I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL MASTER in Hardcore Minecraft…

Video Information

In this video i have elemental armor and tools that have crazy abilities and there are even elemental bosses that can be defeated to get materials for even stronger gear not only that but there’s also an insanely strong army of the undead completely overrunning the world at night as long as the undead king

Exists this world will remain incredibly dangerous my goal is to progress through each element master them all and then use my elemental powers to defeat the undead army will i be able to master the four elements and defeat the undead king let’s find out right after today’s sponsor against an impact if elemental

Abilities interest you then you will love a gentian impact it is an open world action rpg game available on pc android ios and playstation in this game the massive open world is home to seven different kinds of elemental powers that your characters can use genshin impact recently released a new 2.6 update which

Has a brand new area a new artifact domain and new archon quests this update also includes new events such as hues of the violet garden and spices from the west and it also includes new story quests and challenges it also features the first return of kami sato ayaka a cryo character what i

Love about gentian impact is definitely pulling for new characters the designs are all phenomenal and they’re always really fun to play with download genji impact today from the link in the description and use this special code on screen for 60 primo gems and 5 adventurers experience thank you again

To gentian impact for sponsoring today’s video and let’s continue day one i spawned into my world ready to master the elements however before i can do that i needed obsidian and diamonds meaning i had to get the basics done first i punched a tree i made a wooden

Pick and then i got some stone from this nearby structure i saw that there was a dungeon below so i went and made my stone axe and pickaxe then i went down there in there i opened a chest and i got a bunch of iron and ender pearl a

Lot of good stuff i made an iron pick and then i mined the emerald block to see a spawner below it luckily nothing spawned for whatever reason so i got the loot safely i then found this goblin village and whenever i would right click the goblin with some emeralds it would

Just start giving me stuff and i assumed that it was meant to consume the emeralds and it was a bug so i didn’t keep going i then stole the furnace and i continued on my way and then is when i realized that that goblin was not actually bugged it was just taking the

Iron from my inventory so now i had to get more of that i killed some cows i got some food and then i killed some sheep for wool then i get attacked by this bouncing green slime and it takes me down to half hp i immediately cooked

Some food and ate it to heal up i then spent the rest of that day hunting more animals for food and other items the next morning i made a small backpack and then i began cooking food and while that was going i headed some more animals and

I upgraded the backpack to medium once i had enough food i went to find a cave with some iron so i could get to the elemental stuff as soon as possible i found a nice cave in a forest with a lot of iron and i got up to 47 iron without

Even going that far below the surface i went back up and i smelted the iron that i mined i made iron armor and iron tools as soon as i had enough iron for it and then it was night time so i slept the next morning i found this ruined portal

And i couldn’t find the chest so i’m like okay i’ll try these goblin bombs that i got earlier to maybe you know blow it up and turns out those do not break blocks so i gave up then i killed a few sheep and i upgraded my backpack

To the largest size i came across this mountain range and i knew that that was an air biome each element has a corresponding biome which is needed to get the essences for elemental tools the air one would be a bit scary without feather following or something so i’d

Wait a bit for that after that i found a ravine and i used water to get down there then i found a ravine inside the ravine and immediately saw these armored zombies those were these super strong zombies from the undead army then just to be safe i made a shield because you

Never know then i went down this hole that i found and i started mining for diamonds the sooner that i got diamonds the sooner that i could master the elements and i was not getting diamonds at all i mined a lot i broke many pickaxes and i found no diamonds even by

Day four i then found this cave and i figured you know what i’ll risk it what’s the worst that could happen and then i get jumped by this crazy ghost demon and a goblin and i nearly died yeah back to my strip mine and i go oh there’s enemies here too

Cool i blocked off the zombie and then i kept strip mining i was not going into any caves that was way too dangerous i kept mining for a painfully long time and then boom i finally found diamonds i was a little excited as you might be

Able to tell by my mouse freaking out i mined them and it was a big chunky seven vein of diamonds very nice then right after boom of four vayne 11 diamonds now my luck has turned around gamers i mined until halfway through day five and then

I dug back to the surface back on the surface i wanted to find a place to settle down and make a permanent home my idea for a base was a tower where each floor was based on a different element it was going to be super cool but of

Course that needs a lot of materials i decided on living in this plains biome right where i was because it was surrounded by a mountain and forests and a lake and i kind of liked the look of the area the next day i chopped some

Wood and i placed a few chests where i wanted to make my tower now i needed the materials and i also had the diamonds to get some elemental stuff going so i decided that my goal was to look for a fire biome i wanted fire to be the first

Element that i mastered because fire’s lit like why wouldn’t i i cooked some food and after that was done i got to looking i immediately found a vanilla dungeon and after clearing it i looted the chest and i got recall potions these would be super useful because they take

Me back to my spawn no matter where i am day seven i alluded this ruined portal for a golden apple and some obsidian and i broke into this weird tent and got some tnt i found this weird dungeon thing it looked like it was meant to be spawning zombies but i guess that

Doesn’t really work too well during the day so i broke the spawners and i looted the chest for some oars and stuff i then found this tower and right next to it an earth biome the earth biome was not one that i really wanted to do right now

Because i was warned that it would be the hardest so i would save it for later but i did decide to take on this town i went in and there were zombie spawners and chests on every floor i was able to get through most of it pretty easily but

