CyberFuel Studios – MASTERING THE UNIVERSE! EP24 | Minecraft ATM: Volcano Block [Modded Questing SkyBlock]

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods of volcano block where in the last episode we made this bad boy right behind me the Patrick Star miles which is used in the end game craft and I do believe it actually goes in the middle

Of the all the mod Starcraft and uh and not only that oh you want me to leave it there oh no you can leave it in the chest for safety but not only that we got this pulsating black hole which meant we need to go through a bit of

Pneumaticraft over here get the pressure chamber get some etching acid all of that fun stuff and also yeah some crude oil we did we smashed it out of the park you know uh your knowledge of new mattercraft coming in clutch getting us all the pressure that we need to craft

That bad boy and we also made some like missiles and stuff didn’t we for the microphone the micro Metals it was amazing and in today’s episode what we’re going to be doing is looking to kind of round out the rest of the stuff because this stuff should be quite easy

To make the rest of this we sharp the resources necessary and hopefully we can get the ATM start by the end of this episode and we’re going to start off with the most difficult one we shouldn’t seem the most difficult but it is the never star block we need 15 three times

Compressed and as of yet miles that’s a lot it is a lot we don’t have the resources necessary I think we need about another 30k of these nether stars and you know just one of these isn’t going to cut it so we’re gonna make some more of these simulation Chambers get

That on the go set up a Wither Builder get that automated and hopefully that can start churning out the withers for us and sounds like a plan it’s going to be amazing plan miles and not only that we did change this in book I think to be

Emeralds because we were we didn’t have enough emeralds follow the end game stuff and this is producers you don’t want to be alive 92 000 times I mean that would be nice uh to be your life 92 000 times files I’ll just take one of those just for safety but yeah this

Gives us 16 per one Booker that’s why we have so many of these emeralds 170k that should do us for the end game stuff but let’s not messing around miles let’s get started with this and first thing the simulation so these two tasks so you can

Either go simulate with a skeleton to uh sell Power with a build up or more of the withers themselves which one would you like which job I would like to go fight some Skelly Bobs go fight some skilly bulbs alright so for that you’re gonna have to go into the nether find a

Fortress and bring us back a self-aware one okay we need these guys to be 99.5 sure that they know what they’re doing wait so you actually want me to fight that minute I mean it yeah you should be able to one shot mile sir um it’s just time based yeah like I’m gonna

Be in the nether fighting these idiots forever yeah you’ll be fine miles just take some like uh Powerade or something with you whilst you go in there yeah and you’ll be good you’ll be uh as happy as Larry down there Louis I have managed to kill absolutely loads of these idiots

And on the last one I can’t find any more so one more I believe I’m one more away from getting this self-aware thing oh you found him killed him miles good job bud well over here I am up to an advanced tier 230 out of 300 data collected so it’s slowly getting there

To one Advanced one but I am running short on with the skeleton skulls so we need your thing up ASAP South yeah so something I did do to make my life a little bit easier is I set up the weather Builder just so the way the

Builder with a hot pot and I just filled it up with some uh heads and Soul Sand just so I’d have to keep building each time so if you want to come back set up your thing and then just set up an ae2 system to Auto input it and then I can

Just kill them automatically then as they spawn and we’re all good at that point over here I’m watching Ursula absolutely One Tap everyone Hey sir she’s going she’s going nuts just a beast over there well killing Blazers killing uh with the skeletons and everything and I’m just and you’re dead

Nowhere oh you’re brutal well I’m out of there with the skeleton scores over here so we need your system up ASAP these simulation chamber and loot fabricator are set up now for the self-aware with the skeleton yeah that’s just succeeded and you want it to produce us the Wither Skeleton schools

Right yes that is the one we want indeed and then what we need to do just add that there draw wrench out and finally yeah we need to link and lock this draw and that should be all good at that point are you speeding that bad boy up

Right there yeah yeah so they should be now in the system and I did set up the thing over here so they are being taken out and spawned right now are these Withers Oh no just down here so I can get back to my uh wither killing days

Over here and they can just keep instantly spawning whilst I’m fighting him look at that isn’t that yeah I’m not sure I can kill him fast enough well before they spot I definitely can like oh yeah these guys are the Chumps compared to me look I’m taking no damage

Whatsoever I’m gonna be there in no time with this uh itself away it’s already Superior so I’ll be there soon enough miles I have myself two wither data models and now I’ve got one that is self-aware and one that is a nice Advanced here and I’m gonna go get these

