EPIC Minecraft Build – Revamping Community Area! 😱

Video Information

Hello everyone um I realized that I may have slightly forgotten to turn on stream music so I need to do that uh but hello everyone I think we are live is this working please let it be working cuz if it isn’t working that’ be absolutely terrible okay that’s

Working then if I have that nope okay yeah it seems to be working um hello everyone um I’m R the crank and uh stream cool POG I don’t I don’t know how to do this I’ve been doing this for almost anyways um uh I don’t I I I I as always I don’t

Have a plan of this I’m just I well I’d like to finish this up actually also I did um uh do a little bit of off camera XP grinding for like 15 minutes just to get a better enchant can’t and then I used uh another pickaxe and I got efficiency

Or Unbreaking three that’s it but at least we have uh Fortune 2 efficiency Fortune 2 efficiency 3 and Unbreaking 3 so at least it’ll work a little bit longer until we can start and then after this my goal is to is my mic working I think my mic is

Working mic is working stream music is working uh my goal after this um finishing the community area is working on a zombie or a mob grinder with the spawner thing where you manually kill them um because I think it’s slightly more efficient maybe if we do it

Especially since we’re in an ocean so there’s not much chance of mobs spawning and yeah that way we have um a better source of XP than we’ve been getting maybe I’m not sure it probably won’t be that that great considering we already have a farm so I’m not sure and

Also it’s not it can’t really be an Enderman Farm um but but is this this thing why isn’t it working public okay I find it really strange cuz at this point normally YouTube decides or Discord decides to show that I’m streaming Minecraft um so the fact that it’s not

Showing anything seems kind of sign of kind of scares me but I am streaming on R the crank I am on this I am on Discord and yeah I I can’t do anything about it anyways uh let’s see yeah I guess we’re just sing this out more Um also as I’ve uh I decided the thing that I was supposed to originally release on Friday I decided to push it back till Saturday just because uh it’ll I think I have something going on Friday so it might be a little bit annoying to worry about

When that goes live and also I it it might work better with me what’s it called uh not having to what what am I thinking what is wrong with me uh it might slightly do better because Saturday view might work better I don’t know um but I am really excited for that

And I’m also planning one two 2 three four five six um hello subscribe to Inception keeper everyone and also ik you need to stream more cuz we need to nominate you next see the only reason why I’m scared of nominating you is because I’m worried they might IP ban

Me or something and prevent me from nominating you once you start streaming for 200 hours in a year and also because I don’t if they don’t consider it anyways I I mean I maybe I should just do it I I don’t know um but everybody subscribe to Inception

Keeper let’s see if we can get him to in fact let’s see if we can get him to past 100 live viewers because if he get past 100 live viewers then he could be not just a Hidden Gem and be nominated for more stream stuff that’d be funny

Um I I what was I saying I forgot um that goes there yeah that just goes there yeah let’s do that he he’s nomin this you know you know they won’t do anything about it right they won’t consider it because I haven’t streamed for two I I don’t it it won’t it’s not

Going to do anything that that’s the thing about it it’s not going to do anything so why am I even worried about it because nothing’s going to happen why am I so worried about it but nothing bad is going to happen because I can’t possibly get nominated if if that actually like the

Fact is that people no no no see the the thought of get the thought of getting more attention to my channel than it currently has somewhat scares me I don’t know why because growth is good but if you if if if too many people too many people people talk I I can’t interact

See like even on stream right now I need to get better with human interaction that that’s something I should work towards in 2024 to be able to humanly to interact on a human level with other entities that are humans not just like fish cuz talking having a conversation

With a fish interacting with a fish could be a very one-sided conversation maybe I’m not sure I haven’t really tried it before wait what if I just have an conversation with an inanimate object I have a rouse plushy right in front of me hello Rouse how are you

Doing hello wait let me put your glasses on I wish I had a face cam so that way I could show it but I have a rouse plush in fact I should probably send a picture in the community tab because that would be funny but I have a rouse plush here

To help me when I’m streaming it’s my emotional support plushy that’s not the spot where the where do you put that ghost there and that ghost there see Hello Rousy how are you doing stay right there for me okay yeah you never mind having an interaction with an inanimate object is

Better I am such I am so bad at being a human being something is seriously wrong with me like I think mentally I probably have a problem but therapy is expensive anyways So then that goes There so as I’ve said I’ve have something coming map that I’ve sort of turned into a lore Pro um the closest don’t it’s not a brilliant decision I would highly recommend you don’t but I’d highly recommend you subscribe to Inception keeper he’s only 15 subscribers away from surpassing me and

That would be really funny I don’t know why but the the fact the idea of of inception keeper surpassing me within less than a year of streaming it’s just funny to me we should do it chat it would be so funny I don’t know why I’m

Enjoying this idea so much but I really am excited to see him surpass which I which I mean it well the IDE the the very idea of a reverse subwar in the first place is a strange idea but I find it so funny we should do it chat that would be

Funny so I have something a a project thing that I’m that that’s going to I’m going to announce on that I’m going to officially talk about on Saturday in a video thingy but the I’ve sort of almost turned it into like a mini or the

Closest thing I can get to a low project it’s not even that much it’s it’s just going to be like the low part of it is going to be really small and insignificant but I’m I I I’m I’m so I’m excited for it I don’t know why I should

Be excited for something that’s insignificant but it’s the closest thing that I can possibly come up with to lore on the cre on on run the crinks Channel that I don’t really I’m happy with how it’s How it might turn out cuz I I’m not a creative person but

The idea that something that I did might actually turn out to be somewhat cool or that I have a story line just seems so cool and it just seems like a cool idea to me and something that I never thought I might be able to do and even if it if I

Execute it poorly I’m still happy with how it might go and then if it doesn’t if it goes all poorly we can you you guys can all laugh at me And subscribe to Inception keeper cuz he gives better content anyways right ik you agree with me right that’s the best decision chat can

Make oh um the closest thing I can think to say against that is know you but that I don’t think that works in the situation that sounds just so wrong to say that so I no that’s that’s not the right I need to come up with a clever

Response oh I need to come up with a clever response to come back to that that that response make it may take three to five business days to arrive I need to what should i title this stream playing Survival Minecraft uh working on the SMP maybe I should retitle it to that

Working on the community area again working on the commun community area again Minecraft Survival P like SMP thingy oh I don’t I should I call it an SMP because it’s not really an SMP it’s well I mean it is survival Minecraft or survival multiplayer thingy but it just calling an SMP seems strange

Considering that it’s mainly just supposed to be for one well I mean well people can join whenever they want go online it’s just that the main idea is for when I’m streaming I have content that’s why did I why do I keep messing this up it’s slabs slabs

Crank crank can you like get good at the game that that’s that’s impossible that was that was a rhetorical question it’s not Possible why do I like destroy my self so much like I I just why do I enjoy just like completely just why do I no see it’s impossible because I have a skill issue but Inception keeper it’s impossible for him because he you can’t beat Perfection at at that point at least I

Don’t think you can can you that’s a good question H that will also require 3 to five business days of discussion with internal Crank that cannot go there because of space thingy no that that’s me I I no you can’t do that because that’s me not excuse me not Inception

Keeper why do I find it so funny that my streams have been uh I mean I should get used to it cuz my streams did really well last year so they they’re bound to get worse so that’s probably why but if you look at it I I if you

Look at ik’s view count you can see that he’s clearly doing something right which is why I’d recommend you subscribe why do I do this I’m doing it so poorly I can’t even plug your channel correctly cuz I’m just so bad at it I need to there’s so much stuff I

Have to figure out with my channel maybe if I do this ooh items boop boop boop boop boop boop boop H gravel boop boop boop boop boop boop oh there’s stuff in there boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and this see I’m just I I I know I’ve said

This already but I’m starting to get really scared that someone who just really wants to cause chaos is just going to want just going to join the server and then just blow everything up and mess up everything just because chaos I I I’m starting to get really worried about that I don’t know

