Getting Crystal PVP Tier Tested

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Today I’m so excited um but the only problem is I have to wait for a tear tester to join and watch the stream you know usually we have over a couple hundred viewers so hopefully a tear tester will watch and be able to test me but like you know what’s up guys

What’s up what’s up what’s up guys yo what’s up oh wait they added the badges to YouTube now I can see your member badge yo that’s fire okay that’s good bro that’s good that’s good all right yeah what’s up guys what’s up what’s up what’s up Clark what’s up Liam Griffin

What’s up everybody chat chat chat chat chat welcome to the stream um it’s not like a live notification and then um yeah there we go all right all right all right all right yo what’s up guys what’s up sorry the stream is so late uh I was gonna stream earlier today

By the way if you don’t if you can’t read the title I’m doing a crystal EV read oh it means I resubbed oh wait so you’re like the first ever resub so you’re oh so you actually subbed for one oh oh yeah I’m so dumb bro I’m actually

So dumb yeah cause I always it already showed the green one yo miles they all set miles but yeah chat um yeah yeah basically Crystal baby tears testing that I don’t know what that is it’s basically like if you play chat you guys all know because the movie gear

Testing is I’m actually gonna tier test properly yes bro oh should I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m gonna try as hard as I can but like if it goes bad bro I don’t know you guys think I’m gonna get tier one I’m making tier one

I’m kind of insane um all right all right all right um but yeah I’m about a tier test I need to wait for a crystal PVP or a tear tester to your test me bro so yeah I’m not also I’m not warmed up and I was gonna stream earlier today but I could

Not because who’s here testing you I don’t know bro I need someone you know are there any tear testers in the Stream if not could you guys like at one or something like that like at an NAE like tear tester like I need it but I was

Gonna stream early I’ll talk about are you a tier Chester um yeah chat I was gonna see your test earlier but the problem is uh what oh my gosh I’m literally typing slash shop in East uspvp what am I doing bro I just type slash the shop like four

Times in the chat I’m so dumb all right TV accept all right you wanna only one all right let’s go yo run again Crystal let’s go um do bugger bottle is he up is he still a tester all right let’s do I want to do pocket model then all right

Let’s do it I’m just not warmed up though guys you think I can pay him what do you guys think bro this guy’s literally not taking knock back Not even warmed up either dude isn’t a tester I don’t think oh my gosh bro talk about all your tester please bro I need you to be a tester like I’m literally losing this random guy right now oh my God like yeah I’m not one of them at all

I need some good people to one Beyond me yeah guys let me TV requests you’re good clearly not right now bro also my my light in the back is like broken chat I don’t know why it’s like really weird you’re definitely High through three or

Anything um I’m a mod I don’t do tests anymore well can you do tests are you able to do tests can you do it for me please I don’t know if you can or not but yo Chad are there any tier testers like here look look oh chat oh yeah I

Forgot I need to look at the uh the memes all right let’s look at the memes all right all right all right let me scroll down um okay I just saw that picture what the heck was that oh I don’t want to look at that all right

Um borrow this new Marlo Crystal mod isn’t working it’s annoying bro you probably have some sort of weird mod get rid of your CW maybe that’s why um you have to play CR wait you have crossplay in your server yeah I do yo what’s up guys what’s up welcome to stream oh

I’m not trying to get copyrighted but he’s done a four second clip of this get back nice bro wow yo chat what do you guys rate this clip out of ten it’s the four second clip of this watch that’s it oh my gosh it’s 12 p.m bro I know I

Didn’t even mean to stream this late I’m sorry guys I accidentally went live too late because um um I I accidentally I was gonna I’m gonna sleep like an hour and a half but then it either couldn’t um yo F5 what’s up with two months remember I know I see

That now bro yeah you and wizards both got two month members guys it’s been exactly one month since I hit 100K all right let’s watch this one too this better be a better clip um all right all right we good okay yeah we’re good than you I don’t want to get copyrighted let’s

Just watch the clip bro you’re you just got destroyed show them show them Dude why does it kick me out of the videos oh my gosh I hate this stupid Channel thin FN super chatted two dollars hey it’s 41nn 1v1 Eli the Canadian on East okay okay I’ll do that I’ll actually do that yeah let’s do let’s do that yo yo

Thank you so much for the dog hungry but it’s 1am and I have school okay okay and y’all have a fight let’s go okay there you go let’s go yo wmfi’s in the chat yo F5 thanks thanks man thank you so much um wow you and was actually the first ever

Two month Subs wait what’s why did your notification not show up did you not sub another like earlier or something I don’t really I don’t really know how that works um all right Chad all right yeah what do you guys write this clip by the way what

Do you guys write this clip apparently this guy um sent us in the meme channels I agree with coastbacks bro wait what did coastback say what do you mean Nick’s YT oh Mr chatted 99 Australian cents I sub that ready like before the stream dang oh my gosh that would be

Great content wait what did he say okay let’s just let’s do this wow such a great clip guy bro I don’t know I said guy I was gonna say guys and then I said and then I was like wait this is only one person Who’s by the way who’s gonna tear test me guys can somebody like are there any tear testers in the chat then I can tear test you if you want boy buns bro who are you yeah if you’re a tear tester I’m down I’m for sure down right let’s watch

This go back in your thing that’s it just a what is this I’m not I can’t get copyrighted but You guys are sending those stupid videos I wish I changed colors okay wow that’s a great meme it’s like that’s not 2017 that was like 2011. now that was like 2013. what dog versus baby like that’s not funny okay Dr Donut’s wife okay you guys think this is a good wife

Okay this actually is kind of fire um but um look at that wait look at the tearless wait what is the tearless ready am I ready to get tested bro oh I better be ready to get tested I’m so excited all right wait hold on let me let me

Finish up these memes really quick what is this what yo who is yo who is making who’s making these edits bro it’s kind of like what oh man what is this wait a second that actually looks like me wait wait what this looks like me why do I

Look like I have glasses wait this looks like an actual wait bro I swear I do not have glasses bro yeah what’s the lord’s fan welcome back bro welcome back oh my gosh 5.99 hi hi okay yo hey hey man yo thanks for ten dollars to say that yo dude

Thank you thank you all right yeah yo yo yeah yo nice am I gonna get bad for that bro I’m kind of scared is that is that bad the show on stream I don’t know bro yo I don’t know if I’m gonna get banned for that okay okay whatever let’s just keep going

That is the dumbest meme I’ve ever seen yeah sending bro you guys are sending dumb stuff what is this okay that’s not funny either yo what’s up bro I want to say something but I can’t type in the chat chat but can’t type I can’t type oh that’s weird

Uh I don’t know yeah that’s weird I don’t know what the problem is I got you to break and I got it if you like secret yo nice bro Brad super chatted one pound and 79. you’re gonna get high tier three just we’re gonna make and you’re good can I get 50 meters

I read the wrong one okay um if I done it ten dollars no bro I’m not gonna give you all my money 1.99 are gonna get ht3 just work on ER totemen and urged okay I better get some Goods I better get a good rank no bro

Get up close and let the Glock 22. we pop out at your pod I’m gonna get copyrighted yo this guy yo this guy’s cool what do you guys think about that yeah that guy’s cool bro I wish I could be like this guy look at this x2a IDK

Um oh my gosh you haven’t done anything so much do I like donuts or cookies more Donuts bro obviously Donuts oh I saw this video already this is a w video best Crystal Beer Doctor Donut I hope is this copyright or no what the heck is this song yo yeah that’s a w that’s definitely W let’s go let’s go Okay you don’t have to put clips of me saying stuff when I don’t you don’t even hear me saying it all right you got yeah the same bro yo same as yo okay nah nah nah nah super chatted two dollars give pocket bottle mod should I should I should I should I I

Don’t know bro I don’t know all right all right okay let’s watch this whoever sent you this thing since you’re gay okay bro you guys can get copyrighted from stuff like really old music and stuff like this right like you can’t get copyrighted from like Mozart from like

From like what year is this like 1950s like bro that’s so long ago bro I’ve already seen this meme wait is this one okay I already saw these your Discord PLS PLS wait what can I put all my mods in the Discord uh yeah I probably can what is this yo what yeah

Bro it’s a 1950 no way okay whatever year it was where the 1600s sure bro I don’t know I almost don’t know what year that was you think I was alive but yum why does this look like a like a really really like like a 30 year old woman with a mustache What music is playing right now what the heck okay that was the wrong music okay all right all right chat are the memes done all right can we can we clear test now guys me greeting is not that funny Doctor on a better stream than I okay the same video over and over

And the same the same video again bro yo who is nah yes go on go in general but get tested I can get tested now who’s gonna test me I need someone I want someone I know to test me you know just because like or I

Want someone known to test me is there who’s the most known tear tester in this chat right now killing frost on East yo Frost you have anything to say about this bro is this you should I test the Ping in in the server should I should I ping you in the server

No bro no no the pocket bottle poker bottle said he can’t test me zark you’re not even a mod I can’t I can’t get copyrighted no that’s not me this is definitely you bro this guy’s Horrible no way you die this guy no way no way okay

Frost you’re so bad bro dude you’re so bad no way you die right here oh what that was like one Crystal a second you’re so I look like logic wait yo I should rock this look should I not I should look at I should look like this

