Managing Warp (Minecraft Mage Quest | Part 55) [Thaumcraft 4]

Video Information

Good evening and welcome back to mage quest emoji apparatus last episode we unlocked the eldritch research by getting ourselves all warped up and as you can see we’re already suffering from the effects of that and uh and also our friend back here is suffering from the same effects unfortunately sorry about that buddy

But anyways on this episode we are going to work on getting further into the eldritch research here by increasing our warp even more and also find some ways of managing the warp let’s get going all right so welcome back uh my poor little clay golem here is suffering from my

Research right now it looks like he has got the uh flux phage two i’m sort of the same as me right now and uh yeah we’re gonna be hurting i think with all these little specks and spots in our vision right now i am picking up pretty much where we left off

Last episode with just getting the eldritch research unlocked and uh i wanted to do wanted to just not dive into anything else because we need to really do some more research here um we need to get the void metal and to get these sanity check okay so that’s

The one thing i want to get right away here so this is um research for those for this and the void metal here so we can actually check how bad our warp actually is and then we can figure out how we want to manage it uh there’s a couple

Different ways we can do that and uh we’ll do several of them i think this episode uh let’s see here i don’t know okay this is not going to be too tough i think let’s just do this quick here it won’t be bad um i probably can do this one on camera

Because it’s not gonna be that bad actually it’s just these three things here and most of them are gonna work together pretty easily um and it’s gonna be this this is going to be this there we go those don’t connect though we need uh this in the middle here all

Right and then we have this uh census oh that’s not bad at all look at that this and we need one more uh something between those two which will be this no this there we go all right so we’ve got sanity check let’s see what this costs to research actually they actually make

It uh sandy check things have become busy in your mind lately it’s probably best that you have a look inside there and make sure everything’s still all right this tool will allow you to check the effects of warp on your psyche and how much is affecting you

Of course you cannot allow a tool like this to fall in the hands of your enemies so you’d have taken great pains to oops obsessificate the information it provides i’ve hate that word obviously um you fi you might have gone too far though you’re having a hard time deciphering

Yourself moderate uh when you make a magical mirror which you actually haven’t made mirror glass before uh diamond zombie brain everything else alienness is something i don’t know if we have much of we must do some uh searching around to see what actually has that aspect as part of it census cognitio is

Not going to be tough to come by uh magic mirror though magic mirror glass so quick silver and glass paint okay we can totally do that all right let’s head down here and grab everything we need glass is gonna be right here fix those make some pains um we’ll need some uh

Quick silver is that what it was right and quicksilver with the ignis and tara okay so let’s make the mirrors um we need to go upstairs for this and we have our wand on us yes we do awesome uh this is from making our uh fabric last time for certain researches

All right let’s just drop that on the ground all right so we can make a few of these might as well make all four i think we have more mercury or more quicksilver i call it mercury that’s what actually it is uh quicksilver is the uh i don’t know like uh

The common term for mercury actually um because it’s quite silver but it’s like movable and it’s like a liquid silver so silver is why they call it that a little uh science and history lesson for you there um okay weird glass we got that we need diamond and brains

Got some brains left luckily we use them all up one brain then we need to get oh alieness all right um let’s see what that entails uh let’s see if we have anything that has that aspect on it i don’t know that we do okay so it is the rooted matrix or the

God this is expensive okay we have to maybe research some things i don’t know three for the runic matrix was rudic matrix cost to make it’s i feel bad like for three whole things to make a rudic matrix hopefully it’s not that difficult all right so it is uh arcane stone

Blocks and enderpearl okay so maybe ender pearls have that aspect built into them let’s go take a look here quick that might be the simplest way of getting it uh let’s just do this we have some of those we can always drop those into the thing here never scandals probably there it is

Awesome and there’s four of them on there oh my god why why would the rooted matrix only have three when i ender pearl has four i don’t i don’t like that it’s uh the the ingredients don’t match what the aspects are the ingredients don’t yeah i’m trying to say that the that’s not

Gonna help us at all let’s just keep filling up again and again and again here all right we’ll drop this in here and then we need to uh have our golem clear out his inventory here oh gosh okay while he’s opening this up let’s look at the void metal and get that

Research down here too um to unlock some more research for uh everything else here so these are not gonna be tough to get to we can just go like this top here bring it straight across like so all right and then alienness has venabrae in it it actually

