Ep04 Spellbound Caves II Developer Commentary (Mushroom Cave and Ancient Warfare Automation)

Video Information

Hi guys max here welcome back again for the second time today to uh episode four of my spellbound caves to developer commentary uh i say again because i have lost about 12 minutes of footage i i basically signed on this episode up at the monument and was talking

And i got this weird audio issue uh for about about 12 minutes worth of recording and so i just decided to scrap that footage you didn’t miss too much i will quickly go over i basically spawned in and i found my earth wand it was in my warehouse i

Grabbed the xp bottles that were in the starter chest at the monument used those uh increased mining repaired i put a copper ingot into my mobility crawls to repair them a bit uh i found the emerald ring that was secret loot and i put that with the rest

Of the secret loot that was in my warehouse i mined the gold and the redstone that was over here or how long right here uh so here’s the entrance to peanut canyon from the victory monument and i mined the gold and the redstone that was down here and there’s a chest just

Once you do mine the gold and the redstone you can see the chest as i grab that it’s not really a secret and i got a anvil mostly out of it and a diamond that’s neat um And i uh emptied out the liquid barrels of juice into these glass bottles so they’re ready to drink okay i think that’s a brief summary of everything that’s happened of note thus far um like i said you didn’t really miss much um so i want some xp i want to get into

This right here set up i want to set up the automated stuff so anybody who’s curious uh how to do that i’ll be going over that this episode and i also came to the oak trees and the apple trees um yes apple trees i know

Okay so i covered this but i’ll cover it briefly again okay so if you f3 this says it’s a dynamic tree’s oak and it uses oak wood but in fact this is an apple tree it is a different species of tree and if you cut it down all you

Will get is apples however if you find an oak tree like This one is an actual oak tree because it doesn’t have any fruit you will in fact get acorns when you cut it down that’s how you can tell the difference if it drops the acorns it’s an oak tree if it drops only apples well you found an apple tree

So how do you plant the apples to get more apple trees well you can’t you want an apple pip and to get that you take a dirt bucket which is a bucket with dirt and you uh the dirt bucket is basically a tool to convert saplings

Uh back and forth or you could put app apples in the crushing tub and you’ll get a pip and some apple juice so that’s neat and then there’s this okay so there’s there’s minecraft apple which is that item and then there’s dynamic trees appleseed which is what you get out of a

Apple and a dirt bucket or a crushing tub and a dirt bucket or or you can get a rustic apple seed which is the only way to get this is actually out of a loot chest and that that might even be an oversight on my part um i’m not actually sure

If these seem to have no use part of me just you know what i i’m gonna cheat in one of them i i very am curious can these can these be planted okay okay hold on guys i i have to see if i need to do i need to just disable

This item whatever this is what will you do like what do you do minecraft log variant oak you here let me get rid of the bone meal that i’ve cheated in okay so what are you rustic leaves apple oh apple sapling so it uses it grows a custom rustic tree that

Uses oak wood but has custom apple leaves but the apple leaves as far as i can tell look exactly like oak leaves and they decay into apple saplings do they do they drop apples maybe they grow apples if you leave them a while that’s probably could turn up the dynamic tick speed and

We could do some science like live on camera okay whatever i’ll just get rid of these and oh i don’t want to get rid of those give me i want to get rid of these that i are the result of cheating and stuff okay oh wait just delete them okay

So yeah that’s uh i guess it’s rustics if you don’t okay oh oh right right if you don’t have dynamic trees then you would end up with using the rustic apple seeds but if you do have dynamic trees here’s a question this dynamic trees apple pip this doesn’t say craft tweaker so maybe

This is not a custom recipe and i do believe rustic and dynamic trees have compatibility coated into them to recognize each other and to work with each other so that’s neat are these rustic no these are dynamic trees oh okay so that was interesting i was wondering

Okay because a lot of times i’ll have to go into mod configurations you know how i said i got over a thousand man hours working on the mod pack it’s stuff like this it’s it’s it’s like looking at two mods and making sure they work together correctly

And i might disable recipes i might tweak recipes i have i had to tweak a lot of recipes for like um steak i think yeah you see this uh the rustic steak recipe is changed from its default and it is three sticks now and this is a

Craft tweaker if you see a recipe by craft tweaker that basically means that i that’s a recipe that i made and there’s a bunch of them uh the reason i had to do this was uh the recipe that the rustic steak wanted was this recipe here three planks vertically

But that recipe was already being used by the ancient warfare wood torque shaft so for rustic i was like well crap let’s disable the rustic recipe and then let’s make a new recipe to craft the rustic steak out of something that isn’t in use yet so

Yeah that’s uh that’s the joys of making a mod pack and doing a good job and not just because you can like you man you can just take 100 random mods and throw them together in a pack just by clicking through curseforge and call it a day But if you do that it’s going to suck like you have to put in some effort to make a modpack work right let me grab this uh okay so side tangent on apples completed uh so peanut canyon is basically a place to gather uh organic resources like seeds and

Other types of crop resources um i suppose you could even leash that frog if you really wanted to so if you need something uh there’s small little plantations and i don’t mean like a facility i literally mean a place where something has been planted so that you can come in and get seeds

To go plant your own farm it also features a number of custom-made trees like these birch trees here uh you might have noticed that birch trees don’t grow like that ever and you may have noticed that like uh let’s go find another example probably the ironwood trees right

Oh there’s an ancient base there’s an ancient vase spawner under this i will take my xp thank you so much and that astral diamond yes uh i want to fight enemies no i’m busy talk i’m busy talking right now i’ll fight enemies later only sleep at night it is night um

Let’s see here you can still pick the plant even if you don’t meet the requirements but you cannot plant new ones just a heads up so like i didn’t meet the requirement there or the uh beets oh hey wizard mark of sacrifice oh lord what is this going to do to me okay

Did i beat a quest just now yes i did oh excellent okay we’ll look at that later too i beat it this is an important quest magical maturity uh really opens up your magic uh you get all these spells basically um okay so uh the custom trees are made from uh

I’d have to go into creative to show you i think right tree no no there it is uh dynamic trees has a woodland staff for creative mode use and using it you can basically uh mix and match tree forms with tree species so this iron wood tree over here