Wait actually yeah should I look like this chat that would be nice if I look like this what do you guys think no it’s it’s Nick a30 this is me and Nick a30 no it’s not bro Nicky 30 doesn’t even have does he have these glasses yo this is weird this is weird

Oh my gosh why do you guys do the same video over and over holy okay why do you guys send the same picture over and over and what is this for nah what oh my gosh why why okay why are there no skulls on this one but

There is another one I don’t get it I don’t know I don’t get it bro uh bro I wanted to be in the video okay um Eli wait want to be on e-line 41nnn I want to see okay bro hold on bro hold on I’m not even warmed up I’m kind of scared Oh you guys can even see it can you yo okay um nice day two of asking for mod yo check who’s better me or speed honestly I didn’t know the answer I want to see what you guys think though bro speed is copying me bro why is he copying me

Why do you guys do the same videos over and over nah I’m done bro I’m not listening to stuff anymore speed speed speed I know I needed a speed bro speed is it’s just not even like comparable like I’m not even close to speeds level

All right chop you guys ready for me to your test can somebody help me warm up really quick who’s good online right now like like oh yeah also did I already said I was trying to stream earlier than I did today but I accidentally went to sleep

For an hour and a half longer than I mentioned it’s gonna take a one and a half hour nap but then my timer never went off because I never started the timer donut looks like Mika 30. oh yo what did you just say ing what did you just saying nah yo you

Got I gotta skip that donation bro I did not expect it to say that I look like who come on bro yo guys don’t donate that stuff bro that’s not it bad don’t you should do a sleep stream with me for the content and not I’ll do it for not

The content bro yeah I’ll do that for not to content like just like just like for fun um you’re gonna get banned for that armor Hood oh facts oh Chad I got a test on vanilla Minecraft wait yo you guys hear about the new Crystal BP rules bro oh shoot

I play Super chatted two dollars goofy bald boy put in the chat right now bro thank you so much for the donation but what the heck are you saying um you should have tested before bro Chad what mods do I have to get rid of

Chat am I using bad am I like what mods do I have to get rid of bro no some of the rules change look at the Discord no that’s just voting oh no bro no no no no oh wait um the queue updates every one minute

Type slash leave if you want to be removed from the waitlist queue enter Q the cue list is full bro so I’m not gonna get tested today bro who’s gonna test me last time I tested I didn’t have to wait in a queue bro what happened to the tier

List Jack wait what are the rules no guys the current rules are these are the only allowed mods any other mod in your permanently banned I have to get rid of my CW my Marlo Crystal my boosted brightness guys you guys realize boosted brightness is not even allowed for the tier test that’s

Crazy that’s that’s crazy that is crazy no look down considering that many players would prefer an advantage mods I’m going to run a community poll in regards to what mods should apply and the deciding factor will be depending on the ratio of these votes but nothing’s been confirmed this is

Just what everyone’s voting on it hasn’t been like these are the new rules come on bro who who made these rules yo are these wrl rules I could only play vanilla Minecraft and their lunar is banned fabric is banned I don’t even know everything’s banned what am I

Supposed to do both things gotta get rid of CW I don’t even use the W but if I had it yeah I’d have to get rid of it even lunar isn’t even loud I know bro yeah if it says it doesn’t even matter if you’re using the mods if you have

Them in your mod pack and you get SS your Perma band from the tier list permaband doctor done at band for boosted brightness come on bro bro click bait okay yeah yeah you’re right this is clickbait dude I’m about to get tear tested what are you talking about who’s just who’s gonna

Test me chat chat somebody who’s gonna test me chat anybody know type their name if you guys know who it is also this is what I voted for what do you guys think fight 41n and then Eli the Canadian on East oh my gosh Finn okay

Fine why what you want me to why you want me to do that so badly bro 41 but 41 and ends the trash no name and then Eli obviously I’m gonna win against Eli like are you serious right now bro also why is the map so destroyed like is the

Map is the map just not getting reset like look at this East is kind of destroyed right now should I like re restart the server or something like oh never mind okay that was just that one area and wherever I spawn oh I’m trash no name bro yes bro yes but I’m not

Warmed up so if you win you know you know you know 41 and in all right let’s go 41 and then let’s see if you’re actually good at the game Chad who’s gonna tear test me though Roblox play boy chatted two-year two years bro how much to help you Yo 41n bro yeah nah did you see that I had to touch my hand for an hour and a half yo it was the lag bro it was the lag it was the lag 41 and then just digs yeah he’s such a yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right all right TPA here 41n one more time bro no no no no I’m actually I’m not even gonna get tier three bro I think I’m gonna get tier four this is bad yo Anthony Anthony thank you so much for

Becoming a member yo thank you Anthony let’s go yo chat chill bro yo again nah yo what is up with this bike yo what you’re easily gonna get tier three yo no I’m not I’m losing the 41 no name bro 41 no name is who I’m

Losing to all right yo who was gonna test me bro yo can somebody test me hurry up I’ve been waiting for the last 30 how long I’ve been live I’m going for the last 20 minutes for someone to tear test me is anybody online come on bro

I’ve been waiting bro can you hurry up jeez hurry oh my god oh okay okay no no no chill shut your mouth stop talking to me um am I I’m following you on Twitter um no no practice using vanilla Minecraft do I genuinely have to use vanilla Minecraft

Bro can I yo who’s gonna tear test me bro can someone please to your test me General he’ll get low tier three nah he’s gonna get dq’d for kit what does that mean wait oh you guys can’t even see what does this even mean bro lunar is not allowed why wait what I’m

Actually hacking right now I need your tier test kit by the way you need my tier test kit why if you cannot use vanilla Minecraft your cheats okay bro 41 and it’s terrible it doesn’t even the mods are allowed I think bro test me bro test me test me test me test

Me test me don’t you need 12 times I know bro you think I’m dumb I know I’ve been tear tested before I unfortunately got low tier five pack God oh yo bro pack me out bro pack me out um 12 10 is Max easy okay yeah I know all right

Yo bro lemoons can you uh bro he’s not even yo chat why why are all these no-name testers in the server bro okay he’s watching my stream so he’s not that big of a no name but okay come on yo let me you’re gonna test me bro do I

Need to like make a ticket do I have to make a ticket uh there’s a cue that says I need to do can I just get tested like without the queue like I’m just talking to a brick wall right now like yo can I get tested or not I’m trying to see if

I’m gonna be tier one or tier two or two or three or two or four or tier five like come on let’s go go cry what about me cry I need someone fast to help me actually warm up because none of these all these no names are too slow he’s Australian oh

Shoot oh shoot oh shoot okay um yo what are these songs playing why is it not looping the playlist I don’t know what’s happening bro this is so bad bro ah chat what am I gonna get Chad what am I gonna get can you guys tell me can I get um tier one or what boy buns can test you boy buns really um half these testers are what half of

These testers I’m 10 times better than low tier three really bro you’re telling me I’m gonna be worse than Jew I don’t even know half these people bro who am I gonna so you’re telling me on the same skill as like nah bro I’m not even yo

Okay am I gonna get banned for looking at this like some people have some crazy names fans wait fans when did you get tested tear all amazing boy bro boy buns is terrible yo no he’s not no he’s not bro yo yo yo Craig are you

Gonna TV except yo cray cray come here bro come here come here come here come here come here okay there you go okay okay yo Craig yo crazy such a w all right all right let’s go gray hell help me warm up before I get tested just

Really quick I need to fight someone really good let’s go our mods allowed foreign Ed up at all so bad chat our mods mods are actually not allowed you’re telling me that right now okay I haven’t played Crystal VP in like three days because I didn’t stream yesterday because I was at an orthodontist appointment like right at the stream time

Yo oh my God I’m so bad okay bro hit me with a sword and pop me um bro Christ sucks no he doesn’t bro what are you saying you realize he’s tier two right so annoying ing yo I’m so bad what am I doing I’m not even ah what am I actually doing I am so trash right now today dude yo what do I do to get better I’m seriously bad is Marlo a boy or a girl bro obviously Marlo’s a girl

I don’t know I don’t know why I said it like that but oh my gosh um bro push-ups every death okay okay ah should I chat I’m actually Gonna Get Low tier five again please don’t give me whoops okay Gray you excited bro you’re not even bad

Chill yes I oh bro are you seriously super chatted one pound and 79 Pence Dr donut PLS teach me to play cpvp not flow chaos 6864. oh my there we go I’m this is unbearable oh my I’m so bad he’s even taking off his helmet that’s

How bad I am yeah I usually like have a pretty good chance of beating prey but not right now bro he even took off this helmet Did I kill him we know oh play drain gray can you teach me drain bro oh okay okay I have a small chance don’t focus on your talking focus on the game okay k6 guys this is my tier test kit what do you guys think

I have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve totems um I have a lot of is this a good kid or not I have like three sacks of everything four stacks of crystals ah dude what is this kit you can only have three sacks of XP I think

Armor HUD it’s I’m hacking I have a lot of cheats is this bad really Donuts one or hot bar are you dumb Chad you guys are actually brain dead idiots one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve what do you mean 13 with offhand

