How To Repair Tools! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Lets Play / Tutorial) [Part 12]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you’re all having a fantastic day today’s episode is going to start off a little different we’re actually going to cut away and I’m gonna do a bit of mining off-camera but I

Thought I would bring you guys in first because we have an important decision to make now I’ve been gathering a few more levels off-camera I’ve been fighting some more blazes and I have a whole bunch of blaze rods now I even encountered a magma cube while I was there

Killed it to get to magma cream and was able to make myself some more potions of fire resistance so we could go back and kill those blazes at the blaze spawner as much as we want to get a few more levels experience is starting to become

Less of an issue the problem now is acquiring more resources now as you can see we don’t really have a lot in here we don’t have much iron we don’t have any diamonds at all and my pickaxe here is less than half durability which means if we mine another 700 blocks it’s going

To break and 700 blocks is not a lot in the in the grand scheme of things in Minecraft it is not a lot if you consider that I’ve already mined you know a bunch more than that with this pickaxe already and that’s just clearing out a little bit of netherrack in

Between the blaze spawn as there are there are gonna be a lot of blocks to mine if we go mining and I do I do want to make sure that I can either repair or replace this with more diamonds now in order to repair it I would need an anvil

Which is what we need more iron for and I would like to get as many diamonds as we possibly can now I went into the enchantment table and was looking around to see what other enchantments I could get I didn’t like the look of any enchantments I had so I ended up just

Using a level 1 enchantment on a tool that I didn’t really care much about this iron shovel and that would cycle through the enchantments so that next time I put some items back into the enchantment table it would give me something completely different and what

I ended up with was for tuned to now I don’t have any more diamonds on me right now so I can’t enchant a diamond pickaxe with fortune 2 and once you’ve enchanted something in an enchantment table you can’t reinsure it in the enchantment tables so this efficiency for pickaxe

Cannot have anything else put on it here at the enchantment table we have to combine it with another enchanted diamond pickaxe using an anvil you also can’t by the way you can’t combine two items of different materials so I could combined this diamond pickaxe with this iron pickaxe in order to get more

Enchantments that’s not how it works has to be two of the same items so if I wanted to get more diamonds if I potentially found more diamonds while I was out there mining I could apply fortune two to an iron pickaxe and that would allow us to get a few more

Diamonds pearl or block now let’s see maybe we should just make a brand new fresh iron pickaxe because this one doesn’t have much durability left it’s only got 71 and I want to be able to use that as much as possible so let’s let’s make a brand-new iron pickaxe here and

Obviously it’s it’s only going to be an iron pickaxe so it might not last as long as a diamond one but having this in the short term will allow us to get more diamonds in the long term so I think that’s probably a good idea let’s see what we get

Just forward tune – okay so not too terrible then let’s see if we could get some other enchantments on that we could get efficiency for if we wanted to but again we are back down below the threshold of 30 levels so we won’t be able to get any more okay well I’m gonna

Take my diamond pickaxe my spare iron pickaxe and this fortune to pickaxe mining and we’re gonna see if we can acquire a few more diamonds so I’m going to cut away to do that because it’s just gonna be the kind of branch mining stuff you’ve seen in previous episodes we

Don’t need to worry about doing this on camera I’ll be back with you guys once I’ve gathered a few more resources alright I have made my way through a little bit of strip mining session or branch mining or whatever you want to call it I guess the diamond pickaxe is

On 209 durability so we’re getting real low right here but I have found the holy grail of diamond hunting we have ourselves a 2 by 2 by 2 cube of diamonds this is an 8 vein as it’s called and I’m gonna use the fortune to pickaxe to

Claim all of this I’ve already gathered a couple of other diamond veins from inside this little mining project and right now I think we’re gonna get ourselves let’s say maybe 14 diamonds out of this 8 vein normally the typical rule of thumb with the fortune charmant is that the fortune one enchantment gets

You either one or two diamonds the fortune to enchantment gets you one two or three diamonds and fortune three can get you up to four diamonds but it’s not necessarily going to work out in your favor 100% of the time it’s entirely possible that you could mine eight

Blocks of diamond door and as the fates spin it would only give you like eight diamonds or maybe nine or something like that you could just as easily get one diamond or you could get four however we’re only working with fortune two here so I’m thinking we’re probably going to

