FTB OceanBlock EP40 | Opening a Portal to the Demon Realm!

Video Information

Hello everyone the andrada here and welcome back to episode 40 of our ftb ocean block let’s play series where today we are working on um some blood magic rituals and entering into a new dimension let’s check it out all right so we are back on oil rig the

Andrada and i have done a couple things first off um before we start i want to just let y’all know i am trying some new rendering settings for this episode um in a couple episodes going forward uh trying to speed up my process a little bit every episode that i rendered takes

About four hours because i record it 1080p and then i upscale it to 4k um and yeah like i said it takes between anywhere between four to six hours depending on the length of the episode and like you know when we go to the end or something like that and it’s more

Graphically intense takes longer to encode so i’m trying to cut that time down because i can’t use my computer for anything else when that happens so i can’t i can’t get into any other games or do anything else because basically all my computer’s doing is rendering

Videos for the channel and i i don’t mind that i can play games on other you know consoles and stuff like that but i want my computer back darn it so i’m trying to speed up the process a little bit and hopefully not sacrifice any of the quality i’m trying out a couple

Different encoders and things like that so uh if you notice any major difference in this video please let me know so i can tweak things around and uh yeah that’s where we’re at so uh in between episodes let’s go ahead and sleep because it’s becoming nighttime

And then doing this all at night is going to be a pain to do oh come on come on mr sun come on anyway um while we’re waiting for that we can go ahead and pick up a couple quests that we have done uh and by a

Couple quests i mean just blood magic so we have teared up to tier three so we’re gonna grab our reward from there draconian ingots i like that how many of those did we get can we make the seeds that is going to be a very good question

Um and the magician’s blood orb we did get from another random quest that we got so that’s nice um we have completed the runes the solid block we just need the bloodstones uh and we got a couple more quests from draconic we got the draconian ingot so we’ll take that boop

A greater band of mana well we already had one 32 draconian check it out folks we don’t even have to do any work we can dive right into i mean i guess i guess i did have some draconian dust so that could have got us but we can get

Seeds set up for our draconium because uh we’re gonna need a lot of that stuff when we get into draconic evolution and we use these to make the seeds correct yes mystical agriculture fusion it’s a premium essence so we’ll work on getting those done now that we have those i can

Set that up in between episodes and we can get the seeds going we really need to start figuring out very soon though um options for this mess that we have going on here probably going to set this up in a compact machine and just go crazy with

It maybe set up like um a hydroponic uh bed from industrial foregoing for these because i i it is fast i did it in my um what is that my mod spotlight for industrial foregoing i think that might be it’s going to be faster than the body

Pots i think it might be the fastest option for us before we get into the um powered botany pots but anyway we’re doing blood magic today let’s talk about blood magic uh and i gotta put this greater vana man away um so i went ahead and built up our um

Tranquility altar here our incense altar so uh very similar to how the book has it’s in its design here uh basically copied it one to one almost so we have you know water flowing out into the into these little beds here we have some grass and everything we got our paths we

Got some plants and all that stuff i don’t now that i’m looking at it i don’t necessarily like these floating logs above the water but it is what it is there’s not much we’re going to be able to do about that um so we have that going i just have

Grass over here because it likes grass and then on the back side i went up and set up lava flowing i thought this side looked cool with the lava flowing and then i set up source buckets of lava in each of these so we got these little

Lava pools um and we got soul stand which doesn’t affect anything but the netherwart here does as well as the netherrack and fire specifically um boosts up your tranquility uh and then the obsidian doesn’t do anything for us but the wood burnt up uh as you would expect

Would over lava no go uh so it burnt up so i figured hey let’s just throw some obsidian because it’s nethery um and we are sitting at a tranquility level of 2342 and we have a bonus of 120 because that is the cap for our altar here

Now speaking of our altar i did go ahead and get us set up with all of our upgrades and you can see my hopper is still there um what i did was set up rooms of capacity on the sides so we can hold up to i think it’s 30 buckets of uh

Life essence now and then we have some self-sacrifice runes so that we get more um sacrifice so each one of these increases ten percent so we get a hundred percent more every time we do this plus our 120 bonus there we’re getting quite a lot of life essence with every self-sacrifice

And then i got speed rooms we may swap out the speed rooms but we’ll see um let me tell you this wasn’t the it was kind of just it was tedious work it wasn’t difficult and what i ended up doing was actually and i should have left it up um

