Minecraft | ARE WE WORTHY? | Satoshis Treasure Adventure Puzzle Map Ep 1

Video Information

Why he’s going on guys and girls my name is James oh thanks Ian welcome back today to the start of a brand new minecraft adventure today we are gonna be taking on the satoshis treasure episode 1 now the reason why we are playing this is because it is by the

Same math maker who made the crack in the world adventure which was so so cool and this one is kind of different I think it’s like five different maps in each episode or something like that so today we’re gonna be starting with episode 1 because the other ones aren’t

Out yet and yeah it seems pretty damn cool hopefully we’ll be able to learn a little bit more about the storyline and stuff in a second so does this work oh sweet mother of bells okay three two one and okay let’s get started so I didn’t really know too much about what

Is going on oh wow did you heal up there’s like a really loud knock on the door okay so let’s take some cobblestones and torches stone axe bubble bubble Bob so apparently we can actually break or craft anything that we need why do you hammer on my doors ever so wow yes who

Are you Jess your mortgage is past you again oh I’m sorry can I give you tomorrow come on chat say something we’ve played this game for the last four months let’s try something different you sound pretty evil buddy I’ll take your home instead for collateral Oh No what’s happening here what cinnamon yes

You could have it back once I’m paid you can’t do that the alternative is I take your house I know I’ve nowhere to live hmm okay alright oh man what a rude awakening okay alright maybe sarah has some work available at the bakery so it seems my job isn’t going well guys my

Job is not going well the YouTube thing didn’t work out I’ve got no job I’ve got no money this guy Chet is trying to take my house why would he do this it’s such a lovely house as well although I could probably hopefully maybe spend some more money on windows

Ah who you are you doing in my house my wife yes I can’t click on you okay so it seems that we need some money to pay Chet for our rent otherwise he’s gonna take our house away because we were like behind on the money oh no that

Is terrible I could offer him some chicken maybe let’s put that in there for now okay that’s that’s a cool way to start them up okay so we’ve got some bits and pieces here let’s actually make some pieces of bread with this stupid boob there we go and we need to go and

Be Sara at the bakery it is this bakery you speak of you come here with me are they just freed you oh no my wife is escaped please come back rejection okay so let’s try to find the bakery let’s see what’s going out here man this is cool and so yeah the

Reason why I went to the play as I mentioned was crack in the world is a really cool map and had like some awesome cinematics and bits and pieces going on so yeah really enjoyed it it was cool and especially going way through these houses because you never

Know what you’re gonna find right okay so we should probably start systematically otherwise we’re gonna get lost let’s check out this one again hmm okay nothing in here Oh chicken yes it’s just robbed so let’s just oh god no I don’t hang on hang on let’s just stick

That in there for now and let’s see what is going on upstairs so take these yeah this is actually really weird I read on the page where this map is downloaded there apparently after the end of all five episodes there’s gonna be some kind of cool code and it will actually allow

You if you wants you to redeem like a Bitcoin which is a real-life Bitcoin which is worth like $200,000 or something like that so I think it’s kind of like a raffle which i think is amazing I’ve never seen that in a Minecraft map before it’s really weird I

Don’t know if we’re gonna be doing that I think we’re just gonna play them for fun really but oh this is shallow I think it is a shower okay so there’s not really too much going on in this house we did actually get some armor though

Which was cool and we’ve got ourselves a little bit more food we do need to go and find Sarah I think that would be pretty pretty useful this time but I think we should probably you know just check these houses out quickly to see if there’s anything that we can draw them

Because yes we’ll just take anything down here some coal you know take everything take everything captive okay let’s gonna check app it it seems to be up oh no they were you sleeping I am so sorry let me just steal your things whilst you sleep you saw nothing okay that was cool

I was just about to say that doesn’t seem to be any people living here and then all of a sudden yep there we have it I made a papi noise then did you hear it pop up there you go okay so I think we’ve done good in this

House managed to get ourselves some resources this looks weirdly like a prison that’s slightly concerning okay we need to find the bakery what is this there’s like no signs you know what let’s let’s let’s try and find this bakery I think cuz we’re just wasting much time looking for stuff and yeah did

