Insane Speed & Flight: Conquer Modded Minecraft!

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In the last stream we were working on setting up our automation for the advanced and Elite technium ingots and now that we have both of these up and running and we have both Advanced and Elite technium coming in continuously we have all three of the first three we

Have all of the first three tiers of technium coming in and we can now begin looking through quite a lot of the research especially in basic Advanced Elite and even a little bit in Ultimate here and we can just got unlock and we can just start unlocking kind of all of

This stuff to give us a bunch of extra little quality of life things that are going to make our life so much easier going forward so I think we can start in basic research here we don’t really have too much left to unlock we could unlock the immersive aircraft mod which unlocks

The quadcopter the gyro the gyro dine the Airship and the bip plane not quite sure we’re going to need those I think we can probably safely move on to advance deck which is where we’re really going to get some of the improvements for us so we are on a

New version of the pack and one of the best things in my opinion that Ben has added to the pack in the latest update is the addition of these two quest lines right here that is the research paper for no hunger and the research paper for

Speed one of my complaints for a little while now has been that if we build a big base we can’t really move around that fast we’ve just got the default walking speed but Ben has listened and he’s added the ability to unlock a speed research paper which doesn’t seem too

Difficult to make and then once you have that you can pick speed one speed two or speed three and so you can kind of pick how fast you want to go by unlocking that research we’ve also got things like Time in a Bottle which is going to make

It easier for us to accelerate certain machines going forward and make things just a little bit faster elevators di or and build building gadgets before we do any of this I think the first thing we should do is unlock a better way of making techbooks because you’ll see that

A lot of these bits of research especially this one here which gives you the ability to turn off hunger entirely this one requires 64 techbooks that’s quite a large amount of techbooks we could make that but if we wanted to make that with our current recipe we’d have

To use 64 basic technium ingots and then eight stacks of bronze which is doable but is more expensive than it needs to be as especially because if we go to Elite research here there is a quest to unlock techbook 2 this gives us a better recipe that uses Advanced technium

Instead of basic technium and allows us to make more techbooks at a time so if we want to unlock that we can go ahead and craft up the techbooks to research paper which seems fairly doable I will craft up a few more of these blank research papers here because we’re going

To do a lot of research today and we also do of course need some Advanced technium right now there’s none in this draw that’s because it’s all sitting over in here so I’m just going to take some out of there you’ll see it’s also sitting in the framed 2x two draw there

As well that is fine let’s do this boom and while we’re at it there is also after that a techbook 3 recipe as well and this is not too difficult it requires four Elite technium we’ve got over a stack now of elite technium you’ll see it’s backing up in here

Speaking of which I should definitely do what I’ve done with my other Hoppers and put in some junk like that just to make sure that we don’t end up with um like six stacks of elite technium because that’s just going to delay how long it takes for us to actually start backing

Up on Advanced technum which is is not ideal but over here we can do this and if we hand both of those in with some techbooks which again is going to be the the tricky bit here we uh we should be able to unlock some higher tiers so

Starting with techbooks 2 we need the book which we have and then we need 16 techbooks right now we have eight and so we do need eight more do we have enough bronze to make that happen we do fantastic so boom boom and now if we

Look at the recipe for techbooks we have access to this second recipe which is basically the same but now uses Advanced technium and gets us four times the number of techbooks looking at the next unlock here we need again 16 so this time around we can just swap out the

Basic technium for the advanced technium we can very quickly get 16 using substantially less bronze and then here we can go ahead hand that in hand in the techbook and now we have yet again another new recipe this one only gets a seven I thought it was going to double

Up to to eight but we can use Elite technium and bronze to get seven at a time and of course we’ve got over a stack of elite techum over in our setup here and so now getting techbook is going to be substantially easier and quicker for example if we wanted to get

The full snack required to turn off the need for Hunger we could come over here we could hand in that 464 and then we just need four apples for advanced technium and a research paper So Hunger is what we’re after I think we have four apples we totally do let’s go boom boom

And disable hunger boom look at that so now no longer do we have to carry these golden carrots around with us no longer do we have to continually try and find potatoes to eat or cook we don’t have to worry about growing growing wheat to get

Bread we don’t have to worry about any of that stuff we just have full hunger all the time I love it next on my list is speed I think the the speed research book is going to be very helpful for us seems fairly straightforward we might

Need to get some more sugar can because we only have three here that is fine of course as per usual leaves are going to get us cactus cactus will get us kelp kelp will get us bamboo and bamboo will get us sugar cane and sugar cane of

Course will get a sugar I was going to craft a stack there but that would be a mistake because we do need paper more than we need sugar we do only need sugar to get the speed book at which point we can hand in the book and we need 32

Techbooks now it’s possible that we might actually now be out of bronze because we probably worked through the backlog that was stored in here not quite we do have a stack that still but we can if we want to use the jumbo furnace to very quickly make a large

