I Upgraded Every Structure in Minecraft!

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This is an ocean monument and this is my upgraded ocean Monument I think it looks a lot cooler so that got me thinking why don’t we upgrade every structure in Minecraft some of these builds are gonna look insanely cool so let’s get started by upgrading the Bastion Remnant so for

This we’re gonna need to collect all these blocks oh oh okay let’s try and be a little bit safer okay now that we’ve got all the materials we need to find a good place to build it wow this place is absolutely perfect yeah I definitely didn’t just

Build this but anyways my idea for this transformation is to turn a regular Bastion into more of a nether castle so let’s get to work I’m whilst I’m building let me tell you why I’m actually doing this you see my brother has always thought he’s a better Builder

Than me I mean he literally built this clock tower from scratch in survival and he’s called a lot of my builds back so to prove to him that I’m actually a good Builder I’m gonna show him all the finished upgraded structures so they really need to look good oh why does it

Look so bad hmm why don’t we start with the easier structures and work our way up to the harder structures hopefully this way we can improve our confidence and maybe even increase our skills as a builder so first up let’s transform the ruined nether portal

Oh my first idea with this is to make it bigger because everyone knows bigger is always better so we’ll grab some obsidian I’m the biggest oporo can actually be is 23 by 23 so I guess we’ll build that perfect that is gonna be one big portal

Why is it script now let’s add some crying obsidian alright and now let’s break some more obsidian for the gaps oh how I love breaking obsidian NASA upgrade the decorations I love how the nether sort of leaks into the Ava world but I don’t like how it’s only

This basic nether by it so I’m gonna change this one biome into all the nether biomes and to do this we need to collect them okay and now we just place the biomes around the structure and it’s really important we make it blend into the surroundings and then we decorate the

Biome that’s the Crimson buying on the other side will have the Warped Forest by him next up is the sosan valley with a very miniature fossil then the battle Delta buying had a little bit of lava and finally the nether wastelands biome add some more decoration and so that’s all the biomes

Added so now we’ve only got a few things left to do I changed the stone bricks into Blackstone bricks because they look a lot cooler and I replaced the gold blocks with netherite blocks just to flex and finally I doubled the chest and added something inside to make it a

Little bit more rare and so that is ruin portal upgraded so with the ocean Monument included we’ve out of the 26 Minecraft structures yeah we’ve got a long way to go if I still want to prove that I’m a good Builder to my brother so let’s head to the desert

To upgrade our neck structure the desert pyramid so for this one I’m gonna try and be a bit more creative and step number one is changing all this Sandstone into Blackstone you might not be able to tell yet but I’m actually transforming this desert temple into a nuclear desert temple it’s

Looking really cool already but step two is changing all this orange stuff into lime green concrete so we’re gonna need some lime green dye then we combine these dies and we’ll use this to make some lime concrete powder which we can duplicate using this machine and now we’ll use this machine

To turn it into concrete nice I definitely didn’t nearly die to a creeper oh my God no anyways for the next step I’m gonna use some yellow and black concrete to make this look a bit more nuclear okay I think it’s very clear this is a nuclear desert pyramid but to upgrade it

Even more let’s add some blocks to there we can add a beacon here and some lime green glass that looks even better now I want to add some cracks in the ground hopefully this is going to look really cool and finally this is a nuclear pyramid so

I think it’s time we made it a bit more explosive but before we do that I’ve got a question for you do you like playing Minecraft with your friends well I partnered with the best server hosting company in the world to help you with that wise hosting offers 24 7 servers

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Let’s remove this pathetic 9 TNT and make a bit more space wait a second we’ve got loads of TNT on us this should be a bit faster and now let’s fill this entire hole up with TNT there is literally over five stacks of TNT down there and now we’ll decorate

This room a bit okay now to finish off this build we are gonna change these chests to trapped chests oh my God this is a very deadly pyramid this is what it looked like at the start and this is what it looks like now yeah I think it’s

Slightly better this way so that’s another structure upgraded but whilst we’re in the desert why don’t we upgrade the Other Desert structure which is of course the desert well yeah this is one of those structures that definitely is in need of an upgrade I mean what is

That okay so my inspiration for this is gonna be that well from the this is Sparta clip hopefully a lot of you guys know what I mean alright so let’s lay out the foundations for the well as you can see it’s gonna be a lot bigger than