Now that’s an acacia so here’s an acacia tree this is the species is acacia but the template is a jungle tree so that’s how that’s made and over here that’s an ironwood tree and ironwood trees normally don’t grow like this this is a jungle format ironwood tree

It may even be a huge jungle ironwood tree possibly so yeah it’s kind of neat i don’t want an arrow uh let’s see i don’t really need more golden redstone right now so that can just chill um let’s see i needed some xp because i wanted to do a bunch of farming and

Stuff now i guess i’ll just drop this off in my right here i don’t think i’ll die to the remnants famous last words uh i would like to go up there and get their spawners i kind of want to farm them too because i would like to do a lot with magic

This playthrough to really show off the magic system close enough to spawn them no and i suppose this iron pick is is this fast enough i’d probably have better luck no it’s got efficiency it’s got efficiency 2 on it so we should be good and there’s the mushroom cave over there so How much do these do oh there’s a bubbly fubbly right off the bat with choke i need to take care of him uh so i probably want to go ahead and like get in here so i can duck into here and mine mine it out um

I might want to go ahead and mine it out because i’m taking a decent amount of damage from a special one and there’ll be plenty of chances in the future to farm them let’s see let’s get up in here and i think i’ll retreat for now because

I’m taking a decent amount of damage i think one of them is hitting a little harder than i’m used to them hitting and it might be there may even be a blighted one in there or it just might be that there’s that yeah there’s a lot of uh a lot of them

Have spawned i also have no armor unfortunately i’ve just got my ability crawls but i would like the drops from them so i’d like to clean that up let’s safely bank that and i really wanted to get gathering to 20 buildings 20 and farming also 220 and that’ll basically pave the way for

Me to make all the farms i wanted okay uh where is the spicy jerky let’s use some of that oh i’ll just i think i’ll save my grapple uh i’ll close somebody come on you guys fighting them on this cliff is not the most convenient thing i will be honest

With that oh no they’re already accurate on me i can’t really fight them in the in enclosed cave i need to get back out into the open i think one of them may have just killed itself on my uh necklace come on yeah you can get a bunch of the dusts to

Drop from them um this one you’re probably better off going i guess for the the stuff but i also want the war from up here um you’re probably better off going for the spawners immediately just because of the difficulty of fighting them on the side of a mountain like this

On the plus side you can pretty much focus on just fighting the uh the remnants themselves because there’s not really anything else to bother you just kind of nice there’s other areas where you’ll find these obelisks and they have well more stuff will bother you let’s put it that way

I think i’ll tear down the entire obelisk uh to show that i’ve conquered it and i i think these blocks look cool and i also really want these crystals on top and maybe because of the crystals up here i don’t need to farm them as much

If i just if you just claim the crystals you know to be a cool mod is your picks have a chance to break immediately when you mine a uh spawner and like the the better quality the pick the lower the chance that would be kind of neat

Or maybe you need like a charge of uh oh or maybe you could have it take like a charge of unbreaking off the pick and you can only break spawners using another breaking pick and then you’d have to like reload the ammo on it kind of neat i don’t know maybe efficiency

Although at that point maybe you’re better off with a uh new enchantment the enchant a new enchantment on the pickaxe that lets it break spawners at all i don’t know i’d have to redesign like every map ever i think for that which would kind of suck uh

Okay i kind of want what’s in there but i don’t wanna that’s a that’s a danger zone let’s go over there and check that out i think i want to sleep and uh make sure i explore it in daytime so that my retreat won’t have a bunch of

Ghosts and goblins uh guarding it because i have not gotten the knife yet do i want to grapple up or will i be able to just get up here let’s see and it’s time to sleep And here we are oh boy okay so that’s a new block that we haven’t seen yet that is uh ice and fire dreadstone it’s the dreadskull block so uh do i need to explain what that means when you go to an area uh it’s it’s basically how i kind of

Tell the player like hey uh maybe you should exercise like above average caution if you go here because it’s the danger zone it’s very scary might die it’s terrible stay away you know so we’re going to clean up our inventory in case there’s any loot to sweep up there we go

So we’re low on ammunition let’s uh top off my wand in case i need to spam the wand i’ll have a little bit small amount of mana here we got farsight arc we got dark leap magic missile darts not bad there’s a zombie there’s sprouts sprouts are pretty pretty cute

Uh that zombie has the uh sprinting hat which is uh will randomly give the zombie like a or the the unit that has the hat equipped like a burst of speed and they will sprint at you and probably jump scare you if you’re not expecting it

So right off the bat we’re looking at a new mushroom that is rustic moon cap the mooncat mushrooms give off light when mcedit hasn’t you know living glitched them uh oh hey magic protection five epic quality neat and again over here we have a block in the way

This is what i really wanted out of this place i could leave now if i wanted to i really wanted that chest that chest is a very important chest so on the left and right and here are little cubbies with spawners and what’s in the spawners is uh befitting a mushroom cave

Uh but right off the bat yeah like right here this is a better nether bone mushroom which maybe i maybe i shouldn’t take you know replant it i now have some bone mushroom samples and there’s another really important one up here right here the ink bush okay we got an ink bush sample

That right there is a goblin and you notice that he’s poisoned as he walks up to us and that’s because he stepped on the the uh i believe this is called a smoker right pardon me eggplant the eggplant from better nether uh if you step on that it will poison you

Uh and right up there in that cubby is you can see a matango and i believe all matangos are always bubbly fubbly and matangos also will emit spoilings which are those little tiny tiny guys um if you have arc this is the time for arc against the spoilings it’s a good matchup

Um anything with a tiny hitbox you uh use arkon so and it works pretty well uh but you can get overwhelmed pretty here comes the spoiling now so they’re pretty fast moving and they have the tiniest hitbox in the game as far as i know uh arc is still a very effective counter

To that tiny hitbox unfortunately it is a uh it is a spoiling spawner because normally spoilings are summoned by matangos right so if you see a bunch of spoilings by themselves then it’s it’s they have to be coming from a spawner and with me killing those few right there

The spawners ramping up uh quite a bit and maybe with my leather helmet and copper boots and almost empty ones and i mean i have a steel warhammer this is this is a pretty good weapon it’s a pretty good weapon um but i’m not really like super

