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hey everybody this is JJ I got a new car I bought it for $100 I’m surprised it can even keep working for that kind of money it’s the engine that makes so much noise and heat and in general this car drives like a total Turtle I think I can drive to my garage and figure out what’s causing that loud noise I hope this engine doesn’t blow up my car how slow it’s going oh my God I thought I was going to drive this car like some kind of cool racer as usual I had a fantasy in my pants hopefully I can make it to the garage it’s not a good idea to push this car from behind with my hands I’m starting to regret buying this stinking car walking is way cooler than driving this bucket of nails I’m finally home now this car is definitely not going to explode under my butt I’m really sick of this engine it’s time to fix it even though I’m not an auto mechanic it’s worth a try so there’s smoke coming here for some reason oh my God is there really a fire here although I don’t see the Fire come on fix it yourself I spent a lot of money on you guys would you like to have your own car write about it in the comments I’d rather buy a good bicycle than this stupid car hey JJ you’re in the garage with your rotten car again hi I’m tired of fixing it it’s always breaking down and today the engine almost caught fire uh can you fix it today no Mikey I don’t think the car is going to work today it takes a lot of time and effort to get it started again oh my God you said that last time and fixed it for a week what more do you want from me there’s nothing I can do about it JJ you’re the worst car mechanic ever why don’t you stop working on your junk let’s go for a walk uh out on foot are you serious I’m not used to doing that oh my God JJ can’t walk forget about your car let’s go for a walk in the woods uh all right I guess there won’t be anything wrong with that maybe or maybe we’ll be attacked by bears or a pack of wolves oh my God I don’t like this anymore my car is really smoking it’s already completely broken forget it oh my God and now I could sit in my garage and fix my cool car and now I have to walk through some swamp oh my God you’re such a whiner just relax and enjoy it JJ enjoy what an ordinary River no Enjoy not having to fix your stupid car it brought me only pleasure last time you fixed it I learned a,1 new bad words from you uh do you hear that it’s some kind of weird noise we got to get out of here no it’s someone crying probably some pretty girl we have to help her I don’t see anyone and what makes you think it’s a pretty girl the cries come from the other side of the shore let’s go that woman could be a freaky fat ugly girl it doesn’t matter I want to help her anyway oh my God you’re such a lifesaver okay let’s go save this woman oh it’s not a woman who’s that oh my God it’s a mermaid I thought it was just a fairy tale character that didn’t exist in real life anyway she’s too cute and pretty a mermaid oh yeah she’s cute she’s got really nice titties hey I can actually hear you okay mermaid we’ve come to rescue you what’s your problem oh yeah we can solve any problem you have two young and handsome guys ready to fulfill your every desire my tail was accidentally caught in a trap I’m in a lot of pain can you please help me uh a trap wo I don’t know it looks too dangerous hurry up and get it out otherwise my tail will soon stop working come on it’s not a problem at all can’t you swim without your tail no I can’t then we’ll help you take that thing out yeah it’s actually easy oh I would greatly appreciate your help what are you waiting for get me out of this trap already okay let’s see what we can do about that that’s it you’re free to go haha yay now you can swim again congratulations uh thanks but I’ve got another problem my tail still hurts so I can’t swim oh now that’s a serious problem so you have to help me out again Mikey we got to do something with that oh but what can we do oh we can take her to our house yeah we can take good care of her there I think she can lay there while her tail heals seriously are you going to help a strange and unknown mermaid yeah well it’s not hard for us to help someone who needs help do I owe you any money for this no haha no money Mikey’s even ready to pay for it himself good things should be done selflessly baby wow you guys are so kind thank you so much but there’s another problem I have no legs I can’t walk to your house by myself it’s not a problem Mikey can carry you in his arms oh yeah I’m too strong to carry her easily oh wow it’s so nice to be in a man’s strong arms ha Mikey is pawing at a beautiful mermaid right now I could carry her too no way JJ I got her first you can rest now ha so the green dude’s name is is Mikey and the red dude’s name is JJ nice to meet you nice to meet you too chica all right let’s go to our house already hey Mikey we got a problem where are we going to put this mermaid in our house uh I don’t know we’ll have to figure something out well I think we need to find some place with lots of water a lot of water here’s an idea moments later oh yeah this bathtub is perfect for this mermaid thank you so much boys the water is very warm we’re glad you’re very happy and comfortable in our home if I knew this place was so cool I would live here permanently I think we can do that I don’t know if she can live here that long it’s a sea creature she’s not going to stay in that tub for months um yeah I’ll lay here while my tail is getting damaged at least we’ll try to do everything for our guest so she doesn’t need anything haha I kind of feel like Mikey has fallen in love uh boys I have a little problem I haven’t eaten anything in a while don’t you have any goodies oh what do mermaids usually eat uh anything I’m not very picky Mikey what kind of food do we have uh I don’t know what mermaids usually like we’ll bring her everything we have thank you so much boys you’re so thoughtful oh thank you sweetie get some rest we’ll soon bring you some food all right Mikey we got to find something tasty uh okay let’s find something to feed our fish don’t talk about her like that she might get offended oh I found an apple I think she’ll like the fruits and I found a slice of watermelon all girls love fruits way to go Mikey let’s go show her what we found she’s going to love it oh and what have you brought me we brought you a couple of fruits all people really like this kind of food uh okay well let’s get it in here I’m going to taste them here eat you’ll never find these things in the rivers oh yeah I think some seaweed isn’t very tasty uh didn’t you have any fish it’s just that I usually only eat fish and this seaweed seems too weird to me uh do you really only eat fish it’s kind of weird because they’re your relatives yeah that’s really creepy you guys are so funny I don’t eat my friends I can eat your fruit easily oh my God we were so scared you were going to stay hungry and we don’t eat fish with JJ at all we do have one big fish in the house though right in the bathtub haha thank you so much it was very delicious it’s always nice to give such a beautiful girl a treat with all sorts of goodies oh it’s starting to get dark yes it’s not a childish time anymore time for everyone to go to bed don’t worry I can sleep right in this tub I’m very comfortable here okay then we’ll go sleep on the second floor if you need anything you can just yell and we’ll hear you yeah you’re not a fish you can talk that’s cool good night mermaid rest and recuperate thanks again good night okay DOI let’s go to bed already I’m really tired from today but you didn’t do anything all you did was Grumble about your dead engine and I carried the mermaid from the river to the house in my arms stop your nagging Mikey I already know how cool you are I’m always cooler than you good night JJ good night Mikey yep visiting the boys is fun for sure but I miss my ancestral home also my mom must be waiting for me and I didn’t even tell her I was gone for such a long time I bet they’re all worried and anxious about me and I’m here relaxing and eating fruit I got to make a plan to get back I definitely can’t stay here much longer and too bad I don’t have legs the next day oh good morning everybody guys would you like to be friends with a mermaid write about it in the comments it’s time for me to go to our mermaid and ask her how she’s doing she must be very bored alone right now oh did someone say mermaids oh JJ good morning you’re up early today you usually sleep until lunchtime but we shouldn’t sleep so long now it’s time to entertain our mermaid because she can’t entertain herself oh yeah my mermaid needs a lot of attention hey why is she your mermaid she’s our mutual friend because I was the one who carried her in my arms and you were just standing next to her that doesn’t make sense sh JJ my mermaid’s not awake yet it’s not your mermaid oh my God she’s so cute and pretty it’s so nice to look at her I wonder how long mermaid sleep in a 24-hour period ah who’s there oh is that you good morning mermaid good morning did you sleep well uh yeah it was great thanks for caring boys it’s a very comfortable place to sleep you know but the water’s getting cold I think we can easily get some warm water you don’t have to worry