Minecraft: Kory’s Hilarious Movie

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Kai today we’re reacting to Minecraft the movie oh there’s a movie already I know it’s going to be absolutely insane holy moly I’m so excited you ready to get into this yeah what are we waiting for let’s go all right here we go oh gosh this is going to be

Sick okay and for five apples that’ll be two emeralds oh they’re they’re like trading leave them on the counter while I get your food o emeralds for what okay so let’s see food bro food listen two for whoa three there’s two little ones what the heck they’re coming down

To stealing his stuff and five oh none of them saw that wait where’s the money wait where did the buddy go oh they’re stealing it run faster little guys yeah you’ll never take us alive oh oh my god did he just die uh the pig is

Like hey up holy bully guaca Bly that was weird so why do you need that many apples anyway yeah wait a minute where did the little guys go see uh are you sure about this it doesn’t seem uh very sick what the bro got strapped to a Target would you stop

Being such aaby you ever do that heck no not if you were aiming I’m not the one a uhoh oh she’s clutch it worked dude she’s got the aim of a normally at the end you expect some sort of go but okay I guess I guess somebody’s looking out for Us oh no that’s so painful oops oh no right in the baby maker holy moly guabi he still strapped there how’s he oh why would why would you leave him there he has like 50 arrows in him what zombie mask bra wait is that a zombie or like a

Creeper oh it is a zombie he’s about to pull up some devious pranks oh no I don’t think he learned the first Arrow zombie somebody please help she thinks he’s really a zombie I got you oh you should have seen your face that was priceless oh no oh no she’s going to get a Revenge that Iron Golem seems to be straight for us huh weird the IR goem

Thinks a zombie is realing your mask on wasn’t the best idea Iron Golem is running like top something like that oh gosh Iron Golem’s coming towards him oh no oh no uh take off the mask dude bye it was just a PR he got launched into space Oh my gosh

He turned into a star H oh that’s a pickaxe you can use it to mine Stone and if you’re lucky oh no he’s digging straight down that’s a number one rule not to do why where do you go you find lava or something worse Steve wait you

Forgot the first rule of Minecraft oh yeah she’s L cing me what that never dig straight down oh yeah that’s exactly what you just said oh my God see I told you oh no oh it’s a party does that look like a party low bro what do you mean everyone’s

There and to celebrate something uh well he’s Bing in lava so Alex better not have that stupid smug luck on her face when I respawn what told you yeah I don’t think he’s the smartest guy in the world she had a smug look and done oh she just

Made a portal well done I knew that you could do it what did you do I built a portal that when you step into it you travel to another dimension y really ah I mean I mean gee Alex that di going there all on what dimension would you go to allow me

To be the first to go through you know make sure it’s safe Ste you SM don’t have to do that don’t try to talk me out of it I’m sure it’s completely oh gosh he went that no no no no no no no no no no no no never again

That’s me Noe no no no no thanks thank you bro was like oh no I’m out of there probably should have mentioned it’s a portal to the nether huh I wonder what he saw yeah wait what’s inside there oh my go Surprise wait are they like a birthday party wait uh-oh oh she better run oh no that his a oh he’s got polka dotted panties dude he has worst luck out of if you must know I’m making a beautiful flower garden uh-huh sounds lame well while you’re doing that I’ll be having

Some real fun building a roller coaster with a big jump at the end a roller coaster does sound cooler than a flower garden 10 times better than a flower garden nothing have fun with your stun thing oh I will oh my gosh bro is a master builder

He’s a pro but I kind of get afraid of roller coasters it says easy dude he made it so quickly oh gosh oh no his roller coaster is already moving oh no he didn’t finish the roller coaster dude dude nobody’s there oh oh no the wheels of the mineart are literally

Gone what is he trying to do I think he’s trying to catch up to it knowing him it’s not going to go his way dude he’s going super sonic speed oh gosh what is it I don’t know but I believe it’s called tun tun t it’s t

Hell oh no the T just got into my carart better get the taant no actually for the joke oh gosh uh he ate it I think so oh you’re back already you must be hungry here I some just explode inside of him I’m yeah he’s perfectly fine post indestructible mysterious button in the

