Crazy Trolling in Minecraft Realm – Cashout on Kroniikz627!

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Doing nah bro I’m done you know what no get away from me what is wrong with you you say you literally bent you literally banned literally hacked items but you still want to use them get rid of them right now bro I really just wanted to see and

See who joined the server bro not literally get killed and almost died ah I’m going yo crack you won’t hide that it’s cracked items why am I why am I getting banned I haven’t even done anything yet I don’t even have to have to act up but you have the Hacked ax

You just broke my helmet you just broke my helmet with a hacked sword I don’t care bro like either way bro money on your Dad’s credit card again bro you got me [ __ ] up foreign no I got it fine this one little [ __ ] I said he ate he hates all black people

He said he was a card hates black big boys all right rapid can you include your audio oh bro replays guess 12 bro this man spends money on his dad’s credit card without him knowing what’s it called paying for it that Realm dude that hurt me

He’s mad at me for waking him up okay I don’t know cash are we even still friends you’re a [ __ ] I don’t even unlock wait do you need me to help you level up or do you want me to go grambly you need help loading up or do you want

Me to go Brandon shut up huh can you make our own party my father I need what can we okay hey guys we’ll be back man Rapids broke my helmet and I’m mad why they’re good have you even looked uh look what we’re good look at the fire okay what’s happening

Include your audio so what are we doing right now I’m gonna go make a base what I didn’t do anything stop teleporting us random places oh they teleported y’all wise gosh my gun is so upset for no reason yeah I don’t like just getting randomly tea people

No I hate this place let’s go somewhere else all right you’re taking us uh why are you trying to hit me right now I’m just slanging at you we’re both from creative it’s not like I’m gonna actually damage you creative battle I have one okay I’m joking so what are we doing here What are we doing here who wants to fight two seconds your turn 20 years worth full time let’s prepare for the coming of them Okay reflective room I am not worthy hey repellent how much damage does this do stop hitting him uploading and uploading stop I was legit floating repellent did you see that I don’t care I’ll be I’ll be playing on Java soon but I’ll be able to keep my

Xbox and I might be able to talk to you on Discord and switch back to bedrock and still play my Realm stop hitting him also break your armor again we break my armor then I’m never playing again okay yeah I’ve been with friends with repellent longer so I just would uh

Okay I’m gonna go explore this cave this cave look good She is in fact dead I’m the only Survivor for a random dude name okay I’m live at the tornado uh Dylan Dylan please tell us how you survive right now says uh gestures slash XP wait I’m gonna do a command that should help you oh your majesty that should have helped oh

I’m typing a command for you right now repellent X here three and it’s bottle 256. okay oh yeah story yeah Okay what’s up yo what is this repellent put it down I need to see what’s in it all on me just let me see it first hey it’s my kid that’s it you know what that’s it Rapids I’m done I thought you were in Creative I’m sorry no no that’s it

That isn’t fair wait a minute it’s not yeah cashes can be really annoying sometimes I swear oh you think this is oh you think this is a joke that looks 1v1 come on all right [ __ ] come on I’ll use all right three look at you using that hack an item bro

Like see this is what nah bro I’m done bro I’m not playing wait we’ll one through one more one more time I’m switching out my my um check out everything right now that is hacked or else I’m leaving okay bro what are you doing a problem no I hate you Rapids I’m done

Wait I’ll give you foreign you hate me so we’re not friends anymore that means everybody doing all this bro like I’m just trying to join the server and have fun yeah but you were being mean to repellent first of all don’t hit me oh great oh great yeah

Why don’t you even live out of a base with me no not your repellent I don’t even live anywhere oh there’s a nomad so you’re not on my you guys aren’t on my team that means just because I’m nah bro nah you’re forcing us to live with you no

No if you want to be on my team you have to live with me oh wow using strength wow no no I’m not yeah you have to I know but if you know then how come you’re making us do it then well how are we ever gonna meet up how

Are we gonna be a team if we aren’t together okay you guys don’t get a totem Farm then because it’s at my base you guys don’t get a mob farm it’s at my base you guys don’t have a lot of stuff that’s good at my base okay cool I know foreign okay

Shut up cash what don’t make fun of repellent I’m not even that is in front of him I just said ah yeah you don’t lie okay why are you here you’re not at my if you if you don’t want no no no no no no no

Like wait first you want me to live at the base now you don’t like which one is it bro hush well if okay if you want to live here you’re gonna have to me you can live in this space right here this is all right whatever first oh well well okay repellent