You really try and find it right okay so let’s go is it busy down here maybe Sarah where are you oh this totally looks like a bakery okay what have you got to say Sarah I’m gonna do my famous lady voice hmm hi Sarah

Need any help oh hi thanks see ya no not today sorry I’ve had many customers lately oh I haven’t had many customers lately that’s okay I’m sure business will pick up how’s your father he’s alright but his treatments are getting expensive oh no this is not good I don’t know how

Much longer we’ll be able to afford them oh dear that’s tragic that’s terrible exactly I couldn’t have said it better myself hey can I borrow your heated blanket it’ll help him sleep better okay of course that’s what friends are for thanks thanks cor that doesn’t really

Work does it I’ll go back to my house and find it for you okay are we cool Sarah I think we’re cool right interesting so unfortunately we came here on the prospect of maybe trying to get a job at the bakery but it seems that if Sarah is struggling for

Money what’s that noise if Sarah is struggling for money herself this may be a little bit of an issue okay right so let’s go and find a heated blanket I’m pretty sure there was no heated blanket in my house but you know what let’s going over look anyway whoa whoa whoa Oh

What oh gosh are you came to see yeah yeah but now my house is a giant hole under it what what’s that box down in the hole I have no idea I have no idea I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman that sounds like me

So it’s gonna be tough but we’re gonna keep going with the voice I don’t know let’s go find out right this is so cool oh my goodness Wow Satoshi’s journal a code fragment are that’s the first code fragment animal interesting interesting okay so let’s

Let’s get out of this hole Oh oh my god I can’t believe this is it what slowed-down Vixia oh you’re here hello it’s a treasure map Sarah is the treasure map how cool is this it’s this for real I hope so are we dreaming yeah look at this map and

Journal look look at my map we should we should check it out we should totally check it out look look look look I guess it wouldn’t hurt we could go through some money yes that is very true that is very true let’s pick up some supplies and then see where this map

Leads okay Oh Sarah joins you yay have I got a date I think I might have a date what we’ll do is we’ll go for like a treasure map but I’m gonna bring a basket some blankets some picnic food a cake and I will rule Sarah and she will

Be my bride maybe we’ll see all right let’s read this so here lies my son my goodness he lies my secret and my legacy my name is Satoshi and I was the creator of the vast financial empire people say I changed the world but that was not my intent

Some people call me a revolutionary but no this was just evolution I gained great wealth and power but I did not want either criminals wanted my wealth governments wanted my power thus I forced to stay underground my wealth will now become part of my legacy here

Lies one of the fragments that unlock my financial empire the remaining fragments spread across the island of Boca Saros oh that’s a cool in the place that’s a cool place name okay buried in my ruin own it Bovary oh god bangle be buried in ruins buried by time okay only those

Capable of following my path can obtain them the Mammon machine will decide if you’re worthy of my legacy the Mammon machine will okay things are getting a little bit weird so Satoshi seems to be this kind of like shrewd businessman I’m not too sure what he is

Just yet but he has this wealth and legacy and we need to collect these code fragments and if we collect the code fragments we might be able to win the prize it sounds amazing okay cool so where does this map lead let’s have a look oh there’s an X there can you see

It x marks the spot but where this is exactly it’s kind of weird it looks like a road some kind of road and then that road may lead somewhere oh it could be out in this direction so let’s actually go and have a little scavenge around

Here see what we can find who you speak to me buddy oh hello thanks here actually you should be like friend should knee will it be bells just seeing anything today probably not perhaps the pretty head for your fan server are marks on to me how

Did you know is gonna chatter up huh okay I would like to purchase a hat please oh my goodness I can pick up oh my goodness this pointless port actually no atlas mmm-hmm the green one oh yeah nice actually you know what let’s just put this one back what do we need with

New some booties if we got new booties let’s pick the purple ones yeah what a baller oh is this iron oh it’s just this is all just leather so it’s probably not gonna be great okay so that guy has some armor and bits and pieces if we need it this

Guy sells food I think today thanks see up try since that balls of the new fish I imported I want your fish right click with your empty hand to take some Oh never get clownfish hey nice okay cool so can we can we just steal all your

