RECRAFTED Addon Pack DOWNLOAD (HUGE Minecraft Bedrock Pack)

Video Information

Hello this is Spider Rock and welcome to recrafted my new add-on pack for Minecraft Bedrock Edition also my biggest project yet and probably the most cohesive and good add-on pack for Minecraft Bedrock Edition this pack adds in a ton of add-ons which you can see behind me because I’m going to be going

Over briefly all of them as well as things added to the pack exclusively this pack is available for download right now there’s a link in the description and I have a few disclaimers to go over before I start getting into things the main disclaimer is that there

May still be some bugs in the pack I have spent a lot of time doing play testing and whatnot and I may continue to spend time play testing but there are quite a few uh bugs remaining maybe that I haven’t found but I’ve tried to fix

Every single one I could find I’ve spent many hours on this pack which contains all of these add-ons so I’m gonna go over all of the add-ons briefly but first I want to go over some of the things in this pack that are extras these are things that are only in this

Pack and not anything else and you know for the sake of this I’m gonna set my spawn point and go into survival mode I don’t really think about that anyway some of the extras we’ve got speed blocks which oh whatever this is is attacking me hold up there’s a lot of

New things including new Mobs that are going to beat you up and this is one of the new Mobs that is from better on Bedrock one of the add-ons in this pack that I will get to in a second now it would be nice if I could kill it so I

Can okay anyway we’ve got speed blocks Diamond speed blocks and maglo suit box these give you speed boosts when you run on them so as you can see that one gave me a little speed boost speed blocks speed you up a little bit Diamond speed blocks speed drop a whole lot more like

A lot a lot and then maglev speed blocks well these are you know you may notice they kind of look like the other rights blocks they make you incredibly fast so those are three of the new blocks in this add-on pack that are just exclusive

To the pack we’ve also got a ton of Lucky Blocks going all the way from wood uh Stone iron diamond netherrite true and classic true Lucky Blocks which I’ll just go ahead and show off every Lucky Block drops one item and lucky blocks will typically drop a random item there

Is a small chance for all Lucky Blocks to drop up no item because you get really unlucky true Lucky Blocks will drop one of pretty much any item in the game including items from the add-on pack so you can see my loot right now is Warped nilium megrove short nails planks

Reinforced Oak dowsing rod and a glow pickaxe so uh ultimately not terrible but not great so that’s what the lucky blocks are and there’s a ton of different Lucky Blocks now the right ones are the best trues are like anything classic are going to be pretty basic

Um things like that last thing I’d like to mention that’s kind of exclusive through the pack and not from any add-on in it is that you can smelt down rotten flesh in your leather scraps and combine four of them into a piece of leather just some quality of life things things

I wanted and that’s a creeper please don’t blow up my chest creeper well anyway let’s get on with it the first uh handful of add-ons are all add-ons by me but everybody else’s add-ons uh will have their name at the bottom of the little sign when I

Introduce it also there will be a Wiki in the description that should give you general information about this add-on pack as well as it’ll link all of the add-ons and their creators so make sure you give everybody um the love and respect they deserve for helping with this anyway the first one

We’re going to be looking at is more gear and I’m not gonna other disclaimer this isn’t everything in each of these add-ons this is just a little bit of the things from the end just a little taste so you can get a general idea of what

They add I’m sure many of you know many of these add-ons already more gear adds a ton of new sets of uh gear so armor and tools that includes wooden copper Bone Crusher mech suit Mystic amethyst obsidian power Sebring and slime weave and a lot of them give different

Abilities so I went ahead and just grabbed the chest plates because it was easy but for example slime weave gives you jump boost sea brain gives you when you’re in water I don’t know if you’re standing or yeah when you’re standing water you get haste and then if you have

A full set you get conduit power power gives you a bunch of different Buffs amethyst gives you strength obsidian doesn’t really give you anything but it’s just very durable Mystic gives you speed and resistance copper doesn’t give you anything but it’s cheap to make mech suit gives you haste and resistance

Wooden also very cheap to make and then Bone Crusher is just resistance next up we have blasters which is essentially my gun’s add-on this is just a handful of them once again there are a lot of different blasters in this add-on you’ve got things like snipers that have you know

All the things have like their own little uh what do you call that muzzle flash you need to have like a little screen effects basically just a bunch of new Range weapons shotguns in the form of lobbers we got railguns which you know a lot of cool stuff here

You got explosives you got all kinds of stuff let’s see if I head back over here you can see yeah we’ve got explosives we’ve got snowball cannons there’s a snowballer look at this perhaps a bunch of snowballs all kinds of stuff like that next up we have questcraft which is my questing add-on

You can get Summon and collection Quest vendors from structures around the world as well as wandering Traders and these are essentially like spawn eggs for them and then you can trade for quests you can complete quests which you know these collection quests will be like gather whatever items and then you can complete

Those quests and trade them in for loot but then summon ones will give you a little token it’ll spawn a boss you kill the boss and you get the Gilded token and you give it back to them and you get some loot uh pretty simple add-on pretty

