Hypnotizd – Project Ozone 3 Kappa Mode – VOIDIC RITUAL [E35] (Modded Minecraft Sky Block)

Video Information

Welcome back everybody to another episode of project it was on three oh yay guys today we’re gonna continue on with our avoid craft stuff that we were looking at last episode yeah we ended up dying when we went to the void dimension I didn’t really know what I was doing I

Went ahead I did a little bit of research on the mod yeah turns out there is documentation that kind of tells you about different stuff and there’s also this tab here mysteries of the void Voytek ritual blocks and essentially these are supposed to be like quests or

Like ways to gain knowledge about the mod anyway so really what we have to do is craft this block here the Voytek ritual block so that requires us to have eight stone brick and then a void crystals let’s do that real quick boy eat a crystal and then stone brick we

Have some over here well we have stone anyway so eat stone brick easy and I’ll just put that one put that back in there cool so let’s craft this thing and see what happens so if we do one of those one of those we get eight of those

Things so did that unlock anything if we go back in here oh and then we were supposed to right-click a loan place ritual block this will open up knowledge so we have to place it and right-click it with the book okay so we please right click and it just says rituals okay

Very good so mysteries of the void here we go Voytek ritual list so now it says this page will display the available rituals that can be invoked to advance your bead me come knowledge Mecca I’m not sure how to pronounce that words of power so it looks like this is a three

Layer ritual or that rituals can be up to three layers anyway and this wants us to do one layer okay so there is no other pages so we just have this so we need to do the Voytek ritual block plus a glowstone prismarine coal and magma I

Think we might have magma we do we definitely Cole and the rest of it was a glow stone and a prisoner in brick so glue stone easy and then prismarine we need we need to go down here and convert some quartz into prism arene so you can’t

Right-click it with something in my hand so we’ll place those here step on the pressure plate and there we go here’s some prison bearing shards and that turns into prison Maureen okay so prismarine brick apparently you don’t know how to craft this stuff ah yeah

Need nine of them of course you do why wouldn’t you alright well that’s easy enough I’ll just grab five more courts and back over here to the laser thingy so did I not oh right there’s that laser got it cool all right so now that we

Have that we need to craft that into the block and here and then craft that into its blocked okay so we now have all four blocks and then our Voytek ritual blocked so let’s place this guy and then of course we’re gonna want to reference

The book here now I don’t know if it matters well I guess it probably matters the order in which these are but I don’t know if it matters like if this one’s north or south or east or west so anyway we’re gonna do glowstone prismarine coal so glue stone prismarine coal and then

The magma okay so we’re a click it with the book words of power okay it’s a word flame we have a new thing that spells what just happened here uh words of power back close interesting main mysteries of the void okay so yeah we have unlocked this one

Words of power as you invoke more and more rituals you will gain words of power a word when spoken by right clicking with a nearby book in hand cast magical effects at least it seems magical the only explanation is that the book is opening small rifts to specific

Sections of the void unleash such powers be wary Voytek magic is highly unstable and prone to explosions – ready your vade beckham for a word you must first select a word this can be done by clicking on the spells button on the bottom left of the book this thing that

We looked at words require materials these can be inside the book itself or any inventory after you have a word ready to use chef right click in the world with your book in hand and I’ll change color you are now ready to use the word by right clicking ok

Interesting so let’s go back to here mysteries of the void the ritual list so we have flame shock freeze and acid spring all right well flame seems easy where do you have for magma blocks and I think we have another rack we have for another rack awesome ok so let’s place this down

And that is the magna block on the cardinal and the netherrack on the corners ok so there’s that this this this this and right click word fling cool uh word sheath fire ooh this is a three-dimensional one ok so we are gonna need nine more magma blocks we have

Exactly nine let’s go alright so back to this it was one on the bottom and then the Cardinals and in the corners alright so one on the bottom stone Cardinals then the corners so I’m probably gonna need some kind of other block here this grab some cobble this is fine and the corners

Like so okay so that should be what we need here if I right-click this thing boom sheath fire word fireball oh my goodness there’s so many different words and it looks like we had fire originally and then upgrade to another one now it’s upgraded a fireball so it looks like

Each different one of these like fries is probably gonna have multiple ones shock is gonna have multiple ones okay interesting well I’m gonna go through and try and knock out as many of these as we can and then we’ll be back guys alright guys so I have been doing a lot