Bad boys all set up over here did you do an auto craft for simulation Chambers and stuff I don’t know a simulation let’s get two of those and then obviously the loot fabricates as well two of those oh man you’re a lifesaver miles with this boo boo and I can get

These bad boys all quickly set up and I see you did a nice little system over there you wanna it’s like a radiator I’m gonna run us through what what’s happening so where yours were built yeah just behind that I built a strip of glass oh yeah but another wither Builder

Down yeah and then and immediately I put another strip of glass so these guys are wedged in there nice and proper and these one two three four extra ones building Withers all sandwiched in a little slot yeah and then after they get built straight away with the Wither

Builder yeah because we’ve just linked them to the system so they can pull out the stuff they need again instantly killed with the mob Crusher and then all of the items are going straight back into the system so like this nether star should leave yeah hopefully Mount over

Here please hey left hey just put some acceleration cards in here real quick yeah everything and that’s also getting those them uh with the prediction stuffs yeah the weather insoles I have 30 of those oh the amount of things I’ve killed is just too many too many to count miles

Over here but that is all good I’m just putting the crafting cards and accelerator cards inside of here and then we should be all good to leave the um things alone for now shouldn’t we yep the withers so moving on from this now miles uh hopefully by the end we can uh

Build this 15 times near the star block three times yeah so dimensional seed let’s move on to this bad boy and there’s a few things we are going to need to make for this and how is your occultism game on right now uh fresh yeah fresh yeah why not so can you make

These dimensional storages for us uh acutors wait wait which one are we on are we on the dimensional seed right now yeah the dimensional seed that is the one we’re gonna be working on first so and what and what do you need me to make again dimensional storage accutators

From occultism those ones uh they’re what we need for this final craft of this and whilst you do that I will be looking to get some miniature Autos so the uh end the exit end and then the nether bottle none of which should be

Crazy to get it’s just oh crazy I know I am I am a bit crazy miles over here um but yeah it’s just a bunch of like compressed stuff over here I’ve got everything all auto crafted up that I think I I need to basically obsidian three times so awesome three times and

Netherrack three times and that should be the stuff I need for now at least to make these portals sir first thing first over here I’ve got a place boom nice Soul Sand down there so yeah I’m currently making the Ender infused teleportation call and for that you know

It doesn’t sound complicated at all yeah it’s not complicated you need two dragon egg cruxes which we have so I can go poop you need two dragon eggs which we have because we can turn our antimatter index which we did uh not aren’t well yeah our antimatter turns us eggs into

Dragon eggs which is all good for us and then if I do that that and there we go and then I just need a flint and steel which miles has already got for us and then I should be all good if I get an Ender primed oh yeah I’m just gonna pop

Off right now so if I throw it in there that should work it did loads of particles yeah I know does it do it straight away instant yeah it should do it instantaneous what do I want to jump in what might be the issue uh the issue

That I can think of is this that oh no it does yeah so the when it’s gonna face North it does yeah so when you look at it yeah the left I believe that it’s left yeah yeah yeah um so let me just get another one of the

Teleportation cards not a big deal add there we go yeah see you can see more of the particles and there we go there’s the teleportation car yeah I mean there are just some dragon eggs lying around can they just disappear please go far away I don’t want to see him that’s

Right manager get out of here dragon egg I don’t want you right it’ll do over there you know that’s fine I know how to deal with it and then with that I should be able to start making the uh miniature End Portals if I do start on those Auto

Crafts and then a dragon head is what we need but for that that’s just an Ender prediction generalized Ender predictions and a dragon’s breath we have all of that so nothing too crazy I just need to snipe another Dragon prediction over here so I’ve got purple fire over here

That I can walk in over there all right okay and that’s getting this one dream through is it if I’m not mistaken no that is you you’ve got the dream through is on this uh demon dream fruit thing yeah this plant yeah what you do is you

You harvest that yeah get a piece of this dream fruit you launch it on the floor and then set that bad boy on fire not too purple yeah and then you use that other Stone to make your sacrificial ball and your golden sacrificial ball yeah the golden sacrificial ball goes right in the

Middle so just place that anywhere you want boom there we go and what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get the dictionary I believe it’s called the dictionary of spirits let me make a book real quick have we know how have we not got paper uh that you could have question we have

Sugar cane sir you can go crazy okay all right well I was getting worried for a second there I’m glad you uh carved my nerves right now so the next thing Lewis is in order to do so you want these dimensional storage actuators yeah whatever the them ones them ones are the

