NEW Loot for Wandering Traders, Jungle and Swamp Villagers! 23w31a Minecraft snapshot

Video Information

Hello there Ray here guys we have a brand new snapshot this is 23w31a and in it comes brand new trades for wandering trainers and villagers new collectible rares a ton of bug fixes and other Minecraft news so watch to the end getting enchanted books from villagers now has completely changed so you now

Will have to work through higher professional Librarians in order to get the better books they’ll unlock the four different villagers all the way to Master Level they’re starting to see a theme here and that is because they actually changed it so that different biomed villagers will offer different

Books so here’s a spreadsheet showing each of them were in a snowy biome that means our villagers when they offer normal books are going to offer the Octo Affinity book the Looting book as well as a frost Walker book and that’s exactly what we’ve been seeing but they

Also added it so that when you unlocked the villagers last professional level which is the Master Level the new trade which I’ll offer which is at the very bottom here will always have a specific special book that will always be there and for the snow biome it’s the silk

Touch book this means if you want to get a bunch of different enchanted books all from villagers you will have to actually have villagers from every single different type of biome in which they have a biome type for so you’d have to go to a desert and have desert villagers

If you want fire protection Thorns or Infinity chanted books as well as a guaranteed efficiency 3 book have to find some planes in order to get villagers to offer punch Smite being a Martha pods as well as the guaranteed protection 3 book a Taiga Biome in order

To get your blast protection fire aspect lame and guaranteed chance of Fortune 2 a savannah Village in order to get your sweeping Edge knockback persa binding and your guaranteed sharpness 3 book you also have to make your own villages in the jungle biome in order to get the book projectile protection feather

Falling power and the guaranteed Unbreaking 3 and find a swamp type to get the swamp villagers for your respiration depth Strider Vanishing curse as well as the guaranteed mending a although people have speculated that they would add in actual natural Villages or the jungles as well as a

Swamps it doesn’t appear that they’re going to at least not soon and same thing could be said about a cherry despite these biome have their own unique wood type which could make a really cool looking houses or The Villages that would be inside them but one thing you notice about these two

Biomes that you have to make your own villages in the swamp in the jungle they both have the most sought after enchantments as their special book so the swamp has The Mending which many can be applied to pretty much anything and same thing for Unbreaking which comes

From The Jungle which is going to make it tough to get these books but overall the whole reason why they made this change is because they want to make villager training more balanced because normally you could just find some villages in a village convert them over

To Librarians have a chance of getting a really good enchanted book in the first trade without having to unlock all the different professions levels which could be like Unbreaking or even like a mending book and because getting emeralds is easy even with trading villagers it wasn’t too difficult to

Just consider this the best way to enchanted books completely ignoring enchanting tables and their use in enchanting different things or actually going out and looting structures to find those enchanted books which are hidden within so rather than like buffing then chanting tables or the loot from

Structures it made a lot more sense for them to just rebalance villagers and making it more of a progression in the game now the villagers still can sell the highest level for their first trade like here we got a bane of arthropods by book and for a decent price now the way

They rebalance them scenes are pretty good encourages players to unlock all the way to the last trade to get those special books which are all really good ones overall but also encourage players to go out to different types of biomes and to not only find the natural

Villages but also have to make their own Villages so with this change if we wanted to get all these different types of enchantments all in one area you’d have to at least go out to these different biomes find a village and get a villager and do at least one trade so

That way it doesn’t lose its profession but you most likely would want to unlock all their trades and hope you get a villager that has a whole bunch of different enchantments and preferably one of each unique enchantment and also for a decent price otherwise you have to bring multiple villagers all the way

Back to your base then you can always remove his workstation and then move that Village there is another dimension to your main base and then you’d have to do this for every single biome type lets a lot of villagers do you have to move back but then it’s possible to get a

Villager that’s almost like how it was before the rebalance now you might have noticed that not all the enchantments are actually being offered by the Villager and this is by Design because they don’t want you to actually have to just depend on villagers in order to get

Everything they want you to go out and get it from other means so which ones are exactly missing from villagers these villagers actually never offered Soul speed or Swift sneaks for soul speed you always had to get from bartering and for Swift sneak you always had to be looting

In the ancient cities but you could also no longer get in the enchantments that are unique to tridents this includes a loyalty channeling Riptide and impaling same things for crossbows they’re a quick charge one as well as multi-shot and piercing don’t show up in the new villagers and the fishing rod ones

Including lure as well as luck in the sea but these aren’t too difficult to get just from using my AFK fish farm that provides treasure loot which also means that my farm is now the best way to actually get enchanted books this is because AFK fishing can grant you all

The different types of enchanted books in the game even the treasure ones and we can get the enchantments that we can’t get from villagers like here you can see you got multi-shot plus you can get multiple enchantments on each book so you have a better chance of getting

At least one enchantment that you’re looking for and you can also get enchanted bows so you can skip having to enchant those as well as nicely Enchanted fishing rods so this is definitely going to be the go-to way to get tons of enchanted books although you

Don’t get the one that you exactly want you will eventually get it and I even have two different designs one uses a skullic sensor one uses the calibrated skalk sensor they both work huge in the same mechanic it just depends on what type of preference you want I’ll have

Both the tutorial videos linked down below but you can see on average in one hour all the stuff you can get but villagers trading is not the only thing that reworked we also got wandering Traders which include some different ones that we haven’t seen before so this

Was based off of feedback from the player where that people were saying that the prices seemed a bit unfair so they just did those you can see they’re a bit lower a lot of them are just for one emerald and offering several items for one emerald and the old water

Traders didn’t really offer that many useful items so they also updated those when it comes to new trades they can offer logs and they’ll sell eight of those and they only costs you one Emerald they’ll do a total of four trades they also sell the iron pick

Enchanted which is kind of similar to the mod that we’ve seen during the mob boat as it was going to sell Enchanted pickaxe now to sell these kind of expensive 6 to 20 emeralds you only do one trade of those and they’ll also sell you the potion of invisibility which is

Pretty cool because they’d obviously have this potion with them because at night they will drink it themselves and go invisible and they’ll sell that for also buy some new stuff including water bottles buckets of water not buckets as a villager does actually use knock buckets in order to reappear when it

Becomes daytime again they also will buy fermented spider irons probably has to do with like them making potions also by baked potatoes probably food for themselves as well as hay bales which is probably food for like their trading llamas we made the bucket of waters for watering the llamas and the water