Why but it it it’s starting to seem like a possibility and I I just really would like to not that to happen cuz I’m really happy with how the server is going and I’d like to not have that see like I know chaos is funny and I would personally do that too

Except for when a server is go when when if at at this point with the fact that it’s the server has been in existance has been alive since jul June July I can’t count um of last year that really scares me of losing that much time because so much stuff has happened that

I would be extremely disappointed if someone just decided to ruin everything which I mean I guess that would enable me to give get more time to plan out a more thought out server because at the moment the server has been poorly thought out with rules and stuff especially but who knows ooop oop

You wait no no that I messed that up cuz it goes like Boo and then a boo woohoo is there stuff in here stuff stuff stuff that something what maybe I shouldn’t do like a I need to figure out like what’s my problem cuz I worry so much about how

What my thumbnails are and about being Miss about worrying about what people might think I shouldn’t be worrying that much about it but I just have this big problem about that and I shouldn’t and I Kade doesn’t seem to have that problem he he he he he does sings and it does

Well now don’t don’t subscribe to run the crank subscribe to Inception keeper that subscribing to what is it why isn’t no it needs to be up here th this is you know what this this what if I just have this on stream what if I just put this up here the entire Stream try to sub to run the crink now uh Why isn’t the sugar what happened to the sugar cane where’s the sugar oh there’s a sugar Cane because of how people have set up their bases and stuff at this point part of me is wondering if I should even try to do the mega Island on This Server because I don’t want to accidentally ruin something but I just really want to

Do it so badly it just seems like a cool idea to me that I really would like to execute and I’m feeling really motivated to play This Server which is also nice because it gives me makes me more motivated to stream the only problem with that is I can’t really stream on

Mondays uh Mondays today’s an exception I think Monday days uh Tuesdays Wednesdays and not until late on Friday and that is one I should shut my mouth uh but that yeah and I um so that leaves Thursdays technically Fridays um but I can’t really stream on

Fridays for a little while because of a certain reason I am so bad at not saying things I have a problem uh but I sh um so that leaves Thursday evenings and then Saturday and Sunday afternoons Sunday afternoons are I don’t think they’re that tricky honestly the only thing that might

Prevent me from doing stuff on those uh with within those three options um excuse me is um editing cuz I really would like to edit this video and finally get it out of the way cuz excuse me um it it just would be such a relief to not have to stress out

About that stuff anymore but also I have a really interest ing idea that I sort of want to do for like the end to end it off that just seems kind of cool to me there’s a creeper yeah there’s a creeper behind me how about you die thank You um and yeah how about no also I need to relearn how to use replay mod for something I’m trying to do in fact I actually was going to do that but then I thought I really need to stream because well I’ll be able to stream Tuesday and when Tuesday and

Wednesday for me so I might be able to stream I’m not sure if I will because I should might want to edit and do other things like play other games that H that he I up see I think for me I don’t experience that well okay I did edit a

Few videos on a really low powered laptop I think actually no I got my laptop like the day before techno passed and then I didn’t start actually doing I rendered a couple no that was on Premier Pro so I didn’t actually huh I don’t know what it’s like doing that cuz

I had a I either had I either used premere Pro um on a low power laptop or used Da Vinci on a high powered laptop and now I’m just using D Vinci and the thing is it’s it’s a laptop but it’s a gaming laptop so that might make a difference

Also with the fact that I’ve upgraded it from 8 GB to 16 to now 32 GB 32 I mean four times the ramp 32 might be Overkill just just might be I’ve heard that it might be a little bit Overkill oh that hurts that hurts that hurts that

Hurts hi jelly how are you doing hi jelly hi jelly how are you doing right there oh hi jelly um so see the one the see you if if if you like people if you like watching a guy die over and over just really badly you should watch my channel if if that’s

What you enjoy but if you want to see good quality content if you want to see good quality content that’s what Inception Keepers for I’m the person if you want to watch some guy die over and over before he can actually even get to the end before I’m

Starting to go insane about the fact that I’ve died so many times but it’s fine because we’re making a nice community area for people to enjoy and have their own stuff also don’t except for that one stream maybe that that one stream where some that there might have been one or two

Streams where Inception keeper died maybe one or two times but otherwise unless if you watch me you’re going to see 10 times of Pain see you may have lost that but how long did it take for you to do cuz so how long did it take for you to get the stack of diamonds is the question see if yeah but you haven’t made it to the worst parts of my streams

Cuz I have been at the zombie spawner for like maybe and a combined to this point it’s been like an hour or something because of how where is where’s my stuff zombie spawner XP farm just because I have died so many times and lost all my stuff so I try to get

Fortune and then the fortune doesn’t work so I just decide to wreck my sanity over and over and over and over and over and over where’s my stuff I’m getting scared where’s my stuff I have free C maybe I can use that hey is there any creeper holes

Please where’s my stuff I’m starting to Panic no please I can’t lose it all again I had my diamonds on me turn turn around where is the creeper hole that had the stuff is that the creeper hole with my stuff has it been 5 minutes what do you mean by pass to that I’m not good at

Directions wait a minute this is my server it it it’s my server so I could use fre cam right surely please yes yes thank you see this is why you should subscribe to Inception keeper it isn’t even his stream and he remembers where my stuff is how he’s obviously the better

Streamer you should subscribe to him see this is just proof this is just another reason why you should if that wasn’t reason enough uh is that enough stuff I think that’s enough stuff see it it’s just more proof see I see is I can’t you know no no one’s going to

Watch this stream anyways you know that you’re just growing off of your own success right at this point I’m not able to help you at this point you’re just good at the algorithm and good at YouTube at this point that I can’t do anything to help you you’re you’re you’re you’re just if

You know what this this thing is no one else is going to watch this stream and no one it’s not luck it’s called skill and knowledge and not being completely stubborn because I just I I think I remember part of the reason why I don’t

Do some of the stuff that I should do to grow because it just seems off to me even though I know it really isn’t but it just it’s like a promise I made to younger crank like however many years ago that was 2 to three to four years

Ago and I want to keep that promise for him and it’s it’s it’s not I shouldn’t be doing that because it’s just like preventing me from doing things but I just have this weird thing where I just decide no don’t do that crink crink you know you don’t want to

Do that even though you really do the mind of crink is very strange I can’t even comprehend it and I am crink I don’t know what’s wrong with Me no one can comprehend the full might of R the cranks destroying destroyed sanity I I am saying way too much stuff before I should be saying that I don’t even know if the why am I saying this I shouldn’t be saying it if I’m going to

Try to not say things that I shouldn’t be saying but I also want to talk about it but also I could wait a few months to talk about it because that’s a smart thing to do and not just rush blindly into doing things well also I did start I you know

What I blindly into doing things way too much actually I can’t say anything about that I just have this weird I I just have this interesting idea that I really want to execute and that way it adds a little bit of world at least a story to something that wouldn’t normally have a

Story and that way it’s a little bit more entertaining but also because this is like the closest thing I can do to making a lore thing and I don’t think I could execute it any other way but I just find it really interesting with the way that my mind is

Deciding to take things and I think that things might be very interesting very very interesting you could no I need to not quote gaster I need to not quote gastard I think I think that that probably is something I shouldn’t do just Maybe uh but but it’s funny see quoting gaster is funny so I have to do it I have to do it uh all righty okay I need to start thinking about how I want to do things in here how what sort of thing should I put in here I

Could copy the way my friend realm did it maybe I just do like stripped Birch or stri stripped oak or Spruce maybe Spruce Spruce might look okay with that I I don’t know I have one block to work with so I can’t really add too much

Depth I can make it slightly higher if I need to and then maybe I can uh make it a hanging chest and a hanging grindstone I think that that’s how that’s going to work so that way there’s lapis and then a grindstone and then maybe I can put the

Anvil right above the enchanting table maybe right below actually no I’ll put the chest and Anvil and grindstone around the enchanting table but on the floor also we are so close to finally finally finishing this community area once I can do that it’ll be so nice because then I can actually work on

