How to Speedrun Minecraft (nether)

Video Information

This is part two of a speedrunning tutorial I’d recommend watching part one I mean you don’t need to as long as you’re in the nether with an iron pickaxe some blocks and some food in this video we’ll cover the entire nether which has the most information but also

The coolest strats the most important thing by far is finding a Bastion this will give us all kinds of goodies but most importantly ender pearls to beat the game after that we’ll get blaze rods from a fortress and we’re done with the nether but how do we find them sometimes

You’ll spawn directly above and they’re buried well bastions have a lot of entities we’re actually going to use the F3 screen to find the Bastion so if you look in the top left the row where it says Eid this is showing how many entities are on your screen the right

Side of the slash shows how many entities are in your loaded area the left side shows how many you’re looking at so if you watch there’s 50 in this direction but only six over here it’s as simple as looking where the entities are that is where your Bastion is but in the

Real world the entities aren’t distributed that drastically there’s 40 over here 20 over here 40 over here so we use a a cool trick to narrow this down all you do lower your fov now we can pinpoint exactly where those entities are there’s five in this

Direction but 50 over here this is the basic premise if you’re all the way down on your fov and you see 30 in a direction there’s almost always a Bastion there are a couple caveats sometimes your F3 screen will say there’s 50 entities in this direction

But it’ll be a false Spike because of the Crimson Forest you’re not going to be able to e-ray bastions unless you go to your options video settings and your entity distance is at 500 if it’s on 50 you’re only going to be able to detect mobs within a couple chunks of you

There’s a couple other tricks to finding bastions though for example I know that Bastion mobs load in before all regular mobs meaning as soon as I enter the nether I can pause my game and see the entities load in it’ll load bastions before all other things so we’ve got 200

Entities here we’ve definitely got some bastions there’s one this direction another this direction another distraction oh my gosh we have tons so what speed Runners will do is they pause their game as soon as they enter the Nether and they’ll watch this number remember the right shows you how many

Are in your loaded area if this number spikes up by 20 or 30 a Bastion just loaded in and you can immediately do your scan thing and look for that 30 or 40 number another cool thing you can do you can actually change your render distance so all the bastions I’ve

Located are within 20 chunks of but say I have two spikes of 40 and I want to know which one’s closer well let’s just turn it down to 10 and see if any spikes are still there uh we’re getting one in this direction so I’d probably go this

Direction instead of any of the other because this Bastion is probably closer there’s actually only a couple more things you need to know before becoming a Bastion finding expert namely how they generate because there’s a pattern to their generation in another this image represents the coordinates of a

Minecraft world so the center is zero zero this is generally where you spawn in the green areas represent where bastions can spawn red is where they can’t we’re mainly concerned with these four green squares we call these the four quadrant they go from roughly 0 00 to 400. the reason this graph is

Important is because we generally don’t want to stay on like the Z Axis or the x-axis because it’s mostly red there’s not going to be a Bastion what does this actually mean for a Minecraft world when you spawn in don’t go straight in One Direction you want to go diagonal into a

Quadrant I should also probably go over coordinates real quick so the first one is X middle is y last Z you can tell this because it’s in order x y z if you look at the center of your screen you’ll see these colorful lines red is associated with the first one blue is

Associated with the last one the way I like to do it is the direction they’re pointing it goes positive so if I follow the red arrow this first number is going to go up if I follow the blue arrow this number will go up you generally don’t

Need to look at the middle number as much this is the y height this is up and down this is the Green Arrow so up goes up then it works the same in the other direction so if I go this way the first number will go down if I go this way

This last number I’ll go down while this is useful to know you almost always want to just Bank off of your e right this is what it’s called e-ray I see 50 in this direction I’m just going to follow this directly the reason this graphic is so

Important is because if you get to like 300 on either of your coordinates and you still haven’t seen a Bastion one probably just didn’t spawn there but another trick for looking around if you turn your fov all the way to Quake Pro you can actually see more of the nether

This is because the fog in front of us is actually rendered in a straight line from a player this is important because the distance from here to the center is shorter than distance from us to the diagonal turning our fov up makes it so that we can see farther into the

Diagonal so look over here where my cursor is if I turn my screen you can kind of see the fog turn as well we can see the lava on the corner of our screen but if we look directly at it it’s gone you see that kind of cool so what speed

Earners will do is they’ll turn their distance to Quake Pro and kind of turn in a circle looking at this very edge to see if they see a Bastion or a fortress oh look at that there’s a Bastion over there this is a recap when you spawn

Into a world immediately pause your game make sure F3 is open watch this number we’re looking for it to jump up by 30 or so it’s already at 30 so there’s probably not a bash in here I’m just going to increase my render Distance by five now the numbers won’t immediately

