Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN – 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon With CouncilRyS

Video Information

So [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] You So Hello hi hi hello hi okay boys we’re still waiting on a few people right yes i’m still i’m still up i’m still updating my my version to 1.1 i’m almost done i swear it’s like a 12 megabytes left 12 megabytes left come on i might as well eat this i had a long

Day today i’m doing everything today i’m eating mm-hmm yeah i’m gonna meet a little bit a little so i’ll eat it it’s me buddy we’re gonna fight the indie dragon today yes happy volume on all ends we’ve got six streams running at once everybody it’s a disaster

How can we possibly balance the audio imagine all the tabs i don’t know how to balance the audience over there this way am i a bit soft on everyone else’s stream i may have no no no no no no it’s fine i always have you i always have you maxed babe yeah

Okay very nice okay next hello it’s me fauna i am today’s raid leader go kevin please lead us to victory the fight is that you brother doesn’t sing for a second i thought you were gonna say let the bodies hit the floor and i was like oh god

Can we get a yes captain yes i can’t hear you Perfect this powerful oh next up we have iris oh okay um hi ris it’s iris today i have my uh my feisty bat with me uh to punch that ender to death and i’m excited to use it no all right a bag am i lagging i think i’m lagging

You’re lagging why not a boat oh you’re lagging you’re desperately down yeah i think minecraft as fast as possible yeah i think that’s what it was oh uh allow access to open jdk right probably okay i’m just gonna allow access i don’t know it’s that’s it windows security alert the moment i downloaded

It i hope it’s all right now you’re gonna get a virus oh no bye it’s not a vibe this way i’m always so virus oh no that’s not what iris stands for virus oh hello i’m done okay she enjoyed some some some food last minute okay wait where’s my where’s the where’s

The server now um i can’t show it Hello it’s me oral cronie and we are going to be why are you laughing and we are going to be hunting the ender dragon listen yes she sounds great amazing that’s amazing everyone sounds amazing but i’m also amazing oh why wait i think i finally finally i’m finally in okay wait uh let

Me just get this on the screen she’s in all right nice very nice now come here so long what I just ate a burger sorry thank you i love that thank you sounding good we’re sounding good we’re sounding great okay uh wait when we where are we meeting up again we have where where is I gave yeah go wear it it’s meant to be used does anyone need enchanted diamond boots oh i did make some well we can go over another dress i mean i have extras where are you iris yes i have did santa introduce herself Today we are fighting the end of dragon i’m gonna slap the end of dragon with bread that’s about today yeah we’re only bringing bread with us right to eat yeah made a bunch of breads i mean okay i think okay wait bread iris where are you i’m at my dirt house

Oh that is spaceball we all live around here if you’d like It has been a while and now and now we’re all streaming together as well honestly i was oh my god we found out that iris had missed the complete update of minecraft because she had not played in that long yeah i didn’t have one i was done i was

Down like 1.18 first and i was like is this the right one i was like no no like what no you didn’t you missed out on a whole update shame on you sort of Yeah i missed out on a lot of fun oh there’s the minecart oh nevermind i already have one in my pocket i love how you replace me wait wait how do i place items again uh right click oh no iris is it’s over guys it’s over we gotta we’re

Trying to fight the ender [Laughter] oh dragons this there’s like a garden at the at the garden wait no there was one over here right like luna’s statue okay what’s happening we abandoned ship no don’t abandon ship go faster am i supposed to fish it oh okay okay please

What the heck why is the cat get out get out of the car oh my goodness oh you’re killing the cat i’m not killing the cat i am gently avoiding the cat cece how do i how do i drop this again um yeah you thank you so much okay now let’s go

Let’s go without killing ourselves i think you just didn’t you just push it down what yeah whoops sorry kay oh my gosh i didn’t kill my cat oh my god is the game too loud on my stream you might be really loud on my stream oh