Fish yes we can oh this is a raw I don’t want raw and then it cooked and any cooked tuna fish nope that’s terrible idea real fish you know let’s just take it anyway just in case we need some numbers as and when we need it in case let’s

Grab some of that what else we have here library does never be seen here Wow hello hello Sarah’s father isn’t doing well is he no I’m afraid not I pray for both them every morning oh you’re cheerful aren’t you you’ve really cheered me up joy your

Name is ironic okay and maybe all we could do with the weapon maybe was this thought you’re worried Sarah’s father is a fighter okay he’ll be back fortune steal before the end of the month okay cool cool down say can I take your sword can I steal this sword

Nope okay so her father is like a blacksmith in the testing okay so oh look I’m on the map I’m on the map like right at the top so where am I gonna go oh what’s this Green Ridge is 1.6 kilometers away ha okay okay so are we actually like coming

Into contention to find where this area is or are we going to Green Ridge that is the question she said actually to us what did she say let’s pick up supplies and then see where this map leads so I think they’re getting to the area where

The map is is definitely gonna be the main like quest but I’m kind of wondering whereabouts if we follow this road maybe it might take us to are we actually coming onto the map here come on come on come on unless we’re going in completely the wrong direction which

Could be possible who knows if I do that though I am actually moving so you know I think this is right oh yes yes yes run map we’re on the map okay so we need to go left but I want to see what this is first because this place look cool what

Is this Bridge out no crossing okay so I think that means we can’t get over the bridge just yet which is probably a good idea whoa here’s one heck of a bridge crossing okay let’s go over this great see what the treasure map leads is so exciting gonna fight some treasure duh

Alright let’s go and see what’s cracking so if we just go straight we should be able to like find it let’s get some check it out let’s have little numbers and then Union yes nice okay you should probably organize this a little bit better so we can actually have access to some stuff

There we go okay so this looks pretty promising right I think we’re kind of close yeah we’re really close I think it might it might be this right is this it Satoshi are you here I know you’re dead aren’t you Oh Oh Sarah hello wait let’s

See yeah yes what are you sure you’re ready for this I am pretty ready it looks pretty dark down there it does look down there we got torches though it’s cool Sarah it’s cool all right check Boyd yes are we going down Oh Oh Matt she wasn’t lying was she

It is dark down here okay okay okay let’s see what’s cracking let’s see what’s cracking oh god what’s this bonus no skeletons the worst has happened ladies and gentlemen skeletons are about oh god something okay so what do you do down here what we trying to find its mam on machine maybe

But I’m kind of curious like oh man it goes really deep okay so we should try and like explore this systematically so what we’ll do is we’ll try and do the top layer first and you know just leave it like that for now I don’t think it’s

Gonna spawn anything we’re gonna do the top layer first in all these doors and then we’re gonna go down a little bit more and to see what’s cracking so haha this is chemical okay so there’s just some plants and stuff in there Oh God with you feeds oh okay we good we good

That was close that was a little bit too close for comfort creeper spawner really we should really just be destroying these I think if there’s like many more we’ll just destroy them because I don’t know where torches in such a dark place what was in here oh that was that a zombie spawner

Okay so there’s a couple more doors I think there’s one more door here which contains absolutely nothing but some armor and yeah so it both both ways kind of lead down to this area oh no no no yes okay was there anything around here

No I don’t think so I think both of the sides just basically like went to the same area so that kind of makes sense that’s pretty cool we do actually have here we’ve got some more torches and sticks in case we need some more case we need some more torches we have the

Necessary means this place is so dope Bobby’s okay huh so what the spawner right in the middle of the floor come on come on come on yes let’s actually get rid of you oh yeah I’m on this most bones I guess there’s two more down here

Just get rid of these guys no creepers please camicazi creepers I think about creepers though like oh no not this one though they do they do have a tendency to blow each other up right that’s probably pretty useful hmm so we can go through there or we can go up to the

Sides you know let’s do this properly if we’re gonna do it at all let’s do it properly and let’s see what’s cracking around here yes we can do make it some more torches you know I’m just gonna make like as many as I can if we go nice

Let’s go and check down here okay so it’s just another spawner this used to be a lot of spawn is around here not very many chests I’m kind of wondering where this bad boy is gonna lead to it’s like nothing round here huh kind of strange let’s see some chicken should I