Middle of the woods yeah that’s not suspicious at all now the respons thing need put it back where I why would you press something randomly in the middle of the forest what does it do oh do he’s flying it’s anti-gravity lousy thing doesn’t work at all he’s an astronaut uh-oh Alex

Oh gosh he’s going to flip around huh there’s some sort of power dial no no no no no no don’t touch that oh she doesn’t hear him I can see my house from here the village is floating as well didn’t change anything maybe I should turn it

Up more oh no there’s a shooting oh my they’re all flying oh no not again oh dude he’s like the Matrix though he dodged it all y dude the SK Viller oh or maybe it’s one of those press and hold buttons Alex no please don’t touch it oh

Gosh oh he just got sent to the Moon he’s gone oh he cannot survive out in space something oh well I wonder where Steve got off to Bro is she not going to press it again oh no oh no oh no oh that looked painful oh that look Ultra painful painful

Home H Steve would you be able to hand over the sponge water has got in my my boat uh yeah sureo bro just dropped it in the in the ocean what the whole ocean are you okay how is that possible that was quite the fall that’s a strong sponge where can I

Get one what are those things it almost looks like they’re Dancing Yeah Steve stop they’re not dancing they’re in pain they need water to breathe quick go get the sponge but it’s all the way over there how’s he going to get up there okay it

All be okay isn’t this guy like an evil mob why are they trying to save him it’s not working I don’t know but every time he does something something bad happen well there it is oh yep there’s there’s the fish’s family Bruce running away they’re all

Chasing him just leaving her and Y the rules yeah we’ll build you all a house to stay out of the rain in exch change you’ll tell us which one is the better Builder deal dude they’re literally working with Mobs that’s crazy good look at the out of the way starting positions

Oh starting positions let’s go that’s set who do you think is going to win Alex Bro Alex just seems better I’m not going to lie yeah she seems to know what she’s doing oh Alex is going oh okay okay I see you oh that’s a pretty good score

Yes yes yes yes all right let’s see what that Steve what does Steve do oh my gosh he’s crazy it’s what where did he get the skill out of nowhere incredible oh Steve they’re Going and that’s how you do it t across the board well done Steve you deserve that win oh Steve look that parrot is going to land on your building yeah it is oh wait is it waitone won’t find a way to stop it what’s the big deal

Deal now I know what it looks like it’s just a cut out completely wait what he cheated oh my gosh Alex always cheesing it somehow I mean Steve is cheesing it yeah oh they all removed the one Po got a zero and bird poop I’m just saying I

Find it crazy how you’d say that ghosts aren’t real yeah and I’m just saying that I’ve never seen something that can’t be explained by like that was just the wind or someone must have moved that ghost are 100% real okay I think you’re just have you ever seen a ghost no but

Like ghosts look at me my name’s Alex and I’m so big and brave to potioning bits you want to come get a potion and uh not be visible we got a visible potions can’t be seen look got vegetarian potion is that Rick from you Alex yeah it looks just like

That oh he’s becoming invisible and going to try to prank her as a Ghost oh no every time he’s done something it’s never gone right though well no biggy I hope this prank works it would be hilarious should really get that light fixed bro she’s not scared at all guess we redecorate it she’s braver than not how is that pig surviving upside down

Why is there parrot in the fridge that’s a better question I must have caught it so quickly it didn’t have time to fall yes that ah come on nothing I’m doing is working I need to think of something so scary that the only possible thing it could be is a ghost so to set the mood I need Thunder but not just thunder

Lightning and now for some creaking on the roof you think think he can do that oh bro he’s getting the mom help on the door as hard as you can got it all right you know what I think Ste is smarter than we look now real bro to

Strike this is a lot of effort for a prank I got to give him a 10 out of 10 for the effort cre yeah but we’ll see we’ll see how it ends wait did he just say the word Creek I know right who’s there Al Al oh

How is he lifting three things at once o hey Steve O who is this steeve I know I can see you right H I’m sorry Alex how does he always this I scared you enough you would believe that ghost are real she’s so much better than nothing you could do that would possibly

Change my mind well that’s not me doing that that’s an actual ghost Oo oh I’m a little scared wait is this a villager wait it’s that funny guy from earlier does anybody have a cup of sugar we’ve run out and I’m making a k oh they’re gone Alex are you in here the Villager is my favorite I know right

