Creating CUSTOM MOBS in Vanilla Minecraft 1.17! (Part 1) – Creation

Video Information

So they’re adding new mobs into minecraft well the mob vote may already be over but that doesn’t mean we can’t show them what we are capable of what if we added a mob to minecraft so diabolical so destructive that the game of minecraft would have to change forever i’m talking about something with

The stealth abilities of minecraft’s deadliest ocean predator and something with the offensive capabilities of the terror of the skies of minecraft ladies and gentlemen today i give you the new mob in minecraft the squeeze hmm uh on second thought maybe we go back to the drawing board hello everyone and welcome back to

Another minecraft tutorial video and that first abomination aside as you can guess today we are going to be talking about how to make custom mobs in minecraft now this is something that was highly requested after my custom boss video with the pumpkin if you haven’t

Seen that then the i card will pop up in the top right but i’m sure if most of you are on this video you’ve already seen how to make a boss i’m planning on redoing another video series like that where we go step by step on how to make

A bit of a simpler boss that was more of a personal project that i wanted to document so people could use it as a tutorial but today i figured next up in our rpg command block tutorial series we would work on making custom mobs changing their health their attributes

Showing what you can actually do to make them stand out from other mobs in your game before we get started today i just very briefly wanted to go over the fact that we have started a new video series on the channel called command basics if you haven’t already seen the first

Episode yet then that video will also pop up in the icard in the top right hand corner and this is just a small tutorial series a bit shorter to help people that don’t know how to use certain command basics in minecraft if you want a better understanding of how

Things like selectors and tags work in minecraft then go ahead and check it out i have a bunch of these videos planned just kind of going over the syntax in minecraft command blocks in general so if you’re someone that wants to get into map making and command block usage in

General then i would suggest checking it out it might just help your learning that much easier especially what we’re doing today in this video so making custom mobs in minecraft let’s just cut right to the chase when you want to make a custom mob what do you think that mob

Should be like you know a bigger version of a certain mob it should have more health maybe different attacks it should look different well luckily you can actually customize a lot of these features in minecraft just using different commands and nbt data so for the purposes of this tutorial we are

Going to be experimenting on a slime to show you the different things that you can do and then at the end of the video per usual i will have an mc stacker tutorial where we will look at a zombie and we will build it from scratch there showing

You all the different armor properties and stuff you can do but for basics you know when you make a rpg a slime is pretty much one of the basic enemies across all rpgs so we will start today with a slime just like when we were making villagers in

Our custom trades tutorial we’re going to need to start with an ideal base mob or a mob that we create that is ideal for customizing so if we pop into our command block here you can see that it is empty and we are going to start by

Summoning a slime so just like before we are going to use the summon command and we are going to use the minecraft slime now before i actually get into that you can see just like i’ve talked about before you can summon any entity in minecraft so if you were curious how i

Made that squid uh back there with the ink cloud all around him constantly you can summon uh if i show you right here an area of effect cloud is actually one of the entities in minecraft so you can summon them to do different potion effects and things like that all

Entities should be included in this list you can scroll down and maybe get some inspiration uh if you want to use non-traditional enemies and things like that um there’s actually a lot of stuff that you can spawn llama spit experience orbs item frames all sorts of crazy stuff but

We will stick with this line so uh usually we summon it at some pretty relative coordinates just on the command block but we’re because we don’t want our mob to suffocate inside the command block we are just going to do the little tilde and put two so it’s behind the

Command block by uh two blocks and then uh also above the command block just so it doesn’t get stuck um and then the z value is fine where it is okay so just like before this command itself if we press done and hit the little button you’ll see sure enough it spawns

A medium-sized slime right here right behind the command block just like that simple enough we uh we don’t need you around i realize slimes are going to get a little annoying with the uh with the amount of splitting they do but that’s okay so now that we’ve done that we want

To add some nbt data just like we did to our villagers in our previous video so we’ll go ahead and add the curly brackets right here to indicate some nbt data and this is actually very similar to the villager so if you remember we set a custom name for our villager and

We had a couple of other tags like persistence required that we’re going to put on our slime if you remember towards the middle of that custom trades video i talked about some parameters that are pretty universal to all entities and these are going to be some of them so

