Minecraft Polyworld 1.18.1: The Ultimate Reset Revealed!

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That was weird I I I think we’re live but YouTube didn’t actually refresh the page that was weird hello everyone and welcome back to more Minecraft poly World hello welcome back to the stream uh last time we left off here in the new chunks in this new

Biome uh this biome is kind of lame actually like it’s similar to the glaciers in INF death plus that I implemented the other week but it’s worse somehow like I guess because it’s like flatter and a bit more boring like it doesn’t have the eyce spikes or anything it doesn’t look wacky enough

Basically it looks realistic yeah we had a a brief discussion about this uh last stream uh near the end um as to why I don’t like the modern terrain and this is exactly why it it’s way too smooth way way too maybe not even like realistic okay there’s some ice Pikes over here

But only sure ice Pikes I think we already have the ice Pikes biome but yeah like overall this doesn’t feel like Minecraft anymore to me powder snow should have never been added I actually like Powers powdered snow that’s one thing I I’m going to defend uh the that uh modern has the

Powdered snow because um I just realized uh snowy PLS and it uses tiger trees interesting guess I should do the same cuz it’s quite a big issue in INF f plus since the regular trees kind of stand out from the ground uh but yeah anyway

Um I forgot I lost my train of thought now uh oh yeah Power s St is a good addition because it adds an extra layer of challenge I guess when traversing the terrain and it’s kind of similar to quick sand it’s basically the same thing

As quick sand but in the in the snowy biomes I might even consider adding it in um in uh Whatchamacallit in INF def plus but uh I don’t know yet I definitely already have um quick sand implemented but um yeah I’m briefly considering powdered snow as well which is is

Basically going to be the quick sand equivalent in the glacier biome that would be pretty cool and it would also be like covered up by snow like this probably and so you have to like uh it’s going to catch you off guard that just that that just sounds funny and it would

Make the the biome itself more threatening as well ice bikes and Glacier are different biomes essentially yeah that that’s what I really don’t like about the modern biomes is that there’s so much filler like why not just combine Glacier and Ice spikes that way you have something

That looks even cooler and you don’t have to like limit people or force people to explore so much so many biomes that’s like artificial quotequote Improvement of exploration if you ask me cuz why not have in instead of a bajillion different biomes um that have like very minor

Differences between one another why not just have a a much smaller more condensed selection of biomes which makes every biome more unique you know I I just don’t understand that that mindset that Moen have like again as as I mentioned uh they could easily just combine uh the the glacier biome and the

Ice Pikes into one biome and that way it’s not only more unique but also it like occupies less of the world I guess that’s just something that doesn’t really make any sense to me how Ming do things Al there’s a lot of cod biomes over here I really need to find some warmer

Ones think a lot of the game could be compressed into the amount of content without losing anything in quality yeah exactly like there’s so much straight up bloat in the modern game I sure you might criticize me for adding uh quotequote bloat in if death plus I get

It but just take a look at model just take a look at how many freaking options there are for building that like blocks that essentially look almost identical to one another like the new bricks for example or uh a bajillion different colored blocks that you don’t really

Need a lot of blocks that not many people even use for builds it’s the same thing with the biomes as well there’s like so many different biomes they have very small differences between one other like the flower Forest is another good example it’s just a regular Forest but with

Flowers wow even a flower planes would have been better because the planes are kind of boring on their own if they had more color that would be nice like they added huge mushrooms right oh but they added the huge mushrooms all the way back in oh

Great the game is just given up here they added the huge mushrooms all the way back in beta though so maybe that’s maybe that’s why back when mink actually I wouldn’t say cared but back when they were willing to take risks let’s put it that way so yeah I guess I guess that’s

Why the the huge mushrooms exist but why not add huge flowers it it makes sense they they can probably make them look a lot better than than I have in in if f plus but don’t you agree that that will make the flower Forest a lot more unique you

Would still have all the flowers and even trees but you would also have giant flowers which not only adds more color to the game but also makes the biome itself more unique I just don’t understand a lot of these like biome variants like on paper um it’s a great

Idea you know add more variants to biomes so that people can like have an incentive to explore on paper that’s great but the biomes themselves in the biome variants especially are like so underwhelming it’s just yeah this biome spawns a different type of of tree or

Even worse just the same exact biome as the base version but with like more flowers for example there aren’t that many biomes that are very unique like the Mesa the Mesa is a great example and that’s why I like the Mesa that’s why I added the

Mesa INF plus cuz I think it’s a it’s a fantastic biome and they should add more biomes like that or like the the Volcan volcanic Wasteland that’s like the last Bome that I need to implement and I decided to go for it because it’s Unique I don’t think building bloat is much of

A problem since it generally benefits projects project Builders but I find the process of gathering that pallet a bit oh crap jungle a jungle how many biomes do I need to find I need to find eight more biomes oh my God also need to find medows I don’t

Think I found medals I don’t know where meals generate I guess but I I also don’t like blo with building materials like I added the the Cobalt variants of the new Stones because I realized the Cobblestone is honestly like a major plays a major Row in old

Builds so I was like if I have these colored stones why not add colored cobblestone as well you know you give people more options I’m not against giving people more options don’t get me wrong but I’m against giving people too many options like a lot of blocks that

Are similar to one another and by by the end of the day you you’re going to end up using just one or maybe even neither of them so a good example is I guess with BTA I know everyone’s favorite I’m probably going to be crucified here for

Criticizing BTA and don’t don’t get me wrong BTA is a fantastic mode it’s very well made by lovely people uh beautifully crafted and designed no intended uh but even that one I have some nitpicks with um a very minor one but one nonetheless is uh with how they

Handle their um Stone types uh yeah they have the Cobble variant but they also have a a polished variant which doesn’t even look all that different at least judging from the screenshots from the regular Stones like I I I don’t understand why that that’s a thing like I I

Never by that point why not just have one of them like the one that looks better cuz for example if I like polished uh let’s say freaking I don’t know Granite um I would only use that like yeah sure you could argue that yeah you

Can like mix mix and match it I I I get it but still I lot of people like the people who actually build that way who actually utilize almost if not all of the blocks in the game are very few at least I I I presume that they’re very

Few most people just build a regular house out of one or two materials and cover a day they’re just trying to add as much as possible so the game feels more filled with content oh he hey Del Moss welcome back yeah I get that it’s it’s

At the end of the day it’s a business you know like Microsoft Big Daddy Microsoft is like uh you guys have to keep working on the game and they’re holding like a a gun towards freaking Jeb or whatever but uh I get it but I

Wish it wasn’t like this I know that MOJ probably can’t do much about it they’re probably even told by Microsoft what to actually do or at least like a general guideline as to what they should be focusing on and because Microsoft is a billion dollar corporation that can never have

Enough money um they they want to milk the game for as long as possible and I guess that’s why a lot of the recent updates have been so underwhelming but I just wish it wasn’t like this you know I wish that maybe not that Notch was still around like he

Wasn’t even doing much but I wish that mojen I guess had more freedom um into what they they to do what they want to do and not follow like any rudimentary guidelines to keep the game going for 100 years or whatever looks different I’ve seen the Sprites I don’t know for the screenshot

I it looked very similar yeah that that’s their choice I’m not here to like judge them I’m just guess questioning it a little bit guess I just don’t see the point in it and where are The Meadows that’s a forest this is a Plains clearly getting more popular no there’s

Not new people Jonas also welcome back there aren’t new people D moss uh just hasn’t been on for a while but they’re not new was a lush cave I was lied too to take it out on this child getting more popular really I mean I guess I wouldn’t know

Cuz I don’t really like follow the modern game all that much in Terraria Builders have found a way to incorporate several blocks and create entire custom bi with the immense block pallets my God bees I’m going to stick true to my statement and eradicate every single be in this Minecraft

World get out of here you do not belong in the game you not belong in my game chat broken yes chat is broken I noticed I don’t know why that happens on one hand I’m kind kind of glad that I won’t be streaming as much anymore next year cuz at

Least um whenever the chat breaks it won’t be as big of a loss you destroy the environment don’t care this is oh I think this is a Meadows right yeah this has to be a Meadows yeah this is a meadow okay that’s cool um so that should be oh no

We already found a meadow apparently huh what bies am I missing then I know I’m probably missing Lush caves I definitely have been to the dripstone caves I honestly have no idea what new bies will added the meadow is kind of nice though it’s like a smaller version of

Rockstar I would really compare them to Rockstar though okay here’s more dripstone C caves this is a cool cave entrance actually cave entrances like this I quite like uh yeah I’ve already been in the dripstone caves I need to find Lush caves I think I am aware I actually know how

That works cuz I have seen videos I I I got the the pass hello hello James welcome back confusing as always I I I should have taken a jukebox honestly have definitely taken a jukebox with me to get the uh the achievement here cuz God knows when I’ll be able to

Uh oh find the meal again isometric Minecraft clone you told me about this already ruined the new 1.21 blocks what do you mean ruined what what what did they do this time I need to play a music disc here but I I really should have brought a jukebox

