My Minecraft Server is INSANE

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Oh it’s like nothing ever happens it’s like nothing other hello welcome to the street champ how’s it going everyone here right uh today we’re going to be doing something a little bit different going to be touring the sub server uh for a while i’ve been saying that that

Server will die pretty soon i’m just going to kill it out of nowhere like a hardcore death and today i just did it literally on a whim it wasn’t planned for today a little bit before this though i did send uh or i did ask ian to send a

Google doc for people to fill out of builds that they want to be like seen or showing off uh i’ve got my my tour guide ian bailey on the line hello hello hello hello phil’s of minecraft i am it i’m ready to ready to go on a tour of a lifetime yes yes

This is spawn this has changed multiple times this little like you see where the obsidian is pretty much chat this is pretty much the the only area that isn’t like obtainable different seasons past we did like a pumpkin on halloween and like a big christmas tree on christmas

And then after that kristen and ian built a doom clock so this this has been ticking down up to noon the whole time nobody’s been paying attention too much i think maybe a couple of people noticed it changed it was christian’s idea i think kristen

Came up with this i thought it’d be a cool way to let people know that oh oh server’s gonna die soon you know uh we did like some things in here it’s it’s changed all the time though oh also also guys guys prime fox prime when fox can i get some primes in

The chat you got a prime [ __ ] get it don’t you dare kill the prime fox no he’s so cute well if i don’t see those primes you know what i mean he’s he’s looking at me he’s looking better okay i see i see some primes coming it’s okay

I had to put him in barrier blocks chat because some [ __ ] on the server were like time to steal and just put them in a boat and just took them away i was like bro what so he got locked in they had to be locked in people were just like ooh rare thing

Rare thing steel ours mine i take should we go on the ground ian uh before i do i’ve just gotta do something really quickly man all right we’ve got a because we’re on a tour we’ve gotta put on the official tour outfit shut the [ __ ] up oh my god

Okay all right leave us on the tour orange there as you can see chat uh we had some hidden stuff underneath the spawn that we would give people access to every now and again this is the ice rink and people could just get down here and just like jump in

A boat and just go zooming around so the first build chat is this little area here since i uh pretty much covered the entire area in the middle with bedrock like i just filled it in uh people started building stuff around it and there’s like a bunch of like

Things kicking around we’ve got like little zoos that people have made with bees parrots wolves there’s a ravager up there pandas most of these were brought like legitimate but then ian would just like sometimes spawn like a ravager the ravager was legit was it yeah yeah well i spawned it in up top

And they legitimately brought it down right right he’s in a big like hole did you put these guardians in here or did they bring them no they they brought them using the nether yeah chat the the people on the server are very very dedicated um look at this [ __ ] dude

I spawned a little bit you spawned the polar bears oh my god oh yeah roulette table chat uh there’s a snooker table here as well or pool bunch of angry vindicators and then actually there’s a secret area that we haven’t shown you yet so all the way around here yeah so this is

Ian’s idea uh pretty much he built this and some people fell for it some people did fall for it and just died the straight up like they just they didn’t have an electro they just jumped down it uh but there’s actually something cool that ian like planted here

Uh so if you take the leap of faith right see that secret casino yeah nice little pool table there got that off uh youtube tutorial and then also there’s like this bit here where you get your money and stuff but there’s a secret vault that nobody has seen

What’s inside okay you can do that nobody has seen inside here they’ve gotten to this pot but they can’t get through here it’s just a little bit of treasure it’s just a little bit of treasure just a god apple but yeah it was it was cool to just put

It there because like nobody could get to it also there’s one more room isn’t there ian oh yeah i wasn’t going to include that but i have a problem he likes orange a little bit too much ian just built this and then uh nobody knew it existed all right right okay

Let’s go back to spawn yeah there’s a spawn pretty much you come through here uh you can get to like the portal there’s like a bunch of shops around that people have mirrors there’s like a dragon this is like what this is like one of the coolest builds around

Spawn i think is like this dragon that’s one made that’s in the list as well yeah yeah and then you’ve got like the dragon egg i had to like put barrier blocks around it because people kept trying to steal it they they just wanted it so bad so i was

Like all right time to just intervene and i just blocked it all off but uh from there they uh they made it look pretty you know so you can still kind of like see it very clearly which is nice i’m here so this was built by sixxtro

This is blackstone corner this is a rocket shop with a black roof and house an animal’s pen so it’s essentially this and then this that’s cute there’s a lot of cute builds on this server honestly oh chat spamming friend is that friend navi uh it’s like a

A wool farm pretty much chat all sorts of colored wool if you want to do a project and you’ve got this shop here that’s what made all the different like books and stuff it’s pretty handy for new players just joining oh did you see sans yeah that’s a map

That’s there’s no plugins for people to do images onto maps that was actually made somewhere on the in the world people are [ __ ] dedicated all right i’m just we’re just on your finger oh have you looked at this one the castle wall oh yeah this is like this is fairly new

Wasn’t it this has changed like multiple times yeah it was submitted by evie um yeah it’s this land has changed hands like quite a lot of times to be honest this is the latest iteration of it but that snowman’s been there forever yeah since christmas i think or like before like december