We’ll start by giving it a custom name so we will say custom name visible and just like before we’ll put a colon and put 1b now a reminder if you haven’t seen the custom villager tutorial that’s okay i’ll just briefly re-go over this if you put a 1b it’s basically setting a

Parameter to true and if you want to put a 0b it will set it to false sometimes different parameters use different amounts of numbers depending on how many options there are but for booleans like is a custom name visible then you either set one for true or zero for false

We will put a comma after that as that is just our first nbt tag that we want and of course let’s actually give it its custom name so that is just a custom name parameter there we will put a colon and remember instead of putting curly brackets because this is a text

Sort of list it well it can be you want to put single quotation marks as your sort of wrappers for this next up a set of square brackets to indicate that it is going to be an array or list of items and then you’re going to want your curly

Brackets to input your actual values so when we input a text field remember that we want to do double quotes and put the word text to indicate that the game is going to read a string and then we’re going to want to put a colon and then we

Can input the actual name again because it’s a string we’ll need another set of double quotes and we’re going to do something interesting with this slime we’re going to indicate that it is just a basic level one slime by adding sort of a little uh marker to it

What i mean by that is we are going to have the first sort of part of its name b i’ll put little brackets here this these brackets you don’t need because we’re in a string right now these will actually show up as brackets i’ll i’ll show you

What it looks like at the end i just think the brackets make it look like an official rpg enemy um and i will type level one there we go so if i hit done right now our slime should spawn with the custom name level one in brackets i’ll just show you

What that looks like right here there you go level one now you could stop it at this if you wanted to and just let players figure out that you know this is obviously a slime but some people use texture packs you know you may use different types of mobs and things like

That so we’re gonna change it up a little bit more but that is how you make a custom name on an enemy simple as that okay so before we get out of this text field that we have right here we’re also going to give it a specific color so if

I add a comma indicating that we had a text field and here’s the name this next field we’re going to put is color which also needs to be in double quotes indicating that this is also going to be a string and i will put a colon right there also if you’re

Unfamiliar with what a string is and why i keep saying it no it is not the silky drop that you get from spiders a string encoding just means it is a a text field a a word if you will um where you have integers being numbers and strings being

Sort of word values so when i say something indicates a string it means we’re just putting an actual word in there for example color is going to be the string and the string will be let’s do red so now if we hit done just by adding this into the same curly brackets as

Before you can see that this slime now spawns with the level one in red which is pretty cool now this can indicate of course to your players that this is an actual enemy you know red text generally means enemy okay so now we’re done with that first

Text field but we want to give it a little bit of an addendum not just leave the level one in red so what you can actually do is add another text field right after this as long as it’s in your square bracket array we’re going to add

Another set of curly brackets and we’ll add another text field like that a set of double quotes because it’s a string um and then we’ll do another set of double quotes because this string we’re going to call it we’ll do space slime now the reason i put a space right here

Is because this second text field will take place directly after the first one so if we just put level one and then put this next text field without the space slime you’d notice when i spawned it there wouldn’t be a space between level 1 and slime but because it takes place

Directly after we’ll add that space in so there is actually a space between the words also just because this is a slime and because we can give it a little bit more flavor we’ll add a comma here and then we will do another set of double quotes

Add another color field colon and this time we will do green there we have it so now if we press done and we summon our slime again you can see that it actually says level one then there’s a space and slime in the green text this is pretty cool so even just by

Doing this you can differentiate your own custom mobs on your server or your adventure map just by giving them different colors in their names now you could do this add infant item if you wanted to you could just have a whole bunch of text strung on all with

Different colors in theory you could even have each individual letter or number be a different color so you could have mobs with rainbow names and things like that which is pretty cool but we might get into rainbow text and other text formatting in a command basics

Video great so we’re almost set up with our base mob here before we start modifying its statistics for being our slime you can pretty much set up any mob the way we’re doing it right now by giving it a custom name and the next thing that we’re going to want to add

And i recommend giving to all of your custom mobs for future use is a tag so if i go ahead and add the tags parameter right here this actually needs a set of square brackets indicating that it will be a list of items so what are tags well we covered