I’m going to do a uh a s very quickly and just get your achievement out of the way cuz I don’t think I’ll be able to find another Meadows biome by the time I I start with the reset I also need to look up what biomes I actually need to visit as

Well I think I just forgot the jukebox either that or maybe I thought that I can get a diamond like do it legit but whatever okay where the hell is it why decoration blocks here I don’t like that um place this here now that duplicated the disc fantastic game mode

Survival okay there we go one is 3D oh okay red stone thing that operates every tick now they’re four ticks oh what are you talking about someone reported it as a bug and it got removed and yet when people report actual bugs Ming doesn’t do anything about it I don’t I don’t get

It also I definitely feel like they have edited the The Spooner trees a little bit it’s definitely it’s clearly still Spooner trees but they generate like yeah they they generate with wider branches you can literally do this by changing just one value in the code and you can achieve this cuz these are

Definitely different Spooner trees from the from the alpha and beta ones and even like release ones the hell was that is that a is is that a birch tree cuz that is insanely tall Yeah by that logic just remove building on the nether roof essentially the new redstone block

Being one tick is what made them cool now they’re less interesting and lightning fast Contraptions suck well that’s sad that’s a weird formation of blocks over there yep again another perfect illustration of my point how these mountains here just look non minecrafty like they look good like with the river here going

Through that Ravine uh although the Ravine does look Minecraft because Minecraft already had revines but it looks great but it doesn’t look like Minecraft that’s that’s that’s the best way I can describe it and that’s why I don’t like it when something looks good it doesn’t automatically mean that I’m going to

Like it you know people gen want to remove quasi connectivity which is also a below feature why though I mean I I don’t even I’m too dumb to even understand what exactly it is to this day I’m not entirely sure what it is but also this a

Cool Village uh but why would you want to remove that especially when when people like it just freaking keep it what the hell you get you you basically gain nothing from removing a feature why do people want features removed unless it’s something detrimental to the game

I’m going to land here in a second and have a look at uh oh the rivers are much better by the way I I will give them that the rivers are actually really good I still need to tweak my Rivers but uh these ones are a lot wider and

Actually feel like Rivers unlike the the release ones oh wow a proper Iceberg as well cool those are the old caves oh some yeah look I guess they did keep the old caves is good at least all right um oh let me see let’s see what the new biomes are additions will

Generation it doesn’t the wiki as always is completely unusable cuz it does even tell me what what the new biomes are like yeah sure it does list like here some it list it lists Meadows grow snowy slopes Jagged Peaks Frozen Peaks and Stony Peaks I’m pretty sure we brat you

All of these except maybe the Stony Peaks and the caves and that’s it it doesn’t mention any other new biomes so what the freak am I supposed to visit then okay hold on adventure adventuring time I think it’s called the achievement all right let me bring the chat back

Up Terraria Minecraft fans look so silly because we asked read dig about uh hoik and he said yeah it’s a glitch but people like it and boom it was decided and never became this course again yeah I I don’t understand Minecraft Community like they they are

Very whiny I mean I guess I am sort of a part of that problem because I also like to complain a lot but a lot of people take it too far I know that the Minecraft wikii moved but let me take a look at at the new page or is this the new

Page okay this is not a new page uh here’s a new page adventuring time uh oh yeah and also the uh the 1.18 page maybe it’s all description but I doubt it cuz I think they just like copied over the content they probably didn’t change it at all yep it’s the same doesn’t

Matter oh well here here I have H is a glitch that essentially creates fast tracks using collision and can clip you for walls can use it to beat dungeon Guardians as far as I know interesting reminds me of the minecart booster glitch which I wish Notch never removed

That I might add it in if f plus I don’t know yet it seems kind of useless I guess that’s why he removed it although I’m pretty sure he removed it way before booster whe actually implemented but it does seem kind of useless but I I

Would like to add it just because it’s something people enjoy you know adding glitches because people like them and not doing the opposite removing something that is a glitch but isn’t actually H more if anything it’s beneficial and people like it why remove it then and the only reason why plus

Doesn’t have it is because vanilla if doesn’t have that bug it was actually introduced in Alpha all right so the biomes Let’s see we have bad lands we’ve definitely been to the bad lands bamboo jungle we have been to that one beach yes Birch Forest yes Cherry

Grove doesn’t exist yet coldo oan I was to one of those dark Forest yes deep dark doesn’t exist yet deep cold ocean I’m not sure if I’ve actually been to one of those in a deep frozen ocean dripstone caves we have been there Badlands flower forest forest frozen ocean Frozen Peaks I’m think

We’ve been there Frozen River I’m actually not sure a gr I think we’ve been to Grove Jagged Peaks and Ice Pikes mangroo swamp doesn’t exist out growth old growth Birch Forest okay that’s new cuz we have regular Birch forest and old growth Birch Forest think wind swept grally Hills wind swep

Wind swep Hills yes Windswept Forest wooded Badlands and Windswept Savannah okay I honestly have no idea what I’m missing and I kind of don’t want to just run around and and look for this I I think I’m probably just going to give up on the achievements by this point I’m

Probably better off doing that cuz this achievement is ridiculous why do I need to get the new freaking biomes yeah honestly stopped caring about the uh Hollywood being complete by this point it’s becoming more and more of a hassle the bigger the updates get I I

Just kind of want to do my reset you know the biomes all look the same fan freaking tastic that’s a big cave hold on okay this is a good cave to illustrate my point think no it’s still not one of those big open Chambers oh it does get open down

There though okay so down there look at how open that area is that is way too much like something like this you know how it like goes inside and it’s like a tunnel but a lot wider yeah that’s that’s the type of cave I wanted to see

But that is too much down there that is is definitely not something I enjoy honestly I think this is a pretty Co good area because there is like this cave here that I can explore there’s even emeralds up there I think it’s a pretty good area to probably do my my

Reset as for the achievement I honestly don’t don’t freaking know what to do actually I have cheats right I can just grant myself the achievement uh advancement grant me everything I don’t I don’t think this is bad to be honest it’s very Jagged so I don’t think it’d be as easy to driver

Undamaged maybe but at the very least it makes ORS way too easier to get especially diamonds I don’t know and I I I guess I just don’t like how how it works and looks 96 um can I not do uh no apparently not I I I don’t want to do that but

Whatever I think I only was missing those two anyway yeah only these two and and this one is honestly bull crap so cuz I I I I I can’t do anything for this the only thing I have to do is place a copper rod and then pray to the

Lords above that it happens and the adventuring time one really pisses me off because uh especially now because again they they did the same thing in in 1.7 where I had to get the achievement again and if I recall correctly I just cheated the achievement in back then too

Because a lot of the new there were a lot of new biomes that were like very similar or I couldn’t find them like they were insanely similar to existing ones and this is basically the same thing it’s a repeat of that so no thanks I I’m I’m I’m I’m not going to

Cheat uh this one in for future versions because it’s a lot easier to keep track of the biomes like 1.19 adds mango swamps and the deep dark those are easy enough to find oh maybe not easy enough to find but at least they’re like only two bies they’re very

Distinct um and and so I’ll know them when I see them and then the final one is the Cherry Grove which again is very distinct but here I have like so many different bi to keep track of that look almost the same which is just bad very bad bad bad game

Design you don’t get it they made diamonds worse to get they made these huge caves and remov the benefit to exploring them they spawn exposed less how how on Earth do they even manage to do that though like on a technical standpoint I like to see the code for

That but that’s I don’t know that that also feels kind of like a bad thing because that that kind of incentivizes uh strip mining I guess if if they spawn a lot less being exposed so doesn’t that like contradict what the caves even are supposed to be because you have these massive

Caves but you you it’s difficult to find diamonds in them which is I guess a good thing but then that kind of leads strip mining which kind of defeats the whole purpose of caving I don’t know the Strip by Inus 52 exactly so what’s the point of the caves

Then but then you it’s such a dilemma because otherwise you would have diamonds that are way too easy to get so yeah it’s just I don’t mean to say that the the old caves were perfect but there needs to be like a balance I guess

Right I’m going to do my soft reset now cuz I got the achievements out of the way I’ll just wait for the sun to go down I want this to be like let’s say I just started the game you know I want it to be daytime so I can gather up some

Resources I think they should just spawn less but spawn more often exposed yeah that that’s one solution I guess with items no I I have the Ender Chest here you did you forget I’m going to deposit everything in the Ender Chest the only item I’m going to keep is that golden ax

That I found along the way cuz I don’t like chopping down Tre with my fist I always found that weird in Minecraft but it’s kind of a necessity cuz if you make it so that you can only chop down wood with an axe even if you spawn with an

Axe you can easily soft lock the game by just losing the axe you know all right let me deposit everything except GX everything here deposit it including the armor and The Shield and break the chest and the goal is to basically get a Ender Chest legit I’m not going to remove the

Axe every 6 seconds and Africa minute passes together we can fix this uh yes James discovering ancient memes like what vintage story does you find Pebbles and use them to make a simple Hatchet yeah that that that’s one solution hey you’re giving me ideas here