Does the exact same thing we just do this again and then we need to get from metal metallum to oh boy okay so it’s going to be this and then is there something with tara and pardisio there we go we can use this we’ll go like so that’s not gonna work

Not not exactly but we’ll go like this and then i’ll ordo in it alright we got there cool so we got discovered for void metals now we can actually do some more armors i believe with this it’s the altered research okay so we can make the advanced essential storage we can make

The void capped wands forbidden knowledge we don’t want to add more warp to us we’ll still understand where we’re at right now so let’s get the sand to check your first uh you don’t have room for that either my god okay so hopefully we have enough jars for this what’s that

One what’s that one going to be really oh that’s why all right so that’s upstairs actually we didn’t take these down from last time like i said i picked up right where we left off for the most part here so we’re still getting through a lot of

The um the stuff we’re working with last time let’s put this right uh here what we’ll do is drain out what he put in there and drop this in place grab this one get this all organized here i don’t know if i show this offer but it’s a handy little thing this

Uh essential funnel here drop it on there funnels it in used to have used use pipes and use you can do the same thing with pipes and uh labels but it’s a little easier this way so we got next one back then spirit as we can throw back up here

Where you going okay he’s perfect okay that’s okay so so far the uh works not affected us too badly here our warp can’t be that high then we must be just be barely scratching the surface here we i thought we went a little crazy with the eating of brains here and maybe it’s

Gonna be an issue for us but so far no side effects aside from that that the flux phage which is gone now madness i can put back over here i should get these organized too does alphabetical make sense i guess it might it might be easier to find things

That way but you know what they’re actually called um color might be helpful but uh yeah maybe that’ll work for organizing them some type of way to find them easily at least if they’re the same color i can all organize my color i know what i’m

Looking for for the most part i can look in a general region to find i’m looking for yeah metal i’m going to need a couple jars for i think because that’s what i use frequently two for different uh things same with bricante oh i need

A couple of jars for that all right so that’s 18 that one’s good and he’s getting this one up to 31 okay he’s good then and he’s still got more there oh he’s all done okay so let’s grab this let’s grab this and the last time we did

A moderate i think it went okay if i remember correctly we’re getting pretty well balanced with this now oh it’s not too bad uh i’m missing something oh there it is i’m not missing anything just back downstairs you back downstairs are you okay we have an empty jar or a jar on

Label jar like that uh okay so we have the diamond then we need the brain and the mirror all right that should do the trick and then we need our wand back from downstairs of course because i always leave downstairs and back up and do this to check what

Our sanity is going to be oh what are we in the center didn’t even think about that there’s got to be something in the center how did i miss that oh oh i have to make another pedometer oh well all right it’s it’s the price you have

To pay i’ll make another one those are fairly cheap now all right here we go one of truth will this hold up so far it’s not pulling the essentia it’s not pulling the essentia uh that’s not good oh i didn’t put it down that’s why jeez i’m lucky this thing didn’t like

Break wow all right so once the cognitio first wow that was a little lucky i can’t believe i put the wrong one down penetrate all right we don’t need that one on our hot bar i hate when things move around like that i like it sometimes but not

In this particular case because i think that’s what screwed us up there possibly i’ll blame that i’ll blame the uh the automatic inventory thing i think it’s part of nei actually or they know i blame that any i take that this is no problem we have plenty of

Stability on this we’re all good here we go sanity checker okay so i don’t know what any of this means let’s go take a look and see let’s read this through here okay um we get two meters with this we have a flux meter and then we have a okay so the flux

Is in different stages there okay so you can see the first level is dark purple and it goes lighter purple and lighter purple i’m thinking the higher it gets the worst things are going to go for you so the sanity meter is pretty we’re below half right now we’re

At 50 so that’s pretty good actually we can stand to do a little bit more research then um i’m curious to find out if void metal armor is uh to make avoid seed take seeds and get illinois tenebrae and vacuous um to make the void seed

And then we can take the void seed and make void metal with metal and then we can make our void axes warping these these cause warp to us use these things i think i guess we just make a bunch of the void and then see what happens maybe

I don’t know the risk it’s a risk let’s see to make the void mill we need void seeds and oh what was that noise something was behind something behind you or is paranoid now okay passed it passed pretty quickly okay and our warps not going any higher it’s actually it’s actually looks like

