to be added and now it’s in my discord server now it’s there ah okay i i am not escaping for my responsibility this time don’t worry about it

How liquid is chunky what do you mean i’m dragon i don’t know gracias foreign can you try to do the stream on saturday because i can’t really watch it on sunday it depends we’ll see the days in which i play outlets don’t worry remember that is going to be the bots always available

And i am definitely uploading them into youtube as well oh imaging is not a giant water bottle but a giant asteroid filled with ice and water maybe i like giant bottle of waters i need water in my life i need hydration [Laughter] uh today i’m going to plan okay so let’s

Now no now that we have to move that out of the way now that we are done with the outlet ah now that we are done with the outlets craziness and that is gonna happen for sure next week let me explain what we’re gonna do today

This is this is how the game works today your new underscore underscore underscore thank you for the follow how are you welcome to my community nice to have you here i’m very happy that you’re here so um elden ring i don’t know gangster i think probably could be after outlast it

Depends you know we’ll see i don’t know i never actually play any dark soul game so i would probably get destroyed in i don’t know super fast yes everyone unlock outlets i am i am defeated once again my beautiful chunky eggs you are so powerful but don’t worry i will return next challenge

Is going to be harder than ever and you’re not going to be able to get it we have a cute ear wiggle so let’s do it please don’t touch my ears they are very sensitive and they are they can be the reasons of many things that i’m not

Gonna explain because twitch dos sucks okay so what are we gonna do today in minecraft is i am going to arm myself with a full iron set because i have a lot of iron remember and i’m gonna go back into the mines in which we found our 10

Arten diamonds and then we are going to find more diamonds and no that’s a sound alert stop it i was checking through my window and then my door it was like what is going on no thank you for the first time in my channel how are you how many days today

I don’t know how many deaths today i don’t know really gangster don’t touch ion 10 be tuber how are you welcome nice to have you here fairy wolf as well welcome philly how is it going we have you have unlocked outlets indeed i am defeated once again and yes you got

Me with that spooky you you know i have very good headphones headset right they have like this noise cancellation uh and the sound is very surrounding and whatever i can show you my skin on minecraft yes i can absolutely do that how are you doing thank you so much see the

Freaking awesome demon a really awesome friend nice to have you here how are you and welcome raiders my name is chunky lotus i am 10 cat 90 dragon transgender girl 100 your waifu and also 200 meter tall if you mess with me i will step on you but i

Never do that because i’m very gentle and i i talk a lot welcome nice to have you all how was your stream tea let me know all about it please i’m so curious what you are doing lately right what is your favorite tea by the

Way i always forget in case i have asked before no you take the sound redeem from the lion meme uh watch what lion mean gangster fancy thank you so much for the headphones i appreciate that a lot and thank you for the follow glass glass diva is that how i pronounce your name

J snipes 19. thank you for the first time in my chat and also class diva also hello hello hello hello hello chaotix no we have guests today we have raiders no no more buffer fish behave we have to be on our best behavior right my beautiful chunky eggs um

Don’t embarrass me like that you never embarrass me absolutely no you can be absolutely chaotic and you will never you can be absolutely chaotic and you will never embarrass me i love you for who you are but you know when we have guests try to be on a better behavior

But i’m gonna i’m gonna grab you by the neck and i’m gonna i’m gonna obviously just give you a neck massage what do you think i’m gonna do t says played more toward the assistant it was kind of mad chaotix was it really meh i thought it

Was a good game people were suggesting uh more toward the assistant i’ll have to watch a trailer just knives thank you for your follow how are you i like the puffer fish i of course i like the buffets and thank you for the best chaotix you’re amazing

Yes i will step a step is a step is a step is but remember i am almost 200 meters tall so there is no way someone can survive that unless they have a special ability pure breath cv thank you for your follow how are you i will call you glass that’s that’s fine

Glass diva also i like pouring so let me pour for everyone [Laughter] It sounds kind of like boring okay if you don’t if it’s not perfect i’m sorry i’m trying lord underscore ic2 hello welcome for the first time in my chat how are you choke them no i didn’t say that i didn’t i will never choke anyone no i am very

Gentle with my chunky eggs my beautiful community i will never hurt them i will discipline them however but i’ve never hurt anyone i am very benevolent dragon yeah i just started rt don’t worry today we’re playing minecraft do you have minecraft uh if you would you ever like to uh play

Minecraft you know i am planning to create a server for my uh my chunky x my community we are gonna have like minecraft chaos i guess in a week or two so if you if you want to play minecraft you’re more than welcome there is a spot

Reserved just for you you are vip because you are a great friend mm-hmm thank you i’m glad you like my model i will show you my tights but i don’t want to risk another twitch suspension so if you want to look at those massive absolutely thick

Sides that is my discord and it’s my it’s on my in the chunky mean category channel i think of the chunky art or whatever i’m not gonna snap your necks i will never hurt you don’t worry i was just joking i’m doing great jay honestly thank you

For visiting me i’m still happy that you’re here noise cancellation headphones i still think someone is knocking at the door oh yeah remember i was saying that i have like noise cancellation headphones with very good sound so would you play that knocking that thing on my ears and i legit think

Someone is knocking the window or the door like a panicking if you do that when i’m playing a scary game i will i will scream i will scream do you guys want bubba hugs i will give you bubba hugs but no twitch is mean one of my friends today got suspended uh unfortunately

Indefinitely because apparently twitch thinks they are about can you [ __ ] believe that and the reason given is that they were posting links in chat and they were considered a bot how crude how rude of twitch you have to be very careful everyone if you’re a content creator and twitch be very

Cautious with what you’re doing okay because i keep hearing youtubers are getting suspended left and right it’s not it’s not fun absolutely awful situation but you know be always cautious and don’t uh don’t provoke a bunk from the twitch administration i guess it’s all we can

Ever do and grow on other socials you know work on your youtube work on your twitter make a tech talk if you want or make an instagram and grow on other socials because we never know how long we’re gonna be here available in twitch it’s just crazy like that

What’s in register asked me you have minecraft tea oh that’s great then we we should totally play together at some point that’s uh that’s material for a future collab because i don’t know minecraft at all i’m playing it today in a few moments register asked what’s involved discipline in chat um i can

Put you and trap you inside my panzu for more than usual and that is uh like going to jail for a moment so you can cool down unless you are into that then i will i will have to think of something else i would i

I don’t know i don’t know i don’t know how to discipline i am very terrible at parenting and doing these things i never had never come nah you’re gonna not you’re not gonna do that i’m not you have to ask for permission no one is allowed to to do that

Before uh yes tiger you know everyone that is joining the um my friday’s chunky time with every friday we do like a community game play together we play a mongoose it’s super fun uh sometimes overwatch mario kart so for the people that are usually playing

With me on the fridays in my discord uh there is definitely gonna be like the access for the for the minecraft server when it’s available when is it going to happen i said in a week or at least at best in two but i already have everything

Understood so it’s all a matter of setting up a server you know with a password so it’s protected from from chaotic trolls and that’s it Here is a random mlm for everyone did you really get suspended because of your tights i don’t know if it was the tights that’s the freaking problem i don’t know what twitch suspended me for it says because of highly suggestive sexual conduct and i was like dude can you be specific

I’m still waiting for a reply three weeks later i don’t know if it’s my tights i don’t know if it was a joke or something i said it’s freaking uh it’s frustrating you know it’s just what it is your beer dragon nacho says hi tenty snaggy that’s adorable hello ghost welcome

How are you doing i’m not in the best of the moon what the [ __ ] is going on friends is so much fun when i bought post your socials and the timer twitch can suspend you wait what are you kidding me but i have i have the oh i have the oh

That i don’t know but i have set the nightbot to pause my socials every hour is that considered spam is that really um or is it because you post it every 10 minutes that’s kinda weird yeah i never post links in chat i usually use the

Things but i will be very careful with that don’t worry i also don’t have allowed for anyone to post links in chat unless they’re a moderator so you know there is no problem for everyone here you are all protected in my pansu jokes no i know hold on how dare you

How dare you have that you’ve made me fall for that again oh what if it doesn’t what if it’s an emergency what if actually someone is knocking on the door and i’m like expecting something no it’s fun it’s fine don’t worry it’s all in good fun i i was just joking with you

Nah don’t be bullied by my own chunky eggs no dragon so you’re into that you’re into getting trapped inside a pencil oh no keep you cold holy [ __ ] a celestial being i’m a dragon i’m a cosmic dragon kind of like celestial being i don’t know i don’t

Know if i classify a celestial being but uh you know i am wherever i am and i am happy with how i am and what i am so if you like it here welcome to the chunky sponsored community server uh what i’m talking about and this is not the

Discord this is the twitch it’s already been a week i can’t wait for chunky time yes chaotix ah i’m seeing you liking that cellular a little bit too much so now we’ll have a free friday to you in the game nights i hope you can dragon it’s absolutely fun but don’t worry if

You can’t okay i understand the timing is a little bit off for everyone to be there available at a chunky time they will never respond yeah i really that’s up unfortunately twitch goes like that what do you call a bird that doesn’t have a baby i don’t know

Let me know did i just fall for the disney jokes i love that part but when they ban you they didn’t tell you well yeah happy that’s exactly what happens twitch is just very uh it’s terrible at communicating things i don’t like it i legit don’t like it

