Designing Traps and Minigames! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 302]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide hope you guys are having a good day we are back here at the jungle temple that I rebuilt redesigned completely reimagined in a previous episode and as promised today we are gonna turn this thing into a trap filled

Nightmare actually it’s not gonna be that bad I’m thinking what we might do instead of making it a bunch of traps is make it into more of a kind of mini game of sorts sort of the same way that we do with the regular jungle temples where

There are just a couple of switches to flip a couple of non-lethal traps in the walls here and there because I imagine a lot of you folks that might be keen on you know trying to trap your server mates if you play our multiplayer servers or design some devious maps with

You know places you can fall into lava and things like that but this is my single-player survival world and I don’t really feel like designing anything that’s going to kill me and then demonstrating it on camera instead what I think we’re gonna do is maybe a couple of interesting little tricky sections

Where there’s a puzzle that we can solve or something like that and I’ll take you through step by step how I’m imagining this as a kind of minigame experience I suppose so the first thing is we’re actually going to block off a bunch of the entrances on the lower levels of the

Temple I have done this already with a couple of these ones on the insight as we go in here you’ll see that I’ve got a couple of flaws in here now so that there are individual chambers at least three blocks high that we can build some

Stuff out into but then I blocked off the entrances on these sides I’m gonna do this one at the back and I’m actually going to do this one here as well because the way I want people to enter this temple is actually on the upper level now you might be wondering where

How exactly we’re going to get there when the staircase is split and there is this giant wall around that area of it but what I think we can do is add in some little areas like this where we can use the structure to our advantage we can see where some of these pillars

Might have broken down and there are a few things to indicate that it’s broken like the cracked stone bricks which is why I wasn’t using them elsewhere in the build and then a couple of stone buttons to represent little kind of chips of the stone that have fallen off when this

Thing fell and that actually provides us we a fairly neat little staircase which we can use to hop up onto this section and continue up to the actual entrance to the temple which is gonna be right here at the top and there is another level above this which we’re going to use for

Something completely different but here I think is going to be a kind of pedestal that will have an indication of how far through a mini game the players are and I’ve got a couple of fun ideas for this that I think we will give a go

Let me just grab a couple more of these stone bricks and stone brick stairs well maybe use some chiseled stone brick as well and we’ll hop back into that top area because what I want to do is make a giant podium of sorts in the center of

The room which is gonna have four sections of it lit up using fire and we want to make sure it’s kind of in the center of the room which I guess is going to be a five by five area here like so is that five blocks five-year I

Think that is and that should meet up with all of the entrances on each of these sides here and then I guess what we’re gonna do we’ll light this up in the meantime just so we don’t get any mobs spawning in here we’re gonna have fires lit maybe I guess there there

There and there and I wonder if we can do that with dispensers facing upwards containing flint and steel because if we do that then of course we can have that activated by a redstone power when we complete certain sections of the puzzle all right so I went away and got a

Couple of supplies we’re gonna stick a couple more dispensers in these two spaces here and here is the big question can you put a dispenser with a flint and steel in it on fire like this you can okay perfect so that’s gonna work out really well for what I have planned here

The idea is that players will have to explore this jungle temple complete a few small tasks and each of those tasks will light one of the fires around a central monument here and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna have a couple of let’s say stone bricks or something like

That built up around the center here we’re gonna have these attach the sticky pistons which are only going to be activated when all four of the fires around them are lit and when that happens all of the blocks around this will retract and in the center we can

Have us a reward of sorts for the player maybe a diamond block or a gold block or something like that the the treasure of this temple could be stored basically on the inside could used to easily be a chest or a shelcha box or anything like that that you want it

Could even be a punishment for the players for having transgressed and found themselves working their way through the temple it could be like lava is stored in here or something like that if you just want to troll your players a little bit but I think we could do

Something really cool with that idea and each of these is going to be wired up to something elsewhere in the temple on the lower floors that is going to be a challenge that the players have to solve right so basically it’s a mini game with four objectives are leading up to a

Reward in the center seems like fun just so players don’t end up bypassing this by you know activating the dispensers using something else which would ultimately break the puzzle because the idea is that we’re going to have something else hooked up underneath the dispenser there’s going to be powering

