Video Information

Hey guys um welcome back to another live stream and today I’m going to prove that Jora is still alive um so as you guys know jadora is an alien three-headed dragon that consists of an electrical currents that can always be powered and can always um have ultimate control and

Power over the world Jora also sorry SEC so I’m going crazy why jadora is still alive um jadora will always always live as long as there’s a skull she um sorry it will always live why well jadora doesn’t even have a brain or three Brains it’s because that Jora has noro waves all

Around his body so basically if if you go to Jora right now and just stab him in the head he would need yeah he would feel the pain obviously but he wouldn’t be dead like like those humans if he did like you know Kong or gods or the they

Wouldn’t be dead straight away jadora would still be alive also we can just regenerate the head jadora also um is made of orium or gold and why is this important well gold is is the best conductor of electricity so which also explains why he he conducts electricity um i’ say is’s still alive

As well yeah um GOI Senter actually can explain this can actually back me up um he stated that um there is of King Daughter heads around the globe this is true because um obviously we we don’t know what happened before you know like millions of years ago you know like

Godzilla Kong you know all that blah yeah shei fro da yes um um I’ll exp a bit more yeah so jadora um there’s loads of heads because Godzilla’s kept ripping them off um this is just to weaken jadora but it obviously has not worked it hasn’t killed jadora obviously but yeah J da

Will always horn Godzilla no matter what it doesn’t matter what happens um even you know even if um because um in Kingdom monsters at the end and they buy the door head and no I think was it Apex yeah they buy they buy the heads that Godzilla ripped off in Kingdom monsters

That that makes me Godzilla because they needed the daugh because his head could like send signals to mea Godzilla to the base from Far locations that’s why the daughter head was used and that’s why it was needed also because the hollow Energy power stabilized for the bear 24

Hours battery full of missiles and stuff Godzilla’s biggest enemy gor is me Godzilla I think theora G the monsters wasn’t fully evolved and I had some people say it yeah jador was actually a teenager in Kingdom monsters believe it or not yeah for this size the adult

Joras were way bigger like oh my God they were like 10 times as big do you feel jadora was huge imagine adult jadora wow wow W also Goji Center also explained that too but I’m explaining a bit more um why is CH the color the okay okay

Okay okay okay okay you didn’t you didn’t have to say all that um okay I’ll play jadora in card universe and and I’ll explain some more LW um yeah so jadora um uh what else to say about jadora jadora like um I believe since he’s an eight Al

And he came out of nowhere well okay didn’t come out of nowhere you know what I mean and evolve Godzilla versus evolve jadora moments real please um evolve J daugh would actually be I love i’ pay money also if you guys didn’t know fda’s favorite um K is Jora if you did know

That um yeah that’s un important B you know difficulty J da yes the only reason um J da like he overpowers Godzilla Godzilla was just he throughout the film he was in his like you know his like um what’s it called his um it is like full you know it was

Like full pmer cuz he he he slumbered from 2014 you know 2014 after the event so you know uh there you go now you can see screen H yeah so jadora will will always be alive like there there’s no unless Godzilla randomly takes out every

Single head in the in the globe God Jora will always haunt him like as like a ghost you know go just Jora could regenerate an entire body from a single head that mean that every head got little ripped off would turn into a new jadora what makes you think jadora is

Only te adult um because um well you know Mom we don’t we don’t know about the mom and dad there could be loads of daughters also um I don’t know well actually to be fair you do have a good point I don’t know if he’s a teenager but

Like um well actually yeah true cuz he has been frozen ice so if we could somehow find out when J da was like what age he was you know when shimu froze froze him or like hit it then we could find out the actual age cuz he frozzen

In time he wouldn’t age you can’t age in ice that’s stupid Kevin very puky cutie pay Kevin is dumb bud is thrill yeah Kevin Kevin yeah he’s dumb yeah he’s cuz in throughout the kingom monsters you seen him l nice he seemed just being stupid he was also the one who got

Ripped off sadly um yeah but he was the one who controled mea Goda since um Kevin was angry and wants revenge for his brothers he went he obviously went after Godzilla um until you know Kong saved him I to be fair guys um I I don’t think

I’m the only one saying this but I think I I think godz all deserved it not going to lie um he L just do he was doing not on bu destroying everything not going to lie um I guess you can have someone join the server and do like MZ versus every

You but like with no skill involved all right all right do you mean like Jora jadora is is mv’s best film I agree I agree s um throughout the mut mea godilla and him jadora was so low like his size his strength his gravity beams his Alpha raw was amazing his Roars were

Amazing his his ultimate move the like the fun that was sick Bro when I watched Kingdom mon the first time I didn’t even know who this [ __ ] guy was but he absolutely impressed me I was kind of sad because obviously I was a big g19

Fan which by by the way I’m not I switched so early um oh yeah um yeah um I really like g19 so I was really sad that g19 was getting bullied I even though okay when I came when I watched it again when I didn’t

Like g19 I was like yes yes bro J daugh VG yes yes babe yes yes I don’t think Kevin is dumb but he’s just uninterested in what his brothers were doing but he cares for them like show GVK everything about your daughter is just perfect yes yes bro he’s literally y okay obviously

He’s yellow because of the gold B um he’s even got two tails like bro he literally is an alien like you know and he was just he just such a good villain man and I love the I love the Remake he did the um yeah I think not going to lie

I think he’s the best jadora not in power just Deluxe bro he’s probably the sexiest jadora out there um also guys I want to give context on the I want to give you some context about some upcoming upcoming stuff so if you didn’t know um the monster verse yeah um they

Bought like so what they going to do you know they’re making a new move and they’re going to like make a new vill that the reason why they made scar King and shimu and all that because um if he wants to bring the Destroyer or buy a l

You know you know someone from Tojo they’ve actually got to buy like they you know they’ve got to buy it so they can actually use it in the film so so far they bought Godzilla Mo Rodan jadora um I think mea godilla but I don’t know I think that’s like a custom

Model sexy with sexy ra real um I think that’s the only kind you they bought no the M no the M are separate yeah so that’s why they’re trying to make like you know C villains I trying to like fit the law as well don’t want to like mix

It up that cuz you want to save money obviously [ __ ] spent loads of money yeah but I think Jora is one of my favorite KES not going to lie I know I keeps saying every K but bro come on like even though it’s hard to maximally

Go on level 33 he’s still this this is the K I got first you know like for the requirements except for G I got g19 then g21 then I got J daugh and then I got the rest bro like this guy is so sexy bro moment in BIO comes to eny yes

Yeah I don’t care yeah the was just sick MZ is my is my first op kaju wheel Bro is bruh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] shouldn’t get under the water it’s kind it’s kind of I love en despite me being a to F boy but does anyone else think he was introduced too early because I’ve heard some people said came to the monist too early and

That is true but I mean what else are they going to bring to Kingdom monsters they need to bring something big they come just bring Destroyer or they come bring they could they maybe could have brought bolante but it wouldn’t have last that long or as as long as you know

Da obviously the movie felt short I me you know kingom monsters if if you like structure it out it looks short like it was literally just um go to the fight door a little bit he flies off fight Road on flies off Godzilla brings in the water oxygen boom Godzilla comes out the

Water a rebirth breath oh def fighted Tokyo all F Godzilla boom that’s it that’s it MZ is my first OBU is Guy Brah yeah I think he’s the best though Skull King nah [ __ ] off shimu yeah I do like shimu if I was gay I would Mar MZ or g19 real I would Mar g19 but I Mar MZ yes wait that doesn’t make sense there’s threee heads uh

Okay he came into the fifth movie or for show movie LA final movie I’m Fair movie I’m Fair fil so not really gentlemen I must leave goodbye sadness sad go at the same time yeah so guys that’s why jadora is like the op C you go if Godzilla died he would just be

Gone that’s it that’s it gone you da no no bro J we can get we can get loads of joras we could if we wanted to if we just if we do the resurrection um process we could get jadora back we could if not we can get like parts of

Him back and we could heal or we can make a Mecha King jadora which I hope they bring to MV not not in this film cuz that there’s low chance there’s like a 0.1% chance but um May that’s another idea for them you want to bring Jora

Back again which I think they will cuz come on he was such a big Ka and everyone loves him no I win new record CLA b r any seven people watching yes yes dang I’m going to get B five days damn Dam wait wait Dam fix yes Ethan stream good yes so if

Um I guess it’s just like a Q&A I guess if you guys want if you want um I’ve kind of explained to daughter my head kind of head so yeah so that’s about your daughter I mean yes very cool so cool I hope he comes back to the monster this I hope he

Does man bro we we need B we need destroy we need all them we space go iag space Godzilla bro imagine bro that’d be so epic there was rumors I did he that space go was was coming to M or like might be coming also PK solos

Yes yes yeah I’ve heard rumors that space GLE will will be coming I I think that’s a lie because i’ I’ve heard wish I had that with my 20% dead fan base LOL sad that’s super recognizable and always shows a challenge but Destroyer is like the final villain that will always

Overpower the main character yeah so so with Destroyer we’re not going to see him for a while there’s going to be at least three more three four movies more if he will or maybe two three I don’t know he’s going to be like that he’s

Like the final boss you know what I mean da do like the final boss but he’s not really you know what I mean just like a villain yeah e play MZ I’ll down or MC okay fine use the godilla mod for for MInecraft L uh I could try uh okay right you can

Look at your daughter you can look at all the card just for a minute let me just let me just like I did have mods but I I don’t know where they’ve all gone like they’ve all actually no no no no no no no wait I do have mods actually

I have dinosaur mods wait yeah K Forge if you guys don’t what car fores it basically mod so what mod you guys want I could do rlcraft I can do um could do any mod you want really I told him to go to to and Dan May

Channel for shin yes I will I will I will see that later I promise um we could do a zombie apocalypse we could do literally anything parasites which a f a flipping discussion by the way um what’s what’s a better feeling waking up from a good sleep or taking a good

Brah burning we’ve asked this a million times bro guys how to get a fan page that actually supports um you basically just got to be like cool and stuff I need the tutorial real yeah um I guess just like um e is you want to answer yeah you

Need to like answer your community you need to look and actually care that’s what I do anyway um I actually like if you guys needs help or anything in the future I can support you I mean I’m right here obviously I won’t be around

All the time but you know do the best I can what too card you would you like to see the MV movie after gxk um wait villain is a villain oh too kaju um let me just have a little thing H wait I’m just going to say I don’t

Know many to I know a few too Ka oo o actually yeah this is sick okay one sec the bro just answer with you got to be cool yeah yeah you got to be cool oh ibra oh kvu oh bro that’ be so sick if kuu came back no we should have

Dean maybe may actually no we got too many godas uh for me neither even what this better bro bruh bro Nea bro why the hell would I I’m not going to answer that you probably going get me demonetized I hate you PLO PLO I don’t like you now you put this upon yourself

My friend guys we need the sequel to Shin I know said a million times we need the sequel we need the sequel oh I’ve got it guys final wars gagon how about that F final wars gagon and we have kvu what about that one like the ultimate

Meas like I don’t know like they find it in the rust and then like the like Apex repair or something then Godzilla Kong and whoever else the team up with fight it but it’s like look it’s like bunch of them I’ve never had a [ __ ] just let you

Know I’ve never tasted anything but I know it’ll taste like [ __ ] and I’ve never tast just to let you know bro that’s Titan asaurus oh my God we need Titan we Titan now also what you got oh yeah true I want to kill my kill myself don’t kill yourself don’t kill

Yourself it’s no it’s not what guys what mods I’m L like stud like a [ __ ] um douchebag so tell me oh wa I get that feeling every day L God don’t don’t because you us yes don’t die godzill I love you you guys shout out to Godzilla

Because you literally he L took time of his day to Lear me how to play Beast swarm simulator like one absolute ghost oh I’ve got a good I’ve got a good um oh guys I’ve got a really good uh got uh it’s not a Godzilla mod it’s a Dana

Mod I don’t know if it works but I’ll try it’s about Adventure dinosaurs wizards magic science Treasures dungeons dimensions and explor ation doesn’t say the thing welcome to Jurassic world reborn so since my PC’s like you know beef I can get this would you guys like that would you

Like it yes or no I’m downloaded this 341 mods there’s 341 mods so I’m just downloading now hopefully it works hopefully if it doesn’t I’ll find something else like that’s a bit just a little bit lower remember that old got mods back in 2014 yeah that was so goed I played that

I think anyway I think if if I know what I’m talking about yeah now don’t get me wrong um I played mods on an iPad I know I’m sad but I used to get Godzilla mods all the time and um they used to look you know I’ll

Show you a picture I’ll show you a picture if I can show my screen can just show me screen real quick um I’ll show you what I mean um oh yeah um yeah I’m going to just leave Roblox guys apologies um uh yeah okay okay um let me just show you what I

Mean Godzilla mods um let me just find it I’ll show you which one it was like that it’s just like low quality like kind of like that it’s like that low quality come on come on bro come on where’s the goed one where’s where’s the

Go or the one I played I played that one I played that one played the shin back to the slave screen again for a bit I remember one with an natural decent Hy model yes LOL yes it’s one of these it’s one of these do that’s not Minecraft okay oh yeah

Look at that one y a if I could find a b of Godzilla one I will download it okay the that Minecraft’s still downloading guys excuse me that looks ugly it was like that that’s what I had yeah that’s I to that it’s it’s like that that

That’s it that’s it something like that it was something like that that’s what I had back in the day yeah it was [ __ ] that look [ __ ] as [ __ ] see it that’s it that’s basically what I had I’ll try and find a better one I have that mod I have

That mod I know that mod this why okay not going to ask low quality Minecraft there you go like that come on come on bro I I know what it means that’s it that’s it that’s the one yeah yeah that’s it that’s that’s what I had guys guys that’s what literally what I

Had this that’s literally what I had basically except it has a few spikes that’s literally it I just had to play with that that wasn’t even f it didn’t have no sound it just like ran around that and I also said that too that was so bad

Bro I can’t even describe how [ __ ] it was it was [ __ ] as [ __ ] there’s so many there so many mods in this you’re going to get you guys are going to like this for real I will play the old Minecraft don’t worry I’m not forgotten it Um dinosaurs I’m just trying to find some more dinosaur mods real quick um um I think that’s the only one I’ve got okay this one is downloading it’s almost done it’s like 100 mods that look like a drunk person with a tail I know I know I’m I’m sorry

It’s that and it’s yeah like that that’s basically what I had like really low quality it was [ __ ] I’m telling you that now you you guys you guys are glad you didn’t have that back in the day it was horrible and now and now if we search if

I search it now watch now we have stuff like um this we have this now bro I I have this mod don’t worry that we literally have goed versions We have Godzilla versus Kong we have we have 2014 you know we have we have good stuff even like you know people drawing it

