EPIC Battle & Dark Oak Quest in Modded Minecraft!

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All righty guys what’s going on and welcome back to Minecraft mod survival um just kind of let the world uh load up here a little bit cuz it is a little laggy um so last episode last episode we encountered quite a uh quite a close call with the

Tornado and now on my way to um like on my way to find the elusive Dark Forest I’ve been trying to find I came across this weird structure right here I don’t know what it’s about but I’m really interested in it now I haven’t found any Dark Forest yet I

Don’t know why it’s so rare in this world apparently oh yeah if anybody if anybody’s wondering what the seed is there it is right there um and yeah oh yeah and I went ahead and conquered another no another dungeon so I have a lot of new stuff um

But anyways um there’s quite a lot of mobs that are that are um see if I can get this ghost oh of course even the freak oh the wandering trador here okay well um man okay all right so everything’s a little better but I feel like I should probably

Turn it down to like 16 chunks to reduce lag cuz yeah my my Minecraft world is being really stupid but I’m going to go ahead and okay so there’s kind of like an entrance right there I have no idea what this structure is about I I don’t even know what kind

Of blocks these are these are like oh kind of oh gosh oh my gosh why is there so many creepers my gosh the Creeper Creeper Brigade oh my God okay um what what actually what actually is this kind of oh my gosh there like zombies that are coming down oh

Wait wait oh we can do it here wait oh cut come on this has to be dark wood this has to be dark wood okay we got some smoked flesh some potatoes carrots so I’m guessing it’s just another one of those one another one of those dungeons I’m assuming but okay this has

To be this has to be whoa okay you you have gold armor there buddy is this please y oh my God where do y’all keep coming from okay so that this thing is made out of some of it’s made out of dark wood finally oh my

Gosh that took I I I hear a lot of stuff up here um all right and I and I really don’t have Any really don’t have any Shield so it’s kind of bad but all we got more okay okay okay all mobs are mobs are burn outside we can go ahead and take this but yes finally we have freaking dark wood that we can actually obtain okay I

Hear a lot of okay yep that okay that’s a lot of spiders that is a lot of spiders um o a spider jockey we we got a freaking spider jockey okay oh oh my God there’s like it’s like oh my God another okay honestly while I while I was Conquering the dungeon like

Literally those things were like wait those wait those things can like summon those things oh my gosh okay okay okay um oh oh oh my God you’re done you are done you are done sir oh my God where where do yall keep coming from is there is there like a certain spawner

Upstairs that’s like okay okay I think I think there’s a oh oh yeah oh okay um yeah there’s definitely a spawner definitely a spawner oh what the what what the hell was that wello there like there’s like some weird stuff going on here okay what what why can’t I oh God I’m

I’m like I’m like fatigued I’m literally fatigued I’ve never had I’ve never had mining fatigue before okay well like literally I have oh my God I have mining fatigue too are are you kidding me right now can I can I please like destroy okay all right just just just try to put

Light around it holy crap I I I literally can’t do anything we got Bows Oh oh my God you’re done you’re done because I I don’t have Pace anymore holy crap oh my God this freaking you’re done you’re spawner is gone holy crap that that was insane this

Dungeon th those those skeletons are really they they do piss me off sometimes because it’s like it’s like it’s like they give you the slowness effect and like okay we got we got some oh God we got the we got we got the weird w we got the weird wizard skeleton in

Here oh man this is actually one way to do you guys think we should you guys think we should collect all this stuff what do we got in here potion of instant harming well I guess I can take some of the books man I am really I’m really gu

To repair my sword and some of my armor cu well I mean what what am I doing we we really all we really already have oh my gosh we have like so many emeralds this is I mean this is different this is definitely a bit of a different

Uh okay those are like chains so I’m going to have to get rid of them but yes we can like freaking we can like do this okay what’s what’s going on up here huh oh hi hi all right let me oh God I got the freaking I got the freaking mining

Fatigue again oh and you’re and and you’re like spawning the weird oh my God you’re like spawning the weird the weird the the weird minion dudes okay okay kill you kill you please please kill please how much health do you have dude my god oh did he did he have what why does

He have so much health oh my God what what is happening why does he have so much health oh my God why does he have so much freaking Health why why does he have so much health okay I’m going to I’m I’m going to have I’m yeah okay I was about to say