about that by the way I want to go for a walk oh but you don’t have legs you can’t walk so what you’re too smart boys figure it out but you’re lying in the tub carrying a bathtub in your arms is too heavy are you sure you want to go outside oh yeah I so enjoyed being outside H maybe we can upgrade her bathtub somehow but you can’t fix your car you can’t fix your bathtub either here we go this looks really cool I like it it’s like I’m in a car putting wheels on the tub was genius oh yeah I’m a very good mechanic after all I hope this tub doesn’t stall and smoke like your car there’s no engine in here plus I got the wheels from my old car I don’t think I can use it anymore because I can’t fix it up completely good job JJ your car wasn’t good for anything else it’s a shame my car is not not likely to go anymore oh come on your wheels will serve our new mermaid friend well thank you so much JJ for sacrificing your car for my comfort oh all right I’m happy to help you oh let’s go for a ride Little Mermaid you’re going to love it let’s finally go for a walk I want to see what it’s like to be on regular land I’m a mermaid of course it will be a very special experience for you oh yeah I’m driving like a cool expensive Cabriolet Mikey drive her carefully it wouldn’t be cool if you knocked that tub over accuracy is my middle name JJ don’t even worry about it everything’s going to be fine open the door we’re going for a ride in this cool car oh yeah here we go wow so cool you guys are so much fun ha careful Mikey there’s steps the water mustn’t spill out of the tub stop worrying about me that’s my favorite mermaid I’ll make sure she has a nice walk guys stop arguing now I want to go to the Riverwalk yeah Mikey stop arguing you’re making my mermaid nervous are we going through the woods yeah well what’s the problem there could be wild and dangerous animals out there there’s no one there common people scared away all the wildlife in this Forest a long time ago even if someone attacks you honey I’ll protect you honey what who said you could talk to my mermaid like that I don’t care and here is the same river where we found you it’s so cool hanging out with you guys Mikey isn’t it hard for you to roll that heavy tub around for that long no sweetie the tub’s not heavy and you weigh like a feather hey hey hey Mikey you sure know how to compliment a lady oh my God I’m going to throw up from all this baby talk you can stay here on the banks of the river okay Mikey put the bathtub over here it’s so nice and the sun is not so hot it’s so beautiful here we told you you’d love it here and so far we haven’t encountered any scary animals oh yeah you were right the scariest animal here is none other than Mikey I can punch you for saying that boys you’re fighting again why don’t you buy me some goodies at the store are you hungry again what can we buy for you I don’t know something tasty and sweet oh I know what you might like maybe some kind of cookies or chips it’s too unhealthy we should buy her some grapes oh yeah I like the fruit a lot and I want cookies too okay we’ll buy grapes and cookies and chips oh yeah I don’t know if the mermaid likes one thing or the other bye-bye don’t go anywhere we’ll be back soon let’s hurry up and go to the store let’s go oh I’m so hungry for cookies and I’m craving chips even more I could eat them all with grapes uh are they gone already finally I’ve been in this stinking tub for hours it’s time to go home my mom’s waiting for me yeehao I’m finally in my favorite River and my tail has already healed those guys were nice after all they saved me and took care of me I should thank them with diamonds for that job the bathtub idea was cool let JJ buy himself a cool car with that money now it’s time to eat a whole bunch of my favorite seaweed human food is disgusting how can they even eat this stuff that’s it bye everybody I’ll never go to the land surface again there were no cookies at the store so I bought a juicy steak for the mermaid and I decided to buy her an apple it seemed too appetizing she’s definitely going to love it your Apple is rotten and there are worms inside oh where’s the mermaid where’d she go maybe she decided to go for a swim back in the river seriously but we had such a great time with her she seems to enjoy living in the water more than with us on land oh what is that what are you talking about that’s a lot of diamonds could it be the mermaid left them for us uh I think so maybe she didn’t want us to feel so bad about her leaving diamonds don’t compare to her at all it’s still sad that she decided to leave was so much in love with her it was the most beautiful mermaid in the world and what are we supposed to do with these diamonds uh we can buy me a normal car oh God I’m so sick of you in your car I’m sad Mikey I wanted to play with a mermaid every day I wanted this too now you’re going to have to drag that tub home no you do that but you’re the strong one the next day this morning my parents brought us a delicious breakfast and we decided to eat it while watching cartoons yeah maybe you mean ours they brought us a mega delicious cake and while we ate breakfast they decided to watch a cool sailor cartoon this cartoon is awesome I really like this cartoon too the sea looks so cool it would be cool to ride on a ship at Sea I’d like to ride on a boat and live on it yeah I think it’s cool I think it would be fun but Yachts are very expensive but not for our parents they can afford it and our parents are really incredibly Rich hey kids I hear we’re incredibly Rich have we gotten any richer we weren’t talking about boats and how expensive they are boats are cool they’re super cool but you got to get ready for school but Mom look how cool that boat looks you’ve got homework today oh yeah right well we already packed our backpacks for school it’s really good that you’re so independent we just have to pick them up well then let’s go okay time to hurry up you might be late and then we’ll be summoned yeah we’ll hurry up I don’t want to listen to your annoying teacher well we got everything so I think we’re ready I’m sorry but you’ll be walking to school today okay I don’t think that’s a problem we have a lot to do all right we’re on our way hey I hope you’re ready Mikey cuz I got everything I’m absolutely ready all right kids good luck and goodbye good luck and bye good luck and all the best to you too yeah have a nice day and goodbye we’ll try to get good grades yeah we’ll try God they love to smother us with goodbyes like we’re leaving forever well they’re worried about us and they’re trying to take care of us so it’s understandable more like what happened darling JJ left his pie listen why don’t we buy a boat and go away for a week wow that sounds interesting relax unwind it’s good for us I yeah that sounds cool we could rent a boat I think it’ be really cool I’ll have to look into it I know someone at work who can sell us a nice boat at a good price so it won’t even cost a huge amount of money and the boat will be amazing so I’m going to go to work right now and check with him about buying a boat goodbye 3 hours later I almost fell asleep in this boring history class me too who needs it I don’t know I don’t want to know what happened yeah me too I want to look into the future and know what will happen next wow that sounds cool it’s so stupid to study what happened 100 years ago what wow like And subscribe Smart idea hey remember if you subscribe and like you’ll speed up the release of Mikey and I’s new adventures yes it will help us so don’t forget to like And subscribe I always do it always makes us happier our parents aren’t here yet they said they’d pick us up they said they’d be here when school’s out oh wow look at that oh that’s ours dad’s cool car he’s got such a fancy car I hope when we grow up he buys us one we’re finally here hey kids come here quick we have a cool surprise for you oh my god another cool surprise another never mind all right let’s go to our parents yeah I’m coming all right well we’ll see what the surprise is this time hey Mom Dad hi JJ hi JJ I didn’t know you were picking us up from school yeah we only told Mikey we forgot to tell you well yeah so what’s the surprise we won’t tell it’s a big Cool Secret wo yeah it’s a very cool Secret Surprise okay secret secret don’t worry we’ll go get him right away yay I love cool surprises I hope it’s something cool this time don’t worry it’s a very cool surprise I’m sure it will be I can’t wait I’m glad you can’t wait can we go get the surprise now yeah I can’t wait either cool let’s go they’re so intriguing yeah I’m interested in that too I hope it’s something Mega cool well we’ll know soon so long uh-huh it’s a long drive here we go we’re almost there and you’re about to see your mega cool super Secret Surprise we have for you today yeah we’ve been driving forever it wouldn’t take so long if it weren’t for the traffic wow where are we I don’t know I haven’t been here I’ve never been here here before me too I don’t know this place either I haven’t been watched the road but I think we’re on the beach or something okay kids we’re here it’s time for you to see our cool mega super surprise come and see it we’re finally going to find out what this Mega Cool Secret Surprise is yeah