Fruitberries VODs – Minecraft SWRC Tournament DAY 2 | Fruitberries Twitch VOD

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Uh yo my phone dead no but i need to charge my phone actually i should do that where is long charger okay my phone just turned off that’s cool All right we’re back it hasn’t started yet but i’m resetting anyways because i want to practice this definitely is not a anything Cannot stop coughing wait a minute what if this is oh what the [ __ ] yeah that’s a fast math list but i don’t think i have a ravine um Uh Damn Go go go oh hell yeah the fruit berry headquarter yen get the abby cough yeah yeah that’s exactly why we work that is exactly why it’s messed up i know it’s probably messed up [Applause] uh how do i stop coughing i don’t know if i actually have covered but

I do have a cough monkey farts yeah it looks so bad i was like looking for now oh today’s the second day Okay i’m getting my bad answers out of the way just make it i’m just like make funny noises i need more cough drops dude i bought a bag of 80 of these and i’ve probably had i probably used like [ __ ] 30 of them in the past like five days um are useful

I must say our sauce are awesome yeah i am going to the ariel round i mean that’s the whole point everyone in this thing is going to the irl one oh hold on surely it’s not the room portal right here i actually think it’s right here but i don’t have any other option

Wait no it is right here fogger no my god the [ __ ] was that message um no i actually had the point from that that’s pretty cool give me oh oh uh i swear sheesh damn this is a nice ravine it was just a good seed oh all right

Apparently i need to up the bit rate on my alt so i’m going to do that what is up zombie maybe i’m using two obs actually no i’m using three obs i’m using one to background record are you gonna be at twitchcon san diego all right i think i should stop resetting

And i’m mute oh hello okay i’ve already cranked their three map was entering i’ve literally entered three [ __ ] maps already i i i was literally like i’m gonna get the bad seats out of the way i’m ready to go sounds like what’s up so i warmed up today

You don’t need to warm up something so they’re here everyone you know barely want obviously it’s the worst i feel warmed up yeah i’m not gonna be able to hit zero i’m gonna have to like like practice mid-session or something you could it’s just like you’re doing it they just busted up the

[ __ ] [ __ ] oh you we can start what the hell yeah just go for it man this is zero mechanics i’m just gonna like play until my i get mechanics and then maybe i’ll practice zero have your chatty down to zero well yeah that’s sort of what my mindset

Was but now i feel like i have to do zero yeah because you do yeah yeah right why can’t i reset oh the mental shattered already i’m gonna only tap into villages for seven hours wait this village is actually kind of dope i got a big bertha portal did you just

Crash no i should be just tabbed out of an instant somehow dude i can really keep my eyes open looking for shipwrecks my god i woke up [ __ ] like eight hours ago at this point oh my god wait what i couldn’t fall back to sleep

Dylan i i slept for like five hours and like i stopped really early and then woke up i just wasn’t feeling good and then i’ve just been up all right allow it i feel warm though it’s good yeah i guess if you’ve been up for a while that’s the one thing i like

I feel like i play better towards the end of a session always so if i like stay up i feel like i play really good at the end of the day there’s no food whatever yeah silver was talking about how like he feels like a god at night yeah i’m on

That same vibe that’s only me yeah because you’re just like you’ve been up for like you know 10 hours or whatever it is you’re just stupid everything’s worse like you’re born yeah you know i played away was like after work i get home from work way worse oh the weekend where i’ve

Like spent my time working on i could see that oh that’s like physical or mental probably could will impact you yeah any big portal one enjoyers god damn it i just didn’t have [ __ ] flint or fire charge not to reset my little big portal one no not big portal oh wait dude

Before one goes crazy dude why attain like spawn That’s [ __ ] dude i can’t craft my crafting people on sticks three tries oh yeah frosted oh you got audio today i have audio yeah i was like what was yesterday people in my uh people in my stream were using your audio to communicate with me they’re like asking me questions that’s funny

I didn’t have much much yesterday and the mapping map dude now i’m building a portal haven’t heard the mapling before you can’t just that’s a new one yeah jesus came from the dome you know yeah map like first off yeah yeah yeah my name dylan i’m kind of looking like a villain

You already know i’ve been chilling oh yeah that’s it oh he freestyles yeah i mean that was it you say it like it looks like an incredible one yeah on to the next guy can we do epic rap battle dylan versus feinberg i’m down get him and call i’ll freaking go crazy

He goes plays all advancements like an evil guy addicted to his all advancements the poor guy we’re trying this whole tournament is just an attempt to wean him off a bit but he’s just been playing it during the tournament so we can’t do anything it’s gonna be irl he’s gonna full ball advance

He’s gonna download the tracker mid-ron actually see a shell guy i could probably oh don’t stop it what the [ __ ] really want to see that just rolled i spawned before starting i spawned on the maples chunk like on 99 sometimes that confuses me yeah i was really confused like slower i was like

Really high up too that’s one of those islands it was just right there there’s no faltering though i feel purposeless what am i supposed to do try to get a sub 10 is basically my goal and i’m just like not prepared to do that already i won like not enough practice to just

Achieve i don’t know well i did preemptive but like i still i’m not confident in that though i mean like before your sibling no i didn’t know zero i didn’t need it though but i got lucky there so like three hours of warm up it’s just savage what’s the monument world record

You have it i mean i think i might but it’s possible that i don’t even if i have it i don’t remember the time i think it’s probably a 13 but that’s what is it you know actually you might it’s probably uploaded i think it was my

Pb so i could look if i really cared it should be damn easy to be a vegan excuse me i think it would be smart to probably not would it be smart to play for monuments in this tournament like if you’re trying to get like a 13xx or something

Probably probably not but maybe i don’t know people on youtube yeah yeah you’re right yeah people are telling me what my monument time is in my chat they’re using fruits hey it’s all the dylan viewers in my chat welcome take a seat streamer bro five minute lags flying golden bridge two days

Or if you have like five gold gold shovel or no cause i’ve just not been doing it at all i don’t know if that’s right um i always make iron or dimensional first but if you have to use gold then you use gold okay so ugh [Applause] [Applause]

What’s classic world record nobody know it’s actually like good isn’t it yeah no it’s well uploaded something no video i took the sub 14 a really long time ago too one second it was sad yeah bro how do i have two bts i had to finish up a rune portal

Overworld and nether once and it like was like a 11 or 12 minute portal room i forget it was like it’s noteworthy at the time though it’s like my only good classic run i think hey bro didn’t yeah that’s right i oh my god i’m gonna eat sand oh let me in

Feels a little bit cooler today so i’ll throw it open he’s sweating well too cool playing a savannah village sounds fun for like no reason oh there’s a blacksmith that’s a rarity i should play this it’s good i think i haven’t seen a savannah village in like eons

Get out of the way oh my that’s juicer reminding me you’re trying five rd you don’t need a strat you don’t need to no because you can just lower your rd whenever you want and then it’ll work isn’t it like better if you enter lower or some [ __ ] though

That used to be the thought but like it’s like five already in fortresses like you lower your rb and so then you unload all the loans and so you just spawn the wall next to you okay like whenever i need that it’s just confirmation bias oh that’s actually huge i don’t have

Mine up there open it on this dimension brother hmm on earth i get flint from um um Oh the juicers just ripped me of fire as thanks fellas are people in my chat just saying variations of silver’s name we had silver walks we got silver rambles we had silver hops we got silver jogs nice so you make a commentary channel silver rambles you better take that before someone else does