Amount of bronze but for now let’s do this and this and once we have at least 32 we can go ahead and hand those in and now we get to pick let me start with speed one it does say disable hunger there when I hover over but I think

That’s just I actually don’t know what that is does that they all say disable hunger okay so speed one is a little fast okay how speed two speed two is faster I definitely prefer this this is like a a better speed I think in my book but then again speed three might also

Not be too bad you know I kind of like it I am going to lower my fov to kind of match the uh the fact that we’ve got um a high speed now but um but yeah know I dig this this is going to make it a lot

Easier for us to get around our base in its entirety I do keep thinking I’m going to have like jump boost enabled with that but I don’t that’s fine but now getting from you know this request table to our other request table or even all the way over to our other platforms

Isn’t going to take anywhere near as long and itth it makes me more likely to want to build a larger base with more platforms that kind of further a field going forward which I think is um is good now that that’s taken care of we can probably look at finishing up some

Of these quests so waist stones are interesting I don’t think we need them essentially with the waist Stones you can place down these wa stones and then whenever you right click on them you can teleport to another was Stone that you’ve put down and it uses a little bit

Of experience normally although that might have been tweaked in the configs but usually you know you could have a waon here you right click it and then if you had another waon down for example all the way on the side of the base it would teleport you between those two w

Stones now we could get that we could unlock it and try and get those waist stones but at the same time under Elite research there is the temp pad which I think is kind of just a better version of it you’ll see actually interesting you do have to unlock the waist STS to

Get the temp pad the temp pad lets you set predetermined locations and then you can just use a temp pad walk through a portal and get teleported to that location so it kind of does the same thing as a Way Stone but without the need to actually have a physical was

Stone down but it looks like we have to do both and so you know what let’s have a look then what do we need for the W Stones we need four iron plates and four Redstone we actually have that ready to go and so if we do this we just need to

Make those four blocks of redstone one two three and four good stuff that gets us the book and then did we need a lot of techbooks we did not eight is perfect and then you can use eight to actually buy the W Stone usually the W stones are also

Craftable yeah they do require the warp Stone though which requires ender pearls currently we don’t have access to Ender Pearls I think the way that we get ender pearls is by using ender ore to make ender pearl fragments and then you can craft ender pearl fragments into ender

Pearls to make that happen you do have to unlock the research for Ender all which is probably something we’ll do today but let’s not get ahead of ourselves before we do that let me see about getting some more techbooks of course thankfully the bronze is being made continuously and let’s use that to

Purchase some W Stones here I would like just the standard non- Mossy W Stones these are pretty cool though so if I were to throw one down let’s say all the way over here just in the center of the island like that and we’ll call this

Starter home done and then all the way on the other side of the base we could throw down another W Stone potentially by our big windmill here let’s say we put it there and we call this windmill Crescent done now whenever we right click on this wone we can teleport

To start a home just like that and we can do it again with more present again it does look like Ben has disabled the cost of experience sometimes with this wone mod you do have to pay a little bit of experience to teleport this time around you do not which is pretty nice

Actually this um could potentially be a better choice than the temp head because we do have the space for it and so I might just go ahead and throw down another way Stone up in timation central so over here we can throw down a Way Stone like that call it automation

Cental like that and then now we can just teleport around the base much easier even with the speed you know the speed kind of becomes irrelevant when you have access to uh to instant teleportation like this but I quite like it and we got one left here so we can

Probably drop one maybe like here sure uh we’ll call this um conveyor hell cuz it it is conveyor hell we do have a slight problem by the way with our conveyor system at the minute but let’s not don’t worry about that we’re going to come back to that later on in

The episode I do wonder if we can change the color of these like I noticed we have these these beacons coming off it I do wonder I wonder real quick if I get some kind of dye do we have any like dandelion yellows or poppies we do have

A poppy can I like dye the the the way Stone I can’t that’s fine anyway so now that we have those ready to go I just got to remember to use them to get around the base let’s look at what else we have the time in the bottle is going to be tremendous

Useful for us to unlock this we first have to get more techbooks again not a problem and we should still have more Elite technium coming in and we still got loads of it ready to go so I’m not too worried about spending it on the techbook here let’s do this and then as

For the research paper it is just Advanced technium around a blank research paper speaking of blank research papers we do need to make yet more of those eight seems good for now boom and we do of course need to grab yet more of the advanced technium to

Actually make this happen good stuff and with that we can unlock the time in a bottle we are certainly going to have to craft the time in the bottle oh never mind we can just buy it I assume we could craft it and I think I might craft

It because I think this is actually cheaper than spending 32 Tech books we do have what it takes to make 32 Tech books but we also have what it takes to make a um a clock and three glass bottles and that gets us everything almost everything we need the