Bottles is for the Villager to drink Duran’s wandering of selling Goods it’s all it does have a bit of a backstory besides that the old items it also sells for cheaper prices and also has more of them stocked let’s just go ahead and try to buy some saplings oh look at that I

Got eight of them before locked up let’s try some glowstone I was able to get five of those and with these guys actually buying stuff it does feel more like actual trade rather than just a seller because before they would just sell you stuff and they never actually

Buy anything you can actually get emeralds from just trading with wandering Traders now one thing I wish they would sell would be like a lava bucket to make a cobble generator in an extremely limited sky block world like we did in protest guys so what do you think about these changes to wandering

Trainers as well as to villagers these snapshots are for the upcoming 1.20.2 version with the trading changes being an experimental toggle you have to turn on before starting your world one of the biggest changes is you can no longer get repeatedly discounted villagers by constantly getting them

Converted by a zombie and then cured Again by yourself to continually lower down the cost until it only costs one Emerald I did a whole video on this bug fix explaining how the Villager discount system works and how exactly this fix would be implemented and possible workarounds that we could use for the

Future now that the fix is out let’s see exactly how they did it so I got a new villager let’s go ahead and cure it up so let’s see how this is we did get a discount for kiranet and it looks like we got the same type of values that we

Did prior with a minor value of 25 and a major value of 20. let’s go ahead and try Cure it a second time which is the part that’s nerfed we can see that the major positive and the minor positive are both maxed out at the first carrying

With values 20 and 25 but my prediction in this video here is correct and in it I showed the new way you have to trade with villagers in order to get low prices make sure to check that out after watching this one so you are able to

Smuggle over your good villagers or have been cured a bunch of time time so their prices are all once as well as villagers that have the old book system but just be careful not to accidentally re-cure your old ones they’re going to reset their discounts as if they only got

Cured one time and what they’ll bring you lower again with the recent break that we’ve been seeing in snapshots I put out a poll on my community tab for those of you guys that are subscribed Bells have the Bell notification set to all you will get these posts and in this

Week’s poll I asked what do you guys think about having big time gaps between snapshots it seems the majority of people thought it was okay for there to be up to a whole month worth of no snapshots with a smaller percentage of people thinking I wish I had one every

Week or so or at least every week also in the snapshot they increased the chances of binding diamond ore in the deepest parts of the world they want to do this to make the reward for finding diamonds in the Deep slate layers more rewarding that way people actually come

Down here and mine for diamonds rather than just mining just above the layer to get the faster money speed of stone I covered all the best mining strategies in this video here which I’ll link in the description you guys can check out afterwards when it comes to passengers

Which are things that are running on top of other things when you press F3 plus b you can now see the attachment point between the entities so here you can see the skeleton which is a little white box spiders little white box there’s supplication points which are the red

Ones but you can also see there’s a new yellow line and this yellow line is exactly where these two are attaching so like here on the ravager you can see it’s just above it and on the chicken chalky it’s also just above where the chicken is and now added it so Berry

Blocks can be waterlogged so if we just right click on them the mod will sit inside and you see it doesn’t actually leave it which is really cool so you can actually make these visually flirting water but you can’t actually stand in it because you’re because the bearer block

Still has Collision those would be great for map makers or they can have it so that there’s water without people actually going inside of it which means you can now place a lily pad on the top of barrier block but this only works if you’re in creative and you can’t like grief it

You could also no longer Crouch while riding a vehicle so if I push Crouch you can see I just Dismount with no visual actual crouching or as flowers use build to support stuff on top of them because they have this nice full block here take

A bit like a repeater on top of them but they actually changes so they will no longer support blocks above them this is actually considered a new type of rare where you can collect these prior and then when you update you no longer can obtain them now when hopping across your different

Minecraft worlds I’ll actually remember what you wrote in chat if it’s a command so I just hopped into this world and usually your chat would be completely empty but if you open up the chat and then just push the up Arrow you can see all the different commands which I used

In the previous world this is really useful in case you’re trying to do something across different worlds and I have to remember the last 50 of them this is gonna be really nice for me as I do a lot of testing and I oftentimes will have to control a and then copy a

Command before hopping into a new world when on a server now the game will actually not try to send over all the new chunks all at once but instead doing the smaller patches this way when you’re on a server and you’re trying to load in a chunk it won’t get timed out and

Kicked from the world because of this this is great for people with low bandwidth while the person who is on the client side can still interact with the chunks long as they’re within the render distance it’s always good to see them doing optimizations even to chunk sending

If you use a resource packs you’ll like this next one the video so it’s possible for a resource pack to work for multiple versions when in the past you need like a special resource pack for one version and then a different one for a different version I’m really excited for this

Hopefully get somebody to make me a resource pack that works for all the main versions I play on that’ll make redstone components more quieter as well as explosions which is really nice when recording they changed the way how Network protocols work so once you’ve logged in with your Minecraft account you’re in

What’s now considered a login phase and you’ll be in that phase until you go and join a server there’s also a configuring phase where they will kind of figure out information between the player and the server and during this phase you won’t actually be visible on the player list

This is where they’ll enable different features and then you can move on to the playing Phase we’re actually onto the server in either of their phases that keep track stuff like resource packs tags custom packets and as well as pinging packets now the server will actually negotiate resource packages now

The player will no longer be actually technically in the world when having to answer prompts that pop up before the world such as like loading resources they also made changes to the symbolic link validation symbolic link is just a link that doesn’t really take you to where it shows the add-ins and

Validation things to help players understand and use this security feature now when you come into here and you go into your options and then Elementary data you can see they have a new link here that says privacy statement that will take you to the Microsoft privacy statement information about how

Microsoft will use your data if you care about your privacy be sure to check this out resource packs and data packs that got updated to version 16 with a bunch of different changes which I’ll have this link to in the description did you leave a like in the video in job Edition

You can put water in a cauldron and if you have some banners that have some patterns on them you can right click The Cauldron to clean up these new clean banners would now have a new npt tag which you can actually see when hovering over it compared to the old banners

Which do not that means these banners cannot stack with the old ones so in this newest version they fixed this bug so they will now stack so be sure to go ahead and collect some of these as a rare item before updating and while they’re attic I also pick up some more

Rare banners which are actually ones they haven’t fixed for some reason which is when you place the banner down and then you break it it doesn’t actually stack with the previous ones so you can see that we got two stacks here but we can’t actually put them together even

