I Survived 1000 Days as GOKU in HARDCORE Minecraft

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On day one I spawned in as Goku I didn’t have long to look around though because suddenly the ground began to shake I ran outside and saw the entire world look like it was in Ruins I spotted my friend Piccolo and quickly ran to him hey

What’s going on why is there so much Destruction come with me quick someone gathered all seven of the Dragon Balls oh great I flew off following Piccolo we didn’t have to travel far and we saw Shenron the dragon had been summoned but by who finally I get my wish this world

Will be mine at last I charge that cell to try and stop him but it was too late he began using his wishes I wish for all the threats to me to be at their weakest for your wish has been granted suddenly there was a large flash of light and an

Explosion I was launched off of the world and sent flying into space I crashed landed far away from my home and realized that I’m a child again is this really what my weakest form is I began to search the strange new world since I

Was a child now I only had five Hearts I needed to find a way to gain my strength back I looked around the world and had no idea what I would be able to do I tried to fly oh man I’m not able to I noticed I was starting to starve too I

Need to find food I spotted a bowl in the middle of the field okay this should be a piece of cake I began to charge at him and try to attack him using my super strength But realize most of my strength was gone this isn’t good the bull began

To charge at me he done some serious damage I had to run but oh he was chasing me I ran into a force and eventually was able to lose the ball that was a close one since I didn’t have my strength I knew that I was gonna need

To find some other way to get stronger I began to chop some trees down and use the wood to create a crafting table afterwards I crafted myself a set of wooden tools hopefully this can help me regain my strength I set off to find my friend Piccolo I just hope he’s not in

His weakest form as well on day three I traveled throughout the night and eventually came across a village I saw Piccolo was there he was fighting a dinosaur you will not harm this Village anymore I stepped in to try and help with a dinosaur turned on me and knocked me

Back I was far too weak to fight against him don’t worry full stop I have this handled a few more hits then he took out the dinosaur Piccolo I’m so weak but I don’t think I’m gonna be stuck in this form forever a concerns that your power

Is still within you foso you must train to regain your strength Piccolo took me inside the village and began to cook some of the dinosaur meat he gave me the meat and told me to eat it I did it as I was told after eating I was starting to

Feel much stronger well I guess I was just hungry thank you for that I really needed it thankfully even though I was reduced to my weakest form Piccolo was still at full strength I guess cell didn’t consider him as much of a threat as I was it was getting late though so I

Decided to rest in the village for the night on day four I woke up and asked Piccolo if he knew any way I would be able to gain my strength back the easiest way for you to regain your strength in this form would be to acquire a weapon I remember when I

Originally began my training as a child I always use my trusty bow staff that’s my next goal I’m gonna need to recreate one in order to fight that’s a great idea foso before that I was going to need a place to stay The Village was crowded so I wanted to create my own

Base I found a nice place close to the Village to start building I began to build myself a small shelter and crafted a few chests with the leftover wood I wanted to be close to Piccolo I knew I would need him in case of another attack

Once my base is finished I set off to mind Stone I gathered as much of it as I could and returned to my base I used some of the stone to craft some furnaces so when I found iron I would have a place to smelt it I heard a large

Rumbling in the sky though and wondered if that was cell I know I need to stop him because who knows what planet he plans on destroying next I then used the remaining Stone along with some of my leftover wood to craft myself a stone set of tools and look at that I even

Made myself a stone bow staff now I had the weapon I needed to begin my training on day 5 Piccolo woke me up and told me that we are going to go train the best way for you to become stronger is to fight stronger opponents so I need you

To go into the jungle and fight a beast in there alright sounds good you’re coming too right no can’t do foso you need to do this on your own are you sure Piccolo what if this doesn’t even make me stronger Piccolo and insisted I left for the jungle and when I arrived I

Heard of sheep was being attacked by a jungle cat hey leave those sheep alone I attacked the jungle cat using my wooden bow staff the jungle cat took some damage it wasn’t going down I was starting to get angry leave these sheep alone I started to feel power dwell

Within my body and turned back into my adult form I even had 10 Hearts again I hit the tiger with my stone bow staff and easily took it down it looks like I did get my old strength back and I could even fly again the Sheep thanked me for

Saving them and decided to come back with me to base I was traveling back to the Village to show Piccolo I’d regain some of my strength but when I arrived it was under attack I saw Piccolo fighting with Frieza Piccolo was no match for Frieza and was being

Overpowered stop foso I should have known you would be close by what are you doing here I have been reduced to this weekend form and need all of the Dragon Balls to obtain my strength back there is a dragon ball at this Village and I

Must obtain it not if I have anything to say about it I charge that Frieza thinking with my newfound power I would be able to defeat him but it clearly wasn’t hurting him that much he was still incredibly strong you you Mythic weakling even at my weaker weaker form

You are so no match for me he was right I was no match for him he laughed and I fell to the ground and blacked out where am I am I back on Earth what is going on here I saw Droid who could have done this suddenly

There was a purple light in the sky what is that I got teleported in the middle of space and cell was there in front of all the planets so what are you doing you’re too late I am the most powerful being in the entire universe what this

Can’t be true yeah witness the power of perfection suddenly there was a huge explosion and all the planets were destroyed millions of souls flooded out and all I can do is watch while cell absorbed all of them no on day eight I woke up back in my base oh what happened

I noticed Piccolo was in my base and asked him if everything was okay you put up a good fight but in the end Frieza overpowered us and took the Dragon Ball oh no we must stop him from getting the other ones too or he might become too

Powerful we have to find the other Dragon Balls before he does first we need to help these villagers Piccolo and I return to the village and notice how much destruction Frieza had caused who set out to gather material in order to hold back the damage that he’d done once

We had enough we returned to the Village the two of us began to rebuild it the villagers were extremely grateful for us helping them afterwards I built a small pen on my base for the Sheep to live in using the leftover wood we had gathered I knew here they would be safer and

Protect it from the monsters that roamed in this world on days nine to ten Piccolo and I were talking but was interrupted by a villager arriving at my base the Villager explained that another Village had spotted Frieza traveling toward a snow biome it believed one of the Dragon Balls is located somewhere

There I thank the Villager and knew where I needed to go I told Piccolo to stay and take care of the village while I located the Dragon Ball before I left I set off toward a nearby cave and began searching for iron I didn’t have to look

Very long before I found some I smelted the iron and then used it to create an iron pickaxe as well as an iron bow staff this should help me in case I have to fight Frieza for the Dragon Ball with the leftover iron I also crafted a

Bucket I’m definitely need this when I start a farm at my base there’s only one thing left to do though so I flew off toward the ice biome I arrived in the snow biome when I spotted a group of people fighting I flew in closer and realized it was Vegeta who’s

Two of frieza’s henchmen if it isn’t the weak fozzo come to save the day you stand now chat Vegeta and I began to fight against the duo I use my bow staff to hit them and I can tell it hit much harder than my stone ones these guys are

Nothing compared to Frieza eventually I was able to take down one of them Vegeta and I ran at the final henchmen and made a quick work of him I had it handled I didn’t need your help yeah you can say that but you looked like you were getting overpowered it seemed like it

Was the least I can do all right but hey look I’m looking for the Dragon Ball that’s located in this biome seems like we’re both looking for the same thing Vegeta told me that he tracked the Dragon Ball to an ice castle and it wasn’t too far from here the two of us

Flew off toward the castle on games 13 to 14 Vegeta and I went inside the castle and it was completely covered in ice there was an earthquake within it too and we heard explosions in the distance we need to keep going we went deeper into the castle and the

Explosions got louder suddenly the earthquakes and explosions stopped it was completely quiet we made it to the end and Frieza quickly flew past us and out of the castle get out of my way I wonder what his problem is the Dragon Ball was right there but there was a