Sorry guys you can’t even hear the game on my stream here we go my bed oh oh where are you guys i am like lost okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i’m still on the i’m just not fond of this place as well oh no how could this already happen we haven’t even entered the end yet what happened it’s like way way layers wait i’m coming it’s happening i’m right here wait

Oh guys the game okay i have an extra bed am i the only one sleeping wait yes i will be right there wait where’s the beds are you next to me fauna yeah oh god hey is there enough bed is there nothing i can hear every single every single thing you’re talking about

You know what i never had right why is there only one bed here together huh go back to the other bags we can’t even manage to sleep [Laughter] maybe captain captain he should like order us order us to sleep or something where is he waiting wait that’s my bed wait time

I don’t want thank god i’m not there who’s not in bed right now who’s not in bed who’s the naughty girl that’s not in bed right now right now that’s nice oh someone in chat just said and these are the six legends that’s going to defeat the ender dragons we are the legends

Can someone pass me some bread because i don’t i only have baked potato and i don’t want to be a trader captain will give us a brief i will give you the brief and then breathe [Laughter] what are we breathing location oh yes you haven’t played

So cool yeah all right everybody in oh even coney’s cat is here lying down on the bed and we’re growling pretty cute [Applause] it’s not your cat it’s nature’s cat it’s my cat can someone pass me the bread why is it so chaotic here where’s bread where’s the bread where’s bread potatoes [Laughter]

Some of you have already got some bows i did make one for iris in case you need one it’s called time to dyrus there’s also something wait where is it where is it and then the divers oh my god does everyone have diamond except for well time to divers is stronger than my

Archer as well i’ll take this oh i also have some feather falling boots if anyone wants oh this is just please also everyone can take a pumpkin head oh wait we don’t have enough there’s any five do you have an extra one i have one all right what’s the pumpkin head for

The pumpkin so in the end there will be a bunch of endermen and they get mad if you look at them but they don’t get mad if you wear the pumpkin yeah but when you wear the pumpkin you can hardly see so yeah you can hardly

See so you can decide for yourself if you want to wear it how do i wear this again uh cute oh no bread can you give me back the pumpkin head what did i i don’t know what is it i think i accidentally dropped it oh thank you

There you go oh wait no i went to someone else i went to scotland does anyone have the pumpkin head yeah i will launch you into the air and you’ll take a lot of damage thank you damage but don’t drink it until we get there what are we going to do with these

Two water buckets so the water buckets have two uses the endermen are weak to water so if you’re being attacked put down your bucket and they will die in the water and just stand in the water and you’ll be safe there um also you can try to do pro game

Remove and land in the water if you get launched into the air might not work pro gamer and crystals we’ll use those to summon the dragon you can take some food and you can take some dirt wait how many slow potions are we supposed to take two two for every one

Two two for everyone okay and we drink this when we actually fight it right yeah don’t drink it yet it only lasts four minutes each oh we don’t need gold armor no i don’t think so no it’s not it’s not the other not another okay yeah i’ll i’ll put these

Gold boots here then this is our iron and stick so we need like sudden um oh yeah if you need to make any weapons i have a crafting table i don’t know if you guys want to have i’ll donate well i have one oh but i really don’t have gold

What else should it have a shield everybody got shield i don’t know i don’t know i don’t have a shield also everyone should have an infinity bow but make sure you have at least one arrow in your inventory where do you just need one oh oh yeah okay with me so Water buckets for again sorry can you explain so the endermen they are weak to water so if you’re being attacked by enderman you can put the water down and stand in it and you’ll be safe and also if you’re falling from a tall height you can try

To spam click beneath you when you land to land in the water and you won’t take damage all right thank you Is that is You have infinity arrows you just need one in your inventory okay okay can we just have one arrow of slowness then with that i tried doing that i tried doing that before the stream it doesn’t work What’s what’s up what’s what’s the slow arrow why do you guys even have a slow arrow i think i got it from an enemy yeah yeah yeah all right is everybody ready can we go over the list one more time sorry just to make sure i’m still in my