Of these different rituals we go to our spells tab we can see that we have a lot of the fire ones a lot of the ice ones and a lot of the shark ones mm-hmm so this one right here the shark ones did require a few and rods try to go back to

The end to grab those so we can unlock these I think it required a bunch of and stone and in stone bricks pretty much was the whole deal with this one this one right here I did have to go back to that Twilight to get a whole lot more

Snow so I can make snow blocks they required a bunch of snow and a bunch of ice in order to do this one and then we still have the the fire one I went to the nether again I grabbed a whole bunch of these magma blocks I don’t you

Remember how many they grabbed like a bean might a bunch of them so we got a lot now snow we got a lot of ice a little bit more than what we had before and I’ve used some for these rituals so we’ve gone through it now the next one

That we’re on this Voytek ritual one does that show what I have unlocked ah there’s another tab here aha so there’s the yeah this one right here acquired a bunch of slime and it required green slime to do it so we have this tree set up here so I grabbed a

Bunch of the orange slime a bunch of the orange slime blocks right took them into the balls and I put four or I guess eight of them into a 3×3 crafting grid with like green one and because they weren’t all the same type it turned into

A green block so we get a bunch of of the the green slime now because of that anyway so I’ve been doing a lot of stuff off-camera here to unlock these different things yeah this one required this is the one I think that we’re working on right now eath and I think

Voytek touch was part of it anyway those required a bunch of the Oh what is the block called these avoided crystal blocks so we needed a bunch of and steel in order to make this stuff and more of our avoided crystals so you can see I have some more in steel grinding balls

In fact I am cooking up a whole bunch and steel downstairs right now as we speak but it looks like we are running low on power here so it’s going really slowly now yeah I cooked up a full stack a dark steel ingots and then I am

Turning that into the end steel ingots here but again we’re not providing enough power for this machine to run effectively now whenever we set this machine up was the last episode of the episode before I can’t remember we put in I think it was like an enhanced hot

Capacitor and I was like oh this one probably works but if not I’ll get the machine working well hot it’s not actually for this machine it’s one that says like smelting I think well anyway this one isn’t specific for this machine either but it is a wonder capacitor so

It allows it to have a lot more internal power storage and since it has more power storage you can run faster which makes the machine run faster I guess I don’t know it’s weird how that all works anyway it makes the machine run faster and that’s all that really matters

So we were in the process of doing this and this requires whole in reality blocks now I saw those in the void dimension but I don’t I didn’t know you can actually mind these apparently you can so we’re gonna go to the void dimension here and see if we can mine up

Some of the hole and reality blocks together see what happens here oh you know what I should probably get some food ready to be eaten here okay so whole in reality I know yeah just some right here I didn’t know you could mind these things I think I said

Like if you run into them it does something but apparently yes this is not harvestable whoa guy not cool hey okay so that guy just disappeared so whole in reality I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that am I supposed to find a special hmm you know what there’s avoiding tools

That we do void your pickaxe there is so there’s a void pickaxe and then there is a spectral pickaxe an upgrade I wonder if one of these or the other will do it now Voytek steel is something that we don’t know how to do just yet Voytek

Massa reader okay so we could try making this void pickaxe and see if that’ll work all right so I went ahead and I made the pickaxe and I trade mining it’s still not harvestable so I’m not sure if I need to do an upgraded pickaxe or if

There’s another way to get in and we’re not supposed to be doing this just yet or anyway so I noticed here on the mysteries of the void we have unlocked some other sections and the words the power the ones that we or I’m sorry the ritual list is the ones that we’ve been

Doing right now words of power is telling us that we can cast the spells durable potions is talking about how we can make throwable oceans with these different ingredients but it’s not telling me exactly how to do this it says using your knowledge on Voytek spells you can create potions that cause

Some interesting effects upon impacting against the ground to craft these potions be sure to shift right-click the alchemical device with your book first what’s the alchemical device I don’t know these are handy to share with those who can’t I cast such spells unlike yourself so yeah I’m not sure with the

Alchemical device it’s referencing is I’m sure I can go through GUI and search for alchemical or something but it doesn’t really say but yeah there’s I guess five different spells that we can do brain no four different ones okay beginning back to the voice this is the newest one that

We have unlock and it says I’m sure you’ve noticed each time you attempt to cast a spell there’s a very good chance you’ll explode well I haven’t I haven’t noticed that yet because we haven’t tried to cast one now you may be wondering where this text is even coming