Giant armored Knight guarding it so that’s why Frieza was so scared Vegeta and I attack the Knight but the Knight took no damage the knights swung his ax and knocked me back away from him and Vegeta That Swing took more than half of my hearts away I watched Vegeta attack

The Knight but he couldn’t deal any damage on that thing either the night knocked Vegeta back with his sword he wanted to defeat us I use my phone sap and quickly hit the knight in the back defeating are you okay Vegeta I’ll be fine photo let’s just get the Dragon

Ball we grabbed the Dragon Ball and flew out of the castle Vegeta also gave me a Tracker and told me that this would be an easier way to find the rest of them we both decided to go our separate ways he flew off to heal while I flew back to

Base on days 15 to 16 I returned to base with the Dragon Ball I then began to construct a giant dragon ball that would serve as a place to store all of them this was only one out of the seven I was going to need to get to obtain my wish

After starting my Dragon Ball Shrine I decided it was time to upgrade my base I began by expanding my home and making myself a nice big bed to sleep on next I added a room just for storage I filled the room with a bunch of chests I then

Added more furnaces so I’d be able to smell iron even faster once I finished adding the furnaces I realized it was a great time to go and gather more I set off to the cave it wasn’t long before I found some I brought it back to base to

Smell and then use it to craft myself an iron chest plate as well as iron boots it was getting late so I went to sleep for the night I will consume you with your power I will become Unstoppable we have to split up if we are together it

Would be easier for him to get the both of us you’re right on day 17 to 18 Piccolo returned to base and informed me about cell he told me that cell’s hunting down Android 17 and 18. oh no if he absorbs those two he’ll be back to

His perfect form I started to leave the base the piccolo flew in front of me and where do you think you’re going to go and stop sell he can’t catch those two you need to focus on getting your strength back Bozo I’ll find Android 17

And 18. fine Piccolo he flew off out of the base this is so frustrating I need to get my mind off of this I set off and began to collect dirt as well as seeds from the surrounding areas I returned back to my base and used the dirt to set

Up a nice Farm area I crafted a stone hoe and began to plant my seeds in the farm I connected the farm to the Sheep pen in order to give them some food as well as a larger place to roam I was hanging around my base when suddenly the Dragon Ball tracker began

To go off it had located another Dragon Ball I quickly gathered some of my stuff and flew off to find where it was I was flying across biomes continuing to follow the tracker when I came to a massive mountain biome the tracker started to go off like crazy and must be

Getting close I didn’t want Frieza sneaking up on me and attacking me again I didn’t think I’d be any match for him still I flew around the mountain once I reached the top of it I noticed someone was waiting for me it was cell what are

You doing here the same could be asked of you I tracked one of the Androids I needed to this location but I lost his Trail you’re almost a better find cell began to fly at me and I flew towards it to be clashed causing a massive explosion cell looked down on me I

Hadn’t hurt him at all you are still weak you haven’t gained any of your power back I had to flee I flew back toward my base come back to me when you’re ready for a real fight I returned to base angry for my encounter I can’t believe I ran away from a fight

Like some coward so weak but what am I supposed to do I need to find a way to get stronger and I must stop sell first things first I’m starving I went to the farm and took a sheep to make mutton I cooked the meat and ate wow I feel so

Much better after eating I decided to gather more animals from my farm I used some seeds to lure chickens back and made a nice pen for them to stay in I went inside and started to expand my base I added an extra room just in case

Vegeta wanted to come and stay here I started to think of the best way to get stronger how did I do it all of those years ago I looked at my suit that’s it I need to get back to the basics and the best person to help me do that is none

Other than my master roshi I left the base and began to fly toward Master Roshi’s Island on days 24 to 26 I arrived at Master Roshi’s house oh there you are Master roshi I need your help little turtle you ever turned I have not heard that in a long time I need your

Help to become more powerful sell and freezer back and I have become so weak after cell used the Dragon Balls to wish my Powers away then we’ll need to begin your training once again Master roshi and I went to the beach and spent time managing tating together he said it

Would help clear my head he then asked me to fly as fast as I could and try to travel the world I spent time flying through the air and did my best to increase my speed I can feel myself growing stronger good and you’re now ready for your final

Training roshi began to charge at me I used my bow staff to hit him and then flew away and came back for more strikes I could feel that I was more powerful than he was and hit him one final time all right I stop here your training is

Complete I can teach you no more in order for you to become more powerful you will have to unlock your super Cheyenne again thank you master suddenly my tracker started to go off another Dragon Ball had been located I was closing in on the location the tracker

Was pointing me I suddenly saw a massive City but it was in total ruins there was destruction everywhere I flew into the City and not to my surprise Frieza was there with two of his henchmen Frieza I should have known you would be here the pathetic foso here for another beating I

Looked around and noticed that all the people were gone what did it do to everyone they wouldn’t tell me where the Dragon Ball was so I had to do what I had to do we’ll handle him bus you go and find the other Dragon Balls freeze

I mean hit me taking away a bunch of my heart I started to feel myself growing so angry I felt a surge of energy flow through my body and I went Super Saiyan whoa I have 20 Hearts now oh no his power level is growing I flew directly

At them and took one of them down with a good hit you’re next the hand can flew at me and I was able to easily avoid his attack I use my bow staff to take him down the villagers hadn’t told Frieza where the key was but I knew it was

Still here because of the tracker after some searching I was able to find the Dragon Ball the remains of the buildings with the Dragon Ball in hand I flew home I arrived back on my base and began to work on my Dragon Ball Shrine I continue

To expand it out I knew eventually it would need to hold all seven of the dragon balls so I can regain my power I placed the Dragon Ball next to the other two down only five more to go then I’ll be able to defeat both Frieza and cell

My run-ins with Frieza made me realize I need to get more upgrades if I wanted to stop him I headed to a cave nearby and began to look for iron and diamonds I did find a bunch of iron but I wasn’t able to locate any diamonds after some

More searching I finally found some wait only two ah this is gonna have to do for now I returned back to my base and completed my armor set I then used my diamonds to craft a diamond bow staff nice I’m definitely on my way to defeating them

Now you have nowhere to run you are mine now I’m not going down without a fight I feel so powerful I need to test my power on days 33 to 35 is that Piccolo Piccolo was at my base and he looked badly injured what happened I was tracking cell as he was following Android 17. I wasn’t able to keep up with him but eventually I did find him

It looked like he had changed he laughed at me saying he was almost in full strength it would be unstoppable once he was there I wasn’t sure what happened to the Android but I can only assume it was not good I tried to fight back against

Him but he was too powerful he beat me into the ground and then laughed as he flew off saying he was going to find something much stronger to test his power we have to go after him Bozo I have to go after him you were far too

Weak to be any help right now you must rest and get your strength back I’m gonna find out what he’s up to Piccolo told me where he last Saw sell and I flew off to confront him I was flying where Piccolo had encountered cell when I spotted him he was fighting something

There was a Wither cell charge of the weather and he took it down with a single hit how did he get so powerful I flew down and landed near him do you like my new form Bozo how did he get so powerful I absorbed the worthless

Android 17. now look at me I’m not even done gaining power what do you mean you’re not even done once I find and absorb Android 18 there will be no one to stop me you’re not even worth my time have fun with these what did he mean

Have fun with what suddenly a group of Withers started to attack they did some serious damage despite my iron armor I charged that one and started to fight it using my bow staff but these guys had a ton of Hearts I flew in the air and delivered a serious blow taking one of

Them out the others continue to attack and that was low on Hearts I was not nearly as strong as cell I had to retreat back to my base I arrived back at home feeling extremely defeated I needed upgrades so I went back into the mines and began to search for diamonds I

