Postal Chaos: Epic Minecraft Madness

Video Information

Up it’s always a surprise it’s always aise When It’s when the side comes in always a surprise always a Surprise but it’s always a surpr Always all the silence Let It Go supp To listen listen listen all right listen up is it really a taco cat stream if you don’t get your ears obliterated oh got some Echo fix that okay I said really a taco cat stream if you don’t get your ears obliterated welcome everybody John Thanks for liking the stream man yeah

I’m going to probably play that like every stream for a little bit we’ll see welcome in Jam good to see you guys I won Walter White Myers are fine oh excuse me actually just woke up funny enough ready to play some Minecraft though had a late night have those every

Now and then as a as an MLG gamer I can attest to that yeah I hope everybody is doing well um I’m glad to be back your mods are here ready to enforce the law I hear you I hear you I’m glad you’re here I couldn’t I couldn’t do it

Without you couldn’t I truthfully couldn’t all right um we’re going to start off with uh this might be hopefully it’s not too loud oh that’s loud music okay oh wait a second wait a second how’s that too quiet or just right maybe a little bit higher all right good

Deal okay good all righty let’s hop into this let’s freaking do it there’s my day off guys we got we got got three days till Christmas three days till Christmas what the heck crazy man I got one more package um to show up um that I’m waiting for for to show Up bro me too oh my gosh I’m so hyped you work so hard to get through like the holidays and like the stress and everything of just being alive by the time Christmas happens and you finally get I’m going to wait till the world loads so I can talk and not be

Interrupted by stutters but um you wait all this time you wait all this time and you finally are able to enjoy the process and in proper fashion where we ended off yesterday for the yellow wedding here we are um we got a lot of

Work to do today um if you were not here last stream might have a little bit of stuttering for a minute but that’s okay that is a okay in our book baby girl just woke up so um if you missed last episode we had the yellow wedding for our llamas queso

And beefy and all the new res residents of the Violet Valley were here um we got some we got them named on name tag too so we got Jericho uh Miguel um Gizmo Daisy okay so and beefy’s daughter we’ve got tiny the chicken in here we’ve got Clayton the

Chicken and over here we’ve got our lovely love birds um go ahead and check on them really quick see how they’re doing how’s it going guys queso beefy good to see you guys hope you’ve been well hope you’re excited for Christmas I was not here last stream but

I did see the wedding that’s it that was the main thing it was a lot of um a lot of just prep for doing all that stuff you didn’t really miss too much um just the ceremony um but nothing much other than that and the only other thing you

Missed were some deadlines that we set for ourselves a huge bit of deadlines so these are all the things that are in the works for Violet Valley I’ll go ahead and read them all to you we got Redstone gaming a movie theater Street vendors um and I didn’t you might have

Missed this too John I’ll go ahead and tell you so um we have Violet Valley set up a little bit different than Crestville so this is going to be like the Main Street entrance right so we got community center right here the post office is going to go right here um CU

It’s you know pretty accessible on the main strip so this is going to be the main strip then it branches off over here um to this little staircase this is going to be the residential area it can it’s going to stretch probably all the way over here there’s so much land so

Much room but these are where all the houses are going to be um for all of the residents and um yeah so not just that here I’ll show you really quick as well um there’s tons and tons of room this way too on the other side of the portal

So this side over here is going to be the resident or the uh the shopping dist District all this is going to be the shopping district um Violet Valley is doing good for itself got a lot of new people can’t wait for the Post Office yeah I can’t

Wait either but I wanted to tell you we’re splitting it up for right now into three um sectors so uh residential Main Street and the shopping district building around around this place is going to take like three streams I don’t think so I think it’s just if we what we

Choose to do what wall and I’m thinking we’ll do something with stone bricks again but we’ll see but this these are the things that we are going to be building Redstone gaming which is going to be like a GameStop movies Street vendors Resort poool that’s going to go

In the residential an axel daycare of the caring Clinic Bakery uh Salon post office which is today’s build the button Shop store room Daisy’s designs which is going to be Daisy’s clothing shop SL Banner shop also going to be built today um if we get to it that’s why the little

Asteris is there but I’m pretty sure we will get to it we got a cave mini game for like splunking and down in the Bog cave which is cuz there’s a huge opening we’re going to we’re going to capitalize on that Fuego’s wings um if you missed

Since you said you miss John Fuego is what we’re going to name that red llama that we had at the um that we had at the uh the dark Coliseum his name is going to be Fuego and he’s going to have a wing shop it’s going to be great uh

Party animals club uh the Gizmo household Miguel’s house Paul’s house Clayton’s house and viol the Violet School we’re going to build a school but all these things are super back burning back burner e so it’s going to take a while but I think in the long run we

Will be able to complete all these things and get done what we need to get done and give me one second I need to plug in my phone so just give me a second as long as the place is safe I’m all in I’m happy Violet Valley is a safe

Place that’s cool I can’t wait to see him in his shop yeah me neither I uh I love Fuego and we haven’t even got him yet so yesterday um well not yesterday the day before let me get a drink day before um we went and we got

So many name tags dude we got like 16 name tags look at all these name tags dude literal gold right here yeah literal gold you cannot beat name tags we got so many give me one second I’m situ getting something situated bro this must run run

In queso’s family I just saw a gizmo spinning and if you did not know the llamas are uh queso’s in-laws and here we go again queso’s uh parents came for the wedding um all righty Let’s uh let’s get to this um I don’t really know exactly

How I want the post office to look look um I kind of was looking at some some screenshots of other people’s stuff and I don’t really want to do anything like that I’m not sure um I want to put like a pixel art type thing on the top of it

I’d like to put like an envelope on the top of it if you know what I mean so um we’re going to need some conrete and I think we’re going to need some I think we’re just going to need concete rete I’ll be honest I think I want to build this out

Of blue concrete and white concrete so we’re going to need concrete first off um which is going to require me to have sand and it’s going to require me to have gravel which are I think are two things that I do not have on me so we

Are going to have to do a little bit of exploring to get the tools that we need for this build so I’m going to leave these two Sher Rox is here we’re going to take this guy with us and we are going to go collect us some sand and

We’re going to go collect us some gravel first things first we want to decide what concrete we are going to be making so concrete we’ll go ahead and check that so there’s blue I’m thinking the blue will probably be best blue and white so we’re going to need

Blue blue concrete and white concrete so we’ll need blue dye and white dye of course but those are ones that are super chill and easy to get so blue and white are good color choices yeah I agree um and then on the top of it I’d like to

Have like an envelope you know I don’t want this place to be huge but I want it to be good enough size um I am going to take my bed cuz we’re probably going to be exploring for a minute um and I don’t know I I think I

Obviously do have my cords for Violet Valley but I’m going to go ahead and snap another cord just in just to get an updated image in my phone um I like to do that every now and then so I do not lose where we are all right let’s

Uh I’m trying to think what direction should I go in going to need gravel and sand can leave some of this stuff back here I cleaned up a little bit since last stream as well um we kind of had all this stuff in the middle um but I kind of cleaned it

Up and I’m thinking Violet Valle is looking really nice what do you guys think very nice very simple um yeah I wanted to also show anyone who wasn’t here yesterday um CU I was talking about the spelunking cave mini game right and I had this Epiphany

While I was just kind of running around um the bog cave so I want to cap capitalize on this cave and this will be like the shopping district but this is going to be a build that’s probably long off but this oh shoot my Electra made me fly a little

Bit um this is going to be walled off with like a wall like a fence and up here like right here there’ll be a building there’ll be a building about right here and an entrance with like a wooden platform for you to jump off down into the bog cave

Um and there’ll be water at the bottom and you get a pickaxe with you because you could see how deep it is down there and the most ores you mine is uh going to be your reward so if you get like a certain amount of stuff you know it’s

Going to be like a little mini game we’ll uh we’ll see what happens with that but I’m thinking it’ll be a cool little thing I’m excited for this because I didn’t get to see crust will being constructed so I’m interested to see how

This will go um I like it so far I think I’ll be very cozy and pretty Place sort of idealistic town I agree um so far I think we’ve done really well with it it’s always like I said so scary when you start a new build because you don’t

Really know how it’s going to turn out you don’t know if it’s going to turn out how you wanted it to and oh look guys some of the some of the sheep are here some of the purple sheep that I uh I I I uh died there’s so many of them look one

Two they’re coming to the valley three four this is great they don’t know that literally one day this is all going to be um shopping district we also talked about building a mall too John we’re going to build like a big mall going to be all kinds of stuff it’s going to be

Crazy so excited so excited to have everybody here too today I hope everyone’s excited for Christmas if everyone’s ready I know I’m ready I know okay I actually need to uh pick up these flowers these blue flowers as I see them oh look there’s a gray sheep gravy gravy’s long lost cousin yeah

Um also um if you don’t if you want to be named after an axel I’ll have like three left I think I think we’ve got three or four left so if that’s the thing you want let me know um I think these will be all the

Blue flowers I need for the for the blue concrete definitely yeah it’s we’re not going to need tons that’s what I love about these builds is you don’t need tons of the blocks you they’re all going to use different stuff it’s not like you’re using all wooden planks and Cobblestone and stone brick

And you just need to keep resupplying that supply of uh bricks and look at all these different colored sheep um the mall would be a lot of work but fit in right now constantly just honestly I’m just passing the time till Christmas trying to occupy myself things well I’m

Glad I could be your occupation today man that means a lot um yeah there’s there’s a cool little area is this going to make me sink no Okay I uh need some Gunpowder actually right now so I can fly around but looking for sand and gravel dude I’d pee myself if we found

That pink sheep out here that’d be nuts yeah I uh I need to take a stream and honestly I’ll probably do this now actually I’ll just probably do it now since I got my Sher box on me that’s empty I’ll probably fill up a thing of

Like half sand half gravel so we just have it to build new stuff with cuz I don’t even know how far I’m going to have to go actually this will probably be good right here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yo got to get some lag there yo welcome in Keen how’s it going

Man yo welcome in plague guys look I just found this Pillager out Outpost like so close holy crap are they o dude this is like right next to Violet Valley oh this must be where the where the where the war guys came from lson the the Pillager might be he might be uh

He might be innocent maybe if I ever uh come across the pink sheep I will spam uh DM until I see it the pillagers plotting closely yeah dude they are they’re so close no LA’s here though no there is one one La dude there’s one holy crap we’re taking you

Back girl let’s go guys a new La let’s go we’re going to give her a blue flower let’s go girl come on we’re going to get you out of here and you know what we’re going to do oh my gosh do I have my Sher

Box with that in it no we lost the P box last episode if you missed that yeah I don’t think I have what I wanted yes I do guys I’m burning this thing to the ground you guys want to see it burn because I do I think we watch it

Burn I think we burn this thing to the ground wait is that another one it’s another one wait there’s two I got two of them let’s go dude two la dude no way that’s so exciting can you guys like leave this moment alone finally getting some Ms

Back yeah I definitely think this is these are the pillagers responsible um I need to check these other ones we need to let these Iron Golems free too hopefully you guys can come to Violet Valley one day but I’m not going to force you big fella we finally got some alls though

We’ll have to get some names we have name tags and everything so we got some new residents of violet Valley again bro no back off maybe they can work at the post office what do you guys think should those be the post office workers I think so they have a good

Business with the the community we got some La loggers in the past never mind it seems I forgot I was walking or working on something oh I’m sorry man we got fallen down playing now there always are chests up at the top of these that have different

Goat horns in them so I want to check this one out feel I don’t think I have this one let’s listen to It I definitely don’t have that one interesting no no no okay we got to burn this place down because uh we got this guy let’s do it this is what you guys did you you deserve deserved this you all deserve this 100% you never safe this is what you get for the lives

Of the villagers that you took that awful day I’m actually going to take some of this wood just in case I uh need some uh dark oak behind glass so they don’t fly away make them the post office worker yeah we’ll we’ll put them behind like

The the thing we’ll have them like with little pieces of mail what do you guys think give them like little pieces of of like paper as mail look at that guys is that a picture or what this is a declaration of war we lost the battle but we won’t win we

Won’t lose the war and this is a signal of that let’s go dude set the Golems free and the Els we are good to go this thing’s burning to the crown man that is like some crazy burnage all right let me uh quickly grab oh my gosh that’s wild

Dude so there’s no one else here than we’re good I’m going to see if I can get some gravel and stuff from over here in this Lake villagers ain’t nothing well not anymore they’re not oh well there’s one left oh never mind they keep spawning in I don’t know if these like

Could be made into Pillager spawners or what makes me wonder she almost went in the fire actually we’ll keep some of these banners cuz I think I’m going to keep them in uh me in Daisy’s designs all right let’s get us some stuff we got stuff to do got a stack of that

Wood it should just be able to do it from right here there’s tons of stuff So sko mining with this Song The skso Mining oh shoot my freaking shovel is going to break already Deuteronomy 13:18 King James virgin undertal absolute amazing songs Thou shalt gather all the spoil of it into the midst of the street thereof and shall burn with fire the city and all the spoil thereof ever

With for the Lord thy God and it shall be in Heap forever shall never be built again perfect for the villagers man they should have read the Testaments it should have been reading man their city was burned to the ground okay let’s grab some of

This hurry up and grab as much of this as I can before night time comes oh I have my bed don’t I I Do thanks for that verse Jam fitting very fitting look look what happened to them all right I’m going to sleep here really quick light this up yeah I agree John this beautiful sunset look what we’ve done today already fellas putting it to them undertale all right my shovels are about broken so

I’m probably going to need to go soon actually wait that goes really deep down there I’m not going down there but look how deep this goes water cave how deep does it actually go though look at this dude absolutely crazy that’s so deep deep very

Deep all right um I think this will be good for concrete I want to get these La home um oh I’ll need some black concrete too so let me kill this guy I’m not I’m going to need it for the pixel art did he drop it he

