Insane Minecraft Maze Challenges

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in this video Me and My sunny and I will look at the new mazes in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you so son where did we end up with you oh Dad I don’t know these are some of the places you took me to I’m growing up first yes they are scary huge mazes oh you brought your slingshot I made this I took a tree cut down a twig ripped off a branch and put a rubber band here look come on shoot come on try to hit it ouch you’re a really good shot wow now that’s certainly a cool thing you’ve got going on ouch Son run run run run we have to get away from him moner got come on come on I can’t even hit him let’s get out of here son let’s run away fast oh we kind of hid son where are you I’m right here right here right here which side you can’t get over right I don’t know I don’t know oh look there’s a secret chest chest oh kir this will help us oh he’s breaking the fence hurry up Son run away and run away hurry up and get in here he’s about to walk right through destroy him come on let’s try it oh a pretty easy monster what look what is that it’s a slingshot no check this out there’s something glowing maybe there’s a new monster out there I don’t know wait now the rainbow is gone see look I’m scared to look in there well let’s try to dig without knowing wa there’s a rainbow look it’s glowing what kind of unity is that a son oh what’s going on he’s taking off somewhere son what’s going to happen no careful son get away from there don’t stop no a son whoa Daddy what happened to me there’s something wrong with you you’re a scary scary I’m a jock now but yeah you’re a jock you’re a run well get away from from me you’re scary dad you don’t love me look I love you of course even like this let’s see if we can find I don’t know a witch or something and cast a spell on you no I don’t need to be enchanted look how pumped up he is now I can take down a family gathering with one hand well what about my son that all my subscribers like but you and I will be going through the challenges together you and I are on roller skates I’m not with you yet this is the first video I’ve ever done with you and you immediately became Ben The Jock well okay well fine but I hope they bring you back I want to see my son after all let’s go you can’t even get through there you go let’s do some digging oh I’m going to have to break everything all right let’s get to the portal wow well you’re back again you little baby all right I’m normal now nice I really like that we made you okay Mom long legs it’s a monster take that wa wait why doesn’t she hit us look maybe she’s kind our mama long legs you’re not going to fight us yes sorry I won’t fight with you I’ve become kind I’m actually a mom to bigger kids except they’ve been stolen and kidnapped you can help me and rescue them a son oh I don’t know I don’t want to help her I think she’s passionate suddenly she’s not lying and she’s kind well look we have to help her after all if there are real kids in there no don’t we are you sure we have to help her yeah let’s try to save her little kids she’s a long-legged Mom after all maybe she’s actually being kind oh look a drilling machine that’s funny I don’t need it okay there’s some lasers out here it’s really hard to keep n these kids are those really lasers oh they’re not strong at all what did you want me to do go through it carefully yeah how are we going to break it with a bur machine oh yeah that’s it what is that this is where we can swim let’s swim look a toilet ouch it’s a toilet it’s a regular toilet by the way there’s a lever how do you get it Daddy I’m going to my son fell into the lava daddy the bathroom that’s funny let me just grab the lever and try to get back over there it’s all lava here but there I can see into the next door I have to fall into the lava but we got the lever we don’t lose him like that we jump over carefully yeah I mean I tripped all right I’m swimming to you son Oh Daddy how newbile are you you yeah I’m want to kill oh I found another pressure plate might need it let’s try to move on oh no son I don’t want to go there look at this some kind of lava maze wo and Sun you’re on fire careful I’m fired up too you’re on fire and here it’s all in lava because you have to be very careful where are you the stove didn’t you yes here we have to open the door to the stove that’s where she’s going let’s try to open it that’s it all my son’s open let’s move on where do we go there that’s where we have the carport remember yeah I got it let’s dig boom all right let’s dig these couple blocks too oh no Vanessa kidnapped that son of a careful stop don’t shoot that thing you’ll get hit too it’s only need to win hey come here we’re going to lure her in come here look she’s clapping and happy she caught them that’s it we’re done did it yeah listen I got an idea let’s take all these sons of mine back to Mama long legs lost her long legs after all and then we’ll