Looked for a while and eventually was able to find enough to crack myself a diamond chess plate this should help me withstand and some more attacks I checked up on Piccolo to see how he was doing he looked like he had regained some of his strength is there anything I

Could do to help you the dinosaur meat let me gain my strength back I flew off to find a dinosaur I finally spotted one and flew down and started fighting it he charged at me but I was so fast and able to avoid his attacks I used my diamond

Bow staff to strike him and was able to take him down after a few good hits I collected his meat and flew back home to cook it up once the meat was done I gave it to Piccolo and he eagerly ate it I hope this gets your strength back buddy

Thank you bozo I really appreciate your role I can tell he was starting to grow stronger I need you at full strength if we even stand a chance to defeat cell and Frieza on days 42-44 I woke up to the sound of pinging from the Dragon

Ball tracker I walked out of the base to use the tracker but I couldn’t follow it for some reason it just pointed up Piccolo walked out of the base hey are you okay good now and I was trying to rest what’s with all that noise I told

Piccolo about the tracker and he told me that it wasn’t pointing up it was pointing to his home Planet Namek oh man we’re gonna need spaceship we want to get there Piccolo and I set off to the mines to gather the material we would need we gathered as much iron as we

Could find as well as a ton of redstone after Gathering all the materials we headed home and began building the rocket I said goodbye to Piccolo and hopped inside I was off to Planet Namek to find the dragon ball on days 45 to 46 I arrived on Planet Namek and began

Following a Tracker toward the Dragon Ball I arrived at a structure and the tracker began to Ping erratically looks like I’m at the right place I ran inside there it is but before I can get it one of frieza’s goons showed up you may have defeated frieza’s other henchmen but

You’re no match for Captain Ginyu can you begin to charge at me he hit me and knocked me back wow that actually hurt I charged back at him attacking him with my bow staff Black Dragon Ball belongs to Lord Frieza this guy was tough but I

Was much longer than him I flew into the air and landed on him delivering the final blow he was defeated so I collected the Dragon Ball and began to make my way back to the ship on days 47-50 I landed back and began to work on my Dragon Ball Shrine I added some

Additional details as well as a place for my third Dragon Ball I was gonna need to expand this even more eventually but for now it was good enough once I finished Piccolo walked up to me looked like he was back at full strength that rest was much needed I feel a lot better

I’m glad to hear that we have some work to do Piccolo and I began to expand our base we started by building not only my house but as well as building a home from the living there we go that’s much better after building Piccolo a place to

Stay we began to build a wall around the base this would prevent any dinosaurs from entering and would hopefully slow down cell or Frieza if they try to attack on days 51 E3 I woke up to a massive explosion outside of my base I ran outside and Frieza was there you

Will pay for what you have done to my men Frieza began to attack me as much than last time I flew into the air but he quickly came back into the ground how did you become this powerful I have acquired three of the Dragon Balls soon I will be at full strength

And all my Powers will be back I flew back at Frieza and was able to land a pretty good hit on him I can tell my Powers had increased too enough of this he hit me directly into the ground I was stunned and I couldn’t move I could see

He was preparing for a final attack stop boy Vegeta no Vegeta flew in between us and there was a large flash suddenly I was awake where was I I was standing in front of a massive blue snake Vegeta what happened we lost there’s no hope

For us you can’t talk like that Vegeta I tried to stop Frieza and save you but I think we both were killed in the process so this is the afterlife I guess we only have one option we need to find King Kai and return to Earth what’s the point

It’s over we can’t just give up now we have to continue on so we’re gonna do just that I began to run at the snake and started to make my way across it was massive and it looked like there was gaps in between that I would have to

Jump across it was dangerous but it was the only way out of the afterlife I turned around and noticed Vegeta was following me but for a second he flashed out of existence oh no Vegeta if we don’t get out of here soon we will both perish here and be gone forever Vegeta

And I began to run as fast as we could hopping from block to block to make our way to King Kai I knew his Planet would be located at the end I just hope we can make it in time we finally arrived at King Kai’s planet and began to look for

Him we approached his house and I called out to him oh no what are you doing here could you be saving the world that’s what we were trying to do but we were kind of killed and sent here to the afterlife in the process we need a way

To get back and to stop sell and Frieza before it’s too late I’ll be able to send you back but you’re not ready yet you must each venture out into this afterlife alone and to see what is there after that you’ll have to make the hardest choice of your life I listen to

What King Kai said and headed off into this strange afterlife World Vegeta did the same but we set off in different directions I wonder what he meant by the hardest choice I had traveled for what felt like Dace when I came across a strange emptiness I was surrounded by

Darkness as far as I can see and it looked like I was alone hello Bozo I turned around and to my surprise I was standing in front of myself hey what’s the meaning of this you will never be strong enough to stop them you are wasting your time just perish here it’ll

Be easier maybe he was right I wasn’t strong enough how would I ever be able to overcome this that’s right let yourself fade away the more he spoke the more angry I became I charged that myself and when I reached him he vanished was this what King Kai was

Talking about I began to travel back toward his Planet I returned to King Kai’s Planet as I was returning I noticed Vegeta was returning as well Vegeta did you do what you had to I believe so although I’m not sure how I feel about it I didn’t have time to ask

Him about his journey King Kai came out and confronted us since you’re back I assumed you were able to defeat what you saw in this world yes get it and it is time to make the decision I only have enough energy to return one of you to

Earth what you never said this would be part of it how would I be able to defeat Frieza and sell without Vegeta OZO is the one that must return what what do you what do you mean Vegeta I can’t do it all alone what I had to defeat was my

Own ego I needed to come to terms with the fact that you are stronger than me and you’ll be able to defeat them alone Vegeta no you can’t do this there will be another chance to bring him back but for now you are the one who will return

No wait stop there was a blinding flash of light At Last I have you now it’s time to become perfect so no stop now the whole world will be mine and on days 63 to 65 I woke up back at my base I was in my bed and Piccolo was

In front of me I stepped outside and saw the destruction Frieza had caused to our base together we went out and gathered the material we needed to repair it we began by rebuilding my home and then Piccolo’s house after finishing rebuilding I set off to a nearby cave

And was able to find a ton of diamonds I use a diamond to finish my armor set I hope now I would have more of a fighting chance against Frieza I returned back to where Piccolo was waiting for me and he told me that he knew where the final

Dragon Ball was the Dragon Ball in the mountains Frieza never located it we have to get there quickly Piccolo and I set off tore the mountains in search of the final Dragon Ball Piccolo and I arrived at the mountain where the Dragon Ball was located they began to search

For it and eventually we found it it was right on top of the mountain before we were able to return to base sell showed up he looked different though what happened do you like my final form I need to test out my power cell started

To fly directly at us I began a fight cell using my post at and tried my best to keep him away but he was too fast he kept getting close and taking away a ton of my heart this is what true power looks like before he can deliver the

Final blow Piccolo returned he began he begotched you’re not even worth my time he hit Piccolo and he dropped to the ground Sal then walked over to the Dragon Ball and grabbed it he flew up I rushed over to Piccolo it’s okay he’s gone now a time is over foso you must

Gather the remaining dragon balls and use them to unlock your power wait wait wait no no Piccolo stay with me you’re gonna be there too okay don’t worry I’m afraid this is the end for me Bozo no I began to feel so much anger in my body

And a big surge of energy suddenly I was transformed into a Super Saiyan God I had 30 Hearts I can feel myself growing so powerful I’m gonna remember you Piccolo I flew off toward my base I returned to my base and began to feel terrible for what had happened to my

Companion he had sacrificed his own life to save me I need to do something for him I went out into the world and found a desert biome I began to collect as much Cactus as I could and then headed towards home I smelted the cactus the

Crate green die and then used the dye on the sheep I then collected their wool to use it to create a Monument for Piccolo I wanted him to be here with me even though he was gone suddenly I heard the tracker going off it had located the remaining Dragon Balls what was the