The normal world and now I want to dig this all the way down to bedrock so let’s get mine in okay we’re about eight blocks down now and all the Sandstone is gone which is kind of bad because mine and stone is a lot slower wait I know what will help

And haste two oh my God that’s so much better so now I’m gonna give myself 10 minutes to dig this entire hole and if I can do it I’m gonna get a villager from that Village and throw him down the hole all right we’re about 30 blocks down I

Might try just digging straight down oh this might actually be a lot faster oh my God Oh yeah that method is a lot faster but this one is a lot safer all right we’re finally at the very bottom of the hole and I’m not gonna lie that took 45 minutes so anyways we use Sandstone for the very bottom of the world and finally we can fill it up with

Water perfect this is now a much better world oh I never said anything about not throwing this guy into the well this is Sparta so now that’s pretty much all the easiest structures upgraded now it’s time to move on to the slightly harder structures and for that it’s time to

Head to the end Dimension but luckily for us we’ve already transformed some of the end structures for example the end spawning platform is now this insane UFO that I’m currently standing inside and both the obsidian pillars and the exit portal make up my replica of the solar

System that is definitely one of my favorite builds but oh that’s not good oh my God I nearly lost my hardcore World anyways that means we’re on seven out of 26 structures but there are still more structures to transform in the end the first of which are these gateways

You see I removed the Bedrock on them but now they’re just kind of floating in space with no purpose so I’ve got an idea to upgrade these and make it look like they’re an asteroid belt for our solar system first we’ll grab some iron because this is going to be an expensive

Asteroid belt next up we’re gonna need a hell of a lot of stone so let’s use this machine and finally we’re gonna need some netherruck to make it look like the asteroid ring is actually on fire so now we’ve got everything we need to transform these portal gateways but how

Do we actually get down to them I guess the best way is to build up with dirt whereas the poor I don’t want to go through it that would not be good okay it’s right here and now let’s build a giant Circle under all the gateways this

Is only temporary so it doesn’t need to be a perfect circle wait actually we should probably make it a perfect circle otherwise our asteroid belt is going to look really really bad so a little bit of time has gone by and I’ve managed to use some genius math to

Calculate the perfect circle the only problem is it looks like this and now we’ve got to build it if we miss a single one of these pixels the circle will be off and we’ll have to build it all over again we went straight under the first gateway which is definitely a

Good sign all right this is the most likely area we could mess up because we need to go in a pretty much straight diagonal line okay I think that’s right the only way we’ll know for sure though is when we get to that block over there

Seven eight nine ten all right we should be like what the all right after a lot of trial and error we finally have the circle now it’s time to actually upgrade this structure so first we’ll start with stone and we’re basically just gonna scatter this around the entire ring

Wanna try and make it look as close as we can to an asteroid belt just like the ones in our solar system so we need to make sure we scatter around the stones as randomly as possible thank you now we’ll move on to iron this should be

A lot faster because we don’t have to place any extra dirt blocks foreign and of course the final layer is Netherrack that has been lit on fire hopefully this will make it look a bit more like an asteroid belt that is not Netherrack now all we need

To do is get rid of the dirt let’s go we’ve got an asteroid belt oh my God it looks so cool and the portals look a lot better but we’ve still got one more structure to upgrade in the end and I think you’ll be able to guess what it is

It’s an entity I’m looking right at an NC and I’ve got a really cool idea for it but for it to work we need to find Two end cities that are close together oh yes oh they’ll definitely do now first things first we can kill all the shulkers in this city

Oh they kind of hurt I will get this one yes oh no okay I think that’s all of them gone now so it’s time to deconstruct this end City so that we can make space for the brand new upgraded end City whilst I’m doing this let me tell you about my plan

I’m gonna completely transform this end City from something that doesn’t really look like a city to something that resembles the real-life cities in our world so that’s all the materials collected now it’s time to get building and the first thing we’re gonna build is the road so we’ve got black concrete and

We’ve also got white concrete because we’re basing it off New York City this Central Area will be like a park and we’ll have roads and buildings going all the way around it so we’ve got a dick out space for the road I might have made this city a bit too

Big because that took me about 20 minutes anyways let’s go right ahead and build the road alright and now the roads are fully complete it’s time to start working on the skyscrapers I want to go for a few different designs so for the first one we’re going to use a bunch of