Though they look the same so hopefully they fix this living well click these as rare items as well they also fix a bug that is related to Iron Golems spawning with iron farm ever since 1.19 it had to do with the villager’s countdown timer for summoning an iron golem was actually resetting and

Starting again before the counter to do with the last time it seen a Golem so right here you can see it’s a Golem detection recently and this is a number that will count but then last time these guys seen a Golem this was caused Iron

Golems to spawn in just a bit later than what they normally would so now if this fix my iron bar will produce at similar rates as before and that same problem with the iron golem was also occurring with piglet buttering where it would take them instead of just 120 game ticks

To barter with some items they take them 121 game ticks so if he had some very precise like iron Farms or penguin bartering systems it would mess up the timings but now it’s back to the way before 1.19 with the recent addition to drop Edition where you can just right

Click to swap out what armor you’re wearing with the one in your main hand the main so you cannot take off cursive binding by using this trick the only problem is in Creative you could also not use it but you should be able to since in Creative you don’t they care

About the curse of binding since you could just pull it off manually so the fixes to work in Creative only before you could place blocks above a camel while it’s sitting so when it would stand up it would end up suffocating inside of the blocks this would eventually kill the camel but doesn’t

Actually affect a little trick that I showed where you can use camels to actually go through the nether ceiling Bedrock as an elevator that you can go both up and down with I’ll have that link down below my baby camels now sit down as well as stand up they will now

Sound like actual babies and not like adults who really groan when they go up and down the infinitely dashing camels were still appearing but only when they would fall into lava with fire resistance as you can see the camel is constantly sprinting until they change

It so it will no longer do this it changes so candles won’t stand too close to the player when tempting them with a cactus unlike most jockey mobs where the thing that’s riding on top can control the thing that it’s writing when it comes to a jockey that is a camel the

Husk couldn’t actually control the camel the same thing also applies to llamas so now llamas don’t have to be attained in order for the mob right now to be able to control them and a similar problem would occur with the mobs the head item displays as a passenger also slimes and

Magma cubes were having this problem where they weren’t coming after you to attack you so in the new version this is fixed so they could operate like this horse does they fix a couple bugs related to different mobs riding other mobs and how they’re positioned as a

Passenger so now they will no longer be so low and look so bizarre Bishop also fix taller mobs so they no longer look like they’re sitting way up in the air unlike camels that weren’t on leads that could panic when they get damaged these could not panic so they just stand there

This would fix a new version along with this affecting stuff like frogs goats and sniffers upon generating in a village desert the game would sometimes place a camel inside of block so now the camel will spawn freely the camel is sitting down or standing wasn’t activating the skull sensors so they

Added it into the game they added so dashing with a camel will activate skull sensors when breeding Turtles and when they start laying their eggs skull sensors will not actually detect them doing their digging with the same and skull extensors can also now detect when witches will drink potion similar to if

A player drank a potion this could be useful in making a potion Farm where you can detect when the witches have to drink in the potion so when you kill it it would have a chance of dropping it stalk sensors will now detect when the Tome of a Dying break now skulk blocks

When they hear events they would do this in a severe around the center but Minecraft isn’t made out of circles but instead of blocks so you can see on the edge here such as like this block you’re standing on one side of the block it can

Hear you but if you’re standing on the other side of it it wouldn’t be able to hear it until they change it so skulls will now hear stuff the same no matter where they are within the block this not only helps along the edge of it but also throughout the different distances going

Away from the skulk as the farther you are away from it the lower the Redstone signal it will produce when it hears the event not too long ago the change how shulker boxes act as if they are colliding or not depending on what you

Have on top of it so you can play stuff like repeaters as long as you can open it sideways but something like a pressure plate when the shulker Box is open it’s no longer being able to support it will break out this also changed the way how mods will actually

Suffocate underneath them so when it’s closed they suffocate but if you would open it you can see it’s no longer suffocating but the same type of behavior wasn’t working when it came to Redstone notice you push Redstone into the shulker box when it’s closed it’s like a nice little solid block and

Therefore the Redstone can go in it and then be pulled out of it with this repeater but when you would open this up north Redstone is still on so now power goes through them but as soon as you open them the repeater turns off and once it closes again it turns

Back on again while updating my automatic disorder as part of my farm everything Series where I’m designing a farm for everything in the game Minecraft I noticed that when it came to the pick step music disc it was a bit different than all the rest so if you

Come here in their creative menu and we look down here in utilities we see all the music discs and they’re actually in the same order as the order they are when they are placed inside of a no block and produce a redstone signal that is all except for the pig step one it

Produces a power of 13 and it sits in between weight as well as other side music disc this is different than in the creative menu where pigstep is one over and sets between the other side and the New Relic one so I actually made a bug report on this and despite previous

Attempts of people trying to correct the order of the music disc the incorrectly thought that it was supposed to be alphabetized but instead it was completely related to the Redstone signal and even though the bug report got closed one time you can just ask them to reopen it if you have some new

Information and the fix now get implemented into the game now if you completed the smithing with style advancement getting in using eight different armor trims it will now give you some X speeds similar to completing other hard advancements which are considered challenges you won’t be able to get the glow and behold advancement

Anymore just by interacting and editing the sign not actually consuming the glowing it fixes so Rockets can actually give knockback to the player when they explode when they won the 19.3 they accidentally made it so despite me shooting this one off it’ll damage you but won’t actually give you any

Knockback when trying to name something an anvil and putting your screen into full screen you could actually change the item’s name it seems like you completely lose access to your cursor you can’t even see it what’s a fix in this version there is an unusual symbol called no break space and it was

Possible to use a symbol when signing a book so you could end up with a book with no name now the symbol will appear appropriately there’s this little icon here saving a sign with words in a older version and then updating to 1.20 will no longer cause the sign to lose its

Text when checking the local difficulty on a server by using F3 it’s this digit here the server wasn’t actually showing you the correct number because if you lower the same world then Singapore it it would actually show you the correct one so now you should be able to tell

How likely you’ll be to get some rare events such as like rare Mobs with armor despite this being a wrap if you look inside of the chest you will see it’s still called boat with chest instead of a wrap so they update of that they resolved an issue from way back in 2015

Or if you’d have your rain or tick speed sit to zero random ticks are normally the things that kind of occur around the player and make things progress as if nature is going on such as like ice freezing so if you said to Zero ice shouldn’t freeze but in some cases this