Did four in ink sacks that’s perfect let’s go ahead and head back all righty guys take a picture of The Outpost burning looks great I’ll post in a second all right awesome nice like awesome uh wallpapers from yours truly because if I do this look they’re still dying I think we

Could turn this into like a spawner yeah I feel like we could I’ll have to like look into that cuz i’ I’m not really sure how that stuff works cuz I’ve never really done a lot with automation but it looks like that could be a thing that

Happens but I was going to say though before I was interrupted by the freaking pillagers anything that I do in F1 like this can be put to make like a perfect wallpaper for like a desktop cuz I’d like to start having like desktops changes for me at for like the hardcore

World like what’s going on just like a cool uh you know maybe I’ll start uh uploading like uh if there’s ever like a Discord with like all the fans I’ll U or viewers sorry that’s just like a quick word I don’t know why I use it I don’t like the

Word fan but with viewers like put all the like wallpapers in or something yeah good one piece one’s hard to find I’m saying just for me and just cool set pieces to see all right make sure we got both of them I’m thinking I’m thinking brother and sister

Aays what do you think usually we do the twins I’m thinking brother and sister I’m thinking Alice and axel what do you guys think you guys fans of those names or what you have other names in mind Ultra kill one oh that’s neat still need to play that Alison Axel on the

Way yes sir Alice and axel I think those look good Too oh a bunny yo we found a bunny actually well at least we know we can find bunnies here now sick that’s how you never getting close to the valley Amy and Andy I think I like Alex and uh or Alice and axel a little more than that but

Those are good names too Alice or or Andy’s good too I think Axel’s like I don’t know I feel like for an laay Axel’s good because it’s just like a very like edgy name and I feel like the the axe the LA can be a bit edgy sometimes they’re flying around

See I think we’re going to knock this build out of the park I’m hoping so yeah thank you guys for the name suggestions Though I’m walking back slowly so I don’t lose the LA cuz if I run I think I lose them whoa guys did we go down there I don’t remember if we did or not we’re DMP sheep well okay what do you guys think um PE sheep really is the mascot of

Everything do you think PE sheep should come to Violet Valley for only for the arc should he stay until we switch arcs or should he just stay in Crestville is it I think so too we’re going to have to finish the buttons though I feel like on the track well no it doesn’t even matter because if you if you know PE sheep has unlimited lives if he dies in the on the highway he could just come back he’s got unlimited

Lives can never die he has unlimited lives because we killed the warden for him welcome Alice and axel to your new Abode Violet Valley it’s a new nation it’s prospering too you guys are going to be have a lot of work to do with all the letters you’re

Going to be getting and sending all the relatives from Crestville are going to know what’s going on there hasn’t been a lot of pipeline all right where’s that Anvil I think I put left it in here didn’t I let’s go ahead and name Alice and axel so they do not despawn or anything

Alice yeah I like that too Axel Alice and axel Perfect all right the one who’s like being crazy is probably Axel so probably you cuz I don’t know you’re acting a little sus Axel Alice there’s Alice up in the corner all right let let’s go ahead and um get some of this concrete

Made going to need a bucket of water gonna make this into dye all this dye all right sand and gravel we’ll plop down a crafting table right here as well just for convenience concrete all right now I don’t want to make a ton of this just cuz I don’t want

To waste I’ll make a stack and a half for now oh that was perfect it was legit a stack and a half we’ll do a stack and a half for now um man I’m not sure how I want this I think I want it to be a single

Door house oh what sucks about terra cotta is you have to do weird stuff with it I have this bucket of fish I don’t know what to do with this fish though I don’t want to kill him but I I need the bucket is there a pond around here

Somewhere I think I’ll just let him go I got this I’ve had this SE in forever we put him in the tank with Axel and they freaking ate him so like there’s a uh there’s a pond over here I can take him too I don’t want any of the

Residents to think I’m a murderer of fish yeah there’s a little low there’s a little short right here and throw this salmon in there get in there buddy have a good life I’ll see you around Alice and axel are like why didn’t you just kill that stupid

Thing you know it’s a fish right set him free we don’t let anybody die on This Server unless we can uh server uh World well his brothers got eaten by you guys so I’m just being honest y’all at all righty Let’s uh put our bed down again cuz we’re going to need to

Sleep like always um set it here cuz I don’t I’m not doing any of this crap in the night time dude no way all right um what do you guys think cuz I’ve been thinking about this I think we need to figure out walls after this build we were going to start

With Daisy’s designs but I’m thinking I might need to wait and start with the walls Bou doctor again okay how about this I we will after the post office cuz I I’m going to need to focus and I’m going to want to be singing I I just uh want to get this

Figured out first because I will uh ultimately screw it up I feel like if I’m not paying attention very much what do you guys think um I’m going to need my uh second change the music stone bricks and uh I don’t know or do you think white concrete and stone or and uh Blue maybe the corners of the walls can be amethyst while it is mostly Stone break that could be true yeah 100% play it don’t let me forget I’m sure I won’t Forget okay this is what we got so far all right I’m thinking we’ll have like a one like one window I I don’t think there should be like a ton of Windows I think so too Jam um what about just stone brick with random splashes of amethyst like blocks of them

Sprinkled in could do that yeah I don’t think I have any amethyst on me right now is the thing though I don’t think I have a single bit of it okay it’s got to be big enough for this uh like it’s taking over the wall oh you’re talking about the

Wall oh okay I’m so stupid I’m sorry guys I was was I was thinking we were talking about the post office for a minute no that sounds good for the wall that sounds good for the wall 100% we’ll just need to go looking for geod but

Geod honestly are pretty easy to find we just have we just don’t really mine a lot of the amethyst out um but I think definitely if we started looking for it more we could find a lot more of it we’re going to need to be careful not to

Break too far into uh this mountain so we don’t break into queso’s house be careful there all right I’m thinking we need to do white too so do I have any white do I have any bones I think I had some bones but I got rid of

Them let me uh we might have to kill some skeletons at night or something to get some bones or can how do you make white die again can I do something else white lily of the valley makes white but I don’t think I have any lily of the valley around

Here that would looks so bad on a post office I was letting you guys cook though no I’m just joking you guys always give me great ideas found some white dye I don’t need tons of it anyway just a little bit just a bit just a tiny bit this is just for the

Envelope okay cuz we’re there’s going to be like a little envelope on the top of the Building okay so I want to go ahead and make concrete of all those things so I don’t forget concrete do white go ahead and do a stack of that and then we’ll do need some black where’s that black ink sack I got here we go I should need like maybe like

16 black concrete not a lot at all but we’ll keep the die this is going to be like my dye concrete chest and stuff so Cassidy hi there uh please name an ax after me when you get to that part no excuse now thank you that’s my

Girlfriend um that just came into chat so I she’s been she’s i’ always tell her about the Axel and everything and she’s like why do I not have an axel lottle named after me by the way I was wondering uh what do you use for your AI images I use an

Apple app it’s called AI artra um I have a subscription to it I guess I’ll have to name an axel after Cassidy now my girlfriend I I always tell her well you’re not in the chat you have to come into the chat so now I guess I do have no excuse at all

Now all right um corners of this post office I’m thinking I want to do white nice to meet you CID okay so I’m not sure do you guys think it should be like symmetrical with this window or do you think this window should be longer so so so should I copy

This side to this side or should I do it like this with like that and then make it like one size long longer so I have a big window and a little window your your brother wanted a yellow Axel called Mr Fring for himself I’ll tell him uh if he hops in

The chat and says it then I will cuz that’s the only way you can get it cuz it’s uh we’re making history with the Axel naming think I think he’s been in here before right sorry weird noise okay let’s do this symmetrical wait that’s two there we go I wish concrete wasn’t

Like this but you know what it you know how it is okay he joined all right let’s see I think we’ll make these twoo wide or Too Tall and uh yeah there’s a sussy Baka and afking RG King that something different all right all right I’m just getting this

Baseline here here cuz I don’t have much uh of the concrete that’s hard yet so this looks funny um let me uh actually get some really quick I’m just going to do this and there we go yeah we’ll uh we’ll make an exception RNG King oh okay

Yeah your old YouTube name it was uh joske I think right pretty sure I’m not wrong what do you guys think of this so far um it’s going to be flat up there obviously I guess looks okay it kind of looks like axotal eyes not Really nice to meet you as well John yeah I do remember that 100% I thought she left already guys I thought she she she skirted out she’s still here um okay I don’t think these walls should have um windows at all since it’s going to be kind of like

Privacy um I like I said this isn’t going to be a huge building posts office usually never are uh very big but I do think I want to have like room for um some more windows like but I’m not going to put them there if you

Know what I mean I just want to have that room actually there so basically I’m just making a symmetrical that’s what we’re doing there we go and then we’ll build it into this mountain here we’ll just have it going into the mountain I’m not going to destroy all the room around it

Either um like this and we’ll do that you’ve changed it for privacy reasons I get that man just have pamphlets in a sitting area other than than the back space for the workers yeah the The Backs space usually isn’t even very big too it’ll look good I I have confidence

In myself I I think we did good with queso’s house I think this will look good too yeah I think this will look nice laying the foundation here boys for a PO post office going to need to sleep soon like the billion better call saw um where they’re searching for Warner all

The um first line uh money transferring area I know what you’re talking about yeah very small dude better recall saw is getting insane jamm dude it’s like Breaking Bad now I feel like it’s like on that level it’s so insane I won’t say anything for other people

Who don’t want to be spoiled in the chat for watching it eventually or something but dude that show is actually insane oh my yeah it’s crazy all right Um I might do like a uh I don’t know on this side what do you guys think if I put like a white line going like that is this a no it would just be on the sides where there’s no windows like a white line like

This I don’t think that looks bad I just wanted to I wanted to have more white and not just for the sides I think that looks good though it’ll just be for the sides just like that yeah dude it’s an amazing show you would absolutely love it it’s it’s

Probably the best show ever made it’s amazing looks okay yeah we’ll see how it looks in the end I uh I I think it looks just like a little design I don’t want it to all be like blue why are you blue why are you blue that’s from Breaking

Bad yeah the roof will I think the the uh the piece of mail on the top will contrast and make it look Okay this is going to be blue back here though cuz this will be like the backdrop that the Axel are or the La is not the Axel are uh uh being back against got to make some more concrete though that ran out should be Good all right Dude what the heck the Axel or the my gosh I keep saying that the elays are going crazy dude they’re like flying all around they’re like zooming and everything zooming around hate doing this it’s a little satisfying but takes forever it’s okay though the best things in life do

Got to make sure we got all the concrete packed down so the place doesn’t collapse you know I think this looks okay I think it adds a nice little design in the top no I think we need it here too I think we need it in the

Back I think it’ll give the wall like a nice pop we don’t really uh experiment a lot with this kind of stuff and I would like to start I think this looks okay though even higher than than one p the one piece yeah that o did a dive on you yeah I

Know that’s why I said that dude he went insane I think this looks cool though all right now the roof I’m thinking we’ll do something like uh these blocks I don’t know if I’ve got any more yes I do let’s go I have plenty of

Them now what do you guys think for the roof this is what I want to do I like to put these down I want to see how that’s going to look okay already you guys see what I’m going to do is this a yes or a no I’m not sure I’m not

Sure should I put the envelope like trying to decide I think I want to put the envelope like right here kind of like it is in the Cat Cafe yeah we’ll we’ll have to see we’ll have to see well let’s go ahead and build the envelope and then we’ll decide uh but

Let me uh I don’t know how big this envelope is going to be I’m referencing an image here 10 blocks it says it’s like 10 blocks so one two three four five six 78 nine no it won’t be symmetrical but I can build a smaller envelope um I’m just trying to decide

How I’m going to do this envelope for real figure it out back one block that’s what I’m thinking too going to have to build this here though I think I like this for the roof though I think I like it for that let me look in here I think I like

That for the roof we’ll see though all right let’s go and try with this envelope so it’s going to start here going have like a black trim I’m going to need some more black concrete actually wait this might be perfect Maybe it’s like filling in one of those jars of sand yeah I don’t know how this is going to look but I’m going to try FS that look too bad I need to get me some more black concrete really quick dang I didn’t throw that away I was about to

Yeah I think the black chm will look okay I feel like it’ll make it pop let’s just see we had to do the same thing with the Cat Cafe it takes some experimenting sh looks a little off yeah it it doesn’t even look like an envelope it looks like a face it looks

Like Steve it looks like Steve bro what if I knocked out these little two pieces back here oh that falls does it look like a letter thanks man I uh I Agree little wider and taller see it’s difficult though you guys try to make it a letter it’s hard it’s just the space we’ve been given but but I don’t want the place to be huge is the thing I think yeah I think a little wider and taller will fix our Issues all right let’s see what we got now I think this will be all right it’ll look better when the concrete’s solid too that looks a little better already feel like it looks better already what do you guys think all right let’s uh complete it I think I’m I literally missing one

Piece of concrete Let’s uh let’s add the water let’s see what it looks like with the water not too crazy different the reference image is pretty much just this exact thing um it’s just literally like a black outline like this and a little you know I just it’s pretty much this exact

Thing um because they weren’t working with much space e space either but I don’t think that looks horrible let’s just wait for the water to clear H wonder what it would look like if we added these in behind it nah I’m missing a thing but H i doesn’t look terrible but I feel like there’s something missing about about It well it’s like to the the black on it is supposed to be like the envelope it’s not a letter it’s an envelope you know that’s how it’s basic basically you know that’s the fold that’s the fold right there that’s the fold probably going have to Sleep guess I’ll just dig out the floor H we’ll figure this out I don’t think it looks horrible as the Thing the black on it is is supposed to signify like the it’s like a only so much you can do the pixel art but it’s like um the black on it just supposed to be the envelope full it’s supposed to cuz you can’t really signify that with