Thrilled about trying to fight i don’t have the skill requirement to get a lucious spore not that i can make use of it for a while but there are spawners up there uh and up there and my helmet just broke wow that was a nice shot i have to hand

It to that skeleton you should have kept sniping me you were doing so well with the sniping uh but yeah the fact that uh matangos are the apex uh plant type enemy in the mod pack i would say of all the families of themed enemies uh matangos and spriggans are the height

Of the like plant-based critters and matangos are uh the fungal variety and then uh spriggans would be your basic you know a foresty type but the tangos befitting their station have been flagged to always be infernal and that makes a matango spawner quite dangerous because you can get swarmed by infernals

And if you get like oh and when matangos die they leave a nausea cloud behind which um i want you to imagine a swarm of spoilings summoned by okay so okay the spawner spawns matangos they’re always infernal so they could be you could get several gravities you could get several storms

Ghastly chokes right really nasty ones okay then the matangos are going to summon spoilings you kill like one matango there might be three or four alive in this swarm but they’re all summoning spoilings and you just kill them tango and now your vision’s all swirly and messy and

You’re trying to like hit these stupid spoiling hitboxes it uh this can get really out of hand and really dangerous really quickly which is why i’m not stepping up too far because as soon as i saw if you’re a normal player and you see these be very careful

This is my way of warning these skull death blocks are my way of warning you that skull death is ahead um i suppose you could say it signals a it signals a difficulty spike something like that yeah yeah it’s it signals like an encounter that is uh above average in terms of threat

It’s a difficulty spike warning um so let’s go back for a second and i mentioned well the stuff i’m picking up let me go around the corner and break line of sight i think we’re safe enough here all right so the bone mushroom what do you do with

Bone mushroom why would you make bone mushroom well it drops bone meal so it’s farmable bone meal among other things but i have made it be a crafting ingredient for cincinnati site which makes cincinnati renewable because in normal better nether it’s not renewable also this is a this right here this nether recipe

Of better another stuff is a much easier way of making flip-flop goo it’s a way to like skip the this recipe of flip-flop goo which can be kind of a pain in the butt so people mod pack veterans love this because it’s how you end up making the

Aussie liner material and the aussie liner material is the uh this is the self-adjusting one that protects you from both heat and cold extremes so this stuff’s pretty great uh also yeah you can make cooling liner material out of it using netherreeds and the orange mushroom

Uh so it’s a way for you to get uh oh and there’s also the master farming bundle uses it so get all this cool stuff with it um but probably most importantly it this custom recipe provides you with renewables in a site because otherwise it’s like once you

Mine it you gotta move on to the next area and mind more of it uh the inkbush seed if you’re of a more martial mindset might be more important okay so first off it’s a way to get obsidian wrap material uh which lets you make ollie liner stuff

And also the blazing fishing pole which is steel blaze rods and obsidian line get the obsidian uh blazing fishing rod which is how you fish in lava spoiler alert lava fishing so uh inkbush lets you take a piece of stone and make ancient debris out of it as well as uh steel

Steel silver and ink bush makes netherrite so you can manufacture another right out of it another write makes a bunch of cool stuff so now if i want to farm the uh if i want to farm the ink bush uh i can get coal iron and silver and start

Making myself another right gear oh a blight i want to fight him come here you and hey it’s night time that’s fine i wanted some more xp anyway what kind of blight it is die oh it’s a zombie oh he’s chungus i have armor pin though straight

I’m also getting cold up here also it’s very dark and hard to see uh are there any more blights to go after if there’s not any more blights i’ll make it daytime so i can see better yeah i don’t see any purple fire so let’s go ahead and switch it back today

Because youtube uh i can see well enough to move around but for people on youtube especially people watching on like phones and stuff i think you guys basically can’t see anything and i can see like just a little bit um all right so we got some xp we hit let’s see

Farming 20 gathering 20 building 20 that’s the key 20 20 20. yay uh and i think i kind of want to bank the rest of the xp i got for um other uses i’m going to head back to the vm maybe we’ll peek in here and see if

There’s any blights up or any wizards around that’s interesting so dart is different than magic missile because dart follows a ballistic trajectory and there is a um bass spawner around here somewhere oh there’s a oh i thought you were a void creeper dang oh the witch is bubbly fubbly

Or she just ate potions yeah she’s just a potion it’s okay oh witches have really high magic armor right right duh i should have realized that so the uh magic protection stat that was on the helmet i had that broke which maybe i shouldn’t let it break so easy whatever um

Like i mentioned earlier uh magic protection is like armor but for magic damage and witches have very little normal armor but they have a pretty decent amount of magic armor magic protection uh i really wish the minecraft witch poison didn’t last quite as long as it did it’s it’s pretty nasty

Not that there’s much in minecraft normal minecraft that’s that’s really that threatening huh all right some more xp now let’s see uh i don’t really need to take that back to the monument because there’s a fairly easy staircase back up coal blocks which i would need to make steel so

Uh i need to get as much of this as i might as i want steal i can make charcoal and uh in this mod pack you can refine charcoal upwards into coal with the more additives um and then you can also make anthracite uh uh well in this mod pack it’s called

Uh anthracite has a bunch of names one of those names is stone coal which is what the Mod went with yeah yeah yeah stone cold um which is stone coal is made from coal and uh coal enriched with more gunpowder basically to make stone coal i know that’s not uh exactly how you would fabricate anthracite anthracite is pretty close to pure carbon but you’re doing something with chemistry

And there’s only so many chemistry ingredients in minecraft work with but the idea is you’re enriching and you’re enriching the the charcoal to purify it i guess you could you could man i guess you could manufacture anthracite the question is would it be efficient like would you want to

Because i mean there’s entire companies that manufacture charcoal i’ve personally had the best luck grilling by the way with just uh the kingsford classic briquettes um i used to use lump lump charcoal which was basically the raw chunks of charcoal uh uh pyrolyzed wood uh

To the point where like in some of it you can still see like the like remnants of the the tree like little bits of bark or uh rings ring patterns you know uh and lumps good but also can be really inconsistent so yeah uh i used lump for a little while it is

Cheaper maybe you get what you pay for right uh but i went back to briquette because it’s it’s consistent and like if i’m going to treat myself to like a 20 steak or whatever you know that doesn’t happen every day for me i have a fairly sensible food budget i think

