Insane Cash & Breakouts: Top 5 Minecraft Prison Escapes!

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All right guys help me get a lot of this stuff what do we need exactly uh sugar nuts and lettuce oh gosh I’m running out of all that in my house here I have tomatoes for you all right I’ll go check out Juliet we are ready no howdy cash

It’s been a great day for me you think you can spot me again I didn’t bring any money this time I guess so you know it’s been quite a while since there’s been a robbery robbery what where did that come from there’s usually robberies and since I’m spotting you you’re technically

Robbing me but I’m spotting you oh okay I hope you don’t get any robberies anytime soon Juliet yeah that would be terrible my day is going so great this is a robbery what no no who is that everyone get down St down okay I’m getting down okay okay I’m down I’m down

All the money in the register now okay okay we have like two bucks give it to me okay okay I’m sorry Juliet call the police here there’s like $2 I’m sorry yeah give me that stuff okay I’m calling the police I’m pressing the button do it

I’m getting out oh uh hey Mr police officer I’m just going to go by you hey hey have a good day sir hey police police what are you doing come with me you’re going to jail wait what what the rubber just passed you let’s go no time

To talk I’m not going anywhere man police officer it wasn’t D oh yeah you think you’re not going anywhere yeah I’m not going anywhere okay okay I’m going I’m going I’m going come on to the jail oh my gosh guys I can’t believe we actually got trapped in here yeah how

Did this happen again I have no idea at least we have no cellmates this time right yeah true ah wait what oh no a e e oh my gosh we need to escape out of here I’m not trying to stay with e this hey don’t you know how to escape buddy

No I thought you knew how I don’t know how to escape every time I’ve tried it’s failed that is not true yeah it is I’m pretty sure it works kind of frequently with you to why do you think that I’m not that good of an Escapist oh yeah

Yeah I know you’re a lying what do you mean you know how to escape really yeah remember that at one time and we were like talking Nico where are we I don’t know I just woke up what me too I could have sworn I had a dream about going to

School is this our school I don’t know it doesn’t look like it yeah it looks a little different wait a second we’re in a classroom and we’re locked in how did we get here cash and why I don’t know let’s find a way out of this classroom

Though Nico you find anything no but look cash your zombies outside what are you serious oh my gosh Nico are we trapped in a zombie school oh my gosh I think we are we need to escape cash and start flicking levers okay maybe one of these

Will open the door Nico I just saw them open wait what which one it’s this one we can make it out oh let’s go but cash are you sure there’s zombies oh gosh hide in a locker maybe I’m hiding in the opposite Locker cash what do we do okay

Nico I’m just going to make a run for it just try and Dodge them best you can oh gosh what what what do we do oh gosh I’m at a dead end no me too oh gosh where do we go from here oh I think I see an

Entrance right over here come on come on we had a refuge in this classroom okay what do we do here it’s just another classroom and I don’t think it has anything for us oh gosh Nico zombies are coming in hurry up okay I’m just going

To go in the corners and flick all these levers oh yeah why are there levers everywhere okay I’ll get this one Nico oh I can’t reach it hold on okay you know what I’m just going to break these leaves okay now I can reach it I flicked

Did Nico let’s go I wonder what those levers did though maybe they opened some sort of thing let’s check these lockers to see if they have anything yep oh wait were those doors open before Nico uh that was a dead end hallway cash so I think these are new yeah you’re right

I’m pretty sure this is a new area oh my gosh there’s stairs leading down where is this going to go to oh gosh this place is so scary okay let’s just see what’s down these stairs uh of course there’s more zombies oh gosh cash we got to dodge them it’s okay they’re pretty

Easy to get around but I I think we’re in a cafeteria now okay I’m just going to kill these zombies they’re getting really annoying yeah me too and we have to use our fists cuz we don’t have any weapon yep but we’ll find weapons soon yep okay I think this one’s almost dead

There we go and let’s go cash okay now we’re in the cafeteria area but where are we supposed to go from here there’s nothing really in here cash wait I see a door over here maybe there’s something back here in the kitchen I think you

Might be right uh nope just a bunch of empty chests okay this place is just useless let’s just go back to the main cafeteria the zombies must have raided it I wonder what this whole system is it looks like a bunch of vents wo yeah you’re right and maybe this could take

Us to different parts of the school yeah let’s try and get inside but I think the entrance is up here and we have no way to get up there how are we going to do that okay let’s see we don’t have a pickaxe so we can’t break these blocks

Maybe we can break the bottoms of these chairs yes and these are scaffold blocks oh my gosh you’re right cash let me get some of these yep and and then we can use these to build up to the vent maybe Yep this is such a good idea okay I’m

Going to build up to it Nico that’s so smart let’s go okay now I’m just going to climb upwards and let’s see okay I can’t go that way so I guess I’m going to have to fit in here and let’s just use this trap door to make us crawl wa

That’s so cool and oh gosh I feel cramped yeah me too let’s get out of here as quick as possible I hate being in these vents yeah me too it just smells like dirt dir socks up here yeah it’s stinky okay whatever let’s just

Find a way down and oh I think there are some rooms below us here and those could lead us to the Escape cash why is it so hard to get out of this school yeah these just seem like other classrooms I think I’m just going to go back this way

Okay maybe there’s something over here yep oh my gosh he’s vent justly to other classrooms you’re right oh my gosh we don’t need to go to another classroom we need to go somewhere else yeah all right let’s try this passageway oh I think this one looks a little different I’m

Following right behind you cash okay this one has a button on the wall and a trap door underneath it but I’m not going to press that yet I’m going to go to these ones over here first oh yeah you’re right these on also have buttons

Too yeah okay you know what I think I’m going to go down in this one Nico you go down in one of the other ones oh gosh I’m going this way cash we’re split up okay here we go oh we just got put in the same room are you serious what the

Heck uh okay whatever let’s see what we can get from this room it looks like a theater room maybe and wo there’s a lot of seats yeah but this isn’t going to help us at all we need to find a way out of here still there’s a locked iron door

Right here which leads to a hallway and there seems to be another double door at the back which is the only place we can get through wo why is this place all crumpled down cash I don’t know I think we just have to go downstairs there’s nowhere else to go okay what’s around

Here G more zombies Nico oh gosh that’s terrifying just try and get past them oh my gosh how do we even get through these doors all these doors are locked no wait the one at the back has buttons next to it okay kill these zombies and then we

Can get there Nico okay let’s go just keep hitting them with your fist we don’t have any weapons yet so we can’t really fight these guys yeah come on just die already yes I got one and the last one and let’s go okay I’m eating

Rten flesh oh gosh ew okay whatever oh I don’t feel so good these classrooms don’t seem to have anything for us and we can’t even get through them so let’s just go to the end let’s flick the button and wao where are we now what the heck this looks like some sort of

Teacher’s lounge it has a couch here and a desk over here and look C we even have a chest oh yeah I didn’t even see this okay let’s see what’s inside and we got wooden swords why would teachers keep wooden swords under their desk that’s

Weird I have no idea but where are we supposed to escape from too I don’t know there’s nothing else in this room and this whole hallway is just a dead end yeah that’s kind of weird weird maybe we can search around behind this desk H oh

Nico I just went through the wall what how did you do that it’s this painting look it has a secret entrance behind it wo and it looks like it drops down to what is that is that water oh gosh is that going to be a sewer cash I hope not

I hate sewers but let’s just go in oh gosh okay I’m coming right after you uh Nico I don’t know if we’re in the sewers this looks like some sort of basement what the heck why is a basement under his school this is all so weird to me I

Know right and it just looks like a dead end with bookshelves and a button on top okay let’s just try pressing this button oh and it opens up a secret entrance Nico wao and this is behind bookshelves cash okay I’m coming with you and oh gosh be careful there’s zombies here

Okay good thing we have swords now Nico it’s fine yep we can kill these guys a lot easier come on nice but what is this area now oh look above us the ceiling is broken wao that’s so weird I think this is some sort of abandoned school yeah

And you can tell because there’s a bunch of zombies just roaming around yeah but since when did zombies infest schools this is so weird this is giving me a creepy Vibe me too oh ni I think this is the nurse’s office cuz look there’s beds

Here and it has the first aid sign and since it’s a nurse’s office that means we could probably find medicine yeah but where would we find medicine I already checked the cabinets here well maybe these ones oh yeah oh wait potion of levitation what take some of those Nico

And wao these ones have instant health potions oh those are going to be so useful I’m going to take a couple levitation potions yeah we can use those against the zombies but what are we supposed to use levitation potions for well I’m pretty sure we’re stuck at this

Room cash and there’s an iron door right there which means we probably need to go to the second floor oh you’re right okay you know what I’m going to drink it right here Nico and I’m going to start going up me too oh gosh am I going to

Have enough time so slow okay come on come on come on oh let’s go I made it Nico me too just barely oh gosh we’re still floating we’re still floating it’s okay I dropped where are we now it appears like we’re in the second floor of the nurse’s office which is so weird

Because there’s one right below us yeah why would there be two floors is there anything in here no no this place is like a wasteland cash I know but we just have to escape so let’s go out from here okay okay I’m following your lead cash I

Do not want to see zombies again oh I think I hear some Nico oh gosh oh no are they what is this is this a locker room okay come on come on we got to kill them just stand on top Nico look they can’t reach us here that’s perfect let’s go

Okay now just kill them from up here don’t get hit because then if you get bitten you’ll get infected and then you’ll turn into a zombie too I don’t not want to turn into a zombie yeah me neither okay so now that we’re in a

Locker room where do we go from here I don’t know let’s just start opening the lockers and see if they have anything okay yeah most of these are pretty empty oh what Nico look look what this one has behind what a secret door yeah but

Before I go in there I’m going to see if there’s any other secrets that I missed and nope these all look empty besides that one H that’s weird okay well let’s just go through the secret entrance then okay and it looks like we’re in another hallway oh my gosh this school is never

Ending I know I just want to get out already okay I guess we’ll just see what’s in here and oh gosh more zombies and it’s a baby one this time oh God gosh don’t worry I’ll get it for you Nico don’t be scared come on exterminate these guys cash I’m trying there’s one

More left come on nice there we go let’s go what is this room now I have no idea why do we have to go through every room just to escape hm there seems to be some sinks over here and some more lockers nope these are just cabinets Nico do you

See anything uh no nothing in particular cash all I see are more vents but with vents which means we could get to another room so we have to figure out a way to get up there yeah but there’s no entrance anywhere oh wait I think I see

One actually how are we supposed to get up there I have no idea maybe we can find some sort of way to parkour there so that leads down here which leads over here okay Nico I think I have a plan okay I’ll follow your lead all right so

Just come to this door and jump up like this what how did you just do that well everyone knows how to do that but now we can jump up here and then get on top of this brewing stand God it and then we can make it up to the vent right here

