Planet Dragonod – Minecraft Hogwarts Interior Live – I’m back!

Video Information

Do hello everyone this is dragonard my first question is can you guys hear me um this is the first time in like seven months i’m on youtube um so yeah the big question is can people hear me because i have not done this in a long while and i actually i am so

Excited to be back and wow you guys in the chat hello everybody welcome welcome to the stream you can hear me that is wonderful hey everybody it feels good to be back i’m gonna switch over to a the webcam um hey everybody wow hey everybody i hope everyone is

Doing okay how is everyone doing today um i have not been on youtube in so long okay i have reasons i’ve been really busy with last year have school and everything i’ve had exams university applications but um i felt like coming in for a stream on

A saturday today this is friday on a friday and um just saying hi because i do miss it i really miss doing youtube um and so i’m just really glad um to have a free evening to do have some fun um i’m doing great i’m doing great i’m

Actually in the middle so i’ve got exams in a couple weeks and i am basically just i’m rising through it but um you know i found you maybe doing youtube would be a bit of a nice revision break for tonight so you know i’ve done a lot of vision today and yeah

Um but yeah thank you so much guys yeah i will i hopefully they will go well uh i put the work in so fingers fingers are crossed um yeah i had a snow day oh that’s awesome and welcome to street oh it’s only seen like so many familiar faces it’s

Remarkable like thank you guys so much just like sticking by for so long that is that is ridiculous because i haven’t uploaded this so long and you guys are still here that that is incredible um thank you so much already like 90 viewers that is that is crazy

Should i play fortnite i watch my team at the same time that’s awesome i miss you guys so much i’m doing great thank you nathan um yeah it does feel bad good to be back ella okay let’s hey and welcome to stream kind of a quarterback tutorial um honestly

The question which is quite a Difficult thing to do um because it’s just so like a repetitive everything and um so yeah has it ended has something come wrong i’m really confused people still see this stream my my stream’s really lagging on my end i don’t know what’s going on dude let me go check oh my gosh

Hello is is the overstream oh my gosh can i stream chaos okay good okay it’s back okay so i can’t see it on my end but okay good thing it’s back okay so let’s just let’s wish some minecraft you know let’s get let’s get into some minecraft so this

This is hogwarts obviously i’ve not built my hogwarts in you know quite quite a long time but here it is um i have been doing some work don’t worry i’ve not just left it for six months it does it is still here basically um so so yeah

Um okay the stream is still working okay that’s a relief because oh gosh that stressed me out if the stream for the first stream in over six months broke then oh my gosh that would have been so stressful right hogwarts hey max hey maxim welcome to the stream

Hey benny hey sparrow oh my gosh hey kp hey amber skye hey everybody welcome to the stream okay i’m really glad the stream is now working so welcome to hogwarts um tutorials on the inside i’ve done some as you can see they’re on my channel um any more will be kind of

Interior tours rather than actual um which i call it like actual tutorials um but maybe it depends depends what people want basically um so yeah um my cast looks so cool thank you so much anyway my plan today is julian thank you so much for the super

Chat thank you so much thank you so much oh thank you so much that’s lovely okay i have been in hibernation a bit hey tragically such a patreon for like eight months that means you then i won’t sign you karma back off oh no it’s all

Right thank you so much for the support of us it’s really really appreciated it’s oh my god it is your first stream isn’t it jb gaming that is awesome well i hope you i hope you do enjoy it um yeah can i turn my mic down a bit yeah of course i can

There we go sorry it’s a bit loud okay so my plan for today’s stream is basically to say hi and also get some interior work done because it needs it needs to get done basically um so as you can see here we have it we have a new entrance to my

Hogwarts belt house this is actually inspired from since paris um interior they are in the street they are in the chat right now um and this is what i came up with it’s it’s based off of an architecture museum from um from london and i think it looks

Really really pretty and it just works so much better my old interior and so the plan for today is just work on some material areas there should be i need to add in like a classroom behind here and then basically just fill out my e-swing because my east wing is a bit

It’s a bit chaotic right now um so so yeah and japanese welcome to the stream it does need paintings yes paintings paintings paintings um a greenhouse tutorial um maybe honestly i think it’s considering i’m so busy and the greenhouse is actually quite a small area perhaps i might do one um

It depends how much time i have i’m planning on maybe doing a series of my exams um but yes maybe it is it’ll maybe i can’t promise it because i don’t have infinite time right now i’m just really busy with my work um but yeah welcome to the stream everybody

Um yes the stream should should be here after after it’s finished um i don’t usually delete them so yeah um hey jayla district welcome there is your hello um you know your friend decided what you bought in your home that’s a risky word oh well i hope they make good decisions

So yeah the interior is amazing i think it does look pretty cool um it’s just so tall as well it just goes all the way up um hey drew welcome to the stream oh my gosh yeah i used to talk about interior at all but now

Now i actually do work on it so yeah i i have to i have to care about it now um so yeah patrol for the ionic entrance um that’s an interesting one honestly i’m not too sure maybe i just feel like the more specific i do like the tutorials the less people

Will be interested in um but maybe you never know actually yeah okay go on i can do one um it just either be like kind of prioritizing what i do with my time right now because i am just really really busy um so so yeah how long string gonna be ah

A couple hours hour or two depends basically whenever i lose my voice um i’d say probably for the next hour and a half or maybe two hours depends depends on the mood really um yeah i bought diagon alley no that is going to be my potential next

Series maybe like one episode kind of per building what i was kind of thinking um so that was my plan at least dean welcome to the stream enjoy your evening um i suppose i could do a tutorial i don’t know it’s just like a lot of

People in my disciples have been able to just kind of build them by themselves um because they are like relatively simple designs but i guess i suppose i could get round to it um yeah how is master vision going um honestly maths is really killing me actually

That’s not um i found this like youtuber who just explains the entire like curriculum for me and so it’s actually not that bad um so so yeah it’s basically it’s going all right and then i’ve obviously got geography which is what my main subject and i’m enjoying that i’m

Definitely drawing that i’ve got like actually listing my desk is completely mad like all my notes and everything and they’re all just there’s so many of them um so yeah i don’t even build a whole speed yet actually um so gosh what i do a malfunction um i mean i

I built it entire stream um maybe i might do a tutorial of it um yeah maybe i don’t know just depends but i feel like which page would just be a bit kind of too much effort for me because it’s ripped literally just it’s so repetitive and i don’t think i’d

Enjoy it and i want face i want to enjoy doing youtube pretty much um so so yeah i think he does the ugcc math yeah i’ll send you i’ll send you a link um yeah okay hi friends chaotix welcome to the stream um i’m in my last year of schools

I’ve applied to my universities um so that’s what i’ve been doing right now i’ve had um my university applications over the last quite a few months had my interviews and everything um getting my offers in so that’s that’s good news is the work’s paid off um and and yeah

So basically um that’s where i’m at right now so there’s it’s just like a busy period in my life right now with like school work um and just getting those university grades actually getting university but having offers and so i’m feeling feeling good about it um see you

Jd enjoy your evening i know the storm in the uk right now is so ridiculous kp thank you so much for too fancy for chad your strengths first in this chat well actually okay i think it’s only saying that though it’s because dean is left and so that means you’re like implying

That dean is stronger than you so i don’t know that’s just that’s a bit just saying you kind of just better do better so um so yeah i’m so confused why is kp being timed out by j district i’m so sorry kp um I’m so sorry kathy oh my gosh anyway um thank you so much that is really really appreciated if you’re into fourth grade you’re doing fractions oh you’ll be fine practice are good make a hogwarts toy video yes okay i actually cannot believe my old hogwarts kind of tour video from january the one