The sticky pistons or some sort of like and gate that’s going to be adding all of the redstone wiring together to move the sticky pistons we want to make sure that they have some blocks around here that are going to prevent them from just putting a button down say on like the

Nearest block and pressing it to activate some of the dispensers right because that ruins the point of the puzzles so I think stylizing the podium here a little bit stylizing this so that it has stairs around the outside it makes a little bit of sense we could even potentially have some other blocks

Around here to make it look like you know this is an area that you shouldn’t touch we could put glass around the outside if you want to but I feel like glass doesn’t quite work for the surroundings here I’ll put some mossy bricks here and there as well and we

Could do something else with the floor to make sure it doesn’t look so plain and stony but the idea is that the player is going to be drawn to stuff that is a little bit more detailed so maybe you want to just leave the floor to be a little bit plain or potentially

The floor could kind of give the player an idea of where to go if we make a path around the jungle temple out of something different like a different type of material maybe andesite or maybe you know some grass paths that we can bring in from the outside or something

Like that as though these paths have been trodden before but this is a large structure and kind of a large task for us to get on with so I think I’m gonna spend a little bit more time working on the layout of this place off-camera and

I’ll do my best to explain it once we get back and we can go over the layout of the place and then we can start figuring out where some of the traps and puzzles are going to go there’s going to be a fun project though hope you guys

Are psyched for it I will do some layout work off-camera and I’ll be back with you guys in just a few seconds hey folks welcome back so my inventory is a complete mess right now try and ignore that for a second instead I’m gonna show you the work I

Have been doing on this here jungle temple because I have been a little bit busy I still have a lot of work to do and I still have a bunch of stuff I want to get done in the interior as far as the challenges go but right here in the

Center get will take a couple of blocks which I still need to replace there there we go we have a monument of sorts this is gonna be actually kind of cool and I’ve been working on the redstone and behind the scenes to get this to

Work so if I take you guys down here and through the wall kind of ignoring all of the stuff that I still need to do here we have a little monument where inside here the Redstone is actually fairly simple despite appearances for those of you who may not be all that keen on

Doing redstone stuff so those observers right there are underneath the dispensers that are on the top level which are going to be dispensing the flames they’ve each got a flint and steel inside and that’s what’s going to be setting things on fire now bear in mind of course I do have fire spread

Turned off in this world which is what allows the dispensers to remain alight if you don’t have fire spread disabled then they will turn off occasionally like the fires will just go out after a while unless it’s lighting a fire on something that burns indefinitely like netherrack or I think soul sound and

Soul so you’ll do this in the new nether update when that’s coming out anyway going back to what I’ve got here this section here actually sets up a redstone signal that will trigger this block here this block here has a redstone torch on top of it which is currently extending

All of the sticky pistons around it which have the one of the called the chiseled stone bricks attached to them on the room above and each time we complete one of the challenges we are going to be triggering this Tower of observers and note blocks there’s also a

Note block in the floor as well and that is going to push one of these four blocks in the corners upwards that will activate the observer in the corner which will activate the dispenser above it and it will also start to complete a redstone circuit which is going to

Activate this repeater switching off the redstone torch in the middle so only when all four of the fires are lit and all four of these blocks have been pushed into position in front of these observers is the whole thing going to become and the monument in the middle will open

So it’s actually quite a neat system so at the centre of the jungle temple here is this monument and from each of the four corners we actually have a staircase leading down there are a couple of different designs of staircase I’ve gone for a direct diagonal from

These two in this opposing corner and then this one here has two staircases that go down and kind of meet in the middle or in this case they kind of diverge into this room which I will explain in a second but each of them is gonna have a different challenge set up

Behind it so there is a little bit of variety to what you experience when you explore this jungle temple let’s take this one down here first because this is the first one I ended up designing you have two ways you can go at the bottom of this staircase but if you track

Around to the right here ignore the area where I’ve left this open so I can work on the redstone components and stuff if you come around to the right here you find that this set of chiseled stone brick is blocking your way and of course

The idea here is that we’re not going to be just mining our way through these blocks you could do if you wanted to I guess but if you come around here on the other side you end up finding a lever which you can use to retract some sticky

Pistons in the walls opening that out and allowing you through these other chiseled stone brick blocks are also going to be here in the floor and they are potentially going to be retractable as well I’m just gonna work on the redstone for that a little bit later and