A bit higher up this baby zombie with a shovel starts embodying me luckily i had a shield so i was able to survive but that was terrifying i then just to be safe ate a golden apple now with the rest of the way up the tower and i got

Some enchanted books some recall potions gold all kinds of stuff i also got a bobble that would increase my jump height which was pretty nice these towers would be very good to take on for exp and stuff the top had a vex spawner but luckily none were attacking me

Because vexes are terrible to fight on the roof there was a bunch of free gold that i took and then i was back on my search for the fire biome day eight was kind of crazy it was just a lot of traveling at first but then i found this

Stone arch thing i broke spawners at the top and then i saw chests at the bottom the first one a name tag the second one a totem of undying and a god up like what are the odds of that but like actually though vanilla chests don’t

Normally do that but i am definitely not complaining then i found a house and in it was one of those op zombies just to look at how many hits this thing is taking luckily it never hit me but this is why i refuse to stay up at night

Until i get better gear however that house also gave me another totem of undying so now i had to now ideally they never even activate but uh about that by day nine i still hadn’t found a single fire biome i did find a desert though and i figured if anything

Would lead me to a fire by and it would be a hop i’m like a desert and uh no it did not but then i found a savannah biome and if anything would lead me to a fire biome it’d be a hot biome like a savannah yeah so anyways uh day 10. i

Decided to sail in the ocean and forget the fire biome there was barely even land all the land that i found was the tiniest islands possible i eventually found a lot of land but it didn’t really get me anywhere worthwhile this was not going well 10 days in and i hadn’t even

Found the fire biome to start using it day 11 i ended up finding another massive air biome and yes i could do air first but i didn’t want to fire was absolutely what i wanted to do first i just had to keep looking day 12 it finally happened i found a fire biome

This beautiful and netherrack filled biome finally so to use elemental abilities i needed essence the weakest form of the essence came from the flowers in these biomes so i ran around gathering as much as i could i then found a bastion a straight up bastion in

The overworld i went in and i actually got some pretty good stuff out of a chest like an entire ancient debris the piglens were all zombified because this was the overworld meaning this was entirely safe to lose i noticed it was nighttime so i decided to sleep down

Here however i did not notice anything else we’re talking about in the bastion the next morning i went to the surface and then i mined a bunch of the black stone bricks i wanted to use these for the fire layer of my tower so this was a

Very nice find i then spent all of day 13 harvesting all of the essence that i could find and then i did not sleep that night now i know the night times were not safe because of the undead army however to get the second tier of the essence that i needed for elemental

Abilities i had to kill the spirits in this biome i figured that it would be a good idea to get as much as i could so i waited around at first all that i was seeing were these really annoying skeleton things but then i found spirits

These things took a ton of hits and of course they do set me on fire but overall they were really slow and i could handle them every spirit that i killed would give one of the second tier of essence that i needed so i figured it

Would be a grind but not a dangerous one that is until later that night i saw three fire spirits at once and after taking one out i was fighting the second one what i did not realize is that these fire spirits drop an invisible bomb when

They die and it blew up and killed me literally it broke my totem of undying luckily i had that or it would have been all over i put on my second totem and then i killed spirits safely for the rest of the night to getting up to a

Whole five essence so the next day i decided to change my plan my original plan was to master the fire element as soon as possible and then continue on from there however that night taught me that mastering an element was absolutely no joke and i decided that i would

Instead gear up a bit more first and then work on the element later then i found a nether fortress this was an incredible fun because i wanted netherbricks for my tower and i decided to start gathering a bunch after getting a few stacks i used a recall potion and

I went back to the world spawn yeah i was gonna head home because i definitely wanted to approach the whole elemental thing in a much smarter way i arrived home on day 15 and set up a sugar cane farm and then i began smelting some

Glass i then made a diamond vessel and i put some ignis essence into it and then i made an obsidian stick and then an ignis dagger elemental daggers were the most basic form of elemental abilities they of course were really good as melee weapons but the fun part is when you

Throw them i made another ignis dagger and i threw it at the mountainside and it launched a flaming explosive projectile this however does consume the dagger so it was not the most useful but it was pretty cool and for now this is all that i had to work with until i

Could beat those spirits a lot easier now throwing these daggers was plenty strong and essence-wise it was pretty cheap however the main limiting factors there were obsidian and diamonds yeah i would need a lot of those i decided to make a bow and some arrows later that

Day because range would be very good against the spirits however for now i definitely will not be fighting them day 16 my goals were to work towards enchantments and also some other elemental essences there was an air biome right next to my stuff so i headed

Over there and i began scaling it with water and then i saw a fire biome literally just the opposite direction i went from my base like 50 blocks boom right there fire biome that’s great because it was so close and i could easily access it but like

Dang i got on top of the air biome and it was an absolutely massive windy plains i ran around collecting the essence flowers for most of the day and then i recalled home i then made two lesser ventus gems and two ventus daggers then i waited for night time to

Test out the daggers i threw in at the skeleton which first of all died in one hit which is insane damage and it also launches the body into the sky meaning it probably does that to the living mobs too test successful but now there was a