Without doing it like that so that’s why it’s there let’s sleep on it and uh finish the roof and the roof the hanging part yeah I don’t know if we should use this though I think I should use use like stone bricks as the hanging part what do you

Think yeah the thing is you know it’s a post office it’s just uh yeah right for the uh post office the intense music for it Look any better I’m not sure yet look they got in the boats dude they’re driving guys are driving one second need some stone brick wall why I take my totem out of my off hand that would have been bad oh I can’t even do the thing I want to do

Here here’s the Fret let’s try This what about that how does that look does that look better or worse it works I think it works Let’s uh let’s axe let’s axe this part that’s so I don’t know if it’s what I’m going for either but I don’t feel like it looks it looks okay though I feel like it looks okay yeah I think I like the side too I think it looks nice it’s literally just the envelope we’re trying to mess with I

Think uh I think it looks good I’m not a master builder guys this is an Evidence of that I’m getting the house part down it’s just the the the images on the top think the corners help It man I’m out of uh I’m out of uh stuff I’m out of the black dye is that the only way you can make black dye yeah it is interesting I took it off cuz it was UN symmetrical maybe one more Wi on each side okay we could try that I’m going to

Have to go get some uh more uh ink sacks let’s go do that Dude I have no uh I have no Rockets so I have to run there again all good these things take time I mean it’s it looks cool though I like the building I think it looks nice I think one more wide would do it some

Justice right I got to go kill a couple uh squidy and then I’ll be ready what’s up Black Sheep bees everywhere we need to build like a be uh a be some something with bees be something any squirties there’s one couple all right nine ink sacks that’s

Probably enough I’ll just kill the rest of them though CU I probably will need black concrete again in the future I can already foree it if I had Rockets I would get back home in like two seconds but we have to take the Walk chicken City over here little chickies that’s s to dude there’s caves everywhere here beef Farm oh I missed that sorry yeah we we definitely should build one I think uh maybe not like a farm but like a I don’t know something with flowers we don’t want them to be held

Captive I’m not even really too sure any other uses for honey other than like the cool block that you like can use to fall slowly and look at this dude just take a peek at this really quick this cool little Grove cave look at this whoa this goes deep

Dude Grove cave with an emerald dude that goes that goes deep that goes so deep look at these emeralds dude I’ve never seen a vein of three like that that was wild yo there’s like veins of emeralds here that’s crazy a wealthy town already that’s insane actually

I have to kill squids to wait local Taco kills squid population claims I’m doing it for the post office I have to kill squids to save the post office the yeah it’s for the it’s for all the ink dude we got to have ink to

Print you know what are we going to do if we don’t have ink to to sign to seal to do all we got to we got to have the ink man splatter that ink on the page ink splat I’m glad you guys get it no no squids were harm during the

Making of the post office yes many were but it’s okay slapping squids around for the good of the town oh thought I have my Electra on all right so many little caves dude that makes me like believe there’s an ancient city because I was looking and the the

Qualifications were like you know this type of terrain met with a valley which we are in with the high peaks all around in the Meadows and it says large open caves that lead very deep into deep sleep many caves are like that so every letter you send one squid dies think before you

Ink hey man they’re the ones they’re the ones swimming around in the water being all weird be all CR cray oh wait I need sand and gravel again dang dude I’m like out of gravel hopefully this is enough I really hope 40 pieces that should be enough all

Right I need some more white concrete too aren’t I yeah I am maybe I don’t know I probably will big sad man that’s depressing I just need to kill some skellies Tonight all right one more Wide and one more tall right this is that is literally the same argument omn man used after killing millions of people always breathing air and stuff it’s true they always be dying can’t help the guys I never saw Invincible it’s on my list I can’t tell if I’m doing this right I think I did mess it up yes I did give a guy a break for just a minute he’s slow I got to sleep bro this sleep uh stuff is getting me get me cray cray we’re on day 8802 absolutely insane yo welcome in liy

I’m I’m sorry I’m late and never got the notification you don’t got to worry about that crap you’re here now doesn’t matter we’re working on the post office it’s it’s something we’re trying very hard right now I’m uh I’m trying okay What do you guys think of this does this look horrible here’s the envelope I never played payday to we can have some like wood supports like holding it up or something I don’t Know I don’t Know I think one block layer down might be better okay I’m going to I think I’m going to need more white then that guy over there dropping any bones I saw him die over here skeleton no should not reach the bottom okay I see what you’re saying

Lizzy after taking a second look that good looks Good I think it looks better but still sus okay I think uh for this envelope we do need to try to make it go down down like one more I don’t have any white stuff like white concrete right now so I’m just going to finish the floor in here I’m thinking uh stone

Bricks with uh stone bricks with uh the uh Concrete yeah shorter so we’ll just go uh what do you mean should I should I bring it down one so go down like one more so this black piece doesn’t touch and have it touching white instead is that what you’re Saying I think that’s what you guys are saying I’m just trying this floor out by the way experimental flooring I think it looks all right though just one down okay we’ll do that I’m going to wait for tonight though so I can get some more bones cuz I’m I

Can’t make any more white dye until uh I get some of that floor floor Thoughts think I just want to do it for the reception area all right cool glad you guys agree It is just a post office so but we tried to make everything look nice all right I think I’ll do one more oops one more of these okay good I think we’ll do yeah we’ll do one more of these and then the back area back here will be uh the worker area you

Know like that but there’ll be like a counter here um we’ll do that dark oak yeah I like this dark Oak yeah maybe maybe this will look okay all right I’m going to head out probably back some point enjoy your building thanks man you too um enjoy yourself I don’t see you again which I probably will we’re going to have some glass there some glass right here here I think

I have some actually some pains this glass is such a pain see what I did there all right yeah this is going to be enough awesome all right I think uh that’s how we’ll do that I want to have like an area open like this but I don’t know if I’m going

To be able to we’ll see they’re not going to be able to get out of here at all so I think I will just have something like this cuz there’s going to be like a door and there could be an open the door so I think this is good what do you guys

Think I like this um box those little bubb bubs in well there’s going to be a door here so uh they won’t be able to get in here they won’t be able to get out or anything they are not escaping do not worry All right and uh back here I do have a plan for like a bunch of double chests like into here I want to kind of add something right here it’s going to be going into this mountain see what I mean in just a second it’s only going to go like one

In but I want to have like a bunch of chests to look like little Lockers yeah that’s how we’ll do this Perfect let’s go all right all right going to need some chests Axel will definitely leave I don’t trust them listen um we have to have trust all right we can’t let them uh we can’t let the their fourbears uh bring them down with the choices they made in the

Past we’ll see hopefully they Don’t nice I think this looks cool okay I don’t like that little lockers all right and we’ll have a uh want to have like a little desk back There like PO Boxes yeah exactly when I have like a little chair or a little desk here Here yeah that’s exactly It all right I’m liking this so Far have to uh that’ll be the roof I need to get some more uh of that stone this stuff right here or no I should probably just do uh stone brick uh so I do stone brick slabs or the smooth slabs for the for the roof probably the the stone bricks that

Matches more cuz this really doesn’t fit any of the vibe we’re doing here I like the stone brick better all right uh all righty I definitely will add that uh Mr Fring Axel to the pond you do not have to worry your spot has been uh sealed your spot has been

Uh reserved for Mr ax aot stop freaking it’s so funny we’ll get that little guy swimming around I saw that yeah I see him I’m excited to name one Mr Fring you said a yellow one I think I think we have a yellow one I’ll have to See all righty I think that looks good for now going to get some lanterns in here cuz I do have some iron yeah this looks nice let see how it looks over here though I want to see if this looks bad back here all right let’s finish this off we just

Put we’ll just do this make it look like a little weird building back here but uh it’ll look fine like this this is fine there we go cool all right um let’s head back here and finish that off looking good Okay actually here we I think I want to do this wait a minute no this this on this part sorry it’s very dark I’ll sleep in one minute minute moment get this part off of Here then I’ll put that there to kind of split it up nice and then I’ll put some of these here think that’ll look good nice little roof little roof Coolio let me let me get some sleep yeah I won’t be naming any axotal till the end of stream so it’ll be a bit

Just let him know that I definitely will be naming him that oh no I slept through the night the whole point of that was to get the bones for night oh my gosh is there any skellies around please please please I’m going to

Have to go to a cave if not I have to go to the bog cave all right let’s go to the bog cave we’re going to have a bog cave sesh literally to get the bones for the post office or concrete anyway all righty bog cave let’s go Time to go murder some uh some skeletons makes me so mad because I know I have like so many uh bones like at home probably there’s a creeper right here get me some some Rockets beautiful okay where did I elytra go I’m not holding my

Elytra I think I I think I dropped my elytra oh it’s in here thank the Father in Heaven that was going to be really sad I’ve never lost this lra it’s the only one I’ve ever used so go into the bot cave cuz we know skeletons are going to spawn down here

Easy way to get some uh some skellies in my opinion that is least I thought I’m not seeing any guys down here though going to run around with the torch for a little bit there’s a creeper going to grab some iron while I’m in here too um thanks for exploding

On me bro cuz I need it for the um for the lanterns that I’m going to use there’s one give me two bones bone Quest bone Quest ow get cosmic nightmared full Bo okay cool any more skellies cuz that’s going to be that’s probably going to be enough die actually yeah that’s actually

Already enough we’re good to go we’re g to go all righty very nice didn’t need too much just a bit just a baby bit I don’t want his chest plate either all right let’s head out spooky scary skeletons we played that while we were getting the um wether

Skeleton skulls for the weather oh I heard another we’ll go ahead and grab this one Too I saw a creeper go ahead and pop him too pop pop pop thank you for the gunpowder my good friend all righty we know about those all too well yes sir we do we definitely do know about the spooky scary boys let’s sh shoot up out of bog cave let’s head

Back all right wait right yep all right all right let’s uh let’s finish this post office guys let’s see let me pop this in the furnace thought I had some coal on me here’s some cool all right oh I don’t have any more gravel bro um but I did get some Rockets there

Should be big letters bog cave I I think there should to jam like a light up one maybe like a neon sign could do something like that maybe let me just uh check to see if I got any gravel cuz I might have a little bit I think that’ll actually be

Enough we’re kind of Rich dude this is like rich as we got right here stay humble but I feel like we’re a little bit Rich all that ice we got and stuff maybe we can make a skating rink with all the rest of that ice we’ll see I’ll

Probably keep it for later cuz we probably have to do another uh nether Highway later on to somewhere else So all right this is all the concrete I was able to Muster all right should be uh should be enough though for the build so am might destroying this layer too we’ll see let’s get this uh deleted First all right what does that how does that look oh that looks better let’s put that layer back down and see what it looks like what do you guys think I think that looks so much better I think that really made it looking better there’s your screenshot I think it looks

Better post office that’s where the thing was yeah I think this looks good yes okay cool good deal none of our builds are perfect but we try we always try all right let’s uh grab these uh irons out so I can make me some lanterns some five lanterns I can’t put those

There put these anywhere I guess not uh we’re going to put some flower decorations outside this as well so I need some grass I’m going to put one on each window right here um one second I’m going to I thought I had some uh tulips I I’ll just use some poppies any oak

Wood dude look at the spins going on on freaking Jericho crazy man little Spinner I have all kinds of crap on me right now guys all right oh I don’t want that I don’t want it to to get rid of my path that’s okay I think we’ll just do Um not sure I like that though you guys like the flower pots let’s get rid of that I think I’ll do a smooth Stone right here stone brick or something I think I’ll do stone brick There pots are good okay cool I think they look good too so I was hoping you guys liked them just do this so that way it doesn’t get rid of it I think that looks better anyway it fits the aesthetic of it and also want to do one more thing and I’m

Hoping this looks good because I we never use these doors I like this dark oak doors a lot let’s see what these look like what do you guys think I think that looks cool I like that door then maybe we can have like another door like right here well it’ll look

Like a door we just put it there but it goes to nothing the door to nothing the door to the door to Darkness this is no this is the this is the break room this is the break room right here little break room nothing nothing nothing fancy pretty Official that’s a that’s like the the break room I feel like that would be at the post office like really not big at all all right let’s put a lantern there um I can’t put any on the ceiling which really sucks but it is okay um um wait a minute I do need Something timeout room more nothing room Canon official nothing room too all right honestly I could do like a little uh thing a little shelf there no I’ll do a I’ll do it right here I think think can I put a no no that’s fine we’ll just uh we rock with

This I put one there it’s in front of the PO Box though these are the hardest ones uh to finish is uh when you got to put the lanterns down we need to get some uh waiting chairs my inventory is just so freaking packed right now it’s insane all

Right going to have to sort through some stuff soon I feel like get a couple more waiting chairs see how this looks honestly I might be able to just do this just do a backwards stair looks good kind of like this I hope it’s not too

Dark I I doesn’t I don’t think it’s too dark I don’t think mobs are going to spawn in here I feel like post offices can be dark and dreary sometimes too maybe all right let’s go get the axotal actually I need to sleep really quick all right post office is it my

Favorite build we’ve done but I don’t think it’s awful I think it’s good for what it is than we tried I think it looks all right let’s grab the axotal and see if we can get them in here I might need to break this open cuz they are really weird about getting in

Places it was needed I think so too try to get these guys out without hurting them there we go Axel maybe they can have a little baby one day Axel and Alice don’t get in the other boats guys come on in here oh I already have the paper too let’s

Go actually I think I’m going to do a thing I can’t do that thing I wanted to do all good are we in no you’re not Hello Enderman walking around all right I guess everybody does whatever they want here get in here I bet this is Axel no it’s Alice

Yeah Axel’s the one having a skitso fit outside come on oh wait can I throw a thing down I’ll just go ahead and give Alice her uh paper since she’s going to be a good girl and I can throw this down and he’ll probably come get it

