I SURVIVED 100 DAYS and GOT RICH in Minecraft! 🤑 #9

Video Information

Greetings citizens we’re back for 900 days in our hardcore world and today we’re focused on expanding our wealth how are we supposed to pay the legions on the meager wages we’ve collected thus far we’ll need to increase our gold iron and emerald production if we want to

Keep the Imperial Throne we’re on our way to 100,000 subscribers so if you’re new hit that subscribe button to join the legion let’s get started I hear you yeah I heard that get out of here oh he’s got moves he’s got skills are you what what are you what are you doing

You’re you’re lunchbox Junior what are you doing out here look at him he’s having the time of his life which is good because he’s not going to be having much fun for the rest of his life I am a very happy boy hey I said I’m a very happy boy Anyway hey there citizens welcome back I was just talking with KO over here and he was making some very unkind remarks about uh the amount of wealth I’ve been able to accumulate in this world so far yeah yeah you or you know Anno us as you’re being a little bit more of right

Now anyway he was saying for the imperator of this world I don’t seem to have a whole lot of the the shiny stuff and as much as I’d like to disagree he might be right for example we have a look in our new storage room gold

There’s some but I mean 21 blocks of gold not a lot I can’t you know fill up the whole thing which is not great emeralds looking better than we have in the past but again I really like to have a whole call it half double chest or

Full chest of uh Emerald blocks and then same with the diamonds obviously we could be doing better there so there’s some work to be done as we’re all aware if an emperor can’t pay the legions he can find that his uh rear end is removed from the Imperial throne and replaced by

Another all worry some stuff to be sure so you guessed it egina that’s going to be what this whole video is about finding ways to become wealthy never have to want for riches again and yes I do plan on updating the legion platform by the end of this video just to make

Sure we’re on track track now one other thing you may notice up at the top right of my screen is a mini map and I wanted to try that out because I plan on doing some traveling this video and I thought that just might give us a bit of a

Better look at things and I have to say it’s pretty cool shows the terrain but it looks like it also shows the entities I’m guessing those yellow things are fish we looking yep there you go it’s even showing the fish on there so that’s pretty neat I’ll link the mod I’m using

In the description too if you’d like to take a look and use that in your world but for now where to begin Kato where to begin he doesn’t care but I care so as for the travel portion I remember there was a pretty cool area over here to the

East because part of my plan I should have mentioned while I was back at the base in order to get the emeralds I need I don’t want to keep doing the same circuit that we always do just running around the base villagers that we have day in day out just trying to collect

Emeralds I really like to streamline that a little bit and I remember this area you probably remember we’ve flown through here a couple times it just kind of really really cool uh landscape and I believe this is actually pretty nice up here on top of this hill but yeah this

Kind of stuff like look at this between two huge mountains really nice area with the plains in between kind of links up with the forest and a bunch of other stuff there’s just so much area over here I kind of want to pick a really nice spot and build ourselves a new Mega

Trading Hall and it’ll just be completely optimize so we can get emeralds as quickly as possible and then we’ll never need to work at it again like we have in the previous video videos so that’s going to be one thing we pick a spot over here and we make a

New trading Hall potentially we’ll link it up with our base somehow some of you have left comments about making a uh an aqueduct system so I thought that could maybe be something for a uh a mine cart to run along Hello friends and I’m on

Fire but that’s an idea if we did want to link the two up I thought that would be pretty cool there could even be like an underground portion there’s there’s so much we can do with it wow hey boys anyway uh that is one thing I want to

Work on but I don’t think I’ll be starting on that and there’s a very good reason for that and that is namely I have something else I’d like to work on first if you’ve been here for a while you know that the reason I have this big uh scaffolding Tower right outside my

Nether portal is because it’s directly above my gold Farm now while this gold Farm has performed admirably in the past it is only four chests and to be perfectly honest with you it doesn’t work that fast and I also have to be up there afking there’s just there’s a

Couple things I don’t like about it it also doesn’t sort anything just kind of all comes in here in one spot I think it could be improved is what I’m getting at there so I think that’s going to be my first step I’d like to make a brand new

Gold farm so my action item is scour the YouTubes for the most OP I believe the kids say gold farm and then we can do some material collecting get everything that we’re going to need and we can get started by working on that that way we

Could bring a lot of the gold that we get uh from the new Farm over to the new trading Hall and use it in the build ah see I’m thinking ahead so back to base we’re going to figure out what kind of materials we’re going to need to build

This thing I know I haven’t said hi yet hi julus how you doing and by the way I did see some uh comments for names for the dogs we’ll be doing that a little bit later in the video so stick around but I did see some good ones so we’ll be

Naming the dogs today the rest of them that is okay so gold Farm one assumes we’re going to need quite a few shulkers and by the way if you notice any lag I did try to work on it again I just cannot seem to figure it out some of you

Mentioned the fact that I’m using so many item frames in here that might affect it while we’re here but honestly it’s so much worse when I’m outside by the the B doome and I was happening before the item frames too so I don’t think that’s the main issue I I still

Just cannot figure out what’s causing that when I’m at the base appreciate all the comments though trying to help me out with that so let’s lay all of these out and then we can start to fill them with what I think we’re going to need

For this farm and one of the big ones is building blocks I think I have the most of deep slate I mean probably technically I could use dirt but that wouldn’t look very nice I need about 90 stacks of building blocks so if a shulker is 27 uh-oh math two would be 54

3 would be 81 I think don’t ask me that’s probably wrong oh boy I just cleared out all the Deep slate we’re not even there yet okay so before we can even get started on more of the materials I need I need to go digging let’s bring you and you I know we’re

Right at the beginning and I’m already getting that sidetracked feeling but as always it’ll be worth that in the end oh yeah I forgot we got our fancy new entrance to the mine luckily I left the beacon here so that should help okay so I guess let’s just uh let’s keep doing

What we were doing I’m just going to clear a bunch of this out luckily we’ve still got haste 2 this shouldn’t take too long one thing that has stayed constant since ancient Rome is that diamonds were highly prized and used as a show of wealth they looked a bit

Different as techniques for cutting and shaping diamonds had not been invented yet so they were typically set in jewelry that was shaped as a raw OCTA type of shape it seems that the only source of diamonds for the Romans was from India and only a small percentage reached Rome through trade all right

There we go I think that’s the last of what we’ll need and look what I found that I believe is two veins right next to each other which is super lucky so I’m going to silk touch these let’s see what we got there’s six in the one and

It looks like eight 14 total not a bad start on collecting diamonds for the video I wasn’t even trying anyway though we did get what we came for so I assume later in the video we’ll be back but for now we’re good let’s head back up okay

So we’ll put you in here and now we have uh three and 1 halfish shulker boxes with Cobble deep sleep that should be enough next up I need glass almost 2500 which is about 39 uh Stacks I think I’m going to need all of my shulker boxes we did want a

Really good gold farm so of course it’s going to use a lot okay glass uh yeah I don’t think that’s going to be enough okay game plan we use all of these emeralds to buy glass from the plebs but also a very good opportunity I really

Thought I had more sand than this I was going to say a good opportunity to uh use the auto smelter okay we’re just getting started but we might be heading to the desert too let’s go see what we can buy and then we’ll we’ll check it

Out oh PLS who wants to sell me glass aha you do so we’ll just head up and down the line get as much as we can and see what that amounts to actually good amount so far almost seven Stacks that’s actually really not bad so now if we go

Back down the line trying to get rich and get more emeralds and I’m just spending them all makes perfect sense I know right got to spend emeralds to make emeralds okay let’s see what we got half a shulker about from one day I don’t want to be doing this for days cuz I

Need like a shulker and a half or almost two shulkers I don’t think it’ll take that long let’s take a quick run to the desert and I don’t want to use all my sand so let’s just fill two shulker boxes maybe plus Scoopy dooo yearns for

It and we don’t want to let down scoobydoo also fortunately we made a very quick way to the desert in the nether just need to remember what direction it is and I think it’s this way yeah there’s the Frog Light Farm which means I think that one right there

That’s the desert maybe ooh actually while we’re here this is the uh the Wither Skeleton Farm you know what actually let’s come back to that oh wow there’s still a bunch of stuff here I never put a collection system in that and I’d kind of like to I know I know

I’m getting sidetracked but I was going to say I could also get coal out of that and coal will be helpful for the smelter anyway let’s get some sand and let’s get another time lapse going that way you can see Scoopy do at work Rome controlled many territories throughout

North Africa during its golden age and Beyond much of this region was referred to as the granery of the Empire due to the amounts of grain that was imported from North Africa to Rome also like most provinces and areas under Roman control North Africa was heavily taxed to build

Wealth for the Roman Elite and the government and there we go about a day later and maybe half of Scoopy Doo’s efficiency and we’ve got two shulkers of sand and yes I know I could have used torches but that wouldn’t s Scoopy Doo’s hunger now would it no it would not and

Actually I looked in my backpack I’ve got a bit of iron I see trees over there can make a rudimentary collection system at the Wither Farm yep that be all I need because if we just do this we can make a couple of chests use the iron for

A hopper and there we go thinking on the Fly that being said we can take this stuff and keep on moving thank you desert I appreciate it okay now if we head up here I guess it should work if we just do something I mean we would need additional Hoppers eventually but

For now if we just did that yeah that’ll work I’d love to have something in this that like just Chucks out all the swords I don’t need those maybe eventually but this will work for now let’s just spend a minute and grab a bunch of copper or

Copper coal that way when we head back we’ll make sure that all the auto smelter system has uh full coal and we should be able to smelt all the sand no problem does take a minute for this thing to boot up as it were there we go

We’re up and running so let’s collect some bones and some coal wow we already got a skull that was very fast actually we could just do this then of the swords will go in there there we go that looks good ooh one of them dropped a backpack nether Travelers backpack neat of course

Most of the things are going into our inventory anyway man we already got four skulls that is so fast I’m never going to get over that by the way how long it took me in the past to get these skulls versus how long it takes with this Farm

I will never get over it all right honestly I think that’s going to be plenty plus we got nine extra skulls so I think we’re all set for now and that backpack I think that’s a pretty cool Co find all right thank you fellas I appreciate it we’ll just clear you out

One more time and now we can head on home they just keep coming hold on and now we can head home there we go that was quite the productive trip so we can head on home and smelt all of this sand and then we’re one step closer to our

New Farm okay I have a suspicion oh no I thought this was full never mind and we’ve got some extras for you there we go actually have one chest left down here let’s make this the backpack chest just in case we start finding more of

Those now how much do I actually have to smelt about 25 26 Stacks I think so if that’s 21 or no not 21 27 so actually one shulker should be fine I guess I only need one shulker but it does mean we’ll have more sand on hand now which

Is good I’ll double check my count after we’re done with this just to be sure oh boy where did I put Cactus did I have a cactus chest uh don’t think so Okay shh don’t tell anybody we’re putting the cactus in here I feel like dealing with

It right now okay anyway got a bunch of extra coal so yeah that’s the right chest for the auto smelter we will smelt all of this into glass which this is the first time I think we’re using it for a decent amount of stuff so this should be

Pretty neat old shulker worth of sand to be turned into glass here we go we should start seeing it come into here yep it certainly is if we take a peek looks like ooh that’s not good oh wait it’s probably cuz I’m just standing so close yeah I was picking it up through

The glass we don’t want that but it’s all working down there looking good so now we wait should get 27 stacks of glass through there which should be enough okay next up trap doors which means we’re going to have to visit our spruce trees Hello friends how would you

Like to be trap doors oh I knew you would get it wood knew you would I know I’m sorry I won’t do that again that should be an impressive amount of trap doors let’s find out I need 189 trap doors and that’s already two stacks so yeah this isn’t going to take

Much in fact I think three stacks Three Stacks should be enough yeah yeah three stacks is enough and we’ve got tons left over there we go a little bit extra ooh 56 grindstones is next wow so we’re going to need a good amount of stone

Slabs let’s see what we can do with that pretty close just need a few more planks there we go and I’m betting this is starting to get a little repetitive just collecting stuff so how about I do a bit more collecting I get more of what we

Need and then I will show you the shulker boxes and we should be ready to get started after that so actually I’m not done yet but we do have an interesting one to collect and that is snow not snow blocks the ones that are like carpet so I think I’ve got this

Diamond shovel with silk touch yeah that ought to do the trick figure these guys could help us out they’re just laying it down non-stop I’m sure they’ll put it back once we collect actually do you need silk touch to get those no yeah you do otherwise it’s just going to snowball

It okay that should be enough of that back to it another interesting development I need 96 mine carts and I I don’t know 100% but I do not think this is enough and I just cleared some from the iron farm to make other stuff oh boy let’s just make sure it’s at least

Running we’ve had troubles with that in the past yeah okay it’s at least running thank you for your service big guy here we go I guess I’ll clear it out see how close we are there we go cuz I need 53 uh blocks of iron is more like 54 and

That gives me 15 plus these oh 53 exactly so honestly I mean if we have time it might not be a bad idea to make a bigger iron farm it does feel like I’m kind of constantly running out of iron maybe near the trading Hall maybe we can

Build it in a new area so well no then it might not always be running I don’t know we we will figure that out I’m just going to AFK for a little bit just so we can get that last block and then I think we’re nearly there okay exactly enough

And then I’m just going to leave that in there so we will need to probably find a way to get more iron but by the way the reason I’m doing blocks of iron instead of making it into mine carts here is you can’t stack them so that would just be

So much space 96 mine carts so we’re just going to make them wherever we end up needing them nice little uh space saver and we’re going to need four name tags and then tempor blocks we’re almost done and I won’t actually need all of my

Shulkers but by the way how we doing on glass still working at it but it’s chugging along actually the last of the sand is just about to get put into there there we go so it’s all in the system now it just needs to get smelted uh name

Tags we’ll take the rest of these and we can get a few just so we have well let’s see this actually matters who has the discounts really those were the best 10 jeez okay I thought thought I had some somebody doing better than that I guess

Not 10 is the best price well let’s just get a bunch so we’ve got them on hand and yes by a bunch I mean two extra 1 2 3 four anyway though I think once the glass is done we’re going to be all ready and we don’t need these two ooh

That’s not good I see a collection of glass there just came down to check I can’t reach it all right let’s temporarily use these why is that happening why are they getting stuck there oh there is a gap here okay so potential flaw in the system well at

Least we noticed it so we’ll have to look and see how much comes out it was supposed to be 27 Stacks so these first three rows are supposed to be filled and they all have full and there’s some in the hopper mine cart so it’s it’s going

It’s working through let’s just keep an eye on it make sure none collects right there and like I said once we’ve got that we’ll be good to go all right it looks like we’re just about to finish in here and it’s looking pretty good we may

Not have lost any at all then again it does look like it’s finished in there and there’s three missing really not bad I could probably look into that in another time right now I kind of just want to get started on the farm we can take our extra three from here and with

Those I think we can officially say that we have everything that we need oh boy yeah that was a little bit more difficult than I thought it was going to be okay we’re finally ready to get started one interesting thing though I did notice now that I have that mini map

There look at how close this cuts to a cave right here apparently and it doesn’t look like it’s lit up so I wonder if it actually is just right here yeah that just opens right up hello anybody in here oh yeah there are there are any buddies in there for sure hey

Buddy I think there was more than one of you yeah why don’t we just put this here I know you’re in here all right let’s just run through and ha oh I thought there was something in here there you are yeah you’re not going to sneak up on

Me so who knows this might be affecting something we may as well light it up in here don’t I don’t know how I didn’t notice this it’s like attached to the Village up there it looks like almost 1 thousand days and I never knew this was

Here or never cared to look but if we just drop a few torches that should help keep all of you from spawning down here I think I’ve got some extra stuff in my backp pack uh yes I do there we go yeah this just keeps going hey friends every

Time I’m going to set myself on fire every time wow that just keeps going look at that down there at least it looks like we have some of it lit up just this area up here that was the problem H yeah we got to clear you guys

Out you’re being evicted okay I don’t know if that’s perfect but it’s definitely better than it was yeah it’s right behind our sign this is like right here we never knew about it hey there you’ll learn something new every day anyway with that taken care of and I

Don’t want to forget to cover this back up there we go I think we are ready to head over to the Nether and get started on this fingers crossed all that’s worth it because that took a fair amount of work okay so so the reason we chose this

As the area for our first gold Farm is that we are in the nether wastes and that’s what we want I don’t want it too far from my portal to get back home but I also don’t want it too close to this Farm just in case so essentially how far

Out can I go and still be in the nether Wast and the answer is pretty far you could just barely see the scaffolding over there and we’re still in the ne the nether Wast over here and in fact I think it doesn’t end until we get to the

Basalt Deltas that are over here where the Frog Light Farm is so we could always just build it at the halfway point yeah here we go that’s where it changes so that’s a that’s a good distance trying to look at the mini map and maybe just off to the side of our

Torch Trail right over here big open area still is nether waste I think this would be a good spot all right I guess let’s get started and the first thing I’m supposed to do is build up to height of Y 236 and that’s going to be the

Center I believe so I’m just kind of arbitrarily picking a spot right here okay that should be the proper height let’s find out yep it certainly is then all we have to do is build our starting platform here which is a 7×7 square of glass easy enough so far

But I have a feeling it’s going to get a bit more complicated as we go followed by some hoppers on the sides no idea why I did not watch ahead in this tutorial which as I say that is seeming like a really bad idea in fact yeah that

Worries me so why don’t I I’m going to watch through the whole tutorial and make sure I’m not missing anything and then we can get started maybe do a time lapse we’ll see okay I’m glad I watched ahead cuz there’s actually some things that I need that are not listed on the

Official material list at least that I initially noticed and that is namely a piston but I’m going to grab a few just in case and a couple levers lever lever lever whatever and that’s hopefully it I think that’s the only thing I am missing sure we’ll find find out and I was right

Makell it does get more complicated as we go yes it’ll be worth it no I don’t want to hear about political opportunism right now talk with Garfield Garfield needs to hear all about that yep go on Garfield talk to makavelli for me have fun all right hopefully this time we’re

All set so let’s head back in all right we’re back and now there’s just some kind of weird placing we have to do I’m sure it has a purpose I just don’t I still don’t really know what it is yet okay looking kind kind of funky but that’s apparently correct I don’t know

If I mentioned yet but you all know the drill I’ll drop a link to this Farm in the description if you would like to try it out and apparently I don’t know why this next step is a necessity but once we have the copper mine cart down on top

Of these Hoppers we’re supposed to reach under there and break the uh the rail which I hope yeah that was right and then this is why we needed a piston supposed to face it yeah that way then a building block right there and then if we put the lever here we’re supposed to

Be able to push this building block in there so that it’s the hopper mine cart should be inside this block so if we do that looks like it worked okay once again not entirely sure why we’re doing that but it worked so now that we’ve

Done that we just kind of cap that off with some glass and we do the same thing for the other three and there we go that should do it starting to look like a something I just don’t know what I’m guessing this is why we needed that

Block there cuz we have to put another rail on top oh boy this is the fun part it’s time to convert the iron into mine carts because it’s looking like similar to our other Farm we need I think it’s 24 mine carts on each of these rails and

I’m guessing that’s going to be uh where the zombified piglins fall in or Pigmen or whatever then entity cramming is going to be what kills them the gold will fall in so looks like that’s similar at least but I remember it not being very fun specifically because of

This we have to be kind of careful not to over load the old inventory and keep a count of how many we place oh boy this is going to be fun here we go that’s 23 so this should be the last one and right

There and from now on we have to be very careful about this cuz I think if we jump in there we might end up like a zombified piglin and we don’t want that oh boy all right three more to go we’re getting there we’re making progress uh

Last one yeah last one oh boy the things I do for Rome and for money or senatorial wealth there we go last one little bit more glass to round things out or Square them out I don’t know I’m not an architect I hope we’re getting

Done or you know close to done with this part I happen to know this takes an enormous spawning platform and I want to kind of get to that so we can get it over with and now we fill it in and I think what we’re doing here is making a

Part of the drop shoot with these uh trap doors cuz I do believe that’s the idea that we want all of our piggy buddies to fall from wherever the spawn plat platforms up there right into that I don’t know citizens your guess is as good as mine and now I guess the sides

Are flanked with these grind stones which I’m guessing has to do something with their hit box like you wouldn’t want to just use solid blocks there must be I don’t know something to do with that we don’t question the tutorials we just follow them I learned this long ago

In the dark times like how do people come up with this this is just so strange it’s you know you have to put stairs in this exact configuration grindstones trap doors now we need snow and it has to be 1 2 3 4 5 and it has to

Cover that area on all sides like why people that make these are just so smart I I do not understand and now we have to figure out the collection system and it does say in the tutorial you could work out a sorting system I’m not going to do

That today and it’s not because I don’t know how and I don’t care to look it up it’s just uh uh we don’t have enough time is that is that believable it’ll work either way we just need to dispose of the junk that we don’t need that ends

Up filling up in these and just take the gold and it is going to be a lot more than we’re used to and that’s what our ultimate goal is anyway there’s our chest now for The Hoppers that’s actually pretty easy easier than the chests I just got to the part where we

Go to the spawn platform and I think it said something like over 80,000 blocks takes over an hour to place all of them so you know what that means you’re going to go to a time lapse you get to see it happen very quickly I’m going to be

Sitting here for a bit working on it so so I hope you enjoy and I certainly hope it goes by faster that for you than it does for me which yes it will enjoy Citizen okay that was one layer of the spawning platform and good news is it’s working very well bad news is I think there’s three layers total plus a glass layer on top to stop the Ghasts from spawning in yeah that’s right the Ghasts you might have seen in the uh the time

Lapse there that they’ve been bothering me so between having to stop to take out Ghasts some of these guys getting upset that I’m too close particularly those ones right there and having some trouble with the schematic I don’t know why I couldn’t wrap my head head around it but

This circle was giving me trouble I I think I got it I might have been a little bit off so maybe some double-checking but yeah that was one one one one layer down we’re going to be at this for a bit still but I know I did

Drop a lot so I’m going to head down see if I can detect where I dropped some of the blocks well that wasn’t what I wanted and then it’s going to be on to layer two oh got a gas tier well at least the dirt we might need the

Temporary blocks so let’s grab that don’t want any of you or you but these things I can put in here cuz why not oh boy can’t even see anything from down here but let’s fly on back up it looks pretty imposing then I’ll just do a

Count make sure I got this right oh these gas are driving me nuts this is not not a ghast Farm oh you’ve got to be kidding me I’m just trying to count where did you come from there’s ghast shooting at me non-stop there’s zombies that are getting hit by the Ghasts you

Know what if it’s not entirely the right shape I don’t even mind let’s just keep building so hopefully we can stop the gas spawns and just keep moving but first of all you are bugging me get out of here where’d you go where’d you go

There you are get get on I can’t even hit you here we go see a gas tier ooh that was close that nearly took out my totem ouch okay we’re healed up now I’m just going to watch ahead in the tutorial see what we have to do next

Before I go back up there cuz that’s just Madness and I don’t feel like trying the invisibility trick Again okay woo that is two layers down which means one left and then the glass on top and then whatever else is left we’re obviously going to need to way to get them all over there I just don’t know what that is yet cuz I haven’t

Watched it I do however think I’m not making great time I think those two layers was about an hour and I’ve got basically two left one with blocks and one with glass and I also don’t know why I’ve been holding shift this whole time when you could just change it to toggle

Because now my pinky kind of feels like it’s going to fall off so I’m going to take a quick break but it’s going to be no time for you in fact I bet the next thing you see will be yet another time lapse enjoy citizens yes indeed another

Time lapse and this one turned out to be a bit longer than I thought because as it turns out I need to make four total platforms and not three something that I’ll mention when we get back the top layer needed to have these glass rows throughout to ensure that Ghasts uh

Couldn’t spawn and constantly terrorize us as we utilize this Farm okay oh boy and I was wrong by the way it wasn’t three layers it was four layers so we had a little bit of extra work there I did finally put in the glass so we

Aren’t going to have to worry about any surprises from gas anymore next up we have to go around the entire top layer and fill it with trap doors which compared to the Behemoth of a task I just took on this seems like a cakewalk and now we close them all up if nothing

Else I’m getting very near the end of the tutorial video so that tells me I should be nearing the end of the actual build at least I sincerely hope so because this is taking a lot longer than I thought it would it’s going to be

Worth it it’s going to be worth it we shall no longer want for gold and that’s very important in Rome we need our riches how else will I buy my imported purple silks for my Imperial robes my golden toilet for my bath house strange beasts from across the seas I heard tell

Of one called a giraffe yeah it’s possible I’m losing my mind but I’m not quite there yet oh whoops I’m uh I’m looking at the tutorial again I missed a step leave it to me to do that we made it we made it we’re good apparently uh

Um are we going to do this I have to get out by where the snow is right here and yeah I was wondering why I had so much glass left over but as I say apparently uh this glass here is supposed to connect up to that platform remember I

Was wondering how the uh piglins are actually going to make their way over here well that’s how so we have a bit more filling in to do but I promise I think this is the last one I think I think how about one more time lapse Just For Good Old Time sake Okay I believe we are all connected up now they don’t appear to be coming out except for these ones they like to come and play and just mess with me and try to hold up my work and well I appreciate the attention not really interested

Right now but as I said that part’s done I think there’s just a couple steps left let’s wrap this thing up and interestingly it looks like one of the last steps I hear you yeah I heard that get out of here oh he’s got moves he’s got skills you stop moving around trying

To I really don’t want to upset the zombie ones right now anyway um I’m not going to have enough iron for this I don’t know I must have missed something somewhere I think we’ll need to head back essentially I need I need enough iron to make I think four more uh mine