To to fix up uh to fix up the uh in uh in if def plus to fix uh fix up the that thing yeah maybe perhaps I could add like something like Flint tools although gravel I mean grav isn’t hard to get necessarily but it can be annoying I don’t know good job

James finally you’re not cheating uh Ka I did cheat in the achievement the adventuring time achievement cuz I lost my nerve I’m apparently missing eight entire biomes and looking at the Wei most of the biomes look almost the same so I was like yeah screw this I already

I already did this with the adventuring time achievement once in the past um in 1.7 cuz it’s just so annoying that I was like okay yeah no I will get it legit in 1.19 and 1.20 yes I’m going to take T I don’t care I will get it legit for the other

New biomes in the following two updates because at least there’s only like a couple of them and they’re actually distinct they’re easy to spot and easy to find not like this Shenanigans where almost every single biome looks the same this almost feels like beta in a way

Like you know how in beta the the biomes were were like the same from one from one another like they were the only distinction was the uh the grass color and of course a select few biomes okay why why is lift K not working there it goes there there are

Like a select few biomes that were distinct the the snowy bioms because of snow obviously and later on tiger trees um Fino whatever Ru um forests of course I guess Plains to a degree and um deserts that’s it that’s Everything I have to waste some ax durability here but I have nothing else to use to build up so so rip I really don’t like these Spooner trees I don’t like chopping them down the trees themselves look fine but chopping them down is a pain in the ARs

That’s why I decided not to add a mega tiger after all and mega Forest cuz I I remembered oh yeah the these trees are a pain in the ass to to chop down I don’t want to subject my players to this torture in case it happen to spawn in one of those biomes

So I was like yeah let’s not do that I wouldn’t mind making a gravel a gravel a bit more common in mountains for Flint tools and removing Wood Tools all together yeah I don’t know I we’re getting to the point where people are going to like compare it to reind cuz I

No reav doing that although their way of doing um of doing it is very convoluted I really don’t like it like it’s needlessly complicated in my opinion but uh still like they’re doing it and people are never going to compare it even if if I handle it in an entirely different

Way but I feel like it would fit in with INF Dev plus considering that already there’s stuff that most players are not used to like have having go TOS actually be used to get diamonds having go TOS actually you know function that’s already like a a very big difference from from the regular

Game so I don’t know something I I should give it I should give it some thought first make a set of tools yeah a ho as well why not I I heard that hes are actually useful tools now so let’s put that theory to the test right let’s get some food and also

Enough for a bed I know there’s a village over there but I kind of want to ignore that CU I don’t like using villages for freebies this is a fresh start I want it to be as fresh as possible I’m not going to kill you brown sheep cuz I already have enough

Cloth and you’re kind of rare endangered species say all bacon leather for armor hopefully what are your coordinates minus 12,000 on the X and almost minus 1,000 – 800 on the Zed pretty far away from home but not as far as I expected yes I’m using faithful uh programmer

Art the 32 version 32x 32 textures people who don’t chop big trees are weak again guess I’m not weak cuz I did chop down that one big tree taking from ter Terra firic craft probably I know I recently found out there’s a lot of things that I added in

My mods that apparently existed existed in other mods already and I had no idea like uh the the charms in okay this a this is a classic cave I like that uh like the charms in in in in plus I found out that apparently they exist uh like a diverg was adding

Basically the same thing charms around the same time that I was adding them in in plus and I had no idea they actually suggested to me by Ry maybe Ry saw it from from diver was like hey you should do this and I’m like okay sounds cool

And there there’s a bunch of other things as well there’s also obvious things that I’m adding from mods that I actually know because they inspire me like uh the dungeons from uh uh from The Ether or marble from te classic how is the early game feeling it

Feels here’s how it feels there’s a village over here I’m not even worried about the night time I don’t even need a bed of my cuz I can just go in there and use one of their beds and take it I can take their food I can take everything so

The early game is definitely a lot easier like back in my day uh on on day one you would had you had to like you couldn’t Sprint and you had to like scramble around to get food to get stone to get wood to get all of these things

And now it it feels like a cakewalk cuz I don’t really have to worry about anything but back then the first day was always the most like hectic and and scary because you only have like 10 minutes to gather up enough resources to so to make it through the

Night whereas here as long as you find a village you’re basically home free no wonder speedr running the game has become so easy over the years I can also tame a horse here okay I’m going to stop Gathering food I think I have enough I’m going to gather some dirt for building material

Why do you restart because I I basically have everything um back at home like I have infinite diamonds I have you know God Armor God tools and all that stuff and I basically have nothing to do that’s why so I I wanted I wanted to give myself something something to do and

Someone in the chat I think it was potato suggested you should should do a soft reset where you go far away from base put everything in an Ender Chest break the ender chest and then try to get the Ender Chest back um uh back by legitimate

Means so that that way you get to experience the early game again and you know have stuff to do and have fun in the process so that’s why I’m doing the the reset also welcome to the channel and the stream Marco I forgot to welcome you in my ramblings

CHS existed since the ether technically yeah technically so I guess I was taking inspiration from The Ether all along even before realizing it in Death plus my favorite is classic plus why how I still don’t understand people who have their favorite of the the three mods be Classic Plus like

There’s almost nothing to to do in classic plus it it’s a fun novelty it’s like fun to experience it for like the first few minutes but then it’s but then it gets tail fast all right I I saw some ho up there why is this leave DEC so awful it’s so atrociously

Slow anyway um yeah perhaps I could tame a horse as well to tr Traverse the terrain quicker I’m not going to try to rush the getting the Ender Chest back too too much I know we need the blaze powder for that so we need to go to the to the

Nether I’m going to dig a little hidey hole here I know I can just skip the night and keep going but I want to make this as retro as possible I I might not even skip the first night but we’ll see and this is why I always gather dirt by

The way uh okay let’s make some torches the Apple why notak survival content I like what VSS does where you can make worse quality beds for less sleeping time vs VSS what is VSS again remind me is lifk functional of course it is like d don’t you know that INF def

Already had perfectly functional Le Decay like the only problem with the Le Decay and if f plus is that it’s the old system because for some reason the bio the beta Le Decay doesn’t work the sent mod I guess um so we’re using like a modified

Version of the of the vanilla Leaf Decay which means that some leaves just don’t de Cave there’s like a a log block with in their vicinity even if they’re not touching it and and and sometimes the Spooner trees lose leaves as well which is very annoying there goes the pick Let’s Make A

Door let’s make a bed I hate the white bed and I hate the drag clicking oh my God worst thing ever happened to the game all right before I go to bed I want to do some crafting get a new shovel and a new sword can you stop it with the click dragging

Oh my God and a helmet why not leather cap oh remember when you could make uh the the lowest tier armor out of cloth yeah those were the good old days I actually don’t remember that because when I started playing the game we already had cows but

Yeah all right I guess we’re going to sleep now no oh vintage story yes yes yes first bed is made of hay and it’s uncomfortable that is that is also a cool idea I’m pretty happy with how beds work in if f plus to be honest I think they’re fairly balanced

In if death plus I’m going to gather more wood until my axe breaks I might also start a farm we’ll see see I see you there creeper ha ha Haden okay three hits with a stone sword that would never work in the old days Classic Plus backs level zero IND plus level

Exclamation point no INF death plus is that level I would say INF death plus is like level I don’t know I don’t know anything about the backs other than the concept I don’t care about the back rooms low I think it kind of ruins ruins the whole point of the back

Rooms I need to find more coal I also refuse to make charcoal as well by the way I want to make this as retro as possible and it’s still not the same you know because at the back of my mind it lingers that I can just get have everything from the village make

Charcoal all that nonsense I mean I already skipped the the night but yeah this is why I even the early game it it’s fine but it but it’s just not the same I don’t know have I forgot to make a furnace to cook all this meat oh well I’ll eat it all for

Now I’ll be cooking the Pok because I have the most Pok uh I don’t want to chop you down school that especially not with a wooden axe I’m mostly killing the cows for the leather okay there’s more coal excellent I like how mod buff skeletons

Now now to think about it um oh yeah I have two doors now great why does it give you three doors that’s so annoying anyway now that I think about it I already forgot what I was going to say oh yeah another that I think about

It I think this is the first time you guys are seeing me in the early game you know survival early game cuz so far you you’ve only seen um me in the PO World already in 1 1.0 live and back in craftology I didn’t even make it to survival test

So I think this is your first time seeing me in the early game which is quite something I enjoy it while it last although I do plan on recording if at all possible um on recording the my next playr for for the secondary Channel it

Won’t be on the main Channel it will be on the secondary Channel it will be just a casual let’s play but it’s it’s the one play through where I’ll use my experience from that play through to make the analysis videos that I have planned for next

Year hopefully I’ll be able to work on them and this is why I hate toall grass especially the the double toall grass but even the single toall grass it gets in the way constantly that’s honestly why in INF death plus the to grass is actually like half the height of this