Right cuz Axel has the blue flower still Axel there’s a blue flower in here come get it okay so B’s house is the best build I I I like the community center as well oh here he is here he is here he is no no no and and then Alice freaking

Gets out all right let’s hurry up and uh nice oh my gosh one of them is back outside paper throwing it there please come get it please come get the paper we both in here Axel’s in here but Alice isn’t wrangling these freaking Axel or

These guys man is taking a lot out of me where is where is Alice dude they’re bad they’re really bad I can’t get her in here let me see if I have a oh okay she got in oh my gosh dude all right question guys and I need an answer should I put

Them behind the glass and just seal it off should they just be in there I think they need to be cuz I think they’re going to escape anytime that door gets opened I think Jam was right I think they definitely need to be uh be considered uh 100% hour workers

100 hour workers cuz look all right guys come on in come on come on come on in the glass yes yes I got him in let’s go oh my gosh that was a talk about a hard thing to do jeez I had to save them from them lels

Really H dude they’re crazy guys dude they’re too Freedom loving well they’re going to be working for the postal server so that’s Freedom enough for me I think uh I think they’re good to go in there it’s sad but you know they’re going to be happy in there

All right man um that was fun I had fun building that I did it’s obviously it’s not my favorite build but I don’t think it’s it’s awful I think it’s nice so it’ll be here forever it’ll probably go down as one of like the builds that we forget that we

Even did cuz this place is going to take forever going to be building a lot of stuff so we will uh we’ll see how that goes um eventually let me put some of this stuff up skso postals all right um let get this sign I’m going to put it here put

Violet oh my gosh Violet Valley Postal Service Violet Valley Postal Service nice okay I’m going put this right here all right um so now that that’s done with um let me get this boat out of my hands actually I’ll keep a boat with me just in case I need to go on the

Highway um now we’re going to be well let’s go over here Post Office is done so we can delete that and next we’re going to be working on Daisy’s designs um Daisy’s designs is going to be a clothing shop SL Banner shop in the shopping district it’s going to be a

Uh it’s going to be a clothing slash clothing line/ Banner shop in the shopping district so first things first I’m going to need to smel me some Stone to get some smooth Stone because we are going to need a bunch of uh slabs for the uh you know

My bad I cannot keep a train of thought um we’re going to need the slabs for the um sidewalk over there so I’m going to bring these furnaces over with me and we’re going to get some Stone smelting let’s go okay and hopefully yeah I do like this I

Think this build will grow on us I do you guys said it looked good and uh I trust that but I uh I think it’ll grow on me let’s shove this Stone in here I think it’s a good like greeting area and I want to make this like a big

Grand portal eventually I want this to look nice but for now let’s uh do a little bit of sidewalking and that’s how far I got with that so uh yeah that shows you how much I’m going to need I uh want to go ahead and clear out this

Area though and get it flattened uh not super flat but get the first shopping district build done and that way we’ll kind of have a baseline cuz this area is really big and flat out here um I just need to get my sidewalk down so let’s make

Sure basically get the outline for it and then I won’t really need to worry about doing it until I get to it I just want to have this going out away from the Main Street and uh going into the financial district shopping trict or whatever all right so let me put a

Little border here so I remember that’s where the sidewalk is um you guys think this is far enough away or should it go to that tree should that tree be where it starts should this continue to be Main Street until we get to that tree should the tree be uh where we

Start with financial district or shopping district I think personally Maybe I think this so is a good place to Start cuz I don’t know what else we’ll put on Main Street eventually probably some other stuff tree okay sounds good sounds like a playing throw some of this out my inventory the first border can be uh the plaza or something for the portal oh so like the first uh wall you

Mean I feel you so like a wall right here like right here I get that portal Plaza I like that oh wait we said we were going to work on the on the walls didn’t we we probably I think I forgot about that did I say I was going to work on

The walls before I did Daisy’s design cuz I think that that that’s a good idea yeah I definitely said that okay we’ll do that do you think we should start with just a stone brick wall like get a stone brick wall like the height we want it

And then do uh the amethyst later on okay I think that’s what we’ll do cuz I have a good bit of stone brick I believe yeah we’ll do that we’ll just get a wall set up and if we ever need more Stone we’ll run back home and get some but I don’t

Think I have a bunch at home I think I have a bunch on me a lot of stone brick on me let’s grab all the stone brick we can grab fill our pockets with it all right that that’s like pretty much all I’ve got so I’m going to build some stuff on my

Minecraft server Rose Valley but I’m thinking of changing the name any ideas um I don’t know how about you mean the name of your your Valley Rose Valley I like that um how about actually look at the LA’s in here they’re working so hard look at them bro Alice and axel are putting

Putting those papers up it looks like they’re carrying mail around but they look happy together maybe we’ll have to have them my daughter soon to get some more work done how about Rose Riv the rose Riv I don’t know all right let’s start with the wall

Um I guess we’ll just do one two three four high we’ll do four High four high for Now and then we’ll have to like break some of this stuff so nobody can go out this is going to be so much easier than uh Crestville ever was dude not going to have to do any crazy like mining sessions like destroying the whole place and we’ll uh we’re going to like

Do some amethyst on the walls later but for now we’re just getting it done all righty Lizzie I will see you later you have a good one and enjoy the rest of your day if I do not see you again portal border all right I’m going to need to flatten this

Area uh but we got some dirt for that we just want to make this first border we’re going to make the first border for Main Street right now does that sound like a plan guys you think I should leave some space back here too so should I extend this

Wall uh much further back or should I just make it behind the uh community Center or should I leave a bunch of room back here for other stuff for Main Street cuz this is basically just going to be the main entrance Area probably will’ll leave some area back there it’s been so long long since we freaking built a wall dude yeah I’ll leave a little bit the way I want to have this though um I don’t want the portal to be the only way you get through I want there to

Be like a you know an entryway like right here um basically uh connecting it so you on like both sides right here so you’ll be able to get out and stuff um get to the other things and it kind of make it look better obviously but for now this is how we’ll have

It and we’ll have to put a fence in front of the portal for whenever we do that I about this block of gold I’m just going to put this uh we’ll put this on the grave we’ll put this right here just just sit it right here why not okay

Yeah these walls will definitely make them look better just bear with your boy for a little while on the on that all right let’s make a fence and we’ll do a gate a two wide gate that Is okay going to do it like this so uh nobody can get through for right now so how we do that that’s literally all I have to do for that so do that so nobody can uh can get through and uh get into the portal and get lost

So whenever we open that up we’ll be able to just kind of have it up all right I want to grab some some grass little bit of grass just to fill this area out I won’t worry about that side just doing this so I don’t have to

Do it later cuz I know on need to so I might as well just do it now block all that off just use some of the dirt I got this feels like crust bille stuff definitely it honestly is refreshing though uh doing some of these types of builds terraforming and wall

Crafting wall hoisting up it’s exciting it’s going to be a proper Nation all right I like doing this thing where we raise the wall we don’t just flatten everything out and keep it all uh you know like that I like to raise it as it goes

Up so right here we’ll do a two and then it’ll keep going up well actually it’ll need to go up here again too cuz it needs to be four high on each surface that it gets to so I want to have it think going back here yeah here’s good

One two three four one two three four one two three four is that an old thing I used to do one two three four it definitely is it definitely is something I probably used to do when we built the walls Oops one two three four one two three four might change that later on we’ll see we will see yeah that goes to five we don’t want that we don’t like the number five around here yes it is sorry for my ramblings okay I’m thinking of about

Here will be good for now this seems good we’ll flatten all this Off yeah Violet Valley is going to be a lot more structured than crust Ville is that uh I’m seeing already and my shovel needs repaired soon it’s about broke might have to do a trip back to Crestville okay we’re going to we’re going to knock knock this mountain out right here this little

Hill maybe we’ll see yeah um cuz yeah I I don’t want it to go into this land right here I don’t think I do I don’t think I want it to go down into here and only because I don’t know maybe it Should we could always extend the wall later okay for now I’m going to head over to this area I know I’m leaving that a little bit unfinished um but I want to start on the other side just cuz I want to see how uh I can block off

This area so right here I mean um I’m thinking the wall for residential will start here so one two three 4 yeah I’m thinking a wall right here what do you you guys think and then along that wall we’ll have trees and stuff lining it and it’ll just go

Straight back to this mountain over here it’ll block off the uh residential area that way uh residents can’t come and go in there all the time and it’ll be a little bit safer for them there’ll be like a gate right here yeah on two three four one two three four I need to

Sleep man we be putting up some walls today Walling Walling Reason why the Wall’s tall in some spots is because it’s going up four from every block that it’s on but I know you guys get that one too okay two three four I’m just trying to persever the land persevere the land or preserve jeez one two three four trying

To preserve the land I don’t want to destroy all of it um CU a place like this honestly could be a really like this big area open area let me switch the song this little open area right here um against the wall could be a perfect

Little Pond like right here could be a perfect little Pond or even like right here it’s probably going to go yeah I I would like a pond here maybe and this is could be like a Crossroads obviously um and this could go into residential as well so we’ll

See lot to to to keep in mind but one two three four I think I will add a little line or a little wall right here so cuz I think I want to do a little Pond right here so there’s no natural ponds one two three

4 just like little areas like this could be turned into something cool one two three four one two three four one two three four okay I’m thinking right here the gate will uh there’ll be a gate here too for the quy in the mountain cuz up there’s probably going to be where Veronica

Lives eventually I don’t think the residents need to get to this area I think this is a good place to start uh another one and then basically that wall will wrap around to here so one two three 4 One Two Three 4 I think that’ll be good for

Now have to get our signature Gates that we put up yeah I think this looks good this will look nice let to get a cool amethyst uh wall design and these walls will probably be really uh wait a second one two three four okay yeah these walls are going to be a lot

Different than uh the ones we have at Crestville we’re going to change them up a lot we’re just trying to get the Baseline down for uh how high we want them and what areas and that all that stuff all right I’m out of stone bricks already which is

Crazy yeah I don’t like how flat it looks over like on the wall so we’ll uh that’s why I’m kind of excited to get the amethyst and stuff for it let me see if we got any more stone bricks over here and then we will probably I don’t know if we even have

Any at home no I don’t have any over here I have to check some of the Shuler boxes that I’ve got terracotta ice yeah no uh no sort of uh brick at all so I just mine some from the Cory I guess you know what I think

Uh I don’t know should I head home to see if I have some or should I just mine some from the quy I’ll just head home cuz I think I I think I I’m going to need some amethyst anyway so I’m just going to head back go to

Crestville and uh see if we got any amethyst see what else we can find in there let me get rid of this really quick go give Crestville a visit this will be like a natural wall here okay but all these like empty spaces where there’s nothing well we’re going

To figure out something for that 100% have to figure out some little Gardens and stuff to put around but for right now um we have all the walls up but like I said eventually I want there to be little like places in the walls to get through like little

Archways you know so there’ll be probably like an archway on this side and an archway on the other side and I want those to kind of go along the wall maybe we’ll see I’m still deciding on that um but we will uh definitely figure all that out once we get

There it was the same for Crestville it’s a lot of work uh figuring out where you want things and how it’s going to look in the end okay all right let’s grab some uh Shuler boxes and our Ender Chest let’s go see what we can uh take with us

So I’m going to need to get some Amethyst as well all right oh there’s already a boat here oh well on the Road 64th stream today kind of crazy um yeah we’re getting so close to a thousand days it’s insane I was thinking we’d hit it before Oh shoot yeah this is why I need to uh get the buttons all placed because they still spawn it’s crazy little ridiculous boys I’m going to need

To get me some food too so it’s good that we uh are heading back for a little minute jeez guys what in the world I got to get up and get y’all off the track like come on now what is this about to just run the whole thing all right we’re almost there

Oh I hate when that happens please stop thank you there we go the chunkies be chunking chunky chunk yeah we got about halfway with the buttons so the buttons are just expensive I’ll be honest oh when whenever I destroy all that Birch in the one Forest that I’m going to do um

Dude okay what’s happening okay I have to relog I do not know what just happened there I couldn’t move there I hope I’m all right um okay yeah I’m sure it’s fine right dragg me down leave me alone wait for me all right actually I’m going to go to the

One by my house um just because I know I have the Amethyst in that chest oh here’s some leads nice I was actually going to say I needed to grab some leads while I was here and while we’re here I’ll uh I’ll name that Axel that way I don’t forget Mr Fring and

Cassidy right see if I have anything in here that I can take amyst is what we need OST all right I’m going to get some of this stuff out cuz it’s dump chest material some dump chest stuff in here all right I’m going to take some diamonds so I can repair my

Axe or not my axe my shovel we’re going to take some leather as well for item frames it’s just Supply chest really some of these iron nuggets so I can make some lanterns okay Stone what do we got one stone Department not a lot um yeah uh that’s what I was afraid

Of and 35 amethyst not a lot oh my gosh it’s all right we will be good to go um I’m not worried about it any other chests I can check oh I had some stuff in here actually my pea box this is where it was I didn’t get rid of

It the Pea box is found let’s go awesome dude bunch of stuff in here jeez bunch of materials awesome to find that get get in here peab box bring her in bring her in give her a give me a big old hug I missed having that okay take that

Dirt basically I’m putting everything in here that I’m going to use to do some uh some building I guess I could smelt like a ton of uh Cobble like I could make a a hopper and I could do like a redstone thing where I make a hopper and have a bunch of

Uh uh Cobblestone smelting into smooth Stone how about we just do that cuz I have tons of Cobble so let’s make us a hopper have any iron not on person probably I don’t like this right Now all right yeah basically I’m just uh throwing some stuff in a jump dump chest cuz I got a bunch of crap in these Shuler boxes that I do not need right now and it’s taking up a lot of room and it’s not uh beneficial for me at all I need the good

Stuff not the craft cra crap all right I’ll go ahead and uh repair my shovel while I’m here it’s probably going to break my Anvil but I don’t care 17 levels let’s go ahead and do the Axel as well name these I’m here Cassidy we’ll do her nickname