These pillars alright that seems like a good hike for our first skyscraper so let’s build up the rest of the pillars nice now in these one block gaps we’re going to add a bunch of these bricks I really hope we have enough blocks for all these buildings okay that’s all the end bricks

Placed now instead of using just magenta glass we should probably turn these blocks into glass panes just so we don’t run out of blocks because we have a lot more buildings to build oh this is kind of tricky to build with though and finally we’ll finish it off with

Some purple blocks as the roof and done yeah this is definitely gonna impress my brother but we’ve only done one skyscraper and we’ve got an entire city to build so let’s get to work next up I’m gonna build one over here with a bit more of a stripy design so we’ll have

Two layers of end stone bricks and then two layers of glass panes and we’ll just keep repeating this pattern all the way up this next one’s gonna be a little bit different because it’s going to be fatter and it’s going to take up this entire corner so we’ll use these blocks

And this time I think we’ll poke little holes like this for Windows and then we’ll Place Glass just behind it so it gives a more 3d effect And we’ll finish it off with some slabs for the roof nice now next to this building I want to build an Enderman car park so that all the Enderman workers that work in this building have somewhere to park so we’ll get rid of the End Stone and replace it with

Concrete We’ll add some white concrete for car parking spaces but next to this car park I’m gonna build the biggest skyscraper in this entire city yeah this should be high enough and it’s also gonna have some insane detail why am I doing this to myself this is gonna take so long to build

All right that’s the corner pillars done now we need to build in this pattern like this all the way up there how did I make a mistake already silly lockdown life and the tallest skyscraper is now fully complete so we’ve built one two three four buildings and we have about 20 more

To build and finally done this is my upgraded end City yeah I think it looks a little bit better than that but this upgrade took me a lot longer than I thought and we’ve still got loads of structures to upgrade if we’re going to impress my brother so

Let me know what you guys think of this build in the comments down below I think it’s definitely my favorite one so far but the next upgrade is gonna be a bit more practical because I’m gonna upgrade this zombie spawner into an actual functioning Zombie Farm so the first

Step is going to be getting rid of this annoying water ah yes now we need to dig out a 9×9 Cube so this chest has got to go oh a golden apple and let’s get mining nice now we can add water along this wall then we’ll dig out a trench down

Here and before we add the water to it let’s dig a tunnel where all the zombies will be transported then they’ll fold all the way down here a lot of the chest here add a hopper here going into it and on top we’ll put a half slab and now we

Can add water to here and to here perfect now all that’s left to do is remove the Torches and we have a fully functioning Zombie Farm oh yeah yeah not gonna lie that was a pretty easy upgrade and this next one’s not gonna be much different because well I’ve already done

It in my first episode of my hardcore series I upgraded the standard Igloo to this giant igloo and ever since then it has been my base in this hardcore world it’s got everything I need including a chimney a Max Level enchanting table and even a family of carrot trading Villages

But up next we’re gonna upgrade this boring shipwreck because you see it’s not really much of a shipwreck it’s just a complete ship underwater I mean it literally looks brand new so we’re going to use a lot of different building techniques to make this look like it’s

Been here for many years and for our first technique we’re gonna need a bunch of this stuff okay and now we’ll just scatter this stuff around the entire ship make sure we get some inside here and down here even in this little chest room okay next we’re gonna make it look

A bit more depressed it by just breaking some random blocks this should hopefully make it look like it’s a bit more worn down get rid of some of these trap doors couple of holes in the boat that may have caused it to sink in the first place okay that’s looking a lot better

But I feel like if a ship was left here for this long it wouldn’t look the same color so for the logs we can replace them with these gray Acacia logs and for the planks we can replace them with disgusting Birch planks okay so we’ll replace some of these like this we’ll

Even replace some fences and some of the stairs wait why don’t we make it so some of these sails have fallen over that’ll make it look a lot more like a shipwreck maybe we could have it like this oh yeah that looks good it looks like it snapped

Off of there and fell like this and then we can do the same thing with the other two and finally to make sure the Shipwreck looks really old let’s add some copper this way it should actually age over time and now with the copper turning green the Shipwreck has been

Upgraded and made much more realistic and since we’re already in the ocean why don’t we upgrade the most boring ocean structure I mean like what is that anyways for this I’ve got a bit of a plan and my inspiration is going to be the lost city of Atlantis so to build it