Which that actually looks pretty good not going to lie we even have mods in it’s mods it actually looks pretty bad but you know what I mean bro I love Minecraft so much BR bruh do you guys remember this when we used to all fall for

It guys do you remember this this this like I remember always crushed I know I know horrible but you know guys you remember that actually you remember that like you say oh you get SP no way bro bro bro so many I’m the nostalgia’s high that’s the mod that’s literally the

Mod that’s literally the mod I I got bedrock Okay uh not those videos I know exactly I literally like I was just trying to watch you know like um if you guys know who for laabs is yeah I used to watch his like 100 day videos and he’s by the way he’s he’s still goed I

Still watch his videos by the way sexy he’s a sexy guy anyway so yeah I watched him I watched like who else do I watch um I watched I watched like other YouTubers I think uh like you know like Minecraft videos when they were go back

In the day um and then yeah I just stumbled across oh spawn got to little in Minecraft real and I was like oh my God no way bro [ __ ] no way I don’t download anything and yeah it was just a mod it was like they just like coded it

To make it look you know and they got like millions of views oh yeah guys did you see like the Dragon Mods bro I used to fall for them every time like I just wanted to like spawn a a dragon in and I couldn’t like bro that was so annoying

Back in the H saying back in the day it wasn’t really back in the day it was only like a few years ago but still bro I was so happy and then I just [ __ ] out I broke into pieces it was horrible I know you like Godzilla play

Thank thanks to ring bro shut the [ __ ] up I don’t like him anymore don’t watch him because of that reason it’s not it’s not it’s not yeah I don’t like him anymore thanks guys he’s all he’s all right okay I listen I I know he’s like

Not an actual Godzilla fan no like he’s [ __ ] you might guys might not like him I like him a little bit little bit at least he tries I guess he tries that’s what that’s why I like it a person they try Ethan talking like a World War II veteran

Broh yo this mod looks so good I don’t know if it’s going to work though I don’t know if it’s going to work uh Minecraft look at this guys isn’t this goed yo what’s this animation though this actually kind of looks goed not going to

Lie this looks so goated one sec let me just fix it this is so goated let’s go yo so goated I don’t know if it’s going to work though I I don’t I really don’t know you had totally agree about your choice of of liking them Everyone likes son yeah I

Know just yeah some things kind of cring sometimes but listen he talks he talks about God I don’t even care if he likes him he explained it in a good way so bro holy [ __ ] this is good I know this is cool he’s got a whole like like animation

Everything please say this works this is like 341 mods bro if this works we’re going to have such a good mod like such I’m going to have such fun so like bro it’s going to be so epic ah uh can can I like change like the

Uh sorry guys uh I want to change like the title but I can’t select the Stream um I I I want to rename I want to re bro I want to rename it I can’t rename it right guys if it says to daughter I’m sorry me sorry why

Does it keep doing that like I want I want you guys to see it it’s cool there you go better nothing I guess I apologize if you can’t see it apology no way it’s actually going to work though no way imagine if it works though imagine it’s almost

Done I hope it works if I made this mod in my PC my house will be darker than a slave for real hopefully it works though we’re not we’re not even we’re halfway please bro it’ be so goed it might be a bit slow because you

Know it’s it’s such a big mods Park but bro it’s so worth it though if not I’ll I’ll get another mod okay to make it up you guys want me to do RL craft after tried to before like bro I’m so bad so bad at that

Game but I’ll I’ll do it for you guys like you can see me suffer getting banned by like different monsters and stuff I can’t check the news yay I don’t know what that’s all about just checking the news for some reason come on bro I want to I I want to play so

Bad I really wish I had the PC I know bro it’s just like cuz like I wish they L out I wish the government like lends out more money so people can do stuff like this cuz there like there’s fortunate people like me who can actually do this for you guys so

You guys can experience it so you know while you guys can’t it’s just feel so bad then I could actually oh yeah true yeah I would really yeah know cuz we could all just play and have like go to times but we can’t cuz even our parents the government oh

Bro come on bro PC you can do it come on you’re a game PC you can do this this is what you built for this is this is what my PC is literally built for uh I it’s lagging oh God come on bro come on come on we can

Do it guys come on we can push through it we can push through it come on we start chance come on we can do it the T-Rex is lagging so bad we can do it I’m so hungry right now I’m so hungry oh my

God why am I so [ __ ] hungry oh do you guys want me to stream dress with Evolution oh that’s a good only for just Revolution 2 is Nostalgia while while while last time I played was 2022 if you guys want I can play Just World Evolution one like I can play two

As well but I like one better not going to lie um yeah we could we could stream it and try and I’ll try and complete it again I completed like four times in a row pretty easy okay I don’t know why this more pack is not loading bro this look

So ghosted and I can’t even right one sec I’m going to try and make it up to you guys I don’t you guys just be staring at this if it loads tell me I’m just going to go look for some more more packs still oh no guys I can’t play this

This is going to crash my PC yeah it’s yeah yeah it’s broken I apologize guys I’m so sorry yeah it crashed yippee let’s go we did so good oh bro that looks so goed as well and I can’t even wait moded dinosaur wait what’s this yes play justful Evolution oh okay

Okay okay I like the enthusiasm let me just go here steam I’ve got Steam um steam I’m not sure how many people will will like I now though if you guys like dinosaurs then it’s a good game you’ll like it I know I know I know PLO will definitely like

It bro I can’t even can I not open wait I can’t even open Steam BR okay guys bro almost like man yeah love how to stream with s your daughter to Minecraft to Dru I know I don’t know I can’t even open Steam I get

Dr I don’t know why it keeps doing this like just Evolution 2 e just Evolution bro pin I I can’t open it is is guys can someone help me with that like every time you open app yeah it just doesn’t let you like for some odd reason yeah yeah yeah

Uh Delete okay I Jo by Spiderman I don’t know it’s like I can’t download dress Evolution for some odd reason I can’t wait I’ve got an idea I’ve got an idea steam if I log into steam on like you know the actual app I might be able to log

In oh bro okay uh I think it’s yes okay I okay okay okay now I need to log into my one sec one sec guys I’ll try and do this for you when from i1 I5 best best evolution in history yes goat goat okay okay this is my Gmail for the thing

Okay guys okay okay okay so v w oh I think I’m in yes okay Jurassic world Evolution uh no one wait just the world evolution D there it’s eight it’s 874 yo Play Now open Steam but I can’t play it bro no no no no no no no I just can’t play it

Bro I bought everything on dress for evolution like I bought the whole pack cuz I I cuz I bought this like a bundle I played this on March 2023 bro I just Evolution on my PS4 but this is stolen a damn I just want to I can’t play I don’t

Know why steam doesn’t open for some odd reason like you know I have the jassic par pack and everything it’d be so goated but for some odd reason it will not open oh bro that’s so annoying though bro I just want to play right I’ll how do I do

It I can’t even like it’s for someone oh bro what to do if you are doesn’t Max m you guys help me like I want to play Just Revolution uh back to steam topic uh card die Ian Malcolm impression he is cool yes I love Ian Malcolm so much he

You know he used to be my favorite actor apart from Alan Grant um yeah I love that movie so much if you guys it’s a go to the movie don’t even lie just Evolution bro can I just play for God’s sake did do it it says install but like I can’t Max

Look wait nah bro no please please bro please underrated Siri real yes bro I just want to play Evolution for you guys I can’t Jurassic world Evol bro I can’t even this is so steam bro steam open you mother okay guys what you want me to

Play I I think I just play some Minecraft I guess I want to play just losing so bad I can’t even play it now cuz steam will not even open uh dinosaur I’ll try and find you guys a dinosaur mod oh I’ve got one I’ve got one uh oh I

Know do you want me do you want me guys to survive with Dinosaurs running around or do you want me to recreate dinosaurs you know like Jurassic world so you want me to survive in in the dinosaur era or do you want me to recreate the dinosaurs I can do that either

Way so what your opinion guys should I survive with Dinosaurs or should I make the dinosaurs which one do you think would be cooler or which one which one would you enjoy the more more I’ll do both I like I don’t mind honestly ah come on guys answer please

Don’t be stuck here all day don’t I or do I I am back yes Mighty so mighty if you didn’t know uh what if you played oak wood what do you mean what’s oak wood eh yes L mighty mighty I don’t even know uh prehistoric nature what o wood

Eh is it a mod or like what is it it’s a horror dinosaur game bro I’ll say wait like how do I uh bro I don’t want to give it a try bro I love I love a little look you guys know I don’t like horror stuff yeah I can’t get it

Cuz like it’s bro BR what even is I’m going to see what this is I just got I’ve got a random mod pack that says MD dinosaurs I think it’s Mod dinosaurs you guys know I hate I hate horror stuff so you don’t really give me a good topic

To play e I’m sorry I’m sorry guys sorry for disappointed there I’m really sorry I do deeply apologize but I don’t like I don’t like scary stuff okay got to respect I don’t like scary stuff okay guys um just club with my friends okay fair enough guys look I found one oh sorry

Apologies yes yes here we go we’re going to play some dinosaur mod we’re going to play a dinosaur mod actually everyone’s going to be so good confused when he just joined says Jor is still alive and I can prove it I’m just playing the D so mod that’s so weird I

Can’t even change it as well even though I wanted to edit oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yes i c i c i c i can I C played playing modded Minecraft yes yes I changed it let’s go go go goed okay I changed it you guys ready oops

Here we go I I played the S uh K film Pro production yes real uh super flat large wires Amplified um that’s for the beefy computer but like I don’t I don’t think it is we can make our own world if you want or or should we just go like I

Reckon default um not bonus chest uh right here we go loading World here we go dudes okay bye-bye I will cook okay nice with why did I just drop from The Real World yes goes here we go spawn in I think this is animals too so it’s not

Just dinosaurs here we go guys you ready here I am oh oh god oh oh no we have like okay so let me just look at the uh nah we won’t okay I’ll keep I’ll keep it oh this is my this is my custom skin C from production real it’s like a

I made that skin I don’t ask be I don’t know yeah I made it I I made me a c from production skin cuz why now I me I like Venom at the time so I just made a Venom a weird Venom skin uh yeah so I’m laging oh

God so uh what do we do what’s the hell is that uh I think I saw a actually shouldn’t be in here there a Shar bro why is there a Shar hey yo that’s scary uh that fell okay oh yo we got we we got round logs

Yo we do hey yo that’s ciss that’s ciss I love watching good old documentry real the real gaming skin let’s go okay so we want to survive for animals and dinosaurs the same but no I think oh there’s a v yo I have a mini map yo

Uh the hell no bro I want to I can’t even like wait I can’t actually bro why am I auto jumping okay actually I’ll just use the mini yo there a village uh right okay okay y that uh it’s kind of bugging out okay yo yo it’s Dr trius real yo my

Buddy nice to see you again have you guys seen that like cast Dr tros video fun uh right real Dino real I think the din spawn also generally I don’t know it just it say F oh oh okay so this mod um we have to like bring the the that’s fossils so

What we’re going to do is get iron and we can mine the fossils and we can bring the dinos back to life you know what I mean um so okay so we’re going to basically make Jurassic Park yay y oh little chest y loads of food not going to need that

Oh an iron okay fair enough it’s a weapon yes got loads of wheat complain I’ll take that in case you never know it’s up here your real trur is real yes back this like oh oh yes an iron pickaxe let’s go I can M oh and a l yes we have the

Drip okay uh um put the need yeah okay not too bad oh I’m going oh no I forgot I need water yeah so if you guys want to see I I need food and water now so and plus if I get too hot or cold I can die yeah so it’s

Basically real life yeah get some yeah and it’s salty water so I get F you know yippee okay oh load of wood Jesus Christ I wood whoa I think I’ll just take yeah I think I’ll just take Oak yeah just give me oak please yeah

This yeah this mod spawns a lot of Oak it gives you a lot of stuff to start off with um okay I have tons of wood so blood’s becoming the new uh what’s his name how to drink you you punch water yep yep you punch water oh it’s like the old breand

Stuff see chest o loads of iron yes saddle oh yes we can ride some dinosaurs okay actually no no I’m good I’m good uh just drink some water broke can I drink some water please thank you um so guys what we need to do I’m going to go show

You the fossil thing now cuz you guys probably don’t know um so what you do you got you if you see a fossil so you can go to a cave or whatever uh wait where’s yeah it’s here so you go to here and we start M oh we so this gives you

Um you put it in the extraction uh machine I’ll go make one in a minute and yeah you can find any dinosaur from that really oh we got a bone damn I’m going to get oh okay okay not too bad not too bad you also get enchantments like the

Archaeologist or paleontologist you want to go to paleontologist cuz it gives you more fossils so yeah BR what if you got that mysterious looky block mod and you got that chest that gives you a [ __ ] ton of diamonds Emerald gold some more Lucky

Box Bro Dog yo yo my buddy y n that’s go he’s gos do TR again yo bro yo goat what a goat yo what the [ __ ] that’s a big house Jesus I think this one has loads of food as I remember I used I made a base in

This one yep loads of food might any F Jesus uh actually I do need some furnaces I want to build a lab full of dinosaur you know by the way guys the dinosaurs in this are are like actual dinosaurs you know like lost up the small yeah I know

That sucks and all but deal with it it’s not like you know the jassic PA dinosaur is not them I’m sorry but they still are huge though like T-Rex and stuff still they still made it big oh bed nice need loads of food oh some boots don’t mind to

Do bro I got full armor just need thingies well I’m not going to run out of food that’s that’s for sure yo oh fish that’ be nice for the SPO we get a spos go create man man man destroy man create dino dinosaur destroys man yes yes what a quot Jurassic Park quot

Let’s Go goat that’s a you such a goat man got respect that yo I’ve got full armor bro oh what oh that’s going to be handy handy you know oh and I so oh my God bro I’m ghosted look at all this stuff bro no uh oh two water balls yes

Uh oh we got that is this fresh water nah might as well drink it though so that would be kind of Handy if we add like water bottles cuz we have to like you know go to the the lake or whatever so you can make purified water trust me you

Can I become deaf the destroyer of the destroyer of worlds real bro stop saying quoes it’s making me so sad cuz it’s give me flashbacks okay so where you guys want to go now should we say I say TR I’ve got to man got to it’s the ghost wait what even is

This gravel it’s Marble gravel eh okay Dr tra hello yo we knows who I am yo go I I don’t have any paper but yo you know what um you’re not B by though yes bro okay thank you thank you oh sorry sorry sorry no anyway see you later Dr trus