Problem i can’t get to my bed because there were these insanely strong zombies everywhere yeah i wasn’t about that i sat in my tree the whole night i was not about to deal with any of these crazy strong mobs and i saw a cluster of these

Zombies at one point and i tried to throw my ignis dagger at them to see if it would be a good way to deal with a bunch of them and i i missed yeah the next morning i get down from my tree and after grabbing my bed that i

Blew up instantly a pillager group shows up i literally cannot catch a break right now regardless my goal for the next few days was to get books for enchantments i spent the next three and a half days hunting animals for leather gathering sugarcane and all that fun stuff sugarcane definitely ended up

Being the hardest part it took ages to get enough and then i get back halfway through day 20 and then i realized that i did not get enough sugarcane for some reason i thought that i only needed 45 sugarcane but nope i needed three times as much

Nice so i harvested my sugar cane farm to get some more and by the way look at this cute little thing that moved into my sugarcane farm i don’t know what it is but i like it and then i decided that i should work on a bit of building i

Didn’t have a house yet which was very dangerous if i was ever up at night it would also give the sugar cane a chance to grow because the area would be loaded so for days 21 and 22 i built the base of my tower i decided that the first

Level of my tower would be fire themed and i didn’t quite have enough nether bricks to finish it but i was nearly there i also placed the bookshelves that i can make right now and then i grabbed my little sugarcane friend in a mod capture device and i put him in my house

I named him a goat look at this guy he’s pretty cool so yeah my very scuffed half finished base was complete nice now i just really needed more sugar cane and more experience so i decided to go on a journey to find dungeons or sugarcane or maybe even both my priorities right now

Were to get an enchanted pickaxe for easier diamonds and obsidian and also an enchanted bow or sword to fight the spirits if i could get those two things mastering the elements would be a piece of cake i decided to venture near the fire biome near my base and there was a

Village i don’t know if this is where i would choose to put my village but more power to him that fire biome led me to a desert which helped me a lot with the remaining sugar cane the next morning i went to a desert temple that i found and

Inside i got a multi-shot enchanted book i didn’t really plan on using a crossbow but if it ended up happening this could be good after getting through that desert i had plenty of sugarcane meaning i just needed experience and i would maybe finally be able to hold my own

Against the elemental spirits i found a mini tower at the end of the day but it barely gave it any experience so not really worth it day 25 a quarter of the way through this challenge and i hadn’t even come close to mastering a single

Element i knew that it would get a lot easier and faster after the first one but i was getting a little stressed i found this desert temple dungeon and honestly it was pretty cool it was amazing there was a bunch of husk spawners throughout it and then there’s

One little baby husk in full gold armor with a weapon starts going crazy on me i kinda almost died to it but i survived this dungeon ended up getting me to level 30 and got me a few extra god apples which could be a very useful day

26 i decided to head home i had level 30 enough books for enchantments and i just had to get lucky and i could master the fire element very soon on the way home i grabbed some obsidian from my enchantment table and i also took down this tower dungeon for experience and

More golden apples and stuff like that once i got home i set up my enchantment stuff and then i immediately put power 4 and then breaking 3 on my bow this would be amazing for dealing with spirits day 27 i figured it would be a good idea to

Get some arrows i was hunting chickens for most of the day and then i realized that this was very slow and very dumb so instead i went to the village by the fire biome i reset the fletcher’s trades over and over until he sold arrows and

Then i bought as many as i could now i could work on the fire element however i will admit that i was a little bit afraid of you know dying so i decided to use most of my diamonds to make a diamond chest plate just a bit of extra armor could go a

Long way i headed home that night and on the way i got to level 30. day 28 i wanted to do my final preparations before attempting to farm the fire spirits i headed over to a ruined portal and mined a bit of obsidian i then went

Home and i used the obsidian to make an ignis dagger and then i enchanted it with sharpness 4. so now i had a good melee weapon and a good ranged weapon that night it was time i went over to the fire biome and i hunted spirits

Although the journey to get over to the fire biome was a little bit dangerous this night dude straight out of dark souls was trying to end me but i was able to get away then i sort of accidentally threw my dagger at a mountain side immediately

Nice yeah not the best idea to have the dagger as my main weapon good enough forming fire spirits was kind of stressful because whenever they died i had a few seconds to grab the essence before they would explode which as i learned before could insta kill me by

Day 29 i only had four ignis essence that was not great a big issue that i had that night was walking into fire it made it really hard to get around the area and find new spirits so i decided to spend all of day 29 taking a water

Bucket to a massive area clearing as much fire as i could pretty quickly i had a nice open area to grind it it made it a lot easier to farm the essence by the next day i had gained 12 more essence bringing me to a total of 21 and

I needed like two stacks this was gonna be a long grind i ended up going back to the village to trade for more arrows only to see that my fletcher villager had been zombified i did find a diamond helmet on the ground though which is nice i then turned another villager into

A fletcher and got more arrows and i’m not going to bore you with too many more details but uh this grind was very annoying i’d find a spirit try and take it out and then randomly a bunch of these stupid invisible skeletons swarm me and make it 10 times harder not fun

It was actually so bad that i asked the mod developers to enable the spawns for the spirits during the day that’s not cheating it’s just a new feature yeah after that the grind while still a pain was a lot better i ended up using my sword after a while which was a little

