Drake Lytle: Ben 10 Survival Stream

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H h h all right there we go hi guys what’s up it’s your boy Drake here back for another stream oh my God hold on a second fuck dude I I’m going to mute cuz you do not want to hear what this noise is going to be all right sorry about

That my nose has been very weird the last like two weeks it’s been I’ve had to blow it a lot like like starting to feel really weird now um but yeah what’s up guys back for another stream in Ben 10 survival um I didn’t find out how to

Stop the lag I’m probably only going stream for like an hour but uh I got to I got to finish push-ups I was doing cuz I want to turn the last stream into a video but I don’t want to end it without doing all the push-ups so I have to De

All the push-ups done within like the next like hopefully hour which basically means that I got to do CU I had 65 I need to do 150 so I need to do 85 push-ups in an hour which is probably going to be a new record for me

So yeah anyways let’s go and get into the stream I just ate so I don’t want to do push-ups right now but let’s go and get to the game and then go from there what’s up everybody you can see how many different worlds I have that’s from me trying to

Fix the the the world uh it didn’t it didn’t work I I can’t stop the lag so we’re just going to have to deal with it uh so this this is going to be the last stream of the series cuz it just doesn’t work out as a live stream thing Jurassic

Park I’ve never seen it oh my God my nose I am unmuted right okay yeah my nose is so weird I don’t know what’s going on what’s the main thing I’m going to do I’m I wanted get asalon I don’t know if that will happen

But that that is what I want to do my nose I can’t hold on okay yeah it’s like my my left nostril is like hurting it’s weird yeah I want to get astalon uh for no reason at all I just want to get it we have the Blaze

Rod we have this the end Crystal and we have the nether star we just need the dragon egg and the sea lantern and to get the sea lantern I think I have to find an ocean Mom oh wait never mind I can’t do that cuz I need to find an ocean Monument which

Means I need to go traveling a lot and the more I travel the faster the game starts to lag so what if you set the ad on yourself and mods you have no lag oh is if if I don’t use the instance will it not lag like the original I might do

That then I might just make my own inst with instead of modifying the existing one I might do that like right let’s see if that let’s see if that yeah let’s see if that works I’m sorry guys let’s see if that works uh does that’s actually that makes a lot of

Sense I think also I’ve tried everything and I’ve also directly talked with Mary about it he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on cuz I’m like the only person that’s having this problem but let me try that actually because that does make

A bit of sense and how do you say the NW get the fuck out of here dude um that does make sense though so I am actually going to try that I will have to copy everything over but that’s fine uh okay so I’m sorry this no this makes total sense okay

Uh it’s 1.12.2 Forge that makes total sense we’re going to figure it out guys I’m actually I really hope this works if it does I am I’m going to I’m going to appreciate you so much open folder mods this this copy all this over um guess I should also copy that

Excuse me okay and then I need the add-on packs Orderer comp Pi folder you should show how to do it because world is the same problem Oh you guys have you guys also have this problem okay so basically um you come into first Forge you create a new profile you name it whatever you select the Minecraft version which for this one it’s

1.12.2 you go down to there and then uh press create and then you go to the instance right click on it open up the folder and you’ll see this and it’ll just have the mods in the instance Minecraft instance open up the mods folder copy all the mods you want over

To it and then you’ll need to also copy over the add-on packs folder and then depending on what mods you have you might want to copy the config folder over as well I’m doing that for the for the Fire and Ice mod cuz that I changed

The config for that one um and then if you want to keep your world you have to copy over your saves file but then that should be it that should be all you need to maybe player data I might even copy yeah I need copy player data too or wait unless it’s player

Data no never mind don’t need to do that so yeah and then you should be good as long as you have as long as you did all that you should be able to open up the instance and uh you know play the uh play the

Thing um and also if this does work I’m going to update my version of the like my thing on curse Forge so you can just download it directly you don’t even have to go and do all this if you want to use my my pack specifically that is best Minecraft Youtuber I’ve ever

Seen okay sure bud but no I appreciate it um did you see your comments um I read every comment so yes I did probably I just don’t know what it said I don’t know which one you’re referring to all right guys while we wait let’s

Push up time yay I’m going to throw up cuz I just ate let’s do it oh god oh no oh God I’m going to break everything okay all right so we’re at 65 I had to do another 85 to get 150 150 was goal when I say I’m going to do

Something I do it too I I don’t lie like a lot of those comments on YouTube are like forever you like this gets I’ll do a push-up like no that’s specifically why I’m doing this too to prove that I I I I do what I say I’m going to do so there’s another

20 and then we’ll come back to that in a few minutes or whatever Lantern rings uh don’t think so not in this one so now we are up to 85 push-ups if you you’ll give me 10 bucks if I say something I’m not going to say the nword

Shut the fuck up if you ask if you fucking ask for that I’m literally going to ban you have you had a n series before yes but I haven’t continued to do it because the um there was a mod I wanted and it’s not out

Yet so I just decided to just stop doing it until it came out cuz it’ll really it’ll just make it better for me cuz I was using the RS Maga mod for a lot of the powers which is fine but then wait no that but then

Um the the real thing was just the Spinjitsu was like really like I can fudge lot of things with with RSP mod in particular for like anything any series like hunk I can like that RSP works perfectly fine for like any like superhero based thing easy you can use

That but like with Ninjago specifically for Spinjitsu like I you really have to fudge it like you really have to use your imagination to make this Spinjitsu seem like all right with the way I was doing it at least so I was just like ah screw it I’ll just

Wait until the Spinjitsu mod comes out um and I don’t think it’s out yet so I’m setting up my controls right now so give me one second yeah I really hope this works if it does I will love whoever said to do this and I’ll also tell marshy that it’s something just with

His instance come on hurry up I don’t need to do all that how many buttons do I are in this mod pack good Lord like nag he always complains about how my my I have so many buttons in my mod packs cuz I have a lot of mods in my

Mod packs um all that is fine okay so now if we guys stop saying the n word in chat if you keep doing it I will fucking ban you and that is not a joke to stop all right we go into the world hopefully hopefully the lag will stop about to find

Out someone just subscribed wow lizard the crafter or something like that it’s raining he we have everything that’s a good start I didn’t break anything on on the up not upside nothing is broken that’s good have I collected the blueprint off screen or something uh no I did all that on

Screen I don’t know if it made it into the video or not but it was in the video video where I recalibrated my omits I really don’t like that it’s raining okay but this thing doesn’t have 9 gabes of ram running into it so we’re definitely

Going to crash at one point for sure um but it’s fine we’ll get them when we get there yeah so I wanted to get acelon but I need to get a sea lantern so I need I’m just going to wait and do that not in the Stream So I guess I’ll just focus

On getting the stuff for the alter Matrix cuz I want to get that soonish what did you miss you missed nothing I did I did a few push-ups for the counter and then uh that that’s it basically titanium play Advanced circuit another star capacitor attacking charge okay how do I get ATT tack

Charge oh that’s super simple the only hard part is padium but I’m sure I have a ton of Palladium yeah got all the plum I need also that much better okay and I imagine it doesn’t need to be charged I hope I don’t know why there’s