Um yes OP armor real real let’s go um so one of these houses actually has like you know the the machine I think it’s this one I think I’ve seen it I’ve seen it I’ve seen it yes this is what we need it’s an analyzer we need to

Sift the so if we get loads of dat you can put it here it sifts it and then you get loads of fossils and stuff yo oh yes gohost so we need this we need that to make dinosaurs um frozen meats we can get um snow

Dinosaurs like you know Z Ice Age yes look we can Tift yeah I’m just I’m show you guys how to play I well even connected yes yes um okay so my inventory is kind of full so I’m just going to empty some stuff out otherwise I’m not going to be able to make

Dinosaurs um should we try and get some DNA should we try and do it oh no ready should we try and do it should actually no no no no I’ll save for later research time I’m getting all achievements uh not up here okay should I play God actually no no no

It’s notop playing God is it oh I need the um okay okay okay I I’ll tell you what I mean in a minute I should have bought the bones bro I could have got that CH n no way no that funny there you go to get them warmer

Should I make a yeah I’m going to make a boat um okay I’ve got I’ve got loads bro I don’t need all this I don’t need all that bro what else do I don’t need I need all this food uh I I kind of want to keep the I

Want to kind of I want to kind of yeah I’ll give the sticks H I need the bottles though bro uh I need everything bro I need all this I’ll give the chicken go with the apples uh uh yeah go on I’ve got yo what the hell yo that’s sick oh he spinning

Yo uh I think he kisses anyone who helps him I I wonder how many times he would kiss his friends in a hom way not homo yes no okay anyway yeah I kiss like loads of people don’t don’t ask not weirdly not weirdly obviously um okay so where should we go

Guys um it’s getting dark so we’re going to sleep yo I sound like that yo that’s sick wait where did I get I bro I one sec guys I think I made that Village properly I’ve been talking so much yeah we got four in the chat let’s go goats

You little goats oh crickets really well it was it is real life isn’t it it’s got weeds as well wow that’s yo this still again you really oh Dr tros no wait wait bro wait wait yo bro just looked at me like yes yo one

Sec got to have a drink guys we’ got to have that c from production drink moment if you know what I mean h oh potatoes oh carrots you know what carrots always got R for cars guys oh oh I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah

I’m sorry what what oh that’s kiss okay yeah sorry see you what’s in here ooh open up C productions here what have we got oh bro that’s EP so good bro that’s so goed yes a bed bro I’ve got such like a I speed reaction yo no I’m joking uh punch

You’ve got absolutely [ __ ] ton of stuff oh [ __ ] I’m oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] um uh real please please keep me Al I think I’m going to survive please please KFC storm re oh my God real but it’s very useful you go on Long Journeys like the never mining oh yeah

Oh Ben you’ve got like 200 IQ move what the hell I need to go back where did I wait was it here I think it was here when I FW the stuff right yeah yeah should be here just check yeah it’s all it’s all okay okay I’m going to do a b b

Thank you so much love you I friend go for that for all that yeah okay so get get some water get some very dirty water um finally we can Dragon this not the stupid okay uh then we make loads of food yeah okay let’s do that that that n eh

What the hell can we don’t make bread wait no we can we can bro bread eh uh I can’t make breads I can’t make bread for some reason I’m trying me best like what the hell yo oh yo that’s sick yo we got new recipes yo that’s s that’s kind of sick

Actually uh okay yeah um even true less creepy thank you uh yeah I don’t think that’s going to work I’m so sorry yeah okay so I’m going to go um I’m going to go uh you know Wonder off we’re going to try and find a lovely place to build you know

The lab and our Park you know what I mean I want to try and bring a dinosaur back to life for you guys in this live stre I will promise you both have food like um like a leral br British yes if I want to be extra British I could say

Like what was that oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what was that y oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh uh oh God [ __ ] wait sleep just sleep just sleep SLE I can’t even sleep I’ve got hypothermia uh [ __ ] guys burning oh a be no no no no bro no

No no no no no no guys I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m literally going to die bro do I have any coal Coal there’s coal okay okay okay okay just go just go bro just go just go just go just Goen whatever you want yeah I know it’s need some

Bread go bro go the village had lights so that’ll eat me up I forgot about the coldness bro I forgot about it bro Easy E easy heal heal bro heal heal quickly sa yeah yeah I’m healing I’m healing bro okay okay okay just stay in the house let’s stay in the house let’s

Be smart next to light let me in the [ __ ] house bro bro let me in this house he uh uh that then yeah die bro bro there heat bro there heat with heat up [ __ ] thought hello oh I think it’s going away I think it’s going away come on come on bro come

On I’ve closed the door what else do you want me to do oh oh okay okay fair enough fair enough there there it’s blocked in it’s blocked in bro what what else do you want me to do what else do you want me to do it’s going away it’s going away it’s

Going away wait for a second bro bro I’ve literally blocked it off for you what bro you can’t bro bloody you can’t be all right fine be a smartass I’ll do it for you uh okay okay okay all right fair enough fair enough uh anything else close the door yeah okay I’m oh

Go oh we survived yes let’s go we’re goed we’re all goed we’re all goed thanks guys we’re D underground counters get gain a warmth it would be useful for shelter against oh yeah true oh we survived wait I did not open that I not open what that

Guys what was that you see do you saw that didn’t you is that was that just a chicken I need to check I know I know I know it’s reasonable oh F God oh than God bro nor potato come on fil don’t worry oh oh yeah okay sleep then all right

Nice that’s 11 minute science for Ethan it’s going to say burning for this last word Ethan survive don’t worry yes go we all goed we survive somehow I surviv somehow right yeah okay me okay okay right guys let’s let’s get out of here because I’m going to die again so we we

Need to like hurry up like we can’t just St that’s what I was doing let’s run you know I’ve got loads of woods so we can bu we can build a little uh you know do you guys want me to build a lab or like a home or both like

Mixed and so for so we need to make we got um we got we don’t have a sifter bro okay one sec one sec one sec I’ve got you I’ve got you we need the sifter bro cuz we get loads of there or gravel oh we get loads of gravel there you can

Like we can put it in the sift and we get free fossils so you know you surv on yes I I did not expect to survive yeah so the weather mod like you know you can die of hyypia and all that is in rlcraft it’s like you need to level up just to

Get like get a diamond you know adorable would you would you even create clean water yes how would you even cck oh oh I see what you mean and so you get a water pocket yeah and um you would um basically um heat it up and then you

Know like purify the water so you know I’ll show you what I mean uh let me just show you an example I think I see on Forge labs this is if it doesn’t work it’s Forge laps fault but this is this is what this is why I learned so we get

We got this okay look watch watch me guys we make a bucket yeah okay this is dirty water okay water bucket yeah doesn’t matter okay put it in here there heat okay okay watch me yeah now it’s purified water pocket so now we can come and drink this no uh you

Place it down yeah and see how changed now we Get now we should drink this we should go what eh what the oh oh oh yeah I get it we need to make a canteen that’s what we need to make wait no not that not that this not that bro where is it how you make a canteen isn’t it

Like I need leather I don’t know how to make a canteen yeah so that’s how that’s how we pryed stuff uh I think I’ll make a bucket in case you know do that yeah it’s kind of annoying cuz um there is like other ways you can like slow it

Down so you don’t have to you know drink in water a while but I’ve got full thingy what is that oh it’s a it’s a um Yo uh sorry I need I wanted to kill it what I what I is that an ant what is that is a grasshopper I don’t even know I don’t think it matters right there’s only giant squids in the I don’t know guys I don’t know anything about this

Mod okay we got purified let’s go I’ll make a new one it’s fine right let’s go let’s actually go this St Let’s Not St I want to go over there y so um also we can make I think we can make different tools and stuff mean

Sabers re a raper no no not a rap Reaper Reaper yeah not a raper what the [ __ ] ignore me guys I’m saying the wrong stuff yes we can make stuff like that um you know if you make a 4×4 of purified water next to your house then

That Mak clean water for you um I think I think um forel tried that but it didn’t work for him it might work for me because this is you’re talking like 2021 or 2022 for him so it might be different hopefully that’s like a bug or something oh a bed yo I’m see

Bed oh so guys we need to go up there cuz that has um slime balls um you know like you know you can use so that’ll be really good um you need slime I need slime balls there one there too um we just need to find flat

Flat land to be fair then I can start build I don’t think I I would want to to create a Reaper but all right yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s Reaper not Reaper don’t worry it’s a sword it’s not like you know obviously not person uh okay um wait

That like I don’t even know what that is whoa what in the what is that eh wait what if that is that a bear uh uh I’m sorry um uh oh why is why are you looking at me yeah yeah don’t worry I’m just like

You know part of nature a ghost what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] F I’m sorry I’m sorry I apologize I apologize apologize sorry die okay what’s a raper it’s a sword don’t worry no no questions asked why is my game lagging go hey more fossils you ready guys

Bone fossil they they that all [ __ ] you don’t you don’t I’ll keep the bones in case we find a wolf oh bof fossil yes yes yes yes we got one we got one we got one we okay what is it dinosaur yes we got dinosaur not too

Bad I am that’s that’s that’s like a little hair before but it’s fine we we got one guys oh more iron yeah I don’t know that much about mods yeah I know guys I’ve got a bit bit of experience I am thanks my friend s he

Show me a load of mods so I’m kind of used to him now but I I knew mods before for him so what is that that looks so epic wait what even is that what the hell is that guys expl what explain to me what the

Hell is that yo I want to punch it yo he’s chill okay nice he’s a good boy not like that I shouldn’t be drinking the cold okay fine by me Forest Titan in Minecraft real yes oh beds yo not not girl beds you know what I mean that is that Apple what is

This yeah I’m not going to ask what what has happened to this world like bro Ducks oh bro that’s so sick yeah so now if we extract this we can get DNA or like um I thinking a DNA I think it’s a it’s like a barracuda I love barracudas by the that’s probably

My favorite fish I the funny um oh oh oh what’s that yo we got new walls oh yeah I forgot the new WS as well it’s like tin Co like coer before you know before it was released um yeah there stuff like that tin I think

There’s I don’t know what to say Al Al sorry my my chemistry is bad I don’t to say aluminium I can’t say it you know that you know that M the one with a aluminium I can’t say it it’s it’s too long guys yeah barracudas are epic these guys

Will attack me I know that watch watch me actually know no no different no no no no no no wait do apples me wait do you eat meat cuz you like uh no they’re not carnivals uh wait what’s the oh my that is adorable bro that’s that’s that’s hey yo that’s not fa

Fair you can’t be doing that to me one bar Jesus Christ one one one hunger bar wow an apple would do like two or three I think it’s like two two to three not one no way you can correct me if I’m wrong I’m pretty sure played Minecraft for like five years

Now right so guys where should we build the base or like the the AR Jurassic World Park Dominion I don’t even know also guys if I suddenly just like stop talking or like you know I’ve got to get me tea I’m [ __ ] starving right now I’m

Going to have a curry cuz yeah um if if I keep saying that I’m having cies it’s not cuz I that’s the only thing I like it’s just because I’m trying to lose weight right now cuz I want to I I want to get you know jacked and stuff like

That so you know not not jacked you know like back to my I did have a slim form but I went to my more Godzilla 2019 form if you know what I mean actually know he’s more 2014 2014 you know he’s like fat fat as [ __ ]

He’s not fat but like kind of chubby that’s me so I’m I want to go back oh I thought he went for me then I thought he went for me okay oh oh we need that we need that actually no we don’t that’s a relic scrap so you need

This if you want to make like you know like ancients AR and stuff I don’t know B Cobblestone o oh yes no we don’t need that oh bro that was [ __ ] I don’t want that I don’t want that I’ll take the bio fossils is that coal Coal right yeah oh we need

Coal so bad cuz of torches I get that real quick yes so guys I’ll try and find some diamonds and stuff like that yes I can look at the mobs yes real yes I can see all the mobs around me oh it’s comes nice oh [ __ ]

N no no bro nah I I don’t even have a house yet bro a big potato for one hung ball that’s as much as a cookie scam for real it’s night bro it’s l like oh bro come on I’m I’m CL bro bro broy it okay fair enough I’m going to just keep

Clicking until I get it I am not going through the hyper business again you can you can f off but how how am I can not go to sleep bro let me go to sleep let the man have a sleep you know what I’ll make this so don’t

Die I’ve got loads of heat Ry there you go s now Z ice AG yes we can make mammoths I yeah I think we can yeah uh we can yeah yeah yeah you can yo so we can if we get enough re Relic scraps we can make an

Actual helmet like an ancient like faroh heart helmet and if we get um an ancient gem that like impossible to get in the fossils but if we ever do um you can make them into you can make your like diamond stuff into a sword which absolutely op I’m going to get

Actually but they’re really hard to get like it bro it’s so rare what is that oh think it’s just coold I was so happy and then Minecraft teaches you to punch everything you do everything for real punch a n yeah you just punch punch everything guys anything you see punch

Okay that but oh yo that’s beautiful no I want to going to say hello to the butterflies yo oh oh oh oh never mind never mind never that’s a snake my brother oh oh oh oh oh oh die oh [ __ ] he’s after me oh [ __ ]

[ __ ] uh to be fair he’s like I don’t to bite me don’t bite me don’t bite bro stay back stay back you ah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh bro what is That Yo No no no no no bro [ __ ] up [ __ ] a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] oh he’s going to oh no

[ __ ] yo half a heart half a heart bro oh [ __ ] snake almost wiped me out from existence IM those wolf things attack me then wow I would have been a dead man come on give me another F I want to show the peeps yo no J uh I don’t want

To plan for bro I don’t want to bring ancient plants back it’s cool and all but it’s a waste of a bio goo which I need bio so you need oh that’s why we need the Slime balls bro ah I figured it out oh loads on there Jesus Christ so there

Might be a f on there I haven’t seen let’s have a look uh bro I thought that was another one bro why these F I used to get tons of them I did that actually know yeah true I did that P all just free like you know the enchantment

STS uh get rid of that that’s worthless that I’ll save this cuz we do them actually got 90 bof fossils man we should get so many um things I love how most mods in Minecraft give you so much flavor to the game and more playability yes that’s why I like

Mods oh oh what’s up here I don’t want to get lost in a cave you remember what happens in the cave in in the old version of Minecraft bro I’m not doing that again you can actually F off right so where should I bu build me

Like base guys I need to build it somewhere like where I can put load dinosaurs and stuff that sound like a dinosaur not even going to lie what’s that the [ __ ] is that is that a wolf yo that’s terrifying oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh F oh was a p oh

Oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no oh Oh that’s oh never mind never mind bro yes okay I forgot yeah so if we die we’ll know what our stuff is okay let’s go let’s just go your stuff actually lasts for a pretty long time like it you know stays around

