I Built the STATUE OF LIBERTY in Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

This is the statue of liberty and today we’re going to be building it in minecraft by the way guys it’s 5am in the morning for me and i’ve just finished recording and the final result is absolutely insane so make sure you watch the end for that anyways let’s get

Straight into the video hey guys and welcome back to another episode of minecraft hardcore and as you know from the title and the intro today we’re building the statue of liberty in minecraft and you see the reason we’re actually doing this is in this episode

We got loads of ore and the all that we got the most of was copper so as you can see we’ve got loads of raw copper and if you didn’t know the statue of liberty is made of copper plus in minecraft copper oxidizes and turns green so it’s gonna

Look just like the statue of liberty anyways let’s get started so i think the first thing we need to do is actually smell up all this copper so let’s grab it and head over to the super smelter then we can just craft this into this and switch it on alright yeah this is

Going to take way too long we’ve got this chest full and we’ve still got over a thousand copper blocks in our inventory i think it’s time for an upgrade all right i’m gonna find a better super smeller and i’ll be back to build it okay actually the design i want

To do will take absolutely ages so i think we’ll do that in a separate episode but for now i’m gonna turn these normal furnaces into blast furnaces all right so let’s grab some materials and ironically we have to use the super smelter to smoke these up so we need to

Move all this stuff out of here and chuck the stone in here all right we’ve got the stuff so let’s tear out the furnaces oh my god that’s a lot of xp what the hell we’re nearly level 60. right then let’s craft up some blast furnaces so i think it’s like this and

Then we grab some iron and go like this and there we go 15 blast furnaces all right now we just need to put them back in nice now we’ll chuck some coal back in and now it’s time to smelt up some more copper we’re still gonna have the

Problem with storage space so i think we’ll craft up another hopper and some more chests then we can just do something like and now we have more room to chuck copper in so let’s do that And we’re actually going to need another storage chest because we have loads of copper all right guys so i’ve made some modifications to make it a lot faster i’ve added extra chests there and i’ve got this chest here because these ones were not getting filled for some reason

So now we’re just going to go afk here and see how much copper we can get let’s do this all right guys we’ve been afk for about an hour and as you can see our copper supply is now very massive so now it’s time to get on to the next part of the

Project which is going to be building an island for the statue of liberty because as you can see in this image the statue of liberty is on a little mini island let me just see what this guy has first though okay so to build this island we’re going

To need a lot of dirt and thanks to terraforming this bit we have a bunch of dirt in here so we can just grab some of this and get building we need to find a nice place that’s not too far away because i’d like to see it quite a lot

Because this is going to look pretty cool i think i think this area right here like right next to our portal would be a good place so let’s build up quickly and now let’s work on building a decent sized island [Applause] all right guys so as you can see we’ve

Now got a pretty decent sized island i’m now going to start building like a hill around this part and then on top of this we’re going to build the base of the statue and then the actual statue itself so we need to make a very realistic

Looking hill which is going to be a bit of a problem because i’m not the best builder i’m going to try something like this we want the hill to gradually fade down the island to be high up here and then low down here so we need something like this i think

All right so that would be the rough shape of the hill so for this we’re gonna need a bunch of normal stones so we’re gonna have to smelt some of this up but we actually run out of fuel so we’re gonna need to mine these coal ore blocks here we go

We’ve got a line of cold how much is this going to give me just over one and a half stacks of coal let’s chuck this in here go grab some stone put the stone in and let’s get smelting wait a second i’ve just realized these are blast furnaces so they won’t actually smoke

The stone looks like we’re gonna have to do it the old fashioned way here we go all right guys i’ve just realized something pretty important we need the copper to turn green and oxidized but it’s not gonna do that if it’s all lumped up in the statue

It will take absolutely ages so we’re gonna have to do it manually so to do this i’m gonna craft up these guys into copper blocks and then we need to start spreading them apart they need to be at least one two three four five blocks apart like that uh for them to

Oxidize the fastest they possibly can because if they’re like this they’ll take ages to oxidize so we wanna make sure they are nice and ready to be put in the statue so i’m just gonna go around and place these all over the place it’s probably going to fill up