Ones I want yeah that’s what you’re wanting so in order to make then you’ve got two different things you’ve got the storage accurate a base yeah and the dimensional Crystal Matrix I’m both of them take rituals to make so which one should I do first Louis go on any The

Matrix or the base the The Matrix we like the Matrix let’s go into the Matrix we need the ritual craft dimensional Matrix and that requires a book of binding with a genie inside it yeah okay okay I need it is which one uh Strikers High

Binding so if I go in the book and look at that bad boy can I have your uh flint and steel over here real quick just for my next party trick that I’ve got coming up um what there there’s a dragon head facing man yeah they’re dragon heads and then

If we do that that should turn these in the important thing about this one is to not place the dragon head actually on the Soul Sand block and to just put it on the floor otherwise the craft won’t work that took me a while to figure out

Um yeah which is quite annoying but I can now make boom second one miniature exit portal well done bud oh thank you thank you you know I’m pretty I’m pretty proud of myself um if I’ve got Assessor uh onto the last one which is the nether one now which

Should be also very easy so you need to do some catching up your emails are you ready for this miles we’re getting the yes final miniature portal over here boom throw that in grab this and that should be a good one after I quickly make another with a skeleton skull I’ll

Just use the three that like Miles said there we go I’ve got all three portals are you proud of me very nice I’m so proud of you right now thank you thank you and then it’s on to the rest of the stuff so for this seed we need obviously

The stuff you’ve got and then we need compressed diamonds so we need a four times and then compressed Emerald we need a five time so I’m gonna go quickly get those Auto crafted and sell in order to get all of the chalks we need for the

Rituals to make this thing that you need this uh actuator yeah in order to get the purple one we need to do some rituals so we can and spawn some Little Devils to crush stuff for us oh those little Devils yeah step one step one in the whole process of occultism yeah is

Get yourself some dream fruit yep obviously get yourself some Oak saplings and throw your saplings into the purple fire yeah okay yep pick them up and you get purple Oak saplings in order to actually plant these you’ve got to eat your dream fruit yeah so you get some weird ass eyeballs

Grow it with your weird eyeballs and then chop it down with your weird eyeballs yeah you get some nice wood so we’re gonna do that again because we need quite a bit of this and what you do with this is you throw this into the fire hopefully yeah I’ve got ten pieces

Here alone oh hello hello I’m just wasting around and then with this throw this into the fire boom you get some nice other world ashes right yeah and whilst I carry on with this where are you I’m up here hello there’s a new weapon oh I need you

To do is go kill some animals oh man I don’t want to beat miles the butcher right well before I go ahead and do that I’ll just quickly run through what I did so I made the uh compressed uh End Stone five times in obsidian I’ve set those autographs and

The Diamonds and end uh emeralds are currently crafting up so the emeralds currently have about 11 minutes to craft up took about 500 000 emeralds so if you take a look in the system now we only have 77k left uh diamonds took quite a bit not as many because you only need a

Four times compressed that’s it’s got It’s got one more step to do but the emerald one is currently doing the craft and I’ve got a sauce and one crafting up as well which you can place over here once done nice one but uh algo slots manuals now miles you’re turning me into

This guy I’m so sorry people the moisturizer and I need all of your stuff is it this uh Tower though you’re looking for this Tallow that we need yeah so because what we need in order to do any ritual need these stupid candles as you can see I’ve visualized it on the

Floor here yeah so what I’m gonna do is I’ve got the white chalk which is just in order to make white chalk you need the impure white shark which is three other other world ashes and three burnt of the stone and then you’d launch that impure Chark into the purple fire that

Purple fire is the key e okay yeah so then you take your chalk and you’re right on the floor okay yeah yeah in the positions I’m just doing that right now how much time by the way you need just get as much as you can because we need

One two three we need four pieces for this ritual I’ve got 27 and then oh yeah whoa that’s perfect I mean you give me your job Miles and uh well yeah if I give you a job you don’t you don’t have acid yeah I go all the way uh they call

Me the butcher around these parts yeah that’s my new nickname now the butcher thank you very much and then this wants one piece of each of these raw resources in order to summon this idiot so I’ll just get them in there now can you make me four candles uh what four candles a

Four candle miles is four candles multiple of them I’ll get you a four candle don’t you worry uh which type is it multiple is it it’s just the the big chunky one oh the why to call the white candle yeah okay I get you four four candles don’t you worry about I think