Check the other side yeah okay let’s check the other side because why the heck not right ABS let’s go and head through here dun dun dun Anna and anything a couple of spawn as maybe but I think don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me

Don’t shoot me don’t you mean dammit I’m really curious to see what they’re gonna do with the Minecraft 1.9 because obviously they’re doing if you don’t know already in case you don’t like look at Twitter and stuff they’re doing a huge combat overhaul as well as some

Other things but combat I think it’s gonna be the main like change to Minecraft 1.9 and yeah if skeletons are any more powerful I’m going to be annoyed because those guys are so annoying all right see what’s cracking in here creepy table oh god no yes you guys I

Just wish you from my presence oh don’t you see the floor ha no way is this like a pseudo coup I think it might be JEP ideas oh hey Sarah what’s up there are some numbers missing on the floor okay Wow I think this is one of satoshis

Puzzles okay I knew it was true okay yes there’s definitely a pattern to these numbers I think it’s a pseudo coup each row has a column containing no duplicate digits is devily a sodoku okay but what are those in the walls oh my goodness and it’s not a button on top

Of that platform it is yes indeed oh man okay this might be one heck of a puzzle huh so what are we gonna do are manifested okay I’m gonna be honest with you I’ve never been interested okay so like I don’t think I’ve ever done a

Sudoku oh okay so what we need to do is we need to put the numbers the right numbers in the slot so basically yeah basically I was trying to remember what the pseudo code was and how it works so yeah basically what you need to do is basically hap stop saying basically

James it’s it’s not that basic well I suppose it is if you know what you’re doing which I kind of do ish but yeah you need to make columns and lines and each number can only appear in that column and line at once so ha where do

We even begin so Martha I guess yeah you probably just need to leave this with me this may take a little bit of time and it may be kind of dull so ha let’s get to sit Oh cooing we may have cracked actually let me just swap these two

Around cuz these our wrong so let me go and grab that we need to put the four in this column benign in this one it’s actually really cool because you see this here every single one of these slots contains one of these code fragments with a different code in and

Basically like whatever you in the middle stop saying basically oh my goodness yeah whatever code you actually get it doesn’t matter if you’re wrong or right you get like a slot and yeah you’ve got to obviously get like the right codes for it so I think I

Think that’s right see look here you’ve got three five two nine one seven six eight four for example and then if we go across five one three nine six four eight two seven two so that nine is right and the six here we’ve got one four seven six two eight three nine five

And then if we go across again with the six yep so I’m thinking this well guard hang on wait worried I’m thinking that’s pretty good that took a little bit of time but it’s all good it’s all good so if we click this button here then our magical machine should hopefully find us

The right code so look at this it’s like scanning our number how cool is this it’s a really really clever puzzle I like it okay so we need to wait for it to go around all have our numbers boom okay so that should be our box which

Contains our code any question is how do we get up there hmm yeah how do we I was supposed to get up there I suppose we can actually brick up company so we’re allowed to place blocks and break blocks and stuff as and when we choose which is kind of cool so this

One yeah so that is apparently the next code I really really hope so all right so yeah I think that’s gonna be allowed for this episode but join me again very soon I wish you would be continuing on with the maps so until next time thank

You once again for watching it’s such a pleasure as always thanks you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | ARE WE WORTHY? | Satoshis Treasure Adventure Puzzle Map Ep 1’, was uploaded by ThnxCya on 2015-07-18 20:47:12. It has garnered 33309 views and 864 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:37 or 1297 seconds.

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Times are tough in your home town of Norfield and it seems like everyone is struggling. Every month you risk losing your home to the bank. Now that the bank has taken your most precious possession and disaster strikes, all seems hopeless. But this disaster offers a unique opportunity.

Satoshi’s Treasure is a multi-episode adventure map focusing on story, puzzles, and large-ish builds. Like typical adventure maps, you go around exploring places, killing monsters, collecting items, talking to NPCs, and unlocking the next part of the story. In addition there is a CTMish aspect where solving puzzles gives you Code Fragments. If you have all of the correct Code Fragments in the last episode then you can try to claim Satoshi’s Treasure. This is a real treasure hunt.