Set your spawn in this house okay cash you’re gonna have to make your own house because there’s only two beds in one house all right okay I’m tired of this what I kind of want to Exile you cash bro get off here I haven’t even done anything bro I’m done

Oh my God yeah okay you’re exiled from the you know why should I be your friend anymore cash what am I even doing bro I’m literally standing on top of a roof a roof I don’t want well you said you’re living outside my base if you’re living outside

The base you need to have permission for me to come here I was living outside I never said I was living outside the base you said you’re living outside and usually when people say they’re living outside they mean they’re not they usually mean we’re living outside a certain area they don’t usually mean

Kind of just want to make a new base but we’ll start the realm no why it’s gonna be a fresh start for us yeah but but what why should we and not only that but there’s literally not many places to teleport anymore bro like every single place we’ve teleported

To and everything that’s already been conquered looted everything bro no it hasn’t I said hers God you just don’t like to exploring you know fine if you want for Rome to be resetted I’ll reset it oh I’m just gonna cheat in stuff anyways oh wait wait wait Rapids leopards let me

Give you a cheat code let me give you a c code okay a Seiko yes a seed code it was one of my oldest um worlds that I had it was called the oof s p I’m gonna give you the C code to it so that way um we could play inside the

Oop s p uh please dude it would really mean a lot it’s my room I’m already I’m already being nice to you and resetting it for you I’m not letting you choose what we play I’m choosing the world war plane that’s the fair part but obviously that is not old yeah

What do you mean normal no I’m gonna make why are ender chests invisible I’m gonna add texture packs and whatnot blah blah be what are you whining about if you don’t want me asking I’m not whining about anything then why are you going or whatever bye oh no

I can give you guys admin oh you want to fight me you want to fight all right foreign oh my God oh yeah I restarted it when was that I’m gonna no I do not remember that that was not me no I was not if it was I would know I do

I know I’m mad at him still for that foreign guys let’s uh this is where our base is gonna be in this area no I’m gonna make I’m gonna fly around and TPU to me stop cash stop him at it don’t apply effects go across the river to me

I’m sorry for freaking out cash okay gosh sorry no I’m sorry for freaking out I’m I’m already starting to make our base foreign I’m tired of people just automatically getting crapped a crap rap load of good stuff Village up here come up not if I beat you to it first

That isn’t fair cash what you can’t call a blacksmith literally it’s just whoever gets to it first well shut up cash Gibbs is a thing bro dibs is a very respectable thing okay I’m gonna make my base off the cliff yeah I don’t see it you oh yeah

No you you don’t have to live in a different base you can live with me if you want I’m just making oh you just have to live within the village to be on the team is up here no try to try to keep for village houses

That just kind of makes a little bit look nice aha there was another blacksmith oh okay I don’t care oh I’ll Golem help ah cash how dumb are you I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing okay I’m just killing it cash teleport back to us

Why does it want to go after me [Applause] repellent come get it cash I’m gonna ban you if you take it that I’m pretty sure that looks like more iron than it was already there okay whatever I took the iron from the Black We e ah it feels good literally being inside a different world instead of being in the exact same one where everything is literally Limited now I can finally start on what I love doing best killing I don’t know or maybe just trying to become the most powerful

Hash you’ll never be the most powerful are we oh I won’t because I no wait because you might think oh just yeah you might be richer than me but I have admin and before you say well we also have admin so we’ll beat so we’ll be stronger because we’ll

Have more riches but we’ll also have admin but I also have the power to permanently remove people from this wow so dude I’m just I’m just making a fact you don’t have to go like wow like I’m abusing it I’m just saying nobody can ever beat me in strength on the realm oh

Wow let’s put that together If you’re talking about riches people can be richer than me but if you’re talking about riches powers strength no I’m the most powerful hey repellent let’s 1v1 I don’t have okay all right three wait oh stop applying effects cash but I already did okay I don’t like it can I get speed

Yeah you can live in here if you want repellent oh I love this base already I’m living here no this is my base wait you can live here John okay you just said I could live dude if repellent I bet let’s do it three whoever wins gets to have their spawn

Set in there here and win and gets to live three two one wait but you did as well and I don’t have strikes I don’t have strength okay okay you’re not repellent I’ll give you the benefit of the down since he had effects thanks yeah but repellent doesn’t know how to

Do do commands all that well so I need am I gonna get home okay okay you can live in here my bed is the one on the smoke you know what wait cat stop breaking it no wait stop I have an idea passion’s bed can be on the floor