It slowly might be decreasing actually it’s hard to say uh anyways let’s let’s add some more to it uh forbidden knowledge for void metal cap wand caps i think i want that actually i’m gonna add some more warp for us but um we’ll research it and maybe we wanna

Make it oh this is a big one okay this is gonna take a little time so i’m going to do this off camera quick here or do it sped up here quick and i’ll be right back after it’s finished here because this is going to take a little bit of planning i think

All right i’ve run out of ink just in time to finish that research up for the void middle wand here let’s uh take a look at this we have void middle caps our warp has increased how bad is it now oh that’s not that’s not bad

Well actually i think the okay so oh i see what the different levels are so there’s permanent warp is the dark purple part and the lower half there the uh temporary warp is the top clear the lighter portion i’m thinking and then the uh like the medium non-permanent warp there

Is uh it’ll it’ll go away eventually the top part will go away eventually the bottom part i think can go away if we use certain items and the very bottom part will not go away ever no matter what we do so that’s that’s what that’s i think that’s the

Three levels of management i don’t know for sure i’m just kind of guessing just based on context clues from the from the mod here all right so you have the void middle wand here what does this actually do for us uh crafting one camps from void metal seems counterintuitive since it seems to

Be highly resistant to magic oh sudden unnatural hunger consumes you oh gosh um i don’t know i think this means we have to eat rotten flesh i think that’s all that we can eat right now and the world’s gone red for us um gosh all right let’s let’s

Keep going here let’s keep going we have to get this stuff researched and then we can now worry about it i think so avoid metals nuggets so that takes uh so your gamble paid off the magic is itself maybe resistant to metal itself may be resistant to magic but

Channels with surprising ease i just does seem strange somehow it’s probably just your imagination all right so uh charged we have to do the infusion oh very high instability oh man i don’t know if i don’t want this or not um but i think from the inference here is that it will actually

Uh use or draw magic faster with the void metal here it sounds like it says uh surprising ease channels with surprising e so i think it means it casts or absorbs faster possibly it might be interesting to try that but i don’t think we need it right now

Uh what i am interested in trying out is just make some void metal ingots here and see what the oh my god um my hunger is falling here and i’m taking damage okay your hunger begins to fade we’re gaining more work back though is the problem

I picked the wrong thing uh well eating brains added to our warp here and now we’re getting even more work than before oh my god look at that the temporary warp the light purple went up because i started eating all those brains to stop my hunger

I am just caught in a vicious cycle um all right so okay one of the things we can do is research the the ways to get rid of warp here uh and let’s look at i think it’s underneath alchemy right bath salts purifying bath salts we can make these using salsa mundus

Your fung bath salts will uh will basically reduce some of our warfare it sounds like the warp is a danger for even the most careful of the materials for those who have not done a bit too much dabbling before too much dabbling warp effects are probably more than just an annoyance

Purifying bath salts help with that simply toss these salts into water turn the water into a silver purifying liquid soothes the way of the stresses of the day brings temporary relief from the effects of warp it should be noted however that the warp the church suffers from the shorter the

Duration for this protection okay so it’s it’s not as effective at higher levels we have more warps so right now it might help us a little bit um they just they will also dissolve we start tossing things around so i don’t know if we have everything for

This aurum is not something we have a lot of i’m sure order we probably do have in sanyo i have any steno i don’t think i have any of that i don’t know if i know where to begin for that okay we can also do morse research here and get the arcane spa

And that requires a block of quartz some arcane stone blocks and this is a way i additionally found it that you can be used to pump nearly any liquid you can fill it with pouring blast bath salt into water is a bit of a chore but luckily

One easily solved with a bit of magic you’ve created a handy machine that when filled with water and bath salts it will automatically mix them and pump the liquid into an area above it liquid will fill five by five area above the location where the machine is placed additionally you have found that

It can be used to pump nearly any liquid you can fill it with uh you can fill with automation clicking the block with the appropriate container applying redstone signals to disable okay so it basically just creates a five by five uh pool for us to use our

Bath salts and so we still need the bath salts in order to get anywhere here and sanitizing soap let’s research this quick here um so we can uh find out oh yeah need more ink okay let’s switch these out there we go and we’ll research this