Now I’ve fallen through here so give me an ender pearl so I can get back up to the top there we go okay so if you come down here all the way to the end of this corridor you find a gold block the idea is that there are going to be four gold

Blocks that you can collect throughout the exploration of this temple now if we remove this gold block uh-oh we’ve triggered an observer and the observer is going to send a signal to that central monument lighting up one of the forth fires it’s also going to activate

A couple of traps they’re going to be hidden in here once we have finished the walls over this place and maybe we’ll hide a tripwire somewhere in here as well or have some sort of other motion sensing device that is going to activate a bunch of gravel dropping on you from

The ceiling where there is space because some of the design of the jungle temple here has meant that there is not a huge amount of space but this is effectively the closest I could get to an Indiana jones-style running away from a boulder trap we’re sort of sections of gravel are going to

Fall down from the seal as you head down through this corridor and that’s going to make it so that you kind of have to run towards the end here however once you get to the end here this door is going to have closed again and this section here has retracted so

Basically you try and make your way towards the door you fall down and falling is obviously one of the things that scares folks in Minecraft the most because typically if you fall straight down chances are there is going to be lava at the bottom instead I think what we’re gonna do is

Send people into another stage of the challenge which is going to really be starting over here if you explore this challenge a different way so if you end up coming down this other staircase here the opposite corner from the one that we started with you kind of end up in the

Same place which is gonna be down here at the very base of the temple where I plan to make a pretty large parkour challenge now that’s gonna take a little bit of development here so I’m gonna spend a bit of time digging this all out

With a beacon so that we have a kind of lower floor and then there are going to be a series of posts and things that you can hop around the room Tomb Raider platforming challenge style until you make it to another golden podium there’s going to be in the center with another

Gold block for you to claim that one is also going to activate another one of the fires up here at the top of the monument and the ideas that you would return to this platform over here and there would be water or maybe lava for you to fall into depending on how you

Want to do this challenge how ruthless you want to be but I think if we want to make sure that players come away with the gold blocks that water seems like the sensible option so that has lit each of these corner fires that one there and

That one there the other two are going to be triggered by a couple of other challenges and I can’t remember exactly which one it is I think it might be this one over here that leads down to what we saw a minute ago no okay that’s that’s

The one I haven’t worked on yet I’m still working on what exactly that challenge is going to be but this one here in the opposite corner leads down a couple of different staircases to this room and as you might be able to tell from the floor pattern we have here this

One is a bit of a maze so you can kind of start out over here and make your way around and the idea is that the player is going to be clued in to the fact that this is a maze there is an iron door over here that cannot be open from this

Side unless of course you have a button but that’s kind of against the spirit of the game suppose you enter through this section here and you are taken on a bit of an exploration journey around these winding corridors now you can see there are note blocks in the ceiling here I’m gonna

Have to do my best to conceal the redstone components that are going to be activated by each of these challenges and this might be a lesson to you guys never start building a maze until you’ve done the redstone first because I will need to do a lot of remedial stuff just

To make sure that I don’t end up having all of the redstone components of this exposed and having players just be able to right-click and noteblock and get what they want but anyway this maze has taken me a little while to build and isn’t really following any kind of

Structure is certainly doesn’t mirror the structure of the pattern on the floor over there it’s much more complex than that because we had a lot of room to work with here and to be honest I am finding myself getting lost walking around this thing anyway you can just

About tail from occasional bits of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone that you’ve found the outside wall of the jungle temple itself and even then those are liable to get you lost if you follow them and I may even have included a couple of mossy bricks and things like

That here and there just to make sure that players get a little bit disoriented and lose their way inside the maze but I think if we come through a few more of these twists and turns we end up in a room that looks something like this there we go

I found it and we found our third gold block we can remove that from the pedestal that has an observer underneath it as well but that is a benign observer that is just going to be triggering one of the four flames of course and then you make your way around at these last

Few corners of the maze – at this iron door with the pressure plate right in front of it and you end up back in the lobby of the maze building and able to ascend the staircase once again and the last one of course is going to be over

Here in this corner and once again I haven’t quite decided what this is gonna be it might just end up being a series of corridors with some arrow traps that fire at you and that kind of stuff but I think it’s going to be a little bit of