Nifty if you like you know quests and I feel like having an objective there’s an objective next we have MC money which is my economy add-on which gives things like player shops where I’m not going to go over the whole process of setting up a player shot but you can place a block

Down throw down that and you get access to this whole shop where you can set prices and have things that other players can go and you know go up to your shop and buy your stuff and then if you have money you can throw it in an

ATM and then if you go into here you can see that I have money that’s going into my ATM and then you can use an ATM card to withdraw your money and it’ll tell you when your bank account is empty and you can see I can put my money back in

And there will be interest over time too which is kind of a boring sounding feature but in reality if you have a lot of money you can get a lot more money there’s also different people you can go to Merchants that will sell you things for your money things like that then we

Have crazy tools crazy tools and an add-on day bunch of well crazy tools things such as the item sucker where you can pull items that are nearby towards you you’ve got mushroom can this is just a handful once again a handful of the items there’s a ton more than this

Mushroom can which turns grass into mushroom blocks Pearl sniper which basically just teleports you wherever you’re looking type banana which allows you to change the time of day and then a flashlight which when you hold it lights up the area around you which you can only kind of see here

Because it’s daytime but a ton of other stuff though but those are just some of the many Cool Tools and crazy tools we also have Miner’s dream which is an add-on that is inspired by the OreSpawn mod from my Minecraft Java Edition that adds in the well Miner Stream So the

Base miners dream you kind of have to be underground to use it so I’m going to dig down a little bit but the base miners dream essentially mines out areas places down torches and leaves the ores for you to mine build your stream just essentially clears a flat area of land

Regardless of what blocks they are and you can go and grab all of those blocks and strip miners create strip mines in four different directions and this is a great way to absolutely destroy your world so I’d be careful with that but they are not the easiest to craft and

They only stack up to 16 so you will have to farm things like Cactus gunpowder Redstone some of them like the Builder’s dream I believe requires a shuffle so stuff like that and there’s a ton more as well next up crazy weapons adds a ton of different weapons I think

More than 25 this is just a handful of them though sleeping blade adds sweeping like the job effect which I can’t really show you true warrior sword gives whatever you hit strength and a very high level of strength so a zombie could probably one or two shot you depending

On what armor you have but but it’s relatively cheap and gives you nine attack damage big hammer slams enemies into the ground studded Greatsword allows you to fire random projectiles as well as just being a 24 damage sword so pretty neat stuff there a ton of more weapons and stuff though boss foreign

Adds a ton of new bosses to your game which I’m gonna have to go to creative and fly really far away just so I don’t have to deal with um having to deal with a lot of these bosses and mobs and stuff which I’ll probably just use slash kill but as an

Example they all have custom music though I have my music off it is tied to your music slider at least some crabs for example Diamond Golems Village destroyers which will fight the dining Golems Pebbles which is like a multi-stage boss and then the pulsing sapling which will spawn in the swamp

Mage which will uh you can fight and then all of these have their own Loot and there’s a final boss that you can craft the spawner for if you kill all nine of the other bosses let me do a slash kill at e just run that a couple

Times to get rid of these guys I will say kind of the main objective of this add-on pack and uh of all of my add-ons and stuff combined is to beat all of the boss born bosses which you will need the help of everything else that you can get

From this pack to do so just a general recommendation next up we have structure expansion which adds a ton of new structures I’m going to fly around until I can find one there are other structures which aren’t actually added by a structure expansion there’s one though that is that little hot air

Balloon up there we also have this little stump there are a ton of structures from structure expansion as well as from other add-ons most of the structures are structure expansion but the ones from other add-ons are a little bit more common so a lot of these you’re

Seeing are from other add-ons but I’ll see if we can find one from structure expansion hey look another hot air balloon that is also from structure expansion I will say I made these structure expansion ones a lot rarer but here is one this is the I think it I

Called this the it’s it’s like a church but it’s the temple the Forest Temple um so this actually has all kinds of bloop and stuff in it as all of them do you can find loot in the chests and yeah there are a ton of new structures though

So just explore the world I’m sure you can find a ton of new cool structures next up now we’re moving on to add-ons by other people we have dexton with dexton’s creeper overhaul which adds in a ton of new creepers so just an example of a few of these creepers we’ve got

Snowy creepers mushroom creepers bamboo creepers and Badlands creepers among a ton of different creepers that will add a lot of variety to your world which I’m actually going to run a slash kill at e again because I don’t want these creepers to blow up all my chests which

I spent a while trying to organize next we have frog eat stuff I’m just going to briefly explain this one this is by llama it allows frogs to eat pretty much any mob a bunch of different mobs and they will drop different loot depending on what mob they eat next we have profit

Plays chalk add-on which adds in regular chalk and glow chalk for finding your way around caves so if we head back down to the giant mess of a hole I made let’s say I want to get around well I can place this chalk down I can be like oh

The exit’s this way but oh it’s a little dark hurtful I can use glow chalk and glow truck will actually light your way through caves and to exits and it’s pretty cheap to make which is nice so you can actually oh I can just confuse myself here for a second but it allows