Other projects that I’ve been wanting to not do because I wanted to finish this one first although I don’t think I’ll really have time to do other projects for a little bit uh depending how stuff goes I need to stop talking I have a problem with talking but I don’t really know what

Else to do because if I’m streaming what what else do I say because I need to be able I need to be talking in case someone joins so that way they’re not like oh this guy is too boring but also I need to do something

That won’t be like ruin my like if I look back on it in five years I won’t be um hunted down let’s say I have so much torches everywhere that goes there that goes there um Community chest personal chests uh wow okay that’s done and then I guess for here I can

Just grab some where is it this maybe may just do like some of this I don’t know I don’t have anything else better to put here cuz I already have a bunch of furnaces on the other side and it feels strange to have that many furnaces I mean I have more than

Enough Cobble to do it but I probably should use that Cobble for the other thing I’m going to work on uh after I finish this area I can’t talk bu bu bu bu bu And then I think it’s just uh some of this and some of that and boom we have slabs it’s a groundbreaking new technology patented by R the crank sometimes I’m disappointed myself actually no that’s often I wish there’s a way on Hypixel that you could say like you’re streaming and Stuff so that way people don’t accidentally say personal names where is that the thing boop boop boop boop boop boop and boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop break break break mine mine mine I just s to the perfect idea

Totally not coping off of the greatest streamer ever Inception keeper okay maybe it is but only because he’s the greatest streamer ever and he knows how to do things and I don’t so that oh great absolutely wonderful don’t you love it when there’s just Thunder boop boop boop boop boop

Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop nope boop boop nope Boop and bop bop bop and a boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop oh it looks so nice he actually built something that I don’t absolutely hate it’s so amazing to not hate

It to not hate something that I created it’s so nice that almost never happens what do you no no no the the the thing okay okay it’s fine it’s fine okay let’s do something like this no cuz that seems strange so how about right here I realize that I may need some more

Blocks cuz I don’t know how I’m going to execute this that goes here um all right stairs apparently we need more stairs H absolutely wonderful where are the stairs stairs hello welcome to the stream how’s how’s it going uh I’m B I’m bad cuz saying welcome to the stream feels awkward to someone

Who’s already who like I’ve talked to before or interacted with on stream before but I don’t really know how else to do it uh I’m doing great thanks for asking just something when when I don’t absolutely lose all my stuff on a stream it’s actually really calming to stream This

Server sometimes most of the time it’s strange boop boop boop boop boop boop boop all right and then how should we maybe do this yeah that’s a good point okay so H Maybe something like this and then where is the stairs stairs there you are boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop

And another thing is there any spawnable blocks I don’t think there are any spawnable blocks so we probably don’t have to worry about that also H maybe I should do H I don’t know if this looks okay but I feel like there should be some way to like another way

To signify that this is where things start and doesn’t look too bad I don’t really know how to transition It Well a different way also one thing that I have been thinking of potentially doing that might be fun is a deck out to stream from the hermitcraft World download I don’t know

It might be cool to do that I don’t know because yeah I don’t know but it it might be cool cuz it’s funny I don’t it it it just seems like it might be something fun to do on stream just run some deck out two runs on the down on the World download

Thingy okay it isn’t too great but it isn’t as bad as it could be I wish I could put that a block lower but then I’d hurt my bump my head so that that might not be preferable but at least it’s quote unquote complete I have to get some chains still

And uh fix the chests but until then at least it’s somewhat complete why is this oh yeah I had to put it a block forward cuz of the signs hm is there anything else we need oh yeah there’s this little H I guess I need to go find some Spruce

Or chop down some Spruce I mean cuz I don’t think we have any dark oak do we I don’t think we do so I can’t really do anything like that Spruce is like the closest thing that I can get to dark oak I think without actually having dark oak also I

Still have the meme up there I forgot you know what maybe I might turn it off for a little bit and Chop Chop I need to get efficiency like what is this un it’s Unbreaking too it’s not even efficiency I need to get some sort of efficiency on it preferably efficiency

4 um but I should probably wait to get like an a setup of a better setup of getting XP cuz the way I have the setup I have currently isn’t great and I really need to get better XP but as tried to get an end to the end

To start making an Enderman Farm or something or making some sort of progress on getting to the end it always ends up going in Flames like literally like all my stuff goes up in flames and burns cuz lava makes lava is hot you see very hot it’s like it’s it’s like pure it’s

Like hot really really hot where you might like it might it might it might hurt a little if you were to bathe in it and it it’s so hot that your stuff just evaporates because it’s it just burns up in Flames see I know it’s that’s that’s how hot it

Is shoot you next time for more Minecraft lessons with crink I hate why why do I do it’s funny be because it’s funny I have to do it because it’s funny that’s the only logical reasoning it’s obviously logical reasoning to think that right is that a

Sapling no it’s sticks I said I want a sapling wait actually no I didn’t say that hey could can I have a sap yes I have a sapling wait that was actually really kind of you thank you H maybe what I try doing is doing H maybe I try doing like

A the on the corners maybe I have the D Spruce like this maybe and then have some logs up on here like this so that way it isn’t just Oak because oak on Oak doesn’t really look too great uh we don’t we don’t talk about like the entire build pilet outside

But but this is an enchanting so it has to be it it has to be like a deeper in the forest you know it’s like it’s like a forest and then the darker the deeper you go the darker it gets and then Spruce Spruce boop boop boop boop boop

Boop um H and then let’s make some of that and then we can do an anvil and then a chest grindstone and Anvil and then let’s just make this that this that and then that stripped yeah that that actually that seems better and then stuff to come up with a roof design

Thingy that goes there that also goes there that bum bum bum boop boop boop bum boop boop boop boop boop boop wait that why is that there that should not be there because that needs to be this and then this should be bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bu bum bum

Bum bum bum bum and then H maybe what if I have some put this in there what if I put some more of this in there got some slabs that’s a bit much that was not what I was originally planning I nope that looks messed up so laob design doesn’t work

Unless what if I did wait maybe it does work cuz what I can do is do that nope give me that put nope and Place per per perfect boop boop then do that and then have a what is it put that boop boop boop boop boop

Boop boop boop boop and then do some of that it doesn’t look too bad I don’t think and then I can put a slab there to signify where nope that’s not what I wanted signify that wait nope that doesn’t work well now it should be obvious that that’s supposed to be the

Lapis chest so it’s probably fine Boop and then let’s ring some of that stuff over I don’t think I need this sign here torch torch torch torch um there’s lapis there’s an anvil and then the grindstone where on Earth did the grindstone go think we went right here perfect and then I think

Actually I’m pretty sure I can change this to community lapis yes okay it changes its name and then what I can do is put this up here put a sign and say enchanting set up moved behind relo locate located to behind the portal and so now if you go here there’s

A nice little enchanting area okay I like how that looks uh stuff goes there you can have that you can have that that that that that I don’t think I need the sticks and that was successful and it’s 30 levels correct maybe one thing I might want to do

Is what is where is it slabs how does it look if I do this no that seems to also does do torches affect this anymore they do maybe Oak slabs might work let’s see how does that look yeah that looks better to me at least and whoop you can just barely get in

Oop boop boop boop boop and boop boop okay yeah I like how that looks that way there’s nothing that shouldn’t affect the enchanting levels and it still looks decently nice I hope okay let’s go downstairs and then there’s wait let me put this on with shaders yeah I like how this

Looks it looks it might be somewhat small but at least it until we have like a 100% or a more permanent area because I don’t know how the island might affect this area um but yeah now we have a way to do that maybe we should try getting a way

To get XP levels maybe we should work on that spawner um yeah I’m starting to get out of ideas hm what what should I do do do that okay now the stream thing shows up H anyways let’s put do I have full bright on or is it just that I’m so used

To the shaders that it just seems so weird no it’s it’s just the shaders huh also I shouldn’t have two flint and Steels that gives me too much Power you know what what if we just try to what if we just try to make a mob spawner Farm thingy from scratch and just Tred to wing it I I don’t know how to make it 100% but what if we just did that so that