Point in going after them if we all lost I remembered though with the wishes that Shenron could grab me I could not only bring my full power back but I could also restore Earth the way it was with all my friends back I knew I would have

To face freeze it and defeat him I set off not knowing if I was ready but I had no choice it was now or never on day 74 to 77 I arrived at the location the tracker had been sending me towards it was an island with a massive volcano in

The center of it I flew to the top of the volcano and not to my surprise Frieza was there this ends now Frieza give me the Dragon Balls you will have to take them from me foso Frieza then began to float into the air and he summoned the power from the three dragon

Balls he had and in a blinding flash of light he changed he was completely gold now you don’t stand a chance against me Frieza began to fly toward me and we started a fight I was a lot stronger than I was when I faced him before

Frieza lunged at me and knocked me to the ground down but I got up quickly and continued to fight him the battle felt evenly matched but I started to feel something growing inside of me a search of energy took over my body when the light dissipated Frieza was

Gone I looked around the volcano and found the three dragon balls that he had acquired I only need the final one from cell and I’ll be able to restore the world I reached back at my base and began to work on my Dragon Ball Shrine I expanded it to House of three dragon

Balls that I’d taken from Frieza they even added the final spot for the seventh when I was able to locate it I then took the time to upgrade my base I started to expand out my home and make it feel more like what it had been before cell destroyed it everything felt

Like it was getting close to being back to normal I just needed to find where cell and the final Dragon Ball was suddenly my Dragon Ball tracker started to go off the final dragon ball headed located I flew off following the tracker and eventually came across some strange

Structure in the desert the Dragon Ball tracker began to Ping intensely and I knew the Dragon Ball must be inside I arrived at the temple and immediately noticed a Dragon Ball was in the center of the room but before I can reach it we have been waiting for you to show up a

Turn and notice there was a group of cells these ones are different though they were smaller it had a blue color to them the small cells began in Russia and attack me they were definitely not as strong as cell but they were fast and had numbers I started to fight back

Using my bow staff and was able to take out a few of them all then began to rush at me again and I was starting to lose Hearts I couldn’t give up now not when I was so close to restoring everything I continued to fight them and eventually

Took them all out that was a close one good you defeated my cell Juniors I turned around and saw that cell was standing right next to the Dragon Ball what do you want I want you back to your full power so I can really test how

Strong I am self flew off and left me with a dragon ball I ran up and grabbed it once I arrived at base I went directly to the Dragon Ball Shrine and put the final Dragon Ball there I began to wait but nothing happened but what’s going on why is nothing happening come

Forth Shenron and grab my wishes the ground began to rumble and there was a blinding flash of light I was suddenly in a completely different place and the world was dark right in front of me was Shenron what are your wishes I wish for all my powers to be restored to me so

That I can defeat the monster of I felt so much energy and I knew that my Powers were fully back my next wish I wish for the world to be restored and for my friends to be brought back your wish has been great suddenly there’s another blinding

Light in the ground trembled I was back at my base except nothing looked any different than my wish fail the Dragon Balls had disappeared from the shrine they must have been used but why was the world not restored Bozo you did it I turned around and saw Piccolo and Vegeta

Were there it worked my friends have been brought back from the dead I’m so happy to see you guys I could have found another way back but I guess this works classic Vegeta I’m just happy you guys are alive alright listen guys we need to defeat cell and put an end to his

Madness once and for all he has grown extremely powerful but he made the mistake of letting me acquire the Dragon Ball to truly test his power you know where he’s gone I don’t but I’m sure we’re gonna find out soon enough although earth needs your help I woke up

And began to look around what was going on I am at my Homeworld I can sense cell is back on Earth and he is attacking it earth needs you foso you must travel there and defeat him but how how will I do that what if I’m not powerful enough

To do it you are more capable of defeating him if you believe now you must go you don’t have much time I ran a piccolon Vegeta and told him that cell was on Earth and he was starting to destroy cities I explained to them that we need to act fast and get there

Quickly or else there was going to be no Earth left again once we were done we boarded it and set off I began to think back about all the challenges I’d faced throughout my 100 days but nothing has stopped me or my friends before and

Nothing is gonna stop us now on day 100 we landed on Earth in the middle of a city that cell was attacking there was destruction everywhere we could see sells minions spotted us and began to attack we started to fight back and the three of us were able to easily take

Them on our victory was short-lived have you noticed a group of them attacking villagers we rushed to save them and we were able to take them down long as hell is still alive those who go and find him we will hold the rest of them off for the villagers I did as I

Was told and flew off to find cell I eventually found him as he was finishing destroying a house cell this ends right now this is just the beginning for me I’m Glad You Came To Face your death he rushed at me and hit me sending me flying into a building I gotta

Delivering a powerful blow your powers have increased this will be an even fight now we continue to fight both of us hitting each other with powerful attacks but neither of us was going to give up he rushed at me and hit me to the ground I felt weak and thought this

Might be the end but I know that I can’t give up now I just can’t I have to believe in myself I Unleashed a massive blast of energy directly at cell cell was defeated by the blast and the world was finally saved on day one I spawned into a huge

Explosion outside I rushed out to see what was going on I saw my Sensei Kakashi and he was fighting the dark ninja Orochimaru he stopped fighting and looked directly at me you said no chance to defeat me this world will be taken over once my boss acquires your inner

Beast inner beasts Naruto run I will hold him all I didn’t have time to question what was happening so I started to run as fast as I could whoa I’m so fast uh too fast there’s a clip I landed and suddenly there were two of me hey

What are you doing here didn’t listen he ran directly to a nearby Village he frantically then began to break one of the walls of the wooden houses I started to chase after him but once I got close he disappeared what all the commotion caught the attention of some of the

Villagers and they all came storming over to me and no one wants to be near to you I’m sorry it wasn’t me it was just a club if you can’t control yourself leave now I ran off as fast as I could I guess I wasn’t welcome anywhere I was running

Running away from the village as fast as I could eventually I got tired and stopped I realized I would my clone had taken from the villagers home I use it to make a crafting table and crafted a wooden pickaxe after I started to mine some Stone to create some stone tools

Right when I thought I was alone a group of zombies came out of nowhere and started to attack me wait what how are you guys not burning in the daylight I had to act quick and fight the moth with my sword they hit me a few times and I

Noticed because I was a child I only had five Hearts I did my best to eat them away I was able to take them down but I was so weak I noticed that I was starving too I believe again looking around for a local Ramen Shop but I was

In the middle of nowhere I spotted a group of sheep I guess this is gonna have to do for now I ran up and used my stone sword to defeat that I gathered their meat and wool and started to eat it it didn’t do much but it was enough

To get my hearts back and stop me from starving to death I ran off to find where Kakashi was I hope he’s okay on day three I found Kakashi in the forest it looked like he was out getting supplies I walked up to him hey uh Kakashi Sensei I had a pretty rough

Encounter in the village over there it seemed like everyone hated me I don’t know what I did to make everyone so hostile that doesn’t matter right now the village needs our help and we must get these supplies back in order to rebuild I began doing as Kakashi said

And worked with him to collect wood I finally asked them how much wood and Stone The Village needed and he told me that they needed 20 stacks of each Kakashi that’s gonna take at least a hundred of me to gather all that for the villagers hey that was an idea step back

Akashi I’m gonna try something wait foso you’re not ready to use that I didn’t listen so I used my shadow clone Jitsu and look I made a clone and then another and another those are stuff you’re not powerful enough for this oh yeah well look at me go I continued to make clones

Until suddenly I made a ton of them at once oh oh no I stuck I start feel weak we think I’m gonna pass out I came back to Consciousness in a strange place I was not sure where I was but I looked around and I saw that the moon was