I gave them my [ __ ] boat so yeah where’s my [ __ ] recycling gun so it’s just gonna be cans and [ __ ] that sounds not fun [ __ ] for oh my god it’s the craziest blaze spawner find ever i’m running around a crimson looking for this fortress i just

Hear a blaze i dig down a block and i land on the spawner that was sick you’re on pv again no i’m not i’m 6 30. my freaking trades are gonna be spawning oh you got it yeah this is the run and they probably have me like pulled up against the points

Everyone else is just [ __ ] doing nothing yeah oh he doesn’t have traits yet this is awkward ooh awkward Without being warmed up that’s kind of not the worst [ __ ] rights yeah six or seven contain jesus she hits us good blaze rates or no like spiders uh they were pretty good they’re a bit slow but they were spawning in quite a bit i’m gonna [ __ ] put this rubbish away

Dude probably just everywhere else i need to enter another challenge but sometimes it do be a challenge you know i have to do like get a c challenge and i can do that into another challenge dude i’m thinking about it like how many times you trade double triple and get 10

Ah because that’s what you’re playing for with a monument like that shit’s just not happening eight gold like that’s just it’s not happening there’s no way man no data how rare like monument over worlds are to also just have to hit that and another let’s just repeat this yeah man yeah

Doesn’t know like if you hit it i lost the 5015 where [ __ ] i come from i sure [ __ ] hope they don’t have me pulled up on the mainstream i’m just running around looking for my [ __ ] looking for where i came from and i can’t find it

I just tend to like strip mine somewhere oh i’m gonna i’m gonna check i want to see they do they do [Laughter] yeah you’re falling off right now i’m gonna find a butterfly bag i mean i don’t beat my time anymore so i want to see where my [ __ ] trays are

All right back to playing the game here six hobby oh i’m stupid i just thought i was strip mining at a way lower y level it was at 72 so i looked at where the tunnel was but it’s it was higher fail i got another moment these are these i’m forcing it

Out like three low three enters with it which i mean that’s not awful is it I should spend something stupid in the speeder and chat oh [ __ ] your chat no i should in the in the broadcast [ __ ] just get yourself banned spam this villain to help out dylan that’s good that doesn’t make sense though because i’m like winning could be funny no i gotta have an e-mode

Of a villain i like that there’s like a robbery yeah like the cloaked looking like ninja guy i could do a boar it looks like a bag [Laughter] wait i can oh wait this is huge bro it’s so insanely [ __ ] windy out there oh [ __ ]

Oh why did it have to be crying out of me how long does a stone pig actually take to break obsidian a minute all right i’ll be here for the next minute oh [ __ ] minute yeah i’m gonna stay here for a minute i’m gonna enter [ __ ] 208 it’s gonna be really fun

Oh yeah okay 208 we got a golden apple that’s all i have to my name and a stone face i hope they’re tuned in on the mainstream he’s minding him city and he’s money obsidian it’s like i’m sure they’re yeah yeah they’re just as excited as i am get in the portal

Today’s the day there are monuments littered in my oceans it’s gonna happen today’s your day john when i roll the godliest maple seed i’ve ever seen in my life and it’s like a the 7xx seed and i’m just gonna boat into a monument it’s gonna be the saddest I’ll see it’s bad i’ve it’s reset pretty much every nether in this since the beginnings going to be like this we got an ice spike spawn it’s kind of hot oh yeah it looks so silly no i got swimming to the ship and there’s ice spikes in the background horizon

It’s gonna erase it for sub 11 today uh yeah is that something Yeah allens are approaching i’m also going to reset for 7 11. okay well everybody’s just going to reset my sub 11 then you know what i’m going to read just don’t know how to reset first off my silver dolls well maybe you don’t have to know how to reset for subtitle sub 10.

No enter dylan yeah oh forgot to get a water bucket see like i’m just [ __ ] [ __ ] without dessert um someone else could have used that luck dylan yeah we get back to like [ __ ] out him again silver loft pilates there [Laughter] i heard illumina go like [ __ ] there’s something in the bag

Well that’s actually hype because you could like maybe catch up or like catch it whatever he did in the spring delay yeah i gotta teleport to the wall and look at what he’s doing in real life where you do that yeah where’s the shipwreck have you tried trunk waters resetting so well um

No it’s hot i hate pressing f3j dude i just like crash it’s a long stretch you know yeah oh i don’t have to press f3g i press f3q because this way is rebounded what’s your old cheater rebounding your keys damn thought i was being i was being wise

Kind of sad that divine travels dead i wanted the pumpkin divine run i mean pumpkins are always bad were they the original yeah oh i thought they were like crazy good if they’re at 0-0 or some [ __ ] uh they’re crazy good in the world of divine not existing i’m just gonna dig

Those treasures are just so bad because they’re always filled with zombie pigs hopping in the booth today is that real save your pbs that leaked information perhaps maybe sorry [ __ ] financial goal are you getting there in that booth one time was that really that’s i’m just never ready for somebody to

Gaslight over something that’s just so irrelevant i’m just like it doesn’t cross my mind yeah apparently see i found a real lava ravine that was like a million meters long and there it was pure obsidian except one two by one like what is that and like one piece of just random magma

That’s it old-fashioned sometimes you just like forget to like wrap up the joke they’re like oh yeah that was a joke so you’ve just like left them in a permanent gaslighted state it’s just like you get to reap the rewards later when the top the topic comes back up

You still believe in that [ __ ] See this fire i mean i have an army of dolphins i just jumped down a cliff i was like it’s gotta be this way the bastion immediately i see it where i’m voting down okay back up and but silver how cringe is it that i’m grabbing mushrooms is that cringe

They’re just like on the wall yeah it’s great little dandelions are awesome literally i keep them off of maple adventures but it’s like almost unnecessary you pull the linear dandelions oh i think it’s the linear mushrooms and liz [ __ ] i can’t grab the balls i think i’ve ever gotten that before

I just failed the treasure parkour that’s probably the most embarrassing thing i’ll do all day it’s just good to front load that yeah and i have a whole completely different setup that like makes it way easier it’s like a second slower but you’ll like always hit the parkour because you have the speed

Built up it’s messing up socks goddamn Now ah bro i had to [ __ ] mute every two minutes otherwise i’m gonna blow his ears out cuz i got me so loud i just coughed so loudly i get like fits of like coughing it’s like i don’t want to ins in stories at 95 percent of netherlands i want to [ __ ]

Play something i think my first nilla was the full fan sometimes it’s just just be the first nether like ironic best nether was the one in the seed we couldn’t reset i have it at anything close and that’s messed up that is so sad actually please don’t call me that’s why you’re

Asking for larissa no someone someone else said i asked about it yesterday if that’s what you remember oh that probably would i thought it was like confirmed or something oh [ __ ] [Applause] what’s up three with the monument yeah 259 support i didn’t say um dude soul sand i’m just going to run a

Soul sand valley fortress with no virus fortress first i like to see if i can hit the [ __ ] that is so has never done that like successfully yeah so cool i’ve done it like i went six for six like once i just didn’t get hit i’m pretty sure it was so cool

Like a fun game though wow so so so laughs okay look at this [ __ ] monument i’m gonna get another yet though but it’s kind of surprising if you like force them you can just get sub threes for sure i wonder if you like you were comfortable with the route if it would

Be a good strategy like a tournament like this if you’re like the first day maybe yeah yeah the trades are [ __ ] up so if your home portal then answer a low three oh i haven’t devastated three one oh i i’m just regular like sub seven nether exit there’s a classic your way home