jump through the portal we’ve got a quick dig in there I guess it’s behind the wall let’s give it a shot whoops where I’m digging is this way whoops stal laa will SL woo we need to go this way I found it I found it son and you decided to come in like this yeah that’s the side I’ve been digging through just like that great hello long legs we’ll get you all suns back look here they are all five Suns oops I accidentally put faster pick up here are the second third fourth and fifth Sun that’s it everybody’s here thank you so much you are so good yeah yeah sure cheese zero where are you I’m here I’m here ah you’re all here now we’ll head into the portal to see what’s next let’s go look son look where we are what who’s that it’s Bella good talking Bella hi there yeah hey guys oh listen I heard on the news that the animatronics have started robbing banks and so the Sun and the Moon have already robbed the biggest bank and stolen giant diamonds what is it son have you ever seen one of these the biggest diamond in the world yeah you’ve seen it at my place you know where it’s framed and framed but that doesn’t count they robbed a bank can you believe it it’s the Sun and the Moon that did it all seriously there he is there he goes look son look you’ve got a diamond too we’re about to miss the sun and moon he’s running away from us let’s go oh wait look there’s my diamond he goes what’s your diamond here’s a big huge diamond wow but that’s certainly not the biggest one I just went to the bank and saw it it’s actually gigantic there so we’re going to need to get those diamonds back there he goes let’s go son we need to stop him let’s go all right sun and moon Follow Me Come On Son follow me where are you here’s the gobu okay come on let’s go get him there’s more saw set up so we can’t get through I tripped let’s go where the Sun and Moon are look diamond yeah there he is giant Sun and Moon Head bouncing what’s that wait son wait a minute uh Hey give us back elmas quickly take that monster I’m not giving you anything back this toas is mine and you are mine too come on son of a fit him we have to destroy it all right son you and me were doing great yes you and I are big moms all right look at that giant Diamond spinning and that there are little Al matics here there are still even small diamonds as many as three chests you do not need your well by the way the color don’t you think that’s my diamond look you’re cool you blend in here take the tea we’re going to need it got it it’s right there in your hand it’s me spinning spinning look oh cool guys we got ourselves a diamond but we’ll definitely return it to the bank after the video because robbing is bad all right son let’s go to the portal let’s go let’s go oh son look there’s cobwebs all over the place wao man something like what oh on stop son save me right how do to get out which way careful come on let me save you thank you I almost got stuck some spiders came by the way what do you think spiders are it seems suspiciously quiet yeah it’s kind of quiet don’t listen to anyone I think there’s some scary spiders in here oh there’s something jumping son oh it’s the neighbor we have to hide you hide from the game hello neighbor can’t be caught do you remember yes yes of course I remember he’s coming this way son hide behind the wall come on get out he’s out there looking for something he’s looking for something careful he’s coming this way where are you hiding you’re running off into the water you’ve got a good idea the neighbor ran into the other room I’ll go check it out look he’s walking around looking for us he’s checking everything here we’ll put him in jail he’ll lock it up and hideing in the basement so he can’t be soon oh run run looking around looking for things okay I’ll follow you son we’re already in the Next Room he’s back here again and we’re running come on I’m hiding behind a cobweb at least I’m hiding right here did he run away I don’t know not yet let’s go take a look listen son ah by the way he’s looking again come here ouch I found some kind of secret room haven’t found it yet look there’s a ladder down there Wow Let’s see gently down come on okay there’s some stairs here it’s a secret passageway the sun’s portal that’s what we need we can run away from the neighbor away from him finally yeah he won’t find us cool we’re not going to be trapped in any basement everybody get to the portal faster let’s go let’s go so Sun where look ouch there are a lot of monsters here the prices hurry up and run here wa there’s podos yeah jamble and Josh the head skeezy is spinning look Jamba where are you going we’re not going to let you go that easily chenel Hit It come on you had a slingshot I’m hitting I’m hitting go ahead shoot him ouch oh wow you blew up what was that I don’t know it’s a cool thing just be careful uh bang like what whoa it’s blowing up in your son what are you doing wow yeah I can see that yes we beat him son wait okay okay don’t blow up I’m lagging that’s enough standing