Them in our first minecraft command basics video but just as a brief overview they allow you to give certain words or tags to any mob or entity you want to allow you to sort or call on them later so for our purposes maybe we want to keep track of how many enemies a

Player kills or how many slimes specifically a player kills or you know keeping track of different healths and damages of different teams you can check using tags i’m just going to teach you how to do this in case you want to do it anywhere on the future of your server i

Don’t think we’ll use it too much in this actual video but i think it’s good practice to when you’re making a custom enemy we can add just very basically the enemy tag all this is going to do is any enemy spawned like this in this command

Block with the you know command set up like this will have the enemy tag this isn’t going to show up it’s not going to be under their name it’s an invisible value but you know now you can always check you can set up a scoreboard and

Say okay every time a slime with the tag enemy is killed you know give the player a coin and things like that so i think it’s good practice to give all of your custom mobs tags so you can call on them and sort them later just in case you

Need it and then finally another good practice parameter that we’re going to add here uh is making sure that our mob cannot pick up loot so there is actually a parameter here called can pick with a capital u pick up loot and this is another boolean so we want to set this

One to zero most mobs have this set to false by default i just like to put this in my custom mobs because there’s very very rarely a time that i want an enemy like a zombie um picking up a piece of armor that one of my players

Accidentally drops so if you set this to zero or false it just means that enemies no matter what type of mob they are cannot pick up any loot you drop this is also specifically very good for piglets as well and there we have it that is it

For our generic mob uh as an ideal base so if we spawn it you’ll see it looks just like it did before but now it also has the tags and also can not pick up loot because we set that to zero so there’s our little level one slime

Uh perfect so that is how to make an ideal base mob you can do this with any mob you want set their name give them some tags and make sure they cannot pick up loot unless you really want them to of course you can always go through mcstacker or look up on the

Minecraft wiki other parameters that you may want to turn on or off but i think for all mobs in general these are the things that you should turn on now you can also turn on the persistence required parameter as well i don’t know if i recommend it if you have a smaller map

Then maybe putting it on would work but it does mean that every single mob that you spawn with the persistence required tab will always be loaded so if you are playing on a bigger server it might not be the best idea to have a whole bunch of enemy mobs loaded

Especially if you’re making these into a spawner which i can show you how to do at the end of the video then having a whole bunch of random mobs spawn all the time with persistence required could get a little messy however if you are having

Only a couple of unique mobs or a boss that you want to throw in there adding that persistence required just means they cannot despawn so you should add that to any important mobs that you have and just to show you how that is done it’s just another parameter here called persistence required

And you can set that to 1b okay so we set up our generic parameters for any mob in particular we have just started working on the slime so now let’s make this a bit more unique as an actual level one slime so we’re going to give it some custom attributes now if you’ve

Seen any of my boss tutorial videos this will look a little bit familiar to you although i’m sure it is still very confusing so i already have the command from our previous command block in here we’re just going to go ahead and add to it so at the end of our parameters here

We’re going to also add a comma and add the attributes parameter now attributes are pretty interesting and if you haven’t seen my boss mob videos before then basically you can add attributes to modify statistics of a mob their movement speed their health their base damage things like that but sometimes

It’s a little tricky in the way you do it it’s not as simple as just adding damage up or movement speed down there’s a couple of formulas that go into it sometimes so because this is a list of attributes it is a set of square brackets here and then we’re going to

Want to start with our first one so we’ll add a set of curly brackets and within the curly brackets we want to change our slime’s health to be a little bit weaker than a normal slime’s health which i think a small slime i think has six health i could be wrong about that

Actually might be a little more because it did survive a hit of a diamond sword so it might be like eight health but regardless we’re going to change it down to five health as this is only a level one slime so you could very very easily

Two shot it with a wooden sword and pretty much anything else above that is gonna it’s gonna kill it very quickly so to do that to set the health attribute you have to start with name because it looks for the name of the attribute again this gets a little weird and for

Health it is generic dot max underscore health that is the attribute for the max health not mac that would be max and then we can add a comma so this is the attribute that we want to change and what do we want to change about it we want to set the base

