Playing On The VShojo Minecraft Server ft. Henya, Zentreya, Geega & Haruka

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All right uh hold on to me get out of diabolo we gotta play Minecraft with the girls we’re playing Minecraft with the girls What the holy [ __ ] what was that uh what the [ __ ] wait I forgot how to turn off my wings uh I think it’s like this oh there it is good all right let me let me start Minecraft really quick let me start Minecraft really quick baby what

Oh let me get my cool Minecraft soundtrack foreign Oh sweet Jesus says hi mausi Foreign Mouse party says how are you henya laughing face laughing face Minecraft time where the rest of the goyles uh I think are we gonna be which voice channel are we gonna be in bro did they forget laughs where is she where could she says I am doing really great Dale

How about you three iron Mouse party says I am also doing great excited to play Minecraft iron Mouse party says I must find you laughing face I must find you well she’s not in here maybe in here oh this is Zen’s house oh God says yeah me too

I was so excited to play with you yay my shaders come on laughs I hate vanilla I don’t know where anything is uh where do you find uh your shaders in vanilla what the [ __ ] where’d my shaders go they’re gone it’s in Shader packs It’s in video settings yeah I have OptiFine I got occupied It’s the new update oh God uh what do I do I hate this fine I updated everything before I started I installed the new OptiFine already I guess I have to move it to Resource packs maybe it’s not under Shader packs anymore what the [ __ ] so stupid nope that’s not it foreign What the [ __ ] I download I updated everything I launched it as OptiFine 1.20 so everything’s [ __ ] up I should be uh does it say I can’t tell all these words it says I was I put it in the menu what the [ __ ] I uploaded it hold on oh my God Uh I selected it in the thingy and he doesn’t want me to note I put up the fight it’s 1.20 what the [ __ ] I selected it when I opened it like the server wouldn’t open until they did it what the [ __ ] how do I change it then

I can’t play 19.4 because it doesn’t work on the server Well rip me foreign well I can’t just ask her she’s busy right now foreign just throw on a resource pack I don’t even know how to do that I’m not used to playing vanilla I don’t know what I’m doing laughs foreign yeah I’ll just I I went on the website

Right now and it says to install the pre the the preview is open already downloading all right I installed the preview I guess oh there it is okay it should be working now yeah I think it’s working let’s go it’s working foreign Back to normal now we gotta find henya where hey now iron Mouse party says I found you you says Hi I walked 1000 block to come back here oh my God were you lost iron Mouse party says OMG were you lost he told us we can heniato says maybe twt I’m from

Frozen get the subs says but I am back iron Mouse party says welcome back iron Mouse party says staff said we can talk in voice chat in the server who’s joining I’m wondering that the other girls says oh okay vsj server laughing face iron Mouse party says yes laughing face

Henny adeo says okay She has a she has a she has a a bread I have potatoes so much you have to Have today hello hi I’m so excited to play with you me too me too were you were you lost it’s okay it’s okay I get lost all the time too yeah I updated it I was worried because my shaders weren’t working I’m like oh Yeah it’s okay doll my blossom into Minecraft and that’s how I got lost oh let’s go look for let’s go look I look with you yeah yeah yeah I have a sword my episode too yeah your sword is better than mine though it’s okay what you have mine

So it’s okay is this is this your oh this is my this is your cave cave I live here in a cave oh I was running around here the other day and I was like what is this place I almost died no Zen allowed that’s smart I have um I have iron

Can I can I cook it can I cook the iron yeah you can you can yay thank you I’ll give you back coal okay thank you yay hold on let me give you the Armor as well oh you’re fancy and I’m addicted I love Minecraft it’s just I’m not used

To playing vanilla Minecraft yeah I put mod in Minecraft all the time lot of one is really fun as well yeah yeah oh I have potatoes They are raw can we cook we can cook oh you have you have 11 iron in here oh no I took your experience oh sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry okay okay okay okay do you have a mini map mod or no God I need to learn how to put it on

Because I can’t live without a mini map yeah but people say that you can make like uh you can make a map but I don’t know yeah you can but I I don’t really know how oh God I don’t know how either um I don’t know we don’t know we’ll figure

It out it’s just I’m just used to playing modded Minecraft so uh the modern one is so much fun there’s like a million things to do yeah there’s also much stuff to do I really like it Totally different yeah better Minecraft is really good I like it yeah me too I really love it is it possible to put some mods in this Minecraft I don’t know uh I think we can but it has to be like for our client only like it wouldn’t be for the server

Like it’ll just be for you oh it’ll just be free for you I think oh I see I see so like changing appearance and stuff like that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got it potatoes and iron we’re ready Dale yeah wait oh okay I think I’m ready

I’ll get I’ll get i’ll get wood later oh oh you’re gonna use my wood what no you this it’s okay it’s uh I’m addicted I have a million things it’s fine I almost increase the velocity of Kenya’s volume I have her on full volume oh what is it

Hold on let me change my mind then I’m sorry no no no it’s fine okay how’s it now you’re so you you sound perfect finally she reads chat dude I’m talking to her it’s so hard to read a chat especially when you’re doing the collab yeah yeah it happens sure

I also wonder who’s coming on this server today I don’t know because I think uh uh fruit was coming in seouls Haruka and I don’t know if Zen was coming I think they’re all coming so far it’s just us but that’s okay yep we’re going for a look for Sakura yeah yeah

Yeah we’re gonna find them and then we’ll bring them back and everybody will be so surprised and so proud yup yup yup that’s our plan let’s go let’s go okay do you have a bed uh uh not I don’t have a bet on me we could steal one from the from the

Village yeah oh ARA or Steel oh you want to borrow this don’t tell him don’t tell him don’t die you’ll never know I’m not gonna say anything yeah don’t say a chat don’t say to anybody it’s a it’s okay yeah yeah yeah I’m going to bring him back I’m going to bring him

Back yeah unless we die oh no but that’s why before if we’re in danger we can put the bed down if in an area and then if I don’t know never mind and we can come back no we’re not gonna die we’re gonna live yeah we’re not

Gonna die I just don’t know where will be time for us for a while but I couldn’t find it we’ll find it we’ll find it yeah we’ll find it and we’re gonna bring him back we’ll bring it back and they’ll see it’s gonna be perfect for your health

Because the block will be pink just like usually yeah oh yeah I wanted to do I wanted to make my room oh yeah make a pink room yeah yeah yeah make a pink room paint goodbye have you ever built something on Minecraft huge house I built I built a haunted house in

The last three Soldier server yeah cool oh for Halloween yeah and then I built a house for me and I made it all out of amethyst oh that’s so cool yeah it was every time I walked on it it like think over one oh yeah yeah they found them

Oh that’s cute but then like I tried making other stuff and it was just like it didn’t work out but I I I’ll try again I’m not good at building as well so every time I just like uh living in a cave and make my warehouse so I never

Really built something nice house yeah I’m like okay so the last time I I uh oh no you’re stuck okay I got it I got it the last time I I did it I was like um what do you call it uh I I had I just

Had like a shack with like nothing but chests because I just like the horn stuff but it was like modded so there’s a lot of more stuff oh yeah not everyone is so cool yeah it’s so much fun oh there you go ah but also I want to try to go to the

Uh deep dark yeah yeah I’ve never been there so it’s gonna be my first time oh my God you’re gonna love it it’s pretty oh it is yeah but it’s scary too oh yeah Jordan tried to kill us we can go I want to go I want to go the

To the lost the ancient lost city thingy that’ll be cool that’ll be cool yeah Years old yeah it’s a very fun to find some something without elytra oh yeah Elijah yeah I tried we had to we we can we we can find it we can get it we got this one day we got this I went to the opposite direction on the other day to try to find Sakura but no nothing nothing oh that is in here So nice nice oh you went to the nether yeah oh I solved the goal I made a portal underneath the dance house oh yeah so because I thought maybe I can anoint her with the the portal sound like but but she loved it she loves it oh man of course she won

Of course she’s like it’s perfect o says iron Mouse party says heisen uh I I see nothing but the trees Century underscore says dghbn d-l-h-m-d-r-f-h-n d-r-f-h-n-kml c d m h d z k l h j n z d k m l my zentria underscore says my fohs entered underscore says dogs

Like she’s freaking out kind of like this tree which one this tree with the flowers is pretty wait where’d you go I love that here oh my God if I lost it oh wait oh this is collecting the tree oh thank you underscore says sorry dogs were

Jumping on my all over me and stepped on my keyboard jumping on my all over me into oh that’s cute henriadio says oh that’s cute for me no I want to have a petal I wish I had a cat oh I have a cat they’re so cute I wanna

Talk so bad I want a cat and I would love a dog me too I thought about having dog but I never uh I don’t think I have enough time to take them to outside or something like that so I didn’t that’s why I I think if I could have a pet I

Could have a cat because I can’t really take care of a dog me too what was that oh it was a fox nothing watch out there’s a hole oh okay oh my oh my what are you guys up to see Santa we’re looking for sakura tree yeah we are the newest one

Oh my God okay have a quick question why does this house look like a Manus cript yeah hurricane built the house and that looks like a Mungus at least you did it on purpose then oh my God get out of my head Abogus of the house oh my God there’s cats and dogs in here Maybe where are the birds birds they’re the birds I don’t know I don’t know if we have verbs in are there birds in vanilla oh yeah they are um that’s a good question and the breakfast yeah yes it’s totally

Meant that Oh Where do I find them round wait no I’m just kidding they’re not that’s the squid Wait what mouse is the building been going you’ve been here I’ve been here oh no we didn’t try to find a Sakura how about you then okay which way haven’t you been in foreign who the [ __ ] is building Noah’s Ark on my [ __ ] house oh starting from G e e Giga you [ __ ]

This is where I came from wait what I don’t even know what’s going on uh if I if I want to go to the house this way You See Me Wait Elsa how’d you go where’d you go you’re behind me awesome it’s the ghosts we’re I’m in the water still you’re in

The water yeah oh that’s not you that’s a flower that’s some good pizza can you see me oh God Pizza I see you look I mean you’re right behind the trees huh in the water there’s a water yeah you see me you got here

I’m here we hear me oh there you go says how did you hear so fast she was here what the [ __ ] just happened I turned on my Spotify and the first thing I hear says Magic EGA says I am eternal we have to join the gen geega says okay gimme amen

I think the what is it what is it what’s it I think we may have to join your voice Jennifer collabs okay okay let’s go let’s go over there yeah let’s go over there foreign The night Falls and then the creatures crawl man it’s been a hot man I’ve been playing Street Fighter 6 oh you like it how’s it going we should have a fighting tournament then be sure to fight he saw the fighting tournament I don’t think you want to fight me I do

Wanna fight you come on I think I really don’t think yeah let’s all right if you guys have that invested yeah let’s do all right I’m in oh no I’m scared oh I played I played a little bit I need to play more but I’ve been I’ve been

Distracted with like Diablo and stuff unfortunately yeah that’s a good game yeah we should play more Diablo Diablo has been understandable baby Zen used to play Diablo I really need to start I couldn’t protect her what is this Oh my God that thing was tanking it’s this long path by going down Killed you I’ll run to you you remember how to get here uh I I think I think I know the direction give me the coordinates right now we need a boogie map so bad yeah I don’t know how to install it though uh there’s a way to do it also gonna

Figure it out what the huh what do you want then why the [ __ ] are you building Noah’s Ark on the house it’s gonna it’s gonna be the v logo if you don’t like it move your house oh Enchanted boat wait that’s not how it works

No if you don’t like it you you just move the house how the [ __ ] am I supposed to move an entire ass house just move it that’s me okay I send it I send it coordinate oh thank you hold on it’s uh he’s just screenshotted her all sorry

Yeah the portals of hell is under my house okay okay I can find it 67 and yeah says 1503-67-351 oh it’s a phantom I hear them I hear them they’re pretty annoying ouch oh you okay oh there’s skeletons everywhere what do you guys think of Pizza Hut I like pizza

I’m not gonna pretend it’s good but sometimes I really want Pizza Hut Yeah it’s so weird have you ever tried like a Japanese Pizza they put corn oh there’s a dessert pizza they put cream whipped cream and chocolate on Pizza what the heck it’s a very strange oh my God welcome to cool Japan Dale banana Pizza that’s all I’m gonna say

I don’t like Papa John’s I’m I’m biased because I come from the land of pizza so like I don’t eat any of the pizza from chain restaurants ever you know a place where pizza’s from where’s Crystal from your mom’s house my mom loves pizza I thought Pizza Came From Italy

That’s a different kind of pizza there are two pizzas there’s like the American one wait the Italian one pizza is that then she’s from Kim Kardashian got it every time Mouse says it I can’t stop saying in Kardashian oh Jesus Kim Kardashian Kim Kardashian [ __ ] Kim Kardashian [Laughter] Oh my God oh my God I just ate all my friends there’s a house over there oh let’s go to the house let’s go let’s go on your little Island across from the island is a tiny house yeah there’s a little house over there

Is it a village I think it might be a village oh it’s time guys should be joining us a little bit later her car went out by the year hurricane hurricane Katrina Katrina is everything okay seems all right yeah she told me yeah just a power outage

Oh I miss her I’ll take a break what’s this berries berries someone’s coming zombie zombies Oh but it’s almost it’s almost done it’s fine it’s fine oh daylight it’s fun it’s fine I forgot about this song so good oh girl you’re my angel you’re my darling that one Hey yeah mama mama mama Mama yeah remember piggies There’s two pigs here and there’s pumpkins oh pumpkin what’s your favorite American song oh good question holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I Love Maroon 5. holy [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I want misery Me IRL wow good stuff yeah thank you oh I thought you were gonna say Move Like Jagger oh I love that one too no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no hmm that one’s good oh yeah I think it’s drowned oh no I’m Gonna Save the cat well this turned that turned really dark Emerald emeralds emeralds Emerald emeralds I found the island in my dying breath do you want emeralds

I found five okay um but now the cursor should work [Laughter] in a village the worst player at Minecraft honest to God huh add smoothing template what is this random box in the middle of nowhere with a trip over there did people grab it right triangle triangle it has like this metal looking

Arrow and it has squares in it there’s another cat here mama so cute oh wait you got let me give you back your stuff oh yeah I think I have your hoe hold on come on get your hoe baby I’m making my home what it’s a [ __ ] hoedown Unwritten Unbreaking

Oh my God it’s going back up coming back arigato I’ll be here soon I’m waiting for you okay so there’s yours I think this one notice him and this one this one your potato my taters you like taters yeah I think that’s it okay do you need some

Food I do I there we go I feel like I’m looking too far oh wait where are you then ah that is the worst question to ask me oh I’d like Zorro from One Piece oh no I just go oh no both of you were like at the same time oh no [Laughter]

Wait where are you guys yeah I’m just taking stuff from the chests yeah there’s um oh you’re back at the Village there’s a guy with them breaking with us I’m breaking two swords I want it you know yeah yeah oh hey exactly I did not see how far that tree ended are you guys died no it’s not it’s not she’s on her phone oh you’re on your phone I was literally be like all right I’m a therapy Craft on your phone I can’t because on the phone I think you can join up

With us yeah I can’t play Minecraft on your phone We’re gonna make Haruka become an iPad kid oh my God the most hilarious thing ever I don’t wanna be an iPad kid yeah oh my God I am an Android kid oh you are why I am yeah fancy pop it and say I’m sorry literally

If I was about to join in Minecraft my power went out I’m like this is fine I can’t believe she left us right yeah I kind of she said he didn’t want to play no Minecraft so she said I’m just gonna turn my power off you’re not supposed to say those almost

Kim Kardashian you’ve got it Teen Titans I wanted to work on our house [ __ ] Kim Kardashian this is all Kim Kardashian’s fault [ __ ] she took out my power messed up oh my God is that it’s a half man half pig half dead oh yeah that’s called a zombie pig silly yeah

No are we onwards yeah then that’s from the nether this guy has a [ __ ] sword and he’s a pig and he’s half man yeah he’s a big man what the [ __ ] yeah zombie pigman yeah oh my God yeah sure let’s go let’s go yucky little cat here

Look at your cute little cat ears honey yeah I really didn’t have the worst luck on this game is that maybe you just battle me [ __ ] [ __ ] it seems like a skill issue to me everybody could be good Minecraft you know yeah she is all right I must get Battle just in case

I don’t waste any more what I’m saying my house is randomly wet we’re just gonna lose power and I’m just like this is fantastic seriously there’s no storm happening here oh no then bring back my power please you have the power to bring back my power cat I do

It now I’m really cool Oh we’ve had mousey help me here okay I’ll keep on working on it keep working on it you know what fine then you’re really cool you’re so amazing wowie wow you’re so sexy too well wow thank God you’re amazing is coming back on in like 10 minutes

Actually does come back in 10 minutes I’m gonna [ __ ] lose don’t worry there’s nothing happening here it’s just the power decided to be an [ __ ] I suppose yeah Did you make the house look like Among Us you just realized this the house has been sussed the whole times and listen I’m trying to make the entrance look prettier but I think it looks you know and did you like it yeah I like it

It looks like a manga see I told you she likes it so we’ll keep it I think that’s the only reason why she likes it that’s not really her it looks like a [ __ ] listen the outside might look hideous but the insides what counts

Yeah my mom wanted a fish tank so I got that weird bro why does he want a fish tank in the house all right dude I don’t know I was having a hole oh God oh God are you not supposed to have a fish tank in the house

No I my mom was like please please your mom’s so weird dude I don’t know man I love her the vids but she would have just sewn me if I don’t have a face thing oh oh no respawn for it oh no that was a mistake

Don’t worry if I could come back in approximately 10 minutes I can help us all come back home oh yeah is there anything in the landmark where you guys are that I can find out we’re in a village coordinate all right I’ll sleep all come apart back in 10 minutes I’ll be back

Minecraft Um you know what to do I know what to do all right I’ll smell you later I didn’t think she does referring to yeah that I was going to say [Laughter] oh I heard a new menu wait I see stuff over here come inside baby I think I might have found you did

I don’t know then that seemed kind of quick you found us already it’s pretty far away how did you find it there’s no way you found us oh how do you keep dying thank you I help oh I like this [ __ ] game hates me then you’re doing great you’re doing

Great don’t worry you got it then you got it yeah you can do it yeah I would like to have you know I’ve died in this 10 times in the span of like 10 minutes is this a donkey oh cute yeah oh my God there’s nothing about flying land flower a zombie villager