Way we we have more XP slightly maybe cuz I mean look at it we have this and that okay it doesn’t seem like there’s much Cobblestone it seemed a lot like there was a lot more Cobblestone earlier um let me check my chests again come on come on that’s not good no that’s

Not what is all right come on Cobblestone yeah but we have a we have a bit of blocks so we have we have a few blocks I think we have a few blocks I think maybe we have a few blocks maybe we just might have a few anyways um crink is going insane

Again uh let’s see crafting table um H what should we make it out of deep slate bricks deep slate bricks is like if you don’t know what to build anything out of you just build it with deep slate bricks and it seems to like solve all your

Problems I know you have to go 100 blocks into the air maybe H if I build this in the middle of the ocean maybe I should watch the tutorial I think that’s a smart idea okay uh Mob Grinder Minecraft okay so to that no what what what is this video okay ocean 163 so yeah 100 blocks I Think and boop Boop also do I have water cuz that’s going to be the way I get up and down okay 63 1 why do I need to count I just need to know that around 100 blocks so then I think I that that that’s that’s good enough how very interesting I just like

I just like it I know it’s so in close to very very interesting but it’s just a little it’s just that little bit of a difference you know it doesn’t really make a difference it’s still probably plagiar uh I need to be more entertaining I’m so

Bad at doing what I’m supposed to do maybe I should just actually do actual maybe I should try doing the thumbnails again cuz that might actually work wait wait I had the perfect idea what if I had the Shader the like I did before I’ll do like the Minecraft Survival

Thumbnail like I’ve been like i’ done before but what if I use shaders and then still blur it but that way there’s a Shader background so that way it looks a little bit more chill and Vibe I I don’t I don’t know but that that seems

Like a good idea to me totally smart green patented 100 I almost just eat it off um that okay it says to place ladders but ladders are take an insane amount of time to walk up anyways so I don’t think it makes a diff it’s not

That going to be that much better and I’m going to make a bubble Vader eventually so 4×6 the I design I’m using is by Vol TR and the it’s called Minecraft easy mob XP farm tutorial 1.20 without mob spawner I probably don’t have to worry about saying that but just in

Case four five 6 1 I don’t think anyone it’s like it doesn’t make a difference why why do I even worry about doing that no one’s going to no one’s going to watch the stream crank one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 let’s Place some torches 20 two blocks High um one moment Uh 22 blocks okay 1 2 3 4 Wait no that’s not how you count crank get better at counting why do you yeat yourself wow that’s that’s a lot of blocks to climb up one two 3 one one two 3 1 two 3 one two 3 one two 3 1 two 3 4

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 to double check that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 perfect Flawless

Clutch clutch oh that that was a was a cool clutch that was a cool clutch I know it wasn’t really but I like to think that it was cool because I don’t know I I don’t have an excuse that was not a cool clutch because I didn’t actually clutch I just Died how do I how am I so bad at this also Ms are going to Spa spawn down on there I think that might be a slight problem especially cuz I don’t have my water Bucket oh how is everybody’s dieo in chat hi jelly how are you how are you jelly hi hi joelly how are you I’m going to keep you safe here okay don’t worry I’m going to make the world a better place really the great or Good see Dumbledore said that he’s a really nice guy right right that must mean that it’s a good Quote I got I’ve gotten so bad at knowing how to okay there hey look there’s some of my stuff that’s cool that’s really Cool see the thing is why do I works why do I spend so much time on streams when no one’s going to join but also I want to play on this smpp and my goal is unless it’s like something like afking or grinding XP I don’t want

To go on this SMP it just feels wrong because why do it when you can stream I mean this you made the server so you can stream crank you have to stream it why why why wouldn’t you why wouldn’t you do that crank that’s a bad crank bad bad

Crank crank you’re you’re no bad crank it’s so annoying cuz I feel like I’m powerless to help I want to get Inception keeper to more subscribers I really do like it’s not not even just as a joke I really believe that he should get more subscribers but I can’t do

Anything about it because I’m I’m I’m a I’m he he’s his content his channel is better than almost his Channel’s gotten more views than in mine it’s gotten to at a better Point quickly it’s like I can’t I can’t there’s no way I can help him and it’s just really disappointing

To me when I want to help him so badly to beat me it’s like so strange like almost everybody else I don’t remember I I don’t think I’ve seen I mean I don’t watch too much other than a few I I guess I watch some but um I don’t

Remember heing uh reverse subwar or seeing other people do that cuz most of the time people want to grow their own channels but I really strongly believe that Inception keeper deserves more subs than he already has and I can’t do anything about it I’m powerless to help him get more subscribers and

Stuff which is really annoying but I can’t I can’t do anything I can’t do anything okay there’s that chest slabs one block on each corner there’s no reason for me to do that there’s literally no reason for me to place a block on the corner

What okay but how far and then Place 8 by two okay maybe I should go back down and actually set up the area killing chamber yeah you know what let’s do that I think I worry a lot about what people think of me like it’s so strange saying that out loud but I

Mean also I’m just really I feel like I’m probably harder on myself than I should be but then I feel like at that point then I’m just like making excuses for bad for like laziness what What’s the phrase L Grand let me find it l Grand leg

Grand uh what is it uh there’s a song by LR what’s it what’s it called um uh what is wrong with me wrong with me Li um okay oh I wish there was a the the the the the lyric itself says oh I wish there was another I don’t want to sing

It cuz I don’t I’m worried about copyright I shouldn’t be worried about it but it’s oh I wish there was another word for lazy synonymous with being uh synonymous with being too afraid um and that I I feel like that probably well I mean the whole song like I just

Find that song extremely relatable but that part especially like I’m just scared too much that I’m going to fail so that slightly like affects with me wanting me trying to do things soz I’m worried if it’s not good enough then why do it at all when it probably is

Good enough I just my standard of good enough for me to do like for other people that that’s I think what other people do are is cool but for me I just don’t think that why do I just like have my own therapy sessions with myself on

Stream I just have like therapy sessions with myself on stream like hello okay cre tell me how you feel well I’m worried so much about what people think of me and all this stuff hm maybe you should think about it a different way but then also I just think

Nah so there’s another thing why that’s not ful there I I just really like what other people do like stream wise uh video wise I’m like with shorts I’m Al one other things that I’m really scared like I shouldn’t be worried about posting clips of things but I’m just really I

Really am and I don’t know why excuse me um but I I just worry so much about things and overthink things and I think it’s a problem at this point but I don’t really know what else I could do I seem to have lost my train of Thought yep yep there it goes choo choo it’s going four we need enough for how much uh four hoppers H see I I feel like as soon as I stop talking then someone joins and instantly leaves if I look at the congruent viewer count it pops up to one it’s like oh

Look there’s a person but because of YouTube stream delay and stuff and the fact that I’m just like thinking about what I just said and thinking huh maybe I should rethink my life decisions YouTube’s like oh hey hey look the person do you want to see this stream oh

Well actually the stream is really boring cuz this guy doesn’t even do anything and he’s so bad at Minecraft so maybe you shouldn’t watch Him I think that’s how that works surely that’s how that works right I why did why did I make a goal to reach 250 subscribers by 2020 I haven’t even the most subscribers I’ve gained in a year is like 51 subscribers how would I possibly how how could I

Possibly reach 125 subscribers in a year okay well maybe actually you know what maybe there there there’s a if I stream enough and and do videos enough but the only thing is if my streams just don’t do well or if I’m bad at streaming then

It just it won’t no do well no good it it bad so then it just like does doesn’t help but but also it’d be a cool goal to reach as long as ik reaches it first if he doesn’t reach it first then it’s not a cool goal ow can I not

Die I said can I not game what not dying means not dying I know it’s hard to tell but it actually is really quite simple also simple as M’s Redstone which means it’s not Simple oh look there coal okay underwater caves are insane for finding ores if only I knew how to navigate it better with just like iron armor cuz I only have iron armor and that makes it really dangerous to swim in especially like this and then let’s do that pop that