Going to have to get some golden apples here cuz this cuz cuz this is serious this is serious a serious serious boss fight this this is like this is like some other boss fight he keeps spawning in these little okay I don’t I don’t know how I

Don’t know how I don’t know how you can I literally don’t know how you can defeat this dude he like he like wait isn’t he like hang on my God bro he’s like bro oh my gosh okay okay you know what screw oh my freaking God what is

Happening oh my God what is this this is so weird he he’s not dying this dude is not dying oh my gosh this dude’s like this dude’s like not dying whatsoever and my sword like my sword my sword is literally like okay where where is he does a bow work

He’s dead oh my God thank you God that took so long oh gosh what’ he give me orb of the Summoner what what is this I didn’t even realize you can like scroll down what orb of the Summoner what okay this is this is getting interesting what is

The or of the Summoner and we have diamonds oh my God okay well this is definitely the award I’ll say that this is quite the award oh we we got like a new music disc and it’s raining that’s kind of giving me concern though oh my gosh is that oh wait no

That that that’s it that’s it okay we can we can start mining this crap now yes yes man oh I’ve been trying to get this so long you guys have no idea that oh my gosh what what kind of skeleton was that I really want to know hang on let cuz

That’s definitely from born in chaos that’s definitely from the born in chaos mod okay okay wait Bor in chaos okay um Supreme bones collar that’s probably what okay I think that’s what it was I’m pretty sure that was Supreme bones collar holy crap dude I’m pretty sure that’s what it was man this

Man all right we finally we have finally we finally done it we have finally obtained dark oak but the thing is there’s not really the there there’s no like dark dark oak like saplings though that really wasn’t you know like it really wasn’t oh yeah and apparently you can

Scroll down which I mean it does have more space you know what I could probably just get the whole thing of wood okay well at least we got some I mean I guess I could use this for like the remainder of my bedroom ceiling so okay also what kind of Bri what what

The what what does that mean what does that mean dude is there like something at the top is there something at the top of the structure cuz I’m I’m so confused right now is there something at the top hello Mr Cow oh yeah and there’s also like a little miniature storm oh

What God our diamond armor is in quite rough shape yeah is there like something up there cuz like why why is it still inflicting me with with that I’m going to use the Nether Bricks that that I got okay why why does that keep happening I really want to know like why that

Keeps happening okay is there like okay like literally is is there like something is there something above this like I don’t know what’s going on by the way is there like some kind of oh my God I’m literally G to have to wait for this to like to like disappear also I have

TNT but it’s probably not going to I don’t know this is so weird because like it’s it’s really strange I’m I’m literally I’m I’m really going to have to see like when cuz like why why is it giving me mining fatigue I I defeated I defeated oh my gosh this takes a there’s

A bro what there’s another there’s like another there is there is like a secret area what what what what are these blocks yeah this is this is like the other area oh my gosh well we just kind of oh my gosh I don’t know why I I don’t know why this is

Happening I don’t know why this is I got mining fatigue three does it like happen the more I stay here cuz that’s like really strange okay I think I think I’m literally going to have to use like TNT oh wait no that’s not that’s not the right one yeah I’m literally probably

Going to have to use like TNT or something because this is this is getting a little out of hand for me at least now oh I can wait I can mine this stuff now no it’s still okay yeah I don’t I really have like no idea what’s going on all right

TNT blow bling this out it are you kidding me it’s literally so the these These Bricks are these bricks are like in are like impossible to mine apparently all right let’s just let’s hope that that breaks it okay it it broke some of it but

Okay can I just please get out of here please okay trying to get as much as as I can cuz apparently this is like it just gives you it it it literally just gives you the mining effect the the mining fatigue effect oh my God why out of anything there’s like

Creepers that just come in there like it’s like yo I’m going to come in there and just blow up the whole place but that stuff oh my gosh I didn’t realize how close he was um cuz like that those bricks apparently oh wow there’s like two of those Gad flies whatever they’re

Called holy crap that was that was for sure a little different because because like okay all right I’m actually going to look at like what oh my god of course oh speaking of those fish apparently I encountered like a really giant like a giant like version of that fish