Like the entire area but yeah let’s get doing this there we go it’s already starting to oxidize oh my god that one did so fast i’ve never actually seen this happen this is sick all right so i think this is the first stage of oxidation and then

This is the second one and then down here we’ve got i think a third one or maybe that’s the complete one and this is the first stage which is absolutely nothing i don’t really know this is the first time i’ve done this all right guys make sure you like the video because

This is going to take absolutely ages okay so we’ve pretty much maximized the potential for oxidizing copper up here we should probably start using some of this big flat island as well so all right the island’s filled as well now i think the next best place would be

To place them on top of the carrots at the carrot farm so let’s get to it All right guys so i’ve been slowly weathering away these copper blocks and we now have a decent amount of them so after this batch we should have enough to begin construction on the statue so let’s get harvesting all right there we go oh we missed one

All right now it’s time to resume work on building the little hill underneath the statue so for this we’re actually going to need some grass because the island’s looking pretty disgusting just all day at the moment that should do and we’re going to need all our stone

And some more deer oh yeah yeah these copper blocks haven’t really changed because i afk away from them so yeah let’s get some grass planted put some there some there and we’ll make one of these a grass block perfect all right so now to make this hill it needs to be

Steeper on this side like uh yeah it needs to be like more of a cliff on this side all right yeah this is looking pretty decent now we need to add the dirt on top oh my god look at how fast the grass is spreading that’s sick

It’ll be a nice green hill in no time oh it’s starting to come together all right we’re actually gonna have to light this bit up because mobs are starting to spawn oh my god there’s two golden zombies what’s that dirt block doing ah die nice all right here we go nearly finished

And there we go okay so we’ve got a hill we’ll decorate it a bit more later so it looks a bit more natural but for now we can start building the base of the statue and as you can see from this image is built out of some kind of

Freaky stone we’re not gonna replicate it perfectly but we are gonna do something similar we’re gonna use quartz pillars quartz bricks and white concrete to create a similar design but we’ll make it look a bit more clean as i think the white will contrast nicely with the

Oxidized copper so once again it’s time to collect some materials but just before we do i’m gonna go for a quick water break so in the meantime make sure you subscribe because we’re trying to hit 1 million subscribers by the end of the year all right we’ve got a water

Let’s go get some quartz all right nice we’ve got all the quartz now we just need to chop it up into pillars and bricks all right let’s build this thing so i’ve laid out the basic foundations of it so now we just need to build them up right

This middle bit is going to be seven blocks tall so there we go seven blocks tall and the rain’s also stopped so that’s good now we need to do the pillars so it’s gonna have pillars on the corner and it’s also gonna have some pillars in the middle so

One here one here like that and then we will have like a sideways pillar about here very nice and that’s the base layer done so now we’re gonna do this on all four sides and build the second layer of the base All right so second layer time this is gonna be five tall and it’s also gonna be one in from the previous layer let’s do it All right and then this layer is gonna have these pillars like this and it’s also going to have a little bit of extra detail with some white concrete all right so it’s going to look like that let’s do it on all four sides okay there we go we have our completed base

Foundation now if we refer back to the picture you can see that there is like a little copper rim around the bottom of the statue so we’re just going to place one layer of copper blocks just on top of the base and then from there we can start building the actual statue itself

Oh this is going to take so long it’s already 2 am please like the video guys i want to sleep anyways let’s grab some copper from this chest and let’s coat this roof in copper all right there we go now quickly before we start building let me just show you

My first attempt in my creative world all right so this is my rough attempt in creative this is my creative world this is where i made that thumbnail but yeah i’m still not sure what to do for the torch i might use some like red yellow and orange glass instead of

Like actual fire or maybe i’ll use fire or campfires and the glass just to make it nice i’m quite liking these spikes up at the top i’ve used a cut copper for them to make them stand out a bit more and a bunch of staircases try and make

It somewhat pointy i also like the fact that the face is in i think that looks good so i’ll definitely do that in the design but yeah i’m definitely gonna put my arm a bit higher up when we build it in the hardcore world also just ignore