Wherever we go my luck is just so good where’d you guys go where’d you go I see you guys oh stop raining change my render distance I made it too low put it to Quake mode oh yeah holy [ __ ] thank you guys there’s like three on the house

Oh my God oh my gosh That is so many zombies oh my God oh no oh my God oh my God I’ll save yourself a horse where are you we should have waited till the day this is so [ __ ] up oh my God what if I died of the skeleton s my response here it’s good

Grab yourself and grab yourself I’m hiding oh my God oh my God my stuff just torches what is going on here Diane there’s a bunch of villagers all hold up all huddled up yeah they’re back what the [ __ ] cause you killed them all apparently on the bed I actually I killed two

Why I didn’t kill any more after that I swear to God it was just too but still Listen they can live without two villages my heart in there now there’s like 100 villages here what the [ __ ] yeah there’s so many of them right now all right I’m trying to retrieve my stuff I’m gonna do it on my house so I can go back outside I believe in you

Guys made an advancement showed up because I picked up Enya’s armor oh thank you she is growing more powerful I’m running past the skeleton there’s a skeleton on a skeleton horse with a bow Yeah I respawn right here Done I got our stuff thank you we’re gonna be okay we’re still waiting for you yeah I’m on my way I’m on my way I’m just waiting until my potatoes are done laughs okay hey what’s up little lady hey there lady I’m just I gotta go get my stuff yeah kill him

Get him in the bed oh my God let me whisper in your ear let me whisper to you with for you a nice tune okay the sun is rising the sun is rising it’s gonna be a safe day yeah yeah Lord of the Rings Doesn’t want to talk to me y’all kill them do it Lord of the Rings is it good oh yes into like five zombies to watch it no sleep for you laughs oh my God also I need to watch Spider-Man ouch Spider-Man’s so good never ever

Watch any of my spider then before so I gotta watch oh Spiderman Spiderman it’s all about Miguel yeah Miguel Miguel you’ll understand He’s also Spider-Man but he’s a Spider-Man from another like version of Earth another version of the Earth yeah there’s many different Spider-Man and they’re all from different forms of Earth from different variations of Earth oh it’s like a Spider-Man Multiverse yeah it is currently obsessed with

Miguel though so let’s just leave it at that it’s a good reason all right I need to find out it’s a very good reason and don’t be liking that Miguel fella oh yeah pretty good Miguel Miguel you got Miles Morales hmm Miles Morales yes and Miguel a great a

Great Spider-Man he’s Puerto Rican oh perfect very good very good Spider-Man perfect now I’m waiting Japanese Spiderman Spiderman Japanese Spiderman win flying around Tokyo sky there should be one no one want him to have like a magical girl transformation when he puts the Spidey suit on I want them to give him

From everywhere really yeah Japanese environment doesn’t Japanese Spiderman have like a Meg or something really oh my God yeah yeah there’s like three of them there was one in the first movie there was a there was a a female Spider-Man and she had like a robot that was a spider uh-huh

Yeah she was super cute it was a cute Japanese girl she literally went through even Jimmy her name was Penny Parker the movie Penny Penny and she had a she had a big big robot as and the robot was a spider oh seen that before craziest [ __ ] ever they give her a Mech

Oh my God yeah yeah Spider-Man is the only one guy didn’t know there’s a multi-spider man yeah there’s multi-spire men it’s really good yeah comic books yeah Marvel Marvel does Multiverse stuff a lot oh Guardians of the Galaxy 3. yeah actually that’s all I’m gonna say I’m tearing up already

I liked Guardians of the Galaxy a lot I feel strong I’m running One Direction to see if there’s anything and then I’ll come back oh what North what direction is north I don’t even know anymore uh if you press F3 it’ll tell you when you’re facing north F3

What a mini map I want my mini map I want my baby where am I supposed to find this North thing well then you press F3 it is right under the trunk I’m gonna be honest I don’t know where the ax solute [ __ ] I am I have Mario wearing my channel what the

[ __ ] well you gotta look at the numbers then I’m in a large Forest where the trees are ginormous I’m at the river oh you’re not you’re not too far I think I think this is the right direction maybe I should just stay here and not go anywhere

Start a new life in this Village she’s turning into Tom Hanks Castaway S I don’t remember I’ve been here did I did hi I don’t remember uh I don’t remember an area with snow I I don’t remember seeing this what the heck is that I she’s in a new land where am I I’m definitely in the new land that’s for sure

What why is everybody mad that he killed a rabbit it’s food oh you killed the rabbit I hope it’s delicious it’s so delicious ages where people killed animal for food to survive it’s almost like they still do oh my God I said I can still hear the animals oh my God we’re saying They look at you and they go mom why why would you do this challenge I can’t believe you killed that animal proceeds to crack an egg over the stove I get what you’re saying you get what I’m putting down I’m picking it up what I’m putting yeah you feeling froggy leap

How you make bread uh wheat yeah see wheat giant mushrooms what is this [ __ ] Mario you know how long it’s been since I had to make bread in this damn game I haven’t made bread in years I haven’t made bread in a million bajillion years what minus

Where where am I where am I oh my gosh I came to the wrong direction it’s a giant mushroom the heck don’t sword anymore trash just like you throw my carcass in the trash I believe I am currently in the Mushroom Kingdom now Oreo I found a new home a blast furnace what can I put on a blast furnace oh that’s for the the tougher stuff like um it does it does things quicker we say yeah any any small thing

I don’t remember if it’s like double speed or what but it’s it’s faster food I could put anything in there yeah um it it did what I wanted it to do yay well [ __ ] well [ __ ] well sheep holy [ __ ] 182. [ __ ] [ __ ] shits apparently apparently one of the things

I say the most on stream is holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] where the [ __ ] [ __ ] am I I don’t know the [ __ ] I am guys [ __ ] then press F3 what what do the numbers say next to block three times I didn’t like So Gone

What what does it say next to block on the left I am X is 282 oh oh okay okay minus 283. okay right now I’m at 14.71 14. and then it says also minus 741. I’m not that far we need Maps bad we need that still how

Do I download that’s how do I install this damn map 1471 119 slash minus 212. hey anime girl hey so I need to go to the 1000 range Fifteen hundred that’s a lot of steps that sucks a lot wait a minute late you went North it’s going to take like 20 minutes oh I’m back in the village where are you Then are you okay everything nice over there but what’s going on over there oh everything is not daijabu let’s look up and behind you oh my God this whole time I’m on my way you see you see what I did yes I saw your cramps I’m almost back at

The first Village that we found from small island almost there I don’t tell anybody you’re close Tanya you’re close Oh God I’m gonna sit inside here hello okay we’re here hello ma’am a brush what the [ __ ] a brush it’s new a brush or what I will be right back okay I said it’s for archeology Okay over here I’m almost there I’m almost there oh did you do it oh I think we’ve been over here yeah I remember this test it looks correct yeah I remember this pass so close I remember I been here this lever that I remember

Okay I just need to go to the uh oh Frick now I have way too much bread eat more 100 what can a leather be used for huh hello there let me see the book and there’s a um because there’s no backpacks in this game is there not in vanilla no

Give us the backpack give us that much I’m sure you can do it Oh are you okay uh-oh oh my God [Laughter] oh my God damn it there’s two of them and then the second one killed me God damn it God damn it not again I was so close this is so messed up Oh oh how’s it going over there did you guys find Sakura no no not yet we’ve been waiting for you to come back oh yeah we’re sitting in this house her voice Laughs I just want to go I just want to go over there that’s all I want I miss her I’ll bring my bucket a few months later yeah I gotta install a damn mini map [ __ ] I don’t know how though yeah I think it’s funny too

I think it’s local let me look at that while we’re here cool let me see oh no It’s a spider no well they go No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hmm oh another creeper these skeletons shooting me shooting me arrows stop it well I gotta take my medicine okay okay go right ahead I’m gonna figure out how to get the mini map pepper no

I’m gonna reach in and grab that medicine out of you no don’t grab it out of me please and then I’ll eat it what’s going on I’m stealing Mouse’s medicine oh okay what kind of reaction is that okay what do you want me to do supposed to be like no stop don’t do it no stop don’t do it For a [ __ ] up day there I did it I’m a hero Don’t be a hero son let her be a hero she wants to be no somebody has to do it someone gotta deal with ow but somebody’s gonna do it No no okay 1436 one two four minus 182. let’s go oh are you sleeping Iowa no I have an extra bed oh my God what is that noise oh wait it’s the daytime oh my God I still are you guys still at that like 1 000 range or whatever yeah the one

That I typed in the chat the last time and I’m trying to go there okay I’m on my way then oh it’s about time come here son I miss you listen I get lost very easily and my Direction sucks you don’t say bro I said I was a badass I didn’t say I

Was [ __ ] smart ah maybe stupid sometimes you only need one one what one either being a badass or being really smart I’m a badass uh-huh I don’t know about that I feel like that was sarcasm coming from you Giga you feel like it oh you know it you’ve got anything to [ __ ] say

S I think you’re a punk writing my Twitter long putting on my glasses no please write it I need something to retweet I didn’t tweet today please set my sleeves here tired of your [ __ ] [Laughter] because there’s like a tired question mark question mark I don’t know Zen are you question mark

Are you tired of my [ __ ] the only thing I’m tired of um is all of this walking I just want to be there me too me too dial oh my God it’ll be worth it we need it for the trees 1 000 [ __ ] steps man trees and the trees think of the trees

Yeah think of the trees you need the trees oh the kid trees did you know that one of the largest living organ okay how about I ask you guys this what is the largest living organism on the planet Oh I thought you said Oregon I was gonna say skin Googling

Whale blue whale whoa well well any any other answers no no well you are actually wrong huh it is a fungus What what the heck now oh that it lives somewhere in the area I don’t remember where you said organism not animal okay but it is the size of I believe an

Entire state Where’d you read this Zen oh my God it is the size of an entire State she read it on the internet an entire state which state though like like is it like the size of Delaware or like the size of Texas actually in the Guinness Book of World Records oh

As well as just scientific studies it makes sense because like fungus A lot of them will uh they send out Runners right they send out one little like thing Sideways from themselves along the ground and Sprout another mushroom but they’re connected they’re considered one organism so they’ll just do that like

Like a real yeah they’ll do that forever [Applause] do you guys believe in the Sasquatch or I guess Bigfoot I am the Sasquatch it’s me what about the chupacabra no it’s not real though [ __ ] sake why do you believe in it what about Siri the buff huh

Shia buff do you believe in him no no not real good definitely not real those are those lies they tell you about on TV once upon a time I heard there was a guy that played a park in a movie his name have you ever seen the dance video for Shia LaBeouf real

And and wait I got a video of them dancing I’ve never heard that send it oh boy send the link yeah yeah I might know it I’m surprised Gigi doesn’t know it I’m sure if I see it I’ll probably know exactly what you’re talking about let me look for this

It’s the one o’clock where they’re all dancing on stage and they all have a big old head of Shia LaBeouf for some of the dancers oh it’s the one where they’re like they they’re like telling his story right I’m back at the village welcome thank you for finally I’ll show you the

Chest where I put your stuff off okay one [ __ ] Squad where are you oh my God come here come here I put your stuff in in here So good to be back thank you so much now put your clothes on it’s embarrassing There you go yeah all right tap tap this bed for spawn point oh thank you so much finally I think I’m just going to stay over here at the original area and village where we have the house at there’s too much suffering [ __ ] so much suffering though

Zen killed by Minecraft built for that but San you’re a gamer I will work on small things I got this okay okay keep the home base looking good okay now we can pick a direction to run but I think Mouse is doing medicine right I found all of these potatoes in a box

Yeah you’re fine yeah you’re good thank you so much I gotta fix these stairs I don’t like the portal to hell I forgot where’s their door Fiesta back in here feels good could be back yeah holy [ __ ] it’s so red down here cool red I mean red where are you do you have a snack wait I just realized

I can go to henya’s secret little what are you talking about secrets secret cave my secret cave no oh not my cave the one you’ve been hiding from me to see it yet with all your stuff in it don’t you dare let’s see what you got no don’t

You know you’re in trouble you’re in trouble oh there’s two boxes oh no I see eight emeralds A lot of iron is that her precious two more emeralds gold oh God I’m so too far away to go back there oh my God how about this ten [ __ ] diamonds oh why would you take her diamonds away damage your girl’s best friend yeah I know they’re my best friend thank you

Oh yeah snitching then I’m doing the snitched in another channel oh you’ll be in trouble what I’ll tell her too I’ll do it if you’re stealing it I’m gonna tell her yeah I know you’re [ __ ] with shishi [Laughter] no I could tell it right now I’ll do it you do it you won’t

Deep belt translate help me out Deep power yeah I always use deep Bell Translate I said nothing of these these terrible paragraphs it comes out like a garbled mess but you know what it works I didn’t want to know what the [ __ ] you’ve been typing don’t worry about it I’ve been cabbage some crazy [ __ ] what are you saying

What’s your time don’t worry it’s a secret you know what I’m gonna take these potatoes we don’t give Secrets here wait whose potatoes are these oh mind but you can have them if you need them I was just cooking the ones I had potatoes and you know what I don’t I

Want to and I need you I don’t care if you broke your elbow oh my my taters God damn all right let’s wait until day and then we go I’m gonna grab a snack over here I love how I drink a glass bottle of water and I gained nothing from it that’s cool I guess I I thought drinking water was supposed to do something for me I don’t think I’m vanilla and I don’t vanilla Oh a water and vanilla yeah they give you nothing so that’s nice I I guess it’s just a sentiment Nothing special water gets you nuts till we get the food but we don’t need the drink [ __ ] sake [ __ ] sake [ __ ] sake [ __ ] sake yeah there’s like a few cats in here yeah yeah oh they’re so cute I think if you have a fish you can just capture them you can tame them

How many fishes does it take ah depends on cats and candies only one some cats are greedy so they take 10 I think greedy cat I still can’t get over all the villagers here all the villagers are you ready for this are you ready yeah well they’re just standing on this

One dude there’s like 20 of them on one guy on the Bed Bed join them they’re having a party we could be friends with thumbs up I need to be a part of that party to be honest you’ve always wanted friends look at how many friends you have now

Yeah I don’t need to do that should we should we make a people Farm or you farm the villagers yeah yeah what does this mean you can you can make a villager farm what that sounds a lot like The Matrix uh oh I could put it and put it in I

Don’t know if I agree with this oh no oh no you can’t stop me what are you gonna do this is sounding an awful lot like The Matrix it’s okay the villagers are just you know they’re just data they’ll be fine wait no data my immersion if I remember didn’t they say something

About in the real world where they found something with the real world relating to numbers I can’t remember what it was that technically you can calculate every possibility they found coding in the world yeah what coding no I think it’s a it’s a probability thing technically every possibility can be figured out

Right no it was something with them fighting coding what hey then what the hell are you talking about I’m 100 being serious then you know how every every single possibility is mapped out right like technically if you use math you know what that means don’t get don’t use your Wizardry on me

It’d be statistically speaking my nuts are in your mouth then you were just supposed to say you were supposed to go what then come on laughs I guess your joke doesn’t work here then you fool every time then you’re supposed to play along play along I’m too smart what try okay

No no no I don’t want to tell you any jokes then I don’t want to tell you anymore are we ready yep I am well let’s go let’s run yeah that’s the one that’s the one that killed me there was a skeleton on its back He’s beautiful My son okay so we can safely assume horakata’s power is not back on so she’s definitely gonna come after me Um I may have well no because four minutes ago in the server chat she said at Centralia it was a long 10 minutes but it’s back and you would know that if you read the server in live chat see oh what the [ __ ] yeah her power’s back um All right what direction are we running okay so it worked and that’s what matters okay yeah she’s back this way that’s the one that killed you skeleton he murdered you Whoa nice Revenge killed us he killed both of us yep we killed him though that’s it he’s not coming back revenge is so sweet oh yeah I hate him I hate him with all my heart I had a skeleton um I should make a shield but I always forget to make a shield do you see any do you see any pink tree nope me too nope is it a is it a rare biome right yeah I think so probably is it rare probably rare I don’t know

We’ll find it it’s just our biome Oh yeah I’m gonna collect any plants we don’t have oh it’s rare oh oh okay we got it oh look it’s a family gray horses we got a lot of sunflower in here oh look at the horses the family It’s two families right here Those are the spotted one cute yeah they’re so cute though oh maybe I’ll make us a barn oh yeah it’s the ocean do you want to get boats and go across or do you want to go around the edge of the land let’s go across

All right let’s make a boat let’s make a boat oh [ __ ] we might need two boats I’ll make one I got the crafting table it’s full here you go I got the crafting table got a bottle okay here we go here I won here Oh I already see something across the water um oh what is it oh I see I see it yeah what is this whoa what’s that oh it’s like above the water oh it’s like a rune looks like it but it’s I thought these were always underwater is it different what wait

They have sea land you know around here yeah oh yeah there’s drowned in there oh Oh yeah it is it is over here fine here right here right here oh are you okay yeah I’m gonna put the magma there you go and go up there oh yeah I’m gonna die in there oh it’s a fishing rods oh my God there’s a drowned baby

Yeah they got the baby drone I gotta know what the heck yeah you move so fast foreign Thank you oh I have no idea where my love oh wait isn’t this a ship right here oh yeah oh yeah just inside well there’s another little mini Temple here this has a lot of nice stuff this is so cool oh treasure map oh it is let’s go take the treasure map

You want me to take it okay give me the map throw it at me we’re so close oh yeah it is nearby why are you giving it to Gigi she has only one eye I could take the eye patch off what do you mean what’s under that iPad huh I

Bet I bet he’s another eyeball directions which way is north uh I’m looking Beast what this way is North okay I’ll go this way and we’ll see if if we start oh yeah yeah this way follow the map follow the map follow the map oh my God Foreign Is that possible uh you can trap them in boats maybe come on get on my boat come on you get in together oh my God let me see him he just looks like he’s swimming [Laughter] okay somewhere right over here is the I’ll get them later yep yep I think it’s

Right right here is it here yeah like right over here somewhere yeah let’s go oh okay I found it hold on what’d you find I don’t have room from the map If you’re just a potato no we found good stuff then we found good stuff can I take the horses it must be nice yeah how do I use them heart of the sea I don’t know what the heart what is the hardest C for something I said Beacon I can’t remember

Oh a conduit conduit conduit conduit that’s the word yeah unless you make one wait there’s a two turtles on my boat where did he come from okay thank you what are we gonna do with them do you want to eat one what you could eat one of them and then you

