ItsFunneh – We built this…? Minecraft Build Battle Challenge!

Video Information

Our challenge is to build a food for it I’m in the master chair so our idea is guys we’re gonna build the burger bun first then we’re gonna build a food fortress around it making it the ultimate fortress yes yes now let’s build the burger face the bun you yes

The bun of goodness not too big because we know we’re gonna fail with big builds mm-hmm this a bun shape your button is looking how about oh we should make a sad burger this is a good bun shape all right so then when we have our bind coat

A shoe marks out what do we need okay poorly place patty what this patty was grilled by the finest person himself Drago is a burger I would not eat another bun right cuz it’s a messy burger this bun will not be as big as the other bunny Oh make sure you have a

Hole in the burger kinda it kind of goes over like this you put some vegetables in your burger yeah Drock oh this is just meat so we should make the burger patty on top super big you put all the vegetables on top of the burger now say so we’re

Filling in we’re filling it in with some more meat Rocco is not enough meat yes okay that’s perfect so now we need some lettuce because the vegetables right that looks like poison no looks like you know we can mix it no mix it guys it looks like a moldy vegetables I love

Like a very toxic disgusting burger looks great Wow I would totally eat this oh and we definitely need some ketchup or tomato sauce and then you know what needs it needs another patty good Wow Drock oh is that is that way too much yeah oh you

Said you were making a big mac well I got some red tomato ketchup I guess there’s ketchup out here and then last but not least I think we put on our bun guys nice achi oh yeah we’re yeah you can’t have a burger without why the top that’s cheese this is cheese

Dracco can have it ripping down the cheese is the top but it’s very high change the whole this cheese is gonna look epic good drippin cheese help fill this in and there it is our epic it looks like trash we’re forgetting the beautiful sesame seeds on the bun and

Obviously you can’t eat this burger without like a fork in the middle oh yeah yeah all the time this looks real good a sesame sesame here no the bottom does not get us today on artist excelling with drag illegal chisel a beautiful magnificent cheeto you’re gonna want to

Go in a full circle you do we want this cheeto I don’t know you got a go here you press the line to a bam bam oh yeah BAM okay is the cheeto yes making a circle no it’s not we are made to circle whoa Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Fast forward guest no we’re not going too fast for it I think it’s a circle track oh one more layer oh there it is well the beautiful magnificent cheeto guys look now you can just be Latino all right while lunar and Rainbow work on the fortress around dracco and golds

We’re heading in we’re gonna build the mastermind in the burger oh I don’t think there’s room in there no we just need to put a torch on our hands we can’t let the outside see what we’re doing Oh nope there you go what a poorly made burger so inside our fortress

We need fortress things you know we need cannons we need a weapon shop well a weapon rack oh oh wait this is the fortress just a monument no this is the fortress you have a problem it’s kind of squishy the cheese is falling ignore the cheese please

Rooibos what perfect this is good ladder will go up here and we will have a burger layer or the floor goals you build a weapon thing up here alright got it well we have a weaponry room yup it’s a weapon room with french fries Spears and this is our trapdoor

So the intruders cannot get in to keep our shape the floor has to still be a bun so people know that they are inside a beautiful gorgeous and in every fortress there is a bedroom we’re gonna need how many beds I don’t know how much people could sleep in here

Though we don’t need to sleep we must protect our burger for it hey you bed here another one right here that looks pretty good old stove right here some firewood near this a broom so our place could be kept tidy and maybe some fireplace tools this looks great

You know what this place is missing a toilet right here oh so they just wake up and use the toilet right there I should put it here toilet not one okay – that’s pretty gross but it is realistic goals how is your weapon airy place going on you to halt are those kitchen

Knives you want to ask why there’s kitchen knives up here cuz they’re more powerful than real swords okay Jack I wouldn’t mess with her man yeah I think our weapon area Shack is done while the stores cool how is our cheeto fortress looking is this a cheeto dust oh geez

Yes we need a gate going into the store so break down these drakul give us the best date with God yeah phone waiting for his whole life he’s been waiting for this one single moment to build a gay and we’re gonna get some trees around here this fort is looking pretty basic

We’re gonna have to bring out some more food items pot of soup yeah no honey honey and Cheetos that’s the way to do it no I’m kidding nope coca-cola and Cheetos are the best honey cannot have a door without a grocery bag what okay I

Mean doesn’t want a store this is a port yeah the port of Eva where we fight do these doors work Drock oh there’s a design flaw really a broken Wow alright dracco to test the food fortress we must invade it we must vehicles yes ma’am vehicle ok first mistake of the

Fortress the lever is outside I was no protection all this area so cute though hold of the knife I have married Angeline burger alright so it turns out this fortress is full while is a very strong night because I’m overpowered armor you have to prove to us that your fortress works clearly our

Food fort did not turn out very well anyways the next challenge is to build a potato with power but most importantly what powers are we going to give our potato my dibs on making a wand how about it sprays ketchup on its hands oh no find chicken nuggets potatoes how