Apparently which was really terrifying I wasn’t expecting it but oh oh oh my God there’s a lot did I get my boat no I did not no I did not let me let me get my boat and I’ll leave youall Al okay oh wow this kind of like a mountain like a Mountain

Village but boy has this been a pain that that was a pain that was a pain of a dungeon to go through that was truly a pain of a dungeon all right I’m I’m not even going to because like that dude just spawned right there and I’m not

I’m I’m I’m just not I’m just not going to and like we’re we’re really far away from our home okay so what okay L Lord pumpkin head’s lamp who who the heck is Lord pumpkin head okay we have we have like summons two skeleton minions by

Right clicking on a block oh that’s cool bones caller staff Lord pumpkins lamp so apparently we would have to get another one of these for like this thing which oh wait this is this is uncrafting but can you actually craft this cuz I cuz I could totally craft that like I

Can I can totally craft that where is it here it is yeah okay so we can so we can we we can make that which I mean we technically can right now but but um here’s a village um as far as I know I haven’t really been noticing any crazy stormy

Activity so I don’t know also I might have to oh here’s the castle when Iron Golems got beat up real bad nobody in prison huh guess there’s no there’s no uh no crimes of said Village the wind’s blowing in that direction okay yeah it’s the same stuff

Okay that’s cool that’s cool oh wait I wasn’t supposed to go over here let me get out thank you I mean it’s a cool cool place cool place okay this is a very tight Village I’ll say that like look at that another Emerald I literally have like so many emeralds

Let’s be all let’s be honest here but you know what I’ll take it I’ll take I’ll I’ll take the emeralds but we do have some you know we do have some uh some uh like we have like tons of emeralds no is there somebody sleeping

Up here oh no this is like the this is like the guest the guest house if I remember it’s like the guest house also oh yeah spawn point so wa if you like if we check born in chaos or is there even oh there’s not even achievements to Bing chaos that’s weird

I thought there was when I checked uh I have no idea now is there a yep everybody’s everybody’s awake but that that wasn’t completely my mission though cuz I was trying to find a Darkwood Forest so that I could find a Darkwood tree then I’ll be able to get saplings

Well I don’t I don’t think one sapling will do it I don’t think it will which I I don’t know so this is kind of oh there’s another dungeon right there I don’t think we’ve seen that dungeon yet but it’s it’s kind of like the same concept

We we really do do need to go back and repair like I mean like at the same time I’m really trying to avoid any like any combat but it’s not a look at there a that little seals little seals that’s so that’s so cute okay um oh wow this is okay this mountain

Right here is reminded me of my are from the fog World which i h i I have to go back into that world and give you guys the seed because a few people have commented on like what the seed is so I’ll make sure to do that I just God I

Cannot find a Darkwood forest for the life of me and there’s another Village we’re we’re kind of just we’re kind of just going across the world pretty much we’re we’re actually if if I’m being honest we’re like really far from home and that’s a new storm right there I’m

I’m not even going to bother Conquering the ship cuz there there’s not there’s not even really that valuable stuff in it anyways we have another Village um this one looks more like well it’s kind of oak wood so it’s kind of classy you know but yeah doesn’t that doesn’t that

Remind yall of like my from the fog world how like our house was like in the middle of that thing that that was like that was like a dream world right there you know this Village is cool this this this is like this is like Villages like back in the day but just

Revamped and that okay that is rain it’s it’s only light rain though oh never mind rain’s coming in I really don’t hope that that’s an actual storm cuz if we are then we’re kind of screwed um o oh somebody’s uh I think somebody’s Brewing some potions that’s cool that’s

Cool I’m I’m I’m I’m literally just a visitor like I’m not this is very open ples this is very open planes well um I don’t really know what to do now I kind of just wanted to record this just because of that that Supreme bones collar bone bones collar dude

Thing but that was uh really interesting that was a really interesting boss fight I will admit so oh man I I I really don’t know what to do I think I’m going to reload Minecraft and I’ll be right back all right went ahead and reload the

World um man it took a long time but dude there’s just like there’s just like that this like there’s like no freaking dark Forest like it’s really weird and I really I really just want to go back home me we got some but it it wasn’t like a forest