We’re gonna need a hell of a lot of quartz uh why did there have to be Lava there all right so we’ll start by upgrading this small structure so we’re going to use a mixture of different quartz blocks and all right now we’re going to build this bigger structure so we’ll start it

Off with a nice strong base don’t mind me just casually drowning then we’ll cover this bit up okay and now we’re gonna add some pillars to really make it look like Atlantis and for these I think we’ll make them quite thick hmm it looks kind of weird maybe if we add some

Skinnier pillars okay yeah I’m liking that a lot better now we’ll add the reef and we’ll probably also make the base just a little bit wider oh yeah even the drowned are starting to light this place and speaking of the Drone when I was building this a trident drone actually

Gave me an idea what if we built a giant Trident going up through the build I think this will look really cool in prismarine and luckily for us there is a nation Monument right here don’t mind me just gonna kill the Elder Guardians quickly oh my God I forgot to put on my

Chest plate that hurt a lot Wait what how did that just break yes I can finally break blocks yeah that’s definitely a lot better than the normal structure the next upgrade’s got to be even better so I’m gonna upgrade a mine shaft into a gigantic Quarry and because it’s going to be absolutely

And crazy with TNT let’s mark a 64 but 454 area out and we’ll also quickly get rid of the trees all right now let’s get to work so I guess at the start we’ll just dig holes and place TNT in them here we go that’s a good start but we’re gonna need

To blow up a lot more TNT okay we’ll just repair the border and then we want this middle section to go even deeper so if we just dig long lines like that all the way down so basically what I’m doing is trying to make this whole look like a

Quarry with all the different levels and then we can start adding all the features of a mine shaft into this Quarry alright this should make a massive hole okay it’s looking a bit messy so I’m gonna set up a beacon and try and smooth

It out to make it look a bit more like a quarry rather than just a messy hole in the ground Foreign okay we now have something that looks a little bit more like a quarry now we can add all the features of a mine shaft into it so we’re gonna need a bunch of oak wood then we’ll use some of it to craft some fences that’s not how you craft them and

I’m thinking we can like sort of dig into these walls then we’ll Place wood like this fences like that and kind of make it look like a mine shaft is coming out of this wall we can add some wood on the floor and we’ll do this kind of

Thing on all the different layers alright so we’ve added all the wooden aspects now to add some more detail let’s find a real mine shaft and here we can grab all the details we’re gonna need so rails cobwebs wait can you actually get cobwebs maybe some oars

Would be good oh a chest Minecart will be nice so let’s add the final details and that is the mine shaft upgraded into a gigantic Quarry but this next structure is gonna be a bit smaller because I’m gonna upgrade this witch’s Hut and because my brother

Is quite a big fan of Marvel we’re gonna upgrade this witch’s Hut into Scarlet Witch’s Hut but the first step is luring This Witch out of its Hut do you mind oh all right witch get in a hole don’t kill me Oh my God yes and next up we need a lot of red glass so we spam this flower and turn it into loads of red dye then we’ll duplicate loads of sun then we can take all of this sand and smelt it in our super smota asteroid and now we can

Combine this glass with the red dye to get all the red glass we need my plan is to have this witch’s Hut floating in the air encased in a massive red glass ball just like the one Scarlet Witch uses in the Marvel films so step one is to make

This witch’s Hut float so let’s just gather all the witch’s stuff you really didn’t have much stuff oh okay I think we’ll build it about this high now we need to perfectly reconstruct it using all of these blocks so it goes one two three four across two

Windows on each side hold on there crafting table there then the roof like this so now that we’ve got a floating witch’s Hut let’s surround it with a giant Red Bull this is gonna be hard because I want the witch’s heart to be in the very center of the ball so if

This is the center of the witch’s Hut how many blocks up do I need to go so using some genius mafs I’ve worked out that we need the spear to be 21 blocks wide so now all we need to do is place a thousand blocks of glass in a very

Specific way to make a giant sphere out of red glass this is gonna be so easy okay and the final task is moving that witch into its new home okay so first we’ll build a nice little staircase okay and we’ll build like a tube here so we