No crafting recipe for the small tack on I that’s weird and then I just need two iron Iron nuggets and then glow stone I don’t think I actually have any but let me do that really quick let’s turn into Jeffrey oh wait whoops I these to the buttons much better Jeffree oh whoops I have clouds turned on that’s I almost reset my keys oh fuck that would have sucked clouds

Levels from recalibrate transfers alric yeah I’ve heard okay so I need glow stone oh what is that thing I’m not going to trust I don’t know how I feel about that noise I I I don’t trust it though all right let’s get out of here uh where oh

Here you want contacts between the the videos watch streams no uh this is the this is the second stream that I’ve done the first one was a few days ago and nothing has happened since the last video that really matters the stream is literally just because I was like I want

To stream it why not but you don’t have to watch the streams to enjoy the videos or vice versa if if you you and if anything you actually have to watch the videos to understand the streams because I always do I this again this is the first stream

I’ve done so if you just watch the stream out right first time you’re going be like what where where did you get all this stuff from so yeah I’m not going to get the T I’m not going to get the Tim Matrix in this episode or or in this like stream I

Want to save that for for a video in particular but I am getting it now or I’m getting the stuff for it now uh HP capacitor isn’t that just like a big battery yep interum how does one get interum I oh boy starting to lag um something happened to the Plumber’s

Base what are you talking about what are you talking about now you’re making me think that like somehow you got into this world and you fucked up my my my world or some shit I know that’s not even possible cuz it’s a single player world but wait wait my Rocket’s

Gone wait wait isn’t my wait the night and my plumber suit is gone Okay Hubert I’m I’m going to go to look at the farm make sure everything’s fine there guys I think Hubert stole my shit again I know it sounds crazy but like in the last in the last in last stream like I I was like oh hey I I

Think that Hubert is like you know stealing my stuff like I just said that as a joke but like it might actually be true now I’m really scared cuz why would he need a plumber suit and a a space rocket why would he need that he doesn’t need that shit at

All but I actually think I do I think he’s stealing from me this is bad this is really also I have to I have to get out of the world and and uh up the amount of up the a memory I give it I’m just give it fucking gabes again or

Yeah that motherfucker is stealing from me I swear to God I’m going to cut his legs off swear can you put your loading trunks down uh no so the reason why I’m lagging it’s not actually from my computer not being able to render everything or or anything it’s more than powerful

Enough something is causing a memory leak I’m pretty sure it’s Mary’s add-on because I took out everything I took out every single mod I took out I took out like all the extra mods all the mods that you don’t need to run Mary’s add on

I took out game was still lagging so I went and I took out Mary’s add-on I put in the my hero mod I gave myself full King 100% And I moved around super super super fast and it didn’t lack so it’s something with Mary’s add-on that’s

Causing a memory leak and because it’s a Memory leak there is it doesn’t matter how much Hardware I have it’ll just constantly keep using more and more and more and more and more memory and you can only have so much memory like I think like even like the most most most

High-end PCS out there have like at most 128 GB and that’s like thousands and thousand like tens of thousands of dollars you know most like hi Rand gaming PCs have about 60 64 GB this one has uh 24 I think but yeah it’s not it’s

Not a it’s not a thing of my computer not be able to handle it it’s a it’s a Memory leakage issue and I’m pretty sure it’s CA my Mary’s add-on so yeah uh game is up I just gave myself uh nine more I gave myself N9

Gigabytes so I’m not good at talking I’m good at yapping big difference also I was talking because I was waiting for the game to load okay so we should be good for a minute once it if the name didn’t show up on screen I mean you know that that’d

Be nice please there you go good job um yeah it just take a second for to load everything in right blazing Bon mod this is the same thing he uses more she’s out on I might actually actually I probably should asked him if he had this issue

And if so did he fix it anyways yeah Hubert couldn’t find it not not really sure what’s going on there but I’ll just remake it I guess uh I hate that stupid advancement thing I wish I get rid of it I need HP cap passor which is interium

Interum is made withum dust I need okay I just need two which means I I just need to get two iron dust and then one osmium dust I think I can just get dust by doing that yep and then I combine interum I smelt the interium all right and then we take

This and we do that now I need a lead block which one is lead Uh where’s my lead there it is I was like I’m pretty sure I have lead remember doing the whole thing where like mine for like 20 minute or not 20 for like an hour just getting lead basically lead and like iron two steel which I actually have

Thank God hate making steel then a block of redstone and then just some iron plates four of them 1 two three four one two three four boom now we just take that do that bang how bang don’t know me insane feel like a prince when the Purple Rain hey why am I

There I need okay and then another star we have recover we have advanced circuit and titanium plate do we have titanium I hope so yes we do it said titanium complete right yeah okay and then we just need an advaned circuit there goes the lag again I don’t even know how that’s

Possible oh no that was just normal lag that wasn’t that wasn’t from the memory liage uh okay and then we just need the advanced circuit Advanced hey that a redstone the mgc infuser cuz I don’t feel like making a normal circuit so I’m just going to do

That oh already have a ton of them never mind perfect okay and then need some copper wiring lead iron a lot of iron I need copper lead probably need Redstone probably need this thing okay so then we go and we do two of these then eight of these things those and ADV

Okay we have everything that we need for the Tim Matrix I just don’t want to make it right now like I said I want to do that for a video cuz I have a really cool idea planned um I love how I just have Infinity Stones and I just like don’t use them

Like I find that so funny I have all this power I just don’t care I just I like I like the OM trips I like going haha funny aliens that’s all I care about I don’t care about having the the Power Stone which is literally a one shot kill all the time don’t

Care I don’t need it it’s boring I have it just for the purpose of having an Infinity generator how do you get instructions for Matrix you get a plumbers badge and then you hold a block of emerald and then you press a button and it’ll give you the instructions um Okay so

How’s that doing 31 32 okay that’s not too bad okay so we have we have the stuff we need for the ulter Matrix 5 years later not even bothering with that right now what do I even I need the biomar to get it which doesn’t even make sense cuz the biom chch comes

After the five years later arm CHS but whatever okay uh what else what else do I need what else do I need what else do I need what else do I need what else I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what

Else I do to fight something I haven’t fought anything yet what level am I 24 yeah fun fact Mar actually did not know how fast you leveled up in his own add-on like he was like like a lot of people have actually been gaslighting him being like Oh the level up is so

Slow like oh it takes forever to level up and he was actually going to increase how fast you level up it’s like bitch I literally literally from level one you deal from level one to level seven with one transformation that’s more than F that’s too fast that

Is way too fast but everyone’s like oh faster I want to just level 40 like in like one in like half a second within transforming it’s like what what do you mean anyways sorry I just wanted to Ranch about that let’s go fight something chromosone let’s fly

With chromosone for God if I come back and something’s gone I’m going to lose my shit actually so you’re slow if you think if you think this shit is slow you’re slow fuck you it’s way too fast you want to know what is slow nexos

I will I will admit that nexos add-on is slow you have to sit there AFK with master control for hours to get one level once you’re past level like 25 or something that is slow once you hit to level 20 becom slow no it becomes okay

It becomes a little too fast but not that bad after level 20 literally within one transformation you get one level that is insane there’s no time to actually I’ve used three aliens since I got the Alien Force Omnitrix three and they’ve all every single one has been because I wanted to fly to