Carts that’s what the name tags are for we’re supposed to trap a Zombie Pigman in a mine cart send it over here it’s going to be trapped in a mine cart over there I think that’s going to get the UN zombified ones to run towards them or or

Something I’ll figure that out in a minute but first off it does look like we’re short on iron so let’s head back get well actually maybe not let’s try it with one we might be able to get away with just a single mine cart we are

About to find out okay we might have a customer here ooh we do look at that yeah you head right over there who wrong way okay I made a mistake we all make mistakes don’t fall go the other way don’t fall there we go but what if I

Want it to go the other direction there we go I think that’s what I’m looking for let’s try that again so now you should be on top of that I take all my rails back get rid of your Escape Route then I turned on hit boxes and yeah

That’s kind of trippy having those on for everybody but that is so we can hopefully just hit the mine cart it’s still there but essentially let’s just well I didn’t actually name these anything does it matter can I name tag somebody name tag uh I think we’re going

To have to restart this you stay here I am just going to go get more iron we can name that name or I guess four name tags something different don’t want to risk it let’s just head back let’s get that taken care of then we’ll come back oh

Boy what a mess but we made a lot of progress that’s something to be proud of okay so just in case any extra iron not that much but we’ll bring a little bit more of that if I have more rails I wouldn’t mind a couple extra of those as

For the name tags I think I do have ideas for names all right we got those let’s let’s head back now did that one guy actually stay on the glass or did he fall off I don’t remember where I had it leave me alone did I remove the piece of

Glass too not seeing it oh there it is over there hey he’s still there all right so we’ve already got Brutus as a llama so you’re going to be casus and I made a few others for other conspirators that took out Noble Julius Caesar so

Casas is over here now we need to do the same thing on the Four Corners okay we might have a new customer here you want to step that way sir just right over here oh no no no no no no no no no there’s no way they could be worse than

Villagers come on right over there right over there there we go we got one oh that was close I was trying to hit him and then I hit a zombified one but I one shot him so it didn’t count he just keeps hitting and running okay

Whatever task at hand make sure that he can’t get away get the hit boxes again take this back all right we’re going to have to try to go get that but you are labio all right all right are we going to be able to find that uh mine cart

That fell all the way down here hello mine cart ooh that actually helps a lot the hit boxes nice okay that’s two out of the four oh these are so annoying yep just stay stay away from the zombified ones there we go okay now I think I’ve

Been having good luck doing that yeah that looks good who wants to hop in there you do oh there we go you head that way you are going to be tonius and we’ll take that no all right tonius you stay right there I need to go get my

Mine cart even though I know I’ve got the totem and it should be fine that is never not scary okay should be down to the last one would you get out of here ooh I’m not going to miss that okay do you want to be my last guy oh come on

Somebody has to want to hey he took it good job you know the drill by now he relieve you of your mine cart that time I actually can get it the time I don’t really need it and you will be AA or ailla I’m not exactly sure sure how to

Pronounce that one Aquilla either way we’re good or no maybe I didn’t get the mine cart no matter I can turn those off now and what do I still have to do oh no way we’re done citizens we can test it nice yeah so just all this madness up

Here it all means something some of it I get some of it I don’t the top is to gas proof it the trap doors I’m not 100% sure some of them don’t make that much sense to me but again sure they have a reason all the stuff in the middle it

Kind of just looks like some wild crazy machine but like I said I’m pretty sure it has to do with the hit boxes and just making sure that they can fall into the killing Chambers there and then the Pigmen out the sides are supposed to I

Think draw away the ones that don’t drop as much gold the non- zombified ones that one I’m not 100% sure on but we did as the mighty tutorial told us to do anyway the collection system is in place and kind of an interesting way to start

This Farm you’re supposed to be able to stand in the center here right on top of this trapo and then just shoot any one of the pigment out there which of course makes them unhappy so they all start running at you at that that point they should start falling in and everything

Should be collected down there so I say we just give this a 10minute test something like that and something tells me it’s going to be a lot better than our last one so we can’t actually we don’t want to one-hot these guys so hopefully this doesn’t kill him but I do

Have to hit him there we go yep that angered them so they’re all coming for us now we should be safe in here hopefully they’re all going to fall in there and then they’re going to die and then oh I forgot to mention too we

Should it’s also an XP farm so as we stand here we get all the XP and I can heal up all the tools so there is a nice bonus it’s actually a lot closer than our other XP farm so this will be very nice get that healing up all of our

Stuff wow that didn’t take long at all we are fully healed it’s certainly working it does seem that we’re keeping those guys away which I guess is a a bonus oh no they started making that crazy sound again that they made it to the other the other Farm incredibly loud

For me but don’t worry I’m going to be turning this down a lot and hey we got zombies what do you know I don’t know if that’s intentional but we are getting zombies for sure all right it hasn’t been long but I’m impatient I want to

See how this is working wow lots of XP too okay so a couple ingots almost a stack of nuggets plenty of Swords actually jeez yeah we could throw the swords into the smelter I guess the auto smelter in fact while I’m thinking about that so yeah that’s really not bad cuz I

Wasn’t sitting there for very long and in that amount of time getting this much I can see how an auto sorder would be helpful here but actually one thing we can do is the old trick of just kind of filling in these so rotten flesh doesn’t

Take it over here we go so I have a feeling we are going to be doing a lot of AFK sessions here in this video because we’ll want this running for a decent amount of time fill it all up and just give it to give it an opportunity

To fill with as many nuggets as we’re going to need cuz what I’d really like to do is make it into uh blocks rather than ingots so we are consolidating them down quite a bit at that point so I’m glad we’ve got it here now I think what

We do we go back to the base and think about what we want to work on next and then whatever the first thing that comes up where we actually need uh the gold blocks floor that’s when we’ll come back and we’ll do a longer AFK session and

Really start to fill these things up but for now we’ve got it I’m happy and we’ll see just how much we can produce by the end of this video all right nice so I guess first thing let’s head back and then we can smelt down all of these

Swords and then think about what we’d like to work on next oh man it just it looks fantastic out here I’m so used to the nether at this point anything that isn’t red red or dark or gray or something is just beautiful oh yeah I’m

Happy to be back okay so we want to throw all of these well first let’s let’s just empty out the inventory make this easier there we go now we can take a lot more of these oh yeah they’re not this counting of the same item so I got

To do it this way then we can put you all in here I hope I’m remembering this correctly I think you can do this yeah you can I can turn it into gold nuggets so it’s a little bit extra for us and then we can just put all these back

Empty this last one out and then we’ll be good to go and there we go nothing quite like a cleaned out inventory and it looks like those are done so not bad extra 40 now that we have a bit of a break after making the farm why don’t we

Name our dogs I think they deserve a name don’t you and actually I think I only need three of those name tags yeah cuz we’ve already got drulia Caesar so we got one left over so we’ve got three left to name of course we have julus

Caesar here and this first one I don’t know how I missed the opportunity when I named Julia Caesar but this is such a no-brainer in fact I got I think three or four people uh commenting the exact same name the first one I I saw anyway

Was from uh Jacob last name that was the first suggestion I saw but this was to name our second dog here right next to julus Caesar bark Anthony like I said no-brainer so now we got julus Caesar and bark Anthony thanks for that suggestion for the next one our third

Dog here um you may remember from some Rome facts that we did in the past that the first emperor of Rome was Octavian eventually Augustus and you know he was adopted by Julius Caesar so he became Julius Caesar but yeah originally Octavian had a sister named Octavia so

This dog is going to be dog Tavia all right so we got Julius we got bark Anthony we got dog Tavia oh and by the way dog Tavia that was from Margaret so thank you for the uh suggestion on that and finally a suggestion from Max husky

We’ve got Max or Maximus good strong Roman name so there we go all of our dogs finally have names didn’t even realize it changed tonight while we were doing that but we got julus Caesar bark Anthony dog Tavia and Maximus or Max feel a lot better now that we named the

Dogs that’s just that needed to be done all right good night puppies next up I want to go Scout where we’re going to build the trading Hall and why am I going that way I would like to collect some things that I think we’ll need over

There and maybe we’ll just put down some temporary chests or we could probably just leave a few of these over there don’t actually know how many we’ll need probably not this much but let’s get the basics we’ve got we just got a bunch of the spruce logs we’ll bring those I do

Plan on planting some Spruce over there so we’ll have that while we’re here we may as well fill back up on Rockets even though yeah I do keep some spares in here um let’s see what else are we going to need actually come to think of it

We’re going to be doing a ton of uh villager curing so that’s another reason we’re going to need that gold Farm I I think we’re going to need more than 16 quite a bit more if I’m not mistaken So eventually eventually we’ll get that we’ll bring along some various

Decorative blocks just in case I’m not going to need all these shulkers I don’t know why I got so many but that’s all right that’s a pretty good start cuz I I don’t know what I’m building yet I’m more thinking about just laying out the foundations and getting things ready so

I think that’s probably fine let’s just bring a couple and also since I mentioned curing villagers we’ve got two potions of weakness going to need a ton of those why don’t we at least start an extra one brewing in fact H should we bring some of this stuff and make a

Brewing stand over there aha perhaps we should okay you convinced me let’s do it what are we going to need we got some water bottles some extra glass in the shulker blaze rods we’re going to need Cobble we need sugar spider eyes and gunpowder we actually did end up using

The spider ey chest what do you know okay so yes I have plenty of sugar cane for sugar but this is the perfect opportunity to finally check in on our sugarcane farm I’m a bit nervous I think it might be a bit far away or maybe it’s

Not working all the time it was kind of slow so I don’t know how much is going to be in here but this is a good opportunity to check barely noticeable over here but secret entrance not that secret have you been working oh it has

What do you know okay so I mean I don’t think we’re ever going to need more than that thank you sugarcane farm that’s helpful Okay so so to make fermented spider eyes we got the things we got that to make it a splash potion we got

This to make a brewing stand we got those I think we’re all set here the thing we don’t have as I mentioned the golden apples do I want to take everything from base I know we just left the gold Farm but I kind of want to just

Go do a little more AFK so I can make some golden apples rather than just clearing out what we have here ooh what do I do citizen all right all right fine we’ll take this with we’ll grab these extras and we’ll just do another just

Mini mini AFK just maybe a day or two we’ll bring as much gold as we can rather than getting there and then just deciding we have to come back and then we’ll get started o I just looked up there I don’t know that I’m ever going

To get to this I always say I’m going to expand this area for the Axel ladles but I haven’t gotten to it and I know I don’t visit enough but you’ve got company you’ve got each other someday maybe maybe someday maybe if there’s I don’t know I say it every time we’ll see

Okay AFK session I’m guessing it might be intentional with this Farm to build a hole in the bottom so you could just climb your way up or wait no there is a hole isn’t there yeah you can just get right in here never mind I was thinking

Right here so you could get up but I can fly up no big deal and actually just so we know yeah each one is basically empty there’s not really a lot going on down here yet so now we know if we run this for a bit how much there was and

Hopefully we can fill up more than one chest I think that would be great I mean on each one you know I mean all right looks like our friends are starting to spawn in which means we can get this thing started hey buddies man look at

Them come and there they go all right I’ll be here for a bit I’ll let you know when we finished I’m taking a quick break to clear things out cuz I’m noticing these golden swords are uh kind of guming up the works a little bit it

Actually wouldn’t be a bad idea at all to have an auto smelter connected somewhere over here that way we wouldn’t have to carry them back over to the base all right it’s been a bit I’m thinking in just about AE minute I’m going to go

Have a look and see how we’re doing okay so far not too bad all right I don’t know about you but I would call that an improvement let’s get all this stuff back to base and see where we’re at I’m also going to smelt all of the uh golden

Swords that I filled these shulker boxes with and see I don’t even I wasn’t really timing I think that was only like 20 minutes or so let’s see what we can do with what we collected I also have an idea because I’m a genius are you ready smartest thing anybody’s everever done

Yes I could grab all these golden swords and put them in the chest but what if instead I just put the shulker Box on top of this Hopper oh look at that I don’t even have to unload them now I know I know I’m I’m just so smart I know

Plenty of people probably do this I’m just joking don’t worry and on to the next one I was able to get that first one but I’m hoping this system won’t eat my Hopper that might not or Hopper eat my uh shulker that would not be great

There we go that’s all of them so while those are smelting just from the uh the Nuggets we picked up we can get at least a stack a stack and 33 that’s really not terrible for only you know like I said 20 minutes plus there was an extra stack

Of actual Ingot so 2 and 1 half stacks 20-ish minutes plus whatever the sword gets us if I did like a real session you know an hour or two that I think would be impressive all right I think that’s everything from the swords which is

Another nine not bad so on top of the 32 apples we now have a little over 2 and 1/2 stacks of gold I’m pleased with that which means we are finally ready and this time on the way to that area if I was going to build let’s say a minecart

Path leading over there because another thing to think about we need villagers and it is in this direction so if I wanted to be just completely insane I could have a minecart thing leading off of this off into that uh direction that way the the villagers could actually

Come from here rather than trying to find a village over there which was my first idea so we can see how that goes uh are you what what are you what are you doing you’re you’re lunchbox junor what are you doing out here quick stat get some bamboo I’m guessing cuz it was

Lunchbox junor was a baby it must have gotten out of the fence somehow yeah come here we’ll double check but I’m like 90% sure you’re lunchbox Junior come on back to the safety of your enclosure uh yeah only three in here let’s uh make space over here over here

Cuz you are lunchbox yeah I don’t think we named lunchbox Junior now stay in here don’t scare me like that and and there we go safe and sound okay woo hopefully they stay in there this time anyway yeah that’s our options uh Minecart path from the Villager breeder

Over there or we go take a look and by the way that would be going over a lot of water if we were going to do that or we take a bit of a look around over where we were thinking of building that and just hope that there’s a village

Nearby cuz here’s this this is the area I was I believe thinking of lots of good places it could be on top of this hill it could be between the two hills which is this is just really beautiful I think this area but how close is the nearest

Village once again our mini map should come in handy here even over here this is beautiful too look at this big wide open area right next to a river I’m going to have a hard time deciding this is an enormous plains biome by the way

There is a lot of space here ooh okay here we go so we found a village it’s actually I mean it’s in the plains biome it’s probably closer than our base and it does look like there are inhabitants hello have you been paying your taxes to

Rome this year I had to ask honestly I don’t really want your stuff I think I’m just going to be taking conscripts so I just need all of you to stay safe I’ll take the apples don’t worry you’re going to get them back I’m going to make them

Gold and you’re going to get them back no you you don’t want to know why okay so we have our village ooh uh that’s not very safe who who built this house come on guys and your town center you got to take a jump over it these villagers

You’ve never left your house have you cuz a second you take a step out the front door oh man okay so in the morning we’ll Scout the local area this will make it a lot easier to just uh populate our trading Hall but for now I need the

Use of your bed citizen okay so looking at the mini map this is already excuse me right in the middle of a large area surrounded by water let’s go up higher to take a look yeah which is nice this is a good area for the village but I

Don’t think I want to build a trading Hall that close to the village and if the village is there I think this is the way toward our base so it could be maybe somewhere right in the middle okay here’s the mountains I mean I keep coming back to this I really like this

Over that way you’ve got some forest in a mountain between here it’s almost like a ravine with a river running through it caves open caves on both sides so that is really cool I just really like this area only problem is how would we make a

Trading Hall here could it be where it opens up up over here cuz there is a bit of flat land here that’s the area we were just in well flattish land could do a bit of terraforming we’ve got this right over here on this side that’s pretty cool mountains in the background

The village is right over in that direction so what do we think if I flattened that area out would that be good it’s close to the two mountains you still see some open caves over there which is pretty cool you got a uh looks like a flower Forest right over there

Big old pit of despair here for any naughty villagers that we need to set downstairs okay I think I’m happy with this I just need to decide how big we’re going let’s get rid of this we’re going to have to clear out some of the grass and then maybe we could keep some

Natural landscape I was thinking about clearing some of this out and making it more flat but what if part of the structure was just you know lower down here and then it builds up towards the hill behind me or even across the water here I can’t make any decisions honestly

If I don’t if I’m deciding not to do a flat area yeah could just Build It Up on stilts over all of this it could connect from one end to the other I could even build into the cave I don’t know if I’d do that immediately but let’s get my

Spruce logs out we can maybe just start marking down some areas and see how we feel about it for example I’m really bad at this imagining what the final build will look like just by placing a couple you know columns down trying to line it

Up so that could be one sort of support structure going across this water you’ll see the logs I plac down and I kind of want to do a unique shape too I don’t want to just do you know Square house or something it’s going to have to be large

So maybe that wide is and then we’ll just kind of do the same thing over here so kind of difficult to see but we’ve got a bit of a rectangle going now with some logs over on that side up to there and then on this side ending on this

Corner and then if we follow through to that side you could see the same thing going down to there that might be a good amount for the first structure and then we can continue building cuz I like I said I don’t want a square I think I

Want rounded uh ends of it and then an open well I was going to say open Center I guess we could see down into the the water I’m going to sleep and then we’re going to do a bit more work on this tomorrow and hopefully I’ll have a bit

Of a better idea what we actually want to do I mentioned the heavy taxation of the provinces earlier but something interesting to note is that the wealth gap between wealthy Roman Aristocrats and other citizens out in the provinces wasn’t as harsh as it might seem many provinces had their own wealthy Elites

Grand structures and trade economies that made them popular places to live okay it took me a bit to get my bearings there for whatever reason but I think I’ve got what I want here I essentially just started with the areas that I marked out and you’ll notice that up

Here it’s a bit higher I think it drops about three blocks down here we will go out from the support a little bit so I marked that out and then I do have rounded uh bits at the end but I like how over here and yes this was

Intentional I like to try to blend structures into the natural surrounding when I can I know I haven’t done it a whole lot except for you could argue that back at the base the storage room is built into the mountain and that kind of thing this I’d like to keep natural

If I can especially cuz it’s got the water coming down here and leading into the other pool so we’ll build that side up a bit more this side will kind of just blend into the mountain almost like I guess it would look like there’s a landslide here or something that covered

This area up but we’ll build up around there we’ll try to leave the center of this open and then I do think we’re going to end up needing more space so whether that is a separate structure or maybe we just kind of have balconies leading off to the sides or something

Like that however like I said I like the space I think this will be a good start I I believe I’m going to need some more Stone so I might mark down these coordinates and then go grab a bit more material from base and then we can come

Back and just kind of heads down work on this I’m happy with that plan let’s do it I do like this mini map is particularly just for the directions because I know uh where we started this the uh base is Northwest so all I have

To do is use the mini map to head Northwest and then this should lead us right to the base yeah that’s where the snow castle is actually since we’re on the way anyway you may remember that we were trying to get a trident literally forever I think it was the last video in

This world so maybe every time we pass through here we just take a look if anybody has a trident we attempt to relieve them of it just couldn’t believe the terrible luck I was having last time and looks like we might be continuing with that at least see one down there so

Yeah I’m not going to put any serious effort in into it at least not right now but every time we pass through I’m going to say hello to these fellas and see if they want to drop anything for me but still looks like a no yep no luck I just

Remembered some more things we’re going to need which I guess is good since we’re still here I will grab a bunch of stone and we’ll bring that with then let’s grab a couple extra shulkers because while I did remember the Alchemy stuff for cures I kind of forgot that

We’re going to need a villager breeder too so let’s grab Cleopatra and we’ll take a quick run through the Farms because oh boy do villagers love potatoes and carrots like you wouldn’t believe give me givee give me give me give me give me give me give me all

Right that should be good on potatoes now we grab some carrots oh man that’s a lot we might actually be getting more than we need but we are going to need a lot of villagers that needs me my emeralds what do we think is that going

To be enough I guess we’ll find out it’s at least a good start now there is one other thing we’re going to need though and fortunately it’s on the way so let’s go citizen we are going to make a stop at the snow castle why is that Legion I

Hear you asking why because the snow castle is also our wool farm and we are going to need beds and I kind of want to mix up the color so maybe let’s get 15 of several different kinds of wool that way we’re making use of this and we’re

Spicing things up over there unless we’re low on one then we’ll give it a pass got to get some fun colors there we go all righty there we go that should be plenty let’s throw those in here for now and with that I think we have what we

Need now let’s find out if I can get back to where we were building I think it’s behind this hill was I correct as we come around the corner yes I was look at that okay so I think I think I’ll build out how large this is going to be

By which I mean let’s basically just add two on the entire outside of this then I’ll have an idea of the size and where cuz this will be the trading Hall then we’ll figure out where we want a uh a breeder villager breeder and then also

A place to cure and zombify them of course so easy enough there let’s start with the stone in here then we can slab ay a goodly portion of it there we go that should be a pretty good start and it’s just about bedtime so we’ll probably take a little nap and then

We’ll get back to work in the morning by the way one thing you might have noticed from the last few videos in the first about 500 days I basically only built in that one spot by my base and that’s typical for me recently I’ve been trying

To Branch out and find new areas to build in and not just kind of Clump everything together in one spot for my base it is pretty much just a short flight to get any of these uh to any of these areas and like I said we could always build Minecart paths or something

Here but it’s just something I’ve been trying out I mean while we pick a nice area it’s just there’s so many cool areas to build in out here there’s different biomes so I’m really trying to branch out and be better about that but let me know your thoughts when you start

Your worlds do you kind of spread your builds out do you keep them all in one area because I have been enjoying this just making it a little bit more interesting by picking new spots new areas that I can build all of this in ooh I just remembered something that I

Forgot to do when we were back at the base when I was playing around trying to fix the lag I got rid of all the bees I need to put those back if we’re building a trading Hall I’m going to need a lot of honey so next time we’re back there

Remind me we we need some of that all right anyway there is the outline for the trading Hall I want to double check where the village is again I think it’s in that direction but that could be the direction we use to make a breeder and we’ll probably attach it to a zombifying

And curing area well let’s just double check I’m pretty sure the village is right over here yep okay so that’s the village and if this is where they are currently we’re going to have to build a probably a mine cart going from there all the way across this water around

This hill and and I think that’s yeah so I mean you can see it’s not too far and in fact a way to make it easier these don’t have to be like right next to each other if that’s the trading Hall and this is the direction to the Village we

Could build a house on top of this hill you see that over there is the trading Hall this could be the house up here as a breeder The Village isn’t too far in that direction so that might not be a bad idea and then just another Minecart

Path linking this house over there so that we can transfer the villagers down do think I want this a little bit flatter though if we’re going to do that plus Scoopy Doo demands it oh boy made short work of that let’s do that’s a

Decent size but I kind of want to do one more layer Hello chicken yeah let’s do one more there’s nothing quite like an insta break having a bad day go insta break some blocks it’s all you need there we go so we flatten this off I

Think I’ll get rid of all the grass as well and then we can put down some foundations for this and we just got a lot of dirt we’re going to hold that in here for now hopefully it doesn’t bug anybody that I’m basically just doing foundations of different structures

First rather than starting a foundation and finishing it but that is what makes the most sense to my brain right now so that’s what we’re going to do it’s also kind of interesting we came over here and we’re building a few different things hey it’s not night time yet what

Are you doing oh came from in there huh anyway came over here we’re building a few things it’s almost like we’re starting a brand new Province got our original Province back by the base now a brand new area oh hello you must have heard I was starting a trading Hall over

Here you don’t have anything I need all right feel free to just wander around I guess just so you know though this is my Province I’m sure he just heard that there was going to be a ton of wealth over here so he’s like oo I got to go

And get in on that that’s villagers for you anyway if this is going to be the breeder how do I want to handle this we will want an opening on this side so that the mine carts can go out that way I want kind of an interesting shape it

Doesn’t have to be nuts but we’re trying to get away from just boxy Square buildings so we’ll do something like this that should be a nice shape and plenty of room for beds yep I’m okay with that um I usually do the floor last let’s do the floor first clear all this

Out nice and easy there we go and for the floor let’s do a mixture of a couple different things some granite or polished granite slabs as well as deep slate let’s start with a deep slate border all the way around the edge there we go follow that with granite you’re

Going to have to move buddy or you’re going to run into some trouble here we go and then let’s go with some Spruce for the center cuz we’ve always got plenty of that would you get out of the way they just they got to be up in your

Business all the time I’m serious man if you’re not out of here by the time I get to that portion of the floor it is not going to turn out okay for you oh okay he heard me they do not always listen beautiful there is our floor looking

Good back to logs to build these up a bit and I’m thinking for the walls since this is such a picturesque area why cover everything up I might use a lot of glass for these walls just so you could see in all directions if you’re inside this house I’m actually curious I have

The glass panes these are the stairs I have just to test it out if I did stairs and then glass panes would it I mean it kind of rests right on the edge of that that might look okay I wish you can control that so I could just push it

Back a little bit to be back here instead of right in the middle although it might just not look bad if I I just use blocks instead let’s see about that all the way around Yeah the more I think about it I think we should probably finish this and get villagers in here

And then we can go back to working on the trading hall because then as we’re working on that we can have them multiplying in here I wasn’t really thinking about this when I put the foundations down but it actually works out really well there’s a a pathway

Going in this direction and then a big open space over here this one was intentional that’s going to lead that’s the the railway that’s going to lead villagers when they’re ready over to the trading Hall but actually we could just have it go straight through almost because this direction is where the

Village is so they can enter this way have the breeding area here and then exit over there works out pretty well and I think we should be able to just do something like this then villagers can’t get out but if we Crouch we can and also

Mine carts will be able to go through there so that should work out well same thing would actually probably work with trap doors so if that starts to bother us we could put some trap doors there let’s see if we can go around the outside like that I think that’s

Probably the best way to cap that off cuz same as before it’s kind of half touching that but I still think it’s going to look fine would you get out of my way no no I love villagers I love wandering Traders oh man I’m going to