Completely red I continued to look and I saw villagers as far as I can see standing perfectly still frozen I was terrified and confused I turned around and saw a shadowy figure floating in the air it was only a matter of time reincarnation The Reincarnation Jitsu

What’s that who are you what do you want from me you are the key to unlocking my perfect world a world where everyone is under my control and must do my baby all I need is you and your power my power what power when the time is right it

Will be mine I will be the strongest ninja in the world okay that’s my cue to go I began to panic and I started to run away from the shadowy figure but whatever Direction I ran in he was in front of me again you think you can run

Away from your destiny uh he lunged at me woke up in a panic where where was I I looked around and I was back at my home in the hidden Leaf Village but just like Kakashi said it was completely destroyed I tried to find Kakashi oh

Various he was rebuilding a house I ran to him and began telling him about my dream there was this the shadowy figure and he said he wanted to control everyone in the world so you’ve already started to see him who Kakashi I don’t even know what’s going on murderer I

Knew this day would come he told me that he wanted to be the strongest ninja in the world well I want to do that so I could defeat him good he is pure evil and dangerous so now it is time we begin your training because if he succeeds in

The entire world will be doomed we began to train together Kakashi explained to me the power had accidentally used was the shadow clone Jitsu I was definitely gonna have to work on controlling it though he showed me how he controlled it and then set me off to practice it a few

Times after some struggling I was able to do it on command look Kakashi I did it suddenly something started to happen and I grew into an adult Naruto and look I had 10 hearts too after I upgraded Kakashi and I spent the rest of the day

Putting all the fire in the village out we also started to build up parts of the village as well I even made myself a little home to stand that is more like it I then began to ask him why all the villagers hated me and what Modera meant

By my inner beast in time you will understand why the villagers are afraid of you you’re too young and not strong enough now I wasn’t happy with Kakashi’s answer I decided to head off back toward the village to find out on day six I arrived at the village that had rejected

Me I began searching around for any answers of what my inner Beast was or why they had so much anger toward me I snuck into a villager’s house and looked around their chests hoping to find any clues I didn’t find anything but I was able to find a bunch of shurikens these

Will surely come in handy while I mastered Jitsu I began to leave the village as I was exiting I saw the village suddenly was under attack it was a raid from pillagers the pillagers began swarming it and fighting their iron golems I definitely did not want to

Be spotted here but I had no choice I jumped into action and started to use my sword to take down the pillagers a ravager started to charge right at me I had to use my shadow cone Jitsu to help me fight me and myself were able to take

Down the ravager and the rest of the pillagers once everything was settled I noticed all the villagers were outside they all shouted at me they called me a monster so I began to leave feeling even more defeated than I was when I first arrived as I exited I was stopped by one

Of them you said the other villagers would come around eventually and they just were afraid she handed me a map said if I travel to the location on it it would reveal more of my past to me my past I thanked the Villager and set off to

Follow the map on day seven I made my way toward the location on the map I should go find some food so that I’ll have enough energy for the journey I use my shurikens on a group of pigs to get some food these things really do come in

Handy I crafted myself a furnace and used it to cook the meat as I continue to follow the map Orochimaru ambushed me out of nowhere so I think it would be in your best interest to come with me you have big plans for you and your dreams Orochimaru

Started to attack me so I threw my shurkins at him but he easily dodged them those are cute but you should try mine he threw his own shurikens at me and I was able to avoid the first wave but one of them managed to hit me wow I

Was really starting to feel funny thanks for making these boys and shurikens that’s not cool dude uh I woke up and found myself in what is this is this like a lab how did I get here I kept looking around and I saw some of the villagers trapped in a

Cage oh hey guys I’ll get you out of here ah it’s locked I’ll need a key to free them I went down further into the lab and figured that this must be some sort of Labyrinth there are many paths that led into a dead end this is annoying there’s gotta be something down

One of these paths oh nice a light I went down the path and it had stairs going down somewhere it led me into a Coliseum who has time to build this underground whoa a giant snake monster came out of nowhere and started lunging at me sorry buddy but I’m not snake food

I threw my shurikens at the snake but it obviously did not deal that much damage the snake hit me with its tail and hurt me a lot I needed to take this monster down and fast I used Shadow clone Jutsu and made some clones but still it didn’t

Do much the snake lunch and took all the clones down instantly it hit me with its tail again dealing more damage I’ve got to do something suddenly everything became blurry and when I was back what what happened I then noticed someone was watching me it’s the guy from my dream

What was he doing here I hope you enjoyed the show out of nowhere the floor beneath me gave out and I went falling I went through the floor opening and saw rochimaru what am I doing here and what’s with all the monsters what you don’t like that they’re out during

The day but that’s too let me out of here you snake freak sorry but I can’t do that you’ll be fighting these monsters over and over until you’re nice and strong nice and strong why does everyone keep saying that what do you mean why are you making me do

This he didn’t listen though and we started a fight I will not let you get away with all this Orochimaru was definitely way stronger than me because he was doing a lot of damage and fast finally he hit me and knocked me aside in time in time Orochimaru left I looked

Around the room and realized if he was right about me being stuck here forever suddenly a blast happened and a figure appeared Naruto come quick Kakashi what are you doing here no time we need to get you out of here Kakashi uses Jitsu and opened a path for us to escape

Finally we can leave all of this chaos behind on day 10 we returned back to base to rest and recover I had so many questions about the other day why did Orochimaru let me live I can’t just sit here and Ponder done with me Naruto let’s build up your strength in your

Appetite Kakashi and I built a farm together this should be able to feed both me and the nearby Village I’ve walked over and saw that their entire Village though was burned down because of the other night they were trying to build up their houses again but they

Weren’t having much luck I walked over to them and invited them back to our hidden Leaf Village the villagers seemed iffy but after they looked back at their home they agreed yeah yeah I took them back home and built up a few houses for them to stay in a few of them seemed

Really happy but the rest were still not having it I hope to eventually win them all over when I am the strongest ninja in the world after helping out the villagers I showed Kakashi the map The Village had given me a few days ago I

Told them that this was the reason I was traveling alone when Orochimaru attacked me I think you should go maybe this place will help you get stronger and even reveal more of your past I think you’re ready to learn thank you Kakashi I prepared to follow the map again I

Gathered some food from our farm and set off I was heading over to the location when I realized that I should stock up on tools I went into a cave and searched for some iron I quickly mined some and then search for some coal once I found

That I placed out of furnace and smelted it with the iron I was able to make myself an iron set of tools I used the leftover of it to craft myself a set of iron boots as I left the cave I spotted Orochimaru not again I needed to hide

Quick I noticed he was with a villager where could he be taking him Orochimaru continued on with a villager and I came out of my hiding spot wow that was way too close of a call I continued on following the map I hope it had the

Answers I was looking for on days 13 to 14 I finally made it to the location of the map it was some sort of strange Temple I wonder why the Villager sent me here I headed inside and whoa this place was crazy after a quick look around this

Place was a meditation site okay uh I sat down in the middle of the site and concentrated really hard fill my body shake and when I opened my eyes I was inside some kind of a dark world I saw a giant red barred prison in front of me

And I saw a giant orange Fox behind the barso how do you know who I am and why are you here what is is this place My mind can you answer my questions who are you this is My dad I never really knew him what do you know about him The giant Fox roared and suddenly I was back in the meditation site wow that guy really does not like me I wonder though is this the inner Beast everyone seems to be afraid of on days 15 to 16 I returned to base and told Kakashi about what happened at the meditation site I

Revealed to him that I had finally met my inner beast and began to understand why the villagers were so afraid of me though it looks like you finally got to meet the nine-tailed fox huh and it looks like you already knew about him why are you keeping secrets so what if I