Travel that is it like come on guys from Sun out 100 durability I’m def mean the armor bars every alien I think has Max armor bars except for like a few of the OS ones but I’m pretty sure all the en Force Ones have Max armor it’s actually handling it really

Well we’ll find out did you do you guys hear that like sounds like what when I use my cold breath that’s Big Chill okay you know it’s it’s yeah it’s still it’s doing doing fine so I think I think we’re good I think we fixed the lag

Issue I’m not going to say anything yet but like we traveled some distance and it’s still doing pretty good so I’m hopeful I definitely see a time where it’s going to break though if it keeps going up and up and up but it’s yeah it’s still going up actually but

It’s better for right now at least maybe that’s just because I made a whole new instance but you have plans for what watch is are going to make to Summer to uh I plan on making them all but I’m you know going to do it slowly over

Time except for the biome charts I don’t want the biome charts I I don’t care about the biome charts I just want to go from OB to five years later because Bome I don’t care about fusions I think honestly I think the biome trcks is dumb

In in all in all honesty I think it’s very dumb as a concept I think it I mean as a concept it’s cool but I just for me personally I just don’t like it so I’m not going to use it yeah it keeps going down to 25 which

Is really good because before it would always go it would only go down to like a thousand or something but now it’s actually dropping down to 25 which is normal I think I think we’re good yeah I plan on going from OS to AF to UA to OV to 5 years

Later and then I’m done with the omes basically is this my last live on the mod pack if I if this if my thing didn’t fix if the lag isn’t fixed then yes this will be the last one that I do let’s self-destruct tra on yeah good luck with

That I know everything about the mods good luck I’ll fight him I a’t no bitch damn chromos is busted oh that was my force field chromosone is crazy did like four lasers oh my God fuck dude God good Lord I’m just bu different you know I was scared of

Dragons at one point only because of my history with them right cuz like for those who don’t know me and me and the dragons in this mod have a long history we we have a history that goes back a few years right and um you know we weren’t the biggest

Fans of each other you know they would constantly destroy my bases and Hunt me down after they killed me they would hunt me down back to my spawn point and kill me again and again and again over and over and over um and then eventually

You know I I became a fire bender and I you know I I I I became friends with them I guess but then oh a volcano you know what that means you guys know what volcano means cuz I Do actually let me not phase in let me let me let me do this the right way let me have fun with this one there is more what do you mean there is more there’s only that’s that those are the only Omnitrixes try all right you know what try code 8 8720 87

8702 I’m not going to trust you I don’t think it’s going to I don’t think it’s going to unlock anything but I’m going to give you a shot all right you have you have one chance you have one chance to impress me I don’t know why it starts off 1 Z 1 0

8 7 0 2 for the record if this is self-destruct I’m going to be able to cancel it long before it blows up just so you know sequence andag you’re not funny I I literally saw it coming cuz you already talked about it and just like that I cancel it

Although that that that is good to know actually thank you very much that is oh well yeah I guess you can get the exra El and S Tri but I don’t care about those CU those aren’t Canon yeah no that is actually really good to know just in case someone

Happens to get a hold of my omn shirts you know I can just hit him with the Raa sequence and engaged in t 30 seconds oh because it’s the OS uh design it also gives the little orange Parts at the ends that’s cool yeah that’ll be good to know if anyone my

Sharks um I’m going to be careful with this because volcanoes are very dangerous I’m going to go In I’ll go with big big’s the safest bet you can phase and everything there okay I was going to say there’s nothing in here but no there is if you get master control don’t do 871 8701 is that a different code or did you mean this say

8702 now I got to find out I’m sorry I’m just saying that just disengages master control that probably just disengages it all right anyways let’s go and check out this volcano know stop distracting me with codes guys I don’t need your help okay we have a lot of enemies they

Get stronger as we go down honestly I kind of want to just avoid them and just go into the actual where is the oh there it is I can’t see anything yeah uhhuh cool man I appreciate it uh very dark very dark do you have Master Control unlocked no I don’t

Um okay let me let me let me let me okay okay fre please stop oh I forgot I can just I can just phas I forgot I can face through them to freeze them all right you can freeze everybody chill out ow okay you know what it’s too dark in

Here I’m just going to get Out where am I okay here I am it’s too dark I can’t I can’t see anything found a duping glitch in your mod pack uh yeah someone told me about that I don’t care you can do whatever you want so there I’ll come back later though how’s this looking okay still

Going up to five but so I guess maybe it has something to do with how much the world I’ve loaded or something I don’t know I’ll figure it out one day that’s for sure a troll well hello I kind want to go way big I haven’t used way big

Yet and I also just kind of want to stare at the troll sced bitch oh my I’m too far away to hit him with my Las such that there aren any sound effects how is he still alive oh they had armor on that that makes sense jeez guys are

Strong oh there’s a spawner there and I burned down the farm oops sorry oh yeah back the hell up uh randomize it again this thing loves echoo apparently distract them let me eat oh I’m sorry horse what did they drop anything good nope nothing at all just a bone and some

Sticks and some and rock fuck why is your live stream show down by 20 25 seconds because I don’t trust my internet I wonder a okay I was hoping I could make a clone of myself o is this is this cooked I think so yes it is good to

Know yeah I don’t trust my internet so I I just um I I give it a delay eventually I’ll I’ll get rid of the delay but for right now I just I don’t trust it rorm should be able to fly levels what’s the worst that could happen yeah sounds about

Right not funny let’s do it again ah one more time for all time sake you know yeah it’s about my life but again it doesn’t matter since you level up so fast watch this I’m at level I’m at level two right now I can I can level up faster if you want

Just to like kind of prove my point give me a second here uh what’s what’s one that has that this one it funly enough brainstorm yeah um and it’s only been like 1300 ticks and I’ve gotten four three levels already like do it do it again I’ll do it ain’t no bitch

It just it doesn’t matter levels are completely like they’re just easy to get it doesn’t matter if I lose them or not no if I’m like at a really high level it would suck but like I was on at level like 24 it’s not that hard

Though okay cool I tried to tried to fly more didn’t uh didn’t quite work out why did my water levels go down so fast ooh these guys okay let’s fight these guys I wonder if I can what find a woodland Mansion oh that’s well I know where one is but it’s

Um it’s like you know 25,000 blocks away so I’m not I’m not going to go there Um yeah I just thought and fight these guys whoa whoa wait wait wait he he has he has something that doesn’t have his item doesn’t have a texture that’s really interesting oh brainstorm isn’t a oh wait du of course he not spawn has Lightning uh whoa whoa there buddy whoa there buddy uh please okay we’re good hello they have a Glock stop stop stop get rid of that Glock stop H die die hello hair’s on my face oh my I’m going to die no I’m not Glocks can’t stop me

Bitch why does it always turn me in the diamond I don’t even have Diamond Head unlocked hello Hi how are you hi oh they like me yeah I don’t even have Diamond Head unlocked it the fail safe always turns me into Diamond Head literally every single time literally except for once it

Determined the ghost Rak once okay transform into way big then switch to Swampfire well I can’t do that cuz I I don’t have I don’t you need to be level 17 to turn the way big so I’ll do that later though just remind me remind me in like 10 minutes I’ll

Probably be l level 17 then anyways I just go and use Diamond Head I haven’t used him since I had OS so ow fucking B I’ve had a lot of practice with this one never mind I sted you H ow I didn’t mean to do that you sword then swamp