Cassie then we’ll do uh Mr Fring Mr Fring Mr Fring to axles for today you love to see that I’ll shove these name tags in here all right anything else I can think of that I should take I think this is this is going to be all right we’ll definitely be able to

Find some geod pretty easy they’re not hard to find at all so all right I think that’s all I need for now let’s head back well let’s uh go to Crestville and see if there’s anything in chests over there I can snag and bring with me right anything in this one no

Okay beautiful morning visiting crust Ville can’t complain think I should do that idea with the copper though so I can uh smell a bunch of make a little machine to smel a bunch of cobblestone for me I don’t think that’d be too difficult to put together really

Quick think I’m going to take this green box as well cuz it’s got tons of plants in it for decoration what else should I take anything in here I need white concrete definitely taking that okay I think that’s all for that what’s going on septic buddy good

To see you man haven’t seen him in a while Cobble here going say is that crust nope send this shove some in there actually still trying to decide if I want to do this thing with the Cobblestone I think I do I think I do want to do that cuz while

I’m working on it a cobblestone will just be smelting think we should do that all right let’s go ahead and name these Axel Cassie and Mr Fring so I got three left um not sure who’s who this one’s blue this one’s Brown okay let’s see if I have a yellow one in here

That’s not named that’s Rose that’s Lizzy John I don’t know if I have another yellow one I don’t think I do I think Mr fring’s going to have to be brown is that okay well the guy is brown oh who’s this you were trapped little girl let me bring you over this one’s

Trapped BR can work okay all right I’ll do pink Cassie is pink there’s Cassie you see her in there Cassidy my um lovely girlfriend um and Mr Fring the uh the uh the brown oxel so we got Cassie we got Mr fing down there everybody’s vibing two Axel left only

Two left we’ll have to restock later but for now we’ve got two we’ll keep a bucket on me as well just in case I find any all right good to have that done I’m actually uh going to buy some foodie Foodies real quick with these emeralds I got hopefully that’ll hold me

Over it’s a waste of money but I need them now you guys have anything I can take you got stone bricks over here take some Stone little bit of stone anyway all right I will uh be heading off to the Valley now I think yes okay

Wait now I need to go get the stuff to make the automatic Cobblestone smelter which is basically just a hopper is basically just a hopper I need a hopper right now that way it’ll just keep continuously smelting um while I’m doing stuff so I got to smell this iron really

Quick I don’t think I have any Hoppers right now oh you know what I’m just going to go grab a hopper um from the from the automatic farm that’s what I’m going to do so I need to throw a bunch of my stuff out right now

Actually so I need to get all this Cobble let’s put Necessities in here this is going to be my Cobblestone one cuz I want to turn this Cobblestone that’s never used into um smooth Stone it’ll help me a lot We probably had this Cobblestone right here since the very beginning of the world never use it ever all right I’m literally just going to need a hopper I’m pretty sure throw my ender chest Down okay let’s make a hopper I think I remember how to make a hopper it’s like this need Redstone don’t You you can tell I don’t think I made a hopper in such a long time Hopper okay perfect I had just enough for it perfect perfect get to do a little bit of automation today not a ton but a little bit all right let’s uh let’s shove off let’s head

Out to uh the valley Again back to the valley we go actually I’m going to make a double chest cuz I’m going to need it for the Cobble so I might as well do it all right let’s go wait I keep forgetting stuff I’m sorry I’m going to need uh coal for uh the little Contraption I’m

Going to make I don’t think I’ll need tons of it two stacks should do could have done lava but I don’t have any lava around me there so right let’s head back back to the valley piggy man coming through coal hey man Coal’s a little bit forgettable all right the

Fuel fuel for the fire jeez and my boat just went through good thing I had a backup boat I always bring one cuz this stuff happens you got to think yeah it’s loading the chunks like so fast that it literally just takes a poop like and can’t load much more Cuz it’s loading so many blocks like so many chunks like 3,000 blocks 35,000 blocks is crazy what did you just see all those guys spawn there dude how am I supposed to get through that Bros just spawned in front of me and how oh my gosh I hate these guys so

Much they’re like trying to come through can I break through now all right you’re all dying Now murder every single one of you if I have To murder the boys just can’t leave me alone it’s mainly the Pigman I don’t mind the skeletons I could take them out quick but the piglins go crazy they be hitting you for a lot of damage too see this is why we can’t have nice things guys wow so powerful get in the

Boat whoa can’t even hit me okay move I can’t do this with you guys Anymore I’m just killing every one of them I see Pigman Slaughter it’s just so weird that they spawn right in the tunnel like all of them together it’s so weird you think they’d spawn like on top of it or something we got these boats here I’m just going to leave

Them and get some of this junk out Okay so we got some amethysts we’re going to see what we can do with it Violet Valley look pretty first though I’m going to build this contraption if I can figure out how to do it that is after I take a sleep so I need a I need these furnaces first that’s

What I need oh wow look at all that smooth Stone let’s go that’ll be Helpful it’s going to this single furnace is pretty much just going to be uh how I do it wait a second I did it wrong I did it wrong as I thought I would first uh Contraption made on the on the world other than the the melon farm that was

Okay I’ll just shove all that Cobble in there and it’ll smelt as uh it runs out wait wait but the actually I might need another Hopper cuz I’ll need it to go I’ll need it to the the stone to go somewhere I don’t have any more iron wait got some nuggets though that

Might be enough to do what I need it need to do please oh I think I had enough I don’t no I don’t have red stone though do you need red stone Hopper no you don’t Mis misconception you don’t need it you just think you Do all right all right Hopper is made all right I’ll need another chest another double chest a lot of little uh things I need to build right now all right um so then that will go going to have to build this this will go into this right so let’s see how it

Works this should be uh good though so I put Cobble I put a piece of Cobble in here goes into the hopper goes into the furnace so once it’s done does it go into that or do I have to pick it up oh bro it goes straight in there

That’s sick it’s exactly how I thought it would work I didn’t even have to look it up I know this this is a very simple Contraption okay but it’s not something I’m used to doing so I’ll just need to put all the Cobble in there and it’ll smel itself perfect ultimate wall

Um crafting uh thing and we’ll need this for like later on too so it’s nice to have I’ll just put a little uh trap door right here so I can get in here and grab the stuff when I need to but nice little little Contraption built by yours Truly all right picked up all that smooth Stone right yeah and I’ll just have these furnaces here some other ones here for uh regular smelting all right um let’s uh pour all of that Cobble into this thing it’s my Ender Chest right Yeah it would be cool to have ath this cluster on the top of the wall for spikes but it might be too much work yeah that sounds really cool that does sound cool well we’ll have to see I need to toy around with the amethyst I just want to

Get this put in here really quick so I have it all in there this is full Cobblestone okay Cool I definitely think the amethyst should be on the top nice I really like this little contration automat the automatic Stone smelter all right did I have any more Cobble cuz we’re going to put every bit of it in there if we did have any nope nice now all that will be smel

Okay grabbing all the stone bricks I have that’s like all I have for right now so we’re going to have to make do um for now but I do want to go ahead and see how these uh amethysts are going to work with us they’re going to work for us or

They’re going to work against us so um I kind of want to have this portal area like this I want to have it sort of like this maybe maybe I think like that ah that looks horrible we’ll figure it out okay it doesn’t need that it needs this

It’s not super tall so it’s hard to say kind of wanted it like that maybe not yeah I like these I like those little things like two little archways like that they should probably be as big as this one symmetrical you know so one two three four five six seven

Wide one two three four five six seven thoughts on this bad you can be honest um don’t really know how I’m going to do this I could do it so like it’s like wrapping around it maybe maybe I don’t know uh that doesn’t look good at all

Okay so what I was kind of thinking with the amethyst we could do is sort of like I want to have the walls kind of weird that makes sense like that and maybe like you know what I mean just kind of like weird broken little pieces like that

Or let me think for a minute okay let me think I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to freaking fix this guys we’re going to figure this out okay let me cook really quick yeah what about that well kind of want like a little like Gap or something like

This then it’s just like a weird hole I don’t know I kind of like that and then something with the amethyst yeah that’s what I’m trying to think of jam something like that like an organized design I don’t care about how much this is going to cost let me get a lantern

That’s good let’s see how it is and we could put some like of the amethyst shards on there I think it looks good too um I think think I want to get one more thing though and see let me sleep I knew this wall would be a little

Bit more difficult how much Stone we got okay nice so when I pick up the stone like this do I get the XP or do I I have to I’m not sure how it works I think if I just pick one up I’ll get a bunch of XP no

Okay not sure how that works all right um I want to try something with the the walls so like this maybe it’ll be on each side going to take a long time that’s for sure not sure how I feel about this does it look better like this or like with

This this this or this the long piece keep taking screenshots on Accident Long piece okay it’s a long on each side okay I like to try one more thing this makes it look like it has eyes you do it like this what about that does that design look better or should it be the one it was misses it out

More I kind of like that it kind of looks like a Crest if you know what I mean like a valley it’s like a like a valley yeah goes into like a little Valley little eyes okay we’ll do that then all right well this is going to take a lot of work that

Is uh apparent to me now but we don’t have a problem with that we’re just going to need to get amethyst but honestly it’s not even going to be that hard I feel like uh to get all the amethysts I feel like it’ll be uh not too bad so I’m just going to

Fill in what I have with the amethyst and just see kind of where we’re at and let that stone brick smelt I’m glad we’re taking the time to do this today this is going to be a work in progress till I 100% get down pat the the build let me get that other

Lantern was the outside look like the outside looks like this but it’s going to be mirrored I think it’s going to be mirrored on each side you know so the other side will look like that as well we’ll just do the same I think I’ll put a slab up on

This I think this looks good for real yeah I think so too so it’s a basically it’s a stair like this and then a stair like that right to get that eye piece and then you got one here that okay I get it there and there and there there’s another piece oh

Wait yep there’s another piece of the wall so that’s how we’re going to do it for now um I think that looks okay just going to keep extending like that I think it looks way more elegant than before and also we’ll have this piece in

The middle that you can kind of walk on you’ll have this middle area and bro why do they never stop spinning dude I’ve never seen beefy spin all right cool well I’m glad we got that taken care of but now this will be something we work on every time we get

Amethyst cuz yeah amethyst is hard to come by but we’ll uh we’ll definitely be able to work on this as we get More just going to take a while green welcome in green good to see some new faces how’s it going man just working on a wall for a new city that we’re working on Oh you’re not new I might oh I’m oh yeah wait which stream did you come into I forget I’m sorry yeah laugh at me all you want man I I’m very forgetful I’m very sorry don’t take it personally at all please been a lot of new faces

Recently so I am very sorry for for that oops I did it wrong the color green has entered the chat he here at 54 58 and 59 oh okay gotcha gotcha well I’m glad to have you here man are you excited for Christmas and stuff I know I

Am this looks good I’m a I’m a fan of This okay this might be where we encounter a bit of an issue is where it gets like this we might just have to make it all one single length which is fine yeah I don’t have a problem we’re going to have to do some we’re going to have to do some some

Stuff I don’t think I’m going to be able to have it like I wanted to um yeah not going to be Maybe remove the grass skip the parts that shift up till it gets flat again okay see I want to I want to I think I’ll just keep flattening it should I just flatten it and make it all one length I think honestly that would be better just keep it all four high everywhere

What do you think or should I have that shift should I keep the shift and try to work with it or should I just not put any of the decoration on that at all so uh you think you guys think I should uh I like the shift to is the thing

Yeah yeah I do like the shift I would like to try to do it flatten after the Shift so you don’t think I should flatten any of this right Here or should or should I or should I flatten this is that what you’re saying sorry if I’m misunderstanding Yeah it is a little hard when you’re trying to figure out all this Stuff okay okay so you’re you’re saying after the after it goes up like this just keep it flat like that so don’t go back down is that what you’re saying don’t go back down stay up you’re saying uh I think that’s exactly what you’re saying right fill it in once it gets up

Here yeah to the corner okay but that means we’ll have to fill out fill in this whole area right here if that’s what you Mean basically we’ll do this then right maybe have the other side of the wall me at the corner in a similar way yeah we’re just going to have to work at this um cuz it’s confusing it is a little a tiny bit confusing but it’s not too

Bad oh man okay cuz I do like the wall a lot I think I know what you mean it’s hard it is hard like over chat and stuff it’s very difficult I think I know what you mean though let me grab some dirt You’re saying just to raise the corner area I should raise it to uh the shift is that what you’re saying I think that’s what you’re saying I’m sorry just keep this all flat up here like this then have it shift back Down okay cool good to know okay sorry for the confusion there I think yeah that look better and then uh how many blocks okay so it goes it shifts but okay I want to I want to have this this corner exactly how it goes down to the

Shift yeah then fill in dirt with in the corner so like uh so like this gy like on this layer is that you’re saying I think that’s what you mean yeah okay and erase this okay cool all right thanks for the help man I appreciate it sorry if I’m

Dumb okay so one two I’m going to count and it’s going to go the same exact distance that way one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 goes 29 okay so

29 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 this will be where the shift happens yeah yeah I see what you mean okay nice glad I’m doing it

Right I’m I’m going to light up in here a little bit though so nothing spawns maybe there’ll be like a hidden little Club under there or something who knows and then we can uh basically you just get back after this shift you get back to the exact way the wall is right yeah

Should I do it like that then yeah looks good just terraforming as all yeah let’s go it’s fun figuring stuff out and then we’ll do this we’ll do uh the same Thing it’s easy when you know how it’s the old Saying see now it’ll be chill when we get the blocks we just chill out and and place them I screwed this one up over Here There we go oh wait I forgot there’s two Here is there yeah there is we did a little gooning honestly it helps uh me get some stone bricks back because um we’re uh destroying the wall and getting some back that’s some more though Stone nice using all the resources too good to see it then we’ll go back through and add