They decided to build a wall around it and make it look like it was smashing through the wall hence all the blocks yeah and then he’s just throwing snowballs obviously obviously one hits me in the face but oh yeah i remember seeing this yeah it was submitted by uh samson pie i

Know he worked i think he worked with someone else and they put a lot of presents randomly around like on the never roof and stuff i had like good gear in it like if you can you see where i am yeah yeah like presents that look like

These they were just dotted about the map and they had like good gear in them like never writing stuff that’s nice so yeah it was a good christmas and i think they’re from canada i’m gonna take a strong assumption here with this canadian flag i don’t know chat what do you think

Is that yeah or nah so you know i’m seeing a lot of different countries in chat someone said i think it’s japan oh my god i need to go to the nether for this oh it’s another build next is it oh you know what i can do let me just quickly pop through

The portal because this portal here is that spawn chat right we’re back at spawn this portal pretty much is the main nether hub everything’s on the roof everyone’s set up paths ice paths leading to different areas this one pretty much leads directly to guess you guessed it the end realm and then

There’s like a pvp area that some people made over here which was really cool look at that yeah that was built by razors and cayman pvp yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was originally built by cayman and then razer’s improved it i think i’m saying that right

Right but then it’s been repaired many times because people like to whip out crystals that’s the thing that’s the thing the nether was open to just like yeah the nether was open to just things getting like blown the [ __ ] up uh it was the only place including the end realm

That was public and not uh protected by like claims so everyone was just like it was all community-based projects and stuff right everything was just kind of like shared and it was under good conscience that nothing bad would happen but every now and again people would be

Doing pvp and some idiot would bring a bed or a crystal and it would just blow up something i know one of these flags got blown up like twice due to just pvp like extending out they would just like run away a lot of people would pvp around this

Area and things would just get broken sometimes so it’s going to show the hot tub that you made cursed [ __ ] curse chat had to make a hot tub for people just vibing so on the server connect four kind of uh became a bit of a craze

Ah yes and then uh the special kit he actually built an automatic one so you don’t have to place it yourself you just press the buttons at the top for some reason connect 4 just became prevalent on the server for a while there’s multiple connect 4

Areas where people will just play it so this is built by zero underscore crystal underscore zero and it’s called crystal invaders and in brackets as they are sucking the energy of the snow sucking the energy of snow oh it’s like a it’s like a sp like a spaceship kind of yeah

Ah got it that’s a that’s a farm that’s a farm isn’t it yeah it’s a [ __ ] yeah because it’s a creeper farm yeah creeper farm it’s a cute little base that’s really cute though i like that i like the little floating end irons as well tp when you’re ready

On my way all right oh this one yeah it’s my favorite chat this one is bat [ __ ] just to clarify this is all built by hands we had no [ __ ] no say in this yeah this is cyrox’s build i see people spamming it in chat few people already know oh you know what

This is missing this is missing you know what this is missing this is missing terror soup force is it complete dino yeah yeah oh [ __ ] i’m playing all right here we go chat you ready you’re gonna love the last part man all built by hand by the way chat Wow you need a firework to get through there cheetah oh look at that that’s cool yeah yeah i really like that last part that’s really cool yeah look at that flying through backwards see every now and again chat like i said i would pop on the server

Um and i’ll just see what people are up to and i saw this person start this build and i remember seeing it and being like this is going to take this he’s going to take like literally a year holy [ __ ] but then with the help of other people on the server

They got it done [Laughter] they put a ruin of your face oh there’s mine too yeah brilliant i wondered what that was he has an orange sword in my head in my head all right and boop so yeah this was done by crafterdev yeah i remember it’s called excavated stronghold i have not seen

This finished yet so yeah he literally dug out a stronghold i’ve been peeking on this a bunch uh every now and again i’d see him working on it yeah this was really cool i remember him building this he was like digging it out for forever it seemed like and then you’ve

Got the portal just chilling here yeah there it is right here let’s go boop boop straight through yeah i’m at the next one alright on my way oh this is pretty oh this one isn’t finished i guess they were trying to make yeah yeah i guess they were trying to make a

Dome or maybe they didn’t want to it looks like they were almost like done this was by i can’t remember the original name but they changed their name to razer is cringe right but yeah this is glorified cow farm glorified cow farm oh there’s the cows oh there’s a little house

Wait chat wait wait duh it’s friend it’s fred see so he does he does exist just next to a glorified cow farm and a sweet little summer house holy [ __ ] this thing’s cute all right the next spot yeah yeah the coordinates were wrong dude so oh wait

I think this well i see sans i see [ __ ] i see undertale oh oh yeah i’m papyrus [ __ ] dude so i think this one was made by uh invader beck and somebody else i think somebody else helped her and i don’t know they probably did papyrus as well

If you’re wondering where those posters came from chat yes they they were a thing that someone legit built the dedication to just just for a [ __ ] meme they would just hand them out they would they i think they spent like a full day uh just placing these posters

All over the server every everyone’s bills got them everywhere ridiculous they just popped up overnight oh yeah remember this one this one got posted in the sub server uh discord yeah so this is about razer’s edge and it’s it wins the prize of my favorite name for a build

