I Survived 100 Days in a MASSIVE RAVINE Only World In Hardcore Minecraft…

Video Information

100 days in a massive ravine only world this ravine you’re looking at goes from bedrock all the way to sky limit there are custom structures spreaded all across the ravine each one of them containing all different kinds of treasures there is also a second ravine that is hidden and secret

With a mysterious boss waiting for me before we begin if you guys haven’t seen my last video with my girlfriend please go check it out after watching this video you can finally meet the cow but anyways please subscribe drop a like and hope you guys enjoy this video alright we are in

In the massive ravine it looks pretty amazing there’s trees everywhere so there’s a lot to explore here so let’s run oh oh my god i almost fell okay let’s run up here it looks like there’s a chest up there with a mine cart so maybe there’s a good starting

Chest right here let’s check it out oh my god a super golden apple with a start what but getting an enchanted golden apple is pretty a pagoo let’s get some blocks here i’m kind of scared of the water i don’t want to fall in there it looks kind of dangerous down

There i could hit my head on any of these rocks so i gotta play a safe and get some blocks to get over there so let’s grab some of these okay speed bridge there and jump over all right we’re in a mine shaft right this oh my god okay that’s a pan

Oh okay okay there’s a chest over there but there’s some mobs guarding it so i can’t go there yet protect me panda i’ll be back there but there’s a lot of coal here on this uh little railroad hopefully this bridge doesn’t collapse on me as i mine this wood

Cause i’m i’m kind of mining a support beam for this pillar away so let’s hope okay turn that in the wood make a crafting table and make some tools let’s go all right now i have a sword and let’s go get this chest in his mine shaft as

I i feel like there’s something good in there so let’s kill this creeper here away and he’s dead oh you don’t he’s not dead oh diamonds some gold sticks what’s this enchanted book i’m breaking one all right that’s not too bad but i want to keep exploring before

I go into this mine shaft so let’s let’s go check out those bridges and check out the village i found earlier which is right over there okay what’s in here let’s see this the door is left open okay there’s a bed i’ll take that um a furnace a crafting table and a chest

With kelp all right let’s check this other house here this one looks a lot bigger so maybe there’s a lot of good loot in here there’s still some roses here so it doesn’t look too abandoned yet oh this kind of fancy there’s some bookshelves oh ooh some kelp some books

Even more diamonds and i’m gonna mine some stone here to get some stone tools and maybe find some iron so i can make a shield because i’m kind of worried about all of the mobs all right let’s upgrade my tools here all right let’s get a pickaxe a shovel

A axe and let’s get a sword going throw my old twos into the ravine and upgrade with the new look at this view guys this is a giant ravine look how tall that is holy we’re gonna have to explore that soon anyways i’m pretty hungry so i see a cow

Right here i don’t really want to kill it i’m hoping there’ll be another cow so i can start breeding them but there is a cave right here and it goes pretty deep and i’m kind of afraid to go mining right now because i’m actually out of hunger as we speak

Yeah that’s all i have i i do have a super golden apple i could eat that but that is not worth it so with the hunger that i got from the bread i’m gonna run over to that village and uh steal some wheat so i can make

Some food here so let’s run over there it’s right over there there’s a lot of hay so that’s a that’s really good for food hey we’re here there’s a lot of houses over here it looks really good just uh surrounding this pillar right here so where is the hay at up there okay

Oh the sweet berries scared me oh my god that scared me i could eat the sweet berries though oh i thought something was attacking me oh this sword’s right here let me take that iron sword on the oh some iron some coal all right i’ll take it looks like

There’s a lot of uncooked food here so i’m gonna take all that thank you very much and they haven’t finished their house yet so all right pretty good so far pretty good on food i’ll take these sweet beers as well and there’s a lot of fish just

Thrown onto the floor right here so i’m gonna take all these fishes and let’s run over here let’s try not to fall because there’s a lot of holes oh there’s a villager right here okay infinity and bookshelves are i gotta make sure they don’t die here i’m gonna take some

Of these bookshelves in here hey there’s oh there’s a booking quilt i can write down my uh my days all right let’s let’s journal day one exploring found a house and a village hungry lonely every single day we’re going to write something in my journal okay there’s a feather right here concrete

This part ink and a pen okay there’s a lantern right here what’s in here the art of the algorithm youtube is quite the unique platform discovering creativity it looks like this lantern has a tutorial on the youtube algorithm stay tuned for more that might help me with this video

Alright let’s take all this oh let’s go okay and i’m gonna take all this uh hay over here this is kind of slow so i’m going to make a stone hoe this would be a lot faster oh yes there we go the speed all right i collected all the hay at 51

So let’s turn down the wheat oh my god okay that’s unlimited food all right we got a lot of bread here let’s keep exploring because there’s a lot to explore okay oh oh there’s a pen over here chocolate ch chucking ton chucking okay they all have the same name oh talking time