That was like big on youtube that was that was over a year ago which i find absolutely incredible i just cannot believe it um Like how how was that ovary that was actually what i got in my eye apologies that was a year and a month ago already that is that has gone so so quickly um like wow right okay so we have basically this area here um sims barry thank you so much for

Joining as a youtube member oh my gosh thank you so so much that is really appreciated thank you um welcome to turquoise wow thank you so we have this kind of area behind here which is underneath these stairs and basically between so here the dada classroom here um and then we have

This is the transfiguration classroom in here so we basically have a free area in here to basically fill in something lily welcome to stream how are you doing and there’s always refreshing your wi-fi oh no i hope your wi-fi is okay i’ve been relatively unaffected by the storm

Where i’m at over in the uk so um yeah oh a certain message i don’t know where it’s going 2021 did float like absolutely fly by it’s actually really scary um because i haven’t uploaded in six months have i how has it already been six months it’s that’s ridiculous i can’t believe

It i’ve missed youtube i’ve actually missed doing this it’s it’s so fun it’s just it’s like a big part of my life as well um because it’s yeah allowed to count um yeah i would admit i made a few mistakes in my original tutorial um episode one

Especially which is why i did leave like a blueprint in the description um because honestly that is just so much easier for doing the counting on um but yeah it means a lot of numbers um so i think it is excusable that i’ve missed out on a

Quite a few of them wrong basically but yeah i do admit my original episode one was a bit a bit bad because um i mean it was my first ever tutorial like i’d ever done so i know what i was actually doing um but they definitely do improve as you go along um

I have left like um information and stuff in this in the description so so yeah i’m gonna hold this mistake edward you’re just wrong i’m sorry i’m sorry it’s gonna be diagonal it can’t you can’t be straight it absolutely cannot be straight um seven months not six oh my gosh it’s

Already been seven wow you got an hpi before because well that is that is very convenient um around someone i’m in the east yeah so it’s been windy it’s been about like 70 80 miles an hour of wind um but yeah a street hey pharaoh oh my gosh i need

To mod you um and add moderator there we go ferrous guys now um hopefully not an imposter pharaoh um do i have a potion class yes i do i have two actually um sarah is the one in the dungeons which is this the half blood

Prince one what we see so this is like the the one in this and i actually i am so happy with how this one turned out i think it looks really really lovely um i did all the kind of custom potion bottled models and they look they look lovely they honestly look lovely

Um this is a bit of a texture pack issue i’ll fix that you know got our advanced post-making books as well um and yeah i think this one turned out amazing and i don’t know another one in the other area as well but anyway let’s get back to

Boarding the actual interior before i get distracted ah what floor would i recommend what can i recommend for the floor okay um honestly it has where you are in hogwarts because basically where the west wing area was filmed they use a lot of what i’d say would be kind of anxiety blocks um

So at like polish underside kind of and um yeah what’s understanding anastasia a mix of those um it’s just kind of the designer but there was the shirt no it’s a whistle gloucester gloucester cathedral and also durham as well um but then it depends on areas you other areas you do

Because i’d argue that some areas just look better with either a wooden floor or a um or there’s a sandstone floor like i’ve gone with sandstone for quite a lot of my floors but then also i’ve gone with wood because i think it’s a nice and nice thing

Um my texture pack is available for my patreon members basically um so yeah i’ll see you guys you guys really don’t need to spam the chat like i will see your messages don’t worry um yeah i don’t count don’t worry i can count i

Can count i can count i just get a few numbers wrong in the first episode because i’m i get like one or two wrong i feel i think i do i do a bit quickly and that’s why it’s kind of difficult to know which kind of block i’m referring to which is

Why i have left my information kind of in um there is information in the description of the episodes i would redo it if i had the time i might redo it i don’t know um so yeah kind of tutorial of the inside um the issue with the inside right is

It’s just it’s so big there is so much to the inside of hogwarts i feel like doing an entire tutorial on it would pretty much pretty much be impossible um just yeah purely because it’s immense size um which is why i’ve done some tourists like main areas um

So like the the great hall and the dormitories i don’t have like a tour of them um like basically doing everything would be impossible to park no super chat where’s ron lego gone um it’s right right there in the background and if you can no that way right oh gosh i can’t

Put the camera there under my head right there in the background um i used to have like a desk here where i just let everything on for the background but obviously that’s all all gone now um but yeah what am i building right now um this is

Just honestly a random study room i don’t really know what is actually going to go here um so obviously i have the kind of important rooms scattered around hogwarts as well but um as for just like because there is so much empty space in hogwarts you need to fill it with

Absolutely random random things um it’s like this room doesn’t really exist um obviously the ada room’s a thing but there’s just loads of kind of random areas this area here just like a nice like study hall which just kind of exists there um so yeah my hair is so good thank you

So much i’m quite proud of it i have bought the chamber secrets it’s in my latest this video titled hogwarts is almost done which is like yeah um now runs down what’s got the dumbledore one and then harry plush toy and random stuff in the background to be

Honest hello from belgium welcome mano welcome to the stream yeah i just got really busy with with school so i haven’t quit don’t worry it’s just life got a bit busy so i had to kind of youtube had to take the the back seat basically for a bit um but that doesn’t

Mean i’m giving up it just means i just got a bit busy with life because well i what that’s what life isn’t it life just gets busy um but yeah you’ve got a snow day oh that’s lovely do you love a good good snow day which had a snow day

Next question is we have like a window kind of going into the data building into data classroom from this classroom i think that would be nice i think that could be a set we’ve got to figure out how to deal with this um this area i don’t know

Hey marcon welcome to the stream am i going to send you a updated download yes don’t worry um that is the plan um we see once i’ve done some proper tutorial work i will release a new interior because honestly it is so like so ugly it’s a

New download because it’s just been so long you guys deserve a new download um but yes so that is the plan i will get there don’t you worry all right where are dark oak stairs am i literally blind are they just why are they here what what okay i don’t

Know why occasional dark are just in a different section that makes no sense anyway i mean yes i mean yeah i’ve been to the us a few times um you’re trying to believe flower garden oh no that happens like our of trampoline it just we one day we came

Downstairs from like a busy storm and it i don’t even need dark stars any spruce stairs oh my gosh um so we came downstairs in one morning after storm and it was just the trampoline just completely just flown away um i was quite sad to be honest but yeah

The trampoline has disappeared one day um and we found it in a tree it just like impaled itself in the trees that was that was interesting increasing uh funny um so yeah i just disappeared which is quite sad but you know i haven’t placed actually don’t need it anymore

Um yeah life is relatable yeah i found a place on model’s bathroom so i do have the location in um the invited entrance such as that mathematica um but i don’t really like it because it’s just kind of honestly it’s really ugly um so i might just have to resort to a

Yeah i’m gonna say a teleport teleport so um yeah gosh it feels so illegal to teleport in minecraft but uh i think i might have to do that because i think muscle’s bathroom is an important location um gosh if that tire was running off off your roof that

That is not good gosh i hope your house is okay my hatchback is available for my patreon supporters on patreon hey i haven’t actually built criminal place yet um so no if i bought it in the future perhaps but i haven’t built it yet so no it wasn’t honestly there’s no need to

Yeah no just spam sound messages um i think we have a little kind of i think our supply closet in there would be quite cute just something random under the stairs i feel yeah that works christmas throw on platform nine and three quarters again i haven’t actually

Built this i can’t really do tourism so i haven’t built but i definitely i will build that at some point um so so yeah is that your cats oh no it’s one of my profile um no it’s my friend’s cat also i did not know you saw access to that crikey um