Go up you kind of have to update the game so just unpause and pause real quick oh it went up by 50. maybe there’s bash and let’s see let’s scan is there a Bastion anywhere not looking like a kid there’s like 27 over there but it’s probably not a Bastion wearing a Crimson

Forest let’s increase it a little more see if we see a Bastion oh look at that there’s 30 over there now maybe a Bastion 35 over there probably a Bastion okay I think I’m liking the spike in this direction let’s see if we got it right that was a false positive so it

Didn’t look like there was a Bastion really anywhere close to us so this wouldn’t have been a great world the bastions were pretty far away but you might be thinking how do I Traverse over then are there any rules not really it’s kind of tricky to navigate the nether

You’ll just get it better as you go the Only Rule I think is useful is when in doubt go up the higher Parts than the other are generally more open also since you’re so high up if you’re in a boat and go off the edge you won’t take any

Fall damage there’s actually a few cases where you will take fall damage Minecraft is just really weird there’s just a couple Heights that if you drop from your boat will break and you’ll die so what I’d recommend is right before you hit the ground you just hop out of

Your boat and you’re guaranteed to never die but other than that you know how to find a Bastion I’d recommend going into a couple worlds and creative and just see if you can find one for me I just load a new world make sure you’re in creative mode and then when you’ve

Logged in as long as you’re not looking at a block you can go slash set block space and then press the tab button three times space type por and then tab three more times to get to Nether Portal you’ll just instantly go to the Nether and you can do your entity check thingy

See if there’s a Bastion so I’m not getting any oh there was a spike uh is there one oh over here probably this direction so I’d probably go into spectator fly it this way oh it’s not looking good oh another thing bastions will never spawn in Basalt

Biomes I should have mentioned that but since we’re going through a Basalt biome maybe there’s a Bastion over here so then maybe a good way to keep track of stuff is go to edit and rename your world like no and then you can kind of keep track of what worlds you found at

Astronaut let’s do one more it’s kind of hard to find bastions if they don’t spawn super close to you so sometimes they’ll just get screwed over by Worlds see any spikes any spikes oh there’s a Spike oh there’s totally A bash in this way 100 almost guaranteed there’s a fortress

And boom Bastion so this one I could go rename yes if you get like five yeses that’s probably good enough to move on but let’s talk about bastions how do we deal with them once you get to one the most important thing by far is just identifying what type of Bastion it is

There’s four types of bastions this first one is called Bridge because it’s got this massive Bridge it’s the only Bastion with this giant pile of gold in front and it kind of looks like a pig face if you look at it hard enough next one is called treasure because it’s got

This big box out the back this is where a pile of treasures that’s where it gets the name from it has these like Lava Moat thingies and then two towers out the back our last two look fairly similar but this one is Stables you can tell the Stables because it has this

Stables portion where the hogland spawn um and then out the front we have three towers the last one though only has two towers it’s called housing because out the front these are housing units so instead of stable units we have housing units there’s a like this big open

Courtyard in the front and then two towers in the back so what I’d recommend you do is download this practice map I’ll have a link in the description I mean it’s up to you whether you want to download something from the internet you should always be careful what you’re

Downloading but this is the link I and many other people have used I think it’s pretty safe you just click on the zip file and it’ll download that on your computer and then to get it into your Minecraft world you can go options resource packs open folder this will

Take you into the the dot Minecraft folder so if we go back One Directory click on dot Minecraft there’s the save section this is where we’ll put the actual World file so in your downloads folder you should have a zip file this is the one we just downloaded you can

Right click on it and go to extract files if you don’t have the option to extract files you’ll probably need to download WinRAR and I’ll put a link to that in the description too and now we have this world folder this is actually a Minecraft world but since we extracted

It you just want to double click and there’s actually a folder in a folder this is the one we want to like control X or right click and cut and then we can go back to our DOT Minecraft folder into saves just paste it since I already have

The world though it’s asking me to replace it so I’m just going to cancel that so if all goes right you should have this thing Lomas bashed in practice three point whatever when you load into the world you’ll see this on the left there’s the settings button I would just

Change a couple things this kind of picks what bash and you’re going to spawn at I would set this to random then on this my ceiling block I would click disable terrain and then Vermeer you can just click Start go in a spectator or creative mode and just tell me what

Bastion is this what is this one it’s treasure nice oh to move on or leave the next one if you have an iron pickaxe you can just throw it and it’ll send you back to the beginning I think you always start with an iron pickaxe but if you go

To the right side of this right click this is like your your Loadout one so you can kind of pick and choose the items you want and just put a pickaxe in here click save and now the next time you load in you’ll have this same hot