Grass actually made it very short so it’s just more it’s more of a detail rather than an an obstruction jeez I can’t speak today cuz this St grass here is awful cuz it’s more of an obstruction and annoyance than anything that’s raining um whereas the toall grass in if

Death plus is as I said more of a decoration it doesn’t get in the way at least not as much as this because it’s shorter and also because it only spawns in PLS biomes and uh savanas hello soybean and zelator welcome back to the stream V story really is just the end

Point of all them C’s gameplay I really need you to try out vintage story but I I I saw that it’s paid it’s like 20 bucks and I can’t really afford it right now I’m a post student I’m saving up the cash that I have for uh know University stuff but I

Do plan on buying it once I have the opportunity and I’m definitely going to give it a go I might even make videos on it I also want to make videos on Mind test and maybe even uh unturned we’ll see we’ll see what the future holds for now I’m focusing on

Minecraft and eventually I’ll start making videos on other games as well how’s the reset so far I I I had to use cheats you can see that it’s open to land cuz I I lost my nerve with this one cuz I I was missing eight biomes and when I

Looked at the wiki almost all the biomes that I’m missing are basically identical to one another and I was like hell no I’m not doing this again I already did this several times why should I do it every single time you know I’m going to get it legit uh once they add mangrove

Swamps and Cherry Groves because you know both of those biomes are distinct and easy to spot uh but yeah until then I I used cheats and I also figured yeah might as well give myself this one as well cuz it’s outside of my control and I already

Did something similar with with uh the the other one that requires me to hit a a villager with lightning or whatever and that was really annoying so I just want to play the game and have fun you know I’m going to go into the cave soon how far out are you Min 12,000

13,000 blocks away from Spawn spawn isn’t exactly at 0 but it’s like close plus minus a th on each axis is spawn and unlike you zel I rep plant my trees cuz I care about the environment says the guy who just murdered the flock of

Bees how is it playing gly game again oh um it’s good but all of these little things that accumulated over the years are getting to me like there was a village right near where I started I didn’t take anything from it because it feels wrong but still

Just the fact that it’s there it’s like basically taunting me it’s like oh you you’re you’re making this harder on yourself for no reason when you can just come to us and and raid our stuff you know then there was the the whole bed thing think like I skipped the first

Night cuz I’m basically just so used to it by now but it felt wrong because it basically meant there was no challenge to it um uh what else what else uh charcoal yes I refused to make charcoal so I I set out to find some

Coal but just the fact that I can make charcoal and especially the fact that it’s actually as efficient as regular coal is like why even bother fighting coal by that point you know so basically although I can play the game the same way you do in Alpha it

Feels pointless like it it feels punishing it feels less rewarding or in a way like I feel I don’t know how to explain I I just feel feel pressure to do it the way moic intend because the these things like this Village here keeps taunting

Me Al I also made my own bed as well I didn’t take one B one of the villagers beds but yeah this is the area I chose because there’s a big cave over there I want to explore the new caves and I want to do it you know

Vanilla um to make a final judgment and also it’s just a nice looking area all around it might not look like Minecraft but it is it does look nice I’ll give him that skipping the first night is a crime that’s why you cannot do it this is a weird

House that’s why you cannot do it in if f plus it’s impossible to skip the first night no matter how hard you try even in creative mode you can’t skip the first night well you you can if you like set set the time but you know BTA making beds require killing

Monsters is a genius idea I guess it is one solution my solution is a lot lazier but also I feel like it works a little bit better and as you just can’t skip the first night at all I like how CH always handled if f plus and also in plus you’re forgetting it

Works the same way there it can be helpful but it’s not the best exactly it’s it’s more of a you know if you really need it type of Geo rather than it it replaces regular charcoal right I can I can make some I forgot to get the coal from over there

Oh my God and now the Sun is going down okay let’s quickly go over there and get the coal cuz again I refuse to make charcoal I did not forget good if you forget in plus I will forget you exist oh God this Tall Grass getting in my face it’s is so freaking

Annoying so distracting at the very least at best distracting at worst straight up annoying and again because you just got here zel before you say anything but why did you add Tall Grass to INF death plus a it’s half the height of this grass both in the hitbox and and the texture

So it’s more of a detail rather than than an obstruction and B it only spawns in PLS and uh uh savanas so it’s not everywhere I mean I am in a plains biome right now uh but it it does spawn outside of plains as well which I don’t

Like I do like the toall grass as long as it’s a detail and it it’s limited to only a few biomes and not literally every single biome I think even some snow biomes have it which is just absurd in plus is calling me again going to

Stream it next nice nice this nice I’m definitely going to watch it I hope it’s going to be over the weekend I mean I’m basically home every weekend and I don’t really have to work on presentations or reports until late December ironically around Christmas time so I should be able to attend

Future streams that you do as long as YouTube doesn’t the bed of course let me go back home and sleep not like it matters cuz I’m going to head inside the cave soon but you know freaking falce of habit I guess I like the idea of toass just being entirely detail uh

It diverge actually does it in an even more interesting way although I kind of find it a bit too weird basically what diverge does is I think it uses block metadata so SE certain grass blocks use a different metadata value which basically allows them to

Um have like a very tiny tall grass like even smaller it’s like I think one pixel toall tall grass on top of the dirt that renders and it only renders on top of dirt with like a metadata value of whatever I I don’t know the actual value

I think I and I I just presume that’s how it does it it might I might be totally wrong but yeah diverge does it that way and it’s entirely decorative like it’s not an actual solid block on top of it or anything it’s it’s actually pretty cool

I I I do find it kind of strange though that’s why I didn’t do that and also because I don’t want to copy them but yeah the way that diverge handles to grass is very interesting I like the way I handle it God damn it this cough is still still

Active but yeah I am happy with how I handled the um toall grass in if death plus cuz as I said it’s it’s not obstructive at all cuz it’s small and it only generates in specific biomes I think that’s how it should have been from the start okay I guess I’ll

Make leather boots better than nothing at least all right get this back all right I’m going to put some logs here um get more sticks some logs some wool that I don’t need I’m going to keep the Cobble for now leather beef that’s food just in case I did set

My spawn point here doors that I don’t need seeds that I don’t need yet gunpowder don’t need and sticks I’m going to organize this later for now I don’t have that many that many items so I think it’s fine not this weekend can won’t be for a while

Sad the week of Christmas that’s literally when I I probably won’t have time because I have to work on stupid reports and whatnot oh man what’s the main features in if plus I want to play it someday it’s in very early stages of development we’re currently working on

Biomes but uh there’s going to be a lot when when the mod is finished in like a couple of years literally there’s going to be a lot there’s going to be um Dimensions so we’re going to have the slip which is basically a nether alternative we’re going to have the

Skylands which is an ether alternative um each Dimension and also the overload each biome is going to have um unique dungeons with unique mobs unique you know looks and Unique Mechanics uh and unique loot dungeon loot especially so there’s like specific items like for example a lucky coin which will

Essentially give you the fortune and looing effect in one uh as long as it’s equipped and it will take damage uh once it’s used every time it is used so every time it like triggers the effect um and that one for example you can only find in the desert Tempo like the desert

Dungeon so that’s the whole gist that’s the whole idea behind if def plus it’s a a lot very focused around exploration but there’s a lot of other new stuff that we’re implementing new Mobs of course the biomes themselves have new locks uh if you’re interested K you can

Join the Legacy plus Discord I actually highly recommend you join it soon because I’m going to shut it down and by shutting it down I mean I I’ll be shutting down invites cuz I don’t want the server to get out of hand so definitely join it uh soon cuz we’re at

Like 950 members and once the server hits 1,000 members I’ll take down all invite links to it cuz that’s going to be like the silver capacity in a way actually you know what I think before I go down to the caves I do want to make a

House so I do want to get some resources and make a house and I do know what house I want to make as well I’m not sure yet but I think it’s only on right clicking love the new cobblestones and stone blocks I’m glad glad to hear that sorry Cobblestone Ting

Makes me very angry yes oh yeah I’m Z friend reminder you probably did it already and I I just didn’t check but friend reminder to send me the uh the new Cobblestone that you made actually quite like it it’s definitely a lot better than your previous

Attempt also one guy pointed out to me that uh the cobbled Limestone the new one that I changed doesn’t line up as well anymore there’s like some tiling issues with that one which is really frustrating but oh well I’m going to go gather some resources to build a house

I’m going to be building a house right now I I’ll go inside the cave some other time let me get some sand I don’t need that much sand but welcome back Jonas oh yeah I forgot well there’s your reminder thank you the change is fairly sub especially the

New you haven’t seen the new texture sorry B I’ll show you the new texture after the stream I think you appreciate the new texture a lot more cuz it’s a lot more faithful to the OG and it looks less weird I I even might consider although that’s again something that the reev is

Already done and people got to be like oh you copy reev or whatever but I was also considering changing the the grass only a little bit like keep the the same aesthetic but make it a bit easier on di eyes again reev did that and I think

They actually did a fantastic job with it there might be a lot of things I don’t like about reev but there are also things that I do appreciate about it and that’s one of them actually I think I’ll get even more of this sand cuz I might bring some of this