set I’m all stalled out on Minecraft ouch I’m still having a blast you’re a little over the top son but by the way we defeated all the kabii monsters all right all right okay there’s a lot of drinking going on here and you’re supposed to sneak through this stuff I’ve come up with a new trick you can just walk up from the corner and open the chest from here there’s lots of diamonds and a golden apple but I haven’t found the lever we need to go any further how about using this grenade to take it down go ahead try it try it but be careful yeah let’s give it a sh’ll just be careful we need to not blow the portal back no it doesn’t work nah what about me look we’ve got slowness on top of slowness I got another grenade you gave me Jumping Joe but to me now the endless slowness I’m very slow oh what have you done son be careful yo I’m being quiet as a joke come here quick come on what fun get oh I’m very slow where do I stand that’s it stop wait uhuh all right come on look I’m standing still for the smoke that’s oh did you buy me how did you fly off and see it and there was a door by the way maybe we should come in here and check it out except I’ve slowly turned into a snail in general you see a son are you a serious snail I’m a little slow on the uptake it’ll pass why don’t you jump the door look let’s jump up like this come on jump jump jump you’re about to fly up oh I flew my son into space Oh Daddy son what was that you on back no that’s it that’s it that’s it that was enough for me these doors just be opened and here’s the sun’s boxy careful don’t get me started but be careful with that thing son do you fly he’s flying around in space wow look I’ve got a trunk help me fight off the towboat oh oh oh careful with those things come on come on let’s have a blast look look let’s kill him on him ouch no don’t look at this bomb wow it’s all blown up in here I found a letter by the way that’ll help us no I don’t think we need the lever come on get over here quick Come On Son let’s go blow it up that’s it let’s go Baba break it please get up get up yeah I’m standing right here come on let’s get the door off come on let’s blow the door down with me let’s go I just like you know accelerated and broke through the door Wow Let’s go hop in guys how cold is it in here look snap bars everywhere what the hell is going on here let’s try to get in here is that orange rainbow Friend Bear and Lady bud what is he doing to her let’s just watch let’s listen uh-huh happy debagging is as freezing as all these characters oh zombie hi oh hey oh something’s wrong with me I’ve turned into a snowman orange friend what have you done to me I turned you into a snowman too and I’m about to turn ladybug too no I’ll be a snowman forever now how do I get out of this dice so hate orange friend you can’t catch up with me still I saved the deag got it I’ll catch up with you here a guys let’s run away look away from him all right let’s go back I have to figure out how to save ladybug here okay great well now we’re getting out of here we tricked him you can’t catch me you’re weak stop wait he’s gone somewhere you you can’t beat me you got it right yeah get it so what I’m a snowman now I’m not afraid of you got it I know exactly what you’re afraid of I’ll do it now I’m sure of it I’m afraid of orange you spilled your loes yeah I can light it with a flamethrower like this so what come to think of it lava I’ll just take it from here and SPI to bad you don’t you got it I won’t let you there’s lava in here too hey stop I got dice come on I’m afraid of lava ouch it’s hot ouch guys I can’t be set on fire or I’ll melt but I’m still not afraid I’ll still get in and get ladybug out so ladybug come with me goodbye all right guys let’s get out of here he’s not going to do anything to me it’s a regular orange friend I’m a bigger snowman than you I said give it back no you can’t catch up with me you weakling I got you I got you I’m not afraid of you goodbye guys look away from him run faster he’s behind me earlier in the friend he’s spilling his lovey everywhere what do we do we got to get out of here somehow ah no I’m not jumping in there get off okay guys let’s break through here and try to escape here oh it’s closed what that’s it well I and he’s trying to burn me away let’s get out of here all right well like how do I get out of here I need blocks oh what are we going to do he’s burning me up right now okay wait a minute let’s try to swim through here guys what about oh wait I think I’ve turned back into a zombie now I’m sure I’m Not Afraid now the Fire won’t take it you got it right yeah okay all right fine then we’ll have to destroy you by other means what what methods rainbow friend you are the weakest of rainbow friends I’m not afraid of you at all what’s this to find out get off go away oh guys we’re definitely getting away from him now I’m going to walk right past you and ow I mean you’re definitely afraid of me now oh guys he’s turned into a mega super snowman he seems