Bar so what is this one this one is Bridge it’s got the bridge thingy out front this one is oh what is it it’s Stables The Stables is the only one that spawns naturally with hot guns and it has you can kind of tell it’s Stables because it has these flat walls as

Opposed to housing which here let me let me check it housing real quick as opposed to housing which looks kind of sim similar the edges of this are very rugged so housing as the housing unit Stables The Stables units housing has this Center chest and open area up front

That no other Bastion has this one is also housing we just spawned on top of the housing units this one is bridge I can tell it’s Bridge because I’m on the underside of the bridge sometimes you’ll spawn in through the back here and it’s

Kind of hard to tell now that you have a basic idea of what bastions are let’s make it a little bit more tricky turn on terrain if you make sure the spawn point is on terrain and let’s set it maybe 50 blocks away now it gets kind of tricky

What Bastion is this now this is the problem with speed running sometimes all you’ll see are tiny slivers and you have to know which kind of Bastion it is so a really good practice tip is just fly around bastions and kind of identify key features this one I know it Stables

Because there’s three towers to it Stables is the only one that has three towers so if I look at it there’s this bottom stable section look at that uh this one it’s behind a wall I can do my e-ray thing though let’s see oh is it

This way oh look it’s this way what bastionism I’ll just fly around this one is treasure this is Treasure’s the only one that has these massive flat walls so if I fly in we have the giant pile of treasure at the bottom what about this

One do you know what this one is I can kind of tell because the back side of it this is so with Bridge there’s like this back section which is like the mini bridge and then the front section has this massive Bridge so I could kind of

Tell that it’s Bridge also it’s like the most wide fashion so I could kind of tell what that is if you want to get really detailed like I’ve I’ve studied like the bottom sections of Bastion so if you gave me uh what what is it like

This angle I could tell you that it’s a bridge bashed okay once you’ve done that a couple times let’s talk about routing the basic idea is we want all the gold and all the piglens in one spot so we can trade it as quickly as possible in

The case of bridge it’s pretty simple we’re gonna come here and mine all of the blocks except for one now there might be an occasional piglet on the bridge here that’s angry at you just turn your ingots and I mean your blocks and ingots Chuck em the guy is not going

To bother you anymore oh look at that they’re coming to pick up the gold once we have all the blocks but one mind we can turn it into ingots and make ourselves a helmet this will just make it so these guys won’t be angry at us anymore I mean they’re still a little

Bit angry because they saw us mine the Gold so you can just check them another little piece but mine the last gold block and make sure you have this and your gold on your hot bar you can check them on their goal if they’re angry at

You and we’re just gonna run down the center of this hallway now there might be an occasional hoglin zangrate you don’t worry just use the lava bucket to kill him you don’t have a lava bucket you’re just gonna have to be a master Dodger up on the right side this first gap

Between the two Lava Falls this is where we want to be we want to place a block on the pillar jump to it up up to this ledge and then break this block in front of us now we have access to this hallway so it’s on the right side and then just

How we’re on the right side we’re gonna take the first right down this hallway and go as low as we can until we’re at this point now from here we just want to make a piglet hole so I’m gonna put the pigs right here so I’m just gonna place

Two blocks like this now the piglens are going to go in that hole actually this guy you can you can go in that hole we’re gonna Place one block on the side though this will just make us safe from here we can get all the piglens in the

Area to come over to us by breaking the gold block that we kept now you can watch as they all flood down you can just check on the gold boom we’re totally good then you can turn the remaining gold block you have in the ingots this is like our safety

Build so we’re gonna take it as we go to the top to loot the chests so bridge is kind of unique in that the center part is always the same but the right or the left and the right sides can be either tall or short in this case we got two

Tall ones it’s it has like the the triple chest it’s called a triple chest and has like the overhang this is the tall section so once we got our pickles in the hole our job is just to loot the right and left side so I’m gonna go over

Here and all we’re really taking is crying obsidian string and any gold armor that you don’t have so I don’t have pants we also want obsidian string here crying obsidian and that’s pretty much it you can take extra gold if you want but don’t take the the enchanted

Books or anything like that if there’s any stray guys honestly you should probably just Chuck them some gold but I I didn’t really care so I just killed them now we’re gonna go to the other side I like to to just mine this one block and then we can walk along this

Way until we come to this big gap we’re actually going to make this jump it’s super easy though you can make it 100 of the time by doing one simple thing so if you line yourself up on these two blocks so it’s like uh you’re gonna land on the

Edge of this one right here and you sprint the whole time as long as you press spacebar as you’re falling here you’ll make the jump a hundred percent of the time so I just line myself up Sprint space bar and I made it 100 of the time

Super easy we’re gonna loot this side there might occasionally be some Angry Pigs though so you can do one of two things you can Chuck some gold on the ground and then loot the chests or what I like to do is you can dig next to the

