Logdotzip – Minecraft Mobs if they had Kids

Video Information

These minecraft mobs have children and they’re trying to teach their kids important skills like growing crops shooting fireballs or throwing tritons but they’re missing their teaching materials we’ll be helping them find the items they need and maybe we’ll get some special goodies in return so the first

Parent mobs will be meeting or a couple of snow golems and their kid needs to learn to throw a snowball but regular ones are too packed and hard he needs a soft snowball to be safe so let’s check out this lovely parent here hi guys look at the little baby

Well you only need one snow block for that one look at all oh my goodness he’s so excited his family’s all around him it you know mostly melted fashion seriously your uncle’s like on the floor here oh i just killed your uncle well little guy let me help you find

Some softer snow i actually saw a couple piles of snow right over here this may be the perfect place to grab something hey oh what do we have here a soft snowball here you go buddy fake it hey thanks bud now my hey throwing balls of

Snow with me now my little snowball here can learn to throw some snowballs of his own in that just lovely huh let me clear the area yeah oh look they still caused snow to fall i appreciate the help why don’t you take this golem pumpkin for a

Spin a golem pumpkin so we can right click with the golem pumpkin to wear it on our head whoa serious dandruff alert and when i sneak little snowballs appear lovely now unlike regular pumpkins this one won’t obscure your vision and we already discovered the snowball ability the snowflakes around you will also

Allow you to walk over water and even lava we can use it to cross this stream to get to the next area which contains the papa villager who wants to teach his daughter to grow crops but his hoe is too big for her can you find a

Smaller one that she could use shirley wouldn’t be hiding in a dangerous place well i’ll find out about that very soon hello there villagers yes wave hello hi there villager daughter ah playing in the wheat well i have a feeling that this is a real dangerous

Area so don’t mind me while i use my ultimate snow pumpkin golem abilities nice check this out to clear this area of all danger so we can get right up to the top here and i believe yes get a small hoe oh look at it i’m a fan of hoes of all

Sizes here you go a hoe for you ah yes this smaller luke tool will be perfect for my daughter’s little hands look they’re going nuts they’re literally planting as we witness nice hats too ooh oh you want a farm too you can have this super composter then

Okay and we can place down the super composter and start tossing stuff into it to get some sweet items so we may as well collect a couple watermelons so that we have things to toss it right into all right melons in hand we’re gonna place this guy down and instead of

Making bone meal it’ll compact all that waste into a rare and valuable item oh boy oh boy let me see what you got here let me see oh we got an emerald for that hold on a second yo what else can we get our hands diamonds i’ll trade melons for

Gems any day of the week and we should have just enough to get one more item look at that i am rich baby i’ll be bringing you with me we might need it for the creeper parents now this big crater over here was carved over many generations of explosions creepers don’t

Die when they explode they just disappear now the parent down in this crater is teaching their child creeper how to do so but he’s all out of vanishing dust i knew it was all tricks this vanishing dust is green and shiny like emerald so maybe we have something

We can use in order to get some oh look poor little guy what’s up buddies oh you you’re supposed to explode you don’t just fall on the ground and throw a tantrum that’s what i do especially when things go wrong i totally understand my friend well with

Any luck we can help you maybe i’ll tell you what why don’t we place this down we might be able to get some vanishing deaths from it however we might need some more goodies now just a hunch but creepers kind of look like leaves so maybe with any luck

We might be able to get our hands hey there it is some vanishing dust ah what a what’s this here you go bam oh gosh whoa the pair just oh hey it works beautiful you must be quite the experienced miner well you know i’m just

Good with the hoe anyways i’m glad i was able to help y’all you got something there we go maybe you can mine some other things with this what do we have here explosion blaster what this explosion blaster will launch out a small slow projectile that produces a controlled

Explosion but it won’t damage nearby blocks however it will hurt mobs considerably i’ll be the judge of that let’s go boys yeah you better run piggy ah bacon tonight apparently we can put it to good use up ahead the villager up ahead was planning to teach his daughter

To shoot a crossbow with some training arrows but tragedy oh hey when that happens she’s been kidnapped by wither skeletons can you go rescue her from the dark nether cave those blasted weather skeletons hey you please help a guy out head into the dark near the cave and

Rescue my daughter from their clutches or what you’re going to hit me with the crossbow you’ve given me problems my entire minecraft career what makes you think i’ll help you because i’m a nice guy oh okay now where could this dark nether oh well that is labeled quite conveniently dark nether cave and