Can easily drop down let’s do this okay the witch has been released follow us come on oh I think it gave itself slowness it’s working keep coming which no why did it drop down we got it improvised Oh my God half a heart all right push push come on get in the hole yes it’s in and so with the witch hut upgraded that is now 15 out of the 26 structures done but my brother leaves for a holiday in three days so we need to hurry up so over the

Next couple of hours I upgraded a Pillager Outpost into an observatory that can see all of the Minecraft Stars I also fully excavated and restored the trail ruins I did my best to make sure every room had a purpose and even made the entrance look a lot better and right

Now I was just about to upgrade the jungle temple but that got me thinking the jungle temple is one of the coolest structures in Minecraft but the traps in it aren’t very deadly oh so why don’t we upgrade this structure by making the traps much more deadly so first off we’re gonna upgrade

These arrows for this we’re gonna need some spiders eyes All right so what we’re trying to do is make some arrows of instant damage so let’s fill these up with lots of water fill up the Brewing stands use some nether water to make awkward potions then we use spider eyes to make potions of poison now with some brown mushrooms

And if we turn the sugar cane into sugar we should be able to make fermented spider eyes and then using this we can convert this potion into hopefully instant damage wait Poison’s pretty good as well so we’ll leave half and half I think if we use glowstone we can upgrade

The effect to the second level okay now we grab these potions and if we surround one potion by some arrows wait what oh you need potion of lingering which means we need dragon breath I think we had some last episode when we were collecting the rarest items

In the game come on yes so we need to make them splash potions first and then dragon’s breath we have instant damage to arrows oh my God they’re gonna be so much more deadly and poison two arrows as well now quickly let’s just see how

Much more deadly this is ow ow oh my God three hearts of damage oh poison too but that’s not all because I’m also gonna replace this regular chest with a truck chest and underneath it is gonna be some TNT so when you open it you’re pretty much dead yeah I don’t

Think I’ll test this one and finally we have to do a lava trap so I think here would be a pretty good place for this so we’ll have pressure plates here and underneath they should connect to Redstone I’m not very good at this stuff anymore but

Hopefully this should work so if I stand on the pressure plate and walk forward I fall into the lava then we place lava here and here this jungle temple is now the most deadly jungle temple in the entire world oh my God I’m gonna die

Okay so before I die to my own traps let’s upgrade the neck structure so for the village upgrade there is a bit of a story I’ve traded with villagers in this world thousands of times and that got me thinking villagers must be extremely rich but their houses really don’t show

It so we’re gonna change that and reveal just how rich the villagers actually are anyways for this we’re gonna need a hell of a lot of emeralds luckily for us we have the most AP Emerald Farm in the game wow oh yeah yeah three shulker boxes of emeralds should be enough but

We’re also gonna need iron and finally we’re also gonna need some gold from the most AP gold form in the game game and now that we’ve got all our materials the first thing I’m gonna do is replace all the grass with Emerald blocks this is gonna be so expensive Okay that’s one small section done but a lot to go yeah that took a lot longer than I thought in fact it took so long that we now only have about two days until my brother leaves so the next step is replacing all the paths with gold blocks

This is literally going to be the most expensive Village you’ve ever seen okay it’s really starting to look cool now but whilst I was building the Puffs I noticed there was a lot of zombies and some of our Rich villagers even die to them which I don’t think is something

That should happen in a really rich Village so why don’t we hire some bodyguards all we’re gonna need for this is a few pumpkins oh this is so satisfying and bodyguard bodyguard number two let’s try and spread them out over the entire Village to keep these

Guys as safe as possible you are trapped uh do you want to go on an iron staircase we’ll have some more bodyguards over here and now that the village is nice and safe let’s upgrade these boring houses so we’ll replace all the boring Logs with gold all the Cobblestone will be

Transformed into iron there’s no iron steps so I guess that’ll do and finally the roof will be amethyst a little bit of roof building ASMR and its house is completely transformed now we’ve only got to do every other house and building in the entire Village yay

And finally we’ll use some of our very few diamonds to decorate the most expensive Village in the game we’ll even replace these tables with diamonds the next structure is gonna be a little bit different because we’re gonna transform an abandoned Village but first we need to find one I think they might

Be one of the rarest structures in the game okay I’ve just done some research and it’s even worse than I thought an abandoned Village only has a two percent chance of spawning compared to a regular Village that means if we look at 50 Villages only one of them will be