All four candles I’m getting all four candles am I getting 16 candles or am I getting four four candles oh happy that’s for you to decide there you go but I’ll give you them bad boys so you can go ahead and do that oh so that is

All of it done so all we need now is to slap the book in the middle and the book is the book of binding fully bound yeah so in order to make that you need the foliate book and then you craft it with the dictionary of spirits and in order

To get the foliate book again with the purple fire launch a black guy into there and you get some purified ink so I’m gonna do that a few times because you need too much we need to make so what’s this fact in here uh this um ritual that you’re doing well this

Ritual is going to craft a little remember that little this is this guy he’s a little crushing man that’s what you’re telling me that’s what it is okay wonderful so I’ve got that and hopefully this doesn’t use the dictionary in the craft it doesn’t nice no dictionary

Uh I’m over here what’s up hello in the middle oh starting something fully at all Crusher I mean oh he runs around and robs him don’t air yeah he robs it invisible guy Robson invisible guy oh ah he’s going this way he’s gonna rub his own book and then there he is

What name is that bro I don’t know what name is that do we have a right give me give me a second because we can’t be having this can we um name tag call him Billa uh okay Billy [Laughter] all right uh I’m gonna pick him up there you go Billy the butcher hey Billy the butcher so do you want to throw some enstone at him or give it him yeah on his hands I’ll throw it his head don’t worry and Stern how much you want in Billy the butcher

Is he gonna slam dunk it somewhere now maybe into that it just that’s right on floor right look I’ve got purple Char and yellow chalk oh I’ve got all the important charts brush sir we don’t need this idiot anymore so let’s just get rid of all of his chalk Billy move

Out the way now get out of here come on the butcher you better get out of my way start walking around okay stop spitting can I take that off you please Billy yeah he’s spitting Bowser over here and I’m not liking it oh yeah he dies

Doesn’t it oh yeah after a while it dies I’m sorry Billy you know you want to go back up there no way let’s go have some fun it’s not miles he’s sulking at me now he’s so good he’s had enough for me you know I’m sorry okay I thought he’d

Just Let It Go but lately he’s not that type of guy he holds me just just Billy the blue chair it looks like something from The Grudge I don’t know what that is I’m gonna be honest obviously you don’t know if you’re scared or a scary

I’m scared of scary movies you know I can’t sleep miles and then I’m awake constantly and uh no one wants that ever so what’s happening now with this so what’s happening now is I’m picking up all this stuff yep I’m so fast you’re speeding everywhere as well speedy Gonzalez there you go

Thank you for that enjoy that and then I need to get the the book out again because in order to make the storage oh no we want the Matrix first don’t we yeah the Matrix that’s what we want to go into stride Strikers higher binding

So if I go into the book find that and believe it’s down here yeah visualize it oh kind of visualize it again maybe and put it right there boom sir now we put the plate there you get the white chalk where all the white stuff is boom boom

Boom boom look at this I just got an aerial view of you yeah yeah yeah you see it’s looking magical as this yeah and then we get oh we need some more candles bud how many four candles do you want oh no no we don’t need more candles

We need spirited attuned crystals so if you can throw some diamonds in like 16 diamonds into the purple fire right that would be perfect a stack of diamonds Into the Fire Boop oh there we go there we go and then they craft down into Falls they craft down into no

Um are you on about the four of those crafting to the spiritual tune crystals yeah yeah okay right there we go I’ve got 16 of those and then they go in these Corners here oh okay well there you go but you can you can do it should

I give this guy a question job he seems a bit hard you know Billy yeah get him give him some more insta you want some more instruments yeah you seem to like the insta didn’t it seems to be going a bit nuts so here’s Timar in stone Bud

You’re a bit nuts with that okay now wait right are you ready yeah I’m ready so that is that is the ritual down yeah so if you’re if you’re playing ritual games yeah this will absolutely ruin your life if you don’t do it right okay okay yeah

Yeah sure the Matrix we need can you get me three blocks of uh quartz and an Ender pill what one two three and in ND Pearl uh one of those yeah I’ve got those where are they and they can go in the these dishes any one we want oop

Yeah there we go in any of the dishes and in order to do this one we need the genie book so obviously we can whip that up because we’re built different over here yeah indeed get one of them we are and we craft that together with the

Dictionaret and bound it yep get it bound together and then again there you go do the honors right summon this bad boy oh The Binding uh Genie oh he’s got a dimensional Matrix I’m ready for this and I’m not sure if it’ll keep the book