Withering mine well don’t mind if i handle the homies here yes indeed you’re all dead now thank you keep the change oh there’s a cup more oh oh it’s holding the baby oh gosh do i blow it up ah the daughter will be fine hi what are you an item oh goodness the

Lost villager well you’re quite lightweight but we still need training arrows absolutely nothing here for non-fireproof fleshies well this calls for some rolling pump connection yes hey what do we have here hey a training arrow beautiful anything else oh gosh no rescuing little pictures allowed well what can i say i’m quite a

Rule breaker here you go mr pillager i’m gonna just drop your daughter on the ground hey you’ve been rescued little girl sure and uh i got an error for you too huh oh gosh now i could teach this little one about crossbows and revenge no that’s not why i rescued this is not

That’s bad bad oh well they’re off to probably go kill some villagers and for your bravery returning my daughter please take this bridging crossbow what is this like a hook shot hold on a second the bridging crossbow when shot will erect a strong and sturdy bridge across any gap in front of you

Try using it to cross this treacherous sinkhole yay whoa yo that was dope and very very fancy looking too not bad the witch though is our next parent and this witch that lives in this cabin that’s not a cabin oh this cabinet is trying to teach your daughter how to

Brew potions of magic with their hats huh i knew hats had magical powers under the hat is supposed to be a cauldron but this baby is too little to carry a big one we find a smaller one that she can tuck under there i guess we’ll find out hi

Don’t laugh at me well you didn’t like my hat did you just levitate your daughter someone called child protective services instantly oh actually it’s pretty cool to be honest well i’ll tell you what i can only assume that we can find this cauldron over at the cave of

Secret brewing man all of these places are so aptly named whoa this looks cool let’s check it out baby that looks uh that looks pretty promising but i don’t have an easy way of getting up there unless let’s really put this crossbow to the test huh boom that is awesome

Yo i need this thing every day look at that small cauldron i will grab you thank you dude look at this thing it grows bigger in my hand that’s awesome but it needs to go with the witches there you are so you see deary this little cauldron

Goes in your hat and then hey i want some that looks delicious yo they just been sipping away okay well oh heavens here take this her first potion i’m so proud i don’t wanna drink her first potion but hey i’ll take a potion of portals bro what is that about this

Potion of portals will open a portal in front of you yeah who’d have thought well let’s drink it huh and then check it out i guess if we oh hey oh gosh there was some nasties hold on i gotta get the blaster ready this time huh oh now we’re somewhere different okay i

Want to go back to that first place that we saw with the bad guys well we got to a third place bro okay well i’ve had my fun for now let’s head back to the main area here because this natural hot spring up ahead is home to some shulkers

Soaking up the heat as happy mollusks do it’s time for the baby shulker to learn how to shoot chocolate bullets but it’s often best practicing with blanks rumor has it that the wither skeletons have been stockpiling them but there aren’t any back in the mind from earlier well i

Know where some are but for now let’s visit this parent wow oh poor little guy’s head barely fits inside of his shell so you want to fire some blanks huh i might be able to help you secure some of that with those wither skeletons y’all were talking

About okay so don’t mind me while we hit some portal action right here then he look now this isn’t the one we wanted to get to let’s try again huh there we go blast away baby i’ll take whatever it is you got oh and it looks promising indeed what is this

Hey blank bullets this is what we were looking for well i’ll grab a third one and we’ll be on our merry way here you go i got everything you need right here wow aren’t you wario oh oh look it’s working these wild little nuggets will be great practice for my little mollusk

Adorable look at them fire away fire away ricochet you take your aim now if i can get some rewards for helping out a mama there we go say you’ve got a squishy body too take the shell to keep that fleshy core cover which got our hands on a box of levitation that’s cool

What’s cooler is whatever’s over there but we’ll get there soon the box of levitation can be used in your hand to encase you in a safe and secure outer shell you’ll be able to see through it as you hover up and then glide safely down whoa whoa whoa fashion statement of the year

Someone put me on a catwalk please this is awesome while surrounded by the box we’ve got insane protection and arrows will bounce right off of us ooh try using your box of levitation for safely scaling this fortress you know what i will oh boy oh gosh okay well

Nice check it out doesn’t do nothing hey that is sweet use it again get on up nice and safe and let’s hit him with a blaster while we’re at it baby get down you go although you survived that fall now this fortress in the overworld is home to a

