I Survived 100 DAYS as THANOS in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one I spawned in on the beautiful planet of Titan as a baby Thanos Mom Dad I looked at them with love in my eyes but they looked solemn he has the Deviant Gene I know I know how could this have happened Mom Dad Leaf my

Parents spoke up abruptly what you will destroy everything we don’t want anything to do with you leave but now turning my back away from my parents my caretakers I left our home I was heartbroken what kind of parents would do that to a little kid let alone their

Own son I looked back and saw my parents playing with a different kid at least we still have you arrows arrows my brother they love him I felt an anchor swelling up inside me what was an empty hole in my chest was now filled with Fury and

Rage This Is My Vow I will destroy half of all life in 100 days I swear and so my campaign of Terror began on the second day of my quest for vengeance I set out into the woods I punched trees to get enough wood to make a wooden

Pickaxe with this I can start mining combining the Cobblestone blocks I collected and the remaining wood I made a set of stone tools now some more wood for a base I used all of the nearby resources to build a nice little log cabin then four sheep mosied past my

House hmm so before they could get too far away I took two of them out leaving the remaining two alive balance as all things should be using the wool I crafted a bed and placed it inside the cabin and went to sleep for the night before I continue my Epic Quest I’ve got

To tell you about another group of super powered individuals I’m talking about the heroines of honkai impact third and its latest updates version 6.3 what has the latest update brought us aside from thrilling battles and touching stories well for starters their Journey from students to Valkyries isn’t over yet

Rania will be transforming into an even more powerful form the hersher of Truth in this form she’ll be donning an s-rank battle suit in her ultimate move she enters her continuation form building a super cool exoskeleton to bombard enemies with ice damage along with new character power-ups comes new activities

In the bustling holiday Symphony event captains will be assigned into two factions which will need to explore exclusive areas to win of course there’s new outfits for our heroines Carol and gracio there’s also another surprise to the update an anime Special Etc premiere on January 20th with two

Episodes just look at this awesome poster for it the Spring Festival in Golden Courtyard is sure to be awesome so don’t miss it download the game now to redeem the gift code truth 63 and get 30 crystals 288 asterite and a hair share trial card for free there will be more value

Bundles for new players so don’t wait thanks honkai impact’s third response answering this video as I was sleeping I heard a knock at the door who Could That Be all the way out here I Strode over and opened the door can I help you it was Eros my younger brother I wish I

Could have a cabin this cool why don’t you make your own and while you’re at it leave me alone I went inside my cabin and slammed the door behind me but arrows followed me inside what part of leave me alone don’t you understand it’s with you was that any way to treat you

Little bro what do you mean what’s with you Mom and Dad tossed me out like a piece of garbage they think I’m a monster just because Mom and Dad think you’re a monster doesn’t mean you actually are and it sure as heck doesn’t mean that I think you are one either

Eros to be honest I think you’re pretty cool thanks uh I really needed to hear that you can stay here if you want like a sleepover yeah suddenly our conversation was brought to an abrupt halt by zombies shambling outside I looked back to to Eros brother you know

What this means arrows pulled out a wooden sword and I followed up with a stone one time to take out some zombies air printed from the base and charged up The Horde slicing and dicing our way through zombie after zombie we were a perfect team soon enough all that

Remained of the zombies where their item drops and experience that was awesome really arrows looked at me with a twinkle in his eye that’s so much fun with you today big bro I can’t wait to see what tomorrow hasn’t stole for us I wanted to go hunting for some food on

Day three making a pen might be a good idea first I made a pen for any animals I wouldn’t kill I then made my way out searching far and wide for a beast to hunt but while I was too busy searching for prey I didn’t watch my step and plunged to my death

The next thing I knew I woke up in a strange Place everything was red and I kinda liked it hello anyone there hello handsome am I dead not yet there’s still a chance to live you you’re you’re beautiful wait do you really mean that you’re just a baby yes I think I’m in

Love I’m very fond of you in fact I’m gonna turn you into full grown man next thing I knew I was fully grown and I also received super strength and more Hearts as well as a brand new outfit outfit wow you must do one thing for me