So but God hope that Panther is not there when I’m back cuz if he is I am dead I I I’ll place the bed down I’ll try and reset my spawn I did break my bed so it does it does set you spawn go just go around go around come on guys

If I lose all that Stu that’s bad be able to recreate the dinosaurs I want I want to bring dinosaurs back to life for you guys I really want really want to I’ll probably play this more than the old version of Minecraft cuz you know trust me guys you like this mod

Trust trust me I I I know it doesn’t look like it just [ __ ] died to a black panther but BL P forget it you know what I mean but like you know there’s the tree guy hi hello he’s stuck he’s stuck in a tree that’s hilarious he’s a tree and he’s stuck in

A tree uh oh if I would have missed I would have [ __ ] cried so yeah I need to watch out for black panthers to be honest it was my fault I I just walked up to a panther you don’t do that in real life I’m

Stupid why would I walk up why did I do that why did I walk up to a pamp he looks scary and all but playing too much man C here real I know I know no dear hello dear okay I’m at the mountain now 200 away okay okay literally just over there literally I’m not even J like a weird fish to C you or something the God justs bro I’ll be [ __ ] annoying you I could imagine that I imagine that

Happening to me another floating island let’s go please not un attack me please God sake I see another P I’m laging it grab me stuff see there what the [ __ ] is that oh it’s a Jaguar oh I see I see yeah we’re friends we’re friends we’re friends we’re

Friends um okay is he there is he there please don’t be thereo please for goodness sake please don’t be there he’s not here yes w he’s not here oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh he’s there he’s there oh hello totally not going to take

Me stuff back oh he’s next like all my good stuff as well bro he’s just camping on it [ __ ] oh wait oh my bow I need my bow where’s my bow there bro go away bro that’s all my good stuff I’m not I’m not be able to run him no way got food

Food take to [ __ ] P yeah I know but what am I supposed to do wait wait wait wait wait BR let go I go yes ha [ __ ] off ha [ __ ] ass [ __ ] wait oh oh I’m sorry I’m sorry um uh you didn’t see me yeah you didn’t see me totally uh oh

[ __ ] [ __ ] me man I was too that was too close right let’s just get out of here let’s not mess with a panther again oh [ __ ] that was scary yeah yes oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] was that was that a w I think that was a

Wolf [ __ ] bro this Forest is haunted or something are you real oh God another oh there a snake oh [ __ ] but I’m getting I’m getting oh no [ __ ] please bro please God oh [ __ ] I’m would this be yes flat land y oh god oh [ __ ] uh there’s a rat uh ah H ow

Ow I think this would be a good spot I think guys this is a good spot yes or no oh there’s there’s pheasants there’s goats I’m a goat uh uh but anyway apart from the joke yo this would be sick for a Jurassic Park could you imagine is

This a good spot guys let me know oh there’s a thing over there too load the FL and I think if you had a shield and stone actually may to fight P you know what how about this we go back like we get up we go back and kill the

Panther for killing us I can we do that but for right oh that’s that’s that’s an on ruin house yo anyway uh yeah so I’m going to prepare a little house um I know I’m where with okay so I need to block the okay let’s just build a little you know lab

Okay right it’s not going to be too big uh that okay just like yeah just like there okay that’s all I oh no yeah I’m going to need more okay uh yeah okay I’m going preparing uh right let’s just prepare this will be a good world we just need to

Prepare um I’m going to try and make an axe no a shield can make a shield please oh yes okay got a shield guys we got one we got one okay I’m going to make an axe too cuz we need wood there you go let’s get some wood

Let oh I it doesn’t have the broken tree mod where like you can chop trees down and just Falls sadly um I’m just going to I don’t know why it’s Circle it’s kind of odd three four it’s like broken it looks broken to me anyway bro no not there bro you think

I am wait there yeah two three four okay okay now just you know just build a little Hut for now it should do oh God actually it’s getting dark it’s getting dark uh I’m getting scared F no just go to sleep just go to sleep bro just go to

Sleep go go to sleep there you go it’s day uh end I’m not look I am don’t worry don’t worry I didn’t didn’t care about you uh come on cooked food come on what okay there’s something wrong with this because how does cooked food cooked food like perfect cooked food not fill

You up like if I had to if I had a piece of pork right now i’ be like all right you know I’d be kind of filled like halfway does that okay not going to ask uh two what three it’s not equal uh all right you know what just do that

Oh yeah we just bro why don’t I just do that okay this will be better guys it’s just like you know for now okay s of Minecraft seem like the break of laws of physics possible for real may maybe that’s why it’s lagging does look bit odd to be fair

Though uh I think I just do like a flat roof you know what I mean uh yeah like that one of them actually I think I use Cobble yeah I use Cobble uh okay so I’m going to start um yeah I’m going to get some Cobble oh bro

There’s a village right there oh this is goed I want to go to the Village real quick oh I me oh yeah you P egg th an egg on him there still two people watching okay um okay this is this vage actually not too bad is that is that is that try

Again I swear to seen him and I can’t get that oh blacksmith yes look could be diamonds sorry guys whoa yo he say brother too yo what G yeah so these you can just like Place yeah cool I kind of just ruined this house R

Uh yeah well we got loads of food I guess we can just like use the crops just want to see what’s in here you no we’ve got the iron refill let’s go wait wait that’s that [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] oh no that’s that’s [ __ ] steel oh

O can I please wear yo okay that’s kind of cool loads of apples we got some armor oh we got a thrower knife hey yo I want to test it out one sec one sec oh oh that did so much damage okay that’s going to be that’s going to be

Good pretty much a Minecraft Survival stream right now yes um yo okay okay good we found this dude so this guy trades stuff oh we can get then we can get this oh oh okay I see you be a bit being a push there aren’t

You oh kind of warm yes that’s good it’s warm around here oh oh don’t mind if I do don’t mind I do right I’m going to need this oh I sa the yes double you let’s go so sick y now if you get kicked in the balls one H as much don’t

Ask okay fair enough I don’t know what to say to that but okay okay that’s how you are fine oh more wood ah ah I need Cobble though so if I need wood I’ll come back yo okay I don’t need another SLE I can get I can get a horse that’ be

Kind of good actually if I find one like two blacksmiths what’s in here yo oh wait there’s a chest in here yeah there is ooh bro why is why why is this like mod so goed give me so much stuff that I haven’t even worked for oh it’s why okay

No why is so many Dr Tres ah ah it’s one of my balls me me ball just got a wait one sec guys one sec one sec one sec SEC one sec I’m back me oh [ __ ] no it doesn’t it it’s like itchy F Someone Saved Me Oh uh what

What no look GL okay for wait shouldn’t be drinking that water but right you yo it’s sound like tury that’s why I paused sound like take I’m not even going to lie um okay I’m not going collect the POR cuz I’ve got too much stuff on me bro bro actually

Actually I can only use something like you know um bro why is so goed I want to go to that I want to go that real quick I’m back yoor right guys you want me to make the dinosaurs right now I could I just want to know I want to see

How much the what’s it called the um what’s the thing we make dinosaurs in it’s called let me let me just retake what it is it’s the oh it it’s like a specific name so you’ve got the got what what the sift there the analyzer and you’ve got the it’s not the incubator

It’s it’s something like that it’s the um bro why can I not remember it it’s like so obvious to remember remember I hate those pigs looking at me I’ve got something there’s something wrong with them right now you know what I’m going to bro what’s it called Sonic it’s it’s it’s an incubator

But it’s not C I don’t know I don’t know what it’s called what go should I make Rich image of ran yes real even I agree I doo like rad on not why you know what now no no no no we’re not doing it that way I want to want to kill oh

No bro fire good shot I trying to see if I can get something for far range bro almost yeah this is kind of op though I you just throw swords o what’s this this is copper no it’s IR L fils fossils fle oh yes okay oh okay yep that’s all I

Wanted so I don’t even mind getting dead because you know um I think for now I’m just going to I’m just going to place stuff in here I don’t really care to be fair as long as we just have a have a have a roof over our head actually

Wait okay I’m just going to get some water real quick if there’s any rounds there’s some yes I’m going to try and make Jurassic Park I’m going to try wish me look I’ll move now might as well I get I’ll get some more wood now actually as

Well I’ll just like I’ll just redo the floor Um right okay one sec let me go get some wood real quick nice aim Ethan like your aim is better than me bro I’m going try guys I’m try you know what you know what BR yes come on double kill come on that kind of cool oh I like the same range as

Well yeah I like the swords I think I I think I’m going to stop using it now I’m going to wear it out I’ll play I’ll play as a joke should try I’m joking I’m joking go I’ve got to eat for like days what’s this mod about I see no progression

Progression equals D I’m trying bro I’m trying the best okay I’ve got to go slow so I can you know build a nice base you know got to do it if you if you guys want that like bro if you want me to just go straight to

The point and get dinosaurs then fine fair enough but I need the stuff you know right some wood there’s a St more wood yo you came up to me what’s up my what’s up my oh what’s up my you know I’ve got some wood do TR um you

Might want to run cuz like zombies and stuff so I wouldn’t recommend you being out here but if you want to be out here fine fair enough yo stun or skunks I don’t even know what they call I you have the house I looked at it what even is that

Bro ah bro I love that music right sec I’m going to check it out real quick out I want to take that reaper now I’m get in tree I know it’s dark I know but I shouldn’t really be exploring this B come on bro I’m interested is that is

That really it you serious like I lit came in here I I was wondering what the [ __ ] this is and it’s not not even anything it’s just like a stupid broken house bro well that was a shame anything underneath it no it’s just like a house like a broken weird

House I’ll just keep it there for like Memories I guess when I explore the stupid house what is that was that I think there’s a raven oh no I hit a [ __ ] SP it means the zombies and terrorist grps around [ __ ] uh oh it was the it was the panda I was

Like what was that like scary sound right okay okay okay I’ve got torches actually yeah I do I’m just going to place them around my base actually so no creepy crawly spawn there you go probably should have put some on the basement well it’s fine just make a thingy so creeper doesn’t

Flipping scared the living daylight t on me there you go I need to make free but all right okay okay now let’s finish the roof uh one sec guys I’m just going to get me to I’ll just finish the roof and I’ll be AFK just for like just for like

A minute just one minute all right see you one sec uh Hey guys sorry I’m back um you know I have to get me food and stuff so if if I paused then I mean uh okay so need to make a shovel real quick I

Will get I I will make a chest don’t worry I just give it a bit of the Interior you know did we do yeah we did the roof yet one sec the FU oh God actually not never mind I know this look ugly though hopefully I’ll change in the future there you go

Chest um I’m like that’ll be like the dinosaur chest and that be the food I guess going to like you know split everything off yeah I’ll do I’ll put some coal there there you go now one more spaced um that’ll be for minerals um yeah it’s kind of it for now

Me okay so actually these start throwing them in there there you go now we can extract the fossils to get um a I think it’s like we get the dinosaur stuff so we can actually you know make dinosaurs it’s not 100% guaranteed so you know come on we need that DNA

Al the Flor them ooh that’s a good C you no K you what the [ __ ] Bingo Dino DNA let’s go that’s also a dress part reference when you know Mr D trying to eat this as fast guys one sec oh come on come on

We can do it guys we can get we can get we can get T-Rex come on ah I’m just going to leave that to um you know so you know fossil I no you know um oh yeah we need to do the the frozen meat Oh for Okay uh so done ooh set a poty and H SE CIO C oh yes okay let’s go okay we’re getting some DNA it’s good just I’m going to keep on laugh for now we’ll have a little drink yo we got spino Let’s Go goat yo bet your ass I’m doing that one first

Oh one of my favorite dinosaurs as well let’s go bro double I’m going put him over there actually special yo man spino fit off the bath actually I take this CU we can Si we can sift up yep um I’ll make some wood actually I can be getting first off got chest yeah

Oh wait too B it’s all right we get sand I guess oh okay this is the last Frozen me please say we get a frozen dinosaur please please bro come on please oh damn all right well guys we got Spiner we got Spinosaurus let’s go what a goat it’s a [ __ ] goat dinosaur

Too uh is anyone in chat are you guys Happy actually got to go to D I’ve got really good armor as well like bro we got so much good stuff now I just need to me oh I can oh what is it called like analyze

What is it called I don’t know what it’s called no it’s not here it’s like what is it I don’t know what it’s called bro an incubator ink you was called what was it called I forgot it’s like green just scoll through every mod just

To it I’m really going to have to do that wow the culture BS it’s the co that the culture that yes ah so we need four glass slime ball water okay okay a culture that new video out guys yes so we need okay so we need a water okay okay

Um there um okay so what we need to do we need to four glass I’m going to do that real quick I’m going to try and make God I’m I’m L becoming God bro I’m making animals that don’t even exist what the hell oh my God die you [ __ ] chasing

Me one two three four okay we done that already okay throw it in done that now just yeah actually oh yeah all I need is to find a floating island um and then here just going to go find one real quick um they’re not too hard to find I just

Need to find some S I got any at all like we just need a snall that’s all we need yeah Flor gas a water buet and a slime ball yeah oh free iron ball get that easily slime balls you can’t so so I guess we’re going to go I don’t know search for

One I shouldn’t actually be Ming my okay whatever um so we came from yeah we came from over there okay I’m hunting for one for a slime Island we need to find one so I can get some slime we made the cult of that for the h Spinosaurus DNA with

The bio goo and we should get a dinosa we should get a spinosaurs egg put in enclosure and we should get a spurs by this by the by the end well away but you know worth it let’s go oh actually can I make oh I

Can make way points okay I’m going to do that yeah oh yeah need The [ __ ] yo we don’t even need to get it now we’re Fine I’m not playing the drop slime ball so find any more those little creatures I’m going to kill them don’t know what it was I just killed it bro that’s so handy oh I think these drop yeah they do drop food P bell pepper bro we can make two as well oh perfect

So Guys these things can fail uh just let you know um it’s really sad but you know hopefully he doesn’t fail all right here we go can we make it oh no we need need iron free Iron yep we can make it let’s go free iron for last that and boom we

Got one okay Crucible ready here okay we’re good place that in here where’s the spinosaurus throw them in there you go there you go bro cting God so it does take like I think it like takes like four minutes so we have to let it just you know

Chill yeah it’s working it’s working it’s going okay yo we’re creating Dinosaurs we’re playing God once again hopefully it works hopefully it sometimes explodes and like you know there water everywhere so I hope that doesn’t happen cuz then I would have Wast slime B and free Iron okay okay slowly um I don’t know what to do to be fair um I go sift this Yeah we’re creating Gods okay I need to actually prepare for the you know for the I need to prep the enclosure cuz you know he’s going to be getting on quick so I need to go get some I want to make him in a swamp but I can’t cuz like you