Is called the islands of possibility what can happen so many possibilities that’s crazy so many things could possibly happen on these islands of possibility there’s no way and they did this as well made like the guardian farm thing and then hid it inside of ice i thought that was pretty cool that’s

Pretty creative oh so if you come to tommy elmo here he is that’s a map art somewhere on the on the world so this is the island of possibility part two the gateway the gateway i know the best names best name oh yeah look at that it’s an end portal

Down here it broke the frame yeah okay yeah it’s pretty cool that’s pretty awesome i like that i like that good job good job so yeah if you want to tp to me on my way up oh yes pillar of water yes yeah that was done by bk

I know i i contemplated [ __ ] deleting it because it’s just a giant blue bar sat at spawn i was like what the [ __ ] is this but more importantly more important this was also submitted as a build if you come down you see where that tower is with the end crystals on yep

If you’ve come all the way down here to where i am yep i’m there so what is the name of your build was one of the questions and someone put it’s just a glitch arrow that won’t despawn wow what would happen if it’s almost broke It lives it floats oh my god okay oh never mind they hit the block you’re standing on i was gonna go under the [ __ ] is up without i swear to god arrows are so weird it’s it’s specifically bamboo and arrows chat it happened on the dream smp as

Well there’s a bunch that are just chilling suspended in time so [ __ ] weird bamboo yeah it’s bamboo it’s a thing with bamboo and arrows so bizarre right what it disappeared oh oh i’m sorry it was cayman it was came and i’m very sorry sorry sorry for your bill getting destroyed

Whoops it is he oh dude all those hours spent all those hours spent we just griefed it we griefed this building right next build quick quick we move on the lgbt plus gang oh yeah so you wanna know the story behind this for the house i i basically like

I think i think i’m pretty soon did i build this i think i might have like changed it i think you changed it yeah because he wasn’t it well that’s old this is old before i even had the the core protector installed it doesn’t even know but yeah this is not the lgbt

Mansion mel just built a mansion right next to it i think someone else yeah someone else built it and then you built that and then it just got adopted there was a thing on the server where people would have marriages so minecraft marriages can’t quite understand that fad

But hey you know what i mean oh this is a chapel so yeah ah a couple of people got married here it was beautiful i was i was the vicar what i held the sermon yeah yeah yeah put on my suit and everything service weird chat service weird sorry

It’s you got a nice little message here for you hi phil and youtube hope you see this thanks for making this server it has helped to have the escape from the real world thank you so much oh and it was built by logicalgaming5 oh my god oh yeah there’s a there’s a

Communist elmo again there we go let’s oh the diamond diamond pig boy hello oh that’s so many [ __ ] cows damn this is pog so a full sorter pretty much so yeah if you want to tp to me on my way oh this is [ __ ] this is the last and final it’s [ __ ]

Oh my god so chat this this sprung up fairly recently uh we have a close friend of ours all right who’s been like watching for a while actually like we’ve known them for quite a bit and this [ __ ] she just steals people’s [ __ ] bro and she’s within the last couple of weeks

Since she found out that we’re gonna eat the server she made a museum of stolen [ __ ] so they’re here there’s like stolen animals There’s literally stolen animals what the [ __ ] is wrong with the dude as you can see a lot of stuff it took too much honestly way too much all stolen none of it’s hers needs to say we’ve we’ve uh we clamped down on it pretty hard we said [ __ ] cease

Or we will ban you but yeah you got to take into account as well chat that a lot of the stuff that they took they already had like [ __ ] tons of it anyway so it’s whatever tp to me dude on my way you got you got another message

Welcome to lurkerland oh i remember this uh this is the home of all the tommy offliners on the server a group of 10 or so people that play on you feel free to walk around and explore there’s just more than just one or two houses yeah i’ve actually like when we remember

When we did the halloween thing yep so we actually haunted this house because they openly admitted they were offline chatters in tommy’s disco not discord stream so we just started haunting them um and just every now and again we just pop on over halloween and just start pressing buttons and [ __ ] and spawning

Things i also demonstrate i also at one point yeah you should demonstrate yep [Applause] I’ll also press this button multiple times i’d have changed it it used to be a spooky noise it used to and then at one point uh i grabbed some map art that some people had made of me and kristen in the in the car when we got married

Right someone made a map out of that and took the kristen part and just placed it on every window so they were just sat in here just vibing and all of a sudden they were just haunted by kristin’s eyes just poking through windows just like every every angle i think yep there’s one

Everywhere Oh and guess what look at that chat i wonder what that could be want to take a [ __ ] guess more connect four yep we’re probably gonna find like two more those like all like everyone’s build it felt like had a connect four i’m not even kidding just it’d be it

Washed over this the server like a cult oh my weight oh okay remember that my part i was talking about chat This is this is non-capitalist elmo oh my god it’s a different one so there’s a there’s a there’s a newcomer there’s a newcomer yeah this was built by mr calpha aka jordan it’s just his main base oh look he’s got ian’s really yeah he was really angry at me at some point

I i don’t know why i’m just the best mom i don’t know you did you [ __ ] with him and somebody didn’t even you did probably i didn’t going to look at the names first phil if you are streaming do not look some of the names are not safe for twitch