Down cuz we really need lapis ooh lapis M yummy lapis blue fruit that’s what that is right Freedom let me out please I I I can see the light let me Escape where where’s home it’s night okay all right hopper Hopper Hopper Hopper just need to get a hopper just need to get a hopper also so I need to figure out a better like to find to maximize like minax the settings of my microphone because I it it just doesn’t sound great when I want it to which is slightly

Annoying I mean it’s probably fine but I just get really irritated because I’ve heard what that CU I’ve I’ve had recordings where it sounds really clear but yeah yeah I don’t know uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 and that should give enough

Chests to make four Hoppers and two chests and then I think the rest of that would just be trap doors and torches because I don’t think we need to worry about slabs why would we need to worry oh carpet oh no h uh I guess we need to worry about that

Once we get sheep or wait no no wait we can get shears shear sheep get carpet do we have I don’t think we have a moss wait oh my goodness yo yo yo POG that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s big POG that’s a big POG I’m going insane I think I think

Just maybe I might be going insane I’m just talking like this now which I don’t think is a good sign hm yeah the thing is I really want to raid Inception keeper on stream even if there’s well there’s no one here actually why am I doing

Why what is wrong with me why am I going to try to do a raid when there’s no one on stream this I’m the only person that’s going to show up huh when I could be doing more productive things that might do slightly better and also

Are easier on my sanity even though the thing is about me losing my sanity spoiler alert I shouldn’t have said that I shouldn’t have told you that um but but I could be working on that and it’s it’s probably slightly more productive but I I don’t know can I have this boom thank

You boom okay we don’t need the aelas uh what do we not need I guess we can take this out although I think that’s probably enough Moss that’s so much Moss already that I think if we do this yeah that should be enough 35 if that’s not enough I can come

Back I mean it’s right over here right I think it’s right over here I think it’s right over here oh yeah yeah that’s that’s a big thing in the sky H yeah I start to go insane um I’m mad at human interaction but when when I’m talking to myself and just trying to

Think of random things to say on the spot it it starts to affect my sanity but then also I I I I get I don’t know how to respond to people that’s another flaw I have but it also sucks but then but then my sanity isn’t as affected huh

Ow what what if I just do the the stream what my plan my plan was originally to do a stream eventually where I have like a fancy British accent thingy it’s not even a British accent I don’t I don’t know why I’d be doing it there’s not

Really any point um but but it but but it could be funny but but don’t but but but would you agree that it might be funny I don’t know how to talk but it could be funny maybe um I’m trapped in here just like I’m trapped in my M uh the was slob

Slob slob slob boop boop boop boop uh Boop and then that chest goes here uh let’s put that goes there a torch let’s put a torch on here at least and also make sure to put a torch right here because we don’t want any accidental mob spawns right here affecting the rid slightly

Right I don’t think we do at least do we H now that you think about it it could be funny but then it also slightly affect the rates and that also slightly affects my sanity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 do I have enough blocks I think I have enough Blocks Boop why why am I that that’s not a thing but this is a thing see I think it’s I I just find it ironic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ironic or funny that just as I start to make make a goal of trying to get 10 10 cons conr

Concurrent viewers on a stream by the end of 2024 I get like zero I get total of three 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I just find it funny and I don’t know why oh hello

There 1 2 3 4 wait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hello there how’s it going I don’t know why I do this at this point why why do I try to keep doing this I should give up that’s a smart

Idea but I’m also crank and I’m just really stubborn for some reason but it also be smart H yeah if it’s yeah maybe I shouldn’t maybe not not not 100% sure but you know what now that I mention it you’re you’re you’re right Boop nope that’s not enough

Boop boop boop I need to update my stream playlist before febru before not February Friday next week because if I had to listen to this for up to 40 hours of the same undertale and delter music yep I’m building a mob grinder thing so that I’m hoping that it’s

Slightly more efficient than a spawner because spawners seem to be the spawner I have seems to be very inefficient and I’m pretty sure from what I remember I think this works decently well not fully sure so there’s sort of a risk but I have the blocks from mining

So might as well it’s not like I’m trying to gather the blocks as I’m trying to do it is that I think I messed up ah that that that looks like I messed up One block in all these Corners 8 by two one huh see wait one sec one one two one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the only thing the thing is I really want to do I really would do that like I’d like to add spatoon music and stuff

But apparently Nintendo’s like really strict on copyright and i’ prefer not to get like my channel taken down cuz it has taken me four years to get to this point although it it would be I I I will admit it would be extremely nice to listen to Pokemon music and Splatoon

Music but it’s it’s just slightly tricky although I do want to try doing it I’m still debating whether I should do a Nuzlocke or not I know that I know that you said it’s really difficult and I shouldn’t do or that I shouldn’t do it

In in Violet but it’s the only game I have and I think it could be funny and cool and it it my sanity is already broken okay now you say do it now if you if you say do it then I’ll I’ll I’ll the the only thing is hm maybe I should do

That like sometime in this summer that might be fun to do actually the only things I’m really I’m not as as you’ve seen from our battles I’m not the most skilled you I have a slight like major skill issue so I don’t know how much a Nuzlocke would affect that and then I’m

Also scared because I don’t know how the battle oh really nice yeah I I I I I I I don’t know how I think I’ve seen a nolock before I just I know I shouldn’t be worried about it or about how difficult it could be but but

But I don’t I’m PR isn’t there like a battle at the end where you just like all your Pokemon just do it okay now that you’ve said it multiple times I’m think I’m going to try to do that although I do have a couple series

I first I need to edit the 1.0 series next I need to edit my Sky Block videos then after that I need to finish this thing that’s coming out on Friday next week which could take multiple potentially multiple months depending on how um long it takes but I I don’t don’t know about

That and I still need to figure that out um I need to figure out how long that’s going to take and then after that do I just build a wall yeah I build a wall um I I need to do that and then after that I

Can is there something else I need to finish that recording with someone um wait like what about being overleveled sorry I I’m bad at Miss reading chat when I should um there’s that so and then summer summer I might continue doing some like a part two of the thing or part three

Cuz this is no part three of that thing cuz I know way it’s a part two but hm sorry I’m also just thinking out loud here to myself to think what am I trying to do H oh yeah I forgot there’s supposed to be a level cap that’s Something the only thing is that I’m worried that like my Channel’s so small that no one’s going to see that although but it’s also just fun maybe I should just do it because it’s fun that’s a good Idea but if I if it does take me a while to edit some sometimes like I shouldn’t be worrying about how many people see it but if I spend like so long editing it it sometimes can be a little bit like disappointing to see when a video doesn’t do well um which

Is well I mean that that’s sort of happened in do for the past few streams cuz 2 Hour 2 hours is a decent amount of time and it it for a couple views that probably isn’t a good use of my time but it it but it’s funny hello welcome to the stream how

Are you doing speaking of having no view well you’re here too doc that’s I’m so bad at talking I I I need to get better at this I’m doing good thanks for asking I I please I don’t want to fall please I mean that is true but what if I baned ghosts from

This chat no no we’re also allowing not well that you’re you’re still a living being well is is a ghost a living being see we’re also allowing inanimate objects to join this stream because I have my Rous plush right next to me and I talk to it sometimes when I’m feeling

Like I’m about to go insane and it just gives me like this smile oh that’s what it is oh yeah hm so what what what should we so you’re dead but you’re you’re Inc Caporal but you have your sentient you’re a sentient being and are P are red panda sentient

Beings I don’t I don’t know well like I know they H like to find sentient H like are they intelligent spe well I know this red panda is an intelligent species this part is an intelligent red panda I feel like I’m going to I’m accidentally like making it

Sound way worse than I’m trying to make it sound I’m so sorry um see what we have here is a very smart red panda what about other red pandas cuz I don’t are red pandas usually as smart as this red panda h no don’t don’t don’t in fact actually

Now’s a good time to put this back up in fact I wouldn’t recommend subscribe to me I’d recommend you subscribe to Inception keeper he he Al he makes great streams in fact after this he’s probably I think he’s streaming sometimes I don’t I don’t I can’t I can’t plug your