Reason that didn’t work is that the glass bottles I think have been taken instantly and sent elsewhere let’s try that again boom and we now have the time in a bottle for those who don’t know how this works this will slowly accumulate time it stores time as you hold it so

Every second that we have it in our inventory it holds seconds and then later on down the line you can spend that time to make other things in the game faster for example over here we’ve got our induction smelter it’s making bronze at a fairly reasonable speed but

If we have enough time in our bottle we can shift right click on the inductions smelter and apparently we don’t have enough time we might need 30 seconds like that and now it’s working faster than it did before and that did use 30 seconds worth of time you’ll see it says

Total accumulat time is now 40 seconds and stored time is only 10 that’s because we spent 30 seconds to make this faster but you can go further you can keep shift right clicking if you have enough time you can make it two two times as fast four times as fast eight

Times as fast 16 times as fast I think all the way up to 256 times as as fast if you have a lot of time stored up in your time in the bottle chat is also pointing out we do seem to have hunger back on let me disable hunger

Again okay that should work I don’t know if I accidentally turn that back on at some point let’s also quickly eat a golden carrot to uh refill our hunger there but now that’s unlocked we have elevators which are going to be useful actually what do we need for elevators

We need eight techbooks and we need some wool I don’t think we have any wool but we do have the ability I think to make string using our hemp fiber so we can take the hemp fiber craft that into string take the string craft that into

Wool and then we can take that wool and hopefully use that to craft the elevator research paper I did think I had some Advanced technium but I think what’s Happening Here Again is that the advanced technium is being exported back to here and so anytime I take Advanced

Technium out of here it just kind of gets sent back around to this drawer if we leave it in the system that’s fine though let’s do this and this we’ll go ahead hand you in over here and then do we have eight we do not have eight techbooks that is completely fine

Because now we can just make more boom and boom so the elevators are again another little uh small quality of life Improvement here is there a quest to buy them there isn’t that’s fine these are made using basic technium and white wool how much white wool did we

Make I think we made more than eight right we did but we do need 16 if we’re going to make this work so let’s go and are we out of hemp fiber I really thought we had more are we out of string we are out of string okay in that case

One thing we should probably do especially now that we no longer need actual food is we should use our little teleporter here to go back to Windmill Crescent and we should swap out the carrots for hemp seeds these in the garden closh are going to produce both

Industrial hemp fiber and hemp seeds and so with those we could probably do with a 2X one draw this is a draw that can hold two items the oh that’s a frame draw controller that’s my bad I want the 1X two draw right here this is the same

As a 1ex one draw or a 2 x two draw but it can hold two lots of items and it can hold 1,24 of each item by default as per usual we want to make sure this has some dark oak and some smooth Stone like that

And then we’ll just go ahead and move this out of the way plop this down right about there and this is going to slowly but surely produce for us an unlimited amount of industrial hemp fiber and industrial hemp seeds now I did before figure out in the last episode there’s a

Way to fix this oh there we go it’s fixed I guess moving it around a bit sometimes it kind of fixes itself when you put it back down I guess I think also leaving and rejoining might fix it as well either way uh one thing we could

Do here is take the 3 minutes that we have in our time in a bottle and use that to make this guy faster I think you want to click on the bottom here to actually make it faster that’s the tricky bit with the multi blocks it’s

Figuring out which part of the block you actually want to um to connect oh the draw key is what people were telling me yes of course if you right click with the draw key it does fix the texture again so if you move it and it’s broken

You can just uh lock it and unlock it or unlock it and loock it and uh and it will fix its texture thank you Chad that is is very helpful but yeah you’ll see this is coming in quite fast I think that’s the right block I don’t think we

Right click here I think you right click here with the time in the bottle either way we’ve got some hemp there and I will that for the future I’ll also though for now grab some of those seeds head back over to starter home and here we can

Just use the shifting method to very quickly get a large amount of hemp and that’s going to make it just a little bit easier for us to get all of the wool required to actually get our first elevators up and running which are going to be useful because I think we are

Almost certainly going to want to get a lower platform setup or even a higher platform setup at some point fairly soon right now it’s quite difficult to do things like running cable like running the um simple storage network cable under the platform is a real pain in the

Backside having a lower platform beneath this one and beneath this one would be quite helpful even if it was for nothing other than just like hble management once we’ve got a bunch more industrial head fiber we can of course craft up even more string and then even more wool

And 16 wool is exactly the amount required to get started with elevators because it allows us to make exactly two elevators and for those who know the way this works it’s pretty straightforward you can place down an elevator you can then Place Another elevator anywhere above or below that elevator and then

From now on if you jump whilst on the lower elevator you get teleported to the higher elevator and if you shift while on the higher elevator you get teleported down to the lower elevator and so we can put these really wherever we like I don’t think there’s a limit to

How far away they can go either I think you can use these to teleport like up and down around the world I guess we don’t strictly need them we could have also used way stones as a way to quickly teleport down to a lower platform as