Yeah because you can stop 15 off that let’s see it’s just saying isn’t that all right i better not get dunked on the [ __ ] depths writer three run that would be devastating what the [ __ ] you actually haven’t yeah you got that [ __ ] yesterday i didn’t i had that’s what i won i don’t

Remember if it was like around that it probably wasn’t no you didn’t get iron so up 240 with depth chart three and four nice oh yeah europe and pace in seoul sanded valley with no spawner there’s a [ __ ] passion now the passion whoa i hate this okay bro imagine fortresses but they’re

Biome based so warped fortress that’s blue bricks no don’t fight my piglins oh glenn or with a skeleton oh my god i [ __ ] burned all of them so i had a little food now that’s great action oh sorry guys i rolled your rsg seed of course so gosh so [Applause] uh

Just died do it two by one i’m very good ron but you know that’s kind of sad my house i i did monument that’s stupid a monument bastion and i hung a pearl to the fortress i just didn’t get obsidian but like my head i was getting that bobby does that

Even count as a monument run though you just steal your hobby from a bastion that shit’s probably fake oh yeah average average what the height sure here we go bang apples huh woof so oh four diamonds from maples and there’s a monument so three diamonds i oh i hate ghost [ __ ] it Like there there just just pretended like there was no lava there a little bit of flying i had a six hobby blacksmith earlier and i had two blacksmiths and i was able to make two buckets so i was carrying the lava from the first blacksmith over to the second box

Up and then as i was placing the second blacksmith’s lava into like the little spot i made a ghost bucketed over a block and i placed it into the other lava that i had already placed so i just didn’t have enough like i’ll be completing it anymore

I’ve not had a single bastion any nether yet fortress either okay what the [ __ ] i’ve never seen that in my life i just i spawned on an island and there there was a cave and there’s a big bertha portal in the [ __ ] cave like what there’s just a massive crater in the

Island because of it So so uh so holy [ __ ] i have four hog on the bridge of a treasure what where’d they come from it’s actually really expected on average 9 out of 10 of my nethers i’m in a ravine with no exit or just like nothing crazy actually [ __ ] lived as well i was on

Literally half a heart because i pre-hype bread free eating is so big in bastion it’s like it’s literally the [ __ ] best thing you can do because you’re gonna take damage during every single bastion huh ah ah uh do the hell i don’t know if i’ve ever had a shipwreck touching a mesa

Until just how looks wrong hmm dude remember everyone always asking like talking about like 180 and wall shadows would always be like what if there’s something like really good behind you where like why was that like a one week thing like everyone got it out of the

Way and like never asked it again like isn’t that crazy yeah but that’s weird i don’t think i remember that but it’s hilarious it was literally not stop and i just just everyone the [ __ ] word got out like everyone somehow [ __ ] found out bro that is not a period so

Dude you know when you nail like a really difficult trunk in necklace like it takes you like it takes a lot of [ __ ] brain characters like when you launch it’s just not there you check and it’s a [ __ ] underground ocean road so like you did boss off you did find

The impossible charm it’s just yeah it’s like it feels good and it feels [ __ ] at the same time your 23 iron you make doors dude it’s hard to learn though like i was like all right 17 iron doors 179 i’m gonna get a maple seed with a gold

Axe and i i’ve got 17 iron and i make doors but it’s just worse than like shoes so it’s not always only on ship swaps 13 iron issues i see it sucks oh first fashion of the day ladies and gentlemen right here i like forced out a really bad like terrain but yeah

I think what it takes to wrap that juicy bastion i think we’re in has a look they were in housing yeah that’s where yeah so i’m pogging h for housing as they say [Laughter] to death by a pig instantly i think two by one and then think i think fast two by one

But i should play it are you about to do it i’ve tried so to get someone to backseat me and he just can’t do it what do you mean fast the the fast one that everybody does but start with the slow one start with the old one then switch to

The new one after by placing the push plate on like this side wood light press play portal just bust that would be really impressive you can just improvise like that actually first time oh that’s what we’re saying dude i had one randomly trained right the other day okay

Um saying like yeah like it’s just gonna be faster to just do whatever is best in the situation always improvise more i think i like i don’t improvise my portals but i feel like i have a pretty good understanding of cave portals what is the fastest yeah

Yeah no cave portals i’m really good at doing the very least i’m currently pearling through lava with rotten flesh to a problem yeah you’re right then tron flush is getting used for quite fast already eat so much i don’t even see [ __ ] this is a good run i love this

More of the red so as we start and then it’s just been errors since forever i’m assuming it’s been there for everybody yeah how about some pressure so are you getting anything dirty blind i’m entering a fortress 830. i’m really good at getting 20 actually this is my first 20 run jesus

I met up on the skeleton God carrots are crazy i’ve like never like properly used them until coming back to 80 percent gonna need some i i didn’t use them previously whatever reason i just didn’t have muscle memory for it like my pv i had carrots and i like left the crafting very very fast so

How is the treasure not here oh it’s because it’s like a smaller dude i don’t get nervous but there’s certain feelings when i spawn in south and valley oh [ __ ] easy bastion this is [ __ ] crazy yeah it just sucks like seeing it all seeing everything you have to i like

Finding everything in steps you know nice comfy steps the buff you have from avoiding nerves yeah good yes [Applause] curry’s pbc’d that’s that picture yeah some states are [ __ ] crazy right now yeah that’s it is still insane yeah already no fire as no shield i like this

I think i’m gonna rip iron from my [ __ ] chest no you’re a giga chad you’re not gonna get hit anyways so we’re gonna hit the gritty today let’s search it up [Laughter] the gritty Hmm how does fiverr day do nothing i get less spawns bro i don’t know how to do live housing it’s lava floor lava housing what the [ __ ] that’s i love minecraft yes i wanted to bust out a boat cow but i haven’t had the opportunity that’d be sick for a

Dude i i lowkey like really missed the meta of like structureless monument uh yeah standard haberman just like where everything worked everything was good enough the fun the fun times i played more than what silver i wish i played more of them uh that’s right

I was gonna say like he had been around but it makes sense oh don’t make don’t do it two by one got about a 20 success rate round and l yeah so treasure oh in what universe [Applause] just glancing at the mainstream chat i just read like the

Most questionable message i’ve ever read it’s just still in chat did they mod just like random runners and [ __ ] they unmodded random runners are they modded right over there that’s just up to them so bro what my food chest only has paper that’s the only item in it i don’t think

I’ve ever seen that not even like a piece of anything else that’s crazy all advancements just Like huh uh come here a good ass enter 130 at a lava pool with maples that’s as far as [ __ ] though i don’t think i’ve ever had that because i never used to do nothing i think they meant two ships it’s like now [Applause] um this what the [ __ ]

Only time i ever enter for it first and i have just no extra iron i haven’t had a fortress faster really i just spawned in a better reset and i saw an employee spawner like 50 blocks away um hmm True i’m gonna go insane these runs oh my god it’s like a random ass [ __ ] it’s just like it’s like a stray [ __ ] skeleton just like shooting at me non-stop and every time i go to attack it i get shot from voices and then i get shots the cycle so so so

Tight window ah [Applause] hmm ah that’s a weird spawn let’s see like what um um uh oh huh um huh so okay 14 58 one second pb or am i misreading that hmm um maybe he’s already had a 1450. i thought he had a 1459 though very fine yeah