Start over here to get away from him and then he’s just going to walk over here and get back in my face I guarantee it okay maybe not he’s behaving he’s away over there okay so that is most of the Interior I actually don’t think we’ll

Need much more space I think this will be fine one thing I would would like to check first of all goodbye and second how much space would we fill if I just made one bed of every color this should be pretty straightforward just kind of go through like that probably going to

Run out of planks or no no we’ll be good there we go now if we just place them all down here can we fill now the answer I can already tell is no but that’s a good start could have 10 villagers at a time with with that we may as well just

Bring it all the way across six more there we go I guess we can be nice and give the villagers a little bit of light it also makes sense to do that because we want to zombify them on our terms not random chance but with that I think

We’re just about good the only thing left is the roof but I know I don’t have enough materials for that if I wanted to make it out of wood probably do if it’s Stone why don’t we do the outline then we can come back with more wood you know

What I always use stone brick why don’t we just do stone stairs that might look nice mix it up a little bit okay let’s see I think we’ll probably just go with what we usually go with well always until recently since I started trying this new uh new kind of frame design

There we go let’s see how that looks yeah not bad so we can have that and then we’ll come back with more wood and we can fill in the center but let’s get one of those on each uh each of the ends simple enough pattern once you’re used

To it it’s just figuring it out the first time that’s a bit difficult okay perfect for that that now what are we going to do about that side could be two just like this running parallel I don’t know if I like the idea of that or it

Could be facing the other direction and going just a little bit higher and then kind of flat on the top yeah I think that might be a little bit more visually interesting so let’s try it that way I don’t want it too much taller and I think that’s a couple blocks taller

There let’s say that height that’s actually a good amount taller make sure it matches over here didn’t really think about this is it going to look weird if I then kind of connect the two just with a flat surface eh we’re about to find out I also did just remember another

Very important ingredient to building that I missed forgot to bring with and there’s a ton of them right over there but I don’t think I want to clear that out at some point we’re going to need leaves for this but let’s have a look at that yeah so much much bigger that’s

Going to have a taller ceiling in there but I kind of want it OV exaggerated everything out here is pretty you know massive and just grander scale so I think that’ll work all right so now that I’ve forgotten about half of the things that I said we need to grab when we go

Back why don’t we go do that I remember bees we need wood for the roof here we’ll need to grab some rails or make some for this area a lot of them actually we need leaves yeah so a few things let’s just take a look through

And grab some more head back over it’s looking good though the house up on the hill I think that’ll be nice I am going to run out of rockets aren’t I almost forgot any trident that’s looking like a no there is nothing spawned in here probably because it’s turning tonight okay we actually

Have a lot of spruce leaves already so that should be fine I’ll chop down a few more trees while we’re here spruce trees and let’s see we also said we want to put the bees back and collect some honey I’ve got tons in here more than I can

Carry in fact here we go and while we’re thinking about that let’s just go place all of these place all of these bees it has been rather quiet in here since I’ve done that since I took them all out so so we’ll go ahead and put you all back I

Think we can just do that yes we can but we do want to be quick about it cuz now that I’m thinking about it all these fires are wide open for bees to Jump Right In and you know they’re going to take that opportunity don’t ask me why

But bees love fire get out of there that’s kind of weird every time I place one of these they just immediately pop out right in my face and push me I’m not going to have enough what did I do oh there’s more in my shulker box I forgot

About that there they are nearly there ooh I think I’m still missing one how did that happen yeah I’m short one uh it’s not in there you in here no did I leave it in the house oh I remember duh I needed a way to mark this chest

There’s where it is uh there you go right there okay and also since we’re here that’s probably a good amount let’s see if I wanted to make honey blocks I can make 18 that might not be enough we’ll grab what we can while we’re here and then we might just need to take

Another trip over over here at some point if we need more blocks but that’ll give us another three so 21 total yeah I think we will need more than that okay uh what else did we need while we were here more wood was one of them oh it’s

So weird when the tree does this how am I supposed to get at you and are you going to break uh yes but all the leaves are going to stay which is weird there another one over here can’t barely get at the logs there we go and almost maybe

How about you and you there it was okay oh yeah that was the other thing after this we need rails build back up on these and that should be plenty yep since we need rails let’s take a look at the iron farm hopefully there’s some in there I know I haven’t really been

Around so it probably hasn’t been running yeah it hasn’t really been running okie dokie let’s see what we can do with what we have which is not a lot H more than I thought actually got about a stack I have a bit here I’m going to

Take all the powered rails just in case we’re going to grab all of our Redstone torches and and let’s see I mean they need to travel a pretty far distance I’m going to make as much as I can three stacks I honestly I I don’t think that’s

Going to be enough we might have to make one Railway to the Village get villagers over then tear that one down to bring it over to the the trading Hall but we’ll see we’ll see how it goes okay we’ve got all that packed up almost forgot about

All this dirt we had too we should get rid of that okay I think we’re ready now maybe I’m 90% sure we’re going to get there and realize I forgot something but them’s the braks and and we found it again look at us it looks really strange

Like that almost like it’s invisa roof or something all right so order of operation we’re going to finish up the top of the Villager breeding area then we can make a railway over to the Village to get a couple in here we’ll start them breeding then we can go back

To work on the trading Hall sound like a plan sounds like a plan so what do you think citizen how are you feeling so far about this roof it’s a bit of an odd roof because I usually don’t make roofs like this but I wanted to try a new

Style of roof so that’s why I did this type of roof roof roof roof roof roof roof okay so near the end I was kind of just winging it as I joined these two together and I grant you it’s a very odd shape it’s that especially is is very

Strange but I’m going with it I I want to see if that kind of thing grows on me or if it just I want to learn from it and see how to successfully join the roof together like this cuz this definitely weird not going to change it

Though cuz I like the space it gives you from in here and it’s just it’s something different we just have to fill in these areas and then I think we’ll be good to go and first I do think this area that’s left here I want a skylight

Which to me means a border of leaves and glass in the middle nice and easy and now for these openings I was kind of just thinking andesite diorite and liberally apply leaves and then we should be in good shape I just kind of alternated beneath me and now I’m doing

The same thing up here so that it should be a similar I think similar looking thing thing and then maybe in the center we do planks and I think we’ll be done I want to leave some of this area open I think that’s it let’s have a look yeah

That looks nice just kind of alternating between the two little open area so I can fly in there we go I just did something similar over there so once we copy it on this side we are finally ready to start populating this house with villagers why did I say that so

Weird I don’t know we’re hitting that point in the day citizens where I just start getting a little slap happy there we go I am calling that done now for the fun part I mean it’s all been fun Parts but I guess you can say the more

Interesting part we need at least two villagers over here and I just noticed a flaw in my plan okay I was going to say I didn’t bring a mine cart but I think I’ve got just enough iron still in the backpack to make one okay crisis averted

Now um let’s see here we are not going to do anything fancy uh for the minecart path because we might just end up having to destroy it to build the next one so they need to go into there I’m going to double check one more time I think once

Again the village is over this way we’re just going to make sure that I’m correct yep right there so beginning from here anywhere there’s water that’s where we’re in places like this we just need to make a little spot where the mine carts can go and for water we’re going

To have to go over the top there we go that should make it nice and easy connects up over here and from here I can actually see our house so we can come across this up this hill that should be fine and just to make things

Easier why don’t we cut across here come down this way over here and then when we get here this is when I think we’ll need to build something just a gentler slope leading up here okay so if we can get there we’re going to want to do this

Bear with me citizens I think I know what I’m doing so basically just build that down to the ground and that should be the sharpest slope going upward that we need everything else was really not bad bad now I do have a suspicion that what we have here is going to be nowhere

Near enough so let’s see how far it gets us maybe we just you know make a little safe house for the Villager and kind of rebuild it at the halfway point although no we’d have to do it twice then we need two villagers oh boy can never be easy

Okay let’s say that somebody in one of these houses is going to be our first customer but I wouldn’t mind if it was somebody without a job just in case yeah they’re all going to be around this area let’s just start here all right so this

Is going to be our launching point right here so we how do we want to do this eh I can come back and change the powered rail so let’s just try to figure out the direction of all this anywhere uphill we’re going to want a few of these at

Least and where was that water path that I built it’s right there so eh should be pretty close ooh dancing horse think the rails are messing with them or something ooh I just missed it there we go down this way cross the water and and yeah we are going to be

Way short on the rails and that’s it uh can just barely see the outline of the house and we just ran out so that was what like three stacks uh we’re going to need at least three more probably a little bit more than that oh boy okay so

Tell you what citizen I think we’re going to have to go back and AFK at the iron farm for just a little bit refill on all the rails then we can finish this monstrosity then we can transfer our villagers I know I know what you mean citizen so was one step forward two

Steps back but we will get there eventually I don’t even mind this area is just like improving my mood I love how all this looks I I think I mentioned in one of my previous videos I almost wish I had found this area first and made this where I started built up my

Original base and all that and don’t get me wrong I like the other one it’s just this area man I’m in love with it and I’m glad we’re finally building something on it let’s check the water while we’re here why am I oh you’re throwing something at me I didn’t see

You okay and it’s a little Baron who does do not want to drop us anything shocker and it’s looking like that was the only one with a trident anybody anybody no all right fine I figure if we just make that a uh a routine every time we come through here we look eventually

Over you know a million days we’ll finally get a trident time will tell all righty so yeah we’ll hang here for a while and rails just Tak so much iron we’ll do our obligatory check just to make sure it’s still working and then what I might do we’re waiting is go

Clear out the wheat and uh breed the cows I don’t want to run into another lack of leather situation like we have in the past also this might have stopped again why don’t we go clear out the Iron Golems at the base just to be safe plus

That’s free Iron I mean I’m not going to pass that up hello iron chungus please give me your iron you just want to dance on the bush Okay fire dance that’s one cool customer we also haven’t checked the uh Iron Golem Zoo underwater Iron Golem aquarium whatever you want to call

It this guy is getting ready ready to head in there but sadly he’ll never make it and are there a lot of you in there no that’s about the amount we left last time I’m pretty sure so that should be fine how we doing up here buddy are you

Hiding any iron golems by your farm looks clean for Now think that might be all of them I mean except for that guy but we always leave him there kind of stuck in there anyway did that fix our problem M doesn’t look like it did come on I just need some iron this has been a problem

More than once oh I forgot I put all these iron blocks in here that’s so tempting I could just take all of these I’d prefer not to but yeah this this has always giving us problems it does make me want to just build a new iron farm

Speaking of sidetracking yeah I mean I don’t see any other ones around here oh okay another one apparently heading right in for the uh the zoo I guess we got to just get rid of a couple of these it is what it is big fella neither one

Of us wanted this but it’s what we got to do ah so sad let’s actually watch from up here here it’s easier to see if they’re spawning all right what gives do I have to clear out that entire underwater Zoo never had to do that many

Before I mean all right if Jupiter wills it I guess we that’s what we have to do ah there’s another one behind here too they’ve been hiding it’s almost like they’re afraid of me I don’t know why ah okay I think it started working there was five here before now there’s 10

Let’s just double check to be sure ah there we go good so it’s working let’s hang up here for a bit just load up on iron I don’t want to have to take too many trips back but it is is still on my mind I might use this time to uh

Investigate other iron farms and see if there’s anything that’s worth building all right as you can see it’s been working I’ve been standing there for a bit I think we’re going to just wait overnight I put a door on this finally so we can just go in here I can close

This we can wait overnight let it keep running then hopefully that’ll be enough while I was waiting though I did look at different Iron Farms or tutorials for iron farms and I found one that looks pretty simple and it looks almost like it’ll go about four times as fast as

This or even faster fter than that so let’s get things started with the Villager breeder over back in that area then I might try to build it I think we have time to do cuz what do we have left if we build the iron farm we got to

Finish the breeder we got to finish the trading Hall we got to get emeralds I technically still have to work on diamonds but that’s the least important one I mainly want emeralds and gold I’m almost thinking we pivot and do iron instead it’s it’s a lot more I need it

Much more than I need diamonds we’ll put it that way I’ll see how we feel when we get over there but I’m leaning in that direction we might still have time for all of it meanwhile though look at this how beautiful is that this base looks

Fantastic at night we just don’t see it that often but that is just great anyway yeah we’ll AFK through the night we’ll grab what iron we can then we’ll head back over to our other area our new Province all right the sun is rising let’s see what we were able to collect

Through the night all right could be better could be worse let’s see what that does for rails I think I kind of made my mind up overnight too I do want to make that other iron farm so we’ll decide what the the order of things will

Be once we get back over there but for now 1 2 3 4 little over four Stacks hopefully that is enough and it’ll be what we need let’s head back over and find out I’m also going to scout a location for an iron farm on the way

Over cuz we’ll need a big flat area and actually could probably go right on top of this hill cuz there’s nothing else around really well that’s kind of close to the trading Hall I don’t want it too close don’t want it too close to this ooh actually could be right over here

This is a big flat area probably do that but first where did we leave off with our rails uh there you are all righty so let’s just keep this going o we might make it and I don’t know how many I need so I’m just doing powered rails all the

Way up this thing I don’t want to get halfway up and then send them all the way back excuse me horsey when did you get here I don’t remember horses being up here well welcome yeah we had about a stack left over so not bad and we’ll

Stop them right there oo said it before I’ll say it again the things I do for villagers now let’s just run back and double check oh wait no going to say double check everything but I think we need to power all of these that would

Make sense in fact I don’t know if this is going to be enough torches might need more wow that actually Powers a respectable amount of these one right there looking good looking good ooh we’re starting to run low we’re so close though oh I think we’re going to be just

Short H yeah uh let’s see I think I know what we can do I’m just going to borrow a couple of these ooh I was actually going to make some of these later too thank you villagers now if I make some sticks can I just do this make some

Levers I think this should work so we left off there if I just do that okay good that works look at me thinking on the Fly and that’s it we are ready for transport who would like to be our first customer no not you you have a job I can

I just put that there and it’s not going to go anywhere okay good how about you sir would you like I mean I know this is a nice Village but would you like to live somewhere much nicer and it’s not a life of Eternal servitude no believe me

You’ll hold a respected place in our community come on uh let’s see think I need to sweeten the deal what if I told you it came with a free composter ooh look at this yeah free composter that’s right no no no no you just they’re they’re walking right through it look at

This guy he’s walk he’s walking right through it they’re all walking right through it not getting in it is that normal that should be normal right or wait oh I think I do do I need a boat I think I need a boat that might be the

Problem okay is it Betty by time we’ll try this again tomorrow who has a bed for Legion V you do what a nice guy it’s not my Betty by time there we go okay um let’s try this again you you’ve got the danger house anyway how’d you like to

Get out of here this is just irresponsible I can get you a much better place to live so you get in the boat where aren’t you getting in the boat there we go okay weird we going to have to fix this path so we can get

Across nice and easy I think if we just bring you over here maybe put this right there wa what was that noise can I push it into the mine cart or do I have to push the mine cart forward oh come on well that might work actually let’s just

Try it hey it took them look at that there they go down our happy rail let’s follow them all the way make sure nothing goes wrong but we actually might be able to get both in one here as long as that guy loses his job which I guess

Doesn’t really matter oh no I want to follow them cuz we’re just going to be breeding them anyway so maybe it doesn’t matter that they have a job keep moving keep moving this is working really well going all the way across here then hopefully they just make it up there and

It should be fine all the way up and into the house look at that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yeah let’s just break a couple of those okay I don’t know why it pushed

Them back but it did awesome I think we’re good just to be safe let’s get rid of a couple more of these they shouldn’t be able to to get out through there uh no other ways out shouldn’t be able to get out through there so if we just uh

Turn on that then try to break you out of there look at that we got our villagers nice I mean it took us a while to get there but that really could have been worse oh yeah this is not for you none of this stuff is for you hopefully

You lose your job but it doesn’t really matter what’s important is that you make lots of baby villagers and I just realized baby villagers are definitely going to be able to get out of there thanks for the reminder on that citizen so we need to fix that and we should be

Able to use the simple expedient of a fence gate I think we need four we just put those here now I think we can also trap the baby villagers in there we go beautiful and I don’t know why I picked up all these shulker boxes I’m going to

Need to put a lot of this stuff away get some of this stuff in here there we go then where there you are you guys have a preference carrots or potatoes does it matter how about we start you off with some carrots no you’re not going back to

Your old village don’t be conspiring over here you’re staying here forever and don’t give me that look you’re going to love it here believe me and you’re potentially not here forever you’re eventually going to get to visit the much larger and grander Village area that’s going to you know it’s going to

Be a coming to an area near you type of thing soon but that’s for the future right now you need to have all those carrots and share don’t be greedy is that guy not going to share why are you interested in me after getting the carrots you’ve got wh uh Don’t Step

Closer you got him over here over there you guys talk yeah there we go share the carrots and that’s what we’re looking for okay that should last a while those carrots but we still got all the potatoes too so if we need to we can throw some potatoes in there sweeten the

Deal but for now hey look at a little bar so now we can leave them to their business and just kind of keep that going I’ll come back in a bit we’ll drop those potatoes off I think it you know it’s not going to hurt once we’ve got

All this I think it was something like 16 or so beds that that’s going to be a very solid start for us so I am pleased with that we just have a decision to make now glad we’ve got this that’s up and running it’s operational we’ve got the foundation over there the decision

Do we go back over here and start working on that or do we clear an area over here for an iron farm and I’m kind of thinking we want to do the new iron farm and the reason for that is we oh it’s been raining so much when I’ve been

Building hopefully you haven’t seen too much of it except in cinematics but it’s just it’s been raining so much anyway uh same reason we built this I want I wanted this built so it could be running and they could be making more villagers while we work on that now same thing I’d

Rather build an iron farm that could potentially be running while we work on that and finish that up so we can clear out an area we’ll work on a new iron farm that should work much more quickly than the one back at base and I’m no

Longer even going to say that next will work on the trading Hall cuz I’m sure something else will come up but we will get to it before the end of the video so I’m going to do some measurements I want it to be at least like 120 blocks away

From where we’ll have other villagers just to be safe we’ll pick a spot then we will start clearing it all out then we can get started on this next farm so it can run the whole time we’re working on anything else all right good we’ve

Got a plan think I found a good spot I’m just trying to clear some of the grass out so we can double check make sure and then see what we have to flatten out and do terraforming wise oh I don’t think so I saw you over there yeah you were going

To try to sneak up once I was deep in my work that would work on the old Legion not the experienced veteran you see before you today anywho need a central location this is looking pretty I cleared this area out just trying to decide what I need to flatten out a

Little bit hopefully it shouldn’t be much kind of like the raid Farm a while back this is just an area that’s already pretty flat we just need to like for instance do I want to fill in this area so it’s on this level or do I want to

Destroy this entire top level just to make it flat with that level it’s basically do I want to make Scoopy dooo happy or not either way I’ll do a bit of work here we’ll get a lovely time lapse going for you and then once we’re done

With that we can head back to base to pick up all the materials that we’re going to need to build a new iron farm we’ve talked a bit about how the Romans handled agriculture but not so much what you might call the Family Garden the most common plants you might see in a

Roman’s personal Garden would be pine trees roses Cyprus Rosemary and malberry trees okay I believe I’m happy with that it should be enough space but there’s also room on the decides if we need to either clear more of this out or put some dirt down over there I think we’ll

Be fine so that being said we have a lot of dirt to go drop off back at the base and we also need to get the materials that we’re going to need to begin building this thing and just a double check this is the area where we’re

Planning on building it that looks good the Villager breeder is way over there so hopefully far enough away so it won’t interfere with that iron farm and the trading Hall is even further away so I think that should be fine for the area actually wait this is going to bug me

Looking at it from up there that needs to go so real quick before we head back just to make it a bit of a better square shape that should do it okay back to base and I just used my last rocket there we go I shall be back in the

Marrow on the marrow I think it’s on the marrow all righty I’ve got a big present for the dirt chests we’ll just drop off all this stuff that we picked up there we go there’s one full dirt chest onto the second which does have some in already don’t think we’re hurting for

Dirt okay so these are our building shulkers now we need a few for iron farm material shulkers all right what do we need we need 18 stacks of building blocks I’m going to go with stone brick since we recently completely depleted our deep Sate actually I keep forgetting

I was just using the stone cutter it’s probably a little bit easier to do it this way okay that should be all the building blocks we need now three stacks of walls hey look at that I already got it every time I take out the spruce

Trees I think oh I’m going to I’m not going to need a lot more for a while and then less than 10 days later I need much more this time for fence gates okay that should be enough with a bit left over which is always nice I’ll need 24 beds

But I think we should be fine with that with all the wool that I brought with I I think that’ll be fine we’re back to that Old Chestnut where we need more Hoppers to build an iron farm because we’re low on iron to make things like Hoppers yes makes perfect sense let’s

Check how this one’s been doing I don’t think it’s been running we haven’t been here yep well let’s collect everything else hopefully it runs a little bit more while we’re doing that then we should have what we need but I’ll wait for you we’ll grab a little bit more while we’re

Here thank you I appreciate it I do need lavva so we’ve got that Soul Sand that’s interesting and once again I need name tags we’re going to break into the blocks I think don’t worry we’re going to make it all back by the end of this

Video I think you’re the guy right here up to 15 was it you 10 there we go all righty oh we actually have to name them this time I always forget to do that and these are going to be for the zombies for the uh the iron farm there’s four in

This one at least I’m pretty sure but it is four name tags so I have kind of a stupid idea for these they are going to be named s p q and W no just kidding R there we go our four zombies will be spqr and I

Think that’s it we just need our Hoppers which is five per we need nine of them oh boy so 45 since we’re waiting anyway Let’s uh craft up all of these give us another few there and dare I clear out the chest of all of our holders eh doesn’t really matter we’re

Making a farm to fix this problem there we go nine Hoppers how depressing we have four iron to our name arar all right well anyway I think we got what we need let’s bring all that over we can craft the beds that there I do think

We’re going to have to break down that Minecart uh rail path that we made cuz we’re going to need to use all of that to transport villagers to this new Farm it takes a lot we actually need 24 villagers for this one which yes good thought means we should check on the

Breeder and see how they’re doing I’m not going to get over this area this every time I see it so beautiful I love it okay how we doing in here not great Bob what’s wrong you need more food I mean I’ll give you the rest of it got

All these beds and what are you doing are you still tied to a bed back at the village is that the problem look these two are sleeping you’re just I mean okay are you going to go to the bed or no you seriously want your bed at a village

Hundreds of blocks away rather than the ones that are just right here in front of you I will never never understand villagers all right whatever I’ll use one of the beds in the meantime here’s the rest of what I uh what I brought over here hopefully that kind of speeds

Things up a little bit if you know what I mean maybe when we were doing all that stuff over there we must not have been close enough to I mean there’s not a lot around here I turn maybe it’s cuz I turned down render and simulation distance a little bit I’ll turn those

Back up just so if we’re working on other things something will happen over here all right I just turned it up a bit more and it looks fine we’re not by my base that’s just a lag machine so I think everything’s fine over here so I’m

Going to need all of you to get to work while I’m yeah exactly so keep that going I’ll I we’ll we’ll work a bit on the farm but I’m going to come back and check intermittently because I don’t want things to slow down over here we

Need you to grow up we need more babies out of you two which it looks like oh the birth is happening right now supposed to there we go that’s the Miracle of Life for you um okay yeah so we just need things to keep up over here

While we’re working on the farm once we get four that are adults that should make things happen pretty quick what oh there you are and next time we go to base we’ll do another run on the vegetables and bring them all over so they should have what they need anyway

We can just barely see the iron farm from here which means it’s in render distance I think hold on I’m going to count the chunks that we passed through just to be sure so that’s three chunks 11 well yeah so the middle of this is maybe 15 chunks away that might be why

Okay will this destroy my computer I just turned it up once again and it’s now clearly visible yeah so far so good seems to be running smooth let’s hope that does the trick and we can get started on this first of all these are the two that have the farm stuff in it

But in an effort to keep my inventory clean I’m also going to put down all of these put the bed down and where are my crafting tables I knew I had some there you are there we go nice little mobile build uh setup and this Farm I think

When it’s fully built should be about 50x 5050 blocks is it’ll be a a little bit less than that I think so why don’t we let’s count out 25 from that side and 25 from this side because I don’t want to overlap with those over there I’d

Rather do it on that side cuz that’s where we can continue terraforming if we need to so oh I was wondering where the rain was about to start a new project of course we need rain oh boy all right one two 3 ooh I guessed exactly right I

Counted from that side but it’s also 25 from that side so that’s the Central Point that’s 25 this way so we’ve got a bit of bandwidth on that end so we might move it out further yeah same thing here that’s 25 out that way and we got plenty

Of space so let’s move it further away from these uh ridges here cuz I’m worried if Iron Golems are supposed to spawn somewhere over here if this is high up it might give them an area to spawn and we don’t want that so let’s go maybe five more out and call that the

Center yeah yeah that should be good I mean if we notice them spawning we’re no stranger to having to spawn proof areas to stop Iron Golems from spawning in you’ll remember that from the one block world so we could always do it again if we have to or I could just obliterate

That entire side of the Hill if we need to Don’t You Worry we’ve got it covered anyway though this Farm starts with a hole and if we want to do a 19 18 by 19 hole uh-oh we’re dealing with math again we want to go nine out in every

Direction is that right let’s just double check that I’m right about that 18 19 yep so nine out in every direction there we go that should be our hole we just need to dig it down two all the way through and I’m kind of stalling cuz I

Hate the rain I want to do that in the morning ooh the mini map though says we might have uncovered something says there’s a mob right here or no was that a maybe the red is the entities yeah I think that was a dirt block never mind I