to be eating them all right let’s try to get out of here let’s get out of here we’ve got to get out of here we’ve got to get out of here so how do you escape then he flooded everywhere with his paw who’s turned into a giant snowman himself check it out wait wait I’ve got a flamethrower hey come here there you go ouch are flamethrower the tank show close with the wall you don’t think I’m going to get you do you now I’m going to get to you here take this okay guys we have to be careful saving the flamethrower we have to burn it okay we’re going to Sleek right into his room we’re going to break this right here hey stop closing up I’m getting there for you now got it all right snowman I’ll pass no haha you got a flamethrower on you take that no guys we’re about to destroy yeah that that’s it this orange rainbow friend of the giant snowman has been destroyed okay we should get out of here but first we can block the lava here put some Sledge here or something yeah or what we can close with with this ice no I can’t it’s snowing so you’ll get something all all the blocks are breaking I need some kind of block all right I think we’re going to make it out of here as long as we get ladybug out we’ll put it right here that’s it ladybug is saved to the big zbak you’re the best okay no of course not okay now we’ve got to find a way to get in there to do that we did down here and go further into the portal all right look oh you’re the Talking Angela hello yeah hello zombie oh help me find sleep Boba he ran away from me and doesn’t seem to want to be friends with me I’m about to take offense to him oh don’t take offense come on I’ll help you find him let’s take these scissors and try to cut through all the foliage here I think we’re in some kind of Angela’s maze oh so that’s SpongeBob look John hey beam what do you mean he jumped over here where’s SpongeBob he’s running away again guys maybe something happened to him well come with me just be careful with the spikes let’s go find him like this try to find him carefully and move on oh so you’re here dice he’s running away for some reason I don’t know what happened to sleep SpongeBob byebye bye-bye zombie I’ll catch up with you you decided to raise hide and seek as long as you catch the zombie you won’t catch me guys SpongeBob is running away from us but we have to be careful not to get caught on the spikes moving on guys we’re cutting all the way through we need to find SpongeBob the main thing is not to get lost in The Mazes because the mazes are big let’s go this way that’s where we’re going to go next we got to go okay carefully jump over through ouch oh we found it I didn’t find one bye guys why is you running away I wonder Angela’s lost she’s right here you’re not lasering in there we’ll find her hey come with me I’ll get the guys to pick her up and bring her over here real quick sleep where you ran off to and to a house so hey sleep where are you guys oh okay that was a prank what kind of prank I realized that you my friends you followed me all the way through the maze I was hiding from you of course how much money wow Angela was about to get mad at you thinking you didn’t want to be friends with her nah I wanted to test your trepidation whether you’re friends with me or not if you weren’t friends you wouldn’t come with me is this how you were looking for me well it’s okay it’s good we found you look all right I’ll move on have a good hide and seek Maze and I’ll be off all right come on bye-bye tank all right let’s go wa look oops the saws are rolling we got to get the cautious man to pick up the diamonds what a free Diamond nice real one I mean yeah you shut me down rainbow friend hi there what a high high get me out of here Z Rick I think he’s got me locked up I’m not pulling it out you’re bad how’s that I’m bad maybe you’re the bad one you are a monster look at me look at me I’m so cute what monster you look cute sure I’m more of a monster compared to you I’m a Zombie after all look please please let me out let me out why would I just let you out you’re bad and I don’t want to let you out maybe I can help you some way I don’t know well you just say the word I’ve been drinking and I’ll break it for example oh listen I have an idea it’s a test of speed whoever gets through it the fastest wins yes I have my own speed second man release go ahead I can do it if you lose I’ll lock you up forever uh-huh I don’t want to be in prison forever you do you do I’m sure okay okay I agree come on let me out I can beat you all right okay I won’t let’s be honest you open it for me too you break it with your own hands why don’t you for a long long time all right fine okay on three we’ll run on the left side then we’ll run on the right side come on come on so what do we need to do there where do we run to there you have to run to the very end and pick up all the items from the table oh okay all right come on I’m ready for three yeah you do the math come on 1 2 3 run and split we go up and there are spikes