He’s so funny she’s not in huh well this looks strangely familiar it was just a PR oh oh it’s the map of where we live oh I I’m sure she wouldn’t notice if I borrowed this for a while then by a while you it’s a big map

Buddy oh my God wait what oh he lit controls the World by controlling the map wonder what this could be used for hey what jeez don’t scare me like that yeah being scared isn’t very nice is it intent so um what’s she working on oh oh you she’s

Got to find the map reg old Steve stuff you think if he holds all the way he crushes himself well since you’re not busy why make a cake uh yeah sure what do you need H it says three parts wheat oh wait what is he doing which I think I

Saw a field of it just over that Hill uh are you sure it’s that hill and not this one instead why TR I just happen to have some already are they not looking at all okay so now for wait how did he get the uh he didn’t even walk what is he doing

Say anything about oh he’s folding the map and all the items are coming towards Him you just eat a raw EG Alex I have your sugar sugar for you and your sugar right here I’m putting it right here Alex right here bro has a Sugar Rush Oh no dude when I had that as a kid I went everywhere off the wall one perfect egg

Coming right up a little bit this bit of this give one of these done now Alex now now tell me tell me tell me tell me tell tell me and lastly three buckets of milk okay that’s three delicious buckets [Applause] yep three very hard buckets of milk has

Requested just got a nut shot that’s oh that looks like it hurt everything need to make the perfect cake I’ll put all of this together and Shout for you when it’s ready a I’m such a good friend to her maybe I should give myself a little

Reward for being so nice maybe it should be uh oh I don’t know a bunch of diamonds a bunch of diamond oh that is not a diamond that is not a diamond I’ll just leave this here to cool down for a while oh gosh what happened to the Creeper oh no bro when is steeve ever going to get a good ending never no girls allowed nobody’s hiding here have you seen my map I can’t find it anywhere hey Alex didn’t see you from all the way down there holy moly czy house remember a few weeks ago when I

Maybe sort of lust unfairly at a building contest you mean when you cheated yeah well best to just forget about it well let me show you the new and improved House of Steve that’s pretty cool but it’s kind of word to use for a house what happens

If you want to go to the market but you know it’s a house I want to a winner here have toce you Alex you haven’t even seen the inside yet let me show what you mean the inside looks super small it’s got a kitchen a bathroom a balcony AO

Landing library an office a toilet Conservatory an attic dining room firep shower wait wait wait wait wait what how is this possible oh I see realizing how much better my house is than yours you stopped me before I could finish as to not rub it in so transparent there is no

Way all attention it was a shower way too keep up uh sure but before that did you say fireplace uh-huh Alex okay I think I know what I said okay okay he has a fireplace in a wooden house you built a fireplace I guess in a house

Uh-huh made of wood see oh yes honestly Al I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about building a little fireplace in my little house made of wood oh I think you realized oh gosh oh my gosh catch me catch me catch me catch me don’t worry Steve I’m oh oh she even

TR she so hard on go up in Flames I’m sorry to hear that Steve how long did you spend on it like a hole 30 seconds 30 seconds map didn’t you I may have stolen your map yes oh Alex I’ve got a present for you he’s not oh Steve you should oh gosh

It’s Christmas it’s a seasonal gift typically wrapped in paper with a bow on top but that’s not important right now now well go on open it and find out oh gosh what do you think he got her uh candy cane maybe he got a necklace is

That R I’m the GI what what a little version of him Kitty what that what did that what cat just bark oh Steve it’s so wonderful to see our village covered in all this snow look even the villagers are making the most of it oh the villagers again they’re playing

A that looks like fun like I said I really love these villagers they just like me for real what’s happening yeah they’re just up in the sky is that you huh that’s weird H it’s almost like they moved moved as in like they’re alive next you’ll be oh the Min figures

Of them are inside the snow glow too wait what Alex you don’t think that no Steve of course we’re not what if they actually SN glob I’m telling you they spoke wait you don’t think this tor SN in a snow globe turn it off and find out

Holy bully wait what if they’re also in a snow globe no I don’t think there’s a third one oh my God they’re screaming they’re screaming I’m screaming they got de like s calm down the key is not to panic uh you don’t think there’s somebody controlling us do