Clucking ton but this guy is doing a dance move on it’s baby egg there’s a farm right here with oh my girlfriend my girlfriend has a cow what is this one’s name wait i have to go check okay let’s get up here i need to check

This one’s name what is this guy’s name i have two girlfriends in the same pen okay how’s that possible you can’t have two girlfriends meeting each other i can breed these two cows and i have a perfect farm here so i’m gonna run back to my original house over there

And i’m gonna move all my stuff to this village all right i am back to the farm it looks like my girlfriend is standing on top of the wheat they’re scared of me i don’t really want to live in one of these houses i want to make my own house

In the mountains so i want to make it like up here in the mountains and they’ll overhang the entire ravine because this routine is massive but i’m going to start on my house up here somewhere oh what if i make it right over there that is a pretty perfect spot right there i

Get a whole view of everything it’s pretty far away from the farm but i can make a railroad all the way here for the farm make a little mine cart that’ll lead me to my farm all right but i’m gonna set home here first because i

Don’t have a lot of materials to start building a massive house in the side of the mountain so i’ma start on this house right in the farm i’ll make a shield all right and i’m ready to go let’s go explore all of these villages there’s a blue uh parrot right here i’ve

Never seen a blue one before i’m gonna have to tame them just take my wheat seeds here eat up oh yes i got him hey i got a best friend my first ever friend come here buddy hey sit oh yes stay safe i’ma go explore yeah i want to go to

These houses over here there’s a lot of ram stuff left on this bridge over here there’s fish there’s raw fish on the bridge all right we are here there’s a lot of sweet berries here so it looks pretty overgrown looks like no one has been living here for a while all right let’s

Get in here okay i spoke too soon this guy is uh it looks like he’s having his own party in his house he’s just jumping around and he is uh he doesn’t have a job and uh he looks pretty homeless he doesn’t have a lot of clothes on so i’m just

Gonna take his potions here his only source of food i’m gonna take that and i’m gonna take your bookshelves since you’re already homeless let me just take more of your stuff as you don’t have much to begin with anyways all right it was nice doing business with you and

Live happily bro whoa you going to your other house you have a second house bro yeah maybe you are rich let me check what’s in this house oh my god this guy’s balling he’s got two bunk beds in here the whole furnace okay oh my god this is where you’re

Hiding your good stuff huh all right let me take all of that then if you’re trying to uh break oh my god this guy’s balling oh my god he’s got iron stuff everywhere let me take all that i thought he was poor he was hiding it

For me the entire time all right i am back hello parrot what should we name him let’s name him carl he’s his new his new name is carl with a cake hey but i did get some cool tools i got some iron stuff some smithing tables anvil some more ores

And some books i can make some bookshelves soon doing pretty good so far we’re doing pretty good so far all right i do have some iron ingots so i’m gonna make a chest plate here and i do have three diamonds so i really want to go mining and get

Some more iron so i can make a full set uh it looks like there’s a mine shaft right over there so let’s go over there and see what we can find and i am here okay what is this oh some cold blocks right here is this cool blocks oh let’s go

Oh there’s a lot of iron on these on the floor too so that’s perfect let’s go and there’s some reason the iron fills into this bucket well let’s continue mining oh my god there’s a lot of mobs here okay let’s blow up here okay oh my god i’m hitting with my

Shovel blow up kill the zombie for me thank you it doesn’t look like there’s anything here so let’s keep mine let’s keep exploring this mine shaft all right let’s say this my shaft came to an end right here it goes pretty deep so maybe there’s some diamonds down here

Okay we found some emeralds or just one emerald i guess here we go oh okay we found diamonds oh yeah right there okay let’s go over there and there oh there’s four okay that’s not too bad and we got some diamonds we got four diamonds not too bad

Finally i see daylight oh that took so long to find my way out slap down some furnaces and throw my iron in there let’s go and one jump cut away we got all the iron we need now let’s finish off the set of armor so let’s make a helmet and some boots and

Some pants there we go suit up make a shovel and now i’m fully decked on iron armor i’m the king of the jungle or i guess i should say the king of the ravine jump off into the water and and collect some water all right now let’s get some wood here

So i can start making my house in the mountains so let’s go over here and mine down this entire tree and a fast money montage away and the entire tree is gone and we got about four stacks of jungle wood not my favorite type of wood but hey it

Will do and these leaves won’t decay so you guys know what that means say it with me guys the cookie army will know i’ma grab some iron and make some shears yes we’re saying it i know you guys were type it in the comments but let’s go all the way back

Down to mine all those leaves and we just gotta collect all of these leaves what is your favorite type of leaves guys let me know in the comments all right there’s some leaves left but it did get like five stacks all right i’m gonna start working on a little

