Can You Survive a Minecraft Superflat World?

Video Information

Welcome back guys to another video and today we’re going to be finding out is it possible to survive on a minecraft super flat and then not only can you survive on a super flat can you defeat the end of dragon just how far can you

Go on a super fat world okay so here we are on on the world creation and of course i’m going to change it to be superfly i’m going to customize it just slightly okay the way we customize it add a comma type in stronghold as well

Just so that uh you know we have a chance to find a stronghold otherwise they just weren’t spawning obviously and then that’s everything so we’ll create a new world and we shall uh see how far we can do on a super flat here we are we’re spawning and straight away we are close

To a village which is perfect okay i mean villages are fairly common on super flats because uh they can spawn all the time but that is absolutely perfect that we have we have a village hopefully in an ideal world i’ll have a blacksmith probably won’t happen um but i can’t get

In because i can get the iron golem from here so that’s gonna be good uh also i can get some wood so straight away you know all these resources i mean villages are going to be like the big thing i mean you can get so much from villages

As well okay slime you better get out of here okay thank goodness you can’t get in yeah okay it’s closed mate not coming in here it’s all right my savior is coming that’s it defeat him like no no slime left standing bait that’s it i

Will be using you for your end soon but uh for now you’re you can survive all right so inside this house look at that bread gold nuggets i mean i suppose i i mean gold’s the difficult thing to get so that’s probably quite handy as well and we got some potatoes nice right

Let’s uh let it crack i’ll take a bed as well i’m gonna actually search out a crafting table because i’m too lazy to create one myself and uh so it don’t look so surprised mate yeah i’ve just come to sail up so there’s quite a bit of

Searching this is actually a really uh ideal version apart from the fact that they don’t have loads of wheat which you know it’s just one of those things but um like we’ve got a cleric in here so obviously we can trade with him and stuff and we’ve got yeah we’ve just

Basically got loads of things we’re gonna need so if i just go ahead and make myself this wooden pickaxe all right mate don’t don’t be too upset but i am going to be taking a bit of your house out yeah yeah don’t you don’t mind

Me okay but we need we need this stone sorry he didn’t look too happy with it so i know this may seem slightly harsh but i need this villager to stay here so he’s going to stop in there to answer this column you’ve done a great job but

Um you’re gonna be needed mate all right yep stop running around let’s just hang a room okay and then if i go like this okay yeah sorry mate but um needs must i need iron all right and i think after i’ve taken this guy out i’m gonna go to another village try and

Search for like some better stuff if that makes sense so there we go we’ve got some i’m sorry you’ll be remembered by a few poppies yeah we need to try and find some iron um oh no not my more better better basically better resources so but i will

Need to come back to this video because obviously it has a lot of very helpful villages uh where’s the farmer can we can we trap him on here as well do you think yeah let’s uh let’s go like this okay don’t walk away please i don’t know you’re always being

Awkward are you all right what if i give you something that’s it you know you know i could just probably build a massive borders like a massive yeah already ready please come on i’ve got enough blocks not quite okay hold that thought mate get out of

Here you okay maybe i needed that golem more than i realized this time there’ll be no mistakes he can farm to his heart’s content they’ll be everything he needs here there we go don’t you just escape get back down how did you know that i was planning on

Trapping your way mate i’ll be honest this villager he’s doing my head and he will not go in there but uh well i’ve harvested all his crops so hopefully he’ll not be able to escape after that so come on hopefully he’ll go to work that’s it go

To work mate go and plant some crops you just never do any work do you he’s literally walking in the opposite direction you know what i mean i won’t lose this villager okay this it’s not even that important that i trap this farmer but on principle

He’s going where i say he’s going even if i have to manually drive you there we’re going into that cage mate okay there’s no choice about it okay now just accidentally hit him with my sword so now he’ll give me a bad trade so to be quite honest with you

You win this all right you win wait will you still accept my potatoes there we go all right no no you you want a job i didn’t think so right we’re uh we’re gonna try and find another village with a few more resources in it and they’re fading in in the distance