Let’s go and from here we could just use the trap door to crawl and go through the vent okay I’ll follow you cash and it looks like we’re being sent to another classroom are you serious wo this place is absolutely massive and wao there’s zombies under us what how did

Those guys get there Nico just try not to get hit I’m going to kill them from up here okay me too me too there we go I got one oh gosh get that baby this guy’s deadly because he’s super fast yep and I think it’s safe to go down cat there one

More what do you mean oh gosh get him keep your distance I will okay now that we’re in this classroom let’s see if we can get any sort of Clues to how to escape there’s this worn down area right here yeah I don’t think we can get

Through there and there’s a bunch of bookshelves above us all I see are a bunch of seats let’s check maybe these closets have something nope oh wait why is there water right here what where is this going to go to I have no idea but I

Think it’s our only way out cuz I don’t see a doorway anywhere or any buttons so let’s take it Cash go okay I guess I’ll go first here we go it’s pushing me up Nico what the heck wao wao what where are we now is this the front of the

School H it looks like we’re in some sort of front yard and there’s trees around us oh gosh Nico there’s zombies I got you I got you kill it thank you uh there’s more out there too try not to get bitten just leave them just leave

Them no I have to go kill them so they don’t sneak up on us oh gosh cash look how big this school was we were in this thing I know right no wonder it took so long to escape kill the rest of these zombies with me cash I don’t think we’re

Out just yet because look we have no way to get outside the fences H maybe we can find some way to climb over them let’s see I’ll go to the end here and wa this is a whole new area and it looks like there’s a parkour from the roof to that

One so somehow I have to get on top of this roof but I have no idea how to do that okay let’s just make it back to the front where is cash I found something what oh is it this ladder it was right in front of us this whole time what yeah

But how are we even supposed to climb it it’s all crisscross yeah but you can still climb it cat you just got to be very careful look okay I’ll try make sure not to oh gosh make sure not to follow oh my gosh okay I’m almost up

Nice now we’re on top of this school what look how big this thing is I know right we are so high up right now I do not want to fall off oh my gosh it’s that is that a whole gym yeah and this is what I saw earlier it seems to be

Some sort of Parkour over to that roof okay I’m just going to do this parkour wish me look oh gosh cash don’t fall you will break your legs if you fall from this height yeah and that sounds really bad oh gosh gosh Come on nice now we

Just have to go across here oh gosh Nico look there’s zombies in the gym what H do we drop down yeah I think so there’s water for us so let’s go okay kill these zombies though Nico watch out come on oh gosh but wait cash is your sword

Breaking too yeah mine is almost done for don’t worry Nico I’m going from around I’ll kill these ones behind you come on no my sword broke are you serious oh gosh what are we going to do without a cash I have no idea but hey there’s a chest over there I’ll go loot

It you keep fighting off the zombies Nico okay got it and it has iron swords for us okay I’m bringing you one while you fight them come up here guys I need you quick there you go there’s your iron sword and kill these zombies zombes I

Got you let’s go oh my gosh this iron sword is so powerful I know right and now we’re in the gym so Nico do you want to play basketball uh sure okay here we go I’m traveling across what are you doing guys ah I’m going to score let’s

Go h i missed nope I got you come on N Nico you suck okay whatever we have to escape this school yep I do not want to be here any longer yeah okay so this seems to be the basketball area but there’s another one on that side how do

We get there oh I see the exit it’s on the other side oh my gosh that means we can get out of this gym and then Escape oh wait I think it’s all blocked off with iron bars and there’s a zombie in there oh no and there’s no way for us to

Even get on that side there’s no entrance I think we have to find something cash there must be something hidden on these stands because there’s no way else to get out cash look what I found a button yep what is a button going to do oh I just heard a piston

What where did that lead to Nico I saw it wait press it again oh my gosh it leads to a secret entrance in the stands oh okay go cash go okay I made it now come down with me I’m going next where are we now are we outside again wo and

It looks like we’re in the playground area but we’re not free yet because it looks like we’re still blocked in by these walls and there’s more zombies oh gosh cash all right let’s just kill the rest of them Nico come on come on nice okay now how do we get outside of these

Walls um I don’t know it looks like this is a parkour area should we try and jump on these maybe yeah yeah I think so that would be a good idea okay I’m just going to run really fast through this whole thing let’s go come on be careful this

Is really high up don’t worry I’m really fast Nico and there’s water down there okay I have to make this big jump let’s go let’s go nice job Nico and now it seems like we’re on some sort of football field and wao this place is

Massive cash I know right I have no idea where we are and how do we escape this school I don’t know there’s like no escape and there’s so many more zombies this is so annoying oh gosh just die already okay Nico we have to find a way

Out of here but wait cash do you see this son yeah I do it’s burning the zombies let’s go okay that means it’s going to be easier for us to escape let’s go oh my gosh but don’t let him hit you cuz they’re going to set you on

Fire if they do that would be really bad okay maybe there’s a little secret in one of these goals I’m looking around everywhere nope W wao there’s like a cool little track here Nico you want to do a race sure I bet you I’ll win okay

Ready first to cross the line on that side wins okay 3 2 1 go oh my gosh I’m ahead of you niik I’m going to win no I’m ahead of you what do you mean no you’re not look I’m like a few pixels ahead come on what do you mean I’m way

Ahead of you no you are not let’s go and I win that was obviously me Nico what are you talking about what do you mean oh my gosh whatever fine I guess it’s a TI okay well we still don’t have a way out and I’ve been looking for secret

Things everywhere C you just pass by something what do you mean look a chest how did I miss this what’s in here Nico it’s just a couple of iron bars I don’t know what we’re supposed to do with these yes that’s super important you could use those to climb the fence ooh

Maybe you’re right let’s do it I’m just going to connect the iron bars right here and here and now we should be able to parkour oh gosh this is a little hard oh let’s go but Nico look we’re surrounded by a bunch of lava now what

How are we going to get out of here what happened to this parking lot why is it filled with so much lava I don’t know but I’m not going to question it because there’s literal zombies inside that school yeah just parkour above it Nico we got this be careful cash don’t worry

I’m a master at parkour look okay I’m following you let’s go nice okay now there seems to be oh gosh there’s some holes in the ground Nico try not to fall in oh gosh be careful oh my gosh I just saw you jump over that hole cash that

Was really dangerous yeah but I don’t even know where to go from here we’re just in some big parking lot maybe one of these has a secret entrance no wait look there’s a school bus Nico oh my gosh what I think that’s our Escape oh

My go cash we can use this one to drive home let’s go okay Nico I think the school bus stopped driving okay where did we end up hopefully not another zombie school I don’t know wait are we back home look oh my gosh wait are we in

Our village yep finally I don’t know if that was a bad dream or what but I’m just so glad we escaped thatb zombie school yeah me too that was crazy let’s go let’s go wao where am I Nico where are we Nico is that you where are you

Josh what is this place I don’t know it looks like we’re in some sort of gumball machine yeah and this is just a huge Dome hold on Nico I hear you but I don’t know where you are oh I see you hi guys okay I’m coming over stay right there oh

My gosh this place is huge I know but how are we supposed to get out of of here there’s no Escape I have no idea I guess we’re going to have to look around look there’s a slime ball Gumball I want to go jump on that oh my gosh it’s going

To be super bouncy let’s go I know H this is so much fun but it’s not helping us find our way out Nico I know these gumballs are actually huge I don’t even know if I could eat one me too let’s just start looking for exits H wait look

I see the bottom Nico wait what let’s slowly go down there try not to die those must be where the gumballs go down oh yeah you’re right maybe that’s how we go out oh my gosh cash this is the best escape plan ever yeah we’re going to

Have to go through the entire machine so let’s just go okay okay come on open the door nice it can’t be too hard right I hope not let’s just try and get out of here as quick as possible yeah me too all right let’s go uh where are we now

What why is this in a gumball machine oh Nico look this is money look it’s dollar bills and coins I guess this is where all the money goes when you put it into the machine oh that makes sense what but it’s so dusty and ew there’s cobwebs

Everywhere let’s get out of here e oh this money is not good I don’t get it where do we go from here though there seems to be no Escape maybe there’s an area we can climb up cash our search egg okay oh Nico look what I found there’s a

Ladder right here a ladder well that might be useful but how are we going to get up there I don’t know wait is that a button look a button oh my gosh I blended right into the wall I know oh my gosh look it opens those doors but how

Are we going to get up there cash H the only way I can see is with this ladder but I have no idea how we’re supposed to get on this ladder H maybe we could try a parkour yeah that’s going to be a pretty hard jump though so let’s try it

Out maybe from here nope that is way too far away what about from here come on oh that might work Nico you just have to be really close with the jump oh I was almost there this is really precise let’s just keep trying I know one of us

Will get it soon let’s go I made it look oh gosh here wait I’m just going to press press the button and get out of the way oh I’m stuck no well it looks like you’re going have to redo the jump cash it’s okay it’s pretty easy but you

Have to be really fast when you press that button nice Nico nice let’s go okay now I got to press the button and then quickly jump oh gosh I’m stuck go Nico just press the just press the button again okay come on nice and let’s go

Okay I’m on my way Nico wait for me let’s go okay I finally made it onto the ladder and now I just need to press this button and go so here we go yes I made it let’s go you barely made it cash but now we’re on the next room but what is

This place this looks like a bunch of wires maybe we’re in the insides of the gumball machine I think we are look there’s just a bunch of wires going everywhere and there’s a bunch of buttons everywhere wo this place looks so weird I know let’s just start pressing random buttons maybe it’ll show

Something hidden yeah that will probably help out there’s a lever up here but I have no idea what that would do oh wait did this lever just activate the top look it is what do you see that it looks like a Target oh my maybe we’re going to

Need to hit that Target block let’s keep searching yeah we have no way to reach it from here so let’s see H none of this stuff seems to do anything what about this lever H oh wait Nico look look behind you what a chest that lever just activated this secret door and this

Chest has a bow and arrow now I’m pretty sure we can just hit that Target block but I don’t know what this thing leads to so another Secret Door are you serious oh my gosh this gumball machine is huge cash I know and what is this the

Maze that doesn’t sound very promising a maze is a bunch of Labyrinth cash oh gosh I hate mazes hopefully I can get through this one pretty quick come on oh gosh this thing is huge yeah and I’m already lost me too this is actually so confusing I know wait I think I’m near

The end Nico come on it’s got to be here somewhere oh is this the end it is oh my gosh what I thought that was the start but it turns out it was the end let’s go that was much easier than I expected I I hope we’re close to the end soon we’ve

Been in this machine for a while and wo what is this this room looks all run down and disgusting and why would this even be in a gumball machine it looks so gross yeah and who eats gumballs this big yeah well I think we can make it up