You guys bro even six months yo thanks so much for donation by the way but even six months ago you said you just said the same thing you guys are so actually stupid when I tested six months ago you guys were like that’s 13 that’s 13 that’s 13 like broch

Holy wait you’re low tier five yes I’m low tier five bro WTF chill dude I just miscounted oh okay I’m sorry bro no I’m sorry you’re not a brain dead stupid loser I’m sorry yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right yo am I gonna get tear tested my duel me okay advanced

You’re actually a no-name bro chure if you guys know who fanced is badly bro you’re even more of a no name than fans holy oh my gosh um yeah yeah nobody knows fans bro all right yo let’s wanna be on fans let’s go you ready bro oh some of you guys need

Francis wow I don’t even need crystals too easy follow underscore that one guy 1181 on Tick-Tock super chatted one pound and 79 Pence wsg donut look I’m sorry for getting you killed that’s fine bro it’s okay you did not get me killed that’s fine bro Dr Leonard did you hear about the new rule

The testers has to fly to your house um to screen share you for legal mods really I’m not testing bro if they actually have to fly to my house for that bro nah no no no no no no um I can manually test you in DMS if you want

Oh my gosh oh wait do you see the dentist oh my gosh yo yo yo okay wait no no no problem actually Um I’m not you say probably gonna win the eval and then I’ll sign you to high tier three to fight yo Chad what is a vault yo chat what yo chat what is the ball chat yo am I really gonna win the Evolve like what is

That Yo is that a is that bad to say oh my gosh nobody this guy’s asking me again oh I’m probably gonna win the evaluation and then you’re gonna give me high tier three wait wait what evaluation idiot chat how am I supposed to know if you win

No way this guy thinks I’m like oh my gosh and I think you are ready for high tier three oh if I win and he thinks I’m ready for a high tier three I’ll have to fight another high tier three in a best of five oh

Bro I hope he sets me up against a really really bad High tier three that’d be pretty hype yo should I just do it should I do it should I do it should I just do it just do it just do it I should just do it

I’m scared bro I don’t know he is low tier three oh my gosh Dr nuts wife no I’m not I’m not putting that on stream um yes okay okay okay okay all right all right all right I’m really scared um so um screenshot your kit so I can see if

You’re following the kit rules okay what kid what is kit six okay guys yo chat you guys don’t know how good it is tier testing on a server that you own like yeah isn’t that crazy bro isn’t that crazy that is crazy ah wait is this to keep good by the way

Should I attend this to him um where do you get tear test it’s like this discord’s called discord.g Crystal slash cpvp um yeah it’s good you need 12 totems oh really really I didn’t know that what are you doing um remove totems bro I literally have 12. what are you talking about um

Imagine he lags out mid-fight that would that would be wait a second that’s smart brings the slowness four makes it makes the unable to move bro now so it is four I’m not that type of guy you know I’m not the type of guy you have too many crystals nah bro but what

If this what if this guy’s a drainer and he keeps running what he feels like half his inventory of pearls and I have to like get more of these right never have 13 totems bro I don’t have 13 totems bro no way you’re trolling bro um

Germany it’s 12 o’clock at night I know I’m sorry for doing that I’m surprised my mouse my mouse wasn’t plugged and then yeah sure sure slowness arrows are not even allowed okay pods no no pots are bad chat trust me I’m explode him with anchors wait do I need more gaps

Like I might try to stack of crystals for gaps but like the fight’s not gonna last that long is it you know there’s only a couple of Billy Bongos you know what I mean yeah I think we’re good I think we’re good I think we’re good

All right all right let’s send him the kit let’s send him the kit um that kid is fine I assume you want to do East right I won’t drain it’s an evaluation but the high tier 3 will probably drain you okay oh no that’s the wrong kid no no no no

No no no don’t ban me bro wait wait I need to ask him Chad I need to ask the tier tester if um if boosted brightness is allowed please say yes please say yes please say yes I’ll get excited DDOS him Frost you’re literally the owner of the server

You can literally just kick him out of the Savory if you want bro you literally have admins let’s go it’s gonna be swipe cloudy on me clown Pierce this is not the real clown Pierce bro he doesn’t have a lowercase in his name he literally changed his name also

Are you serious right now bro um he has to use vanilla though do I actually have to use vanilla um I’m not sure that the poll is done so for safety just turn them off for now nah bro I can’t be doing this bro no way why I

Don’t know how to play vanilla oh my gosh I’m gonna have such bad FPS I’m gonna have oh this is gonna be bad this is going to be really bad ah I can’t use yo this is gonna be so bad bro I can’t use hurt cam so my

Screen’s gonna be Shaking All Around oh my God oh you’re good enough to be without it it’s fine foreign make me a ghost client okay chill outside again bro shut up bro shut up um you can’t use hacks on vanilla yeah can somebody make me a ghost client oh my gosh bro

What do you want all right I gotta restart my game okay all right let’s do it chat gotta restart my game check Olympics that’s not clown Pierce bro I’m not checking that that’s probably you who’s jamming me all right all right so just vanilla Minecraft oh wait

Okay it’s fine you can use them just not Marlo Optimizer mini map oh okay wow isn’t chat for this guy oh my gosh let me let me delete all my mods so I got all these CW and all the I mean yeah I’m right what um all right let’s take it out let’s

Take it out all right take out Marla’s crypto crypto optimizer gone all right I took it out I took it out I took it out all right all right all right you guys ready to see how good I am oh I’m so excited I’m so excited I’m so

Excited to see how good I am I’m getting lost to make a ghost tonight for me so I can have we can we’ll be the best because we’ll be viewers out there all right yo yo Frost did you tell me about the new mod that I thought of like the

You hold the totem and you right click oh yo yo take out the CW already took it out before I showed my screen or I I didn’t even have it in the first place so it’s all good it’s all good Chuck it’s all good yo can you make your

Server that’s bedrock and Java I already have that yeah don’t SB is the better I can Java all right I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in let’s see how fast and Chris I haven’t Crystal without this the Marlo Crystal mod in actual like a month

I’ve had it Marla gave it to me early I’ve had it for so long let’s see how fast and Crystal oh bro that’s so slow are you serious yo not nah oh my gosh All right Chad this is gonna go bad this is gonna be bad chat hey can you like stop talking about like holy oh my gosh holy even i crystal faster and I’m low tier three Lem out bro I’m low tier five drag both drag click on most on both Mouse buttons

You’re telling me I should just do this to Crystal baby like this wait place and let’s just drag like bro you are dumb then raspin training by the way no wrestling did not train me wrestling’s horrible horrible so bad bro so bad I’m not even trolling her

Husband’s so bad compared to me all right all right let’s see what’s going on with the tier test um yo Chad don’t don’t say anything I’m adding this to my mod pack all right all right all right um so let’s see um I’m not sure that the polls are done

For now for the safety just turning off okay okay I can use not mini map okay I’m not using either of these good we will do three rounds for the evaluation what if we’re at now bro trust me I know Jackson he’s not gonna wrap me we will

Do three rounds for the valuation when you’re ready to pay to me um if you need a server where you actually or you are actually a pinger on we can switch that server just tell me the IP bro finna get a rat not chat it’s not a rat bro

Okay okay we’re testing on my server let’s go okay we’re testing on my server oh my gosh you guys don’t know what it’s like bro TPA to boy buns and Converse mentioned me that guys that’s not the real clown Pierce guys that’s literally someone just changed their name

No strength dish bro like shut up I don’t care bro literally no one cares so I’m sitting here in silence right now I’m kind of scared should I just do it just do it all right what’s here am I right now I’m low tier five I’m the

Lowest you can possibly be and I’m about to tear test to see if I can get high tier one if I don’t get high tier one I’m gonna be mad TPA boy buns thank you thank you Lord thank you Lord guys thank you but you gotta remove the

Client don’t worry don’t worry bro don’t worry don’t worry it’s it’s all in there I got I got all my mods bro I got all my mods don’t worry yo bro tpe bro he’s there okay okay Bros using potions okay three two one go

Ah yo I’m not warmed up this guy is so bad I’m not warmed up bro I swear I’m usually better than this okay nah this is bad bro Yo dude yeah yeah I’m not even warmed up bro okay you have to get tier one am I gonna get tier one or not like bro yo why you guys not typing by the way this guy sucks is this guy really a tear Duster no I’m just kidding okay okay what now

Okay what now I just froze big time bro was capping so hard nah nah nah nah nah bro he is clapping so hard he is so just capping even the tear Chester yo no way dude oh this is gonna be bad uh am I really

Gonna get tier one shot I don’t know bro all right all right I said it’s fine chill dog oh my gosh um yo that Moda since you work let’s go I know bro let’s go let’s go let’s get it let’s get it I’m kind of I’m a hyped for that mod bro

It actually works Jackson thanks um you’re still doing good oh okay okay bro all right all right all right all right all right okay all right when are you getting verified I don’t know bro no one told me how to get verified they just said I need to

Wait and just see when I get verified okay TPA boy buns okay boy buns bro I need to warm up a little bit more guys I need to warm up a little bit more I’m not even warmed up at all you guys know how you usually play c-k-s-o-n Super