To 5. now what this is saying is we’re looking at the max health attribute and we’re going to set the base of that attribute or just the default of it to five which means instead of our baby slime having whatever health it normally would or a random health depending on

The size of the slime it will spawn with a base of five max health now it should be noted if you’re doing this in the opposite direction and you’re spawning let’s say like a zombie which normally has i think 20 health and you want it to

Have more health you can set the generic max health base to whatever you want like 40 or 60 however that will only be the max health very often you will then have to figure out a way to heal your zombie up to that max health because it should usually only

Spawn with its default health but because we’re lowering it it can’t spawn with more health than its max so it will automatically go down to what we need okay so that’s the first attribute we want to change now there’s not much to show you here other than the fact that

We could one shot the slime easier so we’re just going to keep rolling right ahead and we’re going to add a comma within our square bracket here and another set of curly brackets to change another attribute now this one we are going to do name colon generic dot attack damage just like that

And we’re going to set the base of the attack damage without the space with a capital b and colon 1. so usually this gets a little tricky depending on the size of slimes it is a weird mob that we’ve chosen here i just thought you know slimes in general is a

Pretty staple for rpgs if we set the base to one a reminder that health in minecraft although numeric works on half heart values so if we set a one based damage here it’s not gonna do one heart of damage it will do one half heart of

Damage so before when we set the base health to five it’s five half hearts meaning two and a half hearts for the actual slime i don’t know why minecraft works like that but that’s how it does so if we set the base damage to one if

You can get hurt by this little baby slime it will do a half heart of damage to you so right now we are setting the slime’s max health to be a base of five half hearts and the attack damage to be a base of one half heart now because

We’re working on slimes we do have to do a couple more things we’re going to need to add a couple of uh parameters outside of these attributes right here so we can just back up and go right after this comma and we are actually also going to add the health

Attribute and this is just setting it as a base number as well so we will put 5 to match our max health now what this does is even though we set the max health of our slime it’s still going to spawn with the default health of whatever size slime we

Give it so not only do we have to set the max health or what it can heal up to but also its current health now for some reason its current health is not an attribute it’s actually just a parameter here so you can add it anywhere in your

Little parameter section you want so we have health is set to five that’ll be five half hearts and an f afterwards and then the other parameter we wanna add specifically for our slime is a size up now baby slimes the smallest size the one that’s been spawning by default

Can’t actually hurt you because they’re too small so what we want to do is make the next size up now this is a very interesting parameter that is only unique to slimes and magma cubes and it is called size and you can set this to pretty much be any non-decimal actually

I think you can even do decimal values as long as it’s not below zero so if we set one for example that does not need a letter after this that will spawn a slime with a size of one now this doesn’t actually mean much unless you

Have something to base it off of so slimes by default can spawn with a size of zero one and three that’s the small medium and large that you’re used to seeing in vanilla minecraft however you can abuse this and set it to be as large as you want but be warned it can

Crash servers i think the largest i’ve ever made one was 1000 which is i mean it’s it’s like a world ending sort of event it also works on magma cubes as well so now we’ve set its current health to be five half hearts which will match with its max health

We’ve set the size to be one or medium so we can actually uh take damage from it and its base damage should be half a heart so if we hit done right here you’re not going to be able to see too many differences as i hit the button you

Can see there’s a little slime he is medium size so you can definitely see that and if we pop back to survival mode he’ll come back over here and you can see he now only does half a heart of damage look at that perfect so we know that that’s true now in

Theory assuming that we are punches do half a heart each you should take one two three four and five to kill there you go now it should also be noted that slimes do split uh and they will actually carry their attributes from their parents it’s not too much of an issue when you’re

Working with you know small slimes because the baby slimes don’t actually pose much of a threat so they can die pretty easily however if you are working with rather large slimes their size generally gets divided in thirds i think it is so if you’re working with like a slime of size 12 the

Next one will be a size four and then it will go down to a size one or zero depending on you know what the slime is if you have a whole bunch of other attributes on your slime like very strong damage or health they can inherit those as well so just