Bit more difficult but i burned through arrows way too fast by day 39 i had gotten enough essence for everything i needed to master the fire element and as if i hadn’t seen enough of them already the second that i get home i get jump scared by an invisible skeleton

Not what i needed after that grind fest now i can make tier 2 ignis gems first things first i made a blow gun and blow darts ignis ones to be specific this was basically a bow that fired ignis daggers aka a rocket launcher look at this as

Fun as running around blowing stuff up is i really had to prioritize diamonds right now which is another reason the fire element is a great first element because check this out by using the tier 2 gems i could then make an ignis pickaxe which then mines in a 3×3 and

Will be a fantastic for diamond mining i then checked my diamond pickaxe enchantment in a boom fortune 3. then i checked the ignis pickaxe and without even having level 30 i could get silk touch i now had the ultimate setup for diamond mining day 40 i wanted to go mining for

Diamonds but i desperately needed food i went hunting and i tried to use the blowpipe but unfortunately it didn’t cook the food so i would just use my sword and save the darts for later while hunting i found a lava pool and i learned that the ignis pickaxe was

Amazing for getting obsidian so i grabbed a bunch for later after spending the rest of that day hunting i recalled home and i cooked all my food on day 41 while the food was cooking i went to gather coal and wood because i was low on both of those after doing that i

Grabbed my food and then i went mining i needed tons of diamonds to get all the equipment for these elements so i had to get to work i went down a cave and i got to mining with the ignis pickaxe i learned pretty immediately that the silk touch enchantment only works in the

Middle block that i mined meaning i had to be very careful with diamonds which of course i messed up the very first time that i found diamonds i also realized that this ignis pickaxe absolutely destroys its own durability as i mine so it wouldn’t last very long

I mined until it broke and that thing it definitely served its purpose getting me up to 46 diamonds day 42 i needed glass every elemental gem took eight glass so to make a full set of ignis armor i would need multiple stacks i made a few

Iron shovels and then i went to look for a desert before leaving though i saw one of those crazy strong zombies and i decided to test my blowpipe it took like six explosive darts straight to the face before finally going down yeah i would definitely want to get stronger before

Fighting them too often after mining a ton of sand in a desert i recalled home and i began smelting it into glass and almost all of day 43 was spent just watching the glass smell then after it was smelted i made it i made 24 diamond vessels then 24 lesser ignis gems then

24 normal ignis gems and then a full set of ignis armor this armor had insane defenses gave her generation one and it gave fire resistance permanently this was a really big moment day 44 my goal was to enchant the ignis armor i hadn’t fully mastered the ignis element yet to

Master the element i had to defeat the aspect of that element aspects were powerful bosses and i wanted to be strong enough to safely defeat them i was gonna go hunt dungeons so i quickly made as many ignis darts as i could make that of course does mean that i would

Have to grind a bit more essence later but with this armor that would be super easy by the end of that day i found a dungeon i went in and turns out it was a dungeon full of these super strong zombies i was able to hold my own

Sorta i had to back off and fire ignis darts to take them out but after a bit i realized that there was no way that i could take them all on safely because they were spawning so often so i had to retreat i did get to level 31 though my

Enchantment options were not the best but i saw a vitae 3 on a helmet and i figured okay more hp would be nice so i went for it and i got fire protection on the armor that gives fire resistance nice day 45 i found another one of these

Arena things with tons of spawners and amazing loot i got a bunch of exp and another totem of undying and then i found something incredible it was a house and it ended up being a dungeon for the really strong undead it went underground and for a bit i farmed these

Zombies that spawned for a bit of exp but then after a while i noticed that there was seemingly a better room down there almost built to farm exp i fired an ignis dart at the first spawner destroying it and then after clearing a few more zombies i rushed in and i

Blocked off the doorway to the next room then i had an amazing mob farm tons of zombies spawning constantly running straight to me they took a lot of hits because of course they were super tanky but that didn’t matter this was perfect after grinding to level 34 i recalled

Home then the next day as if the mob farm was not already good enough i enchanted a sword and i got sage’s blessing five on breaking three in looting three this was the perfect grinding sword i didn’t get any other good enchantments but this sword gave me

A really good idea first off sage’s blessing makes it so i get more experience whenever i kill a mob i grabbed my enchantment set up and i made my way back to the mob farm i then rebuilt the setup down there and now i had a very solid way to farm

Enchantments this is probably the most efficient that i’ve ever been with enchanting in any of my videos ever and i very much so liked it and with this sword these zombies gave a lot more exp one of the first enchantments that i got was a sharpness 3 book which let me form

Even faster then on my chest play i got a curse and i can’t remove a curse and this curse kills passive mobs near me meaning if i accidentally wore it inside my house it could hurt goat and i can’t let that happen so i had to be very

Careful i grinded for the next two days straight to get the best gear that i possibly put by day 49 i had insane enchantments just look at this sword this sword is crazy i also had a really good power 5 infinity bow three of my armor pieces of course got the curse

That could kill goats so i couldn’t wear them in the house or so i thought i ran over to a wild rammer just to see what happened and it didn’t damage it or kill it at all meaning goat was safe nice the last thing that i needed before finally

Mastering my first element was a bit more ignis essence i spent the rest of the day in the fire biome of farming for more essence and after farming enough i headed home i made my gems and i made two more sets of ignis darts just to

