Riverrain123 – TOP 1.15 OP SKYBLOCK MINECRAFT SERVER (FREE TOP RANKS) 1.8/1.9/1.12.2/1.13.1/1.14 2020 [HD]

Video Information

What’s up everybody your answer here welcome back ladies and gentleman to a brand new view in the chana I hope you guys we can excited for today’s episode dates and gentlemen work see back for a brand new video on minecraft prisons as you guys cakes New York see back on a

Brand new server though sexy code jails MC but before I even do sir off the video before even do start of the video I noticed like the ton of comets of rain what sexy happening with today’s stream so yeah if you guys exceed you take a

Look where so you be playing to servers guys it’s gonna be insane this like the second time we done this last time we day you guys really really did enjoy so yeah Rex if you on GSM so you guys for one hour today we’re gonna do some crazy

Crazy giveaways as you guys can see we’re doing giveaways have 50 likes and 100 so make sure you guys all you go and crush it it is gonna be insane and then 3 p.m. est which is in exactly one hour we’re going to go and jump in for

Skyblock which is like the main part of today’s video so hope you guys are excited for that it’s about to be insane and yeah yeah yeah hey what’s up 10k so scared no videos what’s up sin you get to spiritual tubers as well brawl ris

Flies all of you guys guys if you want to go and say anything to chat make sure you guys do go and post it in the comment section down below and yes yes yes Jets you watch mojo Lewis all you guys rivering fix the light goals oh yes

I forgot takes me fix like go so if you guys didn’t know thank you for 275 yesterday you guys actually dig crushed that was insane yeah for today’s give without you guys only 50 I don’t why it says 275 bro hopefully we can get it guys does it say 50 comment down below

It should say it should say 50 now in like three seconds it’s taking a while loading there we go alright guys so yeah 50 likes it seemed to be the first giveaway so just in case y’all overnight make sure you guys crush like on this

Video guys and as soon as we 1x nice 550 likes we’re gonna go against the first two giveaway which is actually a legend rank the owner guys will be blessed with the pesky boys on the server you guys like Steve’s you take a look actually

Show you guys in the by craft real quick works to give away some of the top ranked said okay so you guys o’clock BAM this X these servers website works neat way the god rank it’s actually a $40 GBP which I think it’s like double that in

Canada so that’s like a 60 or like $80 rank guys for me that’s insane so make sure you guys want to win that makes you guys smash like that’s give me a 50 and we’re giveaway the jail’s rank akv top ranked guys like I said bra 150 hours

Probably in Canadian or whatever but yeah we’re gonna weigh both those ranks today guys 50 likes 100 makes you guys all you go and crush it and um yeah yeah yeah it shouldn’t be that hard should be that hard a though shot these spiritualty were dropping the video

Shout out to Lewis as well for dropping in all of you guys you’re doing oh did I show the God by accident I meant to do the legend in the god but yeah they’re like still pretty expensive ranks guys over a couple hundred dollars since you guys didn’t answer yeah sorry

If I did show thank God it was supposed to be to go up but then I changed it to legend yeah CSS what’s up my G Bobby what’s up Caleb Kelly what’s up spiritual tubers I new pays all you guys are playing as many comments as I can

Guys it’s about to be insane don’t forget if you guys want to go and join guys actually play it’s a lot the LMC not net and by the way the server just release today at 1 p.m. est so yeah thought we’d actually go guys for a brand new server tons of people my

Videos have been like river you’ve got a place of new servers so guys today we extend over here guys for a brand new server and guys 50 likes makes you guys do go and crash it into your alt account enter your friends accounts everybody get them all on it’s about to be insane

But yeah shot solution it’s a sonic yeah boy I love you guys anyway guy to get the view start off where you guys a bit of a to around on the server so I’m currently this likely spot over here as you guys can actually see odds pretty

Insane next up over here we do of ourselves kind of like the plots like the mana tutorial everything zexal over here at this fine and then right over here guys my favorite part of like pretty much any server we obviously have ourselves be mind crates over here guys were just inside

We got the miner crates of vote crates tagged crates and also kind of find it cool how they have like a floating island or not a floating island a floating item on top of the crate light that looks insane guys we’re definitely gonna have to opens up some of those but

Yeah that’s so sick anyway this approaching over here hope you guys are excited but without further ado I think we do have a kit on the server so we’re about to show you guys I guess the top kit on the server today without further ado let’s do suck it right now and some

Okay I don’t have access to the top kit but we’ve accessed a legend that’s like I think like 2nd top or 3rd top it’s a pretty insane one though so if we take a look at this we are so so proud three guys I mean it’s alright the top rank

Though apparently is prot like 6 though so yeah you guys can do a lot better stuff than that but anyway this isn’t bad whistles efficiency xx excavation 1 and fortune 20 I mean it doesn’t have like the most efficiency or anything but what other server actually gives you a

Starter pickaxe it literally comes with excavation 1 a custom enchant boys so yeah I’m definitely going to eyelets should be sick restless stuff I’m sorry throw away can I like throw the sir can I trash it guys I don’t know we’re supposed to like put this extra stuff mine mincer let’s go

Put that like inner PV or something and let’s grab the pickaxe or over there and so I guess let’s start it off guys it’s like to go to open up some monthly crates and over your some supreme keys you guys are already doing the vibes and

Don’t forget as well if you guys could make ulti will exceed crush these like putting gas bricks on the way to hitting 50 likes hopefully any second but without further ado hey shots are from for subscribing actually funny thank you so much for subscribing guys if you also

Subscribe you’re on my Korean surname hundred our PayPal giveaway on my channel which we’re doing every sale months so make sure you guys do going into um any without further ado likes to go and open up these James Craig guys where is the GL’s crate or maybe the Geo

Screens the best let’s start with a voting craze that’s probably like the worst one no offense but anyway you guys exude some pretty good stuff still in the voting crates by the way there was actually about five voting weeks on the server and the owners did get them fixed

They were actually a bit good before but they’re actually now fix that makes you guys do go and check that out but okay so take a look at this you guys could see what enchants opens in here you guys can win million like thirty ten million dollars cash in here like are you

Kidding me gasps less flexing the nation okay that’s kind of get we got some explosive in here vote keys and also GL’s Langford is a top on obviously it’s gonna be Conrad to get that bullets go guys let’s go with our first voting crate and got those 32 inch in tokens

Which is like sneeze for pickaxe upgrading guys it was like eight ton upgrades which we’re gonna show you guys in a second bomb not buy guys let’s start off not bad to start off and by the way guys over to go actually keep going stop you in the chance thing we’re

50 likes are we guys we should be close though so just in case the offer to makes you guys do going crush it yeah yeah we should because anyway thumpers you let’s get these supreme key supreme key is a lot better you guys you see now in twenty five billion instead a million

They added up be you guys this one obviously it’s a lot better you guys can also win 7,500 ancient tokens better pickaxe or actually just only got a pickaxe it’s an old amount of time no way they have all don’t mind the server yes yes yeah shoutouts the order for

Doing that as hype um girl something explosive in there two times three multiplier I lost serious guys in three two one we got six these losses might take a minute we gotta sell 2.5 billion fifteen hundred in Kiev tokens let’s go 2500 2.5 billion again okay 2.5 bill five bill

Nice alright slot so everyone from the Supreme crate guys not BOTS and then last what we’re gonna go with the GL’s creating over here and um wait a second place holder for Jos great wait does this one not work right now placeholder for Gio’s crate no Chow wait this one

Doesn’t work okay so I guess we have like a placeholder for I guess it’s coming soon rest in peace you can’t collect keys anyway that’s likely not bad guys I mean we got those all for free by the way all for XD starting off league server and I’m sure you guys will

Also go get some pretty crazy stuff as well for starting off on these servers so just in case you guys hard to miss you guys let’s go jump up on the server plate kill some seeds on tonight don’t forget to smash the like button Bob before you

Go x2 keep going everybody like living my whole entire chat spamming we have 50 likes guys so without further ado let’s get into this and get boy boys alright so the further first giveaway all you guys have to do to enter is actually like the video and type in giveaway I

Know you guys are gonna like sorta hate me for this guys but the giveaway ball wasn’t online so I’m gonna Yoho are you okay alright sorry guys something fell upstairs anyway though guys I’m actually going through the giveaway right now guys I do fall guys I know a lot of you

Guys are gonna be upset but guys the giveaway ball was not online so if you guys wanna go to enter the giveaway guys for the first ring make sure you guys like to go and smash that like button and don’t forget to go and type in the

Word giveaway like right now type guys type it in right right now because I I just put it online anyway I’m gonna go to see stall for you guys I’m do you guys like 30 more seconds to go and answer I do Paul gasps guys I thought

The ball was on but it wasn’t rest in peace also can I make a pee time day let’s go you’re shot see owner by the way cakes to give me off on the server I can literally just do like GMC right now guys that’s insane anyone shot two guys Fred Turner we got

30 plus you guys already answered which is crazy guys over to lie squad smash that like button I’m gonna give you guys like 30 more seconds and it’s effective be insane and so that we’re gonna go off and show you guys the minds of stuff on

The server it’s pretty high also guys I don’t if you guys do remember about if anybody’s wondering a lot of people actually saying like River and is this a new server I mean technically this is a new server but we also did place a couple months ago in the channel if you

Guys do you remember so yeah after you guys have actually been watching the videos for a minute you guys were actually seeing you playing here before so I mean it’s not technically new but I haven’t played on tonight at least a month or two so yeah they’ve done a lot

Updates people said we’re being fixers Dreamwave what’s happening with my stream wait where’s my stream bad guys is my stream bag um I can see guys I can see I can maybe shutdown some stuff on my PC that’s literally like all I do let people like say my stream is bad I just

Like try shutdown stuff on my PC guys um we’ll see if this does anything guys ah alright guys call it helpful oh did my stream get better hopefully it did because I just shut down like 20 programs on my computer alright hopefully that’s better people said it’s

Fixed lol all I got kick from the server rest in peace we’re gonna have to jump back up but yeah looks like my stream quality is Xing out thanks boys so that’s good people said it’s fine awesome awesome alright without friends you guys let’s jump back on jlmc back on

And once again if you guys looking for a new print server to go and check out makes you guys do check it out and so the server just released an hour ago – so it’s pretty new without further ado though guys I’m gonna give you guys like

Five words I consent to the giveaway like squad smash like typing giveaway and don’t forget as well if you guys don’t win this giveaway at for this rank guys it makes into another one actually happening very very soon as well so why yeah it’s about to be insane guys

Also shout that um the melon he’s the owner I’m just messaging him yeah if you guess what I would not want to win the legendary rank guys all you have to do smash like it’s gonna be crazy this is the third top ranked by the way um 100

Is for the top though so just so everybody’s wondering um yeah 100 is the top 100 is for the top and she had to Tom the melon for sponsoring is he giveaways is that say hundred hopefully does alright let’s go I know you guys are heights are you guys are heights

Without further do you guys like to go and draw the winner shouts you guys like see all entered this game boy it’s about to happen and by the way if you guys like seems you in the giveaway what is gonna happen is the owner it’s actually

Gonna hook you guys up with the rank so yeah if you guys do when he’s just gonna buy for your accounts um but yeah without free to you guys one more quick plug in the chat guys everybody smash like let’s go and execute though in

Three two one and it’s a one day 31 chance of winning guys the winner is Jill Wayne Sebastian Castro a so she had a to join Sebastian Castro shot you for watching and um hey what’s good what’s good they might see Ben subscribe for awhile shout outs of yo and

That’s insane guys I just realized when we’ve like picked the winners to the game boy it says how long you’ve been subscribed or this person did stuff for two years so shout out wow that’s crazy River in the thumbnail yes okay so yeah if you guys actually don’t know the

Title the video is actually Skyblock because we are playing Skyblock guys it’s not releasing for another hour so we’re just playing a prison in the mean time but yes that we are playing Skyblock guys I didn’t mess up the title it’s supposed to be like that alright shadows you guys the video we’re

Gonna go away for G Wayne Sebastian Castro and hopefully they’re here they said look what I can do is that your name are you on you need to be online are you I don’t think you’re online so make sure you guys actually online if

You want to go next in the queue boy bro I can’t really give it to you though cuz you need to be online so yeah you got 60 seconds to get all online and if you X the online buy them we will be hooking

Up and let’s top is it working um no top is working guys it’s just saying you’re not online so make sure you makes you join I make sure you what’s up I changed my name XD oh it’s top oh they changed your name alright so shout out to tio underscore Opie all

Right we got it yes let’s go alright so she had its euphoric see when you get boy that was XD super super hype without 4 0 um I’m gonna go internet to be one or the owner one for legends all right so my semester chatted to tell my own

Cats obviously for sponsoring this yugi-boy on GNC but yeah just gonna go and see if you put the rank in like 4 or 5 minutes or maybe less so yeah GG its gonna go and come through the pyecraft as well to watch yuri hype and hope you

Guys actually do like that um a the name on youtube is it’s referring one to three guys BAM click my link anyway guys make sure you go do it guys do you wanna keep leaving like onto this video next giveaway um that was sexy the third top ranked next