Can take the other one home don’t worry no one has Snapchat close your eyes it’s like she’s trying to get canceled here you can have your boat back [Laughter] here it is I didn’t even hit the turtles or just broke the boat Turtle will remember this style so we’re going to make a documentary about you on the Discovery Channel where are they Giga the turtle home Destroyer what the heck oh I could not find a single drop of food take it it was I was getting a turtle how do you get one

I pushed him into the boat yeah you push him push him well I don’t know if there’s any left oh next time we got one Turtle yeah we got one turtle dead oh my God you’re not gonna believe this clap tried it I ran past the creeper and ran into two Creepers

Surrounding me oh my God no why did you die I died oh my God where did you guys die I’m back in the village too okay okay there’s no way I don’t remember who it was it I could give you the coordinates okay this way I think yeah it was whenever we headed out onto the into the water it was North So many skeletons here tonight a witch a witch oh no says 2099 slash minus 560. Oh my God I see your stuff okay I’m gonna see if I can build a chest and put it all in there thank you so much of course hey we came here I think we did we did uh oh um um uh do you recognize press play the place Um oh my God a drone just broke my boat oh my God I’m running I’m running I’m ready oh I think it’s okay maybe this way yeah maybe I placed some head here so I’m good if I die I respawn hi good that’s okay because you you’re alive

Over there I’m right here yeah there was a there was a drone how to yeah tried it yeah that’s that’s the one that keeps hitting me oh my God oh crap oh crap uh I gotta go back my I gotta go get my stuff he told me to [Laughter] child keeps killing me what the [ __ ] they’re so strong we had armor on this still yeah they got us oh turtle wait there’s so many turtle in here it could be around here I think it might be

Around here no oh God monsters a lot of monsters uh Turtles okay it’s uh 2019 nine I think I’m picking up stuff okay this way this way oh God I only have half a heart they’re they’re drowned with Spears here there’s like or tridents there’s like three of them so I’m just picking up stuff and trying

To throw it in the chest there’s a bed there the blue bed yeah okay where’s the bed oh right on me okay oh Oh where’s the stuff oh there’s this stuff oh my God oh that’s still when you tried in did you drop the pad okay good zombie so Much Death yep so much suffering I’m gonna pick up the stuff and put it in here oh my God yeah show me Oh my God I’m gonna go pick up our stuff that was farther there’s there’s more stuff floating so I’m just like grabbing it and then running it back as fast as I can oh my God the Rescue Mission we got this we got this oh my God it takes four Hearts sounds

Like the rescue mission is going just fine then yeah yeah it’s great it’s perfect Ow wait there’s another trident how many are they they keep spawning got the heart of the sea Turtle help us Not like this no like this oh my God oh my gosh it’s so deadly oh God oh God Laughs I do not think you guys are fine I know we’re up we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine it’s okay everything everything ‘s gonna be fine everything die yes it’s gonna be okay fine it’s gonna be okay yeah okay I don’t know which stuff belongs to

Which person but I put it all in the chest S I’ll just take whatever I know is mine you thought you could escape from me hi what’s up I told you 10 minutes still 10 minutes what do you mean there was a zero in there so it equates to ten almost 20 10 is 10. oh my God I need to go find my uh I need to get OptiFine 1.20 again oh yeah there’s an update getting me

Oh you forgot to do mine so I’m just playing with normal Graphics right now how could you do this to yourself it looked so bad oh no get it right now the real Minecraft experience no mods they’re going all natural excuse me [ __ ] Foreign the Minecraft icon [ __ ] changed yesterday and I freaked out going is this a virus oh God yeah I had to like YouTuber going why did my icon change to a great creeper oh scared that I was like reading about the thing that was happening with Minecraft fonts and stuff

That’s like is it happening to me I was very scared for my life yeah I think we got everything thank you Giga thank you you’re welcome to one more check to see if there’s any stuff floating I actually forget where you put your [ __ ] install instructions for OptiFine somewhere

Oh okay you’re right you’re so smart thank you for being like I am also smart I just don’t show it you’re very smart that’s right Zen good job good I love your little worm model you look so like extra gremlin would you love me if I was a worm

Honestly appreciate me if I’m away I would marry you if you were oh Mary whoa if I was a worm I guess I love you too but I think I don’t know that’s kind of [ __ ] up what are you what are you saying then are you gonna be are you

Gonna become a warm YouTuber now just for my love and affection do better be better be a better person love me for who I am oh now you want me to love you after our earlier collab you were just so yeah it’s always push and pull with you Zen I know

If you can’t accept me at my worm you can’t accept me at my best you can’t accept me on my toaster true okay okay I want to take this bed be careful if we die okay it went in Mouse’s inventory I actually tried Nutella and strawberry juice strawberry jam

I’ll trade you I’ll trade you this do you want this what about it it was supposed to be like peanut butter whatever I was mistaken yes And I am lost let’s do it I’m still lost I I Zen are you really lost in a sea of Lost cause then why are you lost I thought you were just making sense and try that again you make sense you you make sense you know what when Mouse

Is serious she still makes sense of sensing to sense there’s too much sense for me to [ __ ] understand sense yeah what does it all mean well why don’t you [ __ ] sense these [ __ ] nuts in your face wow wow wow wow wow wow that’s so original

I’ll be here all day wow I haven’t read the joke you guys want to hear it go right ahead these nuts it’s so original Victory fell off of my place that’s karma for your action flowers flowers another cute yeah let’s go on foot where the heck is I ate it

How could you I mean yeah I think it was these okay Parker where the [ __ ] are you um hold on [ __ ] I’m loading the [ __ ] yeah yeah I’m still not in the game I thought you were the entire time even if Harga says nothing I will still go yeah she is my

Emotional support back up all right then after our collab I want to let you know that gig and I just talked for like the four hours personal support bro your emotional support I’m coming up bro no biome oh these are the trees that are like gray on the outside yeah trees are me

Okay I don’t know how do people say it I always hear people say it different ways I like the I like the gray outside a lot the bark color yeah look it’s turned into orange yeah the Orange is so strong You okay thank you thank you I’m sorry I turn it Orange oh stripped whoa I better go back to working on the house yeah yeah it’s really orange on the inside it is it in listen listen listen I know the outside looks ugly right now but once I I do some decoration

Giga you listen right yeah I I will listen to anything you say Haruka okay I’m not like Zen thanks man as I was saying that was sarcastic and the outside looks ugly right now but after if I refine it and everything it’s gonna look great she has a plan I have a vision

The vision it’s an orange tree my house is way better than your [ __ ] wooden ass Safe House just saying that is so rude of you to say I worked so hard on it take it back no part of my house if you looked at our two houses who

Worked on our house the most is that why it looks like I’m monkeying you didn’t Harker you did thank you Among Us Among Us house if yesterday drama drama [Laughter] they actually just cast me to come in here and start drama that’s probably Zen asked you to join the surface oh no

Producers put me in for the plot oh uh really oh I see her name are you okay I think she’s done here we go I’m Not Dead welcome back I got I Was preparing at the funeral and everything Doug Do we want to make a little Hut to sleep in okay oh wait there’s a village this one this one this way oh okay okay okay miles keeps tripping Stop stop [Laughter] talking to each other we keep doing this we keep doing this I gotta stop we keep saying the same thing at the same time all the time I’m saying the same sandwich every time the same sandwich language that we have remember collab that we had earlier today

Can I just spend four hours talking the call right afterwards yeah if we talk for four hours at least five times we’re like okay I’ll look let you do your thing and then I’m an idiot and bring up another topic I’m like oh by the way before you go and then we talk

For another hour yeah it was like two hours of that I’d be like oh I have to go that’s the best possible okay bye you like talking I don’t mean to talk you put us in the same room and we go for hours it’s funny because in my youth I was

Always told that I talked too much I’m like in my you it’s my news and I’m like wow finally applied today finally joining are you guys going to sleep I’ll wait now we’re just chilling here oh my God hey well look who it is look at your house isn’t it have you not

Seen the inside wait when did we get cats Genji eega says two thousand and you got like a million 572-150 all cats honestly we I lost my two cats that I obtained and they’re gone yeah I cry every day yeah I reorganized it do you see the

Signs I do you’re so sexy for doing that yeah okay I have one up on you aruka what do you mean oh God what did you do and there’s an idol meeting have Noah’s Ark above your goddamn [ __ ] house that’s not Noah’s Ark Zen it’s the bottom of the logo it’s a logo

It’s the logo that Giga was gonna make yeah looks like a boat well you’re a boat right oh whoa drama the drama what’s a boot um all this time I thought Canadians were extinct a boot a boot a boot a boot it’s Haruka the last of the Canadians my neck hurts

I think I already done it wrong to scream you better [ __ ] a boot scream man I’m waiting do it you know what we need in this house Giga we need lanterns you need iron for that um are you gonna come straight into my arms once you’re done adventuring I I run

Okay again I need iron all right Zen do you want to see division that I have planned all right all right so you see this area you see this here you know what this area is going to be son no it’s gonna be a gamer streamer here

Wow what do you think okay yeah and then and then the next room and then this room you wanna know what the stair you want to know sir the bathroom no no you’re close it’s the bedroom oh sorry all nine up all nine people are gonna sleep here ow yeah I

Deserve that oh my God I think it’s nine yeah nine people are gonna sleep here how do you remember all the members don’t I asked henya I was like how many members what about this oh Jesus Jesus oh my God it’s the Phantoms holy [ __ ] [ __ ] good thing we’re safe in the kitchen

Me Mouse and Kenya are in this we’ll explain this to me house what do you want me to explain oh why does your windows look like Among Us listen Okay when I or okay come back inside this is sauce yeah I’m pretty sad all right so I’ll let me let me explain

Let me explain okay um in this bowl I’m gonna send this boat to explain to you okay oh okay all right so I can’t look at you but I thought you were getting in the boat together I mean oh we can but there we go all right because then so

You wanna know why it looks like Among Us Among Us Among Us explain it was an accident okay when I was working on the vision I was like Giga I don’t like this window placement it didn’t look nice and then I asked Giga what happens if I put

Little blocks in the corners and she’s like that looked really nice and we didn’t notice it was among us until I noticed it and I was like I have ruined this house for me see my brain is not poisoned by among us so I didn’t realize

That it looked like that me either I wasn’t poisoned by a Mungus either but now you are we are okay so come on then there’s Phantoms outside honey then that’s fine that’s not fun she’s gonna die to the Phantoms what did you do did you send those blocks nothing

Explaining to you those blocks weren’t there before why those blasts weren’t there before zencraft where are you from Cam’s here [Laughter] that wasn’t there before what I’ve been there before somebody removed what do you mean whoa it was probably henya Look down here Why are you guys Learning Center what the hell is wrong with you what excuse me I’m going down what I know your new member and all but come on man can have your ego last in one day [Laughter] yeah badge hang your match though how could she um

How could this happen to me do you have any sand oh you’re right behind me you have anything oh my God there’s a house down here let me check in my infantry all right I need some Sands like I must see no uh oh I’ll go get some soon wait

Oh hold on are you dying of hunger then you’re dying Hello though then when did I just [ __ ] say S I said are you dying from Hunger you’re like no those exact words yes where did you sent oh my goodness what do we do with you oh real I know I think Zen did it I don’t think you did it With it fight fight fight what happened to her in yeah don’t worry uh-huh you think so big drama big drama oh no she’s turning into a bully quick oh no no hey I can fix this watch this Ma [Applause] there we go now it’s Canon we’re all good now

Hey there’s another one that’s been saved there’s another house up there where is it okay look up there there’s another house in there what oh my God what the [ __ ] my God I just Village is so weird yeah it is sisters I just realized something I

Don’t have any fish for the fish tank you have to go to the ocean be a warm motion for the tropical fish yeah I also gotta find like some [ __ ] inside the fish tank yeah also that’s like at the tropical ocean I need like cheers and [ __ ] too

There’s nothing in this house but one guy a guy there’s just one guy walking around hey um are you busy right now wow meow meow I am not then how do you feel about going out to an adventure and getting me some tropical fish not the one guy

Oh no anything with the one guy fish from where uh I wonder where is then from the one guy nothing else what do you mean that’s not specific son it’s literally in the ocean biome tropical fish don’t just live in the ocean they have in very specific parts of the ocean

It lives in the warm Waters of the ocean warm water specifically fresh water [Applause] doctor you you dial you yeah what is supposed to say you know the ocean what the [ __ ] dial right now else you talked her I’m gonna eat it Tell her where you can find tropical fish cause she won’t listen to me then I hate fish no sushi I love you I you know wait a minute I think a lot of mixed signals here this is what my wait a minute have you ever seen a cat

Oh I have three cats at home in the Minecraft do you know how a cat is uh they just meow and scare away Creeper yeah exactly oh she you’re like a cat I can see it you’re such a cat she’s literally a cat

When I want to play in I want to go out you know what I mean I get you when I want to go out I want to stay in yeah that’s my dog literally Tugger that’s right Mouse that’s right yeah ah Zayn what the [ __ ] here it’s our favorite traveler

Then they can be outside Enderman with a few moms in the game that can be outside in daylight it’s time to be slain are you ready for your life get her do it do it thanks for your life now or it’s over get oh well I guess you’re not getting that

Lead now wait a minute wait a gosh I don’t think that was the right thing no they survived ain’t that a [ __ ] goddammit Leo Leo Leo Leon Leon [Laughter] I understood did you I’m so proud of you [Laughter] item do we have a [ __ ] chicken

I heard someone popped an egg ew what I know My Stream can you stop popping out eggs Jesus Christ weird it’s kind of weird what you cooking girl I was making myself pants do you know where you are Sunny Side Up it I’m in this house oh no wait

Are you talking about that Tick Tock I love that lady right there’s this lady Here baby What Simpson let me find this Tick Tock for you guys yeah find it for me I’ll show you do you eat bacon or Canadian bacon what is the difference well yeah what’s yeah I only have Canadian bacon question mark I think what’s the difference elaborate do you eat normal bacon or Canadian

Bacon what what is the difference what’s the difference I actually don’t know what the difference is it’s a simple question can any bacon this ham and USA huh Canadian bacon is ham hmm I know that but like I I’m not American so I don’t know what the difference between destroying her

Brain right now oh yeah it’s like not even regular bacon it’s almost ham then you died again stop dying sin and I’ll do it again only Canadian bacon versus ham um I’m looking at the images and they they’re just strips of bacon I feel like you’re literally losing your mind right now I am I just I just have strips of bacon and I’m telling you America just named [ __ ] after other places that doesn’t make any sense with the food so I’m just hearing the chewing sounds opinion as I’m trying to contemplate my existence

And there’s an Italian sausage but it’s not from Italia or isn’t it you don’t need to be a comeback excuse me no you’re okay I don’t care I eat on the mic all the time you’re good you’re good I just I just think it’s funny that I’m just trying to

Think about Canadian bacon I want you to eat the microphone right now [Laughter] yeah it’s actually peace Belle can you Parker what eat your [ __ ] microphone I’m gonna do it right now I’m not even eating anything all right you eat your microphone me you want me to eat my microphone okay ready yes

I just added your mod I did my best I don’t think it made sound it did it no I don’t think it did either I did my best either you have a really good microphone oh you’re not doing it I did it that’s it that’s it um

I don’t know how that would work really that’s huh you bake a vicious a thicker kind of uh-huh oh my God oh my God I’m surprised you’re actually still looking it up existential crisis right now it’s going to be okay okay don’t worry if you want to cleanse

Your brain give somebody an existential crisis though so here we are it’s a circle too it’s not sometimes it’s sometimes a circle but sometimes it’s just a strip of bacon oh yeah that’s what I’m I don’t know for the rest of your life Canadian bacon Canadian bacon are we on our way

It’s dark what if we die we’re not gonna die okay we’re strong okay okay I’m not going crazy am I I’m like Sonic your mod right now I need confirmation yeah I think this is the way we came from can we get the siblings from the tree

Oh yeah I have a couple oh I have I have uh eight I have eight oh nicest so we can plant yeah we should be good let’s go this way all right guys shared The Tick Tock that we were referencing for you all right thank you I’m just I’m talking to

Mouse’s mod fell but like am I going crazy it’s it’s just a strip of bacon it’s not this [Applause] different they’re different I guess I just I guess I just had American bacon are you okay yeah nice I got hit by Arrow oh God this is

The same way we came from oh yeah that’s my favorite Tick Tock Merry Christmas from the jungle baby yeah yeah I shared it in the chat if you guys want it that’s my favorite is she okay she has this one tank top where she like put like makeup all over

Her face but she put lipstick all over her bottom the bottom oh yeah I think I know what you’re talking about oh we need to go north this way you pull that she’s just not serious about it she posted that Tick Tock where she was wearing that dress and she like was

Yelling at the mirror and she had never gone viral before she didn’t really get views on her Tick Tock so it was like suddenly she got like five million views on one Tick Tock she was she made a tick tock the next date it was so sad she was

Like guys I’m sorry for that Tick Tock I was a little drunk and I shouldn’t have worn that dress it was an ugly dress because people in the comments were mean about her dress I was like no no if people got mad that like other people were mean so they all started

Following her because she’s really nice she’s really nice but she’s like when you look at that lady like and you see her Tick Tock it’s like a time capsule to like the 80s and 90s because she’s like the cool yeah like aunt or like she

Likes rock and roll from the 80s so she just like plays songs and sings to them in her mirror and that’s her whole picture Yeah she’s still in like she’s just like a nice lady which is funny she does she does look like a nice lady yeah she just looks like a mom honestly that’s a Vibe someone’s mom that likes rock and roll that’s it rock and roll I think I found the one

You’re talking about I was I added you in the thing oh yeah that one the Joker kind of makeup she’s funny you’re funny where’d you guys go we’re in the river early enough you see you the river yes [ __ ] you for making me have an existential crisis about what I knew [Laughter]

I can’t believe of all things that broke ARCA it’s Canadian bacon here’s the thing I guess I just been having American bacon because I’m like I just have the long strips of big and they’re pretty thick I guess I don’t know I’m just doing my part you can thank me later

I hate you so much then again here’s the thing I don’t even so I I don’t know I don’t really like much bacon I really like it when it’s too salty yay ow I jumped off oh fall off fall off yeah I fell off really crazy

Oh plus ratio I fell off Queen I felt up she fell off I believed that oh my God oops she’s alive here I I’m just below you where am I here we go oh there you guys oh my God this skeletons I have a question do you guys have iron