Chests place a block above you and then mine the block directly under the chest and now we can open it and the guys shouldn’t get angry at us you might occasionally get them angry at you but in that case you can just toss them some

Gold in the chests or gold on your hot bar sometimes they’ll be like gold sword you can just Chuck it out of the chest and that’ll distract them so you’re not gonna die then we’ve looted the right and left sides and I just need to make

My way back you can either make this jump or play it safe and place a couple blocks and then instead of going up I know some people get lost and go up there we just want to hug like Bank on this wall all the way down until we

Reach all of our loot look at all this we have like infinite loot dude from here it’s like the main thing is Inventory management so the first thing you want to do is make sure you have two slots of pearls this will just make it

So you can get more than 16 because you probably need more than that also make sure you have two slots for string you want more than a stack of string ideally and then you can get rid of things like leather quartz Fire charges mavic cream single block double block stuff like

That you’ll just get better at this as you go on what I like to do is to make sure I get all the trades is just Elevate them so I place one gravel block you see I just picked up a whole bunch and then a block on top so that they

Can’t get out uh what we’re looking for is at least 12 Pearls at least 10 obsidian so we can make a portal to leave and some string to kill the dragon in this case we have everything we’re good to go and then you can throw your

Pickaxe look at that I did everything in five minutes hopefully you can do it faster with a bit of practice next up is treasure the one with all of the treasure at the bottom we’re actually never gonna use this because there’s just a ton of lava everywhere it’s super

Confusing hard to use we’re actually going to start our route out at these two gold blocks on the bridge here it’s not called bridge I know some people getting views even though there’s a bridge this one is treasure the basic idea with this one is we start the route

Here make our helmet here and then run up these two towers and at the top of the towers you can actually see on the back there’s a whole bunch of gold so we’re gonna make our piglet hole at the very top of the tower you either drop

Down from the top onto the gold blocks and then you can place two blocks to keep yourself safe or sometimes you’ll start from the bottom in that case you just go three blocks in and pillar up until you get to here mine this block and then you can keep pillaring up until

You’re at the Gold block and nobody can get mad at you now I mean they’ll get mad at you but they can’t kill you there might be an occasional crossbow dude though so you might have to make yourself a backing so that you don’t get knocked back into the lava but we can

Turn our block into ingots Chuck those on the ground and this guy isn’t going to bother us as we mine our second gold block now that we have all the gold here we’re gonna run all the way up these staircases also I didn’t do it here because I was pretty calm confident but

Make yourself a golden helmet just so the pigs don’t get angry at you if you feel confident enough you don’t need to make a gold helmet like I did here you can just Chuck gold to keep him distracted but I’d recommend a gold helmet so we go right

Straight oh don’t angry at me and then straight once we’re at the top so where this Basalt is make sure you mine this block it just makes it easier for the piglens to half find up to here and then once we’re at this point we can go down

To this very edge connect the two sides and then head up this direction check a gold block here so they don’t get angry at you and kill you now this is where we’re gonna make the pickle and hole always there might be a hole there occasionally so I’m just

Going to fill that in um but normally you just need to place one block here and you’ve made a piglet hole so check all of your gold in there and now we get the rest of the gold so directly in front of you you mine these

Three blocks and there’s a chance for a gold block to be in these three locations as well as upper left lower right and that’s pretty much all you need to memorize we’re gonna mine all these Gold Blocks turn it into gold and then go up and to the other side we

Just go up instead of down to the other side just so that the guys don’t kill us and it’s the exact same on this side too so we mine these three locations Lower right upper left you won’t always get gold blocks as you can see if there isn’t a

Gold block you’ll see this what is this cracked polished Blackstone bricks that just means like a gold block didn’t generate there so we’re just gonna take these gold blocks and then head to the other side these guys should follow us underneath the passageway that we created

You can check that in there and then get all my other Gold Blocks hopefully the guys show up soonish it might take a little bit for them to pathfind are they coming oh they are don’t kill me okay once you’ve got all the guys there

You can keep some gold on you or just like an ax if you want to kill the guys that are down here and then we’re just gonna loot these two sections you only have to worry about these two rooms the room with the the two chests get some string and then the double

Chest over here and that is the entire route we’re just gonna go back to the the hog or not the Hogs the pig ones like last time I’m gonna place a gravel just to elevate the trades and a block on top so they can’t escape you can walk

Into the corner and pick up all my trades this Bastion though there’s a lot of variability into like where the gold blocks spawn oh I missed one here if you don’t get all the trades you need which again is like you need the 12 Ender Pearls at least some string to kill the

