Video Information

[Applause] Hello again View viewers and greetings fellow space Travelers this is Thorn of night and welcome to the first stream of the Year 2024 it is January 1st and this is also my first attempt at multi streaming hello not only YouTube but also any potential twitch viewers hello

Welcome uh this is Thor of Knight I do video games I have lots of stuff on my YouTube channel but I have finally been reminded that multi streaming is allowed again on the purple Channel and so I have decided that I wanted to give it a try so I’m out 150

Bucks and now I’ve got streamlabs Ultra we’re going to give it a test for this year if it works out cool if it isn’t worth it still cool but it was a fun experiment but today I’m going to be working on my uh manger sponge on the wild performium mc. performium.net Minecraft

Server the wild subserver which is an SMP server and I’m doing lots of large Mega builds and today I’ll be working on my manger sponge a tier five monstrosity made of chiseled deep slate because it looks almost like a little bitty manger sponge ah because I like to suffer

Anyway uh before I get into it I would like to say thank you to the people who are able to help support my channel and uh make things run a little bit more smoothly in what ways you can thank you to Elm 11’s augma Infinium Sean Robert

Km little cuddles and xplays Ninja zero thank you all ever so very much for what support you can offer because if it weren’t for you I would not have been able to have a little bit of a buffer to be able to do this very thing

Today so this year thank you for the experiment and thank you last year for the replacement computer monitor and thank you for the uh dinoot for Discord thank you guys ever so very much you make it so that the machine runs a little bit more smoothly ah so let’s get into things I

Don’t oh there is a tab over here for multistream you don’t get to split it you have to click back and forth oh well that’s just a annoying um let me I know how I can find where the chat is on YouTube give me just a moment

Here and I will follow this link on my Discord I will come over here and I will just pop the YouTube chat out let’s see here where’s the ah there’s the pop down okay pop out chat move the chat over to this monitor there we go now I should be

Able to see both twitch and YouTube chat at the same time that’s a little Annoying that they don’t intermix but I I understand why okay now before I get into it speaking of xbls Ninja zero I would like to come back over here to the Discord and Rewind time a little

Bit because I got so busy so fast on a previous stream that I absolutely forgot to read the dad jok there were two of them one supplied by xplays Ninja zero why did the man put his money in the freezer he wanted Cold Hard Cash one supplied by

Cuddles what was the pumpkin’s favorite sport squash uh also let’s see here we have scrolly down scrolly down to today today is dead joke summoned by explo Ninja zero how do locomotives know where they are going lot lots of training ah I love dad jokes they’re refreshing they they feed my

Soul now I don’t know how to check and see if I’m properly streaming on Twitch or hold on let’s see here I bring this up and I come over here is it going to just go Haywire uh mute tab there we go Okay cool so it shows the stream

Awesome ah I’m not nervous you’re nervous why should I be nervous I’ve been streaming for a long time I’m just Streaming new on here all right let’s get rid of this screen here hide that let’s get into it oh in the top right right you’ll see a a new

Thing I have added a little progress bar because I’ve done the math and in order to make sure I can have Dinobot and streamlabs again for next year it’s going to be before the fees that come out of streamlabs or or patreon it’s going to be about 30 bucks

A month and so I have a progress bar now trying to be like a you know one of the other kinds of uh twitch streamers where is my icon where where did you hide my icons sometimes Shuffle around there we go also I need to grab the

Links to make a post on the chat let’s do this and go over here grab this one come chill Us on YouTube or twitch as we build a Manger sponge put that and grab the twitch one put that and then copy all of it and paste and then let’s come over to Candy

SMP minimize this window bring the YouTube chat back up come over here and go paste and back to Wild that’s funny advertising to okay oh hi we have a guest hello it’s cuddles hello cuddles how are you what you up to cuddles has been often on helping

With this project I’ve been doing the front end here and she’s been working on on all this back end and she has just been doing phenomenal work oh it’s even taller back here look at that the template is up here in the front goes all the way up to build

Height and it comes down to just above ground level 243 blocks by 243 blocks by you guessed it 243 blocks it is 3.2 million of these chiseled deep slate in this entire project and why chisel deep slate because it almost resembles a little minger sponge itself and it’s the only block that I

Could get 3.2 million of if I needed to that still looked close-ish to a Manger sponge oh I forgot to turn the music down a little bit let’s turn it down to 25% I have it at 35% when I start my streams but so I was looking

Into uh because of the whole multistream thing I was looking into the the the screen transition that uh people have for their twitch streams and obviously it comes through streamlabs and there’s really only one aspect That I Want from it I have my uh my my screen that says let’s see here uh

Where where’s Minecraft where’s Minecraft uh I have my I’ll be right back screen I have all my startup and all that kind of stuff what I need that I’m actually missing is the screen that um oh I forgot to time well P time at noon and P weather clear uh is is the

Screen oops P weather clear that wipes between the scenes like I just changed from one scene to another just then and a lot of them have these little animated and sound driven uh like wiping screens that cover up the existing window allow it to change in the

Background and then reveal it and what I was thinking thinking was looking into making one of my own now I don’t know exactly the p’s and q’s of doing it but I I know what I would want and so I’m going to have to start researching it

And the thing is my logo if if let’s say that this here is my logo and it says thorn of KN if you do this it says thorn of Knight again so uh that’s that’s called an ambigram so if I could figure it out what I want to do

Is have it be just the thorn of Knight pop up there and then have a non-transparency follow this across the screen until until it’s all the way 180° and it has wiped it into the gray background that I use and then take that gray and wipe it

Into the new scene and then make the thorn of Knight disappear that is what I’m going to try to figure out how to do as a scene trans transition I think it would be pretty neat because not a lot of people are aware that my logo go is an

Ambigram that I designed and I am pleased as punch to have made it myself so I like to show it off and I can’t think of a better way to make it right in your face than have a screen transition so I’ll have to get that figured

Out lots of new buttons for me to click on on the dashbo board now for streamlabs um and a whole bunch of other little bells and whistles going on that I I don’t know how to use them just yet uh or or they are malfunctioning or something like for

Instance uh when I clicked on the go live button it brings up a window like it always does for me to fill in the the thumbnail and the description and the title and all that kind of stuff and then there’s a section for twitch now and uh The thing says that I can’t use the tags until I relog in so just to cover my bases I logged out and logged back in to both twitch and also streamlabs and then I clicked on the go live Buton button and the warning is still

There so I don’t know what gives I will probably reboot my computer between now and the next time I stream maybe that will do it oops we’ll see but learning curve nice little Adventure here uh let’s see here other stuff over the weekend I made quite the Breakthrough

On some of my my planning for the refugee to Regent challenge which I don’t know who I thought I was fooling that I would be able to get it all done by the end of the year uh there’s still so much little fidgety stuff that I need

To do that I’m going to be doing another stream of me doing some busy work tomorrow probably but I made a breakthrough and I’ll cover it tomorrow uh where instead of having to do all the the random dice rolls and all that I just went ahead and wrote a

Script that I can adjust some values on for difficulty or for scale and it just spits out the populations hello knocky only three more months until 2004 can you believe that I can’t believe it Internet Explorer um yeah Slowpoke running Internet Explorer we call that move the delayed re

Reaction imagine fighting a Slowpoke in Pokemon and them doing an attack and it says it wasn’t effective but it actually was and it was super effective but it doesn’t go off until like 3 years later and now the Pokemon they fought is in a a really heated battle and it’s neck and

Neck and all of a sudden Slowpoke super effective attack goes off at that point during this new battle that they aren’t even in and it just wipes them out wouldn’t that just be great but anyway about the the the script I I will be showing it tomorrow

But I have made a script that just helps me figure out the populations for everything everything from one stage to the next all by just literally clicking a button I I I hit F5 and it’s done F5 is the button to run the program I haven’t made it into an external

Program yet because what I want to do is give it some uh bells and whistles and uh make a program so that other people can use it uh if they want to do the challenge the myself uh but I I had quite a lot of fun and heartache as coding goes with giving

The script some uh some spit shine and polish it it’s a lot smaller than it started out it’s really efficient and now I just have to figure out the output so I’m just having it for the moment output to the console which only really helps me and doesn’t help anyone

Else but baby steps baby steps uh oh also on the note of refugee to Regent and other other things um I oh wait the multi stream has a little icon next to it it was delayed it showed up over here on the the multistream chat look at that Noy requim you showed

Up in both places neat neat anyway um I have yet to finish all of the details and and the I guess the quotas and whatnot that I need to have lined up before I start the the refugee Dent challenge uh so while I am finishing up

All of that stuff I am also refining the script that I will be using to make my uh New Year announcement my new information new streams new series and everything else uh as well as the bundled into it uh if I can manage it a look

Back uh at my channel because of the 2,000 subscriber Milestone now do I have any idea how I’m going to keep track of both YouTube and the new platform I I I don’t know what I’m going to be doing totals wise with that but we’ll see how that all pans

Out uh but today first day on the new platform hooray for anxiety oops uh also I have pretty much tested Skyrim as as far as it’s going to be tested I do still need to do a little bit more wandering around and see if I can cause the Dawn Guard

Dog event to happen to see if that is what corrupts my saves if it is then I will honestly I’ll just remove that mod I have a I think four different Random Encounters mods and if this one random encounter is going to break break my saves

Like that much then I just need to get rid of it the other alternative is it’s possibly something to do with Midwood aisle and if that’s the case then I don’t need that one or and this is the worst case scenario it was caused by random mystery event that has no way of

Being tracked and at just any point in any save I can have a corrupted save file like the dragon save that the the dragon Horse Mount save issue ah thanks Todd okay so there’s that that’s all done that’s finished that’s good that’s good okay cool oh this time before the

Stream me two I went ahead and made a lot of chisel deep slay also I refilled my compliment of Soul torches cuz I had used a large amount of what I already had and was getting pretty threadbear but let’s see here I have a number of things that I’m going

To be covering in my my update video bunch of new news some old News uh some look back some look forward and a big hearty thank you to the 2,000 plus subscribers as well as the welcome to the new uh audience I wonder how well streamlabs actually covers the the population like does it total together or is it just going to

Misbehave because I I know that when it’s just YouTube it misbehaves there could be five people watching and it’ll say zero there could be one person watching and it’ll say six it’s strange how it behaves so this is going to be a fun little adventure for

Me but I suppose since this is going to be my first I guess I I presume it automatically vods that’s what I put it at has a setting so if anyone goes back and watches at least the beginning of this stream on the new platform then uh I guess I’ll explain a little

Bit what’s going on a long time ago I decided Well a long time ago half a year ago I decided to start building a giant Monument to math on a survival SMP and yes I am flying no I’m not cheating I have have uh gems if I come over here to the global

Commands I have fly it just costs gems which you can get from lots of different methods uh but also I have the maximum Rank and one of these ranks Emerald obsidian Bedrock one of them you get fly so either way I have fly and so I’m using

That to my advantage to build this 3.2 million block object and they’re all the same block good old chiseled deep Slate oh my mouse button got an extra click okay uh that is oh obsidians when you get Fly thank you cuddles um one piece of why aren’t you loading oh because I thought I was on this thing here okay that’s weird uh one piece of uh information

About uh my uh I guess resurfacing on Twitch here is I did try to stream about a decade ago uh I tried to stream once about seven years ago but before that my first attempt was about a decade ago and it was terrible my frame rates were just bad

Bad I did not have the connection to do it well enough and even though I could have just kept on doing some some really low uh pixel density streams I I could not bring myself to allow that so I stopped and then like I said about 7 years ago I tried again

And it just didn’t quite work out again for similar reasons and so it has only been very recently that I have begun streaming again and shortly after I started streaming uh when I was in the midst of looking into doing multi streaming through streamlabs here um the purple Channel decided to

Say you know what we don’t want to allow multi streaming and that’s where I thought everything stood I thought that they had just completely disallowed it and then I found out just just a week ago that they pulled back on that they said oh okay yeah yeah yeah Will Allow multi