You oh no there definitely is take it back now’s the perfect time to Panic you B me they knew what see aliens are real yeah but the alien was controlling everyone the whole time I guess so this one makes sense why my luck is so bad also no I think you’re just bad Alex yeah I think you’re right hey Alex Alex Bro she’s snoring so loud

Throw a pillow at her dude is that a is that a firework oh oh good you’re awake he really scre so uh I found something super Co I want to show you but you know whenever you’re ready I’ll be out here waiting okay Alex just like me for real

Rush I said I got it and Steve is just like me for real so real ready that’s it wait teleported looking for someone how did you get all the way over here Alex let me introduce you to the tation device I can throw it as far as I want okay see

That makes more sense wh I’m there that’s sick can you imagine if we had in real life teleportation I know right how cool is that I would throw it like across the ocean go let you just fall the oce look like that’s going I’m super strong oh no he just broke it what

Happens if you break one oh nothing nothing look see everything’s completely fine and definitely not cracked see look wait what happened okay before you say anything he looks like a giant thumb no looks like that this is all part of a plan that I made perfectly to plan it’s not it’s

Not really smart and you don’t get it she’s laughing like crazy you done something with your hair wouldn’t you be you look different oh my gosh Alex you’re so funny on I can’t wait to see what you come up with next is that a oh

Gosh that’s a chicken oh no is he going to mix with the chicken oh don’t you dare yo I got to laugh at Alex on this one yeah I’m with her on this too chicken Steve hello uh don’t want to be a bother but there’s a funny looking

Bird flying around and we don’t know what to do funny looking whoosh wish here it comes wao he has an elytra the bed it that so like wings in Minecraft telling me what those are Oh you mean the uh el el for okay you know what they’re wings

That’s what we’re going with wings why do you have them excuse me did you see what I just yeah he was he was C want far as the see want some real she talking about it makes me want to do it again you’re going all the way to the

Top of that thing yeah what’s the big deal oh that’s right you’re scared of heights aren’t you I wouldn’t say SC more like um rationally terrified what’s there to be worried about how about the fact if it goes wrong you can be squished in an instant goes wrong Alex

Is thinking like a nerd he just got to send it for real send it dude I’m afraid of heights I’m with Alex y baby seem to be the only what happens if you can’t a little pool of water I guess you’re going fly up to y y y you do you Alex

What’s that hey look flies a bunch of flies Hello Alex oh hey would you like some cheese I must warn you it tastes pretty weird you you know that’s sponge right not cheese yeah that’s what I was going to say bro he’s still 0 he does

Not care wow I need to really start working out more got to stitch okay it’s gone that is so high up Alex I told you thisy was going all way to the moon and done come on come on fly fly fly complete with flowers would you stop that yeah yeah

This is going really well so far let’s go Steve no it’s oh no he killed a bunch of flies too I’m why is he fly again well I don’t need this anymore oh no uh-oh Steve Pull Up oh that looks like it hurt woo that cheese is thirsty really great job I’m building that hole by the way look maybe next time filling it with water would have been the smart thing to do looks hilarious are you okay yeah just bit into this thing and a tooth fell out do

You know what this means that there’s a stupid Gap in my teeth I mean yeah that too but you’re going to have a visit from the Tooth Fairy the Tooth fa Fairy the Tooth Fairy know put a tooth under a pillow and I do know the Tooth Fairy he

Just never gave me money come on first the ghost now fairies sometimes I think you say things just to mess with me that’s Santa Claus when you go to bed put it under your pillow and find out for yourself you got cold twice a year I

Know right they really did not mess with me does he really expect this to work we’ll see with that taking care if she’s like you and get nothing to do now other than lie here and maybe I hope so so I’m not alone she just passed out like crazy ooh

What if she gets Diamond I can’t believe we’re going to see a real life fairy how long do you think it will take it to get anytime Now what if the fairy actually appears that’ be crazy well how about now I’m really hoping so nothing’s happened you think I don’t see that if she doesn’t get here soon then there’s no way Alex is going to believe Me if only there was a way to make Alex think she saw her wait what what are they going to do un L they scheming for real you know this wasn’t what I had in mind what you shush I don’t want to wake her up if that’s my