Fun to work on that in the next little while but before we end up finishing the redstone for each of these little challenge areas I’m gonna make sure I have the Redstone wired up for the crucial part which is this monument kind of monolithic pillar thing in the center

Itself and once you have all four of those flames lit what that does is slide down and reveal a chest in the center I was going to make it a diamond to block or something like that but then I realized that if you mind the diamond block

It has a chance to go out into one of the four fires and be destroyed when it drops as an item unless you end up extinguishing the flames before you do that and especially since we’re only moving one set of blocks here chances are you wouldn’t be able to step in and

Claim it unless you stepped in the fire for yourself so probably a good idea to just include a chest in there or something like that and we’ll work on what the reward is in a second but for now I think I’m gonna head away and do a

Little bit more work on the redstone and make sure all of that stuff is wired up properly and I’ll be back with you guys in a few seconds time hey folks welcome back so I have a bit of a progress update for you I have decided to change

A couple of things around just for the purposes of space so our little corridor puzzle around here is no longer gonna be dropping gravel on people’s heads instead I have a slightly different system at work down for that it’s still the same entry mechanism we walk around

Here and now we end up on this trapdoor floor which is potentially gonna put the wind off anybody who has done puzzles like this in the past but for now it kind of provides almost like a rush matte feel as though this has at one point had like a little walkway built

Through a little kind of like matted section anyway when we removed the gold block a few surprises are gonna happen and then this floor here is going to retract and hopefully the plan is the fact that we’re walking on these trapdoors is gonna stop people from seeing exactly the fact that this opens

Up until the very last second and maybe with that we can give that a try later maybe that will fool people enough to fall into the next trap the next thing is I have now done a little bit more work where is the opposite side there we

Go I’ve done a little bit more work on the basement which is slowly but surely turning into a kind of a fun parkour course I have spent a lot of time flooding this entire thing out and I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to

Water sources so I’m trying to make sure that a lot of this stuff is perfect looking water obviously like stuff like this all the flowing water you get the noises and you get like these effects and stuff like that and it may also give people the opportunity if they land in

The water to float up onto some of these other blocks which is something I want to make sure does not happen but I’ve been slowly water logging the entire place including all of the leaves and stuff down here and viewed from the top leaves don’t really

Have too much of that awful effect that makes it look like there is an air pocket underwater so I think those are doing all right for now so there is a little bit of an obstacle course to take on here and parkour is really not my specialty so if I absolutely fail at

This then that’s you know probably how it’s meant to be done anyway but either way you can hop onto this one here and if you keep your momentum you can actually hop onto the next jump a little bit easier there are a couple of different techniques to this so if we do

That yep there we go and I can hold shift to keep myself up on here next we are jumping and a diagonal are moving up half a block onto that slab which is actually kind of difficult especially with the clearance in here the Headroom

Is not a lot to work with so we can hopefully give that a try this time and maybe we’ll be successful we really got to jump at the last minute and my Electra isn’t helping apparently this time though yep there we go we made it perfectly fine at that time now this

Jump is actually doable even though it looks a little bit weird what you’ve really got to do is a rundown here bounce off that bottom step and then make it to that platform which I was almost able to do and you got to imagine that people are gonna be playing this

With or without wings so maybe the Electra will give them a bit of an advantage if they want to just like float over to the next obstacle or something like that but part of the trick here of course is making sure there isn’t anywhere else they can jump

From I’ve made sure to keep all of these ledges over here at two blocks high so you can’t get out of the water very easily likewise whenever there are stairs in the water I’m trying my best to make sure that it’s not something you can jump up onto the side there let’s

See if we can make that jump this time yet there we go made it handily that time and a couple of slightly easier jumps take you over to this section which I’m gonna remove the trapdoor from that’s just how I’ve been getting up here if I need to and then this walled

Section here has a couple of points that you can jump on and then we’re going to continue the course around at the outside my idea here is not to create the most difficult parkour course in the world we’re going to be doing a couple of thinner platforms using some of these

Trapdoors sort of lined up here just to make there a little bit more like a balance beam kind of thing making a little bit more precarious to land on but the goal here is to get them to an island somewhere in the center where we’re going to have a gold block for