Happy blaze family although they’re more than peaceful it’s still important that this proud father teaches his son how to shoot fireballs in case of emergency i got an arrow right in my chest but he needs some blazing lava to get the fire going perhaps if you look back

At where you’ve been you’ll find a new path to search and travel of this item what did i just say doesn’t matter here’s a nice little blaze and his nice little baby hi look at him he’s like a tiny oh he got afraid no it’s okay he’s actually

Playing look at you guys okay so you need to learn how to shoot fireballs huh well the only place we have yet to be is some of these other portal locations so no i will go back here oh hey this is that tower that we saw just a second ago

Maybe with some luck oh i know what we could do box of levitation very good okay and maybe at the top here hey hey blaze and lava okay then and i’ve got exactly what you need my friends boom now let’s see some of that fire ball action fire flame

Magnificent now my burning sun can really shine like this kiddo oh look at them they’re kind of cute they’re still not you know dealing any damage to me but i kind of prefer it that way to be honest to show my thanks please take this item so you can burn almost half as

Bright as my boy should i be flattered or insulted by that anyways we got it right here fiery essence oh gosh yo subscribe if you hate wither skeletons no and if you don’t that’ll learn ya now fire essence can be right-clicked to totally emulate and consume nearby flammable blocks and fire try getting

Past this bush i’ve heard it all before well that was extraordinarily uh effective i have to say the burning power of the fire essence will also cook and smelt food and oars on the ground try helping this butcher villager will ya why should i help him well let me see the trades

He’s got what you got buddy rip-offs but anything i can do to make a villager more upset like stealing all of his food and iron wait a second those are familiar amounts if i do say so myself let’s see what happens here drop those drop those and emulate

Ah dope may as well get some free emeralds from thanks for buying your own stuff sucker oh yeah sorry about your uh house by the way he seems unfazed anyways guys the last mob that we’ll be meeting today with child is not the end of our journey oh interesting plot twist

These two drowns are enjoying a nice day at the beach but the weather is perfect to learn how to throw a triton however this baby drowned is still too small to hold a full-size trident lucky this river contains a secret that might be useful to them and to us if we can

Retrieve the tiny trident okay it’s uh nice to meet you you’re a little baby yeah i get it it’s very nice try to you don’t gotta just wave and show it off at me man i have cool stuff too whoa something’s down there do you see that what is that surely there’s nothing

Flammable underwater even in an ocean monument right well i guess we’ll find out together huh ooh look no longer any wait a second plot twist beautiful you know guys i’m starting to wonder if these parents should have children all the stuff they needed help with has been like five

Blocks away from them here you go now son of dryden is a drainage weapon even a small one like this always pointed away from your face also don’t point it at me that would be a really good thing see look it’s working and they’ve even got it enchanted with loyalty on it look

At that comes right on back lovely good work pops don’t worry tyler we’re vegetarian remember to eat your greens with this interesting what do we have here kelp blaster they can be fired at kelp plants to grow them instantly up to their max height if you try to grow them

Any higher the extra cup will pop off as an item for you to collect well i see a whole mess of kelp right here and a perfect place for me to stand and make things happen with it baby look at this oh boy i’m about to go full popeye on

This sucker i may have gone a little bit overboard but anyways this can also be used against mobs apparently to turn them into kelp lovely now you’re nearly done now that you helped all the mob parents you can travel up this mountain to the village whoa

And claim the last item what could you do to cross this oh wow i already got it baby yeah yo moms and dads always have the coolest gadgets see those sparkles way up there i do maybe one of the items you’ve collected can take you there hmm i wonder

We’re going to skip the village for now i want to see what these sparkles are all about maybe the captain’s hanging out up here alrighty the time has come to raise a child of your own uh what i didn’t sign up for this using the kelp you’ve collected you

Can trade for enough emeralds to prove you’re responsible enough to support a baby lock.zip um uh what are you looking at yo i should be looking up as well i need some serious prayer right here babylon.zip well we have enough emeralds to purchase a child this uh video

Certainly took a uh different turn apparently i have a child somewhere oh and he’s got a blaster his head’s real fat runs in the family whoa look when i switch items so does he like father like son will he use them he uses it too oh my gosh i want one

Ladies although he won’t fight for you which is good he will hold any item you hold in your main and excited to learn it just like you’ll even use the special items you’ve collected putting on the golem pumpkin or box of levitation or using the explosion blaster or the fiery essence

Come here little chum i wanna burn things with you nice ah my own little arsonist get him son wow don’t tell your mom about this okay

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mobs if they had Kids’, was uploaded by Logdotzip on 2022-01-07 19:49:16. It has garnered 7513697 views and 27041 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:30 or 1050 seconds.