Do we have what iron I have a little oh just send her the cords don’t worry I got the chest give me the secret numbers uh I don’t know how to do that if you press F3 there should be an XYZ and you follow those and you type them in the right order

Yes I say send you have a problem with that giggle house he said it said Z it’s dead Zen do you agree right it’s dead it’s dead mine I have an ender pearl oh nice throw it let’s throw it throw it no don’t roll it yes put bed down what is your location

What are your coordinates all right keyboard and you should see an x y and z type in the the right numbers and two two he’s on fire right now I think I’m heading right direction that’s so nice of you to say thank you oh Yeah I am I am says thank goodness did you bring your Enderman friend to my house wait 23.75 sorry that was the wrong one hold on and uh who is three seven five Penny ateo says 2375 what do you do with the Enderman Pearl ah you keep it here throw it you don’t

Throw it yet you gotta get like gotta hit the blaze rods I don’t know but it’s cool when you throw it well you can eat the Eye of Ender the throw and then you’ll be cool it hurts isn’t it cool why do you always always listen to the

Bad advice and you never listen I’m the devil on her shoulder has the worst advice particular reasons advice my advice is great she has the best of worse the best hello hello welcome back I wish you could sit on these chairs but that’s only a mod thing and that means pain

Are you missing something uh no okay I’ve made it some planks there we go put all my stuff on my bar I have so many breads so if you guys need a food I have a lot oh okay I need the bread girl bread I have no torches

And F and it [ __ ] me over every time oh oops I put that in the wrong section all right okay I was trying to stay up a little longer but I’m not feeling too good you guys have fun with this game yeah yeah later today some rest yeah yeah take some rest

I love using all right thank you you guys have a fun night I’m a sorority then then come back [Applause] we’re losing our minds this is what happens when you spend too much time together in the forest you start to go crazy you go he’s a little cuckoo I think yeah a little nuts cool my house are you alive I’m alive yeah take your bed let’s go come back home

Yeah we’re gonna find a sucker how does it so hard to find it but we’ll find it this time that’s what our adventure is for we’re trying to find the trees yep well I’ll make sure you have a home to get home too thank you thank you you’re welcome where Where are they I ate them no I was Hunger no how could she I was hungry man I okay that was fair here blah blah blah blah blah I heard it going blue blue blue yeah that sounds pretty cool you guys should just make a voice pack for Minecraft at this point

Sell a voice pack and it’s just that should be the song nice jump yes oh I don’t know why surely we will find a biome that isn’t a birch Forest it’s all whatever is oh my God there’s so much oh there’s Dark Forest there well of course that means

Look mushroom thingy oh mushroom let’s go to the Dark Forest let’s do it actually Anya wants to find ancient city under the deep dark yeah yeah isn’t it usually under Dark Forest like more often wait is it still yeah I think it’s more likely to spawn under

Here so there’s one closer to our house so maybe Let’s explore yeah I’m gonna try it Dark Forest we’ll need we’ll need much better armor if we’re gonna go in there do they have any kind of like a special things in a in a deep dark oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh have you ever seen

Anything from it yet I’ve never seen anything from the deep dark I’ve never been there before okay I can’t wait to go yeah we’ll tell you nothing you just have to try it and go in oh I don’t know I’m going up on this hill okay go up on the hill too

Let’s go all right the walls have been completed now I can figure out which one oh you’re so fast it’s like where did they go all I saw were birch trees laughs perhaps the whole time I was talking to trees thinking it was you laughs do I

Look like a birch tree all around me it’s only birch trees they’re speaking oh God the voices are getting stronger I hear him I hear him now what are they saying [ __ ] sounds like you’re sick [ __ ] I’m so sorry why are you a worm I am a worm

Because I enjoy the activity called sounding That is don’t listen to her I am a worm because sounding is my favorite one known as cover your ears right now what hey what guys more English I learned don’t learn it don’t learn that I don’t even know you’re from it I don’t know what sounding is forget it

Okay forget what I said forget everything I was just wipe your memory somebody just asked me why I was a worm so I just said that should I look up what sounding is you will cry uh oh okay it’s very um the ocean stuff can I screen show you my vision

Oh what you’re building no yeah do you screen share it I need help with division okay yeah so I’m wondering where to put the windows for the vision like obviously the window should be here for the bedroom hmm The Darkness Falls again where else should I put division

I think you should do vertical Windows like two or three blocks vertical with like one space in between them oh a bunch of thin windows that will look good oh so yeah yeah also sort of like hold on oh like this question mark yeah more more tall than wide yeah like

That and then I can have another one beautiful yeah wow yeah we are so far away we’re like 2 000 blocks oh my God oh God where am I oh I don’t have torches I can’t see I’m safe oh God nothing can harm you now oh oh

It’s getting dark okay uh let’s make a little let’s make a little spot oh what is this because does this look real look weird oh no let’s see I’m gonna make us a beautiful house another house oh yeah gonna be gorgeous what if I do that for here too the three vertical windows

Or I can um like this oh the vision division go to sleep we could actually sleep through the night our house is perfect oh it’s perfectly sized it is it it’s for three people like Tetris you can line the bed now everybody be in bed yeah wow wow perfect fit yippee

Very nice another one there you go hey my Ben wait oh I I have your bed oh there you go yeah oh what do you think about this now it doesn’t look like a Mungus oh that’s beautiful it’s beautiful haruko it’s beautiful she’s looking at the Among Us house and

She added two Square Windows below it so it doesn’t look like among us anymore it actually doesn’t here I’ll show you henya hello it looks good you can look at my screen chair real quick okay you don’t have to put it on the stream I just look at this it doesn’t look it

Looks like a house now it looks normal it looks okay yeah yeah not among us anymore I fixed I fixed the vision yay yeah see I told you with a little bit of fixing I’ll fix up the sounds it’s beautiful I could probably do for here too because like this is gonna be

Where our pool’s gonna be we’re gonna have a pool oh a fancy pool yeah nice we deserve the best the first the best of the best of the best only the best oh that’s so weird actually I’ll put it back it looks so weird having a tiny window there yeah

I I Ron Mouse yes it’s time to run we’re going time to run let’s go oh it’s a mountain up there oh you’re my mountain oh my God that’s so romantic I’m pretty good I’ve been romantic I have to take the coal Coco um should we sail on the ocean or keep running

Maybe keep running for a little bit and the view is just the same [ __ ] then you can go in the ocean yeah where the [ __ ] are my shoes this one’s efficiency oh this is gonna die in like three seconds division Let’s just see Ford what’s the fishes he do again I can’t remember deficiency oh I want to say yeah no I’m Johnny I forgot about slime oh yeah in the modded server we were playing on they had different like classes and races that you could pick so

Choose the Slime so she could breathe underwater oh that’s really cool it was nice yeah also plus with the helmet I have it has um respiratory I think it’s called inspiration respiration yeah that’s what so I was able to breathe underwater like a sign yeah oh that’s crazy good

Oh the one with the Nugget that Bells yeah yeah that one has a lot of mods that was a really fun survey yeah they’re gonna they’re gonna make a second one and release it a bit later It’ll be fun excited yeah I’m gonna miss my house that she and I built because we’ve been building that house oh yeah yeah I never got to finish my house because I was I was building it and it was looking good but then so many people

Moved into the same spot and the lag was really bad because there were too many items so I was like uh that’s kind of why I moved as well I was like I can’t even functions I lost you guys oh where’s the mouse we’ll go back oh yeah look up for henya oh

I don’t see her okay I’ll run this way this way ah you know what’s sad I sometimes get served by the Minecraft Thunder this sounds so realistic yeah where’s Mom let me let me look at your stream oh she’s oh she fell down down oh no

She swam out she’s in the water okay so maybe you can click oh Mouse right here okay you’re right this way here I’m bringing her to you I found Mouse I’ll bring her back reunion time I opened her stream to see where she wasn’t she was like she fell so far down

A hole oh no it was so scary oh yeah the lightning thunder is a little realistic it Spooks me a little bit yeah yeah it does that sounds very realistic it’s loud it is I don’t like thunder it scares me really yeah I like it I’m such a [ __ ] when it

Comes to thunder and lightning my cats are like my cats get scared where’d you go just a little bit this way this way well oh right here there you go this way this way thank you thank you yeah the problem I just see somebody’s comment going you’ve been live for 13 hours it’s

Actually speed she’s been alive for 10 days straight for a thousand years hmm I’m crazy she’s kind of crazy holy Moses I know her it’s crazy I was saying that I don’t I don’t know how I could ever do something like that because my voice dies after five hours

Oh my voice is so like weak I could stream for a long time but I can’t like be loud at all there’s no way oh I’m excited to resume mine at some point when I can yeah okay I have half a heart I’m trying My tea is ready I’m gonna put my bed down and touch it oh God I’m so lost sorry I put my bed down so if I die I die okay okay did you touch the bed touch the bed yeah every time I respawn it lags a little

Bit like it takes a little time for me to load back in whatever that’s so bright of you that’s so brave for you Mouse I would have just did sure [ __ ] uh-oh you can fend for yourself right what the heck I love you that much that I can trust

You with anything even my own life did the creeper blow up some of the items though question mark I don’t think so maybe I can’t tell oh my gosh there’s so many keepers have you got your stuff oh I have your bell Y you touch the bed yeah I did okay good don’t worry I’m still hold if you go I feel like I should just I’m just like I’m like a stay-at-home Dad or Mom be like all right kids up on your adventure here’s the coordinates for you to get home don’t get lost

If you still have the compass then oh the skeleton got oh I see I see I have ptsp with the skeletons I swear it again thank you everything there’s so much damage right now [ __ ] off y’all should make some Shields go forget my shield go

One day I’ll make a shield surely I had it but I didn’t have your Shield um hey I gotta make my shield again there’s uh Iron Pants and iron helmet oh yeah yep oh yeah yeah that’s mine my stuff is so scattered oh God oh no

Okay okay I think I got most of my stuff should I make us a little house again that’ll be a good idea yeah I can always do my strap we’ll just dig a hole wait hold on are you gonna move it back I’m not sleeping here [Laughter] it’s beautiful beautiful wow this house

Looks really good that’s a really nice house oh yeah it looks good okay oh I took your bed do you want the white bed or the blue bed it doesn’t matter I’ll take it okay keep that one then okay Off we go Adventure good luck kids every time I see you have less and less armor laughs I keep losing my clothes you’re all naked well you know we’re just girls having fun in the forest yeah that’s what girls get up too yeah the girls in the trees

You know hanging out in the trees I’m just hanging out in the forest oh there’s a sword here oh is anybody missing an iron sword uh I guess I’m just I have one I have one okay do you have your smells yeah is this mine I thought I had a solid sword

Okay okay I think it might be mine are you safe right now no okay I’ll wait I’m very scared I just need help with division yeah yeah the vision so show me uh should the bedroom be bigger in size so then this one’s big thin this one’s fine right this size the streamer

Whatever the hell room could be yeah yeah yeah definitely cool this would be enough room for nine people right oh this is the snow you can sink in oh oh I hate that oh there a bedroom Giga and look at the basement yeah put me in the basement wait where are you Gina

Um I avoided this no I backed up help oh God I’m gonna try and dig you out it’s okay she got stuck in the snow Oh oh behind me hold on I’m coming here you go here’s a way out I think if you wear a lizard boots you should be okay in those kinds yeah yeah let’s just go around it okay we don’t have enough leather are you struggling yeah

Kill me we’ll go the other way hi oh it’s 12. look that okay here chickens you want to eat them dinner time give me that dinner um with Matthew I’m trying to find the center of this I thought she said meth Mickey direct me forward

Is this good no yeah that one yeah okay I was right I figured yeah I wasn’t sure because this one’s like it said five on this one six on this side so I was like yeah it’s because you could place one more on that left side technically or double door

Um that looks a bit better now there you go yeah dolphin yeah Dolphin friend stupid friend puffins are mean in real life that is true they’re evil yeah just like me oh God I gotta go to the bathroom back okay okay maybe I’ll cook some of this uh iron I have oh yeah yeah I think I think

I just need to make more iron so I could have clothes I have some few iron oh okay let’s cook all of it hi thank you you have plenty of redeeming qualities you’re my redeeming quality I’m back okay uh I peed foreign every human does it

Yep every human needs to be you what I’m not a human I Am Not a Human either but I do no I do it to be relatable yeah I I I I use my bowel movement to be relatable I don’t use it for now YouTubers don’t actually pee but

Sometimes they’ll do it just so that their chats can feel like you know similar to them YouTubers also fight the demons hahaha fine not often we only do it for relatability yeah just for you guys just for you guys we go through so much suffering and torment just for you again you guys

Wait hold on I’m coming back where are you we’re not far I’m up I’m on top of a tree you see us They go into the mines like in Minecraft so I think you do [ __ ] Enderman I was hoping I didn’t need a new land it looks like I got him now well I got my bread my boat and my torch I think I’m ready for revention damn

Oh my God everywhere I look it’s Forest yep I’m sick of it look at these trees it’s like it’s like that one guy who likes to push everything off his table I’m sick of it I’m gonna push everything on my desk onto the floor I’m tired of this I’ve

Lost on the floor dramatically cries honestly oh no it’s more Birch Forest over there oh my God I’m so sorry if you hear me just randomly scream that’s the steer fine I’m so sorry oh there’s a dark fullest oh this way yeah but no Sakura oh

My pink trees creeper how about you stay the [ __ ] away from me Oh wait I forgot I need no I don’t need iron to make good I almost freaked out saying I need like iron iron pickaxe to get iron oh no no no yeah you can get it with stone also like trying to find a jungle biome

Too but that one is a tough to find it as well because I needed one boot forward scaffolding yeah I resorted to water only we could have a freaking Harvest Compass or whatever the [ __ ] that thing is yeah Can we figure out what seed we have seed yeah I don’t know if we can do it maybe like in a server admin has to do it but there’s a command to figure out your seed and then you can like check it I can ask them

Yeah Chad I did try slash seed and I I can’t actually get it to work I think maybe an admin has to do it you just have to pay gun run to look at it for us me dming Fuji hey hey that reminds me the one time when fujitec broke

Um I messaged him going hey Fuji it broke and then he’s like it did and I’m like it did and like okay I’ll fix it we just come over here the trees Holy [ __ ] can you bring that home and we can just yeah the whole thing oh my God I’ve been looking for here it is an hour and a half one time I couldn’t rely for the life Oh my God You guys have an ax I’m an extra one there you go don’t you mean you have an ax strong one um Good joke [Laughter] funny The go [ __ ] yourself so much and it hurts I cried guys every day Literally me every time I wake up in the morning I got a jungle sapling nice let’s go we could bring it back actually so [ __ ] sexy right now you’re so hot right now we have everything they’re so hot right now right now honestly that iron Mouse so hot right now that her mouth is so hot right now

That head yet so hard right now so hot right now have you ever seen that movie henya Zoolander no I’ve never seen it oh we should show you that one I don’t think I’ve seen it but I’ve seen the clothes oh yeah I showed I showed you one clip

It has a lot of funny funny lions in it wait what was the title again yeah I used to watch it oh good I brought home iron and coal watermelon oh I found a flowering Azalea oh I like those does it does it drop saplings for it uh I don’t

I don’t think I think maybe it might but it’s like rare for it to happen okay I’ll try oh that’s a cute sure it’ll drop like a normal Azalea and not a flowering Azalea oh yeah I’ll see if it’ll give me any saplings but I think like if you plant it like on

Moss or something what’s this yeah I don’t remember I don’t remember yeah I think you can Grill them for mono says chat you can get the sampling equivalent with Wallace okay oh flowering Azalea I got one um I’m gonna burn that plant oh man yeah Okay so I have the saplings we’re good yay now you have to get back home are you on your morning um well we still we’re still on Sakura but we can’t we can’t lose the bamboo yeah and I have so much stuff and drop everything off and then you can

Go back get the coordinates to come back home yeah just follow it it goes to World spawn which is close to like in between the village and Zen’s home so oh my compass what the [ __ ] oh wait I have three of them so I can give it to you

Guys oh you have three yeah Oh my God absolutely [ __ ] them [ __ ] up in you keep these bones I’m genius oh thank you genius more like your Evil Genius why where’s mine did you take two on accident yeah take one yay okay uh let’s follow it okay let’s go let’s go back home I’m so stupid

It’ll be a big Journey that was a big joke Minecraft isn’t a joke Haruka this is serious serious this is all serious though this is so serious this is a joke I’m so sorry exactly 30 gifted subs thank you thank you praise the timer raise the timer Yay I have my boat and what if we do boat I am silly right now we can make you one or you can sit with me the auction song works well but she listens to Ram Ranch for like a million years yesterday and got like so many

People it’s kind of ram Ranch she was crying and this song was playing and I was just laughing because the song was so funny but she’s crying what happened let’s go did somebody say raise the timer or what happened I just started playing Ram Ranch and then

Do I need to play Ram Ranch [Laughter] it’s a bad song but it’s funny will it get to raise the timer it’s funny [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so it’s about naked cowboys oh yeah Naked cowboys chat don’t worry henya’s an adult oh no I like all the honey is even saying you don’t know can you find me ran Ranch me yeah you want me to find it yeah you know the one all right I got that in my favorites I’ll be right back

Yeah let me have it open on a tab right now all right link it to me babe I’ll play it through the mic let’s go Ocean Temple with our Monument I can’t go there though we’ll die I have the whole Ram Ranch Ram Ranch playlist

One through nine oh my God which one was the one that you played that you cried to the first one I was supposed to play the first one then I went into her I went into her VC and I just showed up the other day I like I

Had to leave in two minutes because my food was almost ready so I just popped in and went 18 hours looking to get pumped is everybody ready for brain Bridge are you ready I am bring it on live my God is this loud enough yeah 18 naked cowboys Naked cowboys wanted to be [ __ ] I was in the showers at Ram Ranch [Laughter] come here orgy in the showers at Ram Ranch RAM and cowboy butt I don’t know what it is something when you play this song [Applause] oh my God raise the timers All right let’s go Ram Ranch really rocks Cowboys they’re [ __ ] throbbing hard in the yard out in the yard it’s the [ __ ] rock music that gets me it’s the music almost we could have stayed in the boat Yeah yeah where did you guys go I’m picking her up I’m bringing her over heard [Applause] don’t go there foreign skeletons did you guys keep walking away in the boats okay we’re on the bus okay okay okay Rob that time I’ll be there soon a good place of God God she socks if you want to know me yeah the idea which ones though do you guys