Don’t know how to read the mini map there we go much better and we even get a rainbow look at that now I’m ready to work we can get rid of all of this and we can uncover this area that for some reason I didn’t dig this hole it was

Already here and I didn’t cover it up either there was always just like this area down here which is a bit odd but we are going to have to do some cover up there because we only need this too deep there’s the dirt onto the stone I’m actually really enjoying building out

Here away from the base it almost feels like I’m starting a new world but with like all of the gear I’m used to and enjoy having cuz it’s kind of how this world started we started with an area we did a bunch of terraforming started making some Farms it’s just a massive

Upgrade all across the board all right now one block in and we take out another layer all the way around I’m guessing at some point too we are going to have to go back to the gold farm and get a bit more for golden apples which isn’t

Necessarily a bad thing because we are we’re using the tools a decent amount Scoopy dooo in particular needs a bit of healing the other ones not so much but I prefer to have them all at full dur ability so it’s an excuse to go and use

It as an XP farm as well all right next up a 5×5 hole which I believe means we can cover this up there we go looking a little bit more uniform now and we’re now to the point where we’re going to need some of the materials hopefully I

Can store some of this for the time being there we go okay so stairs go all around the interior of this fence gates all around the middle and those can all be open of course and then we can get rid of these two and finally we fill the whole thing with

Water which we should be able to do with just two buckets yep oh wait a minute is that not going to work can I not just put it every a man for some reason this is the only spot that’s making an Infinite Source the other ones are not

Which is fun for me but just a check it should be stopping here yeah good good well there’s one side done at least that’s not too bad a bit tedious but we’re making progress just got to join these two up and then I think we’ll be

Good and last one yeah there we we go so obviously this is the area where all of the Iron Golems should fall in they should be coming from all four sides they’ll land in here they’ll get pushed into here then they get a lovely uh lava bath which they love and actually now

That we have that let’s go check on the villagers make sure they’ve been doing their business over here no not really but the two did grow up so it’s probably loaded in but they don’t have enough produce that’s my guess all right let’s head back to base absolutely fill up on

Produce bring it back and gift it to the plebs since once again I am a benevolent overlord all righty I’ll get you more food honestly it’s like being a parent I’m hungry we have food at home you can wait till we get there I will turn this

Elytra around yeah I’m losing it a little bit okay I’m thinking we could probably just do like a full Harvest on carrots oh I should have put all the uh should have cleaned out the inventory doesn’t matter Cleopatra I call upon your Aid yeah let’s try to just fill a

Shulker box with carrots hopefully that’ll be a pretty good start remind me too next time we’re at the Gold Farm I need to uh take Cleopatra out of the backpack to heal her up I always forget to do that oh guess we should do this

Hey get out of my what are you doing that better not be from my garden ooh did you see him Rascal is messing up all my stuff all right let’s replant this layer then we’ll go up to the next one and clear it out or yeah I think we

Should be able to fit a decent amount more we’ll fill the inventory too just in case this was a good time investment when we made these Farms cuz imagine how long it would take if we just had our typical 9×9 uh farms for each type of produce it just it takes forever this

Looks a lot nicer and you really only have to harvest it one time and then you just got loads there we go and on to the next one give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give give give now once we replant this area

We’ll be good to go we can head back make sure the villagers are still running strong and get back to work on the iron farm okay so that’s a full Harvest let’s see what that does well nearly a full Harvest shulker a little over shulker these are the ones from

Last time we may as well grab the ones that are fully grown there we go okay that had better be enough for the villagers greedy boys all right quick nap and then we can head back all righty let’s go coming in for a landing oh no we’re

Too low I wanted to be fancy no guess we got to go in the front door okay oh got like separate uh little meeting areas over here I know what’ll bring you together seriously nobody wants the carrots they’re right here look it’s ridiculous I got to basically

Spoon feed it to them take all the carrots there’s a lot more where that came from same goes for you too take them take them they’re not even picking them up they they did have full inventories what’s the problem they clearly have enough beds oh there we go

Maybe they didn’t have any are you guys on like a cool down period or something I I don’t really know let’s just make sure this Works they’re transferring carrots amongst each other oh okay they were giving it to the baby all right so it’s still working it’s just I don’t

Know weird let’s see if they need any more yeah he’ll take it good they picked up all of that that’s a new infusion there we go okay now it’s working which means this one needs some carrots just make sure everybody’s got a nice and full inventory it’s over here kid you

Know want any carrots all right whatever we’ve got extras here we can come back and try again in a little bit I’m just going to leave that there they’re still just kind of trading amongst themselves give those two time to grow up because like I said I mean how many do we have

Now we have six I don’t even remember what I said uh I think we need 24 villagers for the iron farm we’re going to need a ton uh for the trading Hall so yeah you guys need to pick up the pace at least it’s it’s exponential so as

Soon as we get like you know 10 should happen pretty quickly and we’ll probably leave about 10 in here uh and then take six at a time or something like that when they grow up so should did work out okay at least I really hope it does for

Now we’re not going to worry about it we’re going to go back to the iron farm and it is time to start digging a uh drop shoot down the middle of this I believe yep time to start digging down and I do believe this is going to be our

Collection area cuz if they’re falling down here that means we want our chests right here with Hoppers leading into those and now it’s time for the lava bath because we like to take care of our Iron Golems don’t we it’s like a spa treatment for for them so am I going to

Be able to manage this it looks like that’s about right so if we but nope not able to place it how about like this like I thought I could do that but I guess not let’s just do that and that should cover it all yep nice all righty

I just need to go get some glass so we can cover this up a little bit better so let’s uh let’s dig our way out of here which is why we brought the ladders there you go easy enough hey look at that we came out right next to our stuff

Including our glass so we can go right back down put a few of you here then I should still be able to open these yep we are good and with that I believe it is time to start working on the spawning platforms and this will be the ledge

Where our best friends the Iron Golems will kind of have a gentle slope to go into the pool followed by their hot lava bath then the first area of the spawn platform is going to be uh six block wide or long depending on your perspective platform out this way and

Then I think after that we’re going to do one more uh a block higher so let’s uh let’s get this filled in nice and easy yep now we just do the same thing again but one block higher there we go beautiful so that’s one side done well

No actually not done done we need to put a wall around it just to make sure those Iron Golems don’t try to escape their fate and then walls on top of that there we go looking secure and finally we just need the fence gates and these should

Stop any water from flowing down that we don’t intend to looking good and then I think the final step is to turn the back of this into a very nice water slide and that should flow all the way to the end but not go over which it certainly does

Nice and now we just have to do that exact same thing three more Times all right that’s a good bit of work right there I did a thing unfortunately it’s night time and I’m sure that there are mobs out just like the night before to remind me that a good night’s sleep is essential they were very kind last

Night though one of them dropped me a uh melon Travelers backpack so that’s kind of neat anyway looks like we’re safe for now better sleep never mind where are they probably talking about you two aren’t you hey buddy goodbye good now I am good good oh I also somehow like

Severely miscalculated how many stairs I was going to need so I had to switch to Stone stairs at some point not a huge deal cuz it’s covered by water you can’t really tell so with that being said I can’t put backpacks in a shul box weird

Can I put a backpack in a backpack nope all right but yeah that portion is done so what’s next I think we’re getting close to the very fun part which is having to get zombies and villagers loaded into this thing oh how I’m looking forward to that I believe these

Central areas this is going to be where there’s a zombie on each one of the platforms yeah this is going to be where the zombie is and I’m pretty sure the reason that there’s Soul Sand down there is because it’ll make the zombie bob up

And down so it kind of comes in and out of our villagers view there’s some kind of mechanic with that where if they have seen it for too long it stops affecting them so it has to come in and out of their Vision in order to keep this thing

Running correct me if I’m wrong on that I think that’s why but that is what it should look like we’re obviously just still going to have to get a zombie in there but now we build the platforms for the villagers and this one is deceptively simple cuz it’s just a 3X3

Platform and I think we got to do one on the other side as well but at this point I am going to need beds and I haven’t done that yet so for now we’re just going to come down here make another one on this side and actually I might go

Through and do all of this and then we can make beds and come back up to each one but that’s about what each side should uh look like obviously without the the zombie villagers in yet all right so there’s two of them I think it’s time for a quick break to check in

On our plebs and then we’re going to have to go through and make all of those beds so yeah just first up let’s check this you guys decided to make an iron golem interesting and they don’t seem to be doing it when I’m not here so I just

Have to come back every once in a while to force this to happen look at him watching what a creep I mean I guess I’m watching too let’s refill them on carrots just to be sure does anybody need carrots anybody at all they’re right here all free you pick them up I

Know you see them don’t pretend like they’re not there who will actually take some will you guys take some yeah come on take them all take a few Stacks is that it are we good we don’t need anymore all right how about this group over here any carrots okay all right I

Think we’re all full is everybody good none over here ah you will take some but it’s nappy nap time apparently everybody seems to be full and we’re up to what uh seven man this is really not going as fast as I was hoping it would I guess I

Could put put a farmer in here that might expedite things a little bit might make sense yeah maybe we’ll we’ll do that tomorrow yeah let’s just do this it should only take a minute might not help but it might here we go I think that’s all we need I’m sure I forgot something

And let’s just put this will be temporary anyway so doesn’t matter if it looks weird just get some water there composter on top Cleopatra for all of this stuff oh and I forgot we don’t want you composting anything no all right he’s going through and planting stuff

Now I just want to try to make sure he doesn’t compost any of it that should stop him let’s also going to probably stop him from getting at some of this stuff but there should be enough space there we go hopefully that does something I I don’t know if that was a

Problem or not we got a lot of little ones running around so it’s working hopefully this just I don’t know speeds it up if we’re not here does something I don’t know either way only took a minute so let’s uh oh they’re still going let’s

Just let’s sit for a minute see if they populate it anymore yeah I think they just made another one okay so let’s give them time to grow up now we can go make our beds 24 of them which I think that should be enough so if I just start

Making them and heading up to each one of these they apparently need to be in a very specific orientation which is just like that then we need glass on top slabs on top of the glass and then it looks like we keep we keep this area

Open I mean we have to close it there but I think this is is where they need to see the zombie and I need a way out of here there we go so now as we build we can go through and do the beds and

The glass and all that type of stuff too and I’ll be honest with you citizen I’m not looking forward to getting villagers up here I have a feeling that’s going to bring out the worst in me and nobody needs That all right there it is completely finished except for the zombies and villagers the fun part so I got the name tags here we’ve got some temporary blocks I do think we should go we should pick up all those rails leading to the village and we’ll use that to transport

Villagers over not exactly sure how I want to do it yet but we’ll get it figured out I I know I want to use the rails so starting over here and I could clear out this Village I could take them straight from here and put them in the

The iron farm but I don’t know something about that it just tells me we’d be inviting trouble so let’s just collect all this up instead and we’ll get a new one coming out of the Villager breeder good news is too it should be a shorter distance which means we won’t run out of

This this is actually a much longer path of rails than I remember it being there we go we finally made it in the morning we can start laying all this stuff back out and figure out how we’re going to get those guys into their spots and

Right now we’ve only got about 12 vill ERS that is which is not great cuz that’s only half the amount that we actually need to run the farm let’s actually let’s start laying down this uh the rail but we should also get more beds hopefully I still have that mine

Cart somewhere too yeah there you are okay so if villagers need to go in here it actually might not be too bad and I’m always hesitant to say that because I might be cursing myself but one would think if we just built up hey no invisible blocks we just built up

Something like that and had the minecart lead like directly in there they can’t get out the only way to go is inside there I don’t see how that can go wrong I’m I’m just sure the villagers will figure out a way to make it go wrong I

Also don’t see any reason to try to over complicate this rail uh system we have leading over here so I’m thinking just Sky pathway of dirt leading right up there nice and easy and I think I’m going to need more dirt aren’t I yep got pretty close though I also forgot I

Wanted to grab more beds more dirt oh I’ve actually got enough for a decent amount more beds I thought I was almost out doesn’t have to look nice let’s just get in as many beds as we can fit which is seven more looks like or no four five

More I don’t know I can’t count just put some back here cuz why not and boom there we go so no reason for that to run out of space anytime soon we actually that might have helped putting this composter here because it looks like it

Just got a lot busier in here yeah we’re up to 17 we just got five more in the short amount of time we were gone okay so that looking better those are going to keep growing let’s finish oh wait I forgot I did have more it was blending

In with the wood there we go ugly Brown beds and now we’re good okay keep up the good work in there I’m going to finish up your Railway path it would be nice if we had uh three mine carts cuz then we could get three villagers at a time for

Each one of the little platforms hopefully this doesn’t scare them that we’re going to be going directly over this d d but no no I’m sure it’ll be fine all right now we just head up ooh I went too far little overzealous and there we go all right so

That’s all set I put down all the rails so let’s grab those we can at least build it most of it we shouldn’t have to change all the way here it’s just when it gets to the end we’ll kind of fork it off in different directions to get into

The other platforms but luckily the bulk of it can stay exactly as it is so same uh same type of idea as last time we might have to move yeah I’m not going to be able to place it at a gate we’ll figure that out in a minute but first

This wow it’s looking like we’re almost full we’re at 20 so we’re actually getting pretty close so I think when we’re ready once this is all laid down we might just trap a couple over on this side and then we can get rid of those Gates just to make sure none of the

Children escape cuz you know they would is there a free free bed for Legion there it is all right keep this going all the way across ooh looks like I can’t turn like that that should be be an easy fix let’s do something like that come around this way there we go and

There we go I’m pretty sure they can go through that they might take a little bit of damage but they should be fine now all we have to do is power the whole thing and bloop just got to do a few bloops throughout here bloop there we go

Few bloops later and we’re looking good I do kind of want to test this with just uh a single villager and I forgot the mine cart actually before we do that we should be able to do something like this I keep they just wasted two blocks trying to actually this might work out

Well if we trap a bunch of them in here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even that’s seven of them that’s two platforms right here we can let them all grow up here but what I was thinking is we can move this uh to right here or you know just somewhere where

They could get in and out and we can transfer new villagers in but now that’s not going to work until all these B babies grow up so let’s go get the mine cart wait for all of them to grow up this is going to be our first uh cohort

As it were we could send all of them over and we’ll just kind of troubleshoot as we go along please nobody follow me thank you and mine cart could probably use a boat to do two at a time but we need three per each so maybe a boat with

A mine cart and then follow that with just a single mine cart I don’t know in fact we have to wait for them to grow up anyway may as well take all the dirt out and we can do what prep we can for all of the other platforms that is so for

Example that one’s already set up we’ve got the rail there after that one’s full we’ll Fork over to this direction and then we can do the same thing here I don’t know if I needed it as tall as I had it before can they get out of here I

Don’t think so these villagers man I just they scare me I I’m afraid to do it the easier way because I just know they’re going to find some way to mess it up and beautiful more rain but yeah that’s the idea anyway let’s just keep doing this we’ll prep the whole area if

We can all right we prepped as much as we could with the dirt that I have that’s actually a pretty good start so ooh ominous anyway we are going to wait for all of them to grow up and then we can do a test in fact if I could get the

Two adults in this boat there’s one n got a kid in there whatever we’ll wait for you to grow up little uh floating head of a villager child that is cursed okay actually if I open one of these up the kids should be able to get through

And get to their bed no can they walk across rails or no how about that way yeah they’ll go to their bed okay we can get rid of a few of them what about you kiddo there we go okay so actually let’s get rid of that last one that way we’ve

Got three here it’s nice and tidy uh I think this is the boat yeah there we go so you get out of here oh you can’t go across the rail there we go now we got three adults we can get two of you want

It on the rail you get in there and you get in there cool then in the morning we can take those two to the first platform you go third and I think we’ll be in good shape actually now we should be able to move you put that down get this

Right let’s do it right here there now we got a way in they can’t get out I think we’re in good shape all righty it is morning who’s ready for a test oh you’re still trying to do that here uh-oh are we going to make a child and

It’s going to escape uh no doesn’t look like it okay good um I’m ready to test this let’s just go take a look I’m afraid I might missed something so we’ll double check we’re going to come all the way down here around that down this one

All the way down this line take a turn here and then they should go directly into here and they might fall right in I don’t know if I’ll be able to get the mine cart if that happens so actually for now why don’t we cover that we’ll

Get them in here we’ll just make sure it’s blocked off then we’ll break that we’ll break the M Tower you yeah you get the idea that way I don’t actually have to even block this because they could just go right in I’ll cover it back up once we get here am I forgetting

Anything is that all right hopefully that’s right let’s give it a shot who’s ready for an adventure that’s right you two are all right please pick up these guys when I push it good okay so far so good traveling down across the thing definitely going faster than me take a

Turn here and then they should be ready for the last little bit of their Journey all the way down there and into the little Hut ooh yeah that hurt a guy I hope that’s not still hurting him no I think they’re good it worked aren’t you

Both so happy all right so now we can block that we can take back all of this all right so I’ve got both of those we can open this up you’re both incredibly interested in going in there I’m sure so let me just give you a little helping

Nudge there there we go okay then we cover it back up and we’re ready to get our last guy so pretty seamless it’s just this is going to take a while there are eight of these so we need three vill villagers in each one so while it’s not

Too bad like it’s not complicated really it’s going to take a while so why don’t we do this just about as quickly as we can what do you say fella I still haven’t figured out if villagers can go directly in here or not guess it doesn’t really well I want to

Know can you okay you can you can just get right in there look at him he’s having the time of his life which is good because he’s not going to be having much fun for the rest of his life and here comes our friend right around the

Corner and into his Hut you know the drill by now now I’m going to just hopefully take stop turning to look at me just trying to take the mine cart there we go yeah see you’ve already got some buddies in there look hey we got

One totally done now we only have to do that eight more time or no seven more times but now all of this can come down and there we go that one’s done now on to the next one just a very short distance this way and yeah after seeing

Those I don’t think we’ll run into any issues I think that’ll be fine I do want to cap that off should be all right yeah all right let’s grab a few more actually I almost have enough iron for a second uh mine cart and I do see some free Iron

Standing right in front of me that might just save us some time if we were to go with two mine carts instead of one oh you can’t get past the the rail you know you can step over it right doofus guess not yeah this should keep things moving

A little bit more quickly if we have two of those now who wants to come with me look you can escape you can you can get right out here go check it out go explore the new area you’re all lining up you got to walk through it though

Here we go there’s one nope he left ooh look there’s a trail of carrots who wants to follow the carrots all the way over here look there’s some by the boat oh yeah that’s right come here grab the one that’s by the boat it’s right here

Look look look there’s more no when am I finally going to be smarter than villagers get in the boat there we go there’s one just need two more go talk to your friend he found a boat it’s super cool yeah all right who else wants

To go through got our two in a boat we just need one in a mine cart I promise you it’s super interesting over there you’re going to I want to see this ooh we got one aha all right so we should be good leading into the new area which

Means if I just uh push this it’ll take you two and you want to get in this one don’t you you certainly do not that way other way my friend there we go all right two at once is it going to work look at that we got the one in the boat

The other one not far behind should take a turn and head right in there good job number two coming along oh is he going to make it I think he is right in look at that that went without a hitch I am happy with that give me back all my

Stuff you three get in there now I promise it’s Pleasant down there you’re going to love it you’re going to go in there anyway when you want your beds at at night come on come on they’ve been walking over the hole and they’re not falling in don’t push me in come on you

Can do this there we go there’s one of them I promise you’re going to love it in there you just got to get hey there we go Bingo we got all three we’re good we can clean this up all right so I think we’ve got a system we’re just

Going to keep doing this all the way around until all of our villagers are completely filled in does look like that one’s having trouble finding his bed but I don’t think it’ll be an issue those three figured it out so must just be this guy oh he wants that guy’s bed not

Going to happen buddy I don’t think it Matters All right that was certainly a thing to get all of these guys in here but we are on the last one and yes I know I could have just taken a turn here and it would have been much shorter but I just kept going with the dirt path it seemed

Easier somehow take your time though buddy any day there we go and last but not least we get to can you stop moving there we go get you out of these open up your new Perma home and if you find gentlemen would like to just step down this way please promise it’s roomier

Than it looks oh good they believe me suckers all right the end is in sight citizens I just need to clean up the mess that I made and then the last step we get to invite some zombie friends in for that I don’t think we’ll need rails

I think we should just use dirt stairways should be easy enough to tempt them up there like most people they can’t resist a taste of Legion okay I just had a thought I’m double-checking we’ve got three in each one of these right don’t think I made any mistakes

But now would be the time to notice it yeah looks good okay there we go all cleaned up let’s put some of this in here for now and then we can fix this and we’ll have to be kind of quick about it there we go get rid of this mess and

At the end of the day I think there’s still a decent amount left in here there they are so after taking all those villagers we still have how many four 5 6 7 seven or eight and they can start repopulating now the important question it’s night time do I just head out there

And build these uh dirt stairways well I guess first we have to take this down we’ll see if we can do it safely once uh this is all cleaned up I keep thinking that red on the mini map means enemies and it looks like there’s just an entire

Enormous trail of enemies following me but no oh that is just dropped items okay that was a mistake wasn’t ready for the turn kind of eerie out here at night kind of spooky I didn’t put up lights anywhere that’s probably why woo okay I yep did not see that

Until I was right down there maybe we go to bed for the night don’t need them undoing any of my work okay should be a little bit safer we got to collect some of this dirt anyway for the stairways I think it’ll take us enough time it’ll be

Night again soon enough eh I got some of it anyway that should be plent now we just take down the rest of this then we can build our stairways get our zombies in name tag them and I think that’s it at that point we should be ready for a

Test it did take a while but I mean think about the iron farm we have back at base and then look at this just a a might moreos imposing isn’t it so I think this is time well spent there we go mess cleaned up it’s a very important

Roman virtue cleaning up after oneself I think it’s mainly because Jupiter hates crumbs okie dokie next up simple stairway up to each one of the zombie enclosures and let’s see how do we want to do this guess we just yeah if we take the top off we could just uh come over

To this side zombie comes through I don’t think they can pass through that they try to get us fall in there we’ll probably have to jump at that point but I think once we get the top back on that should work whoop well that was a

Mistake and this is an issue ah oh let me out I’m not as zombie I don’t want to pretend to be one okay what is that noise I hear like items being picked up might be the villagers they might be passing uh vegetables as they are want

To do yeah I think I just saw carrots moving there that was driving me nuts I’m like I’m not picking anything up why is it making that noise it’s the villagers playing games with my head all right so same thing on all of these

There we go that is the last one we now have a way up to each of the zombie enclosures and let look got a bit of time until night so how do you guys like the new uh the new area I know much better than the uh the house up on the

Hill right too crowded lot more spacious here I agree so why don’t we start over here on the far side the plan is to get all four zombies in in one night we don’t want to have to wait for a second night so we’ll have to try to be quick

About it hopefully they spawn in pretty quickly and I think they will there’s no lights around any anywhere here and lots of room so I think we’ll be in good shape while we’re waiting how your day going citizen trying out any new hobbies or anything read any good books recently

Let me know in the comments I want to hear how you’re doing all right some of the villagers are in bed the ones that can figure it out anyway they’re kind of just uh snoring and wiggling their noses which really creeps me out but this guy’s just watching him he’s he’s

Horrified but yeah I don’t know some of them can’t seem to figure out the beds and they’re look a little upset about it but that’s not uh it’s not our problem citizen I don’t think they’re going to be doing much sleeping after this anyway oh he figured it out well enjoy it while

You can bring on the zombies ooh I already see one hey buddy you want to be a part of a farm I know you do they love it anyway you get to spend eternity oh thought that was a creeper never mind you get to spend eternity just scaring

Villagers what more could a zombie ask for yep follow me up here are you going to you going to fall in no he oh zombie I mean it started working already we already got an Iron Golem but that isn’t good maybe if we do that I really hope

Hope I’m not going to have to make trap doors to make this easier hey hey you yeah come over here I’m going to need you to actually do this right though your buddy just kind of ruined my whole thing yep come on over I need to make

The jump you need to fall right in there no a okay that’s not working we’re going to try something new uh let’s see maybe that I don’t know how I’m going to get the thing back but we got to try something zombies there any under here skeletons creepers that’s a bummer we

Probably are going to have to use two knights now it’s all skeletons and creepers where are the zombies got a spider jockey over here that’s interesting ooh there we go got a couple zombies actually okay I don’t need the creepers to follow me the zombies yes

Not the creepers okay I’m just going to stand up here oh great no creepers yes zombies you fall right in there no don’t come for me go in the hole no no no no no no no no no no NOP no come on just what’s wrong with the hole oh they keep

Falling I think I’m going to have to rethink this and there there’s another zombie that just went in the middle okay so if we get them right there that should make it easier for them to figure out how to just drop in the hole let’s try one more time uh a couple zombies

Over there can you see me yeah come on over zombie nobody else yep right this way hopefully I can make this jump okay yep come on up and in yeah just move no move forward oh why do they keep doing that all right we’re trying again tomorrow oh of course it’s morning I

Thought I’d try it with a zombie that was on fire and he jumps right in of course I am pretty upset about that and also there’s a witch we’re going to have to watch out for that let’s make sure this guy is safe and then we can name

Tag him I can’t believe that okay I think that was everything that we took out which means I guess you get to be s i WS which yes it stands for sonatus but it also stands for subscribe if you haven’t yet oh I’m upset I can’t put

Those first zombies I don’t know what was going on this this guy jumped right in so do we just do that for the other ones and keep trying or do we try to make it more of a sure thing I don’t know how could we make it more of a sure

Thing anyway I could go get trap doors may as well we’ve got the time now why did I fly over here I had all my shulkers over there I just remembered that this was here all right so zombie follows us up here we put dirt right