I should have a bow and then you’re getting in my sports festival outfit i think okay oh nice [Laughter] take it off oh no you don’t have to oh yeah okay put your clothes back on everyone carved pumpkin i just stripped [Laughter] yes i have a sword i’m gonna make one

You might need to make one oh a sword um i don’t know how to iron it okay it’s okay bo is probably fine right how do you make oh you should just make a sword in case you need one too okay why don’t i get raw meat

I don’t know i got raw meat i got romaine and raw chicken for some reason like just water and we just have raw meat everywhere oh the iron sword i thought you have diamonds well why did i just pick up an iron sword why don’t i have two iron swords

Huh if you have a diamond then you don’t need it it’s a magic word no i’m just kidding here you go everybody wait we went to bed wait babe give me the sword wait wait i still oh it’s the iron sword Thank you um okay i’m ready i need you guys to tell me the direction we need to go because i don’t actually know why i still don’t have it i know where it is first off we go back to the ian base area okay and then we go to that

I know where it is i’ve gone there many times going back to the ambulance i think i’m okay i was just making pickaxes okay oh okay thank you let’s go what’s going on where are we going again we’re going i think we could just walk it enjoy the view yes

The free beds over here yeah we need to go camping oh my god over i don’t know whose cards those are uh yes i don’t know i wouldn’t know either Oh my cat oh you should leave your cat just blame your blame everything on your cat what a wonderful owner you are hey hey okay beds that’s on the left everybody there’s one bed we’re taking a bed we can sleep in the end no do not sleep in the end you will explode

But we should sleep on the way there away all done oh cool on the way okay make sure you grab a bed too in your inventory what do we oh okay so can we just grab the bed we’re sleeping on after oh no you should probably take one from the barrels okay

Six out of six who’s the six out of six who is the last one okay there we go [Applause] okay now i don’t know where we go apparently iris knows i know wait let me just put something important in here and i will totally remember where i put it okay let’s go

We will go to that pretty uh flower lake place uh flower like what uh wait flower flower lake looking place when do we have a flower lake like it’s i don’t you know that place with the bees and the the birds [Laughter] behind ana’s place oh no i didn’t know i

Didn’t oh yes i like the um the flower byron like back there right yeah back here the flower biome yes yes yes yes and then there’s a there’s this this the stairs yes we take the stairs oh i’m pretty sure yeah we take the stairs six minute irons are just leading us to

Our deaths no no no no no if i’m leading us to our deaths i’ll die too no worries i won’t force you guys to just die and i survive no i won’t pull you guys into such a trap nope and then we go past here oh that’s where are you guys Oh stairway to heaven okay follow me stairway to heaven guys why are they coming i didn’t see them at all do a flip we’re going to go say hi don’t fall off do you follow me from here do oh is that the road down there yeah sweet jump Are you pressing space bar yeah okay why [Laughter] why do i look weird we’re just like waiting we’re just waiting for them to drop down like a circus jump jump jump jump jump jump jump what you waiting for [Laughter] what sort of spicy thing is going on up there in heaven

Was crazy jumping up the stairs no oh i see you oh okay no wonder your ticket’s taking so long jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump All right and we follow this road the yellow brick road the yellow bridge i just can’t explain how the fight works yes except the road is kind of broken over here but it feels like an rpg adventure towers of obsidian with crystals on top and the crystals will heal the dragon

So we need to break the crystals either with our arrows or you can pillar up to the crystals the crystals explode too by the way so oh no oh do we fall from that from the explosion you might you die from the explosion i’m pretty sure oh so we’re supposed to break the

Crystals right yeah we can shoot them with our arrows to break them Too hard to shoot them um and the dragon will uh throw its breath attack at you which is like a purple particles on the floor just don’t stand in there okay the dragon will also throw you up into the air you can use your water buckets

To negate fall damage as well as your potion what happens if you forget it if you just like potion it will be fine you have dirt right you can pillar up come on i forgot do we do we turn oh big oh it’s okay you can just like come