Know any recommendations I can just type in Which aniki would you recommend I don’t know I only listen to him Put hands up what put your hands up oh that’s a handsome Oh Kia okay the classic is it this one there we go yeah this is the classic one yeah this is a good one this is the best one yeah I love this one too um we’re gonna have to walk Yeah you better raise the timer during Anarchy Thank you [Laughter] oh my God here comes this part Thank you do you like what you see no no no no no no oh grab yourself oh no maybe I could grab the important stuff and bring it back okay I’ll give you a coordinate um I think it takes a few minutes five whole minutes or something it does yeah 1551-70 minus 2715. oh thank you so much I’ll be back [Applause] what’s up this is the best song it is my favorite any gotcha songs you want me to play I could be your DJ for this evening any other songs you want me to play all of them all of them um all the songs all the songs please every single one every song ever could play all Booth packed that’s like 22 1 I think it was from the last of the thoughts

Last song Chad we can’t have Booth pack oh my God the Hurricane Katrina that’s the one Katrina the legendary Hurricane Katrina that’s the one that’s a new to me yeah this one’s the hurricane legendary Katrina yes by Kevin J’s Prodigy yeah yeah ready yes I never heard this one so

Let’s go this is my favorite the hurricane Katrina oh I love this already here comes the hurricane it’s ow Katrina Katrina Katrina [Laughter] [Laughter] he’s actually involved what the [ __ ] it’s so good I’ve been playing this from a chat every day [Laughter] this has been so good it’s so good I

Love it yeah we gotta play it one more time at least a guy who’s who’s like on the microphone Kevin he’s basically uh there’s this style of Dance in the gay community and it’s called Vogue ballroom and it’s like when you see people like spinning and doing death

Drops and like all these crazy stunts that’s what that’s called I’m right here wait I’m right here oh there you are right here so what they do is they do competitions right and they play that style of music so that guy gets on the microphone live and he just

Does that while people are performing on the microphone for hours he’ll just be like and he’s just like enhancing the performance you know and he’ll do for hours So eventually he just he did it live for years so he just made an album and he started like putting his

Music on Spotify and that’s one of the songs that’s pretty good so much for right now yeah it’s like it’s the tracks that are made for dance like a made for performance so it’s like the energy is so high somebody to make me a Vogue inspired instrumental

I’m working on it literally no way oh who’s doing it for you one of my mods one of my mods this production Mouse I got you oh my God I’m working on it oh my God let’s do it do it do it my favorite part is that the microphone is so ass it

Sounds like he’s on airpods you should put uh the one division one the one you find it yes I’ll play this again while you guys find it all right okay Vision yes oh there’s so many other good songs but I keep playing these two if I’m ever screaming and I feel kind of

Tired like my energy is low you just pop that [ __ ] on yeah it’s so good there is there’s a one division one it’s called Wanda’s country Vision it’s so good yeah I put it in the chat they have a lot mm-hmm foreign Ty version Oh I love this one come on yes

It’s a big 3D up in here oh yeah see I know you know you know yeah you know I know you know no I know you know oh my God you’re alive oh my God someone Enchanted lucky someone in chatting that’s so sick God I just love dance music anything that you’re

Supposed to dance to me too it’s so good the energy oh no don’t worry I’m building us a little a little house I could go take a time to get there Mouse I need you to make an album of music like this girl yes please it’s

Been my dream I want to so much I just want to make like at least like a few logging sounds a beautiful tracks you know oh I’m down I was already working on it because we could do a duet yes oh my God I was writing lyrics to one that was

Literally about IDF no way for the sabathon yeah I did ask you my models like how fast can you make this track it’s gonna be so good This is actually pretty cool what the [ __ ] it is oh yeah we’ll we’ll indoctrinate you we’ll show you all the all the videos later and everything yes underground to shovel yeah I’ve had your screen share open this whole time just to see what you’re doing on the side

If you like did you like my building yeah it looks good your water Shader is so nice yeah it’s the I think it’s the free version I got this like many years ago the free version of project Luma oh it’s projected the reason why I got is because of the

Water and I really like water because yeah it’s pretty yeah but when I was using it looks I keep thinking Sega in my head but it’s not sick it’s that one yeah it’s not it’s not Sega it’s like it’s like four capital letters or something like that is whatever the name

Of the mod pack is and it was really nice looking but oh I’ll put I put torches out for you I was gonna get a door a door what other music should I play should I keep playing more music or if you want it’s up to you

Oh my God so I’m gonna chat said s-e-u-s that was the one at montpak that was the one I used when I played the bounce SMP hello I love the reflection they got me too yeah yeah it was beautiful and then they also had a what was the one called there was one

That they built into the bounce SMP mod pack that they call the complementary shaders and that one had like do you know like the the night sky stuff did you like ever see that I’m using right now yeah it’s so nice you can like yeah this guy is so pretty

Oh yeah so you can even see the Northern Lights and stuff yeah you can yeah yeah I like that I like that Like you I like you too oh happy pride month yay yay There we go I made a little Tower with some torches on it that you can hopefully see when you get near here I think you lost your chance to get your stuff bro no no I grabbed all of it oh I put all of it in a chest

I got all of it oh I should have brought the pickaxe with me oh that’s okay that’s all right you don’t need no [ __ ] pickaxe no pickaxe give me use your hands yep I’m leaving my hands exactly exactly this is the weirdest way to get gravel but it works yeah it works

I like the dirt Hut that we’re in I like our little house should I go yeah um only if henya needs it to to keep moving yes please I’m gonna log out for a second so you guys can go to sleep okay okay thank you I’m running your cat’s sleeping on my feet

He was keeping my toesies warm there we go got some coal nice coal could help that’s an iron And then I need some sand my my cat just came up here and he just licked I had a plate that I put my chips on and there’s nothing on the plate there are no crumbs but he just came up and licked the plate once and then ran

Away as he was like that he caught him he looked so guilty I was like Mom I’m sorry the temptation yeah do you Advocate having a Kent Advocate absolutely you should get one to get one I’ve been told that people who are dog owners like cats the most

I don’t know yeah really that’s what I’ve been told but I don’t know if that’s true it depends on each person I think everyone’s different but a lot of people think they’re dog people like they grow up with a dog and then they get a cat and they realize that they

Just prefer having cats yeah that’s it that’s it yeah one day I want to have a dog too yeah they’re cute I like I like owning a dog I like having a dog because they help me get out of bed the cat that looks like Gremlin the hunky one

Oh oh do you want do you want uh one with no hair Oriental short hair yeah they have the funny big head with the big ears oh my God I can’t remember what they look like let me find a picture one of my cat says

Like he has the long nose I think he’s mixed with one of these head shape isn’t too weird but like his his nose bridge when he turns his head to the side his nose doesn’t dip down like most cats it like it dips down and then their nose goes straight out if you

Look at them from the side but my cat Nucky the one with the white nose he doesn’t do that his head from his forehead all the way down to the tip of his nose is just a straight line so he’s like he’s mixed with one of these that sounds adorable I require funny

Head oh my God these cats look so weird Mouse I like him though it’s cute Shirley said pick so I can see yeah all those cats yeah are they the really active cats um not as much as like you might be thinking of a Bengal yeah

The ones that are like they need like a smart stimuli to be in behave well yeah everyone gets Bangles because they’re like oh they’re so cute I want one and then they don’t realize that that thing’s gonna run around your house like a demon if you don’t play with it if you

Don’t or teach the tricks even like if it’s yeah you’re right they just need they want attention all the time they’re very needy yeah yeah can I get it coordinated again sorry I locked outside no you don’t get them again what what yeah says 155170 minus 2715. over it’s over it’s over

There you go yeah I’m at the minus 300 actually 400 should be said okay okay yeah you’re not too far where what the flip there it is your chat said no more now wait what would our name beanya it’s like genius but it’s genius genius genius genius Cannon right

Why would you tease me like this you son of a [ __ ] our love is eternal terminal yeah internal her again always cat in my heart s are going down genius stocks are going no no no no no genius stunks oh why can’t we just coexist s [Applause] Together together Me too me too it’s like Kenny is like I’m still here guys I’m here now is that why you have the cat ears though yep I feel uncut today so that’s why I got it that’s pretty cute also I saw Zen was wearing it though so I was like oh

Maybe I should wear one too honestly pretty based where’s your cat ear haircut where’s yours I have terrible ears oh I don’t need cat ears want to see it and I have like four ears on my head YouTuber has a four years when they have animal ideas

I guess I’m the only one that has two ears Mouse hit me I’m so sorry oh my God Mouse but I thought you were madly in love with her why would the [ __ ] don’t you ever try to leave again [Laughter] you stay in the house you stay in the

House if you know what’s good for you no she’s assuming what the hell involved welcome to yandere Manor foreign let’s make a show like that in Minecraft yeah are you still watching my screen yeah so this is for the vision right um You’re getting close because the doors I’ve been using is exactly so much for the outside what about we have a [ __ ] door oh my God yeah yeah That means you’re hydrated unlike me stay hydrated I could please drink water I’m drinking lots of water I think you can change the color if I admit remember correct you can change the little banner I think oh yeah you can’t oh there you go oh yeah Welcome back all right guys we gotta pick her up oh God wait yeah let’s go save her you’re not too far too far you can all go to sleep right now because it’s getting yeah yeah yeah well the vision’s coming together oh yeah I can’t wait it’s looking good oh

Wait let me I’m gonna trap the alpaca in I’ve been bothering the staff AKA I call them the besties and for their color codes on which one came first in terms of announcing there would be showed you so yeah what do you mean or the buzz I’m putting all of our beds

Together in this one area and I’ve been trying to put them in order oh okay she was like messaging them to figure out how we should do it so fruit is lime green very like really light green so definitely lime green the king and what do I need for lime dye

I think I don’t remember what makes slime die a light green flower cactus oh oh that’s green was it captive I don’t remember yeah I gotta make green dye and then I gotta put green and white together okay so green dye green dye it’s not telling me how to make green

Dye that’s so fantastic so you make a green from Cactus and then you have to mix it together with a white and green dye then you get the line okay well how in the [ __ ] am I gonna find a cactus I catch this world yeah I am I guess I’m going upstairs

I’ll take Zen’s bed she’ll never know don’t ever know thank you for the time to get this Subs Cribe your little gremlin I’m sorry it was gone for so long We just podcasted the whole time it’s all good thanks for podcasting I was bothering about the vision I’m losing yeah do you want to go to sleep Mouse in the game me yeah do you have the bed on you I think you still have the blue one uh yeah dude nicer I’m sleeping

Yeah there we go okay I’ll I’ll head back and get mouse you guys don’t have to come with me if you want to build stuff but if you want to come with me you can it’s up to you and you want to go let me throw some stuff in chests

Okay if we oh I have an idea how much fish should we have in the tank three a billion well that means four so here I’ll make you [ __ ] it filled with war oh yes I’ll make you one more extra bucket see so if you find any tropical fish you

Catch them in the bucket and then you bring them home got it it’s like I’m like a quest barrier link here’s your quest for them I have acquired fish please deliver fish expect fish in all caps red text please Erica underscore Caribou says fish and then there you go find a fish

It sucks you can’t stack them but I’m modded you can I’m just so sad wow I love him oh yeah they added all the bamboo block stuff they did looks good you look good whoa whoa whoa bestie I was going a little too far wow okay I am ready to go retrieve Mouse

Let’s go [Laughter] punch first continue on with your quest to deliver Mouse to the house approximately 10 hours oh yes of course I am on my quest I was I was doing that earlier today we were playing Avalon with Oni for her birthday yeah and then at some point I just went

[ __ ] I guess I just went Dumbo and I decided just to do an old guy voice like oh look I’m loyal to the ground I would never do such a thing she was full rping I really it was good I have a theater I’m a theater kid I just act oh yeah oh

Yeah yeah Dave is a thing I like to do theater the sea is calling that was the thing that was called that was her catchphrase in Bowser’s MP the sea is calling yeah awesome wait a minute besties you forgot your compass I have one okay I have one oh I guess we have

An extra one in here all right if you find any cacti let me know oh we’re at the desert so we may oh probably not it’s not a Disney I think it’s like the beach let’s go into the beach beach color is peach color but I think or but

Peach is close to Orange so I guess orange for human yeah I’ll make an orange bed that’s close enough yeah yeah yeah he missed callers Orange so Melody Mouse yeah oh I broke my ankles ouch oh no all right listen when it comes to house building I’m there I break my bones so

Easily oh no it’s kind of a problem oh was it this way okay you make orange all you need orange tulip oh red plus yellow dye oh that’s easy I could just do that because there I have yellow orange why is there some days I just can’t talk

I guess today’s news oh I always have those days it’s one of those days where your brain gets in a loop and you stutter so [ __ ] oh yeah yeah sometimes I show up to stream and I feel so good so ready I’m like hey hey hey guys hey hey

Yeah we start talking and you just can’t you speak normally Bale is a human being you’re just like whoa today we’re gonna chat and then you can’t even speak yeah that’s literally me right now I guess my brain’s like self short circusing right now

Oh my God she’s dying put me out of my misery misery oh two different songs I’ve seen a [ __ ] post by the way on Twitter that’s somewhat you know that one meme where it’s CPR Reese’s reasons and the misery one yeah yeah I think they did it and accurately I think Zen should have been the CPR and I should have been the wizard one oh yeah why do

They put me as in the CPR one I think they got that [ __ ] up a little bit yeah there’s this one guy who does um tier lists of YouTubers he does them constantly yeah and sometimes the tears that he places me and I’m like this is

Not it it’s funny though I think it’s it’s funny yeah yeah no it’s fine I always think it’s really funny and the people will comment they’ll be like he doesn’t know does he know s all the time I’m gonna take more medicine what the [ __ ] go take him medicine yeah don’t worry medicine

We’ll protect you or they’ll make a little safe spot for yourself like a little dig a hole and go in and then press F3 and just leave that screen up and I’ll just go to your coordinates yeah Okay excuse me [ __ ] I cannot be yawning at one am in the morning what’s wrong with me yeah yeah that’s what I am here 37. it’s not in me 237 here foreign Oh wait a minute the baby grew up they can [ __ ] no the baby the babies they can [ __ ] now Good thing I finally adults they’re fine they can be fake yeah I hate being adult too much responsibility everything is I like I wish I was a kid that had an adult mine so I don’t have responsibility but I am still smart you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah oh

Yeah that’s what I want yeah it feels like after you graduate to school the society will come comes to you like all right do this and that and that and that like that and all of a sudden everything all at once yeah yep exactly

Like I I like being an adult I just hate the responsibilities of being an adult I think I would rather be an adult than a kid though I always felt like I didn’t have freedom to do stuff that I wanted to do exactly yeah at the same time you still don’t

Have freedom no because you’re trapped by the guy it’s time everybody’s always worrying going if I work now that I could retire at the age of 50. and then I’ll never have to work again and then you’re just trapped into the cycle and you never get out

That’s why I don’t have kids I have cats honestly just become a cat lady your problems are solved oh I already am there you go I I knew for a long time the path I was taking when I got two cats and lived alone that was my vision

You saw the vision I thought about myself 20 years down the line and I was like I hope it’s exactly the same I hope it’s me living alone with two cats surely we lived together at some point Giga we could be roommates oh yeah I refuse to use Soda America

Absolutely refused I think I need to move to the Canada oh no and you come down to Canada surely I love America I’ll join oh my God we have a bell here you know what perfect for a doorbell for our house or Isabella oh I I stole it from the village you were

Very smart for doing something there we go now we have a doorbell yay so when you’re on I can walk up to the doorbell and just go for some reason it doesn’t want to ring right now there we go oh yeah you have to hit it from the side

You think that’s a good enough honey yeah that looks good Let’s get out here so we don’t die oh the spot is cool okay this way I read a very success I’m so happy I spilled my soda and licked it off the ground [Laughter] which is me and my mom so we have this chat where when people just say things

Like that in chat and they’re funny we just screenshot it and put it in this Discord chat and we saved them and then and then occasionally I go and read through all of them I should do that that’s funny it’s good we keep it like a like an archive

That’s what I need to do oh it’s so weird hearing soda because I say pop yeah the top is soda but we call them poppy really oh no we just say soda yeah in Japanese you don’t say pop is such a fun word to say I’m gonna do some pop pop pop pop

I will I will say Sony pop but as a joke I’m like I’m getting soda pop right now the top besties are insane they did deep diving on the timing for us and when they all disappeared and so it’s so it seemed it was like at

The time it was neon Zen Mouse silver and Mill so exactly I see it I see it I see it okay We’re good we’re good we’re good we’re fine so I just gotta switch Zen’s bed with Mills basically so Zen was first then Mouse then Melody oh okay yeah I was gonna make a bet I’m such a [ __ ] I’m a maroon also you know the beds that I’m doing well um I was trying to figure out how to position them and then Giga was like how about you do them in order when everyone announced when they’re in vishojo so I

Was asking the top besties when you guys all joined me so it was then first who announced it and then you and then Melody I did but I was the last one to accept oh really oh my God shooting me I was the last one to accept That sounded so [ __ ] scary what are your coordinates right now Mouse what are your chords yeah what are your chords I’m a jungle oh I I happen to be at the jungle how do we get over there cool Mouse I don’t know you’re the last

One to sign yeah that was really I was really terrified oh no I get you that’s that’s I have commitment issues oh my God no way I’ve got my businesses I like uh that was like a lot for me so you did really well I’m proud of your bestie I

Was like a lot for me and I was just like um guys I don’t know if I can do this and then you did it anyway that was a pretty Park Gekko it’s just a creeper calm down I’ll be hunted almost you that’s crying it’s just not being hunted

Scooby Dooby Doo right here Mouse where did you go what what press F3 let me see the chords no no all right I’m watching your screen put the boat down no wait a [ __ ] I can’t tell oh she’s going that way okay okay how do they know how did he know

Wait a minute can you not make an orange but you can make an orange bed right uh I believe I’ve seen one but for some reason my way of making it works there you go yeah there you go thank you okay oh we’re on our way

Did you save her did you save a race we went to the Hut and she was already out all right [ __ ] you ran away stop running away it is where I am thanks John I I realized I was kind of an I was a more I was putting dye on the

Wall and I’m like why isn’t it working I’m a little stupid sometimes Chan I’m a little heat oopsie poops he’s stupid or maybe you’re just a dumb [ __ ] it knows me oh sorry sorry no no I didn’t are you truly sorry though yes no well there’s two spots in the world