Streaming and so I decided Well let’s give this a try so I guess technically this isn’t my first time but this is my first time this year it’s also my first time on this new computer it’s my first time on this particular subserver so it’s not so much welcome to Twitch

Welcome back to Twitch I have all of 12 followers last time I looked all right see here I have um going back to the Refuge to region thing I have been restructuring everything from the two wikis and the old guide from like 20 or yeah 2014 something like that for the original Refugee to Regent challenge uh I have been merging things together and adjusting numbers and trying to make sense of everything because that pie has had a lot of hands in it and not everyone washed their hands before they started touching it and so

It’s a it’s a mess it is effectively spaghetti code in just description format and so what I’ve been trying to do is make sense of it and I’ve come to the conclusion that what I need to do is distill everything down to to its finest forms and then have links to the details

So for example when you first start the challenge you’re not allowed to use tools you’re only allowed to build with dirt clay uh sand now mud uh honestly clay was s even around when they started the challenge uh but uh dirt clay sand mud gravel anything you can actually dig the whole

Block with your fist you can build with that logs you can build with logs as support So if you make a large room with with more than three width of in in any direction it has to have support oops and the rules that it has include you having

To make your own house you have to make a few and it says pick some number uh Elders houses and then it has a few other CR criteria for things that you need to build some nebulous criteria for objects you need to mass and store and a few other little

Details but it all the information is told in these big long paragraphs of of requirements and what what it ends up being is instead of a list of requirements it is a list of requirements with descriptions for what these descri requirements are dis requirements wow description for what the requirements

Are and so instead of saying build a player house it says build a player house right now you can only use these objects well obviously and so you need to build uh these rooms here and they need to have these specifications and they need to have this unless you’re

Doing this part of the challenge in which case you need to do dude dude that’s too much just tell me what I need to build and then tell me another page to look at for the details that way I can go all right I need to build six houses and one estate

Gotcha ah okay I need to amass this much wheat before I can move on on to the wood stage cool just tell me what I need to do and then give me descriptions and I feel like especially from all the other people who I have seen talk about the challenge who I have

Done the challenge with in the past and who have done the challenge on their own at least simpler versions of it uh everyone has the same complaint of I there’s so much information here that I don’t know what to do so what I’m hoping to do is rebuild it from

Scratch have links to the original information but rebuild the challenge so that it makes sense everything scales from beginning to end and there’s a purpose for the last few stages which in both versions of both the main versions actually all three of the main versions uh there there really wasn’t

Much of a purpose for the last few stages of the challenge it was all right you’ve made it this far uh I guess do something good luck um so I’m trying to make everything makes sense I’m trying to give it all gradiation so that it doesn’t all hit you in the face at

Once and I’m trying to give a way to get some cold hard numbers because as much as the challenge says things periodically like I don’t want to tell you what you need to do but I do need you to do this and this and this and this well make up your mind so

I am just going to make the list of the M minimum requirements and be done with it now there’s one other aspect of the challenge that I am kind of overlooking and that is difficulty they tried to on many occasions build in a difficulty scaling so that if you wanted to do

FasTrack mode you could you could build your kingdom in easy mode and then there’s the normal and then there was Hardcore and I recognized that after the first handful of stages all the criteria matched the hardcore all of them so I went ahead and made the executive decision

Of picking a difficulty that is a little bit more than normal not quite as hard as hardcore and that is going to be the whole Challenge and then to make it harder or simpler it’s going to be in quantity and scale oh there’s people asking questions in chat over here I’ve been

Watching too many things all at once I don’t know what all is going on over here I just realized that there’s been questions about how to do claims and things thank you cuddles for helping them but uh the challenge hello aha hello Emma welcome greetings greetings ugma

Infinium uh but I I feel like I have stumbled Upon A a nice even ground to work with that at least numbers wise matches the original intent of the challenge and instead of having just absolutely bizarre random growth of of uh the different categories from one stage to

The next I’m giving them all a reason to uh be started when they are started I’m using all of the original stages for the reasons they were divided into those stages and then now all that I need to do is basically hammer out the the smaller

Det details the what rooms do you need to build onto the player estate for each stage um what are the specific requirements the minimum requirements for this kind of structure in this kind of stage and I’m trying to take all the Bluster out of the descriptions and just distill it down

To the smallest grain I can then once I get all of that done and maybe also write a program to help people decide on their populations I’m going to try to republish it as my very own Wiki of the refugee to region challenge interestingly enough when I

Went to the Wayback machine and also the more recent Wiki on both of them my previous attempt at doing the challenge were listed in the notable uh YouTubers and streamers who were doing the challenge and it was only a small handful and the reason is the

Reason why it’s only a small handful is because boy howdy there’s a lot that you need to do when you go into the challenge you think oh I’m going to start easy and then I’m going to build a a kingdom and then it’s not there’s nothing easy about this challenge it’s called a

Challenge by the time you’re done you have built a kingdom with no fewer than 10 extra cities oh and these extra cities and all the additional population and everything we’re talking thousands literal thousands of houses and mouths to feed just Farmers alone you need almost a th Farmers just to grow enough wheat

Cuz there are stipulations for how much wheat a single farmer can deal with and all that kind of stuff there the rules that are built into the challenge make it so even if you wanted to start off on The Fast Track which by the way the fast track rules didn’t go

All the way through to the end on any of the versions neither did the normal it just went all right we give up let’s just do here’s the challenge after a certain point but uh anyway um there is no way to do the challenge quickly there just

Isn’t you have to build so much and so many of the different things and so many types of different things that it is a massive undertaking and even if you fully understood what the challenge was meant to be back in the day completing it is a pain I’ve done the Challenge from stem

To stern probably three times total and then incompletely I’ve done it at least another three times incompletely once twice on my channel in fact one once as a standalone with a uh a server dedicated to other people who were just playing I I put the server together that’s the more recent one the

Server is called The Refuge because well I like Refugee to Regent and so I figured if I was going to do Kingdom building I might as well make the whole thing you know a nod to that so I called it The Refuge uh an old 1.11.2 server it’s wh

Listed funny enough it’s still up but I also did it years before that in a group of people I’d go over to a friend’s house and we would fire it up it was modded and we were all playing on the same map together and I would do all

Of my recording while we were there and it was good times and both of those attempts just kind of petered out uh mostly because of just interruptions uh problems loading like the one that was the multiplayer uh at a friend’s house the the save file became inaccessible for a

Good couple of months and then when it was accessible it was corrupted uh and on the Refuge I sort of got to the stone stage and went ah no one’s playing on here really all that much anymore I’ll just I’ll just hold off and see what happens and

There it sat and I decided that I want to do the actual whole challenge again I miss it it’s fun it is well challenging and I want to have fun with it so I’m doing an awful lot of setup so that I know how many things I’m

Going to need but I’m also doing the setup so that I can make it more accessible to other people cuz right now the only options that people have for being able to see what you need to do for the challenge are to go to the complete Wiki to go to the way back

Machine and get the incomplete files from there or if you’re on my Discord I also back in the day downloaded most of the files that were or most of the web pages that were related to The Challenge and now I have them on my Google Docs and people can uh access

Them via my Discord but all all that stuff also there was an in between one a version 3.1 or something like that all that in all that stuff is woefully incomplete to the point where if you wanted to include some of the more modern minecraft stuff there’s no chance none cuz now where

1.20 1.20 4 five four it’s four for Java and 5.1 or something like that for Bedrock I think so I’m going to call it uh 1.2.4 uh there’s new stuff the world is taller the world is deeper there’s more stuff in the nether there’s there’s more life there’s archaeology there’s just

All kinds of new things to do and it’s not none of it is incorporated into the challenge none of it I’d mentioned earlier that the earliest forms of the challenge didn’t even include information for clay uh the most recent version I want to say the the the one that has the active is

Wiki I want to say that it is set in it’s a h Dodge podge of somewhere between the Inception of concrete so I guess that’s 1 12 and then they had their feelers out for some early snapshots for things that were being worked on for future vers

So they imple implemented some rules for some later stuff than that but there’s not even mention of concrete anywhere in the guides and just everything is just in dire need of updating so in addition to trimming the fat I also have to make it gain a little bit more weight again because now

There’s new stuff to worry about uh the the challenge originally started with the different stages you could only dig down to a certain depth during each stage you can only use certain materials so you could use wood tools in the wood stage stone for the stone iron for the

Iron you could eventually work your way to the bottom of the world during the gold stage and start using Diamond but they had no idea about the new depths of the world there’s no rules for deep slate there’s no skull nothing like that exists so I’m going to be

Injecting as best I can the new stuff and if I can get it to work in some sensible format that I feel I can reasonably feel comfortable publishing as a Wiki then I will do so because I have been doing all of this background work

On a local Wiki maker it’s called Zim I found it recently it has made my life so much easier Zim right now all the information exists as just text documents on my hard drive but if I can get this all sensible then I’m going to make my own

Wiki and just upload all the information I will have my own version as its own Standalone Wiki and then I will link back to the previous versions including the Wayback machine link or links plural um all the ones that I found on the Wayback Machine by the way

Um they didn’t have all of the files for any of the versions back then so I just kind of have a hodgepodge of information and it is a mess ah I was hoping to get it all sorted out as of midnight last night but there’s no way there’s no way would not

Happen so I have more busy work that I need to do to finish that up some clarification on criteria from one stage to the next and I will probably be working on that tomorrow doing another uh idle clicker Extravaganza busy work stream which I have some news about that The uh the the stream that I put up on what day was that uh we have have the 27th of December so most of my streams get anywhere between about 50 and 100 views I have a video recently that I put up that has um 600 23

Views oh apparently apparently I have a dislike on it why would you what what’s to dislike is it why do people do that is it because they went oh I should have done this myself click do they have bad aim what’s going on anyway that’s my first dislike in like I don’t

Know 50 videos 40 videos something like that uh but let’s see here the idol clicker Extravaganza I don’t know what I did but I have 1,429 views on a stream so you bet your bottom dollar I’m going to try that again uh originally my first incarnation of that

Was to just have nine games on stream or on screen so that I could be just playing nine games all at once and just try to keep on top of everything but I realized that I needed to get some work done but I had to keep my schedule my my streaming

Schedule because the algorithm Demands a Sacrifice and so I I put together five games on the top and the right side of my screen and I interacted with them all throughout my stream and stayed on top of most of them while also in the bottom left working on my paperwork my busy

Work for the Refuge to Regent Challenge and some combination of the title and other stuff just made a thousand people go yep I want to watch this and what’s really bizarre is the overwhelming majority of the views came after the stream was over I don’t even think I had uh 10 concurrent

Viewers at Peak when I was live but then a few days later I look at my stats and I think I think I must be losing my mind because the numbers just seem way off and then I look at the the graph and the graph agrees with the numbers that I

Thought were way off it goes horizontal line horizontal line vertical line my view is just Skyrocket so I’m definitely going to be implementing that again I still need to do some more busy work so it’s the perfect opportunity for me to have another ADHD idle clicker Extravaganza stream

Tomorrow because I really do need to uh to to finish that stuff up in fact I’m going to be working on more of it tonight but there’s not enough time even tonight to finish it up so it’s going to be done during the stream 4 and a half or 5 hours tomorrow

And then after the stream tomorrow as well and then I guess Wednesday I will probably be doing the Skyrim testing some more and then it’s looking like next weekend I should be able to finally start clipping together all the different parts for my look back look forward New Year um

Milestone and everything else video and get that up I it looks like I should be able to do that over the next weekend but all of my time that I am spending not streaming I am working on one or both of those two major parts of the the

Projects the Skyrim or the refugee der Regent and frequently I am doing it while on Discord and streaming the process on Discord so that’s uh if you want want to see me suffer through all that then come visit me while I’m uh on Discord I have the link down below for that