Those slabs on the top let’s go ahead and do that for this One all righty there it is that’s the template for the wall you got the the nice little Valley going in you got the The Little Valley see this is the valley these are the mountains going down stretching with that I know but nice I like

This I have to make sure nobody can uh get out here so I might need to raise it one more like That oh yeah one two three 4 one yeah that’s how it needs to be that’s perfect actually I think that looks good it looks like a cool incline and we also get to keep the same thing loving this cool basically how you do the valley is

You got to do one of these here one of those there then you do a here and here no you don’t you don’t I screwed it up okay keep making all kinds of little designs now designing how is it it’s uh backwards forwards it’s backwards forwards no backwards forwards there we go so

Backwards and then forwards nice okay I love the noises they make Some very scary nether music playing right now forgot I add this on the playlist so backwards forward see I’m getting it down all right this will be like the last one I think because that’s all I have the amethyst for then we can kind of focus on

Uh completing more of the wall just this initial area needs done though I need some more dirt here come so far dude before like we were just looking for Violet Valley and now it’s actually here the corner can be a special column I could see that

Yeah if it needs filled in I’m sure it will I’m sure it won’t connect completely how we want it to so it will need something different maybe we could put like a beacon on every corner that’s a bit uh strenuous but maybe I don’t know we’ll

See I’m not sure how much of this will need to be fill in filled in let’s just see so you got that that empty space there and then one here you can kind of see all right so one two three four one two three four wait one two three

Four two three four so it’ll be like that have like a column there that actually works out perfect it’s like perfectly symmetrical yeah that’s perfect this right here looks good I like this yeah this looks good very epic epic gamer moment all right now um I’m pretty much just kind of going to

Leave this for now because we are out of amethyst um I guess I could work on the other parts of it for now though I think I want to complete the rest of the wall like just figure out how we’re going to do it I think I’ll work on the wall just a

Little bit more and then we might end for today um but we’ll see let’s take this what we got and uh see what we have over here cuz this is going to be a really weird area right here one two three four okay this just needs filled in

Okay yeah looks good yeah this actually could be a cool little Pond like for real like it’s honestly symmetrical I feel like right there is it one two three four yeah it is I’d like there to be like a little Pond here maybe we’ll see like right here a little

Bridge going over it or like right in the middle of this and a little gate here see cross that bridge when we get there but we need to work on this side this is the going to be the side that is going to give us trouble I feel

Like I really like the way the wall looks though I think it looks great for what it is fill this in we just playing right now okay that can play one two three four see it doesn’t go uh that high we’ll need to we’ll need to get some dirt

Actually because we need to figure out where that incline is going to stop well no no that needs filled in more because we we need to have 1 2 3 four the amethyst thing so one two three yeah it’s it just needs filled in that’s why I wanted to count cuz I

Wanted to be able to you know what I mean Oops I’ll just do it to here for now that might be too far let me grab some dirt we get a little dirty just checking for dirt all right this should be good for now okay so um what I’m going to do is I’m just going to basically

Uh figure out how many of those I can fit in there well it’s going to be four it needs to be four exactly to be symmetrical with the other wall just need some slabs Okay okay sorry for a lot that’s basically what I need to do it’s just that so one two three 4 yep I got it right perfect so it’s basically symmetrical with this exact incline up here and this would be a cool new area we can build something over here too so

That’s why I wanted to do that really quick so we could see where the wall needed to go down at so the incline basically has cuz I want it to be exactly like this one let’s see it goes up basically it’s basically like a two block Gap yeah it’s two Gap so like

This how far does it go sorry I keep making these little checks so from the top it goes down from right here it goes down one two three that’s how we need to have it three down so from here it’s going to go down it’s going to go down

One two three so right here going to go right there it’s basically how it’s going to be that needs broke yeah it’s basically just going to mirror the the other the other way so cool I just need to terraform a little bit here to get a little incline

We’re going to do a little bit of terraforming here to get this all right I want it to be a little bit natural like that yeah something like that this all kind of connect if you see what I’m doing started watching Sir experiments Lan watched uh last night episodes 1 through

S weird show yeah dude it’s really weird I didn’t even get that far I got to like episode four what are you thinking of it though do you like it I think it’s a good show very uh very uh very different all right well now we can

Continue with the wall not very much though I don’t have much Stone left yeah it is a little bit slow well there’s only 12 episodes right or is there 24 or no 13 I think I could be wrong I don’t know I got another stack of stone here

Good thing I did this Stone thing cuz I was definitely going to need more 15 okay glad we got this situated walls are going to take a lot more work than they did in Crossville but they’ll look much better one two three four okay this just needs extended

Up to four and this will be the the case uh this will be the wall that we put the uh pillars on as well yeah I’m already out of stone all right well we’ll flatten all this off this will all be flattened out so I’ll go ahead and do that actually Geto dirt

Mining I can uh block over this Chasm of death right here okay cool 13 yeah I thought it was 13 when I checked L back yeah a really short show I like I like watching those shows like like you do like you did like that many episodes

In a night it feels good to get through all right we’re going to do this that’s probably the level that it’s going to be right I think like I said I want this place to be more natural as you can see and then this will just be the big old flat area look

How good I’m getting it terraforming look at those Ledges those sweet Ledges looking good cool liking this a lot this will be the the Main Street area okay honestly I might mine in the quy just to get some Stone um um I think I will where’s my PE

Box yeah this pickaxe I want to get repaired up cuz it has silk touch this one does as well can I combine these I want to see if I can combine these really quick too expensive all right freck off dang that sucks all right it’s fine we I guess

We’re just going to not be able to mine super quick but it’s not a big deal all right I’m actually going to build uh a chest you know what I’ll just build I’ll just put all this the stuff I’m going to use in this chest all the like Smooth Stone and

Stuff um it’s all going to go in this chest cuz that’s where it needs to be if I’m going to be knowing right where it’s at at all times and uh I got this nature box too I wanted to put some some trees up cuz I do want there to be trees and

Stuff I want there to be like uh some trees like on this hill right here right here well no actually cuz we’re going to do the wall cuz I so I need to wait those archways are definitely going to be uh turned differently considering the wall looks a lot different now all

Right yeah we’re going to go mine some but I need need some iron anyway so I think it’s good to mine in the Quarry just to get the stone as well as uh you know Iron yeah I’m just throwing all this in here all these nice materials these are the materials we need right now sure I can’t put nothing else in there okay I’m going to clear this Sher box out that one’s all empty then we’ll just keep getting uh

Stone I’m going to take this one with me this is the one we will use all right need to find a deep dark to repair my uh thing well honestly I pretty much just need to trade with the Villagers to get my uh my gains up for my mending

Pickaxes they’ve been suffering dude like suffering Hard it’s all right though oh there’s some more dirt here we’ll definitely take that back with us all right more gravel I like the fact we have a little area where we can come to get like Stone like this I don’t have to go like underground and stuff plus I want this

To like go straight down to to bedrock um because I want to be able to get to that deep dark a little easier than than having to go to the bog cave every time nothing wrong with the bog cave but it’s a little bit dangerous and I like this little natural

Staircase we’ll have right here this is my fast soap touch right yeah we’re just grinding today today’s kind of a grind stream I won’t lie we got our build done but now we are having to do a little bit of grinding to get our materials

Up and while our uh while we’re away our our Cobblestone should be smelting I’m hoping so not I guess it’s okay but um I just I hope it Is yeah my fast soak touch is already completely BR busted up I’m thinking though in like the shopping district we’ll have tons of like villagers who like have different trades and stuff that we’ll be able to go to like Masons and farmers and all kinds of little fellas So close to 900 days guys literally 9 days away insane kind of n 900 days an Achievement I think I’m going to order me some food what what what should I order what should I order to E Guys what sounds Good the Cory already goes pretty deep it’s honestly like a tycoon game doing the the quy potato order potato it’s like a tycoon game CU you’re like having to get all the blocks and I hear a zombie villager I don’t have the stuff to heal him though that’s the

Thing I need to bring the stuff with me to heal the zombie villagers one just a single potato just order of a single potato I was thinking either like pizza or a Burger pizza sounds good dude I freaking love pizza I’ve been eating pizza a lot recently been trying to eat healthier but man the pizza’s been like my Vice hopefully we’ll find find some geodes too this I’m hoping this will help me find some geodes But essentially it’s just going to be a chunk that’s going down we should probably bring a beacon here so I can mine easier here a zombie villager I hear him man where’s he at I kind of miss mining it’s a very old thing that I don’t do anymore and that’s

Like literally the point of the game I love doing it though I love mining though a bit boring for people to watch I like doing it it’s kind of like a chill break from talking and you know all the crazy stuff we have going

On okay let me fill up or put some stuff in this Sher Box they’re like under me I hear them running around I’m hoping it’s like a spner or something I don’t think it Is Sorry if I’m being a little bit quiet guys I’m kind of zoning out and Mining this is how was for Crestville just getting the stuff for the walls but before we were mining out a thing so we could you know get the land formed and

This done but we don’t really need to do as much land forming as we used to which is honestly such a blessing to me it was horrible oh uh Jam I think it might just be you and me here right now dude better call Saws insane oh oh shoot

Let’s be careful here dude I uh I was like losing it when I saw Hank bro Hank uh got reintroduced they were uh you know messing around with crazy a and this is like look this is the zombie villager I hate to kill him Sad insane yeah freaking Hank bro with gy yeah I couldn’t believe it I was like there’s no Way they he probably won’t be in it for like a lot Willie it’s probably just like a little Cameo I was thinking most of the people who in Breaking Bad are getting too old to be in better colol so I wasn’t expecting him A man really that’s all right that is cool though that they did it it kind of gives you like some cool Insight of like why and better C Saul um Hank is like all this whack job talking about like Jimmy being like Oh man like he really just kind of already has a

Thing for Jimmy like he doesn’t really like him and it it is kind of cool to see that yeah I was losing it dude I was like what in the world this is Insane I was happy though I miss Hank I really like Lo a lot um but I got a really big spoiler um and I I think this is what happens about uh I don’t know about uh the a de a character death that I really am upset

About I got it like a little while a little while back I don’t know too much about it but I know it has something to do with L I think which I really like he’s a good good Villain cuz I love uh I love Osio I love nacho dude he’s so cool he’s just one of those characters he he’s it’s it’s almost like he’s a Jessie I feel like that I feel like he really is like a Jessie Pinkman type character where he uh just really has

Kind of some unfortunate things going on this kind of got roped into some bad stuff broken is the the the term bit of a broken guy do like him Though let’s see how much I got yeah do you think uh yeah that’s the spoilers that I think I kind of know about I know nothing about it I just heard that he do um which is very oh it makes me so angry that I know something like that but um

It makes me like are is the reason you don’t like what it’s done is because it’s like a writing choice or is it just like you’re you just like the character and you really wish it wouldn’t have happened sort of dumb oh man just bad writing kind of rode off

Mhm yeah I’m going to be watching some more as soon as I get off stream it’s my day off so I think I’m going to be binging some better call saw I’m going to try to finish season five I’m on season 5 episode three like halfway through episode Three yeah I haven’t seen anything about it I just saw I literally got spoiled through like an Instagram comment and it was like um I miss nacho and I was like bro why did I just read that yeah it’s hard to it’s hard to not feel

Like I feel like it’s hard to I feel like it’s not it’s hard to not feel like that when something like that happens because so many characters have gotten out of some crazy stuff I really like the dynamic between him and lo though like him like where it’s

At right now I know obviously some crazy stuff happens but I’m really loving like what’s going on with him trying to like impress him and um so he doesn’t you know do bad things to his father and it’s just insane dynamic between him and his dad I never thought that nacha would

Be so you know involved but I love his character it’s very good character I got you yeah I’m uh I’m excited to finish it though I’m I’m loving I’m loving seeing saw saw Goodman it’s been really cool and uh thanks for getting me back into it I

Appreciate it you kind of did pull me back into it there’s been a lot of lot of times where I would rewatch it and get to like season two and be like oh man and I’d like fall off it’s because it is a commitment long shows are and I

Don’t really watch TV shows a lot it’s really only when I’m sick and I started watching better call saw when I was sick but I’m I’ve been staying with it loveing seeing so much a mic too it’s honestly like a like a show that shouldn’t exist I feel like like

Breaking Bad is so good and they made like a sequel that’s a prequel like it I feel like it’s too good to exist like I just love it I feel like it’s a masterpiece I love it I don’t think there’s been a single Bad episode I don’t think there’s a bad

Episode of Breaking Bad either I feel like it’s just such a good story it’s so well pieced together you know wonder if we’ll find anything cool like a spawner or something while digging this chunk out of the earth feel like that’d be lucky a stretch of luck

What are we at we’re only at 75 dude only at 75 I think we need to build a beacon honestly and I learned uh Jam I actually did learn why um the beacon didn’t work in the warden fight and why we don’t have haste 2 that’s like crazy and crust

Full it’s cuz the beacon just needs to be bigger it needs to be a layer bigger I uh I figured it out so I think we need to go on a trip maybe we’ll do it this episode where we just get tons of iron

What do you think so we can make a big old Beacon we can get tons of stone that way cuz we’re going to need a lot more Stone than this I think I think surprised I haven’t hit a cave yet but it is still not very deep could be a good resource

Stream I’m thinking about doing it now cuz I would just bring the beacon over from Crestville for a little bit set it up here and see what mining I could get done I feel like it would help us out it would help us out in the Cory

Because um if you don’t know with an efficiency 5 pickaxe you instant mine this it’s basically like mining dirt like this it’s like mining that but with a pickaxe it’s insane yeah we’ll uh we’ll go ahead and do that there’s Bunches of caves so yeah I just got fed up too So yeah I know right it’s so weird I think it has something to do with the mountain the jagged Peak cuz we’re in I know it’s in Planes technically but I kind of need food honestly let’s look at how I want to see how deep this is though I want to see