Get we’re getting between one and three diamonds for each block I think we’re not going to quite double the amount of diamonds here I’m guessing 14 so let’s give this a try I’m gonna throw out a couple of things in my inventory just so I have room for all of this let’s give

It a go didn’t even get 14 got 10 okay well that is still not bad that is still 10 diamonds more than they had and it’s two diamonds more than I would have got just by for tuning that regularly so not terrible folks all right I think I’ve

Done enough here I also found an abandoned mine chair and abandoned mineshaft chest which had a Golden Apple in and some melon seeds and I don’t think we even have melons yet so that’s that’s a pretty good score we have some diamonds back out the house I think we

Can probably make our way home now with the stuff that we’ve got we’ve definitely got enough iron here that we can use to make an anvil so I think it’s probably time to call it a day and get on with the rest of the episode we’re

Back at the house and we got ourselves a pretty tidy collection of resources 24 diamonds total a bunch of gold redstone and lapis lazuli and we also have a bunch of iron down here smelting in the furnace which I’m not going to take out yet because we’ll get a ton of

Experience from that and chances are we might be able to tip ourselves over the edge to another enchantment so what I’m gonna do is grab a little bit of I might as well grab the lapis out of here let’s get that let’s get the tools which we

Left in here and let’s see what we’re going to get enchantment wise efficiency for sounds like a good starts I reckon we’ll add that to our X just efficiency for again looks like we getting bad luck with multiple enchants but not to worry we can get efficiency for on the shovel

As well which is going to be worth having I suppose let’s get some iron out of here not quite enough to take us all the way up to level 30 but the rest of this there we go takes us over the edge fantastic stuff so let’s let’s hop back in here let’s get

Shovel into the enchanting table and just efficiency for again Wow the rest of the iron those should be enough to make ourselves an anvil what we want is three blocks of iron like so and it is possible to make blocks of the other precious resources as well you can

Make blocks of diamond if you want to it’s a handy way of saving space if you’ve got a whole bunch of diamonds but the blocks of iron specifically can be used to make an anvil in this formation with the big heavy part on top and then a stand underneath made out of iron

Alike so it’s gonna be in the recipe book as usual so we want to grab one of these and all we need to do is drop that somewhere around here you know what we may as well have it in the place where are our extra bookshelf could have gone

So the anvil interface it looks like this and it’s something you can use to repair your tools if their durability gets low like in the example of this diamond pickaxe here if we put that in this little slot here and we add diamonds to it it will cost you a level

Each time and it says enchantment cost but this is actually the repair cost it would be an enchantment cost if we had something else in there that would enchant it like a an extra enchanted book or a diamond pickaxe with different enchantments but this will actually

Allow us to repair the the item here with the materials put here and then that gives you a bunch of durability back this is not the best way of repairing our diamond pickaxe however because you’ll notice that we’re giving three diamonds here which is enough to make a new diamond pickaxe it’s not

Enough to fully repair the tool we already have so we may as well just make a brand new diamond pickaxe and see what we can get on that let’s drop one of those in there let’s make one of them I’ll put all of my diamonds in the

Crafting table why don’t you and then let’s see what enchantments we get on this now unbreaking three fantastic so I need to go and get it gather myself another three levels I’m on 27 right now we need a level 30 to get that but once we get I’m breaking three even if we

Don’t get an efficiency enchantment on that all we need to do is combine the unbreaking three with the efficiency four we already have and then that pickaxe will last a whole lot longer so that’s definitely worth having okay whew blazes later no he should have enough

Levels to do the thing now let’s put this in here let’s grab some all APIs and moment of truth let’s see what we get just unbreaking three well at least that gives me a decent example to show you guys how to combine stuff in an anvil I

Didn’t take my other diamond pickaxe to the nether because I figured what if I lose it right but now we will be able to combine these two now depending on at which combination you combine these two things in there might end up being a higher cost one way then there is the

Other way for example unbreaking 3 is a slightly more expensive enchantment to use than efficiency force so generally speaking if you put it second in the anvil it will actually be a higher cost than if you add efficiency 4 to it and it will only cost you 4 this is this

Hazy kind of science is involved in this but you can actually combine the two and you’ll notice that the durability of this one is all filled up you can also if you want to change the name of the diamond pickaxe so you could just call it diamond for example you can type