Was still occurring so now you don’t have to worry about your adventure maps and being ruined you make crouching the same between Bedrock Edition and Java Edition fixing it so that the player in Java doesn’t have his feet hanging outside of this little box if he had

Whacked a sign then all of a sudden whenever you place a block up against it you wouldn’t be able to hear the placing noise sniffers have ability to sniff out players nearby and actually move towards them but if you would move really far away the sniffer would sniff you out and

It would actually still try to move towards you and no matter where you move to the sniffer would slowly progress in your direction so they now change it so the sniffer once you get so far away it will then give up on you but other people see you swim they see it being

Really jerky so now this is much smoother there is all this issue where you could have an ancient city actually generate when upgrading an old world to the new like 1.19 or 1.20 but you can see this ancient city doesn’t actually have very much of the skull blocks like

You would expect in the deep dark biome you can now use Control Plus middle click to get a copy if you’re a creative of any Clay Pot that you’re looking at the nether hanging signs when broken were making the wrong noise as they were making the sound of a plague despite

Them being made out of stripped variation of the stem so now they will make this noise bamboo fences are now positioned more appropriately inside the crafting menu you’ll no longer get particles off of brushing a barrier block or falling on top of one you can now use the item command to switch out

Items but inside of a chisel book all while using commands and this also works for jukeboxes when running a fill command it would continuously get louder and louder until it became absurdly loud they also made the ears on camo the same for Java as well as bedrock animals no

Longer move slowly when going under three block tall areas compared to their normal Speed without so say goodbye to the days where the skeleton was kind of stuck inside the spider on Spider jockeys so now we can see the skeleton is clearly riding on top of the spider

And not within it a long time problem with command blocks has finally been resolved this is when you’re trying to highlight some of the text within it but then you go off of the screen the game will continue to highlight ticks over there but you just can’t see what you’re

Doing so that’ll actually scroll as you’re highlighting during editing size the text abnormal color would look really full or lesson just during the editing stage well now it will look normal it also fix quite a few bugs related to textures having a couple incorrect pixels when it comes to the

Pink petals if you look very close you can see one of the Cross sections for the stem was missing for each stem there’s two planes facing two different directions you can see this on all of them except for this one so the edit it in when it came to translating the names

For the different types of smithing templates in job Edition they’re all considered the same with this same ID now they’re giving unique ones such as like in Bedrock Edition so you could use the translation keys or resource packs it’s always great to see memory Leaks

Get fixed and they fix this one to do with ticking Tracker Where over time it would continuously add up and eventually hold up a bunch of memory Minecraft also added in Minecraft realms into the launcher as well so if you have either the Java or the Bedrock Edition

Realms you’re able to see that without actually having to go inside the game so if you just come up here and click on the little Realms thing then you can just click on servers that you’ve already been invited to and also change the version right here as well if you

Don’t know Minecraft realms is their subscription-based Minecraft servers but most people don’t use in Minecraft servers because their specs are not as good and if you want a Minecraft server I’d recommend bisect hosting we’ve been using them for around eight years and they have great specs on their servers

Check them out with my link in the description for 25 off plus it also helps me out we’ve also seen other changes that Minecraft made such as now considering guns as well as Firearms as being adult content and therefore shouldn’t be displayed on servers where kids play so if a server violates this

New rule you’ll get a seven day notice and then the IP of your server will be blocked what do you think about Minecraft taking a stronger stance on things that occur on multiplayer servers even though when you join multiplayer servers you agree that the content on there doesn’t represent like Microsoft

And also might not be appropriate people often play Minecraft for the freedom of creativity but it seems like Mojang has been really restricting that over the last couple years let me know what you think also recently we’ve seen Mojang make it so that you need to get approval

Before you can actually use the Mojang API and API is just a way for one program to work with a different program by using code-like languages this is used to get like a player to your ID if you only know the person’s Minecraft username so there’s like a little bit of

Code that says you know the name and then you can like retrieve the actual ID this is useful when people like change their Minecraft names doesn’t actually change their uuid this means any type of mod or even Minecraft launcher that’s made by somebody and needs to gather these different type of information in

Order to work will have to be first approved by Mojang now they said they did this to prevent Bad actors from putting like malware inside their their different launchers or mods this also caused a bottleneck for certain types of mods and is affecting the Java Community

Who in the past mostly had free open access to making mods however they want for smaller and lighter mod this shouldn’t be a problem but what do you think about Mojang slowly putting a squeeze on it will job eventually lose access to making mods similar to how Bedrock Edition has

More recently we’ve seen the update of the icon at the top of the Minecraft application change from like a grass block to a dirt block when you’re playing in the snapshots but they also change the icon that you see or the Minecraft launcher so for the Java

Launcher it turns out to be like this little square Creeper face but it’s grayed out the better condition launcher has a Green version of this Minecraft probably did this to try to get their icons to look unique not get confused with other third-party launchers it also

Look similar to the icons that they have on their social media let me know what you think of all these changes and don’t forget I live stream every Wednesday Friday Saturday and Sunday at 2PM Eastern and if you’re able to help I have a patreon with a bunch of perks

Including getting your name up above I will see you over my live stream bye

This video, titled ‘NEW Loot for Wandering Traders, Jungle and Swamp Villagers! 23w31a Minecraft snapshot’, was uploaded by Rays Works on 2023-08-02 21:32:02. It has garnered 20642 views and 1424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:01 or 1681 seconds.

Like and Share with other Minecrafters! ►Ray Twitch Livestream (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 2pm ET): ►Support Ray with Patreon: Minecraft 1.20.2 snapshot update review adds new trades loot to librarian villagers and wandering trades in an experimental toggle. Also villager curing nerf for lower emerald prices, more diamond ore down low, data pack/ resource pack updates and many bug fixes. ►More News videos:

►All Farms in Minecraft spreadsheet: Villager NERF explained: AFK fish farm with treasure loot: Mining Tricks: Camel bedrock passageway: ProtoSky series: ►More News videos:

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0:00 1.20.2 23w31a snapshot review 0:13 villager loot changes 5:15 afk fish farm treasure loot 6:04 new wandering trader loot 8:10 nerf villager curing trades 9:24 minecraft update break 9:49 diamond ore buff 10:14 more new additions 14:11 bug fixes 25:02 minecraft launch realms 25:43 adult content in minecraft 26:16 mojang API wall 27:16 minecraft window icon