Bridge over to the mountain where i’m gonna make my house but let’s make a quick bridge all the way over there all right i think i want to use this side of the ravine or my little house right over here so let’s build it a little higher here and make a curve

Around this big rock just like that and we are on to the mountain right there so that is my little staircase but let’s start working on the little house over here so i’m gonna turn all the jungle wood into planks i hate using jungle planks but that’s all i have

And let’s start working on a little layout for the house i want to make a big window on the side of this mountain and these mountains are pretty tall so i have a lot of room to work with i have these big sections for windows so i need to find some sand

And now let’s start working on the ceiling up here And this is what it looks like on the side of the mound not too bad it’s not too bad i actually kind of like it it looks pretty good now i gotta make some support beams down here and i think we got a beautiful tony stark looking house

On the side of the mountain so let’s start working on the sport beams all right i got some support beams in maybe that’ll look a little better and let’s make the jump where did my water bucket go i guess i lost my water bucket i have no idea where it went but let’s

Jump down here all right it looks way better now with the support beams if only it had different color wood like if that spruce would but that’s what i got so far let’s find some sand so i can make some glass and make some windows for this tony stark looking house that’s

What we’re gonna name it we’re gonna name it the tony stark house oh there’s a lot of sand over there okay there’s a whole oh there’s a whole bottom of sand over there by the edge of the ravine let’s swim all the way over there and

Check it out oh yes i got my trusty shovel on me let’s go and i look so weird that looks so weird and let’s mine all this sand to get some glass all right three shovels later i got a lot of sand i didn’t think three iron shovels would give me that oh

My god oh my god okay that kind of scared me let’s head back to the house and smell this up and make some glass and one jump cut later we have all of the glass melted and now let’s fill it up into my house so let’s run up here

And fill it up with glass and there we go look how amazing this place looks with shaders all the shadows and all the little lines of glass and i have so much glass left over i have no idea what to do with it i might have to make a giant house

Like over there too with all this glass and now let’s finish off the stairs into my house because i kept climbing up like a monkey i think i’m gonna use my extra glass and cover up this entire area with a glass so i can have a view into

The cave i think that would be pretty cool but let’s keep working here i have a lot of work to do And here we have the staircase up to my house i just need to finish the rooftop and the flooring and i want to mine up this cave and add some glass finish this house up and start exploring some more because there’s just so much more to explore like all those trees and like

There’s so many places to go hey let’s keep working here All right the house is almost complete but everything is jungle wood and it looks disgusting but i have no choice so i i’m gonna have to keep going here is that a mob spawner oh never mind okay let’s finish this up and i’ll show you guys a

Finished product and there we go it’s completely finished i got the stairs done all jungle wooded out pretty gross but uh it’s not too bad for my first house it took a pretty long time now let’s move everything from that little farm to up there let’s add some

Chests here that should be enough chest for all of my items and let’s just throw everything in there all right i’m gonna do some exploring since i finished up my house this ravine is massive so let’s let’s go around and see what i can find all right there’s something over

Here maybe this will lead to something special but look at my house that looks pretty good from the distance it sticks out like a pimple though okay i haven’t been to that diagonal railroad over there it’s kind of on fire so let’s go check it out maybe all right there’s a lot of

Campfires here is this is this a building right here um okay it doesn’t look like it maybe it’s just putting me off yeah it doesn’t look like there’s anything over here so i think i’m gonna head home and start working on the house a little bit all right there’s a villager

Over here and he seems a little bit depressed in this corner he’s been staring at this corner for a really long time so i think i’m gonna carry him all the way to my house which will probably take a really long time i think the best way is to put him in a

Mine cart i think villagers can sit in my carts and make a little roller coaster for him up here through all the way to my base and drop him off to his death now i’m just kidding i’m gonna make a roller coaster all the way up to

My base so let’s grab some rails and a mine cart all right so let’s go in the mission to get as many rails as i can this is gonna take a lot of rails to get all the way over there across the ravine oh wait what is that that it leads to outside

Activator rails that’s pretty good though oh no what is hold up what is over here no oh my god what oh oh my god this is a whole nother section this is a whole second ravine what the what the heck i did not know about this

Oh oh my god there’s a ravager in here that’s a ravanger right my god oh my god oh my god bro that’s a villager on a freaking bear body that’s a villager head on the bear what is that thing what did i say beast from the mines

Oh my god that’s the villager right there okay there’s a chest in there maybe there’s something good in there but that thing is scary i’ve never where where do they come from like naturally oh my god okay let’s make sure we do not set him loose because he will cause some havoc but

Let’s try to get this chest because he’s guarding it pretty tight oh it’s right there let me get in this oh another scraps okay iron some gold or three diamonds oh my god we’re stealing all of his stuff sucks the sucker oh my god okay let’s let’s leave him be