There if we just do this parkour Nico so let’s go let’s go I’m following you cash okay try not to fall this looks pretty easy so far yep pretty simple oh we got to jump around these leaves next nice nice oh gosh you got this Nico and I’m

At the end let’s go okay I’m following you and boom we made it up but there seems to be two chests here and wo they both have iron armor and golden apples wo this is so good I wonder why we would need that though that makes no sense

Let’s just go in okay Nico I’m following you oh gosh Nico look there’s Wither Skeleton watch out gosh help me don’t worry I’m helping you use your iron sword I’ve used my golden apple oh gosh I’m getting low you’re right me too oh did we kill them oh what that was easier

Than I thought yeah what were they doing inside here that’s so weird and it just looks like another wiring room what is all this wao I have no idea where to go we came from here let’s see is there any entrances out here I have no idea we

Should find it oh look there’s one right here we could just exit from here let’s go Nico we’re finally making it through I’m following you cash this place is so scary but wo look at this place what is this a slime block parkour I think it is

I think we just go on this block and make it over here oh gosh Nico I’ll get out of your way let’s go oh sorry cash it’s okay now I think there’s a honey wall here and I’m pretty sure I know how these things work so when you touch them

You stick to them and you can walk across just like this oh on the very edge what yep it’s so weird because Honeys aren’t full blocks you can actually partially walk inside of them that’s so cool I know right okay let’s keep going onto this ladder and now

Let’s Jump Around want to make sure not to fall Nico ladder towers are always scary I know and wao where do I go from here I see the exit up here but this block is too high oh never mind there’s a slime block right there and we can use

It to bounce up on the next block yep and now we’re taking the ladder up I think we’re going to the end now oh never mind we still don’t reach there maybe I have to jump on this slime block and make it over here oh gosh that was

Kind of hard okay come on nice and now I think we can make it over here and wao what is this thing what the heck this looks like a weird Contraption cash wait move out of the way Nico look I think I found out what to do this button

Connects to the piston and this piston pushes these slime blocks and if you look over there those slime blocks would push us through the hole so I’m going to start jumping and press the button oh gosh I made it what okay my turn let’s

Go wo that was so cool oh my gosh Nico what the heck is this a room I have no idea I can see the outsides of the gumball machine and the red cash your favorite color let’s see what’s in this chest hm it has Trident and a boat I

Wonder what we use these for H I’m not sure maybe we could use the boats and place them on the ice cash oh you’re right because boats go really fast on Ice where is this even going to take us oh gosh it’s a really fast ice course

Nico watch out what that’s actually so fun let’s try and go super Speedy Cash okay this thing’s so hard to control though I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do it oh gosh I’m crashing into the walls oh my gosh I’m going to beat

You no you’re not I’m so going to beat you Nico oh gosh I crashed again no I’m going to beat you I’m going to beat you let’s go I’m better than you look I’m going to make it first come on I see the

End I see the end yes oh gosh oh gosh go woohoo I made it Nico and look how far behind you are what how did I end up that far oh my gosh well we at least made it to the finish line and that was

A pretty fun course yeah that was so fun but we still have to escape Nico no time to play around okay let’s go I’m going to grab my boat just in case we need it yeah we would not want to lose it yeah you’re right so let’s keep going wao

What is that that is a water pool cash then means you can just jump down okay I’m coming with you but where are we now this place looks so cool Nico I don’t think you should be wandering around I think there’s a way to get out of this

What do you mean I’m saying with the Trident we can get in the water and shoot ourselves up just like this oh that was so cool cash let me try oh gosh Nico wow look and there seems to be some water platform so if we use our

Trident we could just shoot up to every single one wao that’s so cool I know let’s keep going the next one’s right here oh gosh this is getting kind of hard and this one is around a wall so maybe I could just jump over it like

That oh gosh I failed Nico oh gosh that’s so risky cash and oh I failed too what don’t worry we could just go from the beginning that one was so difficult yeah but here we we go try number two this should be easy this time let’s just

Go through every single one and now I’m back where I was this time let’s just jump up oh I made it this time let’s go oh and I made it this time that was a close one okay let’s just keep going this way oh I made it oh this one looks

Difficult but I got it nice next one right here oh gosh I’m so low come on and let’s go nice job Nico I’m going to heal up a little bit so I don’t die got it I’ll go first then next one’s over the wall and come on nice all right my

Turn let’s go oh my gosh I barely made it and look it’s a blue coral my favorite color yeah but where is the next water supposed to be at oh I think I see it all the way over there oh you’re right all right I’m going to try

And make it let’s go I made it come on and me too nice job wo the next one seems to be a little harder I I think you have to land right inside the water oh gosh oh you got to go right to the middle that’s so cool I know I’m going

To shoot up to this one nice come on and let’s go okay I think this is one of the last ones so try not to fail at the end Nico I never fail cash oh and I just took fall damage what the heck you’re silly okay I’m just going to jump

Straight to the last jump and oh my gosh Nico I made it on top look me too last one let’s go oh go oh my gosh you just fell all the way down okay I’m coming with wo gosh this level looks so insane yeah I know right what are we supposed

To do here I have no idea oh my gosh look in the chest we get elytra and fireworks what I’m going to put this on and I’m pretty sure we have to fly through each one of those circles wao and we have to dodge the edges cash

Because if we hit them too fast we’ll die yeah you’re right I’m just going to take this slow and make sure I get each one I’m going cuz I’m super good oh gosh oh gosh Nico don’t die oh gosh I’m getting so low oh gosh oh gosh and oh oh

My gosh Nico did you just die yeah but fortunately cash when we die we get restarted back where we left off oh really that makes it so much easier and I did it let’s go oh oh my gosh Nico well there’s no water at the bottom so

We’re going to have to take some damage here oh gosh nope I’m just going to Boom clutch oh that was smart I probably should have done that too let’s go H how are we still not out yet I have no idea cash but this room looks so scary why

Are there villagers held hostage here I have no idea and there’s no way to even get across this lava e either hold on Nico maybe there’s a secret under this lava I’m just going to jump straight in oh Nico there’s no secret I’m trying to

Look oh man I guess I got to follow you in search somewhere else and nope no secret and good thing we still spawn up here or else I would not have done that H let’s see this must have to do something with these villagers I wonder

Why they would be in there wait cash look what below them there’s a weighted pressure plate wait how do you even see that look just come over here real quick okay oh I see it you’re right which means that we might have to open the trap door underneath them and then make

Them come down here wait Nico uh just step on the pressure plate real quick oh okay oh I guess I guess like I’m going it doesn’t look like it does anything H let me try something I’m going to go step on that one while you step on this

One okay okay nothing appeared to change if I go over here and step on this one though what happens wait Nico I think I see a door opening up there what I swear look it’s on that wall oh my gosh cash here’s what we got to do use your elytra and get out

Yep and we have to figure out how to get these villagers down to those pressure plates yeah these are iron trap doors so I can’t break them let’s see H what about these chests over here this one just has two bows in it what are we

Going to use bows for H maybe I can use it to shoot you no cash it’s definitely not for that oh gosh I just used my only arrow wait what’s in this chest though probably the same thing oh wait never mind it has a bunch of arrows which

Could be used to shoot something but shoot what exactly probably the villagers right no if we kill the villagers there won’t be a press in the pressure plates you silly oh gosh you’re right about that what was I thinking it’s okay cash maybe we can use it to

Shoot some sort of thing maybe it’s supposed to hit that Target block there but how are we supposed to hit that I think I shot it at the right angle come on oh that was way off let me show you how it’s done it’s like this oh I still

Missed so close wait come right here and shift and you get a little bit better angle oh you’re right okay I only have four arrows left so I better make this count I hit it and look the villagers fell the V dropped and the door opened

What oh my gosh where are we now it’s like Pitch Black in here I know I can’t see anything except you oh gosh what is this is this an end room and it looks like if we fall down we’re going to go to the end oh never mind look it’s just

Barrier blocks what the heck this looks so weird if you look into it so don’t look into it too much cash oh my gosh this is hurting my eyes my brain okay yeah let’s just not look at that I think this room is meant to mess us up and

Make sure we don’t parkour very well so let’s try and beat this okay I suggest just don’t looking at it yeah I don’t like the way it looks just parkour above come on and oh no oh my gosh Nico you’re going to have to go through there I’m

Going to try and get out of this room it’s hurting my eyes yeah me too let’s go quick I’m going I’m going I can’t believe this is all in a gumball machine though this is insane I know right who would do this I have no idea probably

Some sort of Mastermind okay Nico I’m almost at the end yeah and they’re definitely evil don’t worry I’ll wait for you to get here let’s go come on now jump on that ladder nice oh and you’re already here okay I’ll make this next jump for you come on okay I’m going nice

Now you just have to make that head hitter nice and now we can make it last two and let’s go I don’t want to be in that room I know right the floor is so weird let’s figure out our next Escape okay and now I think I think we’re on

The next part Nico oh gosh more damage oh no get me out of here this place is so scary Nico Nico come help me oh gosh cash cash you need to put on your chest plate what are you doing oh my gosh I didn’t even realize I didn’t have it on

Okay fight these guys come on I’m going to use my bows wait actually is the Trident stronger oh you’re right I should be using this thing and oh gosh they’re both targeting you Nico oh gosh oh gosh just use the pillars to your advantage look they can’t get you if you

Hide here I died it’s okay though I spawn back don’t worry about it oh nice all right I’ll help you out I’m going to use my Trident I’m going to use the pillars come on no I died these guys are so strong for no reason well maybe it’s

Cuz they’re huge yeah oh we killed one Nico nice get this next one let’s go we’re one step closer and come on just a couple more hits let’s go we beat them those guys were so big and annoying yep I agree but now we’re in another ruined

Room and there’s a bunch of weird stuff around here yeah and the Escape has like no buttons anywhere what the heck so I guess we’re going to have to figure out another puzzle let’s try and go back maybe there’s something there gosh wait there’s no button here either we’re

Trapped Nico what do we do I don’t like it here I don’t like it either Nico we got to stop crying what are we doing yeah you’re right we are big and strong we could do this let’s figure this out o look over here found a chest oh a CH

That’s a good start yeah and it has a diamond pickaxe in it what could we use that to do I don’t know look around the room for something that we can mine we have a bunch of leaves here but I don’t think there’s any point in mining these

Maybe some cracked place in the walls that we can mine oh wait Nico I think there is wait what yeah look it’s the only cracked bricks in this entire room try and look for more oh yeah you’re right what yeah there’s something off about this should I mine it yep I think

You should cash okay let’s go look another chest and look what it has inside a button and we can use that button to open the door oh my gosh that is so smart oh my gosh I knew complaining would to help a thing yeah why are we even crying in the first