ProtoTech is 100% Vanilla Survival whitelisted 6 year old server that has never reset the map with 160,000+ Minecraft days accumulated. With the goal to automate and collect everything possible in the game, the journey has only started! ► ProtoTech episodes: ► ProtoTech tours:

Ray’s PC setup: Recorded with OBS: edited with SVP: Optifine: Mcedit: NBTexplore: NEW Loot for Wandering Traders, Jungle and Swamp Villagers Why Dream manhunt doesnt have these new tricks, items and blocks. Amidst: Replay Mod: Carpet mod: Music:


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    EPIC Minecraft Meme Compilation - Teacher vs Student Minecraft: Exploring the World of Block Xuan Introduction Welcome to the world of Block Xuan, where creativity and humor collide in the realm of Minecraft animations. Block Xuan, the creator, brings joy and laughter through original and entertaining content. This channel is the official home of Block Xuan, so be wary of any unauthorized videos related to him. Content Variety Block Xuan’s channel offers a diverse range of content: MC Funny Animations: Dive into hilarious Minecraft animations. Classroom Series: Explore the antics of students and teachers in a classroom setting. Song Adaptations: Enjoy creatively adapted songs. Special Moments: Delve… Read More

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    Beanie Breakcore: Honey Hype Nightcore In the Minecraft world, where creativity reigns, SmallishBeans brings joy, no need for chains. With honey, honey, honey, the bees do their part, Creating a sweet world, straight from the heart. From Hermitcraft to singing, Joel does it all, Spinning rhymes and beats, never to fall. So let’s dive into the verse, with a playful spin, Minecraft news in rhymes, let the fun begin! Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled: Fallen in Minecraft

    Secrets Unveiled: Fallen in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, secrets unfold, In “Fallen,” a tale of a girl so bold. She fell from the sky, a mystery untold, With friends and foes, her story will mold. Sirius, the hero, with a heart so true, Searching for answers, in a world askew. With Mars and Ju, they’ll find the clue, To save their friend, no matter what they must do. Halley, the trickster, with secrets to share, In the hidden room, she’ll find what’s rare. But Ju and Mars, with caution, beware, For trust is fragile, handle with care. Sol, the ruler, with a… Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome, adventurers and Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the mysterious coordinates found in the sewers of Tolfaldir on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server? Millions of dollars and rare items have vanished, and authorities suspect the elusive “Monster Marauder” to be behind it all. Despite warnings of danger, brave adventurers are flocking to the coordinates in search of treasure. If you’re looking for thrilling adventures, exciting challenges, and the chance to uncover hidden treasures, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the place for you. Join a community of like-minded players who are always up for an adventure and ready… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Survival Games Beyond Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Survival Games Beyond Minecraft! Exploring the Top 5 Survival Games Beyond Minecraft in 2024 Survival game enthusiasts, are you ready for a new adventure beyond the realms of Minecraft? In this exciting update for 2024, we bring you the top 5 survival games that will blow your mind with their diverse and thrilling experiences. From taming dinosaurs to surviving a zombie apocalypse, these games offer something for every survivalist out there! 1. ARK: Survival Evolved Step into a world where dinosaurs roam freely and survival is key in ARK: Survival Evolved. This game challenges players to tame, train, and ride these prehistoric creatures… Read More

  • Raiding in Minecraft: Epic Fail!

    Raiding in Minecraft: Epic Fail! Welcome to the World of Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to SmoshieYT, your go-to place for all things Minecraft! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something here for everyone. Join SmoshieYT on epic builds, thrilling survival challenges, mod reviews, and creative tutorials that will take your Minecraft experience to the next level. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Embark on exciting adventures in the vast world of Minecraft. Discover hidden treasures, build magnificent structures, and survive the dangers that lurk around every corner. With SmoshieYT as your guide, the possibilities are endless! Music Disclaimer It’s important to note that… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Plant Arch Build Guide!

    Crafty Creations: Plant Arch Build Guide! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a Leaf Arch, reaching for the skies. With blocks of green, and vines that twist, Our structure will stand, a nature-kissed bliss. First, gather your materials, leaves and more, Arrange them just right, like never before. Create a frame, sturdy and strong, For our Leaf Arch to last long. Add in some flowers, for a pop of color, And watch as our creation begins to smolder. Step back and admire, the beauty you’ve made, In Minecraft’s world, where dreams never fade. So follow along, with each step in rhyme,… Read More

  • Sunny Boy’s Minecraft Joy: My World Cube Xuan

    Sunny Boy's Minecraft Joy: My World Cube Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in playful vibes. From updates to tips, I’ve got it all, In rhymes that will make you stand tall. So join me in this blocky world so grand, Where adventures await, hand in hand. Let’s craft, let’s build, let’s explore with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are key. From sunny days to starry nights, I’ll bring you the latest in pixelated sights. So follow along, don’t miss a beat, In this world of blocks, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “DÜNYADAKİ EN BÜYÜK CANAVAR KAMYONU YAPARSAK NE OLUR? 😱 -Minecraft”. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could unleash your creativity and build something truly epic on a server like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can embark on thrilling adventures, engage in exciting challenges, and connect with a community of like-minded players. Minewind offers a unique and immersive… Read More

  • Block Bullies: Schoolyard foes in Minecraft

    Block Bullies: Schoolyard foes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with humor that entertains. Animations that are funny, with a touch of glee, Bringing happiness to all, for everyone to see. Avoiding any harm, keeping it child-friendly, Creating content that’s safe, for all to enjoy freely. With each video shared, a smile is guaranteed, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel, is where happiness breeds. So come along and join, in the Minecraft fun, With rhymes and laughter, until the day is done. Subscribe to the channel, for more joy and delight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything is bright. Read More

  • Minecraft’s New Tick Trick: Suck and Stick

    Minecraft's New Tick Trick: Suck and Stick In Minecraft, ticks now roam the land, Biting players with a sneaky hand. Lime’s disease will turn you green, A strange sight to be seen. But fear not, for there’s a cure, Juice a lime and the sickness will blur. Tick talk dances, oh what a sight, Tick Charli D’Amelio, shining bright. Mosquitoes join the game, buzzing around, Leaving itchy bumps on the ground. Scratch them away, but beware, The bumps will grow, a burden to bear. But fear not, for there’s a twist, Mosquitoes can be juiced, a strange list. Their itchy venom, a liquid so rare, Swim… Read More