In return yes my dear destroy this planet if you wish to be with me as you wish I’ll go I’ll give you a second chance at life before my eyes I was right back where I was before falling I’ll watch myself this time but I still need food I returned looking for food

And eventually I found some pigs come with me you tasty treats the pigs followed me back to the cabin as I lured them into the pen eat up while you can your life won’t be in vain I bred and killed only a few for me whoa hey big

Bro you’re huge and you look awesome thanks little bro waking up to the remembrance of my parents hatred towards me I spent day four working on my promises I began terraforming the land around me killing animals and destroying villages in my path I even made my way

To the capital city of Titan where I left my parents and kill people there in the midst of the destruction Eros approached me and tried to stop me Thanos this Mayhem needs to come to a halt I made a promise Eros you wouldn’t understand After ignoring my brother’s

Plea I proceeded to make my way towards my parents mother father this will be your final day in this world unless you can finally say that you love me we could never never face to facts kid a reason like you could never be loved by anyone enraged by their words my thread of

Patience had finally snapped I used every ounce of ounce of money no what have you done you’ll pay for this brother sensing my malice Eros retreated to his spaceship and flew away with arrows gone I finished destroying everything go cry to your mother oh wait you can’t

I set off on days five through six to continue my plans if I want to get rid of half the planet then I’m gonna need materials making my way into the caves I began taking everything I needed and stripped the planet of its resources in the process eventually I came across

Some iron and made myself a full iron tool set and also a full set of iron armor perfect now I can gather materials much more efficiently as I delved deeper into the cave creatures began to converge on me using my new iron sword I made quick work of them with little

Effort nice try but not enough to stop me as I left the cave I noticed Lady Death was waiting for me just outside my love what are you doing here hello Thanos I just wanted to say that I am happy with what you have done so far but

It’s still not good enough what can I do to make it better I want you to find the Cosmic Cube and use it to become all-powerful then I’ll get started right away all done you have another test first what is it you must go to another

Planet and erase half of all of those living there in order to conserve its resources I’m not sure if I could do something like that are you not loyal to me I am you can count on me I’ll take your test good then take this and begin

Lady Death gave me a and I obediently to leave Titan I found myself landing on a strange planet on day seven and eight Lady Death appeared to me again shortly after here you’ll need this she gave me a double-bladed sword to help complete my test without any

Questions I went out and began killing the alien species that lived here my new sword sped up the progress greatly as I took out an alien woman I noticed that her daughter was nearby watching me I decided to confront the child and help her understand don’t be afraid this is

What’s meant to happen I’m only gonna kill half of all life on this planet not afraid I was impressed by her lack of fear and could see potential in her would you like to come with me on my journey yes what is your name little one my name is Gamora hello Gamora I’m

Thanos let’s finish this job shall we I continued killing her people as she watched observantly eventually everyone was either dead or escaped my test mission was complete there all done why did you do that balance is the key to life now come with me little one we began searching the planet for more

Resources on days nine and ten after a bit of looking Gamora got my attention from nearby I found something I caught up with her and could see she found diamonds good job Gamora I used the diamonds to make a set of diamond tools death approached looking pleased I’m

Proud of you you’ve done exactly as I’d asked now it’s time for you to get the Cosmic Cube she gave me coordinates to the planet it was hidden on written in a book Gamora seemed confused who are you talking to you might find out one day

For now let’s just get on the ship as we were leaving Gamora was suddenly shot by something Gamora I wondered if I should just leave her and Escape but something was tugging on my heart and I chose to stay instead I got ready to defend the

Both of us from whatever was coming the enemy was a group of mutant skeletons coming right for us I won’t let you stop us I fought them off and managed to kill enough to buy us some time to escape we quickly got onto the ship and flew away

During days 11 through 13 I reached a new planet okay Gamora let’s search the planet whole sure but I want to thank you for saving me back there I didn’t do it for you I did it to complete my mission you’re a liability yeah okay let’s get a move on after roaming the

Lands for some time we eventually stumbled upon a giant Temple this must be it be on the lookout for enemies got it hey I’m nebula who are you quickly Gamora attack her Gamora was relentless she went berserk on the blue creature ouch stop don’t let up Gamora keep

