Minecraft. How to Mana and Artifice. How To. 1.16.5

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is lorthorn and welcome to how to mana and artifact a spiritual successor to rs magicka 2. it is by a wild canadian a and i am currently covering version 1.16.5 the latest update version it is for java edition and well it may be available for

Other editions i have not looked into that and the highest likelihood is that it is only available for java you can find a link to download the mod in the description there’ll be his page there and well let’s get into it now the probability of you not knowing what this

Mod is about is pretty low but if you don’t mana and artifacts is a magic mod based around rituals crafting spells and creating magic artifacts there’s some pretty cool spells you can do some pretty nifty stuff and there’s some wonderful visuals and well i hope to

Walk you through all that so you can enjoy this mod in ease and without the frustration of the learning curve that sometimes occurs when trying to do complex mods such as this one the first thing you want to craft in this mod is one of these

A blank glyph a blank clip is crafted with four stone and you simply put into cross pattern you get two blade glyphs but blank lifts are kind of useless so you need to add some color to them that is what die is for of course so you

Die play glyphs and boom you’re already well on your way to gain this mod start next step after that is building yourself one of these the rune forge the rune forge is crafted by putting a bunch of blank glyphs all of the same color in between six pieces of stone sort of like

A very hard sandwich now the room forge acts like a furnace it’s slower than normal furnace but it is completely free so it will smelt anything you put into it without the cost of fuel but the rune forge has a more important purpose which is it gives villagers a job this

Job is a spell monger the spellmonger is looking to trade with you vintium dust to get the codex are kind the codex akane is the guidebook to this mod and well if you watch this whole video you won’t need that guidebook it can be useful as not everything will be covered

In this guide as i am going over everything that is necessary to continue advancement and progression through this nod and not every nitty gritty and fine detail of it so that vintian iron ingus how do you get that you get it by mining vintium ore you’ll find this

Underground it’s vintium ore and when you smelt this stuff up it will give you vintium dust pentium dust when combined with iron will give you vintium coated ingots vintian cone ingots then then be placed into a forge and that is now four times cooked and that will make

For you the vintium ingus that you want so vintium coated ingots turned to vintage ingots and that add all together buys you the codex arcane from this fellow here so big guidebook gives you all the instructions you need go through the beginning it tells you what so what

Tells you all the things gives you details on things and a whole bunch of other pages here little tabs for you to look at explore but if you don’t have time for that then you can continue watching this guide so next thing you will want to build is the oculus this is

Your secondary guide to this mod you got me you got the book you got the oculus the oculus is the progression scale is built with glass vintium dust and iron ingots at this point i’m just going to show and not actually build the things so oculus you slap this bad boy down

And it will give you a list of things you need to do to advance to the next tier conveniently this list of things also teaches you to do the mod so you cast kandrip then you learn how to do can trips you have to cast a spell all

Right let’s learn how to cast a spell you go through it then you can get to the next tier and it teaches you the new things of the next tier very convenient tutorial device so after the oculus we’ll need another tool the mana weaving alter this lets you build most things

Within the mod so is a good idea to get it it requires concrete power any color not concrete but concrete powder also stone and a water bucket next after that the inscription table the inscription table is built with wood a book and some carpet so put them together how you think they

Would go then you got yourself an inscription table after the inscription table to tell you about a feature of the old rune forge if you put an old bone into it it’ll burn its way into bone ash bone ash very important for the step after this and that would be making

Arcane component now arcane component requires vintium dust bone ash and this flower well not exactly this flower this is a desert nova but other flowers will do as well as this mod actually has a very nice selection of flowers for you to permutes it has

Designova as i said it can be found in the desert it’s got the water bloom found in lake sides and water it’s got the tarma root found wherever those are found serum blossom are found in plains and so any one of these flowers will do though for crafting the arcane component then

Arcane component you want to throw that into the old burner and that will give you arcane ash arcane ash is used in many recipes but is mainly used to create the final kind of vintium dust which is purified vintium dust purified vintian dust is made with flowers of any

Kind vintium dust and arcane component mix all that together and you get the purified venting dust although it doesn’t really make sense that you get purified vintaging dust out of doing that as really you’re diluting vintium dust by adding arcane component and flowers to and the whole process rather

Strange then from there you want to craft wizard’s chalk wizard’s shock is very useful as this was going to be used for all the rituals you are going to be doing so grab yourself some of this simple recipe only a bit of paper a bit of vintium dust flint and

Bone ash gives you 150 uses you’re probably going to make more than one wizard’s chalk but to start with one’s pretty good next item you’re going to need to make is vellum now vellum a little bit of a different recipe you take leather and you dunk it

Into a cauldron of water gives you two vellum for one leather and uses up a bit of the water next you want to make yourself a rune scribing table the roon scribe table is made with wood stone purified vintain dust a bowl and a bit of chalk and then from there

You want to make arcanist ink that is made with purified vintium dust a bottle any flower you like that is from this mod and of course the ink sac then once you have this you want to go on and make yourself the runic amvil this step can be skipped for

Now however i am trying to give you every single basic thing you’ll need to continue with this mod before we get into any of the more nitty gritty details that is why we are only making random items that just seem components so far but do not worry we’ll get into

The magic after that so the runic apple is made with an anvil a barrel they even know those are a thing in minecraft but apparently that’s what’s required purified venting dust and two chalk on either side this thing will require you to make a runesmith’s hammer and a ruthless chisel to be of

Any use but those are made pretty simply with just sticks and vintage ingots then we make the first actual exciting useful thing that you’ll get from this mod the mana weaver’s wand this wand is crafted with the vintian ingots and vinthian dust either side making a very cool pattern

And you get this fun little one thing here this one can draw symbols in the air and they’ll just float there for you there’s a different amount of symbols you can do at this level and another function that this wand happens to have is if you hold down

Control and right click at the same time it’ll pop up a little menu which will allow you to select can trip components so a can trip is a spell you cast just with this wand so if i draw a square and i draw a triangle sometimes the patterns can be a little

Difficult to get it let me cast a little flame boom we’re already doing magic i will say i find can trips rather annoying and tend to ignore them but you still have to do a few of them in order to progress in this mod so you might as well learn how it works

And you can set these things so you can go let’s make this a square circle to cast this ken trip or if you’re insane circle square circle don’t know if that’d work but you can make those decisions after you’ve crafted yourself a man of weaver’s wand you might want to

Craft yourself a few mystical focuses but these are unnecessary components which are just i think a nice little thing to make yourself and then well you are actually ready to start doing the mod so we got all our things that we crafted put down here these are all the tools and devices

You’ll need to do most of the things within this mod having them in one space can be a useful workstation although you may find the future you want to spread them out the oculus will now show us all the things we have achieved we need to achieve 8 out of 10

Of these things but i’m going to go over how to get all of them so we have cast a cantrip we have crafted a mana weaving altar we’ve crafted a map we want we’ve crafted the inscription table and we’ve drawn a mana weaving pattern we’ve already done five of the tier one

Requirements to advance to the next tier and you’ve already learned a little bit of hey let’s just craft these things so next is onto crafting spells that is probably the main reason why you’re here is learning about the wonderful magic and spells you can cast with this

Remembering the good old days of ours magic huh so let’s get in how to do this magic so arcane inc is required in the top left of the table vellum also in top left and arcane ash you have all these components within your table they’ll allow you to craft spells

Crafting spells is a very straightforward art after that it just involves putting things in the right order so you can choose what kind of spell you want you can have a touch spell or a self spell this chooses target then you can choose its effect there will be more effects more touches

And even modifiers in the future you can add to the spell touch fire damage will deal fire damage with things and light stuff on tire touch brake will break things touch fling knock back touch gust break sleeves touch life will summon lights slow yadda yadda you get the idea so

We’re going to touch break as that is why i’ve prepared and once you have the spell set up as you like it you click the arrow up top and it will craft it the more complicated the spell the longer time it’ll create to take the craft and then it will give you

The spell recipe which is here and the spell is named touch break it’s very descriptive of what it does and well we’ve crafted this spell but it doesn’t really do anything for us besides tell us everything we’re going to need to make it and well to

Make a spell you need to do a ritual rituals are covered in this part of the book here and the ritual that we want to do is ritual of the arcane this is the ritual that craft spells for us over here we have it nicely set up and laid out this wonderful ritual