How deep it goes how are we doing it goes pretty deep I love the aesthetic of this like the just chunks being taken out of Something okay let’s see I think it was smelting while we were doing that so that’s great um yeah I want to sleep and I want to place all of the stone bricks that we have I think and then uh get get back to that okay get some bricks made

All right got tons of Bricks now bricked up chicken I can’t wait for everybody to be able to run around like normal this is where it’s going to get weird um and I kind of think I just want to flatten this what do you think I think

We should keep this all on one one page one uh simple page I’m not sure how I want to do this I don’t know if I want to act make it all crazy you know what I mean think I kind of want this wall to stay the same

Length and then maybe have it incline over there or something let’s just go ahead and build it like this yeah that’s what I’m going to do only because it’s like kind of crazy over here with the terrain like there’s a giant hole and there’s like

Yeah cuz at the end of the day it’s going to be a a town you know this is a this is a big town we are building a giant Town it’ll save us some some resources es and it’ll help us out okay one two three wait one two 3 four

Yep that’s how it’s going to be just like this cool all right getting the wall Construction done like nicely so this is where it’s weird is here um going to be an incline there but I’m thinking we’ll uh flatten it like we said on this level

Here yeah this is where I knew we’d have an issue right here I don’t know dude no I do like this I do like this just going to have to have it going down one two three four so this is going to be the base right here

Nice there’s so much much cave exploring to be done around here just look at some of these open areas man so many cuz like there’s under these Jagged Cliffs there’s under the bog cave over there there’s some stuff over there it’s just so much it’s a very massive

Area I think Violet Valley is going to be a good Testament to see how much better I get at building throughout all this so we can do way better builds later on but also feel like it’ll be a nice area like I the post office is growing on me it

Is I would say it is honestly I got a crap ton of stone um this is where I do want to figure out how we’re going to do this a second I just got a notification from Twitter that said something about Joe Biden let me uh respond to a message I’m sorry

All right sorry about that Biden blast did you see where he got hit on his freaking motorcycle dude so insane he heading toward your location with the Biden blast one two three three four that’s five so one two three four one two four I’m confused okay here

All right now the rest of this is perfect here’s our incline that’s the only incline perfect what do you think dude Wall’s here the Wall’s constructed how’s it going uh sorry I haven’t joined any stream recently I’ve been waking up pretty late you’re good Jason welcome in man we’re here in

Violet Valley we’ve been working tirelessly on uh the wall today about ready to go do a mining trip actually and get a bunch of iron so it’s a more of a chill stream today than usual we had a wedding for our llamas queso and beefy lot of new residents in the

Valley it’s been a lot of work recently we’ve been working hard I think I would like the incline to go past to this so I think I will add some dirt down um we get some dirt okay this is what I mean so one two three four five like to add some dirt

Here Like how it exactly goes uh it goes let’s see how many blocks I’d like this side to match this side is what I’m saying 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 okay one two three four five 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 okay so right here that’ll be uh how high it goes like that I just think it’ll look a little better if I do it like that so we got that symmetrical you know same uh same length as this one

Yeah it’s like you made a lot of progress on the valley yeah we’ve been working on it a lot um it’s pretty much all we’ve been working on U we got a lot of lot work a lot of work done today though for real we did all right I need to

Uh I need to build a little incline here this is how we are going to do that going to run out of dirt though it’s all right it’s going to build need be another incline here so you can get down to this part and then this will all be flat right

Here this initial first area will be completed then we can let all the homies out nobody’s got to be all locked up anymore just got a lot of terraforming doing today honestly need to get me some dirt not sure why I should grab me some though okay this is what we’re going to

Do we’re going to um we’re going to go drop all this stuff off over here in my chest that’s got the auto smelter going and we’re going to go grab a bunch of iron okay that’s what we’re going to do any close deaths recently actually uh

Yeah um after the piglins in the Bastion we uh almost died doing a raid in a village I got trapped in a little place under like a hill I had to dig out I was really low I didn’t pop any totems but I was very low but we uh we survived

Persevered through all that this is garbage let me throw it out not the not the gravel but actually think I’m going to take two shocker boxes I want the Terra Cotta I want to build a chest to put that terra cotta in that’s what I’m going to

Do and uh so I just know um this is pretty much like the building Hub right now this is where the buildings uh the building stuff is going to be so just kind of keep it all together so I don’t forget where stuff’s at and uh for right now what I’m going

To do I’m going To um grab these sticks out of here I’m going to make a little uh item frame if I can find that leather I brought where is it knew I brought some oh here it is and I make an item frame to I know this is dumb and probably

Uh EXT I’m probably being extra but I don’t care I don’t care I just want to do this put that there so I know that the Terracotta is going to be in this chest like that I picked up all that garbage too okay so dirt and then this one’s empty now so we

Got two empty boxes I want to fill one of these with dirt and I want to fill one of them with uh iron and other looies that I find so that’s what we’re going to go do we’re going to go do a little mining trip and then after that I

Think that’s all we’re going to be doing for stream I think that’ll be it that’ll be it for the rest stream okay sorry guys all right let’s go do a little mining trip cannot wait to let everybody out of the out of the house so they can run around it’s going to be

Great but before we do all that we got to we got to do some stuff you know how it is all right I’m going to leave this Here I’m going to leave a lot of stuff here actually cuz I want to be able to have room take the Pea box with me and we should be good to go oh I forgot I need some food oof big oof where am I going to get food

From I don’t have any food here oh wa there’s some carrots some pork chops I can smelt those quickly smell these chops really quick and I can make some golden carrots with gold I find out in this cave so I’m just going to keep those on me the wall sup anything new happened

Welcome back John the wall it’s about it I’ve been working on it we got a pretty good design down um this is the design that we kind of settled on this right here um we’re going to work with this um and uh we ran out of amethyst but we’re

Going on a mining trip right now to get a bunch of iron for the lanterns and look for some geodes uh get dirt just all kinds of stuff um made a little incline here did some terraforming but the wall is pretty much complete uh and just not in

Aesthetic terms but we will uh get all that taken care of thanks man I appreciate it I think it looks good you got this big over an area over here but yeah we’re uh we’re working on it it’s slowly becoming uh something that uh I can tell is going to

Be cool I’m going going to use this I’m going to use this gold block to make me some some carrots some G GC some golden carrots we’ll be able to explore a little bit maybe we even find that ancient city who knows it’s not what we’re looking for though we’re not going

To get sidetracked but and I even built my first Redstone uh Contraption well not first but we got it smelting some stuff for us um but exciting stuff we uh we got all kinds of uh all kinds of different things going on right now all right I think we’re ready to

Go should wait up for that smell a little bit longer I guess okay um oh wait I didn’t mean to put that there oh and we finished the the post office were you were you here for that I’m I’m not sure if you you were did you see the the the post office

Finished it’s over here sorry if I’m losing my mind and you were here but we got the LA’s in here Viet Valley Postal Service they’re in here uh working hard I uh we we decided we weren’t going to left while you’re working on the floor oh okay so we got

The the PO boxes back there they’re working very hard we got them glassed in only because they are Escape artists so um but I think it looks good for for what it is it’s a little post office thanks man I think it I appreciate that

Cuz I I didn’t think it turned out as great as I wanted it to but I think it looks cool uh yeah but yeah that’s our uh it’s our third build of the valley so basically this is like what we’re going to call Main Street um already talked

About it a lot I know but if we go up here we can see how big this area is going to be and this is basically the welcome area area The Welcome Center area you know this will be residential but we already got our first little area

Blocked off this is like almost I feel like as big as Crestville like crust ville’s main uh area crust ville’s main area is probably just as big as this this is just the welcome area so yeah BRB all right man we’re just going to be doing some simple uh Mining and

Crafting that’s what we’re going to be doing today we’re not going to be doing anything else crazy for the rest of stream all right let’s uh let’s head down got totems and everything so we’re good to go Sil touch and Fortune all right awesome I think I want to I think I want

To explore under this Cherry Grove what do you guys think all right I’ll let you guys pick under Cherry Grove under uh and I’ll turn my distance up up really quick just so we can get a get a good look at everything around here we’re going to go up to 40 chunks

Right now it’s going to go crazy for a minute we’re going to be able to see a lot but I just got to let it load we’re going to see everything as far as the I can see right now crazy place is so large this is the valley bro if you if

You look at it like this basically my entire screen eventually is going to be filled with builds if you look at it like this so it’s going to be filled look how big this mountain is bro it’s crazy to see it like this with the render distance up okay where should we

Explore under the jagged Peaks and we’re just looking for whatever iron you know maybe we find the ancient city but we’re looking for geod as well should we go there there that’s bog cave by the way bog cave we explored a bit of bog cave should we go to that mountain that

Mountain or under uh this Cherry Grove right here I know it’s really laggy I’m very sorry this is majestic it really is so there there or behind us and I’m think I’m thinking behind us that’s my vote some uh and I’m think cuz I’m thinking the ancient city might be under

This bog cave I that was going to look crazy you should Mark this spot and go back after it’s done okay we’ll get a screenshot of this right here okay I got it behind us I’m thinking behind us Jim only because we’ve explored a bit of bog

Cave already um I’ve explored a good bit of that area I need to make a bunch of torches actually oh I found the PE box I I don’t know if you even knew it was missing but I found the PE box Cherry mines good name for it I’m

Thinking that the the ancient city might be under here that’s why I’m doing it just cuz maybe we’ll find it I’m thinking cuz like uh cuz look at this these caves are are insane they’re just as big as the bog caves I’m pretty sure they interconnect too yeah I needed to grab some

Coal really quick just to get uh some torches to start off so it’s not all dark cuz I do want to light all this up that’s the plan nice I got a bunch there’s some iron there already we’ll grab uh that on the way out I had no

Idea it was missing but I’m glad it’s back what are you talking about so glad what was Missing oh the P box I’m sorry I remember I’m sorry I was like what is missing yeah the PE box good iron sign yeah hoping hoping so I want to grab like everything I see are you guys opposed to me grabbing like a bunch of coal too cuz we kind of need

It just a nice mining trip we haven’t had one in freaking ages it’s been hundreds of days I feel like can you guys even remember the last time I went mining like this not a post okay good cuz this is stuff we’ll just keep here um in the Val

Valley hopefully we’ll find some cool stuff while we’re here could just use some Violet Valley’s precious resources yeah I usually don’t grab like everything like Redstone and Lapis and gold but I need to I always should look at this look at the look at the look at

This dude what look at this giant dripstone pillar holding this up this thing is huge dude these caves are massive no matter how much you need you just grab it I feel that there’s like dude look at this skull right here dude the ancient city could be right down there cave support

Dude is that a geod this is a good place to find geod I feel like I know it does dude I’m kind of I’m kind of Nervous as I freaking should be dude this place is crawling with creatures oh my gosh dude tons of monsters down here oh my Lord dude I got to turn my render distance up cuz it keeps showing the sun it’s basically because like it thinks uh oh my

Gosh yeah I’m glad we came here to explore this place is nuts down here is is promising for the ancient city honestly this is like the biggest cave I think I’ve ever seen this one’s very wide open like not like bog cave I just want to find some Iron

Man we’re going to drop down here tons of zombies down here oh there some iron there nice all we really need to do is find one of those gigantic veins that have like the raw copper in them too oh I hate to kill this guy I hate killing the zombie

Villagers have to be careful down here this is a potential death area for if we get cornered and stuff so just got to be uh mindful of that love and exploring though I have a huge feeling that this ancient city is under here dude look at this this is the area I’m talking

Talking about dude where it could be because it goes straight down to skull right here that’s what I’m seeing right here the skull don’t want to fall into that turn that down to seven actually let’s hit this scout the pork chop big rip o silverfish sorry buddy let’s talk about some caving we’re

Doing some caving today oh I left one behind sorry buddy put out of your little misery like when I find places like this I don’t even know what to do guys like it’s so much I would like to see if this ancient cities down here though good to have this exploration done for

Later though I would not be surprised though if it was down there we’re going to look okay oh we’ve been here we’ve been here the bog cave leads to here okay okay okay we’ve been here that kind of that’s a bummer but it’s okay there’s more uh

Spots to get up up there up here there’s a lot more to look around at okay okay okay jeez ladies and gentlemen so according to Lord is the warden permanently dead how do those Warden factor in so the warden um isn’t you know he’s canotic dead give me a

Second I’m getting hit by like 17 skeletons he’s canonically dead but like is mainly that Warden you know under crust Ville the warden that was under crust Ville cuz that was the ancient city is right under Crestville looks like a richest cave but there are other wardens of uh other

You know other deep darks but that was the one mainly just the the main the main Warden we like to see it as and you know yeah going to get all the gold we need to So you’re saying we might have to fight the warden of violet Valley I don’t know I uh it we fought the warden because it was it was for peace sheap I I don’t think that will probably happen again and only because it one it’s super risky because it’s like you

Know One V one with the warden you know I’d probably do much better this time but I feel like I got lucky last time and ooh here’s some uh but you know what I’m saying yeah I don’t know I feel like we only have one plot armor thing like that

That we could you know allow to happen if you know what I mean like I feel like it’d be really overpowered if if like another animal is able to have the same power as PE sheep to come back feel like this wouldn’t be uh right well we don’t know Veronica could die who

Knows stuff like that can happen anytime we’ll see I killed like seven wardens like I cheesed them but it still kind of counts I want to go over this way yeah I want to go here looking for geod oh I don’t know how that happens what’s this way did we check this way

Let me get my hoe out I don’t know if I went this way guys did we go this way I think we might have don’t remember too hard to tell it’s this lava that’s one that’s drawing me over here looks crazy yeah we’ve been here I just saw a torch