Fighting please I Surrender stop the fight good job Gamora suddenly Gamora transformed into her adult size whoa look at me now Dad I’m proud of you daughter now finish off the child no I beg for mercy please if you spare me I can become strong I just need some

Training fine but since your life has been saved another must pay the price okay during days 14 through 17 Gamora and nebula began to follow me inside the temple I turned around to address them wait here children I will be back soon enough I delve deep into the temple only

To be greeted by the black hoarder this one seeks the cube but he must pass the test is this one strong enough we shall see what kind of tests do you need me to pass one must beat supergiant defeat her in combat and obtain the cube all right

Bring it on a blue skinned alien clad in white approached I will not hold back I expect no less I landed my first blow on supergiant and what was sure to be an epic battle and then she fell over wait what really is is that it this one as

Best it’s super giant incredible the black order members retrieved the cube and presented it to me the power of the Cosmic Cube is yours for the taking I took the cube into my hands such power I exited the temple and was greeted by my daughters you’re back I told you I would

Be I then showed them the Cosmic Cube a reason for being here wow it’s amazing hey I want to show you something as well I bet I can be good more of this time yeah right dweeb now let’s see a rematch between the two of you

It was a pretty close battle for the most part but the time the Tyler reached for a nearby weapon and smacked her sister upside the head securing her Victory hey no fair oh I could see her swelling with anger calm down daughter nebula was only using what

She had to her Advantage it wouldn’t hurt for you to do the same well done nebula thank you enough playing around let me show you the power of the cube from days 18 to 21 I use the power of the Cosmic Cube to teleport from planet

To planet destroying half of all life on each of them half of The Spoils of this planet belong to me with resources from one of the many planets I raided my armor was easily able to be upgraded to Diamond I watched as little nebula and Gamora competed for the highest number

Of enemies slain over countless battles nebula had grown that’s 17. 23. you’re slacking nebula before their bickering escalated any further I decided to step in great work girls let’s rest somewhere safer we then went to our new base of operations a city in space here we are ma yes take nebula and make

Her stronger like her sister huh I’m sorry this is where we part ways for now you’re of no use to me when you are so weak now go before I make you but she’s in good hands I know I figured that after all of this destruction I deserved a nice long rest

I had a vision of Lady Death from days 22 to 25. she was not impressed with me you are taking too long to do what I asked Thanos I am no longer in love with you no please don’t leave me it’s just taking a while to get things rolling

Deadpool then appeared looking smug nah dude she’s mine now what I will win back lady death’s heart no matter what yeah good luck with that raisin face come on shmookums let’s ride you finally got a car nope still gonna say it though let’s ride uh with that I watched helplessly as

Deadpool walked away with Lady Death I suddenly woke up screaming and yelling causing Gamora to worry what’s wrong is everything all right I shook my head and calmed myself before replying Gamora there is a thing called love that is very complex one day you may experience

It uh okay sure Dad come on enough talk about love let’s go pay your sister a visit we went back to find out how nebula was doing on days 26-29 approxima midnight welcomed us how is her progress allow me to show you Proxima went away and then

Came back with a now cybernetic nebula following behind nebula stepped forward confidently father I can now destroy an entire Army on my own only an entire Army I want to destroy half the universe nebula hung her head sadly I I forgive me Father this is pointless I

Broke the Cosmic Cube in my anger and muttered to myself I must find a better way to impress Lady Death ebony ma overheard this and spoke up perhaps the Infinity Stones would be your best bet Infinity Stones they are six incredibly powerful Stones tied to the different

Elements of the universe with the power of all the stones combined you could destroy and create anything and everything that you’d like that sounds like the perfect plan how would you wield their combined power hmm I know I could have a gauntlet specifically crafted to contain them all in one hand

I’ll bring the black order to company me and what will I do oh I have plans for you my daughter at the beginning of days 30 through 33 I called Gamora to my side and gave her a mission Gamora my favorite daughter I am entrusting you

With the task of finding the Soul Stone what you’re kidding right she was in disbelief and more than a little uncooperative you want me to do all your work what’s next you want me to do your taxes or is ma taking care of that too bite your tongue girl unfortunately no