You know what your mod just said Mouse my all writer said your main Talent is getting lost in Minecraft oh she’s great at it you’re all right get him out of there I’m sorry but you’re out now unfortunately Yeah it is Oh [ __ ] you can’t handle the truth I snitched I am a snitcher I just reach out I can’t believe she would rant like that oh I’d have to go out here and eat he almost killed me you’ll never see us you have an arrow in your head that’s appeared Dumber man [Laughter] Oh my God what’s up my queen what the [ __ ] all right dude what the fluff Wonder I was showing this uh meme the other day and it was this guy going all right dude what the flip the way you said it made me laugh what the flip flip Does she grew up yet are they ready to [ __ ] is it time for the Sheep um we decided Zen’s house is now the barn instead yeah what the flip Ram Ranch I’m out of ram Ranch again is that Zen’s house Ram Ranch I think so that’s exactly what it is Oh it’s rainy whoa yeah so sudden brain Deez Nuts Is that pretty good yeah I think so thank you oh man thank you thanks man thanks my Jennifer that doesn’t work excuse me all right yeah you don’t know the pizza yeah you just don’t understand you don’t understand so funny I cannot believe now [Laughter] I brought up that one combo

Wait Mouse you’re a connoisseur of anime right I don’t know if I asked you this yeah have you seen any Ash uh yeah Kagome so my friend so my friend was recently re-washing Inuyasha a few weeks ago and she said the more I watch the more I get reminded

Of you through Inuyasha do you think this is true do you think I’m like Inuyasha wait but which character from Inuyasha the the main guy Inuyasha yeah that the half human half demon gay I don’t know because I didn’t watch that much okay I’m safe I didn’t like getting reaction

That’s okay it’s a hit or miss for people you didn’t like really wow I mean yeah I can see why I didn’t like him as a person hmm yeah he’s like the most hardcore soon that I ever seen but it was like an annoying thing

Yeah oh he gotten better in the it got better in episodes later he he was so intolerable in the season one he was so intolerable um he was just like he was an [ __ ] that was what he was he was like an [ __ ] for like 50 episodes and then he

Got better in the movies oh yeah Yeah I feel like with characters like that like it’s cute at first for like an episode and then after a while I’m like okay can you just be honest with yourself like I just get frustrated yeah exactly all right Mouse I believe we are close to your location

Press F3 one time so we could see your current one what he did had a good character argument okay let’s just chat chat your dummy thick ass is covering the chords can you stop Chad your ass is covering the coordinates we’re so close which this way sorry oh there she is you see

Me Sorry for the bear I’ll lead you home I wouldn’t do your message here do you want to get in this boat yeah you can get in my boat how do you know how to drive right of course you do yeah I do yeah yeah there we go there we go yes it does

Oh yeah I don’t know how to drive that’s what I’m asking I’m not allowed to drive is it because you’re crazy on the road She’s Dangerous don’t let her near the steering wheel yeah she’s dangerous oh yeah is the one carrying Karina I carrying you now there’s caribou

I don’t know it wasn’t my color oh no oh you know how to drive for sure oh my you crashed someone else’s car I can’t stop staring on you honey you’re too cute A real car you’re cute too huh Can you crash a real car yeah oh I was in a car crash but I never crashed a car over here that sounds terrible I’ve been thankful I haven’t had that happen to me yet color’s not meant to be it’s not my

Thing Trevor driver driver is not my thing I think God definitely get a license though for sure what the hell is this message hold on someone in Mouse’s chat just said Giga you got seven days until I die what are you saying I’m so ominous

Besides is glad sofa and saw it I think what do you mean by that look how it’s improper pronunciation Giga comma you got seven days we got seven days seven days oh no please No Allison does she have the kitty we don’t know they never elaborated you don’t know what’s gonna happen yeah what do they mean what do they actually mean you should watch your back watch your back oh I guess I gotta be your bodyguard now Giga what the [ __ ] yeah I need you I

Need you just walk in front of me at all times all right dude what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] here I gotta I do that video I think you it’s just the way he says it makes me cackle yeah yeah I’ll find it for you and I’ll give

It to you and the DMs what’s on I found it I’ll give it to you I just like the way he said it that’s all I thought it was pretty funny there you go thank you you can watch it on your own team I just think I said all right do what

The flip Um I thought I love you I’m waiting for the sheeps to grow so they can [ __ ] them yeah it’s about time you grow up grow up and get to [ __ ] sheep I have an economy to worry about how to cut the Sheep needs grass to grow no there you have they have water

They’re fun maybe I should actually maybe I should replace them oh it’s been clarified in the chat they were asking about the game but the thing is candy was the one earlier who was sorry about the game even begin to imagine the context so I know it’s okay dude you’re okay you’re

Fine dude you’re fine I just thought it was so funny how to constant you have seven days you have seven days oh my God it was like it is a question about a game but it just sounded like they were telling me I was about to die

All right dude what the [ __ ] Thanks Candy yourself all right dude what the [ __ ] I think I think that’s gonna be my new resub message to my friends you have seven days you have seven days no punctuation nothing you should get candy to say it too that’d be funny um what the heck

I just realized sexy song cover chat choice I think you should do the neon young boy one dog that’s a sexy one no no no Yeah I guess I got the memo wrong when it popped off it was insane no no we’re gonna die in seven days I Don’t Wanna Die in seven dies I’m gonna die I Don’t Wanna Die so someone in Hangouts chat said he has six days 23 hours and 54 minutes remain

You know what maybe maybe when I stream tomorrow maybe I’ll put a countdown timer that counts down and I won’t say what it is like what is that it’ll be like it’s all the time I have left guys all over and then you know what you should

Actually play the game at the end of the timer [Laughter] 5 minutes they think you have something planned but no it’s just a game coming people will show up thinking I’m teasing something and then I’m just like wow we’re playing seven days I can’t believe we’re playing Seven Days to Die hey

It’s so Joker welcome back seven days to get him guys yeah All right let’s keep making our way back should I replace her wood with dirt on the inside in here I have a question I have a question besties so should I replace the wood incense bedroom with dirt oh she went home okay come here oh boy hold on yeah yeah yeah oh

How does Giga watch all the chances she have so many monitors I have both chats popped out yeah me too you had 20 monitors I have 5 000 monitors It’s nice to pop out everyone’s chat when I when I’m on their streams me too I like doing that when you have seven days to live you have to optimize my farm I told you I’m making them [ __ ] I really am I’m making a sheep for him and it works

Really well it’s a very good surprise for them next time I was thinking of replacing the floor in there it was dirt and then letting like a ceiling in there so they can grow into grass and I can just cover it back up yeah wow there’s some of the creepers oh oh

Not the queen boy oh my gosh six of them if we oh I’m not holding a bed I want good luck to us if anything bad happens just slap a bed on the floor Are you pretty good at slapping the bend it’s your talent throwing beds with all right I’ve got the heme bed ready the witch the Witch a witch my boat is gone there it is that’s okay oh [ __ ] just come this way actually maybe yeah yeah just ignore her oh my God

Are you gonna die hold on here okay are we coming this way yeah let’s try and kill the witch since we have the bed here ow I also need to make us a new boat I don’t have arrows I wish I did yeah what do I have yeah I don’t have any

I could just make a gray bed can’t I yeah there’s gray there’s light gray how can he just dark gray or should I just use black or is dark very fun I think dark gray is fine saves me resources there we go there’s k sound and then we

Need to get nothing up I don’t know what color now so it should be should she just be white then or blue I’m killing the witch get a mouse [ __ ] they’re up nice place beautiful work beautiful excellent performance now all the ground today are here oh God always

Poisoned by her constituents oh no that cool glowstone from that woman cool glowstone yeah and you’re stress trying to distract me it’ll never work [Applause] oh my God the difference in your chats right now is hilarious your chat is just people saying normal stuff and then Henry’s

Chat is just the Joel emote like flailing they’re like watch this video watch this [Laughter] oh my God there’s no spiders I was trying to push you inside they’re saying watch this giga yeah Oh my gosh I’m gonna kill the spider okay [Applause] yeah yeah we’re fine where’s my shirt oh it’s out here oh my God I mean if we want we could just have nothing as bad as white or do you think we should do blue okay hmm Ginger yeah might as well steal this

[ __ ] bed and people in her chat often do like white Hearts Henry ding dong I know I guess what Ben for Henry hey you’re picking me what oh my God what color am I gonna be saved my life I I can make another purple one but it’s not like okay now we can head back hey your sword is over there it could be yellow is the difference

Oh my God all right I’ll make pink for you right here everywhere I’m ignoring that damn witch no this this is this is magenta so this is more of a purple pink color and then this is purple oh and I was gonna do lime green orange

Black white and then green and then ink I call the kids yeah whatever you want a little pink you think the roof has a leak [ __ ] there is no roof I’m slowly working on it guys oh my God okay [ __ ] I’m sorry it’s a one man doing a job

Okay I’ve been working this Palace for a week [Laughter] that’s me and one bad heart catch on her bed actually I’ll make two beds for you honey you can decide which one whatever you want oh thank you I’ll go the extra mile hold on trying to make a pink dye for

Myself you’re gonna get white and red and then you combine the two okay there you go oh wait hold on I’m making a new boat okay Where oh in the sky oh I don’t see rainbows in my texture pack but that’s cute what I know it’s on Pride bones I know what the heck heard of I know it’s unheard of I’m pride month of all things oh my God I know my texture pack oh

Brother I gotta change it wait I need to get more sheep let’s go get him let’s go again together get in the shape get in the shape I’ve got my shoes in the shape get in the machine the shape get the Sheep oh get the Sheep

Oh get the Sheep oh get the Sheep gotta get the Sheep are they grown up at least one sheep has enough wool for me to steal good is it it’s two [ __ ] can the Sheep stop I don’t know going on the bed oh we’re almost here

Mouse do you see it in the air I don’t see it just just keep looking right ahead I see it I have a question can I turn the light crinkle into a different color or does it have to be white ah I think you can I don’t know I don’t know

Well I’m gonna be a scientist and figure it out oh yeah you kick bed like that don’t fall oh no this way all right this is where we’re gonna hey girl what Ben henya Henry wants Super Duke upstairs all right so we have we’re back we have

This bed and we have this one which one do you want um I like pink color Oakland but yellow is also part of my color though it’s in my outfit it’s up to you what you want All right we’ll go for okay thank you all right what do you think Mouse this is I try to make it all in order of appear oh there she goes I ran away I can’t believe you ran away from me my love you can turn this yellow band to a brown

Bed we could turn into a shipbed mmm oh yeah Mills come upstairs oh nice yeah so I I went for the magenta one because you have purple and pink in your design this is then you melody and then fruit will be here this is human myself and then henya thank you

And I’m gonna have the [ __ ] bed okay yeah the guest bed goes on the end and I share it with every guest I guess her her bed is the brown sugar uh-huh it’s kind of [ __ ] up I know well good thing I can find a brown sheep

Anywhere make it into brown right away actually wait how do I make Brown dye oh cool beans how in the [ __ ] am I gonna find this I I got I got seeds I grabbed beads for it I don’t know how to do we plant them

Like on a jungle tree like how does it work um the actual cocoa beans I think I have that can I have one Cocoa Beach yeah one there you go thank you I can turn this into Brown dye and then I could put the dye in bed

Together and then it’s a brown bed yeah we recycling our resources the girls yay There we go now everyone can sleep here if they want to there you go there you go there’s your [ __ ] bed wow I love it yeah then yeah now that’s all that matters I’ll be right next to henya because I debuted right before you I did oh yeah yeah it was oh yeah

And you’re supposed to say excuse me um yeah yeah it’s just the green buds that I need to get yeah no we have to find a desert It looks good yeah yeah nothing in here and now we have a beautiful house all for you guys it’s gorgeous you’re gorgeous impressive tail thank you I’m not the best at building but I try my best I’m still a new Builder oh gosh no I’m just a new Builder

I’m gonna have a nice and have a nice big carpet and then we can get like some I don’t know what else we could do in the bedroom area but probably like a nice like a table stand or something here I gotta find some fish for sure you guys see what you know

It’s my payment I shoot you not guys then asked if she could be it and you know what they said if Zen stops stealing [ __ ] then she could join the surfer that’s what they said for the Minecraft server oh my God [Laughter] then they let me into the server and

Then Zen still stole stuff yeah so I gotta talk to staff about well I guess I gotta leave I I guess I’m Gonna Leave No it’s unfortunate wait a minute wait a minute I saw Chad was like spazzing out there they’re having a moment you’re right there Henry it looks like

You’re being attacked by an Enderman over there I somehow got attacked relatable he was on the top of the tree and I was like oh that’s cool and then he was attacking me I can finally make some wings wait can I make a change you’ve been you’ve been thinking about lanterns for

So long and it’s finally happening but it’s been like eight hours Every time but it’s only Minecraft I get this every other game I can do everything fine Minecraft I have so many things I need to do it’s funny yeah it’s a lot I feel you I just see what you posted Haruka didn’t notice in henya’s chat when they were spamming that copy pasta

So I it’s the one that word says if harka’s still looking at chat how to cook Caribou meat eat vegetable oil it’s like it’s a whole recipe live chat so she can see it I love it I just quietly copy paste it she finally noticed there it is I

Finally noticed that it took on low for eight hours hey hey there we go they were spamming for a while and you didn’t see it I was like oh my God she’s not noticing it I’m too busy I’m too busy with the vision what have you done What the [ __ ] hey Google do you wanna see the vision sure oh behind you oh I see the the Tastefully placed lanterns yeah I like that you could also put a fence piece up top here and then place the Lantern on the bottom of that

Oh yeah so I was thinking because I I made change but I change changes I did oh oh [ __ ] me we’re not supposed to see there we go see this is what I wanted to try oh I like that more yeah I like that height can we have some green leaves

Around around this area of course we can actually I gotta think of some shears yeah definitely yeah definitely I want to like add more Greenery in here I think would be really nice once I get things figured out here [Laughter] still looking at chat how do [ __ ]

Oh that amount of emoji oh my god oh I hate here oh no it’s so funny oh my God oh It’s saying I can do a nice potted plant here we have some clay hold on a second I haven’t been you can do this what happened miles are you okay I think yeah I believe in you you can make it out alive I believe I can fly I believe all right well it’s almost 3 30. and I successfully did the mission what was the mission I think I will go to bed the mission was go adventuring and find something in it today it was bamboo Yeah it was good and then a bunch of a bunch of tree types too which is nice now we have like all the different well not all of them but a lot of different wood types yeah Dave was a very good day we got a lot of stuff now

I definitely will probably play more off stream tonight yeah while I trying to be comfy mm-hmm hold on I have another vision for you yes I got I got so many names for you oh whoa huh what did you say uh I got so many leaves oh that’s a Oh my Jesus

I didn’t need three [ __ ] stairs um virtually a [ __ ] leaves not the [ __ ] leaves [Laughter] oh not the [ __ ] leaves all right do you want to see the vision Giga watch this yeah one last one last vision for the road let me see what you got um this works out hold on uh-huh

I can’t remember how I did it last time but oh like a mini tree I can’t exactly remember how I did it but or it was something like ah or I do uh uh like say this is the table and then oh it didn’t work it worked in modern crap

You could do you could do like uh like a this was a bone Rod Ender rod it’s some sort of the light things yeah yeah yeah I’ve seen people do that with leaves on top Things people do it was a barrel Mmm Yeah the barrel looks good I don’t know I definitely think of more things to design it looks good to dark dial Mouse you need help coming back home maybe do you want to go on your one last mission I gotta go to bed I’m fading

Okay I’m fading out bro thank you for today yeah thank you guys for having me glad I was able to help I’ll see you next time on Dragon Ball Z next time good night everybody Uh wow she already went to bed oh wait that was fast foreign oh you’re in the cave hold on yeah which cave did you went in oh is it like oh is it behind a house yeah all right I’m going as well I’ll stay at the entrance if I see you oh I believe in your mouth I’m dying I don’t see your name maybe really deep oh okay finally okay do you see any torches around you yeah there’s soldiers everywhere okay maybe I know you want to do the chords again I found you oh

Yeah it’s massive K down here yeah my thing is broken oh okay yep yep this way this way I hide all my precious stuff in here so then can take away kisses she’s such a little [ __ ] this is where I keep my old goodies you should do like Redstone like blocks

To where you press a button and then it pops out kind of thing she’ll never figured it’s funny because you wonder why she’ll never she’ll never figure out because she doesn’t know what a pigment is so I know she won’t figure out Redstone or trap chest really funny

I’m excited to start working in the pool for us in the backyard oh which way it’ll be right over here this is where the pool’s gonna be right here yeah I’m excited oh I’m glad that you’re excited the house already looking so good yeah I’m okay yeah yeah

I might try and take advantage of me actually getting tired because I’ve been having terrible sleep yeah oh yeah everything okay oh yeah it’s just insomnia yeah and because of the Heat and everything you know so maybe I can try and sleep it’s like cool so I’ll take this chance to see if

I can pass out I had a lot of fun I’m glad you guys are liking the house so far yeah thank you so much there thank you I’ll make this the best group house in the server ever oh it’s been quite a long time yeah

Maybe it’s a good time to finish it in here you think so Mouse okay yeah this was a fun Club I would love to play Minecraft again thank you I was looking for hanging out with me today it was so much fun it was so fun

Yeah I can’t wait to do another one I love you guys too I’ll come bother you whenever I wake up Mouse okay I love you hi everybody No smells everybody has gone to bed when we finished cooking let me finish cooking it’s cooking she wouldn’t mind if I just borrow a couple calls or if I just borrow a little cold a little bit cold it’s okay [Applause] Erica underscore Caribou says I go Ipsy harika underscore Caribou says Nene

Mousey love you love Iron Mouse guardi says good night IPA iron Mouse party says illumini harika underscore Caribou says I’ll come bug you tomorrow love harika underscore Caribou says BTW you smell great laughing face iron Mouse party says Okies illininity hello underscore Caribou says oh my God about them look oh yeah

Thank you so much for the five gifted Subs oh [ __ ] thank you for the five digits up yeah there’s no trees around here at all I want to tame these horses I want that one I’m gonna make in my horse we’re making my horse monkey huh hello hello thank you

I want to make my room but I think I also want to like build up build a house I think I want to build a house here for the bitty but I want to build a shack for you for me this is gonna look so bad