let’s go I’m getting tired of waiting for it wo wait it’s a yacht that’s a real yacht uh-huh a huge cool yacht wow this is amazing wow can we ride it of course we decided to go sailing on a cool Yacht for a couple days Wow Let’s go faster yeah I’m coming I want to see what it looks like inside the outside looks fantastic I’ve never been in a yacht me too I’ve only seen it on TV well now you can see it with your own eyes yeah that’s cool enjoy it we will be there’s lots of stuff swimming pool food fridge and so on let’s go inside yeah wow there’s tons of stuff here I love this boat yeah I love it too it looks so awesome and it’s so huge go downstairs to the common room okay we’re coming down wow there’s so much room it’s cool there’s a lot here and the main thing is you have your own room where you can play your own game wow we even have our own toy room come and see it come on you’re going to love it okay come on we’ll see what’s in there so what’s here wow there’s a nice TV cool Windows there’s plenty to keep you entertained while we sail the high seas yes thank you very much so enjoy your room you can play on the computer I thought i’ take a nap I’m so tired enjoy your room as much as you like when we get here we’ll call you all right Mikey you want to play computer wow thank you no you shouldn’t I’d love to play while we sail the high seas I’ll just watch you can watch cartoons yeah that’s a cool idea but I’ll probably just watch you play something okay that’s interesting too what are you going to play I’m going to play Path of Exile it’s a cool game yeah I think so too I like this game too moments later wow it’s so hot man I love running on the boat I too get a nice seab breeze in here it’s so much fun jumping on the waves and bouncing a few meters up when the boat sits under the waves it’s really cool yeah and playing with our toys There were so many toys they must have been bought with the boat it’s Mega cool I love this boat so much I’m glad our parents bought it yeah I really like this boat too it’s super cool you can live on it for a long time hey what’s that what are you talking about oh wow it’s a huge wave it’s coming at us we got to get inside the boat but where are our parents oh no they swim oh no we have to do something Mikey we’re about to get hit by a wave it’s already upon us what already oh no oh my God that was the biggest wave I’ve ever seen I hope everyone on the boat is safe oh Mikey are you okay okay looks like he’s lying unconscious JJ we’re drowning help us oh my God Mom Dad what are you doing in there Ah that’s a stupid question JJ Mikey wake up we have to save our parents are they drowning oh my God we have to do something Mikey we have to throw them a Lifeline we don’t have one we need to jump in the water with them can you get them out ah I’m going to drown do something ah ah I’m going to drown ah don’t drown yet Mikey and I have to figure something out wait wait a minute I have no strength I’m tired bu help somebody oh my God Mom Dad don’t go underwater I’ll go save them Mikey no I’ll do it myself stop oh my God Mikey I’m going to oh JJ where are you save me oh my God my parents are long gone too oh my God no JJ you can’t swim Mikey we both can’t swim why did we jump in the water too I don’t know I just wanted to say our parents you’re so stupid Mikey we’re all going to drown no need to worry an angel is on his way to save people’s lives what’s going on here a couple of boys decided to go for a dive but they forgot how to swim how silly is that help somebody we can’t swim ha I was created to help poor people like you I was created by God himself I came from Paradise to save people before they die I’m going to drown ah I’m running out of strength to swing my arms in the water I’m very tired too and who is this I am the angel who came to save your lives oh my God we were beginning to see hallucinations come here children of God to the raft for all the alive in this sea wao it’s perfect timing we were saved by some strange magical woman it’s not some weird magic this is the power of God deciding to save you I’ve come straight from Heaven to you from Heaven uh but I don’t see anything up there why didn’t you save our parents uh what’s wrong with them our yacht was hit by a huge seawave this caused our parents to fall into the sea and drown if you’re from Heaven save them too oh that’s very sad but I can’t save them already why can’t you do it so we’ll never see our parents again oh my God that’s terrible please forgive me I was only supposed to save you not your parents so God doesn’t care about our parents and where will we live if our parents drowned I have my own little house in heaven but I don’t think you want to go there we have nowhere else to live we agree oh I’m glad I can help you again that’s cool but we can’t fly how are we going to get to your house it’s very simple hold on I’ll get you there with my Godlike Magic let’s go wow what’s going on everything’s glowing and sparkling oh my God these Glitters got in my mouth where are we we were supposed to be brought to the Angel’s house there it is he’s so bright but where is angle herself I don’t know but this house is soaring high in the sky that’s why we couldn’t see it from the sea cool all right Mikey do you agree to live here somewhere far away in heaven I don’t know maybe the house isn’t cool at all oh I’m home finally this work day has come to an end where are those kids oh there you are are hi there how do you like being in heaven this place is great I’m glad you enjoyed it come on I’ll give you a tour of my Paradise home oh yes all people dream of living in Paradise so do we you only go to heaven when you die you’re lucky I was there in time to save you thank you by the way let’s get in the house already our parents must be somewhere on the neighboring clouds too they have to be they’re going to heaven not some stinking hell and why do angels dress so fril because it’s too hot in here that’s why we dress like this that angel is a hot chick in her own right oh Mikey words like that are forbidden here wow it’s pretty nice and cozy it feels like we’ve been here before no God himself built this house for me he’s so good yeah everybody knows that come on give us a tour of the house already okay I’ll start in the kitchen this is where I make the most delicious meals in the world because it’s Heavenly food okay what is SpongeBob on TV does heaven have cartoons too it’s Paradise it’s got all the cool stuff this is my room where I sleep and relax after my work so Angels sometimes sleep and rest and who protects the people during that time people don’t need to be protected when they’re asleep either come on I’ll show you your Nursery are we going to have our own Nursery yeah Mikey all kids need their own room and lots of toys you’re right Heaven should have more toys than the Ordinary World this is where you will sleep and relax I’m hoping it’s got our personal TV and separate beds we even have these things at our house in heaven every child has one it’s so much cooler than our old house God made you the best and coziest room in the world only God did all of this so God’s a really cool dude but the beds he could have made bigger I really like it here there’s a lot of games to play here I’m glad you enjoyed your stay at my house it’s fun but it feels like there’s something missing some little detail it’s all in there JJ there’s a separate crib for JJ right there just his favorite color oh yeah I really like that and here’s that little detail JJ was talking about powerful gaming computer with all the games in the world what all the games in the world are here wo we can play computer games forever I don’t mind playing on that computer myself sometimes but I have too much work to play games lots of toys endless computer games cool room it’s really Paradise okay I’m going back to work Angel but you didn’t show us the main room in the house um I thought I showed you everything no you’re forgetting something where are we going to poop oh yeah you people need to use the restroom let me show you one oh yeah I wonder where our poop goes if the house is floating in the sky that’s a very interesting question maybe they disappear in a magic portal haha a portal it’s too complicated go inside and you’ll find out uh all right this looks like an ordinary toilet there’s nothing magical about it to start pooping open the lid in the field I got to go to work bye-bye bye-bye don’t spy on us this has to be the best Paradise toilet in the world um this doesn’t look like Heaven’s toilet it’s just a hole in the floor she wants us to poop in that hole oh my God what if we fall in this toilet when we poop I think if you poop carefully it can be avoided imagine our poop falling on somebody’s head this is ridiculous what if I want to pee here so it’s going to rain your piss on the earth oh that’s awful but funny at the same time poor people of the earth s months later this is the star of our show JJ cow and this is my maid Mikey are you the star of the show sometimes you talk such nonsense it’s not nonsense I’m a star I’m more popular and interesting than you I come up in every video too so I’m a star too Mikey you only became a popular guy because of me no you’re the one who got popular because of me