Man wins alone if I want to succeed I will need your help fine I watched her storm off in a huff teenagers it dawned on me that I still needed to figure out who could make a gauntlet for me with no one else around to help me I was left

With no choice fine I’ll do it myself with the ship’s help I traveled from planet to planet interrogating the citizens finally there was a lead look all I know is that there’s a star in this system called nibbleir It’s supposed to be orbited by a multi-ring structure home to the greatest Craftsman

In the universe see that wasn’t so hard was it what are you gonna do now you have helped me this day so I will spare the life of you and your people you will thank you thank you so much truly you are a benevolent man you have no idea

On days 34 and 35 I decided to work on the ship for a bit I started by making a room in the bottom of the ship for interrogation I added details such as computers screens and lights and added an airlock type door for some extra Flair maybe my daughter nebula can be of

Use after all I decided to pay my daughter a visit nebula I need your help with something of course father I would do anything before you can help me I need to train you some more just so uh you can be ready for combat I’m prepared to start training immediately good I

Started by taking her to a planet and watching her kill a bunch of civilians there you’re doing good but you could be faster I’m sorry Father it’s okay just run to the top of a mountain five times okay we found a mountain and she did as

She was told but she got slower with every trip it was as if she was getting tired or something hmm your endurance is good but it could be better we’ll have to outfit you with some better bionic legs when you get back to the ship yes

Father why don’t you head back now I gotta see a dwarf about a gauntlet on days 36 through 37 I made my way with the black order to knit avalir where there were many dwarves inhabiting it we started killing them right away as I searched for their leader eventually I

Made it to the panicking larger dwarf you must be e tree I’ve been looking for you stop killing my people I will but only if you make me what I want okay okay what is it that you seek I want a gauntlet that will hold the six Infinity

Stones okay I can do it it will just take a moment eachery went off to make it quickly he pounded away at his Forge and returned moments later he immediately handed me the newly forged Gauntlet now please let my people be you are weak a real leader Should Never

Surrender I put the gauntlet away and turned to the black order call obsidian take off his hands as for the rest of you kill the remaining dwarves I walked away as the black order began carrying out my requests area in my ship and stopped for a moment

Contemplating my actions as I looked at my new Gauntlet no I’m doing this because it’s the right thing to do also I want to win Lady Death back this is the only way I was ready to continue my mission I need to find Gamora I thought

It would be wise to host a meeting with the black order on day 38 so how are things going in this war any news because they are going as well as they can what do you mean by that I hate that Iron Man and that dumb insect Spiderman do not speak aloud

As Carl was saying we sort of lost that battle anyone else yes the Scarlet Witch and vision escaped our grasp but only because they had help you guys are useless all of you except Yuma I love you anyways I must be going I need to find Gamora with each Stone I could add

To the gauntlet I would increase my power so I used the GPS tracker on my ship to find Gamora and flew to her location Gamora there you are Gamora looked back at me with disappointment in her eyes before I could ask what was wrong she told me father I I couldn’t

Find the Soul Stone what I became so angry that I told her to never come back until she finds the stone as I watched Gamora leave once again nebula approached me perhaps I could be of assistance father no nebula I already have enough disappointment in my life leave me be what I thought

Perhaps I was too harsh on them yes but I am what those Devils I called mother and father made me needing to get my mind off things I returned to my home world of Titan I had basically destroyed everything there and it was beyond recognition The Only Exception being my

Old cabin perhaps it’s time for some additions upgrading my old cabin took a while but it was worth it I added a second floor with a bedroom and decorated the lower level with oars that I collected from various planets I visited ugh what’s this now one of the

Computers that I had added come to life it gave me a notification that some group called The Avengers are noticing me as a threat how cute I paid it no mind but I could not be stopped soon after I retired for the night on days

42-45 I woke up to the sound of a spaceship outside I went to see what the commotion was about and it was Eros my brother all grown up Eros is that you actually I go by Star Fox now and hello Thanos what do you once brother I know