Quick so we can find out if uh this will help us even more all right got that one no problem your sanitizing soap is ready to go let’s take a look and see what this one is it is cleaning the body is easy enough but once warp becomes a nuisance

You need something that can clean the mind as well this soap cleans the flesh but the soap cleans the flesh but the effect it has on your psyche is what truly makes it special when you used it as a small chance of reducing non-permanent warp and remove

All warp all temporary warp okay using it while under effects of warp wand or while standing in purifying fluid will increase your odds okay um a more bored sort of thing there uh and while standing in purifying fluid will increase your odds okay so uh so basically we want to use sanitizing soap

L block and with all these things which don’t actually have any of those and then um yeah using per or you can use purifying bath salts to make the whole thing basically get rid of our temporary warp but so far actually hasn’t been that much of a nuisance i would say but

We’re going to get a lot worse before we get a lot better i think um now one of the things with this is that if you go a long time without using any warp the effects will slowly like you won’t get as many uh many of these like incidents that you

Get now void they’re torches good we don’t know how to make that yet um we could see if this is better for us though making we have to make a lot of void metal though so okay so i don’t need to make a bunch

Of this up here i’ll make to make five a nine seven is uh 16 another eight is uh 24 so we’ll make up 24 of that and um yeah we’ll see if this is any better than what we have right now it might not be i mean it’s also going to get damaged

So this is this is better because it never is damaged so this i think our immortal suit here is going to be better than the void metal is but maybe we’ll try and find out so let’s put that together right now i’m gonna put together some void

Metal uh avoid seeds where’s that avoid seeds oh they drop it from crimson nights oh we can go hunting and get them that’d be nice to do wood seeds put seeds with tenebree vacuous and alienos into a crucible okay we can do that i think let’s go grab all of those ingredients

We need i’ll just make up a bunch of this here all right so we got our 24 void metal ingots here and uh what i was reading about this actually is that the metal the void metal arbor will regenerate over time so it will be okay to use it

Indefinitely but it will cause warp we’ll see how much defense it hopefully provides as much defense as everything else does um it doesn’t seem like it’s as enchantable as uh as our other stuff is though that’s the only other drawback maybe i think is the enchantability of iron

But we got it made here let’s test it out to take our old stuff off here put this new stuff on and see how bad this raises our warp so defense is almost full if we put protection on this it would be 100 i think um or more

But basically this apparently when you get damaged it raises the the uh defense higher possibly is it slow moving it doesn’t seem like it’s still moving i don’t think that actually is a thing in this um yeah this could be cool i mean we have to enchant it with our various uh

Books over here i think we can use these protection books to get the same levels enchantments on it the same way as we did before adding protection to it using the books your protection for put on all four all four pieces and uh yeah that could be pretty cool

But it does raise our warp let’s take a look at our warp meter here and actually it doesn’t actually affect on the warp meter so this is adding a new warping effect that uh is not being registered by this actually that’s good to know but um it does it’s kind of crazy dark

Though i don’t know if i like it but uh we could enchant this and uh get some different kinds of armor i do think our our terrestrial is still good though so i don’t know if we actually need anything new than this uh this is just kind of a cool thing to

Make though and we’ll put it on a uh a stand like this over here maybe and uh keep it forever but i don’t know if we’ll actually use it we do want to try out the robes though the robes add war but they don’t we can’t actually research those just yet

It looks like uh we have a few other steps first one the thing i want to get also is the advanced essentia storage that sounds really good uh for what i remember this adds a bunch of uh storage space actually did i just research it oh i put it in here yeah

We’re working on it right now but i haven’t done it yet um that i think will be what i use to redo my essentia room in here because it might be might be time to redo this a little bit i’ll try to get a little organized here

And it’s just very difficult to manage um that essentia storage here once you lay it down you pretty much can’t move it so you’ll be kind of sure about where you want to put everything but you can you can draw out of it with pipes

Uh i don’t know if you can put into it with anything else besides pipes but uh yeah it might be cool to do that maybe but that’ll be next episode uh i think it’s gonna do it for this episode where you gotta do a little play with warp and uh

Look at managing our warp and reducing it but next time we’re gonna work on actually increasing it further and uh we wanna get the rest of the eldritch research unlocked here and that for that we need to get very very high warp so we’ll work on

That next time here and uh i hope you come back for another episode of mage quest i’ll see you guys next time you

This video, titled ‘Managing Warp (Minecraft Mage Quest | Part 55) [Thaumcraft 4]’, was uploaded by Modee on 2015-07-01 20:18:02. It has garnered 1740 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:13 or 1393 seconds.