because I’m a handsome and charismatic dude all right enough with the bragging Mikey and I were just taking a walk down the street hey kids hi how you doing oh my God who is that hi there sweet babies I’m so glad I got to meet you I need your help in my house could you please help me you’re the good guys right or are you not actually we have a lot to do lady he hey you don’t have to be afraid of me I don’t bite trust me it won’t take you long we already told you we’re not going anywhere with you get away from here stupid witch nobody needs her at all uh now that was very rude of you we don’t care what you think we should be watching cartoons at home right now let’s go JJ she’s too dumb bye-bye ha you also smell like rotten potions go wash up pig we made such a big deal out of that stupid witch our mom always taught us that we shouldn’t talk to strangers and we were right not to talk to her witches are no good there’s no way she can turn us into stinking pigs although Mikey stinks pretty badly already you’re the one who stinks hey Mom Dad we’re here from our walk hi everybody hello children I hope nothing bad happened to you on the outside no you don’t have to worry it’s just a couple of homeless people and a witch trying to steal us ha this happens to you every day yeah well we don’t care about that at all by the way what are we going to do now uh Mom Dad we’re going to go play on the computer you don’t mind do you we don’t care we’re watching cartoons mind your own business our parents don’t seem to care at all what we do with our lives all right then let’s start playing computer games Mikey start Minecraft can’t we play another game we’re already living in Minecraft today we’re going to play whatever game I want to play um that’s not fair I want to play Minecraft our powerful computer can run this cool game and what game do you want to play I’m going to play fortnite you should see how good I am at it Mikey you always come in last place at fortnite oh that’s a lie I’m good at playing it ah there they are stupid little kids what are they doing playing computer games ha I’m play aund times better than you Mikey uh I haven’t actually launched the game yet I feel so bad that they lied to me was it so hard to help me oh my God that’s the kind of thing I should punish them for I think I even know how to do it I’m a witch I can ruin their lives forever it’s so good to be an evil witch I wonder if I should brew a Super Evil potion that will make them blind H I guess that would be too cruel I think I’ll just put a spell on them all that’s left is to choose what I can turn them into into it has to be something fun I’ll turn them into spiders no I’ll wait for them although that’s not interesting H oh yeah I’ll cast a completely random spell on them hah that would be awesome they will regret treating me so [Music] badly okay shut down the computer you’re a fortnite noob you shouldn’t be allowed to play any games at all you were just distracting me you just don’t know how to play uh what happened to you uh I don’t know I’ve gotten too small for for some reason ha you were already a little baby and now you’re a newborn ah oh my God what happened looks like you’ve gone small too just like me but that’s not how it works what’s going on I don’t want to be so small what are we supposed to do Mikey I’m really scared what if we stay this small for the rest of our life I wanted to grow up big and strong stop whining JJ we should tell our parents about this they must have some kind of pill for this disease you think this is some kind of common illness I mean no one gets this kind of disease and actually those stairs seem so huge and steep from up here and how do we get down to the first floor we could just go tumbling down the stairs that’s probably going to be painful I won’t do it let’s go already you’ve been afraid of everything your whole life okay that wasn’t hard now we just have to tell our parents this lunch is the best in the world we are so small they don’t notice us at all nice rhyme Mikey we need them to notice us our babies are getting quiet from upstairs maybe they were tired and fell as asleep after the Walk Mom Dad we’re here can’t you see us hey Mom please help us it’s a good thing I can’t hear them anymore sometimes I get tired of our kids but I hear a beeping noise hey we’re here turn your head to the right I think it’s the mice scrabbling under the floor never mind dear okay I hate mice Mom Dad are you stupid we’re not mice we’re your children it’s not funny anymore please help us grow up again they can’t hear us Mikey you don’t even have to try to get through to them I’m pissed off about those mice too I don’t have any more ideas who can help us it’s obviously not some kind of disease someone made us this small on purpose but who could have done it we are such good and kind children I agree we didn’t even insult or hit anyone Mikey somebody’s watching us look out the windowa my spell worked they’ve gotten so small that’s the same witch we met yesterday it is so funny to watch such little bugs it’s all her doing Mikey she made us small oh that’s very bad of her maybe she can turn us back I don’t think so but we have no choice but to go to her after all no one can help us not even our parents you know I’m scared to go see that witch what else can she do to us we’re already small we’re going to tell her what we think of her but she’s a witch she can do anything if she wants to we’re little kids you can’t hit children everyone knows that stop being afraid and let’s go hey you stupid fool make us big again what kind of evil little insect is that I can’t hear you properly ha I think we were rude to her for nothing JJ oh yeah you should have apologized for your bad words shut up it’s your fault we’re small we didn’t do anything to you if you’d been more polite you wouldn’t be a little baby right now polite we can’t expect anything good from stupid witches you two will never switch you know I’ve got something else for you I’ll boil you in my cauldron and then eat you ha uh-oh that’s not cool I don’t want to go to The Cauldron you’re going to jail for this you’re so stupid I’m much stronger than your police moments later a let me go ah I’m scared Ah that’s not funny at all ah ah ha you’re so easy to juggle you weigh like two little apples that’s enough ah I’m getting dizzy please stop doing that or I’m going to throw up soon ha you’re so stupid no 3 hours later we’re sitting here like two parents parrots don’t boil in a cauldron this Witch’s House is so scary lots of potions strange books webs dust I don’t see how she can live here but living in a cage is so much worse our parents don’t even know where we are there’s no way we’re getting out of here hey boys how’s it going in here oh my God that stupid Witch is back I hope you are enjoying your time here ha but don’t worry I’ll cook you in my magic soup soon I don’t want to swim in soup I don’t think Mikey does either I don’t care what some little bug thinks nobody asked you what you want our parents will find us sooner or later and beat you oh yeah you should be scared of them no one will ever be able able to find my cabin don’t lie to me then we can escape from this cage just try to escape from my cage I’ll throw you into the hottest boiling water in the world you’ll regret it hey that’s too cruel we’re just little kids you are the meanest nastiest kids in the world and I was right to put you in a cage don’t go anywhere while I pour water into my big cauldron you stupid witch we can always beat you ha only in your dreams buddy bye-bye oh my God we’re in big trouble with you JJ no Mikey we got to figure something out maybe Bend these bars or go through them we need some kind of plan I don’t know I have no idea how we’re going to get out of here Mikey you’ve always helped us out in the most difficult situations how could you give up so soon why do I have to save us all the time I don’t know because you always have something cool to do uh on the cool side I got some dynamite in my pocket oh really you carry Dynamite around with you you’re so weird it’s fun to blow it up sometimes okay I got an idea we can blow These Bars and get out of here I hope we don’t blow ourselves up uh-oh that was powerful at least those bars are gone the dynamite was really powerful good thing we weren’t hurt in any way oh yeah we got to get out of here as fast as we can before that witch comes back here there are so many interesting things here we have to take revenge on that witch for making us small then we should do the same thing she did to us there’s some open book on her desk maybe she used it to make us so small then let’s put a curse on her let her go bald or turn into a big fat hippo but we we’re not witches we can’t cast spells like she can we need to at least give it a try we can’t just sit here and wait for her to come here uh listen JJ there’s some weird words in here but I can read them then go ahead and read them but I don’t know what they mean it doesn’t matter do it or she’ll be back here any minute okay there are so many spells in chapters the language is so weird read it out loud Mikey how could you read that I don’t know uh something happened to us uh you’re right we’re back to being big again this is so cool oh yeah guys look