And i recommend making a square and putting a marker in the center so you can know where the center of your square is for all rituals you do rituals come in different shapes and sizes the biggest being a nine by nine rituals are also done in seven by sevens

And sometimes five by fives there is varying degrees of difficulties to rituals some are extremely easy to do and others are extremely complex to get the marks on the ground just use the wizard’s chalk and follow the book’s instructions for the pattern you need to do the ritual

To start a ritual once you have the chalk laid out in the correct order you take purified vintage dust and you place in the center it’ll tell you which components are required that can be put into the spots on the ritual as you can see and then you just throw it on

Once everything is set in place you use purified vintian dust on again that’ll consume the dust and start the ritual and this ritual here will summon us a merchant he will trade us all sorts of things for vintian ingots he’s a very useful merchant to summon but he won’t appear

Forever so nab what you want off him when you can get him i’d recommend getting these mana weaving patterns all of them because they are incredibly useful in the future and just in case you missed it doing a ritual will consume the chalk pattern that you’ve laid out

Back to crafting the spell it’s just like that but a little bit bigger and with one extra step so to draw start with a dot on the center make a little ring around it then you make a sort of semi-circle here with the corner missing two dots on the

Side another semi-circle around here and just repeat this pattern the whole way around eventually you’ll memorize it as i have and it’s pretty straightforward after that point there we go and just there all right cool then vintium does to start it up so we take our purified indian dust we place it down

Then it asks for us to place the spell recipe into it we put that down and it tells us everything we’re going to need to craft this recipe we’re going to need axes picks glyphs sigils the works luckily i have those all prepared in this chest right here

And it can be pretty quick to do if you have all the required ingredients so with the ingredients in your inventory you can choose very carefully place each one in its spot meticulously going over it or if you just happen to have it in your inventory and you have an empty spot

You can right click on the spot and it will fill it for you so we think we’ve placed down all the required greens and we take purified vintian dust we put it down and if we are missing anything it will inform us by getting rid of the floating indicators that was required

And leave us open to then fill in the space that we’re missing so we try that again and boom it will then start the virtual force these rituals are very cool i like how they have these patterns spinning about all that fun stuff but there’s an extra step to this ritual

Unlike the ritual of the one dream wizard it requires you to put a little bit of work into it so you have to draw the symbols that show up within the ritual center pretty simple triangle here square another square and that should get it done now you may have noticed while i was

Doing the ritual i drew the wrong symbol and it flowed there and it gets in the way to dismiss a symbol just punch it with a left click with your wand and now dismiss it anyways completed ritual here it’s giving us the break touch still we can name it now

And we can choose what it looks like so we’ll just call the spell break and we’ll give this little green earth ball here now with this spell we simply right click and it destroys whatever we click on this is an incredibly simple spell so it gives us very little xp you can’t

Actually see it using any of our mana up and it’s not giving us any infinity now what are these weird terms i’m talking about well if we were to craft a different spell which is called collapse then it when we use it we’ll actually use up a sizable amount of our mana

And do a little bit more and also it’ll give us infinity in the bond right now this is irfafani and the more earth affinity you get makes it easier to cast earth spells spells actually do use up mana and they’ll level you up when you level up

You get all of your mana back and you will continue to get infinity out of the sid spell now that we have crafted spells and shown you casting them and all that stuff let’s get into mana weaving nanoweaving is fairly simple but slightly more intensive version of crafting so it requires

You to take all the ingredients of whatever it is you’re trying to make and to put them into the mana weaver alter then once they’re all there it’ll require for you to draw a symbol to complete the weaving process so what we’re trying to make right here we’ll

Take a square we do that sucks in all the components and fuses them together into whatever is you’re looking to craft right here is infused silk which we are looking for and when you click on recipe if you have not enough items for something that requires the manufa

Altar it will pop up with the mana weaver altar and show you how to go about and craft the item with the altar and also tell you which little ingredients you’ll need at the bottom to do your spinny winnie twirling of the hands so this is a simple component you

Can nanoweave they infuse silk but there is also rather cool artifacts you can create one of these artifacts does require extra component this mage staff or magic staff it can be crafted just venting dust and sticks but then if we take this leather boots vintium dust sugar dried kelp and

Wizard’s chalk place them all in this altar then draw three triangles in a row um very difficult to do if you get something wrong just right click on the altar with the man weaver staff and it will get rid of the miss drawn room there we go three triangles all together

And this will craft us a very very cool item with the mao weaving to get out right click and you get the staff of the pilgrim when the staff is put into your off hand it gives you jump up speed step up and i believe a small amount of haste when swimming

It’s a very useful item especially in this mod for you’re probably going to be exploring the world quite a bit and this just allows you to traverse and travel the world with ease to go find the commons you need so we’ve completed quite a few things let’s go look back to

Oculus and see what’s left in it we have to craft a spell with a complexity of 15 or more well you saw the spellcrafting it was pretty straightforward i messed up i was supposed to craft this spell so you make it and you can see that it

Has a complexity of 15. so different spells have different levels of complexity break has very little complexity whereas earth collapse has 15 complexity even maximum complexity level if the spell surpasses that then you cannot cast it it’s very unlikely for you to make a spell surpass that if you’re

Working with tier one spells though but that doesn’t really matter as it’s crafting just like any other spell and we have completed eight out of the ten things required to get to tier 2. so once you complete all these things and you are ready to go next step is go

To a bed and meditate on what you’ve done and this will advance you to the next tier so we’re going to go to bed and well it appears we’ve learned what is required to go to tier two tier two gives you access to more spells new things involving some of the things

That we crafted but seemed rather useful at the time and while just around a whole bunch of new stuff new oculus will give you a new list of things to do i’ve already happened to have done some of these things but well we can just start going through

Them and explaining them away so the first thing you want to do when you’ve reached tier 2 is make infused thread very simple to make just requires infuse silk infused vintium dust put together into a mana weaver get out of the way put together into a mana weaver’s alter

And you happen to have to draw a new symbol for it which is sort of this square x thing right here they’ll fuse together and boom there you go got some infused thread this infused thread will be used to craft you the book of alteration which also requires a mana weaving table

To make you put all these components into the table draw these various different symbols and i’ll give you this book this book is kind of fun because it can be used to alter spells and that is the next thing we are going to cover is spell alteration so now that you’re

Level two you can add modifiers to spells modifiers are things like increased range increased duration increased speed and increased damage now we happen to have a spell of break here which is a projectile break spell and if we so choose we can hold down z select increased

Range on it and then we can perform a ritual which will well modify our break spell so this ritual is done by drawing your runes in a pattern a bit like this and you place in the center then you just have to put down the spell and you put down

The book of alteration and then it will tell you everything you need to alter the spell little fun fact for those of you out there who are a fan of creative mode is well in creative mode if you right click with an empty hand on these component bits they’ll

Automatically fill them in for you so you don’t have to go searching for each component and you can just do the whole thing in creative mode then once all the greens have been laid down put the purified vintium dust back into the center it’ll start the ritual of modification

Altering whatever you want to call it lovely spin around suck it in boom now you’ve got projectile spell with increased range and if we go check on the oculus we will have added a modifier to a spell using the ritual of alteration next year of magic can trip

Should also i guess be covered at this time can be found out how to be done by simply control right click and that will show you the components needed to create the spell a higher tier can trip will require a higher tier room and that is what this upside down

Triangle is it’s a new high tier little room for us and we can simply do this by drawing the circle then drawing triangle and drawing the triangle and boom we just cast can trip no idea what does but that’s how you can do it to continue advancement after that i should note

There is a new material that you can mine a very useful material now this here may appear to be ordinary emeralds but an extra thing will drop with it in large amounts and as chimeric gems these are very important for the rest of the mod so make sure to mine emeralds when

You see them the higher level you are this little number up here the more likely you will find these gems from there let’s move on to roon forging rune forging is done using these magic forges the inscription tables and the anvil first thing you want to make

To do the rune forging is death to all humming and hawing villagers is one of these things unrefined room plate is crafted with just clay around any single glyph that you want you take your unrefined balloon plate you place it inside the arcane furnace and it will give you rune pattern you

Then take this room pattern over to an inscription table and do the most heinous media game in the existence of any mod which is this right here so you place this in and then you have to have the rootsmith hammer up top and the rainsmith chisel and then