Be careful when working with slimes and sizes you’re going to want to do a lot of testing to figure out which size is best for you but either way there we go you can see that it was doing half a heart of damage to me it had five health

It had its custom name and everything like that so with this command right here we’ve now basically created a custom slime with its own name uh its own health values its own damage values so this is pretty good now this is great and all and it is enough to just make

These custom enemies that will attack you with their different damages and different healths but of course we do want to take it a step further because what is a custom enemy without custom drops but unfortunately we’ll have to save that until the next video as i

Realize these are getting a bit long so remember if this first part of the tutorial helped you out in any way shape or form leaving a like would be greatly appreciated uh make sure you subscribe so you can see when the next part of this tutorial comes out where we’ll

Start talking about custom loot drops and things like that and then probably a third video is when we’ll get to the mc stacker and making spawners and stuff like that so if you want to make sure these appear in your box subscribe and hit that little notification bell thank

You guys so much for watching i hope this stuff helps your command block escapades and until next time see you

This video, titled ‘Creating CUSTOM MOBS in Vanilla Minecraft 1.17! (Part 1) – Creation’, was uploaded by MudkipNinja on 2021-11-10 18:30:04. It has garnered 17586 views and 503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:44 or 1364 seconds.

Part 1 of 3 in creating custom mobs using command blocks.

In this first part, we start by making an ideal mob that will be perfect to alter as we need, and begin to change its attributes like health and damage!

Pastebin Slime Setup:

============================================================= 0:00 – Intro 1:33 – New series 2:17 – Slime creation 5:12 – Custom name 10:21 – “Enemy” tag 11:57 – No loot pickup 12:37 – Slime test 14:11 – Changing attributes 15:06 – Setting max health 16:53 – Setting base damage 18:24 – Setting health and size 20:20 – Final test 21:56 – Outro

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    AdiExtraa's Epic 100 Day Minecraft Island Challenge!Video Information तो यार आज मुझे एक ऐसे आइलैंड में 100 डेज सरवाइव करना है जो पूरा का पूरा हवे में है इस वर्ल्ड में ना ही कोई बलेज है ना ही कोई स्ट्रक्चर और ना ही हम लोग कोई डायमंड माइनिंग कर सकते हैं अब मुझे नहीं पता भैया इस वर्ल्ड में मैं कैसे 100 डे सरवाइव कर पाऊंगा पर यार मेरे पास कुछ टारगेट भी होने वाले हैं जैसे अपने लिए एक फुली एंचांटेड नेदर आइड का आर्मरर बनाना सारे बंदरों के लिए एक बढ़िया सा ट्रेडिंग हॉल को बनाना एंड में जाने के बाद हमें उस काले… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block Challenge

    Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block ChallengeVideo Information I found a Minecraft build that literally took 1 billion blocks to make and me and my friends are going to show you the difference between that to a ton of other builds starting with this one block build let’s check it out it’s just a chest it’s like a box oh look at this oh wait a second this is more than one block I’m giving it a zero out of 10 I’ll give it a one for the one block it’s supposed to be I’ll give it a two cuz I like it but will it… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraft

    Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraftVideo Information [Music] R if you like your coffee let me be a coffee po you call the shots babe I just want to be yours Secrets I have held in my heart my harder to hide than I thought mayy I just want to be yours I want to be yours I want to be want to be your want to be your This video, titled ‘#ludo if any one playing #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ayush Sahani on 2024-03-14 08:13:24. It has garnered 437 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming’s Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadness

    🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming's Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-06 14:00:07. It has garnered 11630 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizo

    Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizoVideo Information oh I did cat in college you did cats in college up why what’s ours is yours call it meat meat spam drown the cat drown the cat drown the cat they love to be drowned did you guys make out yet I think I missed I think I missed the session you’ve gooned yourself into Oblivion and we can’t get you back out of your goon hole what’s his is yours I think a nub is bad nub nub is probably useless right a nub like a button at least 50 ,000 so where did he get… Read More

  • Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive Hub

    Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive HubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 3’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:10:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix – Viral Trending Shorts

    Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix - Viral Trending ShortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] down This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART #music #remix #viral #trending #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unique Adhiraj on 2024-01-07 12:10:29. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Yeenon Network