There’s another village oh look it’s got loads of flowers around it it looks like it could be a bit of a different one it looks like a tiny one actually or is it tidy there’s a golem over there anyway we’ll see how much we’ve got it looks

Like yeah we just found a little small village um yeah this might not be much juice at least i can get some iron if nothing else but it doesn’t look like the most useful place especially apart from it a bread and a few apples this village

Hasn’t really had much to offer so i have to carry on on the search for stuff on the other hand though i will take out this golem because he uh you know he does have something to offer so i’ll always take a bit of iron

There we go and we got ourselves a three more piece of vines that’s always nice another village has been found on my radar and this one looks way bigger which is absolutely perfect um will it have all the things that i need that remains to be seen i really need a

Blacksmith so i can get some lava then i can go to the nether it’s obviously makeup sydney i’ll find i’m sitting in the chest i suppose but so far we’ve not had much joy with uh with any blacksmiths but there should be this should be some good stuff here you would

Have thought you know like more apples brilliant more bread yeah just just what i was wanting i’m gonna leave that book there oh and actually to be honest i might take it just because i don’t think books are like obtainable because i can’t get sugarcane so yeah oh look at

This that’s a little bit of a uh a potato dream in there isn’t it right so we’ve got a few things hello little baby watch out there’s a big slime over there and there’s a golem over there we’ll get some iron so you know a few more

Resources a blast furnace okay so i love the guy that does the armory this looks like a pretty grand house oh okay we’ve got a lot of what’s this i can’t get books oh maybe i can get books i will go ahead and just steal all their crops as

Well i mean obviously you know good for trading we’ve not had any uh normally when you go to verge you find a load of hay bales but this one again doesn’t seem to be uh been like that but yeah we’ll just we’ll steal them all i always

Feel mean doing this but it’s for the greater good isn’t it okay i need me you sir are the only way i’m gonna get it okay i don’t know what happened i got hit by slime in the back and the iron golem took me out wow double teamed oh my okay well

Guys i’m i’m back so if there’s one place you don’t want to be at night it’s a super flat okay yeah mobs absolutely everywhere i also have no hunger left i’ve run that far it’s the village i don’t think it’s much further in this direction um but if we

Make it there in one piece it will kind of be a miracle look at that i can just see it up ahead now okay we’ve just got a few mobs to get past all right we can traverse these okay look at that spider he’s uh he’s determined to catch me now

Look at him spider and we sleep still slightly outrun him i think maybe possibly yeah i need i need food asap and look at that the golem that i tried to slay he’s uh he’s doing me a favor look he’s scaring everything away that’s brilliant okay i can get my emeralds

Back good stuff i think we’re still in good terms now you’re right mate there we go no problem so i wonder if we can actually do raids on a superfly i i don’t really think about that will um like pillager pillager patrols will they spawn okay hopefully all these villagers couldn’t

Survive yeah they’re not in the uh the best place i just want to go and find this golem and finish the job of course he’s having a whale of a time that’s it let me give you a handmaid there we go brilliant stuff okay um yeah i’m sorry about before but

As you may guess i need iron so hopefully i don’t get backstabbed this time but we can just get our own and get out of here the sooner i can leave this village the better if you ask me you know this is quite handy there’s a

Village so that was the village we were just at and i’ve spotted this village over here so there’s actually two villages really close by to each other and this it looks like a fairly big one there’s a lot of farmland and stuff on there um

Look at that some j what on earth is oh my god we have found the stronghold okay i mean the chance to find a chance to find a stronghold uh obviously pretty limited i mean there are a few strongholds it is easy to see the stronghold when you find it but

Yeah i did actually expect to just stumble across it okay i mean yeah i’ll i’ll take that i’ll take that every day of the week is the report i think that’s the portal room as well so that means there’ll be lava there so everything we kind of need we’ve we’ve got the strong

I guess yeah because you can see it from so far away there was always a good chance we’d find it but um yeah i always thought with my look i’d never find it a slime is going to hit me i have to get rid of you all right first get rid of