You can draw stuff you can draw patterns in here different rooms will have different patterns there’s a whole bunch of them and you can look up how they’re done here it’ll give you a more in-depth instruction of them instead of trying to guess but each one is rather heinous and

Nasty and while these all have their own different uses the one we are going to focus on is by far the most important and useful one in my opinion which is metallic runes or ritual runes of metallic whatever you want to call it these are crafted with a series of little pluses so

If we look at here we get plus in the center then a plus next to that and plus next to that and then a little plus next to that with a little tip off the end and we get the runic metallic pattern here and then this thing oh this thing

We want to put on to the rune forge then we want to go back to our forge we want to take vintium ingot put into the forge and let it turn into a super heated vintim ingot and we want to take this super heat thinking ingot

And place it on top of the envelope and then when we do that and we’ve done it correctly this cool little blue circle up here at the bottom with all these rooms then we take the hammer if we have a spare or take it from the table and we slap this sucker repeatedly

Once you’ve slapped it enough times it will forge down into a single metallic rune and you’re going to want to make tons of these but we can go into how make tons of these later anyways that’s how you make one of these little ritual runes and why am i

Harping on about these ritual runes well if you don’t recall whenever i did a ritual with straight up chalk it disappeared but these ones here stayed and that’s because these are metallic ritual stones or ritual settings so chalk disappears but these things once placed down will stick around forever so

You can basically set a ritual in spots i recommend stamp several of these for rituals you are likely to repeat very very useful i highly recommend making metallic runes just do it our oculus will now be happy that we have happened to use a runes forge to make a

Rune and we’ve made a rune forged pattern as well as we’ve modified and made the can drip but next it will want you to make a magic broom magic brooms are cool but i have found that they are responsible for a minor bug which is highly annoying

So use them at your own risk magic broom is crafted with the mana weaving table two vintian dust one stick and one wool and fuses them together and makes you a magic broom which will sweep up anything on the ground that you put into a container however i’m not going to use magic

Brooms because they’re really really buggy in my experience but that is one of the things oculus wants you to make another thing that oculus wants you to make is a mana crystal fragment which can be crafted by using a lot of these gems eight of them and one purified dust then

Drawing a circle a sideways square a square another sideways square and another sideways square and that will give you a mana infused crystal now at this point you may have found that as incredibly incredibly incredibly annoying to draw these symbols so there are things that can draw these

Symbols for you if you’re inept at the drawing or you just find it too difficult and it’s these bottles or rather as a combination of many many other components remember that wizard fellow we talked to earlier well he can sell us these mana weaving patterns very useful and i said you should buy

Them if you can we’re going to get into what they do so you’ll want them you want some bottles and you’ll want to craft a whole bunch of stuff first thing you want to craft is a mana reservoir kind of a useless item besides weld this one very specific

Purpose it’s crafted with obsidian vintium ingot and glass and you take that you put a wander top and grafting table and that will make you a mana weaving projector then a little bit more crafting to do make a stone get some oak planks making this pattern a little stone pressure plate on top

That’ll give you a pedestal you take the pedestal you take the mouthweaving projector you take your metal weaving pattern you take your bottle you sound a little bit like this projector your mana will fill it up scroll place it on top sets the pattern put down the pedestal

Put the bottle on the pedestal click on the projector it will empty out mana activate the room on top put the rune into the bottle then you can throw this and it will draw the room in the air and accept it into things and boom you’ve got animate

Then you can make tons of matte weave projectors of all sorts and kinds that you want as long as the thing’s within three of the projector you activate it it’ll use a bit of your mana and it’ll fill up one of these bottles next we’re going to create a moat a moat

Is a little elemental thing and the book covers them there are six kinds of moat and they’re in the rituals you can find them individually under ritual bernie held ritual dc earth spear endless void or you can just look it all up on your moat right here the moat we are going to

Do is the moat of mana and that requires the ritual forgotten lore now these rituals require a little bit of extra step but don’t worry we’ll get them done remote of the forgotten lore with the ritual for gone lord requires to be surrounded by books it’s a pattern well a bit like this

Or a bit like this kind of a crazy pickaxe thing is 7×7 and requires all these ingredients laid out you’ll figure it out it fills in it’s actually really convenient mod once you’ve got it all filled in of course put purified indian dust in the center it’ll start the ritual and

Now we can throw our new components into the circle and not have to bother with drawing all these symbols which is much quicker and nicer i find there we go we got ourselves a moat of magic so that’s how you craft moats and well this mode of magic and well not only is

Crafty moats on the list of things do it’s also component used to create a mana crystal of this crazy thing here now this mad crystal very expensive recipe requires eight hurricane mana crystal fragments ridiculously expensive six seven eight and then one of those notes of mana then

You need a circle a square a sideways square a normal square a sideways square a circle in a square and i’ll make the mana crystal for you also note you cannot advance simply by putting things into your inventory you actually need to achieve them through crafting them in the mod as you

Can see we’ve made them a crystal here this mana crystal here is useful for our little automate step as you notice we were drawing a lot of mana so if we were to have this here we can put this down and the metacrystal fills things up with

Mana as well as gives you or of mana regen 5 which is very good charges up your map very fast and so you can use this thing as a part of the automation to power these so you don’t have to be nearby so other things can do it for you also if

You’re ever worried just about going on a journey and not having enough mana then that’s what these mana fragments are for if you hold down right click with them they will stir up your mana and then it will expend it and sort of hold on to math for you and you can use

Them as a sort of external battery next on the agenda class is to make a colored primer crystal surround a piece of dye with kayak crystals and it’ll become a gem of that color you will need nine of these of any color and you will also need a

Construction workbench for the next step turmeric gem rune stones of the same color bisto in the middle wood as feet will create the constrict workbench put your constrict workbench down anywhere and surround it with at least nine of these colored crystals they can be of any color but they have to be

Within five of it and they can be placed at any angle they’re kind of fun can be upside down all that stuff anyways get them all laid out around this table and then get prepared to do a lot of work so that you can automate because now we are going to

Cover the construction of constructs constructs are little golems very similar to thoncrafts golems however i believe they take a little bit more work than we would like to build a golem first you need to draw out a pattern for its head in all this various different body parts now once

You have the pattern drawn out you take a piece of superheated purified vintage ingot and smash it into the drawn out frame pattern of whatever byte part you’re working on and that will make you the frame piece super heated purified vintium ingots are created by coating iron ingot with

Purified vintain dust making the vintium ingot and taking that vintium ingot and placing it into a forge that forge will heat up into the superheated purified vintium ingot then once you have the construct pieces that you want the frame pieces you can then turn them into things using the mana

Weaving table the mount weaving table will accept your pieces and produce a head however you don’t just need to make a basic wound head with this wonderful frame here because the frame allows you to make heads of several kinds so depending on the secondary things that

You put into the mana weaving table you can get new stuff you can get a music playing head by adding a note block by adding a mode of magic you can get a smart head and there’s a few other heads you can get and also quite a few other body

Parts you can get with various other modifications add to them depending on the secondary things you decide to build it with anyways once you’ve gotten yourself all the body parts that you need this being legs head torso and arms i would recommend making a grabber arm

Which is crafted with a claw and an arm frame making some legs legs are very important one legs require hips little stick frames kind of annoying and of course making yourself the wooden hammer hand because hammers are useful for many things and this is crafted with instead

Of a claw the hammer frame and you place the head down a lot and then you blast these crystals with whatever magic you like the magic will determine how the goblins affected some of it make it faster some of it make it stronger some of them make

It smarter once every single rune has been activated with a spell depending on the elemental types then you right click on the golem and you will give it life living although is useless without its command stick a command stick is crafted via nether quartz a frame rod and a little

Gold nugget that will craft for you like a man rod there is also a secondary item to craft which is the construction diagnosis rod it’s not 100 necessary but you just need to die a construction control rod black now you can give your golem commands with the command rod the

Commands are activated by right clicking on the golem and then well you can right click him again to tell him to stay if you right click on and right and click on the ground he will then follow you if you right click on him and right click on his little construct

Thing he’ll return to it so that you could modify his body bits if you like so if we felt like it we could give him a smarter head and we cast all the spells again on the various different alter bits careful not to break anything with this spell and we recraft him with

His head oh intelligentsia and we can even go further than basic little commands by giving him commands to do stuff using the lodestar lodestar is crafted with gold obsidian and the crimeric gems and once placed on the ground it can give your golem commands however the commands will