And yeah the knocking keeps getting me it’s absolutely it’s like why are you laughing at me you’re supposed to be protecting me you’re my mod now fighter thank you so much for the hydration we are getting ready to start minecraft in five minutes or at best intense so everyone get ready get your

Pickaxes ready get your miner hats ready your armor and we’re joining in together tiger don’t bunk me no we’re going in together into the mines again thank you so much for the righty you are so kind i hope you have a fantastic time uh resting or creating content or

Whatever is it that you do thank you so much it means the world to me you’re a great friend let me hydrate a swallow oh waffle man wait waffle man waffle man is it the waffle man that i that i visit the streams to um have you never been following me at all

This time how could you how could you do this to me are you really is it really you are you that have beater that looks like a waffle that i sometimes basically when you’re streaming she’s not following me adio you’re going to know my ears no falcor

Do not do that my ears are very sensitive stop it do not touch them i keep telling you they are very sensitive like the most one of the most sensitive parts in my dragon body so do not numb the ears anonymous thank you so much for the follow how are you welcome

To my stream i’m so happy to have you here my name is chunky lotus of course who else who of course who else could i be right you need to make a pixel chunky there is a pixel chunky i think or there isn’t we’ll never know

Anonymous says hi my name is leah and i am from brazil hey welcome how is everything in brazil i hope it’s fantastic welcome to my stream nice to meet you very happy to have an audience from everywhere in the world it’s so cool waffle says somehow no but i fixed that

Now hey don’t worry waffle i was just teasing you it’s fine if you are not following that that happens all the time you know we forget about those things by the way guys um now in five minutes we’re starting the minecraft adventure but i just wanted to

To congratulate you again i i wanted to say everyone thank you thank you thank you so much for all the love and all the hard work to unlock outlast gameplay together today is a big achievement day uh i’m gonna be very scared i expect you to

Hold my hands i expect you to be there for me because you are responsible for the demise of my of my of my sanity and my well-being so i expect you to suffer with me okay we’re gonna do that together next week i promise you next week we start with the outlast

Probably gonna start on tuesday then have a comfy thursday morning stream and then saturday another outlast and then sunday another comfy thing and so so spooky comfy spooky i was not ready for that i was in the middle of a sentence no I’ll do something great i have been sent to hell now i don’t know i no longer go to heaven because if i go to heaven i show my tights and then i get suspended so i’m just going downwards hi alex welcome also uh snk hello what happens if we wrap your

Ears i would not describe that in twitch no i will only mention it on discord if you are curious enough stop licking my ears no chaotix you guys are your control i need to i need to discipline you better what are you doing today my own chunky eggs so wild

You’re like you’re like uh undisciplined and disciplined uh i don’t know what i’m gonna say i’d rather not say anything hi mitch thank you for the follow how are you doing welcome nice to have you today the minecraft mods there are minecraft mods got to

I’m here don’t worry yay i’m here ah mr black lotus we just made me dance so let me dance for you look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk

Look at this chunk chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this junk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk okay that’s enough i hope you like that little silly absolutely dorky dragon dance i just uh

I like doing that please discipline what are you guys doing you i’m supposed to punish you and discipline hiddens yes that was what i was looking look at this chunk chaotix look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk

Okay thank you so much for that i know you like the dancing then i appreciate that you like my efforts to entertain you i try my best you know i yeah i’m supposed to discipline you but apparently so when i say i’m going to discipline you all of the sudden you

Are into that that is not how it works no you’re supposed to be scared what do i need to do to discipline you in the right way i think you get addicted to this punishment hmm my own chat is a little bit weird in this regard but i love you

Exactly how you are i don’t ask you to change your awareness or your uniqueness but you know it’s a little bit um confusing in terms of how to discipline you look at this chunk yes eliria i know your pink cat and i appreciate you in the community as well

You must find obsidian i don’t know what is obsidian i will have to look into minecraft because i’m logging in minecraft in one minute now shadow wilkie says there is thousands of mods for minecraft oh big to small there is also a curse of course pixelmon ah wow

Minecraft is pretty moddable like a skyrim is it really i’m getting a scare by reward let me put a cookie another cookie a potato chip in my mouth killer killer nadi lover thank you so much for that folio how are you i think this is the battle you’re never

Going to win discipline chat no i do not i do not intend to give up on you your education is important to me you are my chunky ex and as your streamer i set up the example if i do something you copy it if i do something if i say

Other things you will start repeating what i say if i show you better you will be better so if i don’t bonk you there won’t be any bunkings right no one should be bunking me right now and then my education system will be perfect if i uh emblem you

Which you like then you will love me as well i don’t know what i’m doing i i’m glad i don’t i’m not a parent you know i will be awful racing racing anything uh i cannot even take care of my own of my own dog or cats

Mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mr destructoid one mister who is mr destructoid one now show

Me who is this mr destructoid one while we get into minecraft now is the time to start hold on i’m gonna locate myself right here in a very comfortable corner mr destructoid ones thank you so much for that by the way chaorix you’re so wholesome

Jack wrap full this so if you are to handle fitter stall it’s hard to see eye to eye when you are disciplined people oh so i need to bend over keeping eye contact then is uh a way to discipline right so i need to vent over okay i i got it

I’m gonna take notes now chunky’s mom for chat i don’t know if they want me to be i can be if not uh i will not be chunky blo chat ploys to make chunky unable to punish them in normal manners i think yes happy i don’t know if i haven’t done

Me chunky i am i tend to be more of a bottom myself you know but i suppose i have my moments it all depends all i’m saying is i like you a lot for who you are and i love your randomness and your a spontaneousness but

At some point in time i might have to discipline you a little bit and you will you will learn from me i will teach you by the numbers there is no escaping what do you think you’re gonna outrun me i am too big for you there is no way

Unless you hide in place i cannot reach i will be very strict with you you’re going to drink only water you’re going to eat healthy no more pizza no more junk food you’re going to go to sleep at 11 00 p.m and that’s it i said so no argument see

Now i am a good ah no please why are you just supposed to get turned on by that is lotus a dummy i don’t know you will have to ask lotus if lotus ever shows up in the stream i am the biggest bottom in the little sense yes yes so if you emblems

I think so hold on why am i sitting here in a black screen let me load up minecraft real quick we are supposed to start gaming right now i’m gonna change the category of the stream as well i love it here you guys are so much fun honestly

I also have a big button hey gangster stop it no not a good example with your eating chips oh right i was supposed to say eat healthy and here i am sitting gobbling up uh potato chips oh my god this is why i tell you i

Believe i will ever be the worst parent in the world um like i will tell i will tell children hey don’t eat that next minute i am eating that you know you know i will be so awful oh my god Hey hold on i’m loading minecraft it’s gonna be lucky for a moment because minecraft is lucky game let me take off this because it’s getting a little bit hot here i’ve been laughing a lot if someone tries to push a legion chunky she won’t resist no i will not i will

Absolutely not i will let you list me but the problem is can you carry me around see i’m lagging now it’s because mojang studio is loading okay why is the game so small ah this music is so good those are three those three of seeing may throw the first system no one

Everyone here is a sinner i can i can i can tell you the only one innocent here is me right i am the most innocent one in here correct you cannot argue back against that logic it’s flawless we are going back into chunky’s happy’s world holy freak you cannot make me fall for

That the third time i ah No no bonking chunky is awesome eating junk food could be a thing i don’t thank you ghost you’re the best who says we have to carry chunky a round deflesh oh this song is cool go into minecraft okay let’s do it together this is cool let me actually change hold on let me

Let me pause this and let me change the thing is there something like a minecraft loafy music stream on youtube is there a minecraft lofty chill apparently there is let’s give it a try if i get a freaking ad i’m gonna i’m gonna punch something okay we have the music now

Ah this is good this is gonna be background music for our explorations so let’s see what we have to do oh it’s gonna be night time let me sleep real quick see i have learned no i’m not gonna punch you i am homeless in minecraft i am still in

The process of building this thing let me show you So before we go into exploring let me continue making a little bit of a progress here on the house okay because i wanted to make something specific for you but i need wood which is something that i have right here so let me let me organize a little bit my mess my

Messy inventory oh my god you were laughing at me my inventory is so bad i can’t even find my own stuff um yeah so i need wood lots of it how do i do this what why keeps changing did it break Errol thank you so much for that for the follow saw you on tick tock hey welcome i hope you like it here welcome to the chunky community today is minecraft chill time i’m gonna collect this stuff as well so look at this i need flooring hold on this exactly what i need

Why does it keep changing i don’t like it i feel like i’m doing something wrong it’s confusing that it changes on its own but we’ll see how we fix that so we have 30 of those let’s collect them i want to make something special for you because you deserve it

Uh jack i i absolutely agree with you i think chad will like that let’s expand our little home Oh good thing that is water behind below me so i no longer can kill myself with this oh you want to see the minecraft skin But i have armor right now hold on You see that’s how i look what is the color what is the why is there no green in minecraft right now what have i done hold on this is there is a very big mistake in my screen right now i i was not aware that it was a bug like

That is it a visual bag kitten is not existing hi gekko how are you dude this stream is not supposed to be plus 18 yes it is plus 18 what do you mean it’s not um what could have i possibly done that i messed up the filters let me see is it this Is green back on your screen i i had i had the silly idea to apply a chroma filter to the gameplay and that’s why green was not shown i’m sorry i hope it’s back now greenhouse returned perfect No pumpkin please i made a mistake i make plenty mistakes myself i’m a big dork Hey don’t judge me okay i made mistake everyone make mistakes i need more of this we are expanding our little home you will see it’s beautiful you stole the color green i did i kinda did but it was an accident okay it was not intentional so now we need another color

