The Yogscast – Minecraft – Mod Spotlight – Apothecarium

Video Information

Hello and welcome to the Yogscast here we are I’m looking at another mod this is the Apothecary Ahmad it’s a little bit like alchemy you can kind of go in the land and get mushrooms and plants and you can convert them all into weird potions that do crazy things so I’m

Making a cauldron here but novice alchemy cauldron I know you’re not really a fan of this kind of thing so I mean you’re more of a kind of engineer you never really like alchemy to use yeah it’s cool but I quite like it no I never really

Take it I never really take out kami cuz I don’t I don’t really like messed around with mortars and pestles I never really enjoyed it in like morrowind and Oblivion I never really played as an alchemist in in World of Warcraft or anything I just sort of avoided it I

Should give it a try man you know there’s just something about it that I don’t I just I don’t know it’s the fact that there’s so many little ingredients that you have to put together I have such weird name mmm anyway so this this mod basically you can just mix up in the

Cauldron random things okay so random components of like that you’ve got from plants so I’m mixing a dog who dies here and the idea is that you figure out like new recipes to make potions now that one is a fade oh okay so it’s just a failed chemical it

Doesn’t do anything and so I thought you know if I do this again it makes me different and then I realize that this combination of red and yellow is it’s just fail so that’s yeah it’s a bad combo that’s not going to produce anything that’s any

Good so I need to try something clear yeah okay so okay I kind of cheated and looked on the on the forums at what people had posted yeah okay but there’s supposed to be sort more efficient way less efficient ways and so I’m making some combo die I’m gonna try a mixture

Of these two instead okay right I’m slightly different but this one actually works and it makes now what is gonna be called antidote home well that’s totally useless there is actually a poisoned in the game poisoned in Minecraft so why well you can be poisoned by some of the

Potions that you accidentally if you accidentally drank it like a poison potion you could be 400 right okay so it is actually useful in some way in this mod this is a fertilizer so you can actually you’d like make it slightly fertilizer slightly better than bonemeal

On its own jobs you have to film dandelions dandelions and bone meal makes yeah it eliezer them except that it almost makes it almost makes sense isn’t it yes so the other one I think I’m just probably having out to find out ways is I think two of the same will

Make May one that is actually very very useful because it’s kind of quite good no okay it’s my foot no two orange together maybe okay let’s just wait for this yeah this this is quite kind of gradual this is okay mod actually I mean I’m looking around at these mods Oh

Healing potions always so they’re quite useful you can stack them you see and you can just you know have a lot of healing potions on your bar which is very cool anyway the reason I’m sort of looking at least mod is because I’m looking for stuff to go into your box

You see and I am fan ah yeah see this is which is quite nice I’m just doing it was done you know field outside but there you go grows wild grass and stuff antidote you can drink it health potions you can drink him blah blah blah get the idea

It’s quite simple mod it’s quite it’s quite functional it adds things you know it doesn’t impair impose too much in the game you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to but it’s kind of one of these mods so I think this is something that definitely could possibly go in the

Try to use things looking here that was so I had a poke so I’m now destroying my cauldron I’m gonna pick it up and I’m gonna up into the next level of cauldron ah which which sort of requires all these fancy components but yeah as I was saying this

Model possible for the yacht box the uranium one to buggy and the kind of a bit crap and the skeletons are just nightmarishly powerful I mean there’s already is referring me up but well I don’t know have you sick spoilers it’s amazing I think anyone who’s played in

What’s in the ugh box already yeah they would have been killed players refer this is the master cauldron you can combine o or different times region at once which is crazy but basically if you sort of craft the basic stuff like the basic level potions you can make mix the

Other potions together and you usually get the advanced potions but there are quite a lot of very crazy advanced potions and you’ll see those so that’s a complete fail there I’ve just mix the other four things randomly and it’s obviously just it’s making FeO chemicals

It sort of the fun of it though is to just extract different things and see what works yeah absolutely like an actual alchemist of your yeah yeah and you might find like awesome awesome potions that you’d never realized so I’m making a couple of you can smash up mushroom mushroom powder

That’s a new thing in the mod mushroom powder oh it’s like spores mushroom spores and these are quite important if you mix the two spores together I think in a certain way you get like a poison poison vials so what we’re doing – I’m sure think I’ve just bulb bombing around

It this could be yeah this might not make anything good okay no yeah there’s a very long video I’m converting failed chemicals into failed chemicals uh-huh which is brilliant yeah I can actually use the felt chemicals for something quite important what am i doing I can’t use another rack

That doesn’t work you’re using a FET Wow I just thought I’d throw it and see if it works but now it’s like you’re stirring it with a bit of fence oh ah oh okay some acid poison files alright okay so that’s quite a good one anyway that’s enough Wow I’ve now I’ve now

Assumed across the landscape and I’ve got all my potions that I’ve cheated to make some of them are amazing so this what’s ounce gel okay it’s rose gel on the floor tall – Wow oh yeah so that’s bounce gel that’s quite good and then you’ve got obviously the other

One from ports I’m like speed girl as well so you can run a hit and Bow Wow and you can tear damage care for that the other thing you’ve got is a feather full potion now this will give you like a sort of parachute effect for short

Period of time so you can jump and then wow now I’m fairly confident that this is actually going going to be in the game a feather fall potion you think so yeah why do you why do you think that a rumor I heard okay so there’s a slowing

Slowing vial of like soul sandy stuff that slows you down so it’s the opposite of the fast one and there’s a sudden gel Sun gender this is like light stuff so in the dark this will show up Oh as sort of as bright as glowstone on the

Floor so you can use it it’s a girl torch which is very cool indeed these are slime vials so they will generate a tiny little baby slime and even haze you yeah it loves you look adorable and then what you can actually do is you can actually tame it by throwing a fetid