Require yet another rune invention which is the marking room marking rings are crafted like all other rooms with super heated vin team ingots and then they can actually store place locations so you can say all right store here store here and then that can command the golem to do things

So the commands it can do is basically a little cycle chain of commands so there’s a whole bunch of different commands here you make your golem do and this current command order that we happen to have on this golem will basically make him organize these two chests into carrots and apples

Separately so we’re going to right click on our golem with the wand and then we right click on the load stone and he’ll start completing what told him to do so he’s going to grab apples he’s going to put the chest and he’s going to grab

Carrots he’s going to put them in that chest then he’s going to do a little walk he’s going to wait a few seconds and he’s going to do another little walk then he’s going to replete the cycle and just keep going through it now the commands i gave him are take item from

The container and we gave him filters so we told him take apples from the container and we marked the container with the marking room then put whatever you’re holding into this other container then take carrots from the container which we have marked out and place them into the container then move wait

And move these commands can be modified by holding down right click then left clicking on them and we can delete commands from the command list so we can get rid of that unnecessary chain of commands and he should just go back and forth now and organize for us as

We’ve changed up his commands and he’s just going now through the symbol commands a proper organization of our two chests here making them all lovely apples and carrots in the correct spots that they need to go now there are further man commands you can do and that

Is the automation of rune forging so remember when i said hey these runes these metal ritual runes are really useful but they’re kind of annoying to get well that’s where our little friend comes in so the book actually under constructs happens to have a sample of automation for brood and forging and it

Goes through and walks you through all the steps but i’m going to give you these steps myself here so we’re going to go get our little golem buddy we’re going to tell him boy stop with that and come over to this low star here instead and we’re going to instruct him

To complete his commands so his commands that we’ve given him is he’s going to walk over here he’s going to take a vintage out of this chest he’s going to put him there and he’s going to take this roon sheet up here he’s going to put onto the table

And he’s going to work on it see it’s in this table he’s going to carve it up and while he’s working on that the vending machine has heated up to super heated venting magnet works out with his little hammer hand then he’s going to take it

Out he’s going to put on top of the anvil he’s going to take our super heated ventum ingot he’ll put that on the top of the anvil dave’s going to hammer it out for us so he hammers down through the structure he completes the rune then

He puts the complete room into the chest and rinses and repeats so how does this aura structure go out well it required one thing before everything else which was this roon scribe recipe to make this ringscribe recipe we have to well take charcoal a little bit of

Paper a little bit of metal room that we want and we have to put them down in particular or so we put down first whichever rune you want to make a ring scribe up then you put the paper on top of it then you take the charcoal you put that on top boom

You got yourself the rune scribe it’s the pattern made out this rings grab pattern also one of the things that well this wants us complete then we take this piece of paper and while we do something rather crazy so the instructions follow as this so the first

Thing you need to do is just put them down in this order so we have take place take place scribe rune take place take place for drone take place so the first take is we say take a vintium ingot from this chest so we mark out the chest with one of our

Metal markers and then we say place this onto the rune forge and we indicate the front of the rune forge so we face forward and we right click on the front of the room forge then we say take from containers again pretty simple take from the chest the room plate

And then we say place on top so we want to jump on a cloth look forward at it and say place on top this is very important then you want to say scribe roon and scribe roon will also require location and it also requires the recipe

You want so this is the scribe your golem will do and you put that location on top like i said before you put it on top you shift right click on top now you say take it from the top again always do it from the top face forward then place on amble

You want to place it on the top of the anvil it can get a little buggy basically then you say take the superheated ingot from the front here so you’ll wander over put down onto the anvil forge it at the location then take the new metal rune

And put it into the new chest and bam we got a little rune automating golem goblin for us he will do this work indefinitely and that is automation and there’s a whole bunch of different things you can do with it pretty cool these things can also be turned on and off with

Redstone signals so we can just make them stop working if we give it a signal so for you redstone wizards out there figure out something crazy with that next just very simple little thing to be made in the mana weaving table is the mystic foci lesser it is crafted by

Putting a foci redstone vintium dust all together into the little thing you know the drill by now and then well throwing bottles at the structure and boom you get together you get the lesser foci instead of a minor foci very good now another thing that this table will want you to do is

Have a set bonus set bonus relatively easy thing to achieve you just have to make yourself the mages gear mage’s gear is a mana weaving table project which has body part leg part infused still confused string and a few components to it and all the oculus requires you to do

For this level up is very simple one is just put them on and have the set bonus and well increases your memory jen finally let’s go look at the more complicated spells you can now craft because well things have been added as i said and it’s time for us to look at

Them so the spell that we are going to create here is a very cool one it’s a projectile it raises the stuff in the sky it has a bit of delay we add to it and a bit of speed so the speed here is determined by just adding these

Little modifiers so we have we want the delay nine so just remember that so we put down delay and then we turn up the delay to nine like that and this all increases complexity this is also nothing events you can mess with its speed by choosing speed we can also choose try and

Increase its range but this spell doesn’t have a range if you notice it says all the things are involved with it so range we actually can’t affect with this spell even if we want to because there’s no little things to affect and we can affect the damage these modifiers don’t

Matter so we’re going to go ahead and craft the spell so the higher tier spell is the more complex it is it’ll take longer to scribe up top it also takes more arcane ash more vellum and i’ll use just a little bit more ink to make so

This spell is well now we have all the metal runes down in place we can just craft it without have to worry about drawing those all down which can be rather annoying so this ritual here just put down the dust in the middle put down the spell it’ll tell

You everything that you need in this chest we happen to have all the components that we’ll need and it’s just right there relatively click as always and draw in whatever mana weave to patterns are required though i must say i much prefer the bottles for this you can also just set

Up a projector to do this for you you don’t need the bottles but the bottles make a much quicker process as you can see we get to keep all these metal rooms very lovely and we get this new really fun spell of earth sky and what earth sky lets us do is

We can launch spells up into the sky wall blocks and well there’s some consequences for some of these things and you can just make floating islands out there so you can ride them up although it’s not a guaranteed ride to safety and if you want you can just keep going

Climbing has never been easier that should be everything for tier two completed in the oculus well besides reaching a higher level but that’s not necessary and then comes the very fun part because instead of sleeping to level up now you have to choose a side to join so there is the

Wizards cancel there’s the burning hells and there’s the fairy quartz now these sides give you different bonuses and you can figure out what these bonuses will be by looking in the oculus so the oculus will tell you basically what’s to come in different tiers so it’s like oh

In this tier you’ll be able to craft these runes in this tier you’ll be able to manually have these new artifacts and certain people have certain items they can get so fairies can get a bracelet of trickery trickery the fiery hells can get uh amber glow bracelet the wizard’s

Castle can get a ley line bracelet i’ve only done the wizards council and we’re just going to stick with them because i have it set up and i think they’re pretty cool but other options are done now the ritual for these can be found in the ritual book basically where everything else is

We have the ritual the fairy court which looks a little something like this kind of crazy there’s the ritual of the burning hells which looks a little something like this diamonds it’s very expensive and the one that we are going to do is of course the ritual of the wizards council which kind

Of makes this little clown face here requires a moat of magic and spell books and stuff now spell books are just a normal crafting thing one of the few simple things left you can just craft them like this and they store spells so spell book you hold down

Control you put your spells into it and then you can so that will be the hot bar spells then you hold down z it’ll let you cycle to which spell you want so there’s earth sky there’s break and then we could control right click put them over here

They’ll no longer be in the cycle quick menu and that’s a spell book for you and well let’s get on to doing the ritual wizards cancel so i have it all set up nice and ready for us right here and well you put everything down the order

As instructed by the ritual start much like this you draw the pattern metal ingots sorry metal runes i would recommend using metal runes to draw out this part because you’re going to do this ritual several times and whichever counsel you pick to work with is the council you will continue working with

From here on out so complete the wrist troll with just the purified vintium dust it will start the thing up i always love this part just looks so cool all the like lines get drawn then the it makes a little sad face then the things get dropped and the symbols

Are middles are like draw me and then you’re like okay i’ll draw you and health just starts spinning just looks so good looks so good a little circle here another little square pretty simple ritual inverted triangle and then coolest part well it goes parts ritual the wizards so