The fact that it doesn’t have another arm all right enough putting this off let’s build myself so the scale of this is gonna be my eye equals one block so the statue is gonna be about 32 blocks tall i think yeah so this is going to be

A lot of copper all right let’s go six seven eight nine all right this is where it gets a bit trickier because the leg needs to bend so we need to do something like this can’t really tell if it’s gonna be like that or this oh why did i do this at 3am

Note to self never do this at 3am ever again yeah you guys are basically just gonna see me getting crazier and crazier as this video takes longer and longer let’s try and get this done all right i think that’s good yeah that looks good all right second leg this one

Was bending three blocks forwards and this one is one block backwards okay so this one’s easier okay so now we have the bending part so this should just go up right to the top there that’s wrong there we go and these should line up nicely that’s good right and then this

Part should be bent and this part now we just need to do the middle bit as well and then minus the netherrack i think that is them two legs complete nice all right so we never have to build legs again and both of them legs took over a

Day oh my god at least now we’ve got a nice easy part because it’s torso time so i’m gonna give you guys a little torso tutorial all you need to do is go like this all the way around and then go 11 blocks up in each corner wait i forgot to count

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ten eleven all right nice there we go and then we just join these guys up nice bit of speed bridging with oxidized copper and now we don’t use any copper there because it’s just a waste and then we just need

To do this middle part which is basically the white part of my skin and there we go i now have a torso it always feels good to have a torso but do you know what’s even better than a torso yes that’s right ahead so let’s build ourselves ahead yeah you might be able

To tell that i’m getting a bit tired anyway uh okay so her head is eight by eight and we’ve run out of copper oh my god this is getting really close to the bridge i forgot how tall this was gonna be uh we might have to destroy the

Bridge uh let’s just ignore the bridge okay all right so let’s give myself some brains Yeah no that’s that’s not where that needs to go all right guys don’t you just hate it when songs get stuck in your head I’m so sorry what is wrong with me okay uh let’s carry on all right so it’s time to do my face uh we are gonna give myself a nice little mouth there we go and of course two nice eyes it’s times like this where i’m

So glad i have a simple skin oh and i also got some pink concrete to give myself a brain yeah i don’t really have a brain because i’m doing this at 5am so uh i’ll take a i’ll take a chunk up i kind of look like a creeper just a big

Copper creeper anyways let’s go to bed only minecraft bed though not real life but all right it’s morning i’m gonna shut up about being tired and we’re gonna get this built now it’s time for the hardest part of this build which is the arms yay all right so first we’re

Gonna start on the arm that is gonna hold the torch so this arm is gonna be like raised in the air and it’s gonna hold the famous torch right this is hard because we want it to go forward but also out and minecraft arms don’t really bend they’re very straight as you can

See so uh yeah this is going to be hard all right let’s see how this looks oh i’m actually quite liking it it could do with some gaps being filled in but yeah it’s a good it’s a good april shape we just need to get rid of some of these

Gaps because they don’t really look very good on an arm all right there we go i think we can call that arm done now we just need to add the torch but we’re to do the other arm first and the other one is the one that holds a book

So it’s going to be slightly different all right so this arm’s got a bend i think that’s a decent length maybe we’ll make it one longer okay do the frame in like we always do and then the inside white bit all right and there we go there’s the

Other arm complete as well i can hear something in my head there get out of my head okay all right it’s gonna light up i’ve started to oxidize some more copper for the crown and stuff so yeah that’s gonna happen and in the meantime i’ll be gathering up some resources for the book

And the torch yellow dye for the fire a bit of red as well and we can also combine both of these dyes to get orange dye nice bit of gravel all right let’s finish this so we’re actually using green concrete for the torch i just want to see how it looks

Hopefully it doesn’t look too bad we can always change it later on this is only a little thing and then we’ll chuck some netherrack in here and actually light it on fire i think that’ll look good oh and then we can actually get some fire coming off of it with the glass and

Stuff and which way i want the glass to start going start like spiraling up this way yeah that looks good nice all right and now the book this one’s gonna be slightly harder All right i can’t really decide if that looks kind of weird or not kind of looks like some kind of ice cream sandwich maybe we should try it like upwards all right there we go we’ve got a buck as well now we’ll just clean some stuff up