Around or i did it okay okay yeah wait guys do you have to remember if we do it if we go straight or we go turn around okay cronie’s going straight so she’s taking responsibility okay i never said that oh yeah nevermind i think it’s this way yeah hello andy

Andy teleported for the dragon fight oh it’ll also it’ll purge at times it’ll land in the center and you can smack it with your sword otherwise you can try to hit it with heroin let me know if you have any questions at the end of dragon ball and crystals i wish i had

Oh so we have like two tries no i’m just one no just one i thought we had more than one crystal though well we can’t how many does it take it takes four to respawn it oh we only have four right right right here we have our captain no i’m not moving

This is do i look like a cell phone gonna throw it on the ground [Laughter] it’s not really how it goes [Laughter] which is how you get into the end dimension oh so you don’t go through the middle no it’s not another it’s a different portal that’s why we don’t need gold

Yes yeah fold is useless left cough but i can’t use the button oh cause you’re sp pressing space and cause i’m running and running it’s my middle finger i’m getting very tired yeah it’s a big tower is this it is it’s in there oh yeah we reached it yes we’re coming easy The biggest how do we climb this wall uh i think you can like yeah yeah are you gonna call are you gonna go first cronies okay [Applause] Oh wait wait i didn’t what there’s a portal one you came in through it’s blocked off the center thing it should be there should be a black portal go through it jump in it no the mountain the fountain the fountain oh yeah we have to go to

The fountain okay okay i know where it is i know where it is let’s wear our pumpkin head oh yeah i forgot about that oh yeah is it gonna send them back to spawn oh my goodness um really it’s gonna send us back to spawn go in and hope they

Don’t die i don’t know what to do okay wait wait wait okay you’ll call captain uh oh it’s not this one was it i think like we need to um go in add it around it okay find it come back you guys found it yeah are they gonna oh god

Oh god oh god okay oh god oh god [Applause] was that your first time oh god congratulations on beating the game nice okay let’s go back to the very beginning Well it wasn’t that long of a walk yeah exactly yeah it wasn’t that bad right yeah nobody nobody said it was a competition yeah you know slow down it’s okay i mean you guys know the way right you guys are big girls are lucky oh we can’t sleep why is my stuff there

You want to say iris are lucky here for some reason oh oh yeah that was from before this is all yo for iris why why is it my phone you pushed us out we were i didn’t push you jumped in first you jumped in front you shot me So everyone who went through the portal are you now back at spawn we are running back to the um yeah you guys by killing zombies but no baby can we sleep should we sleep [Laughter] oh oh wait wait i thought we were done Okay who’s not sleeping okay there we go okay i was like oh he’s not sleeping it’s not me before you go in the portal very important please make sure to set your spawn before you get through the pokemon okay we’re coming back we’re coming back we’re nearly there we’re there we’re

Halfway there yeah we’re almost there you can’t you can’t do it without us can you no no you can’t do it without us through here yes we’re waiting for you thank you everyone together yes everyone even if fana alone could beat the dragon and we could just

The actual challenge for fall four is like to keep us alive right i was gonna say before this we were saying oh if we have six of us and i could do it in an hour we can do it sooner but we’re no we’re slowing fauna down

Tears for you it’s literally been 40 minutes we haven’t even gotten there yet wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we will get there yeah wow look at this shortcut oh bro we’re cutting corners we’re cutting quarters yes we are we’re running out of time

Cutting corners but are you keeping up with me huh no nobody said it wasn’t a race i know it’s not a race it’s not a race this is my observation it’s okay i’m sorry i’m here [Laughter] oh gosh that’s cute oh god what was that arrow oh my god

Am i gonna have to zigzag now there’s something maybe thirsty are you sure yeah i thought you had shortcuts no i didn’t We when we were talking about corners we were talking about something totally different This was a bad joke hey are oh hey hello um yes it says he can only sleep at night do we put his head in here do we bring a bed into the end no no no how about i do it when we get in there oh yeah has everybody touched the bed