Well that could have also worked but I do think the elevators are just that little bit easier to use in that you just walk over them and hit shift you don’t have to try and kind of quickly pass the list and figure out where it is

You want to go but it’s really only a small difference either way it wasn’t too expensive to unlock one of the things that we definitely should unlock though now that we’ve done most of what’s available here I’ve not done building gadgets I don’t know if we’re

Going to need them and I’ve not done the D or yet because um I also don’t know if we need to purchase dyes either but under Elite Tech I think the first thing we should get is probably the angel ring this is going to give us effectively

Creative mode flight and for that we need 24 techbooks we also need four blocks of gold four Elite technium and a peer okay so gold blocks are not going to be a problem we can just craft those with the gold that we have we’re doing

Quite well on all of our ingots and I’m happy to report that we do have a ton of copper now after we upped the the speed at which the copper was being made by adding those Ruby capstones in the last episode once we have those gold blocks

That should then be everything for the angel ring info and then from there we can go ahead and hand that in again unfortunately no easy way to get these we do have to craft them manually now to craft this we need more blocks of gold

We also need some feathers a blaze rod a diamond ring which is four blocks of diamond and a diamond Gear with more relite technium interesting okay so the feathers are actually super easy we can can craft more string and then we can craft that string into feathers which is

Good most of the mob drops in the pack are craftable so we’ll take both of those as we saw before the blaze rods can be made by using five blaze powder and a metal rod mold we actually don’t have this just yet in a metal press and

Blaze powder can be made by pulverizing these flux coils so we need five flux coils we then need to pulverize those over here once those are turned into blaze powder we then need the rod and I could have used my w Stones here but I didn’t over

Here we need the blueprint for molds which we should have in the system we do indeed and then if we want to make the rod mold this one right here we need three steel plates and the engineers wire cutters the wire cutters we have and steel plates we also have fantastic

Boom and boom and boom just like before we can head back over to windmill Crescent now we just swap out the plate mold for the rod mold and then if we have our five blaze powder we can just throw all of that into this Hopper and that should all get compacted down into

One Blaze Rod nice and with that the thing we’re missing now is just the diamond ring how many diamonds do we have we’ve got 50 diamonds actually I did not think we had that many that is actually completely fine then because we can take four diamonds out of here drop

That into the hopper once we swap out the rod mold for the gear mold like so and that should be everything we’ve got the four blocks of diamond we’re about to get the diamond gear that’s going to allow us to make the diamond ring and

That should in turn allow us to make the angel ring we just need one Elite technium which we do have it is just over in automation Central so let’s take one of you and then let’s do this nice so now this does have a a slot

Associated with it so if an item says slot and then a slot name that basically means we can put it in one of these slots here there’s a little button next to our head and this can go in the angel ring slot which is this one right here

Just the ring slot I guess you can also put your time in a bottle in a slot as well like that I guess there is a time in the bottle slot interesting um I don’t know if there’s much point in putting it in that slot because then

It’s kind of hard to use so I prefer to just have it in my inventory but if you wanted it out of your inventory just kind of pensively gaining time until you need it you could throw it in one of those slots as well but now look at that

We have full creative mode flight which again kind of gets rid of the need for elevators because now we could just fly down to lower platforms and we can also uh just lay cables more easily as well but I do think that having low platforms

Is going to be useful and it looks like we don’t really get much of a speed boost with flight we might get a little bit of a speed boost we might be flying a little bit faster than you normally do but it doesn’t seem super fast either way

Now that we have Angel ringss the other stuff here that we probably want to unlock Ender or is definitely one of them that’s going to give us access to Ender Pills but I think the next big one really is going to be flux networks for flux networks we need you guessed it yet

More techbooks which of course do require yet more Elite technium we’re still at over a stack that is good to see let’s go ahead and craft up just a bunch more of those fantastic a stack is good for now and then let’s do this and

Then what do we need for the paper Okay so for the paper we do need four ender pearls and I kind of foresaw this coming because I had a feeling that for the flux networks mod you normally do need a fair number of Ender Pearls and so

Before we can get into flux networks we’re going to have to first unlock the Ender ore techbook wise that’s not a problem and then research bookwise it’s really also not a problem Ender or we have gold blocks we’ll make four of those those again and we have the elite technium boom

And boom and so now we should be able to purchase Ender ore I think from the shop I don’t know if it’s craftable I don’t think it’s uh craftable it’s not but we can set up a miner for it uh once we bought some then gets us

36 which how many ender pearls is that I don’t think it’s many unfortunately because 36 gets us 18 fragments which is only two ender pearls which is really not a lot and so we are going to have to get more miners down of course we still need to

Put down the miners for diamonds and emeralds we also need to put down the diamonds now for Ender ore and going forward once we start with mechanism which is kind of the next thing we’re going to be working on there’s osmium that needs to be added and then there’s