Where I can continue growing them you know like I wanted to I wanted to like I I wanted to explore them but I mean it’s not really working so yeah I don’t I don’t know why that’s a thing but but there’s another Village there’s more of these freaking

Highlands like Highlands and plains is like the most common biome of the seed but Dark Forest is just like like so weird apparently it’s so hard to find it’s so weird like oh what is that oh it’s another one of those wait now that I think about it one

Of those Wells looks really similar to the one like the tower that we just conquered it looks like it has similar blocks which you can’t destroy them you you can’t there’s a birch Forest well at least we got some at at least we got some some like at least we got some dark

Wood but still you know up you know honestly I’m I’m I’m I’m probably just going to give myself some I know I I know it’s I know it’s technically cheating but I’ve I’ve tried guys I’ve Lally tried to go everywhere in this world to find a dark dark forest and it’s just

It’s just not it’s just not working it’s just not it doesn’t want to give me one for whatever reason I I know that we’re in this direction but but still man it’s just and yes we we we are making like a complete circle but dude that that Tower is just

That Tower is creepy I’m not going to lie it’s a very creepy Tower but that was hard like like like cuz like I guess like the bones collar were just like the mini bosses and then the Supreme bones collar was like the main boss which I

Mean if I’m if I’m going to be completely honest I kind of just considered it a boss but I don’t know I I really thought that there was advancements in born in chaos but okay we go okay yeah we’re kind of going the right direction yeah okay here we go all right let’s

Just let’s just head back home because I’m really I’m really just like I’m really just so freaking oh man I’m just really tired of like trying to find a freaking I’m really tired of finding oh yeah I left you there I’m so sorry I don’t care um oh oh this is

Different oh my gosh we actually found a mushroom biome how how did I pass this how did I pass this biome holy crap dude when is the last time I’ve seen a mushroom biome wow this is so wow this is like so this is like this is like bringing me

Bringing me back like memories cuz like holy crap dude it’s a freaking mushroom biome it’s literally a mushroom biome it’s literally a mushroom biome it’s lit okay we’re probably just going to use the water why not that’s so cool it’s literally like a mushroom biome if I can

If I can get up the mushroom biome if I’m really going to have to restart my Minecraft again I’m going to be pissed because well actually I think I might have a solution to that or or or or is it is it okay is it just like lagging really bad or

Something oh God I think it might have okay I think I might oh NOP we’re still here okay I will be right back once again okay um wow that was really I am really sorry guys I can’t really do anything about that is is kind of

How oh this is music matter of fact I think we’ll probably turn the music up a little bit so it’s kind of the classic music I I really do enjoy the classic music more by C418 but yeah this is a mushroom biome mushroom fields yeah this is cool I love this this the

First time I’ve been to a mushroom biome in years will there be any mushroom cuz this is awesome I wonder if there will be if there will be any mushrooms whoa wow it’s a crazy Ravine I mean Ravines are still a thing in Minecraft but caves and cliffs update they’re still the molum

Particles I I was L about to say Soul Sand but you guys are you guys would literally go crazy in the comments well there’s no no mushrooms well it was cool seeing this I will admit it’s just I don’t know how I pass this if I’m going to be honest I

Don’t know how I passed this but oh man the water’s like purple there’s like some crazy mobs down there I wonder if I could see that like ginormous fish that I saw like with the other hostile fishes okay we’re like this direction okay all right okay all right well I went ahead and

Turned the render distance down a little bit what is that wait hang on this this this is catching my eye what is this hang on there’s like something here well maybe I I don’t know maybe it’s something from the mod I cannot see oh oh my gosh was this what I

Was wait is this a m shaft oh oh yeah this is this is definitely a m shaft and I don’t know what that thing is oh my gosh what are you what are you oh my gosh you’re like some wait what what the you’re like some aquatic Enderman Bro oh you were you were like some aquatic Enderman that was interesting okay well that that’s that’s really just a m shaft oh my God so this thing are indeed hostile it’s like it’s like some aquatic Enderman or something what’s over here oh it’s just a

Savannah I think yeah we’re kind of oh there’s one right here there’s literally one right here that’s just like I mean he is okay so they are hostile okay that really didn’t do much all right um ow you are you are done for you know that you are done for okay you