Chatted two dollars you the mod I sent works yeah yeah right yeah yeah the mod Works let’s go bro it works it works it’s working good he has no idea I’m using it either he thinks something’s a joke but it’s not all right TP had a boy

Buns um all right yo chat okay here’s the thing here’s the thing um you guys know how I usually play I’m not usually play I usually don’t play this bad all right boy but since you teleport Quest TP accept be really nice to him so he gives you so

He gives you a bad High tier three to fight okay okay okay I know by the way by the way boy buns I’m just overreacting for Content okay why are you streaming out at like 11 bro because I accidentally went to sleep too long bro

Oh he’s here okay okay oh why is he using potions always this is not fair I didn’t even bring any Potions all right let’s go this is so bad chat why am I so trash foreign I feel so bad trash I know bro I’m literally out here getting sorted foreign fight why did you just leave the game what are you doing so what happens now I’m shaking bro you think you’re shaking I’m shaking bro I’m so scared did bro really just leave

I’m playing so badly right now I’m so nervous I’m so nervous bro wait did I kill him wait what oh you got kicked for hacking oh bro just join back bro just join back you’re so dumb bro okay I believe you bro I believe you boy buns it’s okay

It’s okay don’t worry don’t worry just join back the entity on East is bad bro because Pedro still has not done the okay I’ll just give that one to you one more round oh I just okay so that one counts I just won okay okay okay okay

Okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so I won that one we got one more round okay bro if he doesn’t get me high tier one after this probably yo this is about a young okay TPA here boy buns all right boy buns okay

All right all right all right yo chat hacking is crazy bro I don’t hack I do not hack okay there he is there he is yo nah bro my pearls are not throwing foreign So bad guys okay yeah easy dumps bro what do I get what’s here do I get what here do I get bro please be good please be good come on come on come on come on come on come on what do I get

What I do what I get what I get what I get come on come on yo what do I get from what do I get bro hurry up it doesn’t make that long type three letters High tier three I’m going to add you to a group chat with your

High tier three and he will give you a test at best out of five I have to test against Ozarks are you serious right now bro nah yo I’m not warmed up that’s the problem is he good he kills me all the time and then SMP

Bro I’m scared of I like I don’t fight him on donut because he’s like he’s really too good oh no warm up right now okay okay okay okay yo who can help me warm up I need to warm up right now bro I need to warm up bad

Yo cray are you online still cray is online come on please gray oh wait should I show you how to verify after stream no it’s fine bro I think I already applied I think I’m good um yo Lord bro I’ll add you bro you know you’ve proven to me that that you know

The Minecraft Community under some no name okay okay I’ll add you um I don’t know at me and my Discord or something add me in my doctor done with TTS at me on that Discord and I’ll do it okay okay okay cray TV accept okay bro okay I need help I

Need help why do you say bro so much because I watch I should speed and he says it too much so yeah okay let’s go great ah bro I’m still ant warmed up bro Yo oh my God even my toteming is bad too foreign I’m getting destroyed bro why are you serious I’m already destroying him bro my toteming is so bad right now foreign I’m just freaking out chat that’s my problem I’m so scared wait he’s popped 15 totems

Bro why do you have 15 totems oh wait oh I have like a bunch of two okay that’s not a big deal what is he doing I don’t know are you serious it’s pretty tears if I just beat a tier two and then that means I’m bro that

Means it’s an easy win bro that that means it’s gonna be easy bro he responded oh cloud oh bro I was friends with theophora four I’m dead rose definitely a drainer Cloud can you fight doctor on it for his high tier 3 test um oh my gosh bro guys who’s Cloud bro he’s

Good no boy buns bro can you give me someone someone oh could he give me someone different bro please I don’t want to drain her bro if Rose friends with Theo that means he’s gonna be a Trader oh my gosh how do I drain cloud is good

How do I drain chat I need some advice I’ve been getting the Legacy YouTube channel bro why I don’t yo okay you really really want to show me that you’re in the YouTube Legacy YouTube channel oh wrestling types in here bro add me on stream do it

Nah this is your profile picture I’m not adding you yo am I going to want to go on this guy or not cloud is the goat oh my gosh Dre it’s a drain Strat wait use cobweb so they can’t hit you up and you set a hotkey for cobwebs it seriously works

That no bro that only works against like random no names don’t even know how to Crystal VIP Cloud do you want to do it or do you want zerks to bro if xerx is online then I mean no I just want whoever’s better yo who do I

Yo I need yo who here knows everyone in the community bro cloud is a high tier 2 and maybe a high tier one low tier one soon cloud is trans so all right I’m turning off Superman again that’s why I’m hiding my screen all right all right all right yo chat this

Is about to be this might be easy does bro All right you guys ready let’s go ah cloud is insane really no you might want to set up an e-chest wait what I thought you just were not allowed in low tier 3 fights I have to say cloud is pretty good yo chat what do I set up for yo yo Craig

Call me cray Call Me Maybe cray please pick up the phone pick up the phone please gray yes gray what’s going on don’t it bro cray I need your help how do I drain bro just just don’t pop bro what that’s so dumb bro yo and I’ll give you my HS what

Tpd wait since I’m the owner of the server I can just like get mods to put stuff free like put more stuff on my interest right nobody will know yeah they won’t know okay okay oh I don’t think he heard it I think it’s fine all right all right get an empty

Kit so you can save it or you cannot lose this bro if you lose this bro I’ll be disappointed um I don’t have an empty kit I just dropped um um this is bad okay okay I guess I’ll just clear this one um clear kit there we go get nine wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay not as good it feels like it’s all good it’s all good okay okay okay okay okay make sure to use the regen clock really yep and save it to a kitten and put a new EC wait why is this such a but

Yeah why is it yo what is this kit bro it’s the kid of a goat okay oh shoot I just messed up my kit eight okay whatever bro are you sure the regen pots really yes for the region pots will save you when you’re half a heart

Make sure we stock on pearls am I gonna like have it in my inventory like what yeah yeah just keep keeping your inventory like keep like two pots in there is all this allowed are you sure but wait why is this one not even full wait

You can have to switch XP nah yeah it’s allowed if you’re high toothbringing up testing no this is this is not high two three and up this is high two three we’re testing for high tier three oh oh and up oh I get it now wait why are

There so much is there so much obsidian but no crystals it’s half half are you dumb what oh I mean bro you’re not gonna use that many crystals dude I’m a pinger yes I am obviously you’re not bro no you’re not all right fine bro fine if you can’t kill Cloud fast enough

Then like you’re just trash hahaha all right um so do you have any other advice bro uh Stay full saturation don’t be brain dead I mean that’s going to be hard but like you got this bro all right all right all right thanks thanks all right

All right well okay and he left okay he was ready to get out of there quick all right okay okay okay why no totems uh you can only have 12 totems in the whole test so yeah all right all right pogger bottle hi okay wait what is happening

Um by the way doctor wait by the way you don’t have to fight today you can schedule from whenever you’re ready to fight um yes crazy chess is loud okay I’m ready to fight right now bro I’m ready to fight right now really for us now um bro WTF Parker model what’s wrong

With pocket model um all right yo Cloud you ready to fight can you stop that I think that’s fine RTP cloud is a high tier one you think do you think I’m just actually such an idiot bro I’m not that dumb I’m actually in the crystal Community you guys think

I’m just like some no name like oh I like I know some of the like the popular Trends a little bit no I literally know I literally know the community like everyone I literally know more people in the community than probably everybody else because I talk to everybody all together at once only

People I probably like only people that probably know more people than I know is probably like I don’t even know bro I know so many people it’s crazy then I don’t use regen trust me I’ll send you my interest I’m tier one okay buddy hold on I’m being spammed by xerx hold on

That that does not affect are you dumb laughs you being spammed by somebody has nothing to do with whether or not you’re ready to Crystal baby can you like just like turn on your brain and think for a second there like holy dude let’s just

Fight bro I’m Chad you guys what do you guys think do you guys think I’m gonna win or not um I know more people than that you don’t bro no you don’t um except DMs wait a second cray cray I’m really scared right now uh you I

Think you win and hope all right all right all right all right all right hey guys I’m not really scared at all I’m chilling right now no big deal you have a chance you’re probably gonna get loadsier through load here too bro no I’m not that good chat

You guys you got something I’m too good tier two the difference between low tier two and high tier 3 is massive to be tier two you have to be insane at the game I am not even close to that level but I’m I it is a Bad Day right now you

Know what I mean like add an interest to your kit wait do I need that bro or should I just snag his yo Craig do I need an inner chest probably are you serious right now bro are you serious right now bro are you serious right now bro are you okay what

Am I I’m so funny hahaha then only 10 totems are allowed for high tier 6. um excuse me squeeze me right now bro raspants wait what bro rasman’s Red song sucks what do you yo what are you saying yo cray you what mate oh I might you need to talk for bloody

Bloody Mike come Rocky yeah it is locked up like smoke has my British accent good foreign Okay I just drained like 90 of my totems in like one second bro I only have like two denims left now um what’s yours Marlo bro Marlo’s the best player in the whole game right High tier one oh bro why do I have speed wait Frost yo thanks Frost

Darn it show me is better okay okay it’s from me is better okay got it got it got it um okay um is it about fighting Doctrine is instead yes does the discussion really have to take this long bro hurry up no way bro of course