Let’s just appreciate the items from afar like jesus christ thanks for the warning i guess so this is mars base by azide is this spacex or some [ __ ] what’s going on it’s just a moo it’s a mars base oh cause we’re all cause we’re in a badlands of course

Yeah we’ve got some uh dome appreciators in the chat right now dome wait wait wait there’s a guy no he’s gonna think oh my god oh my god he missed a trick he hasn’t seen the martian chat he hasn’t seen the martian oh he could have done he could have

He could have got some extra points in my books chat he had some potatoes never mind anyway next area oh this is cute this is by mega roni and the build is called my house i guess lol [Laughter] it’s very very quaint did it work i don’t think so i think you

Have to like it has to be on an emerald block and you have to be technically oh oh look they got blue that’s cute though just on the cyber mountain look at that i like builds like that that just kind of looked natural like they were just kind of like there

And you stumbled across it it’s really cool look at that cute good use of materials yes very good very good yeah i’m in the next build all right on my way so this build is by kodafox and it’s just his main base like i’ve seen this before oh oh what oh

He’s a collector oh oh no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] jesus christ [Laughter] what is wrong with people i don’t know jesus I am i am [ __ ] i don’t know what i was expecting i honestly i don’t know what i was expecting ian just [ __ ] tp to me and press the button Oh well you got dunked on i got dunks [Laughter] hey there philly boy i started only three weeks ago but the bass looks best at night with shaders on a comment that have a full screen to build i keep up being you it helps a lot of people through these hard times

Pog oh oh you know what just for him hold on we put the shears on we did it let me get the shears on this guy’s a building master for the one reason and the one reason only he made a build that looks good with diorite ah pog nice

That’s good that’s good i like it i’ve said for ages diorite has like a really good use if you want to make something look like more texture on quartz or anything to do with like white builds say chat i wasn’t wrong i wasn’t wrong you always [ __ ] you

Always say ah die right man it looks like bird poo there’s a reason why it’s cold to have there’s definitely uses for it and there’s a good one uh this is built by price underscore iv or price underscore four price if you can read roman numerals i like how uh he grabbed

Like the portal spot uh he made it look like it got like pulled out of the ground from below and then filled it with water that’s good smart this next build i personally do love it’s a gordon it’s a gordon on my way this is cute like underwater biomes

Oh yeah another right blocks just for the flex this is cute oh you know what before we go to the next build i’m just gonna do this real quick we gotta we gotta do the shaders underwater oh that is cute pog yeah look at that that’s cool all right yeah next one

Already there awesome oh yeah i remember that what’s that called again is it it’s not a geode is it what’s the the rock behind us oh yeah oh i got right oh [ __ ] yeah so i made like a geode was really cool so this was by minecraft user sentient domino and it’s sentient

Domino’s dark it’s got like a little entrance here that’s water seagull sploosh cool oh i got sentient and sorry sassy wine and cheese club this is a wine and cheese club apparently two [ __ ] chairs on the table is this entire bill dedicated to cheese is wine spell w-h-i-n-e or is it actual wine

Okay anyway maybe they like to you know just gossip such a wind-up [Laughter] this is cute okay i’ll go to the next build this is one of bk’s super fast creeper farm in cool hole so this is one of bk’s attempts to lag the server oh yeah

Just making beefed up faster but yeah very beefed up farms for multiplayer servers a lot of these farms chat we would have to eat because they were just too powerful and would just break the [ __ ] tps like the server tps through the floor yeah this is really nice

Pretty pog got like the golden hearts the iron hearts netherright hearts and diamond heart and the little ones in between look at that yeah oh this is pretty i love custom balls yeah i’m here i love custom balls like this is so cool yeah this was built by barebow and this

Was actually like a really early build to be honest yeah um really early on in the subservice life yeah but it stood the test of time it looks like yeah look at that that’s nice that’s pretty cool i like the use of the the normal glue stone oh

Yeah look at that you can see through into his storage areas it’s not just completely all against the walls he’s like spread them out evenly across everything else make it look like an actual like legitimate storage room like with the the workstations and stuff in between that’s that’s pog

Yeah i like that a lot yeah when you’re ready yep just kind of looking at everything before we head out Pretty build very pretty very nice not a lot not a lot of effort went into this at all to be honest okay all right it’s the whole boys okay right so yeah this is this build has been going for months i think hasn’t it how many people were involved in this

Uh can you read them out whilst i load everything in the whole boys this even w just prez happy birthday by the way meg take evie bk uh j i cannot pronounce this man juliano i think i did that right actually devil’s green crew gel

Best moddy and b leo is dame bean mandan and krusk carol did something here what the [ __ ] did carol do i feel i think he just did what i did and just [ __ ] with him every now and again so basically this is a giant hole that got dug up um

And they’ve been working on it for a very very long time entirely encased in an ice and they were customizing the outside to be a lot more kind of like tiered with the different layers of snow like here as you can see right uh but yeah this this thing is

Ridiculous i’ve been like popping on every now and again whilst they were doing this whilst we were digging it up for months like i said uh and you can see like this is where the ball ends they just dug out a big kind of rectangle a whole bunch of people like a joint