Abandoned oh my God this is gonna take ages I can’t find an abandoned Village so I think the only thing to do is to come back to the abandoned Village later and I guess hopefully we find one whilst we’re upgrading the other structures and speaking of other structures the next

Structure we’re gonna upgrade is of course the nether fortress so let’s gather all the blocks we’re gonna need and whilst I’m doing this my totem’s gonna tell you the plan for this build fortresses which means they should be hard to get into so lockdown is going to upgrade the leather Fortress by making

It a lot harder to get into it oh yeah and of course it would look cooler too so for first let’s lay out the foundations so we’ll have the First wall and then we’ll have a three block gap of lava and here will be our second one yeah we’re definitely gonna make this

One a lot more secure okay then we’ll have another three block lava Gap and this will be the actual Fortress okay now we’ll start building up these walls which is gonna take a lot of nether brick good job we have about nine shulkers full of it All right we’ve now built all three wolves so I’m gonna work on the entrance of it oh my God I am dying in lava wait a second why don’t we do like a parkour entrance so you have to jump from here to here here to here and here will be the next

Entrance then over here we’ll have slightly harder parkour yeah it’s definitely a bit harder and now to make it to the final entrance you have to do a Neo jump which is like this oh oh there we go first try and this is what it looks like inside the Fortress

We’re gonna add some cool things in here but first let’s decorate these wolves whilst I was mining a bunch of Nether Bricks I was growing netherwarts and there is a reason for that so we’ll grab some of this if you can buy nether warts and Nether Bricks you get red Nether

Bricks and we’re gonna use these to add a bunch of detail to our walls All right the walls are now looking a lot better now let’s try out this parkour and see if we can do it first time because I’ve got something to add to the center of this Fortress if I fall you have to spam Al in the comments but

If I do it definitely spam w ow all right here we go yeah we could just cut that out right and now we’re going to use a shulker box of gold and just Spam it here this will be the reward for getting into this Fortress and with this gold block placed that is

The nether fortress upgraded now believe it or not fossils actually count as Minecraft structures so I’m gonna have to upgrade them and for this I’m gonna build a massive human rib cage and I should be pretty good at this because I actually did human biology at University

Until I dropped out to play the block game anyways this is gonna look really cool so I hope Gamers will like it alright this is probably gonna be a lot harder than I think but I guess let’s just give it a go okay and this will be

The sternum which connects all the ribs all right somehow I have made it look half decent and I’m pretty happy with it because that took me a while although I’m really not sure what game is it’s gonna think of this one so we’re gonna have to make these last five upgrades

Really good and this next upgrade has brought me to the stronghold at least I hope it has okay here’s the stronghold now where is this portal ring come on no no nope no yes the portal room these things are actually like mazes so why don’t we build an actual maze with the

End portal in the center and to make it easier I’m gonna build it up in the air so that when you get to the center you can easily drop down to the portal but to make this drop down bit we’re gonna have to drain some water because it’s

Right above an ocean so first let’s surround it with blocks okay now we need sponges but we are very far from home so I think we’ll have to go with the budget option go sand go go go go go go go go go go and now it’s shovel time

Now let’s actually build the Maze and for this one we’re gonna need loads of these bad boys and also these and maybe some of these the first thing we’re going to do is lay out the base for the maze foreign now it’s time to build the actual maze

This will be the entrance and now we’ll start building the layers of walls and we’ll just try and make this maze as hard as possible now we need to dig this tunnel all the way down to the portal we’ll add signs across here like that then we’ll add

Water on top like this and actually maybe one more layer of water why not three layers of water this should make it so the full doesn’t kill us now we can get rid of this Beacon and finally we can light the portal so that is the stronghold upgraded but because I

Purposely tried not to remember the maze I’m gonna see how long it takes me to beat it and whilst I do that let me tell you about my plan for the next upgrade so the next structure we’re upgrading is the Woodland Mansion my plan for this is

To modernize the mansion and make it more futuristic I’m also going to include all the rooms that the traditional Mansion includes so for this we’re gonna need lots of white concrete yes and we jump down here and hopefully we survived the full Yes we made it so for this we’re gonna

Need lots of white concrete we’re also gonna need a bunch of birch wood for the floor because it’ll go really nicely with the modern theme okay we’re gonna build our modern mansion in this dark oak forest next to this normal Woodland Mansion but for this we’re gonna need to create some space