Like okay those are just drowns okay well ow not anything all that interesting I’m assuming nope all right um whoa where is that oh I think it’s just I think it’s just like mountain biome yeah that’s cool though ow what the oh my gosh y your aim is like

Really it’s kind it’s a little good I’m not going to lie but man those things are annoying all right we’re heading back to home it’s going to take it okay look look right there that’s what I freaking saw whoa whoa look seeing some new stuff but yeah

That giant fish down there that’s what I saw earlier it was terrifying definitely it’s a little different when you encounter something that’s aquatic but yeah I Lally think when I’m going to get home I’m probably just going to give myself three other dark oak saplings because like I’ve I’ve

Literally tried so hard to like yeah what are those those are like those B those are like those long pointy sharks aren’t they or like I think oh yeah they definitely are hostile cuz they are trying to get to me me but let me oh oh

Yeah oh yeah whoa that that one looked a little different that a little different oh oh yeah they’re definitely hostile there’s Dolphins hey yo Dolphins how are yall today I’m getting attacked by other was bro oh my gosh why why why is the game coming into clutch so well

Oh finally oh oh my gosh that giant fish spawned over there I don’t think he saw me though so I think we’re good oh finally finally oh my gosh okay finally finally holy crap holy crap that the hell was that okay I definitely need to get some

Of the leaves because I need I need I need what is this that I’m hearing I have no idea okay I oh it’s oh it’s you never mind it’s you um I need to get up to the top somehow and yeah yeah I’m going to use I’m use my bricks I’m use

My Nether Bricks I mean I I kind of used a lot of these Nether Bricks to uh build uh I guess specific room at the house that y’all have not seen yet okay so I need I I know I’ve said this like 100 times I need I need saplings I need

Saplings okay there’s one I I literally just need three that’s all I need okay well you you gave me sticks I appreciate it but I need saplings okay there’s another there’s three okay thank God whoa look at that look at that biome that goes all the way up there that like

Goes to the clouds holy crap check out that that’s a crazy looking biome all right well we we l didn’t even have to give ourselves three other saplings like Minecraft literally just answered our own our our own prediction that’s awesome I think I just

Put yeah I just put my boat in here okay thank god that’s literally all I needed that’s literally all I needed was to do that and to freaking okay we’re we’re probably going to have to go through this River so here we go I don’t I I don’t care if y’all see

Me I’m not dealing with y’all today I think oh oh God it’s that it’s that weird mob it’s that weird thing it’s that weird Beast it’s the beast that’s that’s really why I’m going to nickname it it’s the Beast I I don’t think we went through did we go through

Here I think we did yeah cuz these trees were like like all colorful or not y’all but I did okay is that is that thing still coming after me no it’s over there okay all right we’re just going to we’re just going to Triumph through the mountains and Triumph the dangers of the

Night I got that from the classic Minecraft trailer like 11 some or like 11 something like that years ago I cannot get up here for the life of me I feel like it’s the auto jump that’s like screwed me up I mean I get it I love that there’s an auto

Jump but at the same time it’s a little o oh man we have another fancy Village we have another fancy Village well thank God I found a dark Forest thank God you know all right okay I I don’t know why that thing sounds so much like a hostile mob I

Don’t know why but it’s not maybe it’s neutral I don’t know what is this oh wow this is crazy oh wait no this this is the river I went upon I I remember this this is the river that I chose so it it wasn’t that River

So I completely I completely went by two uh fancy Villages or not two yeah and and and there was this house up here which that that was the dungeon that I conquered that dungeon right there that house that was what I conquered oh yeah there’s another one of

Those dungeons so uh I think like Beyond this you’re attack I don’t think I’ve never seen y’all attack a hostile mob um or at least I’m just not paying attention oh God it’s a weird weird Colossus skeleton okay I feel like we’re close to home we have to

Be we have to be close to home but I think oh God I’m I’m not dealing with that Cyclops zombie okay um I wonder if I just Triumph through okay all right so boat can break lily pads but this is I’m not sure what that was um just kind of go through here

And do your best do your best do your best let’s go let’s go Kar roach oh wow there’s like there’s like a lot of things that’s chasing me oh boy we’re close we’re close we’re there no no if we if if we if we go this way we’ll be