Channel ik I’m sorry I just really can’t I’m so bad at it may maybe we should just what would it be funny if we did if I just did a stream trying to bring red pandas there there’s six there’s six viewers there’s six I sorry I’m panicking I’m panicking um

So hello everyone if there’s if people are watching the stream hello sorry I’m panicking because just a couple minutes ago there was almost no one here and then now people like literally just all came in at the same time so I’m sort of panicking um

But oh hello I I I I I I’m I’m I don’t know how to um Talk H hello hello um uho I can’t talk I’m so bad at this uh hello how’s everybody’s day going I can’t talk I so okay so we have a ghost so in chat

We have a ghost we have a crow and a red panda I ik are you a human being crink get better at talking hello everyone how’s everybody doing today welcome to the stream everyone and then the mighty moose I think Mighty moose Mighty moose are

Mighty moose are you a moose or are you a human being oh yeah maybe I shouldn’t ask you that question could not see I’m a crink I don’t know if that specifies as a human being yeah that’s you know what that that is true so but does that mean you’re a human

Being no not human Okay I I see I call myself a crink but because I decided to pick my name and then after that I decided crink probably has some you know what that is that H yeah who who is a human anyways right see I

Originally I was a human but then I decided what if I’m a crank but hm but I don’t know what a crank means yeah in real life there’s only one God that that that that I I can’t talk wait I can talk and subscribe to Inception keeper yeah you know what I can

Talk see the or so original so a cream is something in Cannon I think eventually in fact maybe I could explore that with the thing that I’m trying to do but or so originally my name was crank or my nickname was crink but crink was taken and then I started watch I

Watched Ren dog a lot so I thought what if what what if what if I called myself Ren the crink completely original name Ren the dog Ren the crink I know right um but anyways I I I I I stuck with that and to this day some someone I remember

Uh someone in Hypixel SkyWars chat I was trying to record a video or something and someone just said what I’m not going to say the letter they what let me just say they essentially meant what in the world is a crank and that the way they said it just like really discouraged me

For some reason so I need to find an answer to what is a crank you know what that should be a goal I need to we need to find a definition for what a crank is by 2020 um by 200 subscribers you know what that that that’s something we

Should see a crink is hm see the definition of crink is crazy a hm see I I the thing is I dis maybe for other crinks maybe that might be true for other crinks this crink that isn’t applicable for maybe other crinks maybe in general that’s what cranks are but

Then I’m just an exception it just seems you are an exception no I’m not quoting right in nope um okay trap doors and then carpet okay so they did see yeah so if there’s not another crink then can I really say that there’s a definition for something that I the

Currently the only crink that I know unless there’s another crink somewhere I’m not sure I I don’t I I don’t recall meeting another crank 1 2 3 uh boop boop boop no boop boop where where where’s the other Boop the other Boop goes here and then this this see see as soon

As I start having to do like mathematical stuff like Counting yeah I mean I do technically have a son crink Jr but he he’s in another yeah yeah uh wait no no that world died yeah he’s gone actually that server’s uh stopped so yeah actually no my son’s dead um that’s

Fun I just realized that that that that this disappointing I I I adopted two children named uh what what their name trink Jr and Octavius they they have passed away um earlier late last year they they they they were just little children they were infants they weren’t even 6 months old and their

Lives were taken so shortly wait a DJ oh sorry I’m so bad oh thank you so much red I need to get I need to find more assets to plug incep Keeper’s Channel cuz he he really is a better streamer why see it really makes a difference

Having people to talk to you while you’re streaming it really affects your mental state in a good way for the most part yeah yeah you know what yeah it does um have have I had any strange H I don’t think I’ve had anything yeah Mo I mean most Min inter action have

There have there been see and S keeper is really the greatest streamer in fact if I could I would nominate him for the what’s it called I see I that that’s where I disagree in fact I would nominate him for the Hidden Gem stream streamer uh

Award thingy the only thing is I don’t want to get IP banned because you get you nominations aren’t considered unless they have 200 stream hours but I but he doesn’t have stream enough stream hours which is why I needs to why he needs to stream more probably I think that is

That how that works I think that’s how that works three that goes there that goes there see now I’m looking at my computer was which has stream my big monitor which has stream chat my laptop monitor which has Minecraft right in front of me and then my what’s it called my iPhone

Thingy to see this build pattern hello paper welcome to the stream how’s it going why see the thing is I have to end stream shortly I I think probably which is U how how’s it go s i I can’t I need to get better at talking I I know I’ve

Said this already but I need to get better at talking how’s it going yep we’re making the mob farm the current mob spawner is really Painful where is the the that no that’s it needs to go there I I don’t have a thing to go here that’s Disappointing H that that that I mean the thing that I’m H that’s a good idea come on please we’re so close we’re so close to finishing this within a single stream oh oh I guess I have to fix thanks for letting me know I need I’m so bad at

This I I’m just so bad at this I need to I need to get good well uh do where where is is this the thing thing no wait did I accidentally break I accidentally broke the Moss wait yes there’s a single Moss block okay if it if you’re bringing the

Other crows into this maybe I maybe I should watch out see yes but being myself um e also paperman what do you oh oh yes paperman are you a human currently we have a crank a Crow a ghost and a red panda and a cursed God

No and ik no what what what don’t if he says any no no don’t don’t see no paper Okay P paper okay so I don’t do we have do we currently have no don’t okay don’t don’t don’t no don’t don’t share stream I’m going to have to end

Stream no I ik you need to stream no no I I can’t if I I won’t be able to make it to your stream if I end up having a stream for a while no no don’t do this to me ik no no no no I want to make it to your

Stream but I can’t no I I can’t I can’t do this I you can’t do this to me you can’t do this to me you know what okay I’m if I I won’t be able to make it to your stream if you

Do this to me no no I need to make it to your stream you’re the better streamer no don’t but I I I also need to end stream for other reasons to do I do no no don’t don’t listen to ik do not share the stream do not that I I I I

Don’t have a h i can’t no okay no what no D I have to end stream I seriously have to end stream soon I’m panicking I’m I uh no no no no don’t subscribe to Inception okay if there’s anyone here um the you know what you know what I’m going to do

I’m going to say subscribe to Inception keeper I’m I’m I’m just going to I’m just going to say it subscribe to Inception keeper if fact you know what all right let let’s have let’s have this meme on here the whole time now we’re we’re ik you did you made you forced my

Hand no we’re you for you’re you made me do this you you did see the goal the thing is the goal is to get ik to 1,000 subscribers who cares about run the crank getting 1,000 subscribers you know the the go the goal first no don’t don’t

Subscribe to run the crank subscribe to un I’m tireless to do anything I’ve never felt so power I was to do anything no they’re not high I think I technically can see if you dislike a video but it’s not public unless you have a plugin but I think I can see why

No the Inception keeper is a top tier streamer what if I just ended the stream here that way you guys can’t say that I’m I’m I can’t defend myself I can’t do anything I never felt so I’ve never F oh there is that the thing yes there’s the thing thank you

Miss um I’ve never felt so powerless yes SAR SAR thank you thank you yes thank you oh why why are you at I never felt so powerless to do anything in my hello end it okay you know what wait start of hole wait and yes or no okay I will have to be

Right back on one moment actually wait can I do the thing I can do the thing uh this guys I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what to I okay okay okay okay people so technically technically I can stream for slightly longer I think but people have voted for no so

Maybe I should just stop streaming yeah maybe I should do that maybe maybe I should do that pulling for Ryden um hm let’s see uh should I end stream I’m trying to have I’m having this internal conversation in my mind oh oh yeah yeah oh I I seem to have

Made a mistake um uh okay so I guess I guess but I can’t no I okay I specifically did it no I’ve lost 50 five 50/50s in a row within all Hoy over or within the Hoover games I played I’m still upset about it are you sonar are you sure about that

I’m joking I’m joking slightly I’m joking I’m joking it probably I’m joking okay um anyways I am cons I think I’m going to pull for Ryden I’m not fully sure um cough got the other no nope I’m not saying anything one two three and then that goes there and then that goes