These mobs with kids are crazy fun! Check them out and let us know which was your favorite!

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Today we’re checking out what these Minecraft Mobs if they had kids are like! Each of the mobs have new items to test out like the Super Composter or Explosion Blaster. Check out the Villager Parent, Blaze Parent, Witch Parent and much much more. Let us know in the comments below which was your favorite part!

Minecraft Mobs if they had kids

#Minecraft #Mob #Kids


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🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound All music used with permission from its creator.

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    T2NDS - Cobble CollectionThe Second Server Network presents, Cobble Collection a curated Modpack & Server for the community. Download, T2NDS – Cobble Collection, and play today! https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/t2nds-cobble-collection Featuring: Cobblemon for a fun cobblemon experience! MCA Reborn for a unique starting experience. Vanilla+ structures~ Create mod (and addons) for simple automation. Immersive Aircraft for a vanilla-like flying experience. Lots of decorative and quality-of-life mods like Beautify, Fairy Lights, Chipped, Immersive Paintings, etc. Croptopia and addons for a varied agricultural experience. Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon progression system with endgame PvE and weekly tournaments + events.

    Welcome to Silvermons! Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join us for exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Don’t miss out on Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server Details: Server IP: play.silvermons.com Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (Link) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang spitting straight facts

    Minecraft Memes - Mojang spitting straight factsMaybe Mojang should start giving out points for memes instead of just for mining diamonds! Read More

  • “Never again will I summon the demon in Minecraft” #hotmemes

    "Never again will I summon the demon in Minecraft" #hotmemes “I guess you could say that portal was just too cursed for them to handle! Maybe they should stick to building something a little less…haunted.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters

    Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters The Chosen One Faces Off Against the Hunters in a Fierce Battle! In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “CHOSEN ONE VS HUNTERS! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 32,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Chosen One and the Hunters in the world of Minecraft Animation. This episode, part of Pro Life Season 3, promises to keep fans on the edge of their seats with thrilling action and suspense. A Thrilling Confrontation The Hunters find themselves in a fierce battle as they come face to face with the legendary Chosen One…. Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft hacks REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cheats part 4’, was uploaded by Posterfridge gaming on 2024-05-30 17:46:05. It has garnered 43 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:52 or 15412 seconds. your favourite friendly definitely a human… Person! check out last stream to see what i did in that one Read More

  • Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYT

    Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but it’s a Medieval Fantasy RPG’, was uploaded by ManzbegaminYT on 2024-02-19 19:43:25. It has garnered 2587 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:32 or 3032 seconds. I’ve finally returned. Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/manzbegamin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manzbegaminyt/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/manzbegaminyt TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manzbegaminyt?lang=en (Thanks to Chatgpt for the absolute yap of a description this is) 🛡️ Embark on a thrilling journey with the incredible ManzbegaminYT as we dive headfirst into the enchanting world of a medieval fantasy Minecraft modpack! 🏰 🌍 Immerse yourself in a realm where knights don powerful armor, mighty dragons soar… Read More

  • “Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!” #minecraft #endcrystal

    "Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!" #minecraft #endcrystalVideo Information This video, titled ‘”This Much” #minecraft #cpvp #endcrystal’, was uploaded by CPvP Settings And Mods on 2024-05-03 19:18:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal pvp texture pack, crystal pvp server, crystal pvp bedrock, crystal pvp guide, crystal pvp … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuilding

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Build Hacks! ⚡️#minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by MineMINE on 2023-12-15 09:50:28. It has garnered 23 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. 🌍✨ Embark on a thrilling journey with us in the Minecraft universe as we delve deep into the mysteries of the Enchanted Realm! In this action-packed episode, we explore uncharted territories, face off against menacing mobs, and unveil hidden treasures that will leave you on the edge of your seat! 🏰 Our fearless adventurer, is armed with nothing but determination and a trusty pickaxe… Read More

  • EPIC SSG GAMING! Insane Minecraft Skills – Day 12 – New Village Build

    EPIC SSG GAMING! Insane Minecraft Skills - Day 12 - New Village BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘[No Voice] Minecraft:Survival – Live Day 12 – New Village Build (Android)’, was uploaded by SSG GAMING SKILLS on 2024-01-13 07:08:45. It has garnered 32 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Game Mode: Online Size : 1.5 GB Device : Realme Narzo 30 Pro Like and Subscribe For more Awesome Gaming Videos For Android. ——————————————– —–—–—Description—–—–— ——————————————– Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine…. Read More

  • JJ & Mikey meet Witch & Blue TV Woman in Minecraft! Craziness ensues!

