OMG! Minecraft 1.21 Leak – Is This REAL??

Video Information

Did you all forget about the leaker who leaked automatic crafting a month prior no we did not you might actually recall there were several leakers who tried to fill the void left by Roger badman and one of those was Danang Gioni who at the time had absolutely no proof behind

Anything and just said they were going to post 21 teasers they posted this one this one and then this one and then their account got shut down and this third one here actually turned out to be true a hopper going into a crafting table with redstone is more or less a

Hint at automatic crafting meaning that maybe just maybe this account is actually accurate and so we should really look at the other predictions just to see what might also be coming true also Minecraft has an official response to the Mob vote this year being hacked they had something very

Interesting to say about that and then finally there is one more secret feature uh that I couldn’t reveal in yesterday’s video that I missed out on but actually is very interesting it is very heavily implied that there is a new type of spawner this is all very exciting stuff

But let’s jump right into it with the dangi stuff if you haven’t been following the channel I’m very skeptical about leakers until they say something that’s accurate and the dang account was very suspicious because they said yeah after a nice sabatical amongst the spiceb treed I’m back to give you 21

Teasers and a little over twice as many days and then he tweets out three of these teasers and after the third one he says oh Mojang enforcement got to me I had to delete all of the tweets and although for some being shut down is proof this is absolutely legit to me

There was no proof it was actually shut down by Mojang versus using the shutdown to look super super legit like Roger badman is and so I very much dismissed this however we have seen some version of the automatic crafter and although that could be a lucky guess indeed

Adventure fighter 7501 kind of mentions that it’s a very demanded feature so it could just be a coincidence but it’s still worth looking at the other things that he hinted so hint number one was a big Halle I think this is something about the deep dark right getting an

Update to the cave system in some way something that happens down there and then the second one of these is a sound Emoji the audio emote and then a briefcase I really have no idea what they could be implying by this you can lock sounds together he specifically

Said this wasn’t a music box it’s something else I have no idea but the other thing that also is kind of hinted at is in this initial tweet he says that he was taking a sabbatical amongst the Spicewood trees so maybe that’s another Hint by itself that there will be a new

Type of tree in this update we can already assume that there would be but is spice would likely to be that I would say that looking at the dangi situation having one accurate prediction does not make an account perfectly accurate I can tell you right now I think there’ll be

Another new hostile mob inside of 1.21 it might even be a boss mob but that doesn’t mean that I have some inside information I’m just making what I think to be a good guess it doesn’t mean I’m the profit if it turns out to be true and so we can’t just assume that

Something about sound being locked up or holes or spice with trees are definitely coming but it does certainly look more likely and if we see one of those three things the other two things are much much more likely as well and although I know it’s much more fun as a YouTuber to

Go along the story that oh these leaks are totally accurate and wow let’s stay up to date with them I think I’m very much a skeptical person by nature and to share that skepticism with you the time I actually believed that this was being announced is is when King Dark shared it

This is a Twitter account that I believe is fairly honest about the fact that they’re not a Mojang employee they just slew through the game code and uh so one of the interesting things is they tweeted that there’d be automatic crafting and they were just as shocked

As anyone else I don’t think they believ dangi was real uh but yeah interestingly enough they’ve also had a few predictions about something to do of a Marketplace pass happening there’s some weird logos being found in the games and so yeah you might be seeing something

Like that I think it’s much more likely we see a Marketplace pass than we are to see spice with trees but that’s me being a skeptic there are many things in the world that will pretend to be true to get something from you and if there’s

Basically no way to verify or no uh track record to go on then you really really should be cautious speaking of being cautious a lot of leakers and a lot of people who are familiar with the game code were very suspicious of the mob vote this year because it looked as

Though it could have been hacked and so something I mentioned in my mob vote video from Monday is that I do not believe the end result was changed it’s very shocking that the armadillo won but a lot of people might look at that video and say wait so if all these people are

Saying the mob vote is breaked does this mean mean the armadillo won’t come to the game sad face sad face sad face to answer your question Christopher Crocker 9493 uh Mojang actually put out a statement they only did so via a private Discord server but they specifically say

You can communicate this with your audiences so it’s a very interesting thing they say the team is aware that there are attempts to taint the results of the mob vote however rest assured these attempts did not impact the results we are confident that this year’s winner accurately reflects the

Result of the vote and this is an incredibly interesting statement if you ask me parti because they did it in a private place I try not to share things that are only in private spaces because it’s very hard to verify but again other YouTubers have shared this too you can

Be rest assure that they have shared this but why would they do it only privately and why would they use the language that they did they specifically say that the attempts did not impact the results and that the winner accurately reflects the results of the vote but