There trapo here dirt for me to stand on trapo open close off the side you’d think they would try to just come right at me cuz the trapo should make them think there’s ground there then they fall in so maybe that’s more of a sure thing but good news is this is

Actually going to be running at a limited capacity while we’re working on this so let’s do that same thing on the remaining three sides or I guess two at this point I already built this one up quite a bit so we’ll put you there and

Then last one here you will do the same thing and just probably block that a little bit so comes up up I’m a dumb zombie try to get me over there Falls right in there okay think that should work but since we have a minute now

Let’s go down here and just make sure everything’s running as we expect since we are getting Iron Golem customers and it looks like it is working as we expect hey buddy hope you’re enjoying uh we should clear out all the junk in here too already 12 iron W actually more than

12 iron this is it has one zombie in it and it’s already running so much better than our existing iron farm this is going to be when it’s fully functional leather how did we get leather did a llama fall in here I don’t know I am

Excited this is going to be a very productive Farm assuming we can get this zombie problem figured out I see you under there you sneak come here ow get out of here oh actually leather and steak cows fell in there how did a cow even get inside this thing must have

Been when we first started I don’t remember so hopefully this time we will be good and we can say that it’s a brand banking new working iron farm having the same troubles again this night snoring keeping you awake you need uh need some ear muffs or something yeah look at him

He’s so dejected got to sleep next to these guys every night and listen to how loud that is just go to bed you’ll be fine all right hopefully Fortuna is with us this night hello any zombies yet ah I see one out there let’s get his attention hey buddy got to remember

There’s another one out there with armor if we need to find a second one I mean if we can’t find one over there but you shall do for this one okay everybody cross your fingers this time and we are in place please just fall in there yes

You get to be pee and we can get rid of this stuff and put your covering back and there we go halfway done ooh there’s two baby zombies over there I don’t think that’ll work there’s some bigger ones over that way I don’t need spiders

So maybe you could just back up oh I don’t need baby zombies either I already said that this is not how I wanted to spend my night get away uh yuck yuck yuck yuck gross oh okay don’t need you messing with me and I never miss

Somebody forgot to tell this guy I never miss where’d the big one go I just saw one over here a man hello are you a zombie what was that I just saw something over here skeleton of course ow thinks he’s Fancy with his golden armor zombies there’s one okay over this

Way please we’re ready to check you into your uh luxury resort all expenses paid yada yada I don’t think I need to do that he doesn’t look that smart all righty up the stairs hopefully in you go oh no he wasn’t supposed to push me did

He at least fall in let’s check no I think I just saw him in the water ow come on man I’m busy let’s just double double check uh yeah no zombie we need another one quickly no not creepers zombies running into that old conundrum that it’s all creepers spiders and

Skeletons but no zombies oh come on seriously none at all yeah here they all are look at all those there’s like 10 of them follow me follow me okay I have two following me but I also have about three creepers and a couple skeletons following me as well which is not ideal

Think we might have thinned them out though and fortunately we do have two following us which I hope means we are doubling our chances come on up friends this time I don’t want to get pushed off so maybe we go up a little bit higher oh

Come on get in there let’s go what’s what’s wrong why didn’t they fall in now they’re trying to fight that Iron Golem down there going to be honest with you citizen this isn’t how I saw this going there’s one out there let’s try again two of them actually along with a host

Of other friends and it’s kind of looking like Knight is coming to an end so you just better you better behave all right not much more we can do than just try the same thing again and hope that it works you just got to go right in

Here right in here just right in where how did you okay he survived somehow let’s go up there and get rid of the trap door I think they’re somehow walking across that get rid of that jump across you guys better get in cuz it is

The end of night time as you can clearly see don’t I am frustrated it’s like you want to go into the I don’t know maw of death or whatever we’re calling that maybe it was too high it might have been a little bit higher than the other ones

Like if we did that that maybe is what we need I’m not really sure no I think the other ones were just as high oh not like it matters right now we are going to have to get the last two another night all right we’re not about to be

Defeated by some peab brain zombies we need to somehow take chance out of the equation I present to you the this couldn’t possibly go wrong 9,000 complete with entryway platform walls covering the stairs trapo to ease the falling in and safety platform for Legion with an additional step so that

If the zombie gets over I can simply punch it back will it finally work this time well we’re going to find out I’m going to do this on both sides and then we’ll see there we go completely enclosed we want that open so zombie follows us up we jump across they can’t

Fall off the sides like they keep doing should fall in but even if it doesn’t we’ve got area to stand back here I could just get into like a gritty smack battle with it that should push it back and get it into the hole to me it seems

Foolproof but to be fair the last few nights have seemed foolproof too so we’ll see how it goes I refuse to be defeated by zombies the good news is it has been running at a limited capacity while we’ve been working through all of these uh minor issues and I took a look

Down here and it is not looking half bad look at this I cleaned it up a little bit so it looks like our other iron farm that’s one chest we’re already almost at a stack plus being able to fill up all the other areas and the other chests are

Looking quite nice as well when this is running fully and I’m assuming that’s going to be four Golems at a time instead of two which is I think what we have in there if I just sit here for 30 minutes I mean that’s going to be a lot

O I’m excited by the way did I mention that I found another traveler backpack I think it was in the chest down there I don’t think think I’ll ever really need them per se but it’s an interesting new thing that you can find on mobs so

That’s why I like it ah the night time cometh Darkness descends and Rome stands at the ready d d d all right I’m ready here we go now I’m just thinking of that announcer man voice in a world where chaos Reigns Rome Endeavors to trap zombies for an iron shortage has gripped

The nation one man stands between skele skons zombies and total chaos all right I think that’s enough let’s stop all right now we get three when I only need one wonderful maybe some of them will be slow enough so we could just get this in one uh one ooh actually he’s staying

Back there so maybe we could just grab him after this one oh jeez there’s more there’s more there wow having good luck this time all right please please please please just be be a good boy just get right in there just get yeah see I knew

It what’s going on here what’s going on why aren’t you going in there there we go got one got two I mean you can get in if you want but I only need one all right let’s uh can we safely get rid of you and not hurt the other ones there we

Go all right you are going to be our Q one of you are uh it doesn’t really matter as long as one of you takes Q somebody did there you are iron golem is upset understandably uh let’s fix this ooh it’s raining too I think there we go

Get rid of you need that there jeez I took apart this whole thing and that nope there we go okay I think that one’s good one of you is Q right yep you are now Iron Golem you cannot hurt those two I mean feel free to go up there but yeah

You head down there good good good good a trapped foiled by your own petard okay up next uh that’s a skeleton what happened to all the zombies there were like three that were left out here unless they all followed me up there we need one over here that’s the last one

Oh come on don’t do this to me night time there’s some yep right over this way boys the long walk by fans just trying to get an autograph from Legion V but alas I have no pen ooh there’s an iron golem down there don’t notice the

Zombies please also we have to find out why they’re spawning down there hopefully it’s just because of all this madness up this way gentlemen and directly into the hole please man same issue there we go okay I mean it worked the end of the day it worked one of you

Is going to be our our our our our our that was very difficult to say there we go you know not for normal people but for me yes ooh you need to not be here let’s make the zombies safe maybe if I break this quickly enough he’ll fall

Down I thought I wait maybe I did hit him are you I think he’s just stuck in a block we got to get rid of you you’re freaking me out okay good and get rid of this before more spawn on top of it get

Rid of you bit more clean up and then I think we can finally safely say that we are done bit more cleanup too you should not be out here I don’t want you affecting my rates there we go oh I forgot to I don’t know if this matters

But I don’t want it to come back to haunt me there’s supposed to be one right there there we go now we’re done let’s go to sleep and then we can double check everything no I don’t need a creeper bed fellow thank you all right let’s have a look beautiful rainbow to

Start the day and a 100% complete iron farm complete with zombies villagers Iron Golems spawning and everything is working beautifully look at all those Golems so that’s looking great let’s go down and have a look at the rates and it’s encouraging to see that even when

It was at like 1 qu or half capacity it was still worlds better than the farm that we had back at base so now yeah we should have just a ton of these guys at all times coming down here and I think in that one night or half night we

Almost made a stack in one chest half a stack little over stack yeah this is just insane so I say what we do let’s AFK just for a little bit I want to bring some spoils back to Rome so let’s get enough for basically enough to

Refill the iron box back home make some new iron blocks all that kind of thing then we can head back and basically you know just bragging rights let’s tell everybody back home what we did we should also keep an eye on things up here and make sure that none of the Iron

Golems are spawning outside of the spawning platforms but I’m pretty sure the only reason that was happening was because we had those stairways going up and they were spawning on that it looks good now so I think we’re solid it’s not like they can spawn on here or anything

And while I could sit down in the hole and just kind of watch the chests fill up I like the idea of being at a higher vantage point and watch it from here cuz it’s more fun to just watch him struggle to try to go against the current and

Then fall into the hole or sometimes they just walk in the current that guy was for a second doesn’t have quite such a sunny disposition on life so they just walk right into it no actually they’re all walking away now or at once that is fantastic it makes me very happy

Whenever something like this works out where you know over hundreds of days we’ve struggled with iron just always being a little bit low on it and knowing that that problem is pretty much gone now that makes me a happy Legion and here comes the next cohort look at that

This is another one of those things that I’m not going to get tired of watching and all of you go down the hole to become iron oo I’m glad I looked in the Hoppers I just found some dirt in a few of those want that there we go nope we’re good

All right and another 10 minutes later ohoh boy let’s wait for this one to go through then I say we we clear this out and take it back home I want to do a shulker reset anyway waiting on you big guy and there we go oh boy oh boy oh boy

Oh boy look at all that iron brings a tear to your eye I am a very happy boy hey I said I’m a very happy boy anyway we are going to head back home bring that iron back clear out the shulkers do a reset grab some materials cuz I think

We’re finally going to get over to this and then we can keep on keeping on on the way hello any Trident not even any drown in here what’s going on I’m kind of just thinking at some point I might just need to make good drown Farm cuz

This is such a waste of time there’s barely ever anything in there yeah I think I’m dubbing that not yet worth my time oh look at how sad that is iron chest all empty wait a minute that’s right a legionaire always pays his debts Just Like A Lannister that is looking

Much better and as I mentioned I do want to clear out the inventory and just do a reset you can put those in there look at that backpack chest is growing and that way we can have a look at what we have refill for things we might want for the

Trading Hall then we’ll head back over I collected a uh an impressive amount of just hodge podge stuff so this may take a minute ooh it’s a thunderstorm out there we better sleep I don’t need anything burning down speaking of that why did we never make a lightning rod or

Did we I don’t think we did why didn’t you tell me to do that citizen well now is your chance remind me when we’re done cleaning up some stuff I want to keep also so we’ll want toing bring it back over there what happened to the oh I was

Going to say what happened to the rest of my rails I think uh I think there’s still a shulker in the Villager breeder that must be where it is we’re actually still going to need those so let’s hang on to that also we used uh yeah we used either one or two

Buckets of lava and we have one left in here but we don’t want to run out that’s another idea I’m not going to get sidetracked just remind me of this in the future this is the only lava source up here that we have and obviously pretty slow cuz it’s just one this be

Expanded uh mightily so idea for the future we can make a larger uh dripstone lava Farm all right so we did our clean up I left a lot in here that I think we’ll probably still use uh over by the trading Hall but the important question

Is what are we missing cuz I’ve got a couple empty shulkers there I took out the leaves I probably shouldn’t have I think we’re going to use those in fact we’ll call that the uh the wood chest we might be good there but while I’m thinking about it let’s make a few

Lightning rods I have no idea if I’ve ever made these before in this world I also don’t know how they work but I mean if they work how they I think they should I can just like put one of you up here another one over here somewhere

Just kind of in random spots and my My Hope Is that they get struck but then that means it kind of like negates the effect I don’t want it to like attract to my house not that this can burn it’s uh what is this deep slate or something

So yeah I hope this is just like oh it’ll uh negate the effects of uh of lightning looks kind of weird but I guess you can’t really notice it and let’s put the last one up here plunk I don’t know if that’ll do anything at all

But at least we tried okay we got some more stuff let’s grab all these and we can head back and think about what we want to take on next because we took care of gold now we have iron which means the last big thing on my list is

Emeralds and it’s not really like a small amount that we have to do we still have to finish this entire thing get a bunch of villagers over there zombify them cure them give them jobs and become Emerald Rich yeah we’re we’re going to have to get a move on ah I should have

Brought More Produce what you looking at buddy you see something in that uh in that slab you want me to move it for you yeah you just wanted the job you rascal oh I’ve got produce here okay never mind we’ll give that to him in the morning

Because I am still going to need quite a few more villagers so keep up the good work also we had all of this so let’s make our rail shulker box all right good they’re making a couple more of these hopefully they keep doing that if we head over to the trading Hall location

Cuz we need to start working on expanding that and as I’ve been flying by this I’ve been thinking about it obviously we could build in and then maybe a little bit of glass in the middle so you can see underneath it but thinking of the size I almost wonder if

It’s worth building out a bit as well and then we could put additional logs for support underneath the outer edge of it so I don’t necessarily see a reason to keep it smaller it could be big first though yeah these are uh half slabs they’re not they’re not full slabs so

What if we get Spruce slabs and we go down half so that’s a full slab on that side and then we go up half on that side just to give it a bit of a different level going up type of thing so for example we just make this into a ton of

Slabs there we go so this is three if we start with three going in this way and then three going out this way starts a bit lower the path in the middle is on this level and then it goes up a bit higher but since these are going to be

The areas cuz it it gives us two levels basically we could have around the Inner Circle we could have villagers and around the Outer Circle we can and then this is just a divider but I think it’ll need more than three because if you’re thinking about it we’ll need jaw block

Honey block something else walls or or fences or something I might want a chest in front of them so I could store things so let’s see buffer chest or something job block honey block cover the back of the Villager buffer and outer wall or whatever we want there so maybe that’s a

Decent space seven out okay what happens if we go seven in I’m worried that it might meet a little bit too close in the center no that’s actually that’s pretty good I think that’s the plan seven out seven in both sides wrap it all the way

Around and that should be a good amount of space well actually we’ll make that decision when we we finish with this cuz we could always expand it I think we’re going to run into this hill he might have to flatten it out a little bit I also just noticed that Scoopy dooo is

Getting kind of lower than I like it to be like low enough that if I did a larger terraforming Project and didn’t pay attention it might break so while we do have a plan now I think I’m going to going to get distracted again we will

Come back pretty soon and work on this but before that we’re going to empty all this out clear the inventory and let’s go sit at the Gold Farm for a bit just to heal up scoobydoo I’ll be back I promise it’s not a distraction it’s a necessity plus I did mention earlier in

The video that anytime we had a moment or needed to heal up we should probably be sitting here cuz we want as much gold as possible by the end all righty and off we go would you find gentlemen care to repair my shovel for me ah good good

Thank you sir look at it go Bingo hey how did you get down there you were supposed to be with the rest of them just stand right I can’t see because of all the experience come on come on there we go not supposed to be there stop

Staring at me you weirdo getting pretty close to a hundo on the levels who will push it over we’re nearly there and 100 all right I think it’s just about time to go check in on how much gold we got and head back so difficult to leave

Though because they all love me so much they just keep rushing at me I don’t want to hurt their feelings you know all right we just hit 105 I guess that’s a good sign that we should wrap up and I’ve already filled up on swords and the

Shulkers so let’s just uh let’s grab any ingots and Nuggets in fact I don’t want to I’m not going to not going to bother with this thing anymore we’re just going to grab everything I think that’s all of it and that’s not a bad haul at all

Citizens haul at all once again we bring back the spoils with fully repaired tools I may add let’s craft all this back up may as well start making some blocks cuz why not oh yeah I was wondering why I didn’t have more in here

But I brought it with it’s in uh it’s in a shulker over by the trading Hall somewhere but we have to throw all these swords in here once again oh no I think our shulker just went in where is it where did my shulker go oh there’s glass

Stuck in here that’s weird oh no so many places to check there you are okay so my uh my plan to put shulkers on top of there isn’t foolproof maybe the last one we just do the Safe Way ooh I think uh there was sand in here remember we were

Missing that three glass before I just found one glass over here on a different one and then two sand down here this one is not getting coal so we need to top up on that how much extra do I have uh quite a bit actually let’s grab all of

This and throw it in there just for good measure with all reliable should be quite a bit oh really only a stack and a half I thought it would be more than that and actually just to be safe let’s grab one more and I think it’s just the

Hopper empties out before it gets all the way to the end so let’s just put one in there I didn’t forget about you don’t worry cuz yeah the ones down here are filling up but once it gets down here it’s pretty low so something to keep an

Eye out for is it making it all the way down there yeah it does it goes down there all right anyway I think it’s finished so got a bit more there nope that one there we go hopefully we get through all the trading Hall stuff and

We get a lot of emeralds and we’re happy with that because I’d like to go back and get at least a stack of blocks of gold then I don’t think KO could uh could make fun of us anymore if we had a stack stack of blocks of Gold Plus lotss of emeralds

Obviously okay I think we’re done here right so now we can head back and get started that reminds me we should visit the arena at some point too oh and we’ll have to do a Wither fight there’s so much to do all right now that we’re back

Let’s finish filling in all of the areas where I think I’d like the uh the wooden platforms and then I think also what I’ll do is plan out where I want the zombie curing zombification whatever that type of area cuz I want it between the breeder and this so that we can have

Them come down that Hill stop at the uh spa or whatever we want to call it then when they’re done with their cures they can continue on to the trading Hall but first we got to work on This so things are starting to take shape out here unfortunately I am entirely out of spruce wood so you know what that means it’s time to start up our own little uh tree farm out here and obviously this will be temporary because we’re going to need lots of room for the villagers no

Room for trees here though I do think we’ll probably have a tree farm since we’ll have a lot of Fletchers here this many that ought to do some damage oh wow that one already grew I didn’t even make it all the way around yet and it’s already monster tree there we go and

While the rest of those are growing I do want to check in on the villagers make sure they’re still active as it were and we can give them the extra carrots I think is what we have if we need to and it looks like they are active I mean

There’s definitely more here than when we left keep up the good work in here jeez yeah there’s more over here only four left we may as well just give these to the bulk group over here they’ll distribute it amongst themselves also looks like we lost our farmer probably

Something to do with all this can anybody get at that can you get at that you can there we go maybe I just need to leave a corner open like that or something I don’t know either way looking good in here looks it’s like about 16 total is So still room to grow

But that is a solid start I’m glad that’s still working pretty well so let’s keep at it collect a little bit more wood finish up that area of the platform and then we might move on to the curing area because that’s something else we can be doing curing our uh

Villagers while we continue to work on this got to try to keep doing multiple things at once if we want to fit in everything jeez there we go wow one tree almost two stacks love it back to the Grind I think that’s it I think we’re

Done with the main platform of this area now kind of difficult to tell with all these trees and in fact I don’t think we’re going to need much more than this so I don’t we chop everything down get rid of the dirt and then we can take

Another look there we go much cleaner so that being said I like the shape I think this is a good amount of space obviously we’ve got a lot of work to do as far as like support on this level I don’t know if I’m doing walls or if I want it kind

Of more open to the area around it if you remember a while back the uh expanding border video that’s kind of what I have in mind for this I had a similar shape house and then the center was open everything else I I think there weren’t really any walls it was just

Kind of open that’s kind of the feeling I want to go for with this one with some changes obviously however we will get to that in the meantime let’s pick a spot for the curing area and that is going to be a a much more simple structure halfway between that and this that’s

Right about here so let’s beat all the grass to death with a golden carrot as one does and then I think it should be as easy as just kind of a railway leading down run into a house right here and then when they’re ready they leave

That house and head up there so we’ll clear out a little spot and how can we make this a little bit different cuz we have that style for that house this is going to be a bit grander if we want something that’s just oh cow you don’t

Want to go down there I’m about to cover this up I mean to each their own if you want to live underground for the rest of your life that is uh that is up to you have a good life cow anyway yeah something a little bit different What If

Instead of uh rectangles or kind of rounded rectangles what if we just did more of a like not a circle maybe like an octagon or something I think that is lined up with the entrance there so I think that’s about right then what if we just kind of counting out trying to make

It somewhat even 1 2 3 1 2 3 like that kind of a unique shape something like that and we just put like a dome over the top that should be plenty of room I kind of just plan to have them all in boats trapped in boats with zombies that

Should work so that’s our space Let’s uh just light it up a little bit we’re going to have to go to bed and then we can start thinking about how we want to design this think I have an idea of what I want to do for this but I need some

More supplies from base yeah I just got to grab a couple things all right that should be good let’s head back I just grabbed the shulker with the chemist materials too CU I think we’ll have that all in one place here and I think it

Would be cool if this was almost like a a Shaman’s Hut cuz there will be zombies in here and we’re going to be curing villagers with with strange Magics for the floor I’m going to see if we can get away with kind of a checkerboard pattern

I don’t usually do that but I think it might look nice just have to kind of concentrate this is more difficult than you would think to like that I I keep thinking I’m doing it wrong but it’s right and that should do it for the floor I think that looks pretty cool I

Think I’m going to try to Freestyle the roof which doesn’t usually turn out that great but we’re going to try it anyway it looks like I did something wrong over here it’s not even I think this was supposed to be one further back then a little extra floor that’s at least an

Easy fix then we fill in all the corners with the amethyst so far so good I like that but where do we go go from there could we get away with building our way up using the amethyst and will it look nice that is the question of the day I’m

Going to be honest with you I’m kind of just putting down uh blocks where I think it might make sense not going out to look at it yet and just hoping for the best some would argue that’s not a great way to build but I actually enjoy

It okay I think I have all the amethysts that I want down may as well use some of the Clusters though I think that might be nice up here and how would it look if some of this was kind of half filled in like different levels kind of going for

The uneven look again a little bit the main thing is we can’t have any openings because there will be zombies and zombified villagers so we don’t need any sun getting in all right let’s have a look okay so bear with me here I actually like it I could see I I won’t

Hold it against you if you don’t it’s a bit like it’s hodge podge it looks like a lot of things thrown together it almost looks like this grew out of a geod in a way but I like that it just it looks like um looks like a pile of stuff

On a storage room room like if this was just the bottom of a storage room somewhere or or the bottom of a mine something like that that’s what it looks like but there’s there’s actually a function beneath it I don’t know I I like it so we just have to wrap some uh

We just need to wrap some walls around this and then we can do whatever we need to do with the interior I just need to grab a few more stairs and then I think we’ll be good to go with that and let’s just do these ones here hopefully that’s

Enough cuz I would just like to wrap all the way around now there we go and I don’t think there’s any issue leaving this open that way we could see what’s going on nothing that’s inside is going to be able to get out of these anyway we

Do want to stop any mobs however from being able to walk through this doorway I might actually I might do something where I close off this uh line here and this line here with fences or something so that mine carts can come through and then curing is done on both sides but

Just in case we might do the same thing that we did before where we just have to crouch through because then zombes zombie villagers villagers none of them will be able to get out oh I kind of forgot I did bring these iron bars how would that look maybe not all the way

Around cuz no matter what you do this is always going to make it kind of look like a prison but let’s not kid ourselves we’re going to call it a spa or a Shaman’s Hut but the villagers are trapped in here aren’t they there’s just a little bit of honesty behind this

Whole thing and then just to make sure it’s nice and lit up beautiful I’m happy with that so next step I do have a crafting table how would it be if we closed these off that way we have two areas on each side for the kennels or uh

I mean the villagers luxury rooms and then we’re also going to need some boats to get us started so for example you know we’ll have one curing back there one back here although if this is closed off anyway we could technically just get one zombie on each side and then once we

Have the amount of villagers we need in the center I just open the floodgates and then walk out we can just watch from out here everybody goes nuts everybody gets infected that’s not a bad idea I don’t know if I need to use boats cuz that would be one zombie and one

Villager each that’s a lot of zombies lots of villagers taking up a lot of space we’ve already got this thing enclosed and sectioned off pretty well it will be a lot more insane like just you know not as much control over it if we do it this way but I think that’s the

Way I want to try it just Open Season that being said though I think we’re done that’s not bad that’s a cool and like I said I was just trying to go for something different I didn’t want it to look like that this has a unique look

That’s going to look a lot different so nice little set of structures we’ve got going here okay so let’s clean up and next question what do we do with all the uh the Alchemy stuff that we brought with us because I’ve got all of this do

We want that in the curing area was there space for it or should it just be in the trading Hall looks pretty cool from a distance too that’s nice I like it I mean we could it’s not like they would mess with it I could just put it

Down somewhere in here for example we could have right over here just a little brewing stand other side a crafting table and it actually might not be a bad idea just like we have back at the the base just to have a little chest right

Next to that that could hold all of our goodies thing we don’t have is a water source right here I mean there’s one right over there it should be fine so actually it’s getting dark anyway I don’t think I have any more name tags on

Me Maybe we run back real quick get some name tags and then try to get two zombie employees in here that way we’ll be all ready for villagers we’re kind of against the clock on this one but let’s see if we can make it happen all right

We got the name tags let’s see if we can make it back back in time to grab some zombies and we’re actually going to have to open this up a little bit to welcome our new guests in no not skeletons hey hey buddy he’s waiting to come in right

This way sir and you are going to be Spa staff number one you can just hang right there thanks bud now who wants to join you anybody looking for a summer job oh wow there’s a lot of them looking for a summer job no no no no no your

Credentials don’t fit what we’re looking for no I didn’t mean to hit the zombie uh you’d probably do but you’re low Health now there’s plenty over here get out of here there were plenty over here oo I just my blood was up I just took out that cow didn’t mean to I swear