Project and then customized it with [ __ ] tons of lanterns custom blocks like stone diorite and the site chains like you can see the level of effort that went into this it’s just wild i think this is probably the the biggest joint group effort build on the server maybe

Pretty cool right uh this is all like glass and i think concrete oh it’s more glass they put like multiple layers of glass on this thing to give like a tiered fog effect and what’s funny is they would just hang out here some days just kind of chilling

Playing connect four there’s a connect for ireland i’m not even shooting you chat there’s a [ __ ] connection for ireland i actually think this is where connect far originated you think so yeah they were really early adopters of it also chat there’s um like multiple rare mobs that they’ve caught

I think say and then they would like hide them in these little cages this was like during halloween of course as well chilling like it’s such a pretty build as well chat let’s make here’s a connect four as you can see very very pog built yeah so multiple little side caves that

Would lead off to different areas as well this build is [ __ ] huge it’s like a hardcore heart made out of stone it’s like an ancient little relic i think it’s pretty cool there was a secret mob i left around i don’t know where he is though

Trying to find him quickly oh the one that one that you didn’t tell him about no i don’t know about it now oh is he still alive hold on i’m going it light speed now oh my god oh phil come come here all right the music the music kicked in

At the most perfect moment then i just bumped it uh wait where you at okay all right well the joke the joke continues the joke continues jesus christ literal [ __ ] cake room here’s the uh the mob i was talking about earlier chat he sits upon the throne yeah that’s

Pretty cool there’s also like one more thing up here that i really liked uh where is it where is it so you know how most people have a storage room that’s just [ __ ] tons of chests and then like maybe tiny little signs seeing what’s in the chests

Uh here they dedicated an island to that but then made it so that each area where the chests are represents what’s inside the chest so like here for example prismarine it’s got a little prism stuff around it now the stuff it’s got nether around it redstone stuff it’s just got a bunch of

Redstone contraptions just sitting there i thought it was really clever uh i’ll see this stuff as well like end stone anything end related you know then you just got the basic stuff just the kind of like random things that they found whoopsit easy uh what have you done nothing

Okay oh that was weird you tp to me and i tp to you this is by brawls underscore and it’s called the islands i especially like this little spot here for some reason i really enjoy this it’s very satisfying with the little kind of like sand castle

Oh yeah this is really pretty look at that oh there’s so many foxes so many arctic foxes holy [ __ ] and of course there’s the map arts the map of my [ __ ] fit everywhere every bills so this was by finis binners who on the server was known as like

The janitor of the end because anyone who messed it up he’d be the one fixing it every time and also he ran dragon respawn saturdays yeah so he took everything down you know all the beacons and stuff yeah and then levi thanks so much for i came along a couple times and spawned

About i don’t know about ten dragons maybe jesus christ it was so funny man tell the story about tsubo when he joined the stuff oh right so uh i was talking to tubbo one day or one night i should see a chat right we’re just in the vc just hanging out uh

He’s asking me about like server stuff because he had an idea for a cool server and i said oh you know i’ve got a sub server and he’s like what phil have you have have you i was like yeah do you want to join and i just [ __ ] we just joined

Put him on i made him up big mistake holy [ __ ] [ __ ] just ended up killing so many people chat never invite tubo on your server and give him up he will just eat people right he made like a [ __ ] bedrock box like floating in the sky over here

Somewhere he did a command that i didn’t even know existed which propelled everyone away from him but killed about five people in the process it all dude was so scuffed even made like this battle arena which i’ve since deleted uh where he pitted two people against each other like a blood sport

And then gave them rewards or just made them like zoom in up into the sky with levitation a thousand it was [ __ ] chaos but hilarious everyone on the server loved it it was pretty wild i think something was built in here uh but i’ve since deleted it as well we we

Had like a big section in the end islands that toppo made and just started inviting people in and basically keeping them on the [ __ ] house arrest i’m not joking one person was forced to sit in a corner and watch a creeper farm and he just said watch it don’t stop

Looking at it don’t stop and they were just like terrified just like for like 20 minutes but yeah this is really cool and island i think an honorable mention as well as the enderman farm so this is the the main end farm uh enderman farm that everyone used to pretty watch a chap

And it was so popular um that people would conjugate here and just hang out they would just vibe to such an extent right that we made the floor leading to it bedrock and also the floor over here bedrock just to be like a little bit more kind of cool with it

And you are talking like stupid levels of customization like this should not have been there’s a [ __ ] like a mushroom dude like look at look at this [ __ ] dude a [ __ ] library there’s a dining hall drugs claw backwards club aqua like look at this [ __ ] what what the [ __ ]

Oh [ __ ] we hit soap cool chat thank you so much [ __ ] hell that’s insane that’s ridiculous thank you so much guys that’s [ __ ] mental never would have imagined that thank you chad thank you oh jesus i thought you were gonna shoot me with a [ __ ] nerf gun [Laughter]

Chat do you want it do you want to have your ears [ __ ] blasted real quick i wonder what that was something hit my arm something hit my arm and it was tiny i was like what the [ __ ] was that and i just got covered in cafe jesus christ is a time chat