They’re not saying that there aren’t any fraudulent votes whatsoever this could just be a fail safe I think to be entirely truthful you can’t ever be sure that a democracy has been 100% fairly run but the goal is to have a fraud rate that is so low that it would not impact

The results and so take the results of the 1997 United Kingdom general election because the free parties actually got very similar in vote shares to the free mobs this year suspicious no but more seriously even if there were thousands of votes that were fraudulent for the biggest winner uh they would still be

Winning because they won by millions of votes and indeed when you look at the armadillo’s lead over the camp even if you could prove that there were hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes for the crab or fraudulent votes for the armadillo it still would not impact the result results because the margin

Between them is so thick I think it’s possible that Mojang uncovered some fake votes after the fact maybe even after sharing these results but ultimately they did not affect the result and that is the important thing to know also what I think is interesting is that I’ve

Spoken to some Mojang sta privately and none of them could verify how they knew but they all seem to think that yeah there was very little fraud and the fraud that occurred was caught before the end results were shared so just keep that in mind it is much more likely

Again just using aam’s Razer here the most likely scenario is that we’re all blindsided by the armadillo not because it didn’t deserve to win but just because we don’t expose ourselves to armadillo voters and that’s probably for good reason if I was exposed to too many people who thought dog armor was a

Better idea than extended block reach then I would start to lose faith in democracy as a whole and I’d become a dictator or something along those lines thank God that hasn’t happened though although with that said people didn’t vote blue no matter who this year and so

Maybe we should all be proud 101 people seem to agree am I proud of you well fun fact did you know there have been multiple mob vote winners that haven’t been blue so far I know that we have a long history especially of like okay the

Ali and the glow squid and the Phantoms the most infamous examples of mobs are always blue however as we all know the panda came to the game and is not blue as we all know uh there is obviously the fox which came to the game and is very

Much the opposite of blue and finally as we all know when we voted for the Savannah Biome in 2019 you know before the before the votes were counted because the elites didn’t agree with the clearly best choice um that biome is not blue and therefore we do not vote blue

All of the time good job Community that’s independent thinking so yeah look forward to a vaguely Brown mob coming to the game in next year and also it will be of course free something which uh comes into an interesting question from Port X who says I don’t believe that

Mojang has an obligation to keep updating Minecraft they only do so as a kindness I paid $26 for a game back in 2012 in no other game does the that entitle me to 12 years of content updates it only makes sense that Minecraft works on non-minecraft

Projects now and this is sort of true they’re working on Minecraft spin-offs I do believe that there is going to be a Minecraft card game I’m I still heavily believe in that prediction unless it becomes true in which case I’m a leaker I know the future and wow did you know

People who subscribe to ibx toycat are less likely to have something bad happen to them this year this is not a guess not not a prediction this is in fact factful information greater than 99.9% of house fires happen to nonsubscribers so you know do that information what you

Will but the key point that I think poor X was trying to ask is like why do people believe that Mojang is entitled to make them updates the fact that they’re not charging is nice enough why do we care about how much is in there so first things first this is not being

Done as a kindness every single time Minecraft releases an update it is very nice of them to make it for free but actually these free updates encourage people to then buy the game more as you might know I release free updates for my Marketplace map every single time that I

Release a free update more people realize that it exists and then they go to the marketplace and they go and download it which means I can justify the time and the money that we uh spend on actually certifying it for the marketplace every six months or so and

This is the exact same thing that Minecraft can do every year they release an update not just out of the goodness of their own Hearts but actually because they make a lot more sales which is What’s led to Minecraft having 300 million sales and when you compare that

To the next biggest games it becomes very clear that yeah there was not a Wii sports update every month if there was then maybe more people would buy the game to get a hold of those updates the idea of using updates as a way to market the game was something that Minecraft

Was doing differently back in 2011 or 201 12 but now it is a very common model for video games and it’s something that is actually more sustainable than just selling a game than you know ditching it and then making another update for another game uh this is something that

Has led to Mojang’s huge success and why they have 300 million sales by the way oh to celebrate by the way they released this fun little graphic where they Shar that yeah every single day 15 million skeletons are killed 9115 kilometers are traveled on pigb how is that even

Possible by the way 6.7 million diamonds are discovered 8.8 million pickaxes are crafted we craft more pickaxes than we discovered diamonds that’s kind of interesting 400,000 wolves are tamed wow I I bet some of those wolves could you have some armor and long story short I was just interested by this graphic

Maybe you are too but let’s move on to the next question which is am I the only one excited for the breeze it’s so much of an exciting mechanic in my opinion but it seems as though a lot of people aren’t talking about it really I think that the mechanic behind the breeze