Fire okay let me do that in a second what do that move diamond Shield oh so that’s I didn’t have that before I also don’t think I had diamond fan he’s still moving don’t run don’t run ow I’m poisoned fucking bitch ah no one saw that where did I die over there

D i was Far yeah I think I solve the issue cuz I definitely should be like not the game should not be working by now so I think we fix the lag who who was it that said that I’m sorry I I really have to give you a shout out cuz that is

Solid huh question mark I don’t know if you’re still watching but thank you also a lot apparently a lot of people have been complaining about the thing so you know what fuck it I’ll go ahead and change the the latency since all y’all are fucking I can’t change it right now never mind

I can’t change it Midstream I’ll change it for next stream okay do he want swore in the Swampfire let me do that I don’t know why you guys want this so much do I need to be like big hum andaur or do I just need to be normal hum

Andaur use your fail safe as a PP I I I had already used my fail safe so even if I wanted to I couldn’t have done it I I’ll just go ahead and go big and then um did the switch I don’t oh well got to wait so while we wait what’s up

Guys really curious to see what all right you know what I’m going to fuck around with something cuz cuz I have a really good memory right and if I remember correctly there was a code of something like this I’m probably wrong clearly but you know there’s something like like that as a

Code well fire TR is cool okay we have enough power what level deal stri and B mummy uh you actually have to get those through scanning and you can’t get it with alien force SL chch you have to have OS and then you get it you Reet

Them once you get UA I never got Ben mumming but I did get freen strike I tried to get mummy but it literally wouldn’t scan it so I just was like whatever uh okay let me go humongousaur I’ll also go big just to make sure this thing works I’m going to

Go third person as well and I turn into swamp fire ah I see very interesting because he’s big his his his uh his booster the the the multiplier increased because it it it’s oh my that is fucking awesome that is so funny and they said Swampfire wasn’t the

Best way to travel this I was faster than Jet Ray like that I know so funny you need to hit a husk no I I I I found a husk it just wouldn’t scan it do I need to get hit by it I only like stood near well even then

I did get hit whatever yeah I tried scanning it it didn’t make it into the video because nothing happened so I just didn’t bother to put it in there but I I did I did do that all right let’s do a I was going to do random alien but you

Know I know bitch I’ll get them I’ll someone said that you can’t get control of Alex with uh recal I don’t know if that’s true but might as well give it a whirl right I’ll just see what happens I I I I’m pretty sure you can get control of

It you just don’t have control of it for very long I’m pretty sure that’s how it works that might just be the other add-on though you need Poes for next no I don’t shut up I have poked this clearly as you can tell by the texture I have poked

This that R is too good Mery nerfed him Um yeah I I I increased his speed cuz it was it sucked how slow he was oh it’s it’s okay yeah know I literally can’t even I lit lit can’t even get it um all right never mind then fuck you guys swamp fire my boy swamp fire all right I’m coming in fire

Blazing the hell out of here fire fucking bitch give me your emeralds Hey where’s my body I forgot I had a body that I needed get okay going Mark that death off oh I don’t know my homes I can probably find it maybe hi guys oh he dead and you dead you don’t

Die too oh I don’t think I didn’t think about you I got I got your I got your hot presence right here come come walk with your boy is that all good glad we can have that discussion Now give me your resources no I feel I feel a lot I feel

A lot of uh resemblance to the Early American colonizers currently you know they came in found those Native Americans and they just took them for everything they had you know it’s it’s it’s real it’s a real um a real symbolistic way of saying that you know I am an

American without saying I am an American you know L damn what they the fucking these guys apparently were working on creating feeders good Lord removes curses when consumes that could actually be useful maybe I don’t know I’ll take a bucket fuck it a bucket fuck it wait when the St um huh

That’s cool you know I’m you know it’s I you know I I’m honored truly I’m honored what the hell was that so oh okay I need a lot of food actually so this is good um yeah I didn’t I also need potatoes for a farm probably I have not

I I don’t think I’ve touched my farm like since I made it I don’t even know why I started the farm to be honest it’s kind of just like pointless at this point um take leather sure I’ll take torches too why not I got scarred before marshy released back

Dude Mar she added this feature is this true I’m going to ask him I’m going take a screenshot let me let me let me send it to Mary and oh I I forgot to put I forgot to send the message in my Discord fuck um all right let me let me go to

Marshy cuz I feel like this is not an actual thing I feel like you guys are I feel like you’re just making that up oh no he added I’m I’m pretty sure he didn’t cuz it makes no sense how I got it all right you turn from Diamond Head and

Then have sword equipped you can use it anytime you want I I yeah yeah Marie is literally like how in the world he literally just said how in the world also I didn’t even turn in the Diamond Head I turned in I turned in the diamond

Head and then I died and then I was human again and I didn’t have the sword bro Mary is confused out of his mind I I I think we officially and I still have it hold I never said this to him I didn’t even turn into

Dad bro I I I broke his add-on he is so [Laughter] confused I’m just built different I’m just built different uh yeah no it’s not a normal thing it’s a bug Bas H you know me you know me I’m just good at the game I I unlocked sced

Before he wasn’t even added yeah Mary’s confused that as mine all right let’s go ahead and head okay I I don’t do any extra damage unfortunately but doesn’t matter all right let’s head let’s head back home or try anyway Mary almost spoiled his next update thank God I don’t have my full

Screen on otherwise you guys would be able to see our chats cuz he’s he’s actually sending me updates of the next update which by the way I’m not going to say what it is but I am so excited for it you you actually have no fucking idea

How excited I am for this update it is going to be the fucking it’s going to be like it’s going to be fucking awesome straight up like it like you know a lot of the flaws I have with this mod yeah they’re all going to be fixed next

Update and then I won’t have any flaws with this add-on oh it’s gone now I don’t know when that left all right let’s turn into Mur let’s go as big as I Can you already know scre update I’m not talking about the scre update um this and then we turn it into swamp fire all right uh wow that is that is that is insane you know whoever whoever told me this thank you very much this is this is the best way to travel

Honestly where am I at close enough oh if I don’t Sprint it’s actually manageable but then if I do Sprint okay there’s that there’s a dragon Um I’m going to find I’m going to find my home cuz I remember I remember I remember everything look at that I am a genius no one can deny no one can deny how smart I am I just found my home without knowing where at all it

Was I am I am just that good God now man Swampfire really feels underpowered now after after that Jesus Christ look at the map that actually that would have been really smart to [Laughter] do that that yeah no that that would have that would have been smart um but I

Didn’t need it cuz I’m I’m simply him and that’s a fact they call me himothy which is weird cuz my name is Drake but I don’t complain oh yeah wayo thank you thank you for reminding me uh you know me I’m trying to do the game

Anyways yeah it looks like the lag issue got fixed though I mean it’s still running up but like you know we still haven’t really hit any lag Spike yet and it’s been an hour but it is going up slowly but what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to go out of the game just right now I had way points turned off um I I didn’t I didn’t have any way points at all I’m going to go out the game I’m going to relaunch it and then while we’re relaunching it just like give it a