Also uranium that needs to be added as well once we start with power so we do have quite a few more of these that need to be taken care of and so we kind of need need to figure out where we’re going to put those okay so I think we’re

Going to build a lower level platform for yet more miners the trouble that we currently have is that we don’t have any more smooth Stone ever since we set up automation for all three of the first tiers of technium we have just burned through our smooth stun setup and we

Also have a slight problem here with ORS backing up we do need to make changes to fix that however in the interest of procrastination I think what I’m going to do for the time being is um is put just like a Band-Aid on the problem if

We do something like this and we go ahead and just upgrade this chest here from wood to iron from Iron to gold and from gold to Diamond that should allow it to hold all of the excess ORS that are sitting here it should kind of get rid of the the spew problem but

Essentially what I’m thinking of doing we we do need to rep like fix this but the way that we’re going to fix it I think is kind of by getting rid of the conveyor belts and replacing them with either xnet or laser iio I think one of

These two mods is going to be a substantially better way of moving all of our resources around and so I don’t really think there’s much like there are things we could do to our conveyor belt system to make it work here but it would be a messy janky system that is going to

Be used for like one or two more episodes until we uh we swap things out for the time being what I think we’re going to do well we’ll hold off on building the new platform uh until later people have pointed out that we don’t really need gravel at the minute we have

248 gravel here but we’re not actively using it and so I think what I might do for the time being is move this gravel drawer kind of down here I will reset up the gravel minor I think once we have our lower level set

Up but for the time being I think we can probably just get rid of the gravel here replace that gravel with the new Ender ore and then cap this ideally with please don’t break into shards thank you and then uh cap this with the best caps that we have which are currently

Signalum caps which should be probably doable I’d have to go check and see how much signalum we have but we are making really I can’t place these down wait can I place these down do I have to shift to place these down I do have to shift to

Place these down interesting um we should have signalum because we have it over here being made however it looks like it’s our limiting factor which does make sense I think it is kind of the slowest thing to be made it’s also one of the only machines over here that

Doesn’t have an integral component between streams I did go around and add more integral components to quite a lot of uh the stuff over here so a lot of these uh dynamos now have integral components quite a lot of the machines do also now have integral components I

Kind of just missed one I guess when it comes to the um to the signalum setup which is not ideal because the signalum is already kind of the slowest setup that we have I am going to try and just steal glass from here fantastic that gets us what we need for our integral

Component and then I’ll throw that in here just to make it that little bit FAS f for the time being though um even though the signalum is fastest at 40 ticks which is 2 seconds the Ruby blocks here are 50 ticks so 2.5 seconds they’re really not too much worse so let’s go

Ahead and swap out these coal blocks also do we have three diamonds left over we do I think I’m going to get a diamond pickaxe as well real quick just because I think it’s going to be faster than using the prospector’s pick maybe although maybe the prospector pick I

Know the prospector pick can mine a Diamond level but I don’t know if it actually um has Diamond speed as well but it might do to be honest let’s do one two three and four and then let’s quickly grab another storage drawer to throw down on our Miner I am wanting to

Uh to slowly replace all of our storage drawers with these custom storage drawers that look nicer right now a lot of our minor setup is using like old wooden storage drawers or even chests in some scenarios which is not ideal but I think going forward we will try and

Replace them with the nicer looking draws like this and of course one thing we are going to have to do here is get a higher tier frame I have a sneaking suspicion that we might need more diamonds here because I think this is going to require a higher tier than we

Currently have oh never mind it only needs tier five support frame I I really thought Ben was going to require tier 7 support frame for um for the Ender or there thankfully he did not and so we just need to get a bunch of this this iron support frame which is probably one

Of the easiest support frames for us to make at this point in time we can then do a quick replace on the T4 support frame and there we go we have the Ender all coming in with the T5 support frame and I assume that what we could do here we’ got seven

8 nine so everyone it’s coming in every 2.5 seconds I assume that we could do this 13 14 15 16 17 look at that 18 1920 so it comes in a lot faster if you accelerate there you’ll see we’ve got 24 minutes now stocked up in our bottle and

We can go quite aggressive here on speeding up the production of Ender all we’ve got over a stack and it’s coming in nice and quick again remember 36 would have only gotten us two ender pearls and so even with the 120 that we have here that’s like not that many

Ender pearls in the grand scheme of things so we do need a lot of this Ender ore and it looks like unless there’s something that I’m missing like there might be an unlock later on like maybe a mechanism machine that gets us more efficiency but even with the pulverizer

It’s still two to one so we need a lot of these to to get any Ender Pearls at all thankfully though we do have pulverizers and so we can just start throwing these in and uh turning them into Ender shards then we can just craft those Ender shards into ender pearls so