Place okay let’s just get out of here yep and oh gosh there seems to be more water what the heck is this another room wait I don’t think it is Nico no way we made it out and look we could see the gumball machine from here what we were

Inside that thing yep we got trapped inside the whole thing and look Nico if you put on your elytra again you can use your fireworks to fly all the way back up to the top what the heck no I don’t want to go back up this place is so

Scary well I’m not worried because now I have elytra and look we can check out the gumballs again this is so cool what oh my gosh this is where we started from and if we go out the top we can also find where we exited from oh gosh I’m

Going so fast oh God me too I’m going straight down I’m following you cash oh gosh okay yep we’re at the bottom again I can’t believe we made it get a smooth Landing let’s go nice to be honest that was kind of fun yep I agree this was so

Cool and I’m glad you were there with me to help figure out how to get out I’m glad you’re with me too Cas this was so fun yeah let’s go tell the villagers about our experiences wait what where are the villagers wait is this Village abandoned or did somebody do something no look

Around for Clues Nico maybe we could find out who did this yep H there’s nothing here but wait Nico look there’s a chest over here what what does it say it says free diamonds and red stone it’s our best day ever come on okay let’s go wait that’s not Redstone it’s just a

Paper and it says you just got evil bobbed what evil Bob I thought that guy was dead oh my God how does he keep coming back I don’t know but let’s get out of here Nico wao where are we Nico what is this place this place looks so

Disgusting I know look there’s cobwebs everywhere ew you know what that means what cash that means there’s a bunch of spiders infesting this place and I don’t like spiders how are we supposed to get out of here oh my gosh and look there’s a skull in there ew oh my gosh that

Could have been someone that died I think it was Nico we got to get out of here okay what’s the best plan of action cash I don’t know just TR and search around for ways to get out there’s some ladders here maybe I can climb these ooh

That’s useful ooh wait maybe I can parkour from here up here look look where I am oh what but I don’t really know where to go from here to be honest maybe around this and no this doesn’t lead anywhere oh gosh and look at the top Nico there’s a bunch of Lights in

The ceiling maybe we can turn those on somehow yeah it’s pretty dark in here H let’s see this painting is kind of creepy isn’t it yeah it’s like a pig and a w woman oh wait look Nico there’s a secret entrance wait what and there’s a

Lever what happens if I flick that wao what did that do I don’t know oh wait ni look it turned on the lights oh my gosh that’s so good okay what’s next I don’t know those lights don’t help us Escape at all wait did I just see something oh

My gosh look there’s a hole in the ground here wait what how do we not notice that I don’t know but I think that’s how we can get out yep I think that’s our best bet oh gosh sorry what me in cash because I was scared to go

First oh well I guess you’re right okay let’s go wao why is there lava here what kind of place are we in if that room was above us then that must be the attic and I think we’re in some sort of house what this is all in a house I think so and

Maybe we got kidnapped and put in here yeah why does this keep happening to us I don’t know let’s get out of here I think we’re on the stairwell now and we have to make these weird parkour jobs come on Nico you got this lava parkour

Is so scary I know right let’s just make it nice we both made it take each jump step by step make sure not to fall Nico yep I never fall cash and I made it too let’s go we made it down the stairs okay what’s this room next I don’t know it

Looks like some sort of hallway and there’s a bunch of rooms in here A bunch of doors weird and there’s some chests Nico look look at these chests what how is there gear in here I don’t know but what would we need gear for oh gosh maybe to fight off monsters or something

Scary or the spiders like from the attic oh gosh let’s just go in each of these rooms and hope for the best okay okay let’s see now it’s the second room and oh this must be my bathroom cuz there’s a shower there’s a toilet and there’s a sink and it’s

Blue okay you know what fine I gu guess this is your kind of bathroom but wao what is this oh I think that’s just the shower head nothing really special in here let’s just go out yep let’s keep moving let’s see maybe there’s something in this room ooh next room what is here

More chests oh there’s nothing in these ones though what what about in these barrels check everything make sure we’re not missing anything nope not in these barrels are you serious is this just an empty room oh what about behind this painting oh gosh you’re so smart what is

It oh gosh there’s lava a f baby a man who would trap us in something like this that’s so dangerous it’s okay cash I got spawned on the outside oh wait really yep I got spawned right here so every time we make progress It’s okay if we die because we

Just respawn back at our level yep it saved like a checkpoint okay what’s in this room wao look in the chest Nico elytra with 10 fireworks oh my gosh that could be useful cash let’s save that for later yeah I’m going to put that in my inventory all right check the rest of

The stuff for goodies maybe we can find more cool things nope just a bunch of cobwebs everywhere again what the heck okay what next cash I don’t know I could have sworn we checked all the rooms didn’t we maybe we should open every secret compartment yeah you’re right

There has to be something that we missed check the bathroom let’s see this is the only room that didn’t have anything for us right yeah is there anything secret let me open the toilet nope that doesn’t even work what about these cabinets nope oh wait no look there’s a secret

Entrance in there what I can’t believe we missed that hold on if I just walk up to it and do this look it puts me in the crawling position wao okay let me do that and now I can fit all the way through here oh gosh it’s a long drop Nico woo

Wo oh what is this room it looks like some sort of bedroom look what oh and there’s ladders down so we don’t have to take fall damage that’s so good cash wao look at this this is like some sort of storage area and there’s a book here I’m

Going to take it what does it say um who look at what it says Nico okay I’ll read it to you cash Nico stinks what that did not say it before who would have wrote that oh my gosh that was definitely you okay fine it was me I’m going to take it

Back and here I’ll put down what it actually says there we go this is what it said when I got it what no it didn’t cash why okay fine let’s just find a way out of here what are we doing I’ll check these chests on the top and I’ll check

The barrels underneath them maybe they have some goodies for us nope literally nothing in those chests H these trap doors are kind of suspicious what if we check these you have check everything M I’m not really seeing anything Nico I’m going to be honest nope me neither this

Is so weird what could this place be it looks like a library or like a bedroom yeah and this bed is weird it’s not a regular bed and wo look when I walk on it it has green particles wait what H that means this is a slime block wait

You’re right look and that means it’s super bouncy who would use slime blocks as a mattress in Minecraft maybe that’s actually pretty smart yeah because it’s soft but maybe we could use that for something thing I had the same idea Nico what if we jump from up here look wo oh

My gosh this is perfect and we can go bounce and bouncy woo woo this is so fun but what’s the point of this whole thing I have no idea those paintings seem kind of suspicious right yeah those do look really odd they’re just in a weird place

Like why would they be on top of the bookshelves it makes me think it’s a secret entrance wa what secret and I want to go what that is so weird we just went through a painting yeah that’s pretty cool but we’re still not out look we’re in another room again what this place

Goes on forever and I think this is an actual Library wo there’s some weird steps here but I hate books I want to get out of here what do you mean cash reading isn’t that bad but I agree on getting out of here well reading is

Boring for me cash look at these slabs that are in the air I know I see them and this one goes to a ladder in the ceiling which that our Escape cash let’s figure out where to start yeah this looks like a parkour and it leads back

Here up here around these and I think it starts over here yeah look right there Nico yep okay so I’ll go first I guess okay I’m right behind you okay these jumps are very scary I’m not going to lie I know right make sure not to fall

Nico or else you have to restart that would suck I know okay Nico where do we go from here oh you got to make that long jump you got this come on oh let’s go all right my turn here we go oh my gosh okay now we got jumps around glass

Which is really hard nice I’m right behind you okay glass panes and now we are at the ladder oh my gosh thank God we did that first try I really didn’t want to restart that wo did you just go into a vent yep use the trapo to go in

The crawling position oh my gosh I keep forgetting about about that oh gosh cash now we’re through the vent and I feel cramped me too where is the exit oh gosh I hate these kinds of Mazes I don’t know where to go and I keep running into dead

Ends oh my gosh just please get me out of here already oh wait Nico I just found a button wait what yeah look it’s right here click it cash okay here we go what wait what oh gosh it took a lot of fall damage yeah and it put us in this

Room no I want to go back back I don’t like this room there’s a lot of lava me too what do we do with this lava I don’t know but look there’s some shelves in the middle but there’s no way for us to get to that so how do we get over there

Maybe I can make this jump let’s go oh no no Nico I’m stuck in the lava help me no what wait but I just respawned here you’re right oh my gosh that means we can die however many times we want there doesn’t seem to be anything to get over

There cash do we have any items that could be useful I don’t know no but maybe there’s a secret door somewhere here there’s always one of these nope not this time around H oh I have an idea I have some steak maybe I could toss some over oh uh that that didn’t work

That definitely didn’t work I’m trying to think all we have is a sword and steak like what are we supposed to do but we also have this cash oh yeah I forgot I put that in my inventory we can use the elytra to fly over these shelves

Is it that genius yeah you’re really smart but let’s see this is going to be kind of hard I think I’m going to go from the side just like this oh gosh I hit the walls me too oh gosh I hit the walls oh no oh my gosh I’m low I need to

Wait before we go on the next one yeah me too and for this one I’m going to try and go through the Shelf because that seems so cool look at me what that’s sick okay I’m going to try oh gosh oh gosh oh go oh my gosh Nico you need to

Restart and you don’t have that many fire work so you better hurry up oh did you just make it all the way to the end yep all right watch me I’m going to go straight through the middle again oh gosh I hit my head a lot of

Times I feel kind of woozy and whoa wait didn’t didn’t we start off here cash is this another stairwell are you serious I don’t like it it seems like we’re going in circles and there seems to be some items here maybe there’s something hidden M no I don’t think so yeah me

Neither I guess our only way out is through these stairs again this place seems like it’s going on forever I know right let’s just try and go through and don’t hit the lava whatever you do oh gosh I’m right behind you Nico and now this seems like a hard jump let’s go

Nice okay yeah this one is pretty hard but I got it and now we’re at the end so just try not to fall in okay I’m folling you cash let’s go nice and wo what is this area is this a dining room yeah I I

Think so this is so cool we can eat food here look I just realized something the cash I think you are right all the rooms we’ve been in so far are related to a house yeah we had the attic the stairs the hallways the bathroom that weird

Bedroom thing and the library and now we’re in a dining room I know that all makes me think that we’re in some sort of old house cuz look at how outdated this all looks yeah you’re right the architecture is kind of weird this look like some sort of Grandma’s house oh my

Gosh a Grandma’s house wait Nico did we get captured by a grandma and we’re forced to escape her house oh gosh I think so and this place is really scary I don’t like that let’s find a way out of here quick wait what are these cash

What do you mean I’m just crawling here I’m having so much fun look at this look at this what over here wo this is like the oven area and it has these weird dispensers what oh gosh TNT ni run what the heck oh my gosh that’s so