Tooth fairy I’d be super happy are you the Tooth Fairy uh Cory if you woke up to that wouldn’t you be scared fairy I I just laugh I mean Tooth Fairy VI sorry I’m late traffic was oh the real one but you can there’s a Tooth

Fairy I’ll see myself out oh my gosh hi you’re Steve I mean I I I’m Steve B fan of your work could you sign my shirt you know what forget I even asked you you’re probably super busy for someone like me right I bet you are excuse me one sec come on Steve

Together Alex I believe you have something belong to yes of course why does the Tooth Fairy want teth anyway now isn’t she a be that’s a good question is she making like a tooth oh Magic there we go so what do you do with all the teeth you collect that’s what I

Would you like to know yes we would that’s why we asked no but really so she was real hey Steve uh do you mind if I keep the W it’s it’s really cool uh sure it’s not like it does anything anyway when guardium lasagna that’s not how you say a lasagna

Whatting lasagna he a Las a floating lasagna Steve are you in there Alex if you’re reading this then I’m not home I’ve gone to collect wood to fix the leak in my roof no need to look into it any further whatever you do don’t look through the window because I’m definitely 100% not

There this sounds Super S this was Steve by yeah that’s a very long note fall out of stone wait that’s him though good morning so who the put what is that a robot villager oh no no no no no don’t touch that oh my gosh you’re a girl okay

Okay um hi I’m Ben hey Ben that’s how I what’s wrong with him yeah but when you do that all the girls run to laugh or think I’m weird he’s kind of one of my inventions you’re an inventor okay okay you didn’t laugh normally people laugh

But you didn’t W yes yes he’s one of my latest Creations he’s got W he can’t be like you I’ve got no idea who that is right he’s sleeping in that house over mumbling something about a was not therey or I don’t know sleeping in the afternoon yeah he does that a

Lot there a way to see into other people’s Dreams yeah but it’s fun tole I think I know just the thing don’t go anywhere stay right here I’ll be back in a tick wow this guy’s really entic back sorry for the wait to find some spare parts o let’s see if this works

That’s going to let him go aside his dreams I I I don’t know I think that is this like a vring lasagna wrong house try the one a little more to the left ah there you go huh wo there to be more weird you might want to turn around all hell Ste

Wa yeah that’s more like oh my gosh everyone except for the End Dragon Save Us fear not nasy voiceman for it is I Steve here to save the day no Steve no and There underwear again oh Alex hey you’ll never guess what just happened in my dream I dreamt that there was this

Huge Dragon attacking our village and when it landed next to us uhh I defeated it with my super cool sword scared it away okay I save the day and everyone was cheering my name Steve Steve you’re so awesome and there was a huge statue of you yeah

There was wait a minute how did you know that him new guy good morning hello Steve how did you stack the hay all the way up uh you know what never mind hey Alex do you know where you left the shovels I can’t find them anywhere there

In a shed outside who you s she sick as head terrible thanks it’s just a little bit of hey fever hey fever is it uh is it contagious what about what about bye fever get it cuz you’re say hey and bye I knew that I was just checking highever

Ew e ew e there’s a snot bubble where on your face my face it’s getting bigger face no the bubble what do I do that’s disgusting wipe it away something anything uh-oh what oh no don’t don’t do it no ST Steve get out of there pH that was a close one

I did oh my gosh sent him to like the next Dimension much better at least he found the shovels oh my gosh Steve I’m so sorry are you okay how did she said them that far I’m fine I know but she broke the you really need to get those sneezes

Under control oh no what’s she doing Alex look away from the head oh now I get it holy moly dude she made a mountain after that sneeze wo Alex is op oh no come on hurry up before Alex wakes what are you up to mister oh boy here we

Go I mean Alex hey long time no see who are you hiding from what hiding no way that’s crazy talk mhm so you’re not spying on Ben over there okay so what if I am he’s been working all day on that why is he spying on him any idea what it

Does I don’t know but the bird seems like he’s making like DJ music that’s a command block W oh my gosh huh you thinking what I’m thinking that we should leave it alone and not go near it that is massive G oh my gosh oh my gosh you could tell it’s real science

Because of all thewhere near it Steve whatever you do he’s definitely going God do your thing he’s becoming super big wo wo in awe at the size of this lad what an absolute unit okay buddy nothing to see here how how did talking like you because you’re Jack right I’m so Jack oh