Isn’t that hyped by the way I want to issue a correction for what I said in previous videos this week I think it’s important that I say when I’m wrong and one of the things that I did get wrong is i f the breeze shot out a redstone

Pulse but what it actually does is the breeze will shoot if it shoots you it damages you and if it doesn’t hit you instead causes an interaction pulse so it will flick switches or it will trigger trap doors but it won’t trigger Redstone as best we can tell right now

And uh yeah the other interesting point about the breeze is what if they had one for every element well the breeze does look suspiciously like the blaze right can we all agree on that we’ve got a fire blaze and then we’ve got an air Blaze and so logically at some point we

Could get a water Blaze and maybe an earth Blaze too one for each element I’m just saying the trial Chambers are doing something that Minecraft hasn’t really done for a while and adding a new hostile mob that isn’t a boss it is just a new challenge to face and I quite like

It and when you look through these scenes it does look very very intense and I like the idea of them potentially doing more by the way just to be clear the trial Chambers will be underground right or more like a woodland man Mansion well as you can see from this

Very first shot of the 1.21 reveal they are in the Deep slate layers and as I understand it they didn’t explicitly say but I think you’ll always find it deep underground this is going to be some not late game content but mid to late game content not quite as deep as the ancient

City but somewhere on that level to give you things to explore in this super deep part of Minecraft so that is exciting if you ask me speaking of things that are exciting uh there’s an interesting comment here from PanAm men b41 that is how you say that what what

What is your username man they said there is a slime spawner when they fought the breeze just in case anyone missed that detail and I was someone who missed that detail I thought this was for sure a troll and I went back and looked at the trailer and you can see so

Again looking around here you can see I I went frame by frame there is no frame for sure where we can say there is a slime spawner but as you can see while they’re walking down the stairs you can tell that there is a spawner of some description there and it’s surrounded by

Either grass or Moss blocks we can’t be sure what it is but there is a spawner it’s surrounded by grass and Moss blocks and then just 10 seconds later in the trailer when they’re fighting breezes you will actually find that there is slimes bouncing around the place so this

Could coincidentally be a slime chunk but if it was I I don’t think they’d use it for their big trailer and so instead I think there is a stray spawner a breeze spawner and a slime spawner all in the same space which makes this room

Feel very epic if you ask me something I am very excited to see oh and speaking of things I’m excited to see because we are in the start of the 1.21 snapshots and so we see more about the trail spawner uh what this comment from laggy at me says I can imagine someone

Changing the trail spawner to spawn creepers but here’s the fun thing because they’re making a brand new type of spawner now all of the rules about the old spawners can go out the way window a regular creeper spawner never works because a Creeper explosion explodes it but these Trail spawner you

Know spawners are presumably going to be either undestroyable or very very hard to destroy because there’s so much value in them who is ever going to want to do so and so if that is true if it is going to be much more resistant you could actually have a trail spawner that

Spawns out creepers and this would not only be funny in my opinion it would also be a really interesting challenge right I mean fighting a wave of creepers and they’re exploding and launching creepers at you as they explode and creepers away from you it would be a

Really fun part of a challenge and imagine this room from before of the breeze the Strays and the slimes but there are creepers mixed in there too this is actually a combat challenge that Minecraft is making this is almost Minecraft dungeonesque with the tower I am incredibly excited for the uh the

Trail I’m I’m going to keep calling it The Trail ruins but the trail Chambers is something that excites me a lot and that is why 1.21 the TRS and tiles update is one that I am fully on board with and uh probably why I’ve spoken

About it so much this last week I know I have to make normal videos again soon I know I know there’s lots of Minecraft to talk about right now but I just am so so hyped about this one structure and so that’s why I’ve been building it even in

The background maybe you’ve noticed but yeah thank you very much for watching this video by the way uh we are at its ends now if you have enjoyed it please consider liking the video also did you know there’s an update for the let’s play World on the marketplace I bet you

Might not have known that and indeed I’m working on a couple of new projects right now they’re going quite well thank you for asking um but yeah I will have something for you uh soon and I hope that you enjoy it but for now have a good Friday that’s the most important

Thing because I’ll see you next time Goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 – The Leak Was Right??’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-10-20 21:12:04. It has garnered 126002 views and 6436 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:29 or 869 seconds.

If you liked this video, here are some others you can check out! ↓ • The SECRET REVEALS Of Minecraft 1.21 ↓ • Minecraft 1.21 Beta – The Crafter Has Some Secret Uses… ↓

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook.

This Video Was Edited By: Ash

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  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More