From I’ll just let you know that I the book of no ordinary book with let’s stay on topic right onto the explosions bit I have a task for you doing this task will decrease a chance for you to explode by 25% currently your chance is 75% okay so

We don’t want to cast any spells right now because apparently is gonna make us explode I’m sure you were kind to do math right the task is simple I want you to enter the void in keene some infusion it won’t be much but I’ll let you know

When your task is complete so apparently we’re supposed to go into this dimension here and I think it’s like over lose like five hearts or something is when we’ve gained enough infusion well I guess I need to stay here and fight these monsters that keep coming after me

While we just sit here and gain it but yeah so I did do a little bit of vein mining here as you saw in one of the previous clips when I came in I picked up a whole bunch of bedrock that I wasn’t able to collect previously I’ve

Been going around in the void dimension looking for those plants that we were kind of talking about before if we go and look at a potion there’s this potion which apparently I think prevents the screen from darkening around the edges and prevents you from taking the health

Damage anyway in order to do that we need these different fruits right well I found the ethereal fruits if you fly around and go to Lake where the void is this liquid void stuff sometimes you’ll find I guess tilled soft bedrock right next to it well I’ve got around to all

The close ones anyway and I have harvested all of the plants that I could find you just right-click on them if they’re fully grown so I’ve done that and I collected a bunch of bedrock and then I made the void hoe I think Boyd ho yeah so it’s to voice

Holes obsidian and diamond you just right-click on the soft bedrock and you can fill it and you can plant those seeds so I’ve done that in the overworld I was kind of experimenting around with it to see you know how easy or how hard

It is for us to plant that stuff and get to grow and it’s really not that bad um but anyway I’m gonna go ahead and just wait for this to finish up taking my health away so we can complete this quest and we’ll be right back guys well

After five hearts of damage I did start alright we did complete the quest and you could see my arms and stuff there’s like stuff growing out of my player character I tried looking for those spikes before and I wasn’t able to see how but yeah they are definitely there

We are succumbing to the void so let’s get out of here we only got four hearts remaining when we go back to the overworld our health slowly regenerates back and then the purple the purple and this goes away yeah so over here like I was talking about before we have some

Soft bedrock it’s a nine by nine farm you have to hydrate the soil with the liquid void stuff here it floats upwards similar to like a liquid glow stone so I have that blocked off with this dark glass and the the void seeds will only grow the ethereal seeds will only grow at

Light level two and lower so I have dark glass all the way around this thing and all the way down at the bottom where light levels zero but I think so this is tilled it’s like slightly lower than one block so nothing can spawn on it there’s

No X’s that appear there when you are looking for that kind of stuff I don’t know if the Agri craft sprinklers affected I want to think they do so I put them in here and then I have down below made one additional of these growth crystal tear tubes we had one of

Them previously sitting right over here underneath our seed analyser so I made a second one hoping that that would make things grow faster but anyway getting back to the topic at hand here these things in order for us to brew the potions I guess we can look at this

No we need void potion yeah in order to brew these potions we need these different flavors of the ethereal fruit apparently in order to do this you have to click the ground with different stuff so like the red ones I think you have to do with redstone I haven’t tried this

Yet so we’re gonna do this together and see if we can get see if we can get this to work so we need to write so I think glowstone is another one so I’ll bring both of those we’ll try two different seeds here umm alright so redstone

Oh yes glowstone is not one I thought it was okay well so you can see redstone turn the ground red and that apparently will make the plant have a different color I guess anyway so I’ll plant that one there we’ll plant this one here you see this one’s purple and that one looks

A little bit more red than if three does that see anything boy craft ethereal plant a zero it doesn’t really see anything different okay well I mean that’s pretty much all there is to it you plant them down make sure the light level is low and then they grow when

They get to growth stage or age seven then you can right click to harvest them you get between zero and three seeds and I don’t something like that I think probably for the fruit as well anyway I will work on that a little bit more in

The future here alright so if we go back okay and prove to Casting now this has got that void cloth fabrics that we were looking for it says you can further decrease your chances of exploding from casting spells by another 25% just complete this task for your next task

Simply venture into the void and find a void fortress yes is that simple it may be wise to collect a few charred bones while you were there well you know what we’ve seen the void fortress before that’s not the like the end City looking thing that was the another fortress