Hey go to the gym eight out of seven days a week more like 20 dude this is awesome he’s so big oh gosh no no not the bird biger can stop or else I’m going to fall over the machine isn’t listening to me I can’t stop power cord

Oh my gosh he’s going to go outside of the universe Redstone carries power break the Red I think I got it I think it’s too late Cory power activated oh come on we back up power ladies and gentlemen I bring good news good news I love good news good news is the best kind of news yes the legend is true the tant it exists

What where is it it’s a secr place far away you know the nothing bad can happen to what’s that oh the TNT no the T oh my holy moly sorry dude he’s bive you like some cheese I’m serious they call me the hide and seek champion champion more like cheater Champion

Sounds better I challenge you to a game but we both know I would win o I love playing games isn’t that right Alex yes it is yes I would yes I would I’m so good at Pro I don’t know but it sounds like you again talking to girls dude are you

Serious dude when you go up new guy I need your help fast hey Steve what’s up sec to hide from Al I mean to hide my diamonds yes that hide my diamonds help me secret base guess you’re in luck I finished one earlier today it took quite a while to get all

Of the redst all right yeah yeah that’s great show me yeah stop being yapping here W you you’re a genius SI well I wouldn’t go that far but thank you oh and before I forget don’t touch anything red in there I put a few traps in to

Kick people out ready or not here I come yeah okay trap Maps let’s wrap this up I’ll be taking that thank you oh no I don’t think he listen he’s definitely going to touch the red stuff mind huh I wonder what Alex is looking for oh well back to work huh where’d she

Go Alex is never going to find I have a bad feeling about this uh yeah you can’t see anything everything’s probably red it’s probably super scary that’s so cool okay how many monsters do you think are down there Steve is awesome oh that’s just rude come on where are you where are

You he’s right alive below you there’s got to be some sort of light switch around he’s under the house you might want to look there now oh gosh looks more like a dark P oh no he’s touching the red stuff all traps uh-oh oh no oh that’s painful the wall it

Talks thinks the house is oh my gosh hey remember this thing oh wait I remember this thing he’s about this High dud he definitely got shot at the balls or something trou hope not again and does he shout a lot you know him never heard of

Him please be the way out please please please please please no stop pressing buttons dude ejecting Intruder that’s not what I meant this guy’s doing everything wrong holy he just got shot up in a rocket found you oo my name’s Steve I’m the Champion you’ll never find me I’m the

Wait why do you look like a hedgehog it’s a long story and the Finishing Touch wheat there’s no way any chicken could possibly resist this trap what do you think spooky we talking to an imagary he just to say all that you’re going to make me my real friend what are you talking

About he’s standing up something’s coming sure sure SC over chicken trap is he making I don’t see anything why does he just hunt a chicken like normal how would you hunt the chicken like noral day the sun is shining bird get in the nothing could possibly ruin this

Moment just like that w i one one huh that’s a weird looking chicken Steve you got to help me I’m stuck oh hey it’s Alex hi Alex look I’ve got a new friend uhhuh yeah that’s great help me already hey look I found this glowing bucket glowing bucket no

Way but uh it’s getting kind of hot don’t drop it too late he dropped it that wasn’t full of lava was it oh my gosh oh no not my fault Steve need to do something oh no Alex is in danger Don’t Panic Don’t Panic I’m panicking what do I

Do spooky that’s it Alex Spooks has an idea an idea yeah he says if I lower him down you can grab a hold and then I can lift you up safely that’s actually a really good idea I know he’s very smart well hurry up already from you’ve got to

Wait I guess so the lava get closer what why oh no to be more dramatic are you kidding me yeah okay that looks good all right grab on that’s actually a really good plan wait for once Steve did something good I know right W Steve but your friend is cute you hear

That spook you’re fitting in here already she wants a look at that Widow face me give old Ste for saving kind of bad Cory ow my foot uh-oh are your eyes closed they’ve been closed for the past 20 minutes okay great and know you’re kind of right she is Alex I present to

You the sand castle but you just said it wait don’t you mean but like I was joking no oh yeah so was you in the secret chest yet the what secret chests Alex trust me there aren’t any okay I’ve searched every inch of that place top to bottom I’m absolutely positively 100%