Know so I think I’m just going have to have in enclosure for now I mean want to see if anyone’s messaging me on Discord one sec okay yeah no one’s really messaged me I guess oh that was idea hide h i just oh fair enough uh so um what’s

This what the hell what do youan is this oh just the see cobblestone whoa you [ __ ] scared me wool nice I don’t even need to though uh all I’ve got an idea I’m going to put the spider in like um you know um like Oak Gates like no fences

Sorry hopefully that’ll trap them in cuz they do get big don’t get me wrong they do get big I’ve got to stay near him as well so I tame him and you can ride them I think so you know obviously going to do that on I okay what you looking F fatzy anyway

Here terrible idea that was a terrible idea I just eat a [ __ ] Ro okay is he done he’s near done guys oh my God okay okay okay let’s I’ll prepare this now okay I’m G I’m playing God this is crazy bro is it no it’s yeah it’s

Um playing God once again oh well we’re playing God okay okay let’s just make the enclosure uh I’ll make it here like that it does get pretty big I don’t think I’ll have enough I have to make like three blocks high so yeah have

Enough I want to make it big so you know just space like this big want no no like that put some blocks so we can Shu the spino don’t don’t escape him also for the as well there you go ironically had enough D he’s not going to just stay in there trust me

He’s not is he done oh he’s St we got him half half crocodile yo okay okay okay so ready he’s ready to be born but I’m not ready yet so I need to make more actually I’ll go for Sleep actually yeah just go for a little sleep

And then we’ll um work on this enclosure I think on me actually no no no no yeah I think I’ll just you know make a actually no no uh okay no yeah so we’ve done we played God um you know we’re going to actually create a dinosaur going to spawn them

In uh just need to uh it’s all we can make okay that’s the best I can do 60 okay why I make it tall bro I need to make at least free blocks all there no way two fence is going to hold them yeah a baby but like not like you know

Okay uh you know I think I’ll just do two fence for now when he grows up I’ll increase it ready guys we’re going to play God um actually I’ll just make him a little pool cuz I I knowly bro Mak not too big not too small you know what I mean yeah like

That swim no I don’t know what to put here so let’s get some more wood yeah I need to make it detailed so you know it looks nice that’s that’s a gashopper I can tell there you go 48 okay not too bad now let’s go make a fence and then we can

Trap this guy actually in um I think I make two actually now it’s to make I need to fill our place up with water it’s going to be so annoying okay oh there some water here save a here we go guys then we’re going to create Goden okay

Yes okay we’re ready to spawn them in let’s go I’ll try and feed them as much as I can by the way I’ll try uh let’s get out sper okay he needs warmth so I need torches torches wait I so many torches bro coal you need yeah you need TCH around

The eggs so it’s warm here we go we’re going to play God here we go okay just give me a minute want to make a dinopedia dino because then you’d know dinosaurs okay yeah that’s simple I that one but I make wait give me a sec

Give me a sec where’s some hay and no some sugarcane sugar cane there some sugarcan over there come on bro really quick before the spin actually is it’s wide open bro jeez I want to be quick cuz if the SP doesn’t get Ted to me that’s bad oh [ __ ]

Uh you know fine I just wait I just wait next to it it’s crazy bro what about to you know play God can’t check it staying next to it though so I want to see this beautiful Beast imerge it’s going to be crazy guys oh [ __ ] I’m lying he probably like 50 or

60% done because you can’t check with the dinopedia more sly we can do it guys we can do it come on bro come on little buddy I’m going drink your water oh he’s doing it he’s hatching I think it’s like 80% think 80% want to stop bro are we so cute

Oh yo you’re so cute yo oh adorable oh he’s so cute yo I fall in love with him yo my buddy welcome welcome back to life yo yo guys I’m happy got a baby spino let’s go ghost I’m going to feed him some food yeah I’ve got some yeah this yeah

There you go jeez you hungry bro so guys don’t even lie what’s his name guys tell me what’s his name what your name baby SP Y what let’s go so so goed oh [ __ ] let’s go I’m so happy right now first dinosaur where did he go bro are you so cute you are so cute I love you you’re so cute I love I love you uh right okay anyway put torches oh he’s swiming yo he

Likes it bro he’s tell yeah I reck he’s saying he’s liking it oh do that all right guess should need these watch I guess I’ll put them in the enclosure he grow grew then oh funny been that long bro he is happy he is enjoy enjoying the water like God damn

Uh that’s good actually soy oh is so cute as well oh I wonder what his name is going to be oh I have a name tag so I name I I should go hunt for for more fossils I’m going to do it got some foods some more real quick actually I

Have them bacon yeah F bring some bread just in case um oh there’s a there’s a ender up there uh yeah what’s called what is it called like Cen that that’s what we need oh just one two three four five six we have two uh all

Right so yeah we can have we can have bonate if you drink it then we can you know last for a while it’s really handy to have one oh loads of them okay I want to kill these guys I didn’t droping e oh D it don’t drop bro that’s what we

Wants boom we need two more I just want to make a caned so we can actually go surv like you know out oh bro we actually getting pretty warm which is good but it’s not it’s not good cuz you can die like B but uh yeah what is that bro

Eh what the [ __ ] is that oh is that a is that what I think is that a c oh [ __ ] that that is not good that’s a s sensor whatever it’s called you know the it’s wait uh hello hi oh [ __ ] where did he

Go wait I’ve got no I’ve got wait wait I take this thing down I want I want to take down right I think it’s a c a center pole I don’t know what it’s called a centor um how’s spino spino I’m going to go fighting he still there spino yeah

He’s there he’s chilling all right see you in a bit bro I’m going to fight that [ __ ] for your Survival cuz he might might kill you or don’t matter protect this man with all my with all my strength let’s go we got to steal pants as well should be good wait is that

No there he is there he is take him down yeah he’s rning he’s rning hey that was easy I was expecting more of a fight but all right K in Black don’t know what that does me bro that was easy I spend like a giant battle I thought that’s what they

We but fair enough I’m going to keep that though I killed a c cent center to I don’t know what it’s called can’t believe it though uh yeah so wait what why is it that was not there before there’s no way I want have miss it I would not to miss it missed

It whoa this is kind of creepy why is I just run in grave grave this paper yes oh that’s good bones yes don’t feel like that was worthy uh why was there a lever wait that’s Redstone wait where’s the Redstone go hey uh what it hell’s that what is going

On me to do that drink right okay where is where the [ __ ] stop jum bro uh uh not but I want okay uh I need sugar actually I need a book but I think I can get now cuz I’ve got what I need actually could I just do

Eh how you make a B I don’t get it is it oh there you go finally got a [ __ ] book okay now we just need the I need the fossil and then I can do it why is there a brown oh God I’m lagging a pheasant egg I to don’t even

Cool the [ __ ] is my brother listening to people screaming punch a tiger what what oh I see one yeah I see you I’m going to hunt it down want to be a top killer T got him oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay you want to fight bro you

Want to fight bro you not even move yeah I’m the killer around here so for you as well that this a big CL claw you do with this maybe we make armor what it say claw make claw armor I don’t know a whip Jesus Christ why would we

Want a whip oh well I guess I’ll say up I guess oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no no I shouldn’t have mess with this thing oh [ __ ] he does d damage [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh I’ve got no arrows oh [ __ ] okay okay see that go Jesus Christ oh

Fine okay okay why the [ __ ] does this guy do so much damage oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] I don’t even get that all I about I I can make the whip I yeah I can definitely make the whip was it I don’t I don’t get why why I need a whip

But make one oh a horse ooh that’ be kind of cool actually no hsees given I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry the give Loads sorry I’m sorry bro I need the Lea need that c I need I need one more one more oh oh oh oh Jesus I’m a half a heart okay oh no I’m b a one heart Enough that’s enough six three yeah 79 yeah I have one spare so make a whip I can I make it a Cen so we don’t get thiry wait where’s my house oh it’s there oh spine is he big is he a big boy I don’t see him don’t tell me he’s

Escaped wait check on the map he’s still on the water oh he’s kind of big a little big he’s grown still alive yes oh okay yo we spy now we got spy him right there yeah let’s have a look there he is let’s have a look where

Is he he’s there look he’s swimming he’s happy as [ __ ] oh he’s so cute he’s having a time of his life right let’s go to bed oh God [ __ ] get in Jesus thanks for that food oh I see start with Jora L for real I can make a

Whip ploro I know crazy um so I think it’s the recipe can I make it now how can I not make it um I can’t make here it’s I think it’s the how did he make wait oh I see I got to I want to test it I use it it’s just

A oh I see M man just disintegrated hey yo Uh that was a waste of my okay that was a waste that was a waste it doesn’t even do anything it’s a waste of time but just I SP I want I keep yeah he’s chilling he good yeah we play Gods PL if you didn’t see oh

Oh oh I can make the book now yes I can make the book uh boom yeah what you all about it uh I have that for some reason I me the c i me the C yeah nice okay now we can we don’t get starving or no we don’t get firsty often

I just need to filler oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yippee oh close I’m bro why do I keep lagging yeah I guess I fill it I’ll fill in later there you go yeah okay so it does work there you go okay um so we use this and we just

Click on dinosaurs and stuff but you don’t need wh with no Kong BR Kong spino um is a female eh Untamed eh it should be tamed this mon is 100% jeez that’s good skull stick join the day with the mobs eats fish and meat it’s all the things he eats okay I’m

Going to go try and T it should have like I was next to him when he was be the scroll stick on make SC um so um yeah so we dinosaur I think I’m kind of B guys we’re going to yeah just going to quit uh yes we made

Dinosaur that’s that’s all left mod I’m probably not going to make a series out of that to be honest it wasn’t too good but H yeah uh we’ll go play some card Universe I guess did say I know I said a quit but I think I’m back now I just

Need to calm down cuz he’s [ __ ] g21 is so annoying actually apologize as well here we are um yeah that game is really good by the way this game is really good I’m not going to show it though we Noob server let’s go it’s Wednesday tomorrow d I’m guys spam FDA sorry guys now we need to change the flipping live stream again oh oh bro okay one second one second what’s this thanks sure oh yeah t posing yes um okay one sec let me just change this again for the [ __ ] millionth

Time um no I just don’t like no no no no no it’s not should we go to manage videos live yeah that P live stream is not coming off for me 20 views um one I just want to change the play Minecraft anymore you know what we’ll just yeah see what you [Applause]

Guys bro thir yeah yeah yeah you little hunt me yeah [ __ ] trash player trying to low kill me low kill and fair party [ __ ] I’m so sorry guys uh hello YOLO yes I love Godzilla F now such a g he was always a g he more of a g he

Was not saying he’s bad he was a g b i see him I see him yo I see Him soad so bad bro CH Mo cuz I hate M don’t even ask me to M Mo I’m not I’m not that’s yes 15 to go literally 15 [Applause] s if anyone I just can’t change it sling so bad so dumb you don’t even need XP but what the but you’re not trying to get yeah minil ex I get it maybe maybe gag maybe maybe s has level 200 gag for some odd reason but bro a

FAO you’re Max m m you’re Max you don’t need it I wish I’m stupid burning oops I up doorlock this video Yes sh oh I knew it [ __ ] surv come on oh [ __ ] you missed bro if you didn’t miss I to survive you bastard Victor mother I sh speed CHR yes yes Shin I love you Shin Shen you’re so sexy I you Shen I love you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ll [ __ ] I’ll get him for you I’ll get him for

You oh my Bro oh [ __ ] give me 27 I care more than that my brain can’t brain anymore eh my brain can’t brain anymore go to your mom okay how just how did it sorry sh don’t take your P you I told I’m not going to I can’t do this you have for minecra to [ __ ]

[Applause] this no BL is mad you want OG MC I don’t mind I switch if he wants OG GMC I’ll do it I don’t mind just kind if he wants carun or OG I’ll do EV one another guess s yes he’s in the game I’ll do [ __ ] oh my God oh my God

Oh I’m So yes sh no we’re [Applause] not e this e yo yo my man it’s my best friend it’s my yippe yippe let’s go it’s K it’s K yeah that Mak sense bro f 2019 W what did I do dude uh eh perfect aim aot real quick dad will poop his pants when he

Sees bro go away hey yo I’m getting chased on I stronger than you bro oh I’m in uh l l l l l bro bro this gu is so to kill me it’s insane just take it I could be asked look how nice I even let him kill

Me I could have [ __ ] roasted the [ __ ] on but didn’t guess what I am a nice person anyway excuse me yes I’m going to start doing region now I guess there I put two region in addition Yeah I’m coming as well bro you damaged me bro That ain’t cool I died to K the bro just say Kong King that that just H my that’s just that’s just my day Kong King you no that must be Tod bro everyone knows it’s King Kong not King the Kong King Kong King where’s Kong King King Kong bro it’s a [ __ ] difference you [ __ ] [ __ ]

Off do not disrespect me you say King Kong it’s okay it’s it’s it’s okay me I’m very Kong King after to do this mission for to gok for shout As so by eating this I guess SL it’s great over time obviously it Tak a while eventually I’m going to I’m not jacked yet but I’ve got like skinny SS in I I haven’t I come bench i e Me oh he’s yeah look look told you sh of course both what5 always [Applause] bro so sad NOP you know I’m gonna call my BFF yay I know him for a long time so I don’t care I don’t care guys you me I don’t know why but I see you as like BFF for so I kind of want to do like show I I

Kind of do oh School col oh I You’ been playing GTA I don’t even play GTA I I can’t get it anyway best friend forever yeah well yeah b f I know I know I’m be disgusting with the all the girl like you my BFF no bro shut

Up playing GTA not doing your homework what is this kid dude hilarious get back here you [ __ ] [ __ ] ass mother [Applause] 20 how so sh we can do it guys we can Max vanilla we can Max Vanill we we vanilla we can Max vanilla say all of us all of us [Applause] This this guy’s he’s like four times and Max like four in like a month bro like a day bro how we speak I want ask some tips bro so fast bro how the [ __ ] never mind B’s been a pain in my in my ass I even like It [Applause] Okay uh no [Applause] Oh this like an i RA in his face Lit at level Kong was strong Kong what is strong I on a Jeep do I the new on Jeep tears That just Ying what the hell BR byon rip on the ball B get wed kill chill after where my killed Godel 221 uh right that that sorry uh wait wait what what the hell want to chill chill mind I don’t know how to have a time baby I Now Sh oh oh turn [Applause] go Ethan would you please make a Kaji series called the Kaji Trio where to your you get um sure sure Would you like would you like in videos would Mind [Applause] Yeah All Think [Applause] it’s V on the Jeep oh bro I think just one sec I back chill C you in a sec guys give me a bit I’ll backx soon yo I’m back dudes I’m back I’m back I’m back apologies I’m going to try not to do that again I’m trying not to every