Looking thing now hopefully we can find it pretty quickly it should be that hard to find things here yeah we don’t want to go up there cuz we will die yeah it shouldn’t be that hard to find things in this dimension there’s really not much here we see you find our opening to

Where that fortress was out here it is oh yeah this Voytek Paris to that I’ve seen here I’m not really sure what those do other than drop feathers I’m not sure why but yeah those are the only other mobs different mobs that I have seen so

I don’t know that I just go into you there we go we’re done advancement made okay so if we go back to the book now back we take control okay well let’s get out of here so the void effect isn’t really that strong or portal is over

Here okay so the next quest says voided control you may know that void confusion inflicts some rather nasty effects upon you however you must also know that there are some of these effects that can be beneficial there are ways to control your infusion effects a way any way to

Prove more good than bad enter the void and allow yourself be consumed by the void confusion that’s the purple stuff I will anchor your body to the Material Plane to prevent death long enough for you to gain new power so essentially it wants me to go there until my health

Runs out and I die that’s pretty much it so I guess I’m going to go ahead and do that I will put a chest here with like things in it so I don’t lose everything in the void I’m sure it won’t be that bad but maybe there’s gonna be mobs

Camping or whatever so anyway I’ll just put all non-essential things in a chest next to the portal here and I’ll be right back guys okay so we succumb to the void I guess very good your infusion has been consumed in order to create your new power awesome so we don’t even

Have to wait we didn’t die I thought we were gonna die we didn’t even have to wait for the head void infusion effect to go away so let’s just get out of the void again and I will put my tools back on the bar where I want them

Yeah I was expecting us today and we had to go back and collect her stuff I wasn’t really sure what was gonna happen there but apparently it wasn’t that destructive so that is quite nice okay all that stuff is back here and when you’re this just cool so next thing

Empowerment I’ve got a new task for you it’s pretty simple just hold a void star in your hand yep that’s all this will give you more control over your infusion you will deal increased damage based on the amount of infusion you have so I

Need to get myself a void star so a void star it does not look like it’s craftable um it is used in some things so we are gonna have to get it somehow so infusion waiting incre okay back this umm so I guess we got to figure out how

To get the void stars I guess I will go through here and see if I can come up with something all right so I was going through the bosses section of the book and we have a corrupted pawn here and it says this part of the world using gene

School and it says upon death they drop their inner core the void star so this is how we get void stars by fighting the corrupted pawn it says these deadly entities are very quick deal massive damage and have a very large health pool they attack most other creatures in

Sight one must be very prepared before taking one on ok so that gets me thinking like I’m not sure I want to take him on Jesse yeah yeah we have armor but only protection for armor and it’s not a really great armor I’m kind of thinking that we should look at

Getting ourselves the health canisters in order to increase our health overall so we have more hearts available so the heart canisters the red heart ones yellow heart green heart I think we have one green heart I’m not sure but we’ll have take a look at that anyway the thing

That’s preventing us from doing this at this moment is we need to get the canister now the canister seems like that would be pretty easy but this requires an anti bone and I believe anti bones are only gun from anti skeletons which are skeletons that have gone through

Antimatter now in order to get antimatter yeah that is a thing antimatter according to the wiki for a Bissell craft mod says it only generates and Corral you man festive swamps now we don’t have normal terrain generation so we can’t go to a quorum and press it’s

Swamp as far as I know unless the toilet forest has that I’m just unaware of that so pretty much as far as I can tell this is the way that you get it so we have to make a magic a converter rain looks like it requires ember I’m not exactly sure

How all this works and we have to melt down some kind of ingot and that gets you 50 mela buckets well a bucket is one thousand right so yeah we’re gonna be like 20 different ingots melted down now we’ve seen these different ingots before we’ve collected

These you got those from the land craft dimension rate land yeah well I mean we have this stuff but we don’t have this magical converter so we have to make the blueprint or I guess get the blueprint I think actually I’m not sure if you need

The blueprint but this tells you how to do it um and it requires a whole bunch of stuff guys so one of the things I’m noticing here is a displacement room that’s what caught my attention I was just searching for that a little bit ago the displacement room that’s blood magic

And blood magic it’s gonna require a bunch of stuff we need blank routes and he’s in viewed slates and we’ve seen blood magic before no this is new but the thing that really kind of is interesting here is we need the imbued inscription tiles which is these blank inscription tiles wrapped around and