Yay the floor I love the floor uh I’m gonna set my spawn point right here no stop cash you’re yeah you’re you’re your bed will be the one in the floor hey cash Rapids why does your skin look like that oh I just like it thank you

Your skin looks weird as 3D and I feel weird so much I don’t have strength no I don’t let’s look through the chat okay go so he is applied Health speed speed Health conduit which gives strength no it doesn’t conduit conduit does not give strength okay dude

Give us all conduit pound power bro oh my gosh bro He’s about to get exposed that’s why you’re crying I’m not even getting exposed but okay whatever they are happy now all right that’s it that’s it that’s it don’t kill him you kill him I’m Banning you from the village wait what do you mean dude you killed him before it’s fair oh All right I love you goodbye all right let’s see I’m gonna hit him with him I’m gonna hit you with bread calm down you get to use your sword I’ll use bread foreign so we don’t give a team mad at each other bro I’m literally hitting you with bread

I know I don’t care stop fighting bro stop freaking fighting but I like fighting yeah I don’t care if you like it run away don’t worry I’ll defend you you don’t worry they don’t do any damage when exploding well they do do damage to players they just don’t do damage to builds

Hey how did you get up there I want to be up there wait I know what to do I know exactly what to do that was fun I like that I missed this oh no no no no no no okay I’m sorry please get away from me oh yeah

I’m not cheating I always have speed I just want you to all shut the frick up I’m tired of your arguing please shut down hey Rapids that’s not fair you’re admin and you have diamond armor and we have nothing that’s not fair you can get

Bad stuff and create them oh but when I do get that stuff in Creative you always have something to say about it foreign I need to literally outrun this man and also kill him and then I’ll do it who are you trying to kill again

Oh look what the block on the block with no block hey it’s a hit combat it doesn’t fly strength I lied no I don’t have strength I swear Rapids no no no that’s it that’s it I’m gonna take you up operator if I know how how do I take somebody

That’s offer operator even though their owner oh bet let me figure out how to do that I’m gonna look it up what you can’t I won’t yo invite lbo o no I didn’t invite oh who banned lbo don’t look at me go away what do I do you know what that’s it no

No I’m not amazing bro yes I am stop hitting me yeah cause you were trying to kill all me I didn’t we’re not even killing anybody are we all I will set your spawn point or I will get you where you’ll set your elbow you want to sleep on my floor bed

Why are you making Messes in my house nobody’s making a mess in the house OBO your bed spawn will have to be down right here on the floor no no he’s not sleeping in he’s not sleeping out I’ll be sleeping on my floor bed oh that’s a nice place for him to sleep

Can you get on my bed ovio sorry oh we all follow me I’ll show you where your bed is your bed is Right Vera sorry we no it’s not as bad that is not oh I forbid him from I forbid you can have your floor Batman

And you’ll have to sleep there I don’t care I don’t sleep don’t no elbow come on if you don’t sleep I’m not gonna play with you what elbow go sleep on my floor bed I just uh I swept on my bad cash I can’t give you any right now gosh

Because I’m too good for them oh my gosh shut up cash who wants lapis I bet I’m gonna give it up I’m really hitting my own rum right now bro you legit just said that we’re able to go inside creative and get things since you already got your diamond armor

Bro and now as soon as we go for it if you’ve got a problem God yeah you no that’s not it not is it bro up that’s not it I just don’t like when people just get free starter shits or admins so we can we’re admins we can cheat on our stuff okay

Okay Please I’m sorry I’m just in a bad mood stop dropping lapis why oh he’s got crazy that’s why this is heaven who wants me to drop emeralds elbow do you should I drop emeralds Dash if you drop emeralds I’m gonna freaking ban you why am I gonna get banned just for

Dropping emeralds bro like is Emerald’s not allowed in the game now you’re just doing I’m fine Mr lapis you know what stop dropping stuff damn tired of these job parties stop dropping stop dropping lapis or I’m Banning you bro I’m literally almost done all right let me just drop rest

All right that’s it okay I’m gonna get I’m gonna go get I got so many lapis Squad all right I’m gonna go find a diamond sword inside an City foreign and go find some diamond stuff no that isn’t no what the reason I reset shut up cash reason I reset the realm is

Because you said over is nowhere to teleport and explore while you’re using creative to go find a place wasting places all right I just came back and I got diamond pickaxe and I got a diamond sword oh my gosh what you up what am I not allowed to have diamond stuff now