But if you get a pipe and then we get a uh upgrade for the pipe which is a diamond upgrade it allows you to filter so all i did was set the pipe up here uh with a chest on the end of it and then you know you just put the chest here

We can set this to extract you know where is my pipe wrench set it up to extract and now we have a filter so i just filtered out for the different uh like if when i was making the blank slates the blank slates are the easiest because i can just put them

In here and let it craft and then export out that’s fine um and then i set it up to export the reinforced slate and so it would only i set it up to white list reinforced slates so the only thing it was allowed to take out was reinforced

Slates so you know it it waited until they processed took them out and the same thing with the imbued slates for tier three so it was just an easy it’s a simple automation it’s not anything too crazy or fancy but it got the job done and i

Made a couple extra slates so i made 16 of the blank we have eight of the reinforced four of the imbued and we have ethereal slates uh from quest rewards but ethereal slates don’t have a recipe nor do they have a usage so these are wasted rewards we can’t do anything

With ethereal slates that’s tier five and tier five again doesn’t exist so yeah thanks i guess um but anyway we can break this up because i think we’re going to be okay on our on our rune crafting at least until we need to get into tier four i’m gonna

Have to make more of these but we’ll get there at some point excuse me there um so we can go ahead and put all this stuff away and we’ll we’ll bust it out later as needed but like i said we get i think we get like about five to nine thousand there’s

Anywhere between five nine to ten thousand per self-sacrifice now with all of these runes plus 120 bonus so i’m not complaining it didn’t take terribly too long to make the runes especially being able to accelerate it was just it was it’s a little tedious um before we go

Any further though one thing i do want to get is the tome of parisia the toma parishia is a experienced book that you can store experiencing just requires some imbued slates in your blood orb and a lapis block but from what i understand or from what i can tell it doesn’t have

A um like cap like our insightful crystal can only hold so much experience i don’t know if the toma parishia has a experienced cap so what i want to do is transfer all of our levels out of this and then put them into the tome of parisia and see how that goes like

And then we could even i mean we could even cheese it really if we wanted to take experience out with this to put it into our book and we had 82 levels of experience in there so that’s nice it’s the same process you just hold right click

It does have an auto collect mode so it’ll pick up your experience for you but i don’t like i said we don’t need to enchant this with holding or anything it’ll just take all of the experience that we get keep an eye on it for us keep it nice

And safe and we don’t have to worry about running out of room like we did with the insightful crystal so if we look in here it now says we have 82 levels which i do like that this tells me how many levels we have stored in here plus 19 000 experience

And it’s the same process right click to get your levels out shift right click to put your levels in uh and i believe if we go to options controls is there blood magic um this is just cycle sigils i thought there was a hotkey to enable it to auto collect

Maybe it just automatically does it or maybe i have to actually do it myself i don’t know but it goes into your charm slot too so it frees up one of our inventory spaces here which is pretty darn nice i do love having my inventory clear um but anyway book so

What do we need to do next well our next goal is we need to start working on opening up the dungeon okay because in order to get to tier 4 we need the blood um the bloodstone blood we need the bloodstone bricks which require us to be able to get um

The activation or the weak blood shard um in polished dangerous site apparently in order to get the weak blood shards we have to get into the alchemical reaction chamber which requires us to have a master blood orb and a sanguine reverter and actually sorry no that would break our master

Blood orb into a weak blood chart we need saturated tau with a saying when reverter and that will get us one blood shard with a 20 chance of getting another one so we need to get into the alchemical reaction chamber here now fairly simple to make gonna use the last

Of our imbued slates i should have probably crafted more but it’s these two things that are going to be the challenge for us the saturated towel in the single inverter the saturated tau only comes from that dimension um in order to get get it saturated uh let’s go and look

For dungeon dialing tau fruit so tau fruit can be found in the dungeons um and then after which you find it you can farm it just like anything else and you can use bone meal on it however in order to make it saturated you have to

Have a mob like a cow standing nearby the fruit as it grows and as it grows it will steal the health away from the mob and then fill it up so it’s basically stealing its blood and then creating the saturated tau so we need to

Do this process we need to get at least one of these saturated tau um let’s look uh let’s search for tau fruit and this is all new in this version of blood magic sanguine reverted in order to make a single inverter we need to work on getting into a hellfire forge