Mana infused dust we’ve seen how to get that’s two redstone that’s not a big deal but these inscription tiles require all that Ironwood okay so now that we’re at this point ironwood we can get from Ironwood essence if we start getting into a graph that is a Tier three seed

Which requires Vuitton yeah and we have to have ourselves four blocks of iron would get to here oh my goodness guys there’s a lot of stuff going on here in this modpack I would love to be able to just grow iron would I am really tired of going to

The Twilight to look for the other way this stuff the raw iron wood materials with the live route in order to get this we’ve also seen that we can turn routes into this so I mean we might go this path again just make a whole bunch of

That but yeah there’s a lot of stuff going on right now in order for us to proceed so once again I find myself in the Twilight forest I was coming to the swamp area here to see if we could find any of the mobs from void craft that

Spawn near swamps so if we go to the book where is it right here yeah if we go to the book and we look at void Lich it says only found within a swampland and quite rare riches we’ll do a variety something you can’t read it

Cuz they got bad guys after me riches we’ll do a variety of attacks these attacks are very deadly so be prepared witches do not like one another and will attack each other out sight upon death of drop avoid cloth boy clots really was a thing that we’re after and I was kind

Of hoping that we might be able to see those guys spawn here in this swampy area in the Twilight unfortunately we haven’t had any luck with those guys spawning and additionally I have not seen any of the antimatter stuff here as well but I was just looking at the

Mini-map a moment ago and it seemed like there was something over here which looked kind of like a sha Gothel ear on the mini-map I’m not exactly sure if that’s what this is or is not but I do you want to come over here and kind of take a look regardless

Just you know verify see if there is in fact other stuff besides the depths of ghouls they keep spawning here careful so I put a mark yeah there is a thing right here in the water that is exactly what this is this sha goth lair interesting okay

Ah so we need yeah those are the lesser shoggoths those guys produce like ooze is up yeah they updated the graphics of these things it looks so weird now they used to look how like a frog almost oh they you do damage oh man I cannot I don’t

Remember how to kill these things so we’re just gonna back off apparently arrows don’t work I think I have to sword them I don’t remember but yeah I don’t think I’m prepared especially when that thing does like two hearts of damage okay we’re gonna leave that alone yeah well anyway that’s where those

Things are we know about that now oh yeah back to the overworld I guess okay so it looks like our crops have grown and now we have this one here I’m gonna right-click on it so we get to ethereal seeds back and we didn’t actually get

Any fruit yeah so I can drop zero so we have to regrow that one this one’s done and that one gave us two of the ethereal fruit and two of the seeds as well so you can go ahead and play it both of those back down here oh you lose the

Redstone when you do that interesting I didn’t realize that okay well that’s something new that I just learned uh yeah so we only get the one ethereal fruit so we’re gonna have to plant down a bunch of those I don’t have to look and see what it costs for all of these

Ethereal fruits for all the different flavours of them yeah I think there’s like five or six different ones that we need in order to prove that potion anyway guys we’ve done a lot of stuff today most of it with that void craft but we have run out of Epis or we run

Out of time in this episode for today mm-hmm anyway guys that is it for today thank you guys for watching remember leave a like on this episode you liked it and we’ll see you next time thanks for watching guys bye bye you

This video, titled ‘Project Ozone 3 Kappa Mode – VOIDIC RITUAL [E35] (Modded Minecraft Sky Block)’, was uploaded by Hypnotizd on 2019-12-15 21:00:01. It has garnered 67646 views and 1633 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:44 or 1844 seconds.

Today we are continuing on with VoidCraft. We need to a way to get void infused cloth and so far the only things we can do are go to the dimension and take voidic infusion damage. Let’s explore the mod a bit more.

► PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLriprjos26puQ_l4sOUdQz60hFEi5deg0

► LINKS https://twitter.com/hypnotizd_ https://twitch.tv/hypnotizd https://youtube.com/hypnotizdLIVE

► MODPACK INFORMATION Closed beta, not available to download Project Ozone 3 – Garden of Glass – Kappa Mode

#minecraft #projectozone3 #kappamode

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    Minecraft's Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, we take a dive, Exploring the past, where it all did thrive. From Minecon in Vegas, to the Combat Update, Every detail shared, every story so great. The early days of Minecraft, so simple and pure, A game that would grow, of that we were sure. From bridges to dragons, the community grew, With updates and features, always something new. The Adventure Update, the Chorus plant in sight, Trading and temples, adding to the delight. The Pretty Scary Update, with the Wither’s might, Challenges and bosses, a true gamer’s fight. So let’s celebrate 15… Read More

  • Snowee’s Memory Gone! Epic Minecraft Mystery!