But every now and then i will treat myself to a steak and you know when i do i don’t want to risk screwing it up because i cheaped out on like glum charcoal uh but anyway um i guess if i needed charcoal fuel for something else like a

What else would you need it for for like a a forge oh i guess maybe powering a forge like a small forge at home if you wanted to do your own metal work uh my brother-in-law does that uh he made uh he showed me a knife he made

A while back it was pretty cool uh anyway anyway anyway okay we’re def coming a map i was rambling but i think you guys like it when i ramble right uh okay so the next thing up is to clean out my pack for one

I think all of this what do we get smite two iron long sword that’s not bad that’s on the probably short list of things that may get used as a weapon we have 17 astral diamonds i’m excited about this we have enough astral diamonds to actually like play around in the market with So of note is that i had to blow my nose pardon me identify we want to identify these two books here sure yep okay that’s growth aura and regrowth and why did i want these so bad that i was willing to go get near matango spawners and spoiling spawners uh well they are

Well regrowth gives you region basically uh i think it’s separate i think this is actually separate from regenerate it might maybe it uses the same potion effect we’ll have to check this is the this is the really important one grows all crops near the caster it also grows tall grass and flowers on

Grass it it growth aura effectively bone meals everything near you or maybe maybe it bone meals grass and turns the tick speed up of uh the stuff around you um growth aura is pretty friggin fantastic uh growth ore is also how you would more efficiently farm some of the higher tier

Stuff that requires more active farming also there’s this so this is pretty great and i know i already know a lot of these uh so now we’ve got summon skeleton heal ally force arrow feather fall regrowth growth aura cross barrier grapple ah grapple on the wand yay instead of the scroll yay

Uh i’m pretty thrilled um now i think i was i i didn’t have a chest for the spell books did i i suppose we can also check out what spells i have over here and i might i might use one of them even though it is a secret spell

Just because it’s my favorite spell one of my favorite spells ever and it should be chain lightning i love chain lightning chain lightning is the coolest spell lightning is such a cool element uh and i think i’m out of id scrolls oh no i’ve got seven more let’s use them why not

Conjure book lightning arrow lightning arrow is a pretty good spell too all right um for now though i think we can just put the books away for now and we’ll come back to these things later dishwacker 5000 okay uh and i’m still holding a book a conjurer block uh

Andre is a spectra block i’m kind of wondering what would happen if you used a blast upgrade for that if you would just get like a big ball of them and then you could use that for like quickly blocking areas so that enemies could not get at you

I think that’d be a pretty solid use for it all righty uh let’s see so there’s the farming equipment in the chest they’re already out laid out for us thanks to the maps generosity now let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s take some of that i’ve got 17 netherride that

I looted for the thing that’s pretty cool uh we’re pretty low on wood did i pick up some wood while i was out there i could have sworn i did oh wait a minute silly silly me i’m pretty sure we yes never cleaned out the bags here let’s go

Ahead and smelt the gold and put the special we have 19 diamonds and there’s a bunch of dust that we will use in a little while well maybe in a long while we’ll see there’s the wood that i wanted i don’t need that much but i need enough to get

Get you know get my operation off the ground so to speak and there’s a bunch of plant matter that’ll come in later when we start setting up more farms but what i really want in the short term is the really lazy way to get automated drink going

So let’s go ahead and show off uh show off that is the gold already done heck yeah cool uh did i clean out these bags yes i did excellent i need i need some fuel some hoppers i need some oak saplings now where’s some oak saplings uh sapling

We have acorns we have oak acorns so we’ll end up with we’ll end up needing a bucket we won’t we actually want vanilla minecraft oak saplings we want minecraft colon sapling data value zero that’s what we want we want we’re gonna start with five of them

I don’t think i need the dirt bucket for a while all right and we’re gonna need a better way to buy what we need staples we’ve got that um sand i guess let’s go ahead and make some more oh jeez we are completely out of fuel here here’s some more fuel

Probably going to want a crafting table for down there while we’re down there and the rest of this and b fuel too all right and i wanted like a staircase so we’ll just make some basic stairs should be enough down there um and then we want the hoppers the hopper we’ll need hopper

Ducts graded hopper ducts and a sterling generator we’ll go ahead and take all of these things we won’t need them all at once though but alrighty so rich mia i think oops silly me in fact i kind of would rather it just be like this okay

We have an entrance to a factory area with uh plenty of stuff um i probably want like a floor here and i can run the ductwork underneath this and it’ll look really neat so actually well i’ll tell you what we’ll set up the we’ll set up the factory with the idea to uh

Use that floor space so we’ll go ahead and set it up at the appropriate heights the first thing we want to do is set up a tree farm which is right there because i put it in my backpack for some stupid reason all right so where should the tree farm go uh

Probably in the middle uh to avoid any complications with the the trees spreading out and also in case i wanted up more trees later so the wall here is three high so we’re going to go up basically and go up two uh i don’t really care about symmetry like

That much like this looks like roughly in the middle ish uh plus like the room for the five by five of the the farm so like one two and then the tree farm would be like here and that gives us enough duct work room i think except it doesn’t quite

Just in case i did want to go up one more so we need to put this up one more because remember trees have to grow on something right now this looks like a job for my survival basics quest uh no oh i need to go get some dirt

Should i remember the dirt i need 25 pieces of dirt specifically and i think i have some dirt just from don’t i have some dirt from my yeah oh no we don’t have dirt dang have i shown have i shown you guys the warehouse crafting table yet i think i did right

Uh well let’s demonstrate it again um probably gonna need cobblestone right or more specifically gravel let’s throw the gravel in there i think that’s what we’ll end up needing uh we need dirt i need dirt so gravel and bone meal makes dirt and i need 25 of it well i got 24.