Say this bro he is begging very hard who’s better Ozarks okay I shall not let Ozarks do it bro no not who’s better who’s better do I get the cheese I’m really scared you can only use 10 toes bro no like I can use 12 bro he

Already said um Ozarks is better wait Ozarks is better cloud is better you okay cray I kind of I trust cray I feel like he wants to wants me to he wants the best for me but like everybody else is saying what everything that cray did not say cloud is better than Ozarks

Oh my gosh bro can we please can I please fight Ozarks or something bro cloud is better Ozarks is more active in the community okay Bet okay Bet okay Bet okay Bet okay Bet let’s wanna be one of those arcs oh clipsy yo chat he’s clipsy our shirt

It’s clipsy that’s who it is bro it’s clipsy chat is clipsy better than Ozarks bro just make me a new group chat no bro no just make me a new group chat please bro no no no no no please please please please please please bro I want to fight over sex please

Let It Go DM me oh okay let’s open this up by the way Chad we had to delete all all our DMS just letting you know nothing weird though do I guys don’t ever have to fight eclipsy as a loads here too why do you keep saying that

It’s not even true eclipse is so bad at all wait what Ozarks is better bro what who okay okay I believe you okay okay I’ll fight okay okay okay okay is this a good kit what is bro’s pfp I think that’s him okay I sent a TPA to clipsy

Why inner chests I don’t know bro let me make sure what why is minor chest empty oh it’s because I have to fill it up every time that’s stupid yo clipsy except I’m waiting foreign maybe I have to send it again okay I’m sending the teleport Quest oh shoot okay

Oh no bro this better not be drained yep it’s drain I’m dead that kid is so bad is it really foreign okay no bro you need to get more I know bro I know I know I know ah dude I’ve actually I don’t know if I’m gonna win shot I’m really scared

Right now I never played slow flying I don’t know how to do this I’ve never played so long before all I know is that makes you fall slower where are you purling already lost bro my mouse my mouse cut out I’m shaking so hard right now I’m shaking What the sand is falling regen pot idiot bro what are you saying eat bro eat what you’re acting like I know what to eat I’m so scared bro foreign ER Santa’s following OMG I know that’s why that’s the only reason why I’m losing okay Chad I just threw a really high

Pearl hopefully nothing bad happens I’m okay okay bro would you slow falling that’s crazy good stuff from energize should I really should I get stuff from my inner chest I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not all right you’ve already used more than 10 totems I have bro have I really

Oh no bro what is the slow falling bro I don’t know how to use slow falling ah okay bro bro really hit me slow pulling again stop being such a laser holy okay I’ve actually used more than wait how many times do I have chat look one

Two three I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what yo nah slow falling is slow falling is the fattest L move I’ve ever seen quick Pearl okay what are you using slow falling for bro why am I so high in the air this is so annoying

Come on come on come on yes another pop another pop there we go and her chest should I really just go to my inner chest you guys think so oh my gosh ain’t no way Ain’t No Way ain’t no way way no no no I’m ending the stream I’ll see you

Guys later bro I am so trash I’m a loser I’m pretty dead yo oh I’m getting in trouble if I don’t get in trouble oh my God I’m so dumb why did I just sit there bro this stupid slow falling in this random no-name Cloud clap see like

Rose shut up who are you oh so trash I was destroying him and then and then I’ve never even played drain like this guy’s skills are just down the drain who even are you why would you even play drain no one plays drain an actual Crystal BP this should not be a

Factor slow falling it should be banned bro slow falling should be banned bro okay what now oh donut in high two three fights are only about to have ten totems removed two titles from a kit wait so that didn’t count oh hey wait wait wait wait wait wait that didn’t

Count bro wait what that didn’t count yes oh wait how many totems did I pop at that other person bro slow falling should be banned I know bro it didn’t count yes oh my gosh I actually still have a chance what what is DQ Dairy Queen why is cloud saying Dairy Queen

I know bro but still what Dairy Queen LOL Bro what is it what is DQ oh disqualified bro he literally told me that 12 was fine bro how am I disqualified he bro hey bro I don’t think it means Dairy Queen yeah really oh wow I thought about Dairy Queen oh

Yo Pope I like the new profile picture but um I didn’t know you were Cloud though I told you 12 was fine for the evaluation not the high tier three test but you never bro you never told me it was 10 though you even saw my my kit

I’ll leave it up to you do you want to continue or is it disqualified do you want to continue with this do you want to continue to disqualified disqualified you’re trolling you’re trolling nah God oh my God what is that what is that what is that this is so dumb bro no

Bye everybody JK he said JK yo okay okay okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh yes let’s go let’s go yo oh my gosh yo what is that JK bro nah the cloud would be the type of person to say JK bro yo what oh my gosh ah

Oh my God scripted okay yeah it’s scripted bro what are you saying bro what yo are you serious actually scripted dude okay bro it’s not a script that is life still okay come on um but you are still oh one for using more than 12 totems

I think you guys got the rules wrong you know why because High through 3 is still a common rank the tier 2 and Tier 1 are the ones where you’re supposed to use like the new kits and stuff like bro let’s see oh my gosh bro I do this every time

Okay Chad I know how to play this time okay and Wix super chatted two dollars future height tier one wdr donut thank you bro thank you thank you thank you all right so used what 10 totems only are you serious all right all right I’ll get 10 totems

Which totem should I drop I’ll drop this one and this one now what am I going to replace it with bro also are you sure you can have infinite XP because I feel like that’s cap so how many times are in this thing chat pearls nah bro not Pearl not pots either

No not pots wait XP wait one two three four five one oh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ah you can only have 26 27 Stacks XP not infinite only 27 Stacks wow what is that like a full shulker so I need to take some out okay

Ask waxy for tips chat walksy is not good at drain I don’t think how many is this so we got 27 26 25 24 23 and I can have 27 second F4 in my in my kit so one two three four five so I can take how about the super chatted five dollars

Hey bro you’re not using that ghost client RN that you showed me are you bro stop yo yo don’t bring that up don’t bring that up no no no no no no no that’s a funny joke that’s a funny joke yo cray what the heck is this bro

How many XPS can I have is this is this good e-chest XP included in that oh really oh we already know that all right oh my gosh foreign people in here and Pope is the only one who donated yeah thank you poofa thank you for the five dollars bro but

Is there something you got something against pofa bro this ender chest is horrible oh my gosh cray one shulker plus one in inventory what does that even mean what what is the score wait is it best of five or first two five best of five so right now it’s 1-0

If someone gets three then they win one shulker plus one in inventory XP one what one stack One Singular XP bottle like what are you saying you can only have one XP bottle but you can also have 27 stacks what yo not if I will unsub if he loses oh my gosh

Yo can we just start the fight already I’m waiting for the fight to start all right Chad I’m gonna play differently this time I’m gonna play like a full-on like brat I’m gonna play like I don’t even know bro I’m gonna play so annoyingly oh

I’m just you know what I mean you know I’m gonna have to think I’m gonna have to think really hard about this I’m tp-headed to them TPA to them when they when you are ready yo thank you thank you so much Anthony Josh super chatted two dollars are you good

Thanks man all right all right Chad you guys ready oh my gosh I play Super chatted two dollars I don’t love your streams but how you die to Cloud because I don’t know how to play Slow falling and drain bro I don’t know how to do this to a IDK super chatted 1.99

Can I buy unbanned on the donut SMP um no I’m sorry that’s not how it works sorry yo chat we good on this kit did the sigma face Jackson Wick super chatted two dollars this going to be easy for donut you got this bro thank you thank you thank you thank you all

Right guys I’m really scared then are you gonna get tier one random I hope so 69 super chatted 99 cents okay thanks man thanks thanks all right round two starting now boom all right it’s going okay it started already oh okay yo no wait enter chest what are you guys

Saying one stack of XP wait what are you guys saying open wait one stack of XP in your inventory you’re gonna get disqualified again really hold on timeout wait what I can only have one stack of XP in my inventory at once nah that’s gotta be capped

Is that is that true I’m looking at dims right now or I’m looking at the group chat okay nah that’s entirely uncool of you to bring macros to this fight no oh yeah see Pop two or she no no I should not have popped from that nah nah this fight’s rig this fight’s

Rigged this fight’s rig this fight’s rigged no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no foreign I just wasted so much XP foreign I’m so scared right now I have one totem left the fight’s

Already over the fight’s already over I just lost why am I such a loser bro I’m so dumb why do I play like that so dumb bro foreign what is the slow falling foreign thanks foreign foreign Wait what but did I break the rules again what happened bro was my inventory fine or not are you gonna answer me you’re just gonna sit there and cry okay super chatted two dollars donut you got this bro no I don’t a suck a drain just eat more stop wasting your totems

You’re or I literally chugged half a stack of gaps in like one second Hello God yo answer bro is my inventory fine or not I did it again so you only have one stack of XP all right bro I guess you’re right foreign you need to play more aggro avoid whole fights yeah I don’t the only way I’m

Good at the game or the only reason I’m good is because I’m fast but you can’t really be fast and slow falling and this this random kid just keeps draining so much so what do I put in my inventory then bro cloud is Opie and holes probably not we