Map – http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/2459371-1-8-satoshis-treasure-a-hunt-for-real-treasure

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Outro music/in video music – Viceroy Danny Von B by Big Giant Circles http://music.biggiantcircles.com

Do you fancy owning your own Minecraft server? I HIGHLY recommend McProHosting! Check them out here to get a discount! https://mcprohosting.com/?promo=ThnxCya

LINKS TO T SHIRT STORES – UK/EU – http://thnxcya.spreadshirt.co.uk USA – http://thnxcya.spreadshirt.com

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This video contains Minecraft let’s play / mod showcase and or song/parody gameplay, uploaded under standard youtube license by ThnxCya. Please do not re upload

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    MC Nightmare: Terrifying Integration Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 千万不要玩这恐怖整合包!!!13年前的梦!!!还原细思极恐的MC童年噩梦,我的精神能顶得住吗?’, was uploaded by 阿赐 on 2024-03-23 09:00:09. It has garnered 33467 views and 1317 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:29 or 689 seconds. Register Zenless Zone Zero at ✅: https://hoyo.link/5LbhFhAL to experience the captivating world of Zenless Zone Zero, an Urban Fantasy ARPG available on PC, Consoles, and Mobile. Find more on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZZZ_EN 🔥Aci limited edition peripherals🔥 Purchase link👇👇 https://shopee.com.my/%E3%80%90%E9%98%BF%E8%B5%90%E3%80%91%E7%BB%8F%E5%85%B8%E5%92%8C%E5%83%B5%E5%B0%B8%E7%89%88%E9%92%A5%E5%8C%99%E6%89%A3-%E9%97%AA%E8%80%80%E8%B4%B4%E7%BA%B84%E4%B8%AA-i.308108377.25958321725?sp_atk=3f330e95-e581-4e5b-99df-e72457b33522&xptdk=3f330e95-e581-4e5b-99df-e72457b33522 Download the dream integration package 13 years ago (Author: Lao Benyuan) https://www.mcmod.cn/modpack/725.html 🔥Video Playlist🔥 Minecraft【24 Hours Series】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYlcKYAd1YU&list=PLJs80IBtnvH0ZNhuzYBUi3AkD9YsvNVd- MInecraft【100 Days Survival Series】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weYAizYBjPg&list=PLJs80IBtnvH3xbNi01R8A7w91y436xXxT Minecraft【Multiplayer Series】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJs80IBtnvH3pvgk6Sm0YpltUw-Zqg0D0 Welcome to join my… Read More

  • Saminkus DESTROYS School’s Anarchy Server!! 😱 #minecraft #smp

    Saminkus DESTROYS School's Anarchy Server!! 😱 #minecraft #smpVideo Information I punched two on this Bo all right I’m never getting on This Server again quitting no I just lost a heart I just lost another heart This video, titled ‘Waging War on My School’s Anarchy Server #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Saminkus on 2024-06-05 02:27:37. It has garnered 1729 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Shockingly Real: Yellow Pikmin invade Minecraft World!!

    Shockingly Real: Yellow Pikmin invade Minecraft World!!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to a Minecraft stream today we are going to be exploring one of the worlds I made and we showed off in in the like most recent video or whatever with all you guys able to join oh my gosh it’s amazing wow we are not in this world right now right now we are in a test World hosted by wolfy 7 that people have just been building stuff in so here we have a bunch of people to build it’s it’s already gone crazy everything’s already gone crazy… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! BattleFox’s TOP 5 Insane Shaders for Minecraft 2024 – Boost Your Low End PC Now!

    UNBELIEVABLE! BattleFox's TOP 5 Insane Shaders for Minecraft 2024 - Boost Your Low End PC Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 5 Minecraft Shaders 2024!! | for low end pc #minecraft’, was uploaded by BattleFox on 2024-03-14 04:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecrafttexturepack #minecraft #minecraftshaders TOP 5 Minecraft Shaders 2024!! | for low end pc #minecraft … Read More

  • Insane Potato Update & Retro Doors – Balancer April Fools Stream!