We have unlocked part of the Eldritch Research but we should first take a step back and find some ways to check and manage all that Warp before pressing further.

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Mage Quest is a completely magical focused modpack. We follow questlines for magical Houses and bend the world to our magical will!

This pack contains the following mods by default: Adventurer’s Amulets – GustoniaEagle Archmagus – Agadar Aroma1997Core – Aroma1997 AromaBackup – Aroma1997 Automagy – Tuhljin Bagginses – LordDusk Baubles – Azanor bdlib – bdew Blood Magic – WayofTime Botania – Vazkii BrainCore – Arkandos Brewing API – Agadar CG Origin – Country_Gamer CodeChickenCore – ChickenBones CodeChickenLib – ChickenBones CoFHCore – Team CoFH Custom Main Menu – Lumien D3 Core – DoubleDoorDevelopment Dark Menagerie – RWTema Enchiridion – joshiejack Fastcraft – Player Forge Multipart – ChickenBones FoxLib – Kihira GreenThumb – DoubleDoorDevelopment Hardcore Quest Mod – LordDusk, Vswe, NewcastleGeek Headcrumbs – ganymedes01 I’m Looking at Blood – Pokefenn Inventory Tweaks – Kobata InpureCore – denoflions Jabba – ProfMobius JourneyMap – techbrew LibSandstone – TheMikeMC, x3n0ph0b3 MineTweaker – StanH MobiusCore – ProfMobius Necromancy – AtomicStryker NEI Addons – bdew NEI Integration – tonius11 Not Enough Items – ChickenBones Not Enough Keys – dmodoomsirius, Parker8283 Not Enough Resources – Way2muchnoise, hilburn Reliquary – x3n0ph0b3, TheMikeMC Resource Loader – Lumien Ruins – AtomicStryker Sanguimancy – Tombenpotter Storage Drawers – jaquadro Super Crafting Frame – EdgarAllen Tails – Kihira Talismans – Gigabit101 Thaumcraft – Azanor Thaumcraft Mob Aspects – Parker8283 Thaumcraft NEI Plugin – DjGiannuzz Thaumic Tinkerer – pixlepix Torch Tools – DoubleDoorDevelopment Traveller’s Gear – Dawn_1006 Villager’s Nose – StarSheep Waila – ProfMobius Waila Harvestability – squeek502 Weeping Angels – Country_Gamer What’s This Pack – Robosphinx Witchery – Emoniph

Resource Pack is Faithful 32x

Music Credits: Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

TeknoAXE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

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    Unbelievable Furi Ferntail Encounter in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] boo hi hello hello everyone hi hi hi hi it’s me hi hello ah uh uh the smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is meyy for hello hi everyone hi hi hello everyone is Minecraft time and I have some funny stories from today I have a very funny story from today um so reason I was a little bit late to stream I’m so sorry I am trying my best I’m just so bad at this wait no I want to get my my desk hold… Read More

  • Epic Realistic Zombie Minecraft Hacks

    Epic Realistic Zombie Minecraft HacksVideo Information [Applause] [Music] go This video, titled ‘REALISTIC ZOMBIE IN MINECRAFT || MINECRAFT BUILD HACKS || MINECRAFT HACKS || HALLOWEEN BUILD HACKS |’, was uploaded by Kolkata Hindustani Gamerz on 2024-01-02 04:30:05. It has garnered 2490 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Top 5 MUST HAVE Minecraft Plugins 1.20!