Yeah i hope this house um i like to describe myself as a kind of mixed ravenclaw slash hufflepuff um but yeah mainly i don’t know i feel i kind of migrated to hufflepuff recently um but i definitely i definitely do a line online broken tour as well

Something let’s go with the mix of both hull puff and ravenclaw yeah that works drags faster than harry potter yeah go on okay i will never say no to harry potter trivia okay chuck chuck your questions into the chapter feed and i will answer we’ll try to answer them honestly i haven’t really

I haven’t really listened to my audio books or read the books in quite a long time so i will my knowledge it won’t be too good my favorite school subject is geography um yeah i love geography geography is my favorite i actually know i haven’t i really i really really wanted

Um to watch the union the reunion sorry but like i don’t have any of like i don’t have any of the streaming platforms to actually watch it so i i couldn’t actually watch it which was really sad because i really wanted to watch it but then i just i just couldn’t um so

Yeah because i don’t have like what is it ho max that’s a us only thing and i don’t have the kind of uk versions um so yeah my favorite quote in hp in harry potter um i think it’s a serious one where it’s like all of us have like light and dark

Sides within us and it’s like but it’s our actions and choice that shows who we like really are that’s something of that um yeah check my dms really quick i don’t really fancy check my dms on the stream but sure um i’ll start later what would you build after hogwarts okay well

We have a funny saying on my discover that hogwarts is never never finished um but i will have to release it eventually so um yeah i don’t know i want to do i don’t want any series i basically build lots of the harry potter world in my in my free time

So that’s that’s the option um i mean hta max was only us yeah but there was like other platforms you could watch it on in other countries but i just didn’t have any of those so um so yeah which professor tested dumbledore in his owls professor toffee i believe um but only

Wait no no sorry professor march banks the the chief person and she tested him herself in transfiguration did things with a one she never seen before i believe um i think um yeah geography is a great subject i’m such a i’m a great geek yes it seems to double though i still

Traded that i’m really excited for it i think i think it’s going to be a good film i i have my hopes up for the for the new titans of these film also new hogwarts shots so you know just saying got new reference photos and also we actually discussed in the magical

Server they’ve done some weird changes hogwarts again as always they always change it between films i don’t know why i’m just like inconsistent um but yeah it’s gonna be good it’s like the first or the second model okay so we have um well there’s one by richard harris

And there’s one by michael gambon so they both have that merits i feel richard harris like the first one so for numbers one and two can receive in some philosopher’s stone he had his merits he was like much more kind of he had dumbledore’s kind of calm vibe um

Whilst michael gambon i think it was more of a direct decision from mike newell on goblet5 he was way too angry obviously not michael gambon’s fox it was a director’s choice but it didn’t represent on model properly um so i didn’t really like that but it still worked i guess

Changing howard love him it’s great i know hogwarts changes way too often they need to just they need to have some consistency like they need respect all i try to read like recreate it because it’s an absolute nightmare because it changes so that’s why i’m doing the heart blood pressure

Because i can just choose one model and only work on that but even though there are still mistakes in it um you must leave oh see simon hope you enjoyed the stream it doesn’t end this thought it is in the nutrition trust here trisha the name sorry how do you

Become a mod um back to my community uh i just choose moths who are the active members of of my little community and then yeah um you’ll get the new downloads as like the in the donator chat and medical server but um the new ones that are already on

Page on i will just be the patreon members yeah um but you will get access to the support download chat all right did you put your name the goblet fire i hated that scene so much because the whole point is like it’s like dumbledore said calmly it’s just

He didn’t do that in the films because they’re just he’s just way too angry in in the goblet of fire film it’s actually bad i don’t like it at all oh noah welcome to the stream oh my gosh you know you’ve been here for so long that is incredible no you’ve been here

Since like my first ever stream like when we had 33 it was like you and adavi you guys were the only people who are watching my streams back two and a half years ago actually it was my third birthday on youtube five days ago so five days ago three years ago

I uploaded my first video to youtube and here we are today so that that’s incredible wow three years three years on youtube my favorite film is oh yeah prison basketball i have to say just alfonso you are absolutely i agree just absolute legend um yeah

Can i do well down the back i’m really sorry basically it’s just kind of the way my my map is built it’s just doesn’t work bedrock because it’s called the cars and textures um obviously your three says like convert the world um to java to the bedrock sorry from java

It just won’t have all the custom kind of textures for example one of these things which is like it kind of changes as it goes along that won’t be like in the touch pack so yeah two days ago oh yeah oh no i’m just gonna get copyrighted oh my music kind of

Oh well it’s fine my music just i first pressed repeat on my playlist so it’s just kind of gone to random music on spotify oh definitely getting copyright it’s fine oh no this this stream is now being claimed by some music producer that oh my god that’s really sad never mind

Oh that’s a disaster oh no okay oh well it’s fine it’s fine we accept that just it means i might add that it’s fine um potion dungeon um you got you got timed out because it’s just spelling messages don’t expand them come on i don’t like this this looks really ugly

Ah what do i do okay i think i’m going to go something like i don’t that’s like so ugly i just left maybe maybe it was quite another youtube work detective but yeah youtube’s pretty good at this you know they’ve already been sued for it many times they

Have to actually be good at texting music um so yeah music will be will be clean dylan welcome to stream how you doing okay we should get this yeah literally all my this video has not been claimed anyway it’s fine we just accept it move on mistake was made okay well okay i’ve

Learned the lesson now i need to learn to actually press repeat on my nonprofit playlist otherwise i get screwed by youtube hurrah it’s fine check history um i i enjoyed history i took history a couple years back and just you know well it was good was it that’s a good subject i

Prefer geography i actually have arguments with my friend like my best friends all the time about history versus geography i’m a drugsy fan she’s a history fan and we can never agree on where it’s better because we always say it’s our own um but you know i did enjoy i didn’t enjoy it

Yesterday so in my digital server if you joined that just called a dragon odd there is like a blueprint and it has all of the numbers my mind is actually blanking out so much dimensions that is the word dimensions in it um i should probably just put up a download for the

Foundations i think it would save so much effort by people um einstein stairs i wish um wait a normal end stone stance jack rumors or sirius beta sirius like is a flawed character but i do like him um yeah and also rainbows are nice as well so yeah

I bought them oh you bought the grand texas well done that’s like one of the biggest things of course and it starts like actually like hogwarts um or maybe actually drew i might message you on that later anything else other than hp um yeah so

Other hobbies i don’t know i like to run i like to swim cycle um i like to read i’m a bit of a star wars fan too um so yeah geography is the best hopefully oh that’s awesome belle i love that i hope that goes well i really really enjoy my

Joke for gcse so i hope i hope you enjoy it too oh that’s lovely all right okay i’m a massive fan of doing these kind of like decoration things in the corner right now i don’t know why but i think it looks really hot i don’t know i really like that so i’m

Good i’m gonna keep doing it i like it no one is off me doing it ever become a hogwarts server um i don’t think so i’m just it’s just going to be purely a yeah it’s just just purely basically a we’ll download because i think a server is a bit

It’s it’s a lot to maintain basically um if i had a server like it’d be in my name like kind of moderator and that’s just a bit too much effort for me um so yeah so i i take maths yeah honestly i take maths i do a lot of maths um yeah

I don’t like yeah i like math i mean it’s really hard but i still like it so yeah um yeah and it isn’t good for my chances what does it take to kind of stream one of the readers so if stream moderator i choose them based on just like personal

Merit so people who i frequently see in streams um basically i just trust them so usually quite in my digital server too so i can actually talk to them um but because we have like a stream moderator like staff chat so that’s like that’s a thing um