Hopefully he doesn’t break out of there all right i came back to the villager still in the corner which is uh not surprising at all he seems pretty sad but anyways i got two stacks and 55 rails plus some activator rails so hopefully that will bring us all the way over to

My house all right i’m on a whole bunch of cobblestone and let’s make the path all the way over there this is gonna be a grind and this guy’s actually depressed oh my god look at this bridge it’s so long that’s what she said all right and let’s slap rail tracks all

The way throughout this bridge and we made it all right let’s go yeah i haven’t rode a minecart in so long oh yeah let’s go are we zooming baby we zoom in all right now let’s get this boy into the mine cart all right he’s still sad in his corner

So let’s give him a happy oh he’s leaving he’s leaving he’s going he’s going he doesn’t need a minecart oh are you getting it again oh yes okay let’s go buddy push you all the way up there i can’t believe i made this entire track just for one villager there’s no other

Villagers over there oh man what has my life become wait wait is that another v hello is that another villager oh my god there is another villager oh he was hiding here the entire time all right yo get in my get in my minecart i need you and we got

Two of them okay let’s go we can make our villager breeding area all right and i destroyed the bridge and the rails that took a pretty long time but the villagers are stuck right up there so now let’s head my way back there and start working on a villager breeding area

All right guys we’re going through puberty all right i want to build the villagers reading area on the side of the mountain too just like this house but like a little smaller all right before i begin i should probably make a farm so they have something to eat to breed so i’m gonna

Grab my carrots and replace my farm with a carrot farm because the villagers need to eat to breed close mine away this wheat and let’s plant down some carrots there we go and having this big window for a cave is pretty awesome i can see a skeleton with an enchanted bow and a

Spider in a corner without them even noticing me it’s like the camera see through glass let’s start working on the breeding area let’s make a staircase over there and this will be their house just starting right here because it’s just way easier so i’m gonna make

A big platform here just like that it kind of looks like a little hotel that i have for them i’m gonna make like another staircase to another hotel another one up there or something and it’s like they’re a hamster they just run to like house the house to

House and just have beds all over so they can breed and explore i’m a pretty good owner but let’s fill this all up with glass so they have a nice view of the entire ravine all right you know i had to make a big circle so it goes from a little house to

A real walkway here alongside this mountain into a big circle and this is where they’re gonna do most of the breeding where all the magic will happen all right i got the floor finished and the outline of the roof finished and now all i gotta do is fill in the roof and

Fill in the windows so i decided to make a little design on the roof and this is what i got so far it’s like a little star in the middle and just like these little thingy thingies and yeah i’m gonna fill it up with glass

And that is what i got wow i want to live in here what why is this nicer than my original house over there oh my all right let’s fill this up with a glass and there’s a creeper my base pushing these villagers and he’s coming for me

Okay i’m gonna have to kill him or push him off the edge okay i got him and now i got the ring finished i got all the glass in place and looks really good now the villagers have a really nice view of the entire ravine it looks really beautiful and now i just

Need to add some uh leaves obviously and some fences right here so they don’t fall off to their desk all right i got some fence gates i’m gonna put it right here so they can’t enter my house and excape i’m gonna put some fences here just in

Case um if they do escape and i’ll put some fences over here so i’m gonna make a little platform and hopefully they can’t jump out of here because maybe they could jump through here i might just add one more fence here actually just to be safe but

Now they have a walkway into their bigger home and place them all around here just add some greenery oh my look how beautiful these look the green looks so nice wow green leaves are just beautiful what a beautiful creation is that some leaves are along this little rock here inside their home

Just like that oh my god oh my that looks beautiful and they are free enjoy your new home guys i’m gonna quickly uh break this so they don’t all right enjoy your home they they seem a little bit nervous they won’t move okay i’ll let you guys

Explore on your own but let’s go check out my carrot farm see if there’s enough carrots to feed them i also need to make a sheet front because i don’t think i have any wool and i need wool to make some beds so they can start breeding

All right seems like all of it is grown which is uh pretty good so i’m gonna grab all of the carrots here replant it here and drop off the carrots to the villagers i don’t have beds for them you know what let’s just steal best from these guys i

Mean they don’t have a partner anyways they’re living alone so uh i’m gonna steal their beds all right but check it out i got the house here i need to add some support beams underneath so it doesn’t look like it’s floating all around all awkwardly but it looks pretty good

So far there are a lot of beds being in one of these uh ships here so let’s go check out this ship all right while exploring i remember seeing a lot of beds in these ships i’m gonna go check out this one maybe this one has a lot of beds all right let’s

Get in here i think this one is and yes there’s a lot of bunk beds here so i’m gonna take all that oh yes a lot of beds all right that’s a lot of beds all right i’m gonna place all these beds here i’m gonna place like at least

Two right here and i’m gonna place most of the beds over here so i can try to layer them over here and then let’s place beds all around here so bop bop i’m gonna have so many villagers i got beds ever i got beds everywhere there’s gonna be a sleepover