    Insane Potato Update & Retro Doors - Balancer April Fools Stream!Video Information any moment now it’ll be working I hope maybe let me go there we go now it’s going do that hi I’m reos and a little thing I love about the Chick-fil-A chicken strips is dipping them the chicken strip [Music] is there we go now we got music music is indeed working I think yeah at least I hear it okay here we go boys today we check out the totally official totally real and not fake Minecraft update don’t worry about the fact that it is technically like I’m going in you know what I think… Read More

  • CREEPYMINE Clutch God Unleashed!😱 #viral

    CREEPYMINE Clutch God Unleashed!😱 #viralVideo Information व टू थ लेट्स गो अबे एक मिनट भाई अबे एक मिनट भाई वो पानी की बकेट वो पानी की बकेट आ में अब देखो दोस्तों रेडी फिर से फेंकू मैं फिर से फूंगा कैसे नहीं कैच होगी भाई फिर ओ आ अबे यार भाई आई लेकिन वो मैंने अपनी इन्वेंटरी क्लियर नहीं रख रखी थी ना तो खाली स्लॉट की जगह वन में आ गई यारक अप टू रिटी थैंक यू जकला थैंक यू बेबी थैंक यू This video, titled ‘HE IS CLUTCH GOD!😎@GamerFleet @AnshuBisht | CREEPYMINE #gamerfleet #minecraft #shortsfeed #viral’, was uploaded by CreepyMine on 2024-04-12… Read More


    EPIC SOLO BASE BUILDING IN MINECRAFT FACTIONS!Video Information yo yo yo what is going on guys it is your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on Minecraft Factions and today what we are doing is that I am back on the cosmic PVP and I’m playing some faction or not Cosmic but I’m on a cosmic test server because my Cosmic test is opening up soon guys as you know on April 20th come and check it out if you guys want to and yeah um I have so much trash I’m not allowed to drop stuff at spawn will then I only have… Read More

  • EPIC Meta Dragon transforms Nickelback hit!

    EPIC Meta Dragon transforms Nickelback hit!Video Information [音楽] あOG [音楽] 3 [音楽] Tお [音楽] This video, titled ‘Photograph Noteblock Cover (Nickelback)’, was uploaded by Meta Dragon on 2024-05-27 15:46:52. It has garnered 100 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. I made Photograph by Nickelback in Minecraft, just… ignore the chorus, ok? I can’t do electric guitar strumming. Credit to Nickelback for the song, watch the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0DU4DoPP4&ab_channel=Nickelback Read More

  • Brabantia Factions Roleplay Addons Bedrock Economy “

    Welcome to a New Kind of Factions Immerse yourself in a worldwide RP experience with over 60 participants. Explore 8 unique kingdoms, each with a special ring tied to their destiny. Your ambitions and actions will shape the world and its story. Sample Story and Lore: Discover the intertwined fates of races and their mystical rings: Three rings for the kings of man, showcasing their might in war. Two rings for the elves, embodying harmony and loyalty. One ring for the dwarfs, shining bright in the moonlight. One ring for the half-elves, promising prosperity and growth. The last mortal ring,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MONKEY?! REALMERS, SPILL THE TEA!

    Minecraft Memes - MONKEY?! REALMERS, SPILL THE TEA!I guess that monkey face is just monkeying around in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Super Chests: Minecraft’s OP Quest

    Super Chests: Minecraft's OP Quest Yo, thanks for watching, hope you had fun, In the world of Minecraft, we always run. The chests were super OP, giving us a thrill, But in the end, we defeated the dragon with skill. The Gamerz09, bringing you the best, In Hindi, he puts all his gaming to the test. From villages to cities, we explored it all, And in the end, we saw the dragon fall. So hit that like button, leave a comment too, And don’t forget to subscribe, we’ll bring more for you. Until next time, stay tuned for more play, Goodbye for now, have… Read More

  • The dog is OP in Minecraft 🐶🔥

    The dog is OP in Minecraft 🐶🔥 Well, of course the dog is the best in Minecraft – they’re always there to help you dig up bones and chase away creepers! Who needs a pickaxe when you have a loyal pup by your side? 🐶💎 #MinecraftDogGoals #WoofWoofMiningCo Read More