Have enough then i made an ignis hammer this hammer was the key to challenging the ignis aspect in mastering the element day 50 halfway through the days and it’s finally the day that i master my first element of four yeah i had a lot of work to do

Regardless it was time to challenge the ignis aspect i honestly expected the fight to be pretty easy i had fire resistance and a rocket lodge or blow pipe what could go wrong so the way that you challenge an aspect is you take the hammer and you use it on a crystal in

The biome of the same element i went to the fire biome and i looked around for a crystal in a good spot i found one right next to a savannah biome i got out the hammer and then i challenged the aspect the ignis aspect spawned it was like

This crazy magma phantom creature i fired a bunch of darts at it but i learned pretty quickly that those ended flying way too far away so i used my arrows and my sword for the rest of the fight this thing was an absolute joke now that i had acquired ignis armor its

Main claim to fame was the fire aura but i nullified it completely i fought this thing for a bit absolutely obliterating his hp and then after a while i took it out i of course immediately ran away from where i killed it because i knew how this thing worked and uh yep it

Exploded however i uh didn’t get the correct drops um don’t mind if i just fix that real quick not cheating this is fine full disclosure this was fixed in the mod and right after it happened so if you play the mod yourself you’re good to go with the pure ignis gems that i

Now had i was able to go back home and craft the ignis sword i had now mastered the element of fire and this sword was kinda insane not only does it do a lot of damage but also check this yeah it has an ability to rapidly fire three

Ignis knives which is very strong however it does do quite a bit to the durability and it also risks blowing up my own house or something if i try to use my shield or whatever yeah i would have this knot in my first slot for now

For safety reasons okay with that down i now wanted to enchant an ignis sword and then work on my next element i had decided on water as my next element because it felt like a good idea and also i was hoping the armor would help

Me get prison marine for my tower i then went to the mob farm to grind for a good enchantment on my ignis sword i cycled many enchantments for a very long time and i never saw sharpness 4. so after grinding for two days i gave in and i

Got sharpness three not ideal but it was still a really strong sword on day 53 i wanted to find a water biome i did what i should have done with the fire biome and i made a nature’s compass i went to search for it but for some reason all of

The biomes were listed as water not really sure why but two of them had grass blocks meaning one of them was the water biome and the other one was the air biome i tried one and i followed it and it was definitely going right to the

Air biome so i chose the other one instead and this biome was not very close i grabbed my bed and then i headed for the water biome i reached a water biome at the end of that day and it looked amazing definitely my favorite looking elemental bio i saw a water

Spirit and i decided to take it out and oh boy this is gonna suck these gave poison and slowness and nothing i could get was gonna make me immune to that meaning i had to just eat that damage while farming these however a big plus side is that they don’t blow up after

Dying which is fantastic all right you all know the drill it is time to grind from days 54 to 60 i gathered lesser aqua essence from flowers and i farmed normal aqua essence from water spirits the water puddles in this biome were kind of annoying they slowed me down a

Bunch whenever i walked over them but they were not nearly as bad as the fire in the fire bio overall the grind was just a lot easier than the fire element the biome was a lot nicer to be and it was way prettier and the lack of

Explosions made it way less stressful to farm the essence also i personally feel like a water spirit surrounded in water particles should not be able to be lit on fire but that’s just me after grinding i ended up back home on day 60 and a wandering trader made a very bad

Choice of coming close to my house and my enchantment just started destroying him poor guy alright bad news i did not have enough diamonds for the aqua element stuff i went back to the fire biome and i spent all of day 61 farming out enough fire essence for two ignis

Pickaxes then the next day i got to mining i mined for a while and by the time both the picks broke i had 56 diamonds i had kinda hoped for more because i needed a lot more for the other two elements but this would do for

Now day 63 i needed more glass for the aqua stuff so i went back to the desert to gather tons of sand then that night i was able to make all of the aqua gear a full set of aqua armor a aqua blowpipe aqua darts and an aqua hammer i tested

The blowpipe on a skeleton but it didn’t do anything which i assume is because it gives poison poison does not work on undead meaning this probably was not going to help much against the undead army day 64 the day that i master the aqua element i tested the blowpipe on

Some creepers that morning and it didn’t seem to poison them however it did do a lot of damage so i was going to use it against the aqua aspect i also wanted to wear the aqua armor for this even though i didn’t really have to it was

Unenchanted so that might have been a dumb idea but it was a bit more thematic i headed to the water biome and i found a crystal this was going to be my first fight with my ignis sword which i had been saving because of the low durability i readied the hammer and i

Began the fight this crazy water jellyfish came out and began flying after me i hit it with my blowpipe and turns out the darts do in fact poison i then ran in with my igneous sword to do more damage while the poison did its thing i got poison and this aspect of

Aqua kept flying around and dodging my attacks and then hitting me for my blind spots pretty quickly i hit a half hp from the constant attacks and the poison and i had to eat steak to heal up i used the blow pipe to keep my distance while

I healed and then i fired a barrage from my ignosource which the aspect of aqua dodged most of go figure i hit it with a few more darts to keep the poison up and then i went in with my ignosaur once again i could not tell where it was and