They all show up and you’re like okay um howdy how’s it going my fellow wizards okay yeah all right and uh i guess it’s time for the ceremony to convince you walk into the center of the circle you get sucked in then they do this And from there you’re ready to move on to tier three as that’s what you’ve become tier three is relatively a lot easier than tier two tier two is the hardest of it so moving into tier three well let’s start with well making the book of wrote book of

Roots a very cool item it’s not a part of the oculus and we could have done it sooner but i just think this is a very very useful item the book of road is crafted through well loss of pages of vellum ink string and this new little

Item here the mundane ring which is well a ring craft with a ring pattern oh my goodness that thing looks nice embarrassed to make but well that’s how you have to make them get the book of rote then you put all those things into this altar here and fulfill these crazy

Wacko patterns down here once you’ve done that you get yourself the booger rope and if you hold down control and right click then you can select the spell that you know by wrote so the only thing i actually know by wrote is activate but knowing spell by road is basically you

Cast something over and over and over again until you learn to memorize it by rote so we’ve cast activate so many times we can just cast it from memory uh in creative mode this book basically lets you freely craft spells within it so we can throw projectile in here and

Freely modified and we can add modifiers to it so we can save fire damage we can take up the fire damage and so this is all assigned to spell three so i can then name and icon it mojic fire so we’ve crafted the spell magic fire in

Creative mode you can cast any spell and so yeah we can actually just straight up make a spell and use it to our own content um don’t mind the flaming villager yes running inside will help and so holding down z will shift us through the spell icons control

Right click will let you craft the spells you know by wrote on to oculus stuff kaft seen a tier three can trip woo control right click we’ll select this and set this combination and cast the silly thing and there we go we cast ourselves a canned trip woo and

Yes can trips is complete now tier three rituals rituals go up in tears as everything else does and you can look up the different ritual tiers in your little book he’ll tell you the new ones now these tier three rituals are nothing to write home about well besides they

Allow you to have fast travel and in the codex we can also find all these rituals and which rules we are going to be doing is the ritual of return and the ritual of homestead rachel of homestead is just useful to learn and put down this point so

How it works in basic concept is you want to make yourself a bunch of glyphs of whatever calorie and you lay them out in order around here the final bit is you put down this pearl once you have the spell activate and this is now the code so this actually generates a

New code for you so this spell has a code of red glyphs then when we complete sid’s spell it’s going to do this little circle thing here everything’s going to float up spinning smaller supposed to automatically competes and now we get this little thing right here and

When we click on it it tells us the code so this is a red red red red red code so that means when casting other travel spells such as the ritual of return which we have set up over here what it needs is pure red runes in that

Order so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so that’s a way stone we create over there and this ritual here will bring us to a wavestone however this requires a new small minor item that’s not too difficult to make which is this thing here so it requires

Redstone dust iron all these little marking runes very important should get one of your little bites to automate them gold ingot glass panel ah we’re using glass block there’s always one small hitches in there all right glass panel gold one of these little markers wombat a boom i’ll make a world charm so

These little charms can be set to tune to the overworld and the underworld and all that stuff doesn’t matter though because we are just using this component here anyways make this little eye drop shape here of runes it’s one two three dot one two three and a little dot two outside

It looks like an eyeball and when you activate this room get all done it creates nifty little portal for you little eye thing goes through there’s also all those quick cast spells and this is the ritual of return and it brings us back to the waypoint it doesn’t last forever though but

All the components actually stay in place so as long as you have vintium dust you can keep activating it and basically have a semi-gate all the way back and so you can basically make magic circles and gates and that happens to be the tier three ritual that we’ve completed golem

Crafting is much the same as it has always been it’s just now with iron pieces and iron pieces are just iron ingots in the place and it continues forward as it has always been you can build a whole bunch of different kinds of gold as well you

Can give them shields you can give them axes so this thing would be good for fighting and cutting down trees then we start the ritual get done get ourselves a little gone next on the business is crafting eldritch orb elder orb is absurdly expensive to make it requires

This rune of the arcane which not the easiest thing to forge has to be in this table crazy pattern also requires an end crystal not cheap in its own right a mana fragment for the battery and defense room you get all those together one two three flip all that together flip into deuts

And we have ourselves a arcane orb archer orbs are charged by being placed upon a pedestal and then draw mana from a mana crystal or they can just be charged in your hand and then you activate bubbles which this mod requires and you put right next to your head

And you’ve got this little floating light next to your head and this light it attacks monsters whatever was near us so it’s upset with the sheep now it’ll start zapping the sheep um with lightning because well it’s going to do what we want to do and the

Arcane orb eldritch orb can also be modified by adding enchantments to it so you can enchant the orb i don’t know if any stray enchantment table work okay it doesn’t but those metal enchanting runes you can pound into it wait what metal enchanting runes can you pound into it

Ah yes right pounding metal enchanting rivers into objects well when you take one of these runes rune of air rune of fire have what have you you can actually make them into enchantment so if we take a rune of air rabbits foot feather and a mode of wind

All together and then we throw some mana weaves into the mix we can craft a rune of cloud step now this is an enchantment and how this works is you take an item let’s say your boots and you put them on the anvil then you put the metal enchantment on top take a

Hammer you pound it on it and you can then enchant a item the enchantment i just did is cloud step this is one of the ad enchantments it’s only doable through this this enchantment gives you a double jump and well what game isn’t improved by a double jump but yeah double jump and

That’s not the only enchantments you can do you can add normal gain enchantments like sharpness or fire aspect and that is how you add the enchantment to the eldritch orb as you put on the apple then you hammer the enchantment into it making the orb a part of your enchantment on the oculus

Now it we have completed doing an enchanted item create an eldritch orb but we need to craft a spell complexity 55 which is easily enough doable we know how to do that and also we need to craft the artifact of our faction we look into

The oculus we can then go down to mana crafting look at the artifacts and we can see hey we’ve got ley line bracelet and unguent of scene so we’re going to craft the angular scene that’s the part of our faction and that’s what we need

To do next i’m going to scene is one of the simplest recipes i could find and it’s just a little bit of honey some purified vintium dust and a slime ball it requires a circle and a triangle makes the unseen angulent completes the quest for us and if we use it only uses

Of a bit of it it lets us see mana so if someone has auras we could see their affinity and the wizard site also lets us see all entities in the area giving them illuminate and if you decide not to do the wizards council then you can proceed

To make the bracelets of fire or the bracelet of trickery if you like for the other two factions all right let’s make that high tier spell going out a few more things that we can now do in the spell making table we can now cast smite at schedules those are like runes from

Skyrim we can generate walls and we can mitch from ourself all have different varying levels complexity ice damage okay a new modifier is radius and of course damage this spell here is a bit of a doozy and it’s going to take some time to make however

Luckily i have already set up for us over here so we just lay down all the things like we normally do with our metal runes instead of the ground all the ingredients will pop up for you as the normal simply complete the spell ritual draw or throw the required

Symbols and complete the spell and while we got a fun new spell and spells get very cool when they’re amping up so this one we are going to have just leave it as a mitt frost damage but this is a little frost nova so it sends out this ring

Drains mana it’s a channel so we do it for less time it doesn’t do as much but if we do it let’s say next to this chicken it’s going to send out this ring of frost it’s going to hurt everything around it and all spells have a secondary effect

So if we’re in the water when we cast it it’s going to freeze the water in an outgoing bubble but if you want a very good area effect this spells where you want to go from here the oculus’s challenges get rather mundane but they also encourage you to

Play the game of minecraft go exploring and we’ll do the base game and achieve that so the first one we’re going to do is go to the nether that’s pretty simple the one after that is go to the nether fortress so slash locate fortress there we go

And we can just tp to that and get the terrible fortress achievement but if you are playing without cheats you can actually cast two rituals one after the other to help yourself find that fortress so the first one you want to cast is ritual of the wondering wizard and this will

Summon the wandering wizard to you and then from him you can buy a coordinates and there’s quarantines to every single location you can buy from him of course to another fortress and then you cast after that the ritual of locating and this will enchant a compass with

Whatever thomaturgic link you add to it this being the coordinates item and then the compass will direct you to the coordinates that you want so if you want to accords to another fortress it’ll look for the nearest nether fortress and direct you to it right so we got the ritual set

Lay that out then tip here got our compass second tap activates the ritual draws our compass for us simple square should get the ritual done then we got a thalamus compass which will direct us to the nearest ruined portal and all we have to do is follow