Don’t mind me just casually starting a forest fire I think this might actually work so for this we’re doing loads of different segments that are all different shapes and this should help it to look like a modern mansion alright and now that we’ve got this basic structure let’s fill in all of these

Shapes and now that we’ve got the shape let’s decorate it okay behind the Mansion we can plant some more trees back now it’s time to build a bunch of these different rooms inside our mansion and because it’s a modern mansion we’ll do open plot meaning all the rooms will

Kind of merge into work I’m literally just trying to collect the stuff from the rooms and these cars are so annoying yeah this will definitely look good in our Mansion okay I think we’ve got everything we need now let’s build some rooms so I managed to build the storage

Room the map table room the Prison Room the tree room the library room and even the chicken statue room yeah that one came through the floor a little bit but anyways that is the 23rd structure upgraded meaning we only have three structures remaining until I show my

Brother all of my hard work not gonna hi I’m starting to get a little nervous but we don’t really have time for that because it’s time to upgrade an ancient city so my idea for this one is like a horror maze so it will be similar to the

Stronghold one just with a bunch of these things inside speaking of these things let’s mine them up imagine a warden chasing you through a maze that is going to be so scary 15 should be enough now let’s collect a bunch of skulk oh this stuff is so satisfying wait a

Second I’ve just realized I’m not actually collecting any because my hoe doesn’t have silk touch oh my God all right and now that we’ve got our maze there is only one thing left to add okay note to self do not press unshift this is gonna be like the world’s

Deadliest maze let’s give this a go okay Uh-oh nope that’s a dead end no that’s a bad end let’s go we made it through so with the ancient city upgraded that leaves only two structures left and the next one is the abandoned village now like we mentioned earlier this one is very rare so I had to spend a while

Searching for it so my idea for this one is to change it from looking slightly abandoned to looking completely post-apocalyptic this is gonna be fun Don’t worry Pig I’ll save you whoa I actually did remove all the leaves from the trees looking good but one more Finishing Touch perfect now there’s only one structure left for me to upgrade and that structure is the Bastion the same structure that I failed to build at the start of this episode

But I feel like my building has got a lot better since then and I’ve got a much better idea for it so I’m gonna take some inspiration from my previous builds and upgrade this last structure but before I show you the final structure don’t forget to use the link

Below to get yourself your very own Minecraft server and of course use code lockdown for 25 off whilst I was completing this final upgrade my mind was occupied by three questions will Gamers actually like this build will he appreciate the insane amount of time it took to upgrade every structure in the

Game will he admit I’m actually a decent Builder well with the Bastion fully upgraded it was time to find out hello Gamers hello so you know how we used to do 100 Days videos together in them you’d always build the base because well I was a bad Builder yes I spent the

Last two weeks upgrading every Minecraft Structure and I want you to judge them you ready yeah let’s have a look oh my God that looks sick whoa okay I admit it you’ve definitely gotten better at building let’s go foreign

This video, titled ‘I Upgraded Every Structure in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by LockDownLife on 2023-09-02 12:19:18. It has garnered 1123958 views and 24516 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:10 or 2350 seconds.

I Upgraded Every Minecraft Structure, they look so cool! ✅ Host A Server https://wisehosting.com/LDL – Use code “LOCKDOWN” to get 25% off!

In this video I upgrade all 26 structures in Minecraft hardcore! They go from looking boring and old to modern and exciting!! Let me know which one of the structure upgrades is your favourite from this hardcore minecarft video!

Thanks to my brtoher @GamerZyt for being in this vid!

✳️ Watch from the start! ✳️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CplCUyiI3c&list=PLuP1FCJ1ukL5qTks7ziukaGsjckRnROGV



🐥 Twitter: https://twitter.com/LockDownLife

📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__lockdownlife__

🟣 Discord server (I’m active): https://discord.gg/wZz7av6Yv8

🔴 My second channel: @lockdownclips


Disclaimer: This video was inspired by @tazoh and his upgrading boring minecraft structures video! 🙂

This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by aCookieGod, Sandiction and Wadzee. This Minecraft Hardcore series is full of Minecraft challenges and sometimes I will make a Hardcore Minecraft Full Movie. This is similar to 100 days but better 😎

#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft

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  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

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  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

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  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

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  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

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  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

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  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

I Upgraded Every Structure in Minecraft!