Slate to make it prettier i love this signing you know i have a very big passion for designing things myself um i need a lot of this Hc hs underscore joker hello welcome how are you doing okay look at this it’s beautiful it’s a masterpiece it’s a marvelous creation of engineering dragon technology so you might be wondering chunky what the hell are you doing what are you building this for well this is for you

First and foremost you deserve a shrine so up here there is gonna be um it’s gonna be like a tower kind of like this ah i made a mistake hold on we’re doing this before we’re going into the mines by the way then we’re going into the mines

Chad shrine yes i’m doing great hs i hope you are as well welcome to my community very happy to have you here my name is chunky lulus nice to meet you why is it not even wait oh this one is mistake okay now it’s even it’s a little castle we’re building

Now where was the other thing the birch slab it’s gonna have multi colors oh i need more built-in bike time just for now then we’re going exploring in a few moments oh i ran out of birch beer uh wood on sat is there any anything nearby

Each block in minecraft is one meter big oh then i will build myself in a moment though not now is there a birch oh there is birch right here we’re lucky it’s our lucky day we can continue with the aesthetic of our little home oh my god shut up thank you

I really need to invest i think i’m gonna invest in youtube premium i i i don’t know i i don’t like ads i really don’t like cats they are forcing me 200 meter stall is big a little bit big don’t forget to plant trees i don’t know don’t trees grow on their own Okay we have a lot look at this beautiful design now to make it even better let’s uh put this here what what what the f did i just break the game what i think i just broke something the block limits is 256 so if chunky lotus barely fit into the world so what

Happened what was wrong with my my little my little tree oh well we’ll have to get creative what the dyer thank you so much for the first time what is going on yes i just have blocks but what in the frick so anything i place will float i i didn’t know

Please don’t clip it i feel embarrass myself okay then i’m gonna try something else i’m gonna the game is forcing me how do i fix this mess [Applause] how do i fix this mess of home hold on i got this chat that was a very ah moment why is it getting nighttime already it’s not even close tonight not bong me please i don’t deserve that okay we’re gonna build home like this guys stop it please don’t bully me further

I’m trying my best one two um okay it’s night time let’s get some sleep there we go half his laps don’t worry i’m not in the best of moods is the [ __ ] versus [ __ ] rough are you trying to criticize me for my building skills emotional damage no stop it

You guys you’re bullied i’m learning how to build okay hi orkish welcome how are you doing nice to have you here come on you can grow faster hurry up give me food no punking please very good i am designing the interior of the shrine Thank you so much for the follow how are you today welcome to the chunky stream i hope you’re having a fantastic time this is gonna be a little shrine we started here this is literally just the spawning point anyway so i am just honoring it with this little structure

Dyer thank you so much for the follow how is it going six jo hi i just noticed you sorry wait there is a mistake in the place many the torches oopsie how are you doing jj welcome okay so if i cannot place half a slabs like this um the big set now

If i cannot play half a slap like that well i’m gonna have to improvise them for now this is a little progress in our little home and let’s go back into the exploration i need more materials anyway before i can do further things i need a little chest

How do i make a chest i need wood okay i need lots of it 12. now i have chest i can make another one of course chest now we have two pumps maybe i can make three chests a bigger a bigger storage right if i put three of them together

I’m doing great dyer thank you so much for asking honestly very happy to have you here if you added another slap atop the current one it will function correctly no it didn’t why don’t you place items on the grid what do you mean am i doing something wrong oh i found another glitch

And before i continue i need to reduce the size of the hut how do i do that video settings render distance brightness distortion what is the size of the of the you know the hud the thingy that you see where can i set that set fob to max okay hold on

Please don’t yell at me i’m learning this is the the third time and first time i actually get into the settings oh dear that’s very small that’s a little too small i like this better how about you let me know if it’s a little too small

Oh oh [ __ ] how do i revert it it’s going too big how do i fix this okay never mind Let’s leave it at two i think two is fantastic that is 120 fps fob is at 100 what do you mean it’s it’s set to max and the graphics are unfancy see i’m fancy oh this looks way better this looks like a little bit smaller for you probably

But it looks better for me not another glitch the things are happening are all parts of normal minecraft dyer what do you mean there is a big mistake here you know tipo thank you so much for the hydration how are you look at this guys according to minecraft logic if you

Place two chests together they make a larger chest but there is a hole here are there shading the items no oh this was the chest of the valuable things so let’s break this this is another chest of crappy items so let’s put the crappy items here the wood

More wood all the all the stuff that we don’t need the fishing rod is not exactly a crappy item i’m gonna put it on the valuable things with that with the diamond pickaxe that we found the last time that was great that was a fantastic adventure we have

So many potatoes bread apple raw chicken i need another pickaxe real quick let me let me let hold on let me read what you guys are saying in a moment i need more torches what happened with all my torches i remember i had like thousands of them did i wasted at all

I have 37 torches ah 64. here that i am i got it how is it that i make more iron i forgot i think i need to collect it everything is so small all of a sudden i don’t know if i see it correctly okay let me read what you’re saying i am

Also fancy yes you are fancy [ __ ] of course farsi count sorry i’ll never come away i’m trying my best guys please don’t bully me let me hydrate because you need to put in that chess r2 max oh yes orcish we have a turtle is visiting us it’s staying with us it’s vibing

I almost lost the torches yes ah okay how can i pet this it’s so cute ah there is fish there is fish behind hold on come to chunky come to chunky let me eat you um beautiful do we have coal available oh i have some stick i forgot about it

Okay now that we have our iron armor all set and we have all these tools how about we go back into the mines to collect some more pretty diamonds make a campfire wait hold on relax hold on i’m doing that first i need my foot i wanted more pickaxes but i don’t have

Any more iron so i think i can make cobbles a stone pickaxes just in case i need them i’m gonna make a couple probably another sword if i need to fight so we have a lot of things to mine right frank how are you we’re gonna keep the iron pickaxes for

Later use and the stone the uh the stone sword as well what is a bone meal okay that’s enough food that’s certainly enough food what else do i need what is this power rail rail hold on let me experiment with this let me experiment with this a little bit i also

Have a minecart with the chest ah get more food i have more food did you see yes salmon goes flying away when you kill it it’s hilarious the bucket of water see hi mitch hello welcome thank you for the follow thank you so much for the bits um by the way frank welcome

So i do have a i don’t have a bucket of water see i have it don’t worry i’m not a noob oh there is another thing here today i am officially crowning myself a pro minecraft player you will see oh what’s the other one i’m sorry the music is so relaxing

And how will i get the crown you will you will see in a moment i’m gonna show you i’m gonna find more diamonds okay so what’s the deal with the rail what do i do with this wait wait i have big brain idea i do have a minecart remember it has a chest

But i cannot place it on the ground because i need a rail right I i collected redstone on the other stream hi and holy welcome jaren thank you for the hydration hold on i’m about to do something big big brain [Applause] look at this Minecraft minecart with chest but how do i move it oh it’s so cute look at this it’s running around i have created science i am no longer in the stone age it’s so cool I have found something very fun to play with Oh it’s getting it’s getting late let’s sleep how are you and holly welcome find more gold diamonds and mine magical obsidian i okay i’m trying my best If you get a minecart without anything you can ride in it really or keys let me give you an intensive mlm let me do that uh in a second let’s see intensive mlm how about you thank you i’m having so much fun discovering everything it’s so cool i feel so special

I feel big brain right now i just made a minecart move i don’t know about you but i think that’s very deserving of head padding revan thank you so much for the follow shiny welcome it still moves i’m doing fantastic and holy so let me think then

If something like this is able to be created how about how about i um put a minecart here let’s just say hypothetically you know testing and i start making oh look at this look at the chunk thank you look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk

Look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk thank you Says my brother when he was still around used to rail oh so i can actually build a rail system wow so maybe i can make an entire rail system towards the mines right look at the chunk i am special go up go up what uh i think i have encountered a little

Bit of a problem technical problem but maybe if it goes so i need to build it at the top so when i when i could do is go to that mountain and build a a station will with mine with rails and minecarts and then i could toss them

Downwards so they reach my base so i i you know no longer have to travel back and forth i only need to go to the top and then i put them here and i push them we’re using gravity in our favor i think that’s that’s way to smarter right i am big brain

Okay but i am not going to be experimenting with it just yet because i first need to conquer the mountain then and build at the top of the mountain the rail station so i can start bringing minerals back into my home do you need a power rails with redstone

Torches what do you mean oh i have another rail oh oh what is this hold on i have idea if this if this works i’m gonna crown myself as a very big brain dragon you’re telling me that this gives energy to the to the rail how

Ah let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see i’m curious i’m very curious about this experiment you lied to me doesn’t even move no you’re wrong let me read what you’re saying hold on let me let me scroll up use the red rails and a torch okay frank i will let me

Let me put a torch i i don’t think if i’m if i understand how this works correctly well it’s definitely a big improvement but i can always use the railroads downwards instead of upwards use the pickaxe what you need redstone torches redstone acts like cooper off basically but you need the cooper copper

Oh so that’s like the power power thingy you can craft the red torch and place it near that rail why is everyone laughing another ah oh okay a redstone torch stop bonking me please i’m trying to do my best i am literally trying my best my brain cannot go faster um okay