    Snowee's Memory Gone! Epic Minecraft Mystery!Video Information This video, titled ‘Flamee LOST His Memory In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Snowee on 2024-03-31 16:00:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Flamee LOST His Memory In Minecraft! Inspired by Cash Nico Aphmau Sunny Melon Jeffery Marvin Johnny Omz Dash Friend … Read More

  • Unbelievable: The Ultimate Size of the Universe! 😱🌌

    Unbelievable: The Ultimate Size of the Universe! 😱🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘¡El Verdadero Tamaño del Universo! 😮🌌’, was uploaded by Papelitoyt35 on 2024-02-28 15:00:26. It has garnered 396793 views and 18202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. #shorts #curiousdata #universe #minecraft #reaction #reaction #universe Read More


    DUNCE BECOMES FORTNITE KING IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘FORTNITE IN MINECRAFT (battle royale)’, was uploaded by king dunce on 2024-03-15 20:03:20. It has garnered 626 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:34 or 754 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Live Stream – MUST WATCH NOW!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Live Stream - MUST WATCH NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE (road to 600 subs)’, was uploaded by Dragonray on 2024-05-20 02:37:07. It has garnered 45 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:05 or 12065 seconds. no swearing #minecraft #live #livestream Read More

  • HeartHunters

    HeartHuntersThis is the Heart Hunter server, with an amazing community, amazing staff team, and just very good server. Sometimes every season we have lifesteal, or we change it, depends what the people want! you can have that freedom here! We are trying to grow our server and you can be apart of it. So please, join me on grind! HeartHunters.mcserv.me Read More

  • ExeosCraft – SMP, McMMO, Friendly, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win features? Join ExeosCraft, where we focus on your experience. All money generated goes to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with no resets on our 35,000×35,000 map. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness is our priority for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: Hate speech is not tolerated, and all are welcome in our safe space. Custom Plugins: Enhance your vanilla experience with unique plugins. Cross-Platform: Designed for Java and Bedrock players, with exclusive… Read More

  • Arcano Netowrk

    Get ready to immerse yourself in exciting challenges, unique events and lots of fun as we compete for exclusive prizes. From rare items to valuable resources, there’s something for everyone!Don’t miss the opportunity to join this adventure full of prizes and fun! See you there! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft MLG Pro Firelords

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft MLG Pro FirelordsLooks like this meme is MLG-level popular, 360 no-scope approved! Read More

  • Craft a Nether Sword Portal: Minecraft’s Instructive Roar

    Craft a Nether Sword Portal: Minecraft's Instructive Roar In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to share news that will make you high-fives. From Nether Sword Portals to giant Alex’s tale, We’ve got the updates that never fail. So subscribe to our channel, join the fun, And let’s explore Minecraft, one rhyme at a time, hun. With Bobby and Boralo leading the way, We’ll keep you entertained, every single day. Read More

  • Minecraft: When You Accidentally Punch a Creeper

    Minecraft: When You Accidentally Punch a Creeper When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you just committed a war crime. Read More

  • Minecraft vs. Original: Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pt 2 Trailer

    Minecraft vs. Original: Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pt 2 Trailer The Magical World of Minecraft and Harry Potter Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft as it collides with the beloved universe of Harry Potter in a side-by-side comparison of the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer 1. Witness the magic unfold as iconic scenes are recreated in the pixelated realm of Minecraft, bringing a fresh perspective to the epic tale of Harry Potter. Exploring Hogwarts in Minecraft Experience the grandeur of Hogwarts Castle in Minecraft, with its towering spires and intricate details faithfully recreated in blocky form. From the majestic Great Hall to the mysterious Forbidden Forest, every corner… Read More


    EPIC DAY 23 ADVENTURES WITH THE BOIS!Video Information what’s up everybody Welcome to the stream welcome back welcome back oh need a SL kit okay ultimate mystery book see what we got here Swift snake all right Mother Goose plushy welcome welcome um hopefully everything is running okay tonight yall remember last time my stream kept going down so if it goes down again then we’ll be only on Twitch so as of right now though I think everything’s good what’s up asgarian what’s up bacon put my mother goose down it looks like the berries are ready to get strawed oh go in a hole… Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Secret -40 Level

    Exploring Minecraft's Secret -40 LevelVideo Information this place looks so cool This video, titled ‘Minecraft Backrooms Showcase Level -40 #backrooms #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by k3melow on 2024-05-01 05:00:13. It has garnered 1082 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Backrooms small Short to showcase what I have built I have a series on making the backrooms in Minecraft and also a series of where I play my map so you can check that out too I guess Map Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/k3melow/ discord: https://discord.gg/JhMudkxDZn tags cuz I need views :p #backrooms #minecraft #showcase #shorts #shortvideo #trending Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Crossplay Server on Minecraft! (Road to 600) Live!