at us it’s so awesome to be big again looks like it was a growth spell how lucky I was to read that one hey hey hey guys are you guys awake in there it’s time for you to go boil in my cauldron where did they go oh what why did you get big again oh we were able to spell ourselves back together you stupid witch it’s time to punish her for her mean and unfunny pranks hey just don’t beat me up oh it’s the least we can do for you ha guys let’s make peace please she wanted to eat us and now she’s begging for mercy she’s so pathetic and stupid no don’t hit me and then we’ll turn you into a monkey and make you eat your own poo one million zillion jillion dlion clion times later me and Mikey went for a walk in the woods today and found a very strange Place yeah I think we should go to it it’s not far away it’s weird that anyone lives in the woods at least it looks abandoned I hope it’s abandoned otherwise it would be weird to trespass on someone’s property we could be penalized for this and here’s a house in the middle of the bolt looking abandoned and hard to find I think it’s abandoned all cobwebbed up and in the middle of a bolt wow if it’s cobwebs it’s abandoned well I think we should get in there somehow I’m really curious to see what’s inside okay I’ll follow you Mikey but be careful it’s deep if you fall in the water you’ll get wet I’m unstoppable and besides I’m already sweaty take the stairs what are you waiting for oh yeah I didn’t see her maybe I was listening to the footsteps of someone who might be inside this house wow look this web is bigger than the two of us I’m saying that house is abandoned okay it looks like it’s hanging there on purpose but what about inside the doors open funny who leaves the door open wow looks like a Halloween paraphernalia counter lots of spiderwebs books potions and stuff like that I don’t think the house is abandoned well we’ve broken the law and trespassed so I guess we can add stealing a couple of Potion bottles to the list but Mikey it’s a bad idea someone lives here and could come in any minute I don’t think we should steal anything it’s too late I’ve already got what I want in my hands Mikey I hope you’ve heard the saying kids don’t play with matches now that’s perfect for the moment yeah yeah but listen I means moments later well you know Mikey I don’t think you should go into people’s houses and get something dangerous like matches burning cobwebs is a great idea you’re just nervous you burn down someone’s house what if someone sees us and we’re responsible for it do you even think about what you’re doing well maybe what if someone comes to us now don’t cry we got to run before anyone else gets here and didn’t see this house Going Up in Flames let’s get out of here it looks nice but if someone Catches Us here they’ll obviously blame us for it and it’s all because they built this house without a fire safe building code or because someone always needs to destroy something what not true 3 hours later I don’t know what you’re talking about I think it’s clear to you that you don’t burn down an entire house next time just to have fun come on don’t tell our parents or they’ll really start screaming at us nothing happened it’s cool yeah you can tell that to the people who go back to that house I’ll be sure to pass it on to them on the chance you know we have to be careful if anyone saw us it’d be bad look at our parents relaxing and watching TV I don’t think I should tell them you set the house on fire they watch my favorite cartoons I guess they like watching them too hey Mom Dad we’re back home we were out in the woods having fun all day and you have no idea what we found wow you kids are finally back do you know what time it is Mom was worried I didn’t care but you boys should be in bed by now she’s lying not out at this late hour so the kids Mikey and I are a little late it’s good that you understand that come on upstairs it’s past your bedtime yeah me and Mikey are going to go now and next time I’ll buy you a watch so you don’t forget the time we’d be happy me too that’s good that’s good but it’s time for you to go to bed I don’t want to repeat myself too many times let’s go your mom takes care of you so come on come on Mikey I think we could use a nap after after such a long walk I’m so tired I’ll fall asleep as soon as I lie down it’s very good because a healthy sleep is good for the body yes it’s very good for your health thank you darling I think we should go to bed yeah you’re right I’m incredibly tired good night mom’s dads yeah good night good night to you too rest and sleep tight and maybe tomorrow we’ll go out together yeah I think that would be a great idea and again good night good night you too I want to go out tomorrow I think that would be a great idea it’s going to be wonderful yeah yeah yeah yeah how long it takes them to say goodbye just to I think they’ll be awake for a long time and they’ve got plenty of energy but I’m about to fall asleep at any time wow Mikey well he didn’t lie he passed out as soon as I touched him I think I should get some sleep too I’m really tired it was a very exhausting Adventure that I didn’t really enjoy because of the house burning down so well what happened here why is my house on fire I didn’t leave anything cooking in The Cauldron why do I smell someone else’s odor I’ll find those pests and cook them in the cauldron and eat them for daring to burn down my house I promise God all my books all my potions I kept so much in there I can literally feel their Essence in the air I’ll follow the scent and find those little vandals and I swear they’ll Brew me every potion and copy every magic book I have until they faint God I’m so angry right now I need to focus on finding them I feel like they came here they live around here well hang on you’ll get it well well well well who’s here to give you a potion of Madness or worse or boil you well I have one potion of insanity so funny look at them honey you look like Patrick as cute as you are do I look like Patrick oh my God that was the worst compliment ever all right I’ll never say nice things to you again okay I’m sorry that was a nice compliment uh thank you that’s great hahaha this is the best cartoon ever stupid people they burned down my house and now they’re sitting around watching a stupid cartoon this cartoon is really cool ha yeah it’s a real family of idiots but these adults are too stupid to set my house on fire someone else did it and I can feel that someone is on the second floor I smell that odor of two pranksters who don’t care what they do you’re not getting away from me I heard someone’s voice it’s from a cartoon well well well who’s sleeping quietly two seemingly harmless children but in reality they’re dangerous criminals are you sleeping well in your own home I don’t have one of my own these criminals need to be punished and I know what kind of punishment to give them everything was fine I was brewing potions growing mushrooms and then you came I hate you so much stupid Restless naughty children I wish you all the worst my worst potion from my collection I have no idea what it does maybe it will turn you into frogs or maybe you’ll become big monsters but I don’t care at all I hope your life is ruined Forever on this one nah that’s it take that you stupid kids oh my God this potion stinks like rotten eggs I’ve got to get out of here so I don’t get infected with this stuff good luck to you I hope I don’t see you bye-bye losers I’m going to go find myself a new super cool house it would be very interesting to see what happens to these little buggers but but I have to look for a new house he my revenge is complete I should have poisoned their parents too it’s their fault for not watching their kids but I’m too lazy to do it anymore the next day oh I slept so well good morning everybody I smell really weird although I always stink oh I have to hurry to school I almost forgot about it I also have to wake up this green dude as soon as possible Mikey wake up we’re late for school wake up quickly oh don’t touch me again I’m awake and full of energy and why did we wake up so early I told you we have to get to school right now then we need to get our school bags out I’ve had them ready since yesterday oh Mikey that’s what we need I know you never do your homework or study for school of course why would I do that when I have such a good brother here’s your school bag with your books JJ everything’s already packed inside thanks Mikey I prepared the same school bag for myself Mikey don’t you ever take a rest no I want to spend my life studying that was really funny we just haven’t unpacked our briefcases since the day before good morning children are you ready for school already don’t you see they’re ready to go that’s none of your business stupid daddy and you green stinker I would have pooped in his school bag uh what nah you deserve it what’s going on why is JJ acting like this because I hate you all so much get out I can’t stand the sight of you calm down kid otherwise we’ll punish you yeah we’re going to beat your butt with a belt what you don’t dare do this to me come here you cannot talk like that oh yeah I can talk to this thing any way I want I think this knife will be sharp enough to stab these idiots JJ was normal at the