  • Kurdoplayz: Minecraft Fog Fun

    Kurdoplayz: Minecraft Fog Fun Minecraft Vom Nebel: A Dive into Horror Exploring the Mysterious Modpack Elias, a small YouTuber known as @dzeliqs, has created a chilling Minecraft modpack called “Vom Nebel.” In this horror-themed adventure, players will encounter a variety of terrifying monsters lurking in the shadows. A Portal to the Unknown As Elias and a friend venture into the game, they stumble upon a mysterious portal that resembles the End portal but with a sinister twist. Uncertainty looms as they debate whether to enter and discover the fate of their base. A Leap of Faith After some hesitation, Elias takes the plunge… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge for Beginners

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge for Beginners Explorando los Desafíos de Minecraft para Principiantes ¡Hola, aventureros de Minecraft! En este video, vamos a explorar lo desafiante que puede ser Minecraft cuando eres un principiante. Desde sobrevivir la primera noche hasta encontrar recursos esenciales, descubrirás los obstáculos y las estrategias necesarias para superar los retos iniciales del juego. Hablaremos de cómo manejar el hambre, evitar mobs peligrosos y construir tu primer refugio seguro. Si eres nuevo en Minecraft o simplemente quieres recordar esos primeros pasos difíciles, este video es para ti. ¡No te lo pierdas y suscríbete para más contenido épico sobre Minecraft! 🚀🎮🗺️ Superando los Retos… Read More

  • RELAXING Minecraft: Building EPIC Mage Tower!

    RELAXING Minecraft: Building EPIC Mage Tower!Video Information start streaming [ __ ] sending us your video oh now I’m live do I believe you this time YouTube I don’t know if I believe you this time YouTube If I am live then this is the most confusing start to a video ever for anyone this is waiting for me what are you doing YouTube what the [ __ ] is happening are we live am I alive do I hear myself talking I don’t Jesus Christ are we live ah there’s me am I alive what the [ __ ] is happening okay that was… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    ULTIMATE Hardcore Minecraft AdventureVideo Information s ding welcome back to another s lad stream I’m getting the music s lad what are we doing today today we’re playing Minecraft and that’s it what nice guys actually you forgot there’s a gimmick we’re on Hardcore so if we die it’s just like real life oh no dang it but don’t worry guys I’m the strongest server on this SMP so no you’re the strongest server on this SMP you’re not the oh strongest player on this smv so don’t worry yeah yeah what’s up we got wait guys I’m going try to do a… Read More

  • Gyld is BACK! Insane PVP on GriefTool! 🔥🔥

    Gyld is BACK! Insane PVP on GriefTool! 🔥🔥Video Information так ну в общем Ребятки всем Здорово С вами я наверно первый видосик За столь большой промежуток времени я решил записать всего именно на гриф наверное хочу поиграть сейчас на гриф немножко поснимать тут как бы попробовать тут но много людей которые играют нормальных ну всё короче ребят погнали получается сейчас получается тут р в чат Пит какой там РП Это скорее всего сейчас будет закрытый Мне кажется я уверен Ну как бы да как бы вот тут у нас тропа челика убьём я лук не взял да О гень я взял Стрелы но я не взял лук… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Skyblock with ZOONOMALY MONSTERS! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Skyblock with ZOONOMALY MONSTERS! 🤯Video Information hi it’s TV and today we’re doing a very ordinary Sky Block oh but what about that guy what guy what is that honeycom I have no idea what that is uh how do we get out of here uh well I I mean we just have to play Sky Block and uh he’ll stay over there yeah yeah I mean it’s not like it can come closer or anything like that so I think we’ll be safe wait what’s he doing wait what no no he’s building towards us he’s evolving he’s EV he’s building towards us… Read More

  • Ultimate Crop Farming Trick in Minecraft PT5 | TRS2

    Ultimate Crop Farming Trick in Minecraft PT5 | TRS2Video Information [Applause] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] uh h [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h ER rs2 says here [Music] [Music] h huh h This video, titled ‘Friends SMP Survival in Minecraft PT5 | Building crop farm | TRS2’, was uploaded by TRS2 on 2024-03-05 12:37:55. It has garnered 8 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:39 or 219 seconds. Next EP gonna get the Ender Dragon! =================================== 📦Resource Packs: 🏞Complementary Shader Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders 🥊Armor gloves Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/armor-gloves Enjoy…!! =================================== ➕Follow Me: 📱TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@trs2yt 📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trs2yt 🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/TRS2YT Enjoy…!! =================================== #trs2 #minecraft #survival #villager #farm #smp Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Joaquin – You won’t believe it!