Basically whatever you want in here and it will come out however you like but in this case we’re probably just gonna leave it called diamond pickaxe I’m breaking an efficiency that’s gonna be a perfect pickaxe that’s gonna last probably about 3 times as long as it

Would have if it was just an efficiency for pickaxe so we’ve got this nice workhorse pickaxe that we’re now going to use for the foreseeable future and if we want to repair it again all we need to do is drop another diamond pickaxe in

Here next to it and it should be able to repair pretty pretty easily it is also worth noting that subsequent repairs will actually cost you more so you might end up spending quite a few levels on this if you want to keep repairing the same one so occasionally it is worth

Trying another enchant on a fresh diamond pickaxe and seeing what you get not least because there are other enchantments things like 14-3 for example or silk touch which might be really useful to have on a pickaxe so I feel like fortune 3 is going to be a pretty good shout and considering we

Have 21 diamonds to our name right now we could always make some more diamond pickaxes and try our luck it looks like we’re sitting on fortune 3 for a diamond pickaxe as well I’m not gonna do that right now not least because I don’t have enough levels for it but also it’s not

Really a priority we’ve got enough diamonds for the moment however it’s important that I make that my neck in chant if I want the fortune three otherwise if I in chance something else and try and come back with that pickaxe the enchantment table will throw up a

New fresh set of enchantment and I might not get 14 3 anymore so worth keeping track of that but now we’ve got ourselves a decent set of enchanted tools I’ve got myself an unbreaking and efficiency pickaxe I think I’m gonna return to the caves below the house the

Kind of initial cave that we we started out in there and I’m probably going to do a fair amount of mining so I’m gonna grab some more wood to make torches and head on down there so one of the things I want to do a little bit more of in

This series is building if this is the first series of mine that you’ve encountered if you haven’t seen any of the other series on my channel I kind of like the aspect of building in Minecraft I’m a big fan of creating new things and kind of shaping a town or you know

Whatever it is I want to build here that kind of tells a bit of a story kind of shaping my own story in Minecraft is one of the things that I loved a lot about this game so I’m gonna do a little bit of material gathering resource gathering

In the caves down there and I’ll let you guys know if there’s anything interesting down there I will bring the video back in if we happen to come across anything cool but for the most part I think we’re probably just going to be down there collecting resources

Maybe a little bit more coal and iron and that kind of thing just taking it easy and gathering some stuff for future builds because we want to build if we’re gonna turn this into a kind of medieval town type of thing we probably want to build a few more structures around here

Maybe a barn for all of these animals that have been cooped up in this pen for so long we probably want to build something to make the sugar cane farm look a little bit more like a an actual building and a little bit less like I don’t know this weird collection of

Machinery in the middle of nowhere there’s a lot of different stuff we can do with this area so we might even end up building a castle over there on the on the kind of hillside that’d be a fantastic thing to do as a project for this series and if there’s anything in

Particular you’d like to see me build in this series do let me know down in the comments because it would be fantastic to to build a couple of things that viewers had requested or the stuff that you think maybe fits this area pretty well I’ve got plenty of ideas of my own

But would love this to be a series that has a little bit more input from at the audience so if you guys have anything you want to see here let me know and maybe we can make it happen I don’t believe this guy’s this this is actually spider central I found two

The spawn is in this area Wow doesn’t look like we’re gonna get any other Spooner’s in this cave system but no we’ve we’ve got this one we’ve got the one we found for episode I think five got ourselves a Golden Apple in the chest here a few extra pieces of loot a

Couple of music discs fun times okay not too bad a little bit of iron for our trouble as well so now we have some spruce saplings I kind of want to highlight one of the amazing things you can do with spruce but before we get

Started with this I do want to warn you that it’s gonna generate a lot of blocks that will replace grass so if you want to do this it’s probably best to do this a little bit further I’m gonna head up on top of the hill here and show you

What’s up so spruce saplings can actually be placed in a 2×2 formation to generate a tree that has four blocks for the trunk instead of just the standard one like the oak trees you’ll find around here and it is still possible to place a spruce sapling completely separately from this little two-by-two

Cluster but all we need to do is grab some bone meal make sure the area around here is fairly clear because sometimes saplings don’t like to grow if there is stuff nearby like grass and that kind of thing let’s chuck it a little bit of

Bone meal on to this and bam we get ourselves a massive spruce tree which will probably yield upwards of a stack maybe even two stacks of wood however as you can see it’s replaced all of the grass and dirt blocks around here with this weird substance this is called