Time I drink I like when I’m trying to it’s weird kind of it hey it’s in Ace let’s go [Applause] [Applause] help what the hell is Mountain I got top by ball Kong is like jumping round and Godzilla 21 bro but I don’t [ __ ] play this game I got the new

I love this mean I love you [Applause] oh oh wait I don’t need to go [Applause] here the CH is so nice Galaxy counters are Solo no I’m joking it’s only chocolate had I know should technically be cutting down but it’s only like it’s only a little Bunch like a hand full

So not too much Lord have mercy dude no I hate playing for cold I don’t summer not not winter I me friend A Just walked i n bro I hate you come on then come on Then I am lagging like [ __ ] bro there you go bro on me graphics PL you’ve hypnotized me you know might disconnected um okay yes F I want to there you go I think that’s really I don’t [ __ ] know my is not that high it is high it worked hey yo

I never get visited by me guys I’ve got some good ones hold so um there there’s a bit this this is legendary V I’ve got so it’s know I made um if your leg if your legs of the holidays like Christmas and Easter I’ll visit you between the holidays leeches A yes H noive me hey yo hey yo yo yo yo chill out bro I was joking man a not sh a [ __ ] [ __ ] CH Car he wants my legendary R yes bro This well tring to F more risk I need to be the I need to be the rler hey yo yo yo that’s kind of su not going to lie yeah yeah boy I want that Riz wa wait wait before the RIS before the RIS this guy what the Hello oh my God what the Hell BR yo it’s my MO no no even been this one okay here we [Applause] Go Ah uh uh uh hey yo hey yo hey yo [Applause] I’m you Yo look so sick I I like me Alo correct oops [Applause] bro I’m not weird I’m going to try not to be weird bro oh [ __ ] sorry I’m going insane I need therapy I’m going to play some Minecraft Minecraft W yeah I’m kind of getting into this Minecraft right here we go play left the world yippe let’s go for what’s the one I have W like really fast skill issue right I’m going going to go yeah oh yes ah I know it’s one now okay I thought so have I got another yeah I’ve

Only got this so there must be a another for on this other side or else I’m dead I don’t really have anything do I have any oh yeah okay okay I can make a stone pick it’s all right I’ll should be all right if it gets low I’m going to have to you

Know I shouldn’t have came in like this I I’m prepared come on bro um okay yeah we need to still strip mine I can get out bro cuz like Ru neps don’t spawn so I’m dead if I don’t find the way back I’ve got L of blocks so like should

Be all right I’m going to tell me volume so I can actually hear no it’s kind of cuz you know C I’m mixing up kind of this this is a weird live stream um okay terrible Spa is it even NE Fortress in this one I don’t even Know I’m so scared of that gas you know I’m going to go I’m going to go I’m just St there oh [ __ ] [ __ ] where did they even come from I’m be I’m going to do This yeah SM a there you are come here come here oo you Missed okay okay mine this way I need some fire again’s go Shield are you still watching the live stream I’d love it if you are cuz I am playing the Minecraft you wanted me to play I probably should have just played this to be honest I didn’t say I was going to

Play tomorrow I’ll play more I’ll play like way more I’m not going to play that stupid moded version I was only just for fun I was bored it’s the real never Fortress man I’ve been searching for a long time now bro I I don’t even have full I should

Have came in with full diamond hello bro like where is the Nether fortresses are they like super rare should I say your hard are I should do you even spot I’m I’m going to See chance finding uh Fortress in 1 33.3% chance oh it’s 40% oh with oh bro yeah yeah we have not found it 40% though actually all right so nearly 50% of the time we we should get one so well we should but not got one yet I’ve been exploring for hours bro yeah

This used to take so long like it was horrible i’ got to be you know I’m I’m just going to put it to Peaceful just so I can get another like fcking Fortress there’s no way I’m going to be able to survive with GS no way oh finally there’s gravel up there

Maybe we actually find a fortress if there is one I don’t even know I kind of want to defeat the dragon if I can if I can be really good I need the Fortress so bad I know it wouldn’t be an issue right now but

Like it looks like it opens up a lot so uh nice nice okay I’m going to just mark this but where is the ne Fortress man [ __ ] H I’ve been seing for so long I’m not trying to be rude but like BR is is there even nether fortress in

1.0 I’m I’m going to search up right now cuz I don’t that was correct information is there never fortresses in 1.0 if there isn’t I’m going to be so mad Java Java Edition beta 1.9 pre-release yeah you can’t find them yeah it it’s possible it’s definitely possible okay so I’m I’m glad

I’m just not just looking I don’t know why my screen’s block oh you guys can’t see oh no sorry apologies man there you go there you go guys sorry I thought you could see you guys even yeah you can hear me good bro like I’ve been searching for so

Long though it’s been so long and I found nothing there’s been no f foress no that’s kind of feel so annoying guys should I go back cuz my pickax is kind of would low it’s the lowest like this is the lowest version of Minecraft I can

Play ow we can’t even you can’t even set fire nice maybe didn’t add it yet so glad you can Sprint it’s just like in a weird angle though um wait no anything over there the gravel looks so weird looks like a mod this techly is a mod though cuz it’s it’s an

Installation I’m not I’m not C it’s literally just the old NE it’s old world I want to do good in like the old version so I can lie to people saying oh I’ve done good or I used to do good oh yes I did it guys oh I’m so glad

I came over here finally bro you know long that taking me you don’t know how long that just taking me oh a finally bro a searching for hours hold I’ve been s for like probably like 50 minutes in total I’ve not found a single never Fortress and I finally found one oh

God thank God for that oh jeez lava oh it’s big as well yo oh oh no uh actually know I’ll see it from here okay let’s try get into it here we go I’s trying to get ne W so I can just grow it have to come back all need is NE

H no I need Blaze bus blaze rods and you know stuff like that got food so I can protect myself self okay yes nice we got another wart going take this so we can grow it h yeah we’ve got a bit actually a bit more though never have too

Much see if we do the sides bro come on the for just first of sucks like it sucks there’s not here okay okay finally it opens up Oho come on has to be better than this oh finally blazes okay I’m TR to grind blazes to be honest okay let’s do it um uh

Get out hey one more I’m I’m just going to grind these blazes real quick oh hello hello hello He spawn fast come it sh off to snipe them here I’m smart work smarter the harder sorry I wasn’t was look at the CH kind of me okay got seven that’s probably enough but I’m going to get to like going to get to like 40 yeah

40 cuz then I can um also grind like you know I can brew potions and stuff which I want to do also I want to get Magma Cream I’m just going sold out um I just want to switch like the I can’t switch the oh bro back

In I want to I can’t change it I can’t change the name for some reason some much reason bro why can’t I change it I know me that I might also oh oh n come here bro okay so I want to try and get fire fire resistance potions if if if there is

Bruin I think there is there no like not Magma Cream eh should be all right hello boys hello H 10 o it’s pretty good um I’m not spawning yet wait what the hell 10 okay still got 10 I just terraform this a little bit so I just like snipe them and they

Can’t yeah maybe I need to actually may if they fall into here which I want them to do I can hit them and then they can’t hit me yeah there you go you oh Jesus my armor is really low too I get I get oh I’m really low I’ve got like n Jesus

1 is that enough guys I don’t even Know That’s it I’m stopping I’m stopping it’s 4 levels Oh is this the way I went um it’s not Minecraft music Just Hits hard bro oh it’s that you can do that I swear you can like pick up ice and then throw in the ne I swear you can do that in this maybe like there there’s actually

Like a mod where you can do that no it’s not a mod like um the was like I swear it’s this version but no I don’t think it is I collect the lava no oh wish sh was like loose he even up place I don’t know oh it’s still go in

Bro what’s the point of that these blocks wless let’s get all of the ne water we needed I left like every home so I’ve got to go get get back Loop buil this is stupid this is the worst NE Fortress ever been no chests the worst spawn ever

I’m yeah I’ve got low tools right now guys so we going have to go let get back down there yeah cuz I’m not going down there all right let’s go back let’s go back guys wait did I drop yeah yeah so let’s get back I’ve got to

Go 40 okay too bad normally get way more but all right it’ll do hopefully I can make a b and then yeah start making potions and stuff and then we have unlimited thingy if it gross so we just go that way hopefully I can remember the RO back I reckon I will I

Will like speed one back I’m Mar I’m Mar like kind of the way is where everything is it might might take me a while but I will get back hey he sto you that kind of um yeah care oh I see wait off the one the F under there then

I was I was going to be mad I pass it uh where am I supposed to go ah Mark oh wait I made a tower doesn’t just naturally spawn so so I think I went this way correct me if I’m wrong guys um yeah didn’t really put need Tower so I

Don’t oh no I’m just running the around Direction this just looks familiar I didn’t I didn’t mark where it was actually know I couldn’t could I I just got to hope I get back I don’t think it’s this way now no I don’t think it is I would have recognize

It I need to stop jumping from high places forgot I’ve got like stupid armor some I came from there okay now way now where the [ __ ] did I come from build that come from I was theing from over there oh wait die I think I M down yeah yeah see see

What yeah found it no it’s find okay going to get back guys doing it leave with me I will get back I need to get back I’ve kind of followed to where I was I see a two-way up let me gu no um now where do I go

Now where the hell do I go just oh something happened there oh I must have dropped down okay I’m trying to get back guys I’m trying to get back yeah whatever that leads yeah that’s what I mind loads just to find someone new okay we’re getting back we’re

Getting back oh yeah I remember this yeah okay we we’re getting close we’re getting close this from yesterday okay yeah I see a tower okay so I didn’t do too bad I probably want to explore this one again I cave for the bit you know for like to

Grind now where do I go is St okay no even go check your DMs tell me if if should he he he oh no real oh that is amazing yo yeah yeah I love that thanks ploro appreciate it um okay so now oh not here Bri bro

Bro it’s about to creep me out um yeah you should make another blor out totally um okay bro like I’m trying to think it here okay that makes no sense uh I feel like came from that way cuz I was going around I might have dropped down actually to be

Fair I’m going to go check ah ah yeah perfect I’m glad I came up here okay okay let’s keep going yeah now where do I go well bro I I keep asking that it’s very true cuz like where the hell do I go maybe I can see like a

Bridge or something probably will to be honest uh trying to I’m trying to follow myself but I can’t I can’t die how could it buildt up to be fair though yeah I reckon it’s that way I this way I see like a lava bridge I will see it just a matter of time

Did I build another Bridge please there’s one there okay so I need to go around okay fair enough okay there’s no way that’s naturally generated who bro what the hell okay I’m going over why do I keep jumping bro oh [ __ ] don’t want to die uh okay I’m

Trying to M I’m trying to map it out in my head I I will get back it’s just matter of time again there you go another tunnel love you Chez keep waiting until the day keep waiting all that day day at school just to watch his stream yes my

Streams are so goated at least at least they’re entertaining un like f days oh F days are all right it’s just boring bro talks about bull crap I talk about my fans even though I like thousands are still trying to like you know communicate uh I think over here yep I

See my bridge perfect love in streams oh yeah he said that I I he said it again or something uh okay so I I definitely did not go this way but I’m going to you know trust myself wait blood is on drug L you jump so much you’ll get killed

True i’ I’ve been playing Minecraft and I know to like Dodge the lava I don’t want to be too cocky though because you know like like like I just did then if I fall my lava I’m done I’m dead uh oh go where the [ __ ] do I go

Now uh wait am I at the pole I swear I’m at the pole oh I’m close is it wait I swear they Round Here s the I swear the portals here look around here nope never mind Bo for fre hour keep doing this real I mean yeah trying bro trying I’ll

Stream to like 10 then I’ll probably go cuz um my mom she cares about my school work so or what I do in school so more than me I keep telling I want to be you oh there go I keep telling I want to be a

YouTuber but she and having it so me got to get a good job sadly e okay yes oh [ __ ] okay okay okay no messing around though like actually this lava looks like Super Mario 64 for real oh [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] my pants I’m not even joking well no okay I’m joking

But like for real though it’s scary go go oh nah bro n no no no I’m not tumbling into lava today F what was that okay I’m just going ignore it uh okay I think I’m close to the ble I think I’m close to the pole I’m pretty

Sure I’m like 99% sure I swear at the ball ah some Cobble is see any more Cobble I’m going to try and like follow it okay Ethan where did you want me to go now oh down there okay oh the Minecraft music bro Og man oh [ __ ] that was not

Oh [ __ ] that was not good uh yeah now where do I go I’m I think I’m just have to search trying to look if you see like a bridge or anything I just tell me so I look from that perspective I think I’m I think it’s up here that

Would make sense to me I guess want to be a YouTuber full time be a YouTuber fulltime do what your like no your parents want you to yeah but like if I be a YouTuber full time i’ be a to like I really want to get an apartment

And stuff you know like I’ll move out I don’t want to move out straight away cuz my parents are nice don’t get me wrong they just like they’re trying to encourage me to do good you know I will still do YouTube best obviously bro I’m

Not I’m not giving up now you know after all this just bro what I found subscribe we if we get over a th I’m being I’m being a YouTuber I’m doing it can bet your ass from doing that this music L that’s in volume I’m te down more for me it’s not too

Bad I’m trying to like find I’m looking at the perspective of what I would look like Before oh it’s so good bro I don’t like I’m a Steve but me Steve’s all right I’ll deal with Steve Steve oh Steve you almost got killed bro talking about your name and I almost died thanks Steve appreciate it uh I think it’s over here don’t get

Me wrong I don’t know when you get like 10 million subs for YouTuber full time if you want yes oh yeah obviously 10 no a million a million I’ll be full time or 100 if we ever get get to I just I just found another Fortress bro that was

Accidental I’m name I’m bro I just found I accidentally found another one ah go on you just found the another one bro I Ain playing though so yo go back up you okay I found another Fortress guys what the [ __ ] I I found one before

Like my first one in this world but um I just found another one oh BL no I don’t one blazes I’ve got 15 that should be enough they’re never Stone in the memories I know I think you may never but all right fair Enough these old textures I know it’s not textures it’s it’s the actual thing like I’m I’m playing the actual old Minecraft I’m not joking uh oh bro okay okay I have water cuz we’re going to have to make some potions for the ne uh the end if there

Is an end I I don’t know it’s the oldest version of Minecraft I guess so I’m guessing Not bro I’m so slow like with the would the spin it’s so weird cuz you got to like hold W and if you let go or you slow down then you know it sucks hitting as hard as my dad for real for real yeah so I I don’t know if I want to