The the big threat now we can get rid of this guy yeah fighting gollum’s not recommended at all all right we’ve got more iron um we should be able to find more iron in the stronghold hopefully if there’s any chests dotted about i don’t know how that’s going to work um obviously i’ve

Never explored a stronghold uh on a superfly like this so yeah don’t know what to expect you know i’ve i’ve never seen anything like it like it’s almost like a stronghold in skyblock or something isn’t it um yeah let’s craft a little more of these let’s

Craft these all into wood and let’s just let’s have a little look uh yeah if we just go around here i mean we gotta be so careful that we don’t fall but what a cool call it larry so i don’t know if there’s gonna be chests in here or not that’s my um

My wonder where where on earth is the uh the portal room okay i’ve lost it’s up there okay so should we try and head to that it seems to spawn in a lot of walls but also a lot of things don’t get spawned in and i suppose

Yeah i don’t know if chess i mean we can spot if there’s any chess so yeah pretty pretty cool little experience this never done it before so um yeah always up for trying new things though so here’s the po tool okay i just nearly walked straight

Off okay now i’ve got to try and yeah we can so we obviously we we have all the stuff here we need to um to go to the nether which is good okay let’s just get rid of these guys there we go all right that’s that sorted

Um so we have one eye vendor we’re gonna need a little more we can get those though from like um villager trading and stuff like that is not a problem okay we need to uh put some blocks in here so that we don’t have that issue happening again there we go

Right so ender pearls obviously will come eventually and we need to try and find some chests and stuff and a chest we have found brilliant okay so see this is what we’re talking about i’m boots sorted brilliant stuff okay um this is why i didn’t want to start

Crafting things and then find them in the thing also i guess if i if i build high enough i’ll be able to see all the chests because i just have to look down look at that another chat if anything this is an easier way to explore the struggle bread coal which we haven’t

Been able to get before obviously apples we’ve got loads of them now uh we can also can we reach that almost almost almost well in fact we might as well build to the library because there’s going to be usually more than one chest here okay this looks like it could be very useful

Indeed so let’s grab a few of these um i don’t think i need any more stuff there is also another chest down here just be careful i don’t fall because obviously that will be a uh painful experience oh we can get a bow now as well um

Obviously we could get a string we’ve always been able to get strings there’s like literally billions of spiders uh or map not too bubbly about map but things like maps and paper like you can’t actually get in uh in a super flat because you can’t build

You can’t do sugarcane so you know there is it does have all these uses doesn’t it let me do a bit of parkour and trying all go on okay why do i take risks like that well worst case i die i don’t get my stuff from the bottom you know that’s that’s

My excuse anyway okay um yeah for some reason i like to take risks i don’t think there’s anything underneath there is there right any more chess okay there’s another one over there let’s try and get to that and then here we have a book efficiency i’ll take that that’s

Very uh could be very useful indeed and we also want to try and get to this one down here so let’s just try and still can we open it from there brilliant okay piercing and power can get a power bow i don’t bother that frostworker but so touch again my

Goodness we’ve got some good good loot here i’m impressed with this stronghold um right so we’ve got a chest there a chest there so that’s kind of got to be the next place to go to we do obviously want to make a bucket as soon as possible

Because uh yeah i’m not sure how i’m actually gonna get to didn’t think about how i was gonna get down for some from something like this did that yeah we’ll uh we’ll have to kind of take the route we took here we’ll have to just take

That back i think and then we can use stairs to get a bit lower down the only thing i really have to hope now is that no uh like mob spawn up here like if the skeleton spawns on one of these blocks i’m gonna be in big trouble because

He’ll just they’ll just bring me off word all right um all right we’ve nearly made it okay very low on blocks now is this that’s my last one okay so what’s in here a helmet and i oh very much worth it okay do we have any blocks to get across to there

No i’ve used them all up right we’re gonna have to um we’re gonna have to mine some up then very handily there is actually like some slabs here okay so we just pick up as much of these as we can okay what about this one yep got it nice right oh enderman as