Back home with me cuz I don’t have a lot of sand this is a big sand pit actually I was not expecting it to be this large sand pits in Alpha and beta aren’t this big I hate the prej of cobblestone but I don’t mind japa Cobble really now cuz I my favorite

Cobblestone is the beta 1.7 one honestly no wait my favorite Cobblestone is the um classic 13A one you know classic 13A and and Below before it was changing 14a that one is my favorite cuz it the one is uh in forun from forun to

Beta 1.7 that one is a bit too noisy it looks kind of ugly and also of course it doesn’t tie well I mean the the one that I like doesn’t tie well either it’s basically the same thing but with less noise but it somehow looks a bit nicer

So that one is my favorite my second favorite is the beta 1.7 one uh my third favorite is the uh or the beta yeah the beta 1.71 my third favorite is the the you know the alpha Cobble and my fourth and least favorite is the japa

One cuz I I I I don’t really like any japa textures at all all right um let’s uh make some glass all the rest of the sand make another Shel and we’re going to be mining but I’m going to be mining during the night instead of skipping it so during the day

I want to go I think there was like a tiger over there I want to go get some dark logs for this house I actually know what house to build it’s a house that I build in basically every single world that I have and I just noticed that I

Haven’t built a house I haven’t built it in this world which is kind of ironic cuz we’re almost at the end of this play through but yeah yeah it’s a bit of a tradition to build this house and also it’s been ages since I’ve done this you know build a

House in a new location okay the Tigers I think over there uh oh am I misremembering I’ve already been to so many biomes that I might be misremembering it’s weirdly bubbly they changed it after beta I know they changed in beta 1. seven and I I

Can see why you don’t like it I personally like it more I used to hate it back in the day I definitely hated it a lot oh look look where this house generated that’s funny I definitely hated it a lot more back then but I kind

Of grew accustomed to it over the years and now I honestly prefer it it looks a lot more professional and and it also tiles way better they changed it in 1.7 seven release I don’t remember that if they did change it then I guess the change was small cuz I didn’t even

Notice the change interesting oh yeah look at that tree over there they definitely changed the The Spooner tree shape a little bit where the hell is that tiger I swear there was a tiger around here somewhere take your programmer fart uh no not right now I’m trying to

Find this stupid tiger I don’t want to use all clogs cuz they’re not part of the original design as far as I recall but and they’re going to work just as well but I definitely want Spruce for this but I can’t for the life of me find this

Tiger first thing japo did was have Mossy Cobble and regular Cobble match finally did he actually do do that oh yeah I think he did I think I was thinking of um programmer art programmer art oh faithful faithful didn’t actually do that yeah sure they’re being faithful

I guess but that’s something that you should not be faithful to like how I’m not faithful to the Cobblestone texture at least in if death plus I’m going to keep it the way it is in in plus but in if def plus I want to change it cuz it

Mostly because it feels kind of weird since all the other Cobble tile perfectly or almost perfectly whereas the that and that makes the um the regular Cobble stand out a bit too much okay this is going to take too long I’m just going to use regular Oak for

This as much as it pains me unless it’s over here oh yeah um how are you here cuz you’re also texture artist do you have any ideas of what block I should add that glows underwater I could add sea pickles but and that’s like a very

Simple model and even texture but I I kind of don’t want to rip off modern that much you know so if you have any better ideas do let me know cuz the oceans could use some more flare they need something that glows for the coral reefs and they also need

Um the The Ravines and those are broken and I don’t know why if I have time tonight I look into it but I probably won’t all right let me just chop down these oak trees then crystals because crystals look amazing might look kind of strange though I don’t know it’s kind of tough

Cuz I think I feel like anything other than sea pickles would look would would feel odd and maybe even like C pickles felt odd when they were first introduced but people got used to them me included so I don’t know it’s tough one also this soundtrack fits very nicely

With the new terrain I will admit I’m still using that data pack or resource pack or whatever it’s called the orchestra one I like how each new stone type has a different shape Cobble but M Cobble regular should match yes I also like how it has different shapes

Cuz again another nitpick with BTA yeah sure you added the the cobbled variants which is great but you just recolored Cobblestone like even the actual stone blocks are slightly different from one another but the Cobblestone seem to be just all of them seem to be just recolors of

Cobblestone I wanted to give mine more distinct shapes and I basically what I did was I just used the freaking the uh the Mosaic distort too with different seeds and different like values and uh yeah that that’s basically what I did but hey it worked and that’s how that

Matters I did get some help for the tiling from Alex Warrior Alex one I don’t know why he’s not here again he’s missing these streams but yeah he helped me improve the Tha link and I appreciate that so got to give credit to where credit is due you know I made the original

Textures he made them tile better and then I also tweaked them further just early similar okay yeah the cobbles the Cobble the variants in INF death plus are better in my opinion because they’re they’re not as similar to one another fairly distinct I think the the one that’s

Closest to Cobble is probably basal and even that one is clearly different got I’m so close as how to tell again I I haven’t actually properly played BTA yet I’m just judging from what I’ve seen I will play it on on the other channel eventually but for the

Time being uh no not really I’m not going to chop down that tree or that one I I I I’m going to be nice to the villagers for once and leave them alone I do kind of want this reath though let me I’m going to make this a

Reath farm and just borrow the re every once in a while Ting is very difficult yes I I couldn’t do it on my own that’s why Alex was suggested hey I should do it for you and I’m like oh thank you you’re Lifesaver there aren’t a lot of tools

That help with tiling on any software yeah exactly the Mosaic to in in is very useful for uh gravel and and Cobblestone textures like when I make my own game um I’m I’m probably going to use that for that texture but it does have its limits you have to

Like manually edit the texture afterwards to make sure that it tiles properly okay that should be enough glass I need a lot of stone next so let’s not sleep and let’s actually dig actually I should dig inside going to dig a staircase right here and and place the doors

Down I place them down like this cuz yeah the the door bug no longer exists of course also the ceiling is too low I always hated two block tall ceilings I always try to make everything have at least three blocks I I want some space I don’t like banging my head on

The on the ceiling um Hello Larry I was trying to remember your name there for a second welcome back to the stream why is everything reset because I have nothing to do back at home I have basically everything I’ve completed the game the only thing I can do is wait for

A storm to happen for this achievement and I didn’t feel like it so I just used cheats cuz that’s not fun I’m using the mic to once again for what curious you have picked my curiosity soy boy my chair is absolutely terrible it’s like sitting on Stone oh wow I’m sorry

To hear that my chair I’ve been using this chair now I think about it ever since 2018 so for like 5 years I’ve been using this chair and it still hold up pretty well and it’s very comfy too it’s it’s a gaming chair so if it wasn’t comfy I

Would be surprised the whole point of gaming chair is for to be comfy enough so you can have long gaming sessions not like I have long gaming sessions anymore like my longest gaming session is basically these streams two hours I used to game for like eight then during

Weekends up to 13 hours a day oh yeah there’s the the the new raw raw blocks yeah I think they’re fine I think the blocks are not fine then I would never add like the blocks in if death plus but the item is unnecessary Evo uh so that fortune works on everything but

Duplicating and now we get to the annoying part which is uh what got me worried about adding New Stone types in if death plus these things the diorite andesite whatever that gets in the way and also the copper I don’t need copper some morning picture oh

Nice over a year ago yeah I can’t believe it’s been over a year since uh Classic Plus since your first album since all that stuff that’s crazy man right I’m going to smell that I want to keep the logs I need to find some I don’t I don’t want this garbage

What are you doing don’t pick it up you idiot I’m going to need some coal here pretty soon for fuel and for torches but especially for fuel actually I can make an iron pick what am I doing um don’t smell that smell this first ha

Peak we should just put a backpack in if death Plus yes I will be adding those eventually I don’t know when either 0.4 or 0.5 I keep putting it off cuz I’m not sure how to handle it that was the inventory issue about being quirky about like modern

Yeah I mean my solution for the inventory stuff uh was Barrels in in Def plus but that obviously I mean it would work here too but I want to be different and more efficient I guess I’m also going to make a sword with this the only thing that I couldn’t

Reset is my Levels by the way so that’s a bit awkward I already have 37 levels but I’m I’m I’m not going to use the levels all that much anyway I don’t plan on making any enchants or if I do make enchants actually it’s uh not going to be

Anything crazy I don’t I won’t really care about it too much oh wait I forgot to got the Cobo smaller upgradable chest hate how I can’t put that back in the furnace that was such a useful feature why did they remove it being able to put

Stuff in the output slot of the furnace it didn’t really have any bugs behind it as far as I know so changing it made no sense was just another useful feature that was removed for literally no reason although that did happen earlier in Ming’s life cycle it happened like in

Beta maybe even late Alpha I don’t remember why not why add an item you can find to expand your inventory in dungeons that’s that’s an even better idea maybe the backpack can be an item that you can only find in dungeons who knows I was planning to make it

Craftable as well with Shadow but I feel like they should be dungeon loot only they remove the ability to put stuff in the output slot because it can be used to cheese achievements I guess that makes sense I can’t really argue against that I’ll would probably