Be a full-time YouTuber I probably will eventually um I I really hope so um making videos is really fun not going to lie making edits for you guys oh see you guys replies you love them yeah really really warms me um I I hope I never quit um I I hope for

The future Ethan you still go yeah that’s my wishes yeah I never want to quit I will quit eventually obviously CU I’m going to have to I’m not going to make videos when I’m 50 aren’t I bro but you know what I mean for now until I’m like 30

Probably probably when I’m stop now like go till until like 40 am I 30 probably I’d say yeah but all seriousness guys never give up on your dreams just don’t and and never F never do like never do drugs never do Vapes smoking you know just don’t do it

Um it’s not yeah obviously it’s illegal now but um yeah vaping for like kids my age personally um vaping uh I’ve never done it but like um I’ve seen kids do it in my school and stuff you know like in toilet come on everyone does it that’s except for

Me um 20 years old Ethan with his good yes yeah hopefully if I ever get 3 million Subs oh my God I’ll be so happy bro I will be I’ve got three three million fan base oh my I got oh I would even I won care about the Subscribe I

Just care about like got that much of a community people actually care and obviously people do care I know you guys care cuz you watch me videos so why wouldn’t you TW 20 years old man that’s that’s literally in I’m not joking it’s in literally like

Four no five years I’m I’m 20 and five years that is mad wait why is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] who I I just died there bro I would have been so mad I I don’t think resp like I think it does work if you sleep but like once you’re broken

It where’s the where’s the pole oh [ __ ] wait like I didn’t even mean to find this pole like for for real did I build there did I try look for like like manmade stuff I don’t see anything yeah I really hope I have 3 million subscribers if if 100,000 if it

Hit I don’t know wait why is there a random nether block there eh oh oh okay I see I see it extends here too jeez I’m 20 in three years real real real real real real real real real real um um guys where is the pole like I’m so

Confused is it here oh bro please please bro please you know how long I’ve been searching for searching for like searching for half an hour trying to find the pole it’s around here somewhere it’s got to be come on come on guys do you remember the poers I can’t remember is it

Here it was in like a I have to come out of a cave to find like to get out no bro yeah I can’t wait uh no I’m joking I don’t want to be 20 yet once I was seven years old mama told me make yourself

Some friends you’ll be lonely once I was 11 years old leave it is the worst but unfortunately the place where you get lost easily yeah I know don’t I’ll get out don’t I always get out I always come back no I’m joking but like seriously come on bro oh [ __ ] oh shoot

Oh [ __ ] fell back in the hole like no never mind once I was 20 years old daddy told me go get yourself a wife and you’ll be lonely once I was no 20 years Old bo always had that dream before me so I started writing songs start writing stories about the glories me make once I was 45 years old you can you sing and Imagine Dragons I don’t know what that song is I heard of it like when I was really young but I

Don’t know what I don’t know what the song is is if you show me the video I’ll watch it and I’ll and I’ll sing it cuz cuz me good singer real I should be a voice actor I should imagine Ive it n bro that song’s so old but it’s so

Good so wa from the away from the Fortress time is how is it 9:00 already bro can someone tell me that how is it 9: how you’re lying it’s a fraud uh so I need to get away from there as possible away away was that no so it’s it’s not it’s

Not here it’s more that way I think I always had that dream like my D before me I started right so start right St Glory believe enemy demon and the best thunder thunder and lightning very very frightening thunder and lightning very verying who who explode I’m burning through the

Sky yeah 200° it’s why they call me Mr F ding not the speed the light super You Don’t Stop Me Now was a time fly quick yes I agree uh I’m I’m puzzled bro if please bro please please please please please where the [ __ ] am I

Supposed to go like this is not being very nice to me I don’t know where the portal is my past self is not giving me some good oh giving me some good Clues I’m the way to get back it’s not that cuz that’s that’s is that is that another nether

Fortress bro I found more NE for and the way back little more clues no way bro that’s just how H I found three bro eh how have I found more NE fortresses than like I wanted I literally said oh I’m never going to find one and then I find

Three eh there there’s no chests in them so I might as well not if there was I would go to them cuz then have diamonds and stuff I actually need but since since the old version of Minecraft there’s no bigger caves meaning less diamonds so diamonds are more

Rare than common or yeah like no like bro GVK released like yes what oh yeah I remember what the day14 released it was like a week ago I know it just time flies so quick bro 2024 is going to fly by and then it’s 2025 we get the Minecraft movie I’m definitely watching

It um hopefully hopefully comes out cuz they said they’re going to bring out 2022 the never [ __ ] car so I’m going to go back retrace me steps I it was here yeah probably looked that way that’s what I imagine like somewhere around here I reckon yeah cuz I love that oh no

No I would no no no no no it’s not here it’s not I need to get away from that not Fortress I didn’t see a fortress I’m Pro real you’re very Pro I agree oh bro please the never fortresses oh no NEP I don’t even know oh bro where is he God’s sake

Man and this is why I never played the old version of Minecraft cuz I’ll never find a way back cuz I am a dumb dumb dum dum you give me gum gum lumlum give me gum gum and you D them see you later d d 2025 GTA 6 listen I don’t give an

Absolute [ __ ] about GTA 6 they don’t ask me I don’t give a [ __ ] do I’m a Kaiju boy I’m not a [ __ ] Grand Theft Auto boy bro I don’t even get GTA like if someone could explain to me what GTA is I’ll be very happy but like bro don’t get it me me

Don’t get GTA me don’t get It like again if someone could explain it to me I don’t [ __ ] get it bro what it’s about you run around yeah it sounds fun I guess but bro I’m what of a k you guy I I like Godzilla bro yeah I know who does

Godzilla mods I know L say like bro who cares about GTA like it makes me so frustrated do the time I agree I like GTA 6 it’s just a li to my friend you say oh you like GTA 6 I say yeah but I don’t I don’t actually do I’m just

Saying it so we shut up I do to All Me friends just lie I don’t care if I lie deserve it everyone deser not everyone but most people play GTA 5 for Dino and Godzilla mod and for the ples yeah I see yeah Godzilla fun hey my friend wait

Yeah just could be it wait just go be it bro please bro please God s some just give me p bro What I should have marked where it was I’m so [ __ ] dumb oh bro guys I’m so sorry I’m trying I to get back I just can’t is this imp possible you sorry I still do that oh my God is It I think it was like bro FNAF trailer released like an hour ago time fli so quick L yeah the FF movie was I was kind of disappointed not going to lie there wasn’t that much I wasn’t excited I was so excited I was like oh my God the FNAF

Movie finally bro and then I was like bro so if the Minecraft movie is the same I will I will literally be angry bro I’m going to be pissed okay so if that movie [ __ ] I’m going to be I’m going to feel like [ __ ] see ja block is going to be Steve

Which I’m happy with I’m happy with that he’s one of my favorite actors so I’ve been here bro I’ve already been here I would have seen it I I wouldn’t I’m not I’m not that dumb oh for goodness say do you even have Maps like bro oh [ __ ] that could have messed up

Very bad I feel like just like dying I I actually feel like dying even have any OB I should have brought obsidian with me I know I should have I have [ __ ] DS I don’t even need water either do I no I just have [ __ ] FL I do anything oh

Oh should I play c universe guys m movie in one year I can’t wait bro oh Jack Black is the perfect guy for Steve though because it’s like if Steve’s like a goofy guy then Jack Black is is the way to go that guy is ghosted he don’t like J black can [ __ ]

Off ja black is good he literally made the Peter Jackson’s King Kong which I love you know that movie that was so goated that’s that’s probably the best King Kong you know that like that model amazing cuz it’s an actual gorilla that’s just like a bit a bit big bro

That could actually happen in real okay no probably not you know what I mean like it’s more more real more more um movie accurate no more you know realistic if you know what I mean it’s not just like a like a weird Modelo I don’t believe that’s a Minecraft movie What’s Next we’ve had Sonic Mario FNAF and we’re going to have Minecraft is it going to be fortnite fortnite fortnite I don’t want a fortnite movie I’m going to be honest honest I’m not watching it [ __ ] that I’m going to put dislike on

Everything I see about fortnite if you if you if even if you pay me to what play for even it’s A1 pound an hour I’ll don’t [ __ ] give one I am not playing fortnite fortnite sucks there a bunch of kids who have no lives and just play no

Offense no offense but like bro I don’t like it just play c universe or just play K and just play something else play PK adop me I going adop me than fortnite at least it’s Roblox yeah it’s adop me I know I know I know but like bro at least it Ain [ __ ]

Fortnite okay maybe I want to play fortnite Z be bro you got understand that I don’t like fortnite shittiest game ever why does it look like like Bloods legit look like Bloods but I actually give up I’ve been looking for hours [ __ ] wasting my time this like I’m not joking this is a

Big waste of my time is it up here please bro just be up here God’s sake wait I recognize this cave I swear I recognize this cave why do I recognize it bro I feel like it’s like you know if it’s I’m quitting I’m going to

Go back to C univ thise I don’t even care what you guys say go back oh [ __ ] oh bro I’m going to die I’m going to die bro if I go down there yeah I survived yippee and I mean I like anime I’m sorry guys like I

Know I don’t keep just hating everything it’s all like it’s on my honest opinion I don’t like anime I don’t like fortnite I don’t like the strongest Battlegrounds I don’t like anything thing I play is [ __ ] c universe cuz you cuz um I don’t know guys school is just stressing me out right

Now can’t keep Cal just I’ve got to do you guys I’ve got to play with with friends got to play i’ got to you know hang out with my family hang out with friends outside school uh try and get a girlfriend trying to make some Money [ __ ] horable life is got to do a lot I couldn’t even be asked I’m I’m going to c universe what no bro hey yo no I’m good oh quit ah no okay there you go K lose all my in real life friend and I still like Ki wow that’s horrible

H I only play for you guys only reason why I play I would have never came to this game if it wasn’t for Godzilla Kingdom monsters it like I’ve seen it I seen it I was like hm like I was I was into you know like science dinosaurs I was like

Hm what’s go to looking moners I said you know what I watch I I was like you Know I I for some reason and like breaking out and yeah since then and univers this game really like old F picture that’s when I I joined I joined um before you know that Min ex thing that Mina and then e e I don’t know yeah so everyone’s teaming for some Reason don’t know I yeah everyone for some OD reason is teaming makes me want to use my Frost or F or SCH I hate school so bad school [Applause] sucks bro why you teaming why sh Worst C you ever probably second best C you no G9 and g21 G4 all same the worst card ever seen off actually like this guy see what I mean see what I mean like [ __ ] no I hate this game why why do I still play it man should I should have

Quit when I when I could have should should why I do it oh yeah you guys [ __ ] off this game is [Applause] [ __ ] this man all teaming [ __ ] ha this bothered yeah you don’t need don’t care don’t care at least on team at least I’m my ch ch least

A tell the truth there man at least I’m on team least I’m just a sign [ __ ] okay that was random okay levels oh yeah come on come on just stay strong show stronger than you at least my Max before you I’m Going H this dude I’m [Applause] lit how can he pull

It n that is rig that’s just rig how [ __ ] this [ __ ] this man is I’m using my son I’m going to be honest why do I still play this stupid godamn game ah you missed [Applause] not te finally my thank God you better thank me m i lit save from

Two chunky G me Homer chunky G like chewy Dino chewy I didn’t even do anything a [ __ ] you this guy’s so [Applause] F br wait I want to like how oh [ __ ] off sweat I should just sweat wait is he not he set yes how are you okay I’m I don’t care

How chewy Dino give you homor I get any more helmet bro oh yeah he’s do exit all right 12 12 levels come on you can do yeah I got I scared them bro yeah R away away I’m going insane I’m talking about stuff I don’t even talk about A page don’t know what it is B guy like couldn’t be aut and comat love than sh anyway you are cringe you’re cringe you guys should you’re not allowed to team I don’t know what you’re all doing B these guys all right I don’t know got me

Py you better run away you know what you did yeah why is everyone going from en sh For bro how sweat sweat sweat I’m reporting yep you [ __ ] ah report boom and then uh yep uh y Mass teaming constant rules despite yeah there I don’t care he’s he’s in here B nice nice you know I’m join Ser H finally me edit got no no it’s that one

Bro why am I in this cringe server again this server is not good I feel just playing mini cities too it’s really good if you guys didn’t know it’s really good I don’t like the server I don’t like this [ __ ] server bro El you should record a vid

Then then send it to be I think oh you know I couldn’t be asked he V it anyway oh thank God I swear if I was back with that stupid [ __ ] I was yeah Yippe but I know why am I fale okay see what yeah you Missed I am Angry I [Applause] guess should should I should should have killed him you know what I Spar that’s not what [ __ ] my hello have to go to bed so I just call stay and play all day I couldn’t be as in school what’s the point man do It for Oh for [Applause] I oh guys I’m just going to end the live stream here I couldn’t be bothered anymore I need to have a break and I’m going to just calm down right see you bye

This video, titled ‘playing Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by KaijuFilmProduction on 2024-01-09 21:54:19. It has garnered 39 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:14 or 16634 seconds.

  • Crafty Jenny’s Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox

    Crafty Jenny's Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build and explore, with blocks in our veins. Jenny, the mod, crafted with care, In Build a Boat, a treasure to share. Join the empire, full of fun and delight, With Discord and Roblox, our community takes flight. Instagram and Twitter, where we connect, In the realm of gaming, we show our respect. The video unfolds, with humor and charm, As we build Jenny, with curves and with charm. The narrator speaks, with a playful tone, Describing the process, in a style all their own. From the head to the… Read More

  • Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World’s Close Call! #shorts

    Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World's Close Call! #shorts In the world of Skyblock, I nearly met my end, A close call that almost made me descend. Random items spawning every 15 seconds, oh my, The challenge is tough, but I’ll give it a try. On my YouTube channel, the video is out, Subscribe for more content, without a doubt. Twitch, Discord, TikTok, all the addies you need, Join the fun, let’s plant the gaming seed. Dio, the streamer, the YouTuber, the pro, Inspired by DreamSMP, putting on a show. Minecraft, reactions, vlogs, and more, Dio does it all, with content galore. So come along, join the fun… Read More

  • Wiki Wonders: Minecraft’s Lore Encore

    Wiki Wonders: Minecraft's Lore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, The Minecraft Wiki is where knowledge arrives. A community-driven site, filled with facts and lore, For players to explore, and learn even more. From English to Russian, and French to Thai, The Wiki is global, reaching the sky. With updates and tips, for players to see, The history of Minecraft, told in poetry. So leap into the verse, with a playful spin, And let the Minecraft Wiki, be your next win. Explore the depths of the game, with a curious eye, And let the Wiki guide you, as you reach for… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

    Minecraft's Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder In Minecraft, the most useless item you’ll find, Is the golden hoe, not worth a dime. It can’t till the land or harvest crops, Just a shiny tool that’s a flop. But fear not, for in this game so grand, There’s always something new to understand. So keep exploring, keep digging deep, In Minecraft, there’s always more secrets to keep. Read More

  • Boom Boom Key Madness | Monster Marauder 13

    Boom Boom Key Madness | Monster Marauder 13 Explosive Events Unfold in Pendragon on EcoSMP Minecraft Server Two days ago, a massive explosion shook the peaceful town of Pendragon on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server. The aftermath revealed a crater with an epoch time inscribed at the bottom, sparking curiosity and intrigue among the server’s inhabitants. The Mysterious Hunt for Numbers Yesterday, at the exact time indicated by the epoch time, more explosions reverberated near the town center, sending brave adventurers on a quest for answers. Their investigation led them to discover mysterious text scattered throughout Pendragon, hinting at a series of numbers hidden in plain… Read More

  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Large Modern House Tutorial In this Minecraft tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a large modern house with detailed interior decoration. The house features various rooms such as a kitchen, living room, study room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a swimming pool on the second floor. Let’s delve into the step-by-step process of creating this impressive modern abode. Exterior Design The foundation is laid using “Smooth Quartz Blocks” and the surrounding ground is replaced with “Smooth Stone.” The layout is built up with various blocks like “Jungle Planks,” “Brown Wool,” “Polished Andesite,” “Polished Granite,” and “Smooth… Read More

  • Top Mods for Minecraft 2024!