    Yeenon NetworkYeenon Network, otherwise known as the new Redesky, is a server for Skywars, and will soon have bedwars and murder mystery, me and my7 brother Matan create this masterpiece of a server to help the community and make the world a better place. Read More

  • TheCelestialRealm – modded | geopol

    Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Discover a nation with constant innovation, a thriving economy, a robust justice system, and epic adventures. Customize your avatar, join factions, or go factionless in a vast world full of possibilities. Join us in CelestialRealm Cold War Edition 24. Join at Read More

  • SoftSlayer (1.9-1.20) Play MC meet your future spouse! ☻

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • 2s1m

    2s1m2s1m: A new minecraft server that i made! It is inspired by 2b2t, and this server originated in ClassiCube. MC Server opened on June 4th, 2024, Server Opened on CC (Now Closed) somewhere in mid-2023. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft gets a pixelated makeover

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gets a pixelated makeoverAnimator plays Minecraft: “I’m just here for the block party!” Read More

  • Steve’s Diversity: The Great Transformation

    Steve's Diversity: The Great Transformation In the world of Minecraft, we’ve been turned into Steves, Playing Diversity 1, with tricks up our sleeves. The original map by qmagnet, a classic delight, With friends by my side, streaming in the night. Akiera and Antari, joining the fun, In a world where we’re all Steve, a race just begun. Version 1.7.4, the game we embrace, With glitches and laughs, all over the place. Check out the map, in the description below, And visit my friends’ streams, where the fun will flow. Stay tuned for more rhymes, in the Minecraft domain, As we explore Diversity, with joy… Read More

  • Trying to Distract Sigma? Good luck with that, sweetie!

    Trying to Distract Sigma? Good luck with that, sweetie! When you try to distract Sigma in bedwars but end up distracting yourself instead by thinking about Herobrine and his creepy eyes staring at you from the shadows. #fail #minecraftprobs 😂 Read More

  • Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge

    Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge The Epic Minecraft Experiment: Dogs vs. Wither Battle! Imagine a world where brave Minecraft players pit their loyal canine companions against the formidable Wither boss. In this daring experiment, the question on everyone’s mind is: How many dogs does it take to defeat the mighty Wither? The Showdown Begins As the battle commences, the player unleashes their first wave of canine warriors. 2 dogs charge fearlessly towards the Wither, barking fiercely as they attack. The Wither retaliates, but the dogs fight valiantly, determined to emerge victorious. The Numbers Grow With each passing moment, the player summons more dogs to… Read More

  • Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft

    Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival with Only One Chest! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the unique challenge of surviving with only one chest! Join Mert_mn as he navigates through this intense gameplay, striving to stay alive against all odds. Unleashing Creativity in a Limited Space With only one chest at his disposal, Mert_mn must carefully manage his resources and make strategic decisions to progress in the game. This challenge pushes the boundaries of creativity as he finds innovative ways to thrive in a world of limited supplies. Strategic Resource Management Surviving with… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS’s!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS's!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh hello hi well speak to myself let’s go we got speaker to myself don’t we all right hello subie hello Ray hello Gog hello Josh how are we aler let’s go I’ll be backck I agree oh my God bro why is my mic so loud all of a [Music] sudden oh my God bro okay there we go way better let’s go all right this I’m just going to turn to 5% how are we doing I’m doing good let’s go if I’m too loud uh tell me please… Read More

  • Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!

    Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zgadnij moją najwyższą rangę! #minecraft #polska #mc #fortnite’, was uploaded by shizak2 on 2024-06-04 16:39:27. It has garnered 67 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts Minecraft Pet simulator X Pet Sim roblox studio how to send robux free robux for free robux January February March April May June July August September October November December roblox roblox pl in Polish roblox verification scam how to ignore roblox players roblox verification protection roblox scam account roblox murdery mystery 2 spend robux cheap robux allegro free robux bloxburg best… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start – Insane Roots UHC s3e1

    Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start - Insane Roots UHC s3e1Video Information hello everyone and welcome to Roots UHC season 3 this season we are going back in time to make a couple of you feel old we’re playing a version that came out in January 2013 which is over 11 years ago 1.4.7 to give you an idea of what is in 1.4.7 you’ve got anvils you got enchanted books but uh Sprint key is not a thing you can’t drag click in your inventory I actually don’t even know if water bucket landed is a thing so just be aware of that and the other thing to let… Read More

  • EPIC Vindicator vs ALL Mobs in Minecraft!!