Do the same I just didn’t realize it right now I don’t mind cheesing achievements like that to be honest so that’s why I don’t uh this almost looks like a herob in cave hello who goes there this is a cool cave it’s kind of like a

Uh a mind test cave yeah sometimes these cave new caves remind me of m test other times I I just don’t like them like this one is good cuz it reminds me of mine test yeah especially like this how it dips down like this I actually really

Like this I need to figure out how I can achieve this for INF death plus but now is not the time to be caving now is the time to be mining mining stone especially we’ll see if I can finish this house today I’m pretty confident

That I can we have over half an hour left but there is a possibility that at the very least the interior I don’t think I’ll be able to finish today but at least the exterior I would like to finish why did they even add copper it brings absolutely no value to

Anyone will you stream tomorrow of course I will tomorrow is voices of the void and Friday is more of this Fray we’re going to be at 1.8.2 I think I want to keep it vanilla until the end of the series cuz I don’t feel like setting up uh shaders cuz I

Won’t be playing the same version for more than one day anymore Thanksgiving is tomorrow so instead of spending time with your family you’re going to watch my stream I mean I guess yeah Thanksgiving dinner is where you’ll be spending time with your family and my streams are like for L lunchtime for you

So you’re actually going to be able to watch a full length voices of The Voice stream that’s nice although voices of The Voice I’m getting very dangerously close to the end of that series unfortunately in fact next week is the final week of voices of the Void until the next update at

Least got to do some fixes for Moy Cobble then I’ll send it out okay I’ll add it later it’s very easy to add I just override a PNG file okay um I don’t think this much Cobble is enough I think I need at least six Stacks I don’t remember the exact

Numbers that’s the only thing I don’t remember about this house I’ve built it so many times though that I’m pretty confident I can do the design even though I haven’t built it it ever since like 20 19 2020 maybe even 2014 actually I don’t know I don’t

Remember if I’ve actually built it when I returned to MC in 2019 I don’t think I have cuz I never really played seriously like this and I can’t believe I forgot to build it in uh in earlier in the PO world I really should have oh well hey it’s

Daytime all right I need the stone by the way I I I need the stone for uh I still don’t have coal though I need it for a slab that’s why I have the stone let’s get rid of the garbage there we go and where should I

Put the house that is a good question I think over there yeah this is a nice flat area I think this is a good area for the house just going to flatten it out a little bit Friday for sure you can watch well Friday is going to be more of this so

Not as exciting but still um I am enjoying myself at least I’m definitely enjoying myself a lot more than I was uh in previous updates but it’s still not the same man this still just all this does is it makes me want to play Alpha and beta

Even more like yeah sure there’s a lot of um annoying things about it those versions like bugs and uh uh awful tools and all that but like the the core gameplay is a lot better in my opinion less polished sure but somehow more challenging more interesting rather

Not even more challenging cuz it’s also fairly easy there but it at least it’s more interesting to me somehow I don’t know rare sight of method building a house cuz I’m actually going to be using it for a while or at least a couple episodes going to do something funny in modern

Which is making an upgrade to the end of house also I I’m just now thinking about uh Flint tools potentially M off and how would you get sticks I refuse to add the feature where sticks drop from regular leaves they only drop from branches but that that’s a bit too specific I feel

Like so I don’t know how to handle that otherwise I would make it so that you cannot chop down trees I don’t know that that also doesn’t sit very right with me cuz it it’s something that I never liked about the game I admit but

At the same time I’m so used to it everyone are used to it so it’s going to be way too jarring even a lot more sinful than uh the fact that go TOS are now like a tier between iron and dark Diamond I don’t know it’s it’s a tough one for

Sure tough one to be sure okay how many slabs is this wait what I have to smell this again I forgot oh my God this is going to be so annoying oh I’m going to burn so much fuel I need to chop down every single tree in

Existence shovels exist I know I’m too lazy to make one uh but thanks for M we going to make one right now every one more thing to cover 0.2 that is machines that will take a lot of work you can always ask M Matt to help you out welcome back p

Man that’s fine p man thanks for stopping by every Survival game ever has sticks Dro from leaves yeah but I don’t like it maybe because it’s something that was added way later down the line I like I like how it works where it only drops from branches but if I end up

Making like that a thing where like you you have to use a hatchet to chop down a tree then first of all you have to set out to find a large oak tree and those don’t generate the old biomes and second of all uh it’s way too specific no matter

How I relay that information to the player it will never end well so I don’t know it’s I don’t think I would do I don’t think I would be doing that I think instead I might use this idea off not for INF death plus but for that inev

Mod that I want to make after INF death plus I might do it for that one it it it kind of makes more sense for that one too and I guess I can just cave and and make sticks drop from leaves in in that mod okay come on I want to start sming

The stone before I go and start building the the frame oh that that is so stupid like that should just be craftable from regular Stone I hate that I hate I hate the stone slabs in general you know Stone should produce the smooth stone slabs there shouldn’t be stone

Slabs cuz they’re freaking useless okay they’re not useless they they’re useful for builds I guess but it feels unnatural to me I don’t know uh what am I doing okay so let’s see if I remember how to do this um damn it we have a window

There and I believe we have the doors right here actually don’t remember shocker okay so I have a window here double window nothing window and this guy I also need the planks for the flooring but I don’t remember okay yeah yeah okay this is correct yes I remember now this is correct it’s

Like this there there we go there we go it’s coming back to me I will not reveal what this house is it has a name and it’s a very very old build very old house it existed ever since beta maybe even Alpha I’m not sure about Alpha but definitely since

Beta if you’ve ever watched poor junor you would probably recognize this house cuz he also likes it a lot that that is where I know it from actually cuz I used to watch him a lot back in the day kind of sucks that I’m not using

Spruce for this but oh well Spruce looks way nicer with the Cobblestone but again too late for that okay so like that like that this there we go perfect build it up some more I don’t remember how high I need it to be it’ll probably come back to me as I

Go it’s not turning night yet but it will soon I think I’ll skip the next night I think I have enough stone for this 1. 14 made smooth stone slabs annoying yeah it made them even more annoying to get like they were already annoying enough to get and they made it even worse

Ah bloody hell moang why are you so anti fun you’re just like not you you claim you hate him but you just like him all right um yes see okay I remember I remember but first I sleep oh man right hopefully much will be enough we have leaf blocks with

Noticeable Brown details to be where sticks are found yeah but that doesn’t feel very minecrafty though I know I’m I’m I’m so sorry I know I’m insanely picky but I I just want things in a very particular way you know and I really like how how I handle

Things with the branches only the branch blocks dropping that but again they those only generate in the large Oaks The Spooner trees oh I did have my glass on me okay never mind I’m going to need a lot more wood though for sure uh speaking of wood I need some

Stairs that’s why I need a lot of wood I need a lot more than this but yeah I’m going to have to get more wood sad this should be one of the INF plus village houses it’s a bit too complex I think I know how to make it but too lazy

And I I I I wanted the village houses to be as simple as possible to fit INF Dev like this fits more into Alpha and especially beta INF Dev I I don’t think so so two planks there this is the overhang I also need fces for

It but I need more wood for that first we also place the glass down and then I’ll go get some more wood from that forest all right let’s go get some some wood achievement get getting wood I can’t I can’t wait till you’re at 1.1

You have to get all the variants of the copper bulb I don’t care about that also S I thought I told you but I decided to get everything from here on out in creative mode only cuz with 1.17 kind of ruined the flow cuz I had to get most of it in

Uh most of the stuff in creative mode anyway cuz I didn’t want to wait for 1.18 and 1.8 wanted to play it the game like this um so going to kill the cows cuz I need leather so that’s why I use creative mode to get all the stuff for the museum

And I decided because in all the following updates they essentially add the new stuff already uh in the version prior which I still find very strange but whatever it’s their game they get to do whatever they want they get to develop it however they want um so that that gives me even more

More of an excuse to just get in creative mode and get it over with of course I will not be using creative mode to get like bulk materials I’ll only use it to get one block and one item for the museums and that’s it and with the music

Discs I don’t even listen to them for example at all I’ll listen to them once I get them legit or if I get them legit rather okay those are the parents of a child I don’t want to mess with that I’m not that cool they didn’t tell you that well now we

Know also figured it’s it’s not enough time considering how I have things planned out for December I won’t have enough time to get the stuff legit anyway I’m just I’m essentially already done with the pow world like mentally I’m not even there oh there is a tiger

But it’s all the way over there oh should I go there I feel like I should youve been mentally done with the pow since June yeah basically ever since 1 Point 1.10 cuz 1.9 I still enjoyed it for the most part but ever since 1.10 I haven’t been enjoying the game at

All and this is the most I’ve been enjoying myself playing this game for quite a while and it still pirs in comparison to 1.8 in earlier versions wa it out of 10 10 uh rate what the version my current experience what if you if you’re talking about my