Podzol and it does naturally generate in the world in megataiga biomes where you will find trees of this size occurring naturally but it does replace any grass or dirt blocks in kind of a 3×3 area and maybe a little bit further afield as well as occasional blocks will just kind

Of pop up here and there and it does that fairly naturally so it’s not too much of a bad thing but obviously if you’re keen on keeping the area around you a kind of green and pleasant land and you want to avoid stuff like this happening and all of the blocks being

Replaced all of a sudden like this then you probably want to make sure you’re doing this in a fairly isolated area but by simply turning this tree itself into a kind of staircase kind of holding down shift so you don’t fall off the side of it and jumping upwards at like so you

Can call this thing pretty effectively you can basically cut the entirety of the trunk out until you reach the top of it keeping the staircase up like so and always cutting two blocks in front of you and then you can just caulk screw your way down until you’ve collected the

Entirety of the tree we’re not if we’re almost at the top here but yeah we’re definitely getting an awful lot of wood out of this like I already have 40 blocks of wood we’re not even at the top and I’ve taken down maybe half of the

Trees so far so it’s it’s pretty great this is a great way of gathering a whole bunch of wood and unfortunately other trees like oak birch and acacia won’t actually do this the dark oak trees require a two by two as a set of saplings in order to grow one and jungle

Trees can also be grown in these large variants as well but I always tend to go for spruce the main reason being spruce trees generate with a fair amount of leaves and usually get all of the saplings back because the leaf drops are actually pretty generous and also spruce

Wood is one of my favorite types of wood in the game I just think it looks fantastic it’s a very robust looking log it’s a very nice looking set of planks when you turn it into planks generally speaking it’s a decent tree so we’re going to put a few different spruce

Saplings up here I think we’ll probably farm a little bit of spruce wood up here but look at that nearly like it’s over a stack and a half of spruce logs in an instant it’s pretty fast so that’s probably a good idea if you want to

Acquire a whole bunch of wood in a hurry all right I think my big project for today is going to be making a proper barn for all these animals because they’ve just been milling around in the pen for too long and I want to get them

Into a nice secure location where we can also separate them out so that when I want to breed my cows I’m not accidentally right-clicking on sheep with the wheat and breeding sheep when I don’t want to that seems like a good plan to me I’ve managed to gather a

Bunch of spruce and oak wood we might gather a little bit more as we continue with the project but I think this is going to be a good start one of the things I might do first before we continue with the barn building project is level out the land just a little bit

Over here normally I don’t like to do this too much because it’s sometimes a fun challenge to work with the natural landscape around a build but the barn is probably going to be built on flat ground and we’ve got both a pond here which is not the ideal thing to build a

Barn over and also this little Ridge behind us so what we can do is kind of push and pull the land a little bitte by removing some of the dirt from this Ridge here and then using it to fill in the pond so we end up with a

Nice flat plane as you can see the fact that I have an efficiency for shovel is just tearing up the dirt which is actually really nice it’s nice to not have to worry about breaking dirt one block at a time and making it kind of a tedious process with a an efficiency for

Shovel you can tear through dirt sand gravel that kind of stuff very very easily so all we gonna do is fill in the dirt here in a fairly simple way we’re just going to fill the entire thing up from the bottom and you’ll notice that the water doesn’t kind of flow over or

Anything like that because Walter physics don’t work like that in Minecraft instead we’re basically erasing all of the water blocks inside of here and don’t worry because as you know we can already make an infinite water source somewhere else so if we want some more water closer to home we

Can simply make a water source basically anywhere we could even make one inside the bond so it looks like the animals have somewhere to drink from even though they don’t technically need that as part of their behaviour in the game we have a visitor from the nether folks zombie

Pigmen will occasionally come through a nether portal or rather they will spawn in a nether portal because the nether isn’t actually loaded on the other side unless you’re on a multiplayer server where there are other players so sometimes the nether portals will simply spawn an occasional zombie pigman and

These you can dispatch pretty easily all you need to do is give them a couple of taps with your sharpness sword and they’re quite easy to take down and that will not anger the nether zombie pigmen they won’t be angry at you when you go through to the other side if there are

Any other zombie pigman that you just happen haven’t happens to kill when they come through the portal then they might get angry as well but as long as you don’t have more than one or two of them around you shouldn’t have too much trouble with them anyway quick aside