Home yeah we’ll be home oh there a slime it’s a slime what kind of moon is it oh it’s like almost a half moon that’s cool I’m going to going to go ahead and kill it get some slime balls all right cool cool beans cool beans you are still chasing me you

Weirdo yeah here we go this is this is it it we’re home we’re home we are home oh my gosh I definitely went a little too far to the left I’ll say that spider what are you doing you’re like doing some sort of weird dance I I

Really hate this mud block or like whatever it’s called okay we’re home we’re home village town I’ve yet to name you um oh man oh man I’m back I am back gadfly I’m not you you will live you will live in your in your ingesting and disgusting

Life oh my gosh we’re almost there I could see our house I could see our house so this episode you guys will be able to get a better look at everything because last episode we encountered a bit of a crazy crazy tornado that almost hit the house then it went into circles

Then it pretty much we literally had to take shelter because it was pretty much running us down pretty much but man I cannot wait to freaking sleep because like the like the night that I before I recorded like the night before I recorded I got attacked by a s so uh

Yeah skeleton give up yeah give up oh man just like I I I think that the raccoons are like that Beast mob whatever it’s called okay we’re home we’re home we’re home oh my god it feels so good it feels so good to be home oh my gosh it feels

So good to be home yes yes okay we are going to first plant our Darkwood tree but I do have to show y’all some few things so besides this besides the storage room look at here I built a little nether room it is kind of barren

But then again all of this took hours upon hours of doing this and I decided to add an extra storage room in here because because you know there’s just a lot of there’s just a lot of stuff we have to put up and yeah so that’s that’s

Another storage room in the nether room and we have the weather deflector in here but we have ourselves a little like dining room look at this this is cool got C water and then here’s the enchantment room and or the raing room pretty much as you can

See pretty cool God just just imagine how close that tornado was last episode we could have been dead we could have been dead and yes there will be a upstairs kind of there will be an upstairs but yeah um oh yeah and there’s also some outside like upgrades as well

But yeah so so so there’s like foliage there’s kind of like a balcony where like if if we can like if we could like watch anything like kind of like an out Outlook you know for any storms and I put some foliage and there’s this path but what’s interesting about this path

Is look right here this is where we’ll be going to the Twilight Forest now you guys in my poll on on like my channel really want me to go to the Twilight Forest so I am going to do that next episode I believe but we’re not done we’re not done as a

Matter of fact how long am I record okay 47 minutes I could definitely record for a little bit longer so we are going to plant we’re going to plant this dark dark uh uh dark tree dark oak tree I literally lost my train of thought but

We have to do uh we have we have to repair we have to repair oh yeah and apparently there’s this thing I’m not sure what it’s used for but I haven’t really gotten into it yet but it’s time to repair because uh man we’ve been but

First I feel like we have to empty out our backpacks so um okay what was I going to do okay or okay so there so so there’s pretty much like no diamonds so we kind of have to um oh yeah you can you can also wear the you can also wear the

Backpacks I’m not trying to like oh wait no it’s not backpacks this backpack all right you have six diamonds in here oh yeah we also got a bit of extra diamond armor so yeah um so let’s go ahead and repair the stuff it’s it’s it’s probably going to consume it’s probably going to

Consume a lot of our diamonds it’s probably going to consume all of our diamonds let’s be honest here but uh yeah let’s just yeah well that that that that’s good enough so our stuff’s been repaired at least for now but we got some we got some unpacking to

Do we got some unpacking and this this is going to be fun all right first actually no first I feel like we should do the enchantments first cuz it’s it’s pretty much the easiest one to do is the enchantments the Enchantment books we got quite a bit of stuff I

Really didn’t feel like recording it cuz it was kind of like the same aspect but God was it pissing me off because th those weird those weird skeletons that make you slow with potions of or not potions uh arrows of slowness were really pissing me off oh yeah I also got

This piture plant I’m not sure what it does but um anyways oh yeah we got we got the pumpkin staff what does this do launches explosive pumpkin that is really cool I think we might use that to like to like have fun I I don’t know oh my gosh that was oh another

Almost forgot you Fortune one okay and uh okay Redstone no no no red stone I’m not sure what we’re going to do with this orb of the Summoner I think we might make that staff that we saw earlier I’m not too sure but yeah we literally have like two Diamond chest plates