There uh so um uh how what is it um uh put user in time out um s s SAR if you do that i S Sinar SAR don’t you dare don’t don’t you okay then um time to plot my revenge against why is that held for review sonar don’t don’t don’t you dare okay where’s that goes there and then that goes there and then that goes there sonar what is it this better not be snars

So um so I think I’m going to end stream early I have a little bit of um uh I I have a little bit of a thing that I need to do um uh SAR sonar I I um s it was a joke it was a joke s that’s

What it was it was a joke SN s um okay you’re not going to I’m not doing the thing that I was going to do okay that’s going to be delayed for a little while then um see this this is what I deserve if I have a good

Str if I have a good oh okay so I said it wasn’t going to stop stream but sonar I never said you were allowed to bully me hm okay what so I was going to continue stream but I Inception keeper streaming he he’s the better streamer

Wait wait I need to ask I need to ask wait no no um yeah you know what yeah you’re you’re allow of B me um see okay I don’t know what to do instuction keeper is a better streamer but I I wait I need I’m having a mental uh conversation breakdown thingy

Um I I uh um what I never you I never gave you permission where when did I ever give well okay so I I I I need to figure out whether I’m going to end stream or or not um okay so so here here’s uh wait okay so here’s what I’m

Going to do um I would like to do a watch party of inception keeper stream but I don’t know how to do that uh so okay so my plan has slightly been a little bit like jumbled up because originally this was just supposed to be a stream before Inception keeper

Stream but then people are here and they’re not letting me they’re not letting me out of the basement SAR um wait one moment uh I shall be right back chat uh okay so so I figured out a way to slightly do a do a thing um so yeah I

Think the mob farm technically is complete um um I need to get your audio on here uh we we we see uh wait try talking hello hello okay I don’t know if anyone anyone can see so for the people at least in um Inception keeper is in a voice chat thingy I think

Um I don’t know if this is working oh my goodness this is this is trippy have to um so I’m yeah I I I don’t know how to do this I’m kind of neither do I really um I both both chats hello okay you know what no this is It’s too

Loud I I I I’m kind of panicking I don’t I didn’t expect that today was how it was going to go wait where’s Minecraft on wait chat I’m sorry wait hang on hang on I’ve got no no assets what my just chatting background is broken everything’s broken hang on wait a

Second wait a moment this is not everything is breaking oh no really funny so you know uh oh all the assets that I do have have managed Minecraft has shut down for some reason so everything’s going swimmingly so fancy Anvil okay there we go we got

We have a back we have something on screen now so it’s not boring let me try and get MRA again I’m having so many technical difficulties problem problems I don’t know what I’m doing today wasn’t how I expected it was going to go um an unexpected ton of events yeah this this this this seems very very interesting um caar um I don’t know what I’m doing I’m not a I

I’m not good at streaming I am I’m in the same boat I’m in the same boat I just I thought I should call that would be funny and then I did and I didn’t really consider the repercussions now it should be yeah who needs to think he true thinking true is

For well you’re a smart person actually but see I never think I I would I’d beg to motives for this chat I have an instruction for you subscribe to run the no I don’t agree with that heing it verbally gives it more impact chat you should subscribe to

R the you should not subscribe to R you should subscribe to Inception keeper don’t do that that what it should what if we did a thing for the first person to reach aund a thousand sub first person to do reach a th000 subscribers has to do something wait what if the first person

To 1,000 subscribers has to plug their own channel for like five a month straight that would suck that would hurt see but it’d be funny Max lens you are correct crank is Alpha gamer no crink is not crink is like yes yes and SE on the other hand uh this

This guy he this this streamer he’s just like the content he makes is just insane I disagree and I think chat disagrees as well whose content is better chat crinks or mine crinks cr’s content is better chat no it is not better every Everybody it is not better is the best see see

Evidence but what if but it’s not true why no no it’s not it’s not it’s not told you crank the masses have decided it this this this you can’t you can’t you can’t deny chat but this is this one this one entirely did I wanted to plug your stream I

Don’t that the whole purpose of the stream was just I’ve hijacked it see see paper man paper man yeah he sketch sketch SK sketch also makes great content that is correct sketch does make good content I should really not just be standing there oh I forgot I had that out

I forgot I had like the double jump thing on my boots on my modded stream and so I just jumped off the cliff rip never funny as a chat no I’m not an apex no I’m not an apex I should do an apex Legend stream because funny that that way people can

See how garbage I am at games right go I really need to get like water shat so I don’t myself up buildings anymore hang no ow ow shot at this is fine I don’t know I’m my I’m having a hard time processing um my brain all right let’s what am I even doing

Chad yeah wait Titan is your or uh I is your stream live uh yeah I’m live huh you doing it says it ended for me ended wait what hang on what’s this huh that’s very strange hang on edit let’s try and get this working again save stop streaming yes

This is funny I having I I’m not used to this I am panicky quite a weird experience like I’ve done I’ve done collab stuff before like that vengeful Gods thing with you and sketch which chat you should watch crank’s perspective it’s very funny no I I well in all seriousness

Your stream and that point of view is better because see we’re we’re the ones torturing you so it’s but so we get to see yours perspect I need to watch that actually still I haven’t watched your perspective that’s that’s a problem I have manage broadcast existing broadcast let’s get this working again

All right there we Go all right start streaming cream see mean I’m already this is my OBS is killing me right now that uh oh I’m so confused hey a manage broadcast I can’t click the manage broadcast option anymore bo bo select this one stop streaming come on I’m so confused the technical difficulties are so

Funny this is this is entertaining I yeah I’m not use sorry I’m I’m not used to this I’m sorry I’m bad at this I’m a bad streamer see I’m going to restart OBS techn blade shall forever be missed that yes yeah crink didn’t have any problem streaming did he no the uh

Actually um now now that you well uh ah see I always have problems with stream music that’s that’s a problem also I need I can’t I can’t I I’ve never felt so powerless I don’t I don’t know what to do drink I’m using the hive M strategy I’ve come at

You on your home turf hoping to lose no all right there we go now we’re working chat now it’s back is it doing the thing I think we’re back I think it’s working it’s doing the thing let’s go your a is never going to select someone else

I win the second we stepped into this Arena I won I don’t I’m so powerless the goal is to get I to a th000 just to get ik to beat me at subscribers not me beat him Chad if you AR subscribed yet subscribe to Ren the crank come on come on

Surely come on Chad oh hold there wait wait the subscriber thing actually worked wait I’m I’m actually kind of shocked um holdo wait you mean it kind of worked the the subscri the what’s it called I have a Subscribe Feature where people if they subscribe and they have public

Subscribers on they can see their name in chat or in the Stream but the thing is it’s no one’s ever subscribed except for one person like several months ago thank thank you for subscrib I don’t I I’m not going to look at myself down for the rer of stream chat we going to

Ignore it pretend it’s not it’s not there I think I think the thing is actually working now maybe what I want I think the chest plate halfs chat no wait we want leggings I think leggings was like the good Dash and slide I’m sorry I am in

I I think I think the best best step forward actually for for our streams to both go go well I think is for the call to end because yeah sorry I’m not able like this very well yeah I’m so sorry I don’t know how to do this correctly it’s quite all

Right remember remember crank’s chat subscribe subscribe to R the crink subscribe to Inception keeper don’t do that don’t do that never do that unsubscribe if you are subscribed please goodbye bye okay sorry I’m so conf I’m not used to this I’m my brain can’t comprehend what’s going on like logically processing a

Thing is something that I’m incapable of doing uh wait sorry one moment I need to plug subscribe to Inception keeper and make make sure to leave a like see see like I know I shouldn’t be like I should be trying to grow my Channel but also I want a grow Inception

Wait also also make sure to share this stream wherever wherever wherever you can I’m trying to see yeah growth is hard I probably growth huh yeah I shouldn’t see crink is very strange that something about crank it’s just really strange see um is that working I I won’t say not to