I thought he meant he beat his pb by a second but i think i might be investing oh all right that’s a portal enter i accidentally closed the seed literally nothing uh No stupid i race it because of uh items sit down no way no way no way no way no way What run portal i spy what no way what time would the blind have been [ __ ] like not nice or something wow that’s actually crazy though is it like linear off the oh it’s oh my god yeah that shit’s pretty excusable wow that’s crazy didn’t pete have that once

Yeah go up and then i’d [ __ ] go over there oh [ __ ] break up i’m fluent in a in water and it’s just a slime oh 20 potatoes yes i hate tunnel visioning the food chest and getting like total dog [ __ ] like the worst food all right i [ __ ] triple triple oh yeah hmm

Hmm um Just forcing the [ __ ] out of the worst monument seeds i’m just never gonna go around it’s not gonna happen but i’m supposed to do i don’t know how to reset for sub 10. actually i think i do i’m just not good enough to get the splits all right it’s like just tough man

You practice my passions or i don’t know like i just have a a brain in charge still it’s fine huh it’s good because i need 20. yeah but aa brain also makes me check my inventory for like 10 other items like i don’t check for that but damn it i used

To i used to leave bastions faster i used to like just pop press e and i’d be like i’m good and i just leave but now i’m like let me throw out this [ __ ] leather that’s definitely the aaa brand that’s a creative death reset oh my god i found the [ __ ] 30 chunk

Fortress outside i’m getting mushrooms there’s so many mushrooms oh my god i’m set for the rest of the year now fishing for the world is are you gonna say or no i understood the rest of the year what’s up what am i explosive three beds zero anchors that’s good wait where’s my mushrooms

Oh my god a bee just made this i just tapped in immediately a b noise in my ear and i got scared i thought it was in real life oh that’s funny don’t be a cave don’t be a cave i’m gonna reset if it’s a I deserve it i already have it but i want it more i want it again oh wait i deserve getting dogged so you’re saying i deserve a good monument you’re in the future yeah bro what am i supposed to do reset and try like a 9 30 like oh i’m so watched

It’s a closed mindset i mean yeah but like am i meant to just did am i meant to be motivated to like get top five you know what i mean like how did when i’m like i know like zero like i could barely rip a zero it’s gonna be like super shaky and

I’m gonna be like like if i’m towing up to like a freaking easy tower and be like okay wait this one yeah get this fight okay uh like i’m not gonna it’s not muzzle memory put it that way yeah try to get a suntan if i don’t know zero you just get up

Insta birch like you did last time yeah but that’s just not gonna happen that was one time for the one time you know what i’m saying Gonna put on placing down i’m placing down what you’re picking up yes i like to hear but imagine if i just got like a 11xx monument run i’d be the people’s champion you know if i if i got like a 10 minute time like cool you know but uh 11 minute monument run

I’m gonna have a girlfriend for the next national girlfriend’s day we’ll just put it that way everybody’s gonna love me you guys ever got three diamonds out of a ship yeah once i think twice for me i just thought of it as i got two which it’s kind of cool

We should reset for that for monument runs let me get the three diamond shipwreck reset efficiency it’s just happened to us like collectively five times ever we had to be reset for that ah no wrong language you ever just switch your language on accident oh god What’s happening that’s [ __ ] up man like it wouldn’t have been fast it just would have been live you know that’s all that matters yeah that would have been really hard tell me there’s a monument somewhere come on oh i get way more [ __ ] up on like high prawns than swelled up for cyprus

Just swimming with a dolphin and it tried and go just goes zipping right past me like like half a block away from me like in the same direction i’m swimming that was terrifying putting blacksmith chess feels like i’m playing sloths and obviously jackpot if just not worth it hmm [Applause] oh

I almost just lavaed my [ __ ] trades my piglens that was terrifying i got like six crimson guys in here in a pit training i don’t have a fortress though so insane man no treasure when all the pigs just like dropped down from up top while we’re

Doing the parkour just died today on a low to treasury with fortress 2 girls double [ __ ] that maples and everything like it was just [ __ ] sick like it’s not really preventable like it’s sad though this time man it’s not good for mentor losing two pristine seeds in a row yeah it’s so hard

Blind 2k though wait that’s insane is uh is it up or down for no i slit or it’s not like a right or a left it’s up oh it’s only 320 or 1k could be good [ __ ] there’s like one so hmm uh ah hmm Damn i don’t know where this thing is man it’s monument world record I don’t know is well enough to do it i’m in like a warm motion like that [ __ ] is goofy what’s this thing oh yeah right i got low 10 stronghold with [ __ ] i went like six for eight or six for 10 with some incredible ssb strays and then i at the start

Mind two i’ll be from my portal while like six dudes were trading at crimson i traded for nine oh audio i’m so bad at tilting it’s just like straight on the best seat overall since coming back i’m supply fought with 20 basically ah double spawner and everything it’s just [ __ ]

That’s why i can’t get like long sessions of anything anymore like hey i’d have one rum just be tilted because it ended i just can’t get back into another round i’m just throwing like two like sub 11 of all sets the channel the anger into reset efficiency and giga chat mechanics

It’s like why did i reset when there could be around portal there’s no harm in laying out something that has no recoil and then that one was like i don’t know the reason i didn’t wait for the pigs to fall as because there was a crossbow guy who had just

Completely loaded the arrow so he’s gonna shoot at him if i’ve stood still if i was gonna just get shot into lava anywhere so far oh man that’s that’s so bad it’s [ __ ] i’m microlensing and then i looked at an enderman i just [ __ ] chased me and i had to

Dig into the wall i don’t have a boat what the [ __ ] that is an unfortunate situation i [ __ ] killed his ass he got a pearl i thought i should probably use this pearl too that was purposeful are you coping was it really purposeful maybe pathfinding to you with micro on

Every seed that had one like even if i didn’t immediately need a pearl you can just always use one yeah i should be hyped to need it and then have it yeah yeah plus the idea of like you know when people rerun seeds having like a pearl needed

In your run that’s just cool i actually needed that or that for uh to get to this treasure bash over world pearls are funny for that it’s like yeah even if replaying you’re just not going to get the [ __ ] overlord into that that’s just not happening because like overwaten can happen on

Like any save because it’s just an intimate spawns where water starts flying and then teleports upwards for some reason dude i don’t i don’t think i’ve ever used another problem i feel like it should have happened at this point like how often do i just i’m just leaving an island

Uh with like a bowling hand which i could just use to keep it but i just would never yeah which is obvious because they’re rare but i don’t know feels like it should have been maybe get up i from to get a lot when uh playing villages

Once you walk the end of another golem actually got like multiple times oh my god man i want that seat back you’re gonna have to mourn the loss of your seed for that for a little bit well that’s the thing man i don’t pull like a

Sleep like that for the rest of the session and it’s just like damn yeah that was the seed you needed to have that okay um unfortunately i just said i’m trying to pop some chicken nuggets in the oven it might be okay that’s on the day how much chicken nuggets do you just

Have on like standby in your freezer i have like this personal chef that purchases okay we keep the chicken we have like a coop yeah okay it’s like a home slaughter oh okay yeah so there’s just you pull up to my residence you want nuggets you get nuggets it’s that type

Of thing oh you get nuggets all right yeah you know i guess it’s not it’s not that particular dude the concept of fresh fresh fish right yeah that makes sense so like pulled out the ocean it just like makes sense like fresh chicken it seems like [ __ ] up like that’s [ __ ] wild