Well so yeah i said i’ll get ender pearls from a collection like they’re gonna be pretty easy to find on here as well um so if we go like like that there we go nice and then up one up two place a slab this is not working very well is it a

Couple of slabs here um i guess i can i can mine up this and this could give me more blocks never seen it before floating iron door i need that block though so i’m going to get rid of this uh this is get out of here

Right so one way or another where uh we’re doing this we’re very close now to uh well we’ve got this chest more iron some gold some bread okay it’s the first bit of gold i’ve actually ever got i’ll get rid of that and some bread okay because

My bread’s in the other slot it’s not to pick it up we’ll get rid of poppies right okay and now just gonna try and get to that final one okay nice and steady and and in the pearl okay very good i may use that in the pearl to get down

To be honest we’ll go to the nether next i think that’s that’s the next plan of action okay because the nether have will have everything we need in it like mainly the blaze powder so that’s kind of a a super important place to go isn’t

It it seems like as good a place as i need to set up my base so we’re gonna go and make ourselves a bucket that’s gonna allow me to go to another yeah uh we’re gonna go make an iron chest plate and also leggings we haven’t got either of those have we it

Would be nice to make an anvil at some point but i think that could be a little bit off unless we can find one somewhere um food we’ve we have got a bit of food i could maybe do a bit better in that we’ve got loads of stuff yeah okay i’m

Gonna leave i think i’m gonna leave these books here because obviously i’m not gonna need to take them so just just in case anything goes horribly wrong in the nether you know it’s not all over form it will set my spawn point here and uh right we’ll get some water we’ll go

To the nether also after me i’m going to steal these pigs water then i’m going to steal these pigs as well no the whole shebang is coming with me okay we’ve run out of things thankfully we’ve got an ax that can do the same thing so that’s uh

That’s all good okay guys the pigs and the slimes must have some friendship going on because i’ve literally just been cornered they’re obviously not happy with what i’ve done um guys it was a needs must okay we’re gonna have to make a valiant escape there we go

They don’t even know what hit them they thought they could catch me they were very very sorely mistaken so realistically what i could do is uh like build up or make a ladder which would make more sense but me being me i’m gonna try and uh

Water bucket my way up to the top perfect okay that’s like probably it’s a renewable way to do it that’s that’s the way i’m putting it right so now we’re gonna have to carefully go to the portal room and now from here i’m gonna make a little basing thing i think

It should probably work if i um although this is one of those things you just gotta make sure you don’t you don’t screw up okay because i’m good at screwing things up like this all right so if we go like that yeah and if we place lava right around it it should

Yeah look at this perfect already i managed to have a slight water disaster so um we’re gonna put these bottom ones in yeah we’re just gonna have to accept there’s gonna be water flowing everywhere we’ve got more lava there so we’ll go and put that there all right and then

Finally the top one and then we are done okay let me grab my water back wherever it is there we go okay good stuff all right so that should um still disappear and then we’ll do the next part if i put my lava here eventually this this will set on fire

Okay it’ll probably like maybe this one first and then eventually it’ll light the pole you just gotta wait a bit for uh for fire spreads to kick in and there we go it’s it’s lit we don’t need that lava there okay so we’re gonna get rid of that alrighty perfect and we

Shall now go to the nether without a sword yeah great idea espe i’m sorry i can craft a sword when i’m there um yeah so we have quite a bit of iron still so let’s oh i can hear a gas okay i’ve got to be careful so the big

Thing about being in the nether now is obviously on a super flat world it is a normal nether but the uh the important thing is that you can get i can get gravel now because gravel one of those things you won’t find in the overworld like loads

Of extra resources can be found in the nether and what i’m most excited about is gravel so i can get flint so i can get a fletcher it’s yeah it’s a complicated system but trust me it works well gotta be so careful when uh traversing this area i

Can see the sky up there so i know where i must go it’s straight up here okay so we’ll go i’m probably gonna end up losing my portal knowing me but that one so if i build with a bit of uh wood or something then at least