  • Minecraft Fail: Burning Down the House! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Fail: Burning Down the House! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally hit your friend’s diamond pickaxe with your wooden sword in Minecraft and they start screaming “OOOO NOOOO!” like it’s the end of the world. #minecraftproblems #friendshipover #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Monster Elephant Portal in Minecraft

    Monster Elephant Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Monster Elephant Portal (Zoonomaly) Have you ever seen an elephant that’s not quite an elephant? Meet the Elephant Monster from the Zoonomaly game – a creature with elephant ears but no trunk or tail. This monster, although not created by the developers, is a unique addition to the Minecraft world. Join UzeMing as he embarks on the challenge of creating a portal to summon this mysterious creature. Preparing the Materials UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, amethyst, and budding crying obsidian to construct the portal. With these materials in hand, he sets out to create the portal… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience Welcome gamers! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join and explore? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Join a vibrant community of players from around the world as you embark on epic adventures, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. The possibilities are endless on Minewind! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today and start your journey on the Minewind server! Server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET Read More

  • Outsmarted by Anshu Bisht

    Outsmarted by Anshu Bisht Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Jack Bhaiya The GamerFleet Universe In the vast world of Minecraft, GamerFleet has carved out a unique space for themselves. From hilarious dance moves to epic PvP battles, GamerFleet’s content is a rollercoaster of entertainment. Their funny moments in Minecraft and the Fleet SMP keep viewers hooked and coming back for more. Joining Lilyville and Beyond Recently, GamerFleet ventured into Lilyville, adding a new dimension to their adventures. Lilyville’s war, streams, and PvP battles have brought a fresh dynamic to their content. The interactions between GamerFleet and Jack Bhaiya in Lilyville have… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT COMEBACK! Watch Aia Amare on NIJISANJI EN server!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] just kidding I’m here hi hi everyone it’s o o o hi J hi hi hi NE hian hi hi Steve hi re hi Hi V hi Hi D hi hi K hi Mr hi Hunter hi frer hi ped hi yanis hi blink hi noja hi real works hian hi Ola hi Nova hi Josh hi orange hiel hi hi Hunter hi hi Black Jack Hi D hi eeka hi hi hiy hi T hi hi hi hi hi character hi hi… Read More

  • Guess FNAF Character in Minecraft

    Guess FNAF Character in MinecraftVideo Information guess FF character Minecraft edition do you know who this is I am your biggest fan correctly it’s VY and this how the heck did I get in here yes it’s bon bon and who is [Music] this good job it’s circus baby thanks for watching leave your answer below in the comments This video, titled ‘Guess FNAF Character Minecraft Edition | #fnaf #shorts’, was uploaded by Dead Silence on 2024-02-16 16:30:00. It has garnered 17412 views and 466 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #fnaf #fnafcharacters #minecraft #fnafminecraft #shortsviral #shorts Welcome Guys,… Read More

  • 🎮 Ultimate gamer destroys Fleet SMP – EPIC Minecraft moments!

    🎮 Ultimate gamer destroys Fleet SMP - EPIC Minecraft moments!Video Information तो भाई जेल से बाहर आने के बाद कैसा लग रहा है मौसम तो ऐसा लग रहा है दिल गार्डन गार्डन हो रहा है बहुत मजा आ र है यहां पर तो गाइस अगर एसएमपी जवाइन करनी है तो यह वाला वीडियो देखो This video, titled ‘fleet smp season 2, funny minecraft video, minecraft bedrock, Join the gamer smp part 4’, was uploaded by The 3x gamer on 2024-04-20 00:35:00. It has garnered 1888 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. minecraft smp, lifesteal smp, public smp, My Please Like, Share &… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE 1.19 Stone Farm – Unexpected Results! #viral

    Insane Minecraft PE 1.19 Stone Farm - Unexpected Results! #viralVideo Information [संगीत] मेरी जान तूने मुझको पागल है किया मेरा लगदा ना जिया तेरे बगैर तू मान मेरी जान मैं तुझे जाने ना दूंगा मैं तुझको अपनी बाहों में छुपा के रखूंगा तू मान मेरी जान मैं तुझे जाने ना दूंगा मैं तुझको अपनी आंखों में बसा के रखूंगा तू मा मेरी [संगीत] जान This video, titled ‘Stone Farm Minecraft PE 1.19 ll Minecraft Stone Farm #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Game VibesHq on 2024-01-14 22:44:25. It has garnered 2457 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to Game VibesHq In… Read More

  • “Maira Exposes Lies & Betrayal in Dark SMP” #shockwave

    "Maira Exposes Lies & Betrayal in Dark SMP" #shockwaveVideo Information ओके हेलो गाइस वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो सो आज के इस वीडियो में हम लोग खेलने वाले अपने वही माफ्ट गर्ल्स वर्सेस बॉयज डार्क एसएमपी में यस आज हम अकेले खेल रहे कोई नहीं भाई जिसको बुलाते हैं सब धोखा करके चले जाते हैं लास्ट में इसीलिए भाई बेस्ट है कि अकेले रहो खुश रहोगे जिंदगी में ज्यादा बोल दिया पहले कुछ बना लेते हैं हम लोग यहां पे टूल्स वगैरह स्टार्टिंग में हम लोग अभी अकेले खेलते हैं बाद में देखते हैं ऐसे फ्रेंड ये सब ऐड करें हम लोग अपने ताकि वे लोग मेरी हेल्प… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC AMBUSH: Seizing New Weapons from Japanese!🔥 #Minecraft