And just like 20 minutes ago like what yeah i want to turn into a fish and swim away gotta get flint somebody’s in the end 11 yeah damn it for me what are you watching oh yeah he hit a 1053 it’s actually close to his baby yeah

Wait are you sure he had a 1053 yeah you’re sure you’re sure because i’m watching his igt it’s dragons dying that’s like 11 09. this one it just says 1053 in the chat oh it’s 11 10. oh yeah so what’s your time aren’t you like hella close with him yeah we’re like

I have 1102 okay into the flow state look at the main screen i just see your black bar with your chat on it forgot about that yeah so people on the main stream can read my chat oh i should put something like in the empty space like come join my chat and

Just like like twix i’m like i could put something funny there though i don’t know what like a random image you could put like a second face game it’s just a pg or like somebody else’s face cam even would be yeah yeah yeah like an actual other person space cam so good

You just have no idea how it’s playing buddies my question is do i do i wish i wish i could set my toaster oven for like 14 minutes i have to set it to eight and then go back down and increase the timer like how stupid is that it’s so lame like

It makes making chicken nuggets like a full-time job i mean obviously i have that chef got it done i’m gonna troll face on my screen like the most like a high-res troll face [Laughter] it was time [ __ ] huge the thing was huge when i saw it first god i can’t i can’t be laughing like this like when i try to stop myself so bad oh my god it says like i stuck by getty images on it this [ __ ] is real high rise too another falling

That [ __ ] gets you going doesn’t that oh my god [ __ ] man i hate gambling for like a different ravine and it doesn’t work oh how sad is that yeah you see like a light in one ravine like directly below you but you see uh a bunch of kelp in the distance and you just know it’s a juicy routine but you

Go for the light and then it just doesn’t work [ __ ] mine shaft and depth strategy what do i do we’re both off one of them on your head i need whichever one does the most protection right now there’s a [ __ ] drown with a trident on me man

Run away i roll up to the [ __ ] village and his polar bear started attacking me oh my god ever generated holy [ __ ] [ __ ] got lava treasure earlier you got all right i just want to play seed should every bastion i’ve been to i’ve had to purposely go to my way and run

Like [ __ ] 200 bucks yeah that’s obnoxious i’m gonna using a calculator huh well is eliminated using the calculator like does he at all use the calculator does he not really realize he doesn’t get only taught him up at one point you got an option exposed program there so i don’t know let’s see

Oh [ __ ] this i want maples so bad when i when like you spawn in it you see the ocean ravine from your starter island like you see the magma oh if you want map first wow that’s worse it’s worth fake as [ __ ] Look at the serene hmm holy [ __ ] oh i found a lava that’s just not enough unlucky so so [Applause] be back uh nicely hmm um Hmm so every housing i’ve had this whole like event have just all been far like the gold room it was entirely filled with assault there wasn’t a single air in the entire thing not exaggerating at all the entire thing is that i had to dig in like all of the tunnels wow

[ __ ] crying i’m sitting in [ __ ] you want to check this nether so uh uh Okay so somebody said in the mainstream chat this song making me feel like doing the gangnam style i’m gonna hit the gritty um man i’m so tired for some reason it’s so annoying so i just don’t know how to wake up i just like push through it oh now so so huh okay

So so uh so uh so true Hmm uh oh uh foreign so you um hmm um so so uh go so so [Applause] um um [Applause] um hey foreign so so uh yes that’s it uh uh [Applause] so So so okay ah wow uh uh so foreign so yesterday our placements were the exact same example is really hmm wait ah because dylan’s bb is 945 though it’s kind of neat i was the fine fourth illumina first oh no pete andrew was oh rpv’s were all hella close like all the

10x xpvs right so what’s yours you probably general there’s like some [ __ ] like full i think i’ve got 36. i’ve got 38 might have been like 43 or something yeah sounds right oh three times yeah mine got retimed like disgustingly i guess i don’t know i didn’t really like check or anything

You paused like basically i didn’t realize this i actually kind of catch my claws three ten thirty fours yeah within there i’m pretty sure i have three ten thirty fours almost exactly maybe i have like a 10 35. cardstock 10 34. and i miss all my sub 11’s that i have to um

So um how many like insane saves have you lost silver just like over the course of playing you’ve been playing for like a while um because you had the like world record of all saved but that wasn’t that this way oh better than that don’t think you’ve had anything better than that um

God seems that you got [ __ ] rights on i don’t know probably world of record of all i mean i just can’t think of them probably yeah i’m sure you have no i get so caught up about it well hey i had a sub for or maybe low four four with twenty i’ll

Be recently um not that recently though and i was still getting used to calc and um i completely just forgot i had 20 and just went to blindfolds and i’m just just entirely through the seat i was like is it disappointing about that because it could have just been really good i

Just checked what about so much better it it emphasized to me that i very much need to practice my end games a lot more and so that’s what i did and i feel pretty confident in them also just like about thinking like you should just think so you don’t forget things

Yeah i’m so awful at that right now like forget everything where is my audience bro there’s no way right now oh it’s like remember one seed that was going to be like a sub 6 30 line probably and then it was like 300 ocean exposed like not portable or

Something like that and i was like oh my god i just threw my record and i like i just couldn’t find i just couldn’t uh or i didn’t erase properly or something like that and i uh couldn’t get to the foundation even though there was like an entrance and so i just

Went into spectator and then checked that i see it looks so good i feel like i’ve had a lot of those really dumb mistakes where i’m just i just mess up something that simple it’s like iran and i’m like i just choked some some length she like really did see it’s just

Something so stupid so s feels so small but i don’t know maybe you’re right it’s just hard and i’ve just been learning it over time that’s why and there is a lot of things you have to account for but i guess i shouldn’t be messing it up dude

The top of a bad gap looks like a good it’s a stables like semi-submerged right and the top looks like a good gap because it’s got the pillars but a good gap rather than like all of the like little patches of like blocks on

It feels like i’ve had so many if i like think into my past of sub five fourths with 20 hobby on um no count and then as soon as i started playing calc i feel like they can never get them like i’ve had like two ever in like a month

I haven’t had anything better than that i’ve had like a few of them they like shouldn’t be it’s just like there’s like a hyrule or a mentality when you’re playing for blind and then if 20 happens then 20 happens and it’s still like quick out of the balance sheet but

You should just be able to go for 20 and still be quick and with action so but sometimes you’ll have to lose time to getting 20 but sometimes it’ll just happen you’ve just checking python it’s a room portable picking time for maples to run portal again

Oh my god the you guys are just rolling the food chest 27 bread 17 carrots or 27 wheat sorry not 27 when i get [ __ ] when i get carrots and weight i’m like kind of like annoyed about it yeah well you only needed to give me

Like one of those save it for the next seed because you don’t want to throw any away like zai throws bread away i think that’s like something that he like consciously does that’s crazy wouldn’t you just hold on to it and no because it just takes up inventory space

But you don’t crash the golden characters decisions like he lost like a sick run once because he threw a sack of pills away because he didn’t think he made it and then he needed oh damn that’s rough i got over a stack of wheat in my chest

In one of my food chests yesterday i was hyped i felt like i felt like the world record holder yeah sorry have you seen the wrong dog which one there are any stuff oh um i watched it like once but i have seen it i forget something crazy

I know i don’t have this uh the right to complain but i can’t rule bastions although you know actually i really don’t have the right to complain because i’ve been playing for monuments all day and those were when i got those like my bastions i’m over getting dog though