Nice fresh perspective um I’m going to do more push-ups we’re currently 85 I need let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it all right 85 out of 50 100 I’m done now I don’t feel like doing more right now yeah I just don’t feel like doing more right now otherwise I would okay we got the game and then because I freshly freshly relaunched it we should be good with the memory thing I hope we’ll find out if the game will

Show up on screen hello there we go all right d we have everything we need for the ultim Matrix uh I just I I guess I can just go and try and find a a sea lantern oh wait don’t I need uh hold on let me lift it up

Cuz someone said that I needed to get no touch so if I do but I’m pretty sure I can just craft one if I get the materials which I think I can just get I did it from killing the guardians or I can get it through so

Touch you need 15 titanium placees for timate uh that’s factually inaccurate I only need one as you can see right there I only need one if you’re talking about like maybe if that it also includes like getting the OM Church itself maybe but like according to that I only need

One I guess I’ll just go ahead and try and find a ocean Monument you guys know what that means right it means it’s time for some more swamp fires reversal my favorite thing to do in this game now to gently land before I start flying off into

Space all right wait for me to finish growing fire and let’s go a direction I don’t really know I haven’t gone this way ever man this is something else let me tell you oh well this is an ocean all right let’s turn into Jet Ray Jet Ray thank you

Need a table to see the fall materials I don’t I don’t want to get 50 BL I don’t want to found some pirate ships cool don’t really care it would be nice to be able to turn in the rip Jaws I I I wish I could tell a lie cuz he has

A night vision I don’t think any of my aliens have night vision which uh definitely sucks at times oh that star the fuck out was like what oh here’s one right here all right y need to piss off would you fucking blimy CS I do what did they drop

All right I’ll never know I’ve actually never gotten a drop for them before yeah so here’s that so I either I’m going to try and break it with a pickaxe just so see CU you know I I ain’t a bitch okay so you can just mine these and get

Some they’re trying to shoot me okay okay uh let’s do sh right I can’t see okay do I have any aliens that have night vision I’m about to find out no I don’t but I could use Echo EO I don’t have ghost freak remember I have Alien Force guys use your fucking

Brains do might but I don’t know doesn’t look like it okay and then I can’t actually pick any of them up either and like bring them out of the ocean cuz none of my flying aliens can do that um so just goty to go for it man I see anything okay use my

Eyes okay actually you know what Jet Ray is too fast he he’s too fast so I’m actually going to change oh I didn’t I didn’t want to do that I’m going change the bit chill cuz bit chill is slower so I can actually kind of control myself a bit better hey there’s the

Temple I’m just going to go here and I’m just going to I’m just going to mine these [Applause] things they trying to shoot me no and I still need to get the other things oh that’s right I I have to be able to breathe too okay hopefully I only need one sea

Lantern I need need four person marine charts bro where are these guys at it’s so dark okay hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Peter hey Peter come here I got one we have one there bring him to the surface where I can see him

Two nope never I didn’t get to I’m I’m a liar I’m compl I completely fabricated that statement I’m sorry oh wait no torches don’t work cuz it’s fucking water never go e on mode yeah I know thank you but I know I’m never going to get there anyway

I you know how many times I’ve been level 40 zero which is ironic because I’m always saying how easy it is to level up but then I also constantly lower my level just for fun back here okay we have four is that enough okay that is

Enough so this should be all we need right oh brother okay you know what they want me so bad they can have me yeah come on come on fight me bitch yeah come on come on bitch yeah that’s what I thought on you want some too huh I’m a Master with cannibol

Oh there’s three of you here interesting that means your guys are three times the bitch that the one that that one was fucking uh pussies damn I was really just like out of power that’s right I almost died no I knew the way points were off I

I chose to turn them off but also I didn’t have them on in the I I didn’t have any way points until I got back to my house but I choose to have them off because I don’t like seeing them all the time uh anyways that should be enough

Power I quit change in the swamp fire I love this I love this so much guys you have no idea you really don’t hi skeleton Mage that’s not nice don’t do that stop what is wrong with you man come on you need healed is that is that your

Issue that oh that okay no he he’s just asshole he is alleged the what I I have another form of flying do you hear that wait why was it making that noise also since when did I since when should I fly like this I never knew I could fly fly like

This I always just thought I I it was just the superpower but apparently you have like eltra type flying I didn’t know that also my hair is weird Okay huh I never knew okay how do I how do I stop elytra I just have to land hi

Hubert I’m back got my sea lantern okay so I need to make a one of these things it’s just iron iron and wood why do you think you need the wings mod I don’t know that’s actually a good point I never thought about it

I was just like ah okay I I guess I’ll get the wings mod sure why not don’t have anything else like that I need I need four of them okay this Bang Okay out of my way here at least I only need one of these oh really just the 15 titanium plates cuz that that is literally more titanium than I’ve ever gotten in the history of me playing with the loot craft mod combined I’m not joking about that I’ve

Never gotten I don’t I don’t think out of all the titanium that I’ve ever collected with the loot craft mod I have never gotten 30 titanium ingots before and that that I that also might be like I out of all the titanium I’ve ever collected combined I still don’t

Think I’ve ever gotten 30 titanium ingots that shit is so fucking rare and I never find it yeah at least it doesn’t need to be charged the rest of it is simple enough but like it’s just that that is so hard to get what wait wait wait if that’s

What do I need wait what about ason yeah that that makes more sense now honestly this is easier to do than the ultim Matrix genuinely it is this is substantially easier to get cuz it’s just fighting the weather is the only like hard part but because I

Have my wither Stone Mod it’s super easy well go Bill almost at Bedrock then find it under lava okay so if if that is that hard what about 5 years later oh it’s it’s again it’s just that that that’s the only really hard part the rest of it is fairly

Easy how many weather stars do you need or nether Stars you don’t even need nether Stars I mean I think a beacon uses yeah Beacon use is one but like that’s not hard to get I don’t want it I don’t want it anymore I don’t want it I just like skep right to

Omniverse wait you need to get the pus how do you get the the instructions for the pus how do you get that fuck dude I’m clearly with a plumbers badge Pro probably but yeah I just okay I just go and grab that a blocka emerald ring the ding ding

Just grab it for later um and then just because I’m pretty sure it’s just like a lot of nether Stars oh wait no don’t you make the POTUS oh yeah yeah you just make it okay yeah it’s just a lot of nether Stars the rest of it’s super easy

Though be killing s for a while that’s all yeah Poes is not harder because I have a a Wither sto mod but it’s fine uh I have a lot of copper okay well I’m not getting any of that this episode that’s for sure why is there Stone in here Need the ultimate the bothus yes I know thank you um damn man I really thought I just had everything I needed for the ultimate okay what else do I want to do uh I could move my stuff down I could do that ow this hasn’t been on what is wrong with

You honestly it is really nice not having to mine cuz I hate mining um so yeah it’s really nice not having to do that H what what does this say we on chch a bit more dude okay sure uh sure I have nothing else to do okay uh you know what let

Me we do one more yeah it’s not hard again it’s just the titanium plates the only like hard part or whatever um also I need to put these somewhere else cuz taking up this the whole thing is supposed to be for like all my legendary weapons that I’m going

To put into my base thing whenever I eventually make that I just put them down here in the food Chest okay so Ultimatrix what do we need for this I need to get another wither star let I’ll do that all all right wither here I come oh that’s a mune skeleton why am I scared chromosone I ain’t scared oh yeah you got arrows I got lasers