You to mark your way through caves there’s a ton of different colors of chalk so you can come up with systems like oh blue chalk will lead us to the ocean whereas red chalk will lead us to my nether portal you know stuff like that so very handy added to have

Especially when playing with other people and you want to make sure that people know how to get out of caves when they go into them next up we have one player sleep by profe plays now I don’t know if this allows you to sleep in the

Middle of the day but if I do time set midnight and then I go into survival actually I don’t know that really matters then if you just sleep on the bed which you’re I think is supposed to stand on the pillow of the bed and then

Sleep in the bed I’m not exactly sure but it will allow you to do one player sleep if you have a bunch of players in your game it can be very useful next we have wood cutter by Zelda chair this essentially allows you to take any wood

In Minecraft and I just broke my stone cutter and place it in a stone cutter and cut it into things like trap doors doors ladders slabs bowls sticks whatever whatever you need you can make it in a stone cutter with wood now which is a very very handout very hand-eye handy add-on to

Half next we have agriculture’s Fantasy by lathe which adds in a ton of new plants and just an example of some of the things you can get which also they will tell you the level of nutrition and the level of saturation that you can get you can get onions that you can turn

Into onion rings there’s a ton of different ways to grow things there’s new pots you can get sushi there’s new fish that will spawn around your world you can get pies Donuts there’s a new chocolate cake that works like regular Minecraft cake tons of new food stuff so

I think it is one of the best food add-ons out there and there’s nice descriptions of what all the foods do here so very neat next we have Divine dowsing by llama which adds in dowsing rods so just an example of some of these dowsing rods they will tell you directly

Below you what they find so this one found iron ore coal ore and skulky stone but then I can use it again over here and I can find iron ore copper or skulky stone and deep slate iron ore you can also use ones like The Acacia Rod to

Find cave biomes there’s a ton of different ones though some for nether oars there’s upgraded versions that will tell you things even further down next up we have the disenchanter one of my favorite add-ons is by Dew dimple this adds in this new custom crafting table I guess enchanting table called the

Disenchanting table and walking up to this also don’t do slash kill at E when you have stuff like this because they rely on entities it’s a whole thing so anyway you can place this down you can put something with enchantments on like an enchanted book or an enchanted sword

Or bow or really any item and you can place a couple of books into here so I’m actually going to throw a couple books in here and I’ll put my books back in because they’re only supposed to put one in each I’m going to surround this whole

Thing in books though just to be safe and you have your amethyst shards put them in there and then it’ll play some noises and it’ll take the enchantments off of your sword in an exchange you get an Unbreaking one book and a sharpness one book and so instead of using things

Like lapis and experience it uses amethyst shards we which is very cool next up we have soul magic which I’m gonna have to explain more than I can show because it’s a little bit complicated this one allows you to uh they basically find these lost souls and soul Sparks places capture them into

Jars and then you can use the soul infuser core with pedestals and there’s a whole process you can use and you can essentially craft Spanx this is how you can craft spawn eggs it’s a very very difficult process to craft spawn eggs but it allows you to craft spawn eggs

And once again check the wiki there will be a link to this add-on on the wiki and you can see information about the add-on there in terms of how to activate it because it’s a little bit complicated and I kind of forget but I’ve used it

Before it’s been in mind sanity and yeah it’s a really great add-on next up we have the inventory sorter by doodimple this gives you the player inventory Disorder so let’s say I want to grab a ton of different things let me grab stuff like stackable maybe items okay

Let me grab a bunch of these things and then I want to just throw them around my inventory oh no my inventory is messy I don’t know what’s been going on um then it’ll also ignore your Hotbar by the way just to be on the safe side if

You have it organized how you like you use this and then boom my inventory is nice and neatly sorted so I’ve got all my new stuff and my custom stuff too it works with custom stuff I think it puts custom stuff right to the beginning um in front of other things I’m not

Entirely sure but also very handy to have next up we have level storage also by doodimple I’m gonna hop into survival for this one because I think it is better demonstrated in survival so if I throw down some bottles of enchanting grab my levels up let’s see I’m at level

Seven now then you can have it in level infuser and an experienced trainer so if I walk up to the experience trainer I would actually I might have levels already no I don’t okay you can walk up to the drainer and it will drain your levels from you and it’ll be stored in

The air in the sky in these blocks and you can walk up to the infuser and you can gather your level backs now the levels back now the main disadvantage of this is how long it takes so that is kind of why you can’t just like throw

All your levels in there and get them back whenever you need instead which honestly I think is kind of good for balancing reasons it does take a while though so if there is an update that fixes that I will happily add that back to the pack but it takes its time to add

Your levels back and then it does not take long to remove your levels so uh yeah but that’s a very very handy add-on to have if you don’t want to lose your levels when you die it just takes a very long time to get back up to even level

30. so just putting that out there next we have the Sorting one by doodimple now this is similar to the other add-ons where uh which I don’t know if any of these just still have anything in them but here agriculture is Fantasy for example I can throw it in it works like