Sure that there aren’t any oh hey look chest see yeah a secret chest told you he just said he was 100% sure there wasn’t any Steve wait you see that pressure plate in the middle of the room touch it touch it it yeah well don’t

Step on that okay did she say two and you open those two yeah sure sounds good just some string and a bone you yeah same let’s hope our second chest gives us something good a more junk watch I bet he gets like a golden apple no way

Ooo what’ you find uh I mean no way this chest is empty too frustrating St a bad actor thought you found something good oh well there’s loads more of these in the desert fall for back up come up when you’re ready uh-huh be right there I can’t believe got away with it

Two whole diamonds all to myself share it with her better get up that ladder before I would there what oh no uhoh run run run run Steve could never be happy oh hey look diamonds bro what dude she got it no matter what aw dude cute little be sure are

Loving my flower garden a look there’s even a family burn mommy be Daddy be dude you like bees there baby bees what’s wrong with you I don’t I don’t like bees all right I’ve had it oh boy if I hear one more stupid buzzing sound

I’m going to lose it I think I think he think the same way you do tell me you hear the buzzing sound I’m thinking buddy come on with me burn it from the bees the bees you mean those annoying little floaty things oh no he should not have said that in

Front of them sorry please don’t hear me aren’t they just lovely just watch they dance flower to floweral all they do is float around like’s no in my I’m a bee sometimes I get stuck in the house and I can’t find my way out the window I just came in

It’s so true I do that too but you don’t see me bragging about it all right if you say so jealous of Mis I’m going to get back to reading be nice to the bees and they’ll be nice to you okay see you later so corny I’m never going to be

Able to sleep with all this noise maybe if I destroy their nest they’ll have to find another place to live that’s a boy get it steeve you really outdone yourself this time what the heck you’re just like Steve actually distract them mhm Yoo over you got be smar did

Somebody order one fresh flour with extra pollen I bet you did come and get it oh wow okay maybe this is not the brightest idea hey you’re just holding it oh okay they all dodg them good they’re distracted you be like a football play I can’t reach the nest be

A good sport and stand still okay I’m going just climb up here oh gosh this is not a smart idea dude excuse me one second steever does is a smart idea and T I already know this is going to end really badly oh come on what do you

Think is going to happen uhoh uh maybe all the bees will come and sting his cheeks why is the buzzing getting louder I really hope not oh gosh dude it’s going to touch us yeah oh no dude Steve you better run before they sting your

Butt wait a minute why does it have legs no on it was I didn’t really need it oh Steve bro Steve always be doing this type of thing right I’ll be the first to say it we’re lost lost wait that’s that’s how you spell it right would you settle down for a

Second a w what are you talking about it’s l a a Steve was right that’s Steve is always right really you’re going to choose now to save it for when we get out of here okay i r s t go check for a way out behind that rock over there you mean

This one oh gosh that’s what a terrible idea come on we’re going to be up all night trying to think of something wait a minute up Alex that’s it okay hear me out why look for the way that we came in when we could just dig straight up and make a

New one instead don’t think that’s out say that earlier yeah you are going to say oh wow Steve how do you think of all the best ideas I wish I could be there that smart and handsome and smart and make you make the best pork chops in the

World oh well I know just leave them on no but really I remember reading about this what bro that’s so s hang on for a sec I’ll look it up sure you do that I’m going to be over here definitely waiting and not leaving you behind 23 24 you st leave her behind

What’s that up there I know right those thinking it’s wise to mine straight up kind of looks like it’s getting closer beware of falling uh-oh ah Steve oh it’s gra watch out for the falling gravel oh yeah that would hurt he got oh my gosh say where’d he go

Well he kind of did that to himself Alex watch out for the oh my gosh dude bro poor Steve okay Steve I don’t want any cheating this time got it me oh they’re doing another building competition that doesn’t sound like anything I do said no cheating this time

You think he’s going to cheat right I still think he’s going to win cuz like remember last time when he B that roller coaster it was insane Co catching ah they want to show it off to all their friends okay I get it all right Alex time for round two

Ready to lose in your dreams Steve three two trip her one and hey you forgot to blow the whis oh my gosh dude that’s not fair come on okay come on Al place a few of these and a couple of those maybe a couple of them