    SHOCKING: Top 5 MUST HAVE Minecraft Plugins 1.20!Video Information [Music] today I am going to show you the top five Minecraft plugins for your server these plugins will make your life easier and help you have a better server the first plugin in the list is Essentials X it is an extremely useful plug-in containing over 130 commands Essentials X provides teleportation moderation tools gameplay enhancements and more there are too many commands for me to show but the main ones I use are/ gm1 for Creative Mode / gm0 for survival mode slban for Banning SL kick for kicking a [Music] player the second plugin in… Read More

  • “Lost in Minecraft’s Enchanting Forest – Find Your Way Through!” #shorts

    "Lost in Minecraft's Enchanting Forest - Find Your Way Through!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Minecraft’s Roofed Forests – Navigate the Dense Canopy!#shorts’, was uploaded by Heartfelt Harmony on 2023-12-18 18:30:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Title Screen Ranking!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Title Screen Ranking!Video Information title screens uh they’re exactly what they sound like whenever you log in it’s the first thing you see they represent the game they have the title and they allow you to start playing some of them are good uh and others are Hitman they should only have what is required and if it’s not required it better look damn good the most used buttons should be the most accessible and The Uncommon one should be stowed away in the menus so we’re going to rank every single element of every title screen from every version of Minecraft… Read More

  • Wizard Tower Surprises?! Cozy Minecraft Let’s Play!

    Wizard Tower Surprises?! Cozy Minecraft Let's Play!Video Information so our Story begins hello there this is dreamy Moonglow we are going to play [Music] Minecraft it’s a rainy cozy morning perfect for decorating our new Cottage let’s put some chest here and make a little little bit of storage let’s hide our water source over here let’s plant some wheat let’s go refill our bucket get some wool plant our garden oh a rainbow over our Cottage that’s beautiful let’s go see if we left in anything behind hello Thunderbolt a the magical bamboo Hello Kitty come on home let’s head to the cottage another kitty… Read More

  • 😱🔥💥 SHOCKING Minecraft trap for friends!

    😱🔥💥 SHOCKING Minecraft trap for friends!Video Information don’t bring me down down down Don’t Bring Me Down yes I can don’t bring me down but I’m feeling this one don’t bring me down don’t bring me down down don’t bring [Music] me don’t bring me This video, titled ‘🔴make a trap for your friends😱🔥💥in Minecraft#shortvideo#shorts#viral#short#trending#video#minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft.fanpage on 2024-01-12 06:00:30. It has garnered 2624 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. 🔴make a trap for your friends😱🔥💥in Minecraft#shortvideo#shorts#viral#short#trending#video#minecraft #minecraft#shorts#trending#viral#youtube minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,camman18 minecraft,minecraft manhunt,minecraft but challenge,minecraft seed,minecraft but i cant… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Guide || Play With Friends! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Guide || Play With Friends! 🔥Video Information अ हेलो वट्स अप गाइस कैसे हो आप सब आज हम दोबारा से आ गए मा खेलने के लिए अ मजा आएगा ना और हम लोग का जो घर बना नहीं र कपर भी फोड़ दिया था हमलोग पुराना वारर बना सते आप हेलो भा मेरा डांस देखलो मे डांस देखो मे डांस देख मेरा डा देख अभी देख और देखो और देखो ये देखिए ये देखिए बला ओ वाओ ये देखिए फ्रेंड्स बिला डेविल कैसे डांस कर रहा है तो चलिए फ्रेंड्स करते हैं हम गेम स्टार्ट आगे हम कंपलसरी घर बनाने वाले बड़ा सा एक तो… Read More

  • 🔥 15 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods! (1.20.1) ➡️

    🔥 15 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods! (1.20.1) ➡️Video Information Creature Compendium introduces two new mob types and expands on an existing one curses beasts and Golems each mob type comes with its own unique traits and gameplay differences but they all share one common feature they can be tamed in various ways netherite forges are ancient colossal golems that lie dormant in Bastion remnants remnants of a war long forgotten these formidable beings can be awoken with lava triggering a challenging and epic battle if the player manages to damage them enough they will become inactive however with enough netherite scrap they can be repaired and even… Read More

  • 8kpvp

    8kpvpWe are a awsome server dedicated to our players. Please join our discord server to give us advise and to create a good community Read More

  • PangaeaEarth – Semi-vanilla PVP Towny SMP 1.20+ Discord

    PangaeaEarth A work in progress geopolitical Minecraft server with a Pangaea map The map will be approximately 4.5k by 5k, running on the towny claiming system. Although targeted more towards the casual, building type of player, the server will have systems set up in place for those more wanting of PvP. Come join us in PangaeaEarth! Discord Link: Read More