Tiny torch oh i found it i need rest on dust which i think we have plenty angelbert hello welcome how are you doing welcome nice to have you thank you for that follow my name is chunky lotus it’s a pleasure to meet you chunky education restaurant edition no don’t let me

I’m trying my best torch new recipe what have we done chad are we i have more i have more more of those strange things so let’s see let’s see if this works as intended let’s pretend i put in here um the water of bucket which i need which

Is very important to survive okay now if i place this oh oh it changed color hold on let me that should be enough and over here is the gold let’s see how this works yes welcome to the electrical age ah hold on i forgot about this where did he go

Oh so that way i can actually move the thing uh i can move the thing upwards if i have enough redstone so and and i do have like i uh ample quantities of redstone if i am remembered correctly i do have a massive amount of redstone so

Oh my lord i have discovered something very important today let’s cook this thing hold on wait this is a raw why is it raw i don’t like it i have look at this i have 64 64 that’s um that is um 125 28 128 redstone so that’s a lot uh yeah

I can build rails now all the way into the mines i try my best with the maths i’m sorry junkies were well on her way to conquering the world yes i’m going to rule this world rail detectors can activate and provide power when the car runs over it alright looks different

You mean this one well that’s enough exploration on creativity with math and science today we have created a beautiful little tower home and now we have created um we are understanding the logic behind this so what i’m gonna do now is go into the mines with all this equipment

And i am going to um i’m going to collect more so later i can make an actual railroad all the way from here into the mines and i can keep tossing items into chests and bringing them like an industrial dragon i’m no longer living in the stone age this game is fantastic honestly

This game is absolutely beautiful i didn’t know it was so complex i thought it was way more simple than just uh i have food look at this i have plenty food what are you talking about i didn’t think minecraft was so complex in the terms of how you can create things

But now i see it i’m starting to see my eyes have opened to the world get water bucket and diamond pickaxe oh right but i know wait hold on i don’t exactly want to die to mind obsidian yet okay uh first we’re gonna we’re gonna explore a little bit more and then we

Are gonna get the other cool stuff i need more coal oh that was risky i almost died let’s fill our pockets with coal with iron with more redstone and then we go back and we return with more things this is beautiful i’m learning so much thank you for for

Being so patient sometimes i can be a big dummy dragon okay but i i’m trying my best and i’m learning i feel very special right now that you are teaching me i don’t know what the nether is we have coal so that we can later cook more food very important things

We also have raw copper we are going back into the mines it was below here look at all this so much why mining iron does not give me any experience What is that what how are you a zombie i know it’s zombie i i they used to kill me a lot when i started this is my third time playing minecraft i am trying my best okay my brain might not be the biggest but i am trying

Definitely my best to learn and master and conquer this harsh world that minecraft is now let’s go downwards this is our elevator of water we were here before remember i place my torches your first cave noise thank you dyer oh [ __ ] hold on we have enemy ow stop it they hurt so much

Let me eat bread this music oh there was a hole somewhere i remember striker no we were here before remember this was our first cave exploration when we fought our diamond we found our diamonds it was this way the music yes i am angry at zombies they kill me

Wait this is not the way what this is not the right way have i lost did the gate is the does the cave change when you are offline oh never mind here this is this is the entrance remember i made this weird hole here hello asian one how are you doing

Oh i hear monster two beautiful zombies pathetic pathetic absolutely trash your praise you were not meant for greatness i’m gonna unlock this i remember i blocked it because i was scared of the monsters but now i’m no longer skirt cause i have iron armor remember how glad you like my snacking noises

I have gold hold on i need um the other axe the most rewarding thing in the world for a dragon is to find gold there is nothing more beautiful than gold and headbutts i knew there was a treasure here it was worth checking it Now we have all sorts of weird blocks but that’s fine remember the dungeon i remember there was dungeon let’s go collect it yes we got gold armor is about to break what hollow shadow hello welcome my name is chunky lotus nice to meet you i am playing minecraft for the third time

Hold on i am playing minecraft for the third time we are exploring we were just discovering how rails work was very fantastic science oh i found red thing thank you all i’m glad you think i’m cute i try my best if you want to join my community i just

Want to be part of it uh here’s my discord if you like it bedtime for you happy please sleep get some drop the rest if you want to watch the rest of the video remember it’s going to be uploaded on youtube 24 hours after the after this stream

I don’t remember well this cave it’s a little confusing i am not used to get in caves i’m a very tall dragon i am not wait why is this closed did i block this myself oh remember there was lava i think i’m getting close to that to the little we found the

Diamonds down there let’s go down there after we complete the dungeon over here because there was a chest remember nothing it was before you got the green delete oh yes i remember i put the chroma key on the on the minecraft oh more restaurant it’s beautiful

I remember i placed plenty torches in a wall signaling that behind that wall was uh something although thank you so much for vincent wholesome you will fit perfectly in my panzer is what i call my my community by the way hold on we have lava where is my bucket

Why is it not here with the game glitch hold on do you want to open this lick or copy your clipboard how do i report bug Am i not seeing it what is it i’m gonna close this the lava has subsided though you can’t in the mine cart oh man gunther placentino the shadow ow thank you so much for subscribing for six months at tier one thank you means a lot to me

Cause chunky plays it in the minecart chest oh i am the bug no funky thank you so much for the subscription i am where i am from is still a sticker don’t worry i’m not telling that until i debuted because i haven’t debuted but i will eventually at some point i promise

I forgot the minecart remember that put the bucket because i was making an example and i forgot it was there i’m so silly i cannot defend myself from lava anymore what goes here oh my god that’s no no i’m so happy that you love my voice although i just jesus christ

Good thing i had armor my my helmet has taken some damage though i don’t like that number okay i feel better spooky scary skeleton it was a creeper what’s the stuff falling from the ceiling i remember you spider you killed me before go away gold i want gold what the [ __ ]

We just fall i’m getting rich what is this what the caves collapse on you i don’t i didn’t know gravel and sand are the only two blocks with gravity so this is this must be this must be oh i found something iphone flint this must be gravel then because sand is

At the top by the beach oh okay i’m learning well that’s not nice over here here is there is a little hole here let’s go in more redstone beautiful i’m mama mama mama welcome back to chunky loves minecraft yes i’m learning i’m trying my best i’m scared oh i hear something very scary

Where are all these monsters dude it’s like they’re right here yes i i encounter creepers that way i know how to find them hold on something is very off about this i keep hearing monsters nearby what am i no baby what the freak i’m dying i’m dying i’m dead oh my god

I’m scared i think i fell yeah that’s what i was okay let’s just rebuild the stair real quick real super quick and let’s um be careful what an ugly surprise the baby i hate baby zombie no no i’m not smug with monster actually respect them a lot i’m alive i try my best

I was surrounded by a skeleton and a zombie baby so that is very scary i could have lost my life holy frag help me chad help me no [Laughter] i need to kill them i need to kill them but if they blow up here i think this whole thing is gonna

Collapse on me that is a terrible idea let’s do it let’s do it i am brave dragon okay i am not a coward oh i can do this hold on i can outsmart the creeper hello what are you doing you ugly thing you want some of this yeah why don’t you die pathetic

Absolutely pathetic this is why i’m a dragon this is why i’m at the top of the food chain guys i never get killed by these pathetic monsters they are they’re a joke compared to me i have big brain wow this cave system dude hold on hold on hold on something is i

Have a very terrible feeling about this place maybe i can find some diamonds what in the actual freak who built this i want to know what’s at the bottom of this this definitely is no coincidence i hear something bubbly yeah yeah that the server officially comes in yes i hear something bubbly

It’s like a liquid Something’s wrong this is taking too long this is strange Bedrock What is this My pickaxe broke good thing i have another one for replacement need a better pickaxe you know what’s strange about this place i have not placed a single torch aside from that one and it’s very light in here like there is light source what is giving the light source Bedrock is unbreakable i am near lava I’m so sorry thank you so much for the follow oh are you sorry where am i going this is wrong hold on So what is bedrock thank you so much for coming hollow you’re amazing i hope you have a nice dinner we’re gonna keep exploring the caves for diamonds i know black knight but i was looking for it and i didn’t find the dungeon i know there was a chest nearby what the [ __ ]

I think i found uh i think i found a little problem here hi tired wife benning how are you doing welcome the love is not gonna stop me i know there must be diamonds around here my dragon instinct is tingling beautiful redstone i’m scared i’m very scared every vlog feels like

I’m gonna i’m about to find a nuclear bomb behind me you know you know how you know that feeling when you’re about to die and you you know but i am a cat i am 10 cat i’m 90 dragon and that 10 cat curiosity is making me do this oh my god

Block it block it block it block it oh jesus christ okay so if there is lava maybe this path is better yes i will go to the dungeon as soon as i find what is behind this this area oh my god okay now that entire section is filled

With lava this is a waste of time we need to go up a little bit and we need to find diamonds nearby i hear monster where are you this is a new section unexplored this torch is the exit i know this doesn’t light but it’s an important torch because i’m gonna get lost

What is this place there is lava right above me i don’t like it i’m blocking it having lava right on top of my head feels absolutely dreadful it feels so dreadful i hear monsters around me i hear lava around me this place better have wait there is another sound an unrecognized sound

Was it water i think that i think that sounds like water how do you find me dude had a sword sorrow underscore that underscore pharaoh 22 how are you welcome oh they came from up there okay i found water why is there water here red stone okay beautiful