Or eat the book I think he might eat the book hey there we go and it’s popped off I picked up the Matrix ah so I’ll go ahead pop all those down again do the second one and we should be all good Lewis the second Matrix has just jumped off so

Where we’re putting that we’re putting that right in here with the other one so now it’s clean up time uh do we get Billy the butcher to clean up or no uh I’ll clean it up all right okay give me give me the chalk or how’s your brush uh

Wax on wax off yeah it’s at the yeah that’s the one yeah okay all right here we go boom oh man I’m gonna be the uh wait how the greatest did you just pick up a crystal with the brush no I think you’re just super fast

At mining draw that back down there no I don’t want that back there it took me ages oh I can just break this so you just break the block and then it’s all good right you can do the honest with that one there we go and is everything else staying the same for

Your next thing uh no so I need to pick up all these candles okay and then so in order to do the next one I need to pick this up as well because I can’t visualize it on the floor if that’s in the way yeah uh we need this evisios

Spectral compulsion okay um visualize that right now these plates can stay in that position that’s nice yeah just don’t look behind you by the way over here what there just did some stuff um over here I’m creating some soul powder which we’re gonna need later uh it’s from the spirit mod it’s just

Basically Soul Sand the soul fire and you throw it you can either throw a glowstone or glowstone blocks in there I’m choosing blocks just because you get a lot more forum and yeah so I’m just gonna do that and I should get us a bunch of the stuff which we’re gonna

Need for another one of the creative items but all right sorry to disturb you over here carry on with your yeah so it’s all good budget don’t worry about it so I need a few bits of this I’m gonna get two of these books because we’re gonna need two lots of this again

Yeah so if I get some purified ink there’s two of them and let me just craft them together to bind them with the uh dictionary yeah boom they’re bound so now we need I’ve got these pedestals so we need a pedestal in one of them yeah and then in the other it is

I believe just gold four gold ingots have you got gold on You gold yes I’ve got four gold ingots so they go in each one you saying uh three gold sorry one two and three there you go go crazy is it three yeah and then the book goes in

The middle I’ll do the first one you can do the second one oh there’s that oh look at him he’s gonna start robbing stuff soon hopefully this guy’s a bit faster oh there we go you picked it up yeah then see him again yeah pedestal in

One of them pedestal I could I gave you the pedestal yeah and then the book in the middle and Boop there we go and that should finish it off first shouldn’t it um yeah so they’ll just craft this this pedestal with the Matrix on top of it and you get your dimensional storage

Actuator nice well if you want to know where you want that so you can have that ah okay it just goes in front of that one you can place the next one you just goes in front of this n stone block look at the Matrix are happening yeah I know

Rubik’s Cubes and we’ve made this before haven’t we the we’ve actually used the dimensional storage from occultism oh we have yeah yeah a infernopoulos I think was the one we were used in so all we’ve got to do excuse me why have you just put that down oh sorry yeah pick that up

It hasn’t got the Matrix I’m sorry it hasn’t injured The Matrix that’s my bad uh but yeah then we’re just waiting for these to kind of craft up and then we should be all good to make the seed at that point um so that should be everything crafting

Up I do believe so whilst we do that we can go on to the next one which I was setting up over here which is the Oblivion Shard uh for this you need Soul steel blocks the plasma core and two insanium blocks so the plasma calls from

Ic2 which we created a few episodes back nothing to raise you with that and then to make this what we need to go ahead and do I’m gonna do it the uh the quicker way uh if we get some compressed door powder blocks that’s using the um

Powder I got over here and compressed Soul Sand as well let me get that and go one two three four I do believe we can just throw an iron block in there and then that should Mouse convert hopefully if I actually throw it in correctly Boop

There we go and nothing miles I have Fade Out These Solutions so the sauce and block one times is the wrong one you want you need to put it inside a crafting table and switch it so it just says compressed Soul Sand that is the one that you are looking for here yeah

It’s uh quite annoying but now if we throw that in it should start doing all of its magic and boom we get one of the blocks so we need to go ahead and do this you can’t just keep spamming them can you throw more than one in no you

Can’t it just does the one sadly uh so we just need to do this twice more so it’s not it’s you don’t do it that many times it’s nothing too crazy over here if I’m being honest it seems easy enough yeah it seems very easy if you ask me so

Pick this up boom boom last one there we go and that should be our next creative item all done and dusted so like a Oblivion shot boom boom there we go and I do believe oh real quick yeah if I do this into this into