Be honest just being like an actor member of my streaming community or military and you know it will come who’s death and not expect i should have a really good question i haven’t really thought of that gosh i suppose i don’t know like i kind of most of them

They weren’t like unexpected because like okay i got it spoiled for me like quite a lot of books when i was initially reading them um so yeah i don’t know i feel like me cedric probably i wasn’t expecting cedric to die um because everyone else like was like a

Main character i said it was like a side person but i don’t know yeah kenobi yes i am so excited for nope i think it’s gonna be good um yeah kenobi is going to be banging film what computer do i use um okay so if you’ve been watching so i started my

Original computer was like a really laptop and i had um gosh where are they i used i use these earphones as a microphone and what i do is i have like a i’m okay i have my desk clamp here you can’t see it’s like lighting everything i’d have

My desk lamp and i’d have i’d have one earphone in here and i’d have like my microphone dangling from the desk lamp i’d be like i’d be like hello um for all my first like kind of videos and so it was like that um and then i eventually was like okay

I’m gonna actually buy a proper microphone so i bought this um but then i i didn’t have a stand because i was like i was a low budget so i stuck a mic a sponge on it basically it’s really depressing footage i’ve got my digital cell phone just like this with a sponge

Um on a attached it literally sell it to a desk lamp as well uh um but then um i you know i saved up um with thanks to you guys basically and so i got a just a pc which is just yeah got some specs on it so yeah

Interior tour yeah in the future i feel like i need to actually get some interior work done before i can actually like justify myself doing a tour because you know i need the interior to do it um so yeah so thanks for showing me ember skye um thanks for coming

Do i know do you know your mbti type i i don’t know what that means i’m afraid um yeah centaur tall welcome what’s wrong with the chat i hope you’re doing well i hope you had a lovely 2022 so far and i hope you’re doing well

Ranks welcome to the stream rags i hope you enjoyed hagrid’s heart you better have built it because you know i did that tutorial for you like it is dedicated to you so so yeah um what happened to marge i mean she just got rescued by the accent emergency squad didn’t she so i

Think she’s fine um when i do this class in this classroom it’s a bit weird um ah classic classic hogwarts thing if you’re if you don’t know what to play to hogwarts slap in a fireplace you can never go wrong with that so yeah um slash scam fire

I don’t know which way it goes around okay all right rotate hold on i’ll let you have a save fire play things i’m gonna do so ladies and gents can’t be yeah yeah i just have this saved in there you go slap in a fireplace and instantly

Every room just becomes so much more interesting um so yeah how much am i booker paper fat i i’ve actually i haven’t watched it i’ve only watched the first kind of two or three episodes um but yeah oh i say thank you for tutorials they are amazing you’re a beast following

Through with it and what and will i be able to follow through a little bit thanks so much jm games yes of course you’re you’re free to just you know caught my entire whatever that you know if you do show your friends like some credit but i honestly don’t really mind

Too much so yeah of course of course anything anything wish well i’m see welcome to stream how are you doing um bulldog wasn’t survival oh gosh i think i got oh my gosh i did say i did that inside um it didn’t it didn’t really go

To plan if i must be honest i didn’t i kind of yeah i gave up it was way too hard um yeah do i have any book recommendations um yeah i suppose so um books i liked in the past i don’t know i’m reading i’m reading this book right here right now um

Aristotle and dante discovered the don’t dive into the waters of the world it’s the sequel to one of the other books and it’s just a nice kind of story about two kids um but yeah i don’t know drinking tea i don’t have any tea oh i’ve got some water it’s fine chase

About the fountain the pasta by the hospital but oh no i’m really sorry covered i’m glad you’re feeling better now past college hockey’s going great got my uni offers so i’m feeling really good about those um you know putting the hard work and luckily it did pay off for me so

I’m really happy really happy how that’s come out um so yeah i’m doing pretty good just got my exam soon and then yeah i need this one i’m sorry there we go okay purposeless okay um i guess we just have a classroom just like kind of in here um

I guess just like with like basic adventures going along like this and that’s actually what this classroom is who knows i mean it’s quite it’s not like a massive classroom suppose you can have like called a smaller subject like xylomancy or something i don’t even know what

Alamancy is but but yeah i don’t need that blog well that was embarrassing oh my gosh [Laughter] i’m so sorry oh that’s hilarious we’re good oh my gosh i jumped so hard i didn’t hear her okay moving on from that um i take geography maths further maths

And physics for my my a levels okay we’re gonna just briefly move on from that um crikey that did not happen oh my gosh oh gosh no no please no one like oh gosh one’s definitely gonna clip that um that’s definitely i’m going to find that to stick myself in the next week

Something like clipper make it into a gif and then it’s going to turn into that chase it’s math and s i’m sorry i’m sorry it’s math math plural okay chat is maths with an s so like a maths or math it’s definitely maths i’m sorry um it’s already me on my server no

No oh wait i just checked this oh my gosh oh it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine oh that was so embarrassing yeah you click off a fight actually miss something yeah you miss it what happened no nothing happened just just don’t scroll back because uh yeah oh that is so embarrassing it’s fine

We we vibe um i’m fine yeah yeah it’s gonna be meme isn’t it it’s fine whatever you guys can mean about it it’s fine i’ll i will be the meme right remember can you guys remember that’s a thing as well um stream fails there we go math maths maths maths mathematics maths thanks

Guys nice guys definitely maths just saying just say um diagonal table in this corner i feel like a diagonal table was nice also i love my table design like i think it’s just so i think it’s just so i like it so much i spent so much time on like designing it

I think it looks good yeah it happens to everyone honestly it’s fine just got your mom walking during me ah yes matt in the u.s isn’t it yeah you bought it twice in two different worlds that that is dedication i i respect that grind wow i’ve been pinged already oh it’s

Oh it’s fine it’s fine oh dear whatever it’s fine i can be a meme i can get me it’s fine i think it’s good to have memes we’re not having a drag jam 2.0 i’m afraid but yeah make sure you guys see it on this silver it’s disgusting

Slash dragon odd mod put it in chat right now it’s you know fun fun community just get a chat chat and chill the teacher’s desk as well um what if a teacher’s desk what have i done in the past they’re putting me something like no oh my god that’s been so embarrassing oh

Crikey i think it’s a big fat desk oh that was that was the event today you know there we go i was actually i don’t think it’s out yet um yeah it’s an hour but i do plan on playing it when it does come out i think it’ll be really fun to play

Um so yeah use candles i wish so i’m actually playing with 1.16 right now because that’s what my like my map’s built for with all touch packs um but i do have i do have like a candle kind of texture so yeah it’s fine

Uh but yeah if i do upgrade 71.17 i will definitely do that am i late no you’re not no not rex welcome to the stream welcome jamie welcome everybody and you guys aren’t late at all only like i mentioned like less than an hour so welcome to the stream everyone

So i apply my interior um the honest answer is no i have texture um like i wish i did but sometimes it’s just so unplanned so basically what i usually do is i build it unplanned originally and then i absolutely hate it and therefore i just build it again

So i kind of plan it out this is a dog barking outside i’m pretty sorry our neighbor talk is so loud so yeah what time is in the uk it’s currently quarter to nine in the evening so yeah hey brooke welcome can i build the lincoln cathedral castle um

Probably not i must be honest that’s like that’s really specific um so yeah i don’t know if that’s my kind of my jam but yeah right um i do oh i did i need some actual lights okay there’s some lights there i’ve got some light here that’d be nice yeah there we go

What’s my favorite room i’ve built in my hogwarts ah might become a youtube member why thank you please say hi from music whoever entered your room oh that is embarrassing but thank you so much to me for three months that is that’s that’s a long time thank