I think we are entering a very strange area guys i oh what is this owning skull has it’s been so long since i’ve been doing your streams that i have already forgotten how your voice is ah that’s fine welcome back i’m glad you’re here i’m glad you’re here honestly thank you

For visiting me again if you want to stay in touch then you can join my discord it’s my panzer server if you like it so happy that you’re back guys look at this we just found the massive cave opening with three creepers at the bottom don’t you think this is promising

There is a black shadow figures up there okay this guy wants to fight let’s kill him first he’s the weakest link come here little creeper let’s have some fun oh no oh no oh no i freaked that out it is stuck can you die okay that’s that’s a little bit

Problematic to get two of them at the same time i don’t like this this one is smarter it killed itself okay awnings uh angus take care take care if you feel sick please drink some water okay um don’t neglect your health please because of me let’s kill that last creeper up there

That little sneaky one or we can go down here has anyone does anyone remember the way out because i certainly do not is that gravel is that the thing that falls on you i don’t like it okay i went around press f3 uh i don’t understand this i am not um

I am not rocket scientist irelia i don’t i cannot read that number but thank you for for for trying to help okay creeper is coming to fight we can attack we can tackle this one it’s a long oh jesus christ scared me now we are here we are in a massive cave

System that we never encountered before there’s definitely some secrets here right um let’s let’s look around maybe some diamonds maybe the game likes me a lot it keeps going down within the actual freak this whole place is about to collapse on me wow redstone i would like to play with you guys at

Some point i’m gonna create a server don’t worry ah oh lava this is dangerous stuff but Thank you so much for the raid welcome raiders and also we have another raid xxx potato ux oh that’s an adorable use of me hi welcome everyone please give some love to both of them we are playing minecraft today um yeah we had two race i’m so happy my

Name is chunky lotus welcome everyone i am 10 percent cat 90 dragon 200 meters tall transgender girl dragon a cat my brain doesn’t work anymore hold on we are playing minecraft right now this is the third time i am playing this game we are very deep in the nines i don’t

Know what’s going on but i am not going to get killed uh this is very cool how was your stream zero and how what have you streamed but hold on no no chaotix i know that’s you stop it how was your stream but date as well

Tell me all about it what did you play how how’s everything going for you zero i’m so happy that you’re here look at us we’re still having so much fun good attend chaotix but you didn’t get me i’m running out of torches i just keep finding these complex cave systems

It’s oh my god look at this dude it’s like the whole world is burning hold on we have an att can you not can you not give me a knot please thank you i will appreciate if when i am live youtube didn’t do this but you know it’s what happens it’s all good

Okay we’re back we have some extra music from zelda the knocking sounds scare you so much trust me i know what you mean so don’t want to touch this hold on let me block lava i need diamonds in here i am nervous as [ __ ] i found iron

What did you what were you playing zero let me know i’m curious about you as well potato tell me all about your streams am making bridge now i swear to god if a creeper spawns i’m gonna scream let’s not risk it though let’s go back i was playing final fantasy 14 online oh

Sounds good is your favorite game mmorpg hey that’s fantastic let’s go up let’s go up come on i can swim i have not that chunky of a dragon so we found this massive case system but i think we have been disappointed i went through here

I was uh i have missed you as well sarah you’re amazing honestly always so wholesome you’re such a good friend one of the first people i started talking to when i started my youtuber career now having you here always means a lot to me thank you for existing let me unload you

Hey guys i’m very troubled about this mining thingy that we just did we went through a lot of problem and we have not found anything important i am disappointed mini outputs in the mind hey that’s actually pretty smart idea too much hot stuff on the huh wait hold on i’m lost

I think i was supposed to go down here no i’m back in this lava chamber i’m lost i have officially lost myself in here i hear a skeleton somewhere Hmm i’m in a little bit of a trouble thank you jaren thank you for that go back black knight but what is back i don’t know back oh it was this way right i don’t know which way is way back that’s a problem i lost my sense of direction was it around here

Oh is that what i think it is is that what i think it is chad have we found the price the ultimate reward Hold on this is tricky I done it i found diamond and the music is blessed wait where is the diamond hold on Here is gold where did the diamond go oh it’s right there okay i’m so bad i’m sorry i only feel the stir this is poor placement let’s celebrate this diamonds are for everyone not just mine wait hold on what if it’s a trap i have learned my lesson okay let’s collect it

It’s so beautiful ah there were only two of them hey that’s fine that’s enough of a reward for me i can live with that i’m good i told you today i was going to become a pro in minecraft see you didn’t believe in me

Now i am a pro who has the diamonds in her inventory look at this huh no please i’m not gonna i’m not gonna kill let’s go up let’s go up let’s go up unless um which was the way guys help me thank you shiny um diamonds indeed which was the way though

I don’t remember the way i know there is a large cave system i think it’s oh [ __ ] i know it’s very close to this area black wacky i like that emote are you tail whipping me remember the waterfall jesus this is the big cave we are back in the big cave so

We’re going upwards this is where i fought against three very invasively powerful creepers and i defeat them myself because i’m very powerful was it this way ah the spider is garden diamonds is it’s her diamonds the spider is the spiders he’s gotta be diamonds dude we have been blessed with more

I think i think uh oh look at that so beautiful bunk come the junky beautiful diamonds oh we have make chunky dance let’s dance cause i actually i i deserve that look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk

Look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk diamonds this is trunk we have diamonds chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk we did it

Look at this chunk now let’s go back home look at this junk are you looking at this chunk thank you it was a very it was a very silly dance now let’s go back home we have so many precious treasure today we have found it it’s our stretcher

And now we are good to go back home remember the small hole you saw the big cave and the fighting cripper uh black knight i hold on i don’t think i do specifically but why not keep looking around maybe there are more diamonds i have found gold

I think the game is trying to lead me into certain way you know it’s like telling me chunky you’re doing a fantastic job you are a big brain dragon have this gold and diamonds for your own treasure horde you know i think that’s what’s happening here don’t you agree it makes perfect sense

Why would the game will be rewarded me with all this much wow wow holy freak these capes are so big there’s a spider a skeleton as well we have enemies to fight oh zombie never mind that’s a little bit too much we are getting a little bit too eager let’s go back home

No let’s not go back home let’s do it we got this we’re brave warriors look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this thank you look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this junk come fight me

Very easy we have defeated one enemy it was a pathetic enemy but enemy nonetheless there is a lot of reston oh frick oh frick okay okay oh [ __ ] there are so many where did that one came from did i spawn i i had the high ground that’s why he lost what i’m scared

Come on fortune favors the brave right if i keep exploring i keep finding diamond that’s how the game works or maybe not i don’t think it’s safe to go there i don’t think it’s safe to be here chad i think i’m i’m gonna eat some potato chips hold on This is delicious potato chips let me hydrate okay resupply and return for more golden diamonds no don’t steal my chips following that water stream might be like a bad idea right diamonds where huh diamonds diamonds what no no don’t leave me come here where is it going oh that was close

I collected it we have six diamonds this is the end we have reached the end of the cave maybe there is more oh my oh my lord what is going on in this game today have we been blessed by the gods or is this what they call streamer luck

Okay i think now it’s fair to say that we can go back home how about that chad how about we go uh thank you for notifying me that were diamonds by the way i almost didn’t know i think we have done a lot of adventuring oh there is lapis lazuli thank you

And woven as well how are you guys doing how are your streams tell me all about it please i’m playing minecraft for the third time and we just collected a lot of diamonds double team please give some love to both of these amazing streamers seraphim wolfen are so great

But the fun time for the fun time that anthem for those that are knowing me for the very first time my name is chunky lotus i am a transgender girl 10 cat 90 dragon 200 meters tall i am very big but i’m very wholesome it was fun we did dnd

With our siblings hey that’s fantastic also set up here wait what the freak mel i was not you know i just got ready like five times thank you so much for choosing me mel let me give you a shout out oh you’re not allowed to go anywhere no no no nei

Lei kai under scorpiotuber please give some amazing love to mel as well and welcome everyone x r z uh redox plays leviathan oh my god if i’m missing anyone i’m so sorry director knocks as well welcome raiders welcome from all the corners of the world to my

Beautiful stream i am in a bit of a predicament and i need your help i need help i just found diamonds i am on my third stream on minecraft ever and i lost my weight i lost my way i am running in circles around the caves

And i am running out of torches i need help hi gaming crisis see the man reddish and scotland’s underscore vitiva thank you for the follow mel how was your stream please tell me what were you playing honestly right in the homies thank you everyone just got them

Cast the fire oh hold on there i have i hear enemy where are you the absolute silence in this there is gold no let’s leave this place because this place seems cursed i need help it is official cry for helpful lotus i am asking for help cause i don’t know the way out

Look i keep finding massive cave systems i can’t i keep finding so many things i just want the way out i keep hearing noises behind me and i get scared you know i don’t know what to do what should i so what will i personally suggest yes please help me out

Played vampire survivors hey mel that’s amazing i hope you had a fantastic time you are amazing keep a few torches and dicks diana gonna up oh there is lapis lazuli i need that it’s very valuable let me collect this we found it diamonds were just talking about

Also this [ __ ] dagger what the [ __ ] is going on ah dude it was a lot of fun lots of glarick you mean garlic or galaric uh that is adorable by the way mel you are adorable i am so happy that i get to have a collaboration with you in a lot