Uh but for me my streams my this stream right now I start every Monday through Thursday for sure sometimes also Friday I stream from 7:30 p.m. my time to midnight and I’m near St Louis so Central Time Zone I’m done streaming on YouTube for the day at midnight I just realized something terrible

I have to do some digging for some reason I thought I was here again oh this is terrible well at least it’s not a whole lot of time hooray I got ahead of myself that’s all right it happens what is it uh six times 36 rows that’s not too

Bad I saw you loose block you ain’t and you so anyway it is New Year’s Day and I have a New Year’s resolution my resolution remains unchanged from the previous year’s resolution and that is 1920 by 1080 because that’s just about the only size monitor that will fit comfortably on my

Desk not quite what you were expecting was it well that’s that’s your fault for not expecting that my stream literally starts with a dad joke if you weren’t expecting that sort of a New Year’s resolution then welcome to my channel I’m thorn of Knight and I’m Silly So now that I have evidence that I able to actually stream over here on both platforms I think next Saturday when RGA does his stream near the end of it I’m going to uh try to get one started of my own and see if I can get him to raid Me because I feel that that would be a nice little viewer ship injection it’s going to probably take me a while to uh climb up to the numbers that I have over on YouTube which uh if you’re watching this on Twitch then go look me up over there Oh and by the way cuddles I know you’re watching if you uh ever needed any more evidence that I I also have large swabs swabs of oops in some of my steps on here this is all the evidence you’ll ever need fun fact in arts and crafts if you are

Working on a project in the craft known as crochet and you find out that you’ve made a mistake and you need to undo everything it’s called frogging back I do not know why it’s called frogging back but it is called frogging back oh imagine doing all this clean

Up without fly and without the really powerful pickaxe oh ew that would be awful uh you choose Johnny whichever makes you happiest I am still trying to get my my YouTube numbers up because I am about a 100 hours away as far as the measurement over uh for the

Uh the last 365 days is concerned I’m about 100 hours of watch time away uh from being able to open up the memberships and whatnot on YouTube so I guess if I had a preference it would be the YouTube after all that is my primary place I’m merely doing this to try

To capture a little bit slightly wider audience all right let’s do this yeah this is I need to be working on this level right here that is the downside to not having the the wall to go with the back end of the build is I was sort of relying on that a

Little bit as a guide poost or a guide wall I just have to be more diligent I hear a zombie Hello Goodbye all right ah I apparently sat in my foot just long enough for it to start to fall asleep and now my foot feels hilarious which is to say it feels Beyond Funny I have by the way I’ve considered the possibility of uh getting a uh FaceCam setup but I am neither the sort of person who wants to do that nor am I situated in a way that I could easily do it where I have my setup so the other option is uh there

Are two other categories of standin avatars one is called a vtu and one is called a PNG tuber and I am intrigued by the PNG tuber concept because uh 20 years ago in paint I made a picture based on myself that I I did in paint pixel by pixel I put in

The base shapes and then I added the extra details here and there and then I actually I I got a background of varying circles to add a little bit more oomph to it but beyond that the the rest of the face was my doing but it’s just a a picture of how I

Used to look and be dressed and all that instead of top hat it was a cowboy hat I had a lot less beard but I figure I put a lot of work into it I could see if maybe I could convert this into a talking sequence and then run that through a

Whatever it is that the PNG tubers use to do their thing and I’ve only been introduced to these Concepts the vtuber and the PNG tuber very recently so I don’t have really any solid information Yet but it is a possibility I guess between that and my screen transition animation I have a little bit of Photoshop in my future oh that reminds me photoshopping used to be called something else back in the day and the reason was because Photoshop hasn’t always been around before it was called

Photoshopping it was called airbrushing and it was typically done in large scale for movies and so they would have to go cell by cell and airbrush things in and do animation style art from one individual frame to the next now you can have software that just tracks an object and

Generally modifies it well enough but back in the day it was all done by hand it was called airbrushing and my phone has gone Boop why did my phone go Boop oh okay unrelated well partially oh my phone’s about to go off on a an alarm in about 2

Minutes I don’t think I need to deal with that alarm today we’ll see oops okay all right there we go never happened there was no flub up nothing changed oh wait I had completed the whole thing so I still need to finish this to catch back up to where I was I

Mean nothing happened all right let me get my toes just above that layer oh there’s the alarm I knew it was coming and it still made me jump hooray oh there’s a small concern that I have it shouldn’t be an issue but it is is a small

Concern music that I have playing is all of the content creator uh um attribution free just provided music but it’s not provided by twitch it’s on YouTube and I don’t know if that’s going to be an issue it shouldn’t be if it’s attribution free it should just be

Attribution free because all of it says free to use in any of your content anywhere so I have to assume that that includes literally anywhere that you can put your content but this this is an experiment cuz I have about four and a halfish hours 5 hours of of music that I just

Have playing it’s not really all that invasive not a lot of words only a couple have some words here and there different kinds of genres but it’s all just generally sort of background music and hopefully it will be passable on the new platform so what are you guys up to how how is

Your year starting what are your plans for the year if you could go nose first into a project what would it be and if you aren’t doing that project this year why not there we go I am watching both chats at the same time as best I can I’m trying to keep my

Head on a swivel and see if any weird things happen over on this monitor here yes that’s right you are also joining the twitch stream seems like a perfect opportunity and the refugee to Regent I I hope to be able to uh set up a program

Where just anyone can run it and say all right I want to play The Challenge on this difficulty and I have have no idea what I’m going to do so please numbers tell me what I need to do from one stage to the next and it just spits out a file and

A it’s going to have to be a file honestly it it can’t just be here’s a message box with some stuff because there’s way too much cuz you’re building a kingdom your population is in the thousands by the time you’re done with the challenge so it can’t just be here’s a

Simple message box screenshot let’s go it’s going to have to be a file huh that changes some of my plan for the software but in the meantime if you’d like help with the numbers I can gladly just run my script and and manually send you the numbers through Discord

It’s good to have a few options I Am I’m still coming to terms with the nonsense that uh the fun pimps have done with some of their recent changes to 7 days to die I’m not completely abandoning the game but doesn’t mean I have to enjoy all the stuff that they are taking out and changing

Ing and also let’s see here Noy requim what what style of Saturday morning cartoon we talking cuz there were I remember quite a lot of variety when it comes to Saturday morning cartoons also I have a much longer database of memory some of my Saturday morning cartoons included live broadcasts

Of uh the Jetson and the Flint Stones back at the same time uh whole bunch of Hannah Barbara stuff that’s what my Saturday morning cartoons were but I’ve also seen more more recent stuff um some of the like the Young Justice League or whatever it’s called DC Comic

Cartoons seen a bunch of that stuff in Saturday morning seen a bunch of semi anime kind of stuff and if anyone is confused in the chat I’m being talked to both on Twitch and YouTube at the same time Ed Ed and Eddie I remember uh a few

Episodes of that that was a interesting show there’s a lot of subtext to that show that people missed they they covered some interesting topics in their own special unique way but some of them they they really did give it the old try they they definitely tried to like fully cover

Subjects that were a little hard to talk about but do it in an interesting if not entertaining way uh a lot of it was sort of beating around the bush but still Ed Ed Edy good Cartoon oh yes I absolutely do remember I greeted you as ugma Infinium ah first couple seasons of SpongeBob so the classics well it is a wild difference in username except when you take into account the Discord username with the inclusion of eldrich oh I suppose I should

Ask um CU I I can’t really afford to have me watching my stream at the same time that I’m doing the streaming I don’t really have the bandwidth for that kind of thing uh I don’t know how they do the multi streaming I presume it just gets

Uploaded to a single point and then distributed to its destinations from that single point and it’s just treated the same way as a single stream only multiple destinations but how is the texture of the stream is it too grainy everything seemed to be in order am I somehow magically having better graphics than

Usual how how are things with the stream it isn’t too blocky is it oh come on it’s wait is that a is that a popcat version of or is that a corgi version of the popcat which sometime over the weekend I got sucked into a Vortex of watching a

Whole bunch of popcat videos was just it it was it was very refreshing I haven’t heard the yaven POA for months at least and then here it is in a compilation of popcat Music good times good times if I had to go by the coloration i’ end the stubby little way that ears

Work I’m going to say it’s a corgi and either it’s meant to be barking or it’s trying its very best 14 out of 10 good good poppers at doing its impression of the popcat nice it is the pop cat awesome pop Nemo aha so did anyone do anything interesting but

Mentionable for the uh New Year’s celebration big qualifier here mentionable a collection of Pops I love it Excuse me that’ll teach me to drink my Drinks which side am I on Divine intellect or it just working well you see you’re going on the assumption that it just worken is separate from Divine intellect ouch oh and by the way on the subject of it just working let’s see here it just working behold the Todd uhoh I’ve covered up a window oh no where’d it go there we go oh no the world is ending we have 30 seconds all right a the first time in months that I’ve gotten actual server XP [Applause] Finally legendary dust do I have enough dust to get a I do more legendary dust legendary dust hooray if you do Join This Server by the way mc. performium.net this is the Hub you can talk to this guy here by punching him and get dirt rank for free which means you have the

Ability to teleport in any world that you join there are a number of Worlds to join there’s SMP servers over here there’s Sky Block creative and some mini games over here there used to be well honestly there used to be tons more servers but they’ve cut back to

Make room for other things and uh this is what we have left and this is the wild SMP the new one is 1.20.1 it is candy SMP and it’s it’s almost exactly the same thing as wild except it has cherry trees and better signs P time at at noon and P weather Clear but in trade for the cherry trees and the better signs you also have to deal with Phantoms which you do not have to deal with on wild which between that and the fact that this is where I have all my stuff I say wild is the better of the two

Servers and also much lower population much better population speaking of popular ation cuddles internet has derped and will not be available until about 1: in the morning so probably the rest of my stream will be without cuddles so whoever you lovely six viewers are that are not cuddles hello and

Welcome assuming that six is the correct amount that is I have just had a lot of stuff going on lately last year was honestly just so much for me had that uh I guess back in March had the uh a micron variant brought here during a visit from my

Dad laid me up for a good while almost a week and a half solid of over 102° temperature and then a good couple of months of no sense of smell that was the most depressing part I couldn’t even smell chocolate I couldn’t smell cologne I couldn’t smell coffee I couldn’t smell a thing

Then later in the year my body finally said uh we are not designed for being under this much stress for this long so we’re going to send you to the hospital and ever since I have had to maintain my uh my stress levels differently and then right on the heels of

That I got the news that I that as of this year uh most of the modern platforms uh like the mod launching platforms uh steam gaming Platforms in general most of them no longer have support for Windows 7 Operating Systems which means that even if you have it in installed

Properly on an operating system before Windows 10 there’s no guarantee that things are going to continue functioning properly because now their their new updates and stuff are designed for modern operating systems so computer I’ve got over there if it hasn’t already rolled over then when it does I may not even be able

To have Steam games work on that one which is terrible uh I’m going to have to figure out how to upgrade that to Windows 10 if I can at all I don’t know if all the hardware is compatible with Windows 10 probably is but had to put a new computer together

And I’m glad I did because look the the AMD ryzen 77800 uh it’s a GeForce RTX 4070 TI all the new fancy bells and whistles glad I have them makes it so that I can do better stuff with the gaming but uh yeah having to put together a whole new

Computer having two large sicknesses a bunch of other little stuff last year was something else it is my hope that this year I can uh sort of kind of fall into a a better routine and that’s a lot of what this this uh work with the refugee Regent back

End and the Skyrim modding backend that I’ve been doing all of that is to try to make it so that I have content that I can work on in as Nob brain as possible way so that when I’m done making the content all the rest of my time can be spent working

On my other projects namely if I do have any sort of New Year’s resolution it would be to get at least one maybe two new books published this year I have two already but I have so many more that I want to finish and get out there

So I want to be able to dedicate uh more of my time towards fin finishing those up and by the way anyone who supports the channel through patreon at the lapis tier or above if they wish they get a free signed copy of any new books that I