Could one be one not drain no slow falling and get rolled it just sucks bro shulkin full of milk should I actually get milk chat yeah that’s smart though yeah uh more totems you can’t get more to them it’s not allowed Turtle Master because I don’t think that’s allowed either

Hot snow bro pots are horrible wait does he have stoness yes oh my gosh bro one stack of XP are you serious right now who’s the testers some random no name I don’t know it’s called his name her name is cloud feed counteracts the slow falling are

You done easy fold super chatted two dollars okay wait wait wait chat I think I know what’s gonna have to happen I think I know it’s gonna have to happen I have a really smart idea are you guys ready hold on let me RTP yeah I got a really smart idea oh

Whatever watch I have a really smart idea let me get bro what I don’t even know what to put in my inventory bro I’m being serious like what do I put there’s nothing to put but I do have a plan watch clown Pierce taught me the strategy and uh yo

And I’m pretty excited for it I think we can I think it’s Come Back Time chat I think it’s come back time [Laughter] ah let’s go it’s come back time let’s go shut up Gage yes it is all right all right you guys ready ah all right all right all right

This method that I’m about to use is severely underrated I don’t think you guys know how op the strategy really is that’s against the rules what no it’s not against rules yo is it against the rules to shoot a bow and arrow Infinity is not allowed wait that means she cheated

That means I’m high through three no way because I literally got this Infinity bow out of Cloud’s inner chest oh oh my gosh I got high Q3 I won that means I won it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter bro if you could have you could have picked

Up an arrows from killing a skeleton bro yo yo no way oh my yo easy does easy does bro Dairy Queen right back at you bro Dairy Queen disqualified disqualified bro I I just won yo boy buttons what’s the rule bro what’s the rule did I just win or not

Did I just win or not did I just win or not bro did I just win or not you gotta hit me up straight hit me up straight did I just win the fight or nah no way no way I just won bro oh my gosh

Oh my gosh that’s crazy bro that’s crazy you know skeletons do not spawn yes they do bro yes they do yes they do um we then disqualify you for the two times that you broke the rules but you automatically made me lose the two times so cloud is Right Infinity doesn’t work

Until Terrace doesn’t matter no Infinity bow is used with untipped arrows above with infinity is allowed otherwise oh yeah oh yeah well guess what well guess what I literally I could find a skeleton in like 30 seconds bro I I know skeletons do spawn in the server

Look I’ll find one so easily bro yo if if I find a skeleton chat then that means that it’s cheated okay okay deal deal chat deal deal deal all right chat oh I just found a skeleton yep I just won easy dubs yo look look then let’s see if it drops any items

Oh I dropped an arrow yep I just won I just won no way no way yo let’s go easy does bro yo GG I just won I just won the tier list oh my gosh bro that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s crazy oh I just found another skeleton bro another one

Let’s see if I get another arrow nah nah nah nah nah yo I just won I just won the tier list oh yo that’s actually okay that’s pretty high you gotta admit you gotta admit that’s pretty high let’s see what they have to say about that all right let’s

See what they had to say um yeah we automatically made you lose because you died no bro shut up bro but that’s but I died because she cheated in her tier test bro both times even when breaking the rules don’t it I’m not sure that’s up to you

If it’s up to me then that means I won jgs thanks for watching guys go watch another video see ya let’s go ah did I just get high through three yo hook me up with high two three tell Marlin put me on the list bro put me on

The list bro put me on the list you gotta do it bro you gotta do it you gotta do it you gotta do it you gotta do it you gotta do it um Cloud TPA when you’re ready to fight again she had normal arrows in her inventory too

Oh did they literally yo arrows are right here bro what yo no I’m just kidding okay oh my gosh you see but how do i e check any arrows in here hmm it’s a little sauce it’s a little sus I’m not gonna lie it’s a little it’s a little sus

Okay donut listen I should have done this earlier but I’m disqualifying you because you broke the rules twice and he kicked me from the group chat Bro the tearless is so corrupt bro that is so corrupt bro nah nah whenever immediately kick me from the tier list bro what nah so I’m disqualified I’m getting put in hacker sub Cuban then what that’s crazy bro that’s crazy that is crazy bro nah nah nah wait how did he cheat I

Didn’t they said it was fine then at this time this is the time to ban them nah bro no no no but that is toxic bro that is yo you can’t just do that on the tier list bro dude you just can’t do that you just can’t even do that bro

It’s crazy because he didn’t tell me that I was breaking any of the rules he was watching my stream the entire time and he didn’t even tell me that I was bringing any of the rules until after it was already over and he was like oh by

The way you you broke the rules so you lost the fight like the whole time cloudy was was breaking the rules like what are you serious nah bro the tearless is so corrupt bro I gotta make my own tier list oh my gosh yo what yo what do you what

Does everyone have to say about this uh doctor I hate you so much okay that was from that was from a while ago okay Dr donut is mad and yo facts bro oh my gosh corrupt here yo okay yo guys guys chill oh wait oh that’s yo yo that’s crazy bro

Corrupted oh my gosh bro what yo wait is that Marlo yeah yo yo yo yo at Dr donut you should have read the rules more carefully bro are you serious right now bro I literally he was watching my stream and I said is this within the rules and he

Said yes like what do you mean what are you talking about bro that’s that’s insane bro nah do I get high through three now I get high through three right come on bro shouldn’t have broken the rules I know that even the tier tester broke the rules

Bro stop sending a picture of Marlo bro oh my gosh that’s crazy that’s crazy bro nah nah bro nah that’s crazy nah that’s crazy that’s crazy results Dr Anna placed low tier three that’s even worse nah you’re trolling right bro why is the tier list only based on drain

Type of One Enchanted we should make a non-non-slow falling tier list type of one and chat if that should be a thing let me know maximum of three stacks of XP um 20 totems um yeah that’s actually as many just no inner chest like no inner chest no

Shulker like yo type of one in chat if we should do that [Laughter] oh Taylor just made a big mistake kicking me from this bro oh the death of the tier list is coming very soon bro oh my gosh that’s crazy yo that would be

Hype if I did that that but here’s the problem I don’t have any tier testers bro like all these two testers are just like old gems like oh you know like bro like come on bro drain isn’t caused by items it’s caused by play style no

Matter what you use you can drain no bro but not when you have when you can only have like 60 when you can only have one inventory of stuff and no interest and nothing else that’s not really a drain like it might last a while of a fight

But it’s not really a drain fight it’s way more fair bro it’s way more fair dude that’s crazy oh my gosh be my own tester yeah I’ll be high tier one you guys can all be lower like you know the more you guys donate to me the more you’ll be on the tier

List no that’s crazy nah nah chat I don’t think it would be good to make it to make it to your list you know why because I I just I’m just not really respected in the Christmas Community like a lot of people just don’t like me it’s just it’s

Just facts like it’s just like that’s the problem but that would be so good bro if the tier list was no slow falling and no shulkers no inner chest that would be a w I’ve seen one inventory fights go over an hour okay but at least doesn’t take 12 hours because you have

An interest full of stuff bro like it’s the same it’s trust me bro trust me in regular Crystal bbp you’re not gonna be fighting somebody for 12 hours in a survival server you’re gonna fight him with one inventory worth of loop maybe a little more if you can buy stuff from

The shop and the fight’s over like that’s that’s how the fight should go like bro like come on bro okay well let’s go home let’s I hope my base is not grieved ah people I know people who can actually be good dear testers I mean yeah I mean

Any there’s a lot probably a lot of people who can be good tier testers but it’s just my tier list is not gonna be your spec it’s gonna be brand new like chat I just can’t make one that’s the problem make your own hero it’s gonna be

So good no no no no no no no no no I mean I would like my own tier list but it would be so corrupt like what if like what would happen if I get placed it’s like like bro what if I get like high tier two you know obviously it’s gonna be

Like super corrupt like bro come on you know like bro you can’t you can’t be doing that though like they literally said it was fine and then they switch up they turn to a switch up and like not doesn’t count you’re low tier three you’re leveling three like bro

You’re telling me I’m the same skill as the guy that I 1v1 is that what you’re telling me right now on the same skill as this guy the same skill this guy is horrible bro this guy is horrible so bad it’s crazy how bad this guy is bro Marlo made herself High tier

One I mean that’s facts but she she deserves I think um the rules like the ones wait what oh yeah the rules are like the same rules as when two hands ready owned it I don’t even know who that is but that’s probably that’s like two years

Old rules like come on bro oh my gosh Jackson Wick super chatted two dollars to be honest I always saw you as a h tier one W bonus okay okay yeah see that’s why it’d be corrupt okay yo thank you so much bro I appreciate that okay

Protection three Thorns bro what type of armor was this guy fighting I don’t even know who I fought here okay there we go yo guys oh that’s crazy to me trust okay bro hold on give me a second Hold On by the way I’m not griefing your face by

The way if you want me to I’m not going to all right what is this oh here it is that’s crazy bro that’s crazy I got muted on the server bro it’s so corrupt never mind um that’s so corrupt bro I can’t believe it I can’t believe it I can’t believe it