It’s not look bad but trust the process trust the process first the process trust it now thank you for attendance what do you mean not that tree like that like leave it there yes yes I agree for my horse now [ __ ] whoops and yeah thank you so much for the radar

I hope you had a great show I had so much fun playing games with you thank you thank you for the raid I can’t wait to play more games I’m putting a fence down for this horse you are now my horse this time this is the temporary Shack

Do not judge this is a temporary Shack don’t judge this is temporary foreign I shouldn’t use this stupid cobbler Stone Time to Kill more trees oh God there’s no trees anyway there’s no music playing oh I hear I hear the thumping what the [ __ ] um vaporwave it’s not even funny

Why am I like this all right operation kill the trees here we go operation kills trees have I really live in the trees like this yes I’m a monster listen I’m looking for wood I don’t have time to waste you would I have time destroy the full trees

Maybe they should disappear like in better Minecraft oh my God [ __ ] out of me [ __ ] [ __ ] you you scared me That’s not funny Bro where the [ __ ] is my place I just put down [ __ ] I just push it down where is it recipe what did I pick up over there Why are there so many squeezers Oh God leave me alone please leave the house Excuse me Maybe your Shack has been okay [Laughter] um maybe okay we is this the intended outcome that I come is this what you wanted maybe or anyone could come hang out I suppose baby okay baby I wanted you to come candy which is why you didn’t say that and you

Just moved into the open channel I didn’t clarify that makes a lot of sense you’re mysterious [Laughter] no that’s you know what you’re so correct that’s fine I wanted you to come or anything are you edging me no okay sorry I’ve just arrived that’s so unpolite of me hello how are you doing oh sorry I’m still playing day out blue oh Blue I just hit Level 20. [Applause] are you telling me you want me to go on Diablo I mean if you’re asking me I can’t say no I mean but you’re playing Minecraft you eat okay you twisted my arms Jesus looks like I have to play Diablo

Okay if you’d like to I just I just was talking about what’s up with me I guess but um I I just wanted to congratulate chat on on hitting 68 000. I only begged a little bit in chat sitting used to crying people a couple of times Laughs um I you know what mouse yes I guess you can come play Diablo with me if you like to really yeah I was gonna say you’re welcome too but that felt too nice you twisted my arm Jesus Christ okay to go now I’ll be having so much fun in Minecraft

I was in fortnite I will die immediately did somebody say fortnite what do you want to do Okay so this is your sub-a-thon so I need you to take responsibility pick what you’d like to do it for somebody what are you gonna do multicult like like Minecraft fortnite and Diablo I can play all three at the same time God you’re so much cooler than I am

At the same time all three okay I’m not gonna get a straight answer that’s what someone’s in chat soon someone said to chat I’m not gonna get a straight answer if I also who said that I don’t want to write them out who said that don’t worry about it who said that Look at my amazing Shack what do you think oh my God no it’s really good why why you say oh my God for because it’s so beautiful why are you saying oh my God for what what’s the problem I think my favorite part is watching you wonder why trees

Aren’t coming back and wondering and like not and realizing that some reason the trees aren’t magically clearing themselves hey yo [ __ ] with another Minecraft well because what well I mean I listen I’ve I’ve played Minecraft before with you and I I would go around and just well I

Mean in that one I think the trees would kill themselves but I’ve made an effort to supply you and I think that you got spoiled and now I think that you’re offending to yourself and you’ll like lost and Afraid there I said it No actually that’s a lie because Haruka Giga and

Um henya were taking very good care of you I don’t play Diablo with you anymore okay I want to play Diablo with you now I feel like this is like a like a like a psychiatric test like see how you know like Outlast trials how it’s like how much abuse can

You take it’s kind of like that what no I mean no I love playing games with you it’s so fun I love it so much I look forward to it listen I’m still here man it’s 4am I’ve been grinding this game to get to a level that’s respectable I have two horses now

Oh why not three then we’ll have names yet your seventh holes I think they’ll get their horses okay that’s cool then I like that eventually okay Lobby okay well you’re doing really good am I am I doing good no but you do it great you’re doing very very good

Oh like what you’re saying to me right now you don’t like being told that you’re doing very good you’re not saying it in a good way that’s just how my voice sounds you’re saying it in a way where it’s like you’re doing very good you’re doing very hard look how cool

Sorry that’s really cool master builder master builder me where did this hole come from uh that’s naturally generated from the caves and cliffs I believe that’s an earthquake I believe the technical that’s not that’s not true wait two pointer hey what was the one pointer do you remember when I had my shack

Wait which one the old doll chest in it uh the one that was attached like a tumor to my house no okay Is it in this server or like previous servers A very cute tumor hello play Minecraft with you again okay usually I’d be like okay but that I’m not I’m not uh oh people saying the original v-shirt or stuff I wasn’t in that server uh but I did see it on stream I think once

Am I crying all right listen I didn’t I I love playing Minecraft with you that’s why I didn’t say okay when you said that okay we’ll play whenever you want although yeah what do you want to play Forever Forever yes okay that sounds something yeah yes that sounds like trumpet that trumpet

Hero game play yeah my ding ding dong my ding ding dong yeah I feel really bad there was a cartoon of a woman’s like mother dying and I just like I don’t know some guy who’s like I don’t ask much just your attention when I stick it it’s been my evening it’s just

Skipping all this yeah everybody’s suffering yeah how far have you gotten uh some lady saying I wish my mother wasn’t dead so I guess I just killed someone’s mother I wish my mother wasn’t dead yeah I think I I killed her then she cried over the body I immediately

Teleported away sold some stuff came back she was still crying and I left again so and that’s just begging me to not leave her so oh dear I wish my mother wasn’t dead okay yes so so you you want to play you don’t you can play whatever you want you play

Whatever you want I want to play diabono okay have you ever heard of a game called diabolo yes that’s a game that I want to play right now well that’s a shame because you can’t why not they emailed me they said you don’t know how to play it anymore what I’m

Yeah you got banned from Diablo it’s drama Yeah they said like they they said that uh the two cracked and it’s like making people feel bad so they’re like you can’t play anymore thank God I’m sick of that game hey okay now you have to play it despite that specific person actually they just

Emailed me they said [ __ ] that guy play Diablo what was the name Astor Reinhardt I’m not gonna refund your name it’s too easy for me wait who met you wait what Evans you want to play for oh my God you wanna play fortnite yeah right we can’t play fortnite so like much later

It’s 4 a.m the house what it’s 14 wait I mean I don’t know what time it is for you but for me it’s 4am which is fine uh it’s it’s 4am for me too oh are you in my walls mean nothing to me okay Oh God I have um I’ve I have actually unlocked only two abilities in Diablo I have the bash and I have Whirlwind and that’s and I’m level 20 and yep I have two abilities I hit things until I can spin and then I just spin until everything’s dead and it’s going really well

Thank you it’s a it’s a blizzard game they always do this it’s like Warriors and wow Any more moves oh I only get passives Like movement speed uh Fury generation crit damage I think they’re becoming a Beyblade I am yeah because listen I’m only good listen Chad he’s been thinking I’m only gonna use two abilities Mouse I suck and I [ __ ] that’s my moves [ __ ] what pray ER [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s fun because it rhymes

I suck I [ __ ] I hit like a truck three you know okay thank you Mouse freedom is it for you how much does it cost So it’s capital okay shut the [ __ ] up what’s some good what’s some good multiplayer games ah have you done played up yeah we’re gonna uh I’m gonna do Play-Doh okay you think you got it what a Gothic Fern that’s like that’s kind of like a yeah we’re gonna get people for garlic phone

Okay oh project Zone Boyd somebody said that that’d be stupid fun I’m so bad at that game not that I mean just as a statement project Zomboy have you played that can be you’re gonna play Apex at some point yeah no no okay okay oh you know what’s fun includer

I’m gonna play Pluto it’s uh it’s a technically a board game but there’s like an online version kind of like how Uno has an online version and you pull out it’s like a house and you have to walk run across a board and each time you go to a room you can make

Like an accusation and if somebody has a card you call it clue have you heard a clue okay sorry I included it’s called Australia probably a legality thing I don’t know but uh that’s that’s fun that’s a fun game you can have to like you can have like

Five you know like six players I think something like that and the online version is pretty reliable milk okay sure enjoy your milk I’m just in a boss fight getting my [ __ ] rocked OG Among Us I honestly think Among Us the proximity chat is better you can’t actually play Cards Against

Humanity on Twitch it’s banned it used to not be banned but then I think like yeah oh wait oh my God this is game I don’t know if you can play it online though um uh what is it it’s it’s how do you say it incoherent I think it’s called

I think mastered like that one time I played a card game in tabletop simulator which was just a bunch of monster girls and then it was basically uh we’d pull out a card and people had to make a case about why they thought they were the hottest one and then we made arms

It was just like I think both shy ever isn’t I stop okay oh yeah hello um there’s a board game that I think you could adapt to online it’s called incoherent have you heard of it no so it’ll it’ll it’s kind of hard to explain but essentially somebody reads

Out like like uh it’ll be like a phrase that’s when you say it out loud it sounds like it’s something else so like uh like a dill pickle so dill and then dough like bread if you say that together that’s like a you can put that together

But the idea is that somebody is somebody has the words they have to read it out and then other people have to guess what this what the actual word is uh like yeah it’s really funny it could be like it’s uh it’s not always like adult content it can be like just like

Aquarium and it’d be like Aqua rare like I am or something like that that like which is it’s kind of it’s it sounds kind of silly but it’s like it’s really funny when you have like a good group because everyone’s just sitting there saying these like fun like they’ll

Just say random [ __ ] and like they’ll just keep repeating it in like dumb voices and being like what the [ __ ] is it you’re just like you’re saying it please um Matt someone said Mad Gab I haven’t heard of that game before I don’t know I’m just trying to think of like things

Have you done always on multiplayer I believe oh cheese and whiskers This boss has like five hits left on them I have no visible Health this is not good have you done unbanned Court oh do you do that I like work You’re talking to me is like you’re talking to me yeah um congrats on killing yourself with on iron Mouse what does that means Oh I thought they meant like okay yeah that’s really not the that isn’t how you should phrase it was doing so well in your sub-a-thon is

Probably a better way to say it I would think you’ve oh my God now it’s all over you peaked God this is a dream what Zola dream oh God it was all a dream yeah it’s just like the ending of uh Wizard of Oz wake up dirty oh God The Riders got lazy with this one um yes I’m just I’m just thinking out loud oh yeah go for it do whatever you like little lady trying to add some more things oh yeah I think I’m gonna like check it out of this dungeon because I’m too lazy all

Right I’m gonna I’m Gonna Get You get get with me what I’m gonna go go into diabolo are you gonna come play okay yes even though I should I should take a [ __ ] nap S and nap go take a nap hey what the hell uh I don’t think I put on I think there’s no way I’m doing this Dungeon Because I absolutely cannot be bothered to do the mechanics I’m refusing to dodge Sit Little Lily Rosie thank you so much for the rate I hope you had a wonderful strand I welcome to the stream thank you for the raid I just wanted to opt in because I I don’t know whenever I’m in like someone else’s streaming they’re doing stuff I I don’t yeah especially if you’re doing a sub-a-thon congratulate people and say thank you and stuff yeah

You know within reason obviously if people are talking I want to talk over them but I’m also getting rocked by a succubus right now so Rock by succubus certainly I am I started just holding down left click and it actually worked so a big fan of that

I think if the devs could see how I’m playing that would probably be very upset well why because I’m I’m literally just I’m I haven’t dodged a single hit I’m literally standing perfectly still just holding left click and I’m almost killed the boss there’s like a bunch of stuff I’m so sweet

No I’m just very lazy oh yeah this is not how God intended us to go haha idiot sorry I killed her um are you still adding stuff hmm just letting stuff to your list yeah I happen to be laying in bed and checking up and I noticed that we’re five hours on the timer yeah I want Mouse to be live when I wake the [ __ ] up so check you know what that though raise the [ __ ] timer or I’m going to cry the reindeer makes a good point

Thank you I love you candy I love you too you should play fortnite together yeah I will I will heal you a lot is what I promise hell yeah Jack continue to raise the timer be cool thank you for the five gifted come on chat come on

Raise that [ __ ] timer chat at least make it eight hours come on I don’t want this dream to end uh yippee yep yep I would play music for your chat but I’m currently lying in bed right now uh I can offer the chat yeah Shirley uh

I want Mommy I want milk I want to be held I want my girlfriend that’s sort of like music I need to go perfect holy lockdown with the five gifted whole mine yeah remember this is all going to a great cause half of this will be going

To the ID app and you’re helping out all [ __ ] on by raising the timer so it’s it’s benefiting everybody continue raising the timer yep yep praise the timer for 90th also consider the fact that sexy song 69k yeah you can get a sexy cover song that’s 69k I know you guys want that

You [ __ ] degenerates all of you continue gifting those subs can’t believe it Oh my God that’s not sexy at all chat keep going chat Lala with the five gifted through to 69 okay route to 69. come on John we’re like like what 600 700 away 800 away right now from getting 69k the time is moving at a very thing okay it’s

800 wait no it’s 700 and 67 oh 68 away yes dude thanks for the five yeah thank you so much Shadow stalker for the 10 gift that’s come on Chad we’re we’re doing really good but I think we can do even better let’s go Anthony thank you so much I love

My quality Haruka it brings me joy yeah bed mic do you like my [ __ ] headset my group I’m sorry you can hear my fans I’m poo on right now I know it adds to the Ambiance and the Haruka is in the hospital can’t go to the hospital I gotta raise the timer

I got our cruise in bed tucked in ready to wake up to a mouse stream that’s what that’s what it is that’s what I want that’s why I’m here I’m like I’m about to go to bed and I realized for five hours and I don’t want no stream to end when

I’m passed the [ __ ] out so I want Mouse to wake me up in the morning me yes I want to wake up to Mel’s still streaming Madge raise that [ __ ] timer mad I dropped my glasses goddamn I can’t be bothered to pick about match I’m so mad

Right now imagine raise that timer match or I’m gonna cry smudge I’m smudging Dude I love this magic I love the smash smash it’s me every day I’m so angry but I’ve appreciated my friends smudge raise the timer snatch We’re at six Please chat I I I don’t want to bring it we get the six hours candy we’ll do a backflip what the [ __ ] sure I’ll do it yeah she could do it they could do a backflip in PNG form it’s crazy yeah I’ve seen it happen they’re so good at it I’m shy

About it obviously because I’m so talented but I’ll do it for chat it’s so talented and graceful and sexy and modest is important as well tonight please make sure you get that exactly thank you it’s great video order didn’t happen they’ll do it live on stream We’re almost at six hours I will I will do tell you what child’s a good deal I’ll do two back flips I know that’s crazy two backflips at six hour marks no way where it’s 700 more chance who no one has done two back flips and PNG

All you have to do is just flip yourself upside down and talk in Fuji when they’re so talented when a sexy song cover is on the line I’ll do a lot of things oh yeah 600 and some things three backflips actually a little three not two but three we get this oh whoa

Calm down I heard let’s not let’s not go too wacky with it they could do four backflips actually at six hour mark they can actually do ten that’s a lot I know they’re really talented I don’t want to flex it but yeah I can I can do five seven black people

Oh my God No my only holy boy this isn’t a joke I I will genuinely organize a way for me to do a backflip for you all I’ll find a way oh yeah in in fortnite I got it I don’t know I have you know this is here’s the

Thing just flip you’re talking candy upside down and whatever we’ll talk you back with We’ll find listen life finds a way we need this guys see that’s how you back foot that no one can do it Just reminds me of the first time that that the twin backflipped in Minecraft and then did the thing where she fell halfway at the dock and that [ __ ] kills me [Laughter] fall from Gray hides I always die even though I’m a slime I had I think I have

A bunch of screenshots of that I’m always dead in Minecraft Anyway come on um we’re slacking her we’re slacking in the raising the Timeless Department you know what mouse will do a backflip master door Mouse will do a backflip if you get to 69k yeah she will do a backflip here we go what it’d be crazy yeah you

Can do it back on the bridge early I know you’re shy about a mouse but you’re gonna do a backflip the next thing you do but I’ve seen you I’ve seen you spin around like many times on stream you’re quite talented uh No what do you mean I’ve seen you spin in circles so much you’re so talented he’s still modest that’s one of our that’s one of our good qualities she’s so humble and and she needs to realize that she’s an amazing person I’m sorry I burped in the middle of my prison that’s okay

No it’s like a little hiccup it’s okay it’s okay I pick up burp all the time Oh my gosh thank you for the time get the subs thank you everyone for the subs you’re awesome and I love you parasocially oh my it’s gonna break my legs oh my God Bob is gonna destroy you or I hate you if that’s what you’re into whatever you

Want Chad we can arrange it oh my God they work both ways no way crazy you know what’s also crazy you also have a [ __ ] hype train chat we all know we like hype trains oh true all right true I’ve trained this is like the perfect

Is that a hammer with the 10 give the show maroonies Raise the timer chant I somewhere to gone a green deer is dumb what even that one is I don’t even know what bur means damn we’ve gone up so much like almost 400 Subs in like whatever amount of time listen this is the power of the IDF

Oh my God anthon thank you once again yeah for another five nothing show time with the [ __ ] time are you okay that’s wrong Oh if there’s a certified child all of you guys are trans come on we’re almost at six hours come on Chad we’re literally three minutes away every sub is an extra inch on your Chad chin you know the more yeah you guys are all Giga shots right now you could be even

Greater fans if we get the six hour I mean I will say that even just being here and keeping Mouse company is also pretty cool but exactly cool thank you for the gifted Subs oh my God we got the six hours yeah oh my God All right fairly we get the eight hours right yes surely we get the eight hours right no I wish that that was the tutorial surely eight hours surely early my name’s don’t truly what’s up I feel like I’ve got my job well you did a wonderful job

I like being the hype train guy I mean the hard times still going you’re still a hard train guy that is oh God that is true oh God oh crazy timer chant I try to be a good conductor and candy is a good assistant listen I got my seven days to die that’s listen I was just here for that seven days is that the one that you really wanted ah yes no I mean I was gonna say

Anything that you want is what I want but also yes I like them yesterday so yes I really love seven days to die too listen it’s like Minecraft but not that’s my pitch but not yeah because it’s like it’s got very similar mechanics on Minecraft but

It has like it’s basically like you know when you have like zombie modded Minecraft that’s what seven days to die is old people add like realistic Graphics to Minecraft same [ __ ] it’s like is anything happening in seven days a day or what do you mean whale

Oh I was just wondering if I had to play some of this at that what’s happening nothing I just really like it oh I’m always down to play that game with y’all it’s fun yeah I like being the farmer I like providing the food I like scaven like I like going out and

Collecting stuff and bringing it back to people so they can build I like I like the organization part and the the farm part um I think we can we can make this work real quick I think is this a date right now like are we making a date right now

You guys are the conductors here I’m just sitting here talking out of my [ __ ] okay yeah I’m just talking I’m making a date with candy I was gonna say I was gonna say I’m like you want to go on a date I’m just talking about my [ __ ] right now like this is nice

But I understand now no I get it when you’re in the you’re in your pitch mode that’s like you’re in a whole different space you know okay you know surely we play seven days a day let me get out of Minecraft okay

This video, titled ‘Playing On The VShojo Minecraft Server ft. Henya, Zentreya, Geega & Haruka’, was uploaded by IRONMOUSE VODS on 2023-06-28 10:00:43. It has garnered 4801 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:13 or 20833 seconds.