Well i suppose we can put a torch in the middle how about that that’ll be great won’t it so we elevate this and one two uh we’ll put cobblestone in the middle uh that’ll be where the torch goes and we have just enough to do this uh this needs to be like that

And the next thing will be a sterling generator behind it going right into it cool and hopper for fuel for the sterling generator and then we’ll need to take out what comes out of the tree farm and i probably want to build one too while i’m at it

Let’s go ahead and put down like the start of a patio up here and we’ll put the crafting table down here and i wanted to build one i i guess we can use a stone one i’ll probably work okay probably need two of them and i’ll also teach you guys how to use

Build ones this episode neat and this all needs to be planks and so we want to collect what’s coming out of the thing here i need chests do i have any chests in the warehouse probably don’t but i will say one thing we’re definitely getting the i mean i could

Use like that or something but just oh we do ah we have 11. that’s great ah fantastic that saves me a lot of wood drafting them um so we’ll go ahead and collect what’s coming out of the tree farm in a double chest except except i think i would rather have it

Put like uh off to the side here and that way we can save a a step down so we’ll need one more step down and we’ll put the grid no it’s not time for the graded hopper yet that’s what’s coming next so we’ll put a hopper facing that way

And if you were on a server i would recommend a wood hopper but i’m not so it’s okay uh and then it’s time to basically start uh filtering so we’re gonna want two outputs out of this or actually we only need one real filter right

Uh where did i put my chest ah here we go so we’re only actually gonna need one filter um we’re gonna have two output we’re gonna end up with the two outputs but we basically won’t um want to take the apples out can you see what we’re about to do have

You figured it out yet and i don’t have an apple with me that’s okay go ahead and plant the saplings though and i i guess for lack of a better way up i’ll just use this now so in you go and we’re gonna put a little bit of wood in the sterling generator

And there it goes the tree farm is going go tree farm and that’ll just burn the wood and it’s got energy stored in it and it’s powering the uh the thing um and uh you don’t need to mess with the sides unless you’re going to do something

Wacky with the the output on this but if we look at the sides and we look at what’s down the uh the down direction is collecting the uh top inventory so if we check the block whatever is in the top inventory that’s labeled top here is going down out of uh

Into the the hopper but you can change that i don’t know why you would want to but i mean maybe maybe there’s uh uh uh maybe once you get into xnet or something like that i don’t know uh do we have bone meal with us we got two pieces

All right good bone meal yeah that’s what i thought this is where we need the growth wand to get things started although once this does get started oh i need probably to light it up there we go uh once this gets going it’s really gonna get going uh but just

It’s a small amount of time okay uh so we need an apple and i thought i had some with me let’s go find one there we go apples excellent okay so this is a graded hopper and the first filtered item we’ll be looking for is apples so i think

We can use a second graded one here and that one can go like this and a graded hopper is made with a hopper and a iron bar very simple recipe now this output is going to be well we’ll get to this output in a second so we basically have

A basic minecraft oak sapling farm and it’s gonna its output’s gonna be oak wood logs oak saplings and apples and the apples we want to go out to the side here and uh this is uh well in the short term this is basically going to be fed back into the

Uh so we’re going to put a hopper going into the let’s confirm that works yes it does um one thing about the sterling generators is they they keep burning like constantly uh but they have a pretty decent buffer when the is your farm is idling they don’t really drain that much power

Like this will last you know a while um but i suppose if you wanted to you could try charging up a flywheel battery with a sterling generator if fuel is a concern but i it really isn’t it’s like you can get this up and running pretty quick so anyway uh

So we have the hopper and i think we want the hopper ducts now my memory is fuzzy if it’s you start at the source or the destination i want to say you started do you start at the destination yeah yeah yeah it looks like you started the destination

So i would guess i i would route this like this to this to that and now um anything in this hopper if we if we tell it we want wood and we put the wood in here it’ll drain the wood out pass the wood through the ducts

The ducts let you go up which is the big important thing using the ducts here and that feeds the generator all right and we’re not going to feed the generator anymore because it’s not going to do much until these first generation of trees grow uh now so we basically have the output here

It’s collect logs saplings when the saplings sap things will build up here in the resource queue and once this gets full of three stacks of saplings then it will start spitting out the saplings oh oh there we go so the saplings that resulted from that tree getting farmed went back into the

System and it planted them so once it plants the full field they’ll start building up here once they overflow here then they will come out in the output and they will simply be fed back into the system uh now we should have some logs in here now i would i will eventually

Uh set this to take the logs and we will feed them uh we will feed the logs back into here to dispose of them and use them as fuel to keep the cycle going so basically all we want is to have it output uh apples and from time

To time we can swing by here and grab uh fuel so the next thing we’re going to do is now we have apples will come here this is where the apples will be let’s test it yep okay so that’s where the apples were going to come out for now

We can do something kind of cool and let’s set up uh some automated apple juice production but before that i i kind of hate like constantly walking around i want my deck built so we’re gonna make a deck here not need to do that and we’re going to use the build wands

To build this quickly so i’m going to take my build wand and the stone ones only work horizontally and the iron ones only work horizontally uh it’s not until you get diamond build ones that you can do verticals which means like i could come down here and like make a wall real quick

Uh so the stones do a five by one by one um but still this is radically faster than uh placing uh by hand and the only resource you’re really using up is just stone and i finally ran out but hey i have literally i literally have a farm here it’s great

So build ones make uh building basic geometry uh more pleasant to uh work with although there’s a zombie somewhere i wonder where he’s at he’s probably on the other side of this wall uh that is victory climb on the other side of that wall so he’s probably hanging out over there

All right uh so we want to go check out a quest let’s see uh crushing tub all right so i looted a correction tub and beat this so we’re gonna go ahead and accept the rewards and we got a wild berry bush which is really important but

We’ll mess with the wild berry bush later we’re working with apples right now because we’ve already established a tree farm that will produce apples yeah who wants to jump on the crushing tub all day screw that noise so we’ll put away the wild berry juice the wild berries the bottle of wild

Berry albert bush yay tree farm sweet yay tree farm look at it go and so we started with uh we started with four saplings on it and well now we have more saplings on it uh so it starts getting faster and faster i don’t think we’ve made an apple profit

Yet but we will start it and this looks like it needs a little bit of love there we go all right so apples are confirmed to be in here and i think i want to put the crushing area to the over here i suppose and we’ll feed ah that’s okay for now yay

All right so the crushing area will go here uh we need to do the uh piping work i’ll leave a step up here so i can access it and i don’t want to get it too close to the tree farm because minecraft trees when they grow have a chance to like do

Weird stuff to nearby blocks that i just don’t have the patience to deal with uh so we basically want the crushing tub like over here enough far enough away from it to not really have to deal with it so let’s see that’s the apples and we want the apples to be