Then we drink the person don’t drink the potion yet okay who would do that who who did that someone drink the potions oh wow really i didn’t know that either i didn’t know that either everybody are you ready i’m ready let’s go okay okay nice nice we’re all here

This way in one piece oh don’t look at any of the enderman maybe you want to put your pumpkin on now oh yeah okay nice everybody follow the line i can’t see you yeah miley my little but make sure not to look oh thank you you might want to take your

Head off you can’t see the road oh okay oh my god this is so so blurry just don’t just don’t look at any enderman i will do but if we have the mask on it’s fine right oh no no but then you can’t see where you’re going if you have the mask on

That’s true what happened here that was probably me cyrus it was like this when we got here actually okay yeah but it was probably me from a different stream how could you i don’t know i was probably very desperate okay we’re going where we’re going what i’m going to start placing the crystals

Now oh no i’m sorry what do we do with the crystals no no she’s summoning summoning and then we destroy the crystals right do not touch it if you touch it i will be so mad okay i will be able to kill the dragon this looks like a satanic ritual all

Right it is down the fight will start why are you ready my soldiers i don’t know already doesn’t mean i can’t sleep but you all made it in one piece somehow i know that you can do this you have within you the potential to defeat the dragon despite your

Outward appearances i know that you’re confident somewhere deep inside the pep talk uh yeah this is see this is why we have to have the pumpkin head on yeah yes can we put them on now well we should probably i think it’s a little too late dudes

Who are mad because they’re gonna be mad is everyone who are they aiming for i think they are well if you leave this waters are they after bay well i’m smacking them now oh okay i guess thank you thank you captain which one okay the ones that have their mouth open

Are mad oh they they their mouth is so good um yeah i don’t see that i think isn’t fun are you killing innocent ones no i is there an angry one again i don’t know okay you can also check five if you want to see i’m good right oh

Oh this is much better i love third person my my my my warriors are you ready i’m ready Is there water here hold on is there water what one of the crystals is not fire it’s not it’s ignited anymore no i hope it works oh no somebody has water oh nope i have both my water i have my water i have my water but i

Have more i think it might this fire again it’s fine it’s fine yeah okay um i’m just gonna try to get rid of this water okay isn’t that that’s probably the water that was here from the beginning right yeah or it might have been mine i don’t really know

Okay i’m about to spawn the dragon are you okay okay okay okay nice dramatic like dramatic cool now what do we do where is it i don’t see it it’s so dark Get rid of the crystals but how do we get in there i can’t see anything like this wait okay okay okay oh yeah you have to no no f5 is a bit hard to to to see that you’re ready Oh how do we get the crystal if they’re stuck yeah [Laughter] okay okay so we need to break it no no you need to break it okay this is scary so that’s what the dirt pile is for i get it now i don’t got that one there’s nothing else okay okay

Please ignore me please ignore me why is everyone screaming who’s running in circles i’m running in circles too what a coincidence i’m just which [Applause] are they i think they might be done you can hit the dragon oh yeah yeah it’s like a pinata We have to be on the pillar no it’s like you should hit the dragon now but it’s so far away it’s gonna spit candy out oh wait of death yay i may have angered some out put your put your wallet down whoa it’s doing a flip is Oh i think i got it nice i think they got it up here too oh it’s healing wow how do you aim from this car no i don’t even know where anything is me neither that’s why we have to break the crystals mimei wasn’t listening to the brief

Wait are they i don’t think anyone was listening to the briefs it’s just incredible crystal the place [Applause] oh where’s the crystal i i’m blind i can’t i really can’t see anything how do you zoom in this game again oh there’s going on to it right now Oh it’s crazy it’s hitting me oh wow wow i’m gonna die oh my goodness wow where am i where am i oh my goodness Oh my god this dragon is so loud oh it’s nice How do you hit this thing without being flung to outer space i know like i’m flunk to the stratosphere yeah inside this obsidian or this bedrock thing you stand in it yes uh-huh you stand in the bedrock oh you said fountain oh There’s fire so it hurt and i get scared i’m just like oh i got the different crystals right the crystals are done right so but i’m not entirely sure i mean if the crystals weren’t broken then it wouldn’t be taking damage right yes i should probably eat hey where’s ender oh yes