Do some final decorations and we’ll be ready for the final reveal all right guys it’s finished let me know what you think in the comments down below yes so finally it is complete it is half five in the morning and i have finally completed it the statue of liberty

In minecraft hardcore this uh took absolutely ages way longer than i thought yet again everything always takes longer than i think but yeah we’ve got a torch we’ve got the crown we’ve got the book and we have a nice little base and a nice little hill for it we’ve

Also got an island i was gonna build some bridges but i’ve run out of time so we’ll have to do that in another episode but anyways guys thank you so much for watching and i’ll see you next time goodbye oh by the way watch this video next

This video, titled ‘I Built the STATUE OF LIBERTY in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by LockDownLife on 2022-02-26 12:45:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Building the statue of liberty in Minecraft Hardcore with ACCURATE COPPER blocks!! In episode 12 of hardcore minecraft I Build …

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    Gyld is BACK! Insane PVP on GriefTool! 🔥🔥Video Information так ну в общем Ребятки всем Здорово С вами я наверно первый видосик За столь большой промежуток времени я решил записать всего именно на гриф наверное хочу поиграть сейчас на гриф немножко поснимать тут как бы попробовать тут но много людей которые играют нормальных ну всё короче ребят погнали получается сейчас получается тут р в чат Пит какой там РП Это скорее всего сейчас будет закрытый Мне кажется я уверен Ну как бы да как бы вот тут у нас тропа челика убьём я лук не взял да О гень я взял Стрелы но я не взял лук… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Skyblock with ZOONOMALY MONSTERS! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Skyblock with ZOONOMALY MONSTERS! 🤯Video Information hi it’s TV and today we’re doing a very ordinary Sky Block oh but what about that guy what guy what is that honeycom I have no idea what that is uh how do we get out of here uh well I I mean we just have to play Sky Block and uh he’ll stay over there yeah yeah I mean it’s not like it can come closer or anything like that so I think we’ll be safe wait what’s he doing wait what no no he’s building towards us he’s evolving he’s EV he’s building towards us… Read More

  • Ultimate Crop Farming Trick in Minecraft PT5 | TRS2

    Ultimate Crop Farming Trick in Minecraft PT5 | TRS2Video Information [Applause] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] uh h [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h ER rs2 says here [Music] [Music] h huh h This video, titled ‘Friends SMP Survival in Minecraft PT5 | Building crop farm | TRS2’, was uploaded by TRS2 on 2024-03-05 12:37:55. It has garnered 8 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:39 or 219 seconds. Next EP gonna get the Ender Dragon! =================================== 📦Resource Packs: 🏞Complementary Shader Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders 🥊Armor gloves Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/armor-gloves Enjoy…!! =================================== ➕Follow Me: 📱TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@trs2yt 📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trs2yt 🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/TRS2YT Enjoy…!! =================================== #trs2 #minecraft #survival #villager #farm #smp Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Joaquin – You won’t believe it!

    Minecraft Madness with Joaquin - You won't believe it!Video Information oh my goodness oh my God oh my goodness oh my god oh where did I put that torch right here how did I do that okay I suppose y’all okay so I suppose anyone who’s in this stream right now has read the title and we’re just going to uh play some Minecraft yeah so I have a couple little goals in mind for today’s stream in this Minecraft world um first thing I need to do is I need to gain the Cobblestone just like the amount of cobblestone to build a mob farm one of… Read More

  • SWAG LEGEND dominates Minecraft world!!