    JJ & Mikey meet Witch & Blue TV Woman in Minecraft! Craziness ensues!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met Witch TV WOMAN and Blue TV Woman! WHAT JJ and MIKEY CHOISE?! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-03-19 11:30:13. It has garnered 16852 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:09 or 3909 seconds. JJ Met Witch TV WOMAN and Blue TV Woman! WHAT JJ and MIKEY CHOISE?! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Lorder Gameplay @DELTALOO #shocking

    Unbelievable Minecraft Lorder Gameplay @DELTALOO #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bize Bişey Olmaz @DELTALOO #fypシ #keşfet #minecraft #beniöneçıkart’, was uploaded by Lorder on 2024-02-26 13:28:36. It has garnered 117 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • “SHOCKING Announcement in Cypher’s Minecraft World!” #hypixel #clickbait

    "SHOCKING Announcement in Cypher's Minecraft World!" #hypixel #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Important Announcement…#hypixel #minemenclub #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpvp’, was uploaded by Cypher on 2024-05-12 17:11:06. It has garnered 155 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. In this video Cypher plays Minecraft 1.20 and not 1.19 but a challenge. In this video I play a game of fireball fight at Minemen club. It was super fun and super intense. My opponent was good. GG’s to him. But thats not important now. There is an important announcement. From now on, I will be posting fewer youtube shorts because I can barely… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cover of Gravity Falls Theme! 🔥🎶

    INSANE Minecraft Cover of Gravity Falls Theme! 🔥🎶Video Information This video, titled ‘Gravity Falls Main Theme – Minecraft #minecraft #noteblock’, was uploaded by MuzicBlockTime on 2024-01-14 22:00:01. It has garnered 244 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Gravity Fall Main Theme Song Thank you BeastRyan for recommending this song, loved this show when it came out, hope yall enjoyed! Read More

  • Mastermc.EU

    Mastermc.EUVote für MasterMC. wir sind ein cooler Server der Vieles bietet wenn du uns unter stutzen wilst vote doch gerne und joine unserem discord MasterMC.EU:25566 Read More

  • Justalpha – Semi-Vanilla Server

    Minecraft Alpha Server IP: justalpha.ddns.net Port: 2189 Version: Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.8.1 Gamemode: Vanilla Survival Whitelisted Discord: Join Now About the Server: Join the tight-knit community of Just Alpha for a fun experience. Explore a world beyond the 256×256 limit by stepping into the world border. Engage with good people and active admins, and don’t forget to visit the nether portal near spawn. Help us grow! Join the server, say hi, and be part of increasing its popularity and population. From: Falcomaster3 Read More

  • Survival-Players

    Welcome to the real survival players!Are you tired of boring servers with economic systems that are more complicated than your tax return? Are you looking for a place where you can just enjoy pure survival, without cheats, mods or other bells and whistles? Then we have just the thing for you! Our small but nice Minecraft Java Survival Server offers you: 🌳 Real survival feeling: Everything is like in single player mode – only better because you are not alone! Experience the wild nature, build your dream house and discover the world in its purest form. 🎮 Experienced and active… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamer girl-approved?

    Looks like this Minecraft dog has mastered the art of playing fetch with a diamond sword instead of a stick! Read More

  • Soundcraft: Cube Xuan’s Location Quest!

    Soundcraft: Cube Xuan's Location Quest! In Minecraft, sound can guide your way, Listen closely, don’t go astray. Cube Xuan’s animations, funny and bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. Fangkuaixuan, the creator of fun, Crafting MC animations, second to none. Avoiding harm, keeping it safe, For all the young gamers, in every place. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For daily doses of joy, oh so sweet. Minecraft facts, shared in rhyme, Keeping the community, in perfect time. Read More

Logdotzip – Minecraft Mobs if they had Kids