The uh sorting player inventory sorter but you crouch and then you interact with a chest and it will sort out alphabetically all of okay it does work with custom things but it does uh it sorts everything alphabetically um in that chest which is very nice if

You have lots of chests with lots of stuff in it dump chests things like that phenomenal tools I have if you want to be able to find things so absolutely one of the most necessary add-ons to have in any way World in my opinion next up is

Dexton’s chiselery which adds in a ton of new types of block which there are way more than this if you look in the inventory there’s like hundreds and hundreds and there’s just a bunch of different blocks you can use for decorating and building and you can get

Them from putting blocks in a stone cutter like look at this vertical large Spruce like wood like that’s very cool and it works with like tools and custom tools too now a thanks to some Minecraft updates so lots of new new blocks new blocks for building and that’s always

Very nice as someone who likes to build next up is IDT accessories by I’m dark Tom which adds in a variety of accessories some things that have minimal to no use I don’t know what the Llama heads use is but they give you things they’re essentially like terraria’s accessories except they do

Take the place of your armor slots so you can wear something like a comically large snorkel which I believe yep it gives you water breathing on occasion um and then you can also have things such as the night vision goggles which literally just give you night vision too

For 10 seconds and then you can take them off and um but uh there’s a ton of different accessories that give you a variety of different Buffs and they’re really nice you can only find most of them I believe from exploring the world so it is important to explore your world it does

Give you a reason to explore because now you can find these exclusive things that like oh some of them you can only find in different chests and different structures and I’m also getting beat up by that skeleton so I’m gonna run away next up we have lighted up by it’s all

The chair there’s an add-on that adds in a ton of new different okay this skeleton is getting on my nerves there we go a ton of new different lanterns that you can place on things that function like normal lanterns you can hang them from things like you would

Expect to with a normal Lantern but they don’t actually change the color of light because you can’t really do that in base Minecraft but you can get different lanterns of different colors Diamond lanterns amethyst dead which I don’t know that they actually provide any light if anything it seems like they’re

Taking away light from a space which is actually kind of cool Emerald lanterns which will give you more light um so it’s just a really nice way to to decorate your worlds with some extra new building blocks as in a variety of new lanterns so very very Nifty add-on next

Up we have traps and stuff by lathe which is exactly what it sounds like it adds in a ton of new traps and things which I’m not going to have time to show you all of but as an example you’ve got the fake TNT which will if you try to

Break it act like it’s going to explode and then it okay no this actually explodes never mind there are some that there are some that don’t explode um but this is one that very much does explode let me grab my stuff back for my inventory nope this one actually

Explodes on here there are some that there’s one that explodes on hit but it doesn’t actually explode if that makes sense it just fakes an explosion you’ve got things like time and spikes which will deal significant damage if you step on them but you can also use them in mob

Farms to kill mobs and things protect your house from mobs that kind of stuff you’ve also got fire igniters which I’m not exactly sure how you change the reach level it might just be a crafting thing but they will basically give you infinite fire in any specific block as

Well as a ton of different uh other new trap things so very neat add-on next up I’m gonna hop in the creative for this one so I can oh my gosh so I can fly and this is nethercraft by lathe which I didn’t throw anything in here because

There’s a ton of stuff but most of it is just found naturally in the nether so if I start to fly around for a minute you can already see there are these new plants you’ve got chaga plants or kaga or however you say it there’s also a

Couple new nether biomes you can get Soul Stone which is like glowstone but blue as well as a ton of other nether things there’s some new structures in the nether there’s like a piglet boat which you may recognize if you saw my my trailer for it also in the nether you

Can find the souls from the one the one out on the soul add-on I don’t know why I’m forgetting what it’s called um you know my brain is a little frazzled but you can even get stuff like Burma Stone I guess they went to Myanmar

Um so ton of neat things and in that add-on gives you a huge expansion to your Nether and that put me out way over there okay then we have better on Bedrock which is probably the biggest add-on in this pack by poggy so I only grabbed a few things from it because

There are some good things for example the corpses you’ve been seeing those are from better on Bedrock there are a lot of features have been better on Bedrock that I did not include in this add-on pack simply because they were incompatible with other add-ons in the

Pack but there are a ton of new bosses and mobs mobs such as the deer bosses such as the enchanter and Lich and villager which I have the plushie of that you can get okay I’m they’re already attacking me and then a ton of new structures which I don’t know why

This one is floating most of them are not floating but you get things like this which I believe this is one of the way Stone Towers um which is where you find wavestones yes so you can actually uh oh I have another way Stone apparently called

Dauda um but if you crouch and interact with them you can set waystones so I can say I can call this one high submit and then you need a certain amount of XP so it if I hit hit teleport it’s not going to teleport because I don’t have enough

XP but they do have you know structures with loot and stuff as well as bosses and a ton of other features this is an add-on that I’d say just go look at the official ad on page for because there are so many features uh terrain generation is the same but trees look

Different and I have not kept the ones from the oak biome that are different but if you’ve noticed the different trees in the Birch biome that is better on Bedrock as well as a ton of the plants that are around I’m not sure if tiny Sprouts are but I know that let’s