The reason I reset the last realm is because you told me there’s nowhere to teleport to and just look for stuff okay and now you’re just and now you’re just wasting wasting places to go to because you want to find diamonds I’m not wasting wasting go-to what are you talking about oh

Nice man I hate this game why I hate my own realm you know what cash I probably once I get my own PC I’m probably never gonna play Xbox again man why I’ll only talk to you through Discord nah bro cause I’m not even allowed to do that

Who wants free gold who wants free gold we can go don’t you dare I was gonna give everyone gold so that way we can go trade in another and get some pearls no we’re already going too fast I don’t want to beat the game already because that just makes Realms boring that’s why

I never but it’s boring just sitting here doing nothing but making houses and trying to get enchantments I’d rather have action while trying to do this as well chance it’s fun okay and it’s not as fun when you finally get the Elijah when you finally get in a light draw and then

It’s just boring after from back because there’s nothing to do here at Rapids take this stuff I don’t really want it no drop me drop all your valuable stuff okay I don’t have anything no you don’t wait all right I’m gonna go in the nether now you don’t

All right it’s time to go find some time to go find a fortress and maybe a Bastion oh my God stop speed running I’m not speed running I don’t care stop going so fast through the game all right I’m gonna go trade with piglets all right piglets empty your pockets

I swear if I find the Ender Dragon beat tomorrow I’m gonna never talk to you again in a minute we live and actually just drop a bomb five because I did if I I’m talking to cash if he beats the Ender Dragon without me oh my God why are you getting

So jealous rabbits hey gold oh that’s a lot of damage you know what I don’t need it oh God I got so much lapis mm-hmm hey Rapids I think the piglets are broken they’re not taking my gold I don’t care right now okay I’m just gonna continuously drop gold on the floor

Gym and come back as a God and just do whatever the [ __ ] Rick I want right did I did I just did you just do me or not first class all right I’m gonna make open my God hey yo repellent you want to see me uh oh you guys you guys want to

See um a mob fight Okay who wants to be the who wants to be the first to get chased by piglens while in another Fortress oh I’m here right now hold on so everybody teleport to me don’t teleport us we were just gonna do Tempo running another Fortress oh

No what are you doing okay and Temple Run you remember that hey there watch it use the play on your favorite iPad oh yeah gosh and it was going to be us against the piglets that we’re gonna chase us and the first to find the um the netherrite

Block wins and gets to keep I get TP myself to you no cash why my Pawn because I don’t want people getting a free network I don’t want anybody just getting a free never right block operators though I don’t care I’m going through some things right now

Stop the line rabbits are freely going through some things right now I just want to do something bro all right where’s the imma do slash locate I bet I can’t oh my God I don’t know don’t teleport people without asking First Cash I don’t all you’re doing is just doing what you

Want not even asking people okay I’m really just tired of this game I don’t want to play but I finally get off cash is gonna whine to me about getting old was I gonna lie Oh I’m trying to find one all right the only thing that you get to eat inside the Nether Fortress Is iron armor from completing the Run yeah no no no no okay no no not from completing the run which you get as a starter what do you get as a a prize of

Completing Veron uh uh a diamond block stop what This Server I’m gonna just delete it because you just why don’t you just make your own server you’re running it like it’s you I don’t wanting myself money to make a note server yeah but yeah but don’t just okay then maybe don’t just

Jump start I Just Want to Have Fun bro like can’t you just accept that okay elbow you want to literally do the tempo run thing too apples Who me um I guess but sure lock up the house okay I’m gonna go hide um a diamond block somewhere no please bro just please give me at least Diamond um please at least give me gear I’m gonna die on armor and a shield and a bow I already have it well I’ll

Get a boat I’ll take them back I’m gonna die I just need a help bro I’m putting it on Peaceful for a sec thank you same thing whatever okay okay I’ll get him good all right now to get the spawn eggs and also hide the diamond blocks hey rapid do you want

To compete as well no why why just a good little conversation you’re not fine TP me I guess oh my God Well nobody will get me because I’m going blade spawner I’m running nobody nobody’s gonna get you I found all right I’m gonna I’m gonna teleport everybody towards me okay what Rapids and last but not least oboe don’t start without me I need some bread first all

Right hold up wait let me get you guys ready I have a shield I have a shield so I’m basically I’m basically gonna go and fight the guys I’m basically wait I need what about me all right can I have a shield uh yeah sure okay elbow you want to get teleported