Whilst we’re leveling out the terrain here we’ve got pretty much everything levelled out and we have a little bit of extra dirt that we can use to patch a few things up here and there now I thought it’d actually be quite a fun idea to use some of the pods all

Generated by spruce trees as a kind of flooring inside the barn always to make it look like the cows are generating a little bit of muck in there we don’t necessarily want to use that as the grounds for the sheep pen though simply because to regenerate their wool sheep

Need to be able to eat grass and I don’t believe they can eat it’s a grass variant but it doesn’t count as actual grass as far as the sheep are concerned now if we had a silk touch shovel we would actually be able to move the pods all from one place to

Another but the thing about pods all much like grass is that if you dig it up with a shovel that doesn’t have silk touch or if you just dig it up by handle using another tool it will just drop as dirt you won’t actually get to move the

Pods all block around until you have the silk touch enchantment so what we’re going to do is what we did up there on the the plateau over there we’re just going to grow a large spruce tree here a two-by-two spruce tree and let it populate this area with pods all and

Then just dig around it until we’ve got the area we want to use as our Cowpens there we go didn’t even need bonemeal for that one huntin got the bone meal anyway but it grew in the meantime it grew nice and tall we can take this down

And use the wood to build the barn and then we’ll have a nice little bit of a little bit of muck spread around here that the the cows can call home you’ll also notice that over time the grass will actually spread to these dirt locks and convert them into grass blocks so

You can do that with grass pretty easily pods all on the other hand will not do that pods all does not spread it won’t be consumed by the grass in the same way that the dirt is so they said you saw a block of dirt being converted back to

Grass so Portland grass will not fight each other for territory or anything but you will find that the pods all does not spread to dirt blocks in the same way grass does puddle is basically inert it just stays in one state the whole time now I’m gonna run into the house really

Quick to get some sleep because night is falling but then we’re gonna build a barn we’re gonna put together a quick pallet for the build we’re gonna decide what blocks we want to use and then I’m just gonna go ahead and build the whole thing all right let’s make a new

Crafting table always kind of helps to make a new crafting table in some of these builds so say if you’re running back and forth from your existing ones we’ll pop that down here and let’s take a look at what we’ve got so naturally we have spruce logs which we can turn into

Spruce planks we’ve got oak planks as well and if we turn a couple of these into sticks of course you can see we have the option of spruce and oak fences I think oak might work a little bit better for the fences it might be a little bit lighter and plus we’ve

Already got a bunch of oak fences in here but we can repurpose for the interior of the barn we’re working with pods all dirt and grass maybe we’ll put a bit of coarse dirt in here as well but it might be also nice to down some spruce planks as a floor so it

Kind of mixes in with the pods all like this occasionally here and there to make it look like the floor is a little bit more organized and maybe a bit of smooth stone would work well there also let’s maybe put together a quick sort of build palette over here in this corner where

Things are going to be a little bit more out of the way so we’ll put together a spruce log will put spruce planks on top of that like so and this is a technique you builders often use just to kind of get an idea for the materials they want

To use and you can swap out blocks here and there just to see what exactly you’re working with and what materials would look good where this is also something you can you can experiment with with logs there are actually stripped variants of the logs which you can get by right-clicking on them with

An X I don’t believe I’ve covered this before in the survival guide so worth taking a look at and these will actually look quite nice in the floor as well if you if you come to think of it because if it’s got the bark texture like that

Side by side it kind of looks a little bit more mucky the the spruce logs actually have this kind of green almost like stain to them so that might be a pretty good block to use as a floor material as well maybe we can work a

Little bit of that in next to the the pods all here now oak has a stripped variant as well as all the logs do so we can maybe use a bit of that and I really like this block so that might be good for the interior pillars of the barn so

It can look like the place is being held up a certain way of course we also have the option of making a spruce and oak stairs and slabs and so forth there are ladders and trap doors we can use and spruce trapdoors are actually fantastic because they have a really nice texture

On the side of them they’re quite similar to the spruce regular doors that you can make so maybe we’ll include some of those in the build they jut out like a few pixels from the edge of a block so they don’t look like a full block or

Even a slab they’ve actually just got a nice mid-range depth to them which can really pop out of a build and give it some character of course we also have things like cobblestone walls fence gates and and the site and gravel that we can use here as well so that’s not a