Giveaway though it’s actually for the top ranked this one by the way is actually like triple in price I think or maybe quadruple it’s a kind of expensive rank guys it’s an 80 GBP rank which if you guys didn’t know in Canada for me that’s like a hundred fifty or something

I think so make sure guys if you want to win that makes you guys do good smash like it’s gonna be hype and that’s gonna be the last give boy on over your for prisons and then we’re gonna Lexie transition probably into sky blog soon but I know what you guys probably going

To see the mine in the server so without further ado let’s like to show you guys a brand new mine so I don’t know how to actually get here on to be access mmm wait wait second guys – why packs it’s too like a mine on the server or warp a

Legend okay for real warp legend let’s check this out BAM okay thank you for purchasing you I didn’t you’re around the minor okay so this is actually is this a top rank wait no no this is not the top rank I’m gonna ask the owner um anyway guys we’re gonna go actually

Message the owner Tom Mellon cast this is actually the third top ranked which is the rank wakes he did you skip away so if you guys did just win that rank then we just gave way to top you would actually have access to this brand new mine um however I wanted Quinn kid

Soothe salt mines we’re gonna go ask the owner if he wants to give us permission I’ve like up and everything but I mean I don’t think we say off access to it right now so we’re gonna like so you see you guys if we can actually go and give

Us access in the meantime though um yeah we’re gonna have to use the legend mine I mean the legend mine like I can’t be complaining guys this is like still really good rank but I mean it definitely could be better and this is like this starter pickaxe by the way so

Just fine boys wondering this is starter pickaxe as you guys can see plus 1 token + 4 Oh work like getting a lot of tokens is it like a streak on here I feel like maybe like if you keep like mining in a road maybe because you like a higher amount of

Tokens like a better streak but anyway this is currently under here I hope you guys are hyped and so obviously I think we want to do auto cell all the cells been enabled okay so yeah there’s free all cells whites you can I like put this

Away I don’t know where to put this I’m gonna put in my player vault guys cuz I don’t know where to put it but yeah waste out free auto sell and service makes you guys do wanna enable that and just for hopping like a starter pack bro

Like this is actually kind of good I did just do a s shout – well like shot – loose filling me now what’s up will fart your hair brain out back hey what’s up hope you guys enjoyed the vid will stop all you guys go go

Game we got Falcon it over here what’s up HJ guys if you want to see like anything new server yeah makes you guys new TP and my friend cakes he said if you need to see the best enchant on the server you’ll mass massive shout and you have

To guess exceed you an upgrade arm stuff only serve as well make sure you do / enchanter / enchanter and it should actually workers a / enchants oh it’s such in chancel these are actually pickaxe upgrades on the server if you guys need to go and check them out

Honestly like we actually played here a couple months ago if you guys don’t remember the server it was like good and everything but it was like kind of crashing and stuff first of all they’ve actually fixed all the lag so that’s cool and also they’ve actually revamped

Their whole entire enchanting area so I thought I’d show it to you guys token balance we have it over there guys super super simple we have 1 million tokens we all serve ourselves efficiency fortune explosive speed haste and obviously instantly custom ones excavation slicing lucky mine I mean

These are pretty much like all maxi in law servers now but yeah that’s pretty much and they have some more coming soon as well to use to make sure you guys do go and check that out but yeah that’s sexy not bad I definitely saw our levels of excavation though excavation is

Apparently super super opion your guys so we’re definitely gonna need some more of that but for now this bug to me a shout to Luka for jumping they said refrain shout me out now yeah what’s up Luca thanks so much for dropping by today whilst I was back shots you for dropping

By as well shout it to you guys haha gets sliced yeah slice is really good too if you guys accede to take a look slice I keep wanting to shift right-click my pickaxe guys um beyond Eisley will slice letters of the – so pretty much like you have a chance and

Actually removing like a whole entire layer guys off this mountain over here it’s pretty pretty insane I mean obviously like doesn’t happen every hit but what it does happen it would like literally delete the whole entire layer and it would give you all the money for it so that’s

You saying guys that’s pretty insane Bob without further ado we’re gonna actually keep going leveling up or pickaxe and service also a leveling system I don’t if I mentioned that so yeah that’s kind of cool why do I think it actually allows you to get like better ancients

So hyping the chalice that’s these think is decent refrain look you’re tokens why how much do I have yeah I know I have a million RT what is a million a lot I have no clue guys we have a million now shouts ever hooked it up guys let’s

Actually go and do this yeah I guess we could XD bye so now I’m thinking about it slicing how much is slicing 300k guys do we buy slicing or do I buy like lucky mining or something I mean mmm it’s really expensive French chanson here holy let me write speed as well that’s

Only 30k let’s buy that what about explosive chat what about I feel like explosives a good one people said slicing for now okay okay let’s go guys slicing BAM let’s buy one level that mmm you know what we got enough for – let’s buy a second level

And then we’re now down to kind of my third level who we just bought three levels of slicing guys we just max those slicing that’s good and I guess that’s why a bit of explosive – you cannot enchant the item you’re holding Oh rip um what about excavation okay we don’t

Have that word about fortune all right let’s just buy some fortune guys it wasn’t letting me buy expose for some reason so what does possible fortune over here guys see if we get enough and there we go okay so listen guys we go with exactly 1 million tokens shot sober

Hooked up we got 49 fortune we gotta sell speed – and obviously slicing 3 um slicing 3 was like 900 k of it guys so oh my golly guys oh my goodness that was like a one-hit bro dude this server is opie what’s yo did you guys just see

That this isn’t even like near max no pickaxe by the way we just started off like 5 minutes ago oh my gosh okay guys I want to wait for the mind reset to show you guys um well that was crazy okay three two one oh my goodness guys two

Layers three we reset the mind in like three seconds bro this is literally a starter pickaxe chat ah yo shots of moly all of you guys if everybody’s wondering guys Skyblock releases at 3 p.m. est so guys once again we’re gonna be playing on Scheels MC for the first little bit guys but

Skyblock is x reducing at 3 p.m. so yeah yeah yeah that’s not a star to pick XL well it’s not anymore but it was a started pickaxe but we obviously upgrade a bit guys holy moly this like the best pickaxe of like ever had yet for like

Starting off on a minecraft said like are you kidding me bro mmm we’re like really flexing the whole entire nation guys all on GSM see right now bruh like I’m sorry guys but like holy this is crazy we’re gonna go actually see maybe we even have enough for a procedure at

This point but real guys we might except enough um we’ve already played thirty five thousand bucks I list through a rank up is there like a max rank up on the server um confirm rank up yes you’ve started rank up all right so we got max rank up on

Guys I guess it’s gonna go actually spent all of our money on ranking up and imagine we get a prestige our first video guys that should actually be our goal by the end of the stream guys I’m live on here for another half an hour

We should honestly try guys to see if we could actually go ahead and get ourselves one procedure imagine if we did bro we’d be like the first person they get it because I don’t think anybody else has access that do that I don’t know I’ll let me check /warp now

Shoutout let’s see guys Oh Schatzi owners um alright shots the owner at warp jails oh never mind oh never mind shoutouts to the owner okay so mouse master shot it – Tom broke a key hooked it up with the top rank for me boys so this is actually hype so this

Is actually thank you for purchasing GL um you’re exiting homie mine are okay so guys exiting the top ranked mine now works to be able to show to you guys a super-hype I will say one thing that to the owner if you’re watching Tom this might definitely needs to be bigger but

Yeah this one is actually looking super super sick guys actually my favorite blocks emerald and literally and stone over here I don’t think right it looks cool that looks cool let me know if you guys think about it bro like just like a high of VIP class and minecraft mine

Maybe they’ll let that further ado let’s actually go and keep throwing up in here guys our pickaxe might be a little too ope guys for this mine but for real this is about to be super super crazy guys without further ado though let’s actually go and keep mining get up some

More tokens like it’s a little bit like spamming my screen right now are you guys kidding me um new server when was the release yeah I guess like somebody couldn’t um Rex is showing you guys two brand new servers a lot of people might show up but asking

For new servers to you know play on so yeah guys this is a brand new one it just came out literally like an hour half ago um so yeah I came out at 1 p.m. est today so yeah if you guys want to go

And join up makes you guys do a link in the description but yeah it’s actually a brand new server guy just so we pop on for a second because my friends the owners so we might as well pop on guys um Shelton’s art games were jumping by shout to Luca

And also yes SS ladies and gents so freaking swell 100 likes I’m also doing a crazy crazy to get boy for some insane stuff guys also if you guys want to win the top rank don’t forget that’s it 100 likes just in case you haven’t already

But a GG to acid rate I’m for actually picking up some stuff I know you’re watching the video acid random GG’s yeah that’s awesome no way no way I know I’m gonna going to keep getting back into grinding chap but do people are actually like taking

Advantage of the sale guys check it out 60% off and we got so much you guys online already bro like there was not this many people earlier so thank you guys for joining me we got 55 Plus you guys but yeah for real this is just

About to be it guys we’re gonna keep grinding this big actually so P I’ll kind of annoyed by the way for the tokens thing if anybody knows like how we can give her that token message that would be great oh but yea I’m honestly like really loving the server now this

Is like kind of good but yeah the token thing is a little long I will say that anyway just drink some more comments guys hope you’re enjoying the videos oh hey yo shots you wha 10k subscribers with uh nope no videos you prestige dudes so yeah once you get free rank on

Like pretty much like on any server whether it’s Akuma or GMC whatever guys do you legit just prestige so make sure you guys do go and check that out and then you’re good to go yeah yeah yeah what’s up Luka shout to you for dropping by shout to Falcon is all for dropping

By all of you guys hope you guys are an amazing day guys join up join up we’ve so fun you guys on let’s go guys let’s see maybe we can hit 75 today if we could hit 75 players like that would be so Prince and I know the owner would be

Like super heights guys cuz honestly he’s like he would really huge really be excited shut up – cool man though for dropping by today shouts a wolf Archer for dropping by be bearing the chat guys once again makes you guys join up guys like the video ox were giveaway the top

Ranked next up GG by the way to the legend rank winner you should already saved his rank the owner told me he yeah I guess the manager to do it falls so shot Sioux Falls XD guys or Falls expert Steve doing that and yeah hey we got new subscribers shout it’s

You urkki for subscribing I definitely said that name wrong but I hope I did say it right guys anyone makes you guys definitely subscribe to my youtube channel just in case you guys have for you guys to be answered and a 100 our PayPal giveaway are completely free like guys so

Who doesn’t want a 100 bucks guy subscribe it’s free let’s go let’s go beyond meantime this is just about to be it we’re gonna go XD grab some tokens the left and right you guys aren’t eating on the vibes and hopefully we do

XD go up a bit more money guys I mean we could we could sort of use some more shots of Lucca though for jumping by shot so you guys even other’s stuff we got a sub from a ytj jzt shoutouts you for subscribing or j7t I’m not sure to

Say it looks like the guys the people who subscribe no offense it looks like you guys just like slap your keyboard and that was just your minecraft name like there we go my name is q4d 32 I’m sorry Chatham sorry guys y’all need to be a bit more original with your

Names oh but shout out for this up I really really appreciate it that server looks cool well thank you guys yeah it’s a pretty fun server shot two guys for another sub from my friends um I don’t know how to say that shout out to you guys though fdh for subscribing guys I’m

Trying with these these names over your butts if you want to subscribe make sure you guys do it’ll be on the screen and you’ll be having a chance to 100 RS PayPal like who doesn’t want a 100 bucks guys you definitely do um or you definitely know of someone that would

Want to so I mean makes you share this video with them or makes you answer yourself guys cuz free money anyway we thought for you let’s go and keep grinding bro there’s so much tokens here to grab um so we rock up to about 12,000 tokens and there’s not really too much

Okay let me do a slash enchant so if you guys remember we bought slicing we bought a couple ones lucky money is well apparently is like super super good apparently though it does cost a lot of money it’s like a million each of those 50 levels so I don’t have enough for

That in the video guys but yeah that’s definitely know when I would expect to get at some point on the server for real for real hey what’s up River and I subscribed my alternate didn’t show up Oh sometimes these subscribes do you take like 10 or 15 minutes to load in so yeah

Honestly sometimes it actually takes a day it’s kind of random when it actually pops up guys but yeah like literally someone subscribed to my channel yesterday actually and they said it like just came in now so yeah I don’t know why does that guys but yeah sometimes

They do take a while um but yeah shots you do good for dropping into rain why so many new mods oh we can’t wait a lot any mods on the channel recently yes it says in geminon that pretty much happened mainly because well I can’t I don’t really know how to

Explain this we had a lot of active people that’s all I can really say so if you guys like someone go and get a free stream on on the channel ladies and gents all you guys have to do was like school I’d smash that like button and uh

Or donate link in description but yeah you guys have been like really enjoying the videos recently so thank you we’ve been getting lots of people have been active and lots of people donating so shout out link in description below if you want to donate you don’t have to be

Though but you can send me like a funny message if you want any without further ado we got sixty five-plus you guys on guys join up going up let’s see if we get is sunny five today let’s go guys for jails MC bro we guys got this you guys got this

But yeah without further ado this is pretty much interview guys oh oh what did it say it said oh let’s go fish lake just voted and he got a one hour autumn our time that’s really sick also I’m dying of hunger if the owners watching bro please like do something about that