    Minecraft Madness with Joaquin - You won't believe it!Video Information oh my goodness oh my God oh my goodness oh my god oh where did I put that torch right here how did I do that okay I suppose y’all okay so I suppose anyone who’s in this stream right now has read the title and we’re just going to uh play some Minecraft yeah so I have a couple little goals in mind for today’s stream in this Minecraft world um first thing I need to do is I need to gain the Cobblestone just like the amount of cobblestone to build a mob farm one of… Read More

  • SWAG LEGEND dominates Minecraft world!!

    SWAG LEGEND dominates Minecraft world!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MY MY WORLD 😍 IN MINECRAFT 😎 #1’, was uploaded by SWAG LEGEND on 2023-12-26 12:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #viral #minecraft #games MY MY WORLD IN MINECRAFT The “About Me” Gaming Channel “I’m just your … Read More

  • Saving My Dog with Epic Revenge 🐶🔥 #minecraft

    Saving My Dog with Epic Revenge 🐶🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saving My Dog and Take Revenge 😔 #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending #shorts #memes #music’, was uploaded by Smaze King on 2024-05-04 16:30:02. It has garnered 49158 views and 1580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. For More Amazing Videos. Also Thanks for Watching. Inspired from! @SB737 @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GameBeatYT @GamerFleet @dream Tagss. #PUBG gaming #gaming #fast gaming#best gaming #pubg mobile #mobile gaming#eyeshot master #revenge#pubg king#top kills # minecraft #gta 5 #ipad gaming #ipad 9gen#ipad 8gen #android gaming#clutch gaming#1v4 game #pubg pro player#pc pubg #shooting games #fighting games#killing games#fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft IQ – Trapping Experts Exposed!! 🤯 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft IQ - Trapping Experts Exposed!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Traps at Different -69999 iq (Worlds Smallest Violin) 🤔 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cytech Gamerz on 2024-01-14 07:30:00. It has garnered 5664 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft: Traps at Different -69999 iq (Worlds Smallest Violin) 🤔 RELATED QUERIES:- world’s smallest violin minecraft the smallest violin in the world world’s smallest violin minecraft sounds world’s smallest violin 1 hour minecraft are you a fast talker test world’s smallest violin twi shorts singing world’s smallest violin world’s smallest violin on violin minecraft most dangerous trap i blow… Read More

  • OneCraft Semi-Vanilla Survival Java 1.2.5 Nostalgic Economy Old Version

    Welcome to AlphaCraft! Join our nostalgic survival server running on Java 1.2.5. Use the /register command and start playing today! Server Details: IP: oc.alphacraft.fun:25575 Discord: Join us on Discord Website: alphacraft.fun Version: 1.2.5 Read More

  • ContinentalMC | Earth, Movecraft, Towny, Wars, Custom Content & More! | RESETTING

    ContinentalMC | Earth, Movecraft, Towny, Wars, Custom Content & More! | RESETTING-=ContinentalMC=-With a 1:500 Scale map of the Earth, in Minecraft!We are a small, but growing server! We’d love to have you with us!Some of our features include:Custom items: Grappling hooks, Grenades, Custom Recipes, Custom materials, Custom Textures & More!Movecraft: Create your own moving ships and aircraft!Economy! Create shops to sell items, and play the server to gain in-game money!Vehicles: Craft small, but quick planes!Towns & Nations! With the ability to make them completely neutral!Wars (Economy only! No losing your builds!)Capture-Zones with hourly materials!Machines & Factories! Automate material production, Crafting & More!Partial Keep-Inventory, Keep your Tools & Armor, but lose resources!Limited… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Swamp Wood Heist!

    Looks like this meme is branching out into new territories with that high score! Read More

Minecraft | ARE WE WORTHY? | Satoshis Treasure Adventure Puzzle Map Ep 1