Know that’s not the problem here you need to continue training so then you’ll get strong enough to face Orochimaru let’s finally head to the dojo but why Kakashi why won’t anyone tell me more Kakashi brushed it off and moved towards the broken Dojo oh wow look at this

Place it’s completely destroyed we took one look around and knew before we started more training we needed to fix this place up we got to work and it started to come along great I was still upset about the nine-tailed fox and his displeasure with me so I then began to

Construct a statue of the nine tails I know he doesn’t like me but maybe if I make this for him I can start to learn more this will be a good spot to meditate and talk with him hopefully one day me and him will finally be able to

Connect on days 17 to 18 an old villager came to Kakashi and I and asked for our help she told us that her son is missing and she doesn’t know where he is she begged us to find him and bring him back to her when she left I revealed to

Kakashi that I had seen Orochimaru with a villager a few days ago maybe that’s who she was talking about if that is true then her son is in grave danger I need to go and save him immediately I’ll come with you I can help it’s my responsibility too no foso you’re not

Strong enough yet you have great ambition but you don’t have the power to control yourself I begrudgingly listen to him it wasn’t fair Kakashi ran off to go to show the villagers I was not the monster they thought I was I decided to build that part of the village I worked

On expanding the farm and even brought back a group of cows I built the cows of pen to live in but it wasn’t long until I grew tired of waiting around at the Village I looked around at the other villager just seemed so sad that her son was missing I decided to disobey

Kakashi’s orders and plus I knew that we would be stronger together I ran after Kakashi and eventually caught up to him maintaining a distance so I wouldn’t be spotted however I was still close enough to help him if something were to go wrong I continued to follow Kakashi torochi maru’s base when suddenly

Kakashi was stopped by a loud growling noise a few mutant zombies arrived out of the forest they were huge and started to overpower Kakashi I can’t just watch helplessly while he’s getting attacked I need to do something I threw some shurikens and damaged a couple of them

What are you doing here I told you that you’re not ready for this that does not matter right now we need to take care of these giant zombie things I use my shadow clones and together we took the rest of them down but Kakashi was not happy about it you disobeyed my order

You need to go back to base now no Kakashi it’s my fault that the Villager went with Orochimaru in the first place and I’m going to help get him out of there you need me and I’ve already made up my mind we’re almost there anyways come on let’s

Go let’s stay close awesome okay let’s go save that villager on days 21 to 23 he finally snuck into orochimaru’s base we’re this close to saving that villager we saw Orochimaru walking our way so we hid behind some rocks let’s follow him it might lead us to villager we followed

Him inside the base until he led us into a room and look here they all are he must have been capturing villagers for a while don’t worry we’re gonna kick you all out of here suddenly there was screaming in the other room and footsteps although we need to hide and

Fast we hit again and Orochimaru appeared with a zombie where did that come from when they walked away we came out of hiding and try to free the villagers come on come on open already seeing you guys here there’s a run I’ll take care of them Kakashi uses Jutsu on

Him but it didn’t look like it hurt that much then orochimaro used his an adult a lot more damage he’s running out of heart stop hurting my Sensei I got really mad and I felt myself changing suddenly I transformed into the beast from my meditation what but as I

Transformed I blacked out oh where am I not at orochimaru’s base is that suddenly noticed the beast from my meditation and he was destroying the village how would he do that someone needs to stop him right on cue there was a man who was running towards him wait a

Minute is that my father he suddenly summoned a ball of air and threw it at the Beast it must be my father but who is that other lady with him my mom there was also a baby that was near both of them I think I’m in the past the Beast

Disappeared as it got close to the baby this must have been what the Beast was referring to that baby must be me suddenly there was a huge Flash and I woke up back inside our base Takashi you’re okay I had the craziest dream happy to see that you’re doing okay foso

What happened Kakashi where all the villagers at are they okay you release the beast inside you and it used its power to stop Orochimaru you were out of control the villagers we saved were grateful but they were terrified of your power great now I’m back to square one I

Need to control the Beast if I want the villagers to trust me again I went to the Statue of the fox and continued building it I need more answers after I finished building I sat down and began to meditate I knew I needed to learn more about him and what happened with my

Family on days 27 to 29 I began to meditate and entered my mind once again where the Beast was held I need answers I use a special power inside of me and I think you have something to do with it you mean my power and yes it was nice to be free

Once again free again wait so when I use that power I Unleashed you who do you think defeated all those giant snakes it surely wasn’t you I thought back and he was right it must have been nine tails I accidentally Unleashed all those days ago I’m the nine-tailed fox I was created to

Hurt people and I would have kept doing that then parrots who trapped me inside of you now be God you’re starting to ignore me I woke up back at the Statue dang it what am I supposed to do if I can’t use my own powers I need to find a way to

Control it I went to the base and told Kakashi about my situation your own power huh actually I think I might know someone who could help you do yes there is a toad called fukasaku taught me everything I know about my energy here Fuso take this map find fukusaku tell

Him that I sent you be careful though you’re gonna be on your own for this one I took the map from Kakashi and prepared for my journey to find fukusaku I went to a cave and mined some more iron I used the iron to craft myself a chest

Plate pants and helmet I left the cave and followed the map to find the toad I began my journey when suddenly the day turned to night instantly standing in front of me was also the guy from my dream so you’re the guy that I’m having all these Visions about greetings not

Entailed boy I am Madara and you are still weak that is not true I’m gonna be the most powerful ninja this world has ever seen good at your training starts you began to attack me he uses fire Jitsu and it dealt some serious damage I use my shadow clone technique but it

Wasn’t very effective but Dara used a huge flame and it took out all of the Clones you are too weak long for the fullness you you will suffer against me am I Really Gonna Have to depend on that fox oh well let’s try I try to summon the beast from

Within me but I was unable to well there goes that plan he continued to attack me and I realized I was only down to a few hearts raw because once you are dead I will never help you he laughed and used his power to send me fly on days

33-35 I landed in an ice biome I barely have any hearts left and I know that I need to regain my strength suddenly I was attacked by some strange dog creatures I didn’t have enough parts to fight back against them so I began to run they chased after me hot on my tail

I was gonna have to try and lose them I spotted a cave hoping they wouldn’t follow me inside I’ve watched as the creatures ran right past the cave phew that was a close one I began to explore the cave looking for anything I could the cave was dark but luckily I still

Had some torches on me I began to light up the area to my surprise there were some mushrooms on the cave floor Wow might not be Ramen but it still will definitely get my hearts back I collected some mushrooms and used them to craft some mushrooms too I began

Eating it and I restored my hunger and health I could feel my strength returning to me wow that really hit the spot before leaving I looked around and found some diamonds there weren’t many so I had to be smart about what I crafted I decided to use them to craft a

Diamond sword maybe this would come in handy next time I fought Modera continue to follow the map and ran out of the ice biome I finally made it to the location where the toad is supposed to be but there is a slight problem this place is

Full of toads how am I supposed to know which toad is gonna train me I ventured throughout the toad village where could he be suddenly I saw a small green toad with a cloak around him near a pond yep I think this guy might be the guy hey do

You know a Kakashi by any chance he told me he did and that this place would be a place where I could unlock more of my power Joe you’re this fojo ninja that Kakashi boyo told me about names fukushaku and yes it’s possible for you to tap into a stronger side of yourself

Awesome what’s first fighting a giant toad some cool new techniques meditation meditation you need to meditate at a different location and concentrate do that and you’ll unlock your power in no time oh man you gotta be kidding me where to first he pointed me in the

Right direction I travel to the top of a mountain and started to meditate I don’t feel anything I guess I should try somewhere else the next location I went to was a water careful I started to meditate in the middle of the waterfall and still felt nothing I returned back