beginning and then he became evil it’s all the fault of computer games no more computer games oh no he’s got a knife ha you’re not so brave now are you JJ Put The Knife Down be a good boy a good boy ha I’m a very bad boy today we’ll do whatever you say just don’t stab us with that knife oh yeah you must be obedient bunnies 5 minutes later that’s it now you’re not going to get in trouble with me JJ became crazy in a second I’ve just kept putting up with your disgusting faces for my whole life JJ untie us now what else can I do for you should I dance in front of you H you don’t have to dance just be a normal JJ just like you were before Oh okay now I’m being kind again yay our JJ is back we’re saved ha stupid fool fell for a stupid joke ha you’ll stay here forever what are we going to eat all this time please at least let me go and let Mommy dad stay here what how pathetic you all are you’ll never get out of this rotten basement why did I put up with them for so long I should have done it sooner now I’m going to go watch cartoons I don’t have to go to school now we’ll stay here forever and no one will help us I’m already hungry you’re just thinking about food Dad it’s not my fault I’m always wanting to eat something forget the food we need to think of a way out of here I can’t think of anything else I haven’t even had breakfast oh my God we’re totally screwed ow ow ow ow I’m finally free of these tight ropes Wow way to go Mikey Now find some food for me no you better get us off the ropes no you’d better sit here because I have an ingenious plan what do you think you’re doing hurry up and untie us a little later Dad hey guys while my parents are rotting in the basement I’m doing some really cool stuff and that’s watching cartoons look at them hitting each other soon I’ll be hitting mom dad and Mikey like this ha it’s so much fun [Music] what is that is someone banging on the pipes the underground villagers as my family won’t rest time to calm them all down a bit hey are you guys out of your minds are you stopping me from watching cartoons and why is the basement door open oh hi we’re doing good I don’t get it where’s the green stinker he was sitting next to you please JJ just be quiet shut up you’re nobody to tell me how to behave I’m hungry bring me something are you an idiot I won’t do anything to you why don’t you untie we’ll get out of here sooner or later what are you talking about I’ll never now that was a real punch I think it was painful to get hit over the head with a frying pan but I think JJ deserved it I mean he called me a stinker and it’s not nice to insult me Mikey you’re doing a great job it’s finally over let’s celebrate with a delicious dinner oh my God stop thinking about food honey no hi everybody I’m JJ and it’s a nice day so I decided to go get food at the store because I ran out of food at home it’s a nice day with good weather to go shopping just around the corner of this house is one of my favorite grocery stores look at that huge sign and the great selection of different products the best choice in the whole city good day JJ is always happy to see a favorite customer have a nice day you’re just in time today we have a special offer for just a small amount of emeralds you can get a whole bunch of different foods within reason wow A Feast of unprecedented Bounty I just picked up a small amount of these emeralds I need some different meats and vegetables for my meals for tonight well of course we’ll have some fish meat and vegetables for you and a special gift for the best vendor in this town a big sweet and delicious cake that I made the other day because I wanted to make you happy and you didn’t get bored with that tedious job wow I’ve never gotten such a great gift at this boring job and it’s delicious this is the best day of my life wait a second I’ll get your order I can’t believe I got a cake wow just like that you can make someone’s day so much better I think making others happy is a good thing and someday they can do something good for me and here I’ve got the best produce we’ve ever had fish chicken apples and a bunch of other stuff wow how much I was able to get thanks to this wonderful promotion where they gave me a whole bunch of products for my meals thank you so much for this delicious cake that I can’t wait to try good luck and bye so I got what I came for and now I’m going home I’m just a little while away from my big and beautiful house that I recently moved into and of course I’ve decided to do some gardening to spruce up my home but so far everything is just growing I’m finally home it’s so nice to be in such a cozy place I have to put the food in the fridge or it will spoil and I won’t have anything to cook with here here and here now this food will be safe and won’t rot after such a long walk outside I have to wash my hands because there are a lot of bacteria that can get on my hands and make me sick that’s how after a hard day like this it’s worth taking a break and watching the news breaking news there’s a hurricane of small fire tornadoes coming in the middle of the day be careful oh no if a tornado like that came through my house it would not only rip out my garden it would set the roof on fire I’d better see what’s going on outside my window oh my God the whole valley is flooded with lava and how am I supposed to survive wait the whole village is flooded and even my favorite store with food where am I going to buy food there is nothing left of the village it’s almost completely under the lava if I don’t figure out how to get out of here I’ll be under the Lava soon I just need to figure something out before this lava rises even higher must hurry back and see what I have to build at least a boat so I can get away from here this is the worst thing that could have happened that day I usually have a small stock of building materials in my house to improve my house but now I need them for more important things it’s a good thing I’ve got some planks of cloth and tools that’s all I need to make a boat and try to go where the lava hasn’t gotten to or I’ll be stuck without food for a long time I’ve got to get higher before the lava gets me oh no I forgot about my collection of cool clothes but now I can only take these Mater materials to build a boat and if I don’t figure out a quicker way to make a whole ship these materials are all I have now for survival and I hope they are enough of course I didn’t learn how to build a boat but I don’t think it’s a hard thing to do in these conditions it’s unbelievable there’s lava all over the place and there’s no end in sight and the news just said there was a tornado so I think I should start before the lava gets to me I have to lay out well I need to start building a boat as soon as possible 1 hour later I have finally buil built the best boat I can think of it has sails so that I don’t have to row the already viscous lava and Float on it somehow he swallowed up everything in the area including my beautiful house but I have to leave now or I will go down with the house it’s the first time I’ve ever sailed a boat and it’s hard to row lava it’s incredibly hot but I’ve got to get out of here while I it’s so hot and hard a few moments later I can’t believe that my beautiful and cool boat deteriorated so quickly and now all that’s left of it is a couple boards and sails hey JJ hurry up and get over here before your boat burns down we got a whole ship I’m finally going to get out of this lava Madness and be safe my leftover boat is on fire but how am I going to get to safety wait for JJ we’ll build a bridge to you yeah I’m on my way to save you don’t go anywhere we’ll be right there wow I can’t believe I was so lucky to meet them in the middle of a whole ocean of lava and water more importantly they didn’t abandon me and are trying to save me what good people I I have to try to get out come back and wait a little longer JJ I’m almost there and we’ll go out together yes of course I’m already looking forward to escaping from this hot lava to a safe place it’s hard to jump over such big chasms after I’ve swam through a whole ocean of lava it’s finally so nice to be safe and Alive thank you so much for saving me look at what my boats become I’d go down with it yeah as soon as we found out your town was flooded with lava we went looking for you and we were lucky to find you so quickly the news of the fire tornado Sur surprised us but we decided to check it out and came to see you I’m so happy yeah look at us we’re not too far away on this island wow you have an entire Island so what are we waiting for I’m so tired after a grueling voyage across a vast ocean of lava goodbye my favorite boat hopefully in the future I will build an even bigger and stronger boat yeah I’m so glad we saved you Oman Daddy’s waiting for us come on let’s go home I can’t wait to get some rest and have a proper dinner I could eat a dozen steaks and get a good night’s sleep after this big adventure wow it’s a whole tropical island with an incredibly beautiful beach and with marvelous mountains and a big rainforest clear skies you can sunbathe here every day yeah it’s a great place JJ your mom spent a lot of time picking out places for us to live wow there’s even a waterfall on this island I’ve always wanted to see one JJ there’s a lot more we can show you like the rescue Tower your father built in case someone needed help you can climb it and see the view from there okay now I want to get to the top and see everything everything on this beach wow it’s so high up here you’re so small down here and it’s an incredible view of the whole Coast I tried to build the rescue Tower as high as possible so you could see the beauty of the Island from it yeah we’re glad you liked it dad knew you’d be interested in something like this so you live here that’s funny it’s a real fireman’s house it would be cool to live there since my house is gone we’re sure you’ll enjoy living with us JJ like you were ready to take me in beforehand that’s just your imagination we’re really cool all right come on let’s go show me your super duper house you know you could live with us as our Second Son Second Son do you already have a child of some kind yeah his name is Mikey you’ll definitely make friends with him oh there he is waiting for me what a freak there’s no need to insult him you should be friends with him hi my name is Mikey are you my new brother no I’m your new daddy ha oh my God your jokes are too stupid friends would you like to live in a family of firefighters write about it in the comments and we’re off to settle into our new home and you can get back to work let me give you a tour of our house we’ll start in the hallway this is where we take off our shoes and welcome our guests and it’s pretty cozy in here by the way do you live apart from your parents yes it’s much more convenient by the way there’s an extra bed in here for you this is where you poop you it stinks in here it’s awful I’m going to put all my stuff in here and thank you for Sheltering me Mikey we’re brothers now JJ we’re supposed to help each other okay come on I’ll show you the main house you’re going to love it okay I hope you have a whole ton of delicious steaks at home I also want to drink Coca-Cola JJ it’s all very unhealthy and unpalatable food you should eat a lot of greens ew it’s not cool to eat greens at all let me show you our super cool car a super cool car I bet it’s something small and cheesy no it’s a giant fire truck that’s what we use to go to work wow now this is already cool I’d love to ride something like that it must be so cool to be a fireman and drive such a cool car hey let me drive I won’t crash anywhere maybe no j J you’re tooo young to drive maybe in the future you will become a firefighter too and you will ride in this car okay let’s go to our house Mikey promised to give me a tour of your house we have to ring the doorbell for them to open it for us um don’t you have keys to the house this is kind of strange JJ is so stupid this is our home how fun it is to prank JJ oh my God it was completely offensive stop being offended like a little girl wow and your house is much bigger than Mikey’s little house I would live here much Cozier better and more enjoyable you still have a lot of food here by the way you have fire detectors hanging on your shelf it’s so safe and here we cook the healthiest and most delicious food we need this to help people extinguish their Fires at home that’s all I need I already want to be a firefighter let’s go put out the fires you’re too small JJ I’ll say it again you need to wait and grow up now let me show you my garage again yes JJ be patient being a firefighter is not that easy okay okay come show me your garage a second time wow this is the same car that I see for the second time she’s no longer interesting to me at all what other interesting things do you have in your home um we have a second floor where there are many other rooms yes you will definitely like it there and what might I like there there is nothing cool or exciting here at all wow as I thought nothing interesting the most Ordinary second floor we have a super cool TV here and what’s cool about it there aren’t even cartoons here there are no colorful or bright clothes in the club because all the clothes are here we also keep all sorts of cool shoes here why do you need this pipe going down uh that’s a fire escape right down to the garage ahw I don’t know how to use it at all your pipe is not working at all this means you will be the worst fireman in the world wow and it’s quite nice here ha I would spend my evenings here with a cup of coffee it’s so quiet and safe here haven’t heard of a lava sea at all because we live on a high Island we don’t care about such dangers and why why don’t you care about this because of such dangers I lost my home okay let’s go to your house already what’s in that room very interesting but I think I’ll go there a little later I need to spend enough time coming to terms with my new home JJ come here quickly I’m already tired of waiting here for you I’m already running Mikey now it seems like it’s daytime and it’s too early for us to sleep I don’t care you need to sleep it’s impossible to do anything else on the island okay good night then Mikey good night to you too JJ I hope the lava doesn’t reach us at night oh how hard it is for me to sleep in a new place it’s already deep night outside but I can’t sleep ha just look at him Mikey sleeps so funny just like his parents apparently I shouldn’t talk so loudly here so as not to wake anyone up I’ll take a walk outside to sleep better this helped me when I lived in my house how scary it is to be here alone friends aren’t you afraid to walk down the street at night write about it in the comments comments and that strange and forbidden door in that house haunts me I’m sure there’s something cool and interesting hidden there that I’m not allowed to see I think that no one will notice me if I go there for a short time and then quickly go back to my bed the firefighter family showed me every corner of this house except this door perhaps there is a monster locked in a cage there um is this just an ordinary Warehouse a bunch of uninteresting boxes there is nothing to do here at all oh what else is this fire tornado turn it on and off oh my God this is the switch for the tornado that destroyed my house this means that these firefighters deliberately burn down an entire Village along with its inhabitants but why would they do this I should turn off this scary and destructive tornado so no one else gets hurt although you know friends I don’t feel bad for the firefighters after all now I have a cool home and a loving family the next day I will definitely win this time you can dream Mikey don’t you dare relax JJ ha okay right now I’m playing with Mikey and by the way Mikey is losing to me huh who else is losing to who what I’m just getting warmed up oh if that’s the case I’ll teach you a little lesson he you’ve gotten more serious JJ of course I’ve gotten serious you’re playing relaxed so I want you to get a little more serious yay victory is mine oh JJ I’ll never beat you you’re too good at this game I’ll never achieve the same skill Mikey try harder every time so your skills are growing let’s play one more round all right let’s play some more yay maybe I’ll win this time oh no no no I won’t give you the victory so easily you’ll have to try harder wow I’ll win 100% oh what a marvelous day today wow there’s a whole Field of Flowers I’m going to pick them all up and make myself an iced tea and then I’ll pick sugar canane and then the tea will be even more delicious yay can’t wait already I’m so hungry and thirsty food and water yay yay yay that hurts I hit my leg really hard oh Mikey I’ve only got a couple more punches to throw at you before I’m a total winner come on push it this is it my victory yay oh Mikey I’m sorry well I guess I’m not going to be a master at this game uh but Mikey no butts I’m tired of losing JJ you need to try harder let’s do something else please uh like uh let’s go for a walk in the park oh yeah I agree let’s take a walk in the park a walk in the woods is the perfect stress reliever yeah well I won’t be needing this anymore oh look at the wonderful weather today oh yeah the weather is surprisingly beautiful today I can already feel that fresh Breeze in my relaxation oh wow what park are we going to we’re going to the nearest park cool I’m in the mood for a walk but I don’t want to go too far yes we still have things to do at home we still have to eat then sleep then play then eat again oh my god oh there’s so much to do yeah Mikey whatever else you can do ah JJ let’s enjoy this moment without worry or annoyance uh okay in fact I think all people should go for walks more often why do you think that oh have you seen them what are you talking they’re covered in mold and grease and they’re happy it’s horrible oh my God Mikey they’re human beings let them live their lives as they please who else later lava lava la la la la I love you la la la la is that your new song Oh the freshness of nature makes me sing oh right I get inspiration in my head in nature too let’s go for another little walk yeah come on okay let’s go we’ll walk around and think about beautiful things like cars JJ I thought I heard someone crying Mikey I heard something too H okay well it must just seemed like it yes maybe let’s keep walking yeah Mikey right now I could clearly hear someone crying where’s the sound coming from oh Mikey let’s go see what’s going on okay