Publish there we go this is the correct layer oh so there was a lot more chat showing up apparently my streamlab screen froze and when I clicked over off of here everything just happened all at once great so there’s stuff ah it’s using the proper logo thank you thank you for testing

That that is fantastic news uh this one so I recently uh made an account on Spotify I don’t have a lot I have a single playlist and uh couple of individual light songs but when I was testing it in the app it was it was

Causing a lot of hangs to happen H the the sound levels were just terrible when it came to the ads that popped up everything about it was just a nightmare then I remembered that I could also just do it in the browser and the difference is night and Day it doesn’t stop working for no reason I don’t get ads it is Beautiful and I think the stopping working issue is because it’s trying to load an ad honestly and I am so glad that I’m able to uh prevent those from showing up because now I have at least a little bit more of of something that I can have going in the

Background instead of trying to load videos to play music all the time I can I can have Spotify but where I’m going with this is when I am listening to it and I join a voice chat on Discord it says what I’m listening to and other people can listen to the same

Thing but I have learned that in order for that to work you have to have the paid version in order to listen along not to play just to listen along and I I was around way back before Yahoo music back when it was called launchcast and I remember internet

Radio was free it was radio and you could even customize your own little Channel by saying I like this kind of music or I don’t like this kind of music give me more of this artist and less of this artist play this particular track 100 times please you could customize your own

Channel and it was great and the face of the internet has changed ever so drastically since then so my curiosity by the way is that uh I I wonder if by the end of my stream which is going to be going for another what two and a half

Hours yeah two and a half hours um I wonder if I’m going to to break the 10 concurrent viewers at the same time Mark wouldn’t that be Lovely oops this is the layer that gets the Torches I forgot who it was someone who was watching my stuff a lot I think it was monkey uh didn’t really realized that you could place blocks in Minecraft by holding the mouse button down they thought that every single block had to be placed one click at a time and they told me this

Before showing me the size of some of the things that they had built or had tried to build in the past and I am just a struck seeing all the blocks that they placed one click at a time makes my wrist hurt and it occurs to me that if they

Think that you have to do one click at a time per block that surely there are others who are in that boat boat so I feel every once in a while it is my duty to remind people that you can just hold the click button down you place one block you can go

Hold hold hold there are lots of aspects of life that you don’t have to work as hard at also if you have items in your inventory and you want want to select that item in your hot bar or if you want to switch to an or have an

Empty hot bar slot be filled by the item from your inventory all you have to do is click with the mouse wheel itself and it’ll populate your hot bar with Whatever item you’re looking at if you have it in your inventory you don’t have to keep opening

Your inventory over and over again to refill your hot bar with building materials you can just go click click click oops Pro tips why isn’t the twitch stream automatically scrolling down to the bottom when new stuff gets added that’s tedious ah so it occurs to me that technically my birth or my Christmas

Gift is a year of streamlabs ultra that was my Christmas gift I was going to be receiving another case of balls energy which I would love but uh oh oh boy here comes ziplock I forgot they didn’t have instant teleport anyway uh seriously how what I I’ve gotten distracted from what I was

Oh yeah um but instead of getting the sodas the money went toward this for [Laughter] yeah believe it or not this is actually my smallest project on here for um give the countdown oh it’s faster if you let me teleport you to me because it’s instant teleport now you have to wait 10

Seconds this is the frame for under City it’s still being built obviously this is one of the projects that I hope to free up more of my time to work on and the most stunning thing about this oh I scrolled past shears while I was Sprint flying the most stunning

Thing about this is the claim is over 200,000 blocks and this is much larger than uh than the manger sponge much [Laughter] larger for and that’s not even the biggest project I have on this server I don’t do things small if it’s worth doing it’s worth doing in Grand scale

My biggest project is so big on here that I can’t even claim at all it is a series of massive Lial spaces Underground for what’s really sad is these are just tiny little projects for me I mean TimeWise sure this one takes a while to do but really this

Isn’t that big of a project for me the only limiting factor is um I have to get all the materials to do the build and I do have to sort of do it one block at a time I’m used to doing projects where I can

Uh where I can just use World edits to change entire biomes to suit my fancy so that I I have a canvas on which I can build cuz I am a firm believer in if it’s worth building then it’s worth building big I really hope this isn’t coming through there is someone with

The one of the more annoying cases of trunk rattle that I’ve ever heard playing music somewhere just up the street from me I hope it’s not coming through it doesn’t seem like it is the mic isn’t responding to the sound so hopefully it’s okay but I feel concerned for how awful their sound

Is like it sounds like one of those installations where if they had just waited one more paycheck they could have gotten a a better system I never really got into the the fancy systems for for my car back in the day I I didn’t really need to I had no interest in that

But I did enjoy I guess the premise of it that should be enough but if your build is so terrible that it sounds like someone’s trying to I guess knock on your door like your house door while scraping their keychain across your window at the same time then you have a prop improperly

Insulated trunk and something is loose which is causing it to go instead of just being uh a Bassy muffled sound with when you have all the windows up and everything everyone has to to suffer through your it’s not even music at that point your sound and it feels

Like with just a little bit more expenditure they could avoid that cuz uh back I I’m sure the prices have changed but back when it was gaining popularity back when I was driving around listening to some music from time to time uh a proper uh setup for for dampening

And soundproofing and and and sealing like putting in the foam seals and all that kind of stuff uh a lot of places would run 80 bucks to do your trunk something something along that that scale 80 about 80 bucks I’m sure the price has gone up

Since then but can’t have gone up too much more and if you’re going to invest the kind of money it takes to make an obnoxiously loud radio in your car spend the extra but the extra the the extra bucks wow the extra money I tried to save bucks and money and it

Tried to come out as bunny but it just came out B because I stopped myself hoay brain spend the extra bucks and soundproof your car everyone will be happier they won’t be happy that you’re going boom boom boom down the street but they will be happier that you’re not going down the

Street life lesson wait that extra paycheck sound proof your trunk it’s so much worth it and also the sound quality inside the car is better because you can absolutely hear the rattle while you’re inside the car and it changes the sound that you’re playing it really honestly does so it’s not only

Just to be more polite cuz I’m obviously your your interest isn’t being polite if you’re going for loud sound systems but if you want to at least be a little bit more polite but also want to have better quality sound soundproof your trunk oh I didn’t realize I was standing

On this soap box I swear this do box just follows me around ah certain death huh using bow what’s their name shad me was slain by Enderman that’s funny so how is everyone doing today oops for making a lot of progress today especially considering the uh derp on that one layer for

Sorry I haven’t been talking a whole lot i’ I’ve kind of gotten into the Zone a little bit would you like to play a game isn’t that the saw quote would you like to play a game something like that all right that’s more like it once again it looks like a giant

Computer heat sink which I think is neat not sure what I’m witnessing here in chat for just a moment I you Ah sorry about that I needed to top off my drink oh I also need to turn the heater on there we go so which I was doing this oh come on again part of the reason why I needed to get a drink was I noticed my mouth was dry and

I was out of a drink but uh my mouth was dry because my brain was trying to have a little bit of a panic attack I I’ve been susceptible to them since whatever it was that happened earlier this year where my body said n we’re not

Meant to be under this much stress all the time so here we’re just going to give you symptoms of mysterious things and a little bit ago uh I think because I slept funny I have uh I’ve been noticing like when I inhale sometimes I have a bit of a a

Soreness in one of my ribs I think I slept on my rib funny or whatever but my brain says is something wrong and because of that it’s focusing on the the sensation and it’s giving me the dry mouth raised heart rate dizziness And then add to that the the new compounded stress of uh doing the multi streaming for the first time and then all the stuff that I’ve been working on behind the scenes Constantly I think after tonight’s stream instead of going news first into more paperwork I think I think I’m just going to Relax That Oh and my my guess from earlier that the the multistream would pick up all of the YouTube chats I was wrong it most certainly does not pick up all the YouTube chats it just was picking up a couple so I do have to have both open in

Order to watch both chats going on which that’s weird who knows maybe that’s a connection thing on my end I I don’t Know what I do Know is that uh I think getting the drink and turning on the heater has helped a little bit 363 okay yeah for for ah For For do I think that Minecraft could take place in the same world as Skyrim If if it were like that then that would mean very likely that let’s see here Minecraft would manifest as a realm of Oblivion to whom I’m not sure some previously unmet dra of of building and crafting for and perhaps through some weird fluke that’s where stum came

From which is why you have to have a a specific kind of pickaxe in order to break sty room do I create lore and flavor for my r2r uh challenge yes yes I do have a bit of a story and the the brunt of the story for the challenge this time is that

Uh I belong to a uh a race from another world that has had to flee that world and I arrive as one of many who land on the new Minecraft world and I start putting together town and a community and more of them find me and join the City uh I guess to expand on that there are I have plans for they being I guess potential races like dwarves or whatever whatever sorry I can’t keep my my breath the the panic attack from before has left me kind of winded um the I I have a progression in mind and

And a lot of it revolves around what is possible with the data packs that I’ve installed but some of the story is there latent and it is it is going to be apart from everything else and it’s going to be part of what’s driving it and I don’t want to reveal some of

The details until I actually get into the challenge but yes I do have a sort of a a lore to go with it I’ve have not read the rise of the horde book sadly uh but I do know of the dren yes and they’re they’re basic two two-way subjugation thing that they had

To deal With there we go move that over there I All right that’s that layer done and Now it should be another one of these layers here yes all right big full layer this time you have to be careful when you’re doing this uh after you’ve done so many in a a column like this you have to watch yourself when it comes time to do the next layer that has

The overhang because it can be easy to just stop there at the edge and not remember oh I need to do all this as well cuz it can feel like it’s out of place Ni Lot of blocks yes tier 9 million squared so that would be billion Trill 81 trillion a tier 81 trillion oh this wasn’t the EDG in anyway tier 81 tro and manger sponge I can’t even fathom how many units that would be cuz like this is a tier five and it’s

3 . 2 million units tier five each tier is 20 more than the previous one I have a hard time envisioning even what a tier 10 would be like obviously it would be very much like all the other lower tiers and higher tiers in in resemblance I’m talking about in in

Effort it does tend to make the misplaced blocks look invisible I have noticed that uh but also it it also makes it so that sometimes just regular you’re doing a row and half the row is just invisible until it decides to you know blow its nose or whatever it’s doing Yeah I was going to say something but might as well just put the paste hello dog the God yes this is indeed a big Cube oh I might have to put my Wrist breaks back on that’s another thing that happened to me this year I I don’t know exactly the nature of the

Cause of the uh the injury but it had much the same feel of the connective tissue injury that happened to my foot a year or two before and it’s still even after keeping it in a brace and doing a little bit of physical therapy with it from time to time it

Still does not feel great it feels passable now and for the last uh I guess three days I have been doing without the wrist brace constantly but that was a shiver but it it doesn’t like all the button pressing I think like I had to put it on after I typed up

The 73 or however many 7500 words that I did for that one manuscript the other day you know what I’m just going to go ahead and put the wrist brace on does building the cube get repetitive it by Nature it does but for me not in a bad way I rather or enjoy

It let’s get this wrist brace on all that feels better ouch yes if I I did I actually did that math if I placed one block per second a tier five manger sponge oh uh pb2 a tier five manger sponge would take about a month is a little bit more than a

Month wa something counted wrong no no that was right oh cuz I I went halfway through it is going to be exactly 3.2 million blocks a real person live streaming Minecraft what do you mean a real person are there fake people are there robots streaming Minecraft like seriously are is it is it

Bot craft well if you enjoy Minecraft be ready this year I began a rather large project puts this tiny little thing to shame I’m doing a challenge called the refugee to Regent where I start with nothing and slowly build up an Empire and I have assembled about 85 data

Packs and I am going going to be uh building in a little bit of a story to it and I have some big plans uh by my estimate depending on how it goes the entire challenge should take me between one and two years to complete could I build a machine that would