    EPIC Vindicator vs ALL Mobs in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vindicator vs Every Mob in Minecraft (1.21) – Vindicator vs All Mobs – Minecraft mob battle’, was uploaded by MetaFit on 2024-01-14 20:02:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Vindicator vs Every Mob in Minecraft (1.21) – Vindicator vs All Mobs – Minecraft mob battle Get ready for an epic clash as the … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Showdown! Guess the winner!

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Showdown! Guess the winner!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which Minecraft Building Looks The Best ? #shorts #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by GOUPENARD on 2024-05-14 12:53:14. It has garnered 13418 views and 612 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Secret base Minecraft at different ages! #shorts #viral minecraft ,minecraft, monster school, monster school, animation, minecraft animation, Vtuber, monster school animation, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft school, minecraft funny, cursed minecraft, noob vs pro minecraft, lucky minecraft, unlucky minecraft, minecraft but cursed, minecraft life, minecraft challenge, monster school life, rip monster school, funny animation, animation minecraft, monster school… Read More


    CRAZY FIND: JJ & Mikey Discover GIANT EYEPRINT!Video Information I’m finally here could I have ended up in this stupid world well now the people you’ll have to pay for sending me to Hell let’s see what you can do now I hope you won’t disappoint me I couldn’t believe what I just saw it’s just terrible we need to tell everyone urgently guys run some kind of demon has come here it’s too late to run because I’m already here are these your houses they’re kind of fragile you used to have huge strong locks what happened to you why did you decide to switch to… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE RICH DADDY SHOWDOWN: WHO'S THE REAL MVP!?💰Video Information was findet ihr die restlichen Körperteile von feister seine Beine Arme und sein Rupf sind überall auf dem gesamten Server verteilt aboniert habt wir müssen uns drauf einigen dass wir aufhören damit ALR okay wir müssen wer ist Mike Mike wichtiger ah sorry das ein bisschen länger da im Start aber was habt ihr gedacht neun Leute die erstmal alles einstellen müssen was habt ihr gedacht dass wir direkt nach 2 Minuten starten ich mein stegi ist dabei This video, titled ‘BASTIGHG CORE – WER IST WICHTIGER!?…😏🥶 (cold moment)’, was uploaded by Opa Rico 🅥 on 2024-01-14 18:05:03…. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!

    INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!Video Information all right what’s good guys welcome back to another video um so I’m going to start a new series on my channel where we do a let’s build Minecraft sort of thing uh it’s going to be like fully unedited you know no webcam it’s just going to be simple let’s build you know if you want to learn how to build stuff uh and also I’ll be learning how to build stuff on the way as well so we’re just going to building a city um and you can see behind me that I have got a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information हो एक्सप्लोर कर रहे हो तुम्हें मजा आ रहा है वाओ भाई कितना प्यारा पिग है वो देखो कितनी प्यारी काऊ है हेलो गाई कैसी हो और एकदम से तुम्हें पता चलता है कि वारे मैं तो एक न में गिला ह This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #backgroundmusic #freefire #mlg #music #gaming’, was uploaded by MR_RID_GAMER on 2024-03-02 04:59:12. It has garnered 426 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • FatCatMC

    FatCatMCFatCatMC is a vanilla based community ran SMP with some added quality of life features to make things a little more enjoyable without taking away the vanilla feel and experience of Minecraft. We are a new server looking for more players to join, if you’re looking for a chill server to play with your friends this is the one. Hope you enjoy. Read More

  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla, application-only, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! What to Expect A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A Discord-based application process for quick and easy access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly… Read More

  • Dystoria Patch -Chains- I Weekly new Content

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

Creating CUSTOM MOBS in Vanilla Minecraft 1.17! (Part 1) – Creation