I’ll be able to kind of roughly work out where to go but i said we’re going to be you know i’ve got to do it in a complicated way in parkour up you know there we go we’ve got enough of that it feels weird to be in a normal nether like i know

What i think it’s an xbox um like a super flat nether a super flat world brings you a super flat nether but on on pc it just gives you a normal nether which yeah it does open up so many doors obviously um i haven’t found any of my my cover did

Gravel just yet i have found glowstone though um right one of the things i probably don’t want to build with is wood in here because it’s just going to burn like especially if it’s next to lava i don’t know if we’re going in a good direction or a bad direction it looks like

We are going in a bad direction a slight change of course and i found the struggle so my port i think is literally just about probably just about over there somewhere it’s not that far so we need to be very careful now and uh and try and traverse our way down

Nice and steady okay i need to face off against this this evil fellow okay oh did he fall off he did right oh we’re in attack okay but this is a how on earth did you hit me i just get the living daylights out of it okay i’m

Now armed with food i’ve got pork chops i’ve got steak i’ve got apples what more can i ask for i’m also under attack i’ve got i’ve got loads of bread actually i didn’t realize it in my opinion so i think i want to go into the actual fortress before actually doing any

Fighting we might be able to find some i don’t know something good some diamonds or something i also wouldn’t mind a bit of flint and steel singers can’t really get that for the overworld and here we have more gold okay i had a saddle you know i could have done the

Full work for the horse now good night but i’m all right uh another saddle i’m okay with that as well anything up here at all we’re back to the outside but uh obsidian nice i also don’t want any any of these blades escape neither so we’ll make a nice little nice little

Room for them okay yeah they live here now whether you like it or not blaze this is your new home two more okay try and dodge them got another one nice so only two more three just spawn i wasn’t ready for that but okay okay okay this is bad yep i was not

Ready for three all right now this is where the outside ones attack me isn’t it okay we’re not dying not today that’s one down another blade okay go one of these is going to give me a blaze rod we need one more blaze run well thank you very much right we don’t

Need any more blaze rods i’ll see you later i’m off goodbye back home never finished i don’t want to get gravel that’s the only thing another reason i came to another was to get gravel but other than that i’ve got everything i could possibly dream of so

The good news is i found gravel down there the bad news is there’s a gas there and it’s all the way down there but i have a plan okay this could go wrong but it didn’t look at that i couldn’t have gone any better actually never have i ever had such a successful

Uh descent right so uh obviously i want as much gravel as possible i don’t want to get hit by a ghast uh because i need flint so i i guess if i pick up like i don’t know 20 pieces of gravel then that’s what you see this is the okay

Okay okay yeah we’ve got to be very very careful here guys um i did not realize okay oh my goodness what’s under here anything okay more mag don’t stand there yeah panic stations ladies and gentlemen we have got to be super kev okay we’re safe here but you

Just you just never know with this stuff do you of what’s going to collapse in debt and what isn’t okay that gas if that guy shoots me i could be in the drink i think i think to get here i came in about this direction so hopefully i

Can find some more wood finders i did build a wooden stairs for just such emergencies um yeah i think i’m close okay i think i’m on the right track it might not be did i come across along here honestly i can’t remember i could be right i could be wrong okay

But it was kind of in this direction how do i get lost in the nether i should just write down the quote okay hold on never mind we’re all right i didn’t get lost knew where it was going all along we’re leaving the nether guys see you later happy days alrighty

Can we beat minecraft on a super flat well we’re almost there now gonna use the old boat trick there we go knocks this easier but just because it’s fun all right it’s also easier boats i tell you they have more uses than you think in minecraft guys okay

It’s taking a bit of time but i’ve successfully trapped a villager in here now welcome to your new job mate there we go all right there we go sticks for emeralds as well okay so basically my life now is getting how did you get up here oh

I’m sorry oh no he’s going to be mad at me now i’m sorry back down oh it’s got more expensive now just great but my life now is going to be giving you uh sticks all right so you were you staying there i’ll go and get you absolutely