Over here somewhere so we probably want the apples to arrive in a chest no a hopper and then the crushing tub to go a certain direction and uh the pipes i only want to end up using two pipes these simple pipes are they are just that they’re simple they’re finicky

I only recommend using them in very basic configurations uh and not letting them go too far because the they they they like i said they’re finicky i don’t always quite understand their behavior f3g let’s take our chunk border so all of this machinery here is in the same chunk

The trees themselves like this this barrier right here i don’t know if it matters for this thing all that really matters is all the machinery is in the same chunk so uh the pipes can probably cross the trunk threshold as well putting it all in the same chunk is

Really important for a server i think it’s less so for single player uh okay so are we doing okay here uh starting to peter out but we have 16 more wood and let’s put in a quarter stack and the rest i can use to build with a this stupid thing there we go

And as far as the three three left you can be fuel alright so let’s grab a hopper and let’s go ahead and route the apples out and we have confirmed that the hopper duct should start at the destination so i got to figure out uh where i want to go with the destination

And i kind of want to have them piped up along the wall here maybe we’ll break that and start at the destination and i’ll break this i’ll break that one in a second but just gonna go ahead and lay the piping here or duct work i should call this ductwork

Because that’s literally what it is uh this is space engineers i would just rotate with my q and e key i don’t want to break the oh frick me of course okay all right whatever this is the this is uh that bothers the crap out of me okay so that’s done

And this one’s not set up correctly so we’ll just break him real quick and then oh wait a minute you know what let’s do something uh with a stick you can rotate the hopper ducts so if you don’t want to break it you can rotate it to the right orientation like that okay

So now this is going to be fed into a so we probably want the final output barrel here because this is going to feed sideways eventually so the final output barrel is there and we’ll end up using two pipes and we can have the crusher i have the crusher right there and

This is the one that sucks and it sucks out of the crushing tub which is in the warehouse okay it has the white metal collar here so that’s hooked up correctly we can do a manual test it produced a bunch of apple pips what can we do with the apple pips themselves

We can make them into rustic apple saplings which are of dubious usefulness and the rustic apple saplings are at least fuel so that’s something and it kind of makes me want to see if i can add a custom recipe to make the pips in the in the fuel

The pips as far as we’re concerned the pips are kind of useless right now uh but there is indeed apple juice here in the barrel okay so now we just need to feed the crushing tub from the side with a hopper and simply feed the hopper from below and i

Will simply click that to get the orientation right and uh yeah so let’s disable the hello you hold on a second i have a guest he has come to see my setup hi you want to check out my earth wand yeah you do all right neat so how we doing here

The apples up not quite let’s load this up with some fuel and i think i’ve removed the yeah so we’re basically letting the tree farm we’ve removed the uh selectors from the grated hoppers uh so that the tree farm is okay it’s finally full of saplings this is fantastic

So they’ll start to pile up here in the resource output okay so the next thing is we have 32 glass blocks from the west which is pretty great um and i’m going to go ahead and use them to make a wall around the crushing area here you could also make a containment using

The acacia and i think i’ll just put a ladder up on this side and uh let’s go make a ladder okay and then we’ve got the frog powered automation solutions and two should be plenty uh one’s fine two just gets the job done well twice as fast

And now this area could use a little bit a little bit more light because maybe don’t have monsters spawning in your industrial area right here i think we need a slab and i wish i had a lot of acacia wood i might go get a bunch of vacation wood just to make trapdoors

With um and i think i’m gonna put down a double chest here hi guys uh a double chest for all of the industrial parts and they can just live here in the industrial room and it’ll be great everybody’s thrilled i’m not thrilled at your presence though i i think farming monsters is great

But maybe not quite so let’s see one two three yeah it works one over here same side crit uh one two three four five six two five six one two three five six it’s like there then whatever i want some acacia wood and there’s a jungle-sized acacia tree literally down these steps

Right down these steps and i even have a stone axe where’s the acacia it’s right there hey dirk i kind of need you i’ll need you for various farming things uh i need 25 of you specifically and a few more in case i misplaced something fantastic okay and i want the big acacia

Although if i chop this down if i chop down the big acacia like i’ll never get another one it is kind of a which is a endangered species so i could let my tree farm uh run on acacia saplings for a while and build up a bunch of acacias

Because there’s not too many of them is there yeah i’m gonna leave this big acacia once that thing gets chopped down uh you’ll never get another one and i know this is just a devcon but it still would make me really sad all right so i’ve got four acacias

I think i’ll farm up a bunch of vacations off camera i’ll switch the tree farm out but right now i want the tree farm grinding out uh as much of the uh oak as it can also it’s stalled again well oh hey oh hey we’re hey we’ve generated some apples yes excellent

Okay i won’t trap doors uh so we want to make a trap um i’m not going to make i’m not i’m not is it shift click is it ctrl shift click shift click when you click the plus alright so we have acacia trapdoors and these are great because they let you do

Stuff like this um and this just lets you have a great view of your machinery and stuff i really like encasing my uh torque shafts i like covering the torque shafts with acacia trapdoors but i’ll save those three in case i want other uses for them

And we can go ahead and finish the uh finish the deck how close down does that need to be well yeah all that so this makes uh this is a the build wands are such a huge quality of life uh tool this would take so long

This is the type of thing where i would do it off camera and then cut back to me being done but the build one does it so quickly that i feel okay just doing that on camera and there’s a mr skillin and that was mr lag we’ll just do that

And you know i’m kind of just messing around on my base i can probably give my computer a little bit of a break normally i don’t have hitching like that but i am recording and very high quality uh i’m actually i’m actually recording mp4 files so i think there’s compression done

Right now but it’s pretty high quality still and then i will render again um maybe i should just dump uncompressed avi but that is flippin huge and we’re using uh hardware encoding anyway i think my nvidia gpu is doing it and it’s working okay well

I say that and then it hitches and i’m just like okay well is it working okay right so i would like some of this we’re gonna go make charcoal out of this and make a bunch of torches and light up my uh room and it is it’s an industrial area so

I guess the torch is okay i really like using cincinnati lanterns that’s the uh i’ve got one in here i think i took one yeah these uh these blocks here look fantastic in industrial areas i love them they’re fantastic so i’d like to make some more of those