You’re looking for the Infinity Stones and I want you to know I found the Mind Stone really where is it tell me I’ve already given it to Loki the god of Mischief in a form of a scepter you fool why would you do that I did that to keep

It safe and when it’s time we can easily collect it you kept it safe I have news from Earth Loki attempted to take over the planet using the scepter but was defeated by The Avengers well isn’t that that just perfect that’s it we’re going to Earth I would advise you

Against doing that now we should search for the other stones and come back for that one later wait for things to cool down with the Avengers hmm okay we’ll try it your way on days 46 through 49 I searched far and wide to try and find some more Infinity Stones But ultimately

I came up Dryden the accuser was killed by the Guardians of the Galaxy and they Power Stone to do it that’s great news where is it now where it is they left it on Santa then we must leave it once set course for xandar oh and uh one more

Thing yes your daughter Gamora she’s a member of the Guardians now hmm I always knew she was weak the traitor will die by my hand you changed your mind about her quickly nothing and no one will get in my way daughter or not yes sir also Ronan the Accuser was a huge

Disappointment we need stronger allies in the future yes sir now leave me at once I need to be alone with some time to myself I decided to try and convince death to show herself again death are you there my love please come out I need to talk yes death why does my daughter

Hate me well because you’re a bad father hmm fair enough but does she still love me oh she never did on days 50 through 53 I arrived on xandar and was immediately stopped by the zendorians leave our home now or we’ll open fire all right fools if it’s

A war you want then it’s a war you’ll get the black order and I were defeating them easily and everything was going smoothly until suddenly the Nova Corps sent out Star Fox to fight me hello Thanos Eros you traitor this is all part of a plan to defeat you fool that’s so

Unfair you and Mom and Dad all treated me so poorly just because I looked different well no it’s not because you look different it’s because you’re trying to kill everybody not everyone half of everyone whatever I charged at my brother and started fighting him he fought back with his super strength and

Flying abilities but he was weak nothing compared to me and I defeated him with e ASE brother no with Star Fox defeated the Power Stone was mine for the taking with it embodied in The Gauntlet I unlocked a new ability such power I used the Power Stone to shoot a deadly laser

An obliterated sandar I stepped back to admire my work yes another planet has succumbed to the Natural order with that I left this Wasteland and returned to my base on days 54-57 I figured it was time to find the space Stone I knew it was inside of the Tesseract and word was

That Loki had it I need to speak to ebony Ma and get some more information I traveled over to ebony Ma and he greeted me excitedly ah Lord Thanos an honor to see you sir yes yes any important news hmm let’s see oh yes Asgard it’s been destroyed by Ragnarok that’s great now

Is the time to attack while they’re still weak I couldn’t agree more sir but I must warn you thought we’ll try to defend his kingdom well then I guess I’ll have that much more fun destroying it well in that case take this it should Aid you in your battle he then handed me

A full set of netherrite armor this me even better against the God of Thunder now make sure you’re on the lookout for any threats while I’m gone will do sir Monday’s 58-61 I intercepted the Asgardian people on their way to Earth I traversed the ship slaughtering the remaining asgardians without a care

I interrogated the surviving as guardian where is Thor he’s uh he’s in the cockpit of the ship bring me to him with no other choice the Villager reluctantly brought me to the cockpit of the ship sitting in the captain’s chair was the god of thunder himself you

You’re the one that’s been killing my people you ugly purple Beast I am though I would consider it more finishing the job who’s that next to you your babysitter I am called Heimdall the gatekeeper but you will know me as your end strong words but I’m not here to fight information

And I’ll leave your people alone I will never tell you anything of the sort I’m not engaged so be it I fought Thor and Heimdall Thor used his lightning ability against me and Heimdall was a skilled swordsman however I was Stronger I’m Thanos they cannot defeat me see how easily Gods

Fall I approached the God of Thunder who lay defeated so you’re going to finish me off now no nothing’s so simple tell me where the space stone is or I will finish the job of Ragnarok and lay waste to the rest of your people Heimdall remains silent as I watched Thor

Contemplate his options my brother Loki might have the Tesseract he’s hiding somewhere on the ship see that wasn’t so hard was it I had what I came for so I started going to the bottom of the ship to try and find Loki on day 62 through