See taller grasses I know that the hydrangeas are there’s a ton of ton of new stuff so this is just kind of an overhaul to Minecraft better on Bedrock is a great experience on its own there are also a lot of features that aren’t compatible with the add-on pack and

Other add-ons in the pack so that’s why they’re not here so if you want something that’s like a lighter version of the atom pack just try better on Bedrock I would say next up we have Redstone Tech by vatnage this is one add-on that I have only newly added to

The pack but it’s a very cool add-on so you can get things all these new Reds Stone accessories these are only a handful of them things like the Precision Hopper which allow you to choose a type of item or up to nine types of item and filter them and it

Works like a normal Hopper you can throw things in it and it will well filter it if you put a hopper on top of it I believe then you have things like the player sensor which will sense if there’s a player nearby which is good for making traps but also like you know

If you want to disarm your base when a player walks nearby but not when a mob walks nearby you can do that okay so it adds in various things like the things I’ve shown you can also get a receiver which I just goofed for a minute I’m

Going to set this to Blue and I’m going to set my transmitter to Blue which you can basically use to activate Redstone from anywhere in the world so yes Wireless Redstone is a thing now you can have a phone in Minecraft that you can use wirelessly it’s pretty awesome and

There’s a ton of other features there’s some things like Auto crafting and you know there’s a ton of stuff also a thing you should probably check the page for which will be linked in the wiki and then finally the last add-on that has been recently added which I’m going to

Use to blow everything up is the more TNT add-on also by that Niche which adds in things like compact TNT which I think will give you a smaller explosion let’s see this oh oh oh no never mind it gives you a huge explosion because it compacts everything well so much for my

World I just blew it all up you can get a 10 times TNT and then you can get a Lucky Block team let’s try the 10 times and just see how this goes oh my okay that kind of blew everything up and then finally Lucky Block TNT there are a ton

Of different types of TNT though in this add-on it’s really fun to mess around with um Lucky Block TNT which can spawn in a bunch of different things which are usually bad this one spun in water TNT that didn’t actually do anything normally it does something maybe that wasn’t modern TNT anyway regardless

There are a ton of add-ons in this pack check out the link in the description you can both download this pack and access my Wiki and from the wiki you will have access to you know looking at all the add-ons individually and what they do as well as a overview of some of

The more important items and armor sets and things in the add-on pack thank you so much for watching this and for waiting as long as you’ve waited for this pack I have spent a long time trying to make sure everything is compatible making sure things work together making sure there aren’t bugs

I’ve fixed a lot of bugs made a lot of tweaks to pre-existing add-ons so if things don’t seem exactly as they are in the add-ons themselves like the original add-ons that is probably why anyway thanks for watching if you need to hear Link in the description to download this

Make sure to share your support with all the creators who helped with this pack they will all be linked on my Wiki like And subscribe please I spent Forever on this and that would mean a lot to me but fundamentally I just wanted to make the best Minecraft experience that I

Possibly could for me and this is basically what I wanted and so even if nobody uses it I’m still going to use it and I’m going to have fun with it but I hope you use it and I hope you have fun with it thanks for watching though see you later and goodbye

This video, titled ‘RECRAFTED Addon Pack DOWNLOAD (HUGE Minecraft Bedrock Pack)’, was uploaded by Spyderrock on 2023-08-06 01:30:02. It has garnered 15144 views and 818 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds.

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft parkour, challenges, and all things Minecraft-related? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. While watching a YouTube video about parkour and Minecraft, you may have realized the importance of finding a server that not only provides a fun and engaging environment but also fosters a sense of community. Minewind Minecraft Server does just that. Whether you’re into parkour, PvP, bedwars, or simply looking to connect with other Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Lies: Crafting Chaos

    Minecraft Lies: Crafting Chaos In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you the news, like a lively stream. Updates and features, all in a rhyme, Keeping you entertained, every single time. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a playful sheen. So join me in this journey, through pixels and code, As we explore Minecraft, in a lyrical mode. So stay tuned for more, every week at three, For Minecraft news, with a twist from me. Subscribe and support, it means a lot, As we journey through Minecraft, in this rhyming slot. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Survival Adventures! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind server, where the possibilities are endless and the excitement never stops. Imagine surviving 100 days as a WARDEN LAND SHARK in Hardcore Minecraft, just like Zozo did in their latest YouTube video. The adrenaline rush, the challenges, the triumphs – all waiting for you to experience on Minewind server. With a vibrant community and endless opportunities for exploration and creativity, Minewind server is the perfect place to unleash your inner adventurer. Whether you’re a seasoned player or… Read More

  • Awkward Moments in Class【Minecraft 方块轩】

    Awkward Moments in Class【Minecraft 方块轩】 Minecraft: Awkward Moments in Class【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world filled with endless possibilities. Today, we delve into the humorous and entertaining world of Minecraft through the eyes of 方块轩, a creator known for his funny animations and joyful content. About 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that steers clear of any elements that may impact the well-being of young… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and all its quirky mobs? Have you ever wondered what happens to those mobs when you leave the game? Well, look no further than the entertaining video by Blazzy on YouTube. While you’re enjoying all the Minecraft content out there, why not take your gaming experience to the next level by joining a unique Minecraft server like Minewind? Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience that will keep you on your toes. With its exciting features and active community, you’ll never have a dull moment on this server. Whether you’re a seasoned player or… Read More