Okay yeah see if it’s deep dark like that and it’s like going to lead to me to the same stuff I’ve been looking at I kind of would rather just keep exploring big old caves like this I don’t want to keep exploring the same deep dark and having a chance to

Spawn the warden in close quarters like that if I don’t need to getting a lot of Bones doing this too which is helpful we just needed a resource trip like this oh wow is that skull yes that’s skull too okay cool so this is 100% area I

Know we haven’t been in ooh nice some iron love to see it one piece please more than one I guess more than just one okay nice this is some nice loots right here little you know we we’ve had this nice crazy Fortune pickaxe for forever

And we only use it for freaking coal and diamonds yeah look at this this goes kind of crazy doesn’t it all right we need to break this guy right here he’s going to cause us some trouble if not this guy if I can get to him

Nice one piece I knew you were going to say that not much down here huh a man can get can get helpful o it does it go further it does dude what are the chances big old area hopefully it’ll lead us back to a bigger cave oh my gosh guys that jump

Scared me so much why does that allowed to happen thought you guys were not supposed to spawn here I hate this stuff dude I hate being here okay freaking skeletons man they scaring me getting my gunpowder finally I got like 28 pieces it’s great well there’s some iron under

That thought there was thought there was a little bit ooh big big area again hopefully wonder what the one piece is going to look like I don’t know could be uh could be anything who knows I really don’t seen a lot more than you and still have no

Clue okay back into the skull what are we at 46 this is ancient city level like down here oh I have no idea dude it’s like it’s only something Oda knows and editors maybe oh look at this promising we’re going to need a bunch of smelters going to smel all this stuff

I watch One Piece always pictured it as like a big blue puzzle piece I get that that’s funny let’s take this out oh this is a big area oh set something off is this one this is dangerous you guys hear my cat yeah I pictured it as a puzzle piece too I feel

Like cuz you know peace we definitely have not been to this one nice no death yet ooh there’s one right here this place is monstrous it’s like ridiculous how big this place is there’s a good way to repair my pickaxe with all this skull just makes me scared replace oh yep that’s why

These yep hate these okay I think one the last one more time and I’m done with the making the wor very angry he’ll spawn if I do it one more time well after that I should ask the AI image generator to draw the one piece I’ll try it yeah

I’ll try it see what it says dude it just keeps going got to be careful I’m not sure how quick I could get away like I said if I something happen down here the music’s Kind of Perfect yeah I’ll uh I’ll do that I’ve never thought about doing that what if it outs

Him o nice some iron this is what I was looking for I wish I could just find a huge freaking vein of it Dude give me a second guys my cat’s being bad I need to I need to figure out why she’s being bad you want to know why she’s bad because she’s a cat I might actually have to end soon um I have been live for a little bit not

Like a crazy amount like 4 hours actually actually I didn’t even see that actually actually actually um that’s kind of wild but dang dude this place gets so deep I uh I need I want to I want to get up is the thing but I’m going to have to be

Ending soon because I got some stuff I need to do actually other than just watch better C Soul first I want to get up I don’t want to die down here it’s nerve-wracking because of the shriekers that I can’t see okay I think this is uh back out of

A cave that I didn’t know I want to be in nice and I just found some diamonds cool some diamund days imagine it actually gets it like you’re watching the finale like 30 years in the future and it shows the exact thing one second the exact thing that the image

Generator showed you all those decades ago that’d be nuts I don’t know it pulls stuff from like just like IM like images from the internet so it’s not like it’s going to get something like that I don’t think cool to think about low oops lot of you guys

Huh oh wow this is big too this is a whole area I’ve not visited either I don’t think no whoa I didn’t grab those diamonds from over there it’s all right I’ll grab them in a minute I have not been here I think this is it though I don’t think it expands

Anymore I don’t have my bow anymore like it’s broken it needs to repair so I don’t think I do age against the warden I’m not getting close to him so today wouldn’t be a good day to fight him let’s just say that sometimes when you like break all

This stuff you reveal like like all kinds of ore so that’s why I’m doing it plus it’s satisfying to mine I’d like to to repair this silk touch so I think I’m going to put that on as well um I’ll be able to hold it in my

Off hand and then kind of just repair it with because since it has mending if I find more skull that is imagine a slim chance would be right probably one in a septian but it’s still a chance put a weapon in your off hand to repair

It yeah I know I’ve I’ve used it quite a lot to repair I’ve used so uh I’ve done it so many times in my off hand with just doing skull and trading with the Villagers okay this is opening up to a new area I think these caves really are just just

Endless they are so big ooh and tons of iron awesome this is what we came here for so let’s grab it it’ll be good to know where I’ve been to in these places cuz usually I don’t use torches I just hold one so it’ll be nice to to have that

Information where’s the other piece of iron down here okay We had the same exact idea yeah I I do it I try to do it sometimes but it’s been a while since I’ve repaired uh my stuff like a long time just cuz most of the stuff I’ve been doing hasn’t been like Mega stuff and nice iron getting uh getting some

Good iron trying to I probably will have to wrap up down here but I’m going to go for a little bit longer a little tad bit longer or like 10 minutes sorry okay so many creepers dude what in the world crazy the crazy creepers I almost have a stack of gunpowder

Caves just keep getting bigger man there’s nothing I can do yo a Geo let’s go yo let’s grow let’s go dude I’m want to grab every bit of that geode these caves are insane they I want to play all day I want to keep exploring these freaking caves dude look at this sick

Geode up here though barely see it but look at it’s freaking glowing dude let’s grab this iron then we’ll go grab that geode yay more wall and I’d like on the wall excuse me I would like to add these uh these pieces on the wall yeah these little uh amethyst shards they’re

Called oh no there’s amethyst Bud small amethyst bud and a amethyst large ameth US butt cuz I think you can Farm These Maybe I’m Wrong oh that’s a large one so way large and then there’s ameth is cluster there’s tons of these Dude I don’t have room for all this stuff scoop the amethyst I guess I’ll just get the shards what’s this one so that’s uh I don’t want the buds I don’t think Bud well I’m going I guess I’ll take it all since I got the Shuler box

Space all right we’ll just not worry about that one go ahead and shove this stuff in here so we’ve got cluster large amethyst bud and medium amethyst bud and small we’ll just collect those as we go I guess I’ll just reset this okay this will work all right let’s grab this

Stuff we need all the amethyst we can get I think you can too cuz you can breed a lays with it wait if you uh silk touch do I get these no okay be able to uh get a lot more of the wall done honestly I probably won’t even need tons of

Geot to get it done just because uh it’s not like a tons of amethyst is used it’s just like for each section of the wall I think it’s four pieces so that’s not bad at all nope I didn’t let’s play it right now cuz I forgot nobody was here to

Remind me I think Jay might have forgot as well no problem though we’ll play it for you right now wait a minute I don’t think our stream got copyrighted for playing that now all right we’re going to have it on a loop for a little

Bit and I need to add it to the playlist it is a Bop Tony Tony Cho yeah yeah I remember We’re carving it Out wonder how many blocks we’ll get from This Let me pick all this up so I don’t drop it all and lose It That’s all we got so far three stacks That’s crazy dude such a Bop this might be all the amethysts we need for the starting area we’ll see you next stream I guess he nailed that line he did dude he he’ be nailing Him I’m not going to M these ones I don’t think these cracked ones cuz you don’t get those if you break them Just wasting Durability hash redeem once I actually get um 4,000 watch hours I didn’t hit it this year because I um I wasn’t really on track to with regular videos but streaming had me on track to hit it in about seven months which is crazy so next year we’ll hit

That watch hours and I’ll um the the things that you get for that if you hit the 4,000 um and you know weekly uploads and stuff like that and uh you have the Thousand subs or 500 or th000 subscribers you can have uh donations and stuff in super chats and like people

Can have different colored names like VIP names and stuff which is really cool and um I think I’ll be able to do some redeem like stuff like that so it’s a really exciting top 10 rappers Eminem is too afraid to diss number one Chopper I Agree that’s where it came From Let’s go down here going to grab this lapis Too the chats will be really cool though to have like different names and stuff for people you have like nicknames too which be cool for people I guess But redeeming stuff will be really cool and like custom emojis I want to have like some peash sheep emojis to use something I really want to Make I think I want to get away from going down here anymore yes you can you just have to have uh the special privileges which is basically the Privileges are literally getting monetized that’s it and um the only thing I need to be monetized is

4,000 uh watch hours in a year but it resets every year uh this year I got to about 2,000 watch hours um which sucks because my my term’s about to reset this year which sucks but it’s okay I know we’ll hit it next Year mainly just more streams that’s the thing I just got to stream more and upload more videos that are going to get more views which I know I can hit next year which is cool just something to work towards yeah I want to go up I never use emojis like I count the

Times I use them the past year on one hand but I spam the heck out of PE sheep yeah that’s what I want everybody to do to be able to just Spam PE she Cheap that’ be sick this is another geode right here guys there’s another one right here oh wait no this the same one I’m so stupid it looks like it from the back let’s go Up ouch that’s some damage right There well you’re you’ll also be more popular this year than you were last year so that hopes you got my hopes up yeah that’s true um this coming year we’ve been growing exponentially so much better than usual oh is this one of the iron clusters I think it might Be yeah it’s literally like my uh my dream to be able ble to make videos like I know that’s like everyone’s dream like I want to be a YouTuber but my dream is to to do this world you know just like not even just for a living but

Have to be able to have the time to sink into it that I would like to cuz I would be live every single day I feel like obviously I need some breaks but I I would want to stream every day just getting work done on the world you know Yes it’s exciting stuff yo these are the sick diamonds let’s go the rare ones we’re not mining these These are the rare regular or diamonds cool Oops More Iron it’s going to keep going up I guess me get some block so song’s so cute I’m impressed with how much you’ve done in terms of streaming I would have gotten burned out so fast um doing what you’re doing yeah um I won’t lie there’s sometimes where I’m like oh M CH nice

There’s sometimes where I’m like man and that’s when you just take a break you take a day you know you you change up what you’re doing you uh cuz I’ve burnt out before streaming what I was streaming Pokemon before I a lot of people wanted me to stream every single

Day and it was just the caliber of what I was doing I enjoy this way more because it’s not monotonous look at this this little water cave water area that’s not a hole that’s a cave a water cave but yeah I uh I love this World it’s absolutely adorable it is Yeah where’s that M shaft At there was a m shaft right is it up here yeah it was up Here I thought it was no okay I have the song in repeat right now this probably the last time we listen to it though just so we keep the the the wholesomeness and not make it a cotton ey Joe which could never happen but somewhere Here a little bit lost right now oops got to keep it special shut up and be my friend Fitz liffy so much I know I love that wholesome oh wait can we go down here with the squids guess it’s just a water Hole all right I think uh for today I never I hate to do this but I think I am going to end for today right here just because oh here it is uh just because we’re pretty far down and I don’t want the mining trip to be over

Yet is the thing um I want to keep mining but I don’t have enough time to keep uh finishing up so I do uh want to end for today I’m going to go ahead and end the song too we let it go for a little bit longer

Um but yeah I uh when we re resume streaming I do want to keep mining getting some materials the caves are just so big down here and it’s just we’re already down here you might as well do some exploring might as well okay I am going to stop the song

Cuz I think it restarted no always close to is at the very end um going to go ahead and turn that off though um let’s go ahead and grab these ores before I stop before I quit I wanted to find a cool place to kind of end cool little area to kind of

Uh wrap it up yeah sorry we couldn’t keep listening to it I would listen to it all day if I had the time um another thing about like getting monetized or something if that were to ever happen guys I would be doing some crazy stuff like um I would

Be streaming like 24hour streams I want to do some like subathon like some 24hour type stuff like streaming for days straight just doing a thing like I wanted to do a stream where it’s like 24 hours of me just destroying trees like birch trees I want to do stuff like that just wild

Stuff you know stuff like that that’s the plan man oof oof fell into a cave oof it’s a big old cave oops wow wait I see something I think no is this all right let me go back when of the when do I think the

Next stream will be well I work the next two days um I’m really hoping to get a Christmas stream out I’m not sure if I’ll be able to though I’m going to be honest um only because I’m going to be not at my house like at all so that’s

The main that’s the main reason um but I’m going to try we’ll see what happens I’m hoping to stream tomorrow um but I don’t know if I’ll be able to stream anymore past that day but we will have to see like I said

Um I I’ll just say we got a we got a 5050 chance for tomorrow okay that’s what I say 50/50 shot for tomorrow um depending on how much work I can get done in the morning because I do work in the evening tomorrow no pressure to do it there’s a

Decent chance I won’t make it to the Christmas stream oh you’re good yeah I that’s another reason why because I want people to be with their families and stuff I don’t want you know anybody like um to you know you know free will to

Watch me but I want people to be able to chill with their homies and their families and everything and this is a massive cave another massive gigantic cave dude one of the big old boy caves tons of iron here yeah I don’t have time to M all this stuff today there’s so much

There’s so much it’s crazy look at this dude okay we’re going to end here we’re going to end here today this is where it’s going to be because it’s a that’s a cool uh cool cave it’s a really cool cave that I want to end here with

All right guys well like I said probably going to be live tomorrow um we’ll figure something out for Christmas hopefully but that being said put this backdrop 5050 chance got it Jam just posted something yeah I’m going to go check it out in the Discord and I’ll uh

I’ll respond to y’all um but I do got to get off now um thank you guys so much for watching Everybody lurking today and uh we got some good work done and tomorrow or yeah hopefully tomorrow we’ll have we’ll get a lot more done so post some AI pick Violet viol cool I’ll

Go check them out thank you guys so much for watching I will see you later bye

This video, titled ‘THE POST OFFICE: HARDCORE MINECRAFT #64’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2023-12-22 21:49:49. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:42 or 16542 seconds.

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    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: Discord:… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us, Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More