Let’s do this and this and you’ll see it doesn’t last forever obviously the um your time limited I think you might get like 30 seconds of increased speed when you use the time in the bottle so it’s really just a short burst of um of of extra stuff how’s this doing this is

Fine maybe like it’s not looking great but um we we’re going to fix that in the future for now let’s see how are you doing this is doing pretty well let’s go and see how many ender pearls we can craft with these ender pearl fragments we have got nine ender pearls okay the

Good news is that is enough for us to unlock the flux Network research paper we just need more Elite technium which is over here and boom we probably also need some cash but we’ve already handed in the cach perfect and now flux networks is available and flux networks is a cool

Mod because it’s going to allow us to wirelessly transfer power around our base essentially the way that it works is there are flux plugs which you can kind of see here it’s uh a little bit covered up by the uh stuff from the top left but we have flux plugs and we have

Flux points you can place a flux plug onto a block that either stores energy or produces energy so you can put it down onto a Dynamo for example um or you could put it down onto to something like an energy Cube that’s storing power for

You and then you have a flux point this goes down onto wherever you want to send that energy and essentially you can just have all of your energy being created in one place you can have a flux plug pull that energy from the centralized location and then you can just put flux

Points on the machines that you want to give power to and that power will be wirelessly transferred from the flux plug to the flux points and in theory that would allow us to kind of get rid of this hap Hazard array of lapidary dynamos that we have dotted around the

Base currently now to get started with this we’re going to do quite a lot of these flux cores which require flux dust obsidian and Eyes of Ender so the Eyes of Ender are not too bad they do require ender pearls which are a little tricky to get and they do require blaze powder

Which is also a little tricky to get although not impossible obsidian we have and then flux dust in this pack we can make by crafting Redstone around obsidian you can also do this you can turn one Redstone into one flux dust once we have at least one flux block

Because we don’t of course have access to bedrock but this is probably fine actually we’ve got a ton of redstone and a fairly decent amount we got 300 obsidian so I’m going to go ahead and make like a stack of flux dust here and then let’s see if we can’t make some of

This stuff happen let me go ahead and get maybe like a stack of flux coils and then let’s throw those into the pulveriser to get a stank of blaze powder I’ll do a half in here and half in here just to make it that little bit faster that should be everything we need

To start making some Eyes of Ender we’re going to at least a few of these and then from there we should be able to make some flux cores again we’re going to do quite a few of those and then the flux block here is four flux cores and

Four and five flux dust for a flux block the flux block with four more flux cores gets you a flux plug and then as for the flux point it is just a block of redstone I’ll make a stack of those along with four flux cause nice and so

As I mentioned a second ago the idea here is that we can centralize our power production now right now all of our power is just being generated by lapidary dynamos I think that is very likely to change in the not so distant future once we unlock power down here I

Think it’s quite possible that we work down towards something like a reactor to get a lot more power than we’re currently producing but just to kind of show off how how this works let’s see if we can’t centralize some of our power here for example right now we’ve got three lampad

Dynamos here going into this little network of flux ducts let’s say that we put a flux plug right here that is now going to be able to pull power from this uh flux duct and therefore from this lapidary Dynamo little setup and so what we’ll do is we’ll put one of those there

And we’ll put the other one the flux point we’ll put that down let’s say here here instead instead of having a Dynamo there that would allow us to get rid of this and just send power from here round to here the reason this is useful is because this one lapidary Dynamo was

Producing too much power for this bottling machine whereas over here at times we have been running into Power issues right now it seems to be doing okay okay but uh we can now move this over to here and anytime that there is kind of Excess power that would have

Just been sitting in this lapidary Dynamo when it was over here that power can now be used to other things that actually need that power so let’s do this and this and ideally this to uh get the lapis out of my inventory so what we

Want to do to connect these up is inside of either the flux plug or the flux point you want to click create new network in the top right you can call this whatever you want I’m going to call it uh Lappy power and we’ll make it blue

And you do need a password but um you don’t have to you never need to type this password in again so I’m not quite sure why it’s needed I think it’s for other people to access your network but create and so now uh in here you just

Want to click Lappy power to set this to Lappy power you’ll know it’s worked when it goes the color that you set and then in the flux Point again click this empty box at the top click ly power and now this is also connected to LY power and

You’ll see that the bottling machine is now full on power because the power is being sent from this flux plug round and into this flux point and at this point now we can use the ly power Network to send Lappy power anywhere that we like

We are going to need some more Eyes of Ender and also some more ender pearls but if we get more flux Calles we can then make more of these flux points and it’s not like a one to one ratio right you you don’t have to have one flux plug

For every one flux point you can connect multiple flux points to one flux plug for example over here we could get rid of these two uh lapidary dynamos we could throw down a flux point right about here set it to lampy power and now these flux ducks are going to get power