To the pond to talk to fukusaku nothing’s working is meditation even gonna make me stronger you need to concentrate your energy if you want to reach your next power Sage Mode Sage Mode fukusaku told me to try using one of the Shadow clones and meditate with

That huh I’ll give it a try I use my shadow clone Jitsu and the Clone headed back up toward the mountain once there we started to meditate and I started to feel a tingling sensation uh what’s happening I opened my eyes and I realized that I was in my next face Sage

Mode yes I finally did it I can let out my next power Crossing gun I feel so much stronger now on days 39-41 I thanked fukusaku and left the toad Village to go back to base I arrived at the base and told Kakashi about my sage

Mode look what I can do now I went into Sage milk he created a bunch of Shadow clones and with them I started to expand the base more now I can have a lot of the heavy lifting that’s impressive while you were away Orochimaru busy what

Do you mean by that Kakashi told me that he’s attacked a nearby Sand Village I would go handle it myself but my hands are tied protecting our village does that mean you want me to go and take care of it Kakashi nodded and told me he

Thinks I am ready don’t worry Kakashi I won’t fail you before I went to go save the village I should definitely build up my strength and armor I gathered some sheep from the farm and made some mud to eat after that I went to a nearby cave

And mined some more diamonds I completed my set of diamond tools and used a leftover to craft some diamond boots this should be enough I left the cave and headed out towards the Sand Village I arrived at the village that was under attack to my surprise nothing seemed out

Of the ordinary I made my way inside and the villagers are confused as to why I was here they were grateful for my arrival they heard many rumors of my powers and the help I had been doing at the Green Leaf Village it was a nice change to be welcomed instead of

Immediately hated when I showed up since there was no trouble here I started to get ready to leave when Orochimaru arrived perfect you are here what are you doing here our plan has worked plan what plan the plan where I defeat you again he began to attack me I started to

Use my new power on him and I can tell that I was at least powerful enough to hurt him so you’ve become more powerful he continued to attack me and I started to get angry I felt this surge of power running through my body and I transformed into the nine tails fox wait

But I’m still here I didn’t pass out this time unfortunately I lost complete control of my body and I began to destroy the village oh no no please please stop silly boy our plan has once again succeeded Orochimaru started to flee the village and as much as I wanted

To go after him I couldn’t control myself and continue to destroy the rest of the village on days 45 to 46 I returned back to normal and realized the destruction I’d cause what have I done all these villagers don’t have a home now and it’s because of me I’m so sorry

Guys I gave them coordinates to the hidden Leaf Village in case they needed a new place to stay and I left I then returned back to the base and bears with myself I continued to work on the nine-tailed statue I needed to get my mind off things and talk to nine tails

He can’t destroy the world like this I finished giving the statue another upgrade and sat down and meditate I arrived at the red prison where Ninetales was being held he looked at me smiling thanks now listen nine tails I’ve gone a lot stronger since the last time we spoke

But what’s the problem with you why would he do that to that Village okay Karama nice to meet you but I think it would be better to work together to help people instead of them fearing us those humans Now goodbye wait I’m not done speaking yet great he kicked me out after my talk with Kurama I returned to the base to talk with Kakashi I told him about Orochimaru and what had happened at the Village I am disappointed not with you but myself I shouldn’t have pushed you

So hard he was just too powerful in his attacks and made me angry I didn’t want to use the nine cells but he came out anyway I knew you required more training but I believed with your newfound power you can control it don’t worry Kakashi it can still make things right Kakashi

And I began to gather materials together to bring to the Village we also gathered some of the food from our farm to bring it to them as well as seed to help with the crops we set off toward the village but Kakashi stopped me along the journey

As night was falling uh look at the Moon this is not not good I looked up and noticed that the moon was red again it had to be moderate he must be gaining more strength we have to act quickly on days 51-53 we returned to the Village I

Destroyed the villagers came out of the village and refused to let me inside Kakashi defended me and told the villagers it was not my fault at all but also his as well I apologize to them again and we told them that we were here to make things right the villagers were

Reluctant but eventually agreed to let us inside once inside Kakashi and I really got to see the aftermath of the destruction this was no place to live we invited them back to our base they agreed and we all traveled back once we were back Kakashi and I began to work on

Some new buildings for the desert villagers we worked together and rebuilt several of the houses after that I went to our farm and began to make it much larger we were even adding more types of seeds I crafted the Wheats I had brought into bread and began to hand it out to

The villagers I knew this would keep them from starving while the new crops grow back I was approached by one of the village Elders foso we are sorry for how we treated you after your fight with Orochimaru I understand cannot control myself and I destroyed half your village yes

Would have destroyed it all and who knows what else I thank the Villager for being so understanding of what had happened it felt good to be liked by them once again on days 54-56 I woke up as I was getting ready to leave the village Elder approached me again we

Built you something as a thank you he dropped me some explosive kunai wow this could really come in handy I thank the Villager and headed out as I was traveling I spotted Orochimaru he looked like he was performing some kind of strange Jutsu hey what are you doing

For more punishment it is you who will be punished about that Orochimaru continued his Jitsu and he summoned massive skeletons they began attacking him shooting massive arrows and Swinging large hammers at me I use my diamond sword when they were close and use my Rasengan

As well as kunai to hit them at range a few more hits and I was able to take them down while I was fighting the skeletons I hadn’t noticed that Orochimaru had escaped he must fear that I’m getting more powerful than he is on days 57-59 I returned back to my base I

Was extremely excited about taking down orochimaru’s minions but I wanted to make sure I would be able to take him on I went to a nearby cave and began searching for diamonds to complete my diamond armor I searched the cave and eventually was able to find them look at

That there’s my full set of diamond armor afterwards I returned back home and all the villagers were extremely happy to see me the other Village had talked to them about me defending them one villager stopped me as I was passing he explained to me that his son had some

Kind of sickness and needed a special medicine that could be found at a nearby River sickness this had to be related to Madara and Orochimaru I knew it was my duty to help all those in need so I headed off I arrived at the river and began searching for the medicine the

Villager told me that it was something I would be able to find at the bottom of the river he said it almost looked like a bottle I then Dove down and saw a bottle on the floor of the ocean I picked it up and sure enough it was a

Medicine he was looking for I began traveling back to the Village to give the Villager the medicine he needed I returned to my base into my shock it was swarming with Undead mobs how did this happen while I was gone the Villager from earlier approached me hey I caught

The medicine at least but the Villager didn’t answer instead he started to levitate and then revealed himself to be Modera it was a trick to get me away from my base so that he could attack boy this place will suffer because of you he began to attack me and he was

Still very powerful despite my diamond armor and upgraded forms he continued to use jitsu’s on me that I’d never seen before he hit me again and I fell to the ground feeling so weak the time has come I thought this was the end until Kakashi showed up and began to

Attack him Naruto you have to get these people out of here you’re not strong enough to fight him alone I can hold him off now get going I did as my Sensei commanded Kakashi back Kakashi fell to the ground extremely weak no continue your training Naruto you will defeat him Kakashi no on

Days 63 to 65 the villagers and I went out to hide in a massive Tavern we made campfires and small Huts to sand I was feeling defeated and more on the loss of my Sensei and friend I decided I would construct a monument for him next he was

Truly my best friend after all I needed a way to remember him sometime had passed and I returned to our base with the Villagers and saw how much had been destroyed matara truly was a monster I began to work with some of the villagers to rebuild their homes so that the

People would have a place to stay some of the villagers had hid while Mata and his army had attacked he explained to me that while some were lucky enough to hide away others were taken he must be bringing them to Orochimaru and his experiments I made a promise to the

Villagers that I would get all their people back I just need to be stronger and understand how to control my Powers I decided it was time I confronted Kurama again I work to finish my statue I was hoping that this would please Kurama and that he would finally

Understand I needed his help or the world would be doomed I was back within myself and walked toward Kurama to speak with him I hope my statue of you is pleasing I know why you’re here and my answer is yes I will help you you will why I thought you hated me our

Relationship is a complicated situation Kurama and I finally came to an understanding after days and days of the opposite he told me that we would also need the help of his father the sage of Six Paths now close your eyes and meditate with me after opening kurama’s prison he and I

Began to meditate together suddenly he and I were teleported to a new world it was dark and empty there was no one in sight until we approached a figure completely cloaked in white welcome your world must be engraved you’ve come to find me I told the sage

Of Six Paths about the situation going on with matara but also the relationship Kurama and I had developed recently so Modera is trying to use his hypnosis ability to take control that’s not good at all so that’s what he’s planning on doing he’s trying to control everyone

And everything in the world with his mind so Mr Six Paths would you be willing to help us I’ll lend you my strength now lose your eyes I did as he said I felt a great power Rising within me I opened them and I was packing my statue I had a new suit

And felt more powerful than ever I did it with this new form I’ll definitely be able to defeat my enemies on days 69 to 71 and you just save these villagers I said goodbye to the villagers and ran off as fast as I could toward orochimaru’s base I arrived at

Orochimaru’s base and quickly made my way inside I fought through some of his minions there were no match for me point Enter the prison where all the villagers are being held captive and hiroshimara was waiting for me this ends now you monster the age of six path s how is

This possible because I told you I’ll become the most powerful ninja in the world and you can’t stop me orochimar began to attack me with his Jitsu and I realized that I was fast enough to evade most of his attacks I started to fight back getting close

I could tell each hit was dealing massive damage to him he ran off I almost had him it was so weak I was upset that I was unable to finish him but I looked around at all the villagers who were celebrating my victory I freed

All of them we began to travel back home I made it back to base with the freed villagers and I was surprised from Applause and cheering I was surrounded by them all of them thank me and praised me for saving them the village Elder approached me and said that we should

Throw a party in honor of me really a party yeah that sounds amazing let’s do it everyone from the hidden Leaf Village entered into my base and we all started to celebrate some of the villagers even gave me some health potions I can’t tell you guys how much this means to me I’m

Gonna do what I can to save the world on days 75 to 77 I was woken up by the sound of screaming villagers I ran outside and a villager was running toward my base he said that the hidden Leaf Village is being under attack by some kind of Undead monster this has to

Be orochimaru’s doing I quickly made my way to the village and saw that they were Undead Everywhere I used my shadow from Jitsu to make some clones so I can be better at fighting them off the Clones through explosive kunai at the undead and took down a number of them

All while this chaos is going on I saw orochimar was watching from the exit these guys weren’t as tough now that I had the power of the sage of six packs I had used my Rasengan technique to take down the rest of the undead monsters you

Are next Orochimaru he ran out of the village and I followed him where do you think you’re going I followed him right on his tail as he was trying to make it back to his base he must have realized that he was not getting away because he’s stopped there’s nowhere left for

You to run run I only LED you here so that I could finally be ready Orochimaru used a poisonous attack on me I took a lot of my hearts away what kind of technique was that I feel so weak yes Bozo soon yours and the nine tails power

Suddenly I felt a surge of power and I turned into the nine tails fox how is this possible you can’t control this power I use Russian gun on Orochimaru and he was taking a lot of damage this is it Orochimaru say goodbye I use my

Final raw sane gun on him and dealt the final blow farewell you snake I transformed back into my normal form and I made my way from the grassy Plains and returned to base on days 81 to 85 I returned back home the village got a little messed up from those Undead

Monsters so I created some Shadow clones and we built back up all the buildings that were destroyed after fixing the buildings I noticed that all the villagers were looking terrified at the sky they told me that even though it’s a brand new day the sky hasn’t turned back

In today oh no this was just like my vision Modera he’s powerful I have to put a stop to him quick I just hope I’m not too late while I was searching I noticed there was a large beam of light that was pointing towards the red moon

Maybe if I follow this light I’ll find him I ran tour it as fast as I could as I continued I got attacked by some rock gums Rock Golems why are you guys attacking me I saw that the gombe’s eyes were the same color as the red moon I

Need to end this now I summoned some Shadow clones we use airglass attacks man that was exhausting I need to gain my strength back if I want to face Modera I continue my journey and found a field full of sheep great I’m starving I’ve killed some of the sheep with my

Diamond sword and cooked some mutton to eat when I finish eating I decided to stay in the field for a bit and meditate I felt my energy rise back to normal through meditation on days 91 to 94 I finally made it to where the beam of

Light was it was in the middle of a rocky biome I kept looking around the area and approached a giant tree it was sprouting something red just like the red moon what’s this with the big tree in the center of this place what’s that tree blue well thanks for the Intel

I destroying that tree I summoned some Shadow clones to attack modern clones didn’t do any damage oh no the tree’s fully bloomed and he knocked me out of the rocky biome I landed back inside my base I looked up at the sky and it instantly changed from night to day this

Is strange I should go take a look around the village I run around and notice that none of the villagers are moving they Stood Still motionless I tried talking to the villagers but they weren’t responding they were just staring at the sky I looked up at the

Sky and saw that there was no longer a red eye but a white one instead he’s hypnotized everyone so that he could take all their energy for himself I stopped staring at it and ran back into my base I don’t know what to do I need

To talk to Kurama on day 99 I went to the Kurama statue and sat down to meditate I went inside my mind and there was Kurama waiting for me what’s wrong oh it’s lost I failed to stop Madara and now the world is under his control you

Accomplished so many things in the past few days you’ve been in situations just as dire is this one always to manage to find a way to win you’re right Karama there are plenty of times where it looked like we were doomed but I managed to beat the odds against me with my

Confidence boosted Kurama and I both began to meditate energy was bursting inside of me and I felt like I could take on the world I returned to the real world from my meditation it was now or never to save the world I set off to find Madura on

Day 100 I arrived at a massive structure where the beams of Light have been traveling to I walked inside to confront Madara you are the only person left I needed to absorb yeah we’ll see about that I summed a single Shadow clone and that clone transformed into Karama now we can

Take down this guy together Karama attack moderate with the blast attack moderate hit us with a giant flame attack and we were down for the count what do we do suddenly I started overflowing with tons of energy where did this come from now let’s take him down I concentrated

All my energy and launched a Giant Rasengan and Madara the white eye turned back into the sun we did it

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as GOKU in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by FoZo Movies on 2022-12-09 21:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Thanks for watching: I Survived 1000 Days as GOKU: Full Story #minecraft Subscribe to my other channel: @FoZoOfficial.

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  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

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  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

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  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

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  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

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  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

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  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

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  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

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  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

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  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

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  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

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  • Gaupa

    GaupaFactions server under development. Some of the stuff is not finish, but come and join and build your empire and be the strongest faction in this world PvP Just have fun 1.20.1 Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is a thriving online community that started in 2020 as a name for a DnD game and has evolved into a place for people to relax and play games. Key Features: Active staff members ready to assist Regular events like building and drawing contests Unique role system with perks Cozy spawn area created by staff Economy system for money, shops, and item selling Villager shops with a variety of items Player Market for buying protected areas Quality hosting for a smooth experience Bedrock integration for mobile/console players Discord server with EssentialsX integration Join Us… Read More

  • Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)

    Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)This is a anarchy Minecraft server but it crazy:/Join discord for more information https://discord.com/invite/CANHpTt2This server don’t have any anticheat but I will add anti fly and speed walk because it make the server run out of ram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speedrun to da crib

    Minecraft Memes - Speedrun to da cribJust call me the Usain Bolt of block-building! Read More

  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

I Survived 1000 Days as GOKU in HARDCORE Minecraft