  • NEW!!! All The Mods 9 Server 2 [No PVP/Grief] By CubedWorlds

    NEW!!! All The Mods 9 Server 2 [No PVP/Grief]  By CubedWorldsCubedWorldsPvP/Grief Server: atm9pvp.cubedworlds.comPeace Server: atm9.cubedworlds.comPeace Server 2: atm9-2.cubedworlds.comOur Links:Website: www.cubedworlds.comDiscord: discord.cubedworlds.comFeatures:*Playtime rewards: Get rewarded for playing on our servers! Earn special rewards as you play on our servers, the more you play, the more rewards! *Ranks: You can earn 12 specials ranks on the server via playtime or purchasing one of our packages on our website.*No Map Reset: Yes!!! The map will never reset, except for a few dimensions (The end, The Nether and Mining Dim)*Dimensions Size: 20k Radius each, 31 Dimensions available*Economy: Rent a shop to sell ressources or buy from others.*Chunks Loading: Enabled*Voting: Vote for our server to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Mob Showdown: Bye Phantom, Vex, Silverfish, Giant?

    Looks like the Phantom, Vex, and Silverfish couldn’t handle the heat and got eliminated quicker than Steve can mine a block of dirt! Top 3 comments can decide the fate of the mobs – will they be voted off the island or will they live to see another day of Minecraft mayhem? The Giant better watch out, it’s game on! Read More

  • Crafty Masters of Minecraft Modding

    Crafty Masters of Minecraft Modding In Minecraft Modding Masters, Ninjas will thrive, Customizing tools, enemies, and more to drive. With Java Edition, mods will come alive, For friends and family to enjoy and revive. Join us at Code Ninjas, where coding is fun, Unleash your creativity, let your skills run. Craft unique biomes, mobs, and more in the sun, Minecraft Modding Masters, a camp for everyone! Read More

  • Kinito Pet: Big or Small? #minecraftmemes

    Kinito Pet: Big or Small? #minecraftmemes When you can’t decide on the size of your Kinito Pet, just remember: bigger isn’t always better…unless you want a pet that can double as a scarecrow! #shorts #minecraft #meme #memes #kinitopet #scary Read More

  • Sneaky Summer Candy Music Video

    Sneaky Summer Candy Music Video Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to unleash their creativity and embark on exciting adventures in a blocky world. With endless possibilities and a thriving community, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes, mine resources, build structures, and battle mobs. The game offers different modes, including Survival mode, where players must gather resources and survive against enemies, and Creative mode, where players have unlimited resources to build whatever they can imagine. Building and Crafting One… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft Welcome to, where we explore the latest and most intriguing developments in the world of Minecraft. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating realm of AI-generated Minecraft content. Have you ever wondered if AI can truly make Minecraft? The possibilities are endless, and the results are truly mind-blowing. In a recent YouTube video titled “Can AI make Minecraft?” the creator delves into the realm of AI-generated Minecraft videos and images. The video showcases the incredible advancements in AI technology that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming and content creation. From AI-generated Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs

    Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs Welcome to CraftRooms II: A Minecraft Backrooms Experience Step into the mysterious world of CraftRooms II, an immersive Minecraft experience currently in ALPHA 0.6. Explore the depths of the backrooms, but be careful not to no-clip through blocks in the wrong places… Meet the Team Behind the Scenes Shoutout to the talented individuals who have brought CraftRooms II to life: EnderAnimations: builder, texture lead, co-owner scubadiverxy: lead builder, command lead, redstone lead, co-owner xPB14x: sound design, builder, playtester Waterbolt Productions: playtester, builder skeleton: playtester rycritter grog: playtester Features and Elements Immerse yourself in a world filled with: Poolrooms: Dive… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!

    Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!Video Information for hey what’s up Carson and uh missed you yeah it’s free when you join Carson and Kimberly oh yeah Kimberly you’re from [Music] uh ghostly barbecue what’s up Daryl one moment [Music] y’all what’s up what’s up what’s up I’ve never what happened to snake eyes he’s he’s still here it’s um I don’t know you new here Carson CU it’s um it’s me and him we both stream on this channel I’m OT or Noah or whatever you want to call me all right enough s still we about to Ping it I mean we’re looking… Read More

  • EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore Minecraft

    EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information this is Minecraft but you probably already knew that this is Hardcore where if you die it’s game over but you probably already knew that too what you didn’t know is this is ultra Hardcore in this mode if you die it’s game over but there is a twist natural health regen has been turned off and if I want to heal I need either to find instant health potions or craft suspicious do with the regen effect or golden apples let’s see how this goes and this is not great we spawned in a desert as you… Read More