Current experience I would say an eight eight out of 10 like the early game in 1.18 yeah probably an eight out of 10 whereas in Alpha I would give it an totally not biased or anything but I would give it a 10 out of 10 but again that’s that’s very likely

Going to change once I do my analysis videos I’m going to keep chopping down trees until my axe breaks I’ll go to the tiger later apples seem to be dropping a lot more uh frequently from trees now I still wonder why Ming never added apple trees that seems like such a weird thing

That apples drw from regular oak trees I mean apple trees U drop uh regular Oak saplings as well and have regular oak leaves in them but that’s mostly for balancing sake and it’s still not as weird as just a freaking oak tree suddenly dropping an apple out of

Nowhere I always found that strange like their implementation of apples I was happying when that was added cuz I was like yes finally CU actually knew about the item for a long time but I was very happy when they added that but I still even back then I was like

Why though and yeah this is why I don’t like sticks dropping from leaves cuz I have I almost always have like a full stack of sticks on me so these extra sticks are just a nuisance more than anything that’s why I don’t want sticks to drop from leaves in my

Mods again I think I’ll make an exception for that inep mod cuz I really want to make it different in more ways than one from regular M even from regular in plus I want to make it different like you know me with my mods

I want to go out and have them be as unique as possible maybe that’s why I don’t enjoy INF death plus as much cuz it’s basically very similar to Modern in a lot of ways it’s similar to maybe not modern modern but definitely like releas is and it’s definitely similar to to regular

Minecraft it’s not like inev plus which or Classic Plus even both of which do their own thing so that’s why I want my next mod to be inev cuz inev has the most potential for stuff like that for Unique experiences I feel like and then they want themc to be

Educational but execut it way better I’m glad you think that way a lot of people seem to think that way which is definitely a good sign I have gotten some complaints but they seem mostly like nitpicking either nitpicking or very biased opinions one one of them is definitely a very biased opinion the

Other is mostly nitpicks or even like paranoid concerns about making the game too easy or whatever which I think they’re just looking too deep into it who knows they might be right but um oh yeah let’s make a make one of these make a bunch of

This uh let’s make some fences I think the fences are like this I quickly yes okay um going to need a bunch this should be enough for now oh yeah let me also uh deposit the leather deposit the beef right good enough die to a warden I’m going to be

Fighting the warden with my main gear oh yeah the because 1.19 as the warden and all this other stuff I forgot to make an axe uh I will be spending an entire week the last time I’ll be spending a full week playing the game Jonas that probably makes you very happy

And that’s going to be the first week of December is going to be dedicated entirely to 1.19 and it’s going to be full streams too two two hours uh two hour streams for the entire week cuz I expect to still be playing the soft reset um at the

Start I expect to still be doing this for like the first couple of days so Monday Tuesday this Wednesday I will I should be done by Wednesday so Wednesday I will uh I I will not go all the way back I’m going to keep exploring until I find

The new stuff so mango swamps and the deep dark and deal with that uh after I have gotten my gear back and then by the end of the week I I also need to make a task to go back get any achievements that I need to get and get from creative

Mode of course get all the new stuff all the new blocks and items for the museums so that is the plan and then 1.20 because it doesn’t add nearly as much stuff I will spend only two or three days in three days in 1.20 you’re going to die in like three

Hits even with my God Armor off I mean I’m not planning on fighting the warden I want to experience it the way ma intended so like avoiding it and all that but even God Armor one me like God Armor and on easy difficulty I should be able to tank more than just three

Hits okay let’s catch some z’s looking forward to that of course you are probably oh wow I did not realize that the water was this dangerous damn all right I should have enough wood for that let’s um how is shaping up uh I need to

Decide I want to that okay I think I know how I remember I remember yay right let me smell that make another iron pick we’ll be caving next time on Friday we’ll go cave exploring I just realized I forgot to make the freaking axe go I forgot how slow stone tools and

Even iron tools are hell even diamond tools are probably going to be slow for me because I’m so used to enchant fully Enchanted netherite I really am spoiled aren’t I not even God can save you all right um so oh yeah I need the the slabs

Godamn I don’t need that many slabs so this much at least should be enough this is such a nice texture too why do they lock the nicest textures behind the the most annoying ways of doing things some terraforming here like first it was the freaking quartz now it’s the the smooth Stone just

Why I get it I guess game design but still it wasn’t always like this all right this much should be enough let’s make another pick Let’s uh let’s finish this house today shall we cuz we’re only have 10 minutes I might go a little bit over time and that’s totally

Fine uh okay I need I don’t need that many logs actually for this need one more here here times change Grandpa yes I am aware and I hate it I missed the old days back in my day oh brother making stone slabs with cobblestone was Peak it made absolutely

No sense but yes says the guy who changed it so that Cobblestone gives you Cobblestone slabs but I only did that for you guys cuz to give you more building options back in my day Minecraft didn’t exist exactly back in my day this game didn’t even exist so there was nothing to complain

About funny to think how some of these versions are older than the freaking player base Al you can probably tell what type of roof I’m building here it’s a very standard roof these days but back then when I first saw this house I loved it I especially love the roof cuz there was

Something new that nobody had tried before back then and it looked very nice and after all of these years I still remember how to build this cuz I probably built this like a couple dozen times by now this house it’s one of my favorite houses of all time in

Minecraft it just looks so nice it’s so cute and cozy and I I love it I love it you can actually find the video on my channel if you dig if you dig enough you’ll find a video called uh Leo stereos Minecraft Builds or whatever and it basically showcases me having

Built all of uh the guy’s builds the guy who designed this house I built all the things that he designed uh in creative mode of course back when I was like a teenager that’s a very old video it was in 1.3 I think or 1.5 something like that

Who would have thought that I I never would have guessed back then that I would be making Minecraft videos or videos on YouTube in general because it’s not going to be only Minecraft pretty soon I want to Branch out to other content for sure cuz only Minecraft gets tiring

After a while I don’t know how people exelator do it it’s very convenient I have to just middle click Cobble slabs and they turn into stone slabs in 0.2 I don’t even know how that happened I’m going to blame P&P for that one cuz I think he

Was the last person to change the way uh middle clicking works I still need to look into that by the way what was there earlier me as an embryo thing or my embo think Minecraft preclassic is older than you H us which is just insane focus on long game and not what’s

Happening in the short term found it yeah there you go you can probably already see what the house is I mean I already finished it so here you go it’s not entirely finished but the base is there it is I call this or I don’t call this but it was named by the

Guy Leo stereo was the guy that designed this and it’s called the Cozy Cottage and it’s literally very simple like now that look at this people have built so many more amazing things over the years and this just PS in comparison but it’s such a ba a build you know it’s back

Then this was incredible for for everyone for me for Paul for everyone this was like an incredible house but nowadays it looks very very simple and very sad it was inev when your bon was inev yeah looks like a chicken head with its beak open maybe I I you you should have one

Wack imaginations though it doesn’t look like that to me I guess if I squint my eyes it kind of does I don’t know maybe I need to see a a chicken face too make the comparison I I made too many stairs I I don’t have too

Many while we while we still have time I guess I could make the outer wall as well actually no let me make some ladders I’m going to focus on the interior a little bit I want a basement and an attic also why did I put my Park in there ding

Dong also wow cloth or leather armor barely gives you any protection that’s ridiculous I look at you all MC Discord people build in same build survive 2,000 days in hardcore Etc yeah exactly all right um and there’s my attic okay wait uh the attic need to be one block lower there we go Perfect I always put a ladder on this side I remember this as well I don’t know why yeah here we are and window here let there be light I need a trap door There light uh I also sometimes do a window on the side as well like so so I’m going to need some wooden slabs for this one I used to use full blocks before Corner stairs were added for this by the way the good old days all right let me go get some

Slabs two glass windows are very wide eyes yeah again I kind of see it but at the same time I don’t I don’t know at least it doesn’t look like a chicken it kind of looks like a face but that’s just how our brains work they detect faces where

There clearly aren’t any Al I think I need a few more ladders all right let’s make um only these and a couple of trap doors oh it’s turning night time actually let me catch some Z first St the hole in there for now need it my favorite house I ever built is the

House I built on bugman’s beta server it was a big cabin with a wrap around porch can you send some pictures later I would like to see that I look at the mark of disc oh I already read that also I need a red bed can you dye beds

Or or not like can I take this white bed and dye it red or do I have to make a red bed from scratch cuz I I it it’s not going to be the same about a red bed this house considering it’s a a very beta esque

Build okay hold on let me uh put a trap door here rap door here that’s going to lead into the basement which I dig out in a second and over here another window I had just about enough glass I’m still going to need more for the

Basement windows but I only need two for those so we’re good and it’s ding dong it’s it’s almost time but I think I’ll go a little bit over time I want to at least dig out the basement first after I dig out the basement I’ll end it off

Here and we’ll finish the house next time all right we getting a lot of dirt out of this hey dirt my most sort after resource also need some gravel you can dye it I think you can dye it okay good so I don’t have to make a new one I only

Have to make a one new bed good good good good I really don’t like the the the colored beds I mean I like the the green orange and blue ones but you you you could just change the the color of the bed with a texture