They kept hitting me from behind and i had to eat a god apple because it was damaging me insanely fast and then it was dead i guess it burned to death kinda anticlimactic but i got my pure aqua gems and replaced my god apple so

We’re good i went home and i made the aqua sword i had now mastered the aqua element i went over and tested it on a squid by attacking super fast to not you know one shot it and this sword applies an insane poisoned debuff and because i

Had no ability when i right clicked i could safely use it with a shield so i plan on making this my main source day 65 i wanted it to enchant this sword i had a decent amount of experience and i figured that i wouldn’t have to grind

Too much i got to the mob farm and first off i enchanted my boots with depth strider 3. then i got a sharpness 3 book granted a bit more exp and got sharpness 3 on the sword then i combined it with the book for sharpness 4. i now had a

Very strong sword the next day i wanted to finally continue my base it was embarrassingly unfinished so i wanted to change that the next element that i wanted to add to it was water which i wanted prismarine for this aqua armor would help a ton with that then to make

It even better i put aqua affinity on my helmet with a book that i had then i set out to find an ocean temple i stepped into the river near my base and just look how fast that i am depth shiner 3 with dolphins grace 2 is insane along

The way i found some cows and i grabbed milk and then i grabbed the entire cow as well just in case i ran out by that night i still had not found an ocean biome and i didn’t even bring my bed so i couldn’t even sleep i spent the next

Bit looking for an ocean and then after finding one i swim around the entire thing at the speed of light looking for prismarine and that ocean did not have a single temple in it so i kept going something a little weird happened to i found this desert

One night and in it a mummy i thought it was just a normal enemy but no this was definitely a mini boss it started throwing sand at me and summoning sand zombies and whenever i got close it would punch me away with a sand spirit i

Eventually took it out and he dropped a necklace and said it would punch away things targeting me i equipped it and tried it out whenever a mob came up to hit me a sand spirit would come out and just punch it away i loved this and it sort of fits the whole elementalist

Thing because it was still sort of earthy so i would use it then after that i found an ocean monument and this was incredibly annoying to mine for a while however after a bit i realized that an elder guardian that i killed dropped a bobble that made me immune to mining

Fatigue that was amazing and they made this a lot easier i mined for a bit and then i recalled home day 69 i built the water level of my tower it didn’t have a roof yet because i wanted to use the next layer for that and i also didn’t

Really have a use for that floor anyways but it looked pretty cool day 70 my base was expanded i had mastered the water element and now it was time for the air element ventus i fortunately had an air biome right next to my base so it wasn’t

That difficult to travel there and back i swapped my ignis armor and then i made my way up the mountain at the top i encountered my first air spirits i tried attacking one but it was completely immune to melee attacks it also gave me levitation and if not for my sand spirit

Knocking it away i might have just died to fall damage so yeah air spirits are completely immune to melee but they have a way less hp than other spirits this meant that i could destroy them with a bow and in all honesty because my bow is

My go-to way to farm this would be a way faster and 100 it was a lot faster it still took a few days but being able to take out these spirits in one or two arrows saved tons of time by day 74 i once again had enough essence but not

Enough diamonds so i once again spent the whole day grinding for some essence for ignis picks then day 75 i went mining hopefully this would be my last mining trip i mined until the middle of day 76 i had quite a bit of diamonds i’m

Not sure if it was enough for the rest of the 100 days but it was enough for now i was able to make a bunch of ventus gems a full set of ventus armor a ventus blowpipe a bunch of ventus darts and the ventus hammer that was everything i

Needed except for the sword this armor gave speed to and slow falling and it would be the ultimate traveling armor and i definitely wanted to enchant it before fighting the ventus aspect the ventus spirits gave me levitation and if the aspect did as well a slow following

Would be very important i ran over to my mob farm and i enchanted the ventus armor i got protection for leggings a protection 3 unbreaking 3 chest plate and a breaking 3 helmet and after a bit of grinding i got protection 4 and breaking three boots the next morning i

Tested out the ventus blowpipe this fires a wind projectile and it makes the mobs that it hits just fly into the sky and then drop down taking tons of fall damage this would probably be very bad against the boss but it’d be a great way to deal with mobs that i’m having

Trouble with just when in doubt send them to space after that fun i made my way up the mountain that was the air biome i located the crystal and using the hammer i challenged the aspect of ventus this thing was a cute little ghosty boy and i tried hitting it with

Arrows and nope they did nothing while these spirits were immune to melee the aspect of ventus was immune to projectiles i went in with my sword and then my sand spirits had the aspect of flying away it got so far away that it lost aggro so i had to take off the sand

Necklace and then build up with blocks so the aspect wouldn’t just leave the fight i kept meleeing it at close range with my aqua sword and for a bit it became a super cool sky fight when i was levitating in the air but then levitation were off and i had to build

Up again to keep the aggro this little song and dance happened one more time i hit a bit with my sword i lost levitation lost aggro and then i had to build up one final time and then it was over i left off my pillar and delivered

The final blow defeating the aspect of ventus i floated down to the ground and i collected my pure ventus gems i recalled home and i crafted the ventus battle staff element of air mastered this staff had no ability whenever i right clicked meaning i had to do

Something whenever i hit a mob i went and tested it on a pig and the second that i hit it it flew straight up insanely fast i literally couldn’t even see anymore but a few seconds later it fell back down now this was sending mobs to space way better than the blowpipe