And in order to do this um we need to start working on getting the demonic will okay and demonic will is always my favorite part of uh blood magic and i say that with a slash s at the end of that because i do not care for the demonic will

Pro process of blood magic but it is what it is we’ll get it done we’ll we’ll make it work so we need some string because we’re going to need to get um at least a couple i don’t have any string we’re going to have to capture a few mobs

In our oh i had 64. it looks like four it’s very hard to read with it like that um so we need to get this string going so let’s get our hopper and it’s 500 per we have 30 000 so i think we’re gonna be okay to just let this let’s do

16 of these and that should be good to go and it’ll convert over as we’re talking so what we’re making right now by the way is the snares right blood magic snares and what these do is you throw them at a monster and then you kill them and you will be

Able to obtain their demonic will and their demonic will isn’t going to need going to need to go into a gym a petty tartaric gym to start with and then we’re going to have to tear our way up through the different gyms in order to make a petty tartaric gym we

Need a hellfire forge with some will we need a total of one will and we can use the gems that we get from this guy in order to do it and they finished so we can actually just go ahead and grab those and we have 16 of them so

Yeah we have a process that we need to get through um now we don’t have mob spawns set up yet we do have blurst earth that we can create um i want to see maybe if we can get into this dimension i know that there’s mobs in the dimension maybe we

Can go that route first before we set up any kind of mob spawner not that i don’t want a mob spawner but i’m like i’m just we haven’t needed it yet and i don’t want to set it up for just this one little thing um

So what we need to do though is this edge of the hidden realm ritual which will allow us to enter into the demon realm okay so this is going to be a process that’s for sure all right so we’re going to need a total of 30 to 36 oh

A total of 36 runes plus a total of 80 000 lp in our soul network so what we’re gonna do is go ahead and throw our blood orb in there let that thing start filling up because we’re gonna need 80 000 lp in this thing um and we can just

Go ahead and sacrifice real quick fill that guy back up and let that thing run so we’re gonna let that fill up as we’re going um and we need to start getting into rooms so we’re gonna need 36 blank runes for sure so we’re gonna have to set up more room

Crafting um so we can get the runes going but we need to get a ritual diviner and the ritual diviner is made with all of these different inscription tools they are you know you got fire air earth and water like avatar the last airbender we got to collect all the elements and

Become the avatar so we have to make these and these are made fairly simply with certain items inside of the altar so we have magma cream for air you’re going to have a gas tier luckily we have gotten gas tears we’re going to need a piece of obsidian and

A lapis block luckily all of which we have so we can get a lapis block um are we having that that that thing is going on isn’t it yes i knew i wasn’t crazy when i pulled that string out that string said two and i pulled out 64. and we’re just having

That little glitch with the external storage now if i were to look up string we probably have tons of string yeah 535 i knew we had more string than that and it was just acting all funky wonky all right so we have the lapis block we need obsidian

We’re going to need a gas here and we’re gonna need magma cream and all of these just need to go into here we have drained all of our lp and we have 38 000 in there let’s go ahead and take our orb back out and let’s see from each

Craft or each one we get 6 000 i thought we got more than that but i could just be i could just be crazy let’s go ahead and charge back up and these things go pretty quick well especially with the acceleration rooms we’re not going to be sitting around

Waiting for too long for most of these and each one takes a thousand lp magma cream and then gas here as well bam and we have enough yes and we can even do the thing because again we’re going to need 80 000 lp to activate this ritual in the first place so Doing this is not wasting any of our uh efforts then you have another so you’ll get up to 50 000 with this batch uh so now we can make the ritual diviner bam and we’ve got that is that a quest it is so then we need to work on getting the

Runes um and what are we gonna need 36 blank runes we have 25 so i just need to make a few more because i made when i was doing all these i just bolt crafted a bunch of runes so we just need a what another 11 so i need

11 000 lp in here so let’s go ahead and stab ourselves again a couple times and i will uh get these blank runes going yeah seven thousand see the number changes not sure what causes that but it changes and Bam okay so we just need to get um well you know what i have blinks you know what actually do i need to do that no i don’t even need to we can just go ahead and put this back in here we have runes um

So what we need to do is grab our rooms what do i need another 11 of these bam there’s 36 and then we just need to set this up somewhere somewhere that makes sense let’s go ahead and heal up just in case i don’t want to you know don’t want to die

Um we kind of have a portal area but what we need to do is set this up for the edge of the hidden realm we also need a master ritual stone which is going to be this guy it just requires some ritual stones which require reinforced slates which we do have and