Because I’m literally dying of hunger but yeah we’re good now we’re good guys we got slash feet on the server don’t worry don’t worry and also guys if anybody’s wondering be voting like sexy back working and I was like a couple people complaining but for my stream even started in like Francophonie Winx

Town working guys they’ve actually been fix for about an hour now they were only down for like 15 minutes half an hour I’ll see you guys excuse me over phone the server that’s also another good way to gonna make some cash guys do go make some bends so if you

Guys do any go ends yeah for sure make sure you guys do you go and check that out and so yeah that’s that’s all you have to do shell that Calvin’s we’re bringing the server like school hey thank you guys it’s a pretty fun server

My friend made it shout outs to him guys he made it like pretty much all himself so yeah shout it to Tom the melon guys he’s an insane guy shot it through NZ sees all for dropping by shut up to g2 Sports g2 sports official bro shot super

Jump in red rain hooked me up with the top ring the server at Lord JK you never knows it I mean I can’t rig it for you but I’m giveaway top ranked out 100 likes guys so don’t forget to do that yeah like I mean you guys I’m so live

Down here for another 20 minutes and they were gonna go play some sky block umm but yeah it’s about to be insane guys join up showing up let’s see if we can do this for sure call me NZ see all right sure shout out to my friend NZ nzc for watching sorry I

Keep telling you NZT bro I’m sorry wait really top ranked 100 likes yes top ranked go 100 guys shout out to the owner he like he’s honestly hooking up with so much stuff today yeah if you guys don’t know the top rank is usually about 80

GBP even with this sale guys that’s even with this sale awesome you guys one winner for completely free well I guess happy use liked the video and type in the word giveaway and that’s that’s it so you’re good yeah as soon as we do gonna actually hit a hundred likes we’re

Gonna do that for sure however earrings you want to join my Ison sky blog um I think we’re plugin to make our own guys so sky block is actually out in 20 minutes um I’m probably to make my own um my own team but I’m definitely you adding a bunch

You guys I’m definitely bagging a buncha guys but I want to be owner of my own sky block team I’m just gonna like say that for everybody asking cuz I’ve actually got a lot of invites when people and they’re like referring like unlit salt like guy on the server and he

Was like show me like he’s really good to you but guys like I just like having my own Skyblock Island like I don’t really like working for other people I just like working for myself and like I don’t know owning my own stuff like personally but yeah yeah yeah what’s up

Katie plays her brain sorry mr. Lai but I left like leave the video awesome yeah shadow sorry I dread that totally wrong he said he left like but he missed all I have no problem dude you guys got ways walk back our streams too so yeah if you guys don’t know we

Always post them back on our channels so if you happen to miss it you can always like watch it back guys I post a whole entire thing too so yeah yeah she had a – Wilford ring can I be in the team maybe I really decided who’s gonna be

Unseen yet but I’m gonna try his light as many people as I can apparently we’re allowed to invite about 20 people so that’s gonna be sick but yeah in the meantime guys join up on the server we got 60 plus you guys on GMC let’s go guys let’s get it um join

Servers GG hi yo what’s up tin straight shot at C Frick C dropping by today Chad its Abbi bear oh my gosh guys what is happening yo I don’t know what’s even happening right now I just like mind myself down alright that was weird mmm there we go we got enchant working

Again sick refrain on board can you do so many other than mining alone yo Java food before guys I can definitely understand it I just need some money right now cuz that’s like kind of what you do in Minecraft I’m gonna quickly do some more rank up stuff

Cuz I actually wanna I don’t know if we really do this but my goal for the video gets before you wrap it up on here and go to sky block I want to see if I can get a prestige that’s like kind of my ultimate goal but Frank we’re at rank s

Right now for real I don’t think anybody’s done a procedure yet so if we actually do do a prestige that would be crazy um if we don’t do procedure I’d like it least to get the sidelines but yeah should be sexy soft fee yes feed also if the owners watching

Aunt on the melon bread you should definitely add me like an enchant that like while you’re holding your pickaxe it would like auto feed you because that would be super sick also wait this I’m just vote on my account I just said refrain wants to do is voted for the

Server and got a one hour minor time okay that’s cool what’s wait wait wait what your Shelley cuts the video um guys that wasn’t actually mean there but thank you guys thank you guys also somebody in the chat or just said refrain it’s not Z its Zed I’m sorry

Guys I say Z okay so like stop it I’m guys Canadians say it differently oh whoa what was that guys didn’t did you guys get kicked or oh my gosh she all but 20 people just got kicked pro um okay I hope you guys are all right there

Um the owners just like I’m in the chat he’s not even sure what happened and it would join back up if you guys got kicked off for real that was kind of weird anyway how much gonna keep grinding here eh we got our friend we got my friends via dismiss oh he’s gone

Now but yeah we got a friend sit over here for like one second and then he left but yeah guys Robert a superfight time the server guys don’t forget to join up plays our kills em c.net link in description wait it’s not Z it says add okay sorry I

Sleazy guys but I’ll try working on said this is like kinda like the bagel thing I’ve been saying apparently whole entire wrong it’s not a bagel it’s a bayit go like my stream is so annoying guys they mocked me Thomas a bagel but whatever I’ll try Sheldon Thursday for dropping

By shad to Zuri only eleven more likes a really wait what you guys are actually sort of bites hit this shoutouts you guys in the video that’s about to be crazy and oh yeah for real as well if you guys Hunico actually keep fence and giveaways after us we do more game boys

But their first Skyblock we only got two on prisons um so that’s gonna be hype though so make sure you go and crush like guys I’m sure we’re gonna hit this now it’s only 18 more likes away let’s go a river and I can’t join the server

It should be working guys there was kind of an issue where people are getting kicked a second ago but you guys should be good now so join up join up um for real though guys we just be grabbing some tokens in here doing some rank ups

For real like there’s so much rank up spikes he’s doing right now I just did another one right that’s he mine how much is it for the next rank up mmm I don’t have enough money okay it doesn’t actually tell me I guess but I’m just gonna keep going guys we’re

Tea right now we’re Rank 2 you guys call it hablo do you guys think we’re actually going to go and hit for real like a whole entire set in the video like do you guys think we’re gonna get to set by the end of video or prestige

Comment down below I want you guys to let me know because if we do we are actually be killing it there’s only one other person Fox accent Lee server he’s the only other person has said mine guys so yeah this is gonna be definitely something super super hard to go and do

But we’re gonna try and also I don’t like so many people keep blinking getting kicked guys like I’m sorry guys I don’t think this server like GMC is used to getting this much player disguise so maybe maybe they’re like well something’s happening um Brian revs like I got kicked fusions like kick I

Think going kicked yet guys but I I don’t know I don’t know everybody can you boost me um I actually know if we see anybody right now guys for real because like I kind of wanna still rank up myself but yes we will definitely give away some stuff like ranks guys we

Are giving away the top one actually at 100 so make sure you guys do go and crash that but yeah a mine resetboys mine reset I don’t know why so many people are getting kicked bro we just like half of everybody we like 60 on line number 30 anyway it should be

Working guys um Rev rain on the middle of screen it said how much you need to rank up to get to you oh it did max rank up um where it doesn’t say doesn’t oh it says on this side okay yeah Dixie says okay so if you guys say quickly

This side actually says twenty-three point three one progress for real okay that’s how much we need uh okay so yeah we just like you going up a bit more guys and uh should bill hit this oh no guys wait wait wait whoa wait shots you

Guys the video wait guys um is my stream still working guys comment down below the server is not working bro no guys wait what’s happening oh wait guys can you guys chat to see if this dream is still up or or is that just a server

They crash okay oh my gosh almost is how a heart attack bro I thought my stream was crashing it was just the server if we literally crash the server we had so many people in chat let’s kill this server is dead is it actually Pro I mean

We’re gonna switch over to sky block in like 50 minutes anyway but yeah bro GMC pretty fun it is pretty fun so every guy shouts the owner looking tokens oMG I didn’t see my tokens but we’d have to take a look at it yes stream is good yes yes s Tristan

Shout to you for dropping by shell the dog may as well we killed the server guys we literally kill like every single sub replan we have way too many you guys to go and support so thank you guys so much Rick see jumping by and by the way

This is a space MC we’re gonna be actually oppression have that one on there that was like the that was like the test server this is the actual service you guys my joint space MC sky walk that’s the main part of today’s video but yeah hope we G Elsa back up to

You because it was really fun the server has been hit off by virus oof I don’t know whom viruses but alright we back on at least the hub is back or can I just like jump back in prison for real it says there’s 25 people still on alright

So we’re gonna go to connect guys in the queue hopefully is good on if I’m pretty cool like lobby over to let me know if you guys exceed do you think we got prison Skyblock coming soon but yeah we kind of go like pretty sick of lobby and

Over here guys you guys can jump in over here today let’s go was good remembering when you click rank up it said the price in the middle I didn’t see it flies I seen that percent aside but that was it I know we shot the floods let me know bro when

We’re back up I’ll definitely go and take a look also will scoochie we got fusion over here bro just notice bro we have to be matching beside each other what’s up fusion bro he’s like to get these same exact skin as me bro insane you need to get a cape

Though fusion bro if you want to be matching 100% oh wait wait wait is he a difference kid bro wait no wait wait where’d you get that skin bro aren’t a few guys until you’ve seen that but he actually had the river to Merc skin if you guys don’t know we’ve

Marching it’s like a raindrop logo doodoo is literally my merch I know it service back up guys we good hopefully I don’t know anyway since we respond anyway and we need a lot more mites you rank up which I might actually opulent hit I’m gonna go x2 openness and

Cranky’s for yo because I’ve got a lot of them and you guys come in some pretty insane stuff from them guys so don’t forget to go and check out there’s too many people that won’t let me go the minor Craig guys oh we got some enchant tokens dope let’s

Go with the rank up keys you guys by the way rank up keys get every single time you rank up I mean you guys know what you go when you hear keys in here explosives enchant tokens I hope we get some explosives that would be cool that

Would be cool guys can be explosive come on no explosive rest in peace okay at least I got foreboding keys lock legit somebody people are actually trying to open up the voting piece guys it is meant to right now let’s go what’s good rivering now look at tokens um oh

My goodness bromide a million again you guys kidding me that’s kind of crazy we’re gonna buy a lot for him chance I don’t know if someone’s like donating to me or if the owner just like paid me a million for the video I I honestly have no clue

Um either way I’ll take it I’ll take you guys people is commenting so much stuff now yeah there’s a lot of people a shots you guys don’t forget well guys ah you guys even knew Smosh 100 likes ladies and gents we’re gonna weigh these top

Ranked guys on jlmc today so if you guys want to win it guys smash that like when it’s about to be insane but for real that was the for real insane key opening hope you guys enjoyed what I want to do next up though is actually sash enchant

And I’m Ike said you couldn’t buy some new stuff so I’ve got one wing tokens I’m thinking we go with excavation it’ll say mind cube shades in them mine for real I’m thinking with that guys but like explosive might be good to or lucky mining I think hmm alright guys I’m

Gonna give you guys three options let me know in the comments guys do I either by fortune explosive or excavation I want you guys let me know in the comments those like the most affordable ones I would say I think personally I should just go with the excavation because then

We can max it out it’s exactly one mill but let me know guys do I buy excavation explosive or fortune let me know which everyone gets most comments we’re gonna go and buy right now guys on jails MC and borough hopefully we get some good comments guys cuz like you guys are

Literally deciding my pickaxe in here like guys this is some serious stuff fuel said fortune explosive really not not excavation alright called everybody okay we got a couple of people selling saying activation wait do I have to choose no you don’t have to choose but if you want

To I mean debating whether we get excavation explosive or fortune I just can’t decide guys here let me get one of the fortune because I wanted to get 250 all right I’m gonna go okay people in the chair is saying explosive fortune excavation I’m gonna go with the

Excavation I I’m gonna go with excavation let’s go guys let’s go with excavation it’s a mill to max out that’s what at least most of comments are saying and also I kind of wanted to get it with the leftovers Oh can we get explosive or can we get fortunate okay

We actually got a leftovers to buy a bit of fortune not bad okay so weeks ago ourselves up to fortune 62 slicing through excavation five efficiency twenty by the way I probably should have pretty tap more to bro why did I not buy anymore efficiency

I should at least get that to to maxpro something expensive and then obviously speed too so that’s it and over there also I don’t mean that axe bro anyway let’s like see how never gets back to a warp a gels only mine suffered guys and let’s succeed go and get into this chat

Let’s go and get into this so let’s go and see the brand-new enchant excavation people say don’t know this it makes like a cube so I think eyes can see now when we break it’ll make like a whole it’s not every single chance but look at that

We just made a hole in there so so just breaking like one block for real it’ll it’ll – that it’s kind of crazy look at that we made another hole guys you made another hole so it’s actually pretty easy guys and oh it’s like access really

Good ok let me go sell all maybe can I see that Sal I don’t know how to sell stuff to the server guys I only know how to do auto sells so restless stuff guys is just gonna be going my player fault I’m pretty sure there’s definitely way