This into oh we need we need two of these real quick are you getting the thing I think maybe maybe I’m thinking this one is it yeah the creative Essence I just made the thing for it I don’t know if you made one as well do you know

The master shot yeah I also made one as well but there we go we’ve got two more pieces of the puzzle to go over here so if I just start those in and then so you did the Oblivion charge yeah yes I did do that Oblivion Chad so we can then

Move on to the Masters of Reality and the Masters of the sky they should also be fairly simple uh this is all just while we wait for our crafts to be done over here for the compressed stuff uh which one would you like to take out of

The world real quick this is the Dragon one there’s the dragon soul all right okay yeah and whilst we’re on the subject of occultism we need to do one more thing to completely brush it off see what I did there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I absolutely brush it off yeah

Empty Soul Gem is what we need okay and in order to do that I’ve set up the ritual here okay yep so we need two pieces four pieces of sauce and a piece a silver Ingot a copper Inga a diamond and a goldinger so gold silver copper

Diamond that’s all we need so I’ve set it all up now and there’s a Trader see what he’s just trading player damage plates no we don’t we don’t want anything Mr Trader yeah take you out llama get dead dude yeah right so if you want to

Do the honors again I’ve got the book here ready for you yeah he is the slow guy unfortunately oh there’s eight different things so is this might take a while okay what this is gonna do it’s getting us The Empty Soul Gem right now yeah so that’s pretty sweet if you ask

Me no that’s real sweet if you ask me I’m not gonna lie then the cultism’s done but yo this guy’s rapid he’s done he’s he’s eating them all is he just spin it around and not a care in the world absolutely turboed around that and he’s already spotted out wow what an

Actual Savage this guy is so what are you working on now then so I’ve just finished that one so I’m I’m ready to go with any of them which one do you want me to do do you want a dimensional Shard what we’re waiting for just your

Autograph to finish up yeah just My Autograph do you want to work on the emitter uh from the master Nexus emitter yeah on that one uh I’ve just got these batteries over here to do and then I can get started with the other stuff because everything now we should just be able to

Craft up if I’m not mistaken right Lewis what’s an aerial Pearl uh why what’s that needed for we need to use an aerial Pearl yeah on a zombie uh what’s this far hello in order to get the player transmitter so the player transmitted Nitra requires a player aerial Pearl and in order to

Get an aerial pill guess what yeah to launch this normal aerial pill you need to throw it at a zombie so where’s where’s the closest sunbed you reckon I don’t know probably put me on the spot there miles I’m not too sure where there are any zombies I’m being honest

Um you can respawn one over here I mean maybe if you take some lights down to Summit other than that there is our spawner but that’s about it inside of there is there a Husk in there maybe I don’t know oh you could go to a different

Dimension maybe and grab some of those so do you know oh yeah that Paul thing uh do you know the teleport part oh the part oh yeah so go through here yeah and then go out through the telephone yeah because I’m pretty sure there is some in

The other dimension where we met all those um what are they called they’re piglets and stuff like that then bad boy should have some in there Lewis I’m in that other dimension and I’m at a structure that has zombies so oh I just clicked him and

I’ve robbed him you robbed it it just disappeared he’s inside is this had the Pearl well she carrier Robin people okay I didn’t know we’re gonna it just I thought I’m sorry about it that poor zombie you don’t have a clue where he’s going ah I’m good though well

Yeah I know you’re going good I can tell that but he’s not very happy right now yeah well I was just where you were at as well because I needed to get a syringe uh of a guest for my flight module from RF tools that went in there

And uh got that which was pretty easy and now I’m on to making some solar panels which is always nice from mechanism to one of these things but of course we’re missing iron like we are all the time uh where’s our AutoCraft Ryan I’m just gonna craft up 5 5009 that

Should do right for now yeah why not uh until something else uses it up like it always does which is fun so what am I missing so fast what is it that’s fast the uh making the capacitors and stuff oh is that sarcasm right there no no it’s actually instant

Oh okay all right I’m loving it that’s that’s good here uh boom what am I missing out so now I’m just missing a 256 Mega storage component from Mega cells which is uh oh it’s fun that should be easy though shouldn’t it you get that quickly Auto crafted up over

Here oh also our Auto crafts are done over here so we should have them all in the system nice which is nice indeed let me go ahead can I just autograph this up now Boop so oh okay so we’re missing a bunch of calculation processes and a whole bunch of logic processes