Automatically make a minger sponge um well honestly Yes actually I could um but it it would what would have to be is an area that already is full of blocks and then the machine would dig it would be a flying machine that would dig out the stuff that isn’t supposed to be

Part of the manger sponge so instead of building the manger sponge it would carve the manger sponge I even had a prototype type that well first off it starts obviously on the outside and then as it goes down okay come on go in the hole there we go as it goes

Down it just pushes out one block like so it well it makes room for itself and a Contraption by clearing out this block and this block it it picks them up and puts them out of the way and then as it finishes going down the last step it

Grabs the blocks that it moves out of the way and pushes them and pulls them back in but that only matters on the top and then afterward it uh oh no no no wait I had to do it this way it was it was same same

Principle I had to do it in here though I had to have it uh break the blocks out scoot them out of the way and then it would pile them in little chunks elsewhere and then it would move the blocks off and then it would go back and

Do the same thing move the blocks off go down here move the blocks off and then it would do it for the other direction and so on and so forth and then once it got the big Central One it would do a similar thing for these except it would

Also push them out in Little Bits then it would come in here and push this up then it would push that one back out at the same time it would push this one out here uh it was it was crazy and I used uh uh computercraft turtles now I could have

Just had the turtles do the digging but I wanted to move the things out of the way it wasn’t just a Piston machine it was Turtles and pistons but I wanted to shave out a Manger sponge and I did manage to do uh a tier three ones no no

Problem I mean that right there is a tier two cuz that’s a tier one and 20 of those makes this bigger one that’s a tier two a tier three is uh let’s see here where can I just go get an example of a tier three here we go uh tier three this

Cube here is a tier three I was able to do that and if you can do a tier three then you can scale it up did I scale it up no I was too lazy but if you can do a tier two or tier three then for sure you can use the same

Routines to do the bigger ones because the only difference is in the middle of the bigger ones You’ got bigger holes so it’s just a matter of clearing out the bigger holes competitive [Laughter] mingering uh how long have I been making this uh manger sponge probably I think I started it in

June but I have only been working on it a few days a week now I wouldn’t say I’m halfway done but I am significantly done I’ve done that right there is a tier four the bottom layer down here is also three tier fours in a line so

That’s four tier fours and the there’s 20 tier fours in the entire thing but then you take into account all the work that’s already been finished back here and there’s probably three more tier four so there’s probably 7 20ths of the way done June 30th I was right look at me go look

At the brain you’re going to sleepy now well good sleep dog the God would I recognize you from any other name dog the god or are are you new well welcome to the channel I do Minecraft sky lots of games I have lots of huge projects I love

Stories and lore I a I’m an author so I try to add stories to Everything I Do I have a Discord most of us are just lurkers but I have literally over 600 YouTube channels being piped in all the time to my Discord so there’s there’s never a silent moment there’s always something

To look at all kinds of nerdy stuff if you like nerdy kinds of things or video games or just lurking then uh boy if I got a Discord Community for you just follow the link in the description and pick a roll if you don’t pick a roll you don’t get to stay

Joined a lot of people make the mistake of of popping in never picking a roll and then they leave again and by the time everyone waves and says hi welcome they’ve already left and they will never know that they’re being waved at it’s so

Sad but I I have learned based on the uh the log files that I get that I have prevented no fewer than 30 Bots from joining my Discord because in addition to uh some of the other stuff I’ve got set up I’m I’ve got this uh list I don’t

Remember which bot it came with but it’s it has this list that it compiles of known uh malicious boders on Discord and whenever they try to join a Discord and everyone gets a notification and if they try to join yours you get informed and all that so

No fewer than 30 Bots have been prevented just by making people have to manually pick a a join roll so much less heartache minger sponge Bingo oh no please disencourage you from it ha well good night dog the God thanks for joining nice chatting with you always good to see a new face

Is I like to add to that the quatron cycle of what do you want to accomplish year by year hello branie is this the right uh uh yes yes this is right okay honestly I I rather enjoy the the games that have scale built into it where it

Is designed more day to day or or larger scale um a Hallmark of a G oh you don’t belong there uh a Hallmark of a good Idol or clicker game for instance is one that makes makes you plan out okay probably by the end of tomorrow I’ll have enough of this

Curreny or or this mini energy or whatever to finally repres so that by the end of tomorrow I can get back to this stage and then from there I can finally purchase this new dude and over the next three or so weeks I get to see

What this new dude’s going to be like and keep growing the game from there idle games properly built Idol and clicker games are designed to keep the player engaged for short spurts but over very very long periods and I have played more than my fair share of clicker and Idol games

There are many that that are really good short spt games but then they’re over so fast you technically beat them so quick that it feels like you wasted your time instead of enjoyed your time even though you’ve gotten the reward of haha I beat the

Thing you you get sort of a it it’s not a reward so much as a punishment of oh why did I play that now I feel empty inside so I I personally love games that offer like objectively and subjectively offer content that is more more reaching in scale and scope than

Just a couple hours or or even a couple of days if I can beat a video game from stem to stern in one sitting without having to get up then H like actually playing it legitimately not doing like the uh speeduns cuz yeah you can speedrun Super

Mario World but you don’t get to do all the levels I’m talking about if I can sit in one sitting and beat beat a video game in say 10 hours then that game had better been worth less than five bucks is my opinion it needs to have lot of replay

Value it needs to have reasons to come back to play it some more if it’s going to be a a game of any significance for me anyway I yes you can you can beat Borderlands and Borderlands 2 and probably Borderlands 3 I don’t know I

Don’t have it um but you can beat both one and two I think also Pre-Sequel as well in less than 12 hours I think Pre-Sequel is right at about 12 hours for an average gamer if they if they know what doing and where they’re supposed to go and all

That uh the original Borderlands about 8 or 9 hours and Borderlands to right around 10 hours but once you beat it that’s where it starts getting interesting you start grinding for legendary gear you start getting better stats you start going for those hard achievements you start doing the DLC and it’s

The rest of that content that makes games like Borderlands and whatnot more more long-term viable more day by day and that’s the sort of thing that I look for in a video game is longer scale is it enjoyable and do I want to play it tomorrow and there are a lot of games

That I can fire up and in the first like half hour go yeah this is a fun game I’ll never enjoy it me personally because it doesn’t have any continuation value I like Rog likee games a bunch of them because particularly difficult ones that are still fun and challenging not just annoying and

Challenging um they make you want to go ah I can do better than that here let me spend uh my points this way maybe I can get past it this way and you finally get past something you’re like all right cool now what’s next there were some of the invisible blocks again

Um I I think that part of the reason why games like Minecraft um Terraria Starbound some of the big names I think that why they are as successful as they are is because sure they’ve got the building and the survival and the crafting mechanics yes and that that leaves it open-ended

Enough for the people who who want to make minger sponges for instance that’s great but they also have a challenging enough progression in Minecraft the progression is wood Stone iron diamond and now netherite and you get to beat the Wither there’s the Guardians there’s the warden there’s the End Dragon and getting her

Egg um there’s not a fifth Minecraft bus is there I played so many stinking mods that and and data packs and stuff I uh yeah that’s it it’s just wither the warden the Elder Guardian and the dragon right am I gaslighting myself it’s just those four

Right it feels like it’s just as four anyway even with just those four it’s still challenging not as challenging to say the progression of bosses in Terraria that game right there was so surprisingly good I was so glad I got that when when I did um and when Terraria did come

Out it was during all that early access Alpha fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me era where game developers would promise something and then never follow through Terraria not only followed through which was a piece of candy for for the people

Who got the game in Early Access but also they developed a fantastic game that had has so much replay value and enough play Styles oh that’s that’s another element I look for is no matter how good a game is it can always be better if you can accomplish the same game with different

Ways of playing rip like I love a good RPG but I love an RPG even more if I can do the entire game in pacifist mode like I don’t have to do a single attack ever ever ever and I can still beat the whole game just because of not it’s that easy but

Because I know how to strategically get just the right gear and just the right perks and engage things in just the right way so that I don’t have have to do the attacking myself I love the alternate methodology in games that’s another draw things that get you to come back

And try the game again in a different way I love that stuff have I done a village raid in Minecraft I actually did uh I did a village raid not too long ago in fact uh not my first one but um I I discovered that sometimes a village raid will

Spawn one fewer Raiders than it thinks it’s spawning and uh in a given level and even if you kill everything in that raid that bar won’t Complete because it thinks that there’s still one out there and you’re stuck in limbo I discovered this because that’s what happened to me

And I went on a wild goo goose chase on on Google trying to figure out why my RAID isn’t progressing I I would ring the bell I I I grabbed bells and and put them in different places so that I could have farther range in every direction I could think of up and

Down nothing it thought that it generated one more Raider than it actually did and so I didn’t get the hero of the village reward I was so upset I was looking forward to it I had a screenshot with its name written on it just ready and waiting and it never

Came but yes I have done a village raid and uh it’s enjoyable it feels good once it’s finally over to to do that the real trick is getting on a platform that is safe enough from the crossbows and the range of the ravager while still being able to have enough

Uh enough range of vision to be able to attack back undertale or undertale yellow I have built on or built on I have uh I have heard of undertale and also did you know they also put out a game uses the exact same letters as undertale called Delta

Rune thing I love about undertale is literally all of your choices matter you wait around it matters game keeps track of you sitting idle you uh save and exit a lot game keeps track of that cheat game keeps track of that it knows I love what they did with

Undertale someday I I eventually intend on maybe even playing it under tail for me is one of those games that I don’t want to get for myself if I have it my library I might try it but um I am terrible at quick time like like I have the worst reflexes but

Also I don’t enjoy games where all or most of the story is just you’re playing a graphical novel now I know that there is skill to playing undertale don’t get me wrong and I don’t even have all the skill probably to beat undertale but um when all of the branching endings and

Possible play styles are just at my fingertips on YouTube in a single playlist it makes it less enjoyable when I go to do it myself like I love I love the Metal Gear Solid story or the metal gear Story I played Metal Gear Solid back on

PlayStation and I was just in awe of the uh psycho mantis trick with the switching controller to the other plug which that doesn’t translate very well on the PC Port uh it actually most computers nowadays get to that psycho mantis fight and kind of stall but uh the game was very fun very

Challenging I played it a million times but that was back when I didn’t have access to YouTube and now that I have seen I have watched all of the cutscenes and everything from all of the games playing the games is less fun for me and same thing for lots of other

Games that are just basically you’re playing a challenging game in between bits of story uh and and this is largely why I gravitate towards playing games where I can make my own story yes Skyrim has its own story sure absolutely but with all the mods alternate start live another

Life and and all the other stuff that you can do with Skyrim oh the modding Community has breathed so much life into continued playability of that game that it’s astounding but also you could play you could have played Skyrim every single day vanilla Skyrim since the day it came out 12 years

Ago and you can still be finding brand new to you things that you’ve never found before because they used all kinds of environmental storytelling stuff that you would literally have to spend your whole life exploring the map just to find everything there is there are people whose channels are dedicated

To finding the stuff on Skyrim and they’re still finding new things pieces of information that you only get to find out by having the uh uh the the creation Club so you can find out who’s related to who and who owns what bed and that sort of

Thing stuff you would never find out just playing playing but the lore of it and and the the story is so intertwined and so immersive in the background that even just the vanilla game has surprises constantly every time you play and on top of that you’ve got so many different play styles

That it is a different feel of game every time you play if unless you every time you launch you go stealth Archer Rogue yes I’m a stealth Archer Rogue hooray I can kill the dragon with one Arrow hooray it that feels great to be able to

Do that sure don’t get me wrong I’ve done that many times myself but if you want to go for story you got to mix it up a little bit and it becomes a little bit more challenging at least and yeah I love I love games that have story I love games that have

Possible alternate ending is an alternate play style however in specifically in the case of undertale because I as far as I can tell I’ve seen most if not all that there is of all the different kinds of content um it doesn’t feel like I can make any new discoveries of my own