Dragon and 10 obsidian to make a portal to get out of the nether if you don’t get all of that there are some backup blocks and they’re they’re pretty easy to remember so where these stairs are on both sides you just mine straight forward on the stairs and there’s going

To be a backup block with the ones on the the right side it’s directly in front of the stairs but on the left side it’s directly in front of the stairs and then up and then here’s your your backup locks the same on this side it’s directly in front of the stairs

And then up so in this case there we got that cracked instead of the the actual gold block but that’s that’s the entire Bastion I’m just gonna go back here pick up all my loot oh I got my pearls in this case it’s just a dead run because I

Didn’t get enough pearls but we finished everything in five minutes solid if you haven’t started practicing these I’d recommend just starting to practice instead of watching them all in one go I think it’s easier to remember things if you’re doing them as you go but that being said though the next one is

Housing this routing can start in one of two locations you could either start at the bottom here or at the Top If you start at the bottom you might get occasionally screwed over with a whole bunch of lava everywhere in that case you can be a madman and do some crazy

Bridging but if there’s lava here I’d go to the top and I’ll show you how to do that real quick but if there isn’t lava everywhere we’re going to start the route down here at this chest so if you have a good enough ax and they’re not

Close enough to you you can break it they’ll get angry now the most important thing is knowing like where to run sometimes it’ll be hard to see the towers in the back background but you’re going to want to make sure before you break the chest probably know where

You’re going to run so I’m going to run towards the tower this way I broke in the chest they’re all angry at me just for actuality’s sake I’m gonna go into survival we’re gonna Place one block here right next to the chest and then a block to keep ourselves safe from here

We just mine three blocks in front of us so that we open up into this passageway and then you can let them all chase you and then directly on the right there’s like a hidey hole that you can get into sorry I kind of have to do things fast

Because they were murdering me but then you go down one two three forward until you hit the gold block and then directly on your left this is where you make your home and all of the guys should go down into the hole and you can just Chuck them the gold then we go

Forward until we see the one at our head height and from here we go right there’s gold I mean left there’s gold right there’s gold these are all of the gold blocks in the entire Bastion or at least on the lower section so I’m gonna check all these guys the gold

Get this little bit of gold it’s just kind of repetitive the best way to learn Bastion routing is just to watch people do it and then see if you can do it now that they have all the gold uh it’s probably time to to sort your inventory uh maybe eat some

Food if you’re low on health like I was but now we place two blocks here this just seals in our trades and we go up back to loot what I like to do is break this block in this block and then Place one more under me just so that I can

Access the trades here and then I also have a staircase on the way back once we’ve done this we can check the chest that we looked over get all the useful stuff out of this we’ve got our pearls we got our obsidian we got our string we’re totally good to leave boom if

You’re starting from the top it’s a little bit different you got to play a little bit more ballsy you’re just gonna hit a guy and run down the staircase so this is a bit tricky I mean it’s just practice like getting used to these bastions we’re gonna keep running down

Until we see the first opening and then we take our first right take a left and then take another right and if you notice this is where we dug in last time you can always tell because there’s a like a little hole this is where we

Always hide in it’s super easy to get into place a block above you you’re totally safe um it can be a little bit confusing with this Bastion right here is the heart of the Bastion so this is where we ran down from and then this is where the chest

Was from earlier so I I would honestly just like walk around this bash and try to get used to it this is the heart of the Bastion we’re always going to um start from the top I’ll just like run through this one more time just so you

Can kind of get used to it we go down to the right left right and then we’re here you can also just like directly drop through here if you want and tank some fall damage and then you can still get in your hidey hole but then it’s exactly the same so

One two three forward as soon as we see the block piglet hole forward until we see one at head level left right these are all the gold blocks if you don’t get all of your trades immediately or you want more obsidian you can just run the staircase in

Reverse all the way back to the top and loot these chests you can same principle applies you do like the dig down next to it place a block and now you can access all of the goodies but after that it’s that yeah that’s it the last Bastion we

Got is Stables which is probably the most confusing it looks sort of similar to housing the one we were just at but this one’s really hard not because it looks crazy or anything but because there’s the most variability and all the other bastions it’s been it mostly

Generates the same every single time but in this case there’s three towers here each with a top half and a bottom half that you can really only see from the side the top half can have either a tall medium or short Tower so this is what

They look like either a tall medium or a short Tower and then if we just fly around to the back the lower section also has three parts so there’s the the right left and center the center is always the same just kind of like bridge but the left and right can generate

Differently you might have heard the term good Gap and bad Gap when it comes to speed running that’s referring to like on this lower section you see how there’s the Gap here see how this is only a one tall Gap one tall is good a good Gap basically means there’s gold at

The bottom of this section A bad Gap is Too Tall and it means that there’s no gold gold at the bottom so the funny thing about this Bastion is if you don’t get a good Gap like this one block tall thing there’s not gold in the entire Bastion and you can’t route it