  • Beast vs Blocks: Epic Clash in 1 Min! #Animation

    Beast vs Blocks: Epic Clash in 1 Min! #Animation In the world of Minecraft, MrBeast reigns supreme, Crafting stories and updates that make us beam. With rhymes that ignite and a spin that’s so tight, He’s our favorite news reporter, shining bright. From Bottle Head Smashing to Chocolate delights, Protecting yachts and Lamborghinis in the night. Ages 1-100 deciding who wins the cash, In MrBeast’s world, every moment is a flash. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For MrBeast’s rhymes will capture your heart. In every pulsing line, the truth takes wing, In the world of Minecraft, let MrBeast sing. Read More


    NOOB SAVES STEVE FROM HULK SMASH #minecraft Looks like Steve needs to level up his skills if he’s getting saved by a noob from the Hulk in Minecraft! Maybe he should stick to farming instead of fighting. #minecraftfail #noobtorelief Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build: Automatic Sorting System

    Sneaky Minecraft Build: Automatic Sorting System Building Storehouses and Automatic Sorting Devices in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In the latest episode of “のんびりマインクラフト,” the player embarks on a journey to recreate historical storehouses from Shinshu Matsumoto Castle. The goal is to construct five unique storehouses while incorporating an automatic sorting device for added functionality. Building the Storehouses The player starts by meticulously constructing the skeleton of the storehouses, paying attention to details like pillar placement and beam support. Each storehouse is built with precision, following historical references to ensure authenticity. Walls, floors, and ceilings are carefully crafted to bring… Read More

  • Nestorio’s EPIC Minecraft EXPLOSION!

    Nestorio's EPIC Minecraft EXPLOSION!Video Information this is Minecraft but you get bigger oh no too big today we’ll be growing from this to literally this wait is that the Sun from being the size of a pixel to reaching the size of an Enderman to suddenly being the size of a mountain my goal is to reach the biggest size possible through various advancements but as it gets to bigger sizes normal things are going to be getting much harder so what happens if I get bigger than the planet itself and what happens if I step on the dragon stay tuned to… Read More

  • Upgrade Your Storage Room in Modded Minecraft

    Upgrade Your Storage Room in Modded MinecraftVideo Information hi everyone it’s Lilo and welcome back to another Minecraft episode of my let’s play um I have some fun things planned for us today so let’s go ahead and get started okay so today I wanted to kind of get going with our little scary adventures last time we went to the nether but I wanted to go to a ruin it looked like that I um saw over by my magic realm so I really wanted to go kind of check that out um oh and I just moving too fast hello Marco hello my little… Read More


    BECKBRO TRANSFORMS INTO VENOM in MinecraftVideo Information today beautiful people I upgraded Spider-Man to Venom here’s how I did it here’s a chest of Spider-Man challenges if we’re able to defeat everything inside of this chest will be able to evolve into Venom and then eventually Ultimate Spider Venom be sure you guys stick until the end to see that Bo spoter spoter spoter spoter my Spidey senses are tingling boys so our first ability is just web shooters which I think I could use in order to wiggle my way around the entire Minecraft world bro this looks so weird why is my doing… Read More


    EPIC SURPRISE! JMULLS PLAYS DRAGON'S DOGMA 2Video Information [Music] everything about you can’t stop myself something’s Just Begun tell me why I will think about you don’t go away I will stay for you frustration Hit me hard this morning it’s the light of my heart something other lyrics sure there’s other words to the song [ __ ] if I could remember them though and everything about [Music] you okay I’m gonna hit the play button and we’re going to all hope to God that this works come on work with me come on come on you worked early today come on you work barely… Read More

  • UNLEASHED: Jason’s Insane C2/Botnet – DESTROY Minecraft Server

    UNLEASHED: Jason's Insane C2/Botnet - DESTROY Minecraft ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘EXOTICC2 | BEST C2/BOTNET/STRESSER | Slamming Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by Jason on 2024-04-05 00:42:09. It has garnered 274 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. discord server: tags: #botnetwork #showcase #cc #ovh #cloudflare #discord #gov #999 #cheap #ovhifirstty #botnetwork #ddos ##botnet #c2 # free booter #cloudflare #botnet #fivemhighlights #fivem #ovh #vpn #ddosattack free booter meaning free booters 2022 free booter definition free booters that work free booter band freebooterz free booter download free booter test free booter panel free booter reddit freebooter script free… Read More