Loads and loads of sticks and now it’s night time my new quest is simple to take out enderman okay so uh i need to make this so that slimes can’t get to me you just die at some point guys you’re taking forever come on

Oh you do drop it in a pearl when you pick a thing up okay i didn’t realize all right stop stealing my house how dare you okay another one perfect all right you know we could probably get all the other pills we need tonight maybe i hope my village that i’m

Villagers that i’m trading with is still safe are you are you all right here mate i know is he being killed i might have to go to another village yeah there’s another village like just over there though so that’s not a problem oh look at this brilliant god creeper blow up get him

Nice okay didn’t get an end to pearl but oh we could take them all out here this is 200 iq 300 iq it doesn’t get any better than this tell you what that might be my most successful thing ever just place that and go for that so how many other

Pills did we get okay we got five it’s not a bad effort this trade is working very well indeed there we go okay we got we got 14 emeralds off him that’s not bad is it so oh your prices have gone up mate flipping there’s no need for that just because i bought

Every uh every single one you add doesn’t mean you have to be uh all expensive with me oh well i guess i’ll have no choice but to do it let’s make some more sticks like uh yeah make about a few more sticks this is the way

To get emeralds though guys this is like the the easy way to do it i just i just realized what i did i accidentally bought arrows instead of oh no spent on him maybe i should just wait for enderman at this point i’m just making an idiot okay well yeah

Yeah we spent a load of emeralds another enderman there let’s try and lure him over perfect um i’m also going to need to make myself a brand new sword but all right we have oh okay i thought i could get in there i was like what else is going on he

Probably can get in actually oh it’s you okay this could be uh disastrous if i’m not careful all right we’re all right eat a bit of stuff okay and what are you doing at my front door that’s it you want to come to this house you came to the wrong neighborhood mate

Well you just carry on there we go all right so this is this is quite a safe way to do things but again no enderpearl just driving crazy okay we’ve got another guy over there so hopefully this guy drops me an ender pearl if he does i’ll have all the

Ender pearls neat perfect so we’ve got 11. if we put those with our blaze powder that gives us a grand total of eleven eyes of ender perfect so all i really want now is food and then i’m at a boat and i’m ready to fight the dragon

Although do i have enough string for that i’m not sure how long my face comes been blurry for but just fixed it now so i reckon i’m now armed with everything i need i’ve got my boat i’ve got food i’ve got yeah i’ve got everything so we’ll just wait for

That to finish let’s go and mine this up okay right let’s uh let’s rush to the end and let’s finish this off and defeat the ender dragon on the super flat world let’s put these eyes of entering there we go let’s hope the portal all works fine all right time to uh

Do this in double quick time hopefully we don’t we don’t die i mean that’s always a uh i think we’re gonna hope for i seem to remember something as well you can actually just shoot these from if you get it just right you can shoot them through that little gap for that so

That’s a pretty cool little uh thing that i never knew but that’s like saved so much time okay i think i’m gonna get hit by that thing not careful i think we’re all right yeah if you could just get it through that gap which it’s a bit of a tight gap but

If you can do it you have to bother going up there which is a lot safer because obviously going up there is uh you know gonna cause a better danger okay well i just uh completely failed that and back to the end we go very quickly okay

We’re only gonna go down so we’re not gonna go too far away i’ll have to grab a few blocks just so i can build up but um since i’ve got my water bucket yeah didn’t uh didn’t quite get that right did i i’m really scraping the bottom of

The barrel for bloxy i uh if you slime i’ve used wood i view stone use obsidian but we should be able to get back to uh to the portal with this now all right take two we’re back in the end gotta grab my stuff i guess i just dropped some obsidian

Yeah let’s just drop it i don’t think we’re gonna use it are we um right let’s uh let’s see so i died it’s somewhere over here here we go perfect right i need to try and grab all the essentials like armor and stuff like that i also do need food kind of