    Top Mods for Minecraft 2024! The Best Mods for Your Minecraft in 2024! In 2024, Minecraft continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and creativity. One way players enhance their gaming experience is by using mods. Here are some of the top mods for Minecraft in 2024: 1. Biomes O’ Plenty Biomes O’ Plenty is a mod that adds a plethora of new biomes to the game, expanding the world and offering new landscapes to explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, this mod brings diversity to your Minecraft experience. You can download it here. 2. Alex’s Mobs Alex’s Mobs introduces a variety… Read More

  • Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina

    Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Odo Potatoes and Levina Vina, brave and bold. Their adventures in animation, a sight to behold, With each frame, a story, beautifully scrolled. From the depths of creativity, they rise, In Indonesian animation, they mesmerize. Kulpi Semungku channel, a place to subscribe, For funny, unique experiences, they prescribe. So join the journey, explore the extraordinary, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are visionary. Support with likes, subscribe with glee, For Kulpi Semungku channel, where animation is free. In every upload, a week’s worth of creation, With characters like… Read More

  • Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale!

    Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale! In the world of Minecraft, a new trend has begun, Unboxing Piglin Vs Hoglin, it’s all in good fun. Riyaan shares his love for these toys so cute, Kids everywhere are sure to give a hoot. With each unboxing video, more joy to spread, Minecraft fans rejoice, no need to dread. The Piglin and Hoglin, a battle to see, In Riyaan’s world, it’s all about glee. Stay tuned for more unboxings, coming your way, Minecraft madness, every single day. Trending and viral, a sight to behold, In the world of gaming, stories untold. Read More

  • EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTime

    EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пов: ивент дед мороз на FunTime #grief #anarchy #minecraft #рекомендации #прикол #мем #fypシ #funtime’, was uploaded by Meshikc on 2024-01-28 17:16:27. It has garnered 1567 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Chip Chip Chip Chip Oak Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip dubi dubi daba daba Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗” #gaminggold

    "EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗" #gaminggoldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creative Build “Kentucky Fried Chicken” 😍 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Ambient Corner with TigerMomma4 on 2024-01-11 22:55:43. It has garnered 202 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. OOOH!!! I love me some Kentucky Fried Chicken!!! My son built me a KFC in my Minecraft Creative World. 🤗 Tutorial by @TSMCMinecraft This is TigerMomma4 reminding everyone to be kind to one another. May peace follow you wherever you roam… Music by Awesome_Music #minecraftbuilding #chillgamer #youtubeshorts #shortsyoutube #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!

    ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To X-Ray On Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by ChrisspyLegion on 2024-01-08 20:00:19. It has garnered 13423 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. Whats going on my Legion🛡️ Welcome back to another video LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE ANIME AND GAMING CONTENT 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmTLn8dYN9qRfI5uhebeWIw The X-RAY https://www.9minecraft.net/xray-texture-pack-mcpe/ Follow My Twitch 🙂 https://www.twitch.tv/chrispylegion Donate https://streamlabs.com/chrispylegion Donate https://cash.app/$ChrisspyLegion Donate https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Chriss377YT?locale.x=en_US Join my Discord https://discord.gg/X6D95HpYFB #anime #animes #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #mcpe #minecraftaddon #minecraftpocketedition #mcpeaddon #minecraftaddons Read More

  • Azen Gaming’s EPIC Invisibility Prank – Minecraft!

    Azen Gaming's EPIC Invisibility Prank - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using INVISIBILITY to Prank My Friend – Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Azen Gaming on 2024-05-12 11:18:02. It has garnered 139777 views and 1273 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:21 or 741 seconds. What kind of prank can we do with her next? @PepeSanTV @sheyyynplayz Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Morph Parody #azengaming #Invisibilityprank #pepesantv #sheyyynplayz #minecraftGHOST #Minecraftph #Minecraft #MineraftTagalog #MinecraftSMP #omocraft #roblox Read More

  • “Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE” #SMP #aternos

    "Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE" #SMP #aternosVideo Information This video, titled ‘3K Kab Honge | Minecraft live stream in Hindi | 24/7 SMP | JAVA + PE #Minecraft #SMP #aternos’, was uploaded by Optimum Timex Gaming on 2024-01-14 13:44:45. It has garnered 160 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:48 or 8868 seconds. WELCOME TO MY LIVE STREAM ❤️ GUYS YOU ARE ALSO READY TO CHAT WITH ME JOIN US QUICKLY AND BROTHERS SHARE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO IT You Can Watch Videos Early And Much More Benefits Join the Membership and Enjoy : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZk7wcJb3fKboFgnp-Wpkxg/join MY SECOND CHANNEL LINK : https://youtube.com/channel/UCB8zmPdjDyiK9L9dZ8ArbNA INSTAGRAM… Read More


    EPIC WIN WITH MY BRO IN MINECRAFT BEDWARS! 😱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘MY BRO CAME IN WITH FINISH FOR THE WIN!#minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-10 13:37:04. It has garnered 11018 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥

    Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers super fast running speed part 2|| Minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Farhad gaming on 2024-03-15 15:42:54. It has garnered 11075 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. subway surfers og ,  subway surfers old ,  subway surfers ost ,  subway surfers hack ,  subway surfers ohio ,  subway surfers poki ,  subway surfers pros ,  subway surfers song ,  subway surfers music ,  subway surfers phonk ,  subway surfers remix ,  subway surfers sound ,  subway surfers theme ,  subway surfers glitch ,  subway surfers profis ,  subway surfers zombie ,  subway surfers deutsch ,  subway surfers paluten ,  subway surfers gameplay ,  subway surfers official ,  , #subwaysurfers , #subway , #subwaysurf , #subwaysurfer , #subwayseries , #subwaystation , #game , #subwaytile… Read More

  • SkyHaven

    SkyHavenSkyHaven is a server for the new minecraft verisons out there! Our gamemodes are FFA, Survival, Hardcore, and more. We also have tons of features many other servers may not have! play.skyhaven.fun:27194 Read More

  • WavyMC SMP 1.20 Java/Bedrock Land Claim Level System Daily Quests

    WavyMC Server WavyMC – Java/Bedrock Survival – 1.20.X WavyMC is a 1.20 Survival server with an active community build around the Twitch community. Season 3 of WavyMC SMP launched recently and has already attracted nearly 200 players! Join us for an epic adventure in a dynamic world filled with features like economy, player leveling, quests, and more! How to join WavyMC? Version: 1.20.X Java IP: play.wavymc.fun Bedrock IP: bedrock.wavymc.fun (Port: 19132) Discord: https://discord.gg/smp Core features on WavyMC Discover unique player leveling system, land claiming, economy, and a community-driven server. Join now! Player Leveling: Complete quests to level up and unlock… Read More

  • Squishcraft

    SquishcraftSquishcraft is a skyblock server with tons of custom items, plugins, and features. Join today for free ranks and free crate keys.mc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Impaling V, Riptide I, and Rain: The Ultimate Trio!

    Minecraft Memes - Impaling V, Riptide I, and Rain: The Ultimate Trio!Why did the Minecraft player bring Impaling V, rain, and riptide I to the beach? To make a splash in more ways than one! Read More

  • Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness

    Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Craftsman Dragon and MasterCraft, a dynamic team. Block Crazy VS Build Craft, the battle is on, Each game unique, with adventures to spawn. Craftsman Mobile Game, Android delight, Survival mode, shaders, and pets in sight. Craftsman 2024, the future is bright, With endless possibilities, day and night. Craftsman Survival Mode Series, a journey to embark, Exploring new maps, with shaders that spark. Craftsman Mod, a twist in the tale, Adding depth and challenge, without fail. Craftsman Texture, a visual treat, Enhancing the gameplay, making it sweet. Craftsman Advanture, an adventure… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava bath! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava bath! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #shorts 😂🎮 Read More

  • Whispering Minecraft Memes & Bedwars Gameplay

    Whispering Minecraft Memes & Bedwars Gameplay Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated realms of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a sandbox environment like no other. Exploring the Minecraft Universe With a vast open world to discover, players can roam through forests, scale mountains, and delve into deep caves teeming with resources. From building towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Bedwars and Skywars Engage in thrilling PvP battles in game modes like Bedwars and Skywars,… Read More


    SURVIVE ONE BLOCK IN MCPE WITH JUNIOR T.G.! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MCPE ONE BLOCK SURVIVAL JOURNEY || DAY 1 || @TechnoGamerzOfficial @TotalGaming093’, was uploaded by JUNIOR T. G. on 2024-05-31 00:50:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. technogamerz #totalgaming #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #trendingvideo #minecraft,ezy minecraft,minecraft end … Read More

  • Sly 3D Pixel Art – Son Goku Anime Edit

    Sly 3D Pixel Art - Son Goku Anime EditVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixal art 3D😈 son goku #anime #animeedit’, was uploaded by the ghost on 2024-06-02 01:08:47. It has garnered 5473 views and 320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.

    DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh shoot I didn’t I didn’t even have the uh the thing up okay cool anyways hi guys so uh today we’re going to be playing some good old Minecraft yeah yeah so we’re going to be playing some good old uh we’re going to get some Minecraft going it’s going to be fun um dawncraft is the mod pack that we’ll be doing today hold on let me just go turn on uh Dynamic lights okay perfect let me just uh get everything… Read More

  • Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17

    Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17Video Information hi everyone today I want to build a cathedral after completing my last project here which is this London Bridge inspired build which spans across my River I’ve decided I want to turn my attentions Inland to this section on the left of my city and I thought what better way than by placing in a massive Monument such as a cathedral so that we can start building things around it whil I’m flying up here you can also see that I’ve begun planning out a couple of the major foundations for things like City walls and Towers… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: PayMeInPancakes dominates RL Craft on Day 1!

    UNBELIEVABLE: PayMeInPancakes dominates RL Craft on Day 1!Video Information hello I should be live if I set everything up correct how is everyone doing this fine morning I think fire gamer is here but I am unsure who else is here we got two people hello everyone hope you’re having a fine wonderful morning at least I know I am so we are playing uh rlcraft so basically hey kiwi oh oh oh no no already so basically we’re playing um the super tough rlcraft um mod pack where basically um 30 minutes later I decided to start a bit early cuz I actually woke up on… Read More

  • 127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOL

    127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOLVideo Information this is every way to make your friends laugh in Minecraft and hey YouTube bet me that you can’t subscribe to the channel before I empty my inventory into this chest so to prove them wrong dump your finger in that white subscribe button down below it’s free and it helps out of time if your friends always wanted to live at Sea then here’s a way to bring the sea to them or at least part of it since folks boats are entities which means that if we want to we could place down a whole bunch… Read More

  • Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shorts

    Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft That Was Close… 😎 (There is a super magic pickaxe ✨) (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-02-25 00:33:05. It has garnered 25541 views and 714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform… Read More

  • Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!

    Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s This video, titled ‘Тихо проигрываем в SkyWars #minecraft #майнкрафт #SkyWars #скайварс’, was uploaded by Player81 on 2024-01-08 05:47:56. It has garnered 636 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!

    Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer’, was uploaded by Dream _X_ YT on 2024-04-08 02:11:16. It has garnered 6093 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer minecraft relaxing music, minecraft relaxing, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing gameplay, minecraft relaxing video, minecraft relaxing longplay, minecraft relaxing song, minecraft relaxing music with soft rain, minecraft relaxing pixel art, minecraft relaxing build, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing parkour map download, minecraft relaxing parkour map download… Read More

  • Minecraft Civilization

    Minecraft CivilizationThis is a Minecraft Civilization Server with: Factions, Unlimited Players, Economy System and much more! vicenity.net Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP: Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Welcome to Stormy Lagoon Join our vibrant community and set sail on your survival journey today. Stormy Lagoon offers a refreshing twist on survival gameplay, running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Established over four years ago, our server has been a beacon of camaraderie since January 4th, 2022. Immerse yourself in our welcoming environment and enjoy an array of unique features, including custom items inspired by our players. Delve into our player-driven economy, explore bustling marketplaces, and unearth hidden treasures scattered across the map. Gain an edge with our incorporation of mcMMO, offering a captivating long-term gameplay experience, complemented by our… Read More

  • HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protection

    HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protectionWelcome to RedotMC a brand new server with custom terrain.Hosted on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L and 94 gig ram.So what are you waiting for? Are you up to the survival challange in a custom generated world? Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Won’t Have C418 Soundtrack

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Won't Have C418 SoundtrackWell, I guess his tunes didn’t quite hit the right note for the movie soundtrack! Read More

  • Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol

    Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, Nether portals are like a mysterious gateway to another world. But as you get older in the game, they just become a convenient way to avoid walking long distances. Ah, the joys of aging in Minecraft.” Read More

  • 10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries

    10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries The World of Minecraft: Exploring lag3 on the Jamcraft Server Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as we delve into a snippet of gameplay captured in lag3.mp4 on the Jamcraft modded server. Despite facing a ping of 283, the player showcases their mining skills in a challenging environment. Unveiling the Gameplay In this short clip, the player navigates through the server with a ping of 283, highlighting the challenges of playing with high latency. Despite the obstacles, the player engages in mining activities, showcasing their determination and skills in the game. Exploring the Jamcraft Server… Read More