  • 💀SCARY Minecraft SEEDS – REAL Horror MONSTER revealed!💀

    💀SCARY Minecraft SEEDS - REAL Horror MONSTER revealed!💀Video Information सो गाइस मैं सो के जग चुका हूं एक मिनट गाइस रात के 9 बज रहे हैं मैं ये जग क्यों गया इतनी जल्दी तो मैं कभी नहीं जगता हमेशा सुबह जगता हूं गाइस भूख लग रही है खाना खा लेता हूं गाइस मेरे को तो डर लग रहा है मेरे को स्करी भाई बारी है गाइस यार बहुत ज्यादा डर लग रहा है अब क्या करूं गाइस मैं यार इसको गेट खोलता हूं ओ माय गॉड गाइस ये क्या है गाइस भाई ये मेरे पास आ रहा है क्या य ये कहां जा रहा है ये ये… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Twist: I Can’t See PURPLE in Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE Twist: I Can't See PURPLE in Minecraft?!Video Information Minecraft my eye can’t see the color purple so we can’t see purple which can’t be too hard what even is purple in Minecraft well there’s purple wool purp blocks um I think that’s it actually there’s still purple flowers right make our stone tools did I make two axes now we have a pickaxe yes this is actually perfect I don’t think there’s any purple in here right by the way our only goal is just to try and find diamonds now we can mine diamonds is there a blacksmith anywhere this Village sucks I wonder if… Read More

  • EPIC Blocky Beasts PORTAL Showdown! Noob vs Pro vs Hacker #Minecraft

    EPIC Blocky Beasts PORTAL Showdown! Noob vs Pro vs Hacker #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Portal design #shorts #minecraft #portal’, was uploaded by Blocky Beasts on 2024-01-09 06:18:22. It has garnered 8589 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. 🔥 Prepare for an epic clash of creativity as the BlockyBeasts trio—Noob, Pro, and Hacker—engage in a fierce battle to design the ultimate portals in Minecraft! 🌌 Whether you’re a beginner, a seasoned player, or a master of the craft, this showdown guarantees jaw-dropping designs that will leave you inspired and amazed. 👶 Noob’s Quest: Watch as our Noob… Read More

  • EPIC Bedrock Update + Armadillo REVEALED + 1.21 Farming!

    EPIC Bedrock Update + Armadillo REVEALED + 1.21 Farming!Video Information hi how you doing it’s me your curs SL so this morning something bizarre happened I finished setting up a beautiful world for today’s preview no joke and then I updated to the preview I waited for the update I tapped the update I install the update and then the whole Minecraft game uninstalled so yeah anyways you might have heard all about it we’ve got big news brand new features on the way and even more give that like button a warm caress and let’s dive in our first stop of the day today has is over… Read More

  • BlarnSMP Semi-Vanilla PVP No Crystal/Anchors 18+ ViaVersion 1.20.4 RTP

    Welcome to Our Brand New Server! If you’re looking for a fun and straightforward server to join, look no further! We offer vote rewards, no crystal pvp, RTP, TPA, and sethomes. Join our community on Discord here or hop on the server at Thanks for considering us! Read More


    ReaperCraft.plOur server is a place where the amazing world of Minecraft meets the fascinating atmosphere and elements inspired by the popular MMORPG game – Metin2. On our server, we combine these two worlds to create a unique experience for players Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Should I grief their base?

    Minecraft Memes - Should I grief their base?"Should I do it? cue intense music Oh no, they have a score of 23! This decision just got real serious, folks." Read More

  • Survival to Creative: Block Changeover Encore!

    Survival to Creative: Block Changeover Encore! In Minecraft land, the news is grand, Changing blocks with a flick of the hand. A trick so quick, with tools in hand, Stone to grass, across the land. Building a tree, a central sight, Marked in stone, a grand height. The island grows, a colorful sight, More to come, in the morning light. Join us tomorrow, for more to show, In Minecraft world, where dreams do flow. Chao chao for now, until then, Keep crafting, building, with a grin. Read More

  • Golems vs Wither: Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! 🔥😂

    Golems vs Wither: Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! 🔥😂 When the Golems heard they were going up against a Mutant Wither Skeleton, they were like “Oh great, now we have to deal with his emo phase too.” #minecraftdrama #golemsvskeletons Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Modern Minecraft Living | 24/7

    Join Minewind: Experience Modern Minecraft Living | 24/7 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing the construction of a modern Greek villa in Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to showcase your building skills on a server where creativity knows no bounds? Imagine bringing your architectural dreams to life in a community where like-minded individuals come together to create, explore, and inspire. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of… Read More

  • Minecraft vs Skyrim: A Wild Mashup

    Minecraft vs Skyrim: A Wild Mashup The Enigmatic World of Minecraft Meets Skyrim As the sun rises in the world of Minecraft, a strange phenomenon occurs. Cor, our protagonist, wakes up to a reality that seems to blend the familiar blocky landscapes of Minecraft with the mystical world of Skyrim. Villagers and creatures alike seem to have taken on new forms, leaving Cor in a state of bewilderment. A New Reality Cor finds himself in a deconstructed world, where everything appears to have regressed to its bare minimum. The simplicity of this new reality is oddly beautiful, as if nature itself is calling out to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Secret Bed House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Secret Bed House TutorialVideo Information we’re trapped inside of a mutant Ender’s bedroom we need to find somewhere to hide before the Enderman comes home and finds US I’ve already built us the best hiding place guys woodo this is a terrible hiding spot the mutant Enderman will find us straight away no he won’t he’ll just think it’s dirt and ignore it guys what if we build a house inside the Ender’s bed he’ll never expect anyone to hide there great idea axie all I need to do is use SL slash paste just like this and check it out now we… Read More