See oh that’s I I almost killed the mut the the the the the the Villager hey come on come on all right you know what you’re really harshing my Ste man I don’t think I appreciate such a thing so yeah exploded them real good stop Flying thank You all right let me let me just all right you need to stop okay and then let me turn into brainstorm and oh wait can’t spider monkey carry I have no idea I my God Villager come here I’m trying to save your life all right come with me trying to save your life

Man okay are you okay sir you you have shit you have shit trades you your your trades are shit they they are shit I don’t know why I saved you in spider no all right well whatever kind of want to name this guy see if there’s a name

Tag pretty sure I took the only name tag from here yeah I did whatever I don’t care I just realized this is my first time using spider monkey tally ho all right so I need to get wither dos cuz I need to fight the Wither so I

Can get two uh thing Bobs and then ow one fragment oh I have the I have the thing again why does it actually look kind of sick on Big Chill I’m not sure what’s causing that wasn’t there another one thought there’s another one down here they fall in the lava or

Something wait now I’m burning from lava oh wait no I’m with I was about to say I should not be able to burn from lava what happened is it because I have the Diamond Head thing or whatever no one uses dup which just said I mean he’s at like the end of the

Playlist and also yeah no one really thinks about him so that doesn’t up his case I’m trying my best to use every alien um but you know when you level up so fast it just kind of makes it hard to really use them all cuz then you’re focus on like your new

Aliens of the ones that you’ve already had that you still haven’t used yet you know what I mean it is what it is it’d be nice if they could just drop their actual skulls instead of just the fragments cuz that would really expedite everything if I could just get like two

Skulls just straight up there’s actually another another Fortress over here that I’ll head over to cuz why not I haven’t been over here yet I really hit him are you serious oh my God leave me alone come on get down here dude wait why do you have a bow you

Shouldn’t have a bow weird why does his hands look like that he F to aliens uh because it’s glitched we already went over this earlier whenever it happened the first time ow 16 I need to get I already have two I think at my base so I just need to get

25 then I have all the W SKS I need I also need to recharge so let me do that if I can find a safe place oh my God don’t up here fuck it not going to lie I do kind of rock the Diamond Head arm though like let’s be

Honest here I kind of look good I kind of look a little sleen with it fire is the definition of if you play with fire you get burned yeah look at that I’m already level 19 and I’ve used like probably what like five six aliens maybe I do think the recharge is a

Little fast as well um but I I definitely I both like it and dislike it so it’s hard for me to criticize it all right Big Chill Big Chill is by far my most used Al by far like no competition just because he’s the first one in the playlist so just convenient

To use him I hate I hate when I’m on fire cuz I can’t fucking see anything so annoying wait did it say okay I thought I said I was level 24 I was like there’s no way I’m level there are so many weather skeletons here Jesus I should probably turn into

Something stronger just so I can one shot them all but I don’t care it’s 23 24 25 3 six 3 S all right we got what we need let’s get out what is it that we’re doing H I’m just working on getting some materials for stuff in the

Future right now I’m going to go kill another wither my it’ll be my third wither I’ve killed maybe that’s why Ben uses jasur um no it’s the reason why he uses him is because jur is just a big strong alien and in reality it’s kind of hard to beat

That like in a realistic setting you know you can’t really beat that you know you know it’s like it’s like it’s like trying to fight a dinosaur like they’re fucking strong as fuck you know there’s a reason why like it took a meteor to wipe them out and

Even then it wasn’t just the meteor directly it was it was like the meteor completely destroying the entire ecosystem of the planet for you know probably a few million years or something is what caused the dinosaurs to go sink it wasn’t because the meteor itself wiped them

Out there’s a whole bunch of different factors but the meteor was just the thing that kind of did it I I’m I’m not doing the mining I have an auto Miner to mine for me remember I don’t need to mine and I’m avoiding it as much as I can

Cuz I’ve I’ve mined too much in my life I have done too much mining in my day I am honestly sick of it all right let’s go fight the Wither uh I just still fight it over by the village again this Village really can’t catch a

Break like I bring all my criminals over here all right before we start check something okay what alien am I going to use uh you know me I’m not a bitch I’m just going to randomize my alien why you not working I don’t have Fast Track

Um there we go random kosur the the OM has spoken I win that one was a lot faster than the others why do I keep getting this thing I’m so confused maybe maybe I’ll keep getting it until I finally turn into the Diamond Head again and then maybe that’ll fix it but um

Yeah whoa I went High a man that was almost cool you got violated by the Wither when you use humongousaur I’m just better simply I am simply better um and then we need wait does it need to be fully charged I can literally just find out by

Taking it I mean it doesn’t matter I have infinite power no it doesn’t okay it doesn’t matter I I have infinite power I can just charge it in two seconds um yeah so I have this this and this I also obviously have this um I need three more of those things

Oh I figured out how to get rid of it I wonder I like okay I’m going to figure this out now oh hello wither or mutant skeleton I’m going to freeze you I I can’t freeze you okay there we go you can still shoot me though I I don’t know how that makes

Sense all right these these these dudes want to play so bad I’ll give them something to play with y’all want to fight me so goddamn bad here fight me here have fun that did a lot of damage fuck you guys want some too why don’t I just burn down the whole fucking Forest

Over here huh will you guys enjoy that where’s that fucking mutant skeleton at I’m going to give him a piece of my mind down here no he ran away a little pussy what I thought the fucked out of my swap a Bo oh know it’s ah and then there was one anything good

Trash all right motherfucker’s over there I don’t know how he over there but okay random brainstorm due to my mular Cranium in vast superiority I have deduced that I will beat you in two seconds I lied will be 30 seconds fuck I didn’t mean to Mona God damn it God damn

It all right where did you go soon bitch I’m going to give you the what for transform let me get my stuff ow ow okay now let me go ahead and change back and uh fur let’s see let’s see if Ben just knows what he’s doing yeah he knows what he’s

Doing I remember hum swur being a lot bigger which is why I haven’t really used him it’s because I did use him once in a video I didn’t it didn’t make it into the video cuz it was part of the series um but I used him and I was like

Okay he’s way too big cuz like I literally couldn’t even fight the I literally couldn’t even hit the enemy since I was so big but I guess I had growth form enabled or something maybe that was it I don’t know cuz yeah spectral dust later losers oh come on hi Hubert

Uh the force field oh yeah I keep forgetting brainstorm is a force field also it’s really nice not having to worry about lag thank you so much H question mark for uh giving me that heads up cuz that definitely has saved the potential future streams that I wanted to do

Oh my God I haven’t dranken water in so long honestly it feels really nice okay so yeah I need to get more of these things they aren’t hard it’s just a little annoying but no problemo copper iron Redstone then these things I I think that’s

It I need to get if I need two for one then I need total I also need lead okay uh I need okay so I need six of these things that means I need yeah I need six of those bang and then I need six of these then I need 24 of those

That’s not what I wanted to do okay and then make these out of iron okay now that we have that I just need copper wiring do another one hey two three four there we go now we have the four seches that I need what is happening in chat okay it’s just a

Backup world if mod is like in order of timeline V what do not rather watch this fast track right yeah you get fast track in the ultimate tricks because that’s when he unlocked it is an ultimate an alien use your Noggin guys come on you got