All right and they should start breeding now they should have enough food and oh he’s exploring he’s going he’s gone oh and he just did a u-turn all right all right all right but a lot of mossy is spawning in here so i’m gonna take some torches and light up this whole area

Because i’m gonna light up their area as well just in case and there we go it should be all lit oh he’s in he’s in all right oh welcome to your new home guys now we’re gonna call this guy osborne elias and we’re gonna call this guy questable

All right now i’m gonna go mining because i’m running out of stuff and i want to get a full diamond set of armor and tools so let’s quickly go mining here and we’re gonna aim for some diamonds and just realize i have a mind right under oh

Oh my ankles right underneath my base so let’s get it have you guys ever seen two veins of diamonds right beside each other oh my that is so lucky okay that was a two vayner oh this one please be five okay oh i burnt that one

That was another two wow okay i thought it’d be more well i only got three all right finally made of the caves that was a lot of mining though and it came back with 36 diamonds and let’s go all this hard work in the armor that’s gonna break within seconds so let’s make

All that take all this off and put on my diamond armor let’s go and let’s upgrade my tools so axe a pickaxe a shovel and a sword and we got the entire set just like that let’s go all right let’s check on these villagers and see if they have a baby

And they do not why won’t you guys have babies come on all right let’s get them some carrots and i hope they you know make the love and uh you know make the dream happen all right collect all of these this is the secret ingredient to having children

And eat up come on please i need some children all right i’ll be back in t-minus five minutes and better see a full-grown kid in college all right one eternity later i better see a full grown child here oh let’s go we go we got chili we got children we got a

Child let’s go good job boys i mean i mean boys and girls because you know yeah yeah yeah yeah anyways oh yes the inbreeding begins and i totally forgot about my pet pair he’s been living here all alone i totally forgot about him come on buddy come to

The new home he’s gonna be amazed on how much progress we’ve made he thought i just died or left him are you slowly coming i’ll take you up to our new mansion come on hurry up oh hurry up you’re taking too long and here he comes and welcome

This is your new home oh my god they have two what it was like five minutes apart they had another one so i don’t really know what to do right now but i have an idea since we’re in a master ravine it goes from bedrock all

The way to the sky limit i think what do you think is up there maybe there’s like a secret village or a secret world up there maybe there’s like a secret bunker up there that has like a whole bunch of secrets or a whole bunch of treasure for me to

Find so let’s let’s go check it out and there is nothing wow it’s just a fl it’s just a flat area there’s literally nothing maybe there’s some more stuff around this ravine let’s run around the ravine and see my house is right there but there’s literally nothing up here it’s just

Like a wasteland it’s just stone oh there’s a bear up here what when did you get up here i don’t have any seeds but there’s a parrot up here we could call him cookie oh my okay i might have to make the journey and push him all the way back home

Okay now money fell into a corner come on come on buddy come on oh we gotta save him guys we gotta save him all right yeah it’s gonna be impossible to save him he doesn’t want to be saved he don’t want to be saved don’t save her

Yep he’s a lost cost he wants to be on his own i guess i’ll let him be all right but let’s go back to my tony stark house let’s give a quick check on my villagers here i haven’t seen them in a while oh oh my god there’s an iron golem oh my

God it’s a whole family reunion out here i’m gonna grab more carrots and breed some more all right everybody eat come on get yourself some carrots yeah share it among yourselves oh they’re already making love on the spot so quick just right on demand what the heck a cat just ran

Into my house where did he come from he just ran up the stairs into my house what he just runs into my house rent free like that he ran through this entire bridge up the stairs into my house hold up you are not invited here oh i guess he’s

Already in here so might as well try to tame him all right come here buddy oh you’re so cute okay come here oh come on team um oh i have one one salmon left what he just he just just swallowed it all i have nothing left

Oh my he just ate all my my fish okay i’m gonna go fishing i’m gonna try to get some fish for the little cat and try to tame him oh i thought i was gonna miss i got kind of nervous there i got my fish around

There’s luck with the c2 on this that i got from a ship and let’s start fishing all right i got a whole bunch of fish and i got a natalia shell a lot of you guys were telling me in the comments is really good so i have no

Idea you guys gotta tell me in the comments but let’s feed this cat he’s still there hey hey buddy come on oh yes i got my first cat i’ve never had a cat before oh my god he’s so cute and if you guys didn’t know i actually got two cats in

Real life too so one of them is named cookie and one is named oreo they’re actually sitting right beside me so i’m gonna name this guy uh cream like the cream on my head alright it’s time to work in a new project here since i’m living in a

Ravine only world and it’s like jungly i have a lot of leaves i want to make like a leaf room because you know i love my leaves so i want to make it like above or below my house and it’s just gonna be a room full of leaves all right i’m gonna start