Of the time very soon um i i honestly want to see more i want to get to know you more like talk and everything you’re so cool diamonds adorable oh my god that user name you have is absolutely adorable i’m glad you like my eyes let me show you them up close

Let me let me enthrall you with the beauty of them let me pour for you a little bit [Laughter] okay that’s enough we have diamonds to collect and then we need to get out of these mines i am absolutely scared i’m pissing myself right now please help me out we have one

Okay that’s the diamonds we have nine diamonds now we need to get out of here asap because i think we are in trouble in a lot of trouble i’m glad that you like it that adorable by the way if anyone here is new and you

Just want to get to know me more you can get inside my pantsu what i mean by that is you can join my discord server that is the name of this server okay go back and follow the tortures you place find the waterfall when you found the big cave

Okay gamer in crisis says they are very pretty thank you i’m so happy that you think so i i like my eyes that is lapis lazuli adorable thank you for the follow let me grab this toxic also thank you for the follow are you truly toxic or is that just your juicer name

My lord look at this cave how big is minecraft i need this item real quick [Laughter] that’s just your username okay that’s fine is that have you ever seen anything like this before in your life mel sent you i’m glad it melted in the panzer yes it’s my panzer i’m

Since i am almost 200 meters tall dragon every time i find someone that i like i grab them gently and i put them inside my pantsu that’s how i came up with the name of the server i think there are frogs oh that’s so cute let’s adopt them

It’s coming towards me i think it’s an enemy frog oh i got a new recipe that looks mighty dangerous i don’t like lava considering that i am current precious diamonds with me let’s build the wall here oh no no no no no no no leave me alone

Where did you come from dude okay let’s get out of here i have overstayed two babies two babies leave me alone [ __ ] i need help i need help come here come here take that eat it eat my sword no leave me alone okay that was a double hit i am

My heart is racing i lost track of sight of one of them nice nice nice nice nice they don’t do damage when they are small it’s a slime the little baby ones oh thank you so much that’s so cute those babies however are so scared

I’m not good at minecraft oh i would you can absolutely join me um when i set up a server i think guys we need to get out of here we have done enough i don’t want to risk my pretty diamonds and all my loot

So help me get out of here i promise you i will not get greedy anymore i need to flee yes but which was which was the way does anyone know was it below follow the torches right okay that’s the little baby but you are stuck in the water you dummy you dummy dumb

Take that good it’s dead yes i will have my own server new light i’m going back home let’s follow the torches please help me out below let’s forget about the redstone let’s not get any more greedy set us a fire thank you we need to make it back home

Thank you for the follow torches where lapis lazuli i need it that’s important i like blue blue is important color cause i’m blue it’s my scales climb up follow the torches you place find the waterfall when you found uh yes okay let’s go find that thing if i come

I don’t think this was the way no this is not the way so i must have jumped from the water yes i went this way i followed the water part there was like a cave system that was buried dangerous i need all the blue i’m sorry i get

Greedy i’m a dragon okay you cannot blame me for trying to get wait what you can be a giant in minecraft that can be fun i guess but also a little bit problematic if i destroy everything i see torches over there please let me out of this maze i hate it

Here i want to go home i need home i i think it’s that’s experience why is there experience floating did someone die here oh that’s a big fall how are you i am i’m trying to escape this maze of a cave but i i’m so lost look at this

I’m back to where i begun i don’t know the way let’s try again let’s try this one more time okay this is certainly there are creepers down there if i fall i’m sure i will die wow look at this place dude it’s so big keep going up hi dragon wizard

Reddick says i really really like your model model because of those bubba jesus’s thing thank you i i i will show you my massive absolutely power tights but i don’t want to risk another twitch suspension so you can see that the full png model in my discord keep following the torches

Yes the problem is i was following my torches like this for example remember there are torches this way oh oh baby baby baby what what the [ __ ] actually no i fought to a zombie here i remember so this is the way upwards i fell i don’t know the way i’m oh

Yes i am hydrating enough please get some rest you need it could it be that i am absolutely hopeless Creeper incoming creeping coming big problem another clipper another creeper Please leave me alone jesus christ thank you for the hydration geminis let me let me drink Diamonds diamonds this is my last torch oh no bro we have found so much today Is that the way is that the torch hold on no that’s lava that is not the way that was my last final torch i am good at finding diamonds right i am the dragon i can sense this stuff but i cannot find a way out

I am good at finding things but i need to be rescued from my own exploration you know not here definitely not here this is too dark why not dig straight up you say your dragon senses are tingling yes ah i placed this here on purpose i know the way is closed

I know the exit path is nearby but i need to remember where i found the creeper here as well yeah this is where i killed creeper i place a redstone torch okay mel thank you so much for the lurkis enjoy your numbers okay you are absolutely adorable thank you

If you dangle a string in front of me my cat senses will override yes i will start chasing it if you if you point a laser somewhere i will go there okay i think i found something here this is definitely different i don’t remember this spot i placed two torches here

For a reason and then another one and more torches around luna i’m doing great look at this we have 10 diamonds i i think i’m getting close to the exit yeah yeah remember torch i i have found this what is that is that is that what is that get me out of here

Oh my god it was scary what you hear that am i being haunted is this a hold on i’m scared i’m i’m legit scared am i being hunted by something crimson nice thank you so much for the follow how are you wait no i i keep hearing laughter they are mocking me

This is the redstone thing but i don’t find a way here no chaotix wait please don’t scare me like that why did i place a torch here and there is no way out if the eye open up so there must be like many enemies around this wall

Hey let’s find out what is shiny this redstone is it this way no right there is no way it was it was below let me let me see let me see maybe it was here remember i found lava remember i was i was the bedrock the bedrock right

Remember the bedrock and i was thinking to myself i can dig this but i didn’t hi chris welcome hold on hold on i’m back in track my my steps i take this um take the torches i’m gonna take one torch now please lean it no

Go up yes go up i’m going up i’m going up don’t worry i’m here i’m here so we have i remember i came this way this is the path we have been finding all the diamonds the problem is um i put this here this was an indicator that the way out was close

Right right look at all the torches i put there are so many so the exit needs to be nearby but when i go here it’s a dead end so what if it’s the other way then hold on hold on what if it’s this way no because this is the way downwards

So it doesn’t make sense does the um the cave change i know this is an important checkpoint for me but oh that guy is creepy as [ __ ] let’s actually seal him not here definitely not here testing one two three megaphone this is a friendly reminder to stretch and fix y’all’s posture

Don’t forget to take a break and hydrate everyone okay alex that’s so whole some of you there is something very wrong with this cave was there another way down it has to be around here what if i block the wall hold on what if i dig they are mocking me

Let me let me let me pay close attention to this section okay that is definitely something wrong in this this game you saw it garen where is it wait what is it jaren please stairs in the in the up pad to where these stairs go up from the redstone torch

I am at the restaurant torch and then i go up right i was opening this right now but please help me out of here after having this mine it was nearby i know it was nearby in the dead end you mean here oh it was right here there is hope for me

Oh my god what are those noises should i engage in combat Ah mr slime thank you for the follow dangerous enemy that’s a witch i think it’s right behind this wall let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s leave it i don’t know what a witch is capable of so let’s not mess with things we don’t understand

Oh my god darren thank you so much for helping me that was so needed with everyone listening to this message everyone is now breathing manually automatic breathing has stopped okay alex now i need to breathe lord i see thank you for the hydration let me do that

I think i found my way out here wiggling coming in a second in a second let me let me see if i can find the dungeon wall remember oh i found the tank look at that should i go in there i see a chest oh

Hold on let me do that cute ear wiggle let me do cute ear wiggle real quick thank you thank you for helping me out of this absolutely nightmare of mine thank you let’s go together let’s keep going so we have a ah we are being teased Seven six king how are you there are two skeletons maybe i can kill you No there are too many okay two one down nice i see an unknown enemy and more skeletons are coming so let’s just leave this area for now you need to light up the spawner i don’t know what a spawner means thank you lord isaac thank you for liking my eyes so much

That witch is a tough opponent when combined with skeletons let’s go we have diamonds we need to go home also here is the dangerous room now which was the way out there is uh i think lava here and this is the spawn room once again i leave it to chunky to lost

Herself in the mines oh i get it i get it the darkness spawns them i know i am close i have been here before i know i am getting close to home i think it’s that way hi hi bradster welcome how are you yes these are my special stairs i remember them

We have we’re making it home we’re not dying today i’m sorry to disappoint you chaotix i know you wanted to play that sad sound alert but no My potato chips spawners are only ever in dungeons and man shops oh i get it some dude existing thank you for the follow how are you how about you bro did you see that you have played minecraft for seven years oh my god this is my third time playing it

That creeper almost cheesed me and i almost got destroyed but i’m not gonna die no i’m better than the creeper we are out in the open finally we need to climb that waterfall and then we are back home beautiful 10 years of minecraft dragon wow

You guys are pros i am i am absolutely a newbie compared to you cares why are you crying you should be happy that i didn’t die okay i have made it out by the way for for everyone that is just joining um this is how i look like oh

Never mind i cannot show you my skin hold on let me get rid of my armor real quick see this is how i look like isn’t it cute now let’s go home and store our beautiful diamonds i am just eating regular potato chips that are salty they’re good