Too it’s gonna be deadly yeah you guys gotta gotta start running as soon as you literally see those pigs oh this is gonna be fun also include your audio guys include your audio please oh shoot I need to make sure I am included I am all right I I occluded All right the last one to survive and also find the diamond block wins the entire Challenge and gets to keep the diamond plop good luck ah it’s darn we’re nearly starting no wonder these stupid idiots aren’t attacking wait let me change the difficulty follow me no I’m so sorry see me back

Okay okay um just keeping me already got started I can’t imagine right here let me why why how did I what are you doing there are too many of them or else no don’t do it don’t do it yet I need to I need to enchant my boobs I can be more powered

Okay okay Section three I’m very thankfully I’ll take it I’m breaking free okay all right oh my God oh my God hey all right eye protection just in case pickling best in case they have that fire aspective hey another Protection free regeneration regeneration generation a generation one to one oh baby Hold Us bro what did you mean bro why did you kill me I’m Gonna Save Us I’m blocking it off I’m gonna start killing off okay I will keep me back already you’re not keeping me back or else I’m gonna freaking fine where you live in real life and murder you [Applause] um

We’re always the entire piglet Army after you repellent how does it feel right now to be in this moment and also being chased by every single mom you’ve ever seen before I have no idea but I’m running like dreams I want to start running even more because there’s more piglets after a year

All right you know what I’m gonna go I’ll find another place here let me kill all entities first wait wait let’s do it at a basketball let’s do it at a bash game let’s do it at a Bastion yeah no no it’s gonna be too crowded kill at all entities

I swear to freaking God if you do another one of your dumb challenges I’m gonna ban you why oh don’t you swear you’re dumb challenges okay if you’re tired of that then fine don’t participate but geez yeah people are getting way too much old big crap from it nobody’s getting op stuff

Nobody’s even got anything yet you just offered a diamond block and if people go to a bathroom they’re gonna get never right ingots so if I find out you do right you go to a basket not Bastion I’m gonna ban you and slash clear everybody okay sorry no we’re not gonna sorry rapidly

I am not gonna chill repellent hey I gotta open the conversation real quick I gotta go wash my face I’ll be back bro bro it’s just fun it’s just fun to have challenges you can do I don’t care when it’s way too dude we just started yeah I cheated in my stuff

But I don’t want people getting never I can get immediately I didn’t get mad never I can because I still grind for mine every yeah okay I want you to jump into this okay wait don’t jump yeah repellent okay why wait come back I’m gonna TP you back up okay don’t move

Stop it bro are you serious don’t move don’t hit me don’t move can you TP me I won’t move no no he got us on the top with a cliff he’s gonna make us jump off okay four block water thing okay behind you jump down to that jump down to it no ah

I Hate You rabbit I am deleting the realm no wait wait wait no no no no no no no no you killed me for no reason okay inventory back on gosh dang you killed me for no reason here get your stuff yourself he’s trying to kill you that’s what he

Did to me he told me to jump off into this lap which is which is not a water block I dropped more of your stuff repellent it’s behind this house oh my gosh we don’t put the bomb um but what are you doing are you trying to trap me

Bro look at what I can do bro when we were going against the piglens I had to literally run for my life Monica you have two minutes to prepare for the next challenge she will all be teleported because also I have to go wash my face I’m Banning you

Girl what’s wrong with it okay okay so you just do it bro I just realized when you killed me and we said it all my levels so I don’t have one well let me give you those levels back oh crap oh my God what

Oh it takes a while to get to and it keeps going back okay there you go oh my gosh bro you broke my whole entire PC I swear I don’t have a PC yes I do I’m playing on one right now foreign why isn’t the enchantment table working it is

You just need lapis what lapis I put lapis and it is not working so no no my op sword has sharpness free looting three I’m breaking two fifty fourteen thirteen twelve eleven ten twelve nine nine seven six five four three two one oh that’s not a hero

Good luck my contestants first last one to survive wins one diamond block and maybe an even brand new house good luck my contestants I’m Banning you why are you I told you not to keep anybody I literally gave you a heads up I gave you a heads up and you

Still didn’t yeah but I told you not to tape anybody I didn’t hear anybody bro what do you want I didn’t hear anybody hear what you say leave that to me rabbit rabbit rabbits go Rabbits go oh man it looks like nobody’s won the challenge it looks like the Penguins won

If you TP no they didn’t if you give us back I’m gonna find where you live and murder you and ban you from her home is my Realm no you did you just said um all right like literally if you TPS one more time I’m gonna be fine where