There’s no exploring to do it’s just can I beat this QuickTime event or can I do this on pacifist and a challenging thing is less fun if all there is is challenge for me I’m not saying that that is how it is or even should be for

Everyone every person in is WR own thing the the phrase is there’s no accounting for Taste and that applies to any kind of taste just because someone doesn’t like pineapple on their Pizza doesn’t mean they are right or wrong it just means they don’t like pineapple on their

Pizza all right new paragraphs let’s see here I do like the embedded secret and that that get that sort of thing does give a game more playability is if the dev says hey you guys found 13 of the 73 possible yada yadas and everyone goes 13 out of 70

Something I thought they were at Max like 20 How can there be 70 and and it just sends the community into a tizzy fit uh I I do enjoy that that’s always fun especially if the devs are being a little cheeky uh there’s a book series that I

Am aware of I cannot tell you who the author is or what the series is called I it’s it’s left my mind but they they wrote it in installments and then the ending there were eight different endings they were labeled one two 3 4 five 6 8 N or something like that like they skipped seven or or whatever and it made people just go bonko trying to find the missing one I love that sort of stuff it’s like you grease up a bunch of pigs and paint one two and four on the the three

Pigs and watch as the news has a field day trying to find Pig number three a well bye not going after that one if I was lower to the ground maybe but at this point too high small piece of good news Well two small pieces of good news my wrist feels

Better now that the wrist brace is back on um and the other one is I feel like largely my panic attack from earlier has ebbed away I think I just had too many stresses all at once and maybe not quite enough rest or something but it all compounded so that

When I started getting that sore rib my brain was just fixating on something wrong must go into panic mode uh I suspect I can probably get in another probably this and one more layer we’ll see how it goes after this layer it’s about for me it’s about half an hour till midnight on New Year’s Day happy 2024 everyone did you know that statistically more ink pens are sold in January

Than any other time of year except the bulk sales that happen at the beginning of a school year it’s the amount of the percentage has gone down in the last I don’t know 20 years or so but it’s still measurable and the reason is because of so many people going 2023 scribble scribble

Four and I just love that and the only reason I know about this is because of a very lengthy conversation I had with some people on a forum back when I was I had two different possible other routes other than gaming that my channel might have

Gone one of them was I’m I love to know stuff about days and time and calendars and stuff like that and I was thinking about having a uh my channel dedicated to just marking the passage of time but then the other channel the one that’s related to the Inc

Is I love information about pigments and dyes and colors and stuff like that and the history of how they have been used over time and got into a conversation about I think it started off with using wasp Nest material as a foundation for certain kinds of ink like paper wasp

Nests um and then it got onto a subject of different kinds of pin and then they said the wonderful information about how because of the transition between years and and so much extra ink being used to fill in and scribble over the pre previous year’s number um

It is a measurable amount of sales increase from from those sorts of mistakes and they even went so far as to say even though it was already starting to decline in the year 2000 like no one wres checks anymore when I mean there there might be someone with with a uh powdered blue

Hair at the checkout at the grocery store who still writes a check but largely it’s all credit cards and stuff and even with that when the year 2000 started if you wrote 1999 you had to scribble out the whole thing and then right 2000 and they pointed out that even

Though there was that little decline that the beginning decline there was an uptick in specifically the year 2000 in sales of like big pins and things like that uh just because it was January of the next year here and I think that is so

Funny do I like args um I like them in principle but I have not been able to catch one and be Keen enough to go through with it especially because uh I’m kind of behind the curve I’m aware of all the tricks that like Matt Pat has been demonstrating in some

Of the args that they are doing but some of the ciphers and things like that and some of the ways that the information is hidden I would never be able to get it on my own they are now more args are are now more Community Driven than individually

Driven um but I do like the premise behind them I I love the hidden information uh for one of my creative writing stories when I was taking a class called creative writing back in school um I wrote a story where every seventh letter spelled out a question that basically asked a divisive question

About the morals of how the story was how the the events of the story went down and every everyone was supposed to read the story and we all got uh not so much graded by everyone in the class but but uh critiqued by everyone in the class and I was able to

Find out who all actually read read my story because a couple paragraphs before the end I slipped in the information that every seventh character in the story was a question and they were encouraged to write their answer to the question one way or the other uh in their

Critique and I was able to use this to to point out to the teacher say hey I don’t think that these people actually you know know read the stories or pay much attention to they just glance over them and here’s why I think this so I I do love the premise of

Args I just don’t have the manh hours to do the args that are being made now because they started off really easy comparatively and as more people are able to solve them more quickly they’ve just been getting harder and harder and harder there are still a few args out

There that have remained incompletely solved I do like that including some stuff in FNAF some of the early stuff still hasn’t been solved I like that Scott cofin had a a nice little brain nugget happen with some of that stuff I love it funny enough as far as args are

Concerned the original concept behind this manger sponge build was by the time I was going to have finished it it was going to include mazes that had signage at certain of the Dead ends that would give people Clues to some secret routes through parts that I was going to be

Building underneath this because all of this is above ground there’s still the what bottom what do the world go down to now it does it go – 64 so is that 128 below the ground level something like that uh I was going to have just a like a whole amusement park with

Little Pathways to go between different places and I was going to have people go on little Adventure based on the signs and in addition to that I plan on having uh treasure hunts with Clues and things like based on I guess I guess a cross between riddles and geocaching on

Here uh by using claim areas so that my my stuff could get messed with and having people go to the places and get or redeem their Clues and I was going to have it span over the whole map and the map is 10,000 by 10,000 which isn’t all that big when it

Comes to Minecraft worlds but if you’re just one person it’s it’s a significant amount if you have fly it would take you a month to be able to look at every surface Block in a uh or it’s not 10,000 it’s 10,000 away from zero so 20,000 And1 by

20,000 And1 uh it’s 400 million blocks on the world and how do I know this about the flying around for a month thing on Duck smpp which is no longer in existence on here when I first joined that’s exactly what I did I flew around the entire world and filled a map with

Everything I don’t need to do that on this one in fact because someone else who no longer plays did it for me I think his name was clicky or something like that yep there it is this is the entire world all 20,000 And1 by 20,000 one there’s

Spawn spawn is this great big massive tree keep that size in mind and come down over here and it hasn’t been updated in a while but this is under City and somewhere Where uh I guess around herish is the manger sponge so it’s been a while One thing that I don’t like about AR G’s though is no matter how many times people say now if something looks like a phone number don’t call that phone number or if if there is a desire to call the phone number make a hugely massive reaching Public Announcement to everyone who might be

Interested in the ARG that you are the one who has already called that number and found out that it belongs to some guy in Saskatoon or something uh and has nothing to do with the ARG and would you please would you uh Gamers please stop calling me and that sort of thing

Um it is really easy to find patterns and things our brains are designed to find patterns to understand the World by seeing routine uh every day at this time this happens I can rely on it uh um when it gets warmer this cricet makes more chirps per second than it does when it’s

Colder and it’s consistent and you can use the Crickets to tell the temperature just by listening and Counting and that sort of thing you find the patterns and it’s real easy to find a phone number if you’ve got say 10 digits 555 555 5555 Obviously that’s fake phone number or probably a fake phone number who knows maybe they’ve dipped into the 555s is some phone numbers are only seven digits without the area code like the song 865 8675309 that’s that’s uh always been interesting because there are some people who enjoy the fact that

They’ve got this phone number that matches the song their answering machine plays the song or or has a reference to it or whatever but um then there’s the other side the people who don’t realize that their phone number now matches something that’s become popularized somehow and and so if you

Are a person unlucky enough to have a phone number that matches some mythical information in an ARG well rip tough stuff you’re you’re in for either changing your phone number or a lot of unwanted contact because not everyone gets the memo and and finds out that oh someone’s

Already called this they they don’t know they’re discovering the ARG on their own they they unravel the puzzle they find the digits and go this reminds me have a phone number they call the phone number and the problem is args can only use you know letters and numbers to be understandable

And it’s uh really easy for a phone number to appear in the Woodwork very unfortunate I think let’s see here it’s 10 till midnight I think I have it in me to finish one more layer little bit of a stressed day today but I think I’m okay definitely will Pro definitely will

Be taking rest probably a nap after I’m done with this who knows maybe even just go to bed early I don’t know I do plan on streaming tomorrow I stream every day Monday through Thursday starting at 7:30 p.m. my time going to midnight my time it is almost midnight my time right Now I wonder sometimes when you place those extra blocks like out of place on top and they vanish but you don’t get a lot of blocks Vanishing in the row that you’re on just the next row up but then you go up to that row and you’re in the middle and you start

Getting blocks to vanish I wonder if that’s the the bottom edge of a vertical chunk let’s see here if I can identify I think that’s exactly what’s going on because when I was on this layer right here and I would misplace a block on this layer

Here it would go invisible but then when I was in the middle of this layer on the same layer I would get blocks that vanish a lot fewer vanished on or vanished on this layer I did have a few but it was a lot more on specifically this layer and this blue line

Here is the bottom of this vertical chunk I bet that’s exactly what’s going on it doesn’t know what to do with this new information suddenly in this chunk it’s afraid of the new block I bet that’s exactly what’s going on Twitch stream did not like that map Oh I bet there’s there’s too many colors going on I bet it turned into just a big smear of pixels I should have slowed down when I was looking at it I apologize that didn’t even occur to me I’m still in video recording mentality even though I’ve been streaming all this time almost

Exclusively streaming uh I am largely video brain like like recording a a video not broadcasting a stream and so my brain is not always geared toward pixel density has changed must pause long enough for it to catch up that’s actually partly why I make sure it doesn’t

Rain I I turned weather off well perceived weather off so that I don’t have to deal with the rain artifacts the person who owns that pixel art over there I believe they are the same person who has a map of their area and then in the top corner it said

It has an arrow and it points at what part of this build is visible and says thorn of Knight is [Laughter] crazy I love it cuz this is It’s 243x 243 footprint it’s it’s a big structure there’s no two ways around that I’m going to have to figure out yeah that doesn’t

Work in fact now that I clicked on refresh chat all of the twitch chat vanished oh goodie uh let’s see here can I bring this up without it playing oh I hear zomie can I pop the twitch chat out I will probably be just chilling in

In voice I feel better probably won’t be napping can I pop just the twitch chat out that says collapse chat settings pop out chat there we go so if I do this and I have the YouTube over here and then put the twitch chat over there do

The exact opposite I’ll get this figured out yep you can pop the twitch chat out it’s under settings pop out chat watch now that I’ve done this now YouTube chat won’t scroll down for f oh also I noticed when I was doing the juggling around there was a new message

From cuddles good night cuddles thanks for coming back in once you got your internet back I appreciate it you are always welcome sometime soon we need to watch some green haven’t done that in a while get caught back up see yeah like that I put the block up

There and it was in the wrong spot but it didn’t vanish I need to do some experimentation with that and remember that for the next time I have Vanishing blocks to bring up the grid F3 + G and see if that is a vertical chunk border when it

Happens I have enough information to formulate a hypothesis now I need to test it to see if it can become a full-blown Theory a game theory yeah for sure this will be the last layer I do today I’ve made a lot of progress a lot a lot of progress Honestly let’s see here I was there when I started so that’s what 1 2 3 four five six six or seven it was seven seven for sure it was seven eight if you count the one I had to undo oh my goodness hello unique similarity thank you for the follow

And I need to change the twitch ones to be the UFO I have discovered I thought I changed that I was apparently wrong I need to figure out the whole bits thing and and the other twitch interaction stuff there’s a lot more you can do on Twitch than elsewhere

And this is going to be a learning experience for me I have a bit of a minor Head Start because of my existing streaming experience but specifically the twitch interface there’s new stuff to learn oh P PV not P semicolon v short for player vault