There were more zombies just like a second ago more creepers nope hey friend that is so frustrating I could have just taken that one that one zombie that I killed o I see one okay no not you you you’d like to follow me sir normally we

Have you fill out a job application but I’ve got a good feeling about you yep you’re going to be working with uh Frank over here what do you mean Frank’s not your name all right another Spa staff look at that we are all set and now

Nobody can get out nobody can get in unless I say so ominous okay so I think we’re good there they’re not going to despawn cuz we name tagged them they’re not going to get out cuz they’re locked in there we can get rails going through here and then once the villagers are

Through we let them out but they’re not going to be able to go anywhere I did just think of a potential flaw if we do a lot of villagers at once like three or more what do you think they’re going to do they’re going to spawn in an iron

Golem and I think there’s enough room for that in here I could just do a glass layer all across here so that it spawn proofs for Iron Golems I mean I’m glad I thought of that now that would have been a problem cuz they would have just

Spawned in and taken everybody out or maybe even string I might just be able to put string all the way at top that might be visible I don’t know let’s go to bed and then I can try to figure that out ooh extra spider eye wa okay don’t

Sleep outside with the monsters I get it okay fixed that got extra spider eyes for here I think I’m just going to go the lazy route cuz I could one thing I could do is I could move this floor down half a block cuz it would spawn proof

The whole thing but I don’t really feel like doing that like I said I could I could do other things I could put buttons on the floor there there’s a few things I can do I’m just going to go Lazy Man’s route I’m going to get some

Glass from base and then we’re just going to cover up this entire layer cuz then there’s not enough height uh for Iron Golems to spawn in or do I did I bring glass with me oh I did see if that’s enough just cover this whole

Layer hey trying to work here get out of the way these interns man I tell you we are going to have to head in there with our friends to get that last row ow hit me through the bars all right you come over here then we quickly go in put a

Couple of these down please leave me alone I’m trying to work and go out and same thing on this side here we go okay that could have been much worse and that used a lot of glass here we go with the connected glass texture you kind of don’t notice it obviously you’ve got

These little white spots that show it but doesn’t really take you out of the the Ambiance of the room or anything like that so I think this will be good two glass left jeez okay so we’re pleased with that it is now time to grab

A bit of this stuff so we can begin our villager friends on their path to health oh boy you’re all looking forward to it I could tell and luckily we’re just going down so it should be fairly simple and there we go there’s our path in now

We just have to add the rails honestly we might only just need the one powered rail up top and it’ll just kind of momentum them all the way the rest of the way all the way down here across the chasm of Doom yeah I’m not going to need

Any other power rails I’m sure that’s fine in here and then temporarily uh put one of these down to block uh you know we don’t want them shooting out the other end obviously although let’s bring them a little bit further down man that’s going to bug me every time I get

Close the spa staff tries to give me a shoulder massage and I don’t appreciate it ooh missed one there we go all right so we’ve got plenty in here and it looks like they’re still at work so plenty of volunteers but rather than starting to take our conscripts over there I think

We should prep the things that we’re going to need namely hello you kind of interrupted what I was about to say and I don’t necessarily need any of these things going to be benevolent just don’t get in my way but you’re going to you’re you’re going to just be bugging me

Non-stop over here aren’t you what I was going to say is we need to start powering up our brewing stand getting some potions in there making ourselves some sugar so we can make as many fermented spider eyes as we can which I think is going to be 19 actually we

Should save a couple of these just in case we want to grow more out here so we’ll start with 16 we can then begin the process over here by put it throwing the fermented spider eye in with the water bottles save the rest for later grab ourselves a gunpowder now we got

Our potions of weakness we throw the gunpowder in and we get our splash potions of weakness which is what we want we’re going to need a ton of these so I’m going to do that a few times but also the reason we brought these is so

We could craft up a bunch of golden apples and same as before we’re going to need a lot of those so we still can make more I’m going to start with 12 but yeah we’re going to need definitely a bunch of those but anyway yeah we’ll start

With 12 of those I’m probably going to do let’s just use all the bottles so we’ll make 12 more of these these and then we should be good to get started it’s actually easier to do this from out here than it is from in there because

You can’t reach me out here back to get more water cuz yeah I was trying to think about it imagining how many of each of these I would need and I think we might have to cure each villager like three no like four or five times and we

Want a lot of villagers even if we started with 12 that’s like 60 golden apples man so this is going to take quite a bit now that I said that how many can we actually make we can make eight more okay ooh boy so that means

We’re going to be spending a lot more time at the Gold Farm you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day that’s how I’m feeling this very moment we’ll see how it goes I’m sure we can somehow fit it all in I’m feeling much better about these potions that should

Be plenty that’s going to last us for a while cuz we could hit multiple villagers with one potion if I start with 12 villagers 20 apples isn’t even going to get us through two rounds so that being said it is time to go collect more gold you’ve seen the farm running

Plenty of time so I’m just going to go there AFK collect it bring it back all that sort of thing and that way I could go through the nights as well we won’t have to waste the nights so you might see a cut here or there of all that

Happening but that’s going to be a long time for me and hopefully just maybe 10 seconds for you enjoy citizens we’re wrapping up here and I did want to mention something while we’re at the Gold Farm after a while of sitting here these piglins tend to basically take

Over the spawning platform there’s fewer and fewer of the zombified ones and many of you may have seen this Farm before except the spawning platforms are using mag blocks that is because the normal piglins will not spawn on those only the zombified ones I knew that before

Building this farm and I chose to go this route because I thought about collecting this many magma blocks and I thought that would probably take me about half of the video to collect that many blocks so that was intentional I’m fixing it by just flying away so everything despawns and then coming back

To kind of reset the whole thing it still works fine but in case you were curious that’s the reason I didn’t build these with uh magma blocks and like I said it’s still working out I’ve been throwing out all the junk stuff kind of just over the side cuz I’ve already

Filled up all of these but I think I’m happy with what we were able to collect and we’re going to just grab all of this stuff consolidate it all and then we can head on back we’ll just smelt down all of those swords and then I’ll show you

How much we were able to collect I think that’s the last of it and there is everything Consolidated about 10 and 1/2 stacks of gold ingots that’s really not bad at all so once we get these back we can finally start the rehabilitation process for villagers all right let’s do

It I decided that I’m going to start with eight villagers just the the first cohort is going to be an eight villager collection so if that’s the case let’s say we wanted to cure him four times what is that 32 I think it’s 32 so if we

Grab a couple of these actually let’s grab more than that there we go how many can we make 20 an extra 25 with that that’s actually it’s all the apples we had so that’ll be enough we have enough for that first that first cohort with plenty of gold left over and we also

Have enough weakness potions for that so I’m happy that let’s let’s let’s start with that and you know what I just I literally just remembered why the boats are kind of important and we shouldn’t really do it this way I wanted to have the curing going while I was building

The trading Hall but I even if they’re like getting cured I think if we just left the villagers infected over here and then walked away they could despawn as zombie villagers and that would not be good well that kind of throws a wrench in my plans yeah we got to be

Safe we’re going to get I think four boats per side should do the trick and you’ll see what I mean when we do this let’s at least move the villagers over there then we can get this uh figured out in its entirety so we’ve got that all set up everybody here is already

Waiting to get taken over there just making a line in fact I could probably just put all these boats down and that’s going to be 2 4 6 8 eventually like this guy they’ll just kind of jump in because I don’t really know why they is not that

Smart you’re going to be my last guy just getting that other boat there we go so those are all filled I don’t think we have well we have one we have one baby villager in here and that’s fine I’m going to risk it we’re just going to

Open this up put that last thing down there and start moving these guys over to the breeding area uh if they can get in there what’s going on here maybe if I put it here there we go I forgot to power this here we go so they’ll head

Right in there that should be fine they’re going to get damaged but then they might I should check yeah they’re good so they can’t get out they’re probably going to freak when I take them out but I need the mine cart back I don’t think I could get the mine cart

Without the boat ow can I just go between you two and just hit that right there ooh I can look at that so you guys just hang tight I’ll be back next up we’ll grab you fellas can you just uh there we go ooh am I going to be able to

Get you back on there there it is in they go ooh they’re coming back I don’t know how they manage that oh you guys are already infected did they just get so freaked out that it just sent them right back over so that’s interesting they can they can I don’t even have to

Put him in there they can reach them from right here I don’t have to take them out of their boat we might have accidentally found the best way to do this ow okay so being in the boat they shouldn’t despawn those two aren’t going to despawn I think that might work and

Let’s try this again with you two am I going to I don’t know if I’m going to be able to push this back ooh maybe I can there we go this time stay in there be ready to break this if we need to yeah you stay in there no Stay Stay Stay Stay

Stay Stay Stay Stay stop doing that why are they being pushed out okay I had to break it there was nothing else I could do maybe you two could get back in your boat over here how about that ow it’s not a perfect plan but it’s working

Maybe if we just like turn it at the end that’ll stop it I don’t know I think we just have to come in here and break this after we get somebody to roll their way in all right can we get this a third time we got to be ready to break those

Down there these guys actually behaved going to need you to move over that way though yeah that’s so weird it’s like it wants them to move this way there’s not even any rail there I don’t know why they’re hovering in that direction but we can’t have that uh right there and

Let’s just do the same thing break you out try to get you in a boat right here I mean there’s nowhere else they can go they’ve got to just yeah eventually they’ll get in there okay ow last one and of course that one goes off without

A hitch it’s a little cramped in here but we do have eight villagers there we go and now they’re all on their boats believe me it’s not going as smooth as I thought it would I’m sure that’s coming across but never here it will work next

Up we need them all infected and that’s either going to be letting a zombie out or those two might be close enough yeah I’ve got an idea we’re going to let Spa staff number one over here out of his cage I’m going to leave so they can all

Get their massages and whatnot and we can see that happening right there look at that nice shoulder massage boom good there just need to make sure they all get infected and then we can lure him back into his cage let’s check uh we’re not all the way there yet why is he not

Going for you too are you stuck over there come on Spa staff I know you’re making minimum wage but you got to do better over this way over this way yeah get those last two no don’t come for me again I think he’s taking them yep he

Got one of them so that’s enough we could just put this back now we’re good let that last villager get infected and I forgot about getting a way to check how much their prices are dropping so we might start all of them curing which it

Looks like we could do now and then run back and grab some Fletching tables that way in between curious I could just check how much the prices drop doesn’t need to be one to one but you know as close as possible would be nice oh boy

What’s going to be the easiest way to do this and honestly I think it’s just going to be standing right in the middle and throwing it on ourselves so let’s head over here do this hit as many of you as we can and we missed you two no

Problem get you here there we go they should all be curing now so we will leave that to run the Cure and we will run back for some Fletching tables cuz I don’t think I have any Flint on me all right we’ve got those and I guess we can

Maybe just put one at each entrance that way we could check one of the guys on each side or maybe a couple there that should be fine and then hopefully this is just a rinse and repeat type of situation whenever they cure I could take a look see how much their prices

Have dropped I think I’m going to end up curing them about four times and then once we have that done is it worth setting up the tracks yet to lead over there maybe not yet because I don’t know exactly where they’re going to go let’s

Let them do this for a while let’s get back to working on this that way they have a you know a lovely trading Hall to go into once we complete it uh-oh somebody’s got a problem first up I want to connect to the supporting beams underneath and have

Those go up higher cuz those are going to continue through the platform and I think we’ll need additional ones I’m going to be using a lot of spruce logs cuz I think it’ll go up through the middle and then maybe one on each side not entirely sure yet but first we just

Need to figure out where I have them all already ooh there’s a lot of customers under there we need to light that area up don’t we we’ll bring back some glowstone or frog lights or something and kind of just litter the area down there with them just in case once I’ve

Got all these here it’s actually not bad I’m just choosing the spot on the outside building up to that spot and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 more easy stuff and there we go there’s the support structure for this level I have a feeling the roof is going to be a bit

Tricky cuz like I said before I want it to be a bit like my expanding border base and I remember kind of wrapped around and then there was a another part that went down near the center that was all open and then I believe this area here like between these two was leaves

And trap doors I think I want to try that same design again but first the first one or two layers of this on the exterior I would like to be Stone and I might even mix in some stone brick let’s just just grab a ton and see what we can

Do with it so if I do some stone brick stairs some Stone stairs and then maybe we start over on this end I don’t know if I’m going to be able to land on this ooh I cannot believe I did that I got the skills I like it to actually go one

Further down than that and then this will wrap all the way around but I was thinking we can kind of alternate so we’d have some of the stone brick and then we go to Stone stairs and just every once in a while we kind of pepper

In some of these just to give it a little bit more complexity I would typically just do one type of stare throughout this whole thing but I’m really trying to get into this whole you know mix in various things that way when you’re looking at it from a distance it

Looks a little bit nicer a little bit more complex this I do see taking quite a while so let’s use the opportunity to try to make a hopefully pretty cool time lapse and perhaps some facts about Rome whoa and I’ll try to avoid that as often as Possible Okay woo I uh I definitely got in the zone a little bit there and uh completely forgot about our friends over that way but this is looking much better we did get the whole wraparound once with the the two layers I wanted on the outside we can then make decisions about

What we want going inward but we should go check on the boys now that we’ve got this little break guessing they might have been infected again in our uh yeah so we didn’t need to let the zombie out they can all get infected just sitting where they are okay I mean I’m assuming

They cured and got re reinfected I I have no way to tell and I left my golden apples up there let’s grab those then we can do another round this time we’ll try to pay a little bit more close attention and hopefully we can check the prices

This time as well let’s see we’re going to need to clear these out for a second walk in here throw that there and did we hit either one of you we hit one we have to use this potion for one guy oh well I mean if we want to check I could

Technically just push the zombies back and lock them back further away but I know we’re going to need a lot of cures so it’s not a huge deal I just would like to be sure that you know they’re starting to get discounts that’s the whole the whole point of this anyway

Though I think at this point we probably keep going all the way around moving towards the interior it honestly it’s really not going to slope up that much we might just do two more layers or about that and then there’s going to be a large flat area of leaves and trap

Doors and then same thing as the outside on the inside we’re going to kind of just slope back down that we might need to do something about cuz I I essentially just followed this up when I went but I see that there’s holes in it could even just do something like this

That covers that up it’s a bit weird but I think that works I hear a witch I see you down there creepy and I don’t really need you and I don’t want you here quit running stay right there yeah gotcha same thing over on this side come on

There we go it looks complex and intentional yes I I meant to do this it works anyway though let’s make a goodly amount of spruce stairs and then do the same thing a couple levels up from this fortunately it kind of keeps getting easier except when I do that because now

I just follow the path I already made all the way around I’m not a fan of how touchy this is every time I have to go around hit that corner turn just to make sure that the stairs are in the correct orientation as I go wrong or around one

Lapse in concentration is enough to mess up and yeah just very very touch and go like that actually they probably cured over there I said I wouldn’t get distracted again and I did uh yep we missed it sorry boys you know what I’m just going to let’s do it again I’m

Going to sit here this time I can’t miss it again we got to just make make sure this is doing what we expect I can’t think of a single reason why it wouldn’t be but that’s no reason to not just be careful all right uh got to

Cure four 5 6 7 8 okay so this time we’re hanging here I did see that these guys took these jobs so that’s actually a good sign anybody take them over here no so we’ll just wait over here and once these guys cure we’ll check what their

Trades are looking like ow while we’re waiting I’m thinking about the time I have left which is just about 20 days and in those 20 days we have to finish the trading Hall get these guys over there hey one of them kind of interrupting me but we may as well check

To be sure oh great he doesn’t have sticks as a trade let’s try that again still doesn’t have sticks as a trade and now he won’t take it luckily I don’t think they get infected while I’m standing here what gives why do you keep giving me the same exact trade there we

Go so that was what three times healing him and we’re down to a little bit less than half which could honestly be a lot better I don’t know why this other guy isn’t taking it all right either way uh yeah they’re all like that so either way

We’re going to need a lot more trades or uh lot more cures so we’ll let them infect again the other thing I was saying though we need to finish this we need to get them over there and in their trading spots we need to trade for a ton

Of emeralds we need to prove KO wrong we need to do a Wither fight I mean you get the picture there’s a lot to do still so I got to keep focused all right it’s a beautiful morning after some rain you can smell those bones burning which is

Always nice bands coming for signatures that I have to decline unfortunately oh that’s okay we can wait there we go anyway that is at the height that I want it so that means we could start working on the interior of it we are on our what’s got to be our last cure here

Because we have 13 golden apples left and I think they’ve been cured four times so this will be number five because of that I think I’m going to go in and get these guys off to the back so they can’t continue to attack them and then we’ll see how we’re looking at the

On the trades at that point all right this should be fun let’s get you back here if we can and then oh that was a lot easier than I thought it would be so you stay right back there we’re going to do the same thing for you my friend just

Kind of put a couple on each side you follow me and surprise oh hey NOP get back there and try again surprise aha okay so they are both stuck they can no longer get to the villagers we are going to do our final cure now that we have

More space is possible to get every single one of them with a single splash potion like if I hit right about there did I get all of them no I missed that one guy it’s always the one that I can’t hit so two potions every time but it is

What it is we’re going to wait here for all of you to cure and then we’re going to check what the prices look like because that is going to be the final price for all of our Fletchers another thing that did come to mind we could

Probably do a raid and get the hero of the village buff and that would help for a lot of the uh the trades we intend to do but we don’t necessarily need to do that should still be in pretty good shape here just going to leave these

Kind of peppered around and actually we can come right back I don’t think anybody’s going to cure that quick but we should grab some more rails cuz we’re going to need to transport them up here there we go who’s going to be the first to win the race ah yes it appears you

Have the shiver green skin eyebrow raise disease it’s also very festive though because it gives off red particles it’s very good for Christmas green red quite a festive time we’re having here and yes by Christmas I meant saturnalia of course one thing that did surprise me we

Didn’t see any iron golems you would think that even if you know the reason we put this in here is so they couldn’t spawn in here but I thought for sure we’d get a few spawning out here maybe it’s cuz they’re in the boats or just the space they’re in I’m not exactly

Sure oh I heard someone we got two and of course you’re not going to show me the stick trade let’s try that again shall we friend of course not you got to look over here look at it what about you will you uh one of you has to take it

Come come on don’t give me that look saying I’m not doing anything for you sucker oh you got it you’re doing this on purpose I know you are there starting to cure and nobody wants to take the job blocks just want to see what you’re trading for is it cuz you’re scared to

Be in a boat with a zombie okay we got this one he’s down to one nice I doubt he’s going to hold at that but that is a that’s a very encouraging sign here we go we’re all cured up barely anybody wants to take the job blocks for

Whatever reason but this guy did he’s showing one I’m very happy about that which means you are ready for your transport over to the trading Hall so double checking they’re all safe they can’t infect each other cuz they’re all cured the zombies can’t get to them they’re all fine because I’m going to

Need a couple minutes to set up the railway that’s going to lead them over there it should be easy enough I say we just get them set up like right there because thinking about it unfortunately I don’t think we’re going to have time to fill the entire trading Hall with

Villagers this is probably the only cohort we’re going to have time to get in there but we’ll have plenty of space we can keep going and future videos these ones though I think eight Fletchers that’s going to be plenty and we’ll be able to fill up on not even

Just you know stacks of emeralds we’re going to get emerald blocks and plenty of them we’ll do another luxurious dirt path for our villagers because we love them ooh perfect that linked right up and for now um let’s see why don’t we plan on just keeping them in a little

Fenced area here while we actually go through and build their spots so this is is absolutely temporary they’re going to not have to be here for long but while we prepare their sweets we’re going to have them in this little fenced area eventually we’ll put a gate there but

I’m just going to leave it there for now and now we just have to finish this up and I think for the area we built here this is probably going to have to be all powered rails which is no problem does that power the whole thing wow that one

Torch down there Powers everything except for the top one most surprised with how far that carries here we go out so we’re just going to have them come through here launch them all into this spot here hopefully just go off and hover somewhere back here then we can

Get rid of this we can put the gate on and we’ll have our eight villagers ready now who would like to be first is it possible it’ be as easy as just putting it here no of course not oh we got him can you just get back on there let’s go

Let’s go right on the mine cart real come on can I put this here there we go now hopefully they just go right up go up into our little house and in there perfect that really could have been worse can you just go to the back though

We don’t really want you blocking the entrance for everybody else that’s a bit better right there now cuz I could already see that you’re trying to get away who oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no get back in the boat get back in the

Boat okay woo I thought for sure they were going to make a break for it but they actually behav themselves how about just to be safe we do something like that and we can go get the next ones let’s see if we can just get them in one

Look at that same thing as before four they should just very nicely go through push you off to the side and let’s see if I can just take that mine cart without hitting any of them perfect okay next up is you fellas are you just going

To nope you’re not going to be as nice as the other ones let’s try it this way right there nope other way other way other way guys come on let’s uh put that there there we go in we go oh you took he took the chemist job took my Alchemy

Stand I I can never remember what that stuff is called where’ my where’ my mine cart go oh there it is well you better lose that job cuz that is not meant for you what are you two doing either way you’re going to be a Fletcher your little head spasms aren’t going to

Convince me otherwise last one Boys Hey look at that they wanted to be nice here we go now we just take your thing here take these out and there you have it our Corral of villagers you can now go right over here I’ll leave this here for now

Just in case we end up having an additional time I don’t think we will but I think next we should probably make their spots and get them all situated before that we might want to do a little uh extra decorating and by decorating I kind of mean the walls that way just in

Case when we’re trying to move them they’re not going to be able to get out of this area and I kind of have an idea for that we are going to need to go collect a couple additional things but I think it’ll be worth it let’s bring an

Empty shulker with us and then let’s head back and let’s do some collecting this is going to be for the walls and maybe a little bit for the additional parts of the roof too and actually I wasn’t thinking this but I want things that can add color cuz right now it’s

Not very colorful I just saw these maybe we could find a reason to put these in somewhere I don’t think I ever use mushroom blocks for anything well that wasn’t my plan but kind of some Serendipity there we might find a good use for that oh we also have to update

The legion platform too before the end of the video almost forgot about that all right we got a couple things here the majority of what I need strangely enough is in the Nether and if it’s night time anyway so we could spend a little bit of time in the nether to save

Time or capitalize on the time we have left guess that makes more sense first up we’re going to head over to the Frog Light Farm it did take me about 3 videos before we finally started running short on them but I am beginning to run a

Little bit low so we’re going to spend a little bit of time here and grab ourselves some more frog lights which does look like it’s already working down there and then the rest of what I need here is not actually in one of our Farms we’re going to have to head back down

Below the nether roof and do some collecting down there all right let’s check what we got with that and I think this should be plenty for what we need oh yeah I think that’s going to do just fine all righty next up we need to head back down through our little access

Hatch here and see if I can remember where warped forests and Crimson forests are didn’t think about it but the mini map should actually help us with that yeah there’s one off in this direction and this is actually what I was I was hoping I’d get more of I would like to

Go around and collect a lot of this stuff which is much too big I have a feeling I’m going to run into that a lot actually can Cleopatra help us with some of this yeah that’s pretty seamless I don’t know why but when I was thinking about adding color to that trading Hall

This is what came to mind I very rarely use these types of blocks but I think it would be a nice splash of color for the area the shroom lights are nice too I don’t use those a lot I’m getting a ton of this stuff the Warped wart blocks but

I don’t think I’ll need as much of that I need more of the wood is just not as easy to come by okay we’re actually not doing too bad I think I’d like to use elements of this as slabs on the roof but also wow that was a good one also

Potentially as fences for parts of the walls so I’d like to have a bunch of it just in case maybe we call it uh four Stacks yeah four Stacks should be pretty good we might have a uh slight distraction in a second here okay we’ve got a bit over four stacks I’m hoping

That’ll be good but if not this is actually pretty close uh to our our portal and the area around here so we could come back it wouldn’t be too bad to come and collect a little bit more uh did I do something to upset you I didn’t

I leave me alone I didn’t do anything to you okay I think this is the way back yeah it’s been a while since I ran around down here while we’re here we may as well heal up the tools cuz I keep forgetting about Cleopatra let’s get

That healed up real quick there we go back to the gold Farm SL XP farm ow whoops can’t one-hot him but that worked for some reason would you heal Cleopatra for me please well that was easy and that’s all it took we’re in good shape

Now we can head on back there we go and then oh no oh no wait they’re still safe okay I completely forgot about that they’re kind of left out to the elements here you just must be like a random zombie villager am I right let’s just

Double check 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah you are just somebody don’t know who but not one of mine sorry about that boys very negligent of me I know but I did bring some stuff to light up the area so don’t you worry all right I crafted some stuff

Up here out of the Warped wood let’s see if we can at least get the outer wall done I might do a decent amount of glass through the center but that’s probably also where the the tree farm is going to go so we’ll we’ll see what we can do

About that but for now let’s line the exterior with this fence and that’s going to be our first pop of color that we got going through here ooh this is going to be nowhere near enough we just did kind of like one side but we still

Got plenty of wood left let’s make a lot more fences okay hopefully that’s enough for the exterior ooh that was close 10 left but we’ve got that in now next I need leaves and I’m not sure how many I actually brought with or if I’ve used

Them all already no I’ve got some could actually alternate I could use the Warped wart blocks as well m interesting so what if the majority of this is going to be leaves but we also mix in maybe a couple things like this so for example maybe every once in a while we’ve got

One of these every once in a while we’ve got a Frog Light actually we could also do a shroom light every once in a while as well just like that just to add some variet as we go around at the very least the interior of this area should now be

Lit up a decent amount not fully but but it’ll have some light wow we actually had enough I did not think we’d have enough to go all the way around but that’s looking kind of nice so much of me just wants to be consistent and use