65 I got to the bottom of the ship looking for Loki hmm he’s gotta be around here somewhere where after killing a bunch of asgardians Loki arrived Out of the Shadows hello Loki I am Thanos and I am seeking out all of the Infinity Stones so I can kill half

Of the people in the universe good for you Thanos what does that have to do with me one of the stones is in the Tesseract which you possess so I’m gonna need it if you do not give it to me I will obliterate you oh okay sure here

You go hmm that was easy thank you I turned to leave and Loki sprung into action trying to kill me he sliced at me with his daggers and I fought him off with my sword his puny knives were no match for me and I made short work of

Him huh you really thought you could defeat me you’re just as weak as your brother but I thought you might be smarter I took the space Stone out of the Tesseract and with its power I could now teleport around ah my power Grows by the day I then went back to Florida to

Finish the job but instead I was greeted by a giant green man whoa hello who are you [Applause] the green oath charged at me and started smashing me with his fists I fought him off with my new teleporting abilities but he was surprisingly strong huh you

Are a worthy foe but I am stronger the green Hulk was then sent away with the bifrost and I turned to finish off Heimdall womp womp thanks for playing freak with that I decided it was time to return to my base for a little RNR on

Days 66 through 70 I was back at my base sending the black order on a mission to Earth try to weaken the Avengers as much as you can before I get there oh and make sure you spread the word to like subscribe and comment on the video yes

My Lord with that taken care of I started my journey to Nowhere to find the reality Stone when I got there as usual I started killing everyone I saw hey is that Howard the Duck I knew he would know something so I chased him down hey where is The Collector he

Wasn’t cooperating so I hit him hard okay okay hey he’s in that big tower looking thingy good thanks duck I went to the Tower and found the collector give me the stone I know you have it never Finders Keepers losers weepers he wasn’t cooperating so I hit him really

Hard a bunch of times after that he gave me the reality Stone fine fine take it take it I added it to the gauntlet and turned the collector into random mobs over and over next turning survivors into random mobs now reality can be anything I want it to be on day

71-74 I had the reality Stone and decided it was time to relax a bit with the clutch of my fist I transformed all of nowhere into a beach ah this is nice but wait it’s still missing something I used the reality Stone again to get a

Butler to appear in front of me can I get you anything sir bring me the finest Meats in the universe right away sir Excelsior oh the butler threw me some delicious meats and I began to not ah now this is the life Thanos huh what snap out of it sir it is I

Ebony Moore oh hey what’s up Ma I’ve received word that the Avengers are coming together to defeat you you’ve caused quite a stir in the universe ah fire oh and one more thing yes the so-called Guardians of the Galaxy are on their way now the Guardians of what ah what a joke

Let’s leave this landfill at once on day 75-78 I was chilling at my base went out of nowhere a giant ship showed up the Guardians of the Galaxy then jumped out ready for battle huh so these are the Guardians I’ve been hearing so much about I’m disappointed in yukamora

You’re not even my real dad creep they all charged at me and started fighting but I quickly turned Drax and mantis into a random mobs who were helpless to fight me who’s next Star-Lord and Gamora charged on me next and we started fighting eventually they somehow got me

Into a vulnerable position and star-lorn pointed his gun at me with a flick of my wrist his gun was a bubble maker ah see you don’t stand a chance against me here’s what’s gonna happen you leave with me now Gamora and I spare everyone’s lives or you refuse and all

Of your friends will die no no way we’re never gonna give up no Peter it’s okay with that Gamora and I return to my base where she belonged On days 79th or 82 I was back on my ship with Gamora you lied to me Gamora you said you didn’t know where the Soul Stone was no I swear I really didn’t know okay fine well maybe your sister knows I brought her to nebula who I had

Captive on the ship Gamora ran over to her but nebula was not happy to see her get away from me now I will ask you again where is the Soul Stone okay fine it’s it’s on form here see now wasn’t that easy come on I’ll take you there

With that Gamora and I set out for voromir I was piloting the ship and Gamora stood behind me Gamora had pulled out a knife an attempt to stab me in the back luckily she wasn’t able to land a critical hit I used this opportunity to retaliate and knock her back a few feet