You so so much uh that’s really appreciated thank you so much nice million um yeah sure i’ll i will tell tell my mom i guess um gosh that’s so embarrassing it’s fine my favorite room okay i think it’s in my slytherin common room i think i did a

Really not own horn but i think it looks really really nice also i made the textures they look really really pretty i love them i think like they all join together it’s adorable it’s really cute how are store newness in my area honestly i’ve been outside today because it’s been really windy um

But i think we’ve had like 70 80 miles an hour of wind so not like spectacularly terrible but also you know pretty pretty windy so yeah all these different time zones north carolina michigan alberta so cool what about the room requirement yes that is the definite plan but that would be

Like a kind of teleporting room so i’ll have different kind of shapes you can take but yeah that is a plan definitely can i do a tag impression no no i don’t think i can i don’t want to i don’t think i’m going to be able to so yeah

How do you get the hufflepuff column room okay um look i actually need to do an interior tour so like i can just like direct people to this interior tour rather than doing this so you go down here down these stairs this door down the kind of kitchen

Corridor which is like nice and homely takes just the barrel area and then you have this room right here and i also love this room it looks really cozy and everything looks really looks really really cute i just love it it’s just so it’s so nice your pins are meaningful

Put your pins inside we’d be stuffed as in the garage because they usually just go flying everywhere so yeah my favorite harry potter character i don’t know things i used i don’t know it’s really difficult unless you had an answer for this i just don’t know what i’m saying at this point

My favorite harry potter character should be an obvious question um i literally i can’t decide as of right now who my favorite high pass character is i literally do not know that is really embarrassing because i should have a favorite character off of my head oliver wood

That was it that was who i said in my previous streams um oliver was like i’m a bit of a meme harry potter favorite character but he’s like my favorite kind of character just a character away actually it’s probably ginny but i love oliver wood it’s just he’s

Just so iconic absolute icon you know like his passive quidditch is incredible so yeah i have made secrets yeah it’s one of my previous videos i haven’t uploaded you pasted it into this world yet but yeah yeah oliver wood yeah love um love him legend source by himself yeah yeah like i think

Was like over a hundred miles an hour of win that is crazy that’s the worst kind of uk storm over over 30 years i believe something like that so yeah how much time i read the harry potter series a lot many many times the easiest answer to say um yeah a lot basically

More than ten snape no okay i think he’s not he’s a good character as a character kind of but he’s not my favorite character like i don’t like he’s a bad person like he’s got a good character arc and stuff but i don’t like him what flavor crisps

I’m just building a random kind of study classroom in um in the east wing honestly i don’t even know right um we have a data classroom and then we have this okay now we need to come up here and work on this interior okay actually i

Wrote this down i need to add in trapdoors to the library windows right in later we have nothing but yeah with an amber warning oh really okay i think most countries in ambleman actually isn’t it because like it’s just some of the entire uk um but that’s not

That’s lucky i hope you had a nice day then so i really want to go for a walk at lunch time but i was like yeah it’s a bit too windy can’t do that zach welcome to the stream yeah it is it is good good to be back

My channel yeah it’s pretty fast it’s our grandfather in this one of the first phase of bottom hogwarts said yes you feel free to ask me ask me a question right of course you can honestly i get comments from time to time um like in in episode one just giving me

Like a question and it’s just really wholesome because that’s actually the first video i did on this channel um yeah okay until i see your tongue yeah it’s nice he’s got like good in in he’s a bad person i don’t like him at all to be honest i wrote like a massive

Massive thing after pete asked me my opinion on snape and it was like it was like what was it two thousand words long what’s the japanese something like that um yeah that’s even the tutorial oh okay the landscaping is really hard well it’s not

Hard it takes so long so i wish you luck with that don’t you honestly say like can you imagine being late if your class and your class is in this part of the build and you’re like in your dorm is like in that one of those towers over there that is

I’d be so lucky to ask always like i’m late to class normally i’m actually being late to class like i’d be so late in hogwarts that’s crazy should i have my portable swamp it’s like a little it’s a little throwback to fred and george’s portable swamp in uh

In all of the phoenix in the books it’s just a little easter egg i kind of like it so yeah justification is an interesting one because obviously he’s he’s not very nice to harry um at least not in like not in the kind of chamber secrets

Um because he’s like kind of kind of conspiracy conspiracy theories about harry being like the aries cytherin um she’s a bit controversial in that sense but i see i suppose is all right actually i feel like dean thomas as a character is highly underrated dean thomas deserves so much more credit because

Dean just always stuck by harry like no matter what dean was like always on harry’s side and i was just i had my id for that and that was like dean like kind of drawing the uh kind of banners for harry’s like quidditch and everything it’s just it’s just really

Wholesome and then like when shane was like oh how are you a liar and then dean was like now just ignoring me and it’s just it’s pretty wholesome like dean is such a great character honestly love being i missed one out wasn’t it where is it oh here there we go

That essay that was such a long s that’s okay i was actually meant to be of course i was in lockdown and i had like a half an hour from break between lessons and then you asked this question i was like yeah i’m gonna spend half an

Hour writing a 2 000 word essay on snape yeah it is a pretty good district community i’ve got to say it’s been good it’s been good honestly it’s really hot somehow just like people over the internet just like i’ve joined together this weird obsession of building hogwarts in

Minecraft like it’s just such a it’s such a niche kind of thing when you think about it and yet there’s like some people interested in and that’s incredible like i’m really happy about this community it’s great um yeah dean is great the easiest way to landscape one pocket

Edition i believe it’s just a method showing in my federal game tutorial obviously i haven’t i don’t play a poc edition like a youtuber anymore um but yeah oh you’re in a dime cathedral oh i’m so jealous i really want to go there it’s like on my list honestly if i went there

I’ll just vlog at the entire things would be amazing um so yeah like just going to actual fun location would just be so so cool also what’s your opinions on this like um bye ella thank you so much from the stream do people like these kind of small study classrooms

Or should i just kind of continue to kind of ground the corridor down i’m not really sure because obviously it works but it was a bit ugly um so yeah do i know why harry’s dropped the resurrection zone in the forest i mean harry was like determined to kind of

Destroy the power of deathly hallows and that’s why he ate like harry only wanted the one hallow there’s cloak so he broke he broke the outer wand um and then he kind of just removed the uh the stone um i i say it’s just because he wanted to

Destroy the power of the stones and so no one else that comes to it um also because he knew because he also harry genuinely thought he was going to die didn’t he um when he when he went to voldemort and that freeze think i don’t need anymore

Because i’m going to join them like he’s he was going to join kind of lily um sirius james um remus like everyone who he kind of made like come back to like come back to life in the forest he was he’s always going to join them basically um and

That’s why he just dropped it down lockdown did do weird stuff yeah dead indeed rumors found thank you thank you for coming to come to the stream i hope you enjoy your rest of your day wish you go to one of bros oh the one right here tour is absolutely incredible

I wish i could go back and just like take photos of it it’s just absolutely incredible um because yeah it’s just really cool recently went to charlotte you went to log style i’m so jealous oh i wish the only the only lock shot i’ve ever been to

Is the one i built in hogwarts um so yeah no actually i actually went to an architecture over over the summer um and yeah it did give me hogwarts vibes it’s just like any generic kind of british cathedral just like cross and then just like pull down to the side so

That was really pretty as well i’m glad guys you can’t you wonder oh did you write the other one i’m really sorry so was he using amend his phoenix wand oh so he kept okay i haven’t read the 30 hours in so long i’m actually slacking i’m really sorry um

Bishop bacon welcome to stream flicks welcome welcome what do you think about that almost no one noticed this they read dramatically i was dramatic sorry for english um i think obviously it was an issue like the way like the wizards just like the thing the better is just like wrong but also i