Technically if you get a tall tower like this there is a couple gold blocks in the top there and you can you can learn bastions on that but I’m not going to go over that this is just introduction there’s tons of different Bastion rounds that you can look into these are just

The basics to get you through a run with this Sebastian we always route from the very bottom middle of this entire thing so you’re going to go into the Stables portion we’re actually never going to use the Stables portion even though there are some gold blocks they spawn

Very randomly and it’s not very consistent one easy to tell like what direction you’re looking is by using these pillars you see how there’s two on this side and one on this side if there’s two pillars on your right you always just go forward this is where we

Want to like this is where the the three towers are so we go all the way down to the bottom where this chest is there’s always going to be a chest here this is where the route starts we place a block here and jump up this just makes it so

That like no piglets can like murder us as we we go here so put on any gold armor that you get from this place nothing’s gonna be able to kill you and then we run up these stairs from here we check to see if it’s a good Gap or bad

Of a gap but we we don’t actually need to go outside and look to see if the Gap is actually there all we have to do is is mine this block you see how there’s kind of like a c here almost like a like a handled looking kind of thing if you

Mine in the middle of that handle if it’s air that’s a good Gap we can go in there and get all the gold if there was an air behind that that’s a bad Gap so you just mind this block in this case it’s a good Gap so I’m going to go into

It you just mine the rest of the handle and then you have a perfect staircase up into your good Gap then we just want to go as low as we can until we see this formation I don’t I don’t know how else to explain it other than until you see

Something that looks exactly like this it’ll generate exactly like this every single time so from here you’re standing on two blocks you can go to the other two that you’re standing on and turn around then place two on the two that you’re just standing on and one next to

It so you just go one two three you’re totally safe no piglets can get to you from above you go one two three then one one two from here mine one more block and this is where your Pilgrim hole is then we can mine adjacent to it here and

There’s a chance for gold blocks to spawn in these four locations we got three out of four this time so that’s pretty good then we mine these Gold Blocks sorry I I’m realizing there’s a lot of memorization to bastions but stick with me we mine the three gold

Blocks mine this so that any piglets that were following us can go into the hole check on some gold but also there’s a whole bunch of piglets up here so you can mine the block and they’ll fall down into the hole you can Chuck them the

Rest of the gold but if you notice we only got four gold blocks from this that’s not ideal there’s a couple more so uh oh I wasn’t supposed to do that make sure you’re on the edge so you don’t fall with and then seal off the original pathway so nothing can get to

You also there might occasionally be an extra piglet down there you can seal them off or check them some gold or kill them just however you want to deal with them the point is once we we have our piglens in here we get all of the other

Gold blocks and it’s pretty easy to remember under this Lantern so in the very center of like this three by three we just mine down until our feet are at Gold level and there’s just gold all around our feet and then in the direction of our piglet

Hole up there we just mine diagonally and there’s a chance for one more gold to be in this location so I would mine this place a block so it comes to me and then we can take the rest of our ingots and just check them in this corner and the

Big ones will start trading that’s the entire route if we just run back where we came from you remember how there’s like two sides to a Bastion this side was a good Gap if we go to the other side the way we check for a good gap on

The other side is we just go up the stairs and mine this block at the top of the stairs if there’s air behind it it’s a good Gap in this case it was a bad Gap and we got nothing a good gap on this side looks just like this you go

Straight down these staircases it’s identical you just start from a different position so we keep going down until we see the 2-2 we go three two here’s our piglet hole mine these four for our Gold Blocks release the piglet in here release the piglens from there

Seal ourselves off and then we go down and get the rest of our Gold Blocks like this check them in the corner that’s a whole wrap while your guys are trading down there I’d recommend going to the top of the Bastion because there’s going to be a whole bunch of chests so with

The tall section there’s three chests at the top with the medium section there’s a chest at the top which is right here and a chest at the bottom and then if it’s the short section there’s a chest only at the bottom so you you just can

Go to all of the different sections get all the chests we’re mainly just looking for obsidian so I would just come up here check for obsidian go over this side check for obsidian and then we can just make our way back down so oh I’m

I’m all over the place we make our way back down to the center and then in this little Nook is the staircase that we came up through so we can go back to the little handle that we mined and all of our pigs should have be done with their

Trading oh yeah look at all this look at all this goodness got our pearls they still have 16 gold to trade so that’s pretty much it one last thing with Bastion routing is knowing how to quick loot I wouldn’t even recommend doing this but I know a ton of people are

Going to ask in the comments there’s not really a tutorial for it online if you want to quickly I would just recommend double clicking it’ll pick up everything in the whole stack but if you want to do it the fancy way you can hold shift you