Lefty check right here check set the console and last but not least surround sound right so that xp fan was pretty cool but oh yeah this xp farm is the best xp farm on the server uh yeah i remember this one being busted f you’re gonna test it

It’s gonna yeah it’s gonna break if i don’t do this repair your ears chat there we go jesus [ __ ] christ two frames oh it’s fine there we go it fixed itself Uh so yeah it works pretty well As you can see oh look at that okay right so we start here and we gotta press this and then we make our way onto the the polar express are you ready oh my god i’m gonna pause the music for this as well yeah let’s go wait is this the full song yes

Jesus christ yeah this was by uh snowflake 236. oh phil look out ah slight fright Oh it’s still going How the [ __ ] how dude The [ __ ] it’s still it’s still going what the [ __ ] that’s okay that’s that’s ridiculous jesus christ dude It’s just the whole [ __ ] thing you just walk through the train and just listen to the entire song that’s impressive hold on we gotta take a look at it like i’m good oh my god jesus christ end of me melody let’s [ __ ] go oh you can tell this was a [ __ ]

Struggle holy [ __ ] when they got close to the end they were just absolutely ecstatic that is dedication oh and here we are we’re at the world border right okay a little bit of information for this chat before we get started uh me ian and kristen one day

Uh decided to just go to the world border and build stuff pretty much we just thought it’d be cool to go to the world border corner on plus plus i think it was plus plus yep yeah we are 30 million blocks out yep 30 million blocks out from zero zero

Um and pretty much i was just like yes you know what let’s build like an end of the world bar right this helmet broke let’s build like an end of the world bar where you can just kind of like sit and if you get here we’ll give people we’ll give people

Like broken gear so one of them was i think in a lighter with like protection for i think similar to the one i’ve got not as broken but very similar and we put some stuff in here like discs and things to play music got like barrels yeah there was a god chest

There was a god as well with prop last part by a pro and basically what i said was pretty much anyone that gets there gets the loot so two people set out on this like epic quest to try and reach the world baller and they eventually got here

After that other people came and went as well i think there was like four people in total that reached it maybe five and they also built houses which we’re gonna go check out in a second but i also made an end poll like a specific one

For people to get home if they wanted to if they really just were like oh [ __ ] this i’m so done i want to find i want to play with people near me not 30 million blocks out they could they could pop through here and go home straight away uh but

Yeah it was really cool i really liked it you can do stuff like this i think a lot of you have to take this off so it’s not scuffed i remember me and kristen like laid down like this and then took a screenshot and posted it in the sub server and

People lost their [ __ ] because they’re like oh my god there’s actually stuff there oh my god wait wait wait wait hold on they weren’t [ __ ] kidding it’s real it’s actually real yeah we made like a little portal as well so if they made a portal on the

Nether roof they would link up to this one uh and then parkour yeah they’d have lily pads to go across we put conduits down i also was here for when people got here right the first people that arrived here and we did some fun with teleporting them outside of the border

And i gave them like notch apples to try and stay alive and stuff it was pretty cool we did we did science there’s actually only a certain distance you can go um in this area once you get through the barrier this is as far as you can go you can’t go any further

And that goes for for regular players as well you physically can’t move past this point it’s like a hard barrier apart from just a visual barrier oh two seconds i’m going to read this book so so i think this was tears book uh that they put down they documented

Their their travel decided to start this diary about eight hundred thousand blocks to pass the time regret has started to sink in with this journey but there’s no turning back now gunpowder is starting to become an issue with creepers becoming my only source block nine hundred thousand made a

Friend horse called steve he’s gone now he was too slow and didn’t have the right mindset to continue the journey forgot what humans look like now maybe that meeting with phil was me seeing things can’t think straight i think i did show up i think i did true

One million blocks am i happy i don’t know anymore numbers don’t make any sense why am i doing this how long has it been i don’t know but i must keep going 1.1 million blocks nothing new nothing brought nothing went past one two three four five six seven blocks that was funny

Uh about the about the way there no sign of thunder yet uh whenever he’s still going that was like the other person i got there they like met up at the end the phrase it’s just to give us such a weak mindset you are okay with what happened losing imperfection of a crab

When you stop getting angry after losing you’ve lost twice [ __ ] ninja 1.4 million switch back to horse rockwood still getting too annoying why are we here just to suffer 1.5 oh we’re halfway there one point six had some idiots in chat today and sorted them out all my homies living and

Feeling better than before hopefully stays this way 1.7 it didn’t stay that way 1.8 why are we here just to suffer what is the point of this journey fame a cold one a busted chest plate yeah it’s the chest split one point nine that doesn’t know what deer it is anymore

Two million blocks two point one h e l p m e two by six million can’t remember the last few days i think i need to take a break but i can’t i must keep going 3.75 million i am here so if you’re not sure what that means

3.75 million traveled in the nether equals 30 million in the overworld so that’s how they traveled and i remember reading that and just [ __ ] losing my [ __ ] i was like this is brilliant i have to show this at some point so there we go all right where are we at

Oh we got some more thunder was first tier seconds devil screen was third remember that thief chat remember that [ __ ] thief i talked about yeah that was that was that was green teal and flat blue so it was it was yeah yeah they like they pretty much like visited here multiple times the