careful that’s how the blue goes up there too look he’s getting close so diamond shovel pickaxe Axe and sword all right I’ll take everything yeah the blue one’s still out there picking up tools we got to get there before he does oh do i y careful passing toall scast around the sides hurry up I’ll make it who won I won what do you mean no are you going to put me in jail M well that means I’m putting you away no no no wait wait maybe we shouldn’t guys we should run away somehow maybe go on get up get up okay all right that’s it that’s I’m off for now bye the boys of the blue rainbow suddenly leave he locked me behind bars forever and he flooded everything with his paw that’s not fair at all so how do I get out of here now I’m going to be in this prison forever why wait I do have the blocks and tools we just Min don’t I look what I came up with we can use the same diamond pickaxe to did ourselves out put blocks right here and now get out of here all right let’s get to the portal while he’s gone let’s go so uh are we the ones what’s with the blue rainbow friend heads bouncing around here oh careful guys I think oh look there’s a blue rainbow friend well well well I feel someone coming in where are you he didn’t find me guys I think I almost burned him and these little heads are helping helping him look they jump and can peek and see everything we have to tread carefully that’s how we’re going to get to the portal the Portal’s closed folks look they’ve closed the portal oh ouch found it no we’re running we’re hiding we have to hide from him we have to go somewhere fast and he found me let’s hide over here let’s go up where’d he go great he’s lost me I’ve lost it again oh guys’s cool he’s lost me so let’s get out of here oh no he’s found me let’s get out of here we need to figure out a way to break down this wall guys okay there’s some diamonds falling you see let’s try to get there yeah diamonds really do fall here I had blocks let’s try to get up here just like that let’s jump in here that it’s here oh I sure as hell can’t find it here look there’s a room over here oh that’s great this is where we can mine iron yeah let’s try to get him oh that’s great charcoal too okay now we should probably throw it all in the stove just have time to do it before oops hurry up and get out of here my rainbow friend found me mun away what do we have here oh a ladder no we’re running we’re running away okay guys my rainbow friend is looking for me they’re shooting blasters at me too know what to do okay see if you guys can use a diamond pickaxe to break that great it’s not breakable we should make an iron one after all okay look this blue rainbow friend lost me I got to go check on my iron it must have melted yeah that’s great now we’ve got to get the sticks out of there and get in the way okay take the sticks and now let’s quickly find a workbench and craft a pickaxe okay put it up okay take the iron and craft a pickaxe all right we can get out of here rainbow friend you can’t catch me huh where are you zombie come here I opened a portal bye-bye oh no a goodbye rainbow friend there he is well no let’s get out of here you’re caught in a trap bye-bye run away quickly oh look it’s Jack from the digital circus that’s great nice zombie and hey what’s going on here oh it’s a circus ordeal that’s for short yeah circus trials how do you pass them and you have to go through them on a special machine that takes you up Wards oh wow you’re jumping so high it’s like a bunny of some kind I can oh I can do that too can I here we go of course of course you can let’s get the jetpack on folks and we can take off I can fly cool let’s try this way yeah of course also I’m going to heal oh all right I got the jetpack Jack let’s go so what a package yeah I ad forly calls you a jetpack we’ve got to beat these Bridges and they need to be left out they’re too strong I got a new one by the way do you want to go get a new one come on come on what’s that jetpack for do I want to give you something cooler okay I’m taking the jetpack off come on show me what you got what is this what am I going to jump on now oh wow okay I’m going to try it now so I’m really like some kind of SuperSonic who can jump high fly cool let’s give it a try Okay the important thing is not to get caught by this monster you know let’s go gently look he’s bouncing really high of course it’s a very cool thing that’s really cool look I love it I’d love to be a part of your digital circus I’d probably be useful there too yeah well you’d be a good slope it’s not funny no I was good at some stunts you know I do acrobatics there well well I think I played it well there’s a stalemate you have to go this way look okay I’ve already figured out your tests look this thing is pretty cool I jumped that high on it for real very cool stuff I’d probably make one for myself too all right well I’ll give it to you anyway you won’t need it for the show here you go thank you so much lock come on everybody bye all right I’m