Then you know what we need ritual stones don’t we not blank slates did i make i just made the wrong thing didn’t i i think i did yeah i don’t know why i was thinking blank runes y’all are probably slaying me in the comments right now we need ritual stones um

And we’re gonna need a weak activation crystal which is a lava crystal son of a gun so we need 36 ritual stones is that correct it has been a while since i have done any kind of ritual yeah manually painted where you can make your thing yeah we

Need ritual stones son of a gun i need 36 ritual stones not blank rooms well we got the blank runes for when we get into tier 4. ritual stones is what i need for this and that’s what we need 36 of i don’t think i have enough reinforced

Slates for that that’s for sure that is correct all right so i’m gonna have to craft some reinforced or yeah reinforced slates so are we at the 80 000 yet we’re almost there i don’t want to take that out until we get there so let’s go ahead and do this flyby

Okay and we have 80 000 good so we can take this out so what i’m going to do is go ahead and craft up the ritual stones so what does it cost it’s four of these for four of these so we need 36 so that is nine sets

So we need 36 ritual stones so i need 32 more reinforced slates goodness gracious that’s a lot of lp all right we’ll be back in just a moment all right and this should be the last little dinghy dangity stab i need to do to fill this up uh

Yeah we need about 12 000 more we have 21 000 in the bank so let’s go ahead and get our thing charged and i i think last episode i mentioned how you didn’t have to wait until the fire was gone wait until the fire is gone if you want to maximize

This that’s why we weren’t getting 10 decay every swing because i was being impatient and not waiting as i should have um we can just go ahead and you know to accelerate this a little bit so that it fills up just a little faster because even with the speed runes still

Not the fastest thing in the world to craft so there we go 32 reinforced slates done which means we can make ritual stones now not you but you uh we just need a bunch of obsidian so let’s make a stack of that stuff two stacks or three stacks or however

Many we want because we have enough um so if i put those in there we should be able to get the 36 of those that we’re gonna need bam now we’re good to go um then we just need the weak activation crystal which was a lava crystal which

Is just some buckets of lava diamond in our stone so we can go ahead and do that and i had lava buckets in the system from when i was doing this because i just crafted the lava buckets because why wait uh and then we should just be able to do

That and it’s 10 000 lp and we’ve got 16k in the bank so we can just go ahead and it’s always good to just have it full or close to full you know after we do a craft we’ll let it charge back up bam give me that

Wrong button give me that and there we go uh so now we need to put this somewhere and i’m curious as to what the size of this thing is going to be um like do we think i could fit it here this is kind of like our teleportation landia

Our our ritual area so like if i put it here is it gonna is it gonna fit that’s the question isn’t it um rituals what i want is list of rituals yeah there we go the edge of the hidden realm so it’s uh one two three four out so if i were to

Center the ritual here so one two three it’s gonna butt right up against our portals so i don’t know if i necessarily like that one two three and it’s gonna butt up right against there um hmm i kind of don’t really have anywhere else to really put this though

Unless i build out another platform beyond our altar for this and just have like a simple you know what like a by five i guess um yeah i guess that’s really kind of my only choice here isn’t it oh i’m finally out of range of my transmitter it’s the first time we run

Out of range of this thing also i need to look up is the uh is there like an infinite rangeficator in this pack can we get infinite range okay so that’s one two and then we’re going to start the new one here five six seven is a seven by seven gonna work one

Two three no because that’s only three out so we do have to do a nine by nine okay bam and if we grab our uh diamond wand we should be able to set this up properly okay so one two three four five six more dirt that was what six seven eight

And nine and i can i’ll make this look you know nice i’ll put the bricks around it and everything later but what we need to do is set our master ritual stone down here and that is centered right and okay we’re good so what we can do is just right click on

This and it’s going to place all of the blocks for us i got out of range of it there we go okay so that is everything placed already wrote the the ritual stones have been inscribed for us you can use by the way if you had those other those things

You can use these inscription tools to actually you know if you wanted to manually take the earth one and write that out write it out write it out but you don’t have to use your ritual diviner it’ll just make it so much easier places all the stuff for you um

And then all we got to do is hit this with our weak activation crystal right like we have the 80 000 lp in our network so if i just do boom rush of energy flows through the ritual and there we go that is our teleporter the inversion pillar is what it is