  • NOOB vs PRO: Modern Warship Build Challenge

    NOOB vs PRO: Modern Warship Build ChallengeVideo Information our friends Mikey and JJ and their families are being hunted by these scary mobs now we must build modern warships to help them escape the incoming attack from these terrifying creatures but what happens when the final boss shows up to eat our friends in 20 minutes the sun’s going to go down and unleash a terrifying creature right here chip oh no Milo look Mikey and JJ are watching TV I wonder what they’re watching oh no what can it be y we need to check it out oh no Milo that monster is attacking the… Read More

  • Mariof Finds INSANE! Minecraft Coal Veins 😲

    Mariof Finds INSANE! Minecraft Coal Veins 😲Video Information yo how much coal do we need again just get as much as you can all [Music] right I think that’s enough coal This video, titled ‘Minecraft Coal Veins Be Like 😂’, was uploaded by Mariof on 2024-05-04 14:54:22. It has garnered 11397 views and 471 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. These video ideas take forever to come up with and edit, so if you enjoyed the video I would greatly appreciate a like and maybe even a subscription. Credit: crayon._. Inspiration: NotVixios ●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬● Discord: Twitch: ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Algorithm Stuff: This… Read More

  • 🌲 Ultimate Realistic Minecraft Kingdom! 🌲 Distant horizons, Terraforged & Shaders

    🌲 Ultimate Realistic Minecraft Kingdom! 🌲 Distant horizons, Terraforged & ShadersVideo Information following my last video presenting a version of Minecraft with three or four main amazing realistic mods I received tons of messages asking me how to reproduce it and be able to play it in this video I’m going to show you the two mod packs needed to generate a world with very realistic large scaled Landscapes and to be able to play in that world with very high rendering distance and beautiful Shadow packs feel free to have a look at the video description if you’re lost or at the comments to which I will reply first… Read More

  • “INSANE H-Booster Gameplay on AstralMC & Minemen! 😱🔥” #clickbait #minecraft #pvp

    "INSANE H-Booster Gameplay on AstralMC & Minemen! 😱🔥" #clickbait #minecraft #pvpVideo Information [Música] me mira con cara de mala pero s que me desea sin que la LL que comandamos para que lo crea ha falta que vea fla me mira con cara de mala pero que me desea sin que la LL me [Música] cre ya se murió ese enero no me dio y ese Habla lo que no [Música] vio ya que no delata se mata nos subimos a una Cha y le partimos la pata obligado e nos pasaron una Data vamos a buscar la pua para si de eso se trata que el coach me tira… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEW PORTAL HACK VIRAL ON TIK TOK! 🤯🔥Video Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘NEW PORTAL IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-03-16 04:14:43. It has garnered 11352 views and 274 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. NEW PORTAL IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING GAMING #TREND #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song… Read More

  • Korina’s Forbidden Deal – Queen Kat’s Seductive Origin

    Korina's Forbidden Deal - Queen Kat's Seductive OriginVideo Information hey guys Derpy here and for the foreseeable future until cat gets more merch but we have some great merch today guys we have some brand new posters of Karina and my series I might be a little biased but I do like my poster you guys don’t even need to get them as posters we have notebook version so that you guys may write down your dirty little secrets into it we will judge you anyway enjoy the video guys the content within this video is not suitable for children viewer discretion is advised just need to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane MAXED OUT Enchants Mod for MCPE! Download Now! 🔥

    🔥 Insane MAXED OUT Enchants Mod for MCPE! Download Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘V-2.1 Max Enchants Mod For Minecraft PE/BE Download | 1.20.72+ | mrgamingisop’, was uploaded by mrgamingisop on 2024-03-28 09:44:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DISCORD SERVER LINK ▻ MCADDON FILE LINK … Read More

  • PrestonPlayz Exposes Terrifying Minecraft Secrets!

    PrestonPlayz Exposes Terrifying Minecraft Secrets!Video Information we need to catch him so we’re going to build a trap for this guy using fences we’re basically building a spit with a pig on it to see if we can lure him out oh dude come on piggy oh piggy I’m so sorry it must be done okay last thing we got to do we got to give this guy a name tag you already know what’s coming dude got name him dinner bone flip him upside down so he’s cooking on that spit literally we’re letting this pig cook oh this looks terrifying all right… Read More

  • MineCastle

    MineCastleMineCastle is a quality public lifesteal SMP server that is available for both Java & Bedrock. It is a one of a kind gamemode that allows users to steal hearts from one another, once you hit 0 hearts, you will be banned from the server for a set period of time. IP = Bedrock Port = 19132 Read More

RECRAFTED Addon Pack DOWNLOAD (HUGE Minecraft Bedrock Pack)