Deadly but it didn’t explode anything I wonder why Nico watch out watch out there’s more TNT did you just go into the roof uh yeah uh is there anything up there yeah there is Cash come up come up I’m scared that TNT looks really dangerous no you

Shouldn’t this is our way out cash M I don’t know you know what I can’t be a baby anymore I’m just going to go for it oh gosh the TNT is activated I’m going up woohoo let’s go oh my gosh you’re right there is a secret room up here and

This one’s weird it has an exit right there I can see it oh yeah true and there’s sticky pieces down here which means we have to do something to make them attract H look for a secret button Nico maybe it’s around here somewhere yeah maybe m i don’t don’t see any

Levers or anything what about this chest what’s in here oh it has a bow and arrow what use those cash for what though should I shoot the Pistons no silly look there’s Target practices right there oh I’m so silly I didn’t even see those before and I can use these arrows to

Shoot each button just like this okay there’s one oh I missed the second one no I’m missing I only have a few arrows left there’s three four and five did I hit it oh no I missed the last last one come on I got to be spot on look I did

It Nico let’s go oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m so good at bow and arrows and I could collect all of the arrows at the very end yep I’m going to pick all these up but I can’t reach the ones up there oh yeah they’re too high wao are

We in some sort of kitchen now yeah what I told you Nico I knew we were in Grandma’s house oh gosh we don’t know if it’s a Grandma’s house for sure well who else would have such an old looking house like this my grandma would have

Something like this but I know it’s not my grandma Yeah my grandma’s house looks way better and she keeps it clean so there’s no cobwebs anywhere yeah and who still uses smokers everyone should be using blast furnaces by now true but hey did you notice There’s No Escape here

Nico so that means we’re going to need to find something extra secret H I have a feeling some of these trap doors are fake H yeah let me open everything me too oh there’s some cake Nico do you want some let’s eat some okay never mind

I can’t keep focusing on that stuff we need to get out of here already H I’ve looked everywhere I swear Nico and I still haven’t found an exit H let me try opening the gosh look what are you over here over here wo did you open the

Fridge yep oh my gosh that is so weird it like leads to a whole freezer wao why is it cold and hot in here I know right it’s like two different levels of temperature oh gosh it’s cuz there’s lava underneath us look oh no that is

Not good and wao what’s in this chest it has a bunch of boats look Nico what that is so weird maybe we can use it to parkour on the lava let’s go oh gosh that didn’t work no be careful cash it didn’t work no a man we’re not that good

Okay yeah I know maybe it’s used for this ice path H I think you’re right maybe we can try and go along this okay I’m going try go really slow Nico try not to oh gosh Nico don’t die oh no I’m slipping off I’m slipping off no oh I

Made it oh oh my gosh I almost fell off no I fell you got to take these things really slow cash I know right okay I’ll just grab another boat there’s a lot in this chest anyways oh my gosh I’m getting somewhere okay I’m going really

Slow come on no no no I’m sing off oh gosh no again are you serious oh my I was so close Nico you got to the very end and you died again no okay this time I’m going extra slow so I can’t fall off me too I’m following you cash as long as

You don’t rush it it should be pretty easy to go around these oh gosh this part’s really skinny just keep going slow n Nico keep going slow and also just remember to Not freak out oh gosh that was so close let’s go that was actually really hard I’m going to be

Completely honest yeah that was kind of fun though yeah but at least we got our boats back and that was a really weird level and now we can go in the Next Room oh Nico Nico there’s spiders in here oh gosh what oh gosh they’re all argro no

They’re not friendly spiders oh my gosh run get these guys okay yeah we have swords and armor I forgot we could fight these these guys are creepy and crawly I know get rid of them nice this looks like a basement or some sort of dungeon cash yeah no wonder there’s so many

Spiders here this is so gross and these spiders are super big I know right I don’t like them I think this is the last spider nice and yeah I think that was the last spider there’s no more that are chasing us well that’s good and I got a bunch of string look at

This I just placed it down what those look invisible look yeah I know you can make like a whole line and I have a spider eye do you want to eat it no wait that’s poisonous cash why are you trying to poison me I don’t know it’s just kind

Of gross okay let’s keep checking these there has to be some sort of secret entrance behind here you find anything yet Nico no h maybe there’s nothing secret here I think we should just get out of here yeah I agree let’s move on I just really didn’t like that level there

Was too many spiders me too let’s go into the next room okay yeah let’s just go up I’ll go first I guess and wao where are we now what is this place oh my gosh is this the actual house cash I think it is this place is confusing what

The heck look is this the bathroom look it’s the bathtub yep and there’s so many weird things in this house like magenta concrete and diamond blocks on the wall I know diamond blocks are cool but on the wall how big is this house I could have sworn we just went through a

Bathroom and a bunch of other levels yeah me too wait what is this like some sort of fake house that’s supposed to mask the rest I think so H Nico I’m going to be honest I’m kind of lost where are we yeah why is this house so

Huge I don’t know but let’s just try and find a way out I’m going to check all these rooms yeah me too I don’t see anything maybe down here no oh look I found a little crawl space area what is this wao what I don’t think there’s anything under here though probably a

Bunch of more spiders yeah this looks like it would lead to the basement but we know what the real basement looks like okay let’s just go out from here oh gosh ni look there’s pillagers what what why are these things out here oh oh my

Gosh I’m getting so low try not to die Nico these pillagers are definitely to protect the house cash oh gosh I’m getting low too oh no I’m trying to get out these guys are everywhere they keep shooting me okay that’s it I’m going to start fighting back you guys will not

Kill me I don’t allow it oh gosh I’m still getting shot stop it get out of here I’m out here cash I’m going to help you come on I’m on half a heart come on you got him these vindicators do a lot of damage because they have iron axes

Yeah those do a ton of damage Nico but what the heck is this place oh I’m still getting shot look how many more there are oh yeah what oh gosh there’s so many oh gosh I died oh but it’s okay cuz we respawned keep killing them keep killing

Them let’s go just a few more nice get these guys last one I got him but wa I said wasn’t the last one what do you mean oh what is that that a ravager what shoot it with the bow come on I think it’s targeted on you ni never mind it

Wants me to he’s the strongest in the Army just keep hitting him we got this Nico oh gosh he does a lot of damage nice and we killed him oh my gosh that was a lot of enemies to fight yeah definitely but good thing we got through

That we did really well and now we can see the full Grandma’s house yeah look at this I told you this thing was creepy this thing is so creep creepy and I can’t believe we escaped this I never want to go through this thing again yeah

I agree I think we should get out of here cash what is it Nico what happened cash look what oh my gosh what is that it’s Grandma look and she’s a witch oh my gosh that makes so much sense this is the person who trapped us and she’s

Still trying to kill us what are you going to do oh she just poisoned me okay I think it’s time we take her out Nico I agree let’s go you are an evil grandma get out of here never think of trapping this again yeah that was

Annoying now let’s get out of here wait Nico look I see a button over there wait what we need to somehow get out of here but these walls are stopping me wait cat look there’s a block that lifts you up one here oh yeah it looks kind of

Different from the walls maybe we can jump on that one look we can oh my gosh and we can go through and press the button let’s go okay let’s go oh gosh where did that just take you Nico cash come over here okay I’m coming wao where are we now wait what

Are we free yeah I think we’re in some sort of Village look we are now in the wilderness again let’s go we made it out let’s go Nico I couldn’t have done it without you yeah me too cash I’m so glad we escaped that thing yep let’s go let’s

Go I can’t believe what’s going on on the news right now how are people letting this happen I can’t believe I let people run this country without me I should be president one day ah Maybe not maybe I wouldn’t be such a good president oh what is that is there a

Spider in my house oh gosh I need to get my spider killer hey get away from me oh gosh hold on wait I think I have something in my drawers ah yes here it is I have a potion that will kill spiders get over here don’t run from me

Spider come over here oh oh my gosh I totally missed I’ll just kill it with my bare hands come here spider don’t run from me come on ah why is it so hard to kill come on come on why you running from me ew it’s so gross stop don’t kill

That spider who are you I’m rose rose I’ve never seen you here before but why don’t I kill that thing that thing’s terrifying spiders are our friends what our friends no they’re venomous little insects they’re not harming you look well he came in my room and he was

Trying to bite me no no that’s not possible how is that not possible do you not know what a spider is they bite all the time I have three pet spiders you have a pet spider get away from me stop coming up to me try to make friends with

It m okay sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings spider I thought you were trying to kill me oh he’s actually kind of cute oh my gosh and he’s also really tiny so wait are you sure he doesn’t want to bite me look he’s not biting you

Right now I guess that’s true little spider do you want to be my pet it just nodded at me look at it oh my gosh he wants to be my pet okay you know what I’m going to name you George let me just get something real quick I have

Something for him here we go it should be up here somewhere yep rotten flesh and a lead I know spiders love eating flesh so I could maybe give this to George and then I’ll use this thing as a leash okay here you go George I brought

You some meat to eat on and also let me just try and put this thing on you I I don’t think you can put a lead on a spider oh never mind oh look Nico and Sil are coming here you need to meet my friends they’re awesome hello hi Nico hi

Everyone hi guys what are you guys up to this morning well I was just having a good day but then a spider came in my house and now he’s my pet wait a spider kill it no no zoy don’t kill him please stop on it I’m going to sleep on it no

No no what are you doing George George just get away from them I’m sorry oh my gosh guys just listen up this spider is friendly Rose told me about him he’s so nice are you sure yes I have pet spiders okay see he’s really friendly and he

Didn’t even bite any of you guys okay oh h g spider wait what Nico what are you doing Nico wake up okay sorry oh my gosh well anyways you guys want to play with my pet spider isn’t he awesome yeah he looks so cute here you go spider let’s

Go wait ni go I meant all of us play with him aw my spider now oh my gosh he’s so cute he took the spider for himself he doesn’t even have a leash for him yeah that’s him but anyways who are you I’m Rose who are you I’m Zoe oh it’s

Nice to meet you do you like baking um I’m very bad at it don’t worry I can help you really yeah I’m bored cash come join us what you guys are just talking about baking and stuff I don’t even like baking oh come on you could help me bake

Cookies and cake cookies and cake does sound really good actually but can you guys make it I don’t really know how to make that stuff no you got to help what me why would I help cuz you’re our friend yeah wait what what just happened oh gosh are you okay the spider

Bit Me my spider bit you George what that’s not like him I told you it was bad no so he’s not bad but Nico where is he I might have satad on him or he ran away wait what Nico I don’t think you sat on him doesn’t look like any

Anything no my spider why would he run away Nico what’ you do I don’t know he baby though we have to find him well we can’t just leave him out in the wilderness like that yeah and find him and get revenge no not Revenge we need