From the dynamos in the bank and again we can get rid of you and you and we can just move the lary dynamos as soon as we uh make some space on inventory for these exps we can move these over to here we can put down one let’s say right

About there make sure it’s facing the right way drop down an export cable make sure it’s receiving some lapis and for now I don’t think we need that other lapidary Dynamo we have an extra spare one but if we check over here these machines are all full on

Power you’re empty on Sand which makes me think that we probably just don’t have enough sand we don’t that thankfully is fixable um especially given that we just upgraded the machine next to it with Ruby capstones in doing so we will have slowed down the sand because by giving this a mismatch of

Capstones we do default it back down to 220 ticks which is not ideal but if we do of course this and this we should now be getting sand faster than ever which should keep the glass coming in which should keep our system running as intended okay so the twitch chat is

Telling me that I need to enable hunger not disable it enable your hunger start eating again that’s that’s not what it says but let me try it okay that okay I don’t know if Ben just got those the wrong way around because it says enable hunger start

Eating again but you have to click that one to get your hunger to be full unless it means start eating again as in the pack is going to feed me I don’t know anyway um I did notice that we were low on Hunger again but now it’s it’s back

Up to before which is is good to see so you want to make sure you click enable hunger and not disable hunger despite the uh the counterintuitiveness of uh of that back over in the elite research quest line I do want to unlock the xnet and Laser Rio research Peppers here

Because as I mentioned before these are going to be incredibly useful especially when it comes to moving items around right now we don’t really have a good way of moving items around outside and also I do need that um outside of like our Simple Story Network which is okay

But not ideal we don’t have you know any kind of item conduits or item ducts or anything like that and that’s where xnet and Laser are going to come into to play they’re going to make it a lot easier for us to move items around which is

Also going to make it a lot easier for us to deal with stuff like this where we’ve got a lot of different resources that need to go to specific locations and using xet and laso we’re going to be able to sort this and get things to

Where they need to go in a much cleaner much easier and much less PR to spewing way which I think is is definitely something we should work towards sooner rather than later thankfully both of these just require some basic resources and some techbooks and there we have

Access to xet over here and Laser over here I don’t think we’ll do any of those today we’ll come back and we’ll look at fixing this up but now that we have those unlocked the only thing we’ve not unlocked in the elite quest line is the

Temped which I no longer think we really need we might look at getting that if we ever have to go to to any different dimensions but for the time being I think the uh the way stones now that we actually have them the fact that we needed them uh before we can actually

Get the temp out I feel like the way stones do the job just fine even though the temp head is technically better and then there’s also nigha as well which I also don’t think we really need before we were using n to get Ruby’s paradot and Sapphire but now that we have those

Fully automated with the miners here I don’t think we need to unlock n and so I think with that I’ve kind of unlocked basically all the research that I want to unlock building gadgets could be useful we might end up looking at using that potentially building gadgets is quite

Useful if you want to um duplicate complex structures so if we wanted to copy this platform it could be useful but then again the fact that it’s got all of its stuff inside of it makes it a little less useful I think um in terms

Of copying like this um this level to a lower level we could do it but for the most part the building wand makes light work of putting down a lot of of brick bed smooth Stone so I really don’t think we’re going to need building gadgets for

That but we could unlock it in the future if uh if it seems NE necessary and yeah I don’t think we need the temp pad I don’t think we need nigher and there’s nothing else we can unlock in Ultimate yet because all of the rest of these do require ultimate technium

Ingots and so I think that’s kind of the next thing that we’re going to work on probably in the next episode is is beginning our journey through mechanism we’re going to get the osmium all and then unlock the mechanism research paper here which seems pretty doable between streams I will go ahead

And create the platform are we getting more smooth Stone again is my question I did increase the uh the cap Sterns on the stone to Ruby to get stone faster we still don’t have much in the way of smooth Stone though it’s coming in real slow the

Problem with that is is the problem that is kind of plaguing everything here and that is that I think a lot of our St is just getting caught up in this diamond chest which is not ideal whatsoever but it’s probably not too bad simply due to

The fact that we could just do this if we wanted to uh to accelerate the uh the smooth Stone production and so getting smoothstone to build into platform lower down here shouldn’t be too bad next time though we’ll definitely come back and we’ll look initially first and foremost

At uh fixing this we’ll look at swapping this out and probably getting rid of the belts which is unfortunate because I do like the way the belts look we don’t necessarily have to get rid of the belts we could just kind of replace the system underneath because the current main

Problem by the way is this one extractor the EXT ctor here only pulls one ore out at a time it doesn’t have the capability of pulling like a full stack of ores out and so one or at a time gets pulled out but you’ll see here that ORS are going

Into this Hopper way faster than they’re getting pulled out by this extractor and that creates this this backlog scenario I think the same is true kind of down here as well um I noticed that this was filling up and we got loads more Stone there which I’m going to go and throw in