Did you sell I’m just like kind of a noob so I just use auto so but for real guys let’s go continue and don’t forget as well if you guys have already guys don’t forget to smash like chat if you guys likes me weren’t aware XD still

Doing some crazy crazy boys on the channel and the last one is happening guys at least for prisons 100 likes guys so you guys won’t go into this everybody’s watching right now smash the like button boys you guys works in the verge up back to hit it hopefully I will

See we’ll see but it’s about to be crazy so let’s go we’re rain when you click rank up it said the price above your hunger bar did it okay people said rank up and it’ll tell me the price okay for real I’m gonna test it one more time oh now it’s

Fixed it doesn’t say it above my hunger bar now it just says in the chat I think maybe the server maybe a tech so we didn’t crash maybe the server owner just did a restart to fix that anyway yeah if we do rank up now it just tells me up in

The chat that’s cool okay so basically 25 billion okay that’s gonna be a lot that’s gonna that’s gonna be a lot art wait is that 25 billion er oh yeah yeah that’s 25 bill I wasn’t sure if it was 25 ml or pill it was definitely it was

Definitely a bill shout out to you guys the video my head hurts I’m sorry guys if I’m thinking peoples that hurt I’m just playing some minecraft guys we’re gonna get into some more civilized stuff those for sure for sure but for now guys we

Got to keep grinding we got to get up a couple more procedures and um yeah let’s see if we can actually get this ed boys if we could that would be insane but yeah without further ado we’re just gonna be like grind up in here guys

Doing a bit of grinding left and right you guys already do know the vibes guys and if you have to say anything in the stream makes you guys do go and post it guys in the console came down below I’m replying to as many people as I can and

Yeah what’s up to pure my tears hurts yo it’s my stream guys it’s my stream that badly your ears are hurting or were they hurting before you joined any question its you guys are in over here you guys know you can turn down the volume on my

Stream was too loud right guys people in the chat just like trolling me like insane bro are you kidding alright let’s actually mine up to the top guys on weak seems to get up here real quick Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam there we go alright sick and then let’s actually

Go and keep trying it up over here guys I feel like maybe if we actually fly would sleep do better all my goodness bro why was I not flying mining before yeah this is so much better alright so we’re gonna go actually now fly while we’re mining chat and dude this is Lou

This is like another level right now like do you guys see this for real all right we’re steady going keep doing some more grinding up over here guys see ya but like men this is actually doing sort of good let me know the cost like jump

Look you guys six things do you think about this but yeah we’re gonna keep grinding and yeah it’s a lot better and I’m not like falling down or anything if I fall down I can just like jump and fly again or whatever riverain you have 1 billion tokens no I don’t I five

Thousand guys I wish I wish bro you actually got me like kind of hype there for a sec I was like wait a second do I actually have one build did I just like find out if glitch on this server and I’m like rich guys I thought we like

Figured I like some like a break you breaking the server hack or something guys but nope rest in peace guys I shut it to Vulcan though for jumping ba roof rain you need about ten more levels of efficiency tuinstra break that’s when fly okay we’re kind of close as well to

Getting it I mean but yeah I’m gonna fly anyway I mean we’re not insta breaking yet because I definitely still need a couple levels of efficiency it’s super cheap there too if anybody wants to donate if you don’t have to but it’s only $9,000 per level so we if we

Ourselves like at least 290 kaito-kun skies we should be able to go and get ourselves in to break for real so it’s gonna be hype guys insta break and then we be insane yes exactly exactly yeah yeah what’s happening right now guys we’re just playing prisons we’re mining so that’s

What’s happening also those guys don’t forget Skyblock is actually coming out guys in less than 10 minutes so just in case you guys have already I do wrap it up guys on GSM see you soon – make sure you guys like the video guys and don’t

Forget to go xD enter my giveaway I’m giveaway the top rank guys $80 all you guys have to do is actually crush like button and we just need 100 likes guys that’s it and then we’re good to go so make sure you guys do going to do

That and also yeah I don’t know why my face cam is like really like not that bright today legit like my face cam is like super bright guys some day or it’s like super dark um yeah hopefully you guys can see me hopefully it’s not like

Too dark in my room i legit have three lamps for this face cam lighting right now like bro I don’t know why it’s so bad but people said one more like that’s it bro no way let’s go chat let’s go alright you guys actually paid to go to

Hit this chat um thank you guys for smash like that’s honestly pretty insane and without further ado guys one more like away you guys are gonna be out 100 mark and the Wrexham you going get into this give boy for real guys let’s do this hope you guys are enjoying the videos so

Far bro honestly a Skywalker prison like my favorite things to play and we’re doing both of those things today so I’m excited guys oh no is there like bromine chants aren’t working oh no no don’t do that okay we’re good don’t do that to me I

Give away a y’all thank you guys like so much for crushing 100 likes guys on today’s video that was honestly insane voice but without further ado um yeah let’s actually go ahead and let’s – mine one more time and let’s go and do the giveaway I’m stalling for you all you

Guys that have already if you couldn’t already tell so guys make sure you like the video type in the word giveaway and you guys are good that’sthat’s all you have to do so good luck guys and yeah let’s get them mind reset like one more time one

More time guys let’s do it come on one more one more we’re almost at the bottom already brother this is mine is like so crazy but yeah it’s pretty insane guys it’s pretty insane I give away give away the whole entire Chinese famine giveaway shall the spike spike

Chat to Zeb who fought Fox well for dropping in Andrea plays all of you guys by the way this might be a small mind four people are saying it is I’m gonna going at the owner by the way to make it bigger if we do stream on here again guys

Um because it’s definitely kind of small I will say I hope it’s a really deep mine so it literally goes forever like hole who you guys this thing is insane alright anyway we just finished the mine guys hope you did enjoy I was like super super insane without further ado let’s

Takes now go and get into this game voice I guess I do insolence giveaway for the top-ranked smash like guys in Tibet to be insane don’t forget by the way on next giveaway have coming up in the stream is at 125 and that’s gonna be a giveaway for Skyblock for like the 4th

Top rank it’s gonna be crazy guys it’s gonna be crazy um so yeah I hope you guys are excited for that should be sick as it should be sick and um yeah yeah yeah alright without further ado though guys let me go exit draw the winter shots you guys

Type giveaway like the video let’s do this guy’s and the winner of the giveaway it’s a 1 in 68 chance of winning by the way lots of awesome shots you guys for actually answering guys but let’s actually go ahead and do this in 3 2 1

And bam guys the winner of the giveaway is Fox so shut it – fo x fox 4x – jumping into this stream I hope you guys aren’t excited that you won cuz you just got the top ranked guys let’s go let’s go so Fox we did your minecraft name and

We’re actually give it to you so yeah let’s do it let’s do it I should have thanked you subscribers shut up where’s that blue haze all of you guys we got 60 plus you guys watching that which is insane guys so for the join up on GL Oh guys this sir I

Don’t know what’s wrong with the server we’re gonna go – Skyblock down a minion anyway but yeah let’s take sleeping cube from the rank s before we do leave we gotta give it to you Fox they say Grimek sorry so shut it – grim X make sure online maybe just got kicked

Gram X but you guys if you wouldn’t leave your boys you guys do need to be online obviously so the owner can I see go and give it to you so yeah make it make sure online make sure online then we’ll do it what’s up Jesse Chen wassup dark games

Ends you see all of you guys actually underscore funny all of you guys what’s good what’s good still waiting for Drew mixing over here but hopefully they jump up soon shout the nerd – all for dropping by nevermind is the winner um did he did he change his name no he didn’t say

Nevermind was the winner guys he actually said he said his name is grim X so shout out to grim expression all right let’s go let’s go all right so Shantanu Grimek scroll for real oh he’s online alright she I did too well burn they just posted it bro

Literally like 10 seconds this back that’s a bet to choose the next one alright so my supposed to shout out to guys to critics for winning the giveaway one the top-ranked a awesome alright so my semester she had a two Grimek skies Forex me winning that

Give boy that was like super super super high up I do party as well if you guys like didn’t win obviously you guys are gonna be more giveaways then next more XD doing by the way it’s actually for the Astro rank guys on sky block as well us we’re gonna be live

Video guys for like two more minutes and then we’re gonna go and switch over that but thank you guys so much for coming on GMC with me today guys honestly super super insane if you guys want to see more content on here definitely let me

Know guys cuz yeah it looks like a lot you guys like so you liking it but um yeah for real was any the same time guys sadly we didn’t get to sad we got to tea though which is really close Perot like we honestly got soco’s from Ike’s you doing proceed for real

Chat but we got to set mine I’ll take that I’ll take that and also before I do wrap it up I’m gonna go with one more level in the sock in Schenck guys all of efficiency on next to move you player as well we’re definitely works you buy a

Lot more of levels of efficiency because obviously it kills absolutely mmm it goes up to 500 guys which is a law which is a lot if you guys didn’t know so 500 boys it’s gonna take a minute to go and hit ladies and gents but um we will hit

It we will hit it she all the flights were dropping by shut its you guys Falcon or ranking you bed Wars slash goers sometimes I mean I’m not really kind of like a minigame person I like kind of like playing like prisons and stuff like that but if you guys ever

Doing a go play stuff like that on the channel definitely soon I’m actually going to do some stuff like that so stay tuned stay tuned for sure hey hey what’s up guys we’ll stop shouting Maxwell Dirk though for dropping by Shutterfly’s all you guys feel free to smash like guys

Going up join up I’m so close to finally getting a procedure I kind of wanted to stay here guys but it’s actually now 3 p.m. so I think we’re accident go in transition over to Skyblock guys I think guys so much for watching the hour on

GSM see you guys with super super insane and definitely some more content on here soon but Boyd’s you out there guys inhundred Skyblock does anyone want to say anything about she hasn’t seen or anything or whatever and yes we’re gonna bang a ton of people – or Skyblock team

It’s gonna be crazy like it’s a little it’s literally gonna be so crazy guys so you don’t want to miss it yes I shut it – guys he says shout out to munch okay I do say it a lot Skyblock is up alright without further due you guys we’re never gonna go and

Switch but thank you guys like see so much for jumping in guys and definitely gonna be back on this over here again soon – so guys next avoid it’s actually gonna be for the next rank guys for the Astro 125 like so just in case you guys

Haven’t already make sure you guys XD do go XE crush that like putting guys and 125 should oh it already said 125 we’re good once what if eyes give me the next one so hype hey hey all right guys let’s like sneak it over now – Skyy bug shots

You guys excited for the guys but peace we’re gonna be back and without further ado few guys likes when you go and you up guys for Skyblock um it just came out one minute you go guys and it’s actually for play-doh space emcees calm so you

Guys want to go and show up sexy a brand new server there’s actually a bunch of youtubers on it too with like all a bunch over like 100k subscribers we’re gonna be on there collabing with them guys it’s gonna be super super fun on and you apparently just release guys so

Let’s go and jump up hopefully it is good there’s a lot of people gonna be on here by the way alright let’s actually go and jump in though and let’s see if we can actually jump I don’t know it might take a minute we’re positioned 95

Out of 96 alright guys so works and you go and wait but do like if you guys have any join up on space and see like dude this is one of the reasons I joined this ever like take a look at this Lobby guys like I haven’t even showed you guys a

Server yet take a look at the lobby like bro the builds on this or insane like this is crazy guy so if you guys want to go and join up guys noose Catholic series on the channel guys it’s gonna be super super hype and um yeah it’s

Probably gonna take us by the way about five minutes you boys to join up because there’s a lot of people trying to join in guys but it’s gonna be hype and hope you guys are excited for some Opie’s skybox guys how do you join the server

If you guys wanna join the IPS in the description and it’s also the side of screen play space mc.com so make sure you guys join up Lumbo said i’m already an awesome awesome shell taluka your ping is 120 oof shuts you up line up the buggy yo wassup panel plug

Kathy fricassee jumping in today what’s good what’s good but yeah I like hopefully we get in soon guys you’re already in the queue okay we’re number 18 guys we’re gonna be in any second now let’s go let’s go and also I was wondering like bro how do

You guys know my ping it literally says on this side that’s cool 41 ping right now that’s like kind of good isn’t it I don’t know maybe it’s good maybe it’s not um what position number one we’re in let’s go guys alright so this is excellent over if you guys gonna go xyg

What up guys for Skyblock it’s honestly such a cool server and works into going get into everything and like one one second right so firstly guys let me go actually fire on us you guys are wait bread going on have access to fly Trevor Tran is currently disabled yo I

Hope they often heard can fix that but anyway right now over here guys is like a bit of a tear all the server you guys actually got the crate keys over here supernova crate khalaq they create universe solar moon everything we just got the youtubers over here braille they

Forgot me rest in peace um hopefully i’m on there soon though we also over CIL’s like islands help us by to tokens bunch of stuff over your guys cane top these are actually by the way I guess the cane grinders and there’s actually PayPal cash law you guys kick cGAP from playing

This server likes to give away thousands of dollars to the people there like the best in the server style makes you guys do go and join off it’s gonna be insane up over here is what we got some more stuff guys over here like the war zone

So yeah like take a look at this guys this would be wars on the surface they did an amazing job by the way like I’ll building this server like take a look at that guys we have like I don’t know what even is that like a tank or