File at it and it will actually become your pet so I’m looking for this one a fetid vile okay if you become you make it become your pet it looks less lovely but it kind of follows you around stuff and defends you I’m trying to tame this one but I’m rather it’s

Rather awkward it out that the tamed one the tamed one is the dark green one yeah yeah what are you what I’m Cody you bet I’m a 9:35 okay oh [ __ ] oh sorry oh yes oh oh strumming a combustion vial crashes the game Wow so that set fire to a cow yeah

I was trying to throw a combustion violet cow and it just caused the game to crash that’s a known it’s a known bug yeah so don’t worry about that I’m throwing those hay glimpses if dangerous yeah Wow oh my god it’s good isn’t it so it’s dark now so obviously I need to

Light up the place the few some files I don’t because I’m doing this is pretty cool it is pretty cool yeah and so there’s loads of dogs hanging around this is all my dog my dog’s Eastern I should belong to me they belong else so I’m just gonna I’m annoyed then they

Don’t belong to me so I’m gonna I’m gonna be horrible to them there’s a storm boats birth potion Wow which whales down a lightning strike I’m sorry doggies I’m not really sorry oh oh that’s that there’s a flame and a fire and ice ones okay so the fire maniac oh

You saved oh oh you got a bit yeah so I can set off fire and I can put them out again so decide to my slimes helping out there with a bit of damage okay I think I think that’s about it you know these are obviously quite

Useful things that can have their own roles there’s I mean the acid one-eyed don’t know if I’m showing you it but airburst I’m sure that does actually This one I think is like a flame guard so if you’re walking for it won’t damage you in connection right handy that could be very handy for a lot of things that we do my slime just killed himself you can actually like feed your slimes potions and they will drop like weird

Stuff and sometimes they’ll drop like look like you like slime essence which you can use to like refine into a diamond or something which is quite cool so it is worth having a pet slime so yeah I mean this is pretty much it in terms of the mod

But it is cool isn’t it it’s very cool now I think as there’s the poison file which they employ it applies like a dot on the dog so it takes damage over time which is quite oh my god nice now one thing I wanted to just show you before I

Go was like the pet slimes okay so get like if you get a pet slime dog once you can see one bouncing around yeah sort of like this area off a little bit if you get a pet slime no you don’t want drink strange chemical that kills you yeah

That’s what you feel that it is the one which you use to fittest uses time slimes and slime this is the slime one hits line bug and you make slime core out of failed chemicals alright so if you throw it a load of them whoa get this boy okay now unfortunately

That’s rather a mutant slime and I’m now fleeing for my life because it’s gonna start owning me yeah I’ve seen absolutely kicking my ass Taemin taem it quick get used to fetid vile quick yeah I was going to I was going to so there we are you can throw

Out you can make them even bigger which is mad and then you can try and tame them but watch I’ll show you in a second I’m just making it a bit bigger I want to have a nice big one and that now I’m trying to tame it face no I think

Too big I’m like time it time a tame it and it’s just not being changed oh my god try and make it grow even bigger now have it scared what I created it’s like watch me oh my god oh who’s this like attacking very controlled No

So yeah it’s slowly oh my god get me tame it quick come on I can’t tame it it’s too big I accidentally had a nuclear explosion here don’t worry about this oh bit damage Wow Wow amazing well done there’s a massive slime stuck in a very good hole just attacking don’t

Worry about these nuclear reactors or anything just don’t worry about that okay so fine yeah if an experiment showing you so yeah just a big slime to now outside of arrogance holes no big deal we need the ghostbusters come and deal with it what they did she the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

You’re just ridiculous on you it’s tough as nails but you can set it on fire whoa whoa night so they go if I could more actually I’m impressed it’s a lot of fun Wow

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Mod Spotlight – Apothecarium’, was uploaded by The Yogscast on 2011-08-25 22:23:54. It has garnered 2509983 views and 11833 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:12 or 912 seconds.

Lewis puts on his mad witch doctor’s hat and screws around with potions. Needless to say, things eventually get out of hand.

Title Splashscreen by Cryosignal:

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  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

    Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new video cool video’, was uploaded by Jasus Gamerz on 2024-01-16 01:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft new video cool video #minecraft #trending #viral #gameplay #jasus gamerz #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning … Read More

  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

    "Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE" #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blox Fruits [Playing With JB] #live #roblox #bloxfruits’, was uploaded by RomeoGotGame on 2024-04-20 18:12:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Im RomeoGotGame But You Can Call Me Romeo & Im 12 Years Old & I Play Videogames Such As Sonic, FNAF, Minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

    Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft song teaser!!!!’, was uploaded by Piano Kid on 2024-06-03 03:53:18. It has garnered 10 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Gaupa

    GaupaFactions server under development. Some of the stuff is not finish, but come and join and build your empire and be the strongest faction in this world PvP Just have fun 1.20.1 Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is a thriving online community that started in 2020 as a name for a DnD game and has evolved into a place for people to relax and play games. Key Features: Active staff members ready to assist Regular events like building and drawing contests Unique role system with perks Cozy spawn area created by staff Economy system for money, shops, and item selling Villager shops with a variety of items Player Market for buying protected areas Quality hosting for a smooth experience Bedrock integration for mobile/console players Discord server with EssentialsX integration Join Us… Read More

  • Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)

    Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)This is a anarchy Minecraft server but it crazy:/Join discord for more information server don’t have any anticheat but I will add anti fly and speed walk because it make the server run out of ram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speedrun to da crib

    Minecraft Memes - Speedrun to da cribJust call me the Usain Bolt of block-building! Read More

The Yogscast – Minecraft – Mod Spotlight – Apothecarium