And I get a lot of player vaults being amethyst rank holy cow do I get a lot of player vaults do you get more player vaults if you’re higher Club I wonder let’s see here that’s amethyst maximum player Vault no you don’t that part never occurred to me

But it seems not to be true so okay one of the things I like to tell new people on the server is if you’ve got something you absolutely positively don’t want to get stolen and even if you have enough claim to to not let things get unclaimed which

You need to own 5,000 or more claims to prevent Auto unclaiming after 60 days of inactivity um and even if you absolutely have no other people on your trust list like if I go claim CL I am’s claims list I have 303,000 claims so I’ve got that beat

But I only have two people on here that have any level of access and they are my real life wife my real life best friend and I absolutely implicitly and explicitly trust them but let’s say you have someone that you only sort of really trust but

In order to work together you’ve got to be on the same claime so you give them trust and you absolutely don’t want something to get stolen by a raid by someone glitching somehow or or by the other person going haha They trust me now when they when

They log off I’m going to steal all the things that sort of griefing 100% does happen uh not everyone does it but it does happen frequently enough that you have to keep it in mind if you want to prevent your things from being stolen you put them in your player Vault

It is Untouchable by anyone but yourself yep that block is gone and when you start off brand new no rank whatsoever you still have player Vault one you have 54 blocks of storage that you can take with you whenever you want that’s one of the things I like about this

Server where as many other servers would make that sort of functionality have to be purchased This Server is more driven toward H we like our players we’re we want our players to enjoy playing oh bother I I don’t know if it translates through all the time with my mouse movements

But sometimes my ADHD leg Twitchy thing that just is part of my existence if I’m moving my mouse it makes my mouse go and I have noticed it from time to time I tried to correct it but when you’re nervous and you know it bounce your

Leg when you’re nervous and you know it bounce your leg when you’re nervous and you know it and you can’t prevent yourself from showing it when you’re nervous and you know it bounce your leg why am I nervous no idea brain just says be nervous I love it and I mean the other

Thing now when you say is Friend by the way eldrich what was friend was it the zombie that came up to say hi while I was trying to fiddle with the menus oh unique similarity oh okay got to see what the fancy boots are just gold I will break those apart later

That’s something by the way uh regarding my Refugee to Regent challenge I was originally going to do it data packs on a server so that in addition to everything else I had going on I was going to be able to use uh mcmmo and some other uh not mods plugins that I’m familiar

With uh turns out that when it comes to Dimension managing even if you open your world to land but in addition if you just try to run it as a single player but but self-hosted server the the way it manages the tick events with respect to other dimensions is so drastically

Different that in a world where you could very easily have 20 ticks per second which is the normal uh let’s see here F3 plus two no F3 no shift shift Control Alt F3 uh no there we go all we have down here that’s not text per second huh they

Don’t have a tick per second meter in 1.20 or in 1.9.4 they have it in 1.20 oh well uh if You have a world that runs at 20 ticks per second on single player and it’s right at 20 ticks per second then if you open it to land or you put it on a server or whatever that world is going to be at best absolute best it’s going to

Be about 12 ticks per second oh no I this is the six okay um I’ve discovered this there lots of trial and error and um a while I would have loved to have a lot of the functionality of plugins like mcmmo which is what allows me to get some of

The special abilities from from doing just normal skills and stuff um like that you ready your fist thing and and some other things I I can’t deal with running around with 12 ticks per second being my best so I’m going without plugins and instead it’s just the data packs there’s

A lot of them and by rights uh it’s probably not good to have as many data packs as many of the kinds of data packs that I have as I do in one load out but my computer can handle it generally except I’ve discovered there are some particularly cavernous parts or

Watery parts of the world that have a lot of vertical space where mobs can and will spawn that the mob spawning and their AI management will still tank my system a little bit now I can go back to the menu exit the game go back to the title menu go back

In and it typically back down to 20 ticks per second but if I wanted to keep it at 20 ticks per second I can’t stay in that area for very long otherwise it’ll fill back up with you know squid and fish and things so something that I am also going to

Have to implement when it comes to doing the refugee der Regent thing is I need to vet the areas that I plan on building before I build there so day one is going to be a lot of I guess exploring and looking for an area that if I hit

F3 it doesn’t say that I’m dropped down to less than 20 ticks per second as long as I can stay at or above at or better than I won’t say above above implies more and you don’t want more um at or or better than 50 milliseconds per tick which is

To say 20 ticks per second um I I can feel pretty confident in an area as as being liable uh largely what this does mean is I’m going to have to build away from the the uh at very least away from the ocean either vertically or horizontally because the ocean can spawn

Stuff at any depth whereas you need Solid Ground to spawn stuff in the Overworld proper this track is so Loud finishes with a bang anyway I I have in my exploration I have found that that it’s about a quarter of the world has enough going on near the surface that it can start tanking The Tick per second so I’m going to have to actually do some exploration before I settle down

And if I if I can’t find an area reasonably uh before the end of the first day of of the stream then what I might have to do is after the stream just keep on exploring or random teleport or look around or maybe start a new world uh dread that

But my primary concern at this point when it comes to whether or not things will run is the the amount of drain on my ticks per second that everything will have when combined cu the difference between mods plugins and data packs is a mod is own Standalone thing that just

Simply adds to Minecraft it takes care of its own business it adds its own stuff its own sounds its own pictures its own everything and it just tells Minecraft what what’s going on a plugin takes existing Minecraft stuff and does much more limited stuff with it than a mod ever could and typically

Uses game rules that are are just in normal usage and then we have data packs which are the cross between the two data packs have to use vanilla stuff even if it’s retextured and they add NBT data and all that kind of stuff it’s still vanilla stuff it’s not modded and

Then instead of it uh doing its own Magic on its own in the background like a mod or say a plug-in might it behaves like like it’s a million uh different command blocks acting all the time wherever you go and so because it’s trying to listen with command block uh infrastructure to everything

That you do and everything that’s going on in the world it really bites into to your your ticks oh another refill I’m so glad I made as many of these as I did oops I made what 18 of these no 16 I made 16 of these four four four

And four I had one left over so I definitely would have run into the first batch of eight that I made holy cow very productive today despite the mishap and despite the panic attack I never know when they’re going to hit I never know what causes them but when they do

Boy if I don’t know what I’m feeling it feels like I’m about to die thankfully I have a a little bit of an ace up my sleeve in the form of hydroxyzine it’s so stupid I I wear glasses so I’m already I’m pay to see I’m I’m living in a pay

To see World hooray but now I have to get into Alchemy in order to have a counterbalance to a curse best way I can describe it if I could describe a panic attack in Skyrim terms I think I would say that it feels like sanguine and perite are both

Vying for control of my brain and body oh yeah that’s right twitch has achievements for things on their Channel and one of them is I I can actually do it over here I can say hello to ch it looks like I’m going to have to set up a moderation

Bot I need to figure out what what nightbot is or whatever that RGA has and see if I can get something like that going streamlab seems to have one but in order for it to work you have to set up a second Twitch account and then it moderates by using the second Twitch

Account and I I’m going to see if there’s other avenues it’s nice that I have all these bells and whistles with the ultra for 150 bucks but before I go using every last little morsel I want to at least get a little bit more familiarized you are closer than I

Thought there we go three more rounds and it’s only about 12:30 so I suppose I can go ahead and start wrapping things up uh the plan for tomorrow is to do another idle clicker Extravaganza while I work on some Refugee to Regent stuff cuz it does need

To get done and there’s still a considerable amount that needs to get get done but I the end is in sight I’m very glad uh I’m very glad that I managed to come up with the code for generating the populations and whatnot uh in case you aren’t paying attention when

That part comes up tomorrow by the time I’m done with the challenge my kingdom will have a population of over 8,000 people in it everyone needs needs a room and bed of their own well some people can some of the population especially in the slums can have like a second bed or whatever

In a cramped room but largely we’re looking at by the time everything is done we’re looking at at least about 5,000 houses with the rest divied up probably between apartments and and slums and things maybe about 4,000 houses that’s just the houses there’s also other stuff that gets

Built over the course of the challenge now a normal person who only has one outlier that they add per level uh is probably going to be more on the magnitude of like oh 3,000 maybe 4,000 so oh hello uh so it’s still a lot but it’s significantly

Less but even with that I have a lot of paperwork to do to be able to be ready for when I start the challenge itself so oh hello down there so uh that’s the plan for tomorrow work on some of the the busy work for Refugee

To Regent oh you’re farther away than I thought and then have some clicker and Idol games playing around everything else um Wednesday is going to probably be Skyrim Thursday who knows but every Monday through Thursday for sure as long as I’m able I stream 7:30 p.m. to

Midnight and I fully intend on doing it tomorrow let’s see here heal but until then uh thank you guys ever so very much for visiting watching hanging out spending time time with me chatting I have enjoyed every moment of it you have given me lots and lots of fun moments

Tonight um and good questions and stuff too also happy New Year I said it at the beginning of the stream but I’ll just go ahead and repeat myself I hope you guys have a fantastic New Year uh I hope that you can accomplish at least one thing that

You’ve had itching on the back of your mind to accomplish whatever it is however big or small it is uh may it be a good thing but if you have any questions comments or suggestions uh leave them in the comment section when once this is on YouTube and then also

I have a Discord link down in the description where you can join my Discord and there are lots of us over there who would like to L and hang out and after I’m done streaming I usually go over to Discord and just stay over there so if you want to chat and ask

Questions over there hang out and voice watch the other post stream stream stuff that I do then uh yeah that’s over on Discord and you’re more than welcome to hang out um if you like this video please give it a like I appreciate it and it does help and if you haven’t

Already do go ahead and subscribe so that oh and follow or whatever it is on Twitch so that uh I can keep growing and and getting more people and and having more eyes on my stuff I have passed the 2000 Mark but now I want 3,000 I I don’t want to just

Rest on my Laurels I want want to keep on going so uh if you can share my channels with people you know other discords here on whatever I would absolutely love it you don’t have to if you don’t want but it would be appreciated also if you would like to

Help support my channel in a more substantial way so that I can once again be able to have uh streamlabs Ultra next year and Discord bot and and other stuff like that then I have links down in the description for both my streamlabs where you can do a tip and get a nice

Little blong noise that happens during the stream and also uh I have my patreon where you can do something more ongoing so both of those are down there and also I will mention that people who uh support at the lapis tier the $10 tier get free signed copies of any books

That I publish while they are supporting so there’s that to look forward to but anyway I’m going to go ahead and get off of here so I can relax maybe get a little bite to eat and uh get maybe a little bit more work done on the refugee to Regent

Stuff and so I’m going to let you go thank you once again for hanging out and spending time with me this has been thorn of KN on the performium Wild smpp and I will talk to you Later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Merry Menger Happy Cube Year | Performium Wild SMP’, was uploaded by thornofnight on 2024-01-02 06:56:32. It has garnered 45 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:06:19 or 18379 seconds.

Remember to subscribe! Let’s get to 3k subs!!! Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/thornofnight Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/thornofnight Support my writing: “Vacancy on Samson Lane” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CFXM9QM “My Father’s Son” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08M3GYNSH

Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/ndmrezRhNu (remember to pick a role) Come play with me on Minecraft at MC.Performium.net

New year, new stream. I’ve going to try multistreaming to the purple channel for the first time ever. I just got Streamlabs Ultra, and now I need to make it worthwhile

  • Block Beats: Basics in Behavior Minecraft Jam!