Two hands ready was the first tier one oh my gosh so the tier list is that old dang man and they even just banned every single mod too bro yo who looks like it’s here let’s break into allow CW no I’m just getting mad that’s stupid bro

That’s so dumb wait where’s the okay got a good helmet now I just need a good chest plate um um bro actually no good chest plates Thorns what what um I will I need it I don’t remember what I just asked you guys um okay let’s I guess should I just get

A chest light from there I don’t want to take out of that full armor kit I guess I have to have nothing else oh wait right here yeah let’s go all right all right all right all right chat all right all right let’s start fighting people

I’ve done SMP time finally you guys have been waiting this whole time for me to play that s p do it wait do what bro what make a tier let’s chat it’s not that easy sure honestly what I wish there was I wish there was like some

Sort of automatic system just to like see just to automatically like rank you now PVP Legacy has like their leaderboards and stuff what’s CW it’s a crystal PVP hat client um that like you can’t really tell when someone hacks using it like that’s that’s why it’s popular but

Like imagine it like I don’t know like leaderboards like imagine if there’s Crystal PP leaderboards for like imagine let’s say like what if I made regions for East okay slash GPA it’s Terrell what if I made like threes or I made like a bunch more servers so usbp will

Go to all different regions like EU uh maybe like two different ones in EU one in Asia one in Australia and then there’s like a leaderboard like it’s not the tier list but it’s like you get to I I don’t know how it would be done though that’d be kind of weird

Like maybe like a ranked ELO system like how vanilla PVP used to have that’s how you really can see who’s good at the game or not or you can do a little drain and you can do a little drain with against like some random no names who never play

Crystal VPN or slow like you can do that too but like holy bro that’s a lot of spawners that’s a lot of netherite too that’s what yo nah this is cheetah then bro yo chat it’s her I know you bought you brought me here ELO is literally the best way to

Go every competitive 1.8 server uses it exactly why is the tearless the thing bro yo bro that’d be crazy oh my gosh that’s cheating in no bro it’s like you know fortnite like fortnite doesn’t have a tearless system but they have like you know they have tournaments they have

Like everyone just sort of knows like who’s getting who’s not you know oh I brought you here to re-gear oh thanks man let me set it set at home all right yo thank you thank you round two what do you mean round two bro what are you even talking about What are you dming me bro like is this funny or something bro I found Marlo’s face guys Marlo’s face has never been leaked that that face that was leaked is not Marlo I bet that’s not Marvel there’s no way there’s no way that’s Marlo Brown there’s no way like

I don’t know gonna play some fortnite like guys there’s no such thing as a normal looking Crystal be appear like the best looking Crystal baby here is his Zara like you can’t you can’t be like a normal looking human and play Crystal be a p it’s just an honest fact

It’s literally just honest fact like how it was Marlo no you cannot be a normal looking human being and and play Crystal PVP it’s literally impossible especially when you play like 30 hours a day only his Zara is the only one bro Hisar is the only one

Like oh my gosh I loved on SB okay okay I am no you’re not bro you’re literally not screen share your face right now turn your camera all right RTV all right all right yo this thank you so much is Terrell all right he wants to everyone

One billion I’ve done it 41 and all right 41 and then let’s go bro let’s go wait what face was leaked I don’t know I don’t want to bring this up chat I don’t want to bring this up 30 hours a day yes bro what are you talking

About 30 hours a day well 30 hours is longer than what you can do in a day but some people do it bro some people play like 30 hours a day I’m not even trolling like they play all the time what about frog yeah bro yeah Frog’s a perfect example like

I don’t yo that’s mean bro he’s gonna do some bad stuff to me but I don’t know raspin is kind of hot but he’s not even a Christmas appear he plays like one hour a day bro Marlo is the world’s best Christmas here there’s no way comparison DMs

Um Lowe’s here too I’m higher than you what is that noise wait come in here come here what noise were you playing through the Um yo I like your haircut so yeah by the way why do you what does that smell mom’s cooking steak might be a small mom’s getting steak Yeah okay oh yeah by the way can you hit the gritty hit the gritty hit the gritty hit it hit it hit harder hit it towards

The camera hit the hardest gritty possible hit it bro hit it harder hit it harder hit a harder bro hit it harder dude do the do a slogan so they can see you walking by slow gritty across all right let’s see let’s see a little slower walk a little slower there you go

Good question two dollars can you give me a set I only have one set PLS donut um maybe ask it sterile as a lot okay here’s the question here’s the question um do crystal pvps look like normal human beings or do they look all weird and like they play computer for their like

20 hours a day what did they look normal or do they look weird yo that’s crazy did you guys hear that bro that’s great that’s crazy okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right thanks parrot for that DM bro okay wow that’s crazy yo

Chat me and hazaro we’re the only ones bro we’re the only I mean these are the only ones I swear okay that no one else can look normal um they look weird wait they look weird best Minecraft players look weird exactly bro I know that’s what I’m

Saying there’s no way Marla does not look weird there’s no way like I don’t know there’s no way you know what I mean like there’s no way there’s no way oh then can you kiss zark for Content please what what the heck are you saying what about

Pedro he’s not a crystal me up here he’s not a crystal wave here he’s just straight up nut oh my gosh in the ocean yeah 41 and I’m gonna teleport to you okay um yo bro can you what are you let me listen to your eye Linda your island sounds horrible

It’s one of those like create your own beat islands that sounds so weird all right all right slash slash TPA 41n all right 41 and any other picks up um by the way I’m just kidding it sounds normal I like it that was our kid that sounds really bad

No I don’t Whispering anything all right all right let’s go on 41n let’s 21 bro let’s do it yo um a light truck no I’m I’m okay thank you I don’t need the Elijah um all right all right all right what something hurt yeah bro I’m trying to

Crystal BP right now I can’t lose I can’t lose okay cool cool yo why am I right-handed nah okay foreign why do they Place me so low like I’m telling you right now both of those people that I wouldn’t be one are not able to do what I just did right there

Like physically like they physically aren’t unable to do that like I just don’t get it it’s so annoying bro like it’s bro it’s just crazy bro like the tier list yeah it really does rank you for how good you are like I’m out here beating cray every day

But at the same time he’s high tier three I mean High tier two you’re telling me craze the top five Crystal baby peers and I beat him all the time like that’s just either I’m insane at the game and I don’t realize it or the tearless is simply wrong like it’s just

Simply wrong oh my gosh all right If You’re Gonna Play it bro you gotta play it close to the mic come over here and play to the mic no bro the mic is right here well wrl My Singing Monsters island here let me show it yay here it is guys

W yeah it’s a w brother all saying W let’s go oh it’s l oh dang W Island oh yeah I think yo guys you guys be nice bro be nice be nice oh yeah by the way oh yeah wait let’s see let’s see what they think about your haircut WL haircut

And W or L um shirt Spider-Man l w w okay okay now show your shirt show your shirt let’s see if they think your shirt’s a w Spider-Man oh they’re all saying W’s bro they’re all saying WS wow wow you got so many fans bro hit the gritty one more time

Hit the gritty one more time you just chill with it bro you just chill with that goodie okay wait wait let me see the shirt okay okay I’m not wearing 45 shirts I’m gonna take a foot 44. okay I don’t even know what that means punch your brother again

Yo yo yo do you want to get punched again no no no no no stop okay yo bro yo no no don’t do that don’t do that I’m not actually gonna punch you bro I’m not what’s up okay bro all right all right all right guys he beats me a lot so um

So yeah that’s why I’m clinching so much okay okay yeah who wants to okay nevermind I’m good I’m good ah but yeah I told you guys I’m gonna cross the baby here bro that’s crazy like it’s crazy two tests are just wrong bro um you forgot to put Marlo Chris

Optimizer back in your minds I don’t even need it bro my Ping’s already like 10. like slash ping my ping is 18 right now yeah I don’t need it bro let’s let’s oh why are you showing us bro no one cares about your messing yo do you guys

Care about his island or nah yes you do you do care yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay all right Joe yo wait can you Crystal maybe somebody me yeah yeah can you just fight him real quick for me could you you want to be on um who’s somebody really bad

Wait you don’t want to be on Pedro is Pedro online the developer sure you guys know Pedro right you’re you’re very you’re rare mama me me want to be on me one applied Boulevard he’s not that good he’s not as good as plat Bowl bro look um Gage is bad

Oh you got a rare Mama wait show show the camera guys look he got a rare Mama see the purple mammoth right there free it was free because I got it from my login reward wow that’s so cool all right no no for real Godly Opera’s

Really bad okay yeah let’s work on him sure all right all right yo yo back up bro back up back up back up turn can you turn on the volume um you need to train your brother to be a high tier one dude the tier system is corrupted bro I can’t

It’s literally Marlo damn me did you just say he foreign do you want me to teach you how to drain uh what do I say yeah what I say what I say yes say yes bro but drain is dumb though know your trash your low tier three oh

My gosh bro I know bro it’s because the tearless is dumb bro drain is dumb though say yes uh yo guys me and Marla damn all the time like look at look at all dabs like oh leave those crazy bro that’s crazy all right all right all right um say yes okay

That’s crazy bro Marlo damning me first that’s crazy um okay I’m going to say should I say yes rizzer up guys how old is Marlo what if Marlo’s like 11. I’m 17 guys I’m gonna go to jail for that come on how old is Marlon rivers are up 16. Marlo is 16.