Them to collect and then if that’s going to trigger the mechanism to light one of the fires further up in the temple once again so it is really quite fun designing these things and over there you will see is the drop that’s going to land people in here so we’re

Actually going to make sure that this area here stays covered in water and that way when people maybe fall into that trap in the the other area up there they’re gonna just land in the middle of this parkour course and presumably have to swim their way over to a section of

The wall that they can climb up onto and then make their way out where they’ve completed this section or not the maze has stayed pretty much the same alive had to make a couple of changes to adjust for some redstone in this level because this level here now has a couple

Of really interesting traps and this is going to be the last section oh that’s where they’re zombies I’ve been wondering where this zombie was for the last little while anyway this is going to be the last section which is gonna be another corridor and this is going to be the one that’s going

To drop gravel onto people you will notice if I can look around here there you go there are a bunch of gravel blocks up there on top of the wall and basically we are going to conceal the mechanism by which we trigger those gravel blocks to fall underneath these

Trap doors right there we have a redstone ore block which is going to be pushed into place once we’ve collected the gold block from over here and then when you walk back down here you’re actually going to step on that redstone block which is going to give it a block

Update because redstone ore when you step on it through a carpet or through trap doors or anything that is less than a slab thick actually starts to Sparkle which counts as a block update to be detected by an observer and then the observer is going to be able to trigger

Some sort of mechanism which is going to on a slow timer release all of the gravel allowing us to feel like we are running away from a boulder that is increasing its weight down the passage here that’s the plan at least I’m still working on the redstone and it’s a

Little bit tricky to wire up but the plan at least is to have a bunch of stuff that we can use as traps in a couple of these sections and a couple more basic jumping puzzles and logic puzzles that kind of thing so hopefully this will be a fun experience when it’s

All said and done I’ll come back to you guys when we’re all finished with it and I will show you what it’s like to run through this thing for the first time alright alright here we are back again and ready to give this thing a try now

Let me tell you the Redstone inside of this thing it’s not good it’s a massive mess of spaghetti and wires going everywhere but I’m pretty certain that the most part it is concealed and that’s part of the point of all of this stuff it doesn’t matter

What it looks like on the inside with all of the spaghetti wiring and stuff the presentation on the outside the experience for the player that right there is what matters so hopefully this should be okay and I’m playing for it for basically the first time having tested everything and being

Fairly certain that this is all good I’m not gonna bring any blocks with me I want to do this in the spirit of the obstacles that I have designed here I am just gonna set my spawn there is nothing in here that will kill me by the way and

You can certainly make some of these traps and things more punishing if you want players to have that kind of experience but personally don’t really feel like dying and losing all my stuff in this so I’m not gonna cover the entire floor in lava or anything let’s

Quickly get some sleep and then in the morning we should be able to go in and tackle the challenges of this jungle temple all right so let’s climb up the steps enter at the top and here we are faced with our monument with the four flames that we have to light I haven’t

Left anything lit up here for all my tests so that is good let’s tackle this one over here first I can’t actually remember which direction each one of these goes in I think this leads down to the maze floor yes there it is okay so let’s make our way through here and

You’ll notice that a couple of the sections of the roof are hanging a little bit lower that is really so I could conceal some redstone wire let’s see where are we gonna end up over here looks like this way seems promising no couple of dead ends okay let’s keep

Moving on around and this maze actually goes all the way around the outside really like it doubles back on itself a couple of times there are definitely a few spots where you can get turned around I like the way this maze turned out and I was thinking about the moment

In Inception where one of the characters is asked to design a maze within a minute that it takes two minutes to complete and this definitely feels like it took a while and I shouldn’t spend too long in here the idea with this is it’s a fairly balanced experience I

Think this is the right way you can tell from the the cobblestone and stuff in the walls there we go our first gold block is complete and I really didn’t want many of these tasks to be something that you spent a super long time on otherwise it could just get

Frustrating for players we want to make sure it stays at a length that is somewhat fun oh there’s a section of the roof that I need to fill in better deal with that later but we didn’t see anything too revealing there did we ah yeah that might be a little bit too

Revealing I’ll have to come over and cover that with a slab later but gold block number 1 is ours and as we ascend the staircase I can already hear the crackling of a fire we have completed the task in this corner and it’s actually taken a lot of work just to