    Block Beats: Basics in Behavior Minecraft Jam! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We bring you the news with a twist, a jive. From Note Blocks to Redstone, we craft the sound, In every beat and rhythm, our stories are found. So join us in this journey, where creativity thrives, In the realm of Minecraft, where our passion drives. With each rhyme and verse, we bring the game to life, In every update and feature, we banish the strife. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. For we are the Minecraft news… Read More

  • Crafting Countryballs Portal in Minecraft

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  • Crafty Creations: Plant Arch Build Guide!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft parkour, challenges, and all things Minecraft-related? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. While watching a YouTube video about parkour and Minecraft, you may have realized the importance of finding a server that not only provides a fun and engaging environment but also fosters a sense of community. Minewind Minecraft Server does just that. Whether you’re into parkour, PvP, bedwars, or simply looking to connect with other Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Lies: Crafting Chaos

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  • Surviving Minecraft vs Lego House Challenge with Friends

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Discover Why Minewind Minecraft Server is Better Than 1보단 2가 낫다

    Discover Why Minewind Minecraft Server is Better Than 1보단 2가 낫다 Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a thriving community and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow gamers. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the excitement for yourself. Don’t miss out on all the fun – see you in the game! #minecraft #gaming #adventure #community #joinus Read More


    MY DRAGON DESTROYED MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a channel dedicated to the incredible world of Minecraft! In this video, we will delve into all the exciting aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploration, survival, and adventure, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your own virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Main Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in designing your… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience a Colorful Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Beast vs Blocks: Epic Clash in 1 Min! #Animation

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    NOOB SAVES STEVE FROM HULK SMASH #minecraft Looks like Steve needs to level up his skills if he’s getting saved by a noob from the Hulk in Minecraft! Maybe he should stick to farming instead of fighting. #minecraftfail #noobtorelief Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Survival Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating Minecraft Pocket Edition survival series episode titled “Hell.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server like Minewind to experience your own thrilling adventures? Imagine exploring new realms, discovering hidden treasures, and engaging in epic battles with other players. Minewind offers a unique multiplayer experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before, why not give Minewind a try? Join us… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build: Automatic Sorting System

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  • Nestorio’s EPIC Minecraft EXPLOSION!

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  • Upgrade Your Storage Room in Modded Minecraft

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    BECKBRO TRANSFORMS INTO VENOM in MinecraftVideo Information today beautiful people I upgraded Spider-Man to Venom here’s how I did it here’s a chest of Spider-Man challenges if we’re able to defeat everything inside of this chest will be able to evolve into Venom and then eventually Ultimate Spider Venom be sure you guys stick until the end to see that Bo spoter spoter spoter spoter my Spidey senses are tingling boys so our first ability is just web shooters which I think I could use in order to wiggle my way around the entire Minecraft world bro this looks so weird why is my doing… Read More


    EPIC SURPRISE! JMULLS PLAYS DRAGON'S DOGMA 2Video Information [Music] everything about you can’t stop myself something’s Just Begun tell me why I will think about you don’t go away I will stay for you frustration Hit me hard this morning it’s the light of my heart something other lyrics sure there’s other words to the song [ __ ] if I could remember them though and everything about [Music] you okay I’m gonna hit the play button and we’re going to all hope to God that this works come on work with me come on come on you worked early today come on you work barely… Read More

  • UNLEASHED: Jason’s Insane C2/Botnet – DESTROY Minecraft Server

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  • 💀SCARY Minecraft SEEDS – REAL Horror MONSTER revealed!💀

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  • UNBELIEVABLE Twist: I Can’t See PURPLE in Minecraft?!

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  • EPIC Blocky Beasts PORTAL Showdown! Noob vs Pro vs Hacker #Minecraft

    EPIC Blocky Beasts PORTAL Showdown! Noob vs Pro vs Hacker #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Portal design #shorts #minecraft #portal’, was uploaded by Blocky Beasts on 2024-01-09 06:18:22. It has garnered 8589 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. 🔥 Prepare for an epic clash of creativity as the BlockyBeasts trio—Noob, Pro, and Hacker—engage in a fierce battle to design the ultimate portals in Minecraft! 🌌 Whether you’re a beginner, a seasoned player, or a master of the craft, this showdown guarantees jaw-dropping designs that will leave you inspired and amazed. 👶 Noob’s Quest: Watch as our Noob… Read More

  • EPIC Bedrock Update + Armadillo REVEALED + 1.21 Farming!

    EPIC Bedrock Update + Armadillo REVEALED + 1.21 Farming!Video Information hi how you doing it’s me your curs SL so this morning something bizarre happened I finished setting up a beautiful world for today’s preview no joke and then I updated to the preview I waited for the update I tapped the update I install the update and then the whole Minecraft game uninstalled so yeah anyways you might have heard all about it we’ve got big news brand new features on the way and even more give that like button a warm caress and let’s dive in our first stop of the day today has is over… Read More

  • BlarnSMP Semi-Vanilla PVP No Crystal/Anchors 18+ ViaVersion 1.20.4 RTP

    Welcome to Our Brand New Server! If you’re looking for a fun and straightforward server to join, look no further! We offer vote rewards, no crystal pvp, RTP, TPA, and sethomes. Join our community on Discord here or hop on the server at smp.durk.me:25858. Thanks for considering us! Read More

  • ReaperCraft.pl

    ReaperCraft.plOur server is a place where the amazing world of Minecraft meets the fascinating atmosphere and elements inspired by the popular MMORPG game – Metin2. On our server, we combine these two worlds to create a unique experience for players Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Should I grief their base?

    Minecraft Memes - Should I grief their base?"Should I do it? cue intense music Oh no, they have a score of 23! This decision just got real serious, folks." Read More

  • Survival to Creative: Block Changeover Encore!

    Survival to Creative: Block Changeover Encore! In Minecraft land, the news is grand, Changing blocks with a flick of the hand. A trick so quick, with tools in hand, Stone to grass, across the land. Building a tree, a central sight, Marked in stone, a grand height. The island grows, a colorful sight, More to come, in the morning light. Join us tomorrow, for more to show, In Minecraft world, where dreams do flow. Chao chao for now, until then, Keep crafting, building, with a grin. Read More

  • Golems vs Wither: Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! 🔥😂

    Golems vs Wither: Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! 🔥😂 When the Golems heard they were going up against a Mutant Wither Skeleton, they were like “Oh great, now we have to deal with his emo phase too.” #minecraftdrama #golemsvskeletons Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Modern Minecraft Living | 24/7

    Join Minewind: Experience Modern Minecraft Living | 24/7 Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing the construction of a modern Greek villa in Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to showcase your building skills on a server where creativity knows no bounds? Imagine bringing your architectural dreams to life in a community where like-minded individuals come together to create, explore, and inspire. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of… Read More

  • Minecraft vs Skyrim: A Wild Mashup

    Minecraft vs Skyrim: A Wild Mashup The Enigmatic World of Minecraft Meets Skyrim As the sun rises in the world of Minecraft, a strange phenomenon occurs. Cor, our protagonist, wakes up to a reality that seems to blend the familiar blocky landscapes of Minecraft with the mystical world of Skyrim. Villagers and creatures alike seem to have taken on new forms, leaving Cor in a state of bewilderment. A New Reality Cor finds himself in a deconstructed world, where everything appears to have regressed to its bare minimum. The simplicity of this new reality is oddly beautiful, as if nature itself is calling out to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Secret Bed House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Secret Bed House TutorialVideo Information we’re trapped inside of a mutant Ender’s bedroom we need to find somewhere to hide before the Enderman comes home and finds US I’ve already built us the best hiding place guys woodo this is a terrible hiding spot the mutant Enderman will find us straight away no he won’t he’ll just think it’s dirt and ignore it guys what if we build a house inside the Ender’s bed he’ll never expect anyone to hide there great idea axie all I need to do is use SL slash paste just like this and check it out now we… Read More

  • NOOB vs PRO: Modern Warship Build Challenge

    NOOB vs PRO: Modern Warship Build ChallengeVideo Information our friends Mikey and JJ and their families are being hunted by these scary mobs now we must build modern warships to help them escape the incoming attack from these terrifying creatures but what happens when the final boss shows up to eat our friends in 20 minutes the sun’s going to go down and unleash a terrifying creature right here chip oh no Milo look Mikey and JJ are watching TV I wonder what they’re watching oh no what can it be y we need to check it out oh no Milo that monster is attacking the… Read More

  • Mariof Finds INSANE! Minecraft Coal Veins 😲

    Mariof Finds INSANE! Minecraft Coal Veins 😲Video Information yo how much coal do we need again just get as much as you can all [Music] right I think that’s enough coal This video, titled ‘Minecraft Coal Veins Be Like 😂’, was uploaded by Mariof on 2024-05-04 14:54:22. It has garnered 11397 views and 471 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. These video ideas take forever to come up with and edit, so if you enjoyed the video I would greatly appreciate a like and maybe even a subscription. Credit: crayon._. Inspiration: NotVixios ●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬● Discord: https://discord.gg/WdvCzkUkDy Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mariofwastaken ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Algorithm Stuff: This… Read More

  • 🌲 Ultimate Realistic Minecraft Kingdom! 🌲 Distant horizons, Terraforged & Shaders

    🌲 Ultimate Realistic Minecraft Kingdom! 🌲 Distant horizons, Terraforged & ShadersVideo Information following my last video presenting a version of Minecraft with three or four main amazing realistic mods I received tons of messages asking me how to reproduce it and be able to play it in this video I’m going to show you the two mod packs needed to generate a world with very realistic large scaled Landscapes and to be able to play in that world with very high rendering distance and beautiful Shadow packs feel free to have a look at the video description if you’re lost or at the comments to which I will reply first… Read More

  • “INSANE H-Booster Gameplay on AstralMC & Minemen! 😱🔥” #clickbait #minecraft #pvp

    "INSANE H-Booster Gameplay on AstralMC & Minemen! 😱🔥" #clickbait #minecraft #pvpVideo Information [Música] me mira con cara de mala pero s que me desea sin que la LL que comandamos para que lo crea ha falta que vea fla me mira con cara de mala pero que me desea sin que la LL me [Música] cre ya se murió ese enero no me dio y ese Habla lo que no [Música] vio ya que no delata se mata nos subimos a una Cha y le partimos la pata obligado e nos pasaron una Data vamos a buscar la pua para si de eso se trata que el coach me tira… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEW PORTAL HACK VIRAL ON TIK TOK! 🤯🔥Video Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘NEW PORTAL IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-03-16 04:14:43. It has garnered 11352 views and 274 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. NEW PORTAL IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING GAMING #TREND #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song… Read More

  • Korina’s Forbidden Deal – Queen Kat’s Seductive Origin

    Korina's Forbidden Deal - Queen Kat's Seductive OriginVideo Information hey guys Derpy here and for the foreseeable future until cat gets more merch but we have some great merch today guys we have some brand new posters of Karina and my series I might be a little biased but I do like my poster you guys don’t even need to get them as posters we have notebook version so that you guys may write down your dirty little secrets into it we will judge you anyway enjoy the video guys the content within this video is not suitable for children viewer discretion is advised just need to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane MAXED OUT Enchants Mod for MCPE! Download Now! 🔥

    🔥 Insane MAXED OUT Enchants Mod for MCPE! Download Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘V-2.1 Max Enchants Mod For Minecraft PE/BE Download | 1.20.72+ | mrgamingisop’, was uploaded by mrgamingisop on 2024-03-28 09:44:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DISCORD SERVER LINK ▻ https://dsc.gg/mrgamingisop MCADDON FILE LINK … Read More

  • PrestonPlayz Exposes Terrifying Minecraft Secrets!

    PrestonPlayz Exposes Terrifying Minecraft Secrets!Video Information we need to catch him so we’re going to build a trap for this guy using fences we’re basically building a spit with a pig on it to see if we can lure him out oh dude come on piggy oh piggy I’m so sorry it must be done okay last thing we got to do we got to give this guy a name tag you already know what’s coming dude got name him dinner bone flip him upside down so he’s cooking on that spit literally we’re letting this pig cook oh this looks terrifying all right… Read More

  • MineCastle

    MineCastleMineCastle is a quality public lifesteal SMP server that is available for both Java & Bedrock. It is a one of a kind gamemode that allows users to steal hearts from one another, once you hit 0 hearts, you will be banned from the server for a set period of time. IP = play.minecastle.fun Bedrock Port = 19132 play.minecastle.net Read More