You live and then ban you from your realm that’s exactly what you said bro I heard it it is not your realm if you try to act like it is I’m gonna you just said it though no I didn’t mean it no don’t screaming don’t scream at people oh so rapid how

Come your mic sounds a little different than usual I don’t know just leave me alone man wait bro bro Rapids made a death trap no I didn’t jump in yes you did you told me to jump off into water but it wasn’t water it was lapis you’re trying to kill me is yeah

Sure it’s not I’m literally said to me my soul please look at my help please thanks you never give me a boy you’re too slow boys what what’s my Opie sword go watch my op storage shut up huh well then how about we fix that oh no

I dare you to attack one of them attack them and I’ll give you a diamond block s here take the diamond block s again is survive for at least two minutes and you might win a prize again it’s very fun and I like this job okay looks like these piglets aren’t

Doing their job time to up the game a little bit oh no please bro I survived for two more bro what are you doing cash hold up give me a second let me clear all the entities real quick because it’s kind of getting a little laggy right there

Why are you getting so mad you’re cheap but I’m saying repellent tell me everything about cash I didn’t mean to rabbits I’m so sorry are you crying wait why are the villagers that actually looks cool now it just kind of looks like they’re literally shooting with their hands but that kind

Of does look weird now that I think about it why are you killing us I’m just making this horrible for cash somebody knows not to do that again not to do to me though I’m gonna remove your admin MMS you’re removing my admin you know no I’m not great I just got kicked

Wow did you did you kick him or ban him he lost no they didn’t fight I’ll just record what was happening I said it I never said you no oh he tried to put a death trap on me it’s true he tried to put a death cat on me

Where all of you live and throw you all over a river and walk you just cried okay let me explain what happened I was just doing that as a troll okay I now remember it to be a death trap and stop complaining about it so you’re doing

That shut up shut up you spot you tipped us three times seven ever you guys heads up and none and you didn’t even listen I didn’t know why I told you to not do it yeah but at the same time I still wanted everyone to participate no matter if you

Said not to do it or not I said to be ready you’re disobeying the owner I’m not really trying to I just wanted to make it fun and perhaps content and also literally make my friends happy no cash no it’s not fun when you’re getting constantly teeping against your own will

To do some stupid challenge well look man I’m mad I literally just want to play your realm and literally do something fun with my friends and I can’t even do that because I can’t getting killed inside just one server and it’s really nerve-wracking I just want friends does anybody want to

Join I don’t want you to be my friend practically anymore maybe if you stop doing all this okay I need a minute to I need to call back gosh I don’t care you’re obviously afraid cry you need to grow up because you’re crying over it no you’re telling me to grow up

Bro I’m literally still loading out of the realm that I just joined geez all right bro it’s gonna ban you or you keep begging me and everything the more I don’t even want to do this bro and if you take me off our operator there’s no point in me even playing or anything

Because it’s just gonna be boring not being an operator why why because you want to do is admin abuse wow no I’m not even admin abusing and you have no room to be talking about admin abusing have you seen what you’ve done in the past few days

Cat can you join me can you join me no what we’re having a meeting right now come here should not be over end yeah right here okay I’m sorry for whatever why am I getting killed because there is a Pillager shooting you you spawned us foreign that this is my room decisions

Well you can’t you can’t just just pay attention don’t just go just the Ender Dragon without without me okay don’t just do whatever you want if if you if you have a if you have even a little bit of a feeling that that decision you want to make oh my God

Just don’t do it why’d you just break it you’re griefing you idiot the skeleton skeleton you have to replace that but do you understand that if I’m ever on unwanted you like you’re like like a tiki like or like a bass like a mask I’m listening tell me what the event is

What okay and then I will decide because you don’t want to risk if you like Adventure all right and don’t despise all right thanks a lot Okay I don’t care right now I swear I can’t hear you please I’m sorry please please all right rabbits I’m gonna go get another a little bit of a makeover I’m gonna go give the nether a little bit of a makeovers you’re making me cry out of please I don’t care okay

You need to learn to not interrupt and you need to learn you need to ask and stop you know I’m taking away yeah I’m sorry no I’m tired you need to talk you need to learn to stop I’m Banning you right now okay that was your last Drive

Don’t call me a bad friend you know I’ll give you one more chance if I figure out yeah okay oh my gosh now can I show you the realm please why are you mumbling on your breath about me how dare you how dare you um I’m gonna invite foggy and see if he’s

Online if he’s not online if this server does not um 10 minutes then I’m gonna go play fortnite and I’m probably gonna do something pop up hey repellent you want to join that my realm please you want to join this round got a blast bro

This video, titled ‘Trolling @Kroniikz627 (aka XFE4R RAPIDS) on his Minecraft Realm’, was uploaded by Cashout on YT V2 on 2022-12-07 23:00:00. It has garnered 113 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:15 or 4455 seconds.