Team visited here twice made the journey twice that just to build something here for the video probably i’m assuming um for me for t for service staff okay hey sir staff i just wanted to say a quick thank you for creating the server and dealing with all of

All of our chaos you all deal with us so much and put on a lot of time to keep this place up and running thanks to all your work i’ve been able to meet loads of wonderful people i can’t wait for reset and i wish all the

Best of luck and whatever is to come apologies to the of the trip uh i’ve been informed that all our trips may have done quite the number on the file size 500 [ __ ] gigabyte uh we’ll make sure to go in the street line next time again thank you so much

For everything you do and here’s to a successful reset warm regards blue the world file is over 500 gigabytes chat i’m not kidding uh anyway so like i said people came out here because we did we did that little cool little build and then everybody else just started coming out and building [ __ ]

They built like little homes and stuff eventually if they got too lonely they would pop through the portal to go back home also listen listen to this real quick for some reason when you get closer and closer to the the world border sound effects are [ __ ] broke listen oh yeah

That’s not the stream that is just the world border causing this that’s just a thing it’s [ __ ] nuts isn’t it it’s really weird everything starts to like break in the game when you get way too far out so that’s the thing i learned when we came out here what’s funny is

Um i noticed on the ground somebody had dug uh like a a strip mine but it just connected up to this wall watch they just pushed themselves right up against the wall and just dug a little barrier around just because they could i guess it’s something to do where we at what

Oh this is rob’s place yeah this is rob’s place yeah zypo island out of every uh build chat this one looks the most like it was made in korea like it’s just so ridiculous uh it’s right next to spawn as you can see as well

So you just kind of like pop behind here this is where most people would end up who were brand new to the server they would just kind of run go across here and just see this so you’ve got like a full kind of road system all this connects up you’ve got like a

Dock with like ships and [ __ ] you’ve got this huge trading hall which i actually watched him build is this a training hall oh no this isn’t the trading halls another one trading halls up top this is the trading hall and down below he’s got a full item sorter collection system look at this

Every single [ __ ] thing that you could want absolutely nuts you see the yellow thing in the middle of the island no i’ll get there in a circle on this this thing as well oh this is a super smelly you made it look like an old factory which i thought was really cool

Like that uh yellow thing in the middle you mean the van yeah come to the bottom i’m at the van is there going to be drugs in here oh it’s a food van i think isn’t it are you outside yep hi welcome to chili’s it’s just not it’s not even

It’s not even chili’s [ __ ] food truck you can’t get [ __ ] you can’t get chilly so the food truck in i’m i’m never role-playing again i’m never role-playing again i’m gonna tell i’m gonna take my truck and i’m gonna leave i’d love if you [ __ ] if you like copy-pasted it

Forward like you already said [Laughter] yeah this is this is a really cool build it it literally looks like it was made in creative but no all survival i think that’s everything right that’s all the big ones that people submitted probably think of anything else off the

Top of my head chat do you want to know some some details about the server before it before before we closed it the overworld save file was 108 gigabytes the nethersave file was 403 gigabytes the end realm was 76 gig core protect one of our plug-ins that we used to

Track everything on the server got up to 56 gigabytes just of logs just of things first to look up and dynmap which was the the map thing that we had uh got up to 352 gigabytes total amount of unique players that joined generated by playerdeer uh 4430 [ __ ] wild

Yeah it’s goodbye to the server guys goodbye the doom clock hit noon uh also also before we go uh someone guessed the date that we would close the server or rather the date that they would initiate this on the server oh yeah can we do it

Yeah [ __ ] it do you want to hit it is this supposed to be one here there you go nice didn’t even work didn’t even work [Laughter] well so this guy’s grand master plan to spawn the [ __ ] on the winners didn’t even work it wouldn’t even work

He would have hit the button and nothing would have happened oh that’s [ __ ] hilarious holy [ __ ] that’s so good oh no oh no oh my god oh my [ __ ] god it’s so loud they physically can’t spawn there’s too many you want to see the best part what

Oh this is going to be killed oh geez this is great my god oh my god holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude jesus christ they [ __ ] live it loud oh yeah yeah because they’re in a claim and they’ll like count as a friendly uh mob oh yeah so any friendly mob

Inside a claim can’t die yeah so they would have been locked in an infinite battle holy [ __ ] that was crazy [Laughter] anyway i’m gonna head off now i think chat i hope you all enjoyed the stream um it wasn’t like a normal hardcore dream smp stream

Uh but i felt like it needed to be done i felt like a lot of the builds on the sub server really needed like some some like attention because they were incredible like holy [ __ ] dude they were so [ __ ] cool so i’m glad we got a chance to do that

Um and yeah watch this space we’ll start a new sub server soon don’t know exactly when whenever it’s ready pretty much i’ll let you all know when it’s up be sure to join the discord if you can and yeah thank you thank you again so much for watching and just hanging out

Maybe we can do this again next server reset i’ll catch you guys later Bye

This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Server is INSANE’, was uploaded by Ph1LzA on 2021-01-16 18:01:40. It has garnered 1778742 views and 81280 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:42 or 3402 seconds.