Another patience that’s all i had a single close bastion i’ve just been forcing [ __ ] and not getting a fortress after i can’t get on the nether right now it’s frustrating that’s we’re gonna be chatting it up at pace it’s like doing our runs on the stage just like chilling

It’s gonna feel really strong on stage you think so long is it the same oh wait it’s going to be short or feel short it’s going to feel short is the length the same i mean even this will show yeah It’s here for four hours i feel like i just woke up so i can’t get this i had a maples lava pool earlier the nicest cleanest thing you’ve ever seen just got one iron that’s messed up i feel like zero iron 14 gold one since [ __ ] like [ __ ] you

I’m gonna do with this male blocking a helmet like but You get uh blinds or fortresses somewhere today um no i’m trying to like reset my life mental and um reset how i normally do because i basically have to do that anyway yeah um but i like can’t get in that i don’t know i heard someone say bread ass before

Whatever it’s called no not vlog yeah reset another it’s so cursed when you dig down and you land on like a wooden mine shaft beam like i had an oak plank digging down just like that’s just literally wrong it’s annoying to be like is it two-thirds chance that you have to mine

Down on a fence post yeah and i did i didn’t think about that it was like another surprise when the fence post popped up [ __ ] crit and angle i’m out with a sharp four gold sword good dad hello lava uh wow 35 second on here with living through what

Happened 50 looting three completable hold on not intentionally though [ __ ] killed it it didn’t either i mean it didn’t like tournament thing actually it did all that is so random diagonal 1 and 13. oh so yes sad wait what did you do you got it you you did the diagonal thing

Not intentionally though i wish it was intentional because we’ve talked about it right i think it’s manual yeah and you go in there turn a pb yeah sick have you done any hard photographs i was gonna Your homework as well it’s just so consistent i missed the eye spy on that wrong i need to get another bed from library damn there’s something like seed found for trying to get a like a villageless seed where you just get anchors how sick would that be maybe like tnt [ __ ] boston or

Something crying lit af i think i’ve left a fashion before a few times yeah i had one recently so funny thank you they’re completely dry for so long completable room portal with looting three with wood immediately in another and a gold axe and then bastion that isn’t really like

Possible i got there like three minutes but then there’s no iron um and now i’m just that’s where what render do you switch to um 20. i think 32 sec yeah i think it’s [ __ ] sick since coming back to any percent i’ve had no problem with answers at all

Absolutely zero issue on any day 12 rd strip swims but just always swap to 32 and what so like well the the reason why i go 20 is because apparently what i what we figured out the other day is that or mime knew this apparently and evan k knew this

Apparently as well as that kelp capsule at 20. like anything higher doesn’t make you seek help for anything yeah let me said 32 can still be good for uh just reading the ocean train and stuff like that but i don’t know extra solvers anything about that that’s what sweat so i got

Exercise and he returned with some real [ __ ] Crazy [ __ ] a lot of the time when he comes back with some [ __ ] look at this in no mic good luck i mean you’ll probably have a bit of [ __ ] what understanding [ __ ] there’s a while right it’s wild what [ __ ] games are built because like you play a game it’s like

Ah this shit’s so simple like such a simple little game then there’s just these dance like such dance mechanics that are just completely unnoticeable like in regular play you would have absolutely zero idea that like unity distance has such like strange mechanics like the [ __ ] hitbox size determines how early it renders you’d

Have this absolutely zero club you would never know like how the [ __ ] would you ever find that out i remember uh you know how in in old versions there’s like a bug yeah with chickens because they’re like smaller than what they say like oh it’s like you know

Chickens are small so it kind of makes sense like whatever and then we didn’t fix the bug because they were like fine with it obviously this fits later but that’s just that almost sounds like the same thing though like chicken’s hitbox is smaller so they

Well i don’t even know if or means far they’re closer You can see like alps i mean uh squid squids falling into magnum beans from farther so you should upgrade they probably don’t spawn that farther around i don’t know about the 20 thing like if it’s the same and then it’s the same but i just know that it’s a ratio

I don’t know i watched just standing up yeah i watched mime test it and it was just no different when he went higher what about like diagonals wait it’s not yeah there’s no difference between higher than 20 but i i didn’t realize like um actually i didn’t realize that just

Like a certain amount of blocks it’s not like it doesn’t care about the troubles but trying to check to the equivalent of a certain point almost dude you know how they uh like want to have vanilla parody um sodium there’s like one thing that literally every single runner uses this is the

Sodium only feature this dilemma is it like every [ __ ] five-minute space particularly it’s [ __ ] um the sea count see uh the second one that’s locked in vanilla to whatever your render distance is it’s like the target but in sodium it’s the amount of chunks that are currently loaded in the entire world

Not the target another shot oh because it tells you like info on like fort distance or like like bastion distance and [ __ ] obviously we say oh 10k like that’s just like yeah it’s kind of dumb wait oh wait so that number isn’t like dynamic um

It’s it only moves based on a few turner render this and stuff like it doesn’t yeah okay that’s weird and like unlike vanilla 118 and [ __ ] it’s the target the actual so trip and you [ __ ] yeah it’s not pressing the wrong buttons just the completely wrong bonds oh

That you meant just like mess up very easy movement i was like trying to mash my reset okay but i like had the muscle memory to like because like my reset key i need to press really hard for whatever reason it’s just the way that the button is on my mouse but

Yeah like my eight and nine on my mouse are like super easy to press so i was trying to press my race8k as if it was later on because i was trying to hit what’s going on she made 32 iron bars and i still have enough iron for full tools and flynn

I don’t know the iron balls yet i remember when the [ __ ] were like half a stack of iron bars this thing is hard it seems kind of high but what is that it does speed bridge with them very good well that’s the using the build up diagonal speakers with iron bars

That’d be nasty as [ __ ] dude zero with iron bars holy crazy the first time i watched xylem i just do it i was so surprised that that was even possible because i tried it didn’t work yeah just just just re-enriching with oh you can speed rigid then i’m doing it right now but

You know i do it straight backwards off speakers with all kinds of dumb [ __ ] you can do a diagonal kids rowing stands yeah bring sounds is funny because it’s i guess it’s kind of the same as our involved but there’s like an edge that is just

On the edge of the block at all thanks uh stood at a wood axe upside down [ __ ] i think i’m the first person to do that who has the [ __ ] poisons dude i did that back in single instance days because i watched um i watched cube i i watched you resetting

I was like this guy plays every seed and always gets in another what is happening and so i just started playing every single shift that you could possibly play and it was like awful like i was playing just i was like wood axing all the time

I mean i had a high nethers per hour but i was entering like no iron pick no um food so much [Applause] do my eyes to see me is that a fortress and a bastion at two minutes i’m so far from both of them but they’re both just right there together

This is this is the first last scene i’m getting i haven’t rolled [ __ ] oh no Everyone’s right there okay someone remind me set that i need to go south that’s my reminder there’s a competition bro hey okay i’ll remind there’s [Laughter] hey guys have you stepped on a It’s like blockstone place man oh i bought the pig off like three separate times in the blocked in place three separate times where am i like i don’t know how to do that any differently like i i try to block it off so many times where am i

Well these are good blind chords actually oh 1600 blind yeah i mean it’s just a [ __ ] anything there’s not many okay this actually looks like mega ass these chests i’ve seen at least 25 crying obvi and not a single piece of hobby yeah okay then yeah this is not checking every chest

Not one piece of obsidian that’s yet treasure oh there you go no this is this is actually horrible that’s okay the cop of the year now first easy to have into it you will see this two times better that’s literally possible based on oh i just reset based on math