This was pretty bad for any mob that i wanted the drops from so i would still use the aquasaur as my main weapon but honestly i had so much cool stuff now that it was really hard to decide what to use the a78 now that i had mastered

My third element i wanted to expand my base to represent that i didn’t really know a good block for air so i just used a bunch of this marble that i gathered underground i made the floor out of marble bricks and then i put pillars

Made of marble up around the edges and i didn’t fill in the walls completely because like air yeah and once again i did not add a roof because i was waiting until i made the next and final level the next morning i looked at my tower from the outside and

It was beginning to look interesting i now needed to master the earth element i repaired my bow and then i spent day 79 hunting food because i knew i would need a lot day 80 i got out my nature’s compass and i headed towards the nearest earth biome which

Fortunately was very close i get to the earth biome grab a few flowers and then i approach an earth spirit and it explodes a lot this was going to be the most difficult grind yet actually it turns out that it was completely impossible the earth spirits were immune

To arrows and not only that whenever i hit them with my sword they would explode like a hundred times destroying any drops that they would have had yeah i had to get that fixed it ended up being changed so they could be hit by arrows which worked perfectly after that

I spent the next few days farming terra essence having hitboxes on made it a lot easier to see the spirits and with that the grind was also a lot easier however it still took quite a long time to get all the essence that i needed and interestingly enough this is the first

Element where the hardest part was not the spirits it was the flowers after getting all the spear drops i needed i had to go find a whole other earth biome to get the essence but by day 86 i had all of my terra essence i needed a bit

More glass so after gathering sand and smelting it i made all of my terra gear a full set of terra armor a terra blowpipe and darts and a terra hammer this armor gave resistance and haste too this was the ultimate combat gear and i definitely wanted to enchant it i tested

The terra blowpipe and it made a stone bridge of sorts to wherever the dart landed this could be useful though not really the best now i just wanted to enchant the terra gear and then i could defeat the terra aspect and master the element day 87 i headed for my mob farm

For my final enchantments once i got there and killed a few zombies i enchanted my leggings and i got very good enchantments next my chest plate also very good enchantments i didn’t even have to reset the table and i had already gotten protection for twice in a

Row then a third time in a row a protection four on my helmet so boots weren’t quite as lucky so i enchanted a book for feather falling 3. i then enchanted them with level 30 and i got depth strider 3 in on breaking 3. no protection but when the full set of

Armor was so good anyways i figured i’d be fine day 88 in my newly enchanted armor i headed for an earth biome to take down the terra aspect i located the crystal took down the nearby earth spirits and then i readied my hammer i used the hammer and then i summoned the

Aspect of terra this one was a stone golem and it didn’t even fly after a bit of fighting though it did start exploding this launched both me and the aspect into the air which gave me an idea i used my ventus blowpipe to send the aspect into the air and then fire at

It with my bow it took tons of fall damage but every time it landed it would blow me up after a few ventus darts the aspect had one hp and it just like sat there i walked up to it and then using my water sword i took it out i had

Defeated my final aspect i headed home and i used the pure gems to make the tara mace the final element was mastered i tried out the terramace’s ability and this gave me slowness 5 resistance 5 and regen 5 all at the same time basically a

Full heal at the cost of not moving and this replaced my god apples for now day 89 i now wanted to finish my tower using the final mastered element and to do that i needed a lot of materials so i spent a lot of the day mining a bunch of

Granite from the nearby mountain i also wanted andesite but i couldn’t really find a worthwhile amount anywhere so i used cobblestone instead after that i spent the rest of day 89 and all of day 90 of finishing my tower i made the walls out of cobblestone bricks the

Floor out of cracked granite and i added iron bar windows by sunset of day 90 and my elemental tower was complete it might not have been the prettiest but it was certainly unique day 91 i was nearing the end and it was time to take down the

Undead army to challenge the undead king i had to acquire rotten blocks from towers of the undead army i had actually found one of these towers while i was farming in the air biome before so i quit my ventus armor and i headed for the tower i found the tower i took out

The air spirits surrounding it and then i swapped to my terra armor and went in i made my way through the insanely tanky zombies and even with my terra armor i was still taking damage i did not have to resort to my tara mace though and

Using my ignis sword i was able to cut through all the undead fairly safely they really tried me though the floors that had air spirits would levitate me into the ceiling leaving me completely vulnerable to attacks from the arranged undead after fighting through tons of the undead army i reached the top floor

After breaking the spawners and looting the chests i claimed my first rotten block i needed four of these but that is one down i now had to find more towers so i swapped my ventus armor and i got looking now the issue is these towers

Are very rare luckily i had a very good traveling setup with my ventus armor for land and my aqua armor for water but still it was not easy to find these towers and i kept traveling for a while trying to find them i didn’t have that

Many days left either so i was really worried that i wouldn’t find them fast enough day in 95 i finally found a second tower of the undead army i took out the first swarm of zombies and then after going in i very stupidly chose to use my ignis sword’s ability which

Honestly hurt me more than it helped me i was fighting the undead on the next floor when i get blindsided by a zombie with an axe and it forces me to use my terramace’s ability these towers were no jokes i cleared the rest of the tower