Something it just looks sick reversals like trees over there and then obviously like um yeah I just like some more top people for I stopped and everything but thank you that’s so sick alright without further ado though guys let’s actually go and create our own it’s every guy’s

First thing you always need to do in a sky block guys is XD do is go so let’s actually go and do that or Island crate maybe is that because it’s our first time I forgot is oh I knew well live like a cool thing on here I guess which

River rain river rain 1 2 3 let’s see if this works guys and bam ok so Rex lean over you guys so this is actually our island bro it obviously is kind of 8 while it’s actually really small on anyway we’re actually getting a lot better you guys don’t worry don’t worry

But this is actually we start on obviously and then yeah we got this and obviously you guys are going to enter the rank giveaways racing just getting the ribbon sorry mouth last master chat to the owners well first sponsoring and they skip away but yeah do also yes we fly

Now finally ok my fly works as well too bro the owners must have fixed it alright without further ado this is it I’m gonna by the way throw out all my members stuff because we do actually have a ranked kit to show you guys but

Yeah the ranks is what we gave away guys are gonna be super super insane if you guys must match like we give away the solo rank we give away the lunar and a bunch of other ones so just in case you guys do want to be you know entering the

Giveaways guys 125 is the first one so don’t forget to go in crack that and also I don’t we have access to broadcast in the server can I at least post on the server or I will see um hey anyway guys it’s not a smart people know Excel live

Guys should be Gucci begat me she guys all to go enjoy up guys link in description we still got about 45 plus you guys watching live which is insane wait wait how do you get here POW me outside wait how did you get over to my Island bro

I’m so confused guys I think I’ll make it work unless it’s oh is it such is work remains to me maybe he just worked here for real I think it actually might be such a super in Sri if you guys wanna check it out I don’t know any we thought

For the two guys let’s take single we start doing some building and ever gonna learn fight some people once you guys exceed in Smash 125 likes for the first giveaway so just in case you guys have already it’s gonna be insane we’re gonna be by ourselves some ooh only got 2.5 k

Um I just working with two stacked for now but essentially guys we’re gonna do is we’re gonna make the on figure it should be sick um see how that seeing dude you’re typing is so loud guys I do boys if my typing is a little loud guys

I am trying my best I’m sure my best and also we’re all these people coming from like did you guys warp here or I have no cloud you guys got here but I think it’s slash I saw rain so if you guys want to go and come over so make sure you guys

Doing also I’m such a terrible builder bro sky block like you kidding me and so yeah yeah and also for everybody it’s like spamming like river ain’t invite me invite me guys were inviting maples I came to the island as soon as you guys do going crush to give away guys so

Don’t forget guys likes go ahead smash that like button and once we do go and actually hit ourselves pretty much the next giveaway guys a k1 25 I’m going way this solo ranked guys and I’m also going to go ahead and also give away some Island invites which is about like

20 or 25 people so you guys want to be outside make sure you guys do that hey yo did you guys is push the chicken off dude what is this dude crying emoji new that’s actually kind of funny but like come on just push the chicken off guys

What is happening my stream is is terrible this is terrible alright without further ado guys I’m just going to keep doing some more grinding but hope you guys are enjoying it and hopefully we can finish this off and the omelets not looking that good right now

Guys but we’re gonna get it better we’re gonna get it better she helps you real Callum as well for actually dropping by as well – guys hype hype hype anyway we thought for the two guys umm what actually would like to do next to a bit

Is actually go in or not stop slash kit because we should I save access to kids in the server um yes okay we have access okay guys so the top rank wait what does the top rank again it is lunar I’m pretty sure um well take say Duke it

Lunar guys actually Beagle when people said oh okay this one’s Deason this was Dean it I don’t think it’s the top rank though because it actually says prot – but anyway yeah this actually some pretty good stuff guys ah if you guys actually want some stuff guys jump on

The server people are saying they’d pay me 50 K as well thank you guys real quick I’m excited raw egg can’t shout see owner I hope him alive you guys but I actually don’t need this kid I did the wrong kit so you guys can real quick

Have that low key if you guys wants it um but yeah makes you guys do go next to jump up guys on the server today wait people you guys can’t pick it up okay rest in peace I’ll try to give it away as falling that in a sec let me do maybe

Mercury I don’t know what the top rank is mercury Oh Mercury’s definitely top rank all this stuff is Opie all my goodness guys brought five on the server unbreaking for you kidding me okay let’s go and then obviously we do for ourselves I sharpness everything guys

You kidding me a vision so you do that’s crazy and obviously all the cells Mercury ho to you but I mean I don’t really need the hole too much so we’re gonna go put away some of the stuff guys for real in our PV actually forgo be

Accesses so recently go and save all for building materials and over there island level definitely be staying at the on level cuz I’m pretty sure is island top rewards on the server so you guys definitely want to go and check that out if you guys haven’t already or

Don’t put those away though we also have ourselves some ender pearls guys I’ll put those way to golden apples you know I’ll supplies way to you and yeah centrally we can kids right now guys I’m gonna do all my kids so we did that I’m into cosmos next up

For real and some shots against the video and also looks like I can’t drop stuff in my island so I’m gonna pick that back up guys I do apologize I thought I was able to drop stuff man guys off to figure out a way text to

Give you guys some kids later maybe I can drop them as spawn or something but for now yeah that’s it I guess and anything it’s time guys we’re going to actually go in RPV’s oh noes my peepees filled um I might just have to delete

Some of this stuff guys what if I go to spawn maybe I can go by spawn well see if we could drop his spawn I just don’t have room for this guys like i legit don’t have room let me drop this as spawn sorry we can’t drop items here

Rest in peace guys know what am I supposed to do guys with all this stuff if anybody like you guys like we’re wrecking story it’s like let me know I just have no clue like where to store this how do you use off the fine you

Just download it and you press azide and then you can zoom in it’s pretty sick we were actually using it right now guys so hype um maybe I could buy a chest let’s just buy some chests for now guys usually I don’t we buy chests and stuff

All Skyblock guys but we kind of need them so yeah low key you guys will take sleek oh crap some chests over here guys and then we should be good to go with some chests over here guys you know there’s so many people here on my island you

Have two guys for dropping by the like for real guys we got so many you guys in here anyway where does he continue with all of our kids guys because obviously I want to go and get some good stuff for our team guys mainly at blocks for the

On level we got ourselves a couple stacks are already guys which is actually pretty good but in the meantime yeah this is just about to be it and if you guys are new the channel I don’t have any new people guys but you guys do crush like putting guys putting some

Crazy crazy boys astronauts and we’re also going to be going giving away on some Island invites and some ranks guys both the 125 guys let me know how close we are away from 125 we should be really close so just in case you guys have any

Make sure you guys like both smash like button share this video let’s hit it guys should be awesome and bro looking all that Island love look a like juicy eye level that’s insane okay how much tickle actually DMZ owners I don’t know if the owners are even reading my VM

Skies I feel like they’re not by gizmo if you’re watching the video please reply like I’m waiting shut up – wolf are chill for jumping bachata – TN Jonas all of you guys share – 10k subscribers no video starik games guys you have anything to say post down below and don’t forget to

Let me know when we hit it Oh I’ll be up on 26 now no way alright guys give me one second we’re gonna do that but by the way that’s the giveaway for the solo rank so I hope you guys are actually excited for that um or

Wait a second wait they gave me the wrong ranks oh my gosh anyway uh guys I’m just messaging no never your mouse message yet it’s you Calvin all right shut up to massive mass master chadsey owner they actually gave me the rank your voice for 200 likes and 175

Just they actually haven’t given me the ranks guys for like 150 and 125 which is what I’m trying to do right now so yeah you got the wrong ranks no I think it’s wrong mics I’m just missing two so yeah if the staff is watching I need to Astro

Ranks yeah that’s that’s pretty much it so guys works in gonna wait until we go and get the asterisk to through the capable way I guess we’re doing a bit of a stall for you guys well so just in case you guys have already guys everybody join up play space themseives

All calm guys join up to an OP or any super super fun time right now if you guys want to win a free astronaut rank guys don’t forget to smash like and shout it to my friend in the chat thank you anyway without further ado guys are

Waiting for that don’t forget to keep typing me giveaway next one by the way is gonna be happening at the big 150 so just in case you guys haven’t already we got some insane ones and yes gonna be insane hey without further ado guys okay what we’re gonna do is while we’re

Waiting I’m actually gonna make the on 8-bit failure because there’s like way too many people your chat and we legit need more space so let’s actually go guys to grab two of these and we’re going to go and grab awesome grass over here I know you guys hate it when I

Building grass to like people look like hate this my stream guys feel like we need to do it like guys we need the on bigger it’s so small right now once we get some teammates so like I’m guys I’m gonna hire them to do it but for real

Guys we do extend you to place it a little bit layer right now a little bit like right now over here a little bit over here hey yo guys let me what are my teammates doing brother’s so funny you guys need to let me place these in

Thank you but like guys okay give me a chance okay looks like so you go and keep going now for real we should be good guys and bam okay so silent it’s a little bit bigger we’re gonna be continuous while still waiting on the other rank so like I said

The owners interview you guys waiting for the Astro ranks hopefully we could give those to you guys soon though ah rib brain my head hurts you I hope your height dog stops hurting bro if you guys want to know a factor to give you had to stop

Hurting guys put on they put on like the the eye strain mode on your like phone or tablet there’s likes like a mode for that and you can also drink water and then and they’ll be good that’s what I do lease rude brain can I join the on my

Name is Jonas yes guys I’m f new lots of people in a second I still wear I swear we’re just waiting for the astronaut ranks guy so we’re going to actually give this way to you guys and then invite some people to the island so I

Don’t free to go and crush like guys about to be insane and I don’t know if the owners maybe didn’t get my DMS bro but I better get my team’s we’d be waiting for days bro alright let’s actually go and keep going then little bit more for real bit more over here but

Have you guys are because you join up guys new server ah space MC calm guys makes you guys all do go and drop but you still got a couple hundred of you guys on it like to we’re just honestly insane reference such a good time with

You guys today and so yeah all sorts a bunch of old scene what do there’s so many alts in the server yo guys I don’t think you’re like to do that um you know there’s so many people in your guys I need to keep the on though

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam mmm mmm mmm hmm alright there we go so yeah this is our own right now guys it’s looking a little bit better we’re not side too bad though anyway guys sorry I’m just like messaging like this stuff on the server guys I don’t know where they’re at but

Guys they gave me some wrong cranks so hopefully they can actually go and give me B to Asheville right guys so we can get into escape away what I’m gonna do though guys I’m just gonna go and get boy the astronaut wreck right now and then once we get the rank enhance waters

Traits you guys then do pologize i guess like the owner zone everybody there like china obviously like get stuff done the server and they’re like still adding in a bunch of stuff so yeah i know though that for you guys let’s do this giveaway make sure you guys do smash like in the

Video guys type in your name if you do win as well about without further ado guys so let’s actually go and draw d winner it’s a 178 chance of winning today guys without further ado let’s general the chat and let’s pick the winner the winner of the giveaway is

Salty podge alright so shadow too salty patch 42 dropping by today brow a proxy over your good luck oh we got them no those dude these are not the oh my gosh I thought the staff gave me the ranks think these are not the right ranks these are the exact same ranks we

Had before oh my gosh I know I shall do salty patch bro if that’s who you’re actually winner of the giveaway bro we’re just gonna go easy way for you and hopefully you aren’t sitting here so we can actually hook you up with the rank bro

And shout out to the owners finally find out so we helped the after ranks guys finally enhanced solders we got everything so once again guys Astro rank asked to rank every 25 like you were doing giveaways so good luck this is for 125 all right so my friend did reply

They said minima Strom trom bonus so shots you trombonist I hope I said right and it works are you gonna go ahead and actually I’m not gonna give this you actually can I embassy trombonist oh okay let me go like CC Strom trom bonus can I give you the rank um

Anyway we’re still going get I’ll see if we get access guys from the owner to actually pretty much like give me access guys so it connects the intimacy you guys to actually hooking up with the ranking folks I don’t know for sexy a tray command serve right now

I don’t think there is so yeah obviously to give it to trombonist I do need parasite guys so we’re gonna go and see if the owner connects gonna hook it up guys if not I’m not sure I’m actually gonna get these to you unless you could

Actually we could his TPD oh yeah let’s DP the trombonist alright so she had it to the trombonist guys for weeks for watching the video I did a 4×8 over trombonist I want you to go like hide somewhere on the server and then I’ll TPU and give me the rank just like go

Hide somewhere where like nobody else’s and we’ll try to drop it to you hopefully it does work do it and yeah without further ado I came through a spawn oh man I’m really gonna have to get the owners to like just give me permission up to trombonist guys shot

The Tremblay so the guys like sleek so excited they guys so excited but yeah we’re starting going to give it to like one second guys sorry the owners like legit just released the server guys say are a bit busy but we’re gonna go actually try to give it to trauma it’s

Like right now dead obviously we’ve already TP to him I’m trying like envis see him so I can put the in his inventory but yo shadow refrained invite me to your I love you me yes SS guys we’re gonna vote invite people to you on like Reyes so if you