With the same the same enchantments it’s pretty cool oh yeah when I naturally found like a piece of like diamond like diamond ore for some reason I encountered these like Diamond Termite things they were a little weird um I don’t know what Mo mod they’re from I

Can’t remember but but it was it it was interesting to say the less it was really interesting um got lapis check the other batpack oh yeah I have like so many emeralds it’s insane I think I I I I think we’re going to have to trade I

Feel like we’re going to I feel like we’re going to go into the village and start like trading and oh my gosh we have so much we we could literally build like like an iron proof like like dungeon or like not dungeon but um um like shelter we’ve happened to yet

Make a tornado shelter and I feel like I’d like to do it on camera besides this stuff so yeah I feel like we’ll do that and um all right now we’re going to have to figure out okay so like the chest downstairs are just kind of like extra

Chests because we’re running out of storage up here um yeah we’re kind of running out of storage and we we we could still store a lot of stuff in here we still can but you you you you see what I mean like it it’s a lot oh yeah and um I’ve also been

Planting some dark wood uh trees from the Twilight Forest which I got like in one of the dungeons like a while back um yeah so we’re going to actually no we’re going to keep that in there we’re going to do this we are going to do

This and finally finish up the roof of my of my bedroom I’m pretty sure it is my bedroom but um we just got to decorate it a little bit got decorate it with books paintings it’s going to look nice and Banners possibly cuz like there’s there’s new banners apparently

You can get there we go look at that finally we’re done with it finally man that took so long okay yeah that’s pretty cool um but yeah um yeah so the chest downstairs like I said are kind of just extra extra chest all right any more blocks okay yeah we’ll definitely have some

More and then we’re going to we’re going to kind of fill up the rest here so we have quite a bit of armor and tools um holiday candy we’re going to we’re going to put in the food section actually we’re going to put that back in there um

Other backpack that this one we have more tools and combat oh yeah and uh we’re also going to repair that bow that we have um oh yeah we got a pitchfork which does nine damage isn’t that better oh that’s the same as our uh as our sword so let’s put our Tools in

Here let’s put that stuff put the Pitchfork I don’t know why it lagged um I put the armor extra armor in here was that all was that all the armor oh we need to put the arrows in here more arrows of slowness all right and we’re going to

We’re going to repair this bow because okay you can oh it gives you power four that’s cool all right so we definitely use some some experience because like literally before I had like 62 experience it was insane um oh yeah this this this this right here took a long

Time as well like I said it was like hours upon hours of the day before yesterday and yesterday to just do that um oh wait wait did I just repair I had three bows with power three wait what wait what happens hang hang on what what happens if you

Repair oh okay just kind of okay and the Anvil just disappeared okay well there goes our first Anvil um all right we’re definitely gonna um we’re definitely going to craft another Anvil I feel like we’re going to use a spare room for anvils and stuff like

That okay um oh wait I think I think I might need some iron and some Stone if I remember that’s how you craft an anvil um did I just P oh my God my mouse my mouse it’s being a do Z where where’s the Anvil oh my God this is being so erratic

Right now okay um oh my God Gloom gloo Lantern wait did I oh I think I have one of these I think I can’t remember exactly oh okay I guess I just completely I don’t know okay guys show that’s like all craftable oh it’s right here God damn

It God damn it all right let’s put that away I don’t know let’s just put it let’s just put it like right here in the corner let’s hope that our weather deflector like keeps us from any tornadoes uh I hope everybody’s having a good Sunday I have to go back to school

Tomorrow it’s going to suck but I’ll I’ll make it through no worry I’ll make it through and I still got to put this stuff up I know I know it’s quite the process but whatever um I know don’t I have more no I have a redstone

Torch um I guess let’s just get I have more arrows of slowness I don’t know how I missed that but let’s just uh get oh I got another enchantment table and more iron bars from the dungeon from the dungeon and pressure plates so let’s go ahead and get all this stuff out I

Guess um uh yeah you see what I mean like we’re really going to have to put this stuff in like put the candles in there for now put the rest of the food in there put the holiday candy in there uh a totally totally other thing of gold I didn’t realize golden