The same block all the way through but I’m really trying to mix it up a little bit here and I’m liking that now I did bring some glass let’s see how much of this Center area we can fill with glass and actually since it is night ooh uh

Yeah remember when I said it wasn’t fully lit up in here didn’t realize that meant we were going to have visitors non-stop yeah never mind let’s sleep through this night um in the morning I’m going to put all these frog lights beneath this area I’m feeling safer

Already kind of we could take care of that real quick no problem there we go all right now we want the whole area under here to be safe so anywhere that there’s a platform I’m going to use the yellow lights just kind of pepper these all over the place around here there we

Go that should do the trick and then I think for the water we’re going to use purple and that’s going to include this Center area as well ooh what do we have here okay that goes down quite a bit I did not realize that but I also don’t

Need to light this entire area up I’m not too worried about that we’ll just put a couple here and there that should hopefully kind of fix the problem at least in the daytime and next up I was thinking the Central Area most of it’s going to be glass but there should be

Room in the center as well for spruce trees and that’s one of the reasons I left the center open or we’re still going to cover more of it but it still will be open in the middle in the meantime can I help help you with something this guy keeps teleporting

Around and yeah I didn’t even mean to look at you but I’m glad I did because you’re just going to keep stealing all my stuff messing with my builds get out of here there we go anyway let’s try to go around one time with glass around the

Interior and then see what kind of space we have to build the tree farm there we go and we have six in the middle which is actually good we can go around one more time and that’ll leave us a space of four to plant trees in fact we can

Start over here with a kind of outline of trap doors like that and like that so we could still kind of see through just like the glass here the purpose is so we could see down to the ground we can still see through these trap doors then

We can fit our dirt right in the middle and Spruce trees on top of that how much space do we want between each tree or maybe a better question is what would give us the best pattern okay I think I figured it out let’s see if this works

And of course of course the rain is here cuz why wouldn’t it be yeah so all we need to do now is just fill in glass on each side one more row that gives us enough space here fill in the corners apply dirt liberally and there we go so

That’s nice in the center here and not nice that it’s raining cuz it doesn’t look great when it’s raining however I think that’ll be great that’s enough room between them hopefully the uh the leaves don’t touch they probably will but it’s not a big deal we can fit three

Here and a whole lot more up here but we can just continue with that pattern that way we have a ton of wood running all the way throughout the center so that when our Fletchers are set up we never have to worry about uh running out of

Sticks also that guy hasn’t changed out of his job yet we should just go destroy that job block not that I wanted to yeah we’re going to waste a bit of uh blaze powder but that’s what villagers make us do also let’s have a look at it it’s not

Looking bad at all that looks pretty cool I like it it’s just going to keep getting better what are you doing up there got horses on the roof just got to let them do their thing I guess we are going to run out of leaves uh and glass

Mental note we’re going to need more of those there we go that’s much better and I just looked it’s day 888 it’s quite the Milestone and it’s also a fun number that is the last of my glass I’m low on leaves and a lot of the

Roof is going to be leaves so let’s go get the glass we’re going to need we can do some collecting while we’re there on the leaf front I think we have some empty shulker boxes at home cuz I don’t have many here hello big guy actually

Rather than going all the way back I mean I’m going to have to anyway but since we’re here I could come in and probably borrow some iron use that to make shears and then just get my leaves while I’m here just need to head back

For the glass that way and it looks like this thing does not run when we aren’t close to it not a huge deal it works really quickly while we’re here but kind of a bummer I was hoping it’ be running the whole time oh well I can live with

It so if I was just to land on top of you make myself some shears at some point I should probably just make a second hoe or well no this has fortune on it I was going to say put silk touch on it so yeah at some point get a second

Hoe put silk touch on it it would make this a lot easier I wouldn’t have to uh use shears every time we need to collect leaves that should be just about all of them I’m leaving that one on top so hopefully the falling tree mod still

Works so once we collect up all of these this should still work yeah it does so that’s something we could keep doing while we’re here but no need to go nuts with it plenty of leaves back home speaking of I will take you three just

In case take all my shears and we can actually start with the glass we’re just going to use these guys to fill up on emeralds real quick and then just go down the row and find anybody who’s selling glass and max out on it I actually don’t think I needed that much

To finish up but we’ll be safe nonetheless I think that’ll certainly do the trick next up you big beautiful boys over here going to get a haircut it is is easier when you’re actually on top of the tree rather than just reaching up and trying to do this from the ground I

Fell into the center this is going to be good give me give me give me give me give broke those give me again number two broken we might break all of the shears that I grabbed doing this just burning through these things all right that’s a pretty decent haircut Let’s uh

Reset these guys why isn’t this one working oh there’s a couple of them that aren’t working I think it’s if I take the leaves off the very top of it then it doesn’t work I did not know that that is a bummer but look at all the leaves I

Got that should last us a decent amount of time can I fix these not by doing that there we go oh hey friends yeah feel free to jump off of there I’m trying to fix my trees by putting some extra leaves on top yep that fixed it

Okay that is good to know don’t take the leaves off of the top of the tree just the sides and let’s get rid of you two that was smart ow get out of here how are you still alive how are all you still alive get out of here oh baby

Goober baby goober get out get out nope nope nope NOP nope NOP let’s get some of these replanted and now I think we need to as quickly as possible head back there get our villagers settled in and maybe start doing some trades and then we can finish up with all of these cuz

Those are going up top all right as soon as I finish the glass and this whole Central Tree Farm area then we’ll get the villagers situated there we go we’ve got all of that in just need our Dort uh yes Dort I wasn’t thinking about this but it

Actually makes sense to do this first so that as we go back up top and start finishing up the roof we can make sure that it’s not intersecting with any of the leaves of anything that is growing currently yeah that was all part of the

Plan there we go we are never going to run out of sticks while we’re here which is a bonus and actually looking at it I am going to have nowhere near enough of uh the Warped stem in order to make trap doors to basically do anything on the

Roof cuz I don’t think I could even make it all the way around once so in instead just because we have an absolute ton of uh Spruce logs and more on the way we’ll use those but I do think we’ll still use things like the shroom light and the

Frog lights for accents up there I forgot about the red mushroom we could maybe use that as an accent too so let’s load up on trap doors as a as a start to that okay that’s quite a bit rest of our inventory we’ll use leaves and let’s see

What we can start to do with this cuz I wouldn’t mind if we had trap doors going all the way around so that we’ve got a bit of space separating us from the stairs all the way around the border so as a example just this little area like

That and then we fill that area or the next little area with leaves and maybe every once in a while we just throw something like this in there as a little accent and the same goes for all of these so you know we could have a Frog Light here and there shroom lights

Mushroom blocks I think that’ll look nice but just to get us started let’s make sure we go around the entire thing and place trap doors all right citizens let’s do a quick recap of what we’ve been working on in the last uh I don’t know 30 minutes hour

Or so I added a lot more to the canopy so you’ll see the leaves kind of follow through a bit but like I said we’re going to Pepper in these different blocks and I like how that turned out rather than just fullon leaves all the

Way around I think it’s nice to have not only the lights cuz we’re going to need those but just the extra little things Tree Farm is done in the center so like I I think I mentioned before we’re going to be using that for all the stick

Trades and I don’t think we’re going to run out given all of that I began working on the setup for the villagers where they’re going to stand so honey block down there a few stairs and things around jaw blocks in the front pretty similar design to what we’ve done

Previously and we’ll keep that design going forward as we move villagers in but one thing I was thinking about as I was doing this is we should probably start with just a single job block single honey block that way as we’re trying to move villagers they go where

We intend and we’re not going to you know run into maybe two in the same thing or something like that so we’ll do one at a time there and I do think we’re going to have to do something like this to make them behave and get them into

The right spot but I also thought of one additional thing I wanted to do before we get the villagers into place I think I brought some lanterns I thought I had more than that actually yeah there you are and then I also cleared out the iron

Farm to make some chains then I’ll also grab some fences I want to add a little bit more lighting because I think we noticed at one of the nights mobs still have the opportunity to spawn closer the middle those lights aren’t enough and eventually I don’t think I’ll have time

For it now but eventually I kind of want this to come closer to the center so we can drop lights down from here but for now I was thinking something like well first of all I apparently missed this you are supposed to go all the way up to

Here There we go they’re supposed to stick out there just extra little bit of support on that and then I was thinking fence post chain and then Lantern hanging from that a couple things like that just kind of spread throughout the whole area so we’ll go around and add

These wherever we can and I think that’ll be nice just a lot of hanging lights a little bit more of an ethereal feel to it I believe and this should be the last one here why can’t I reach that one there we go no well I only did that

Twice it’s not too bad okay so now we have lanterns hanging down in certain areas how are we going to light up the middle I’m probably going to change this eventually but I think for now all I’m going to do is put some lamp posts around here and that’s just cuz I want

To make it safe from mobs or safer than it already is all right I’m feeling safer already with that I think we’re probably at a good light level we should probably test that tonight and just check make sure nothing can spawn in here but with that in place oh yeah I

Forgot I grabbed these is there anything we can do with those can they hang upside down or is it just uh ooh ooh and they can go on frog lights ooh cool yeah we’re we’re definitely putting these all throughout the place look at that that is cool ooh so pretty pretty that’s I

Might have found like a new favorite thing to do I really like that okay it’s about to get dark but I want I want to grab one more thing from base nothing should spawn there anyway when we’re not here so let’s grab it come back and

Check to see if mobs are spawning uh home all right I picked up some glowberries that’s what I wanted to grab yeah that’s looking better especially at night because now we’ve got all the lights around here I like that let’s keep an eye out for Mob spawns but in

The meantime any places that are left here wouldn’t mind some hanging glowberries if we can get them up there and maybe they can’t go on that what about this okay they can go on the Frog lights it doesn’t look like they hang on the oh no there we go okay so anywhere

We have something like that we’re going to have these hanging down it’s a little bit of extra light doing this but I honestly just think it’s going to look really nice also it’s so far so good on the mob front nothing seems to be spawning in which is a bonus and it also

Means we can now use the Knight to try to work on these guys something tells me this isn’t going to go very smooth however I am going to make it more of a sure thing we’re no stranger to our dirt Pathways that are just intended to Corral the villagers and keep them

Focused you know now as far as getting just one of them in there that might be a bit more difficult kind of one of those things you just have to go for though so why don’t we do this see if we can catch just one of them there is a

Job block down there so maybe that would tempt you to just run right over to your honey block we can keep this guy here there we go okay we at least just got one ah we just get to push you all the way to the end hey don’t make me get the

Mine cart back out you don’t want that I don’t want that just got to be a good boy come on nearly there don’t mess with me just keep moving few more blocks just step right in there please look at that I knew you could do it so now you should

Be stuck in there I think while you’re not taking your job block I don’t know but that will be kind of important and it might be because it’s night time and you don’t have a bed I think as long as we just keep you from seeing any of the

Other job blocks around here we should be all right which means we can open this one back up get it ready for the next villager and once again we’re in a rinse and repeat type of situation and you didn’t even get back into your boat interesting now you’re the only one not

In a boat if I just put this somewhere very easy to get would you go for it no of course not not a thought in that head you know if you want to be taken seriously you just have to you have to try a little bit harder come on no no I

Blocked off the end you’re not going back the only way to go is forward yeah I I don’t want to be looking at you this close either this is the uh the world we live in the world you created come on we’re so close guy all you got to do is

Walk forward look at what I’ve had to do I have to press I have to put a block down every couple blocks cuz he just keeps wanting to go back oh come on you’re so close you’re so close get in the honey there we go oh and you’re not

Taking that either which is worrying me cuz I think it’s daytime now I need to like pick it up and put it back down let’s put this here just to be safe H I didn’t think about this this is going to be difficult maybe I can just

Quickly do that and that and lose the job block didn’t even work anyway there we go got it back what you okay I was going to say and you’re at two not one but still not bad come on let’s cover you up for now did you take yours by the

Way you did okay uh wrong one though oh yeah we got trade cycling you’re also at two okay so they might all be at two that’s still pretty good I did only build two of these so I think let’s cover that up I’m going to go through

And build the additional ones that we need and then once those are in place we can begin to move the remainder of our friends over into their spots and you you better shape up I got rid of that jaob block over there you still think for some reason you’re a cleric think I

Said chemist earlier but you are not my friend you will be a Fletcher all right I believe we’re set up for the migration the map migration of villager kind all right who’s first you are uh-oh wait why were you you weren’t the secret before I didn’t prepare for this let’s separate you two okay there we go right down here my

Friend yep you just keep your pretty little head moving oh good you already took your job now just get in there Perfect all right I’ll see you in a little bit next up you oh no way he’s going to go right for it wow that is so

Much easier I do appreciate that buddy if they’re all like that this will not be bad so you you heard that right if they’re all like that this won’t be bad oh you heard me I man I needed this just some easy villagers for once in go fella

Wow that I cannot believe they’re behaving so well every single one of them just going right in I’m not I’m not going to get over that that I don’t think it’s ever happened that has never happened to me well- behaved villagers down to the last man every single one

Well behaved I can’t believe it I’d take more of that I would allow that to happen more often let’s open this all back up hello rain and just double check everything everybody should be in their spots we should be good sorry about the temporary dirt Huts gentlemen but they

Were for your own safety okay now that we have them in place I think there’s one more thing I need to add don’t necessarily want to have to carry around that amount of sticks with me all the time I’m not going to need this many I

Don’t know why I did that just make a ton of chests so I think we should just have chests at the ready filled to the brim with sticks and actually this is a just a tidy little spot right there I didn’t intend on that but look at that

Right between each one and then maybe at the ends that’s where we could put collected emeralds aha clever clever something else I think I did mention we made this place big obviously it doesn’t need to be this big for just eight Fletchers this is just the start we’re

Going to run out of time pretty quickly here so we just got to get as many emeralds as we can for this video but plenty of space around here we can use that space and put in you know librarians cartographers all the different villagers that trade with iron

This whole place can be just surrounded one day but it won’t be today unfortunately anyway let’s go down the line collect every single one of these trees and then see how many sticks we can fill all of these chests with and I imagine it’s going to be quite a bit

Look at all these great beasties could just go down the line break them all and then come back for the spoils look at that all right that is one full Harvest we shall see how many sticks that amounts to and if it’s enough to make Rome proud I think it also makes sense

To keep a couple spare Spruce saplings in here just in case however we’ll start on this end I’m going to convert all of this into sticks and just see what that does for us how far we get all right so one full Harvest of all the trees gives

Us about one double chest and nearly a half of a double chest so if we wanted to fill up all of these about five harvests would do the trick I don’t think we need to Honestly though let’s see how far if I were to just take a few

Of these sticks can I get all the way down the line with this hey buddy we’re ready to lock you all in so if everybody is doing two stick per Emerald trades that’s half a stack to max out on 16 emeralds and it is looking like that’s

The case as far as the two per one thank you sir oh yeah easily we’re not running out of sticks anytime soon all the way down the line I think that’s four Stacks to do the whole line once and we get two stacks of emeralds that is beautiful so

Now really it’s just a race against the clock with the time we have left how many trades can we do how many emeralds does that equate to and will we be able to rub it in Ko’s face at the end I mean I’m going to do that no matter what I do

Think it’s time for bed though this rain is bumming me out another important question are they going to refresh their trades cuz sometimes they’re a bit finicky with that also look at that it went from two to one nice also I kept the bone meal on me for this very reason

If we see any that aren’t growing any glowberries we’re just going to sprinkle some of that powdered Red Bull on them I’ve been in such a rush I haven’t really stopped to appreciate the I guess you could call it the alall of this place it’s looking nice though I like

How this turned out and I do like that it’s expandable we did basically one section up here we can do the same thing over there we’ve got tons of room down there and this is all the exterior then we can do the exact same thing again on

The interior so there’s a lot of space to work with here all right we’re ready for another round look at them they’re all so happy they love sticks such a benevolent overlord and round two for the day immediately pretty much they were ready to go and just thinking back

Of the napkin math here every day we’ll be able to get four stacks of emeralds not shabby at all but once we have the entire thing filled with villagers in future videos that’s potentially about 64 stacks of emeralds in a day if we just you know wall to wall this place

Was just lined with villagers which is nuts ah someday Legion someday all right but they are tapped for the day so let’s take all of these emeralds back to base along with probably all of these I think we could do a little bit of sorting just

To get that cleared out or at least just drop them off over there I could always do that later we need to do our wither fight and we also need to take a look at the legion platform so maybe we plan for some of that and then come back and keep

Trading so I think we’ll be doing a lot of flying back and forth just to make sure we can trade every day until the end of the video so here’s what we were looking at back at home with the emeralds we still have a stack of blocks

And all these extra ones now we could start to fill all of these with full stacks of emeralds then after that’s all full we can move back onto the blocks I do think it’s safe to say though we aren’t going to want for those for quite a while also we didn’t immediately end

Up needing these so let’s put those in the old war chest over here ooh that’s looking a lot better look at that all of the shulker boxes I’m just going to put here for now I don’t really feel like organizing everything just yet and it’s not that interesting to watch anyway so

Maybe we just give that a Miss for now um we have a lot of Withers skulls however we’re low on coal and I remember this being a little bit low as well so maybe I think we have time maybe we just get a few more wither skulls load up on

Coal and then we come back for that fight and we got a couple empty ones here anyway so we could just fill a couple of these with coal if we have the chance got to think time management though isn’t that right Julius we’ve got to make sure that we are back by the

Time uh the sunrises tomorrow then we will be able to do more trades right oh such good doggos all right to the Wither Skeleton Farm which I always have to remind myself I think is just beyond the Frog Light Farm which is right there but I think yeah there you are you were

Correct Legion ow okay so we did have some coal in here and bones but hopefully we can come home with a lot more oh wow that was fast bring on the goods me Beauties and no I don’t know why I had pirate voice just there it’s actually pretty

Dangerous in Rome I don’t want pompy Magnus to come for me all right so things are progressing quite nicely as you can see we’ve already got seven skulls and obviously there’s more in here so maybe a few more minutes I just want a few stacks of coal just to keep

The auto smelter happy then we can go do our wither fight or probably wither fights at this uh at this rate ooh we got a blaze in there somehow it’s the first time that’s happened all right I’m thinking that’s probably plenty so I say we head back I completely forgot I

Brought these shulker boxes didn’t really need them but nice to have this is by far the most difficult Farm to stop using like to just walk away I just want to keep doing it forever but one must we have to call it a day just don’t turn around Legion you know they’re

There just don’t turn around grab your shulker boxes and move on o I’m sorry I’m sorry I have to I have to do it all right that’s it we’re done we’re done we’re done just got to get out of there all right back home it is and it looks

Like we might be just in time or the the new day to Dawn that is okay we’ve got a lot of gifts for the bone chest let’s start by dropping those off don’t think we’re going to run out of those anytime soon I do think that will be plenty of

Coal we also got 19 wither skulls plus 11 so we’ve got 30 now I don’t think we’re going to run out not anytime soon anyway and we got just over 10 stacks of coal which is appropriate because there are 10 uh furnaces down there or fer ey which means this should fill everything

Up if I’m not mistaken hopefully meaning we’re not going to need to do that for quite a while again plus I mean it’s all the stuff down there already had coal in it let’s actually take a look this was the one that was giving us trouble it

Hasn’t been used that yet though oh wow okay so this is the only one that has 25 though there must be some up here that are getting filled in there we go finally now it’s starting so those Hoppers should fill uh it should fill the hopper mine cart and then it’s just

Going to have kind of a backup of coal so we won’t have to worry about it for a while I hope yeah cuz that’s still going in it’s going to take a bit all righty so how many wither fights should we do got so many of these um maybe four get

Ourselves four new nether Stars just to be safe I mean the point of this whole video was about making uh more money becoming rich getting wealthy I think beacons count nether Stars count so we’re ready for that um it is the new day so why don’t we run over and do our

Trades really quick and then when we get back then we can do our wither fights feel kind of bad this video I’ve been GL ing all of the people back at base all of the the villagers the pandas of course hello lunchbox or lunchbox J I can’t tell anymore yeah your lunchbox

Your lunchbox Junior I’ll check in with you before the end of the video all the bees though the villagers in here we just really haven’t had time for any of you and I do apologize it’s no way for an emperator to behave but they understand it’s campaigning season I

Have to be doing this ah lovely all right I’m back fellas did you miss me already don’t you worry I’m I am here and we are going to do some trades speaking of things that never get old kind of like the Wither Skeleton Farm there’s something about just a row of

Villagers with one item per one Emerald trades just going down the line collecting on everything I think it’s because it’s like the culmination of a lot of hard work I know compared to a lot of videos mine are long usually between three and well two and almost

Four hours sometimes but for me it’s like between 20 and 30 hours sometimes closer to 40 recording so all of that time just kind of leading up to the one goal you had even though we usually have multiple goals it’s just nice to see it all come through and yeah I thought I

When I looked earlier I thought I was mistaken that you were saying 26 sticks for one Emerald that doesn’t seem right to me what’s going on here you’re still at one what happened to you two what did I do to offend them everybody else is

Fine I mean I’m not doing that I might I’ve got the sticks let’s do the ones that are at least doing the right thing for one Emerald trades and if anybody knows why that happens I would be very interested to know they were all doing two for one Emerald then they went to

One for one emerald and now suddenly these two at the end are interested in 26 for one and I I don’t know why that happens like I flooded the market so now they’re cuz the rest are fine and who am I kidding I I need the emeralds we’re

Going to do it not happy though you’re now my two least favorite making me blow through all these sticks there we go ooh what happened I must have missed one who did I it’s you 50 two are you insane wait did they they refreshed again isn’t

This the third time today how did they do that I mean I’m not going to complain if you’re willing to trade three times in one day I did not think that was possible not going to ask questions about it though yeah everybody else is fine they’re all still doing one to one

So these two goobers down at the end 32 and 51 I do not like that and in fact I’m not giving you the satisfaction don’t give me that little smirk you creep 32 you’re supposed to be one to one and you’re the worst of the whole

Lot weird day weird day these two acting very strange those ones traded with me three times instead of two I don’t know what that’s about but I do know I’m happy with that so thanks to all of you as for you too you might find yourself in Gladiator School very quickly with W

Behavior like that does anybody catch that reference is that too vague too obtuse I don’t know anyway uh let’s bring these back then wither fight ah beautiful nothing like looking at the base coming home it’s just so lovely look at all that and the lag also starts been trying to decrease render distance

While we’re here to make it a little bit better hopefully all right where are we at now looking good all right back to our new spot to fight the Wither if you missed when we did that we used to fight the Wither down in the mines and that

Was easy enough but we made a new area which can be accessed via the nether I believe it’s right over this way yeah pretty close this portal right here should lead us to yep our entrance to the stronghold which I believe we could just kind of freef fall for a good

Amount of it and then no I couldn’t move back over to the ladder I intended to save myself there I didn’t thank goodness for feather falling four that that could have been real bad all right let’s heal up real quick but yeah it does uh link up to our end portal that’s

Where we fight the Wither notot it’s just worlds easier so in we go because now we have this handy dandy little spot beneath the end portal in the center of the end Island where if we spawn the wither here it gets stuck in the Bedrock that’s right above here so we don’t have

To chase it around we’ve proven multiple times we can handle the fight on you know kind of fairer terms now we’re just a little bit more about efficiency so if we spawn this fella in right here then we back up after the initial explosion we should be able to just hang right

Here and take him out easy enough without him trying to escape which is ideal in my eyes And boom just like that we’ve got ourselves four new nether stars as I said so much easier than we used to do you just you don’t have to chase them around and everything it’s more like harvesting the nether Stars than uh an actual wither fight where am I going we

Don’t need to go back there we just have to jump right in and head on home and by home I mean spawn because I did not uh yeah I picked up my bed I do that a lot luckily we built our base pretty close to spawn which I think is well for one

Difficult to see at night that’s what it is but I’m pretty sure we just follow this River there’s a way to make the mini map bigger um nope ah there it is I don’t necessarily think I’m going the right way or no there’s the village yeah that’s right look at me not getting

Turned around I knew what I was doing the whole time okay okay so that part is checked off for now I’m going to put the ne stars in with the Wither Skeleton skulls whenever we need new beacons now we’re set and then I think tomorrow I

Don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t be trading with the farmers every day too cuz that should increase our Emerald output quite a bit so let’s do a quick collection over here another satisfying thing to do I love doing this we could also use the new iron farm and bring

Some iron over to those three guys we set up to trade iron with in uh I think it was the Roman Forum video but I don’t really think we need to because eventually I want to get that type of villager set up over at the trading Hall

Anyway one day one day hello my good sir let’s see if we can get a few extra emeralds from you and your sleepy buddy over here hey get out get out of the way here we go here we go now we’re filled back up on pumpkins and melons beautiful

Let’s uh go to sleep then we can trade with them again in the morning then we’ll head back to the Fletchers and they better behave them M themselves those trades better be better better be better tomorrow I just came to say hi to all of these guys real quick and I’m

Remembering the clerics over here can’t figure out their job blocks this guy hasn’t refreshed for hundreds of days and it’s because somebody else keeps taking the job block so I’ve got multiple clerics now and yeah then he doesn’t refresh either so something weird happening over here that’s

Something else we could do with the trading Hall making a few cured clerics over there or pffs maximi cuz with the gold Farm getting rotten flesh there plus I’ve got a double chest full of it here so that would not be a bad idea good reason to get rid of that stuff all

Right we’re wrapping up here probably also farmers at the trading hall because I think we mentioned it before I almost get the same amount of emeralds per day from two farmers that I get from eight Fletchers just because there’s more things you can trade with them in a