out of here let’s move on ooh that’s a oh look what’s smoking it’s Sonic and Angela what’s going on hey Sonic hi oh hey zombie hi what are you doing here we’re on a romantic getaway that’s a weird romantic trip you’re on are you two dating first of all I want to get wild yeah that’s the motor we’re running look here comes the oops see how the motor works wow that’s quite a boat you got there let me see it wow guys look Sonic Angela’s got a cool boat can I swim with you well as a third laziness we’re on a romantic getaway but I’m only one Circle I’ll have my own boat all right come on let’s have one monk shot and then you and your romance man it’s cool you guys Angela and I are dating all right I’m going to get on my boat no sack we’re not dating we’re just like out of the blue with a girlfriend a friend’s romantic trip with his girlfriend well we’re not dating yet but you don’t police me you’re the same Angela sitting next to me wow okay cool sure so I’m going to try how hard it is to steer this boat look you’re really good at this what a cool sweet boat you have nice boat I rented it for $5 I’m going to try a cool turn now I hit every wall I don’t get the boat steering at all look it’s a pretty complicated thing to do oops that’ll turn the wheel in time let me try a first-person view of what it looks like whoa wrap it up here just don’t hit anyone ouch I took them all no romantic getaways here hey pipe head put it back they’re having a romance what a pipee headed blue-headed siren headed actually yeah I’m confusing you with him LS you better get it back quick or else and here you are with my fishing pole come on over here bring back Sonic and Angela I’m here to fish I I came here for a romantic trip set up the boats he broke my boat too you that’s it I’m taking the machine gun and I’m shooting you now or else bring Sonic back no oh I don’t know catch some fish please and then maybe I’ll pay you back catch a fish I’ll catch you for 5 hours so unfair catch catch oh but I’ll try but if it doesn’t work I’ll shoot you got it yeah yeah yeah okay catch me a fish give it to me oh the scary horrible monster tricked me into stealing Sonic and fishing oh the fish are already caught we found one hey where are you come here come on I got you some fish come on all right well okay I’ll get it back hold on come back quickly where are you going guys I hope he gives me Sonic and Angela back it’s a real hes took me what kind of fishing rod he gave me Angela Sonic where are you save mine oh they’re coming look they’ve been released all right oh you’re here all right hey zie oops I’ve been grabbed by that blue teardrop along with Angelo along with the duck and swallowed it but he kind of let us out who I’m really glad I was able to save you I have to catch all the a fish in this River all right here’s a fishing rod to fight him off good smell thanks all right bye come on good luck have a good swin and we guys will move on oh look guys there’s the sheriff don’t lags me go away what I say wildly this way well stand over here I’m shooting you like a cannon you got it get up quickly over here why don’t you listen to a policeman get up quickly you’re not a real cop you’re a monster I I don’t have to listen to you let me out of jail you what arrested all right come on kids hurry up and find my treasure everyone search for the treasure now if you don’t find it I’ll have you all arrested wait guys the sheriff’s got me in jail and he’s looking for some treasure look he’s got some real treasure hunters in there so uh Sheriff Let’s Make a Deal he’s already down in one of the caves hey Sheriff Let’s Make a Deal you let me go and I’ll look for your treasure come on okay I couldn’t find these with nothing at all hurry up and find it or I’ll put you back in jail okay thank you very much do you have some kind of pickaxe super cool that I have to did with my hands you want a pickaxe too here you go thanks a lot guys fooled the sheriff I don’t know if I’ll be able to get away because he closed the aisle but at least we can find the treasure dirt dirt dirt definitely not treasure the F wasn’t looking for dirt Ona will be needed thanks but no I wasn’t looking that’s it okay I’ll keep looking for some carrot and potato warehouses around here no that’s probably not it either what are we looking for anyway Diamond probably some look for it look for it come on I said okay okay all right all right let’s go down and see the gold maybe it has under treasure Sheriff I found gold your treasure oh what is this flower guys he’s creating some kind of monster for me I’ve got a little bit of gold but that’s not it oh my God I’m going to put it back in okay all right all right all right I’ll find it okay we need to do this now oh a chest of gold could be the treasure here so much oomph that’s probably what he meant by treasure okay wait let’s hide in here I just had a brilliant idea guys what if we cheat him do we take the treasure for ourselves I also found a cop costume here look