No because I would do the same thing you’re just like me for real for real for real for real just sit tight until we land okay on days 83 through 86 Gamora and I landed at voramir we were greeted by a strange red man it’s a soul stone is what you seek I

Have to Fawn you in order to obtain the stone you must give up something you love how do you know so much about the stone about this place a lifetime ago I too sought the stones I even had fun in my hand but it cast me out banished me

Here cursed to guide us to a treasure I cannot possess huh well that’s good to know I’ve already got a few of them though that you seek is just beyond come daughter we walk to the pillars and I turned to Gamora didn’t you hear what he

Said he said in order to get it you need to give up something you love yes I heard that that means you’ll never get it you love nothing in this entire universe I’m sorry little one with that I pushed Gamora off the cliff moments later a

Beam shot up from the ground and I could feel myself being transported away on days 87 through 90 I woke up in a strange red Dimension with the Soul Stone in my hand I placed the stone in my Gauntlet and then my daughter appeared to me as a child was it worth

It yeah pretty much because I got the stone look what it does I spawned a few zombies to show off the Stone’s Powers whoa yeah pretty cool I’m proud of you Thanos keep up the good work thanks babe wait you’re doing all of this for a girl well yes and other reasons like

Balancing all of the life in the universe and stuff well congratulations you did it and what did it cost everything on days 91-93 I made it back to Titan where a few of the Avengers were waiting for me Drax was also wearing a really cool bronzo t-shirt from merchcraft.shop whoa nice shirt bro

Thanks dude I got it from merchcraft.shop Link in the description everyone watching this should totally buy one for themselves alright back to the battle before I could react the Avengers all sprung into action and charged at me I started using the Soul Stone to spawn zombies that fought for

Me to try to even out the odds they all attacked me using their powers but they were no match for the powers of the stones ultimately though they started beating me somehow they were able to overpower me and held me down where’s Gamora what did you do with her why is

Gamora dude shut up she’s dead as a door now you doofus and I’m really upset about it thinking about Gamora overwhelmed me with emotion and I was able to break out of their hold just when I thought I would get the upper hand doctor strange came in uh-oh The

Magician’s here he sprung into action to fight me using his magic powers luckily even with the time Stone he was still no match for me time is up Thanos defense here once I destroy you I’ll have a time in the world I blasted him with the

Power Stone and he was knocked onto the ground before I could finish him off I was attacked from behind by Iron Man he was still weak from before and I made quick work of him I pinned down Iron Man and I was about to kill him when Doctor

Strange stopped me wait here the time Stone ah fools with that I added the time Stone to my Gauntlet and left triumphantly I made it to Earth during days 94 to 96. time to end this once and for all the creatures of this planet didn’t enjoy my company they began

Attacking me without hesitation so weak all of you I used the time Stone just accelerate and reverse their ages rendering them dead or useless I also use the reality Stone to mess with them some more turning them all into random mobs this is fun but what’s taking Proxima

Midnight so long whatever I’ll do it myself I teleported into the heat of the battle and began again fighting everything in my sight come on this is all you got go attack I knew my time here was being wasted I had to find the Mind Stone if I wanted to be successful

I’m out of here on days 97 and 98 I teleported to see Captain America Scarlet witch and the vision cap sprung into action and we started fighting he hit me with his shield but I defeated him fairly quickly before I could move Bruce Banner charged at me in the

Hulkbuster armor he was a worthy opponent but in the end he was no match for me in the middle of the fight I noticed vision and Scarlet Witch talking you have to destroy the Mind Stone you’re the only one who has the power to

Do it I can’t do it that will kill you it has to be done you’ll save billions of lives and started shooting me with bullets obviously these bullets were no match for me and I destroyed them both finally Black Widow charged at me joined by a recharged Captain America eventually I

Was able to defeat them but it was too late I ran up to Scarlet Witch just as she destroyed the stone no you took everything from me I don’t even know who you are you’re too late the Mind stone is destroyed we’ll see about that Scarlet Witch shot at me with her powers