Feel like hermione was just so persistent on like he’s like i’m not like indulging that the elf slavery but like it was just really weird like it was just a kind of big thing i don’t know it was an interesting plot point basically um so yeah

Welcome to this stream i will love it oh my gosh i do need to actually do that um Actually why’d you even put lavender trees like i think i only have one bathroom in the entirety of my home no no i only have one um there’s like my toilets over here which is the troll toilets which are okay but yeah i just have no bathrooms i’ve forgotten about that

Because like you just never it’s just never a thing right in the books or anything like they never mentioned they’re going to the toilet or anything like when where does harry take showers does harry bath just just everything just they just never mention apple like it’s crazy like

When did they go to the bathroom it’s just like the only time harry goes to the bathroom i swear it’s literally just like the brew polish potion or um Make the money murder scene but the egg that’s it ah no i have not been to universe and wonder yet but that that sounds really good i hope you hope you enjoy what’s the spiral staircase this is just one of my um it just goes up into the bell towers

Honestly i think i just left it like this for now i should actually put it all the way to the top um i don’t know what to do here yeah it is i just i haven’t really built the generous secrets bathroom yet so yeah um i’ve not bothered to pray about bathroom

Either i used to have on but then i deleted it and so um yeah okay yeah obviously they’re like normal computers but like they’re built in britain so so yeah yeah as i said that’s like the only time he actually bathes in the entire series is just with the egg there’s nothing

Else and he’s never like there’s no other mention of actually doing it no no worries at all i’m really glad you’ve been able to make this one jm gaming i’ve i’ve had a good time right okay i’m going to actually fix this area because this is disgusting jennifer welcome welcome

Yeah i i need to add bathroom and santa tours because like i just i just need them because it’s kind of an important thing right because kids need to go to the loo you know when nature cools so love them at some point i don’t know where i think just like surrounding

Classrooms like some random spaces um so yeah oh yeah that’s a good point yeah she’s like yeah i would be trying to try myself in the showers after they lost because they keep like wasn’t there when harry woke up from the prison of azkaban kind of the match so yeah literally

There’s harry’s never done it it’s just it’s just really weird um but i imagine they do have like obviously they do have a bathroom somewhere would skirt my work with a human japed that is so cursed please actually might it could do um yeah i i guess

So that’s all that jk rowling stuff like before toilets were here they just like did their stuff on the floor and then just took it up but like what i don’t know ducky natalie oh my gosh welcome to the stream natalie how the hogwarts going

Lovely to see you here how are you doing all right we we need a staircase in here to go up to this floor because this is like my hall of hexes area so okay right up there watch me here yeah i don’t know how to build a

Bathroom in minecraft it just felt like really awkward i don’t know i don’t know how to give it a try though jonathan welcome welcome for prior to rico that is awesome it’s awesome i mean now already oh gosh it happened now hasn’t it gosh time flies

The meme is level right oh gosh let’s have a look time to look at my discord server gosh you guys are pillow oh no oh it’s fine oh dear whatever what do i mean now except that it’s cool i’d be mean yeah i’ll definitely add a jordan club

Slime i need like a big kind of room to do it in um maybe actually i might have a journey area in here this is like a big kind of empty area that i could just i’m gonna delete all of this so i can do it there mr ants welcome how was your

Flight or have you not arrived there but i hope if you had a flight i hope your flight hope your flight went well okay so we have a staircase going up the hall of hexes so basically what i want to do oh okay decisions because this guy goes okay we have a

Oh this is tough because i want i want to fit away to get from like here into this area here so i guess i can have a kind of party corridor here and then have a whole have a jordan club area here and have stairs going up from here up to

Here so yeah yes um i don’t have norfolk but i i went to norfolk on holiday in the summer so um yeah i’ve always helped my friends that’s nice Oh your voice was lit by three hours oh my gosh i’m so sorry oh it’s awful i really hope well i hope i hope it’s not delayed any further so yeah gosh three hours in a long time crikey is that because of the storm i’ve seen that because of the storm isn’t it

Because like yeah big storm time isn’t it what’s the area yeah just some random i mean that was the tapestry corridor over over here um and then this was the stairway to the ravenclaw and then there’s just a big study hall or something i think i think it’s quite cute so

Yeah no i actually don’t i i barely play survival at all um because i just i just don’t i don’t enjoy it i play survival basically once every kind of big update comes out um because i’m just already survival person like if i play survival i just like get

Results and start building random stuff so so yeah oh this thing is so big i don’t like it at all getting it this way like that i have missed these streams too they’re actually so fun i’m missing so much i’m glad to be doing another one all right this material is an absolute

Mess for now don’t worry i will it will be fixed when i was 18 to 19. that’s awesome i hope it’s going well i hope if you are enjoying enjoyment’s tutorial the chord the quarter size new font about like once you built the quad um it’s it’s cool it’s really

Good you should watch my stream thank you so much right like a banister i guess like a wall here as well yeah no i don’t know that’s a really weird sound actually it’s nice okay we just go up like this and then it can go into the hall of hexes

Oh i also really wanted the whole effect to be like a nice kind of hmm i don’t know what to do here because it’s like a bit okay i’m just gonna delete this entire car it looks a complete mess right now um let’s just delete this

For sure p literally they’d be like one earth is going on here um oak fence zero what’s this oh birch fence floridies welcome to the stream how are you doing there we go slash replace ah two by six seems like a break did that break anything no okay that’s fine nice Okay so i’ve got new window designs as well because this is like beforehand the window is like a different layout and then i would just go complete mess basically just i need to read it all the windows basically so that’s gonna be fun so let’s just read it on this and then copy

It over here um yeah literally an attack would just be like what on earth they done hogwarts is disgusting honestly absolutely nightmare to recreate the fun they’re fun we have to have fun times don’t we favorite non-harry potter film i don’t know quite like this is this is really weird i really

Enjoyed the how to train dragon film i just really enjoyed that um like just the soundtrack is incredible it’s just amazing i’ve been listening to that like what i started doing recently and it’s just abs it’s just such vibes in it great great soundtrack um i i don’t really know i’m not really

A big movie person so i can’t really i couldn’t really say my favorite film actually is um yeah well michael right now um just a random corridor to be honest this is meant to be like my hall of hexes but um it’s a bit bit of a mess right now to be honest

There’s always meant to be a room of requirement at the end i’m just i’m trying to figure out like how to actually get up here because usually i’d have right i’d have my whole effects coming down and i have the room requirement probably probably here actually

But then i can’t have that if i have a staircase coming up so i just don’t have a staircase okay maybe okay let’s let’s abandon the staircase i think yeah okay that’s the position sorry it’s chaotic jeffy you got allowed to use water there what is the pinnacle of minecraft building it’s incredible

Oh no damn it actually save my toolbar as something else that is horrible i don’t want that um what do i need i need stairs and let’s take a chat okay saved okay i remember when your first rose uploads i saw it like one day after i’ll say hype that someone finally missed

Tutorial yeah because like there’s been a bunch of kind of building hogwarts series like in the past but they’ve all like trickled out um so i have been i have prevailed and made the first tutorial that it’s actually complete for the exterior at least not the entire centuries pain um so yeah

Oh you haven’t have any flow oh my gosh okay great film you should watch it definitely okay movie night i need to have a heart dragon move at night thank you so much subscribing hi thank you so so much that’s appreciated oh i need this one to be taller because