Later uh making more of those involves uh glowstone and forged cincinnati glowstone of course is made out of glowstone dust glowstone dust is dropped by loosest spore mushrooms so those lucius loses spore mushrooms are how you get farmable glowstone because glowstone is another thing that runs out all right we have acacias

I think i could put the acacias in here and just type in sap and we can go straight to the acacia saplings right yeah i want to just yeah yeah yeah does the dirt bucket stay i guess i put the dirt bike back all right so now we have actual minecraft acacia saplings

Um there’s some charcoal we have stick sticks i did not mean to do that can we convert this back into a piece of charcoal yes we can oh by the way uh if you need to fill in an area uh ash is a gravity block that has basically no use and

I let you craft it with charcoal like this and it’s a it’s a block that you can use to fill in large areas with a gravity block if you just need to do some terraforming previously sand was the best way to fill in stuff but with your ability to just farm trees

And make charcoal into ash ash gives you a a good way to just make a bunch of farmable blocks that are ground it it gives you a wood-sourced gravity block there that’s what i’m trying to say so a gravity block that comes from a farm wood farm source which is kind of important

Uh that’s a nice little thing to have in your back pocket to bust out when you need to like do a building project uh really all right come on you on you guys get out of here get well they’re out of here so one two there

One two three four five six one two three four five six two three perfect you know what let’s actually just line it up with the tree farm here then like the middle uh i’m not really particular about my torch grid placement i don’t really care that much especially for a

Industrial area like this it can be just kind of whatever yeah that should work ish if it works ish that’s good enough for me uh so if we were really fancy we would have an auto crafter we can set up an automatic crafting table to craft the logs into planks

But right now we’re kind of in the basics era all right so now we’re gonna take this apple and i think enough apple has built up yes 16 is built up that we want to access the rated hopper this one right here and we put in the apple and now

These guys are going to jump and we should start to see the level of apple juice in the barrel here rise and yes it is we now have uh and i am going to go ahead and craft by hand these planks and load all of them into this hopper like so

And if i can get to the hopper duct i’ll even i’ll even load up the hopper duct a little bit there we go um this should keep this thing running for a i’ll this will keep this running for a very long time and we’ll we’ll have a bunch of logs built up

And by the time we have a bunch of logs built up in the output here i will assign logs to the rated hopper i’ll go down there and assign logs to the graded hopper and the logs the overflow logs and the saplings will be fed back into the

Machine and burned up as fuel to keep the keep the machine going and it’ll basically be like an infinite log and uh apple producer and so we basically with gathering uh this takes gathering 20 and building 20 to set up um and if you’re tolerant of it uh

Like we’re missing three drumsticks and four water droplets uh it gives more saturation than it does uh uh hunger value so also you can um even if you’re full you can still drink these and basically supercharge your saturation meter and fill it all the way up uh

So if you’re okay with like you know city triple trickle of apple juice to keep you going uh this works pretty well um if you want faster farming though then uh we’ll need to tackle something like uh mulberry juice or grapes i have quite a bit of grapes actually in fact

Maybe i should just let them process all of these go ahead and let them process all of these grapes uh i could get access to the hopper here and just go ahead and let them access the rushing tub yeah i can but where did the pips go by the way the

Pips just like get thrown off on the floor it looks like they do so let’s change out the barrel and let them work through uh making a absolute butt load of uh aerospace now if you really wanted to you could add a uh i think you can add a separate pipe

Fairly easily here if you wanted a a separate output uh let me experiment with this just to make sure i put my pipes in here a barrel uh pipe so if you wanted to you could do this i think and that would give it a separate storage i think in fact

That i can just put in the grapes here and they will send the grape juice will the grape juice go here no all right come here yeah where will the grape juice go it’s building up and they’re not being drained i think that means that let me put this back now

I told you the pipes are fickle man uh that might mean there is a fractional apple juice in one of the pipes they’re probably better off ripping out the hole uh ripping out your pipes and replacing them yeah okay so what was happening there is there was a fractional amount of apple

Juice left in the pipe that was blocking the flow how does this work let me feed in more or grape this is the grape channel all grape all the time and this is where you would use all of the frogs all right let’s supercharge the automation go guys go

Uh this one’s almost full uh normally you don’t sit here and stare at it normally you would go like do something and come back and have a bunch of like full stuff waiting on you i think for my sanity i’m going to go down here and we’re going to flag this gated

Hopper to pass through i’m going to go ahead and uh flag it to pass through oh is that oak sapling yeah i’m gonna go ahead and let it pass the oak sapling and the oak planks and we’ll come back and do the log later but what that means is that i can be

Lazy now and just do that and that’ll head to the fuel and i can get out of my inventory are we working on the second one now is that how this works you guys are going to jump no okay yeah that doesn’t work i told you they’re fickle

I think you would have to add a second set like uh one pipe like down here and one pipe down here um you’re you’re really better off just doing doing this because the crushing tub remember the crushing tub itself holds a buffer of liquid right

Uh how are you doing on the grapes here oh yeah they’re making pretty good progress what’s the crushing power of four frogs let’s see well this says this is full and i tell you what i got an idea hold on a sec all right 25 and it was full hold on i’m counting

So we’re waiting till 137 even and time so it’s full 25 so 32 so calculator uh 25 seconds they did 32 in and it took 25 seconds uh so four frogs is basically doing uh one like roughly one point hops per second is what it comes out to be

Which also implies uh 1.28 divided by four frogs is uh a frog does the hop every three seconds which that sounds about like a that sounds about right actually and i need to block my nose all right so with the output of apples from the farm a single frog is probably more than

Enough to keep up with the output of a farm like this now the farm you might notice on the bounds window here there’s room for more you can upgrade the size of the farm to increase the output which i think i might do that would be a i think it’s bound bound upgrade

Medium bounds upgrade large bounds upgrade they’re not very expensive they mostly are just looking for you to have the skill so i might do that uh they’re called up they’re all called upgrade right yeah so there’s a quarry upgrade the bounds upgrade uh we can go ahead and hit building level

26 and make one of those pretty cheaply actually uh how are we doing chewing through this uh oh hey no no i’m sorry all of this i gotta do like i gotta do like that no apples yet apples are not allowed no apples just yet can you chill on the apples old