    Unleashing Chaos: Crossplay Server on Minecraft! (Road to 600) Live!Video Information e e yo Skitty yo did you just change your profile pick or what what the [ __ ] you like another profile Ving in switch what’s up numo uh what’s up skdy or Angel um what’s up white wolf how you doing dude yo where you been white wolf in a minute hi I want attention oh bro well I don’t know if you’re going to get it here everyone’s going to be do doing their thing Steph but how’s it going Steph her uh heard you wanted to get rid of someone um I’m not going… Read More

  • Sbeev’s Insane XP Farm in Minecraft!

    Sbeev's Insane XP Farm in Minecraft!Video Information I just got done making this fancy crate mod iron farm and now I’m off to the next one an experience Farm or is it a mob farm technically both regardless it’s going to make my Colony even more dangerous than it already was so I thought I’d start by building a guard tower for the colonist before I go importing tons of mob spawners right into the backyard we got 2,000 iron ingots per hour that’s pretty good pretty decent if you’ve seen the other episodes you might know that my col this have been freaking out… Read More

  • Ultimate VFX Pack for EPIC Minecraft Videos! 💥

    Ultimate VFX Pack for EPIC Minecraft Videos! 💥Video Information तो क्या तुम्हे प चाए सफ पैक फॉर योर मा वीडियो तो तुमने बिल्कुल सेव डि पे क्लिक करा है इस वीडियो में तु देने वाला हूं 50 प् एक पैक फॉर योर m वीडियोस अगर तुमने v पैक को डाउनलोड कर भी लिया और तुम्हें पता ही नहीं कि कौन से वफ पैक को कहां पर इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो पहले वीडियो को एंड तक वच करो वीएफ मेनली फोर टाइप्स के होते हैं पहला ट्रांजिशन ट्रांजिशन जैसे कि स्व ट्रांजिशन इसे तुम दो सेंटेंसेस के बीच में लगा सकते हो सेकंड टाइप के वक्स होते हैं… Read More

  • Married to Girl Mobs in Minecraft!? Full Movie

    Married to Girl Mobs in Minecraft!? Full MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘I GOT MARRIED TO GIRL MOBS IN MINECRAFT! (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-03-26 16:00:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I GOT MARRIED TO GIRL MOBS IN MINECRAFT! (FULL MOVIE) Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❤️ #Minecraft #Roleplay … Read More

  • Ultimate Profile Pixel Art in Minecraft! 😍🔥 #trending

    Ultimate Profile Pixel Art in Minecraft! 😍🔥 #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Profile Pixel Art 😍 (My Fan) #shorts #minecraft #video #ytshorts #viral #trending #shortsviral’, was uploaded by Itz Warden YT on 2024-01-08 17:57:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Epic Profile Pixel Art of my fan Sub to my 2nd channel @PixelArt_Maker #shorts #minecraft #video #pixelart #newvideo #epic … Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret in Cobblemon Islands! 👾 #shorts

    Unbelievable Secret in Cobblemon Islands! 👾 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cobblemon Islands! w/ Wilson & Hawk (Vertical Stream) #shorts’, was uploaded by NintenPercent on 2024-04-13 22:15:49. It has garnered 927 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:47 or 14507 seconds. Cobblemon Islands! w/ Wilson & Hawk 🟪​ Discord: https://discord.gg/vaCGbQzsJM 🟥​ Get yourself 25% off a Minecraft server using code ” Ninten ” 👉 https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990448 #pokemon #minecraft #pixelmon #oneblock #shorts #shortsvideo Read More