Yeah i know jared and i know yes orcish victory dance we are bringing more diamonds home nothing can stop me i remember the lights over there and there was a chest there is the chest with my pocket of water remember we were experimenting there it is we found it

I was learning how to use the railroad Thank you for the craft break chaotix let’s go to bed let’s sleep when you make a server we’ll show you how the pros at this game yeah don’t worry i will absolutely enjoy playing with you as well so this is the chest that has all the important things look at this

We have returned with more diamond and more redstone and gold and more of this whatever this more iron i need iron i need to smelt it i remember how it works i suppose flint is rather important everything else in here are the lapis yes the slime more redstone here i think everything

Else in here is just crap so everything goes into this regular chest of regular stuff i have a bow i didn’t notice hold on okay shift click the fast transfer okay but bruster says step one play minecraft and step two mine step 3 step for profit yes

Now let’s continue uh a little a little adventure what can i do with so many diamonds should i get an a diamond armor i have pickaxe i already have it i don’t need another one i want to build a shrine for chat okay let’s do a shrine i need signs okay

Okay i need um this and i need this and i need um more wood now i need sign i want six of this yes you want me to make a sword no angry chunky mode uh there is actually an angry chunky mode but that is only on my discord server since i am

Only affiliate here i only have access to so many emotes so unfortunately you know although i have more remotes there is not enough slots for them because twitch speed twitch get some rest or keys thank you for visiting Here stands the chunky dragon kirsten’s chunky lotus and her beautiful chunky x legend tells legend goes she found a lot of hold on how do i fix this she found a lot of diamonds then she use that you use the diamonds to bless her lovely viewers and friends uh well it doesn’t

It’s lovely viewers By putting all of them inside her pantsu I love you all so much chomping lotus stop bonking me this is gonna be our legacy i know there is one space here but that’s gonna come for later isn’t that uh thank you so much neil for for liking my my no bonking I just reacted to that before it happened what is there the glitch in the matrix a texture park for dragon chunky eggs that would be cute ah smash person thank you now everyone um let’s see what else we can create oh is this ready for for harvesting i am self-sufficient now

We have other seats i think ah sugarcane can i collect sugarcane i cannot plant it where does this go oh What I received two different bunks oh i get it how does this work blood sugar came near water sauce source we are farming okay i have an idea i need a lot of dirt a lot of dirt more dirt i need a shower for this shower i need dirt what

So if according to my calculations and if i am understanding how the game works correctly i can manipulate nature at my own will i can bend this world to do as i please and what other perfect way than doing so with farming hold on this little experiment just stopped me a lot

I have melon seeds as well okay um where is my dirt um if i have big brain yeah hi mei zero five hello thank you legend says that chunky is still learning about minecraft basics yes i’m still learning yeah i’m gonna play like this is don’t

Starve so hold on i need a farm what have i never think about this before right we need farm i’m starting to understand how this works so over here we’re gonna have a little farm in for efficiency there’s gonna be two rows of blocks like this let’s start with this what

What was the item dude irelia you’re so mean my my how i put a lot of love into my house if you don’t like it you cannot enter it but everyone else is invited i try my best okay don’t be mean What was alder the stone hoe okay i need the hoe i need this and then stone hoe rocket scientist melon seeds i don’t have enough melon seeds to complete the row we have been blessed by rain we have been blessed by it imagine we are starting our farming

Endeavors and we are getting rain this is beautiful we have been blessed by the gods our crops are gonna be healthy now i need to make a pier for which i need wood of course plenty of it this is gonna be the farming section um that’s gonna be the little home and

Over here i’m gonna build the pier i need the slabs remember i had plenty of slabs misunderscore misha thank you for the follow how are you doing welcome i have all these slaps and i have glass build a bridge for you um okay let me make a glass bridge i think that works

Right i need to smelt more sand so let me get my shower come up ah hold on so much iron ingot we are going to collect more glass over here is gonna be the pier it’s gonna be so pretty hi goes host goes ram i think it’s time for us to sleep

The pier is going to have a fantastic design you will see yes i want to fish that’s why i need a pier first and i’m building it right now this is going to be so pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] i think i made a mistake one size is a little bit too big than

The other one okay i know it’s different colors and i know it’s not much but it’s as much as i can offer we have our fish is that that’s gonna be up here why is it floating again what is wrong with this game who in the world will code something like this

Look at this although if i have to admit it it kind of looks futuristic with floating thingy so you know it’s not that bad it could be worse i have collected all of it so now we have three and we are gonna connect all of them below with a

Beautiful glass panel that we are just gonna create this is my creation i like it and i hope you do as well it’s my best effort i am sorry if it’s not much okay i if if it is something if anyone here can do better and you feel

Insulted by my creation i’m sorry i’m trying my best please um this is my first time building in minecraft okay now we have a little hole and that’s gonna be it actually that’s good let’s place this below we like my effort it’s the best you can do don’t worry

We’ll definitely do better thank you thank you guys for all the hearts thank you chris thank you savage and fancy we’re doing good now um i need one more sign oh we have bad beetroot what is a beetroot i remember that maybe i can plan this around here for experimentation purposes

What else there is in the minecraft book um let’s see something important there are so many items now that i started to look at this soul can fire looks pretty there are so many types of blocks there are more things [Laughter] sticky piston i have a feeling that i’m gonna discover

So many different things as i keep playing this game hi small how are you doing oh let me go to that before i hydrate thank you for the hydration i found more diamonds how is it going smaller you having a fantastic time i just wanted to show you my loot

Look i have 17 diamonds my third my third third third try and i am starting to learn about how to use redstone i was building a pier for some reason it’s floating ah where is my fishing rod yeah we have a little turtle friend that’s keeping us up keeping us safe

Is protecting the base so i have a fishing rod how this fishing works in minecraft can anyone please elaborate also let me give a small a shout out because small is adorable small and strong i would love to play minecraft with you one day a small but you are so way ahead

Of my level oh how does this work hey it’s fine i am also terrible at minecraft my my beautiful chat is helping me with everything simple right fishy business i i caught a salmon it’s raw but it’s it’s something oh oh this is cool so um

So when do i pull the the fishing rod back when do i we found the hero we found the antique of the the anti of the stream the puffer fish what are you doing here now look at this i can do something to you we can i can i can finally have my

Revenge and you annoying beautiful little puffer fish i think we need to wait we need to wait for this one although this is going to be so funny you can’t cook it oh no no i was attempting to don’t clip it i listen i cannot burn it

Can i not cut this thing how can i take revenge on the puffer fish it’s been antagonizing me for so long also hold on i have weed I have a sense that i need to start making a story i’m not in the best of moods surprises the [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] i can eat it on i’m gonna eat the bread what the i’m dying look at this chunk look at this chunk guys chunk look at this chunk

Look at this chunk look at this chunk look at this chunk zika help me the chaotix i’m dead ah hold on hold on hold on i know how to heal i know how to heal what was that dude i stopped punking how do i heal my how do i heal myself

How do i how do i help the buffer fish is taking revenge of me oh finally it’s over the puffer fish made it again the puffer fish took revenge on me why is this thing still haunting me even up to this day you aren’t supposed to the puffer fish but i was trying

To take revenge on the pufferfish that’s been antagonizing my stream since forever and and chad told me oh [ __ ] why did i put a hole in there and and chad told me eat it so i believe in them i have been betrayed by my own chunky eggs how could you

I thought we had an agreement never to lie and we don’t have such an agreement it’s okay oh look the sugar king is growing that’s nice let’s see what else we can get again let’s try one more time you’re laughing so hard stop laughing i believe in you

I am very naive okay i i believe in everything when people tell me to do so i am innocent i will never eat it again i cannot defeat the buffer fish is it like the nemesis of chunky lotus i got a ra caught i am innocent yes

I think this is a very uh easy way to collect a lot of food right just by fishing hmm how dare you betray me i trusted you i just said to me eat the puffer fish okay let’s stop fishing for a moment what is this We have a very strange plant growing in the frick does anyone know what is this a melon ooh that’s yummy i like lemon i mean melon dude there is so much we need to do i need to all start organizing inventory as well the iron ingots goes here all my valuables are here I also need a chest for food how is it going zika how are you i’m happy that you made it to the stream always happy to see you honestly you are so wholesome This chest is full That’s so cute i like this music let me read um you need another empty space for the melon to grow buffer fish is more useful than boys but ruin you have a long way to go before you can do that kind of stuff no i want to do it now

Pumpkin and melon they require a separate dirt block next to it so you mean this hold on how do i take it off Like that melons growed out their augerine seed so place more dirt in front of it hi brian welcome Dragon wizard take care thank you so much for coming why is everyone pressing f in chat i did the right thing you told me chaotix you told me the right thing break the seat make a space let’s observe let’s sit here and watch it develop I’m gonna collect some wood real quick because i need to plant more trees as well We’ll be back in a moment to see uh actually let’s actually sleep why is everyone laughing at me You need to go to the nether first and get some items from there Um let me collect some wood real quick because i’m running out and i’m also gonna plant some uh yes i’m gonna plant them around look at this area it’s beautiful it’s really pretty for trees to grow it’s gonna keep providing me with with plenty wood well i call it what’s in here

Actually i saw an item that was very interesting well it kind of looked like a boat did it not am i crazy ow frick can i craft boat yes i need wood five pieces of wood do i have access to five pieces of wood yes i do boat this one what

I cannot craft it up i need to go but i want more wood i i was i just came back from treasure hunting at the mine so i i was organizing a little but i cannot make a jungle boat wait why is it switching on its own how can i stop this