The little spiral staircase right here so it’s gonna go around this mountain and up on top or something like that all right so it’s gonna spiral into this mountain i’ll carve a little cave so the stair can go through it and i have like a little window or something here so uh

I’ll show you guys the progress all right this is the cave on mine though so far it goes like a little spiral right here and it’s gonna go on top of right there it’s pretty nice there is a cave right here i thought of a way to like

Have some glass to look down but i can’t think of anything it looks pretty awesome so far let’s finish up the spiral staircase and you know i have to add leaves in this cave come on it just makes it look so much better oh yes leaves man they’re so great oh look

At that that is amazing right there all right i got a little platform here and i want to make like a green house full of leaves and plants and everything this would be like the greenhouse of the entire ravine where i’ll live off the food

And live off the land or something so i cute cue the building montage I cannot believe i had enough glass to finish this entire thing i still have about a stack left a stacking a little bit more but now we’ve got a nice greenhouse let’s finish it up by adding some of the support beams or support pillars underneath the build oh yes that looks

So amazing i really want to make something over here now what should i make i’m thinking of something like a long cylinder thing i’m not sure but let’s start filling up the greenhouse with a whole bunch of farming stuff and make it useful my girlfriend ended

Up coming over so i’m gonna have to voice over a little bit but anyways i stole all the dirt from the carrot farm and replanted it into my greenhouse i also want to get some sand so i can plant some sugar cane and make an enchantment table soon i also stole some

Sugar cane from the nature and ran back to my house and i’m also questioning all of my life decisions because i don’t even know why i built my house so far up it’s getting pretty annoying running up there every time but once i got up to my

Greenhouse i slapped on all of the water buckets and then placed down all the sand for my sugar cane i hold the dirt and planted some wheat seeds and some carrots for my villagers it’s looking pretty snazzy i don’t even know why it’s that snazzy i’ve never said that before

In my life now i want to go to the nether and guess some nether right so we’re gonna make some another right armor and get some blaze rods so let’s try to get some flint here so i’m gonna make a flint steel and make a portal

All right we got some flint another one let’s turn that to a flint and steel and let’s go get some lava is my ravager still there oh i think he is still there um he’s still trapped in there so he’s probably really mad but we’re gonna leave him in there for now

There’s a lot of lava here so this will be the spot where i will make oh there’s the abandoned nether portal all right let’s go down all right turn it on obsidian and there is a super golden apple again another one there’s some gold and some fire charges okay it’s not too bad

I don’t remember how to make a uh another portal like the the speed runner way so i think it’s ah i think it’s something like this oh where does it go oh that that is not the spot that is not the spot and there we go not the cleanest way to

Make a portal but we got it and let’s light it up and let’s go to the nether all right i swear i always spawn in one of these volumes but let’s go find a bastion or a nether portal all right i’m right in the bastion hopefully this

Is the treasure ones or this could be the housing i have no idea what they even look like oh hoglands i do not like those guys i’m gonna stay away from that oh my god there’s a lot of hoglands around i probably should’ve brought more food that would’ve been a good idea

Hey there’s nothing here these looks like the housing ones all right the treasure chests are right down there but there’s a lot of guards i’m down here open this chest oh there’s a silk touch diamond pickaxe in here i’ve never seen one of those let’s take the obsidian yeah he’s mad

He’s upset take this one crossbow some arrows and a gold axe oh i probably don’t need that oh ancient debris okay that’s good that’s good all right i’ll see you guys later do the next area all right finally found myself another fortress that took quite a while

I don’t have a lot of food left and i need to kill a lot of blazes here so this might not be the best move here but let’s quickly make my way up here let’s kill some blazes oh there’s some wither skeletons already all right there’s a blade spawner right here

I got a blaze rods finally and let’s go monty for some netherrate it would have been a pretty good idea to start enchanting my pickaxe but i hate making mob grinders which is why i never enchanted my 100 days videos but i’m just gonna deal with it and just

Mine with a normal pickaxe i did a whole bunch of mining and my pickaxe is basically broken and i only got four more pieces of ancient debris so yeah not so productive so i’m gonna have to make a new pickaxe and an enchantment table i really need

To make a mob grinder though so i can get some xp i hate making mob grinders because they’re all so slow and this big ravine has a lot of caves so i’m gonna spend the next little bit chopping down some trees to get enough wooden materials to make another mob grinder

Yeah i did a pretty poor job chopping down this tree they’re just wood left everywhere since this room is useless i’m going to use this room as the mob spawner room it’s a pretty tight space but i think it will do all right this is what i got so far for

The pillar i wanted to add some glass to fit with the entire theme of my base and added some blocks up there so it stays dark in the dark room i want to try something different everybody does a normal dark room that’s a square right for a mob grinder