JJ but if I get eaten it’s your fault uh okay I don’t think I’m going to get eaten oh my God girl are you okay no Mikey we got to help her out of this hole I’d love to but I don’t understand why she can’t get out of there on her own she’s so small I hit my leg really hard oh now that’s a different conversation oh I’ll help you Mikey be careful with her in case her leg is broken it’s going to be okay ow wow she’s so light JJ really she’s really light as a feather that’s not normal I’m just hungry uh uh wait how long ago did you eat the last time I ate yesterday it was apples in the woods my God Mikey tried putting her on the ground don’t you have any more pain no just my tummy hurts oh uh what’s your name my name is AAL I’m very hungry and thirsty do you have any food for me nice to meet you uh yeah we can feed you but where’s your family I don’t have a family I was picking flowers and I fell in there and if it wasn’t for you I’d be in that hole forever wow that is so sad uh I made a pee PE JJ’s going to change your diaper wait I don’t want to do this it’s settled we’ll take you home with us uh yeah don’t worry you’ll be living with us yay a new family I hope to make friends with you what do I call you guys my name is Mikey and that guy with the angry red sweatshirt is named JJ nice hey my sweatshirt is not angry he I’m hungry oh yeah let’s all go home together okay let’s go come with us JJ if she hasn’t eaten in so long she must be tired hey off M can you walk by yourself if you’re really tired we’ll carry you I can make it it’s okay well uh okay don’t be shy we’re good guys yes you are very kind I like you oh my god JJ do you even believe this is happening apparently we have a new family member now awesome yay and there’s our house yes AAU don’t worry we have plenty of food we’ll feed you now I’m so hungry I am AA yeah yeah we already realized that what do you have to eat I’m very hungry we mostly have burgers fries and other fats food there’s baby food in a bottle for you too though come in AAL Welcome to our home oh you guys are so nice you’re very cute too AAL you can make yourself at home here oh thank you Mikey there’s a nursery just for you now let’s go into the kitchen that’s where we keep all the food yeah Mikey turns out you’re so hospitable I didn’t know that of course I’m always happy to have visitors especially this little girl Mikey I think you’d be a great dad Daddy can I call you Daddy oh I don’t know let me call you Daddy Daddy I’m hungry okay okay let’s find you something sit on the table while we figure out what to get you to eat I’m a fall I’m hungry can I have some burgers too n you can’t eat burgers yet Burgers will give you a tummy ache but I’m hungry Burgers PE vegetable salads whatever give me something to eat please how long has she been in the woods since she keeps talking about food or maybe she’s just a little kid and learned the basic words I think it’s the second one okay we have bottled milk in the fridge just what we need for a little baby I put a nipple with a hole in it I think it’ll make it easier for her to drink something she’s just a little girl here drink this be careful not to swallow The Pacifier do you think she can oh my God she ate the bottle with the pacifier never mind though JJ I smell something oh no Mikey we have a problem she pooped oh she needs to her diaper it smells awful I don’t even want to touch it oh my God we don’t have diapers at home we have to order them by Courier right away is she just going to sit there with dirty pants yeah JJ she doesn’t care you run and Order diapers over the phone okay I’ll call the delivery service right now 1 2 3 hello is this a delivery yeah it’s a delivery hello we need diapers JJ we need a lot of diapers tell that to the delivery guy okay lots of diapers okay all right we’re waiting they’ll be here soon don’t worry I’ve forgotten what it’s like to walk around with pooped pants I’m not a little kid anymore but I think it’s pretty gross and unpleasant Pants full of poop that’s awful yeah Mikey it’s not very pleasant but it’s warm haha that’s not funny JJ where’s The Courier already what’s taking them so long oh I think the Courier’s here how fast they come just in time okay you guys stay here and I’ll go get the diapers okay okay okay like we’re going anywhere go get the diapers already yeah yeah you guys have a good time I’ve never ordered a diaper in my life I hope they realize it’s not ordered for me I don’t poop my pants hello you ordered a lot of diaper this is the biggest pack oh you’re just in time here are your diapers next time don’t poop in your pants I didn’t poop my pants a baby did oh my God here’s your money and thanks for the diapers I’m an adult and I don’t do that haha pooped his pants and denies it thanks for ordering diapers will help you out yeah get out of here already goodbye it’s a pleasure doing business with you yeah yeah bye I hope I don’t see you again Mikey Mikey I have diapers we need to change her poopy diapers for new ones right away yeah yeah we should change change it come on JJ do it no no no no I ordered shipping and paid for them with my own money is it hard for you change it please you changed the diapers come on Mikey I did my part you I don’t want to do that there’s a lot of poop in there go ahead and do it I won’t do it I ordered and paid for it you’re changing it please JJ I’m going to be sick if I have to change them I don’t care do it Mikey you got to do it next time I’ll change it but this time it’ll be you oh my God that’s disgusting I’m not doing it period I will never touch poop in my life it’s your responsibility is it my responsibility it’s our shared responsibility but you’ll do it first you’re so weak you can’t even change a diaper change it am I weak you’re the one who just said you’d throw up come on she called you Daddy then you’re the one she’s looking to you to take care of oh my God you’re right though I’m the daddy here and I’m changing diapers she needs it more and if JJ’s disgusted he’s a bad parent what are you talking about I can change them too no I will do it a m please lie down on your tummy I’ll change your diaper okay slowly remove the dirty diaper wipe off all the poop and put on a new diaper Mikey you’re doing pretty good it’s like you were born to do this taam it’s done what a master I am yeah Mikey you’re really cool yeah JJ I know that oh thanks Mikey I feel so much better you’re welcome AAL it’s no trouble at all it’s so nice to walk around and clean pants again no poop waa it’s late it’s not kid time F it’s bedtime JJ look at the clock it’s 10: p.m. you’re right Mikey it got dark really fast very quickly andal it’s time for you to go to bed we have a children’s room on the second floor that’s where you’ll sleep tonight the baby’s room yes it’s your baby’s room oh yeah cool cool cool cool I’m going to have my own private room and my own bed that’s just great thank you what a nice way you respond to everything come on we’ll show you your room JJ usually sleeps there but I think he’ll give you a spot I think so he’ll give me the bed JJ will you give her the room I’m not a little kid anymore I sleep in a separate adult room in my own bed Mikey’s just kidding in fact you should like that room it’s beautiful with lots of toys and stuff for kids yeah it’s great here sounds like fun where’s this room this is the room in front of you get inside it’s so nice of you to take care of me feeding me changing my diapers and letting me sleep here thank you both yes we both did our best it’s so nice and cool and here so many toys and there’s a TV can I play here we’re glad you like it here but it’s too late now AAU tomorrow you can play here all day long and here’s your bed you’ll sleep here so soft and so warm I can’t wait to lie in it that’s great and we wanted to renovate this place and turn the room into a play area we didn’t think we’d have a child visiting yeah good night fmau sweet dreams to you good night JJ good night Mikey thank you all yeah see you tomorrow is AA asleep yet yeah she just went to bed it would be cool to have her stay with us longer no no Mikey she has parents they’re probably looking for her she’s going to stay with us for a while yeah you’re right JJ I liked her but let’s hope her parents don’t find her okay let’s go to bed Mikey good night JJ sleep well thanks Mikey have a good night’s sleep too whe it’s been a long day do you guys want apma to stay with us she’s kind of cute write in the comments like this video subscribe to the channel bye-bye [Music]

Mynez on 2024-04-22 20:36:13. It has garnered 26812 views and 311 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:45 or 4125 seconds.

Today, JJ and MIKEY went swimming at the beach and accidentally saw a strange creature! JJ and MIKEY thought it was a fish, but it was a mermaid! TV WOMAN The mermaid was lying on land and dying, so JJ and MIKEY took it home and put it in the bathtub! JJ and MIKEY fell in love with the mermaid!


This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

Original Maizen Channel –

#minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #titan #tvwoman #speakerwoman #babyjjandmikey #baby

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    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More