We want to hold on no apples yet i want my guys to chew through this grape juice and that’ll basically i don’t really think i’ll need any more grape juice uh i don’t even know if i’ll load this in i might keep that for using it as other crafting materials like die or

Setting up my own grape farm or whatever else uh so i think we’re done for now uh the next thing will be let’s go see if i can hit uh gathering no building level 26. oh uh and let me drop off my stuff real quick too i’ll leave half the saplings in there

Uh i probably wanted to keep the uh these empty bottles for sure all right uh xp that looks like i oh well maybe not i wish i had uh i got this let’s just go for the xp i got a hunting quest done and i got an end rod that’s neat

Uh what else did i get done i got this which uh i’m not really ready to use any of this so that can wait in there uh did i get any more things that give xp specifically no yeah technically yes technically yes um all right let’s grab all of our exp and

See if we can get to mining uh building level oh i’m already 24. oh yeah that was easy i got it sweet uh i’ll also grab magic 18 while i’m here i think that’ll give me advanced stuff uh that means that i can make the big upgrade which

Means i need to return to the tree farm real quick and grab some more wood boy shoot actually i needed the string for the fences or for the upgrade kit thank you thank you i don’t know if the spider intended that but that’s what happened all right let’s see now that

Throw all this in here i haven’t made a silkworm farm yet have i gotten enough string just from spider drops does it i have to wait to click on the oak fence don’t i oh my god that was it i had to just wait kidding me all right

Balance upgrade so let’s make one of those while i’m here i guess i’ll make two all right let’s put the bounds upgrade and see what this looks like i just click it in i think shift click right yes shift click the other one can wait in the building chest

So now if we go to the bat oh boy we can just go all the way back to the to the edge here and i don’t want to get closer than that to the edge honestly because of the i don’t want the trees growing like into the wall and messing

The wall up so it needs a bit of space around it but yeah we can radically increase the size of the farm i think i’ll do nope like that so that went from 24 blocks to uh what is this five six seven eight nine ten eleven

Five one two three four five six seven eight nine uh that’s uh nine times eleven a ninety-nine so we went from 24 trees to 99 trees oh boy i don’t have enough dirt for this i don’t have enough dirt oh dear i think instead of burning the saplings

What i might do with them is put them into a composter and that’ll be i think that’ll be another graded hopper off of the system but that’s okay i think we’ll have room for it and we’ll let the tree farm also turn the excess saplings into

Uh bone meal for us which we can then go do stuff with if only the build wands were able to destroy stuff but that would be a little maybe too good i would also you can use the wands to mine there’s a spell called mine

And with two blast upgrades in it oh boy it does three by three cubes which makes tunneling uh so easy to do and fast but don’t worry we will also show that off on this devcom uh i’m coming up i’m close to two freaking hours

So i probably want to wrap this one up before i don’t want to hit a two-hour video uh we want to stop before then i think but uh i need to go get more dirt but yeah that’s um that was pretty easy to do i think even now like we’ve added we’ve

More than doubled the capacity of the farm now so anyway i will see you guys next episode i think i’m gonna just i’ll finish this off camera you guys don’t want to watch me go mind more dirt and i might just idle buy it and let it run

Because i find it incredibly relaxing to watch the tree farms run there’s just something really just uh crunchy and crisp about the the sound of the rapid the tree being rapidly broken down by the farm that just makes me really happy like i find it really satisfying um generally speaking i like watching

Automated setups just run there’s a lot of satisfaction in watching your factory uh just do its thing which you would think might mean i love the game status factory but i i think i actually refunded satisfactory because there wasn’t enough challenge it kind of felt like playing factorio on peaceful mode

And it’s pretty safe in this room now that i’ve lit it up but like right out here there’s the danger zone out there so i guess i like having the threat you know yes i like the little slight delay before it plants the next sapling it seems like vaguely

Vaguely unruly oh if you ever lose a item near a tree farm check the farm like the torches got sucked up by the farm because it it kind of has like hopper style behavior a little bit um yeah but anyway i’m gonna finish this up off camera and i’ll see you guys next

Episode i think next episode i’m not sure what we’ll do we’ll see can i put a light up here i can i can place it on glass that’s fantastic look at that i’ll just leave these up here to give the frog some light i’m sure they’ll appreciate it

But anyway i will see you guys uh next episode thank you very much for watching and until then as always take it easy

This video, titled ‘Ep04 Spellbound Caves II Developer Commentary (Mushroom Cave and Ancient Warfare Automation)’, was uploaded by Vechs on 2021-10-28 22:00:00. It has garnered 6202 views and 218 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:48 or 6948 seconds.

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My name is Vechs, author of the Super Hostile series. I am a map and mod maker, lifetime gamer, and an LPer. If you enjoy my content, please subscribe, and toss me a Like if you feel generous.

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Music providers: Big Giant Circles http://www.biggiantcircles.com/ Jens Kiilstofte https://machinimasound.com/legacy-tracks/

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  • Tracked Tinnt’s Minecraft Mayhem: Episode 3

    Tracked Tinnt's Minecraft Mayhem: Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, KIRAMC and TINNT, creating a spree. Tracking each other, in a game of chase, With mods and updates, adding more grace. The Mega SMP, a world of its own, Where survival is tough, but the fun has grown. Monsters and miners, all in one place, Creating adventures, at a fast pace. KIRAMC and TINNT, a dynamic duo, Exploring the world, with each new show. With rhymes and jokes, they entertain, In Minecraft world, they both reign. So tune in now, to watch the fun, In Minecraft world, where battles… Read More

  • Fleecade: Spooky Minecraft on PS1

    Fleecade: Spooky Minecraft on PS1 Minecraft PS 1 Edition: A Spooky Adventure Step into the eerie world of Minecraft PS 1 edition, where the familiar blocky landscapes take on a whole new level of spookiness. From haunted forests to mysterious caves, this version of the game is sure to send shivers down your spine. Exploring Haunted Forests As players venture into the dense forests of Minecraft PS 1, they will encounter eerie creatures lurking in the shadows. From ghostly wolves to sinister witches, the forest is filled with dangers that will keep you on edge. Uncovering Mysterious Caves Delve deep into the dark caves… Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

Ep04 Spellbound Caves II Developer Commentary (Mushroom Cave and Ancient Warfare Automation)