About a fart potato that’s our town’s gourd gravy it sprays out gravy peel tomato Super Saiyan powers our potato will be on the trees oh why is this texture look so nasty it’s a it’s actually pretty realistic to what potatoes look like don’t say that I don’t want any potatoes anymore our

Super potato years our potato oh it’s looking so gross I know I okay you why does it look like a cockroach Drago Drago that is not a potato that I do that I’m going to be making the super potato eyes a potato needs to be strong Hado pull those are

The eyes boom there you go our potato looks very angry I think that’s okay give it I browse yes perfect does this look a little familiar to you guys what [Laughter] it’s not mr. Potato Head we’re not stealing is bad don’t worry we’re making our own superhero potato

Okay potato now when they get his mouth there’s our potato mouth he even has superhero hair that’s great Wow and last but not least I think he deserves a gorgeous red cape because we all know if you don’t have a red cape are you really Oh Kinkaid no chuckle there’s a limit to

Being gross all right this is his cape the Cape will tie around like that and then we’re gonna have to make a ribbon guys this is looking pretty good it is so looking amazing there you go ribbon oh we need to make his arms in a different space there you will stubby

Potato arms of that house those are his yeah our super potato is completely focused oh there’s a lightning yeah he’s clearly very powerful and what’s his power what is this potato’s power I don’t know can you tell by his like oh poor I kind of look like cheese smeared over his

Line I would say lightning but I don’t really know okay guys this is our last bill challenge rainbow are you holding it hey you put that away why are you threatening our potato what I’ve been evil villain show me your powers okay our last build is can you

Build a pizza baby these are probably the weirdest suggest you whatever but that is okay yeah we’re just gonna follow through with this a pizza baby what is a pizza baby oh do we can make a really big pizza and then make small pieces no no no I rather just build up

Oh you just make a cute looking pizza that is the face make a baby devouring pizza how about we make a cradle like a crib with a baby Pizza Lane yes that’s the one yeah that’s the one that’s it all right who knows how to build a

Cradle reference do we have a real great cradles here yes well but we got that cradle build this no no we’re building cradle all right who wants to start no one is building a collar let’s do it blue because blue cradle will just do this and then this

And then we need two little hooks naw no heat send their men you could change the color of these hubs there’s two hooks and then the weight I don’t even know what we’re building let me stick it out this is a giant crib by the way I don’t

Even think this is a baby at this point this is a humungous diet cradle for a giant baby okay Drago you could fix the legs on that side goal this building a platform around it now we need to start with the walls little baby roof yeah it

Looks pretty good so I think a Lunars installing the wheels you know nothing this is not how we work no you don’t know what you know anything this is how wheels I wouldn’t trust my baby in this cradle we are so bad at building cradles do not do not go to our

Store if we ever make a craft store boy pizza we got crust we got water you knows don’t want bad wheels guys it’s not cars we love cribs don’t let the meal floor know they know no no Joey just ready so looks crazy is this a baby

Yeah it is and where’s its face though the baby’s eyes they gotta be like gumdrop eyes because it’s a baby you know oh man I’m the cutest baby in the world look at that are you laugh who’s laughing wait can we go out like what take a far shot of this

It looks like a caterpillar or not I’m just laughing because lunar thinks you can push a wheel owie what okay little no baby oh we created a monster and a little baby have little cute eyebrows and then some hair for the little baby okay wait there jackal you’ll be my baby Morag oh

Okay whatever and the baby exercises a lot cuz it’s a buff baby and it has little dumbbells on its crib there you go what are you guys building what is this a racetrack yeah we’re gonna call this we’re gonna make some messy font right here and call this bed this is me

Everyone say hi to Bab in the comment section this is bad the pizza I don’t know Luna or if I’m terrified hey what are you doing to my pizza like that Vegas cuter like this and our pizza has to have some vegetables on it because vegetable I know it looks like sick up

The pave set and the bevit know the Bev is fine look at it brother Pizza babba is done hey why’d you make my pizza better cry who’s crying well guys that is all for our bill challenge this was from our previous bill challenge those of you who

Didn’t know we got clowns over here and now we have a pizza be watch but if you what but we’re asking you guys to leave a comment down below on what we should build next we’re looking for the weirdest comments ever like that super babies yeah like pizza baby or potato

With powers or food for it that makes no sense but we love it if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to smash the like button down below and we’ll give you a free banana don’t forget to subscribe if you’re new thank you so much for watching and crew

We’ll see you on the next one bye bye [Applause]

This video, titled ‘We built this…? Minecraft Build Battle Challenge!’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2019-11-06 20:00:02. It has garnered 2439149 views and 35896 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:03 or 1203 seconds.

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    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New survival public smp ip and port 24/7 online server #video #minecraft #server #public’, was uploaded by Atifgamer on 2024-01-14 12:47:10. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Guys you guys always keep showing me this kind of support and please like, share and subscribe because I have to complete 1k subscribers as soon as possible. Read More

ItsFunneh – We built this…? Minecraft Build Battle Challenge!