Guys want to go in stay tuned as soon as we give trauma insist rank we’re gonna like invite people and then we’re gonna continue with the giveaways as well so don’t really keep going guys it’s about to be insane just right now yeah I’m trying to um and vez see bro it’s not

Working okay um okay the owner said he’s ex it’s gonna gonna give it to you guys manually okay whatever guys whatever i okay so shut it to trombonist all right okay so guys yeah if you guys are gonna connect since we get boys I’m not even gonna like shelise often V anymore because

Even if I do have them it’s how are we gonna do anything cuz so the owners are so they’re actually couldn’t go and give it to you guys if you actually win so yeah I do Paul guys guys let me just like put those in a chest for real bro

That was like so funny I don’t know what the owners are doing today but it looks like sniffer guys back to her home with some fights and people should be sick but guys if you would actually like to go ahead and actually win the ranks guys we’re not actually gonna be trading to

You guys on the server or nineveh seeing the owner just gonna send it to the by craft so if you do win a giveaway it’s just gonna come through the by cop and you’ll say this do you bought the rank but actually the owner will buy for you

So shot you guys and obviously the owners for spawns its giveaways so yeah we don’t really need those anymore anyway yes yes this boys I hope you guys enjoy that next giveaway though is actually happening once you guys likes to do especially giveaway 450 so don’t

Forget like see keep going and um yes a but to be in the same also let me go to test this youtube.com/ sucker for any one two three slash live all 100 and or actually we’re only 25 more 25 more likes equals top ranked giveaways once again chat just in case you guys

Didn’t know we’re actually doing some crazy crazy game boys guys every single 25 likes so just in case you guys have our next giveaway I’m doing it’s gonna be for the auction runt ranked on once again and we’re gonna go and give away some better ranks later and if you guys

Want to answer any might giveaway say all you guys had through Smosh like guys that’s a completely free so make sure you guys all do go into yeah and join up all in space we’ll see you guys or super heights I know what’s up for you guys

Let’s invite some people to my own I know a lot you guys want to be I did so guys if you want to be at it put your microphone even the context count below and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna reply to a bunch you guys and we’re

Gonna add a bunch you guys in I don’t know how many people we can invite but is about to be insane is invite guys let’s actually go comments by the way my stream chat if you guys want me if I don’t message me in the server I’m not

I’m not reading these comments white cream I’m not adding you you guys think you guys need to comment on my stream chat alright so pound retelling to be the first person or not pal me down pound me pound me outside bro this guy’s name I

Don’t even want to say it but shots you for dropping in pound me out salad sakes you going right over there dude you already know the vibes and I guess can we invite most people the same time or D F like wait um oh this server let’s

Let’s invite multiple at the same time bro if you guys don’t know I’m a real big fan of servers I’ll let you invite like tons people the same time send us some surprised you have to like wait like five minutes invite the next person it’s like so annoying um some guy wakes

You got this in the server but yeah real quick guys works about to invite a bunch you guys makes you guys all comment down below guys if you want to be added and don’t forget guys to sooo good smash like we got six new to plus you guys watching today guys

Ah guys this is kinda asking what but can we just stack up people can we 64 viewers I mean bro when we have 64 viewers you guys already know is about to be a little it’s going to fight actually funny night skies let’s go and if I love you Mead chat samhitas ball

Guys he’s like the owner of prisons if you guys in know the prison server we play on let’s go in invite dean for as well guys let’s go and do it let’s invite say hallo guys were inviting so many people here I don’t know how many

Weeks you have I went if I white cream as well okay so let me check my cell my cell Timur i esteem so i esteem could not be found um guys this anybody join my island yeah or like what’s happening she got two guys all for joining out makes you guys

All do you wanna join guys i pees in description and over here to smash likes guys 150 is happening for the next one is about to be insane okay without free to do some people say they join so my friend Brian rep said I joined also nude awesome shall the specs modest gaming

Okay guys I honestly have no clue if you guys have been getting invited or not um or how many salts we have I’m gonna ask them eight we have put twenty so it’s usually minecraft servers have about like 10 or 20 people you can add I think

This server actually is 20 because you know you guys are as you know they’re different they’re Opie so makes you guys all do quench enough for real um but yeah it’s a bit to be insane Sarah Mayo 5 let’s adding over here guys game all

Day 99 we got so many you guys in over your lists go guys I love you me we already got you fusion Aussies let’s had all diseases well let’s go dude so many people how many fights we have dude I did you don’t know guys there’s gotta

Be a way like /team or something yo hey Dean bro what are you doing yo shot that Dean bro I know you’re added to my team bro but like why are you mucking up the island don’t do that anyway I’ll go Exley guys see does anybody like know the command um how we

Can actually check to see like who’s added in our team if anybody could let me know that’d be awesome cuz there’s gotta be like a way we can check like there’s 60 you guys watching right now there’s gotta be a way if you guys could

Let me know that’d be sick but yeah any meantime I guess where do I keep going let’s invite fusion let’s invite will flirt your Opie mattis I think where’d he go at you but I’ll go again mattis shut it – mattis people said slash is

And it tells the okay Sasha I asked um Sasha is doesn’t say it doesn’t say chat there’s like a different command usually the is list maybe that’s it all there we go okay let’s go okay so I will list there’s Obama’s five pages um hmm okay

11 out of 11 okay I don’t know how many breaks that’s odd this team has 16 though so I’m guessing weeks of 16 okay guys I could be wrong but I think we’re all 16 people on our team so let’s go and keep inviting more people guys

Should be safe though should be sick because it’s like already other teams in the server with like 50 which is crazy um and off not 50 sorry 16 I don’t know where I I got 50 from updating the giveaway though guys makes you a boy it’s at 150 maybe that’s what I was

Thinking about and don’t forget well just in case you guys have ready subscribe to the channel guys makes you guys do you actually subscribe because Mike see if $100 monthly guys to new subscribers so if you guys weren’t going inside every single month actually choose a random subscriber guys – and a

$100 PayPal and even if you don’t PayPal like I could buy you like a rank on a server worth 100 I can buy you something off an Amazon so like guys if you want to win $100 every single month guys it makes you like smash that like but I

Know for you to subscribe or even like if you know someone that won’t spend a hundred bucks like send in this video but yeah without further you guys we’re going to keep going here hope we get some new subs oh guys a pop up on the

Screen river and I need to go my head hurts no problems you’d honestly like got health health over everything um shout diffusion then we gonna actually add him bro yo shad this guy this is like honestly like the worst of all comedy ever this guy called walking

IPhone just joined bro who comes up with that walking iPhone GB I think pretty invited you but it says you’re already in the team GB so shadow love you me I’m pretty sure y’all ready team – yeah you guys are already in the team guys so

Yeah I like it guys everybody it’s like watching right now you guys like mainly already in the team um shouts of Luger though for jumping by shots you guys baller dude GG guys we have anything this week she gave to go post in the chat I also got myself six

Also a sponsor some someone so thank you and also shuttling team look at these guys we got some new like segments come up in the server we have like emeralds diamonds iron gold how did I forget what this was called I was I was literally about to call this metal iron guys okay

I think we got everybody guys so bricks leaves you are you okay with all the people around yeah yeah she had to get a video well Paul I like inviting a lot of people smiling guys if you guys don’t know I love having you guys in the video so yeah if you guys

Won’t join the island honestly like I would invite my whole entire stream if I were high five perms however I do get grief with law that’s it’s kind of the downside but yeah I guess we should be good we should be good okay so let’s see

You i esteem now i think we might be filled or IIST less people said all i got one more thought okay wait guys we got one more saw looks like so if anybody wants to be invited we’re gonna find some more people plus if I million um let’s invite Mullen and then let’s

Also invite fusion guys this is our last slot fusion it says you’re already added lombo let me try out in you lombo VI guys I’m pretty sure about 16 people because the top out on the server has 16 people and we got 15 right now so we’re gonna go and do one more

She’ll be sick you aside do such as upgrade is there an upgrade imagine there’s an upgrade week like up creates like 50 oh this is a cooperate menu oh Island has more warp spawner right XP XP boost well I’ve never heard of that okay it’s cool crop growth

Island all its oh wow you guys are excited more all its that’s cool unlocks 10 extras all know in links 10 extra slots island border and also member sighs well that’s actually really cool so yeah I guess you guys like student 1 check that out it looks like we can actually even

Add even more people dude I love this server like bro if we can’t buy all those upgrades and all this like alts like bro that’s an extra like what like 20 people are gonna add we’re gonna literally have like 40 people in our team like are you

Kidding me guys like that’s kind of crazy um anyways shout out you invited me but it’s filled okay guys yeah we’re gonna go to fight support people right now obviously I don’t actually have myself like 500k to do the upgrades for the alt or the ILA members but when we

Do fabric hey guys definitely gonna go into that and don’t forget guys by the way update on the likes ladies and gents works these still weighing only giveaway I hope it’s been 50 minutes I don’t know if I’m gonna get in trouble you notice that I can only promo every 15 minutes

Bye guys smash like it’s gonna happen I know thought-forms you guys let’s actually going to keep doing some we’re placing in guys what X I want to go and do is continue a whiskey gold so we’re gonna do real quick guys I’m just gonna go out by Pontius gold over here guys

And we are about to go ahead and keep going eh yo shout outs you guys the video okay that’s not good yo just ignore those people in the server otherwise people just spam bought it me guys whoa where I’ll be out real quick guys are just gonna keep doing some

Organ and hope you guys are enjoying it should be sick should be sick and don’t forget to smash like guys it’s about to be insane someone is literally spam botting me so much oh my gosh guys yo you guys are not allowed to do out on this server for real bro anyway though

Guys we’re playing as many people as I can so if you guys have anything the same as you guys do go post it in the comment section down below guys you guys already do you know she has my friend is although a pound me outside bro can you

Move real quick I need to thank you yeah we exceeded see critics you keep placing a bunch more stuff for video guys because obviously we are gonna need some more iron guys for the island level imagine we’re like eyes top number one we might actually be because we actually

Have like kind of a lot of olive already guys and the server by the way just came out likely like half an hour ago guys so if you guys looking for – brandy sky leaks ever – playing guys make sure y’all do like see smash like and select

To be insane boys alright there we go we finished that one finish this one let’s cover this with diamonds now River eight if I do pick your gr guys my own is filled oh and listen wants to do me 500k that’s so much is for an upgrade so yeah if you

Guys will do any 500k for an upgrade sure but yeah sorry it’s filled also guys can someone give me like a quick update on the likes you if you don’t know we’re doing a giveaway next up for the astronaut rank guys in my PB 1 I’m Lexie giving away a

Astronaut rank but I’m also a lunar and solar layer in the video which of the top ranks by the way if you guys wanna win ante ranks all I guess uh feels like well it’s smashed like button and I’m accident going giveaway i bunch of them

It’s a 150 next up and pretty much like every 25 likes we’re giving away stuff so just in case you all have already makes you guys you’re gonna crush that ship be sick tougher to do though Bam Bam Bam we’re gonna keep going some guys we’ve got so

Much stuff so you go place in here it’s unbelievable but for real boys we’re gonna going keep going bit placing over here bit place over here we got so much people though on the team guys this is so yet thank us for joining my team by

The way River rain oh yo shout-out to my friend Tristan I do polarize I guess I couldn’t figure out how to accept the invite to my Island rest in peace guys we’re gonna get some more people in soon we’re gonna get some more people in soon revering how do you enter the giveaway

If you guys wanted to the gate boy just type the word giveaway in the chat and like the video and then once we / 150 guys we’re gonna go and pick the winner so that’s legit it guys is a pretty easy giveaway to go enter so good luck and

Shout my friend Malayan refrain give me a shot yo guys I’m sorry my on his field I’m not gonna kick anybody but guys I want to be at 500k I’ll definitely guess more in fights I’ll buy an upgrade for you guys Oh for real we have 500k flying

Who just don’t you know you just paid me yeah we actually got 500k also worth 3 likes away from the next giveaway makes you guys do gonna crash that dude though what someone that you just paid me such as upgrades all right well I guess let’s

Do it so there’s also an island Alton over here and there’s also an island members I mean I don’t really know why there’s two separate ones like I’m so confused and I’m just gonna buy the island members guys but like couldn’t we just invite Isle members for that one

Too anyway I’m gonna go at a c5v member great guys 500k let’s do you got but I guess once we get that that’s level one well we kept it even more for dude wow we can get an extra 10 players even more I’m pretty sure if you guys upgrade it

To the max on the server I think I’m actually go up to like maybe a hundred is that is that too much guys I have no clue but we just upgraded it to now it’s 26 players we can out upgrade it like oh my gosh that’s like 50 more players this

One’s like 50 more that’s a hundred and eighteen people guys hey chef laughs rapidly two pound donation bro he said or she they said Reverend can you fight me because I can’t accept the other yes and shouts you guys for the stream law as well guys

If you want to get a free streamliner on my channel oh yes I’ve to do easier be active guys or donate link in the description below so make sure you guys actually to go and check that out boys that’s all you guys except to do thank

You for the snake by the way um anyway yeah we don’t got ten more salts guys so we’re actually we’re gonna but a bunch of you guys and I’ll try to invite you the guy that just donated for sure for sure guys um put your my crafting of the