Bad selection of materials I think they all look pretty good together let’s go ahead and start on our build here we go then I’ve done a quick bit of sketching out of this build it’s got some nice tall spruce pillars on the corners some of those stripped oak on the inside and

This is the kind of walkway down which you the farmer are going to come down and inspect your your animals now this side over here is probably going to be the Sheep because there’s lots of grass over there I’ve cleared out a little bit more of the of the the kind of

Countryside here and we’re just going to let that return to its kind of original grassy State over here of course we’ve got the pods all and I have let the grass creep in on this side because I wanted to add a little bit of grass path like

So that is done by right-clicking on the grass blocks with a shovel the same way you would right click on logs with an X to get stripped logs and that actually turns it into this slightly shallower grass path block which the more you add to an area the more it kind of lightens

Up like so you can see the kind of the sort of golden section in the middle lightens up a little bit and the rest of it can stay quite dark which is actually really nice for kind of mucky muddy areas areas that are well trodden and well-worn which in this case they would

Be because we’re going to be moving some cows in here and they’re just going to be milling around in the same space the whole time now there are a couple of spots here where I I had originally put this and a site but I think the andesite

Almost looks like too much compared to all of the other blocks around it so what I’ve done is I’ve gone into the the house here I’ve opened up one of the furnaces and I’ve put in some cobblestone because cobblestone if you cook it turns back into regular stone

The kind of stone that you see around you in the environment and it can no longer be used to make stone tools that way because you can only make those out of cobblestone however it is possible to make a few other things with smooth stone some redstone components require

It as a crafting ingredient but it also allows you to build with a much more natural stone texture and I think that’s actually really good for making pathways inside of builds like this so let’s pop that in there and yeah I think that’s not too bad that isn’t terrible if anything will do

We’ll go with that for now now the the animal pens here I have sketched out just using some cobblestone walls some fence gates and some fences normally the walls and the fences won’t connect to each other but the fence gates are kind of the common component there they’re the ones that

You can actually use to connect the two of them and it looks a little bit weird next to the fence here because when you connect a fence gate between two fences it puts a different height to the cobblestone walls but ultimately that gives you your fences a nice sort of

Rounded look that I think will be quite good in the long run I’m gonna make a couple more pens like this and then we’re just going to build the walls of the barn out of some wood planks it does get very close to the house over here

But that’s not too bad of a thing having the houses the the house and the barn kind of next to each other makes them nice and cozy and ultimately this could just be the the farm house it could be the place where the farmer lives and

Then steps out of his front door every day to take care of his cattle in the story of this world that’s kind of the way we’re going here so let me replace the rest of this andesite with some smooth stone yeah I definitely think that looks better maybe if we add a

Little bit more to the entrance here as well and that’s gonna make it look like there’s a nice kind of path leading up to this from the house we’re just gonna sort of gently landscape the area around here not go too crazy with it at first

But it’s gonna be nice to have something that looks like a path from the house to here now for the walls we can have a nice mixture of spruce and oak planks like so and this kind of gives it the impression of a little bit of aged like

The the planks have been through a bit they’ve they’ve weathered and they’ve lost a little bit of their original shine here and there but there are still some elements which feel a little bit kind of a little bit new and some bits maybe that have been patched up that kind of thing

It might also make a bit more sense to leave a couple of gaps here and there for for Windows after a fashion I think what we will end up doing is putting one there and one there and then we’ll put fences in here instead of actual glass

Windows because you might not end up using glass on a barn whereas those kind of fences are gonna provide a lot of ventilation if you’ve got a bunch of heavy smelly animals in here then that’s probably a good idea to have so let’s maybe put a couple more of these oak

Planks over the top here like so just to kind of even out the texture of the build like that just use the materials kind of equivalent that’s not too bad that’s not too bad I think that’s a pattern we can quite easily copy to the

Other walls as well and I think this is now at the stage where we can start bringing some of the animals in so the important thing about having animals in any kind of fenced off area like this is that you don’t leave any blocks inside here that

They can climb up on and then make their way over the fences you’ve got to have it surrounded by walls fences and fence gates and make sure there’s nothing that you can climb up over but aside from that you can be pretty you know diverse and creative with the kind of stuff you

Want to put in here like for example I put in a few hay bales and things like that done a lot of variety in the floor even started growing a little bit of wheat around here as though there’s some seeds that have just kind of been kicked