And i got my second rotten block i then came to the terrifying realization that my terra helmet was going to break i decided that i would use my ignis armor for the next tower because it gave me regeneration and it had more durability and i definitely needed the tariff stuff

For the undead king i then got extra lucky and found another tower that night i ran through and took out all the undead and then after reaching the top i was not even going to deal with them i used my ventus staff to send them to the

Moon third rotten block down however my ignis helmet was now also almost broken day 96 i had to temporarily pause my search the armor situation was way too risky i might cobblestone for furnaces and some coal for smelting and then i went into a cave to get iron to make an

Anvil and then in the cave i found a dungeon i killed the mobs broke the spawner and looted the chest for a mending book i’ve never gotten mending from a normal underground dungeon before but that is actually insane after getting my anvil i repaired my terra

Helmet with terror gems and then i put mending on my ignis sword this sword was easily my strongest weapon against the undead because they were immune to my water source poison and the mending would definitely counteract the low durability after that i set out to find

My final tower that night i ended up killing a tank zombie with my looting sword and i got a zombie head i also needed this for the undead king so i’m glad that i got it now all of day 97 was spent just searching i was getting super

Worried about my remaining time but then on the morning of day 98 i found my final tower i went in and worked my way up i got down to half hp a few times but overall i was able to tank it pretty well the guys in leather armor with axes

Did way more damage than they had any right to but it was not enough to stop me it did not take long for me to reach the top and claim my final rotten block i was now ready for the undead king i spent the rest of day 98 heading home

Day in 99 the day the undead king falls i went off into a secluded area placed my rotten blocks and then finally the zombie head the king spawned and instantly i was blinded and given slowness i attacked him a few times with my sword and then i backed off and fired

My explosive attack at that point he started summoning even more undead to help him and i was getting very overwhelmed i swapped my ventus staff and began sending the undead into the sky because it dealt with them a way faster i didn’t want to get too low so i

Used my terra mace which ended up getting me surrounded by zombies i had to eat a god apple after that because my health was just melting i kept attacking with my ignis sword over and over shredding the hp of the undead army and then i tried to spam against the horde

With my ventus blowpipe this glitched out and gave me an infinite levitation 10 effect that i had to re-log to fix yikes i logged back in and fell to the ground in the fight resumed the undead king must have also been hit by the levitation because he took a ton of fall

Damage all at once i ended up getting swarmed and i tried to deal with them with my ignis blowpipe and my ignosaur’s ability but honestly ended up hurting me way more than them i ate another god apple focused down the undead king and within a few moments he was defeated i

Ran around using my ventus staff to send the remaining members of the undead army to the moon and with that i had one i ended up getting tears of the undead king from that they could be used to make a set of gear but uh i didn’t have

Enough diamonds for all that and the tears would just be their own trophy i headed back home and on the water level of my tower there were assassins that were said to take me out but nah i was too strong for that also apparently my water level was not well lit enough good

To know day 100 i had set up armor stands to showcase every element that i mastered ignis aqua ventus and finally tara these elements helped me take down the undead king as an elementalist i had one last thing i wanted to do before wrapping this up i grabbed goats and i

Brought him outside i fed him a golden apple and he began to change after a few moments goat evolved into a grand rammer in the past 100 days i mastered four elements defeated an undead army and now i have a grand rammer named goat and now the journey is complete that was 100

Days as an elementalist in hardcore minecraft thank you everybody for watching be sure to like subscribe comment all that and i will see you all in the next video later

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL MASTER in Hardcore Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Speshel on 2022-04-26 15:59:37. It has garnered 890917 views and 20268 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:39 or 2919 seconds.

Be sure to download Genshin Impact! https://hoyo.link/4f5bUEA6 And use code “MS7C3SV8DMZH” to get 60 Primogems and 5 Adventurers Experience!

With the world overrun by an insanely strong Undead Army, I have to use elemental abilities to survive 100 days as an ELEMENTALIST in Hardcore Minecraft…

Check out my TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/Speshel_

Main mods used in the video: Undead Army: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/undead-army Elemental Aspects: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/elemental-aspects

Join my discord! (Full modpack here) https://discord.gg/aam5Stw

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjzL8xzdYGrR4rcfqxXxeA?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Speshel_

Video edited by Hovy and Zach, discord tags: Hovyyy# 6410 TheAlmightyZachy# 0366

Music provided by Epidemic Sounds, sign up here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/a4vqag

#100Days #Minecraft #Hardcore

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  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

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  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: https://discord.gg/23p8DsKNMHLore Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More

  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • “Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!” #shorts

    "Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!" #shortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] Halo semua selamat datang kembali bersama gua sini di live streaming kali ini gua ke mana-mana semua dengan bermain Minecraft Halo alpa Halo kepiting ada orang lain itu ada kepiting Halo Duta Halo Duta gaming Halo semua selamat sore selamat datang di live streaming aku [Musik] gak live Bali masih dilanjutin [Musik] entar ya [Musik] Oke kita langsung Mul buat lu semua yang sudah nonton jangan lupa like komen share donate kalau gak bisa gak apa-apa yang penting nonton aja sama like let’s go [Musik] ak gua gatal banget [Musik] [Musik] Halo Ra Abang Maf minecraftnya… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL MASTER in Hardcore Minecraft…