How do i know if it’s taking damage i think it’s taking damage oh oh no andrew ender’s angry everybody everybody yes i’m gonna go in the water [Applause] That was fun what’s happening there i know what happened but that was cool we did it we killed the dragon we did it why are you guys all cursed like you guys all got some squiggly things on your wait it took more than four minutes i did take one potion oh okay

That was pretty fast though yeah we could totally do it again we could totally do a second round we could also fight the wither sometime what’s the weather a lot harder boss yeah and then you can make a thingy the the beacon yeah yeah speed

Uh no it only drops an egg the first time you kill it oh oh we forgot to throw bread at it so we literally did it for free i slept with it so it’s okay you can all go pill into the end cities and get elijah’s and you can yeah yeah [Applause] Something we want an Is yes that’s okay you should be okay look up look up look up nice okay wait wait hi thank you Um Oh oh i see their mouths open now i see it oh that’s awesome why can they open their mouth well we could also just leave if you want oh that’s cute they don’t deserve our bread are you guys ready i’m ready wow ready i don’t know wait the electrons

The electrodes yeah they’re lighters it takes probably hours to find them oh yeah yeah we don’t find them that easy i’ve been trying to find them the past three four streams and i haven’t been able to find a single one that wasn’t pillaged yet yeah so so maybe another stream

Are we ready to go home yes fire i’m already home guys not even uh irish first so you can make it up iris first ladies first yes that’s why i went first oh oh now you’re really nice to me like hitting people in the background oh here’s the credits headshot baby yay You can read our thoughts Escape escape escape get me out of here let me eat let me eat hello hello hello we are back hiding where are you hiding huh are you okay are you gonna kill her i want to watch you always like watching you’re a warrior oh she’s probably she’s the seer without it i’m sorry Wow that is a lot of damage yeah your stuff your stuff your stuff your stuff here here you go your stuff your stuff Wait which one was mine paying attention yep enchanting that helmet i took a long time making that helmet you broke it can i have my stuff please what was yourself i feel like i might have picked up something i dropped your sword that’s just like wait

Did you destroy all the armor she was wearing already no stole it oh no no no no no no no no no i got your arm i got your almost me see here i don’t have anything oh i have your leggings i’ve been liking this why are you always feeling my pants

What’s that supposed to mean you want to organize me yeah and there’s not much to organize oh ira is so lucky how about you okay that was fun it was fun that was good that was fun time we’ve had fun that was like can i have my helmet back please even

Though you bro you broke my helmet i take yours raining outside it’s raining it is raining you’re dreaming of the clouds you can like do like the anime and the anime may you eat cake at the end i haven’t seen that kind of anime what anime let there be cake

All right everybody can you can someone zoom you do like the very dramatic scene by the tree and you look up at the sky oh She she poked me in the butt why the bite what i don’t know i wonder why the butt too i’m sorry what i don’t know babe i wonder what’s wrong with bae what’s with her today why the butt you’re the one who tried to push cranie in the portal oh someone has my

Sorry here we go yeah thank you very much can i have arrows too please here you go thank you wait what are you gonna do with that ow okay all right we have to go back let’s go back oh yeah oh man it’s the saddest part of the trip

I got chubby bully i got does anyone have a um a diamond thing that has an obscure name something wrong an obscure name what’s your name absolutely i only have lucky how so why do you have lucky i need my lucky lucky to have you yeah yeah she’s so lucky but she cries Sorry wait where did father go let’s not have our minecraft um lovely memory claimed please um i think it’s already i think it’s already all over the place but hey oh There’s a unicorn right there’s a corn on its head there’s a corn on its head is that why they’re called unicorn i thought i thought it was a horn not a corn it says they’re called a unicorn okay how my leg is itchy turn it then scratch it loose