Okay well yeah we need a lot of this stuff as well I’m gonna set up an autocross for all this well in order to get the HB solar panel we need eight Envy ones and each mv1 takes an LV one and each LV one takes a normal

One so we need a hell of a lot of these things and that does seem like a whole lot I’ve got to say right I’m just slapping accelerator Cards into everything over here just so they go super fast borrowers uh do you know these subscribers downstairs we’re gonna

Need these to work over time if they’re gonna make 17 000 of them not gonna lie so can I finish this over here then so let me get out my Emerald uh got the five times block get the diamond where are you at nowadays oh four times and it was another

Uh rack block do you want to come witness this over here by any chance one second then let me just put these in the crafting terminal so I can Auto Craft some stuff up real quick boom boom boom boom come on yeah I’m here just here and then what is

The last thing that I need a solian base seed that’s the last thing that I need for this so grab that look at all this and yep oh is this block it keeps blocking me so rude anything oh hey oh look at the pedestals in The Matrix

You get the Beatrix back Miles because you did all the hard work there you go you can have that back bud enjoy but we’ve got ourselves our dimensional seed now so that can be added to the list of things over here yep there we go wonderful and should I just get working

On somewhere else now one of the other ones well I’ll start with it uh for those yeah so uh the dragon soul is really close to be done the dragon soul okay what are we missing for this we’re missing all the things on the right hand

Side yep so I need an Ender Dragon prediction which shouldn’t be too difficult I can just grab that out in a second when this is done and Oop There we go I’ve got that and then we need a dragon egg chunk the focus of summoning the dragon egg chunk we’re gonna need

The seed for artway um uh yes that’s dragons already got that no we don’t have the seed at the moment and then inferior not even insanium we need to have that bar of that and then that should be everything I believe and if the Dragon seed and

I’ll need to make another Crux over here all right boom dragon egg chunk achieved over here as well I’m sailing too fast with this you can’t even catch me now and then boom boom I’m just setting up a mega long autograph to get one of these HV solar panels I hope

You’re okay with that yeah I’m fine with that so I need a thing from occultism now did you say you got it oh do I need to go ahead and do this this Empty Soul Gem is that uh I don’t want to alarm you yeah but we need one two

Three more plasma cars uh that’s fine from thing of these are these been popping off over here yeah yeah it’s full oh we’ve got juice forever yeah you’re all good um so did you make this uh empty gem cell that I need or do I need to make that

Hey yes it no it’s it’s in this chest here ah in this set okay wonderful Boop grab that out so all I’m missing now is a focus of summoning so I will need to kill the Wilden again but that shouldn’t be too difficult we’ve done it several

Times haven’t we I’m assuming one more won’t be any harm the focus of summoning is being crafted up now and then that should be the dragon soul achieved for us achieved nice if I don’t jump in the lava whilst I do so boom boom dragon soul achieved let’s go and add that to

The collection of stuff over here and then is it on to the master uh well the Philosopher’s fuel is that one wanted now uh philosopher’s fuel yeah or the withers Compass uh the foot where the withers have you got the improbable probable device uh no so for that I’m

Just waiting on the 256 M Mega storage component oh tour craft it I need a whole bunch of um circuits and stuff down here you know these logic process and stuff so I’ve increased the speed of all these and we’re kind of just waiting for them to do their magic over here

That’s all good yeah three plasma calls we’re gonna need oh look at you being a spicy guy so awaken to premium furnace we need to get another one of those I need two nuclear reactors Louis I’ve got all the MV solar panels in the auto

Craft thing so all I’ve got to do is control click this plus yeah boom start some ingredients let’s replan start boom so this is gonna take a while yes but when it’s done it should craft AMV solar panels oh and then I can make a one HV

Solar panel and I’ve got a bit of initial Lewis okay yeah right by me we’ll see what’s the issue the Nexium emitter yes right well whilst we’ll wait for this m the HP craft yeah which is one of the two blocks I’m missing so I’ve got all of the blocks except the

Hair tree solar panel and the Tesla coil okay the Tesla coil Bud yeah we need to go quite far into immersive we need not only do we need an industrial squeezer oh a Crusher yeah we need a bottling machine we need two refineries and we

Need what’s the last one the last one oh we can use we’re making ethanol another way but we need a squeezer as well for the ethanol yep so we need quite a lot of the industrial machines and you know me yeah I’m not a huge fan are you gonna say if immersive