This oh no I oh okay so then the only thing that I need are the titanium plates yay I’m so happy yay I have eight which means I can get four titanium plates see if I have any more in the chamber leave me alone guys I really

Need to light that area up cuz good Lord mobs spawn like crazy do I have any more down here nope okay of course not why would I I don’t know you know I just hoping hoping and Praying I should probably get another Auto Miner and just have two of those set up that would actually be really smart I should do that yeah no I I I I should do that turn these into blocks so it uses up less space I’m honestly not used to having this many

Resources like I’m used to only having like one chest full of my valuable stuff but like I currently have two I’m just like uh sure I guess this is mod for B have the one thing I think it’s called the key for the ultimate that was in one

Game um you’re talking about the fail safe keys or whatever the security Keys those are for uh turning into Alien X with the Tim Matrix I don’t I from what I gathered they don’t actually do anything in this I don’t know what in I guess maybe for

An update in the future or something but yeah I guess I’ll go ahead and just use big shell to why am I still in an alien for I guess I’ll go ahead and use Big Chill to try and find some titanium but yeah all right let’s do it still working on

The sword um no cuz well maybe actually I I what do I even need for this gun I forget I was working on diting the ultimate trick or diting stuff for the ultimate trick um yeah honestly I could get the sword so so easily it would just take it

Would just take some time just to get the weather skulls but other than that like I should literally get the sword in like probably an hour or two not counting yeah maybe actually longer with the thing how powerful do I think Ben was with astalon well he didn’t only have

Astalon which by the way can bend reality he also had uh the power of Dagon which you know was able to take over multiple different universes just throwing that out you know he had the power of something that took over multiple universes he he’s able to shape Reality by a mere thought

With just the sword and he has the Tim Matrix which has aliens that literally don’t even exist and that are so powerful that they won’t exist for millions and millions of years and he had all of them at once basically meaning he is basically on the same level as a Celestial sapen

With with all that power he’s on on the same level as a Celestial sapan so how powerful do I think Ben was there’s my answer I don’t see any diamonds I don’t care why am I not facing oh just I’m on okay something with my world is fucked up cuz it keeps spawning

In these fucking things and I I don’t know why but you know that shouldn’t be happening so something with my world generation is fucked up you know there’s always there’s always a problem when it comes to me but there’s always a problem you need that full bright there can have in night Vision um I don’t understand what you’re saying where the fuck am I I thought that was titanium it is not unfortunately oh it’s a texture pack uh no I don’t feel like doing that this reminds me of a time I was playing mha with the boys we were just

Doing it for fun and um uh I had uh permeation right and they were like all right since you have permeation just go into the ground and like mine for us I was like yeah okay sure so I go into the ground I start

Mining right I did I did a ton of stuff I did I did a ton of diamonds ton of iron I did a ton of materials right and I end up phasing through bedrock and I fell out of the world and I lost everything and they they they were just sitting there

Like you know and I was just sitting there like and then we had the bright idea to be like oh it’s fine just go mining again so I did that I went mining again and uh the same thing happened I proceeded to do that two more times so uh yeah

Um it it make sure you know how to use your powers before you before you start mining while phasing cuz it it can go bad fast there is no titanium at all this random ever he of hunk yes I’ve I even did two episodes of a Minecraft

Series based around hunk but then I stopped it because it wasn’t doing well enough I was excited for it too I was just hoping that the hunch fans um were like I was just hoping that YouTube would be like oh yeah this person has like watched an episode of

Hunk like eight years ago let’s go ahead and recommend this uh this video about hun to them that that was my hope but uh I don’t I don’t think it happened unfortunately um oh I saw a structure or something so I have a theory right now and it

Is that you know all those like bookshelves and stuff that keep getting generated in my world I have a feeling that i’ i’ I’ve mined more than two in one in one like vein before I know it’s more than two per chunk um but I have a feeling that all the

Titanium that gets generated ends up getting replaced by those bookshelves for some reason never mind and that’s just a theory oh I I don’t think I’ve ever been proven wrong faster in my life that’s a new world record right there for how many do I have I have eight I

Think I I I think I have eight tianium right is rough titanium mining is rough dude hey there’s some right there I just got to on top of it I stop burning hello I I’d like to I’d like to stop burning so I can D transform please take it

Someone commented on my most recent video being like do a do a Naruto video no all right okay get some blocks okay then we do this oh yeah I didn’t do that side all right all right there we go we got two is nexo still my favorite add-on

Um I like it a lot I can’t tell a lie um but I don’t know I think Mar’s just Mar is definitely going to become my favorite once they get a certain update out cuz been doing some sneak peeks um so once once a certain update rolls around Mar’s

Will definitely be my favorite but until then I think NE nexos is my favorite by a little bit okay why why is this not let me face thank you okay what am I doing I’m mining for titanium cuz I need a lot of it to upgrade my

Omnitrix I need I need literally more titanium than I’ve ever gotten in the history of me playing with with this mod combined yeah I know that Infinity isn’t getting revamped I’ve known for a long time it’s just that it was never an official public thing like it was never

An official public statement that they made but I’ve you know I’ve been friends with the creators of it for like basically since it started and like I I just know I just knew that they would never finish it say I love the game and I still play the

Game quite a bit now I stopped playing it for a while but then I kind of just was like yeah I just want to play it one day and I was and then I playing I was like oh I really like the game again cuz

It’s just like when you love a game so much it doesn’t matter how shit the players are it’s just I I just love playing the game and um so I still play it every now and then usually I play it like for a little bit at least every day

Not quite like the you know multiple hours I used to spend on it but multiple hours a day I used to spend on it but yeah how do I feel about the new loot craft version um I played with the NBC Heroes thing and uh that was pretty cool

I I only I only wish that I could have more Powers cuz I I mainly like wanted to try and recreate the one for all the deu had um the stockpile power is very powerful but man it takes forever to like build up once you do have it built

Up and you start like learning the the the the thing and stuff like you get really really strong um which I you know makes total sense but I just wish that I could have like black Whip and infa jeene and uh I mean that’s I don’t really carear about gear

Shift right now but like you know I really wish that I could have those quirks as well instead of that could have been bad I do really wish I could I could have those quarts instead of uh just having like you know stockpile and uh float and everything

I’m also really curious if you transfer your powers over to someone if you transfer all of them or if you only transfer a certain one the only thing you hate is a free master control for which one oh for the infinity yeah that’s that was a big

Reason why I stop playing Infinity was because of Master Control the Diamond Head thing and then what really put the nail in the coffin for me for a while was RP mode cuz I play the game because I love PVP and because I’m really good at it so making

It so people can just literally in the middle of a fight turn on RP mode it’s like really uh the Diamond Head thing really annoyed me for a while but I’ve gotten used to it I I refused to use it because it’s so op and it was the same stance I

Had when the ultimates first came out the ultimates when they first came out were insanely insanely op like literally they would one shot anything um and I was like okay that’s way too fucking and I’m pretty sure I’m the reason why they Nerf them also I’m I’m done mining now

Fucking sick of this shit dude I’m pretty sure I’m the reason why they nerfed them because I kept fucking complaining with which you know I was a fucking child um or I acted like a child um which I I definitely shouldn’t have done but I did and I honestly I think