    🔥EPIC AMBUSH: Seizing New Weapons from Japanese!🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information 得赶快把鬼子有增援部队的事告诉锤哥 趁没人注意,我偷偷从他们军营里溜走 喂,你小子要上哪儿去上你家祖坟 一个小鬼子还想拦住我 锤哥,大事不好 你知不知道我有多担心 你一个人潜入到鬼子的营地 我有重大发现是鬼子的增援部队 你说什么 这要是让他们增援部队赶到 我们怕是守不住了 细狗回来了 先把新炖的鸡汤给喝了吧 咱得想个办法 不让他们的增援部队赶到 秀琴 你一个人守着村子 我们俩要出去一趟 我们主动出击,埋伏他们增援部队 我也跟你们一起去 你不能去 你得保护这群老百姓 咱们走吧 赌上性命也不能让小鬼子的增援部队赶到,细狗 咱们俩去找一下,他们增援部队的位置就在前面 那里一定是鬼子的必经之路 好 这次咱们身上带了足够的炸药 我看这些小鬼子又想吃炸弹了 前面那好像就是鬼子的增援部队啊 我看到了车厢上装的满满都是物质 你别打我,我在这观察形势呢 望远镜给我,让我也看看 给你个单片的 我勒个豆,小鬼的物资果然特别充足 或许我们能把他们的物资给抢回来 那样对付鬼子就轻松多了 我提议咱们去他们的必经之路上埋上炸药 一旦经过全部炸光 你说的很对 我们现在就去他们必经之路这里 路面平整 他们一定会经过这赶快拿,那要埋下去 不然一会被增援部队发现我们的计划就失败了 要是失败了咋办 我们会不会被鬼子抓起来当当俘虏 毕竟之前我还被鬼子悬赏呢 炸药已经埋伏完毕,嘿嘿 一会有小鬼子好看的我们走,我们走 鬼子的增强部队来了,他们马上完蛋 还有两个残余的鬼子全部解决了 下去看看宝箱下面还有几个没死透的小鬼子 可恶 到底是谁埋伏了我们 原来还有两个没拿枪的鬼子 先不管看看这物资究竟有多丰富 好,估计里面全都是枪械 打开看看,哇 是好吃的,一会全部拿走 细狗,快来 我在这里全都是枪械 是轻型机枪鬼子的新型武器 他们绝对不会只带一种武器 过来看看别的还有没有这些鬼子 看来这次是想把我们一锅端了 哦哟,是迫击炮 听说这玩意儿威力老大了 咱们去叫下面那两个鬼子把车运到村里 你们这俩鬼子听我八路的命令 把车运到我们村里 小鬼子给我们当司机 我们皇军是不会给你们当司机的 要杀要剐,随便你们太嚣张了 给你们一条活路还不选 那好 把这些小鬼子统统杀掉我们自己吧 好 这可别怪我们不要啊 八路啊,啊 这里货物很多 能搬多少是多少 整整好几个大箱够我们用了 趁鬼子没发现之前赶快离开吧 锤哥,咱拿小鬼子这么多东西 他们肯定气炸了 废话少说 不知村里人为我们担心成什么样了 还是赶快回村位 好 终于到村了,累死了 好像有俩人回来了 谢狗,锤哥 你俩终于回来了 我担心死你们了 细狗 快把这箱子放地上,哎 不是你们抱着几个大木箱干嘛 这箱子里是鬼子的新型武器… Read More

  • EPIC Steve vs Herobrine Battle in Minecraft #viral

    EPIC Steve vs Herobrine Battle in Minecraft #viralVideo Information time to roll a DI you know I’m the time to rest my life not afraid to die time to make you cry time to put a price all up on your head do just what I said This video, titled ‘steve vs herobrine fight battle in Minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Chota chirag gta 5 on 2024-04-05 04:43:38. It has garnered 846 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. steve vs herobrine fight battle in Minecraft @chotachiraggta5 #chotachiraggta5 #minecraft #herobrine #steve #fight #battle #short Read More


    ULTIMATE GAMING EXPERIENCE - JOIN OUR 24/7 MINECRAFT SMP NOW!Video Information न्यू क मतलब न्यू माफ्ट स्म एंड हम लोग आज फिर से खेलने वाले हैं माफ्ट एंड सबसे पहले तो हम लोग पिछला स्ट्रीम इसलिए एंड कि क्योंकि कोई आ ही नहीं रहा था भाई अभी पता नहीं आता है कि नहीं लेट्स सी एंड होप कि कोई ना कोई आ जाए एंड अभी चैट थोड़ी बहुत तो चली है सबसे पहले वली बियर देन आ पगन हेड देन आ मा एसम [संगीत] [संगीत] आवाज माय गॉड भाई फायर बस को पता चल गया कि क्या हुआ [संगीत] है लैंड क्लेम हम नोला का बेस हा फोड़ें भाई… Read More

  • Insane Stunt in Minecraft: Flying in Style!

    Insane Stunt in Minecraft: Flying in Style!Video Information [Música] now but I can see so clearly there’s inion [Música] clarity to see how I got here I never thought S to the B here but the Clear ler for the but until I was down here I really didn’t know how good I had it May now but I can see so clearly there’s only one decision in theion I right now [Música] I ofion [Música] Enough to turn It All can be May now I can so [Música] clearly there only one [Música] in the of Vision there’s only one decision there’s only onec [Música]… Read More

  • ShadpwRealms

    ShadpwRealmsShadowRealms is a new server looking for a build team! We are currently hosting a build competition to put together our build team which will help us design and build spawns, custom maps, and more! Join today to try out for the team and help us make this server great! Read More

  • Long Gone Anarchy Java 1.20.6 “Hack, Cheat, Lie, Steal, It’s All In The Deal!” Welcome to LongGone, where chaos reigns and rules don’t exist! Join this new anarchy server inspired by the greatest anarchy servers. Expect zero map resets, swift server updates, and minimal admin interference. Leave your mark on the server today! -SGR_ (LongGone was created on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 and opened to the public on Friday, May 17th, 2024). – I can’t wait to see where this server will be in 5 years! Read More

  • Kholodny-Rubezh

    Cold Frontier is a community of players from all over the world. We try to keep our server simple enough. There are 10-20 active players in our community. Our ages range from 10 to 70 years old, and we all share a love of Minecraft and a sense of community. We have a shopping area, villages created by players, periodic events and much more.Submission in Preview Draft Status. Only you and site moderators can see it.When ready, edit & publish live.– — BedWars, SkyPvP, SkyWars, Hunger Games, Griefer, Murder Mystery, Survival– Clans, an arena for clan battles, as well as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Search for booty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”

    Looks like someone’s search history is about to get a little… shady. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: João’s Azmuth League S5

    Minecraft Madness: João's Azmuth League S5 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, S5João brings updates that make us feel alive. With a call to Pro Azmuth from Ben 10’s realm, The adventure unfolds, like a captivating film. The chaos of building, the heat of the day, But S5João never lets it get in his way. With iron in hand and a mission in mind, He crafts a story that leaves us all entwined. So follow along, hit that like and subscribe, For S5João’s content will surely revive. In the realm of gaming, where legends are born, He’s the narrator we all adore and… Read More

  • Hot Mace Sizzles Creepy Pasta & Proboiz 95!