Mouseathon 2023 Day 10

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  • Easy Minecraft Build Tutorial

    Easy Minecraft Build Tutorial Minecraft Build: Easy and Fun Creations! Are you looking for some easy and fun Minecraft builds to try out? Look no further! In this video, the creator showcases a build that is not only simple to make but also incredibly enjoyable. Step-by-Step Guide The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to create this particular Minecraft build. From gathering the necessary materials to putting the final touches, every detail is covered to ensure a smooth building process. Engaging Content With clear instructions and a visually appealing design, this Minecraft build is sure to capture the attention of both new… Read More

  • Warden Beam Madness!

    Warden Beam Madness! Minecraft Snapshot 22w15a: Warden Beam! The latest snapshot for Minecraft, 22w15a, brings exciting updates to the game, particularly focusing on the powerful Warden mob. Previously known for its close-range attacks, the Warden now boasts a long-range attack, making it an even more formidable opponent. Long-Range Warden Attack In a thrilling demonstration, players can witness the Warden engaging in long-range combat against the Wither. The Warden’s new ability to target enemies from a distance adds a challenging dynamic to battles, showcasing its strength and agility. Impressive Damage Output The Warden’s long-range attack is visually stunning, emitting powerful shockwaves that deal… Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft’s Spooky Site

    Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft's Spooky Site In the world of Minecraft, Herobrine reigns supreme, But have you heard of, a site that once caused a scream? From a Chinese blog to a screamer, it took a twisted turn, But now it’s just a sunset, a lesson we must learn. The mastermind behind it all, a man named Sunzhen, Spreading fear and shock, scaring kids again and again. But as time went on, his focus shifted to a different plight, Air pollution in China, a battle he had to fight. So now is just a memory of the past, A reminder that even legends… Read More

  • Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft

    Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious Koala Monster Portal in Minecraft Exploring the Zoonomaly Game In the vast world of Minecraft, there exists a peculiar anomaly known as the Koala Monster. This creature is unlike any other, with a sturdy body and four eyes. But where are the other two eyes, you may wonder? Join UzeMing on a thrilling adventure as he delves into the realm of portals that defy reality. Creating the Koala Monster Portal UzeMing takes on the challenge of crafting a portal to the Koala Monster in the Zoonomaly game. This monster is said to be incredibly scary, with four… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to Make 3D Custom Skin Totem in MINECRAFT PE/JAVA 1.20+” in Hindi. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build unique structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Minewind offers a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on… Read More

  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

    Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft Oyunlar Hakkında Ne Kadar İyisin? Popüler oyunlar hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğunuzu test etmeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda GTA, Minecraft ve Hogwarts Legacy gibi oyunlar hakkında ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu ölçeceğiz. Kendi oyun becerilerinizi sınayın ve ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu keşfedin! GTA San Andreas Bilgi Testi CJ’in asıl adı nedir? Carl Johnson Minecraft Bilgi Testi Herobrine kimin kardeşi? Notch’un kardeşi Hogwarts Legacy Bilgi Testi Hogwarts Legacy’de hangi gruba seçilirseniz Azkaban’a gidersiniz? Hufflepuff Eğer soruların cevaplarını bilemediyseniz, videonun üstündeki linkten detaylara ulaşabilirsiniz. Oyun bilginizi test etmek için hemen izleyin ve kendinizi yeni bir meydan okumaya hazırlayın! Read More

  • NOTCH’s New Game: Minecraft 2.0?

    NOTCH's New Game: Minecraft 2.0? Exploring Notch’s New Game: Levers and Chests Notch, the mastermind behind Minecraft, has embarked on a new gaming venture with the creation of Levers and Chests. Let’s delve into the initial glimpses of the game and Notch’s statements! Notch: The Minecraft Maestro Before diving into the new project, let’s take a moment to appreciate the journey of Marcus Persson, also known as Notch. His childhood fascination with video games eventually led to the creation of Minecraft, a game that captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Despite selling Minecraft to Microsoft for a staggering sum, Notch’s true passion lies in… Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods The Exciting World of Minecraft Texture Packs Discovering a New Texture Pack Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players stumble upon a remarkable new texture pack – the Peep Texture Pack. This pack promises a unique visual experience, setting it apart from the default textures. Unveiling the Features Upon closer inspection, the Peep Texture Pack reveals intricately designed outlines and smooth animations. The default textures, such as blocks and items, receive a fresh and appealing makeover, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Personal Anecdotes and Minecraft Adventures As players delve into the game, they encounter various challenges and adventures. From… Read More

  • Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft

    Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft Minecraft Adventure: Iron Mining Underground Exploring the Depths In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, Solus embarks on a quest for iron deep underground. Iron, a crucial element in the game, is essential for crafting various tools and armor. Solus, accompanied by his loyal dog, ventures into the depths to mine for this valuable resource. Building a Stronghold Prior to his underground expedition, Solus showcases his impressive above-ground base. With intricate details like a water elevator and strategic storage solutions, his base reflects his dedication to the game. The importance of a well-designed base becomes evident as it serves as a… Read More

  • Crafting Fireworks: Minecraft’s Explosive Delight!

    Crafting Fireworks: Minecraft's Explosive Delight! In Minecraft, fireworks can be a delight, Craft them with gunpowder and colors so bright. Customize your rockets with stars in hand, Upgrade for longer flights, across the land. Choose any dye, make them your own, Craft with care, let your creativity be shown. Launch them high, watch them soar, In the sky, a spectacle to adore. So there you have it, the secret’s out, Making fireworks in Minecraft, there’s no doubt. With colors and stars, let your imagination take flight, In this blocky world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂

    Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂 Why did the car challenge the Gegagedigedagedago Portal Upgrade to a race? Because it wanted to show off its horsepower! #vroomvroom 🚗💨 Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring New Mods and Features Introduction In this episode of Minecraft, Pilot delves into a world filled with new mods and features that enhance the gameplay experience. With a plethora of mods like Additional Structures, Alex’s Mobs, and Biomes O’ Plenty, the adventure is bound to be exciting and unpredictable. Discovering New Possibilities Pilot embarks on a journey to explore various structures and encounters unique mobs like witches with sophisticated backpacks. The addition of mods like Dungeon Crawl and Dungeons and Taverns adds depth to the exploration, making each discovery a thrilling experience. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “The WORST START Ever In Minecraft Hardcore! (Hindi Gameplay) #1.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience? Imagine embarking on a new adventure in a world like no other, where every decision you make could mean the difference between survival and defeat. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its hardcore survival mode, challenging gameplay, and vibrant community, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience that will… Read More

  • Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shorts

    Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shortsVideo Information [Music] woo This video, titled ‘Minecraft you have to watch this video till the end #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-02-12 08:30:09. It has garnered 102 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- Minecraft_ you have to watch this video till the end #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pro Tips

    Ultimate Minecraft Pro TipsVideo Information annp oh is ANP you know what it means yeah he doesn’t so anyway you live in [ __ ] pistan mate [ __ ] up angry said he Liv pistan we lost we lost another OG but I’m not giving you all this I found Bro you’ve been playing without us that’s so cra fat oh I just found a what it called aole is this [ __ ] whatever version we play on the newest version which version are we playing on I don’t know who asked youing the host your balls if you don’t hush down all right I’m not playing… Read More

  • Pro Gamer Masterfully Dominates PVP Legacy in Minecraft

    Pro Gamer Masterfully Dominates PVP Legacy in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing PVP Legacy and not doing bad (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Gentalaman on 2024-02-14 05:00:06. It has garnered 41 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:39 or 1959 seconds. hope u guys enjoyed the vid pls like it up and sub 🙂 Kevins channel discord: tiktok: heard this helps: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP /… Read More

  • 🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥

    🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥Video Information Looking to add a fresh and exciting touch to your Minecraft bedrock experience? With exciting additional content that is designed to improve your experience and free you from monotony, today you have come to the right place because in this video I share with you my top 10 of the most incredible addons for Minecraft bedrock for versions 1.20, but don’t forget to subscribe and leave your like so that this Minecraft channel reaches more people to start I send a greeting to the following little people if you want a greeting Comment many times the word addons… Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Profiles – Mind-Blowing Pixel Art!

    Minecraft Parkour Profiles - Mind-Blowing Pixel Art!Video Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,642’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 04:46:21. It has garnered 558 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,642 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • Minecraft TikTok Hack That Actually Works? 😱

    Minecraft TikTok Hack That Actually Works? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-29 02:30:03. It has garnered 884 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯fishing#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral @TechnoGamerzOfficial @imbixu #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Norah vs. Luna Realm Store Challenge!

    Norah vs. Luna Realm Store Challenge!Video Information [Music] stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon no I’m not late I’ve been waiting on you I’ve been here waiting on you I’ve been here all this time waiting on you waiting on you waiting on you wait is stream starting soon what time is it hang on I’m not ready 3 2 1 stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT TIPS & TRICKS- Boost your skills FAST!Video Information some moments in Minecraft can get confusing for example easily finding diamonds getting overpowered armor and fishing if you consider that as confusing so here are 35 tips and tricks to help you become a better Minecraft player we all know the golden rule of Minecraft and that is to never dig straight down because you can either fall in lava fall from a great height fall into a cluster of mobs that you can’t handle or awaken the warden like waking up Dad if you are going to dig straight down Dig A 1 by two hole… Read More

  • Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #Trending

    Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘LET’S MAKE TO GRANNY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!!#fxshivam69 #minecraft #grannyhouse #trending’, was uploaded by FX SHIVAM 69 on 2024-02-16 03:55:34. It has garnered 2880 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:51 or 771 seconds. LET’S MAKE TO GRANNY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!!#fxshivam69 #minecraft #grannyhouse #trending 📷 Instagram: / Priyanshu_Patel_89 🕊️Twitter:- / fxshivam69 👍 Facebook: / FX SHIVAM 69 📶@Priyanshupatel89 Email: [email protected] 🔥 Like Share & Subscribe My Channel. granny house in Minecraft Minecraft best house granny new video Granny wala game granny wala cartoon Gulli bulli game granny chapter1 ki video granny grandpa… Read More

  • AmiSMP

    AmiSMPWe are a SMP server for all, we have a few YouTubers and Streamers and would love some more! If you want to join us click the discord link, we are active, have friendly staff. Read More

  • SoulCraft Vanilla – No Whitelist – Hermitcraft – Rewards

    🌟 Join a Thriving Community: Immerse yourself in a mature and vibrant player community inspired by the legendary Hermitcraft. Discord Invite: 🌍 Explore a Fresh Server: Embark on an epic journey in a brand-new league, where every adventurer starts on equal ground. 🏆 Claim Your Rewards: Seize the opportunity for epic rewards in this exciting league—your chance to stand out and be recognized! ⚔️ Choose Your Path: Whether you’re a master builder, redstone wizard, or intrepid explorer, Soulcraft welcomes diverse playstyles. ✨ Craft Your Legacy: Be part of a dynamic world where creativity knows no bounds. Shape your destiny… Read More

  • Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness

    Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Two addons to explore, like a vivid dream. First up, the TNT addon, with explosions so grand, Redstone and blocks, in your hand they’ll land. Launch the TNT, watch the world destroy, With lava and more, it’s a sight to enjoy. Ultimate TNT, rainbow TNT too, Beautiful and deadly, a colorful view. Next up, the Warrior Villagers, a brave new sight, Defending your village, ready to fight. Links in the comments, for you to download, Enjoy the game, let your adventures unfold. That’s all for today, in the world of… Read More

  • CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme

    CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme “Catnap vs Zoonomaly: the ultimate battle of who can nap the longest without getting caught by their owner! Place your bets now, folks!” 😹 #catfight #naptimebattle #whoisgoingtowin Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft servers! Today, we want to introduce you to a server that is taking the Minecraft community by storm – Minewind. While watching a video about the best PvP server for Minecraft, you may have come across some exciting gameplay and intense battles. If you’re looking to experience that level of excitement and challenge for yourself, then Minewind is the place to be. With a focus on PvP gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Boubou’s Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun

    Boubou's Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun Minecraft Community Server Adventure Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players from all over come together to explore, build, and survive. Join Boubou on his community server, where Java and Bedrock players unite to embark on thrilling adventures in version 1.20.4 and 1.20.71, respectively. To join the fun, become a Level 2 channel member on Boubou’s Klötzchenbande and hop into Discord to accept the rules, provide your in-game name, and get whitelisted. It’s a token of appreciation for the amazing support from the community. Exclusive Benefits and Support For those looking to take their involvement to the… Read More

  • Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!

    Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!Video Information this is Sky Revolutions a fairly new 1.19 questing mod pack from the creator of project sacrifice however unlike project sacrifice which was a previous Sky Block that we played best around blood magic this one here is much more techb as you can see on the left hand side here in the quest book we do have mechanism we do have thermal expansion we do have I believe a little bit of pneumatic craft and of course we have some create as well and as you might guess this Quest book here starts up at the top… Read More

  • Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?

    Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?Video Information I just woled down food without chewing so it’s time to bounce my buddies must have missed me big time oh husk hey glad to see you what about you man I was actually enjoying my time when you weren’t around come on buddy calm down where are our other Pals alaster and Charlie I overheard some sounds sounded like moans I bet they’re up to something important in bed man I envy Charlie right now got anything to drink bro let me check seems like I’ve got something stashed here any booze will do drown the sorrow… Read More

  • INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Madness

    INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by HapLegit on 2024-03-27 06:30:03. It has garnered 389 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore This is a trailer for my new minecraft smp video. It has to be planned to be uploaded in April. Make sure to subscribe to channel to get the notification.. The video took me a month to make. I hope you will like it. I will try to take you guys after we will have good… Read More

  • Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Types of MLG | LEVEL 1 TO 6 | #minecraft #pocketedition’, was uploaded by ANAV 1124 on 2024-01-10 15:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Raid on Psd1’s Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!

    Insane Raid on Psd1's Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I Raided Biggest Suger Cane Farm In @Psd1 servers | Fire mc’, was uploaded by Steve_gaming on 2024-01-04 09:47:49. It has garnered 676 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. minecraft i raided biggest suger cane farm in fire mc lifesteal server ip: you can join from every platform from this ip and also join my discord server for empire smp application subscribe and like kardo #firemc #psd1 #lifesteal #public #minecraft #java #youtube Read More

  • Enter Cartoon World – Find Secret Minecraft Pit

    Enter Cartoon World - Find Secret Minecraft PitVideo Information an infinite number of round eyes in Minecraft we’ll have it in this clip today hey guys I’m with you zomok at the beginning I’m going to ask everyone to like subscribe we get everything thank you so much I appreciate it very much and we’re starting we’ve got round pits today these are the kind of interesting cool lots of cool characters let me show you a dream catcher here rainbow friends remember from the digital circus this is Khloe bourjois ladybug’s friend well as a friend she’s a little Moon SpongeBob and the scariest and most… Read More

  • Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!

    Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!Video Information Halo teman-teman kembali lagi dengan aku putakun jadi di video kali ini kita akan BL ya teman-teman dan gue udah cari nethernya dulu di kamera jadi kita tinggal bunuhi blnya saja let’s go Oke teman-teman kita atur dulu modenya jadi mode normal Oke dan Kita serang langsung Astagfirullah e pedang pedang pedang Oke teman-teman ini gua akan cepatin aja ya Di menit ke eh di mana gue dapat sekitar 7 R ya teman-teman supaya tidak lama let’s go Oke teman-teman kita masih masih ngebunuh ya satu lagi ya teman-teman kita akan dapat tujuh Oke Belum masih belum ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!

    Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!Video Information [Music] nug H nug h [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] fore oh [Music] [Music] speee [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] for hey everybody how you doing just relaxing my vocal muscles after belting that one out sorry hell yeah good thing I got some tea with me how y’all doing yeah it it does it rocks so much especially when I’m singing it hell yeah this is what plays in the Senate no comment uh just got some good oldfashioned Earl Gray didn’t drink my fill this morning picked it up yesterday last night pretty good if I… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥

    🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral’, was uploaded by SK NAYAN GAMER on 2024-03-06 12:30:11. It has garnered 3679 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral Sure, here’s a new description for Minecraft: “Immerse yourself in the limitless possibilities of Minecraft, a sandbox adventure where your imagination is the only limit. Explore vast landscapes, mine for resources, build towering structures, and craft intricate tools. Whether you’re a lone survivor or collaborating with friends, every block you place shapes… Read More

  • Lonely Lobby

    Lonely LobbyCome on, and join us to our server, and be a part of the community! In this server, you can talk, chat and also communicate with each other! Life is good! Life is Fun! We should have to stay alive! Read More

  • NTCSMP – SMP Semi-vanilla, Java 1.20.1, Survival, Fabric, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Adults Only, Whitelist

    Welcome to NTCSMP: A Unique Minecraft Experience! Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in the vast and blocky world of Minecraft? Look no further! NTCSMP is the place where adventure, community, and creativity collide. Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 Game Mode: Survival Play Style: SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Flavor: Vanilla-Like Modding: Fabric and datapacks Inclusivity: LGBTQ+ Friendly Age Group: Adults Only Access: Whitelist (because quality matters) What Makes NTCSMP Special? Community-Driven: Our server thrives on collaboration and camaraderie. Join a tight-knit community of passionate players who share your love for Minecraft. Vanilla-Like Vibes: While we embrace mods, we… Read More

Playing On The VShojo Minecraft Server ft. Henya, Zentreya, Geega & Haruka