Called um so let’s go ahead and take a quick peek into here and see what we’re looking at um we have our soul snares we don’t need our activation crystal we can go ahead and put our ritual diviner sacrificial knife that away that way uh do we have

Our armor on we do have armor i think we’re as prepared as we’re going to be able to be in here um i’m going to assume that this has a way home i hope so should i make an overworld painting just to be safe is there does this

Does the book tell me anything does it say that there is like is there an inversion pillar on the other side um edge of the hidden realm do you tell me about this though no uh it was in the dungeon delving yes anti-chamber let’s see so you’re going to find

Yourself looking at an inversion pillar after you complete it right click it you’ll be transferred to the anti-chamber uh single treasure chest containing some basic loot and if you’re lucky a few simple keys a number of doorways are there use a key on these seals to unlock the next room uh

Right click on this to return to your world okay so we do have a way back so let’s uh let’s peek our head inside and it’s very dark um let’s go ahead and go home and get ourselves a uh let’s get a feral flare lantern we’re

Just going to drop a feral fluorine turn inside of there because it’s pretty dark and then once we do that i kind of want it to go like right here yeah we’re coming into this room and i’m already oh that’s where the the dungeon controller sits i want to sit above it

It says there are a number of decorative blocks in here that you can take so yeah we’re going to take the decorative blocks but i want to do this hey is it a little bit i wouldn’t say it’s cheaty but is it yeah there we go bam now we’re lit up

This still works right okay cool all right we are inside and what’s inside of this chest well you’re gonna have to wait until the next episode to figure it out because of course we’re gonna end on a cliffhanger all that work and you’re not gonna get to find out

What we did until tomorrow it keeps you coming back yeah anyway if you enjoyed this episode please feel free to like comment subscribe i do appreciate it and it really does help out the channel and like i said if you notice any quality differences with this episode please let

Me know um because like i said i’m trying to optimize my rendering process here to make things a little bit faster for me but still retain the same quality levels for you guys and if i can’t i can’t it’s okay we’ll figure out a solution but we’re i’m gonna experiment

A little bit with these a little later episodes in this pack because they generally tend to not get viewed as much as the newer episodes so you people who are watching this right now are my loyalists so i trust your feedback is what i’m saying anyway uh thanks for

Stopping by thanks for watching we’ll see in the next one have a good one You

This video, titled ‘FTB OceanBlock EP40 | Opening a Portal to the Demon Realm!’, was uploaded by TheAndrata on 2021-12-17 12:00:10. It has garnered 845 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:22 or 1762 seconds.

Today we open a portal to the Demon Realm! Will we survive?!

Want to help to save the REAL world oceans? Check out TeamSeas at https://teamseas.org!


OceanBlock is a new unique modpack created by the FTB Team inspired by the countless island-based modpacks. Expect any changes to what you’re used to, encounter custom structures within the deep depths of the sea. Experience the true beauty of the obsidian boat, especially in water. With over 550 quests to guide you through this wet and wild journey, you’ll never lose things to do. Nor will you feel bored, with the addition of rafts to break. A new addiction can form, the endless hunt for treasures among the infinite oceans. An entirely new crafting system, tempered jars. As you follow the quests, diving into new draconic technology. “Enjoy” the lack of ability to swim. Jump into the ocean with a scuba suit. Sluice gravel, sand, dirt and dust for resources. Dive into this new drenched, world.

FTB OceanBlock: https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpack/ftb_oceanblock

Seed: -1790592331

Additional Mods Added to the Pack: ItemZoom (for those crispy thumbnails) Better-Zoom


Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheAndrata Instagram: https://instagram.com/TheAndrata




Minecraft owned by Microsoft. All images, characters and the like are their property and used for educational purposes.


#Minecraft #OceanBlock #TeamSeas


FTB OceanBlock EP40 | Opening a Portal to the Demon Realm!

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    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Modern House Tutorial In the vast world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In this tutorial, IrieGenie showcases how to build a stunning modern house with intricate interior design. Let’s dive into the details of this architectural masterpiece! Exterior Design The video kicks off with a focus on the exterior of the modern house. From the sleek lines to the contemporary aesthetic, every detail is meticulously crafted to create a visually appealing structure that stands out in the Minecraft landscape. Interior Decoration As we move inside the house, the attention to detail is truly impressive. The… Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

FTB OceanBlock EP40 | Opening a Portal to the Demon Realm!