And a fire BL no not the fireplace St in my head that would have burn it down um a couple of oh yeah Steve did that last time burned down his already started wait there’s a there’s something shining over there wa I’ve never seen this kind of

Ore before huh I wonder what this button does huh another one it spawns in the blocks this gives me and idea dude he can make like a disco house that’s so cool I just finished your house don’t want to toot my own horn but I think

You’re going to love it want to come and see give you the tour it’s got a couple of Windows natural light is important but not too much I know you like to stay in the a couple of flowers dance a home without a few com beds to snooze on what you think think

Think you should turn around and feast your eyes on my house thiso house but it’s just a tiny Cube that’s it do look has so much more roomed window you name it uhhuh that’s all well and good but uh Alex all they said was they wanted it to be the most

Eye-catching house okay we’ll see let’s ask them which one they like more I look like Alex’s house better your yeah at first I didn’t but she has a bed no way in your face Alex just cuz it’s shiny you guys picked that one flossy got some sick moves spawn those

From my command block did you oh gosh no way okay but if you did I must warn you that those blocks disappear after a minute they what now uh oh no no the skeletons oh gosh are they going to set the whole house on fire my house after

All because they were on fire yeah wait a minute oh wait I guess it did it hey Alex can I use your furnace mine’s not working of course you can what you going to cook you’re not going to believe it I found this funny green speckled egg

Thing lying on the ground no idea what turtle but boy am I hungry St you just found the turtle egg chilling there exactly did you find that egg guess uh on the Beach oh no oh no the beach oh no we’ve got to get there right away why what’s the matter just

Hurry Steve get down you don’t want her to see you go who’s her Alex you’re not making any sense so peaceful okay that is a turtle egg they’re very small and very fragile we need to get it back to the mother before she noticed what’s wrong with you oh that’s easy I’ll just

Walk over there say footb hello have a little bit of talk give her back the egg and walk away done are you crazy if she sees us walking up with one of her EXs that’s not going to end well have you ever seen a protective Mama turtle in

Attack mode yeah and it’s a turtle can they just run I haven’t but I imagine it’s very slow and very painful it’s like an oce on slow yeah okay Fair Point all I know is we need to get it back to her before it Happ oh oh I think it’s

Hatching Alex why is there a little alien inside the EG it sees them does it think it’s their m going to eat this don’t be so no idea it’s a wiow turtle so C little one we’re going to get you home safe okay all right I’ll

Sneak baby turtle back to the other eggs in the meantime I need you to distract the mother think you can manage that uh I don’t know Alex being the center of attention yeah it’s not really my thing what why are you looking at me like that

What are you doing yo if they taught that baby turtle karate be a ninja turtle I mean that’s so truey big turtle Mama I’ve got something really super important to tell you but uh I can only really do it if you’re facing me uh-huh that’s it keep going

Going you’re good you’re good still good yep just a little more 10 years and stop that took off like 20 years of his lifp okay I just wanted to say that you are really rocking that shade of green today like wow is he TR love to show my

Friend if she would hurry up is getting weird I’m sure she’s busy place it back place it back here you go little one you’re safe are you wearing makeup you’re not oh bro try to turle oh you have that natural turttly beauty that all the other Turtles wish they had so G

Do you model RZ did it work if by worked you mean one happy reunited family then yeah it worked it totally worked we did a good thing today Steve now come on let’s head back home home but what about the other eggs other the other ones oh my

Gosh where did he hide all of these how did a turtle even get that many babies how did you fall asleep so fast dude they have like hundreds of them but that was pretty good dude they have a very interesting life no cap yeah that was actually one of my favorite movies this

Year and if you guys enjoyed make sure to subscribe and if you want to watch another video click on the screen right now bye guys bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft the MOVIE! (Funny Animation)’, was uploaded by Kory on 2024-01-16 15:00:11. It has garnered 24074 views and 522 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:58 or 3118 seconds.

Minecraft the MOVIE! (Funny Animation)

●Twitter: @koryin ●Instagram: @koryinyt

Minecraft the MOVIE! (Funny Animation)

#minecraft #minecraftmods #kory

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  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

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  • FlickerMc

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  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

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  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

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    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More