The compass to its location and we can choose those locations by trading with that wizard i can only assume that the portal is underground which i didn’t know they could do right here so boom compass less there pretty useful and speaking of locating and finding places one of the places

That we do need to find for this complete is every single biome in the overworld which is very difficult however we can skip that one because we can instead find ourselves a stronghold now we could do the compass but since we’re in creative mode we can do slash locate

Stronghold and just teleport to location and i spy find the fortress at the end of the game and finishing up the oculus missions is reach magic level 40 travel 10 kilometers away from world spawn also much easier with the compass but again we can just use

Commands to do that this should give us about 10 kilometers away and yeah a lot what’s left is just killing wither all this stuff but well that is just stuff you can do anyways so we’ve done all that pretty simple pretty straightforward i’d say it’s really easy one little side note is

There is a greater foci you may need to make and that is made from the lesser foci purified vintian dust a diamond and then a whole bunch of wacky crazy symbols of capotos arcos protos and eventos so let’s see deputy dupedy do and that will make us mixtical foci greater version

Huzzah and now to the ritual that ritual being the ritual the wizard council every time you want to tear up after this point you have to complete the council ritual of whatever faction you chose the ritual begins and now we’re tier four and so on to the final tier of lessons

Which once completed it will bring us to tier v and to ultimate power hello and welcome to tier four right tier four oculus quests what’s on the agenda pass the tier 4 can trip you should know how to do this by now and there we go we cast that pattern we completed it

Never have to do that again by jove then crafted construct using obsidian parts there we go activating with the powers of fire and we got our very creepy obsidian horned head golem which i mean he just looks at you funny you’re like yeah we have completed that

Craft a spell of 75 complexity you know the drill simply put it all together within the table of spell making and this spell here has a complexity of 79 so we go into game mode survival because if you’re in creative mode when you craft one of these spells

It happens to automatically craft them for you like so so we say craft a spell and it’s just made it and so we can’t go through the crafting process and if we can’t go through the crafting process then we actually don’t get the achievement in the oculus and we can all

Advance to the next tier now we go do the ritual drop the vintage dust in ritual started lightning waves it’s going to fill everything in all right there we are putting the vintium dust and get it finished up i swear i’m like not drawing half these patterns

Well it seems to love to draw those so we’ll just do that there there we go that’s that complete now we got our new lightning wave spell which is a very high damaging quite cool spell i’ll just make it like this and well this belt if you want to know what

Lightning wave looks like looks a bit a bit like that and anything in front of you is going to have a very bad time sheeps i guess keeps knocking them along and keep zapping and well pretty simple to make at this point i mean for you playing in survival mode that’s going to

Be a nightmare to make one of those super advanced spells but you don’t actually have to do that you can also do a level three enchantment on the anvil which well a level three or up so level four sharpness is enchantment you can do it requires a fire rune a

Little bit of flint and steel different colored glyphs diamonds and some of this magma cream you craft in here once you get the root room sharpness you put that down on top of whatever you want to enchant with the sharpness as we said earlier and you

Just hammer away at the sucker and of course you can apply more than one enchantment through this method but now we got the sharpness for sword and oh you better look out because this thing’s going to be hitting hard then we have kill the ender dragon obtain dragon

Breath potion obtain a light drift reach level 60 and reached the end all very very fun things to do i think that well for one this is the second time this happened to me with this stupid mod but anyways going to the end simple enough and for

The purposes of this we’re going for go killing the dragon as that takes a lot of time then we have on the list as well i forgot to do these things i accidentally skipped them because they’re already completed is making them while these trans sentient tunnels and a brimstone charm okay let’s cover

These things as they are both required translate tunnel and brimstone all right transient tunnel is created with a clock ender and this little roon delio thing here and then it requires triangle upside circle and upside down triangle so triangle circle upside down triangle do do and this will make for us the

I just love that so much transient which puts holes through things it’s literally the portable hole from foamcraft ported into ours magicka 3.0 portable home for you ladies and gentlemen and then we’ve got the brimstone charm which is also just a very straightforward enchantment requires a moat of fire okay that’s not

Straightforward three gold death to nosy villagers that get in the way two black stone one magma and circle with a triangle and circle with a triangle and then these things the brimstone charm you put them into your rune forge and that’ll make a brimstone forge which is the upgrade

Rune forge then of course dragon’s breath can be gotten through the achievement of having dragon’s breath in your hands so someone can actually bring it to you and place it in your hand and you’ll get the dragon’s breath and same with elytra is someone can hand you

The lytra that’ll give you the lytra achievement and that will give you enough to get nine out of the 11 tasks so we don’t need to reach magic level 60 nor do we need to kill the ender dragon we can now go to the wizards council and

Finish off tier four and go to the fabled tier v that looks funny and we are at tier five with tier five there’s not much left to say but you get ungodly powerful spells at this level so tier five in the oculus you will see nothing left to do you’re at the maximum

Tier everything’s unlocked so you can now make diamond golems you can now make runes of warding you can scribe runes of warden you can mana weave greater man gems make ender disc arcing caps staffs of hellfire spectral wings you can mana weave the final patterns you can cast

The ritual of gate here you can cast ritual of gate which is the upgrade ritual of returning so you add little pips to the eyes of the return and then piece of vintium dust you activate it you put the world charm at the bottom you get a piece of dye for

The top lantern for the middle activate that sucker and this will create a permanent portal of the color that you put in that will always bring you back to the way stone and will not disappear so your gate will always be there which is very handy so you can basically set up a

Permanent way station in between two spots and you don’t have to keep doing that old ritual dealio if you don’t feel like it what else is there at the end well there’s a few new sorceries now you can learn these are much more limited there’s a beam mana transfer mind

Control silence mana shield fire shield all that stuff varies and while you can make some pretty big doozies of the spell oh yes and that power thing is talking about your next complexity is now very high and the two um well i made several spells i’m not sure which ones are new

Which ones are old let’s see so that’s the frost ring we don’t care about that that’s the lightning wall all right so here is smite break which is a what did this and that’s just fun i love this so much and i had this light i had a

Breaking beam but i turned it into a lightning beam so this is my beam of extinct electrocution death have a zombie pool party let’s just say and we just wanted to eliminate all of them we could just shoot this lightning beam for some reason it locks onto their feet

But that is like a million damage and basically kills everything and yeah that’s basically mad artifacts i mean there’s a lot i didn’t cover as you can see there’s a absolute massive amount of stuff left to explore and do but that’s the basics that’s how

You do it that’s how you do and now that you know how to do it you can do it for yourself thank you very much for watching this video i hope you found it useful i hope you can now do mana artifact coming up next will hopefully

Be a more simple review or guide if you would like me if you would like me to review this mod just let me know i can give it a review as well i enjoyed it but i’d also give it a more thorough in-depth view i’ve worked on it quite a

Bit so i can give it a throw and that view i can also showcase it if you’d like but this is the how-to of the mod i could cover things in more detail as well like do every ritual every single spell that sounds insane stuff i could

Do though and yeah let me know what you think if there’s any mods you’d like to recommend for me to look at if there’s things you want how to showcases whatever’s up put them in the comments down below and then we’ll get to them eventually they are voted on by my patrons on

Patreon i guess that means they are voted on at the current point by anna wolfe so thank you very much to her she sponsored this video so to say and yes um until the next one until then thank you very much for watching and i’ll catch y’all next time goodbye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft. How to Mana and Artifice. How To. 1.16.5’, was uploaded by Lorthorn on 2021-09-30 14:00:08. It has garnered 36726 views and 607 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:59 or 4379 seconds.

This is the basics of Mana and Artifice for 1.16.5 a guide on how to do the mod. It’s a magic mode and The official spiritual successor to Ars Magica 2 . A new take on adding magic to the world. It has magic spells spell crafting artificing. A few magic artifacts golems rune magic the works. This long guide gets your from tier 1 too tier 5and covers all the steps you need to do so. I hope you enjoy.

This mod is for forge. Game type java.

mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mana-and-artifice

Here is the discord of the mod: https://discord.gg/R3UWz5cAnj Check this out https://www.patreon.com/Lorthorn


Kimiko Ishizaka

Adrian Von Ziegler

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    Experience the Thrill of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to a thrilling new Minecraft series called “NUCLEAR STRIKE” – episode 1 Teaser. While we are not the creators of this series, we were blown away by its action-packed gameplay and intense storyline. After watching the teaser, we couldn’t help but think about how perfect this series would be to reenact on a server like Minewind. With its intense gameplay and focus on survival, Minewind provides the perfect backdrop for players to create their own… Read More

  • Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale!

    Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft’s Prominence 2: The End Realm As the journey through Minecraft’s Prominence 2 continues, players are faced with new challenges and mysteries. The End Realm, home to the formidable Ender Dragon, has become a boss-like entity known as the End Eye. This unexpected twist marks the beginning of the second chapter, revealing the vastness of the world that awaits exploration. The End Eye: A Formidable Foe The transformation of the End Realm into the End Eye introduces a new level of difficulty for players. This powerful entity presents a formidable challenge, requiring strategic planning and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

    Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies! Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary with Free Party Supplies Addon! 🎉 Are you ready to throw the ultimate virtual party in Minecraft? Look no further! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, you can now get your hands on a special party supplies addon completely free of charge. This addon includes unique decorations, party supplies, and more to take your in-game celebration to the next level. Keep reading to find out how to access and use these special items for your own virtual party! How to Get the Free Party Supplies Addon To get your hands on the free party supplies addon,… Read More

  • New City Gate Revealed!

    New City Gate Revealed! Exploring Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond #6 In the latest episode of Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond, Lennert embarks on the monumental task of constructing a grand city wall, starting with the majestic city gate. Alongside this ambitious project, he delves into completing the Farmer’s Delight Buddycards set, beginning with graded Buddycards sets, pays homage to a statue of a pig, and much more! Building the City Wall Lennert’s journey begins with the construction of the impressive city wall, a vital structure that will define the boundaries of his burgeoning city. The meticulous planning and intricate design of the… Read More

  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

    Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide Making Glass in Minecraft: A Handy Guide Are you looking to add some glass elements to your Minecraft creations? Glass is not only easy to make but also incredibly versatile in the game. Let’s dive into the process of making glass in Minecraft and explore some additional glass items you can craft. Making Glass Blocks To create glass blocks in Minecraft, you’ll need to smelt sand using a furnace. Each sand block will yield one glass block. Make sure you have enough sand blocks, a fuel source, and a furnace ready for the smelting process. If you’re planning to… Read More

  • Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft

    Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft’s Graphics: Low vs High Quality Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft to explore the best and worst texture packs, rating them based on their visual appeal. Meet the Reviewers: Kon: Instagram YouTube Fotis: Instagram YouTube Join the discussion on Discord: Discord Video Highlights: 00:00 – Intro 00:09 – It’s Hip to be a Square 1x 01:40 – 4×4 02:17 – 8x Default 03:34 – Default 04:15 – Faithful 32x 05:09 – Faithful 64x 06:07 – Faithful Canvas 256x 07:14 – LB Photo Realism Reload! 08:37 – Faithful PBR 1024x Demo + BSL 10:13 – Realistico… Read More

  • Ghost Hunting Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Ghost Hunting Shenanigans in Minecraft Exploring the Thrills of Ghost Hunting in Minecraft Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you delve into the realm of horror gameplay. In this video featuring Minecraft Horror Game play, you’ll witness a fusion of the beloved Minecraft universe with the eerie elements of Phasmophobia. Unveiling the Gameplay Experience the thrill of ghost hunting as you navigate through the haunting landscapes of Minecraft. With Phasmophobia making its mark in this gameplay video, expect a unique blend of horror and adventure unlike anything you’ve seen before. Join the Adventure Immerse yourself in the action by… Read More

  • earth

    earthearth is and will be the longest running server of all time and will last for eternity.the purpose of earth is to keep the world running forever, any player can join and do whatever they want, call it anarchy if you will.with a powerful host, capable of maintaining everything, earth is essentially what we will have left once the universe decides to take us all away.server version will be updated always, the current being 1.20.6 Vanilla. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!Well, with a score of 20, it must be more than just a coincidence that this meme is hilarious! Read More

  • Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer

    Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer In the Minecraft world of layered rock, I spent 100 days, ticking the clock. Mining and crafting, building my base, Exploring the depths, at a steady pace. With each block I break, a new challenge awaits, Creatures and dangers, behind every gate. But with skill and wit, I conquer them all, Leaving my mark, standing tall and tall. So here’s to 100 days, in the Layer Rock World, A journey of triumph, my flag unfurled. I’ll keep on exploring, with joy and with glee, In this Minecraft world, where I’m truly free. Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥

    Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥 Perché Minecraft? Because punching trees and building virtual houses is way more productive than my real life. #minecraftlogic #gamerlife #virtualreality #procrastination101 Read More

  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

    New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1 Minecraft Java Edition Playthrough – EP 1 – A New World Embarking on a New Adventure Nine-year-old Alexa Grace D. Elizaga takes on the challenge of playing Minecraft Java Edition in Survival Mode for the first time. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she sets out to explore a brand new world. Surviving the Unknown As Alexa navigates through the game, she encounters challenges like finding sheep for wool and dealing with the dangers of nighttime. Her survival instincts kick in as she builds a makeshift shelter and crafts essential tools to stay safe. Exploring the Terrain Despite… Read More

  • Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Battles

    Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft - Epic Mob BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Redwood Forest as a hacker oh nice I wonder if there are any computers in this Forest that I can hack right away a redstone Golem appeared and he didn’t look happy to see me Red Alert there’s a hacker stop right there this is a no hacking Zone uh-oh I wish I could remember some sick hacker moves to get me out of this situation but I can’t remember anything guess I’d better just run instead I ran as fast as I could but that Redstone Golem was gaining on… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in Minecraft

    Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in MinecraftVideo Information where the [ __ ] are we what the is that the Ender [Music] Dragon and that’s the Enderman uh This video, titled ‘This game is wiild… #lethalcompany #scary #funny #minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZ_MJFINN on 2024-01-15 23:04:28. It has garnered 54 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbait

    Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbaitVideo Information CH P de French French French French French CH de FR frente frente frente frente tem Ti P de frente frente frente frente frente contente This video, titled ‘Subscribe ☺️Ravager vs IRON GOLEM#music #animation #song #game #minecraft #epic #fight #pvp #vs’, was uploaded by Gaming GUAG on 2024-05-11 05:45:02. It has garnered 961 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More


    UNLIMITED AIR & IRON - MANUCRAFT WORLD T3 #32Video Information Hey gente Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo video Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo episodio de la serie mundo manucraft temporada número 3 continuamos del episodio anterior episodio en el cual hicimos una escopeta láser del Industrial Craft e hicimos un montón de máquinas nuevas que de hecho hay muchas más como yo les había dicho en el anterior episodio que iba a ser de cada una de esas máquinas una igual para tener dos de cada una y así agilizar todos los procesos y terminar haciendo otra otras máquinas más y modificando un poco lo que… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)

    Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)Video Information hello why you live because I want to because I want to be live why is my Minecraft not loading up that’s the best question and my fan is dying that’s great that is great so it kind of took me like 2 hours to fix my laptop but it’s but it’s fixed can you hear the fan what is it like I’m back bruh sorry I left for 10 seconds what very slightly what what do you mean by that yeah my fans are like going oh I lost my login street because a computer break great… Read More

  • Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!

    Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!Video Information [Music] goblins tyranny is an expansive Minecraft mod that introduces a vibrant and intricately designed Goblin civilization drawing inspiration from fantasy RPGs this Mod enriches The Game’s world with detailed Goblin societies and provides players with new challenges and interactions players can find Goblin Villages primarily in the plains these Villages are uniquely generated each time featuring a variety of structures including H houses decorations and a Central Square ensuring no two Villages are alike the world is also dotted with smaller Goblin structures such as camps watchtowers and Merchant Caravans each adding strategic or resource elements to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server – Comment NOW! 🔥

    🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server - Comment NOW! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Comment NOW ! #smp #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftbut’, was uploaded by JstJamieShorts on 2024-04-21 03:17:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. What ru doing down here. Today JstJamieShorts (on the JstJamieShorts not the JstJamie channel) plays not Minecraft, But Water … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon – Watch NOW!

    ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon - Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘* 3 HOURS* OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-24 11:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More

  • Coastal Minecraft Trending Viral Video #Clickbait

    Coastal Minecraft Trending Viral Video #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new coastal Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-21 01:23:12. It has garnered 3569 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft animation tiktok shorts minecraft alan becker dancing cow daisy dancing moo bloom moobloom minecraft polish cow minecraft ethobot moo bloom funny meme #shorts #minecraft minecraft memes minecraft challenge dream minecraft funny memes techno gamerz minecraft survival minecraft friend avm shorts animation vs minecraft minecraft but you are immortal minecraft but i cant… Read More

  • Svegon vanilla server

    Svegon vanilla serverI run small servers from a group of friends and potentially a few outsiders. This server focuses of vanilla experience, so I only added a few plugins to make sure people don’t grief you or scam you. 😉 sub.falix.gg Read More

  • dotMINE SMP Server

    Server Information: The IP address is mc.dotmine.se. Features include history, /back, /home commands, land claim, kr€£ plugin, mcmmo, public farms, market for purchasing items. Players are friendly and the server supports both Swedish and English languages. Additional features include /ah, locked chests and doors via LWC. View the map hosted on map.dotMINE.se. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sheep Farming Shenanigans 🐑

    Minecraft Memes - Sheep Farming Shenanigans 🐑Why did the sheep bring a laptop to the Minecraft farm? To make sure they had PLENTY of RAM! 🐏💻 Read More

  • Tree-Waiting Skyblock: Hardcore EP 1

    Tree-Waiting Skyblock: Hardcore EP 1 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, On a skyblock island, where survival is the win. Pollution and temperature, seasons to endure, Challenges aplenty, but victory is sure. I forgot to record the audio, a mistake to rue, But fear not, for now it’s here, for me and for you. Join me on this journey, through highs and through lows, As we conquer the skyblock, where the story unfolds. Minecraft hardcore mode, a test of skill and might, But with determination, we’ll conquer the night. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And let’s dive… Read More

  • Not a diamond block, just a trash panda! 🔥

    Not a diamond block, just a trash panda! 🔥 When you finally find a rare block in Minecraft and it turns out to be a raccoon instead of a diamond block. Talk about a disappointment! #MinecraftProblems 😂🦝💎 Read More

  • Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide

    Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide Unlock Limited-Edition Capes in Minecraft! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add some flair to your character? Well, you’re in luck! Minecraft is offering limited-edition capes that you can easily obtain. These exclusive capes are available until May 31, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to customize your avatar. The codes for these capes will expire on June 30, so act fast to secure yours! How to Get the TikTok Cape The TikTok cape is a trendy addition to your Minecraft wardrobe. To get this stylish cape, simply follow these steps: Visit the official Minecraft website. Log… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live with Viewers CS’s and More!

    INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live with Viewers CS's and More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live ||With Viewers!||Cs’s And More!||Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by ItzMqgicX on 2024-05-26 03:03:10. It has garnered 101 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:52 or 4972 seconds. Yo and welcome! Im Magic/Mqgic.I will be streaming HiveMC and you can join and play! enjoy your time with us.We raid a streamer after EVERY stream! We love supporting small streamers in The HIVEMC Community! Like always there are rules that i shall be going over: [Dont curse [Don’t be toxic [No racism ofc [No stream sniping [Have fun! [how to get raided]… Read More

  • FREEZE your PC with Ice Dragon! | Minecraft Fairycore Part 6

    FREEZE your PC with Ice Dragon! | Minecraft Fairycore Part 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Ice Dragon literally FREEZES my PC ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 6’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-01 00:41:08. It has garnered 1988 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:16 or 3976 seconds. Ice Dragon literally FREEZES my PC ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 6 In today’s episode, I terraform the fairy cave, make a skeleton farm, do lots of exploration and stumble upon the dragons of this fairycore world! 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ♡ Join me on this singleplayer adventure, where… Read More

  • GamingInn – EPIC Minecraft Decor Hack! #minecraft

    GamingInn - EPIC Minecraft Decor Hack! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘COOL DECORATION HACK in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by GamingInn on 2024-04-29 10:19:07. It has garnered 700 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Welcome to another exciting Minecraft shorts video! In this quick guide, we’ll explore some incredibly cool decoration hacks that will elevate your Minecraft world to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, these tips are sure to inspire your creativity and add flair to your builds. In this Minecraft shorts episode, we’ll cover a range of innovative… Read More

  • Insane! Buying ALL Bedrock Addons in Trollsiv3!

    Insane! Buying ALL Bedrock Addons in Trollsiv3!Video Information This video, titled ‘Part 2: BUYING EVERY BEDROCK ADDONS!! AddaCraft planting and chilling!’, was uploaded by trollsiv3 on 2024-03-23 00:00:17. It has garnered 969 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:12 or 1692 seconds. Game: Minecraft Bedrock Welcome to my channel “trollsiv3”, where the popping excitement never stops! ♠ Connect with me : ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trollsiv3/ ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@trollsiv3yt ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trollsiv3 ► Merch: https://trollsiv3.myspreadshop.com ► Dubby: https://www.dubby.gg/discount/trolls?… ♠ Editor : ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/basilbaig ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebasilbaig Welcome to my Minecraft adventures! 🎮🌟 Hey there, fellow gamers and Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎉👋 Join me on… Read More

  • Secret Inventory Hacks Revealed by RealJayden in 2024!

    Secret Inventory Hacks Revealed by RealJayden in 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘Inventory Hacks Everyone Should Know in 2024!’, was uploaded by RealJayden on 2024-01-12 14:00:38. It has garnered 5727 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Inventory Hacks Everyone Should Know in 2024! Use Apex Hosting to host your Minecraft Server with Friends! ➜ https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=9190 ★Social Media★ Instagram ➜ http://instagram.com/RealJaydenLive Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/fnQ5PbT Sub-Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/RealJayden/ #minecrafttricks #minecrafthacks #minecraftprotip #shorts Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Stealing the End Portal at 5pm on SMP!!” #shorts #clickbait

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Stealing the End Portal at 5pm on SMP!!" #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘public lifesteal smp end portal on 5pm #minecraftshort #minecraft #shortsfeed #lifestealsmp #shorts’, was uploaded by DHRUV YT on 2024-03-02 14:34:39. It has garnered 90 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. welcome my channel DEVIL KING ZERO SUBCRIBE LIKE COMMENT join now minecraft smp Ip = DEVILBOYSPLAYFUN.aternos.me Port = 21492 PLAY on Minecraft server survival with friends 👭👬 insta id Dhruv___yt Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack – Clandor’s Sauce Sets Them on Fire! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hack - Clandor's Sauce Sets Them on Fire! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘They just watched me burn! #shorts #minecraft #fire’, was uploaded by Clandor’s Sauce on 2024-01-09 19:22:20. It has garnered 1866 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. they just watched me burn in funny minecraft twitch clips streamer moments toothless memes shorts. In funny minecraft twitch clips streamer moments toothless memes shorts they just watched me burn! Watch the full stream here – https://youtu.be/bI7YaXCHBb4 Watch me live here – https://www.twitch.tv/classyclandor #shorts #minecraft #fire Read More

  • Unbelievable win against top YouTuber in Minecraft! #epic

    Unbelievable win against top YouTuber in Minecraft! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘I won against this youtuber #minecraft #fb #fyp #hypixelbridge #hypixel #pvp #bedwars #4k’, was uploaded by Itscalledme on 2024-03-24 19:45:20. It has garnered 500 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I found a good pvp strategy? Texture pack: Asda 16x Version: 1.8.9 Song used in the video is not mine best minecraft client for pvp, best client for fps boost, best client for cracked minecraft, best offline client for minecraft, smoothest fps boosting client bedwars, bedrush, i mastered bedrush, how to get better at bedrush, secret bedrush… Read More

  • INSANE SHIZO CRAFT – Epic Arena Battle Madness!

    INSANE SHIZO CRAFT - Epic Arena Battle Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enter The Arena – Skibidi Toilet Factory x Upgraded Titan Tv Man x Speakerman #Shorts’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-05-18 20:03:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hc7SaWZvnY-1FHUTWdf2Q?sub_confirmation=1 Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in the vibrant universe of Minecraft… Read More

  • Midnight Projects

    Midnight ProjectsMidNight is a brand new 24/7 anarchy minecraft server. We have 60 player slots with a Semi-Active community. MidNight is crossplay between Java edition and Bedrock Edition (aka Windows 10 edition) midnightsmp.us.to Read More

Minecraft. How to Mana and Artifice. How To. 1.16.5