Over here but um the the trouble here that we’re having as well is that way more ores are going in the than coming out and so we’re starting to back up on this despite the fact that our induction smelters are not always full like they’ve kind of got times where they’re

A little empty which is not ideal and again the the belts are not the best scenario for this there are better ways with either xnet or laser that we can get items into the induction smelters and pulverizers and make sure that they’re being used as efficiently as

Possible uh but we do also have the option of keeping some of the uh belts kind of just for aesthetic reasons if we want because they look nice which I think they do but anyway over here we got loads of smoooth stone fantastic we can begin changing that out in the

Mason’s table for the brick barded smooth Stone and then we can start using that to build our lower platform on the bottom level of the base which is going to make room for more Miners and yeah next time we’ll come back we’ll get the Diamond miner we’ll get the emerald

Miner we will get the osmium Miner and then of course we’ll look at that uranium Miner as well with power we’ll look at moving on and unlocking the reactors potentially to get even more power using power and of course we’ll look then at moving on to the ultimate

Technium ingots which don’t seem too bad we need uranium sheet metal that’s just the same as lead and the same as aluminum easy enough we need dialectric paste which we’ve not unlocked the recip before yet the atomic Alloys are probably fine they do require infused Crystal which is also something that’s

Required for the ultimate technium this doesn’t seem too bad either though once we have diamonds and EMS ultimated the crystalline dust is uh not too difficult we are going to have to set up a miner four Crystal ore but again that is completely fine and yeah I don’t think

Ultimate technium is going to be too bad but that is a problem for future Isaac for now I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of Tech opolis 2 There

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Techopolis 2 | SUPER SPEED, NO HUNGER & CREATIVE FLIGHT! #10 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-10-26 22:00:15. It has garnered 24974 views and 884 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:01 or 2701 seconds.

Minecraft Techopolis 2 | BECOMING OVERPOWERED! #10 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Feed The Factory | A FACTORY AUTOMATION MODPACK! #1:

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Techopolis 2 Mod Pack –

Techopolis 2 is a tech based modpack with mods like Mekanism, Themal Expansion, Immersive Engineering, AE2, Flux Networks, Little Logistics & More! Can you craft all the Technium Ingots?

Uses a purpose built mod called Miners to create various muti-block structures to produce different materials including ore miners, tree absorbers and fluid absorbers!

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Techopolis #Modded

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  • Sly 3D Pixel Art – Son Goku Anime Edit

    Sly 3D Pixel Art - Son Goku Anime EditVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixal art 3D😈 son goku #anime #animeedit’, was uploaded by the ghost on 2024-06-02 01:08:47. It has garnered 5473 views and 320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.

    DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh shoot I didn’t I didn’t even have the uh the thing up okay cool anyways hi guys so uh today we’re going to be playing some good old Minecraft yeah yeah so we’re going to be playing some good old uh we’re going to get some Minecraft going it’s going to be fun um dawncraft is the mod pack that we’ll be doing today hold on let me just go turn on uh Dynamic lights okay perfect let me just uh get everything… Read More

  • Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17

    Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17Video Information hi everyone today I want to build a cathedral after completing my last project here which is this London Bridge inspired build which spans across my River I’ve decided I want to turn my attentions Inland to this section on the left of my city and I thought what better way than by placing in a massive Monument such as a cathedral so that we can start building things around it whil I’m flying up here you can also see that I’ve begun planning out a couple of the major foundations for things like City walls and Towers… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: PayMeInPancakes dominates RL Craft on Day 1!

    UNBELIEVABLE: PayMeInPancakes dominates RL Craft on Day 1!Video Information hello I should be live if I set everything up correct how is everyone doing this fine morning I think fire gamer is here but I am unsure who else is here we got two people hello everyone hope you’re having a fine wonderful morning at least I know I am so we are playing uh rlcraft so basically hey kiwi oh oh oh no no already so basically we’re playing um the super tough rlcraft um mod pack where basically um 30 minutes later I decided to start a bit early cuz I actually woke up on… Read More

  • 127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOL

    127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOLVideo Information this is every way to make your friends laugh in Minecraft and hey YouTube bet me that you can’t subscribe to the channel before I empty my inventory into this chest so to prove them wrong dump your finger in that white subscribe button down below it’s free and it helps out of time if your friends always wanted to live at Sea then here’s a way to bring the sea to them or at least part of it since folks boats are entities which means that if we want to we could place down a whole bunch… Read More

  • Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shorts

    Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft That Was Close… 😎 (There is a super magic pickaxe ✨) (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-02-25 00:33:05. It has garnered 25541 views and 714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform… Read More

  • Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!

    Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s This video, titled ‘Тихо проигрываем в SkyWars #minecraft #майнкрафт #SkyWars #скайварс’, was uploaded by Player81 on 2024-01-08 05:47:56. It has garnered 636 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More