Apples I no put the gold in there it’s a full stack holy crap um yeah I I I think we’re possibly going to have to use the uh the um the chest downstairs now so um yeah let’s go ahead and yeah these chests right here are just are just real are

Just extra chests like store um other stuff so yeah um I guess well I guess we can okay we’re going to take one of those cuz I think we’re going to go ahead and craft the uh the weird thing for the for the um um ah the weird staff thing the weird staff

Thing that I saw that you can craft with the orb of the Summoner um did I go no I didn’t pass it did I K Scarlet ornate glass pain oh that’s probably what was causing me to to like to like go insane with uh with uh with a nightmare stalker skull oh is

That oh is that what it is that what is that what it’s called The Nightmare stalker cuz that’s a quite an interesting name that’s what that thing’s called um oh man oh wow there’s like there’s like there’s like more of these towers firewell I think we’ve already encountered that infected diamond or oh

That’s probably what I came across in infernal Evil Pumpkin that’s what I encountered with the weird pumpkin wasn’t that Lord pumpkin head Senor pumpkin or was it sir pumpkin head it could have been it could have been sir pumpkin head Lord pumpkin head that’s probably a

Boss yeah anyways bone okay so we need two bones we need two bones and uh pieces of dark Steel okay we got this we got this and and no we did I craft it wrong I think I might have craft it how do you oh it’s a straight okay oh man bones collar

Staff this is this is GNA be interesting this is going to be interesting okay bones collar staff all right is it is it night time oh it’s not nighttime well we’ll probably try it out in another another session yes yes now we can have unlimited stock

Of of dark wood or dark dark dark oak I should say we’ll have unlimited supply of dark wood it will be the best it’ll literally be the best thing ever it’ll literally be the best thing ever literally okay well that was a bit of a interesting episode um yeah let let’s go

Ahead and go and kind of clear this area around here well then again we kind of need another four saplings but that’s cool that’s cool this is kind of yeah yeah there’s two saplings there all right cool oh we got a storm I don’t know if that I’m not

Sure not sure guys I’m not sure all right let’s see if we can get like any more saplings if by any chance oh there’s one yeah I won keep an eye on that storm he gave me sticks but it’s not really what I’m looking for oh there’s another one dang

It no that wasn’t a third one well okay well we’ll keep those in handy um yeah I I wonder if that’s I wonder if that’s going to turn into a mesocyclone oh know I might have to figure out in the next episode because I or or maybe that’s

Just maybe that’s just rain I don’t know then again the meso Cyclones have been appearing out of like nowhere for me recently like like really oh yeah bottles of enchanting um all right put apples in there and put the dark wood in there okay interesting interesting okay oh yeah I

Need to make more uh torches yeah I need to make more torches I’m I’m I’m kind of like preparing for next episode pretty much cuz NE next episode’s going to be a big step if you guys catch my drift um anyways know what screw it let’s just go and make a lot of

Torches cuz why not why not why not sir okay there’s a lot of torches though um I feel like I might use these for to like I don’t know oh yeah okay um all right guys well I think I might yeah I yeah I think this is like rain or thunderstorm I’m not

Hearing any Thunder though so oh these trees are just growing okay cool cool cool beans cool beans all right well um I might go ahead and leave it there for now um if you guys do want more of mod survival then comment down below if you guys want more or just slap that

Like button and consider subscribing so that you don’t miss out on any other any other activity of Minecraft of any sorts so without further ado I um this has been this has been Ian here or Mr wedge if you guys want to call me Mr wedge I really just call

Myself by my real name so as a matter of fact I think I might go ahead and make this make this backpack a uh another gold backpack so yeah guys um I hope hope you guys have enjoyed this this has been Ian and I hope y’all will have a fantastic

Sunday and if any of y’all are going back to school I hope y’all will have a good Monday going back I sure will have a good Monday going back but yeah guys this has been Ian for the third time and I’ll see you guys in the next one see you guys later goodbye

And happy January I guess anyways I’ll see you guys later goodbye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded Survival – Episode 8 (Supreme Bonescaller Battle & The Quest of Dark Oak)’, was uploaded by Mr. Wedge on 2024-01-08 04:00:07. It has garnered 70 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:13 or 3973 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftmodded

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  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: https://discord.gg/23p8DsKNMHLore Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More