Press a hot key double click press a hotkey honestly this is pretty difficult and hard to get used to it’ll probably take a long time to do it for the first time but it’s just like a sandwich hotkey double click hotkey you just have

To do it really fast though for me I use my offhand so I go offhand double click off hand I think the best way to loot by far though is just double click you can hover over press shift and then double click and I’ll go into your inventory

That’s a super quick way of looting now that we’re done with our Bastion we need to find another Fortress and this is actually way easier than the Bastion this is probably my favorite thing I’ve ever learned while speed earning I think it’s so cool because we’re gonna find a

Fortress using this spawner so if you hold shift and press F3 you’ll get this pie chart in the bottom right this display is a lot lot of things about the game but we can manipulate it to show us if there’s a spawner in our loaded area

The way we do this is we click the number associated with tick first so in my case it’s five right now then level entities block entities if you ever mess up or want to go back to the beginning of the pie chart just press zero a

Couple times so for me I clicked five one one three if you’ve done it right you should see like a blue turquoise thingy this pie chart is showing us all of the block entities in our loaded area the blue turquoise section are spawners if you don’t have a spawner on your

Screen all you want to do is increase your render distance until that spawner appears the way you do this you can go to your options and increase it by one every time or there’s just a simple hotkey you hold F3 and press F it’ll

Increase it by one so for me we’re at 11 12 13 14 15 16. it appeared from 15 to 16. that’s important because we want to go one below that you can do this with the same f3f thing except you hold shift this time time and I’ll go in reverse

Now that I’m at 15 you’d think the turquoise thing would disappear because it wasn’t there when we were at 15 last time well Minecraft is a little bit weird and like remembering what it’s loaded so we actually have to go like three or four below it and refresh the

Pie chart so you just turn it off and back on and now Minecraft is like oh yeah of course there isn’t a pie chart I remember now there’s no pie chart then we can go back up to that 15 and now we know that if we increase our render

Distance by one the spawner will be located what we can now do is hold F3 and press G will show chunk borders so we’re just going to test one Chunk in each direction to see if it’s in that direction so I’m going to go across the

Strong board is it this way no it’s not this way is it this way no is it this way no then it must be this way so if I cross over this chunk border the spawner should appear which it does that means there’s a spawner 15 chunks in this

Direction but if you think about it the way Minecraft loads chunks is in like a square around you at least in this version it’s different in newer versions but in this version it loads it in a square around you so it could be any one

Of these chunks off in front of us now we use our knowledge of quadrants and where the spawner can actually be you can also just double check your measurements so I’m going to travel this way and if I don’t see the spawner or the Fortress maybe I come over here and

Do the same thing is it still here oh yeah it’s within how many chunks it’s within eight chunks of so I’m gonna go down a couple refresh back up to seven now we cross over chunk boards is it this way no is it this way

Oh yeah it is okay so it’s seven chunks in this direction oh look at this here’s our Fortress and right over here is our spawner like this thing is so cool only caveat with this there is a Bastion that also has a spawner so sometimes you’ll be detecting this Bastion because it has

The magma spawner so you have to come down here and break it and redo your your piedar is what it’s called you do your Pyar scan or the run’s just dead and you restart but now that we’re in the Fortress there’s a couple key things

I mean first of all put on your fire resistance so you don’t die but second sometimes you might find the Fortress and end up in a hallway like this and you’re like okay what direction do I go to find the spawner first we need to understand that there’s two parts to a

Fortress this open section like this where there’s no roof and the closed section like this that does have it first we need to understand there’s two parts to a fortress this open section which has the Blaze Spawners and this closed section which does not you want

To get out of here we always transition from the closed section to the open section with this like Center dot lava thingy if you’re in this open section you always want to get to that lava Dot Center thing and there’s a couple rules that you can follow to solve the Maze of

This nether fortress if you see stairs like this always go up these stairs but if there’s stairs with Nether Warts always go down so you go up regular stairs down Netherwood stairs so you can also enter through the back like this you always go forward through these following the downward staircase if you

Find any balconies you follow the direction of the balcony so this balcony is pointing this direction so I follow this one oh look there’s another balcony pointing this direction let’s go over here okay staircase up still go up and now we found the center lava dot thing I

Think that’s so cool you can find the starting generation of any Fortress by following those key rules up regular stairs follow the balconies and through netherwort stairs we want to be towards the open portion of the Fortress because this is where the blade spawners are there’s always two Blaze Spawners at any

Fourth there’s not as cool tricks to find these other than you can kind of think the way a fortress generates like a tree this is the trunk of the tree and the closer you stay to the trunk the more likely you are to find a blaze