Single day all right let’s add that to the collection then head back to the trading Hall and what do we think are we rich yet I’m tempted to say yes but uh can you ever be rich enough no no you can’t that’s an emphatic no so back over

For more emeralds I’m afraid to look at these first two guys and see what they’re trying to trade at okay back to 28 at least it’s not 56 22 down from 32 please please please still be at one no 26 they’re all up to 26 no I think

That’s the downside of doing the trades every day they just I think you’re like flooding the market and then they they don’t like that I don’t know if I’m right if anybody knows you know please let me know in the comments or or even if there’s a way to fix that actually

There might be do we have time for a quick raid if I get hero of the village it might fix it cuz I don’t want to trade away everything at that I I spent so much time curing all of you we have a little over 5 days left if I did a raid

Came back and did a bit more trades that should give us time to update the legion platform I think that’s the only thing left aside from rubbing it in Ko’s face okay let’s do it let’s see if we can get whoa ow try that again see if we can get

A raid going I don’t remember where my RAID Farm is I know it’s past a Pillager Tower near my base I just think it’s in the other direction so if we fly right over the base there’s the Pillager Tower we’re going to have to uh go hunting

There in a second but I want to make sure I know where the raid Farm is it’s past this Village I remember that there it is right there okay so we start here um take out a Bannerman then we got to head in that direction okay quickly

Citizens you must have set the local warlord AB at the but that was not who I was looking for neither are you so you could just get out of here I need a Bannerman why is nobody spawning in or if you are you’re the wrong type oh come

On got a bit of a timetable to keep here what gives nobody’s spawning in ooh there we go just two I wanted to see oh wow now there’s a lot of them just don’t want any of them to take out my guy you’re mine sucker aha there we go now

We want to make sure to circumvent that Village somehow I completely messed up and I’m lost is that it right there yeah that’s it okay hopefully this works it does all right let’s head down hopefully we can do this without incident we got all our boats here just in case which

Should capture Vex which would be nice all right where are they there they are coming down for us thank you all right on to the second wave didn’t really think about it but we should also get some emeralds out of this which is a good thing there you are nine so far

It’s something on to wave three looks like we got a big guy stuck up there some somehow going to have to go take a look whoa why aren’t you going in the hole what are you doing get in the hole get in the hole other customers you’re

Supposed to run in there and let the lava take you out this is not great did it fall in okay finally back down I think this is wave four still no totems though that’s something we have not seen wave five oh great yep some Vex just

Spawned in let’s get rid of you quickly as we can hopefully they get stuck in the boats cuz I want to focus on these guys too just in case so we don’t get get any more spawned in get out of here none of them got stuck in the boats

That’s great and there’s two left that guy’s stuck up there again for some reason they’re not falling in did get one totem at least all right same thing as before we’re going to have to tempt that guy into the lava oh no we’re not okay guess if you wait long enough they

Just jump in I think this next one’s wave six how many waves are there at least we got one totem here they come there’s another totem and wave seven jeez for whatever reason I thought it was only like five waves ah great that wasn’t fast enough at least one got

Caught in a boat come on come on stay in one place so I can hit you or get stuck in the boats that’s fine is that the last of them I really hope this is the last wave that would be nice oh hello is that it yeah we’re done and that’s what

We were looking for hero of the village for 40 minutes nice I will take the extra totems and almost a stack of emeralds not too shabby beautiful we are done let’s go rub it in the faces of all those villagers and also figure out how

To get home there we go so very quickly drop this stuff off and do trades here there we go we got to run back to the trading Hall yeah I knew you Farmers wouldn’t let me down oh they’re giving me free stuff too that guy just gave me

A cookie how nice of you and bread things that I obviously really really want so thank you all right time for the true test are the Fletchers I spent all that time curing going to fall in line or are they going to break my heart only

One way to find out got to be honest that’s not much better doesn’t make the raid feel worth it it is better it’s not much better uh well we got additional totems out of it let’s just let’s do it might have to go down the line and do a

Few more or uh you know collect some more so we can make some more sticks but let’s get what we can can’t believe you would all do me like this after all I’ve done for you they decide that they need to extort me all right so we got two

Stacks out of that let’s uh we’re going to need to refill I should have been doing that anyway I should anytime I see the trees growing I should just keep doing it fill all of these with sticks then we’re never going to run out or you

Know it’s going to take a while all the way down the line a man you threw off my groove bro or as the kids say bruh yeah I’m hip what do you mean nobody says that anymore all right let’s fill these chests back up there we go almost entirely filled

Except for that two double chests and you don’t even care do you ungrateful little we’re just waiting for them to refresh so we can trade one more time and then I think we’ll go to make our updates to the legion platform because it’s the saddest time of day the video

Is nearly at an end I know I don’t like it either but don’t worry we’ll be back again in a couple weeks come on boys I got things to do there we go I just heard the magic sound now you’re back to one I don’t get it I won’t complain but

I do not understand your trades I could also bring string and Feathers could get the feathers from chickens which that’ll be no problem and now you’re back up to 19 oh but as for string I’m sure we could use the mob farm or could even make a a spider farm somewhere I’m sure

All right I think we’re done here for now anyway let’s take the spoils back to Rome and then we can work on the legion platform look at that the farmers were ready to go again got a goodly amount from them and they keep throwing food at

Me that I don’t really want are we going to be able to fill up the chest ooh it’s going to be close yes we can fill it up all the way full of emeralds which means any extra we get gets turned into blocks in fact let’s replace this then we can

Do it one more time there we go I’m almost at the point where I could probably start building out of blocks of emeralds which would be very nice as long as we keep this growing that oh that is a beautiful sight a whole row of totems and actually I’ve got some extra

In here in my backpack very full Emerald chest Diamond still kind of mad but like I said I I don’t really use him that much so I’m not too worried about that one gold looking very nice as well and of course iron we should we should fill

That up after the legion platform we’ll do that first I actually need to go count uh the the legion platform because I don’t remember what we left off at I think it was somewhere in the 50s addes legionaries so that’s 10 that’s 25 so 25

35 45 57 58 so we’re currently at 58 so agripinaa the uh it was the younger right agripina the younger is commanding 58,000 troops currently and as I’m recording we’re right between about 65 66,000 I’m recording a bit ahead of the release of this one because I’m a little

Bit behind on editing so it might go up a little bit more but for the time being I think we’re going to call it 65,000 so we need to add seven new legionaries let’s see what armor we have available and then we’re going to need seven more armor stands also this soup

Has been cooking for like 100 days is it done yet no not yet it’s got to cook for a while to come out right and this is probably getting a little well done but I think it’ll still be good all right so seven more armor stands plus the armor

That we need need to equip them what did I do with armor stands or did I use them all think I might have used them all or I put them in a chest that I don’t remember oh yeah there they are so seven more where did I get diamond boots from

Oh maybe the end either way let’s grab what we have which is just enough boots well with one extra we’re going to need more pants more chest plates and some helmuts and we have gold already I was going to say we could make gold old stuff that’s kind of what we’ve already

Got the most of actually we haven’t been to the arena yet let’s go take a look and see if we can grab some more armor and it’s night time so it should be quite the bumping spot currently yep I was right hello does anybody have any

Armor they would like to drop for me also this bow is getting real low I think by next video we’re going to need to make a new one no armor not interested have at the when will I learn not to set myself on fire not on this

Day still L armor ow ah I see somebody over there are you willing to drop some of that for me citizen that wasn’t a citizen get out of here they are the enemies of Rome be they from Carthage ooh gross gross gross gross gross get

Out of here get out of here no thank you no thank you another one seriously oh where else could they be from Carthage could be Sam knits there are a lot of creepers oh hey buddy you want to drop anything ooh I did actually get a couple

Things I didn’t notice that three three babies what did I do to deserve this get out of here yuck and double yuck ooh okay this baby actually has armor and didn’t drop anything for me wonderful not having the best of luck how did you spawn out here you’re not supposed to be

Able to do that oh hello uh zombified citizen uh another one fell in the arena it’s sad but you can’t deny the entertainment value give me those pants I don’t think he gave me those pants oh boy we’re getting in the middle of it a little bit and I just heard a creeper

What how did one explode over there all right if creepers are exploding we need to uh chill out a little bit here and another one just exploded why are they exploding without me even in there okay I think we’re going to have a bit of a

Mess to clean up in there oh no just clean out all the Riff Raff and then take a look at the damage oh boy look at this place what a mess oh man I will at some point clean this up I’m going to be honest with you I just do not feel like

It right now let’s just see if we can get this armor and then get out of here a come on I don’t want to set off another creeper unbelievable they just keep going off without me this we are we are ruining this place I really wish they could only explode if they were

Near the player not just like because because nothing we we destroyed this place I yeah I’m just out of here thanks for ruining all my hard work in there I’ll clean it up later ah lovely let’s see where we’re going to place down our new legionaries cuz that’s all pretty

Symmetrical back there um we could do well these are staggered actually so that might not work we could do two more here cuz that matches kind of the triangle shape and we got five left maybe kind of if we put a couple in front of these it’s almost like sub

Commanders under agripina so a couple there where else makes sense why don’t we say there’s three more close to the commander cuz obviously agripina needs like you know helpers and people to send messages all that kind of thing so we’ve got a couple more kind of scattered throughout here and you can the

Messenger with your fast diamond boots let’s get all of you equipped just go through all the things that we brought and as usual the ones closer to the front are going to get kind of some of the nicer things so mostly gold ow ow kind of forgot that was there um all

Right let’s distribute the rest of this stuff and then we’ll see what we need to complete the set there we go do I have anything left over in here I do I need the helmets and those two boots I do not need uh you can have the helmet in the

Chest plate one more helmet here and these are completely done now you need pants and a helmet and now we just need three more with everything except the boots okay easy enough I think we could probably spare a little gold the rest can be Iron so maybe one pair of well no

I don’t really like the gold pants let’s do helmets instead maybe two helmets and one chest piece and we need a third helmet so we need three of each and this is bugging me I want to get rid of this stuff there we go um now we need two

More of these and why did I just do three I didn’t need that and let’s just go with the rest iron for pants there we go back in you go now I got an accidental spare chest piece that we can put over there inspection extra in there stand up

Straight soldiers commander on Deck there we go you are completely done as are you and and finally we get the golden one look at that hopefully I didn’t miss anything this time I know the one of the first times I did this I missed like almost an entire row I think

But I only added seven so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and those are all looking good I did it again looking much better 65,000 strong and I will mention one more time that pretty soon this is going to be 100 so if you haven’t yet hit that subscribe

Button so that you can be a part of the first 100,000 in the legion also it’ll make agripina very happy but we’re looking good there I’m happy with that and we’ve got a little bit of time left so because of that I did say I wanted

The iron a little bit better like that doesn’t look as good as the uh as the emeralds that’s great gold pretty good but honestly I think it would take too long to sit at the Gold farm for you know long enough to change that much so

Maybe we grab a bit more iron build that up a bit more and then on the last day that’s when we’re going to show off to a little bit cuz we don’t have to stand for his insults can also do some more trades while we’re back here

Actually how are we feeling today what are we at oh we’re not even refreshed I must have did I trade today already must have so let’s head on over to the iron farm I love all this stuff hopefully that is still working yes it is beautiful so let’s do some collecting

Through the night then we can do some trades in the morning ah bummer we’re going to lose that buff by the morning oh well we got some good use out of it while we had it all right so let’s sit here for a bit and bring some iron back

Home all right about to wrap up a single night’s collecting there we go let’s see how we did not bad little over four Stacks just in one night let’s grab what emeralds we can and then I think it’s about time to wrap up okay this isn’t

Good um they are not refreshing at all and I don’t know why very strange behavior from all of you well like I mentioned we’re going to finish this I’m going to add a lot more villagers so I’m really hoping all of you can help me out here the couple things I’m trying to

Figure out is there a way to keep them at their discounts rather than going up all the time and also any ideas on why they’re not refreshing I think it’s been a couple days now and they’re they were before it was working now they just

Stopped so if you could all help me out and let me know how to fix that I’d really appreciate it because we are going to continue to fill in this area and that might have just been it right there yeah he just did it so I don’t

Know what’s going on there it just it took longer than usual I guess well let me know any tips that you have if you do trading Halls I’d appreciate it because I’d really like this to be built out more and just much more impressive yeah it just fluctuates so much they’re back

To 1 now straight from 1 to 26 that’s how much it’s been fluctuating all right that’s a full trade at least and I think that’s the last time we’ll see it for this video so maybe just another quick look and also I’ll try to get the uh the

Replay mod going on this one because I just think I mentioned it earlier this area is just so nice in fact I’m turning up the render distance just so we can take another look yeah beautiful and there’s a lot more we could build around here obviously there’s there’s so much

Space and lots of things we can do but for just starting out in this area I’m happy with what we did we built the breeder the curing station the trading Hall the iron farm there’s a lot going on over here now it’s all looking beautiful we just have to build out the

Trading Hall a little bit more add more villagers get those kind of The Kinks worked out but it is quite lovely I’m happy with what we built in this video but I just wanted to kind of take one last look before we head back and start

To do the wrap up here see you next video we need a name for that area too I think we were calling base Rome so what would that area be like capua or something let me know if you have any ideas about that the legion platform is

Now good so the last thing we need to do is consolidate our wealth and bring it to sh there we go that’s looking a bit better now and all of this needs to be turned into blocks 36 additional blocks up to nearly two stacks so let’s bring

Some of the blocks of emeralds few of our Gold Blocks we do have a lot of diamonds I think we can at least make one block out of that we’ll do some iron blocks because why not we did collect extra nether stars as well as totems so

We’ve got some item frames to show off those two let’s see am I missing anything I think that’s it I might be missing something but that’s still pretty good I think he’s going to be impressed actually eh no that’s fine all right let’s go make KO eat his words

First it looks like we have a burglar over here you better not have taken that from my little garden areas we missing anything over here he might have taken it from elsewhere yeah looks like we’re good okay still don’t like him there oh hey KO so remember what you were uh

Telling me earlier making fun of my wealth everything that I had here accumulated you want to take a look in my inventory real quick or no you can’t maybe we could do something about that I mean we need a way to display all this right and KO probably needs a home come

To think of it where you going buddy I want you to go into your new home we’re going to have to move these in there aren’t we there we go so it would appear that I do have wealth because I was able to just trap you in an in a little case

Completely filled with emeralds and gold oh not enough you say well how about we also flank that with a totem and another star still not impressed there’s no pleasing some people and how about now how many diamond gold and emerald block Huts can you make KO yeah that’s what I

Thought he knows he knows now that he was wrong it also means you get to listen to me every time I’m up here and you no longer to get to step on my platform and get in my face when I’m trying to talk to the legion he looks

Pretty smug and he’s looking around I wonder if he wanted this he just wanted a really nice expensive house and he I played right into his hand either way we win we proved that we are wealthy and we can continue to pay the legions in fact

We didn’t do that let’s get some gold and some emeralds all right hold on KO I’ll be back time to shower the legion with gold and I didn’t mean to do the whole thing Mars exul yes yes I know they’re proclaiming me imperator for the third time what’s that you say you want

Me to just take it it all back and put it in your 401ks okay yeah you can’t pick it up I get it don’t worry you’re going to get a good interest rate keep it in your Roman 401ks you’re going to be good to go don’t worry yes yes I know

You all appreciate it you’re welcome you’re welcome what do you mean I’m losing my mind but with that I’m going to call it mission accomplished for this video like most videos there’s a lot of things we still want to do things I would do if we had more time but that’s

What future videos are for KO has been humbled we made him eat his words and I’m happy one last thing I’m going to do is we wrap up I remembered we never named lunchbox junor so now’s the time to do that there we go so we’ve got

Lunchbox and then we got crazy old lunchbox junor over here doing his back flips or front flips I dubb The Lunchbox junor and it’s been a while since we’ve done this I think it was the 300 days video when I mentioned anybody that makes it all the way to the end without

Skipping any of the video leave me a comment saying lunchbox that way I know that you made it the whole way let’s try that again if you made it all the way through this video and without I’m saying without skipping straight to the end and leave me a comment that says

Lunchbox junor any that I see I’ll try to give a heart but that’ll let me know that you made it through the video entirely so I’ll keep an eye out for those and the other comments as always I appreciate the comments that have helped me greatly as we’ve worked our way

Through this world and as always thank you for watching we’ll see you in the next one Citizens Yeah

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days GETTING RICH in Minecraft Hardcore! (#9)’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2024-03-08 19:00:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

minecraft #100days #minecrafthardcore #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftbuilding #minecraftasmr I Survived 100 …

  • Crafted Gratitude: NEFFEX’s Minecraft Groove

    Crafted Gratitude: NEFFEX's Minecraft Groove In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our news reporter shines like a gleam. Crafting updates with rhymes that ignite, Bringing joy and laughter, oh what a sight. With a grin and a spin, the news is told, In rhymes that are crafted, so bold. Each update a story, each line a song, In the world of Minecraft, where we all belong. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For our favorite reporter plays a part. Spinning rhymes with finesse, let the truth take wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. Read More

  • Wireless Power Shenanigans

    Wireless Power Shenanigans Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Wireless Power Lensmanoz is embarking on a new adventure in Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. This pack boasts over 400 mods, numerous quests, and a well-structured endgame. While it doesn’t contain all the mods in existence, it offers a diverse selection, including newer and lesser-known ones. Building a Minecolonies City Lensmanoz’s goal is to integrate tech mods seamlessly into the construction of a Minecolonies city. Despite facing challenges like unexpected deaths and limitations with the digital miner, progress is steady. Utilizing a second… Read More

  • Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy

    Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Techno Gamerz roams, wild and free. In Fire Mc, a realm of flames and heat, He’s the hero we need, with skills hard to beat. With Techno Rogue by his side, they conquer all, Building, exploring, never to fall. Their adventures are epic, their laughter contagious, In the world of Minecraft, they’re truly courageous. So join them on their journey, through fire and ice, In the world of Minecraft, where legends arise. Techno Gamerz and Techno Rogue, a dynamic duo, In the realm of gaming, where dreams come true. Read More

  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

    Bamboo Farm Shenanigans Minecraft Episode 39: Building Bamboo Farm Panda Survival Series Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks, creatures, and community come together to create a unique gaming experience. In this episode, @swordartgamer1063 takes on the challenge of building a bamboo farm in the Panda Survival Series. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft! Building a Bamboo Farm One of the key elements in Minecraft is resource gathering. Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used for various purposes, from crafting tools to feeding pandas. By building a bamboo farm, players can ensure a steady supply of this… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?!

    MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?! Majority of Multiplayer Servers Disappearing in Minecraft 1.21.10 Update? The Evolution of Multiplayer Servers In 2018, the official server software BDS Alpha version for the Bedrock Edition was introduced, allowing players to engage in multiplayer gameplay using the latest vanilla version. Prior to this, unofficial software like “PocketMine-MP” was the only option available. However, BDS offers advantages such as plugin support, making it a popular choice even today. Key Point: The ability to run plugins on BDS sets it apart from unofficial software. The Importance of Debug Symbols Creating servers for Minecraft requires developers to replicate the game’s network,… Read More

  • Crafting Justice: Trial Chambers in Minecraft UKR

    Crafting Justice: Trial Chambers in Minecraft UKR In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, With Trial Chambers to explore, have no fear. Crafting new challenges, with monsters to fight, In rooms of mystery, hidden from sight. The Trial Chambers, a place of intrigue, With spawners and puzzles, for players to besiege. Each room unique, with its own design, A blend of ancient civilizations, so fine. The sound of fire, the soul of Minecraft, A touch of magic, in every craft. With copper and grates, an industrial feel, A new dimension, for players to reveal. So dive into the update, with Trial Chambers in… Read More

  • Experience Epic Shield Flying on Minewind Server!

    Experience Epic Shield Flying on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting Minecraft gameplay like the one featured in the video “полет на щитах #northx #майнкрафт”? If so, you’ll love the action-packed adventures waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine soaring through the skies on shields, battling fierce opponents, and exploring a vast world filled with endless possibilities. That’s just a taste of what you can experience on Minewind. Join a community of passionate Minecraft players who are always up for a challenge and ready to make new friends. With a dedicated server IP like YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily dive into… Read More

  • Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!

    Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!Video Information hey everyone welcome back to another MC recap episode for some reason it feel like it’s been years since an episode anyways today we’ll talk about some Minecraft updates some barck news and maybe 21 leaks anyways let’s get into it on Tuesday got H fix update which addressed some crashing issues and instead add some new bar add-ons to the marketplace which is cool then on Wednesday we got new Barack preview and j s and this week Struggle No More locate chop chamber out your nearest photographer to dreamman for your to trade for locator map… Read More

  • CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]

    CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]Video Information [Music] it’s a good [Music] thing [Music] [Applause] a [Music] w [Music] it’s a [Music] [Applause] good d [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] oh dude I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared my hair dude I’m trying to use my my headphones as a headband cuz I have this much hair in my face it’s all over my face and I’m using my headphones as a headband it’s crazy I’m so not set up though hold on hold on why are there math why is there math on this whiteboard why… Read More

  • INSANE! Baba’s 1 Second Nut Bust Storytime

    INSANE! Baba's 1 Second Nut Bust StorytimeVideo Information okay so on this channel I have a lot of embarrassing moments in my life and I will admit even though some of them are really out of pocket they are really entertaining but today’s story is a bit personal and honestly I won’t lie to you if you can see the title of this video yes I used to be a one pump chump what does that mean well today’s story will explain it all but before we get into the story make sure you guys do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you… Read More

  • Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLS

    Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLSVideo Information yo yo yo yo yo y y y y yo y yo y y y yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo there we go is it working I do believe it is working all right it’s I don’t know how this is going to go I don’t know how this is going to go we are Live Twice on the same channel at the same time so this is going to be fun this is going to be very interesting um let me see uh me see oh hello you guys… Read More

  • Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!

    Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!Video Information I’ve got some pickup lines are you ready oh yeah please all right okay are you an FPS booster because man you’re OptiFine it’s no secret bedwar players are lonely my [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] 800 stars and for what what the [ __ ] do I have to show for this what do I get out of this nothing so I was thinking about it I want to find the love of my life so what I’m going to do I’m going to put my bedwar stats onto Tinder and hinge and… Read More

  • Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!

    Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!Video Information n [Music] you’re late [Music] oh no my little chat thing’s not working that’s all right [Music] testing what [Music] happened why isn’t this working [Music] man that was tough I think I fixed it woohoo all right [Music] okay I think everything’s working [Music] nice you guys are late he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think I fixed it I think my OBS was super [ __ ] up but uh I think everything’s okay now um dude what does that sound stop it very annoying hello hi everybody you’re late uh you have a hole… Read More

  • Rabisu Miami Minecraft Server

    Rabisu Miami Minecraft ServerRabisu is an innovative and modern minecraft server hosting provider founded in 2016. https://www.rabisu.com/en/ Minecraft was developed by Markus Notch Persson as a game that allows you to make designs with various cubes on skill development. It was published publicly on May 16, 2009 under the umbrella of the Mojang company, which Notch founded. The game has had a very tight player base since its release. It is ranked 5th among the most played games in the world of 2019. Many servers prefer Rabisu as a hosting company, including Craftrise, Turkey’s largest minecraft server. If you want to set up… Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Updated to 1.20.6!

    IP: reunionsmp.com Discord: https://discord.gg/8NXMEZbFFc Origins: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1’s video where he tried to ask for OP on Minecraft servers. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Some Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item that you can sell… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar DropWhy is Lena getting applause for a meme with a score of 5? She must’ve built a pretty mediocre creation in Minecraft for that kind of recognition! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

    JaredH4's Epic Minecraft Tower Build The Tower | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP4 Building an Epic Magic Tower In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, Jared embarks on the ambitious project of constructing a magnificent magic tower. With meticulous planning and off-camera resource gathering, he sets out to create a structure that blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain. Interior Design and Enchanting As the tower takes shape, Jared meticulously designs the interior, incorporating enchanting stations, storage areas, and cozy nooks. The enchanting table becomes a focal point, offering opportunities to enhance tools and gear for future adventures. Unexpected Discoveries Despite setbacks like fruitless… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 Hrs

    INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 HrsVideo Information what is good everyone World created what we are hoping for now I’m actually going to let the world load for a second okay uh we’re hoping for a village we’re going to need iron diamonds obsidian we got to go to the nether so hopefully we can do this uh this is Project e it’s a money game everything has money and we added an expansion pack so this should be fun hopefully we don’t throw you know that’s never fun I just C CED one of those we’re going to need a pickaxe I’m going to… Read More

  • Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in Minecraft

    Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in MinecraftVideo Information H who Could That Be so early oh uh it’s bad JJ come on hurry up hurry huh what is it what’s with all these people oh again someone was attacked this is why we told him to put a stop to it huh uh uh um what Mikey what Mikey run it’s behind you what was [Music] that Chief we need to stop mushroom hunting there may be a man eating creature hiding in the forest we found a villager what was left huh without the mushroom hunt our economy will collapse but it’s dangerous someone else… Read More

  • Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft fun

    Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft funVideo Information Вчера я просматривал карту своего политического сервера и заметил игрока в джунглях я подлетел к нему и оказалось что у него закончилась еда и он застрял в этих джунглях и я решил ему помочь я дал ему вертолёт и ресурсы Он был очень благодарен мне и он полетел строить страну в Китай на сервере карты реального мира для ПК и телефонов IP в профиль E This video, titled ‘#minecraft #server #political #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Vladis_min on 2024-01-17 05:53:22. It has garnered 10783 views and 293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Spudzy’s SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shorts

    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord https://discord.com/invite/HQPjAFar Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive play.HiveMC.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us,discord.gg/KWFqazhCZz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More