And I fought her off she was strong but obviously I was Stronger I vested the Witch and walked over to Vision I quickly used the time Stone to turn back time and bring Vision back to life ah here we go I took the Stone from his head killing him again and proceeded to

Add it to my Gauntlet finally just as I was about to snap my fingers Thor came flying in and stopped me we struggled for a bit but ultimately he was able to overpower me you should have aimed for the head I then pulled out the gauntlet and snapped my fingers

Day 99 half of the Avengers began disintegrating Into Thin Air starting with the Winter Soldier then the Black Panther followed by Groot oh no no no not Groot then finally the Scarlet Witch and back on Titan Doctor Strange it was the only way the remaining Guardians started dusting

Ending with Spider-Man Mr Stark I don’t feel so good I knew my job was done ah it’s beautiful I just sat back and took it all in until suddenly I had a vision of Gamora and nebula as children come play with us yeah come on I started to approach them

But they just faded away Into Thin Air hmm on day 100 it was time to retire I’d done what I had set out to do Hmm this place looks nice and there’s a 50 chance it’s up for grabs I walked up to the farm and Lady Death emerged you’ve done

In Mighty Thanos now you can finally be with me a pool can never die fine I’ll do it myself yeah I’m definitely dying this is probably Lorenzo don’t forget to download honkai impact third using the link in the description and use this gift code to receive tons of free goodies thanks honkai impact

Nerd for sponsoring the video

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as THANOS in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2023-01-20 23:15:01. It has garnered 2519707 views and 37969 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:46 or 2506 seconds.

► Download Honkai Impact: https://bit.ly/3GGLFCO Download the game NOW to redeem the gift code [TRUTH63] and get 30 Crystals, 2,888 Asterite, and a Herrscher trial card for free! There will be more value bundles for new players!

Follow Bronzo as he spends 100 Days as Thanos, the Mad Titan! Learn the true story of the Avengers Infinity Saga from Thanos’s perspective. See how he defeated the Nova Corps, Guardians of the Galaxy, and the Avengers! Can anything stop Thanos’s mad quest?

Mods Used in this Video: Astemir’s Forestcraft – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/astemirs-forest-craft Epic Fight Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-mod Grappling Hook Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/grappling-hook-mod Mutant Beasts – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mutant-beasts Mutant More – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mutant-more Mutant Villager – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mutant-more Spider Man Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-spiderman-mod Super Suit Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/super-suit-mod

Artifacts – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/artifacts CMD Cam – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam Citadel – https://github.com/AlexModGuy/Citadel Collective – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/collective Configure – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=configured CretiveCore – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=configured Curious API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curios Custom NPCs – http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/customnpcs Cyclic – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cyclic Effortless Building – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/effortless-building Geckolib – https://geckolib.com/ Just Enough Items – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei L Ender’s Cataclysm – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/l_ender-s-cataclysm Mahou Tsukai- https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mahou-tsukai mo guns https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/moguns More Player Models – http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/moreplayermodels/ Mr Crayfish’s Gun Mod – https://mrcrayfish.com/ Olympic God’s Attributes – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/olympic-gods-attribues Obfuscate – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=obfuscate Maybe – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui/ Structure Gel API – https://moddinglegacy.com/ Supplementaries – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries The Mighty Architect – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-mighty-architect The Warp Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-warp-mod XK’s Decorations – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xks-decoration

*This video is Sponsored by Honkai Impact*

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  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

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  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

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  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

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  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

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  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

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  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

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  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

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  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

    "Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE" #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blox Fruits [Playing With JB] #live #roblox #bloxfruits’, was uploaded by RomeoGotGame on 2024-04-20 18:12:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Im RomeoGotGame But You Can Call Me Romeo & Im 12 Years Old & I Play Videogames Such As Sonic, FNAF, Minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

    Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft song teaser!!!!’, was uploaded by Piano Kid on 2024-06-03 03:53:18. It has garnered 10 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Gaupa

    GaupaFactions server under development. Some of the stuff is not finish, but come and join and build your empire and be the strongest faction in this world PvP Just have fun 1.20.1 Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as THANOS in HARDCORE Minecraft!