Someone’s taking a shortcut cheater huh what cheating who’s cheating i’m gonna be second place at the very least it’s not a race by the way it’s not a race take your time guys take your time but it’s a race so it’s fine no yeah i think i think i could i think i

Could still be corny no you can’t i’m lost wait who’s last am i last i think so you think so i was so lost why are you trying to shoot me you wish you were first no you’re not i’m a second i’m sick didn’t no one waited for me this way

It’s a race movie oh yeah it’s a race a friendly competition you can say friendly friend yeah trying to shoot each other though kind of messed up you’re not alone you’re not alone we’re all here together spiritually sorry i’m not alone you’re not alone you’re not alone you’re not alone you’re not yeah

That’s cute am i just like ow wow What is no one told me where the end post is this is cheating maybe i know i see you guys i see you guys i see the ponzu express is mine i win you decided it was the pantsu espresso 10 minutes ago bye hi i missed bye oh no you didn’t no

I waited for you why did no you won’t no goodbye no no you no you’re not get out someone [Laughter] exactly where i should be oh okay wait her house okay her house second place emotional damage i’m just trying to sleep and there’s all this commotion in my

House is this not the area i thought it was over here honey is this not stefano’s house oh wait wait it’s behind the the the ginger right i don’t know is it i don’t have a bed wait [Laughter] [Applause] oh my god here you go do you want this no no that’s cheating

Where where are you guys are you guys in the basement where are you guys sleeping to sleep wait wait where where where is okay what’s up is it this better be this what’s happening oh we’re waiting for the slow perks wait wait wait where’s i got upgraded to third place i see

What nola i’m i’m third place iris is third place i know yeah see sauna says iris is third place i’m third place wait a second i know we just said i was third place okay okay because because i love you can be a third place i’ll be fourth place i’ll search for [Laughter]

Are we forgetting someone yeah i think yeah it’s okay it’s not a race yeah it’s not a race And is i’m going on everybody out why are you doing it we were just trying to sleep what’s wrong with that yeah wasn’t it a sleepover yes stop fighting everyone [Laughter] why everybody out you have beds in your own house i’m sure but it’s night time it’s dangerous during night time

Especially surely you wouldn’t be that cruel to kick this out right yeah then the what the secret tunnel No no i did not give you permission do i have to spell everything else where is it oh yeah where is it no seriously where is it right in the middle of like oh do it right now oh oh oh oh i bet it is it’ll just follow cronie while she tries

To lock us oh is that sarcasm i’m not so sure wait oh it’s a purple okay okay it’s actually the purple road okay how are you doing we’re drowning huh and i haven’t left your cat here oh my god my cat yeah nell no my cat it’s food okay turn into nigel

There’s a little food thank you my cat do we go up here oh yeah come up here i’m following i’m calling the person the person i should release my house you don’t have any permission to guide people into my house no come here no yes here no oh it’s my house yes

The treehouse oh okay it’s your actual house yes yes it’s my bunker where’s my cat i agree with your house where did my cat go no no i know i know where my cat is it’s on the chest yeah there it is yeah see i know

How do we get out of this oh there we go let’s go i think you were this is a quaint house catfield i think it was cat catfield was it catfield i said coins pretty sure no no it’s gonna it’s gonna come here it is a quaint little don’t even move on

My foxes hello you like my house catfield hello come on follow the tutorial yeah i’m talking to you i like this i like this room i like the room on the side there’s multiple rooms i didn’t come up with it young lad come here and then look you have a really nice view

Of all the stuff i made i do i do have a really nice five beautiful four Okay oh can’t believe this what a day what a day yeah i mean we did what we set out to do yeah we killed it yes we killed it what Oh i know who did it now huh does anyone have any announcements they would like to make an announcement before we go are we leaving like this okay well if you want to keep streaming i didn’t mean to though the fire was an accident oh no i swear oh no the fire