Desperately all right i think we’re gonna get everything unless the dragon flies into it now we’re all right okay we’re back in business ladies and gentlemen okay i think i’ve nearly got rid of every single one i think this might be the last the last pillar and then we’ve got them all

Okay we got it nice all right this is the way it gets uh super nicer with the dragon but we’re going in for the final hit so apparently yeah you can just kind of hit the head and that’s the kind of an easy way to do it he’s off he’s

Flying around but i know he’s got one left the last time i did this it got me killed but you know what some of us just don’t learn i need to see which pillar’s left okay it’s not that one oh it’s that one oh like i said some of us don’t learn

Are you kidding me i just got back to the end and the dragon just flies right you know i’m just useless at this game so whilst he’s down there i should have a chance now to get rid of this right come on please sp just just just get on with it

There we go we’ve got it okay i’m end of pearling down straight into the uh the dragon spread now you’re getting finished off dragon i’m sorry no more mr nice sb but hopefully this means i’m about to defeat the enemy dragon it’s quite a quick way to take it

Out okay never mind it’s flying off i should be able to uh to get it with the arrows though look at that yeah your days are numbered dragon okay you cannot outfly that or maybe you can oh no you can’t i don’t i think yeah we’re about

Defeated so the question of can you can you uh complete minecraft on the super flat quite easily not quite easily but it’s only taken me like a couple of hours um and we’ve uh we’ve been pretty successful i might get attacked by an enemy oh no okay he says that and then

Just as i uh i say all that is this where i end up dying yeah that’s right enderman keep away from my water and here the dragon comes in for his final mo oh okay maybe not he’s not ready for his final moments yet oh my god

I’ll let myself die to that i got too complacent all right look at that the dragon is literally a one-time i mean he’s probably like just a punch away and i managed to uh to let him take me out all right he’s still there okay can we

Get to him before he flies off ladies and gentlemen only time will tell and the answer is oh come on how is he still alive okay well this time i promise you yeah the hint of dragon will be finished guys all right this i don’t think there’s any way that i could actually

Get out outplayed by him but get me we sold out are you here okay i thought he might take me out again you know so can i complete minecraft on a super flat yes i can ladies and gentlemen did i make hard work of it

Uh yes very very very hard work of it but you know what all’s well that ends well that’s all i always say so we’ll go ahead and uh chuck a torch down for this so there we go a torch there and then uh put a pickaxe back there

Sorted we’ve got the yeah we’ve got the egg and now i shall present to this farmer villager since i ruined his crops this uh is an egg for you there you go that’s my present all right and i’ll even fix your your slight leakage for you there you go

While stamping on some more crap look at him he’s never been happier he’s back to work there you go i’ve have a potato for your hard work as well all right so uh yeah can you survive on a super flat guys you can can you complete

Minecraft on a super flat well as long as you uh add the word stronghold at the end so that it generates strongholds you can go to the end you can defeat the enemy dragon and obviously that opens up loads of things because then going to

The end city if i wanted to do that i could then go and get myself the alligator i could get the diamonds you know you get all sorts of of things from the end and so a lot of things are are possible you know um

So yeah this was this was cool it’s kind of cool that you know what it’s annoying about super flat makes you not want to try to challenge slimes they are the most known thing but um yeah other than that is a uh a cool challenge where you can yeah you

Can do so much with it as well kind of so leave a like if you enjoyed this video subscribe if you’re new to the channel and hopefully i’ll see you guys next time You

This video, titled ‘Can You Survive a Minecraft Superflat World?’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2020-02-23 15:30:04. It has garnered 2005887 views and 22090 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:42 or 1782 seconds.

Can You Survive a Minecraft Superflat World? ►Subscribe Here: ►Leave a LIKE if you Enjoyed! ►Follow me on Twitter:

In this Minecraft video I play a Minecraft world, on a Minecraft Superflat! This adds a lot of challenges as a lot of resources are either difficult to obtain, or unobtainable. On a Minecraft Superflat, villages are very important in helping to find resources.

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

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  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

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  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

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Can You Survive a Minecraft Superflat World?