Comments the guy that donated said his name is modest alright he’s in the first invite bro shoutouts him but we still got like nine more guys to add right now so that should be sick shout to lean be James refrain I paid you 500 K for the

Salt in no way where’d you even get farmer Cape from by the way lien be games like the server just the release guys you must have bought something dude maybe like a monthly create I might accept the bimonthly crate guys all right let’s if Eileen be games right

Over here guys let’s do this he said I sold some stuff like diamonds okay okay that’s not bad bro do they sell for a lot because like I just placed in like all my diamonds and stuff like could I sell them and get a bunch of money let me see the sale

Prices where are they ores Oh what six thousand dollars each holy okay guys we could actually bro we could like literally destroy all that and get so much Bank I’m kind of tempted now I’m not gonna do it there guys I’m not gonna do it she had two guys with

Well a my friends got a sick k-pro just like you just like your boy actually my cape is even alright now what I’m just getting customisation cape on what swear by cape go dude I swear I had a cape hmm I know maybe the server disabled it Oh shots you guys as well

People are seeing a hundred fifty likes guys are we out of hundred fifty likes are we close either way we’re doing the next wave everybody soon guys I wonder 50 without free to do though I wanted to extend bite um 10 more people guys so if

You guys want to be invited guys make sure y’all do actually put your minecraft name the Colin section down below guys I’m gonna be fighting a bunch you guys in or it’s gonna be sick so makes you guys want to be added put your minecraft name in and let’s get

Into the skies let’s get into this alright next person to be game all day shout the game all day 999 you’ve honestly been super active you already know that’s close enough we’re gonna buy you two also we got people like building stuff in the server are you like look at

This bro like I don’t even know other building it looks like some sore grinder that’s gonna look sick guys yeah we’re gonna go actually put some grinders up on the server guys gonna do a bunch of cool stuff and also guys the sexy new series on the channel soap you

Guys were excited for the videos there but to come on here I don’t forget to Like and subscribe people say I was the one 450th like yeats awesome yo shadowjacky block guys give me one second I’m gonna fight one more person and then we’re gonna do the giveaway and I’ll keep inviting more

People because legit so many people want to get added right now it’s like guys fusion for the 50th time you’re already added bro you’re legit already added to the team shadow – killer jor for jumping in – shout to start games for sure oMG Muhammad – chatzi for jumpin a while

– bro what’s up Jets you lizard for jumping in yeah we got so many people in the team alright guys without further ado let’s get into the good boy how many continues to fight people out in a second we should actually have like about four or five more slots maybe a

Bit more and also munch in the or munity I just invited you without further ado though guys insane like look at that guys they’re building they’re building something and this guy shooting ever since what is their way what is this over here bro what is this

Are they making like a sky fortress dude look at everything doing out there just my friend um any without friends you guys let’s even get into this game boy all you guys have to answer guys is like the video and actually type in or give

Away without free to do this is for the last astronaut rank and we’re getting into the better ranks guys to buy to be insane and some yeah alright without further ado guys let’s actually go and get into this it’s a one and ninety three chance of actually winning this

Game boy my semesters shots you guys for answering guys like and subscribe on the channel if you haven’t are anybody topper ado let’s roll the giveaway and the winner of the giveaway is pro gamer and elf for the astronaut rank so shout out sim I put astral rank in the

Description but it’s it’s just short form guys it’s actually for the astronaut rank I guess some people are getting confused guys it’s it’s astronaut it’s a short form so if you guys want to win the astronaut rank guys this one over here guys smash like we just gave it away to someone hopefully

They’re here they got 60 seconds to reply guys if not we’re gonna like Siri pick the win but yeah they should sleep in here guys and we should be low come on we should go hook them up and I have that we got the solar and the lunar guys

So we got some good ones for you all today hey yeah I seen that white cream hey wait yo um guys I don’t know what to do this dude legit just place lava on me are you kidding me white cream bro you almost killed me there guys do we

Need to ban this dude do we need to bend this dude oh my gosh guys I’m legit dying for a second for real what’s up James agree though what’s up Vulcan fox my resume all of you guys so pretty on the videos what’s up Ron crock

Shanty for jumping in – no way guys sorry I’m just reading the comments you guys are hilarious guys Matthew for jumping in alright so pro gamer I know thank you guys it’s been a minute let’s we pick the winner new giveaway since they weren’t he rides we pick it is a robot

Melon so shut its you robot in the land it’s like two hours I think it’s like rah rah robot million I don’t know how to say it anyway thought to you please reply you’re the winner of the astronaut rank let’s go they said yeah let’s go

Through it over here yes guys we got someone we got someone finally let’s go also yeah if anybody’s wondering we’re super you here for you I know like two hours guys like we’d asked and they started off but yeah dude this is about to be so sick you kidding me shout to my

Friend for winning alright we just eat you minecraft name you also who’s breaking this stuff dude Dean are you breaking this do we have to kick a Dean bro hey I see you Dean is eternally break the island under people guys I swear we may have exit fight it a bit

Too many people to the team also we have ourselves a bunch of also spires I’m going places it over here there should be spawn or stack wait is there no spawn or sacking there should be spawn or stacking no oh there we go oh I mess it up okay yeah smaller stack

He’s working now okay there we go yeah I just stacking over there sick all right sorry syphilis Akutan I guess I wanted talk didn’t really stack right guys but some there we go we now have ourselves 16 minutes back plus the 73 have 70 and spawns there do that’s so P star gonna

Have like 17 at time crazy don’t be killing a don’t be killing them don’t be killing them guys are good pets anyway shots you robot the line broke he said yeah in the chat but he still never told his minecraft name so yeah obviously few guys do in the giveaways

You guys do need your name because like I don’t know who to give it to or I need to send it to the owner so if you guys don’t know how this giveaway works I actually get you guys I picked the winner and then whoever is

The winner I send your name to the owner and then they actually just hook it up with you so yeah I need your I need your name it’s been about a minute guys I hate to reroll it because they were here five seconds ago they said I’m sending

It do you guys see it no I don’t see it I don’t see it you literally like I’m sending and you typed nothing maybe post it again maybe posted again Isis an invite is broken for me sad face I could try inviting you again but you I think

Already in the team game all day it says you might want to remove him he’s already invited so like you should be good game all day I think you already added so yeah GG’s how do I accept the eyes to invite I’m pretty sure it’s just

Like Sasha I so accept guys it’s pretty to say more like every other server so that’s hype and also shout to you guys hi I’m Rob Rob Mellon guys you can’t just do that I do apologize and you already have the astronaut rank so dude obviously I’m trying to type but it

Won’t work can you say it wait guys is this robot melon is this they do from this stream you already have the astronaut right guys this is we’re giving away the astronaut rank to someone you already have it I don’t know if we’re gonna repay kit or they said

Bra that to me alright I love to repay kit shots he has the video guys you already have the rank like where if the owners adding it to your account it’s not gonna do anything cuz you already have it dude they said bro well what do

You think it’s gonna do like you already have the ring it’s not just gonna like give you a double rank or something like you already have it so yeah I’m gonna have to retake it unless you want to give it to someone else robot melon because yeah they say can I choose yeah

You could pick someone else you got like ten seconds out oh my gosh also shot the killer drawer took to your blocks really you’d better not have Oh No okay I’m just gonna kick him guys honestly I don’t really know maybe he’s not lying but I’m gonna kick him anyway guys cuz

Like I don’t really want to get any griefers I don’t even wanna risk it guys so yeah shall they killer drawer guys but like guys if you actually steal from me you better not be guys like don’t be doing that guys we just lost team rolls are kind of expensive rough kind of

Expensive I would have probably sold for like I don’t like 100k maybe maybe I don’t know riverain are you in Pluto or mercury um wait there’s two wait there’s two different realms wait I thought there was just one wait a second no no there’s only one right those yeah there’s only

One it’s only mercury if you guys want to join up we got 267 plus you guys on as well so make sure you guys do go and join up bro you had me scared for a second I was like bro wait I don’t option like there was two servers yeah

There’s only mercury up there right now guys maybe Jupiter or whatever will be out soon or yeah but for now guys we are actually on this one over here and also since I read log bro we’re executing so much fps like I feel like I’m not liking at all

While this off there alright so she has a video um if you guys didn’t remember my friend said lizard can have it mmm alright so shot two Vizard bro his name lizard or alright so robot mule had already had the rank they decide to give

It to lizard and they said their name is Madi games ok first really it took us a minute but my this game is 22 you guys are sick and second Astro rank alright so my semesters shouted to modest games 22 for excluding the second Astro rank boys that was like super

Crazy giveaway though hope you guys did enjoy that honestly guys we were doing some massive massive giveaways for you guys today you do not want to miss out guys on anyway next year XD doing guys in the video is like separating very very soon if you guys turn to meet you

Guys like scored smash that like putting guys and what works soon be doing is I’m actually going to be going giveaway even better rank next up guys were actually give away all the ones from the lowest ranks to the top ranks guys we’re getting the top ones now goes so solo

Rank guys is gonna be at the big 175 guys it might take a bit of time and also yes I did make that in Microsoft Paint I’m gonna make a good one soon guys but in the meantime hundred seventy five likes make sure you guys do go and

Crash that and that works gonna go and hook some up with that ranks so should be sick and modest you’re gonna go and receive your rank within like one or two minutes so just be patient bro and you watch to get it and yeah 25 weeks away

For the next one anyway thought for a new guys these are our Islands over here hope you guys do like it I want to do ice level folks I want to see how much we have and I want to say for Maya stop no way wait what okay so

Stop staying mad by you 300k that’s it bro okay dude this is definitely my stop we definitely appointed 300k guys like we luly’s have a couple million here on dude that’s insane and also we got some new spawns actually be adding and seeing two guys so that’s gonna be sick for

Real but yeah anyway masa masa shed its who the owner of the server over here guys I max this good go and see if we can actually hook it up with a couple more commands for me guys but so yeah brah why is your body like an upside

Down you wait what do you mean an upside down you wait okay for once I’m so confused bro people are just rising my body Wow thank you riveting what’s better at McDonald’s equals like Burger King equals subscribe I don’t know honestly guys what do you guys think is better calm it down below

Or you could just like and subscribe to vote but yeah make sure you guys like city girl like and subscribe guys reduce to crazy cuz giveaways right now we’re just like I kinda wanna ride around waiting for 175 likes um works in Quincy food critics and going here are so many

Brand-new crates in a second so that she should be sick guys both out redo the texture of its loot crate’s right now and what actually would like to you guys is I would actually to go ahead and actually vote on the server if we don’t have any crates if we do though we’re

Gonna open those up because some people are saying that there may be in a key all or maybe we cross them somehow we’re gonna go and see though guys those were crates work what grates is not working guys is what crates working for you guys

Or not bro I can’t even do spawn its as well it’s heliport in three seconds three two one it’s been three seconds guys wait is anybody guys am I the only person that’s having this problem like I legit can’t even go to spawn and I can’t

Even warp crates or is that just me like guys do you have that problem comment down below cuz like I’m I’m like trying to get over it to the spawn guys sexy openers and Cranky’s it’s just not working people said it’s lagging maybe that’s why because look if I say

Something the chat mmm currently cha is disabled oof Oh such a hid laugh that’s actually not lagging if I throw something that’s not lagging um it’s not let me go to spawn though that’s so weird and also shot the lizard’s bro off you guys do in a rank

Your boy lizard it sometimes let’s take a couple minutes to load in but this stuff is Xing gonna get up with you right now lizards so just be patient bro you actually get seen but yeah yeah don’t worry I’ll so love you were seeing the server’s liking guys I don’t know I

Mean it is kind of like right now it wasn’t like this before guys it was not like this before I’m just trying to go over this spawn I’m gonna try gonna spawn one more time guys maybe two more times and a throw I guess we’ll stay at

The island like I’m fine staying here but um yeah that’s so weird oh we’re back okay spawn works now okay sick all right so guys were actually now over here at spawn guys we’re actually give finally all right so what I see do you

Want to go and you guys take it over to the crates at the very end or wait no the crates at the very start oh my goodness I’m like so back where it’s guys and once again make sure you guys do grow and you up guys like I said to

Avoid thousands of dollars and not even joking my pretties for week like Scutaro pay out of five is it really that much bro I did not thank you so much this five thousand seven hundred and seventy five dollars guys for the people on the server if you guys like the best people

Off so make sure you guys do gonna checked out there’s really like payouts for like the most like sugarcane people there’s like literally like pits for everything I as top battle top tokens also make sure you go check those out guys total Volvo $6,000 that’s that’s kind of

Crazy any without friends to uh yes we’ve seen Cranky’s boys yes yes yes alright shoutouts to these stop they must soaked it up anyone’s actually going to check out these so you got six you in money here obviously bro let’s go 100k silverfish in here and I guess if

You guys are going next to like pick up some of these crates on the server this will kind of give you guys like a guide to actually see like whether it’s worth it or not so make sure you guys watch this part of the video and um don’t

Forget to smash like well you can also win racing here do that sake we were in the Orion ranked the cosmos ranked jet pack seven charges that’s another cool thing apparently the server they have something called a jet pack I have no clue what it is but a printer you