Wasn’t your fault someone shot you you guys still have your water buckets i gave you water buckets you can use them you released the cows didn’t you um women i don’t want to allow me but your house is on fire and i can’t do anything actually Is i literally have the water bucket in my hand right now i don’t have an empty water bucket in my hand right now that says a lot i have a full water bucket look it’s on fire but it’s not actually fire it’s just the arrow it doesn’t

Light anything on fire there was no fire there’s nobody [Applause] stop fighting i’m trying to farm here um do we have any announcements before we go though um uh just thank you very much oh i killed captain especially captain filano thank you thank you I cannot find peace oh god killing my cows what you’re dropping oh thank you thank you thank you thank you very much welcome um we do have one announcement we have a very special who just gave me a dead rabbit oh gosh that’s lucky you’re so lucky you’re a star [Laughter]

Okay with announcements we have a very special stream happening on the 21st wait where are you guys i’m in a hole what do we all go in the hole yes why not what i i don’t know i don’t want to wait wait i i want to close it off with

Everyone where’s everyone i got the hole going good no no no no don’t worry about that i’m here don’t worry we covered the hole it’s not like that hole that killed me and kiara and and i’m pretty sure there was a lot of people who died from that hole close to

My dirt house oh you fostered me that hole yeah where did you go don’t worry about it i’m here i see you guys what why thank you guys how did you see it and we couldn’t like we can’t see you back to give you an embrace a group embrace

I want to take a photo together i want a hug yeah i want a hug you all want a hug yes [Applause] shooting you know what you you are going down she’s going down anyone else have any announcements before we close off the stream hang on the 21st 20th are we gonna actually

Announce the thing for the 21st or not yet wait yeah it’s a question yeah what it is they have no idea but they have no idea what it is a valve yep give me my items give me my items my items my items someone’s angry oh are you playing with me

I really like cronie’s pixel model it’s you are taunting me what well maybe give me your items look i’m trying to give you items oh i should go okay bye bye virus Do So So thank you everyone And i hope you guys liked it Me

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Ender Dragon With CouncilRyS’, was uploaded by Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN on 2022-07-19 04:59:45. It has garnered 136234 views and 12686 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:25 or 5485 seconds.

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

Complementary Shaders Author: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/

[Twitter] https://twitter.com/ourokronii

[Thumbnail Art] https://twitter.com/Fongban_illust


[Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow these rules: 1. Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll. 2. If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments. 3. Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations. 4. Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them. 5. Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat. 6. No backseating unless I ask for help. I’d rather learn from my mistakes by dying countless times; if I fail, it will be on my own terms. 7. Please refrain from chatting before the stream starts to prevent any issues. 8. I will be reading some superchats that may catch my attention during the game but most of the reading will be done at the end of stream. 9. Please refrain from making voice requests as they were most likely done already. As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language!


[Credits] (BGM) DOVA SYNDROME – https://dova-s.jp/ Daystar – Zero Gravity / https://youtu.be/YqAbL2hm27g


[Fan Work Guidelines] https://en.hololive.tv/terms


[Official Online Shop] https://hololive.booth.pm/

[Holoschedule] (Check all members streaming schedules) https://schedule.hololive.tv/#hololive


[Hololive Production] ・Hololive English YouTube Channel: https://t.co/LcYDgFF9V0?amp=1 ・Hololive Production Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololivetv ・Hololive English Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololive_En ・Hololive English Official Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/

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  • 8kpvp

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  • PangaeaEarth – Semi-vanilla PVP Towny SMP 1.20+ Discord

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  • NEW!!! All The Mods 9 Server 2 [No PVP/Grief] By CubedWorlds

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  • Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs

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  • Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!

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  • EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore Minecraft

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  • Insane Adventure: Rickson’s Spawn Vertical Stream

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Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN – 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon With CouncilRyS