let’s put on a cop costume let’s take a baton and pretend we’re real cops and cheating the sheriff all right all right let’s go upstairs shiff what are you doing here hello hi nuic I have found your land you have asked for it for a long time then look carefully use it for good or if you don’t use it for good I’ll have you arrested it’s fine all right come on that’s it good to go guys you shared dirt with nuck I don’t know look Sheriff you’re under arrest I’m a real cop hello police officers hey guys I fell for it he didn’t remember me he thinks I’m a real cop yeah I’m a cop you’re under arrest for fraud you’re not a real cop uh where are you sitting no I’m sorry I got to go where are you going where did you find my police car guys he stole my cop car and ran away okay just kidding I’m not a real cop he fell for it Sheriff we tricked him he ran away on free now and all those treasure Hunters you guys are free you don’t have to look for the treasure CR dies wait what’s the next way in let’s try to break this down and get through everything’s fine we can go farther let’s go so what’s going on here anyway look at those horrible scary monsters neighbor what is it zomac zomac help me please they put me around the radiator drowning it really hard I I can’t get out of here help me what neighbor I’m not going to save you you’re bad and harmful I know how bad you are I’ve become kind I got a job as a photographer here’s my camera look you get a job as a photographer on a computer the battery is getting you hot listen yes I’m very hot please destroy these monsters and break the batteries guys they’re bullying the neighbor I don’t know sure bad too but he’s really changed all right let me help you now let’s destroy all these monsters what a giant spider you I’m afraid of spiders neighbor and you’re you’re afraid of spiders no I’m not but they’ve locked me in I can’t get out now we’re going to deal with them on me spiders they’re too strong I’m out of machine gun how do you deal with them they also put a camera on and make fun of me on purpose so that kids with viewers can watch it’s not real that’s what the monsters used to Tau you but even the evil neighbor didn’t deserve this we have to save him guys maybe he’s actually being kind so one of the bundles I managed to defeat how strong they are look I can’t even get in they’re very fast can you help me oh no I can’t help you I’m getting out of here I can’t break these batteries look I got a pickaxe let me break it like this take your pick oh that’s great come on help me deal with them look I’ve almost defeated my second spider he’s so strong and this giant one I don’t know how to beat at all I should probably just I know how to beat him we’re going to get him now whoops come on how did I catch your neighbor I well done ambach you’re doing great well done oh he’s back somewhere to stop them oh we beat them yay it’s a neighbor oh batteries the stream is missing them look you won’t be bullied anymore look I don’t know you say you’ve changed maybe you’re lying to me no I’m not kidding I’m in love with a girl she decided to change me she’s so beautiful she decided to change me and told me not to do any bad Deeds so that I would always be good and then I’ll have love on me and this way if I’m bad I’m not going to get anywhere with her look I don’t know if I should trust you you say you’re in love with someone uh uh okay all right fine where does it show that she wanted something she’s over there well on point and collect we can’t go through empty-handed color of course girls should be given flowers come on let’s pick a couple of flowers like this white ones let’s pick these too look you’ll make a beautiful bouquet yeah come on give me all the flowers okay don’t do these dry branches the flowers are already wilted here you go have all the flowers all right look where’s the girl come on show me she’s over there in the foliage come on let’s go get the bouquet ready zomac might not go near it but I’ll give it a gift there myself come on all right do a hint I’ll wait here hi I love you very much here’s some flowers these are the flowers save me help hush hush hush hush go away go away what are you doing to her she’s just worried go away go away go away guys she was screaming for help I think the neighbor tricked me hey you get out of here now I’m going to start firing the cannon no no gun please just no gun please okay I’m going to save you girl you need help yes help the gods please he’s got me trapped I don’t love him you cheating neighbor you haven’t changed a bit what wait wait wait no guns no guns please get out of here hands in the No Guns please please please hands in the air please don’t I’m leaving that’s it just be quiet I’m leaving bye-bye put your hands up don’t go back into your portal okay guys it’s a good thing we saved her you’re definitely fine you’re not worried no that’s it thank you very much you’re so good thank you for saving your neighbor yeah you’re welcome of course I’m always