    Hot Mace Sizzles Creepy Pasta & Proboiz 95! “Who would win in a fight: a Minecraft mace or a bunch of creepy pasta characters and proboiz 95? My money’s on the mace – those zombies and skeletons don’t stand a chance against pixelated power!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk about the creative game that has captured the hearts of millions – Minecraft. You may have come across a video titled “DOWNFALL OF MOST CREATIVE GAME @minecraft”, where the content creator shares their subjective opinions on the current state of Minecraft. While opinions may vary, one thing is for sure – Minecraft continues to be a beloved game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community,… Read More

  • Outsmarting Traps in Minecraft

    Outsmarting Traps in Minecraft Escaping the Trap in Minecraft with My Friend Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with your friend as you navigate through challenges, traps, and creative building in this family-friendly gameplay. Join the fun as you explore the best Minecraft traps, survival strategies, and modded gameplay in this engaging Minecraft but challenge. Surviving the Challenges As you and your friend dive into the Minecraft world, you’ll encounter various challenges that test your survival skills. From building intricate traps to navigating through dangerous terrain, every step you take requires careful planning and quick thinking. Building Creative Traps Unleash your creativity by… Read More

  • Join UKILLER on EPIC Minecraft Ramadan Adventure!

    Join UKILLER on EPIC Minecraft Ramadan Adventure!Video Information c all my waysing that’s all my bab I’m Des i got Des I’m Des don’t to you need [Musik] Find My Baby I’m design W baby don’t tell me no Lies today she want to ride the wave Every time we get she feel famous and I don’t even remember what her name is yeah yeah Cuz all these girls out here Brain girl I no that you CH you want to beous wear only that [Musik] desone aku [Musik] [Musik] masih I got design t I’m Des i got design t we don’t got time to… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Sand Art in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] Mr This video, titled ‘Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Helmet 🪖) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #helmet’, was uploaded by HT GAMING on 2024-01-13 20:41:15. It has garnered 2501 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #viral #shortvideos #technogamerz #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #viralvideo #viralshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Helmet 🪖) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #helmet Airoplane Tower 😂😀🗼 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Lava Water Cobblestone Tower 🗼 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Airoplane Tower Only Fun 🗼😀 #shorts… Read More

  • First Day Nightmare in Hardcore Mode! Minecraft Gameplay 2

    First Day Nightmare in Hardcore Mode! Minecraft Gameplay 2Video Information तो गाइस सबसे पहले हम लोगों ने बनाया अपना एक वर्ल्ड वर्ल्ड का नाम रख दिया था हम लोगों ने मिलते हैं तो आप आगे देखिएगा मेरे साथ क्या क्या हुआ है शुरुआत में यह एंड हो जाएगी सीरीज हम लोग यहां पर स्पन हुए थे और हम लोग थोड़े आगे गए हम लोग को विलेज मिला कुछ बेसिक टूल्स और खाना पना इकट्ठा करके और यहां का जितना भी माल टाल था वह चोरी करके यहां पर एक कैमल भी मिला था मेरे को और बस मैं यहीं पर मर जाता हूं जैसे मैं बंद करता हूं… Read More

  • Escape Reality: Drift Away in Minecraft🏔️ – Distant Horizons + Iris Shaders (No music)

    Escape Reality: Drift Away in Minecraft🏔️ - Distant Horizons + Iris Shaders (No music)Video Information This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft World Tour🏔️ – Distant Horizons + Iris Shaders (No music)’, was uploaded by Drift Away Ambience on 2024-03-12 16:09:36. It has garnered 1798 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:57 or 3777 seconds. 🌸Immerse yourself in the peaceful and relaxing Minecraft Cherry blossom forest, calm Mountain valley Ambience, with no music to distract, only, rain, wind, thunder, walking sounds. Let the stresses of the day melt away as you journey through this immersive experience, filled with vibrant colors, beautiful visuals, cute mobs. Whether you’re unwinding after a long day… Read More

  • xVertrexDx – INSANE Minecraft Secrets Revealed!

    xVertrexDx - INSANE Minecraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information have you wonder what it looks like to be amazed at yourself look look at that a hidden passageway I am brilliant that’s how it looks so there’s no harm in taking pride in your feble skills because This video, titled ‘Have you wondered in Minecraft?’, was uploaded by xVertrexDx on 2024-03-25 15:07:00. It has garnered 1189 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Have you wondered in Minecraft? ⏰ Livestreams on Monday to Friday at 9:30 AM AEST. 📲 Social Media Links 🔗 Twitter: 🔗 Discord: 🌟 World… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Earthman Finds Secret Spawner on DAY 9 ~ Minecraft

    Unbelievable! Earthman Finds Secret Spawner on DAY 9 ~ MinecraftVideo Information I’m watch [Music] e oh B what am I doing oh my God I completely forgot what I was doing I think it’s I think it’s this one camera if I remember correctly that’s that’s a way yeah yeah yeah this is the way okay oh no this is not the way hold on hold on guys I changed my settings I did something stupid there we go that’s probably better yeah yeah there we go got it fix hey guys welcome back to the stream and uh today we’re going to be making a spider spawner it’s… Read More

  • Insane Terraforming in Brokerock/Foundations – Watch Now!

    Insane Terraforming in Brokerock/Foundations - Watch Now!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Never Let Me Go let’s go time to grind get inside your mind yeah we work over time that’s the only way to climb we going make it in our Prime signing on the doted line cash and checks left and right that’s the way I’m living life I feel alive when I got a go sight chip away I got a fight ain’t nobody else sight man I think I See the Light yeah that [ __ ] is so bright follow me I… Read More

  • Join the Team! Slots filling fast! #minecraft

    Join the Team! Slots filling fast! #minecraftVideo Information hallo Leute wir sind das Team und sind auf der Suche nach neuen Talenten die unseren Server bereichern als Bilder bringst du deine Ideen in unsere Welt Bau beeindruckende Gebäude und mache unsere Map Z einem echten Hingucker deine Kreativität und dein könn machen den Unterschied javaentwickler bei uns bedeutet Innovation duentwickel Plugins die das Spielerlebnis auf revolutionieren deine Fähigkeiten helfen neue feat zu erschaffen die unseren Server einzigartig machen du bist ein Meister der Organisation als konent bei uns planst du und organisierst du Events die unsere Community begeistern und planst Videos die unsere Spieler… Read More

NEW Loot for Wandering Traders, Jungle and Swamp Villagers! 23w31a Minecraft snapshot