Spawner so you want to stay towards like a ton of intersections and close to the the closed portion of it sometimes you might run into wither skeletons don’t worry very simple way to deal with them pillar up one two three blocks they will jump on The Ledges and you can punch

Them off super super simple other than that we just want to stay at the blaze spawner and kill blazes until we get six blaze rods at least I’m places to have a 50 chance of dropping and it kind of just depends how confident you are with speedrunning maybe your first run trying

To get eight rods or something you can also get blazes to spawn More Often by opening the spawning spaces so you can just take your pickaxe and mine these things you can also do something a little bit more dangerous if you have some extra beds you can use a bed to

Open up the spawning space all you’ll do is place a block right here so that we don’t destroy the spawner place two blocks like so and a bed so that the head of the bed is directly above this block if it’s not directly above it you’re gonna blow up the spawner that is

The most important thing the the explosion begins from the bed this is the only thing that counts so as long as this is over the block that’s above the spawner and this block has a high blast resistance AKA it’s Stone so if I were to use Netherrack it wouldn’t work just

Make sure you use is like Stone another brick would work as well you can detonate the bed and it will open up a ton of spawning spaces for blazes to spawn just make sure you take care of the fire and then you can even just extend the platform so you can kill

Them with ease that’s it just make sure you’re eating food pretty often try not to get hit by the way of the skeletons try to avoid skeletons and if you’re wanting more blazes and you’re not getting a ton at your spawner you can actually lower your render distance to

Get all of the mobs to spawn closer to you I’d recommend dropping it to five and hoping for some mops to spawn around congrats that’s everything you need from another in the next part we’ll go over the end killing the ender dragon finding the stronghold all the cool stuff man

While making this video I didn’t think it would ever end dude so much to memorize with bastions but if you can learn it all you’re well on your way to getting an epic speedrun I hope you guys have a super epic day and I’ll see you in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘How to Speedrun Minecraft (nether)’, was uploaded by rekrap1 on 2023-05-27 13:30:30. It has garnered 160631 views and 7089 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:00 or 2460 seconds.

Bastion Practice map:

Win rar download incase you can’t extract the zip:

Tutorial to set up mods:

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    Welcome to our Bedrock Hermitcraft SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining our small community of builders and players, feel free to reach out on Discord! Requirements: Must be 18+ (exceptions may be made based on maturity) Looking to reach 10 active players on average Contact: Discord: Biippie Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – A spicy Minecraft banger!

    I guess you could say this meme is truly mining for laughs with that high score! Read More

  • Creeper Showdown: Shorty vs. Level 999 Monstrosity!

    Creeper Showdown: Shorty vs. Level 999 Monstrosity! That short creeper is like the Napoleon of creepers, always trying to compensate for its height with extra explosions! Watch out, tall creeper, you may be towering over him now, but he’s got some serious explosive power! #shortpeopleproblems #minecraftmadness Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore the Thrills of PvP and Survival in Minecraft SMP

    Join Minewind: Explore the Thrills of PvP and Survival in Minecraft SMP Welcome to! Today we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I think I saw something in the forest #horrorminecraft #trollface #pvp #minecraftsmp #smp #fyp”. The video description mentioned encountering Herobrine, the goatman, and the cave dweller in a heart-pounding Minecraft adventure. It was an absolute blast to watch! If you’re a fan of intense gameplay, unexpected twists, and adrenaline-pumping moments, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Join us at Minewind by… Read More

  • Games Better Than Minecraft?!

    Games Better Than Minecraft?! Exploring Minecraft-Like Games: A Review Introduction In a recent video, the gaming enthusiast showcased several games that offer a similar experience to Minecraft. Let’s delve into these Minecraft-like games and see how they stack up against the iconic sandbox game. Game 1: Craft Man Java The first game explored was Craft Man Java, which impressed with its unique textures and smooth gameplay. The world-building aspect and multiplayer options make it a must-try for Minecraft fans. Game 2: Crafting & Building Next up was Crafting & Building, featuring a cartoonish loading screen and familiar skins. The game offers a creative… Read More

  • Dytolan’s heart rate spikes playing MINECRAFT ClubSMP LIVE! #shorts

    Dytolan's heart rate spikes playing MINECRAFT ClubSMP LIVE! #shortsVideo Information I got to change my I stay at the factory I stay at the factory aado wait is it up no [Laughter] [ __ ] I’m GNA fight someone my skin works I’m not paying attention I’m I’m trying to go things one at a time at Le she think I don’t [ __ ] care anymore I’m stupid I’m just going to like upload my skin and I can load this is the most scuffed scuffed SMP launch I’ve ever had after the you’re the oneus to download was so much smoother well that’s vanilla yeah real um you’re fault instructions… Read More

How to Speedrun Minecraft (nether)