To get him back and you need to apologize for sitting on him I’m sorry but he needs to apologize for biting him well we can worry about that once we find him just help me search around guys all right ah speaking of which I think

He ran into the forest so you mean he ran that way yeah did I forget to mention that yeah you did that would have been very valuable information let’s go ah he’s got to been here somewhere maybe he’s eating at this picnic yeah true maybe he like cake no

This cake is very much not eaten yet I’m pretty sure that cake was kind of old who is this kid he kid what did I tell you move out of the way dude I made this picnic for me and Zoe what oh for us no oh my gosh why is that kid always

Trying to hit on Zoe well free food oh okay you know what whatever maybe we can go ask Shady if he’s seen the spider yeah true let’s go check him out okay Shady Shady we need your help are you home oh Shady what are you doing oh hey

What’s up are you eating food right now on your balcony yeah I was just watching whatever happened out there earlier like what like the spider that bit Nico and then ran off into the woods and everybody started screaming wait you watched all that yeah I was pretty funny

What that’s not funny my spider’s gone now oh that’s your spider yes oh well I’ll help you find it uh okay you know what let’s all just go looking we really need to find him cuz that’s my best friend wait what I thought I was your

Best friend uh I’m out of here I’m going to look for the spider I don’t see him anywhere do you guys see anything uh maybe he’s in a suspicious looking cave over there with cobwebs and everything related to spiders but no probably not no Nico he’s

Definitely in there what do you mean oh gosh I don’t want to go there it’s probably over here not over there no Zoe stop being scared we have to look for him everywhere definitely not over there guys I think we should ask the spider expert yeah I think we should go in it

Looks nice yeah that’s that’s what I’m saying why why are you guys being so scared anyways yeah there’s cool green stuff everywhere oh but I hate spiders Rose it’s you’re such a spider expert why don’t you go first uh somebody come with me please what no way Rose is

Scared what even you are scared come on guys I just want to find George George uh where could he have gone oh no please don’t tell me it’s down that suspicious hole bye Nico definitely sh why would you push him you get in there too guys I need you’re home

Down here I guess I’m going too what everyone’s going yes we go all right I’m coming jeez Nico stop freaking out oh gosh okay there’s a lot of zombies here oh I’ve got them Zoe’s got a shovel Zoe attack everyone try and find some weapons around here Zoe’s so strong I

Can’t find one neither can I just use your shovels guys shovels I don’t get a shovel me either shady and Zoe have some weapons this is my spider weapon no not spiders do not hit spiders with that oh we’ll see about that oh my God def will

See anyways why were those things even there yeah that’s kind of weird and there’s CBS around this room there’s no spiders yeah I know let’s just move on guys I want to get out of here already yeah I wonder how big this place is anyways pretty huge look at this room

Pretty huge I think that’s an other se but this is ginormous George are you in here oh my gosh George guys we’re on a huge spider web right now do you see this thing where is this spider I need to get revenge on him I don’t think

George made this I think this is probably a huge spider wait a queen spider yeah probably that could be bigger than George yeah you guys know if you step on the Web the spider can hear every move you make wait what no that’s not true Shady it’s probably coming for

Us right now stop don’t say that you know what I’m getting out of here look guys I already made it and there’s no big spider to be found yeah that’s probably a lie anyways uh never mind I was wrong about that R you said you wanted a pet spider right gosh Nico come

On guys come on oh my gosh well wait a second look it doesn’t fit through the cave oh my gosh we’re safe let’s go wait guys has anyone seen Shady no oh gosh is he stuck in there I’m right over here oh wait what since

When were you ahead of us I don’t know I just found the exit are you serious this place is so deep and mystical I don’t really like it yeah wait how are there even trees underground yeah that makes no sense and where’s George I haven’t

Seen him yet yeah I don’t know if we’re going to find him in this huge place I’m not going to lie cash no we can find him trust me just keep searching guys it’s no use he’s not in this room let’s just move on wait I

Can’t move on there’s no way out the door’s blocked off oh no I think we’re going to have to find a chest a chest or maybe a button yeah let’s just look around for stuff like that no way spiders built this place this is crazy I know right they have like their own

Civilization Rose do you see anything I don’t see any buttons yet m look for buttons or levers or chests I don’t see any here no not around here oh wait guys I think I found something did you come over here look it’s under this rock wait

What there’s a button hiding from me and if I press it I think it opens the door yeah let’s go so sneaky oh gosh you guys are going to have to press the button again we got to go fast go barely made it yeah I still can’t

Believe spiders built this thing and oh my gosh is this a maze oh gosh Spiderman wait guys I think we should stick together yeah that might be a good idea oh gosh do we all agree to go right yeah that’s a good idea let’s all go right

Yeah let’s go okay yeah and from here do you guys want to go left or right huh uh guys did you follow me hello guys where’d you go oh my gosh they all told me to go right and they just ditched me oh I’m going to have to do this maze by myself

Now there’s some skulls on the ground here this place is really deserted I don’t like it here guys do you hear hear me human human what is that what are you U Mr spider human no there’s two of you of course there is human yummy I am not

Yummy I’m not yummy yummy human someone help me hey hey settle down Sor settle down let the young man pass me sorry wait what are you like a humanid spider don’t ask buddy I don’t know how this happened Papa Hasty red boy no no no no no leave

Him alone here I’ll get you guys some more food here here take this oh my gosh okay you know what I’m just going to get out of here before they get hungry again guys where’ my friends go oh my gosh this maze is huge guys oh my God Rose

I’m lost yeah I’m lost too I lost all my friends and did you run into the spiders earlier I have not seen any yet I guess that was just me then let’s just try and find an exit I don’t know where the rest of everyone went maybe it’s around here

Somewhere oh God guys come on guys get down there no I like it up here yeah it’s nice you guys already found the exit yeah we’ve been here for a while why didn’t you tell me me and Rose were lost for like so long well I’ve been

Yelling but it’s so big in here you can’t even hear me oh my gosh just get down from there let’s move on fine have you guys seen George from on top of there no but I was up there to get away from all those spiders oh you saw the

Spiders too yeah one of them had two legs yeah I saw that it was super weird what is this place though wo there’s a roller coaster track yeah and there’s some chests nearby that have iron and more iron seriously what about this one that’s just more iron Zoe what are we

Supposed to do with three iron anyways what about this one is there something different ah more iron I swear if I get one more piece of iron here look oh my gosh of course it’s another piece of iron I think you’re supposed to craft a mine cart yeah I guess you’re right but

There’s no crafting table anywhere no follow me it’s over here wait what where in this corner look how’d you find this I got bored oh my gosh okay you know what I’ll just craft the mine cart are we sure this is what we want to make

What if we make some shears no no okay what about a bucket no fine I’ll make the mine cart jeez guys I think we need to build a mine cart Nico we already came to that conclusion okay you know what whatever okay here now someone push

Me not it wait ouch oh guys I’m on the other side wait I want to go over there wait how’d you do that oh my gosh no way okay well let’s flick this lever now and I think it lets us out ah this is fun what guys look now

We can go through this next level I think it’s some sort of vent time to vent oh my gosh okay let’s go I’m going have to spell catch a sticky feet up here wait what no that’s not true oh my gosh a not another maze I hate these

Things oh where are we going I have no idea Shady you see anything over there um I think I see a huge spider I’m running what no way spider where I’m just kidding oh my gosh Shady guys this is so cramped I know I’m trying to find

The exit ah me too a rose your feet are in my face I don’t know where to go oh my gosh oh guys I think I found the exit oh hurry everyone to cash just follow my name tag and when you come down here you’re going to want to see this next

Room it looks like some big mountains w w oh wait you guys are already here yeah oh my gosh this place looks awesome well I’m going set up camp over here good night guys wait what Eco what do you mean we can watch the night sky from

Here and where’s Shady going I don’t know this block looked kind of cool oh it’s blue come on get it don’t let Nico get it hey stay back oh my gosh what is going on I wonder what we’re supposed to do in this room anyways have you guys

Found the exit ah no here let me check it might be in this cave that I saw earlier M no not this there’s a bunch of weird colored blocks here though weird color blocks and I think I found the exit here guys it’s blocked off wait

There’s a sign what does it say use the lever once you found all blocks wait what guys look at this wow we have red Brown yellow blue green and another green that one’s lime Zoe I’ll keep find lime wait a second maybe that’s what the Blue Block was it look there’s a Yellow

Block over there too I saw a brown Block in the cave me too but does anyone have a pickaxe I do here let me get it the Blue Block is finally B no no Nico do not break that thing with your fist please no Nico stop I’ll give you 10

Diamonds if you stop actually yeah sure just let me mine it with the pickaxe real quick okay deal that was a close one Nico you could have messed up this entire room for us yeah that would be bad ah let’s go I got the block now okay

So where are my diamonds um I’ll get them for you later he come over here just help me find the rest of the blocks there’s six in total I have a lime one oh let’s go Rose this is perfect now we just need four more I think I saw the

Brown one in the cave perfect give me this thing don’t forget the yellow one’s over here yeah I completely forgot about that one Cas watch out what is that just get the block what do you want sir give me those blocks why do you want the

Blocks I’m trying to get out of here too oh gosh Zoey can you do something you better watch out oh Zoe’s going after him with her shovel come on Zoe hurry up run after him I’m there oh my gosh where did he go you let him get away oh man

Let’s just hope he doesn’t come back have you guys seen the other blocks yet though we need two more not yet what colors are they I’m pretty sure it’s red and dark green where could we find those oh I found the dark green one it’s at this campsite but where could the red

One be I haven’t seen that all day uh cash I think it’s over here wait what you found it yeah it’s Blended in with this magma no way let me see wao you’re right it is all right give me this thing oh ouch the Magma’s hurting me okay I

Think we have all six blocks now guys look at this wow now let’s go place it on the wool over there I think that’s how we open the door right yeah I’m pretty sure all right let’s test this out okay here we go yellow brown lime

Blue red and green and uh now what do we do what about this lever oh yeah try hitting that all right and boom okay and it opened wow I can’t believe we completed that so easily we’re experts yeah but obviously not experts at finding pets I still haven’t seen George

Anywhere George where are you maybe he’s in this cave George are you here hello uh Shady what are you doing a this bath is so nice Shady get out of there this is no time for baths yeah we need to be looking for my spider whatever anyways

What’s in these chests guys there just a bunch of Nether Warts glass raw salmon so why do you like that it’s so good can I have some you go here um I’ll just be eating this in the corner good luck guys I wonder what we’re even supposed to be

Making with all this stuff guys come look over here there’s a water hole wait what Shady how’d you find this I don’t know it was just over here oh my gosh this might be perfect I think we need to brew some potions cuz there’s a stand right here maybe some water breathing