Down into the soil inside of here and have started to grow up here and there and that’s always useful to have a supply of wheat around just in case you need to grab an extra week to feed your animals if you have like an odd number

Of week to feed them in the first place or something like that so I’m gonna try my best grab a little bit of wheat and try and separate out the animals where we can here and there now looks like we probably need to go and grab some more

From the wheat plantation over here we’re going to grab these and just reseed those not gonna take too long over here fine so we’ve got five or six wheat from this little section over here that’s five that’s not bad we can use this to lure some of the animals in and

It’s gonna be a bit difficult to separate the cows and the Sheep at first but we can probably just heard them all into one pen separate them out as we can maybe even if we’ve got some spare slime anywhere craft some leads that we can leave the animals to and from the pens

But for now I’m just gonna grab the wheat open this up and see how many we can get in place right now they’re completely ignoring me but nope looks like they’re they’re on their way so let’s move everything into here for now open up some of these fences you had

There climbing on the hay bales just to get over the wall in the first place but this is gonna be the Sheep pen remember so we need to make sure the sheep stay in here and that the cows if they can can go elsewhere let’s push a couple of

These guys through like so they tend to bunch up a little bit around the gates which is kind of annoying but yet they’ll get in there eventually they will try and push this guy over there let’s try and close this off to make sure they don’t path fine out of here

There we go in fact if they’ve got that hay bale they can walk over then maybe we can just do it this way yeah that’s actually working pretty well not a bad idea looks like cheaper coming in here fantastic stuff alright and then we’ll we’ll try and

Lure some of the cows over into the left-hand pen over this way in the same way so if they can get over on those hay bales than so much the better otherwise we’ll just open up the gates here like so come on through there we go

And we’ve got a couple of sheep coming in here but that’s just fine we can start breeding up on you cow population inside of here maybe kill off any stray sheep and that shouldn’t be too bad obviously it’s pretty important to make sure this area stays lit up as well you

Can even place the torches on the ends of the cobblestone walls or fences if you like but as long as we’ve got a couple of torches in here we aren’t going to see any hostile mobs and stuff spawning in here when it’s darker when we put the roof on it finally the rest

Of these are gonna be milling around outside for a little bit that’s ok one of them wants to come to my house apparently once to hang out with the chickens alright let’s quickly get some sleep I moved the bed up to the second layer of the house here by the way because

This gives us an even further chance to be far enough away from hostile monsters that we can sleep with a night when we need to on that downstairs level it was occasionally stopping me from sleeping because the monsters were too close they were just like a couple of blocks away

On the other side of the wall whereas moving it to an upstairs floor usually means that as long as there aren’t any spiders climbing on the wall or Enderman teleporting to the roof you’ll probably be able to get a decent night’s sleep alright cows come to me this way there

We go we’re getting a decent herd on the go now let’s make sure that these don’t end up escaping the pen fantastic and we just got to run back and forth a little bit in here to make sure that they all end up in the barn wonderful stuff

That’s a decent start to our herd and there’s plenty of room in here for us to expand the cow population without them getting too cramped in plus it looks like a very kind of cow friendly environment doesn’t it I think this is gonna work out just fine

Any more sheep want to come into the pen on the right hand side that would be fantastic we can invite you guys in through this way as long as everybody else stays out of the way we do have a decent cow population over here already so yeah looks like we might end up

Killing those to get a little bit more leather maybe a little bit more experience and food as well and you might notice this doesn’t have a roof yet and we’re probably going to leave it without a roof for the end of this episode I will come in

Off-camera and finished that off but the main thing is we have a brand new and much nicer looking cow and sheep pen that we can organize a little bit more readily and the roof always takes me the longest out of anything so I’m probably just going to do a kind of barrel shaped

Roof I’ll get that done off-camera between now and the next episode and then we will get on with something else next time but that’s gonna be it for this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide thank you so much for watching don’t forget to leave a like if you

Enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon bye for now

This video, titled ‘How To Repair Tools! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Lets Play / Tutorial) [Part 12]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2018-09-25 15:00:03. It has garnered 809416 views and 12612 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:20 or 2060 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to repair tools, use the Fortune enchant to double your diamonds, and a few tips for our next big build!

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

—- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards!

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide

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How To Repair Tools! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Lets Play / Tutorial) [Part 12]