Srry Rapids if u watching this but u must admit its pretty funny XD Btw if anyone is tryna join Rapids Realm, it’s currently down because he hasn’t updated his server yet


My 2nd Channel: My Twitch: My Roblox Group:!/about

Realm Code (CURRENTLY DOWN) GoqhEqVkMs4

#recommended #minecraft #minecraftsmp #fyp #trending #viral #funnymoments #minecraftmemes #smp #funnyvideo #fypシ #troll #memes #minecraftbedrock

  • Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge

    Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge The Epic Minecraft Experiment: Dogs vs. Wither Battle! Imagine a world where brave Minecraft players pit their loyal canine companions against the formidable Wither boss. In this daring experiment, the question on everyone’s mind is: How many dogs does it take to defeat the mighty Wither? The Showdown Begins As the battle commences, the player unleashes their first wave of canine warriors. 2 dogs charge fearlessly towards the Wither, barking fiercely as they attack. The Wither retaliates, but the dogs fight valiantly, determined to emerge victorious. The Numbers Grow With each passing moment, the player summons more dogs to… Read More

  • Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who’s on Top? Minecraft Showdown!

    Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who's on Top? Minecraft Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Block Bedrock faces all mobs, bold and cold. With each swing and each strike, the story’s told, In the rhythm of rhymes, the tale unfolds. From Creepers to Endermen, they all come near, But Block Bedrock stands strong, without fear. In the heat of the fight, the truth is clear, Block Bedrock reigns supreme, that much is clear. So gather ’round, let the story be told, Of Block Bedrock’s might, brave and bold. In the world of Minecraft, where legends are sold, Block Bedrock stands tall, a sight to behold. Read More

  • Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge

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  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

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  • Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide

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  • Top Minecraft 1.20 Mods for Vanilla Fun

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  • Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers

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  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

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  • Minecraft Modding: Full Armor Effect Tutorial

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

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  • Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGE

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  • Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDY

    Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDYVideo Information tiny emot Left Foot Right Foot left yeah oh This video, titled ‘GRIDDY in MINECRAFT ! Flauschi MACHT DEN GRIDDY’, was uploaded by Candy on 2024-01-08 13:00:06. It has garnered 63935 views and 4890 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. ➤➤🎉 Don’t forget to subscribe! ➤➤My real-life VLOGS: ➤➤Youtuberinsel 2: ➤➤🎮 Discord: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: ✔️ This video is kid friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • ODBO Network

    ODBO NetworkEmbark on a journey like no other and immerse yourself in the captivating world of ODBO Network. Our server is fueled by the passion and dedication of our community, and we rely on your support to help it flourish. Share your experiences on social media, create engaging content, and invite your friends to join the adventure. Together, we can expand the realm of ODBO SMP, welcoming new players, and building a vibrant community that thrives on friendship, camaraderie, and the exhilaration of Skyblock, Survival, lifesteal combat. Join us today and become a part of something extraordinary —ODBO Network awaits your… Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

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  • Fakir’s Fate: Minecraft’s Presidential Twist

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  • Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥

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  • 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

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  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in Love

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  • Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!

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  • Karan – 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft Attack

    Karan - 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft AttackVideo Information you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower a bunch of flowers dude I don’t know man I’m just all about my my sunflower you know post Malone gold I told him to meet us here like is he is he over there I don’t know gold I just wanted to show him my my my play button that YouTube sent me for 200k Subs guys that I almost have oh my God you don’t have 200k Subs I almost have you don’t have you literally do not have 200k at this very moment why are you… Read More

  • Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz Oyuncu

    Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz OyuncuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft deneyleri’, was uploaded by deli oyuncu on 2024-02-10 16:52:16. It has garnered 5508 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱

    Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱Video Information जल्दी से अबे मेरे में इतना दम नहीं है कि मैं इसको इतनी बड़ी स्ड से मार दूं यार लगता है मुझे ही मारना पड़ेगा गाइस लगता है मुझे स् ओ मिनियन ने आखिरकार अपना अपनी ताकत दिखा ली इसका साइज तो देखो गाइस मिनियन का साइज तो देखो जरा इस मिनियन का साइज देखो और इस स्ड का साइज देखो इस मिनियन का साइज देखो भाई अबे रहने दे अब तो छोड़ दे अब तो तेरी जान निकल जाएगी अबे तू तू जमीन में दस जाता भाई बच गया वो तो तू गाइस कोई बात नहीं आगे… Read More

  • Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!

    Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!Video Information [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Hitting 43⭐ in Skywars (Uncut Teams ft. 2YP)’, was uploaded by Joshpacks on 2024-03-08 13:36:46. It has garnered 1276 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds. —————————————————————————————— About ➜… Read More

  • Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!

    Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been in the wonder I’m thinking to grab the clip two three [ __ ] is dead before they can dip I’m not in the blastous ACT we see the brothers they act Federal tracks They Splat in at your back hit them You’ been waiting watching with this [ __ ] blood a PL the [ __ ] [ __ ] C before we hit slide up on the [ __ ] holy water on the clip I just hit the [ __ ] for his glutting and I dip slick Sky skinny Scissor… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack – #1 in the Game?

    Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack - #1 in the Game?Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft best Minecraft soundtrack??’, was uploaded by Greenlord on 2024-03-21 15:36:28. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Propeller Bedwars

    Propeller BedwarsThis is Propeller Bedwars This server is java and is open to all versions from 1.8-latest If you have any questions or concerns make sure to submit it as a ticket ⁠in discord. At Propeller Bedwars, we ensure QUALITY games. Currently, the only bedwars maps available are the 1v1 map (speedway), the solos map (lighthouse), and the 2v2 map (airshow). We value our players. Join today at Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

    Join Robo’s World SMP today! Looking for a small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla Minecraft server that never resets the map? Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our dedicated community of Vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts who value teamwork and creativity. Just like the iconic Hermitcraft SMP, our server promotes a friendly environment with no stealing, griefing, or hacking. Everything is done in survival mode to encourage collaboration and fair play. With a map that never resets, your builds and ideas are safe with us. We support crossplay, so you can join us on both Java and Bedrock editions. Apply on our Discord server today… Read More

  • Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you and the boys are trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting it on fire instead. Whoops, looks like we need some fire safety lessons in the virtual world too! #minecraftfail #boyswillbeboys Read More

  • Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary

    Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary Welcome to CasualEnjoyer’s Minecraft Adventure! Introduction CasualEnjoyer, a 17-year-old YouTuber, embarks on his first Minecraft commentary video. Despite facing challenges like a loud game volume and a quiet mic, he dives into the world of Minecraft with enthusiasm. Exploring a New World CasualEnjoyer starts by creating a new world, encountering crashes whenever he dies or tries to sleep. Undeterred, he sets out to gather resources, dig for stone, and build a base. Future Plans In his commentary, CasualEnjoyer shares his plans to play classic games like the Fallout series and System Shock. He seeks viewer input on game choices… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!

    EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello welcome back to the Citadel of Noms today we have a special Mission we’re going to join a SMP Minecraft server so there’s going to be other people there um which is exciting because you know I have uh you know how I’ve been playing on a single player world for the longest time just you know exploring our own Minecraft world and it’s it’s Unique for me because I’ve never done a multiplayer you know modded multiplayer Minecraft ever so this… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay let’s see does it go all right what is up everyone welcome to the stream it’s your girl kayb boo welcome in and happy Saturday hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and also happy Mother’s Day weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mothers out there you guys are much appreciated um happy Mother’s Day weekend what’s up Deborah what’s up and Marque what’s up Craig I appreciate you what’s up Daniel what’s up duplicate how you doing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!

    SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!Video Information hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to talk about the most popular game in the world having been purchased some 200 million times on various platforms like many of the best games it is simple on the surface but has a surprising amount of depth with unlimited play time the limiting factor is often how you choose to play it which sounds an awful a lot like life to me this is the first five things you should start doing in Minecraft otherwise it wouldn’t be fun number one which is everybody has a different experience and… Read More

  • JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!

    JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!Video Information all right y’all welcome back to the laggiest episode of Minecraft the modded Minecraft series this is episode 21 quick recap from last episode we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra um hopefully the stream is not lagging too bad but we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra and we ended up finding another n city who is your munting buddy not sure what that means L is bad lag no way hold on there’s no way we’re lagging this bad let me see uh all right are we back… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More