Over crunch the numbers Uh turn that seed was bad we’re just like think you see you’re over one that’s well that’s the thing is whose narrative is that you know what i mean true that’s like a conspiracy i can’t You’ll meet him the idf everybody owns israel that’s crazy actually herobrine yeah that’s a um it’s like a yiddish word isn’t it he’s like making sure A member of the israeli defense force what are you worried he would be dude silver honestly [ __ ] five rd when doing that first you know the [ __ ] just land on if it’s four just go if it’s six just go right oh yeah i do that sometimes like

There’s no [ __ ] way we need to be stressing about that [ __ ] it’s just i used to do that i mean i don’t do it anymore because i just spawned one on five every time but yes i know what i mean and yeah you guys remember that video um that’s a herobrine jump scare

That haunted me when i was a kid no like a beta minecraft they’re just walking around and then there’s just a hero ground and it just doesn’t jump scared so i don’t think i’m like i kind of finally heard about herobrine from [ __ ] like videos talking about it not any actual like

Herobrine videos you haven’t seen him yourself i was younger i was on 100 convinced i saw hero game i totally thought i was out here and it was a [ __ ] single follower so it would have been trolling this guy just like trolls people and they put on like

Herobrine skins and then the kid has to like crap and fight europe i did stuff sounds like some 2013 xbox content yeah that’s exactly what it was there is this kind of [ __ ] steve controlling i think his name is literally xbox addictions or something yeah yeah yeah that’s you let’s see

Yeah that’s just these videos all the time i think that’s the perfect eight demographic for those videos like a troll face with the mail like the cod kid raging and then like [ __ ] yeah a stock image of herobrine or something like the dumbest [ __ ] water caves terms no

There is absolutely zero possibility of that occurring this is good sometimes water just takes that time I am so sad so bad so mad hey man brother uh damn this passion blended with the [ __ ] biome oh i’d love [ __ ] tomato soup stables dude This words isolated a little scrumply and it’s chicken nuggets that’s [ __ ] crazy it’s like made some steak it’s like a burger that was an attack on my minecraft speedrunning rage compilation I mean this is the f word what luminous swearing 10 billion views 10 billion like this even gonna be oh my goodness probably just copy posters through what are other [ __ ] youtube copy classes nowadays It’s dying thing there’s like always a coffee foster but like i feel like they’re so less like widely talked about like it’s always just some [ __ ] yeah oh there’s too many and there’s no there’s no more like crazy ones i just know it’s [ __ ] annoying writing youtube comments

Yeah half of them are like sex spots and then the other half of them are just like actual like five-year-old children like china i never get the message back okay nevermind so it’s a crazy thing to like create six spots you’re like damn because imagine the work you wake up all right

I gotta keep working on that son you want to go to dinner with me it’s your mother so i’m oh i got work oh what what what how’s that i have to take full name like a stupid geezer i can uh yeah that’s a good one dude who even thinks of that one

Ninja poop i don’t know whoever thought that word bucky That’s too much to ask for when are they making the crying obsidian dimension you’re lying no when are they making it oh uh august 27 2023 Oh [ __ ] that’s one day before my birthday actually is that intentional maybe i made the update it is filled with cobblestone because i love to build you seen the uh was it sunday among our smalls sunday uh yeah i used to love that guy when i was younger and then he started affording

Among our swag mod for like two-year-olds yeah i have a uhc friends that had is now like in his videos and [ __ ] and like makes it made his own channel then he does the same [ __ ] and it’s like oh i can imagine doing that like purposefully like yeah b dubs

Yeah he has a brother pungence and hundreds used to make minecraft videos and then at some point he switched up to kind of like kid content yeah um and it’s like just playing like the same one like shark again it’s just like hundreds of episodes in a

Row and all the videos bang out about millions of views like there’s always like a like second right kind of minecraft card like 1000 views on the videos not that grey so weird game oh no it’s a work that’s exactly kind of my run iron doors now i’m trying to wood light

And like i’m like losing my mind that’s how iron’s going right now just don’t know what’s going on twitter all the woodlight be successful tune in next episode um how much time do we have left three two hours three hours yeah that looks so good yeah looks like what three or two yeah

You’re the craziest thing so you know pete’s real name isn’t pete yeah he was actually lying about that and it actually is paid [Laughter] i hate you at all like this can’t be real this is gonna be really Himself [Laughter] mean i’ve had this username of my name since it was young i’ll just pretend i have a different name in the world i’m gonna change my name to like drake is drake a first name that just exists yeah definitely is what is now mf’s name jury is drake’s name drake yeah

See i can’t trust you i need a better source drake or josh holy [ __ ] he’s got seven rods and there’s five blazers just at the spawner he’s going cray cray get up jake’s real name is aubry drake is his middle name wait is it i think it is

Okay how do i still have a 20 48 this is so [ __ ] stupid i’m gonna bite sand or something like i hate this no one see that i i like there’s a good seed in the skies no obsidian no [ __ ] and i died what What is that if not obsidian must be crying earlier i did four first and then i was forcing 20 um in my treasure uh and then i blinded out and i was three short off of having 20 and i just um i hit the blind it was like 380 or

Something like that and so i was like it’s just wasted so much time like even if i went back to get my last three hobby and i actually did get lucky and got it in like two extra gold blocks or whatever it would still be slower than

Me just going in the overworld at that point so i wasted so much time trying to get 20 in that to slow down i almost did it back 97-0 uh my pearl wasn’t good enough and then i messed up my face on something Like decently well i haven’t ever been on an alumni i mean obviously it’s really hard but you just have to hit really nice close I’ll put back 94 and like hey which is kind of funny i’ve been practicing back 94 a lot uh recently it’s super just like no so uh i think it’s weird let’s say it’s just funny in the middle of the ocean i feel like they should be

Playable like way more often i know i know what i mean they’re just never playable it’s so dumb i think i’ve had one where i had a chip right close and so i stopped tagging into them after grabbing into like 20 of them Yeah you’re just you’re already out in the ocean you should have like hella magmar beings and like shipwrecks like right around you but it just it’s not good for some reason i said i was still in it but i had like a monument runner i got six away from

Fortress chest in a matter of like 20 seconds before the spawner and then i did you got i had one rod like two and a half minutes into my spawner i was just i think i got four or five one spawns in a row with awful frequency or whatever it’s disgusting um

I had a sick pearl clutch i spleeped myself because i was trading them in the fort and i just sleep myself and with like zero time to spare i chucked a pearl at the ground and saved myself but it was like because i was a bozo you know

The blind was like 10 minutes it should have been so much faster actually pretty unfortunately for that long [Applause] monument the three bed iron sword didn’t you just do this k4 Really this is interesting you haven’t practiced it it’s just you need to do like one single tick later it’s the whole secret one that is dog [ __ ] you ever get twitch whispers i haven’t got one in a while i just got one from person has to have like 13 numbers in their name

Oh that’s awesome unless you do ask me to add them on discord or gfx or halfway sure do you doing that’s pretty much it i’ve sent you twitches for israel basically you’re my only friend on twitch oh i think unless i removes you i think we’re good with friends they removed friends

Oh and then sorry [Laughter] i have found a new stream of three with friends it’s like also i don’t really know dude i gotta stop i have just such a bad habit of of clicking my right click all the time and i keep tabbing out of my macro and tapping out of everything it’s so bad