  • Insane Adventure: Rickson’s Spawn Vertical Stream

    Insane Adventure: Rickson's Spawn Vertical StreamVideo Information what is up guys welcome back it’s Sunday Yay good old sunday good old Sunday hope everyone is doing really good hope you’ve had a good weekend and uh hey yat thanks for joining the club as well really appreciate that right all right let us get into The Nether and let’s uh look at that fan that that was so good already doing really well what’s up toast what’s up rotrex what is up guys let’s get some blocks so we can actually get into The Nether and uh let us just do our thing let’s get… Read More

  • Unbeatable Pneumaticcraft Armor?! EP58 All The Mods 9!

    Unbeatable Pneumaticcraft Armor?! EP58 All The Mods 9!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get into some more new mcraft but today we make one of the most OP pieces of armor that exist and we also make the rest of the creative items from new mcraft hopefully you guys are ready now I’ve have been sort of on a creative item spree over the last few episodes we have set out to gather all of the creative items that we can really get our hands on and well today is going to be a continuation of that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! I brought Minecraft to my coworkers! 😱

    Unbelievable! I brought Minecraft to my coworkers! 😱Video Information let’s go le chicoter qui rejoint bon ben il  manque plus que bon je vous dis bonne app et   j’arrive mais frérot nous on mange pas il y a  que temp en fait nous on a déj m supportable   ce mec qu’est-ce qui passe là il y a des  bruits alors attends attends tu es où toi   ah tu es là non tu es où alors je veux savoir  un truc moi c’est pourquoi qu’on entend c’est   les vaches qui font du bruit là je sais pas il  y a il y a de la pluie aussi mais… Read More

  • INSANE Mangrove Swamp Build in Minecraft! #shorts

    INSANE Mangrove Swamp Build in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Week 8 of 36 | Mangrove Swamp | #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortsfeed #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Calven on 2024-03-23 18:15:00. It has garnered 10119 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. The “Mangrove Witch Hut” is the 8th build of A Week a House a Biome challenge. Designed for the Mangrove Swamp If you want to download this build or any of my other creations you can do so in my Patreon or Ko-fi. Thank you! Patreon: Coffee: Read More

  • Will the Legendary Shield Return? Watch Etoiles Replay! QSMP #245

    Will the Legendary Shield Return? Watch Etoiles Replay! QSMP #245Video Information [ __ ] c’est vrai qu’on est dimanche soir quoi ça vrai qu’on est dimanche soir oh là là merci au streamers de l’année d’accorder de son temps VI de League of Legends mais vraiment m’a trop cassé les couilles robalass CIT trop drôle en vrai pour ceux qui étaient pas là sur le live tout à l’heure robalas avait avait comment dire une un running gag qui consistait à chaque fois que je disais un truc que je ne je n’aurais pas pu le dire quand je n’étais pas streamer de l’année c’était c vraiment B la dernière fois… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Starter House Build #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Starter House Build #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Starter House Tutorial Timelapse #shorts’, was uploaded by DESIRITHALIYA on 2024-01-07 10:30:00. It has garnered 9367 views and 230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #minecraftshorts #minecrafttutorial #shorts #shortsfeed minecraft starter house tutorial timelapse Read More


    🚨 VILLAGER NEWS: EVERYONE IN UNDERWEAR! 🚨Video Information [Music] I wake up in the morning clam out of my bed stick my mustache to the front side of my head eat breakfast in the kitchen with my wife and kids except I don’t because I live alone head over to the studio to say hello cuz I’m the news an I got to start the show I’ve got a lot of work to fill my predecessor shoes before he died he told me just which words to use break it new the arm is looking for people to become part of a big hot air balloon… Read More

  • Warrior factions

    Warrior factionsWelcome to Warrior factions. This is a server with custom items, like enchants, gear and much more. What can I expect from the server? You can expect all kinds of things, but we are aiming to have a great community, and that everyone feels welcome on the server. We will do our best to provide help to each individual player on the server. The server is currently being worked on, and won’t open up before around the start of ”July/August” Feel free to join the Discord: First 10 people to join the discord server linked above, will recieve a… Read More

Managing Warp (Minecraft Mage Quest | Part 55) [Thaumcraft 4]