The G was better for it just ultimate should not be a one shot in anything like it doesn’t matter they should be stronger but they shouldn’t be that much stronger and it was it’s hard to balance them because Health you only have 100 Health in every alien form so it’s hard

To like anyway it doesn’t matter um yeah it’s my same stance that I had with the ultimates whenever they first came out though where it’s so op that I refuse to use it because I get mad when people use it just because it takes no skill to use

And people that literally would never beat me a day in their life are able to beat me because Diamond Head can oneshot me if they do it right uh I have no idea where I am let’s find out are you sweating Infinity now yep everyone’s basically like me except instead of using Swampfire

They use Diamond Head here we are looked at that I don’t need no way points I don’t need no way points you use OS with no master control if that is true I have a lot of respect for you but I know you get your ass kicked on The Daily

Um that’s cool if you do do that I would use no master control but I’m really competitive and I don’t like people beating me so I have it but I I basically only use one alien uh just because that’s all I need that’s all I ever really need is one

Alien to win so it doesn’t really matter for me but I definitely I I I I use OV and I use my custom skin and then yeah I just fight like normal after that if master I I do kind of wish Master Control wasn’t enabled in public servers

It would be cool I’d be fine with it in in private but public servers is kind of annoying cuz again I like PVP and having people be able to run away really fast whenever they get low it just makes PVP scene annoying uh I do a challenge for don’t let anyone

See you and don’t time out manually I mean okay yeah it looks like we fixed the lag issue for the most part we we do have to relaunch the game every now and then but it’s not nearly as bad as it was before where I would literally have to relaunch

It every like you know 10 minutes so yeah thank you very much and thank you very much huh question mark I do think that’ll do it for this stream though uh I know I didn’t really do too much but I also didn’t really plan on I forgot to finish off

The I need to do more push-ups all right how many I’m at 100 I need to do 50 more push-ups can I do 50 push-ups I don’t know the most I the most I can do is like maybe 25 and one go we’re going to find out we’re going

To see if I can do 50 push-ups real quick what mod was causing the lag it wasn’t a mod it’s um from what I can tell it’s Mary’s out on that’s causing it and all I did was create a new instance like my own custom instance and just transferred

Everything over and that seems to have fixed it and I guess from now on anytime the lag starts building up I’ll just keep doing that and it should fix it wa what alien can you use to kill the Ender Dragon I can use any any of them that can fly basically

Um or I if it’ll work I could use Big Chill to freeze it in place and then just whale on it with humongousaur maybe that’s what I’ll do I’ll see when I get there but let’s go ahead and uh start on these push-ups really quick because I I got to get these out

Of the way because I don’t want to have to do a third stream where I do more push-ups and I want to be a edit this video and have uh or edit the stream down to a video and have all the push-ups in let’s do that again uh I I can’t it’s

We’re going to be here for probably like another like 20 minutes doing push-ups and I’ll just be chatting about whatever comes in the chat so give me some stuff to talk about and I I’ll go ahead and do that right by the way we are at 100

Right now I think or are we at 85 no we’re at 100 we’re at 100 I got to do 50 more do it all right there’s 15 going wait a a minute and then we’ll do some more while we wait what we got in chat any alien that can fly yeah that’s

Probably what I’m probably just going to use like Jet Ray or Swampfire probably actually swamp fire or I might just use way big honestly cuz he’s big so he can reset End Dragon pretty much anywhere I would use alien next but I can’t use him with the recal so can’t do

Thato is the best MJ character I agree I agree excuse me my what’s see what’s on my phone nothing that’s right I forgot I have no friends right 115 all right oh my God eight going have to release my inner demons for that one Jesus Christ what’s

For inner Drake uh nothing or sleep is for dinner 125 or yeah 125 2 25 more to go Where’s My Water here is oh boy do 10 more I don’t know if that’s just from the delay or what all right I’m not going to be able to 10

More I can probably do like five more and then I have to take like a good like five minute rest might to do more streams on this mod pack uh since the L lag seems to be gone yeah I definitely plan on it all

Right see if I can do a few more and then I’ll take a like a 10 minute 5 10 minute break and then I’ll finish him out oh man all right all right 130 all right what what you guys want to talk about for another like five minutes

And then I’ll finish it out this person right this this the this person right here I don’t know what their name is but fuck them yeah this is what I do with my stream way I uh I talk shit to my chat and I do push-ups and every now and then I play

Game that’s that’s what we do here on the Dr L variety Channel talk shit and do push-ups like real men H play mha music all right That’s way too loud way too loud all right this is going to be my training Music actually I don’t think I can do the push-ups with the headphones on so only you guys will be able to hear it all right 20 More 1 2 3 4 I must so weak that anybody coming in right now cuz I’m only doing like five researchs at a time but I promise I can do more I’m just really tired Last oh my camera is not angled Down I got to hear the music really Quick How many more do I need 14 I think it did one [Applause] what the Oh my god wow what the hell oh that’s so weird not being able to do a pushup I’ve never gotten this before I just can’t do a pushup oh my God The first time I ever did a push-up was in karate cuz before you do before you start actually like doing practice and stuff you do warmup and then it we would do 10 push-ups 10 sit-ups and uh we’ do some stretches and then we would do a like a five minute

Run isn’t that copyrighted music no it’s not the specific one that I have is actually not copyrighted which is really cool um yeah so we would do we do the warmup and the and the push-ups and stuff and whenever I first started I couldn’t do one push-up

Um and then you know as I as I went and I did them I you know I was able to do push-ups and ever since then I’ve always been able to do at least one pushup and now I feel like I’m eight again when I I before I could ever do

One even though I I can do 20 it’s just I’ve done you know 13 138 at this point I think or 136 at this point I I’ve honestly lost count I’m just going to say I need 14 more I think that’s the right Number all right That was dirty that was was dirty one more the full completed on Tri the mod yes I will do that at some point the future right now it’s push-up time at One More In [Applause] Me 150 push-ups I’m a man of my word subscribe I would end the Stream H but uh get up right now so without my arms okay I really had to push out that last one that one was rough that last push-up was rough thank you guys so much for

Watching if you can’t do a push-up but you want to just keep doing it I would recommend starting with knee push-ups or if you even can’t do a knee push-up go up to a wall put your hands on the wall put your hands on the wall and just

Do this and then slowly lower your feet back or push your feet backwards keep doing it until eventually you’ll be on the floor best best I got for you and then if you want to do more push-ups just keep doing more push-ups so yeah anyways enjoy the rest of your

Day of course as always

This video, titled ‘Streaming in Minecraft Ben 10 Survival’, was uploaded by Drake Lytle on 2024-02-04 11:51:20. It has garnered 1257 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:15 or 8955 seconds.

In this stream I come into my Minecraft Ben 10 Survival world to do some building and talk with chat. In the last episode I recalibrated my omnitrix, and obtain the Ascalon blueprint in Marshy’s Secrets of the Omnitrix addon. Let me know in the comments what your favorite part of the video was!

Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/qqGUqTb

Become a Channel Member today: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeJyrqigfNfUYBhzPb6GmBg/join

As always make sure to like comment and subscribe, thank you guys so much for watching, hope you have a nice day and of course as always goodbye! PEACE!!!!

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  • iCunny

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  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

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  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More