  • Minecraft’s Biggest Secret Revealed in CraftVids Music Video🔥

    Minecraft's Biggest Secret Revealed in CraftVids Music Video🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Checkpoint and Guido “Tales” Minecraft Music Video🎵 [VERSION A] -‘, was uploaded by CraftVids on 2024-06-06 15:15:02. It has garnered 52 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:15 or 555 seconds. 🎵 STREAM THIS SONG NOW! Spotify ▶ Apple Music ▶ Lyrics [Verse 1] Checkpoint stands, map in hand, Guido by his side in this blocky land. Together they quest, through rain or shine, Finding treasures hidden by design. [Chorus] Checkpoint and Guido, through thick and thin, In a world of blocks, together they win. Building dreams, one block at a… Read More

  • T2NDS – Cobble Collection

    T2NDS - Cobble CollectionThe Second Server Network presents, Cobble Collection a curated Modpack & Server for the community. Download, T2NDS – Cobble Collection, and play today! https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/t2nds-cobble-collection Featuring: Cobblemon for a fun cobblemon experience! MCA Reborn for a unique starting experience. Vanilla+ structures~ Create mod (and addons) for simple automation. Immersive Aircraft for a vanilla-like flying experience. Lots of decorative and quality-of-life mods like Beautify, Fairy Lights, Chipped, Immersive Paintings, etc. Croptopia and addons for a varied agricultural experience. Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon progression system with endgame PvE and weekly tournaments + events.

    Welcome to Silvermons! Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join us for exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Don’t miss out on Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server Details: Server IP: play.silvermons.com Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (Link) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang spitting straight facts

    Minecraft Memes - Mojang spitting straight factsMaybe Mojang should start giving out points for memes instead of just for mining diamonds! Read More

  • Block Battle: Minecraft vs Roblox – The Ultimate Showdown!

    Block Battle: Minecraft vs Roblox - The Ultimate Showdown! In the world of gaming, where choices abound, Minecraft and Roblox, which one will astound? Both have their merits, both have their charm, But which one will leave you feeling warm? Minecraft, a world of blocks and creation, Building and exploring, a gamer’s sensation. Roblox, a platform for games galore, With endless possibilities, always wanting more. So which is better, the question at hand, It all comes down to personal demand. Do you prefer building or playing with friends? Both games have something that never ends. In the end, it’s all about fun and delight, Choosing the game that… Read More

  • “Never again will I summon the demon in Minecraft” #hotmemes

    "Never again will I summon the demon in Minecraft" #hotmemes “I guess you could say that portal was just too cursed for them to handle! Maybe they should stick to building something a little less…haunted.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters

    Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters The Chosen One Faces Off Against the Hunters in a Fierce Battle! In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “CHOSEN ONE VS HUNTERS! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 32,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Chosen One and the Hunters in the world of Minecraft Animation. This episode, part of Pro Life Season 3, promises to keep fans on the edge of their seats with thrilling action and suspense. A Thrilling Confrontation The Hunters find themselves in a fierce battle as they come face to face with the legendary Chosen One…. Read More

  • Crafty Villager Shenanigans

    Crafty Villager Shenanigans The Craziest Train Station for Villagers in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In a recent gameplay video, a dedicated player showcased their impressive creation – a Villager Hall that doubles as a train station for transporting villagers. The result? A unique and innovative addition to their Minecraft world. Creating the Villager Hall The player meticulously designed and constructed a sprawling Villager Hall, complete with intricate details and functional elements. The hall served as a central hub for villagers, offering various amenities and services to cater to their needs. Transporting Villagers via Train What set… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft hacks REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cheats part 4’, was uploaded by Posterfridge gaming on 2024-05-30 17:46:05. It has garnered 43 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:52 or 15412 seconds. your favourite friendly definitely a human… Person! check out last stream to see what i did in that one Read More

  • Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYT

    Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but it’s a Medieval Fantasy RPG’, was uploaded by ManzbegaminYT on 2024-02-19 19:43:25. It has garnered 2587 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:32 or 3032 seconds. I’ve finally returned. Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/manzbegamin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manzbegaminyt/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/manzbegaminyt TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manzbegaminyt?lang=en (Thanks to Chatgpt for the absolute yap of a description this is) 🛡️ Embark on a thrilling journey with the incredible ManzbegaminYT as we dive headfirst into the enchanting world of a medieval fantasy Minecraft modpack! 🏰 🌍 Immerse yourself in a realm where knights don powerful armor, mighty dragons soar… Read More

Hypnotizd – Project Ozone 3 Kappa Mode – VOIDIC RITUAL [E35] (Modded Minecraft Sky Block)