Make sure that the fires when they light up correspond to the corners with the tasks you’ve just finished so I’m quite proud of that detail let’s mosey on down here and see what we’ve got okay couple of corridors Oh No this door is blocking my way all right a better double back

And see if I can find the lever that opens it yep there we go and this is the corridor that I was talking about before where I’ve changed a couple of things we do have an exposed piston there once again I’m gonna have to cover that up a

Little bit all right gold block number two seems good oh no oh gosh oh the arrows they’re firing at me I have to dodge through those and make my way back to the exit oh look at that I’ve fallen into the the parkour course at the bottom here and those dispensers are

Just gonna fire until they run out of arrows unfortunately all right let me make my way to the start of this course because we’re going to have to tackle this and this is the part of the video I’ve been dreading folks because this is honestly the part where I feel like this

Is going to take me the next hour the parkour course is complete it has a couple of areas where you could potentially skip things here and there I’m not the best parkour designer but even if you go back this way it’s not possible really to get over to that

Island without a couple of very nifty tricks so let me do this the legit way where I can let’s hop through this first section of the course here doesn’t look like I can make it too much else around there I’ve tried to design the walls so

You can’t just hop up onto it might have to take out a couple of the blocks over there let’s hop up there nope doesn’t seem like I can make that jump today apparently there we go mate at that time hop down onto this wall up onto the

Stair again have to remove this trap dog that’s really not an intended part of the course and then we’ll hop into the gap in this wall now we could try and scope out the rest of this but it doesn’t allow there’s anything I can really jump

To from this wall and yeah I might have to put in some kind of time and mechanism to turn off the dispensers in the finished product but hope here we go onto this we’ve got a couple of trapdoors floating in the air here bit of a balance beam challenge it looks

Like I might be able to make it to that one but I might do the safe route and hop onto that one first yep there we go and then I can just glide down using my lighter a bit of a cheat there but I don’t mind too much

I put a couple of these trapdoors around that you can potentially open from a distance and use them as a little bit of an assist if you want to but it really depends on your technique whether or not you’re gonna find that at all worthwhile and yeah that’s that’s a tricky jump you

Kind of have to maintain your momentum through those jumps or just time it very very well and believe me there is so much that can be done with a parkour course this is really just the beginning and there are so many different things like advanced parkour players are

Shaking their heads at this going what is this basic stuff but I really just want to inspire folks imaginations if you haven’t considered doing an activity like this in Minecraft before like I am by no means a parkour expert or anything this is really my first time designing

Anything like this and let’s face it in a single-player world you know you’re only fooling yourself after a certain point you’re not necessarily gonna find it all that challenging if you know the route around the course but it is whoa okay I accidentally activated my alight

Row for that that was a bit of a long jump it looks like we can’t really skip over here let’s see if I can do the same thing over there nope not gonna be able to glide onto that one unfortunately shouldn’t really be doing this with a

Light try on anyway but there you go I’m gonna open this up because sometimes that little bit of extra height provided by the trapdoor is just enough to trip me up but yep there we go and from here you can actually get up onto the

Trapdoor and see if you can jump to some of the closer obstacles here the walls are a fun addition because their hitbox is actually higher than the block model might suggest they are one and a half blocks tall so you get a little bit of extra height there same goes with this

Trapdoor as well you could open that but you can actually angle some of the trapdoors so they aren’t much of an assistance yes there we go okay we can make it over to the balance beam this is basically the hardest part of the course over and done with but you just got to

Watch that Headroom because the ceiling will get you it’s made it back to the balance beam it’s taken me a little while to get here but hopefully with a hop a skip and a jump yes we’ve made it to that obstacle and this is a slightly tricky part because we have to get

Around the steps from the outside but I have given myself a couple of trapdoors there that you can hop onto last of all we get onto there and then finally we make the leap to the finishing platform that has taken me about 20 minutes to complete all the way around because I

Had to keep going back because I kept falling at some of these trickier hurdles but this one here this goal block is in the ceiling and when we take that out there we go it activates a note block tower behind there and we can make our way with the victory lap through the

Last couple of obstacles back to the staircase and hopefully when we get back up to the top of these stairs we should find that two extra fires have been lit oh no did I not attach that one correctly oh dear or maybe the flint and steel note the Flint steel hasn’t burnt