Free wait it actually worked I feel like that took longer than it should have I think something’s broken like always it is it isn’t a crank it isn’t a crink patn thing yeah but what if I don’t want to grow like I know I know I know I slightly

Want why it feels so long since I’ve heard croing it it’s like huh how has it been that long it’s been almost a year since that thingy happened why aren’t anything any people going no they they can spawn right yeah they they can spawn they go down Boop they go

Like plop fall drop and they go Boop okay I think they work uh hello um sorry I’m sorry I’m this this stream has been like the most chaotic stream that I’ve had because I’m I don’t know how how to thing um no no I’m not I’m not an alpha gamer

I’m like the exact opposite like where where would you huh I’m not an I’m not an alpha game wait I need to where where is uh wait no wait no this is the wrong stream this is the wrong stream no no I I was plugging the wrong stream no I’m so disappointed in

Myself no they they shouldn’t be because they’re not okay wait is that working um okay that appears to be working I messed that up so badly I’m so bad at this I can’t do anything oh there’s a creeper I don’t but what if what what if they

Could what if what if it could maybe um also so I need to do the the thing create create post to in okay wait this video can I only URL yes no it’s not working okay I don’t know how to do that that’s too much for my My that see he that sound probably worse That’s Sinar Sinar is Um I’m starting to feel the effects of SAR what sar’s done and I’m why did I say that about ra Ryden and kofka why did I say That what what is wrong with me I make the worst life decisions okay we’re just going to dwell past that or not dwell on that and just move right past that that okay so I guess this was just an absolute waste of time maybe if I wait maybe if I sub to

Myself I’ll actually win a 50/50 I still have never won a 50/50 wait wait maybe this is the perfect summoning Strategy see I’m not pulling for Ryden because of Ryden necessarily I’m right pulling Ryden because of a that yeah not not riding a obviously a but H cough okay it’s actually somewhat working I don’t know how this it might be Hypixel spawning mechanics might slightly affect it okay if I look here

Skeletons are spawning oh there’s a I should have placed that block back the skeletons are spawning they are falling it just it’s really inefficient is it because are there caves below me that’s rendering there no there’s no mobs oh no that that’s kelp that’s not even kelp that’s just SE Rass

Um wow it’s getting late ah I just realized the time um hm I don’t I I’m not good at streaming okay so this is a really big waste of time I shouldn’t have done this because it’s literally worse than the I regret my life decisions wait what ghosty part sorry I

I’m so bad at missing Mees I I can’t process logically my brain just dies it just dies it likes to commit Die My Sanity just likes to crack which one I have so much different problems I need to do oh yes cat jelly um i’ I know I’ve said this previously but one thing I’m doing on this server oh huh that’s a good idea uh one thing this is a survival server with no like creative or anything except for one

Thing well except for Server moderation we’re allowing each person to have one pet that doesn’t have like a big function and so I decid I had a dog I think it died cuz I haven’t found it since like July or something and I decided because um well

This cat is based off off of what’s what what the good times with scar good times with why I don’t I shouldn’t I probably don’t need to explain but good times with Scar’s cat uh that got voted into Minecraft and then sadly she passed away like on Friday last week or yes Friday

Friday or Thursday last week so I decided I should bring uh I should bring a cat a jelly that’s her name and I should bring her I should have her since I I can’t talk I don’t I don’t know how to talk I’m so bad at streaming um but yeah so that I

Mean like my train of thought I know I’ve said this before but it just decides to blow up the rails just blow up right in front of it it doesn’t go off the rails it just blows up it just it just blows up hey jelly hi I need to get a name tag

Actually that’s one thing I don’t think I have I don’t do not believe I have one and I need to get a name tag so that way I can name it jelly yeah scar good times with scars cat see but the explosions just Dro from the middle of the sky I Get I’m so keep confused sometimes like I know I should be able to process what’s going on but sometimes I’m just like chat’s going so quickly that I just don’t understand what’s going on and my brain just like like spends 5 minutes recalculating what’s going on um so that I am so

Confused I don’t know what’s going on smack myself okay no that doesn’t that didn’t help but what about capitalism communism sorry not capitalism Communism do it again well I have a beanie on maybe I should take that off you know what no this why am I doing this why am I no no I’m not going to Target cure cure what Rousy no nope Rousy no you’re safe I’m not I’m not

Going to harm a single hair on your head you’re going to stay right here safe say hi Rous Rous is an inanimate object but anyways no I’m not no not not currently may may maybe potentially in a future stream but not pro probably Not uh Ral I mean so the spelling is Ral Rouse B it’s it’s it’s a what what’s what’s it called Del thingy character I have a plushy of him but I think supposedly the correct thing I I hm I mean Technic is is it technically

Is it he a go I can’t I mean as real R say hm but what if it was a bunny huh that that’s that’s I don’t know what’s going on anymore I’m so confused yeah um doc you’re in you’re in the same SP you you know as much as I

You I don’t know what’s going on in my chat anymore iron farm wait what I’m huh sorry I’m so confused I don’t under my brain isn’t braining yeah um I don’t my brain stopped functioning I’m having like a overload of memory my overload oh yes I thought the perfect I

Found the perfect way ban ban no no no no no I don’t do that I don’t do that not currently not Currently um chaos chaos chaos chaos iied I can’t do a good job of voice chaos chaos bye-bye metamorphosis I can do anything I I can do any I can do I can do anything I can’t do a jevil voice what is wrong with me I mean sure it’s harder to hear

Because to notice whether I can or not cuz I don’t have like the 8 bit ship to the 8 bit fire thingy but I can’t I can do anything I can do anything metamorphosis bye-bye Bye by I can’t you know what would be funny chat

But what if I just decided to try to speedrun again no no I’m not breaking my sanity that much No not yet not until two weeks uh oh my goodness it’s almost um okay yes uh apparently so I probably really should head out actually sorry but uh I just realized how late it is again um like I know it’s relatively early but if I I should

Probably like if if I School thing um I I I I didn’t realize how late it is um I I don’t know what to do um but I I I guess I have to end stream because yeah it as much as I’d like to continue it is getting relatively late I

Probably should do a couple things before tomorrow and prepared for tomorrow uh so uh I think wait that that is wait what if I did wait good night Toby Fox not Alfie no this this song is finally is literally called good night I needed anyways thank thank uh thank thank you

All for uh tuning in and uh watching I don’t know what to say I’m kind of panic I I don’t I wasn’t expecting this to happen Um yeah uh see see you uh subscribe to Inception uh I know people probably won’t be able to or want to or might not want to or be able to tune in but I’m just going to post I can’t see I can’t do what’s it

Called oh no I’m want to I know it’s a joke but I want to um but even I can’t this isn’t twitch but I still want to do this because this is like I’m not going to use twitch so this is the closest thing I can get to it that doesn’t even work

Okay um that’s Inception subscribe to Inception what I’m so bad at it I can’t even do it as good as him uh we’re we’re subcribers apparently this so we decided I think somewhat maybe I’m not sure that the loser of the that whoever gets to a th000 subscribers

First has to plug their own channel for an entire month it will be pain and torture I hope I will not have to do that so let’s see if we can get Inception heer to th000 subscribers before um anyways I’m so bad at this um see you all around uh thank thanks for

Watching uh I can’t

This video, titled ‘Working on the Community Area! (again) | Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by RenTheCrink on 2024-01-09 04:57:01. It has garnered 57 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:45 or 9285 seconds.

Today I’m just going to be hanging out and playing some survival Minecraft on Hypixel!

If you’d like to join me in this server, this server is on Java 1.20.2 on Hypixel (play.hypixel.net) , let me know your username and I can invite you to it!

Also subscribe to @inceptionkeeper!

Chat Rules: PG Stream. No swearing in any form. Do not spam. Be kind and considerate of other viewers. No promotions/advertising. English Chat Only Please.

Music is by Toby Fox and me

All stream music is from this playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCD8LAjhIfsY75RD47XfoV32OcUVCyxOh

Thumbnail was made w/ BSL Shaders

#minecraftsmp #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #hypixel #minecraftlivestream

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    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More