happy to help all right come on Good Luck I’ve got to keep moving I hope he doesn’t come back he was really scared let’s keep going all right look it’s a fuse hello back hey you don’t want to take the chest with me only there’s a loft Pensa Jesus in here somewhere yeah SpongeBob come on let’s go come here don’t I’ll get it no don’t guys I found some water hurry up let’s get some water let’s get out of here and W pin is coming for us SpongeBob come with me so what’s in here potion of weakness it’ll help us so SpongeBob you’re coming let’s get out of here you have to oh I’ve lost my water Where’s the water Where’s my water so I put it somewhere no no no and leeni is out of here here ouch pushing you put it in the water like that I can’t pick it up how’s that oh great I picked her up sponge spot’s on fire no SpongeBob is neat thank you for saving Buck from being burned yes sir please forgive me let’s follow me we need to put out all this lava faster and get on with our lives the flop in the Pence is already catching up with us okay look we can throw it at him well fluffy for you take that no I’ve gotten really slow all right come on spat brro follow me I found another potion we need to get through faster we’re going to be collecting checkpoints like this and throwing potions at him well be careful up there on the top climb we’ll go faster this way I found another chest oh he’s speeding up for you oh he’s throwing me some more look come this way we can go through ouch SpongeBob come here I found some doors okay throw Zeal at him last one let’s go this way get in here SpongeBob come on hurry hurry get in the door we’re going to get stuck so where are you okay we lost you guys uh-huh that’s it no fluffy pens fell into the llamas and burned we could have run away from him SpongeBob yeah hooray for the tank all right we did it yeah cool it was a really cool challenge hold the water you probably need water it’s hot it’s been glorious here I hope your whole sponge isn’t dry you’d better get back to Beck ISM with the bot and I’ll move on let’s go wow guys what a scary natap Chester happened hey hello the other one’s a zom listen I’m just oh wait wait wait wait I’ve been into music here for a long time and play guitar listen to me play please another guitar playing what’s that over there Jack is it oh well wait what did you do to him and you want to bite my tongue get out of here don’t be with me wait well I play music because I like my music okay all right come on come on let’s get your music on the best is that okay playing okay okay okay look it’s still a scary scary monster you say it’s okay I’m not going to be friends with you playing guitar I’m not going to play guitar with you you’re a scary monster you got jacked it out of here so yeah zombie you’re just like this digital clown circus everyone he’s burying me too guys I think he’s trapped some characters from the digital circus we have to save them he buried me guys how do we get out of here so much sand collapse bye-bye all right guys let’s get away from him bad run away you don’t appreciate my music we need uh he’s lost something guys can do to help get Jack out I’m going to destroy them did you see this see also saw who oh this one did you do this I’ll do the same to you for not appreciating music oh no don’t give me that let me save mine you’ve really caught the good characters and we’ll be out of here ow that hurts are you shooting yourself oh I saw a flamethrower by the way maybe they can repel him well C he might be afraid of fire here you go take that oh it’s hot no not the fire take it oh I see why it’s so black on top it’s probably burned now we’re going to scare him with a light come here you’re afraid of the dwarf oh it hurts it’s hot ouch that’s it in a troll place to play music it really burned look it got scared and ran away okay we’ve already got Jack out and rescued and maybe the rest of these rooms have some let’s give it a shot guys we have to save everyone there’s someone here we’re going to dig everybody up real quick oh and here guys look good talking Ben okay maybe there’s someone here look there’s a Talking Tom we found them all awesome okay we need to dig him up more so we can get out okay well the important thing is that we’re out and these good characters are safe what’s in here oh the shovel was fine I can dig up more of them that’s it we’ve saved the good characters and we can we’re back at the beginning of the portal let’s go that’s how we did The Mazes today with my son I hope you enjoyed this video be sure to like And subscribe to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my

This video, titled ‘THE BIGGEST MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-02-08 11:00:25. It has garnered 8184 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:42 or 2142 seconds.


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    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷 ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More