I thought no I thought Marlo was like 19 or 18 or something 18. yeah I thought Marla was 18. for some reason I thought that 60. you’re saying 18 and 16. is it is Marlo 18 how old is Marlo um you’ll be 18 soon enough wait Marla’s

Gonna go to jail if I send one message One Singular message super chatted two dollars can he 1v1 me IGN dogs good um oh you don’t know anyone though I’m scared he wants to want to be on you by the way I don’t care if you lose it it’s just funny

Do you want to do it no why why are you hiding behind a pillow come on come on just you want to do it bro go ahead just send it Yeah yo yo should I send this ah yo yo guys what’s the I don’t care if you don’t care if you die it’s my loot yeah exactly it’s Terrell’s look exactly all right come on do you want to win somebody please it’s so entertaining why bro all right fine whatever not to

Cringe yes send it I don’t I don’t know what to say guys no no guys I need to should I just say yes I should just say yes I should just say yes no other message okay I said yes the other no I’m not sending the other

Message bro check out the copper zms let me one one your brother with no armor oh Marlo’s Marlo’s responding back yo guys Marlo’s responding back um she’s watching your stream nah there’s no way this is not wet yeah yeah that was good chat what’s good Crystal super chatted two Canadian dollars

IGN crystals imht5 yo husband you wanna 1v1 crystals you don’t want to that’s all good enough super chatted two Australian dollars go on East and 1v1 me I am Australian I appreciate it appreciate me yo yo what’s good what’s good little bro you’re trying to be on somebody

I’ll I’ll assume no no it’s all good song yeah that’s all good it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good yeah I know it’s all good it’s all good you guys is Marlo still watching yo how do you know how do you know if it was watching or

Not guys yo chill bro no I’m not trying cool yeah that’s how I act bro This is how I act that’s how I act no it’s not you don’t know how I act okay but this will mean you must use slow falling arrows and I’m pretty sure you do not really like slow falling eras yeah yeah no what do I say yo what

What do I say bro I don’t know what to say bro’s nervous no no I’m not nervous just screaming chat just scream just scream no go JJ like that uh empty what I’m gonna press enter okay no he said bro All right um so what do I answer what do I yo what do I answer you guys are not helping me okay I’ll just say um yeah you said I could press enter okay is it good is that good uh all right that’s good that’s good that’s

Good that’s good look at top 10 pickup lines oh no no no guys no no me and Marlo we’re not like that we’re not like that you know we’re not we’re not like that we’re not like that you know we chill we chilling all right all right

Ritv um yo yo yo FEC yo I was not an FBC thing to say oh no what did Marlo respond okay uh I’m I’m ghosted bro I ghosted wait a second Marlow invented ghosting and she uses it in Discord DMS wow oh wait oh yes I’m not gonna guess them yes

Oh my gosh um can I say can I can I wait say can I slow fall into you that’s smart that is low-key smart that was typing yeah what do you think about Marlon cool yeah yeah Marlo’s cool Milo’s cool while it’s chilling with it you know if

You you dig what I’m saying you know you know what I’m saying oh guys okay yo who wants someone to go on oh you don’t want to win somebody yeah it’s coming soon I know the notifications League parrots Discord but I already did he’s just dumb he’s just saying dumb

Stuff all right all right open all your dams that are unread no bro my editors are damning me oh yeah I got yeah I’m uploading daily videos two dollars take my money n-i-c-k-g-o-d-n-i-c-q d-n-i-c-k-g-o thank you so much bro thank you thank you I appreciate that um bro has impeccable reasons

Two Australian dollars I am 300 milliseconds on East IGN no bro I’m not one winning anybody on the East right now I’m only winning I want to see if he can wanna go you want to win somebody no bro um oh some sometime I’ll show you some

Things I’m usually on later in the day dang it that’s when I don’t stream I don’t stream later in the day because you know you feel what I’m saying you know wait a second wait does that mean she wants to talk off stream RG Novo Super Chat yeah you can help me

Out here 1.99 can you rate my base I am new to the server my name is optistictv all right um yeah yeah I’ll write your base wait can you rate someone’s base yo yo chat yo no I’m just fine chat yo I’m just playing I’m just playing you you feel me

Oh you feel I’m just playing it you feel No no trust me trust me it’s funny it’s it’s funny that’s the whole funny part about it if you want to be a streamer bro you gotta you gotta you gotta practice right now you wanna rate this guy’s base he donated six dollars or seven dollars oh you wanna just check it

Out okay okay hold on stand up next stand up right here let’s see what how tall he looks Jackson Wick super chatted two dollars so can he won V1 can you stand up and play if I die it’s not my fault oh no it’s no big deal I have a lot of loot

No I’m serious okay TPA um okay Jackson looks I might want money in a little bit okay okay I gotta teleport to optimistic okay this guy said he’s not gonna kill you so all right just click teleport so yeah you got to talk to chat and everything until yep

All right there you go all right all right you’re gonna hey yeah oh my gosh it’s okay all right all right you gotta rate his base see if it’s good or not Um send a smirk face no bro and I’m not gonna send a smirk face yeah I don’t

Want to make it weird I actually don’t want to make a weird you know you know me and Marlo you know rails w super chatted 1.99 let me 1v1 your brother I’m lt5 he didn’t accept you gotta tell that guy to accept oh he said stop moving oh it got canceled okay

There here where are the headphones where the headphones oh man my hair looks weird I gotta make it look good in case Marlo’s watching oh yo what do you want all right is it gonna are they gonna teleport by the way you like the new headphones have you worn them worn these yet

A hood end up pulling sounds okay you’re here all right check out his base rate it one out of ten uh yeah it’s one really bad or ten really good super chatted two dollars I mean I mean can he one he won me um eight out of ten I think that’s an eight

Out of ten bass yeah it would be a 10 out of 10 if um it was a little bigger oh that’s all you want to do you don’t want to fight him or anything okay okay all right here you’re here just hurry hurry hurry before he hears it the stream delay all right

Uh how do you do it no no no you have to bro I’m living on camera for you all right fine I’m not gonna grieve it okay fine fine fine fine fine fine fine all right yo this is actually not an 8 out of 10 base he was wrong it’s like a hmm

Let’s see okay actually it’s not that bad it’s not that bad of a base yo Chad what is it a little brother press alt f4 no don’t do that um I think this is like a it’s like a six no I’d say five six out of ten it’s

Pretty cool we got a spawners game I feel like you’re not gonna make that much money you got a good okay you got some money Farm okay that’s not that bad um four four four you think it’s a four out of ten bro no I think it’s a five

Honestly the wheat Farm’s gonna kind of this is better this is better than no one oh okay it’s not that bad now yeah I’m gonna say five maybe five or six these are better than the bases this is better than bases building creative wow actually I’m gonna say this is a six out

Of ten yeah I’m gonna say six out of ten that’s pretty good all right leak the yo what are you saying bro all right all right all right all right up optimistic wait is that okay um you should write bases starting with mine best in a hot best in Ohio TPA

Best in Ohio all right I got you bro um how do you get the armor HUD mod oh you know you just get it bro easy easy just get it why is my camera turned okay we’re gonna teleporting teleporting all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go okay

Rest stop no grief just rest it’s a rest stop oh this is a rest stop what I okay should I really no you do it will you do it okay Ohio that’s how old you guys are Let’s Dance stand so they can see you are you guys

This age I just want to know if like what type of jokes I should make on stream if you guys are this age I’ll start saying like yo guys did you see the new Roblox game it’s called rainbow friends it’s so good oh my gosh did you guys watch um did you

Guys watching some people Gaming’s new video on PrestonPlayz oh my gosh oh my goodness holy moly you’re wearing diamond boots he’s like Stampylongnose he wears his boots oh my gosh best in Ohio I love your name oh my gosh Ohio Ohio you’re laughing so much bro yo chat I’m

Being insane little consumer I’d be so good at streaming for little kids okay yo Chad I got it in the Stream so I’ll see it’s not my step dad no I gotta eat dinner um so yeah guys sorry the stream you know I could I kind of wanted to stream

Longer it’s kind of a different stream today but it was fun though it was definitely fun you know if you weren’t here earlier in the Stream go back go watch me get tear tested and see the tier list um we did a lot of things today um Ohio Ohio Ohio So bye guys bye everybody I’ll see you guys next stream I got I’m gonna go eat dinner all right see ya

This video, titled ‘Getting Crystal PVP Tier Tested’, was uploaded by DrDonut on 2023-01-19 01:03:21. It has garnered 38374 views and 1033 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:49 or 7489 seconds.


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    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New survival public smp ip and port 24/7 online server #video #minecraft #server #public’, was uploaded by Atifgamer on 2024-01-14 12:47:10. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Guys you guys always keep showing me this kind of support and please like, share and subscribe because I have to complete 1k subscribers as soon as possible. Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

    Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new video cool video’, was uploaded by Jasus Gamerz on 2024-01-16 01:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft new video cool video #minecraft #trending #viral #gameplay #jasus gamerz #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning … Read More

Getting Crystal PVP Tier Tested