Potions yeah Zoe Nico what are you guys doing what can you stop eating the salmon we need that for water breathing I don’t mind me wait we need it for water breathing yes Nico give it back so it’s actually your Port yes oopsie I ate

All mine oh my gosh Nico I saw it in your hand what are you talking about whatever let’s just craft these potions I think you use the glass to make bottles like this yeah perfect and now we need to fill them up with water H oh

We can just use these cauldrons I think boop boop and perfect now we have six bottles and I can put them in here but uh now what do I do nether work yeah you’re right I completely forgot about that well Rose is a professional wait guys we’re missing blaze powder BL blaz

Powder anywhere blaze powder oh where would it be was it in any of these chests it’s nowhere to be found oh uh guys do you see that thing right there oh it’s a blaze oh gosh please don’t hurt us hey hey hey relax relax I can speak Blaze actually Blaze buddy I’m

Just speaking English oh my gosh Nico just let me talk to him give me your Blaze RS no no Nico stop blaz RS sir can you please give us some blaze powder please we need it for these potions oh sure why not wait really really it was

Just that easy I usually carry a bunch on me anyway uh yeah I can kind of tell well thank you anyways now I can use this to activate the potions and while it’s cooking I guess we just have to wait here it’s taking forever where’s Shady why does he keep disappearing all

The time Shady are you in here hello please don’t tell me he went in the water Shady are you in there n no all right whatever I don’t know where he is it’s time for puffer fish wait already Yes okay perfect I’ll just put this in

And I think it’s Brewing guys let’s go no way okay it’s been long enough is it ready now oh guys look at this we have water breathing potions and I can make three more just by putting this in here and it’s cooking yay yeah let’s go here you

Guys can take these for now thank you I’ll make the last ones for me and Shady okay second batch done and we have more water breathing potions oh Shady you’re here oh my gosh here take this we need to go for another swim okay see you guys on the other side

Good luck stop going without us a I wanted to go first you know what whatever let’s just go guys look we could breathe underwater this is so awesome wow look at all the stuff yeah this cave looks super cool is this the exit hey the Magma’s pulling me down oh

No it’s okay I made it through I forgot we could breathe underwater anyways yeah uh Nico where did you just fall from uh the ceiling I’m trying to get to a spider oh my gosh well what’s in this chest anyways guys look we have a bunch of elytra in here nro why would

We need that I’m guessing we’re going to need to fly through this cave or something all right everyone have theirs on yep I’m equipped okay I’m going to go first ready let’s go oh gosh okay this is actually kind of hard I’m right behind you gosh make sure not to hit

Your head on anything come on go up more oh gosh ouch I hit my head oh I’m still going Zoe you’re going too far out do next do next zo guys unfortunately we made it out of the cave and I still never found my spider wait is it it no he was

Nowhere to be found in there George hello George George hello yes just George wait what where a what are you serious how far back guys you never know baby Shady AE him cash it’s no use we have to go back home without him maybe I did sit on him

Well whatever no a fine let’s just just go home finally I’m back home that was a long flight all the way here this is so fun but Nico I think I’m just going to go to bed I’m bummed out are you sure yeah I’m not going to have my pet spider

So I’m just going to bed okay good night I’ll see you later good uh George is that you you were on my bed the entire time so I just went through your little base for no reason oh my gosh well ni I found George finally I can get revenge

On that spider come on what ni stop oh my gosh you know what let’s just uh go for a walk come on whoa what is this place little Enderman how’ you find this is this like some sort of abandoned cave oh my gosh this is pretty cool maybe I

Can go show nio shady and Zoey okay whatever let’s just go back home little Enderman where did uh Enderman hello wait where did you go oh gosh no way I lost him already Enderman hello are you there oh no where’d he go if he’s hiding

From me isn’t he no no no I need to go tell my friends guys guys I lost my Enderman what what Enderman cash my pet Enderman do you not know people can have them as pets you have a pet Ender bed no they’re only evil I thought you going

Crazy what no he’s friendly you guys have to believe me please oh my gosh fine where is he look we were walking over here and we found that little cave yeah look it’s down there oh gosh that looks scary I’m good bye hey Nico where you going

Uh wherever that cave is not no Nico you have to help me please why cash because he’s my friend are you crying oh my gosh okay we have to get him then yay let’s go are you guys going to help too yes yes sir let’s go all right everyone just

Leap into the water woohoo what’s the name of the little guy anyways I guess we can call him Andy I’ve been thinking about that for a while Andy hm okay but this is where I lost him look we found this little cave right here and then I went to go explore

A little but he disappeared what he disappeared yeah I’m thinking he’s probably lost in this cave somewhere help me look okay let’s go he’s got to be around here check all the corners Ender Enderman he’s got to be around here maybe he went to find a stronghold

To go home no he wants to be in the Overworld though come on he couldn’t have left oh my goodness I’m going to be rich no Shady stop focusing on the gold did I bring my pickaxe no no listen we’re looking for my Enderman back up okay okay come on we can’t get

Distracted guys you’re right keep searching he’s got to be around here no not around here not down the suspicious hole not on this corner wait wait wait wait uh suspicious hole wait what where did this come from you just saw it it says danger off Zone wa what

Is that cash I think that says danger Jump Zone I think we’re supposed to jump uh I’m no Shady oh my God hey Nico what the heck wow good luck down there guys Nico you better come down here I’m going home oh my gosh someone get diamonds out

So we’ll come down uh Nico I spell diamonds let’s go we tricked you Nico oh gosh how did I get here where are we what is this place this is huge I don’t like this can we go back up yeah it’s super creepy and crawly here is it

Really worth your Ender bed yes it is wait guys look there’s a chest right here a chest what is oh my gosh it has a bunch of armor and food for us wait look it has a Lea blue armor right here uh I got the pink one oh my gosh well suit

Yourself I got the gray one ew I wish there was a red one whatever I got the yellow one I wonder why we need this anyways doesn’t look like there’s anything here to fight I mean there is skulls on the ground cash oh gosh does that mean somebody died here uh I think

So let’s get out of here where do we go oh gosh watch out for the floor what it looks like a bunch of saws chains on the ground just jump over it you guys are fine what is this though this is just a dead end uh to the right oh yeah you’re

Right M this doesn’t really look like an exit though it’s just a room with a lever a lever flick it there’s a golden apple in here what happens if we flick the lever what just happened what is that wo it opened the door oh my gosh

That’s so awesome look Nico it used a bunch of slime blocks and honey blocks what that’s so awesome but I don’t know what we’re doing oh gosh guys what is that oh boy uh guys attack it’s a bunch of wither skeletons oh gosh I have withering effect no keep killing them

Trust me eat your golden apples guys guys stop pressing on the pressure plate you keep spotting them oh sorry okay here just kill all of them lead them over here hurry up guys come on I’m about to die yeah me too yes okay just one more and and dead let’s go oh my

Gosh we all have the Wither effect look at us and I have a bunch of bones in my inventory ew get this out of here what the heck and this armor is starting to get annoying I’m taking off the top part too yeah I want to see my face Nico you

Just have pants on that’s so funny what do you mean I only rock with the pants on okay whatever let’s just move on to the next room what is this it looks like some sort of lava parkour and I can see the other side what Nico what are you

Doing oh oh my a Nico he’s gone now why would he do that now he’s gone forever guys he oh wait Nico’s right here oh hey Nico I regenerated um I think this gold pressure plate creates a spawn point for us what yeah so every time we step on it

It’s like a checkpoint that’s so good okay but now we can actually go through this lava parkour not like Nico just jump on all the Bedrock platforms just like this guys we it’s super easy I already made it to the end let’s go wait how did Zoe beat me um because she’s

Better than you what hold on what Shady look it’s a huge maze yeah I think I’m just going to go in wait look I could see over top it but I can’t really figure out where the exit is we just have to go through it

Like this oh gosh why is this place so long I don’t know but I think I’m already lost oh guys I’m lost oh no uh guys I think I’m the maze expert no way did you already find the exit I just did it first try hold on wait for me I’m not

There yet hi Sie oh my gosh wait up oh I found you guys what’s up where’s Nico um uh guys I fig out how to get on toob no way you’re cheating and W from up here it looks like we got a lot of challenges

To do are you serious oh gosh Nico just get down from there let’s see what is this next spot wo there’s a lot of Honey blocks here I kind of want to play with this they’re so fun they’re so slimy Shady what are you doing don’t mind that

Block oh my bad my bad we’re supposed to use that sorry it just looks so enticing how are we supposed to use it cash um I’m pretty sure we jump onto this slime block and hit it here well Zoe give it a chot okay oh my gosh Zoe you have to

Jump further like this woohoo oh my gosh make room for me oh nice job Shady you got it Zoe your turn oh my gosh Zoe you got this Nico let’s go okay let’s do this thing oh my gosh did you just do a backflip yep no way now it’s Zoe’s turn

W let’s go we all made it super easy yep but now what is this part is it another slime block oh gosh wait this looks super easy though oh no I almost missed caught on the edge that’s so cool Shady just fell oh my gosh I slipped come on Zoe you got this

Nice I did it and now here I’ll just make room for shady like this come on you guys got this let’s make it up to the top oh and another spawn point pressure plate just for us oh but look there’s a chest oh I almost missed that

What’s in there an oak boat what if we can use an oak vote for um Nico I think it’s pretty obvious this whole thing is like an ice race and I’m going to win because I’ll go first what no I’m going to catch up to you come over here no I’m

Getting stuck on a bunch of walls hey I got stuck you guys are all in the way oh my gosh Come on yes I made it first B you cash um I already made it Nico look at me I keep going in circles guys ni what are you

Doing oh my gosh you’re silly but wait where’s Zoe I’m coming what’s Zoe doing um I think she has to restart oh there you go come on okay that was a little crowded but we all made it through anyways yeah and has anyone seen my Enderman yet he hasn’t

Been around here Enderman is he hiding behind this ice come on you’ve got to be here somewhere Andy you’re right here aren’t you no he’s not oh my gosh guys wait I have an idea maybe I’ll just grab this boat and I’ll use it to get on top

Of this thing go cash go I still don’t see him I think we just need to move on no Ender what the heck maybe he’s in this next level just look for him guys yeah you’re right M this is not good Enderman hate water yeah you’re right

Cash maybe that’s why this is a bad obstacle course for them cuz if they fall in they actually get damaged yeah you’re right good thing we don’t get damaged though this is pretty easy for us yeah this is pretty fun can’t we just go this way I guess so there’s a secret

Path this way though yeah maybe it leads to a chest or something watch this let’s go I made it might as well get TR treasure while we’re here oh guys I think I see a button a button I don’t really know what that did yeah um I’m