I’m just i just always press my right click you know because you want to break down for some reason so me too it’s weird like i got sleep last night i’m just tired for some reason gotta be like for me it’s the same here though for me it’s gonna be just like a

Day prior yeah all right catch up up on sleep not really i think it doesn’t really make sense to me but i feel like people see that i feel like when i hear people say that they just mean like they need to get good sleep like like lengthy

It should like you’d think it would exist it’s all about schedule and being consistent like if you sleep for four and a half hours every single night you’re actually gonna feel better it’s like four hours an insect for [ __ ] like yeah that sounds natural experience i’m just tired like that now because i’d

Normally be sleeping now well or i’d normally be waking up so it’s crazy how they could have just not put pearl trades in the loot table and one sixteenths really wouldn’t be a thing For real i could like theoretically change the trajectory of my life Think about stuff like that like my decision to stream an extra hour longer could have changed someone’s life it’s only yes it was every day yeah that’s actually kind of true shit’s interesting going to the bathroom change the seats that i rolled that day you know me coughing change the seats are all

And then you would have gotten a world record maybe yeah yeah i haven’t left my chair in six hours if you did then you would have wrote the [ __ ] yeah you’re right i’ll i’ll be right back see the the way that we’re sort of wait pretty there say something in the lightning

I hear him see we just for every seed that he rolls for the rest of the day now it’s gonna just be entirely different because we made it up all your fault it makes me wanna like tear up thinking about it it’s [ __ ] beautiful i just i just

Make you feel powerful dylan i’m ready to pee now yeah man [ __ ] yeah i mean you are that’s the thing though is like we makes you feel like you’ve got control over him yeah and that’s the [ __ ] i crave you know psychotic i don’t even know what the conversation

Is about but i came back and it sounds it’s interesting we’re just talking about how because of our influence we’re going to be rolling new seats for the rest of the day and lux’s turning around yeah i left to refill my water and now i feel like i’m a new man right

Now we were expecting that all right every time i step away from the computer it’s like minus like five minutes of war warm up your warm-up has like a charge meter and it’s like it like depletes yeah i don’t feel like that i actually like did studies on that didn’t

But it was about like um it was about like sports people when they’re like waiting for their like what’s going dude i forgot this was a monument run so i mined the bridge chalice and checked my inventory i was expecting like local blocks 20. like what the hell i just forgot so cursed

How many goat blocks did you get in your baby did you get the whole chalice no but i probably got slightly too much oh yeah because i [ __ ] up pyraming so um oh yeah no i spent more time there yeah i get i get the amount of gold

Based on how long it takes for me to power it yeah that’s basically it i guess gonna get no gold because i’m really fast pirate again because i [ __ ] forgot where i’m supposed to go road air for like a couple hours or something pretty awesome that does sound awesome

I gotta check my trains i pick up two stacks of golf that’s stupid it just shouldn’t be funny at all but it’s just weird for how many beach trunks do they need tonight [ __ ] diagonal yep oh yeah reload resources what hmm ah hmm ugh what the [ __ ] a witch hot shipwreck fashion that’s insane witch hut shipwreck bash new [ __ ] save time that’s [ __ ] crazy ah right um uh all right let’s everyone put all along 50 and gold and three diamonds very treasure nothing else

Holding still i’m happy it’s a lot cooler eating i’m not like sweating while i play them yesterday it’s good oh my god triple stacked ocean run come on oh sure this is insane and i’m like i should have screenshotted it i’ve never seen that let’s say you’re looking at the

Mainstream that’s weird i don’t know why they dream like that it’s just hot there’s like the terrain pushes ocean ruins oh but they can be like underneath so foreign foreign so so jesus um uh so so excuse me i was just putting in a fish block to me uh so there’s one enter

So so So i’m never forced to run the work so hard i don’t know how this is led to this moment god i need [ __ ] wood [Applause] uh like three fortresses or something what the [ __ ] it’s oh my god the stupid hey glitching to the block they always just happen to be again

There is a just like get the [ __ ] Okay um Oh hmm Hmm i thought i’d have enough i didn’t excuse me suffocated [Applause] oh i was like what the [ __ ] three sitting in the meantime 2188 block blind i like that stop twinning this is crazy now if you have bells you can still yeah you can get there if you have bells i

I’m not even insane ring oh oh at least there’s some ocean a dolphin though so um uh let’s go hey Uh Yeah yeah did i miss see that or did your first bed break and then you got a second bit off below it or something but i just completely not instituted up over them to be there break a wood shovel i don’t think i’ve ever done that i’m on track i’m gonna get there Oh no we got a full screen for that that’s legendary uh rng oh it’s on it’s on 7 durability out of 59 oh my god that was pretty close in there hmm huh so so uh hmm [Applause] foreign get it so uh no foreign uh foreign um huh um um hmm [Applause] Huh three foreign uh so hmm um so so so um so so foreign uh um [Applause] um um Yeah i just didn’t find a shipwreck on this scene it’s just like the gnarliest bastion i don’t even know if i can ah so hmm this ah so uh hmm foreign Not that wild thing where you break the sand above the bt and it doesn’t break reappears at all it’s it’s from mining the block from too far away we start modding it from too far away and then because i was literally right on top of the

Like directly i was hugging as i was so but like it’s it’s just about when you start your lobby i just know like when i’m coming down from directly above uh or not even actually probably yeah just directly above uh a bt then wait a second and then oh

Can rune portal spawn neck pass yeah yeah when it stops Ah uh or single tnt do you have to do like two heavy blocks or just one two two well it depends on if you’re raising or if you’re raising it then you have to do two no matter what huh foreign huh this oh so so so oops hmm [Applause] hmm

I haven’t pulled up on the big screen i’m just getting [ __ ] to make a house I’m a stream for a dog as well you have like a small window to get a new run thanksgiving no problem silva it’s looking out but if you beat my sub 10 then you have to wait in the fountain because that was nice so oh i haven’t met him discord

Interesting i even mean it for a fat minute my friend they haven’t been pulled up on the mainstream now i’ve been for the past seven minutes getting [ __ ] to build a house i i i reset for a mesa and i’ve just been getting [ __ ] yeah i thought i was i was like gonna

See if silver had finally left the nether and i looked over and i just see someone killing a squid i was like why is something so squid and i realized it’s you and i still didn’t have the answer to the question i was gonna make black leather armor or black glass

Dude i can’t get a damn seed hello when did it turn to 59 after that how much time how many seconds do i have 15 you very long time [ __ ] oh surprise monument monument ended up hey okay dude i walk one block out of my portal into lava

I haven’t done that in like a year so oh what a classic uh i want to turn the volume on Very gritty bro i think already man did i just put a troll face on the screen yeah show [Laughter] All right i have to go into gsa voice channel but i’m laughing my ass off now oh this took my stream off Wait k4 still in there you can put a truck you just one of the strings in the corner i guess the other like radiator you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SWRC Tournament DAY 2 | Fruitberries Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by Fruitberries VODs on 2022-08-06 17:00:02. It has garnered 842 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 07:18:31 or 26311 seconds.

No, I am not Fruitberries. This is a re-uploaded VOD from Fruitberries’ Twitch page. Streamed on August 2, 2022

Follow him! Twitch: YouTube:


  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

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  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

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  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

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  • Mr. Disappointment’s Epic Fortnite Fail

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

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  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

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  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

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  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

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  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

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  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

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  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

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  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

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  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

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  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

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  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

Fruitberries VODs – Minecraft SWRC Tournament DAY 2 | Fruitberries Twitch VOD