Out I just never hooked that one up correctly it looks like oh well I mean taking a quick rummage through the innards here I know exactly what’s gone wrong it’s because the note block tower from that is supposed to activate this but unfortunately yeah I didn’t put a

Repeater here which was going to power this block and hopefully that shouldn’t mess with any of the rest of the Redstone we’ve got here there we go okay that should all have worked out fine and hopefully we can make our way back around first of all here so I can shut

These Don dispensers up there we go I’ll have to go and replace those in a second or two there we go let’s put this door back where it was well with the Redstone double-checked and triple-checked and hopefully in good order now all I should

Need to do is head down this a last set of stairs and grab our fourth a gold block and nothing could possibly go wrong now right we’re at the home stretch Oh careful for the trapdoors looks like nothing bad is happening if I step on those very good you’ll find out

Why in a second now if I grab all that sounds like something triggered there okay hallway looks clear though no arrow traps or anything like that but oh no if I step on those trap salt oh there it is there’s our indiana jones a boulder

Chase and i had to turn around so you guys could see that because i worked on the timing for that for absolutely ages and i’m super happy with the way it worked out now as you can see all four of the fires are lit we’ve completed the challenges

We’ve got our four gold blocks the chests in the center of the monument is revealed and we can claim our prize how great is that all right well that was quite the adventure and I really liked the way a lot of this stuff comes together I’m gonna show you some of the

Redstone and again forgive me the redstone in here is pretty darn terrible so what we’ve got in the back end of this is everything wired up to this central section which apparently has a creeper in it hello get out of here you he’s not part of the plan the plan is

Basically every time you take out one of these gold blocks it has an observer underneath it which ends up triggering one of these observers powering a note block which pushes this block up completing at the Redstone circuit we saw that earlier in the video what you didn’t see is all of the wiring

Criss-crossing all over the temple to get back to this central point because it is a bit of a nightmare to do it any other way unfortunately but this right here is the timing circuit for all of the gravel dropping and it is basically a comparator decay clock down here you can

See it kind of there town there at the end and I can go into spectator mode to show you a little bit better so the comparators facing inwards and outwards here are basically forming a decay clock and what happens when you trigger that is that the signal to all of these

Repeaters which are firing the Pistons here and keeping those held in place slowly starts to decay and when that happens the signal actually travels along the line getting dimmer and dimmer and you can’t put any repeaters anywhere in this because otherwise it just all happens at once but the same is true of

The other side of these three comparators end up transferring the signal to the rest of these repeaters and then once you flip a switch you’re able to basically turn off the signal slowly activating or deactivating rather each piston in turn and dropping all of the gravel from this space and I could

Not do this in any other space I tried doing it over here this is all the circuitry for the kind of two-way switch for the the door that drops you down into the parkour challenge that took a little bit of wiring and it simply wasn’t possible to drop the gravel on

Anybody in that area so I had to kind of improvise and use this passage for it instead but the gravel is all kind of stuck in there and yeah I’m really really happy with the way this turned out I think it went splendidly well and here we are back in

Survival and we’ve claimed our prize of three diamond blocks which were really just out of my beacon box but I love the fact that we could have a prize in the center of this as part of the adventure and I mentioned that I was planning on trapping the emerald blocks up there as

Well basically all I was thinking about doing they’re a very simple trap instead was if people were pillory up towards those emerald blocks to get them they could be an observer behind that and a dispenser facing downwards and if they tried pillory up they would find their

Feet surrounded by lava when they tried to come back down imagine a dispenser of lava just concealed behind that emerald block which I didn’t get a chance to go and grab today because I’m not sure where any lava is around here and apparently the mobs aren’t really gonna help me

With that so that’s gonna be it for this a little exercise in trap building and minigames here at the jungle temple I hope you guys enjoyed this episode it was a lot of effort for me this is not the kind of thing I typically do so I

Don’t have a huge amount of experience with it but I think we managed to pull it off pretty well and I have my reward of my diamond and gold blocks here thank you so much for watching this episode my name is Ben Pixar ifs don’t forget to

Leave a like on the episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Designing Traps and Minigames! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 302]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2020-06-15 10:00:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you my thought process as I convert the Jungle Temple we built in …

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  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

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  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

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Designing Traps and Minigames! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 302]