Pretty sure that was useless we just wasted our time what hurry we got to go save Andy yeah come on guys uh Shady has to come back look at him he’s so slow at parkour but what are we supposed to do here this kind of looks impossible guys

Don’t forget the chest oh yeah I keep missing those what’s in there an elytra and fireworks what guys look I have wings oh my gosh and I can use this to fly around oh my gosh W what’s going on wo oh gosh wait maybe we can use it

To get to the next level just like this oh guys I went a bit too far oh no that was close let’s go oh gosh oh gosh no you went too far I’m the king of this world um Nico the exit is down here wait what where are

You uh I’m down here oh my gosh let’s see where’s the others Shady Zoe what are you guys doing up there we trying to get backed up I think my wings are broken oh my God gosh you guys are slow pokes I’m just going to look at this

Next level while you get here cash watch me oh gosh ni you came in really fast that’s because I am super good with the elytra oh my gosh it looks like this part is like some sort of piston parkour though I don’t really understand how we get around this thing yeah me neither

This is such a weird base why would my Enderman go down here yeah true I think we’re supposed to go from here guys look there’s a bunch of Pistons with levers wo follow this path look I can activate all of them wo that makes a lot of sense

Yeah and wait hold on there’s a ladder now don’t fall on that guys be careful but I don’t get how we’re supposed to go from here look the ending is so far away I got it oh I don’t got it Nico you fell wait I think I have an idea maybe we

Could just jump from here oh gosh that’s definitely possible now I have to make it all the way back oh my gosh here we go let’s just make it all the way through oh hey Nico uh hi cash I need you to move oh gosh I almost hit you and

Now we should be able to jump from here come on yes wo my turn oh gosh Shady you blocked Nico my bad Zoe missed too man Shady let’s check out this next room while we’re waiting for them what is this place it looks like some sort of

Library cash we did it oh what’s up guys but we’re trying to figure out what to do in this room it just looks like some big old library big old library what are you doing here oh I wonder what books are here oh my gosh I don’t like books

Uh I think they’re pretty good they’re so boring I like watching TV what no books are so cool I want to stay here forever zo wa no I don’t want to stay here forever I want to find my Enderman all right oh my gosh he’s got to be

Around here somewhere oh wait guys look at the door it says place the button has anyone found a button yet nope H I guess that’s what we’re looking for then right probably all right everyone search around for a button wait I’m just going to break all this stuff it’s got to be

Around here button uh Nico I don’t think calling it will work it’s not a living thing wait what oh my gosh whatever it’s not up here oh uh guys I think I found one where it’s right here on this bookshelf look it’s so hidden okay now we can go

Places at the front door guys just like that let’s go oh oh gosh this next room looks kind of hard what is that boy What creatures are those what do you mean wait where what is that guys what’s in this room um I fell help

Me oh my got so many suers guys they’re making me levitate wait oh yeah I’m going up I’m going up wait a second this is probably good we can use this to just float up to the next level what come on I I made it guys let’s go oh that was

Close um where’s n uh I’m here cash oh wait you’re already there oh my gosh everyone made it before me yeah okay but wait I don’t understand this next level it just looks like a huge lava pit this makes no sense Cas keep on forgetting the chest oh well what’s in here here

Anyways how is a bow supposed to help us H maybe I could use it to shoot Zoe oh gosh ow ow ow ow um I didn’t mean for that to happen oops you just murdered Zoe forever what no I didn’t look she’s right behind us oh uh Zoe she’s not

Right behind us oh gosh um guys I’m right here oh wait what why are you behind the wall I don’t know I got stuck oh boy oh boy oh boy oh God hurry up Zoe come on okay I’m hurrying oh that that was close but I think I had

The right idea I think one of us is supposed to jump and the other one hits them with a bow what okay Shady when I say go just start jumping right here and I’ll try and hit you okay um I don’t think that’s safe cash you have to land

On those blocks you got this all right ready Shady start jumping come on come on uh uh that was close oh boy me next me next get a running start and jump go ow ow put Boat Boat H never mind mind work oh my gosh can’t we just use the

Elytra oh yeah but I don’t think that’ll get us across so maybe I can shoot you and you can elytra down oh boy uh what is Shady doing the ground is very hot oh my gosh okay you know what Zoe just jumped I got you oh okay let’s go oh it

Worked W it worked no way okay come on Nico ready and go wo I want to go I want to go Shady you have to get me oh where’s Shady oh there you are okay come on come help me okay what do I need to

Do all right you need to shoot me with the bow so I can elytra down okay ready go wooo oh gosh let’s go cash um guys how is Shady going to make it here now oh we got a problem uh guys I’ll just do this wait what are you doing are you

Climbing those blocks no way no way you’re dead that wait we could have done that all along yeah I guess we didn’t need the bows but whatever let’s just go to the next part what even is this it says how do you craft a piston uh I have

No idea don’t ask me you’re the red so Master this this one’s definitely not right it has a bunch of cobblestone I know Pistons have wood on top so it can’t be that one this one’s definitely wrong there’s not wood on the side so it’s between these two I think it’s the

Last one H are you sure Shady let’s do it all right let’s go oh you were right what oh my gosh but now we have another one guys it says how do you craft a redstone comparator what even is that yeah what is that wait you’re the

Redstone Master though oh my gosh okay well I’m I’m pretty sure it’s not this or this none of these makes sense except for this one at the end okay well let’s do it oh my gosh let’s just go did we make it we made it cash I wonder what

Would happened if we got the wrong answer yeah that would have been bad we probably would have died yeah but I hope this one’s not a trivia next wao and look at all the amethyst oh gosh no this level was definitely made for Zoe wasn’t it if it’s parkour no yeah you’re right

And I think it is parkour look it goes around like that oh my God gosh and there’s jump boost potions in here what we can use this to help us on the parkour look at me guys woohoo wait a second how am I supposed to make this jump this looks like it’s

Impossible zo you got any ideas isn’t that a Target block yeah but I can’t even reach it we have bows you’re right we can just hit the button and go oh my gosh I made it you have to be really quick though what oh oh my gosh though

You have to be quicker you got this Nico I got this let’s go my turn oh what how did you get up there um I think I cheated oh my gosh he jumped on the amethyst where’s Zoe I’m here okay you know what Zoe we’ll help you out

We’ll just press the button for you oh okay thank you okay ready and jump come on let’s go up Shady you need to come down here I think I’ll just spectate for now oh my gosh whatever I’m just going to use this button and go to the next

Part me too come on oh gosh this part looks hard here maybe I could just shoot this and jump come on oh levers oh finally W levers okay these levers make it much easier and I think I pretty much made it to the end guys look at me yeah me

Too let’s go ni oh my gosh now it’s Shady’s turn oh Shady oh gosh oh no can I make it here oh what Zoe just skipped a whole part of it what oh my gosh she made it but now what about Shady uh guys I think we should

Have just jumped around here wait what are you serious we could have just done that the whole time yeah and Zoe you can mine this amethyst over here no you cannot we have to find my Enderman first listen Okay where is this Enderman he hasn’t even been in here Ender I know I

Haven’t found him yet oh gosh no not another maze please please got be oh that was a really easy maze yeah what the heck oh my gosh we already found the exit after like 5 Seconds where is this going to lead us I don’t know maybe it’s

Going back to the top wait did we finish all the challenges yeah but I still didn’t find my Enderman I don’t believe your pet Enderman did all of this I don’t know my Ender’s really good at parkour yeah look we did make it back to

The top what oh my gosh and look there’s a bunch of gold and diamonds here where’s the red stone we’re in a totally different location a I’m never going to find my Enderman am I don’t worry cash I know what we can do what we can do Marco

Poo oh my gosh Nico I doubt that’s going to work no it has to work it always works especially with me Marco hello what oh my gosh he was here the whole time where were you whatever you know what let’s just go home yeah I agree that’s a great to Long come on

Andy wa what is that down there um Nico that’s the cave we just went in than super fun let’s yeah no ni I guess you’re right eus I do escape a lot wow where’s your friends wait what Nico Zoe hey who du this hole they escaped run

Get out if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don’t forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye

This video, titled ‘5 Most Extreme Minecraft PRISON ESCAPES!’, was uploaded by Cash on 2023-10-21 15:00:12. It has garnered 428671 views and 5308 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:59 or 6119 seconds.

Today, Cash and Nico get locked up in prison look back on all the times they ESCAPED together in Minecraft! Will they ever escape? Watch to find out!


#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash

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  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon progression system with endgame PvE and weekly tournaments + events.

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    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft hacks REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cheats part 4’, was uploaded by Posterfridge gaming on 2024-05-30 17:46:05. It has garnered 43 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:52 or 15412 seconds. your favourite friendly definitely a human… Person! check out last stream to see what i did in that one Read More

  • Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYT

    Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but it’s a Medieval Fantasy RPG’, was uploaded by ManzbegaminYT on 2024-02-19 19:43:25. It has garnered 2587 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:32 or 3032 seconds. I’ve finally returned. Socials: Twitter: Instagram: Twitch: TikTok: (Thanks to Chatgpt for the absolute yap of a description this is) 🛡️ Embark on a thrilling journey with the incredible ManzbegaminYT as we dive headfirst into the enchanting world of a medieval fantasy Minecraft modpack! 🏰 🌍 Immerse yourself in a realm where knights don powerful armor, mighty dragons soar… Read More

  • “Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!” #minecraft #endcrystal

    "Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!" #minecraft #endcrystalVideo Information This video, titled ‘”This Much” #minecraft #cpvp #endcrystal’, was uploaded by CPvP Settings And Mods on 2024-05-03 19:18:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal pvp texture pack, crystal pvp server, crystal pvp bedrock, crystal pvp guide, crystal pvp … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuilding

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Build Hacks! ⚡️#minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by MineMINE on 2023-12-15 09:50:28. It has garnered 23 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. 🌍✨ Embark on a thrilling journey with us in the Minecraft universe as we delve deep into the mysteries of the Enchanted Realm! In this action-packed episode, we explore uncharted territories, face off against menacing mobs, and unveil hidden treasures that will leave you on the edge of your seat! 🏰 Our fearless adventurer, is armed with nothing but determination and a trusty pickaxe… Read More

  • EPIC SSG GAMING! Insane Minecraft Skills – Day 12 – New Village Build

    EPIC SSG GAMING! Insane Minecraft Skills - Day 12 - New Village BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘[No Voice] Minecraft:Survival – Live Day 12 – New Village Build (Android)’, was uploaded by SSG GAMING SKILLS on 2024-01-13 07:08:45. It has garnered 32 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Game Mode: Online Size : 1.5 GB Device : Realme Narzo 30 Pro Like and Subscribe For more Awesome Gaming Videos For Android. ——————————————– —–—–—Description—–—–— ——————————————– Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine…. Read More