Okay now i got it i have made a boat i need another axe real quick before we go anywhere i’m learning stick and now i need another axe for more wood so we can have more materials good chunky big brain hi michael welcome you will just need to deal with it no

Zika i never settle for less i will always figure out the way i am in a boat oh wow this is very fast i no longer have to worry about swimming wow there is a village over there remember and look at all the wood that we can harvest

I’m gonna leave the boat here how do i exit this um hello okay i got it hey i i found my my weight to travel fast so i’m getting smarter my two last brain cells are doing their best to get back into the boat you have to

Punch it a lot okay hold on let me first get all the wood and then we are returning to the base we’re gonna i want to see how the melons grow hi little sheep how are you i need more wood over here there is more wood i’m honestly very very relaxed playing

This game [Laughter] how much wood do we have 33 that’s a lot but let’s collect a little bit more let’s be greedy there is a cave below but i don’t feel like going in there today thank you for the headphones fancy i i don’t need to kill these animals no they’re very pretty

Ah hold on i am here to collect wood not to cause mass murder oh this tree this drill has a lot of wood it looks like a jackpot ah why debunking i am not going to press anything funny i have learned my lesson not to listen to

Advice from chat today because you made me eat a puffer fish thinking i could defeat it and now i got poisoned yeah i i was in that village before i saw it we discovered that village in the previous stream ow i fell frick now we have a lot of wood

We have plenty wood but let’s just keep getting more so we no longer have to return here don’t worry i can live on this yeah i mean i’m a dragon i i everything literally i don’t complain the village is so peaceful i i wish i could come visit and live with them but

I don’t want to ruin their ecosystem i have wood yes i have collected a lot of wood yes i i press f3 but i don’t understand how this all these numbers like it was look like looking into the matrix i don’t want to look at that i don’t get it

I need a piece of leather okay let me what is the cow let’s find the cow where is my sword apple lots of sticks lots of trees these are a sheep well i guess you’re dying i’m sorry you’re you’re out of the count you won’t ruin their ecosystem they spawn everywhere oh

I also was a little bit too worried you know what is the cow also what happened to my music did it died yes it died for a second now it’s back there is little chicken there is egg there is so much to look around here so pretty such a relaxing game i need

This because next week we are playing outlast because of you guys unlocking it all the cows are over there because you had to unlock the community challenge so fast you ate the music stick i give it back wow that looks so deep is there like treasure underwater as well

I’m not gonna lie that looks scary yes i’m gonna get the the letter i’m going over there to kill the cow this place also has so much coal i probably should grab a little bit as well because i was running low and cool i’m sorry it doesn’t want to get eaten

Okay i’m sorry My sword broke okay that’s enough killing i don’t feel happy what is happening here look at this gathering what are they doing what i don’t understand their language stop it i’m taking your loot [Applause] What did i do Why is everyone gone did i do something bro oh let’s go back to the boat have i alerted that the whole are there something coming wait what let’s go home i feel like i need i i think i’m going to raid someone now and take a break from streaming uh for today

I think three hours of minecraft is great chunky hit the danger bell oh it signals them danger that’s good they look pretty much advanced than me but they don’t have railroads and i do i have i am better dragon right let’s run home knight is coming

By the way uh if you keep collecting chunky points when there is a next community challenge you’re gonna be able to blast it so that is always a good incentive to be part of the raid i guess look at that i can see all my civilization i created

Zika said that i had to punch this thing right it’s gone sika i you are my mod you are my friend i trusted you so much how could you break my trust i’m just joking you will never break my trust but you are definitely a troll in the minecraft uh oh it’s

Right here i love you seeker don’t worry you’re fine but i will i will i will definitely get your mario kart next time let’s go let’s go home ah i have a blindfold redeem no i can’t see anything wait i hear water am i in the boat what is what is that sound

What now don’t bunk me when i’m blind what am i what is that ugly noise okay let me take the blindfold off it’s enough now what am i doing in the water what are you doing how did i fell off my boat ah i was dying you guys crazy

Let’s spark ourselves in style look at this i’m going boom spinning around like wish i’m going in reverse no that didn’t work i’m just gonna put myself here but the sugarcane farm thank you thank you little boat oh we have sugarcane grown we have um whatever is that is

And we have plenty meat i’m gonna put the food here we have so much stuff which is great but i think it’s time for me to take a break from the stream so with all that being done and with all that being amazingly done what we’re gonna do now is

Obviously we’re gonna write someone right now but let me explain because it’s important i’m gonna save minecraft by the way thank you thank you everyone for not betraying my trust when i’m playing you know you know who you are some of you help me exit the mind some of you

Throw me but i love you all now hold on you have unlocked successfully outlast which is a as well as i have had a very horrible game i will be playing i will be playing it starting the next week the first outlast game is going to be on tuesday the next

One is gonna be saturday in between on thursday and sunday we’re gonna keep continuing with minecraft or maybe overwatch i think we can keep minecraft for sunday because it’s like a cozy day to play like very warm very happy time uh so maybe thursday mornings are gonna be overwatch morning games

So um we’ll see how that goes okay the schedule is gonna be post tomorrow probably on the my discord server so that will be it thank you so much for the amazing time let me oh my god for all the beautiful diamonds that we collected all the memories that i am

Experiencing with the very first time playing this game and you are part of them i’m taking you in my heart i’m so happy honestly thank you for choosing me over so many other content creators to be with me i hope to see you I want to introduce you guys thank you so much for those bits by the way i want to introduce you guys to uh one of my be tuber brothers that you remember i showed you a song um some days ago i was telling you this is torah abby tuber brother from yoshino family

We can rate them but let’s take a look when will minecraft continue on sunday minecraft will be absolutely next we’ll be left for sundays because it’s a very fun time um my minecraft server will open probably in the next week like around the ending of the next week

Or the starting in two weeks from now so i will keep you all posted and updated on the discord server let me see what torah is doing first okay before we go there stream is starting okay so we can rate them they they just basically start in their stream so that’s great

I can’t believe you made me eat a puffer fish i am so mad about it but not mad like i hate you no no i am mad because that round bananas fish has been the antagonist of my stream for a long time now and when i

Thought i had the upper hand first of all i can’t cook it which is absolutely [ __ ] and second of all it poisons me i’m so upset i will find my way to defeat the pufferfish one day it’s too it’s too powerful this is a real rival thingy you know

No more puffer fish i know is that oh sound alert okay let me see what up torah is doing the stream is the stream still starting so let’s wait a little bit like one minute i still have so many things i would like to say though but you know

I’m also hungry have you had your dinner already are you ready to start a new week i hope you are i certainly do hope you’re having a fantastic time i love you so much you make me so happy don’t criticize my building skills though or i will eat you

Nah it’s fine you can criticize but it’s fine i don’t have mods plugins i don’t know anything about minecraft server yet i will ask a friend to see if they can ask me don’t worry shiny you know you can talk to me on my discord server and um

You can also just keep tuning into the streams if you like if that’s uh okay torah just started so let’s keep them let’s give torah a big surprise okay because i don’t know for some reason like they are very skilled at making music but their streams they have like

Very low viewership so by doing this let’s make him happy oh my god wait what the target channel only allows in network rates what the freak i cannot rave it i cannot write dora okay then i will have to find someone else i can spread some love

That is very unexpected well let’s go with pin bum what is binban doing i never actually encounter someone that has had uh not raids enabled a little bit surprised i guess who else is on the list i couldn’t ride my own video brother i wonder if i can ask him though because

I really want to introduce you guys to him uh but you know i will have to ask him office stream unfortunately so let’s go with pin bun because pin ban is also a very nice friend of mine we are having two collapse i think next week with ping

And elara and other people so let’s go with with pin bun you know they have a follower and subscriber only chat but the rates are starting thank you so much everyone for the beautiful day you don’t know how much it means to me that you are here with me between these

Massive gigantic very heavy massive badonka honkers that is my heart and there in my heart is a very special place for you thank you for witnessing with me the finding of the diamonds oh by the way jeep wrangler thank you so much for your follow and taco cut this is a cute

Username you have yeah minecraft server is gonna be great um i just need to get the you know the reasonings on how to do it i will ask some friends hey how do you run a minecraft server do you prefer realms server from the minecraft itself

Or do we hire a custom server somewhere i will have to ask someone for assistance at some point and once that happens we have it all ready we can enjoy some time of minecraft anytime of the week but also most organized during fridays at chunky time because that’s usually what happens in

My discord server i love you so much please have a fantastic new start of the week okay i hope to see you for the outlet scary stuff thank you for the hydration falcor i will do in the moment race is starting take care all i love you give me a lot

This video, titled ‘😕 Minecraft lost in caves! – Twitch VOD 😊 (Vtuber: ChonkyLotus)’, was uploaded by Chonky Lotus on 2022-09-01 23:11:49. It has garnered 543 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:51 or 12591 seconds.

#ChonkyLotus #vtuber #minecraft +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= “Third gameplay! Found lots of diamonds too but…the caves got me confused”

Subscribe, Like and all that stuff to enjoy more” +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=







0:00 – 6:03 Intro 6:04 – 50:47 Just chatting 50:48 – 1:25:25 Building 1:25:26 – 2:38:23 Caves 2:38:24 – 3:22:43 Exploring 3:22:44 – 3:29:50 Ending

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  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More