This was NUTS! Thanks to IanBealio & all those who submitted builds! Watch me LIVE ✯ Follow me on twitter 😀

Join the OFFICIAL Discord for behind the stream stuff!

Edited by me 🙂

Tour guide!

Resource Pack: My own Textures + DokuCraft sky (read instructions below) Make sure to have Optifine installed or the sky won’t work. Download a DokuCraft pack from their official website Open the zip folder and delete everything except the “sky” folder inside of the “optifine” folder Done!

Profile Pic was drawn by Glamist!

#Philza #Minecraft #SubServer

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    Minecraft Memes - Boys, we got em diamonds!Looks like the boys are back in town…or in this case, in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20.6 RC1: News Unleashed!

    Minecraft 1.20.6 RC1: News Unleashed! In Minecraft 1.20.6, a hotfix is near, To fix trader llama issues, have no fear. Data upgrades causing items to disappear, Wait for the fix, don’t shed a tear. Slicedlime here with the news so clear, Bringing updates for all to hear. Critical issues, we must adhere, To make Minecraft a game without a single tear. So hop on in, join the fun, In Minecraft, there’s always something to be done. Stay tuned for more updates, we’ve only just begun, With slicedlime as your guide, victory is won. Read More

  • Minecraft ULTIMATE clutch play! 🔥

    Minecraft ULTIMATE clutch play! 🔥 When you’re about to fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft but you pull off an INSANE CLUTCH move and save yourself, all while Herobrine is watching in disbelief like “I didn’t program that in the game!” #minecraftmagic #clutchplays #herobrineisshook Read More

  • Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land!

    Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land! Minecraft Adventures: Episode 588 – Zombie Attack Minecraft Adventures: Episode 588 – Zombie Attack Xin chào mình là chủ kênh Lờ Đờ Vờ, xin chân thành cảm ơn bạn đã xem video của mình, mình sẽ cố gắng làm chủ đề Minecraft trên kênh game của mình nhanh chóng phát triển. Mặc dù có những lần nhận được nhiều lời bình luận không hay nhưng mình vẫn sẽ cố gắng làm video và sẽ bỏ ngoài tai những lời không tốt từ phía người xem có ý nghĩ tiêu cực. Chân thành cảm ơn các bạn. Building a Chicken… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “BEST WORKING MICROWAVE IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE MICROWAVE IN MINECRAFT ?” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where creativity knows no bounds? Imagine a world where you can not only build a working microwave in Minecraft but also interact with a community of like-minded players who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of what… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Money: Click Now!

    Master Minecraft Money: Click Now! Embark on an Epic Minecraft Journey: Conquer the Nether Fortress! Welcome to IDSP GAMING, where Minecraft enthusiasts unite to witness the most thrilling adventures in the game’s universe. In this episode, prepare to be captivated as we set our sights on conquering the formidable Nether Fortress, a task that only the bravest dare to undertake. Unleashing the Adventure in the Nether Hold onto your pickaxes as we delve deep into the heart of the Nether, a realm filled with treacherous challenges and untold dangers. Our mission is clear – to conquer the Nether Fortress and etch our names in… Read More

  • 🔮 MASTER MINECRAFT MAGIC: Enchanting Guide! 🔮 #shorts

    🔮 MASTER MINECRAFT MAGIC: Enchanting Guide! 🔮 #shortsVideo Information you get wasted love wake me up tell me I’m doing the sa s not the wasted [Music] love This video, titled ‘Minecraft Enchanting Guide: Mastering the Magic #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-07 20:51:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Pranks and Scares

    Ultimate Creeper Pranks and ScaresVideo Information toma Creeper hijo de tu madre ese s me hizo [Aplausos] daño no un skeletor This video, titled ‘Creeper #minecraft #creeper #sustos’, was uploaded by Zukekito on 2024-02-12 23:30:36. It has garnered 5362 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🚀 If you are ready to face your fears and immerse yourself in an adventure full of terror and excitement, don’t miss this video of OccultCraft in Minecraft! Please like, subscribe and hit the bell for more scary moments in the future! #OccultCraft #Minecraft #WitchHunt #Harlem #Scares #Zukekito Read More

  • Insane Parkour Challenge Live Stream ft. Pr.Ziyu 🔥

    Insane Parkour Challenge Live Stream ft. Pr.Ziyu 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【Pr.紫羽】☾Minecraft ➱ Parkour☽ IP資訊欄 ❮直播台 🔴❯’, was uploaded by Pr.紫羽 on 2024-04-22 10:53:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft✖︎▭▭▭▭▭▭✖︎ Server name➡manacube Server IP➡ Server version➡1.8.9~1.19 (The anchor is currently using… Read More

  • Minecraft Survival Madness LIVE 🔥 #54 P2

    Minecraft Survival Madness LIVE 🔥 #54 P2Video Information okay so this is the beginning this is the beginning of the chunk let me clarify it not this is this is right yeah so from here oh there we need to dig the whole thing subish bud are you watching I’m doing bro I’m doing what you’re asking me to do you know what I was actually thinking we’ll like eventually we’ll do that for this reason only we initially oh no I’m remembering all the things we did so we wanted to actually clear this mountain for making some Farms then I was like okay it’s… Read More

My Minecraft Server is INSANE