Pack I I I I don’t know I just don’t like the color of beds at all I sent them now okay I’ll take a look after the stream a few minutes ah okay fine I’ll make a crafting table here I’m going to need severo in the house anyway

Sent your cobbles okay again after the stream and I have to wait going to need a lot of Cobble here as well for the walls I would like to make the floor out of mos Cobble but I don’t have any at the moment normally make it out of Mossy Cobble

Yeah oh coal okay this is perfect this is excellent I actually needed some coal yeah these stone tools are terrible they break so quickly and to think they were actually way worse in in in the old versions as well okay the coal is fantastic cuz I’m actually out of

Torches and again I refuse to make charcoal I live by ways of old I want to work for my resources I mean I guess getting charcoal is also working for it you just have to chop down some trees but I don’t know mining is better always has

Been I only use up seven though cuz I soon need it for fuel oh is probably not probably definitely the most useful resource in the early game way more than uh diamonds and even iron maybe maybe it’s more useful than diamonds because you don’t have any diamonds in the other game I suppose

With color beds it’s nice on multiplayer servers since it’s like an individual Choice option can be nice interior touch that reflects a person yeah I get that but still I don’t know like for for me and for a lot of people as well for most people I

Presume it’s more of a nuisance cuz they just want the bed to be red or blue but they have to go out of their way to color it that way also welcome to the stream Place holder interesting name I’ve gone through like 11 stacks of coal in if death plus

Yeah coal is kind of not really obsolete in in death plus but it’s definitely not as useful once you get your hands on just one hire lighter that item is so op even after the Nerfs okay here’s some gravel but this is the stinky gravel whatever I’ll get

It I want to use the gravel for the path a mix of gravel and uh path blocks it will be I also need some Flint anyway for arrows and stuff oh I have to craft the bow for the first time ever but yeah coal is still useful in in

Plus as well despite the hell fire lighter because it’s useful for furnaces and yeah furnaces are almost entirely outclassed but by the um the haire lighter but they’re still I would say they’re still I would argue they’re still useful for cooking food cuz otherwise you’re wasting durability of the lighter to make food

With it so they’re good for food and they’re also good for powering machines although the usefulness of the machines depends on from person to person most people probably don’t use the machines just like how most people don’t use Redstone in the regular game especially since machines have the

Tendency to be a bit more difficult to learn and handle than Redstone and I knew it I’m going to need more Cobble it’s a very Cobble oriented build which again also makes it very um very beta of course you can exchange the Cobblestone for something like stone

Brick I I I I could I should probably make the the basement out of stone brick at least but too late now Cobble is just way easier to get a hold of I guess that’s why not much has changed in that regard to this day Cobble is probably the most used building

Material right and now for the windows which go over here I think I guess it doesn’t really matter I think they go here and the windows are like this boom boom and to make it look nicer you put one of these guys and look at that

Windows so that way you get some natural light in the basement this is also AP the original design from what I recall uh these basement windows all right let me craft a couple doors and move out move all my stuff in here and and I will do the fence around the perimeter um

Tomorrow not tomorrow on Friday next time right since I don’t need these two doors here anymore and I don’t want to craft new doors cuz it’s a waste of wood and I also get one left over which is annoying as hell I’m going to do it like this grab this grab

This and that’s going to be my I don’t even need a mine cuz there’s like a a bunch of super massive caves all around but all right um boom all right so normally the way I decorate this is this is my kitchen and my lounge living area the attic is my

Bedroom so that’s where I’ll put the bed I’ll keep it white for now I also need a second bed uh in the basement is like my crafting area where I do all my crafting my Brewing all that good stuff but yeah we have a bunch of crafting tables all around uh this is

Also my storage area as well this is also where I’ll be doing storing some stuff all right so I don’t need any more oak logs cuz the house is basically finished finished let me make a couple of chests right so this is going to be my

Blocks chest this is where all my blocks are going to go hold on let me store these guys I I I oriz it later I just want to free up some inventory space right now oh just in time as well cuz it’s turning night me grab the other chest

With the other blocks from here look at it look at how cute it is I love it don’t you love it isn’t it amazing I’m glad I finally got around to building this house in in this world it felt so wrong to not have it but now we do so yay for

That uh actually to make it some metrical there we go I don’t know what you put in the middle guess a couple furnaces will do uh but for now I don’t even have enough Cobblestone for furnaces oh my god oh on we’re not done yet we’re not out of the woods just

Yet first of all let me sleep I don’t want to get ambushed I’m not going to go down to the mines I just get some Stone some exposed Stone from out here enough for a bunch of hey look coal and it all works out in the end that’s a lot of coal actually

Fantastic I’ve never been happier to see coal as you can see I’m taking it slow I’ll be caving next time trying to find diamonds and uh maybe go I won’t go to the nether next time I’m actually interested to see how I’m going to experience the new nether as well be

Honest um is the recipe for the bed just one die by the way or do I need several I actually don’t know what what does that mean isn’t that like wheel in German also what am I doing I I I can just put one of these guys up here wait where is it

Crap I put it here wrong it should be one die okay cool see yay red bed how it’s meant to be oh wow okay I was not expecting that all right let me organize this stuff a bit uh right so soils up here keep one stack of that on me for

Building material sand then we’re going to have the stones out of which we only have regular Stone smooth Stone honestly I’m just going to get rid of these I’ll keep the slabs of course get rid of this as well uh and then we have the wood planks actually let me organize

This way so planks slabs stairs slabs fences ladders I’ll get rid of the ladders as well I’m very inefficient I know uh White wo let me use that for another bed and I’ll get rid of the last two there we go that way we also have an

Even number no Z Lov his even numbers I kind of do two to be honest and this one’s going to be my items chest so food actually cook the the PO the rest of these pork chops but yeah food also let me craft the furnaces actually want the third furnace as well or

Upstairs crap why a furnace is so expensive and yeah you know what might as well craft another workbench here just to even it out there we go lovely a nice workstation here let me cook the meat yeah the rest of the meat in here wheat seeds leather lint definitely going to

Keep the Flint cuz Flint is annoying to get keep the co on me seeds gunpowder actually I don’t need the gunpowder screw that also don’t need the wooden hole anymore I don’t even know why I made a wooden hole just false of habit I guess I use up all

My yeah it is literally false of habit because uh in Alpha for example I always make a wooden hole because I use it up immediately to get some seeds and get a farm going as soon as possible uh especially in some Alpha versions where there aren’t that many

Animals where like the the spawn rates are broken and that’s just like left over from from that okay let me litter here a little bit oh yeah and also the glass I want to store just a CO song text a song from gron one of the first Minecraft Let’s players

Interesting turning theend of house thing into video because it seems fun to make all right got enough for another furnace good enough wow 50 minutes overtime I was not expecting to enjoy myself as much as I have I’m going to need to mine a lot more Cobble next time

Though once I have enough I want to put a cun here and here and I don’t know what else there maybe another workbench I have a lot of workbenches I know oh yeah let me also make a sign so release Outpost 1.18 and uh Coy Cottage By Leo stereo there we

Go I’m going to do the classic code because Mo refuses to add the goods I’m going to do the classic old thing of magig here so signs and also guess I could do a table as well yeah like that and I need a pressure plate for that couple there we

Go not as good as the uh Legacy plus table and chair but it’ll have to do and over here could have like a juke box and some other stuff once I get them but this is good enough for now there’s also a bunch of other decorative blocks

That I can use I am aware of that uh I’ll get those eventually uh for now this is going to have to be good enough though uh these two signs I don’t really need them for anything store the fences store the glass oh yeah uh the the red

Bed need to come up here this is the updated version of this resource pack by the way so this is actually new I don’t think it was in the previous version that I used an outpost in 1.2 interesting okay um yeah let’s put this here in the

Pile all right so the plan for next time is get a bunch more Cobble so keep digging down there um for the perimeter because I always have a wall around the house and I have like a small farm or small garden area um and then if we have enough time

Hopefully we will I think we will I’m going to head inside that cave and explore it and see how that goes uh but yeah uh until then thank you all very much for watching and yeah I’ll see you next time have a good one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Polyworld – Episode 195 – The Great Reset (1.18.1)’, was uploaded by method on 2023-11-22 20:26:05. It has garnered 70 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:50 or 8210 seconds.

A “Polyworld” is a term used to label a Minecraft World that has several terrain generators. In this video, I showcase my progress on my own Polyworld project, something that I have been slowly working on over the past year. The aim of this project is to have the most complete Polyworld imaginable. To achieve this, I am going through every single version of the game, including my own recreations of the missing developer builds and other versions. As a bonus, I will also be cataloguing all the available blocks, items, mobs and plants in a series of “museums”.

Current version: 1.18.1

World download (as of 1.9.4): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EA0ETT3SRh58GwudF22EESP7tI2N6N0o/view?usp=drive_link

If you want to support me, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/method96

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    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darayanlp​​ ○ Discord: https://discord.gg/SSK6yzyk9H #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More