He’s been so weird when they’re so small the best each of it thank you he’s back he is back here yeah so i have i’ll have this as a room requirement called entrance here i think um do i I think it kind of makes sense to be like yeah okay it makes sense for it to be yes let’s remove this window i don’t have a grand door here and then you can just like teleport into into the room requirement i think that makes sense right yeah

I have not seen godfather really no no i haven’t known Not a pink baby person she’s just spent a year boys come for me i spent three years on this now three whole years on this world it’s crazy um i guess it’s a good point yeah i have spent three years doing this i can’t i

Really yeah i got to see my movie person yeah okay fair enough i mean yeah sure yeah powerpoint actually i have to accept that um i guess like another kind of archway and suppose that works not really a fan of that but sometimes i don’t know we can fill it with a

Different block okay that’s actually quite nice okay let’s go with yeah it’s quite nice i have not know i’ve not seen that took on a train oh no i hope it’s rain is all right honestly being stuck on public transport just sucks so much something like this does that look

Yeah that works okay and then we’re going to kind of copy and paste this all the way down oh that doesn’t work okay that’s right then step two yeah oops like three okay now i just going crazy it didn’t work there we go wonderful okay so that’s like a

Kind of corridor design i suppose Jennifer thanks for subscribing thank you okay and then let’s add in the floor area because that’s important too isn’t it and then fill that in like that um okay true like in the model there aren’t any closest but i feel like it just looks so empty without the cloisters so

I just need them um because obviously in the because the clothes are never shown in the heart in the in the what’s it called order the phoenix um video game they do the cloisters and so it’s based off those um honestly toys are there because of the glaston cathedral um

But but yeah obviously they are they have been removed in the hopper prince but they just look so much nicer it just looks so much more blank um there just wasn’t this the claw just never shown in the film so yeah um yes the picture on patreon members do

You get access to my resource pack where am i i’m over here right okay i suppose i should remove all of this as well oh pain all right all right starts remove gosh replace not stone brick stairs to zero boom world at it thank you for being my savior

I didn’t know margaret’s yeah markets smart kids hogwarts is absolutely incredible huge list of them it’s amazing just around that command again just get rid of all this wonderful okay now some actual free space now fill it in welcome back well gaming it’s your cross in the transformation courtyard different shades yeah yeah

Yeah it is it’s i can’t even see it from here kenny crikey it’s a mixture of just gravel no no gravel um grass blocks and cement so yeah yeah the clothes look so pretty they look nice back hey gavin welcome to this stream i’ve never watched gym snp so i’m gonna

Have to go with hermitcraft but i don’t really follow anymore i used to um but not not so much anymore yes i did watch it i did uh make sure not to stop any mid sportsmanship people might not have seen it who might want to but i have it was great film

Sweet sand stone there we go okay um now i want to do is the hall of hecks is like iconic for like kind of like patterns of walls like going up and then kind of wrapping around in a sense um so yeah you were just on the chat unlocked that

Was it you just by my chat with the same question like 20 times so he’s got muted for uh six five minutes what am i going to show you again um took my exams soon so i don’t know maybe a couple weeks after my exam basically so yeah

Oh the most oh yeah the most people look really nice i’m obviously i don’t have the most block because i’m just on different version of minecraft right now um 1.16 rather than 17. but yeah the most block is a really good shot it looks really really pretty pretty

I’m really happy they added it in well then stream video i don’t think i might have if if remember this was over then probably yeah i just don’t recognize your name from youtube so i’m not sure my main sport i i may support badminton so pretty i’m pretty good at badminton

You know pretty good um and then i also swim and do running so yeah i picked up running over lockdown uh like last year or so i’m not decent running so yeah okay peak is going to be yeah like that okay that works great faulting oh okay that’s cool okay

Learn something new every single day that’s cool okay that’s really cool thanks telling me that where are we in the castle we are currently in the kind of corridor in the top area between the two bell towers so yeah in here rip faulting that’s cool

You can’t run oh kind of go on running it’s fine actually it’s horrible but yeah your face is awesome you’re a national champion judah that’s incredible that’s amazing so many time people here what why did i decide to say myself plant dragon odd that is a good question um okay

So this is not my first youtube channel so i’ve had a i’ve had a few channels in the past i’ve won um which we did not speak about we don’t talk about it it was terrible um but basically i had that audi’s channel that was called

Well i’m not saying but i had to have the name dragon in it don’t search that it won’t come up anymore don’t sorry um so yeah it won’t come up but basically that was like my main channel um and that was good it had they had dragon in it and

You see when i that i wanted to come up with a a new a new channel name like i wanted to do minecraft stuff it’s like wait this is basically what the channel is right now and i was like honey i need to name this different and so i

I just go without dragging it because initially this was going to be like a joint channel between me and one of my best friends and so it was like can we call it plant dragon stuff i can’t speak it was gonna be like a different variety of content so it would

Have had um like minecraft terraria other stuff and stuff other stuff um but i decided yeah i just came to my channel um like so that was out the window but the name stark just plant dragon odd like a planet isn’t like a yeah welcome to planet dragon ball so yeah

I have to try a bit too that’s awesome i’ve heard shrimp on the piano that was really cool awesome i still yeah i do i still have them they’re just in the garage so yeah um yeah i know literally three years ago it feels crazy um tutorials have only been out for

A year or so now less than a year no two oh gosh that’s crazy i started as hurries literally two years ago oh the gosh time has flown hasn’t it yeah welcome back william mr kiddo welcome to the stream oh my gosh welcome everything okay

It was good to get started well i mean this this sounds a bit better um yeah i might just now look like different just like it was like i did let go bells for the minecraft pretty much trump is good i am not doing a

Piano stream no no no no no no no no just cause i can’t no no never see the box um no this this is a java download because it’s just i wouldn’t be able to um i want to be able to convert the world to a bedrock just because of the way the

World is built so yeah apologies there When i go to show you this from the show yes so there will be i’ll just i’ll go there in a second let me i’ll just finish these this area and then i’ll go off to the i’ll go show off the strawberry that works i guess yeah that works

No i haven’t actually done halloween in the great hall i did a i did a a christmas one but not hardly one halloween one i probably should do a halloween that’d be quite really cool and i just need to add some wood in the top where’s wood here we go

I mean okay yeah i’m good on the piano it doesn’t mean i’m doing a stream on it you know oh dear stop texting everyone like i could play some harry potter music but i will not maybe make it maybe in the discord server at some point i could i could play some harry

Potter music but but not on youtube because it’s just not set up for it right now it’s just it’ll be disaster for sure oh my god oh my god oh wrong thing Wonderful i love this this looks pretty nice okay you find out two years that’s awesome congratulations i hope you enjoyed building it it it is a long long time spilled it’s definitely definitely worth it when you finished okay here there we go drag mom is not going to coming back

Into the stream i’m afraid i can’t believe that happened that is so embarrassing fine okay stack oh line up yeah two three there we go um i don’t know i don’t think i’ve built my um i don’t think i’ve built my defensive archives yet but i’ll get around to it

Okay i need to put this up here okay remove these scientists excuse me mess up everything right okay copy paste oh no no no no oh dear oops did not mean to do that i’ll just throw it by hand it’s fine you’ve got you go you’re a as 16 we’ll

Squash it to the university so that’s awesome that’s awesome i hope you enjoy that’s awesome congratulations your girlfriend’s going to durham can we in our own harry potter world yes oh my god so i actually applied to dharam um i haven’t heard back from them um this year yet

Um so i don’t know if they’ve accepted or rejected me but um yeah actually going to be so cool like you’re literally in like harry potter like that that’s awesome congratulations to her you’re prone to trying to beat your kind of absolutely yes sure thing jeffy okay fine we’ll do it one day