I want to try a circle one i’m not sure if it’s even possible but i really want to try a circuit one just because it looks way better and it’ll fit with the entire theme so i’m gonna give it a try i didn’t mind a bit of the mountain away

But this is what i got so far it overhangs the uh the greenhouse just a little bit but that should be fine and i want to try making this a circle design hopefully it works but let’s keep working all right this is the donut

Design i got i know i won’t get as many mobs as usual but it just looks so much better having it as a donut yeah that looks so much better this is looking like a hamster home it looks like a hamster home like that’s the wheel or something that’s like

Random place to take a run oh i’ll make my i’m oh i’m turning myself into a pet oh i finally finished the pizza but i still gotta work on the inside so let’s start on that i got the inside basically laid out put some little slabs here to prevent spiders from spawning

And now we can put the water buckets down our water is down and let’s pray it works jump down here ah break my ankle all right let’s pray it works if it doesn’t i’m probably gonna cry all right let’s wait here and see if any mob spawn all right i waited for like

Like 15 minutes and nothing has came down oh man i wasted all that time all that wood or that well i mean at least now i have a pizza in the sky it doesn’t look that bad but it’s not functional at all all right this is the next day and i

Only got about like six different mobs in here let’s check in the villagers though how did oh there’s a zombie right here how did you get out oh wait don’t kill my villagers and it’s a whole it’s a whole fiesta over here oh my god here everybody eats

Eat the rhyme flesh but i think today i’m gonna make a whole bunch of torches and go around lighting up all the caves around the area so all the moths will be spawning into the dark room and i can get a whole bunch of xp

Oh yeah this is where all the mobs are at they’re all spawning in these caves all right i used two entire stacks of torches to light up all the caves inside the mountain that took quite a while and now we just gotta wait and see if it will help the mob

Spawner spawn some mobs and it doesn’t look like it because it’s completely empty bruh while i wait though i’m gonna be harvesting my farm i wanna get enchantment table going soon i’ve also never fed my girlfriend before so i’m gonna breed both my girlfriends into a baby oh this is so wrong all

Right now i’m gonna make some bookshelves to make an enchantment table and here we go we got the enchantment table bookshelves and the enchantment table and this will be the spot where i’ll make it right beside the mob spawner so be a quick easy access

I made myself a little room and we got the enchantment table in let’s go and it’s not level 30 i need to get more bookshelves what the heck and there we go we got love with 30 enchantment table now just need levels all right now i want to give all these

Villagers a role because they’re all just sitting here homeless they they do have a home but they don’t have any jobs so let’s get them some jobs so let’s grab some flint so i can make a fleshing table i got one right here and let’s keep grabbing some

And the long journey all the way back out to my base oh the longest run ever and let’s make some fletching tables i got 11. that’s actually way too much all right but i’m gonna turn them all into fletcher so i can just trade a whole bunch or sticks get your jobs boys

Oh my god they’re all getting their jobs yup yup everyone’s uh everyone’s accepted no applications needed [Laughter] oh there’s some there’s some homeless guys that don’t want jobs like these two guys up there i do see a lot of bamboo down there like just chilling down here so i’m gonna

Make a big bamboo farm and this would be a perfect spot to get some sticks this bamboo is high i didn’t think it would be this high all right but let’s uh get all these to collect all of these uh bamboo here all right now i got a whole bunch of

Bamboo and instead of just planting on the normal terrain i would rather make a separate area just because i love building random stuff so i’m gonna make a separate area maybe over here just for bamboo or maybe right beside my greenhouse and it’s gonna tower but i think it’s gonna look pretty

Cool all right i made a little section from the farm just a little pathway right beside the mob grinder and i’m gonna make the bamboo farm right on top of the villagers because that’s where i’m gonna be grinding all those that they’re thinking you know blah blah yeah yeah you know what i’m

Talking about let’s get it all right i got this little platform right here that hugs this mountain and this is gonna be full of just bamboo that’s tower to the sky i’m gonna need a lot of dirt to plant all this bamboo so uh let’s get mining

All right and let’s plant all this dirt down and then put the bamboo on it and now it’s bamboo time time to fill up my entire face with bamboo oh this is gonna tower so high and it’s already growing so fast what bamboo grows insanely fast and now

To finish it off i just wanna add some support beams underneath it so it looks a little bit more natural i’m gonna put one right there i’ll put one over here and there we go we got four support beams and this one just on the side of

The mountain and let’s go check it out from the top let’s run over there right through the sugarcane farm around the mall farm and we got the bamboo oh my god it’s growing pretty high already and let’s light it up so no mob spawn and let’s harvest all

This bamboo because it finally grew all the way to the top oh it sounds so satisfying i love the sound of breaking bamboo what my sword already broke yeah that’s fast all right let’s collect all this bamboo here and start trading with the villagers and i have no more sticks left all right