    SWAG LEGEND dominates Minecraft world!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MY MY WORLD 😍 IN MINECRAFT 😎 #1’, was uploaded by SWAG LEGEND on 2023-12-26 12:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #viral #minecraft #games MY MY WORLD IN MINECRAFT The “About Me” Gaming Channel “I’m just your … Read More

  • Saving My Dog with Epic Revenge 🐶🔥 #minecraft

    Saving My Dog with Epic Revenge 🐶🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saving My Dog and Take Revenge 😔 #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending #shorts #memes #music’, was uploaded by Smaze King on 2024-05-04 16:30:02. It has garnered 49158 views and 1580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. For More Amazing Videos. Also Thanks for Watching. Inspired from! @SB737 @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GameBeatYT @GamerFleet @dream Tagss. #PUBG gaming #gaming #fast gaming#best gaming #pubg mobile #mobile gaming#eyeshot master #revenge#pubg king#top kills # minecraft #gta 5 #ipad gaming #ipad 9gen#ipad 8gen #android gaming#clutch gaming#1v4 game #pubg pro player#pc pubg #shooting games #fighting games#killing games#fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft IQ – Trapping Experts Exposed!! 🤯 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft IQ - Trapping Experts Exposed!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Traps at Different -69999 iq (Worlds Smallest Violin) 🤔 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cytech Gamerz on 2024-01-14 07:30:00. It has garnered 5664 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft: Traps at Different -69999 iq (Worlds Smallest Violin) 🤔 RELATED QUERIES:- world’s smallest violin minecraft the smallest violin in the world world’s smallest violin minecraft sounds world’s smallest violin 1 hour minecraft are you a fast talker test world’s smallest violin twi shorts singing world’s smallest violin world’s smallest violin on violin minecraft most dangerous trap i blow… Read More

  • OneCraft Semi-Vanilla Survival Java 1.2.5 Nostalgic Economy Old Version

    Welcome to AlphaCraft! Join our nostalgic survival server running on Java 1.2.5. Use the /register command and start playing today! Server Details: IP: oc.alphacraft.fun:25575 Discord: Join us on Discord Website: alphacraft.fun Version: 1.2.5 Read More

  • ContinentalMC | Earth, Movecraft, Towny, Wars, Custom Content & More! | RESETTING

    ContinentalMC | Earth, Movecraft, Towny, Wars, Custom Content & More! | RESETTING-=ContinentalMC=-With a 1:500 Scale map of the Earth, in Minecraft!We are a small, but growing server! We’d love to have you with us!Some of our features include:Custom items: Grappling hooks, Grenades, Custom Recipes, Custom materials, Custom Textures & More!Movecraft: Create your own moving ships and aircraft!Economy! Create shops to sell items, and play the server to gain in-game money!Vehicles: Craft small, but quick planes!Towns & Nations! With the ability to make them completely neutral!Wars (Economy only! No losing your builds!)Capture-Zones with hourly materials!Machines & Factories! Automate material production, Crafting & More!Partial Keep-Inventory, Keep your Tools & Armor, but lose resources!Limited… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Swamp Wood Heist!

    Looks like this meme is branching out into new territories with that high score! Read More

  • Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World’s Close Call! #shorts

    Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World's Close Call! #shorts In the world of Skyblock, I nearly met my end, A close call that almost made me descend. Random items spawning every 15 seconds, oh my, The challenge is tough, but I’ll give it a try. On my YouTube channel, the video is out, Subscribe for more content, without a doubt. Twitch, Discord, TikTok, all the addies you need, Join the fun, let’s plant the gaming seed. Dio, the streamer, the YouTuber, the pro, Inspired by DreamSMP, putting on a show. Minecraft, reactions, vlogs, and more, Dio does it all, with content galore. So come along, join the fun… Read More

  • Hot Wi-Fi Door Physics in Minecraft 😂

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • 10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas!

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  • MINECRAFT LIVE: Twich Nywoz SURPRISED us with insane plot twist!

    MINECRAFT LIVE: Twich Nywoz SURPRISED us with insane plot twist!Video Information o attend je te tu tu me tapes ok je te ki Tap Tap tapi tapi le truc ah mais c’est recu V V personne le drop je c’est bon je suis sur lui c’est bon je te B tu es en train de me baiser tu es en train de me baiser il va crever il va crever il va crever je suis vas-y b b toi vas-y B attends attends ok jou à qu serveur plot.mcb.fr serve de T quelquun vois quelqu’un de la non c’est bon Arte Dr par que Dr je l’ai déjà fait… Read More

  • Insane Luck on Live Stream!

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I Built the STATUE OF LIBERTY in Minecraft Hardcore!