I’m currently doing the hall of hexes in hogwarts right now which is it’s the one you see luna dancing down in um in order to phoenix when they do another the dna meeting kind of stuff that’s that is this room i think i probably would do umbrage it’s

Most iconic or my ethic thing is doing um doing lupines won’t be really iconic like doing like all of the uh like having bottles all the grinders and everything that’d be really cool like i feel like that would be absolutely five i’d love to do that but yeah

All right time for everything to go wrong but let’s try it out anyway coffee flip based oh it worked oh okay that’s nice okay no i haven’t done yet but actually i do need to do it build on those office um yeah yes yes jennifer that’s literally i was

Going to do that might have like a little cousin button you can press and like change to the dual ball one christmas one and then halloween that’d be really cool happy birthday colin i hope you had a lovely birthday have a lovely day you’re very welcome hector

I’m gonna gap you oh that’s awesome hope you’re having a nice gap year on survival that is incredible wow from mexico that’s awesome see you tyler herbie thank you for coming to the stream yes this is this one bunny right now drew this is this is the corridor where

We see luna skipping down off to the rim requirements i’ll have the door like right here basically so yeah i guess i can build the door okay let’s let’s put it right here it’s natural space to build it Always handle like stuff to decide if i guess just like create devices kind of deal with that yeah i feel like all the other kids and cats like everyone that be that would be really interesting try building minecraft oh well i’d like to like cast somebody something like all the kittens but but

Yeah what i hate called a hate um bridge ah no i’ve not got along with hogsmeade yet it’s on the list but not completed yet oh no i’ve broken all these things as well oh no they they seem fine Okay Like i’m actually watching a stream i’m cutting i’m building hogwarts and it’s hard to keep going extracted hogwarts oh it’s up to you up to you okay the door can be here and the most like i have as i could tell what kind of thing but i’ll build it for now

Um let’s do Strip dark oak with eight planks something like this let’s see my favorite color is a light pale blue so yeah my favorite color i really do i love the sorcerer’s son of phosphorus and hogwarts it’s just it’s so iconic and just pretty i love it so much um so yeah it’s

I love like the kind of roundish towers like got the belt out so they went like kind of square it just looks pretty nice yeah yeah literally honestly any dollar teacher just gets he’s gone at the end of the year right okay that is full of hexes

Let’s just polish up up here as well so we can actually put it down i am terrible at chest kp so i’m gonna go with a no on that one i am awful at chess i should tear in the chat that’d be really funny that’s a nice idea

I do i need to actually add like easter eggs everywhere like i’ve added the the kind of portable swamp thing and then i just add like kind of some of those things cards like another potter thinks badges they were wearing i just add those so yeah

Yeah i don’t like that i’m gonna use spruce that’s what i do yeah that works much better nice bunny yeah it’s just a nice like kind of feel for the first class that’s in it yeah definitely for sure for sure because like the cast gets so much bigger after the first one

Like we get the the clock tower get all these like kind of weird towels everything though i do i miss the old training grounds so they were like right here they look really nice so yeah in this nice soldier yeah met some of my best friends at hogwarts

Oh that’s awesome oh that’s pretty wholesome should we hold us in smack though no semi sorry identify the books the books are so much better than movies um for sure movies all the way no books all the way sorry i misspoke there it’s not my bad yeah the books are so much better

Gosh i’m tired what brothers might well block my retards they are custom textured stone bricks um with some like random variation so i think has our power has gone out one second The lights running turned off for good we’re good feel good no i actually okay i need to bought this kind of that done to the third floor corridor i think i’ll be really fun but i have no idea where to put it it’ll just be really weird um so yeah

Oh the boring look at that is nice anyway so i think that’s a hall of faces it looks so much nicer it did before um oh it’s lights up i said lights up i wish we had to light things up always have like a potion on um house lights up

Definitely lupin is for sure my favorite harry potter teacher um maybe what i’m gonna do is a different archway for the slanted one i don’t know i don’t know how i feel about that no i don’t like that at all i love all your unique textures in your

Hogwarts it looks amazing thank you so much yeah i actually really like my textures i put a lot of work into them and they’re quite like they’re special to me so thank you why is that light coming from over here that’s really weird do i put the light

Well i can let’s just angle like i guess i can just place lanterns here i suppose that works i can just like drop them from the ceiling that yeah that works okay cool nice uh no no i haven’t i just kind of abandoned my sorcerer’s stone oh let’s

Be honest it just kind of i did some changes but that was about it i can’t what do i even do i bought the news the old sunshine inside no right okay that was a hall of faces that is actually looking nice i am i’m happy with that i can imagine like luna

Skipping down here there we go the door materializing and then off she goes into the room of requirement oh my god they should add owls i think what i have my bat spawn eggs just something yeah okay here we go the battersport next are the keys

From from the first challenge i did that that was actually one of the first things that i did with the hedge pack and i think they’re like they’re really nice so yeah i don’t have light blocks in bedrock in java sorry live box only a bedroom kind

Of thing you know it’s called these splats sorry there we go what’s one thing i think the phone is better than the books honestly not much i don’t know yeah they don’t exist in java definitely they don’t they don’t exist no it’s just one with 17 but definitely not in

1.16 which is what i’m playing in yeah i know what light block is i just don’t have them in in my version of minecraft i’m afraid i think they’re i think they’re in 1.17 like in the new update rather than what i have cause i’m playing 1.16 so i don’t have a

New update but yeah well i bought the dawn for all seven years probably not because like just like space um like because if i go down here if i go if i go to gryffindor gryffindor like has it has there’s some corridors here got like some dorms all the way up here

But that is just not there’s not enough room for like all of them um so yeah i don’t think i will i don’t think i will anyway i think i can find my voice study going but i think we’ve made we’ve made good progress in the stream we have a

Nice a nice looking hall of hexes and i think it looks very very pretty so so yeah right okay i think that’s i think i’m getting interested in that because i think it’s a good place to leave the stream i think it’s been good to get like a nice stream back onto youtube

Um i hope you guys are all doing well um because i just yeah it’s it’s good to be back i will have some more feature streams and maybe some videos once i am one time less busy so so yeah right thanks so much guys for coming to stream

Um i will be doing some more future videos don’t worry i am not amazing you guys on youtube and so yeah thank you guys very very much for watching um if you want to keep chatting i will be imitable server for a bit a bit more oh i just broke

Something gosh gosh oh my gosh gosh all right there we go right thanks guys to everyone and i will see you guys or later i don’t know i don’t know what to say later or not because it’s like i don’t know um because like it’s debatable depending on like when i

Have time but i will be i’ll be back at some point anyway thanks for watching and i will see you guys when i see you guys next bye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hogwarts Interior Live – I’m back!’, was uploaded by Planet Dragonod on 2022-02-18 21:47:50. It has garnered 15413 views and 462 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:25 or 6145 seconds.

Hey everyone!! After a long break I am back! Thanks to everyone for your continued support, I’ve been really busy with school work during my final year and so YouTube has taken a back seat for now! I still love doing YouTube and there will definitely be more videos to come in the future! Stay tuned!

Join my Discord server to keep up to date:

A quick FAQ:

Dragonod! Where have you been?! I’ve been really busy with school work and my university applications and have my exams very soon so I’ve been hard at work!

When is the next Hogwarts download? Soon! Once I’ve got some proper interior work I’ll drop another download onto Patreon!_

Will there be any more tutorials? The main tutorial for Hogwarts is now finished, I may drop the occasional interior tutorial however most likely there will be interior tours so you can get inspiration!

Will there be any more future series? Yes! I am considering a Diagon Alley series!

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  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷 ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

Planet Dragonod – Minecraft Hogwarts Interior Live – I’m back!