This is gonna take a while all right i have three barrels full of stone swords and i’m just gonna grind all this bamboo for a couple of days and i’m gonna try to fill up all of these double chests with bamboo and just start trading like crazy with those villagers all right

After like 10 years i filled up i think three chests or three uh no five almost five almost five double chests of bamboo let’s turn all this into sticks all right give me all those emmys baby read all that go to the next villager trade all that

And we just repeat the process with all of these guys because there’s so many of them oh these guys dropped all their jobs they’re sick of it all right i’ll see you guys back when i trade all those double chests of bamboo I got four stacks of emeralds i don’t even know what to do with this to be honest but that took a lot of bamboo i end up gaining i think 16 levels and some of them are leveled up they’re not fully leveled up yet because i had to just switch around to

All of them but it’s pretty good i’m not even sure what to do with this now all right my pickaxe is gonna breaks too so let’s make a new one and enchant it with a fortune three let’s go fortune three efficiency four i’m breaking three that is ideal right there that is perfect

I’m also gonna enchant my chest plate uh thorns two that is pretty poo all right let’s disenchant this disenchant that and let’s enchant it one more time i’m breaking three please protection oh just on breaking should i risk it again doesn’t chat my pants uh fire protection for

That’s pretty bad all right let’s just let’s disenchant this and try to get protection for most of my armor here all right take my pants off enchanted i’m breaking three fire protection for a while all right i guess i guess i’ll take it but anyways i want to go to the nether

And get some nether right so i can turn everything into netherright armor and tools and trade with some piglens to get some ender pearls so we’re gonna kill the ender dragon and let’s go to the nether yeah i got efficiency 4 and fortune 3 now so this would be a lot faster

Oh yes that feels so much better all right let’s go get some ancient debris i finally got my first ancient debris after like 10 minutes look how much another rack of mined oh boy this is gonna be a long day all right i found three i found three

Now i got four in total let’s keep going all right my pickaxe is just about to break but i got 16 pieces of ancient debris pretty solid and let’s smell these bad boys up and let’s make some nether red ingots i will only make four oh wait i totally forgot five in my

Chest that i got from my early mining all right let’s smell these ones up too all right let’s upgrade all of my armor here bam bam bam and bam let’s get this pickaxe to netherright as well suit up and there we go we are fully decked out another right let’s go

I’m not sure why my audio didn’t record here but anyways i’ll just voice over this i took my blaze rocks and turned the blaze powder to make some eyes of ender to get ready to kill the ender dragon i also needed a bow so i went to enchant

My first bow and i got on breaking 3 power 4 punch 1. that is pretty good and i was off to find the stronghold once i got in i landed into the library i also ended up finding a mending book in one of the chests in the library

I finally ran into the portal put all the eyes of ender inside to light it up and i edited myself in once i spawned in i was like 15 blocks away from the main island i was pretty nervous so i spat bridge over there and the same old thing

Everybody knows about you shoot the portals with the arrows and blow them up and with the really high crystals i had the pillar up so i can shoot them alright that’s all i had to voice over back to live commentary all right there’s one one what all right

There’s one last crystal right here got that one and let’s kill the dragon bam oh there’s one all right we got him let’s go defeated the ender dragon all right let’s get this dragon egg our prized possession right click him and where did it go oh right there snatch that and head home

All right we are home with the dragon egg i’m not sure where to put this dragon egg though i kind of want to put it on this really tall piece this really top pillar or the one right here wait actually where is it am i blind oh it is right there

It’s blending in i think that’s what i’m gonna do so i’m just gonna end a pearl up there it’s gonna be right in front of my house and a pearl up there oh my god okay i just landed on the edge and let’s just swim up there all right

I’m all the way at the top let’s place the dragon egg right on the top here around the tip of this spike and let’s go down that is the dragon eggs home and just take a look at my base it looks amazing on the side of this massive ravine

Just floating up there there’s support beams everywhere the mob grinders in a circle i got some bamboo right there got a greenhouse the main area and the villagers home and the dragon eggs chilling up there but that’s my 100 days in a massive ravine and i’ll see you guys in the next video

Thanks so much for watching you

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a MASSIVE RAVINE Only World In Hardcore Minecraft…’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2021-06-03 12:00:05. It has garnered 6560401 views and 155035 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:40 or 2500 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in a MASSIVE RAVINE in Hardcore Minecraft I Survived 100 Days in a RAVINE ONLY WORLD 💖 GIRLFRIEND VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ZlBZwH5QSDc

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》”100 Days” Inspired by @LukeTheNotable

》Map Built by lowvoice (PeanutSized), Tia, Andrew, MrBalcom 》Patreon shoutouts: Hunter, TunaSalad, SlaydePlayz, Max

Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! 🍪❤️

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  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

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    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

I Survived 100 Days in a MASSIVE RAVINE Only World In Hardcore Minecraft…