Um sorry not industrial sorry immersive yeah yeah I mean I don’t know you’re a pretty big fan of a massive engineer so if you ask anyone of our Watchers so you’re saying we need to go quite far in to immersive engineering is that what I’m hearing right now uh yes they are

Still exactly what you’re hearing but that is all good because I’ve almost finished up this uh philosopher’s fuel I’m crafting another supremium furnace over here and then hopefully I shouldn’t be able to yeah awakened one Oop There we go uh what am I missing for this I’m

Just missing one more reactor which is just missing a few AutoCraft stuff over here which I do believe your phv thing is absolutely taking all of it so that’s fine I’ll just cancel these and hand craft them like a caveman it’s okay miles oh look at you oh what is happening here

Why can I not craft any of this stuff why do we have like nothing in the system that’s micro is this refined iron oh well it should yeah are we all good how are we looking I’ve got the HV solar panel oh nice one right I can start up

These autographs in car and they should quickly yep there we go one two are you ready for this then second yeah reactor done philosopher’s fuel almost done what am I missing for it an insanium core block I thought I had one of those uh let me just make some more insane call

Just a second and then there we go bang and philosopher’s fuel done and dusted and that can be added to this stuff over here and we’re getting nice real close to crafting everything up we’ve just got a few little things did you make the dragon’s breath the dragon soul uh the

Dragons so yeah dragon’s all done done dusted out the way yeah so one two three dimensional seed we’ve got now yeah well we’re not messing around one two three so there’s only four more things to make right uh I do believe sir if I quickly

Craft up how many of these it ate that induction providers so that’ll be for this Withers Compass uh because we need these gravitational modules uh we also need a bunch of Wither heads which I can uh craft up Kai as well nothing too crazy for that which is

With the building you need a bike bunch I mean two that’s fine one two three four there we go and Compass achieved that is another one ticked off the list and let’s nope don’t put it inside there boom there we go so all we have left is three more things to

Get but for these three things there are a few things that we need to either wait for or go into a immersive engineering so I think Miles We’re not gonna be able to get the ATM Star as of this episode we are going to have to hold off on that and Adventure

Into immersive engineering your favorite mod but I think with that that is a good place to end the episode off there so yeah enjoy the video please make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe and we’ll see you all next time

This video, titled ‘MASTERING THE UNIVERSE! EP24 | Minecraft ATM: Volcano Block [Modded Questing SkyBlock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2023-09-20 19:00:23. It has garnered 1943 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:44 or 2684 seconds.

Minecraft ATM: Volcano Block | MASTERING THE UNIVERSE! EP24 [Modded Questing SkyBlock]

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  • EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #Shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #ShortsVideo Information oh my Lord and all my days the Iron Golem has a face they’ve done it guys they’ve merged iron golems and villagers this is the iron villager oh my days look at that he looks like he’s like holding in a fart it’s okay bro when nobody’s looking you let that out okay look at that amazing costume though we’re going to take a risk and go behind him here don’t let it out now mate um yeah that is nice that’s a nice costume nice outfit very very futuristic pack here this looks like This video,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream – SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVE

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream - SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVEVideo Information हेलो गोल्डी हेलो गैलेक्सी हेलो डेविल थैंक यू सो मच फॉर जॉनिंग माय स्ट्रीम गा प्लीज लाइक कर देना फर्स्ट एंड माइक ऑन करो जी हमने कर लिया माइक ऑन दो सेकंड बस दो सेकंड में आ गया ए आहा सर्वर ऑन करो फटाक से लाइक करो या स बंद खेल लेते कम से कम लाइक तो बनता है ना गल ओ हो लेट नाइट के ऊपर आ जाओगे आज आप सही है गिवन ब्रदर मैंने आपका आमर ट कर दिया तभी मेरी लाइट गोल हो गई बदर जैसे आपका कर मैंने तो मेरी लाइट गल हो गई… Read More

  • XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizo

    XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Disociado… #twitch #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by xBrandonUwU on 2024-05-03 03:12:00. It has garnered 425 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥” #minecraft #hacks #omg

    "Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥" #minecraft #hacks #omgVideo Information top five mini buil hacks you didn’t know in [Music] Minecraft oh This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 5 HACKS|#minecraft #viral #subscribe’, was uploaded by TUSHAR_YT on 2024-01-07 08:59:16. It has garnered 3331 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

CyberFuel Studios – MASTERING THE UNIVERSE! EP24 | Minecraft ATM: Volcano Block [Modded Questing SkyBlock]