Could have jet packs on your – I really want to win that you that’s so sick alright without words you guys looks right click to open up our first one moon crate and look at that animation for also let’s plot as nice guys oh wait is still rolling

I thought that was it okay let’s see we get 25 good you know I’ll take that Oh wizardry roll button oh my gosh there was a rear Oh button I didn’t even notice and also shot my friend Jonas with 263 K thank you so much dude I really appreciate it

So to all spiders there’s also a reroll prize dude I’m gonna roll it I don’t want an ocelot spawner we already have like 20 of them let’s roll it does that work or and by the way you guys get one reroll per crates if you don’t like what

You win say you already have it like I’m already having a jetpack or something you can get something else am I sitting cutie I packed up we want to keep that cuz I don’t know what a jetpack does says right click and hold me to fly left

Click to recharge do this so sick okay we’re gonna go check their jetpack in a second aprender super super height though so I’m excited for those headed to spike so for dropping by shells Sonic 26 flash guys like and subscribe sencilla giveaways nice to get boy by

The way is happening at 175 so make sure you guys do go and do that next one Oh mmm do i rear or do I keep it I’m gonna keep it that could have been a bad mistake because this is you know you could win better stuff from it but I’m

Gonna keep it I’m gonna keep it that was a good one let’s keep going guys see what else we getting here come on come on we got ourselves to you know what I’ll keep it honestly guys I will keep all the money next one is the universe

Crate apparently this one this one is this one the best or is a supernova crying mmm okay looks like it looks like the universe crazies at best will say off for last guys next up let’s go over to the Galactic by the way these are like mainly all the same you guys could

Embarrass boners but our money notes it’s perfect all the same for these over here guys except there’s different rewards so yeah like this start the first of all surf was like hundred K and this will go up higher we got seven or 50k tokens I don’t think that’s good I’m

Gonna roll it you guys dread we roll it or I’m gonna roll it I hope that was worth it I don’t know what you do with tokens and honestly I need money right now so I’m gonna go reroll Oh guys please be worth it all I got something else

I literally got the exact same thing nice ok supernova crate guys this one’s really good too second top please give me money guys please give me money hopefully get some money or rank that would be sixth time we could do another giveaway for you guys oh yeah spawners ah for zombies mmm

Guys comment down below do you guys think we should keep the four zombies right rear oh this one’s tough like zombies are good but if I want money I could reroll it but at the same time like these are probably worth a lot I couldn’t keep them people said yes keep

I kinda want to roll out let’s keep it though if you guys told me to we will there alright there we go but then last one guys universe crate let’s go into so you guys cuz we went 3,500 tokens l’Opera and 750 you got some so when 1.5

Million top ranks like the mercury Novus space box those are by the way really cool like a monthly crate jet packs as well more spawners more Cranky’s let’s go there 3 c1 guys this is the top created server the universe cray it pro brings all of the worlds together inside

The universe ok we ourselves for which spawners do wait guys do I keep that I think that’s pretty good guys do I keep which spawners I don’t know do they drop custom stuff or or what people say keep exclamation marks keep are you guys sure I want to read roll people that chat

Like don’t reroll are you guys just trolling me here ok everybody’s telling me to keep it guys let’s do it ok decent umm so yeah I mean honestly that’s pretty good I will take it guys I mean I would have rather maybe like a rank or

1.5 mil that would have been cool but we already almost said I’m million or so that’s actually not bad guy’s insane creepy opening I hope you guys did enjoy that super insane opening guys and also I get to reduce like they also removed it so you guys can’t see people anymore

So that’s cool I can’t see you guys so yeah anyway um let’s throw that out or I guess I can’t throw that out it’s like putting our PV or something I don’t know put that zombie spawners I’ll see you later which bombers will stay up

For later jetpack I just want to go in to test that out I’ve no clue by the way what a jetpack even those guys so we’re gonna go over back to runner we’re gonna go and test it out but don’t forget guys to experience much like we’re doing some

Insane get boys for you guys today and don’t forget guys then Mexican why max is doing is happening as soon as you guys do go XD smash pretty much how much you’re waiting for oh my gosh no way ok you guys are really goes away from the giveaway sorry I was

Kind of freaking out both ah you guys like 15 away keep going but also people in the chat just said those foreigners I have in my inventory like just the just the witches apparently are 12 million bro I’m so proud at Aintree rule are you guys kidding me 12 mil for these

How much are the zombies worth then I guess you guys want to go to check in the shop it tells the other prices mmm okay so which boners are three mil each okay nice two three times four okay sake um how much your zombies and

375 K mmm those aren’t bad no Sun five I’ll take it um so yeah that’s sick see what we got all right now guys let me what you guys think should we put those zombies in here by the way and the witches or no I think we should probably

Make it like an auto grinder for these guys in the video but if you guys do any suggestions definitely let me know but I think you guys probably want me to make an auto grinder with this because that would be the best oh my gosh sorry I

Kind of like doubt my friends like you have Auto K grinder but that’s like such a small grind it’s like we do the smalls grinder ever seen my parents making Otto pig grinder or something or maybe they just fall down you kill them I’m not sure I know that’s cool

Without further ado guys over the works we keep going guys like school had smashed like it’s about to be insane don’t forget to go and enter it also a don’t we place in a lava dude is this no did he actually just do that bro this

Guy I could be wrong but I think what he’s doing is cuz he does have a sword I think he just grabbed a lava bucket and killed a pig because he didn’t have a sword is that what you did bro don’t so money anyway yeah it looks like

Everybody wants to know how a grounder guys so if anybody does know to build an autograph I yeah we’ll definitely try to figure that out if not though what I’m gonna do so I’m just gonna make one of most ones were instead of like killing them with

Lava well just get something like fall down to your death and then we’ll pretty much get the loot from that that’s what I’m thinking we’re gonna go into you guys it’s not your beasts sake we thought for the deal let’s go next detest the jetpack

Oh this is a really cool custom thing on the server I don’t know what it is I wanted to say my rack into the video but this is a custom on the server apparently so it says right click and hold me to fly life quick to recharge

Jet packs you only be activated in the war zone oh really um okay let’s go to war zone guys I really want to go and check this out or you know what I don’t have room my PV I’ll check that the end of the video guys but it looks like I guess you

Can’t / fly in the war zone so I guess if you hold down this and you like slowly fly you up or something and then you can like slowly like fly and guess I don’t really know exactly how it works but we will check that guys at the end

The video some point so stay tuned and also whoever built this pig reiner it’s not working guys like the pig literally didn’t even spawn in it bro whoever did that like guys I’m sorry but you’re a bad architect do you like got out of here you guys

To fix it don’t get out of here don’t get out of here I’m not sure if you like that mean but like guys we need to fix this bro people I’m so I’m not trying to be mean I’d smartest ones cool curse AK times four yeah it’s probably cuz they

Have times for guys mmm yeah so if my friend is watching Rovers building this I would either just like move this bar in the middle or what I would do is maybe just like make it Baker but yeah I’m sure he’ll I’m sure gonna fix guys shot that Tristan for

Dropping the video hope you guys anyway bunch people actually saying riverain its is enough permission to go to your Island I do polarize guys I don’t know anyway though if anybody does one of you I smile I forgot we sold like five salts left so guys real quick if you only go

And comment your Minecraft name down below you don’t have to but if you use if you guys do that’ll be sick and yellow let’s actually continue fighting people because I forgot we actually have yeah a bunch of slots so what’s up the whole gaming he said hello probs it was

Not the whole gaming she had to shout out um River I needed to eyes promote us or we can’t do anything oh really really fusion um highest promotes game all day $9.99 does that work island does not use ranks sorry oh I don’t think that works guys Molly

Let me try Molly for Lily let me try fusion it says Island less doesn’t use Frank sorry yeah so guys ice promoters even come in I don’t you guys are talking about it doesn’t it doesn’t work fusion I’ve been subscribed for every single person live chat yo shout outs if likes fibro

Crazy dude crazy yeah well ticket as well if you guys have ready subscribe we’ve really gained too much subs today but guys make sure you actually do go press that subscribe button guys in the screen right now you’ve answered a free one should our PayPal giveaway guys and

Also I don’t forget to hit it today but we’re super close away from exiting 16.8 case obscure Buress guys so yeah don’t free to subscribe as well guys that’s what’s happened anyway guys it does anybody else want to be added or is that it because like I have slots if you guys

Want to be added if you don’t know that’s fine but yeah guys like if you guys want to be added comments on below it’s about to be insane what’s up 320 LV shot to you for jumping in shots that be bare as well for jumping in I’m LG Bobby skids

Slayer all of you guys you can buy more slots IO need more slots I just bought ten slots Molly so like we’re good we just don’t have anybody else to add I guess right now all right I guess nobody wants to be added one place more Bueller though guys for real for real

We’ll stop I can’t get masters what’s up lethal Josh hoppy Hopkins you have to be jumping into crumbly 316 guys everybody smashed 300 hopefully we can hit that obviously sales video for now though guys we’re only waiting on like they’re half that once any fire so make sure you

Guys do go and keep going guys 175 is about to be insane but that breezy though what I want to do next to the video is I actually need to go ahead and go and shop real quick guys and we actually need to go under blocks and buy

A ton of grass so I know but help you in the video uh what are you guys doing oh my gosh dude who is doing this pound me outside what are you doing to the grinder guys what oh my gosh guys I don’t know my team is doing right now

Anyway we’re gonna do guys is Rexy pipes you going up pretty much like build a overlay around the whole entire face each other Josh Hopkins oh for subscribing thank you so much guys that’s insane I really appreciate it but anyway guys next video what actually wanted to you guys is I would actually

Like to go ahead and some pretty much place in a grass light around the whole entire base guys cuz obviously the base it’s a little small right now guys and we have like such a big area like this take a look like this is a huge area

Guys like it’s massively big and this is by the way the smallest island size you guys can exceed up great like twice as big three times as big if you can upgrade it to as much as five times so yeah shadows my friend 320 LV for subscribing guys

Hey let’s go don’t we to subscribe guys on the channel if you haven’t already $300 every sale month guys if you subscribe I mean I can’t guarantee you’re gonna win but I mean guys it’s it’s a free giveaway you might as well answer wait why it’s not rebooting in three

Seconds all know that’s the reboot rest in peace alright we’re back in the server though guys in a couple minutes don’t worry I said you through like through like a reboot though fix to get everything good thing going shout to my friend lizard for subscribing thank you

Guys we might actually sorta hit 16.8 ka do you guys think we could do that if we could that would be super super sick share the Foxfire I stopped yesterday thank you so much I do remember yeah we’re ranked I join your server sexy not

My server but if you guys want to join yes I he’s right in the screen Plato’s space MC calm and yes you do have to put that – thing in alright guys hopefully servers back up soon but we’re having really fun time today guys for

Sure yeah the server IP and the name of it guys on the screen is space MC and just like take a look at this server but like it’s so sick like I honestly have never seen a server like in my whole entire life like that has this good

Build except for like cosmic and maybe a high pixel like slow shout so like space MC broke this is definitely giving me a big server if you guys want to go and join up it just looks so sick like look at this but I like look at the builds in

Here that’s so insane anyway a server is up okay let’s turn back up yeah I’m after getting the Q guys I probably have to wait a while but um yeah hopefully get back in soon guys there’s so much people trying to join now we have like

300 plus you guys actually joined up on space in seats thank you guys for joining guys over to go actually keep trying as well oh no oh my gosh guys this is where I left off I almost just died mmm imagine bro imagine for real though if you guys

Don’t extend go and join up guys link is likes in description down below it’s meant to be insane Tyler just press Q in to lead some blocks sorry but yeah if any my TV’s guys wanna go and help out that would be insane um I’m gonna do the

Border real quick guys and then I’m gonna quit because I want my team to actually place in the grass like I don’t really want to do it no offense because like we have like tons people our team guys like they need to help out with something so yeah if any my teammates

Guys could actually gonna help out they’ll be awesome and bang um we’re gonna go next league oh one more layer down guys or until I ran out of grass legate’s and we’re gonna be good also a mod that’s not my thing bro I get try but I don’t think that’s a command on

The server dude I’m shut – hacked by speed seed fusion I can’t try it guys but I don’t think that’s even it commands um like I’m almost 90% sure but I could try I could try mmm I guess it’s worth the try I let’s keep going guys

Button over here written over here there we go alright wow that was like see it okay so guys we’re good also shot light team um whoever did this though like oh my gosh guys I’m gonna cover that up like dude for real why can’t I come for

This up dude this is so annoying okay shout at server broke that grinder I don’t know why I’m just gonna place in a temporary block in there but anyway guys next up food video I need some people to help out placing grass over here because as you

Guys can see the island right now it’s alright but it could be better so guys what I’m gonna do is I’m accented by a whole chest for you guys and it’s gonna be expensive but we’re gonna do it and we’re gonna look see place in pretty

Much like a ton of grass in it so if you guys like see would like to go and be added to actually help out any here guys that’d be sick or if you guys are already my team they’ll be sick too so we’re gonna do is

I’m gonna buy masa masa stacks all grass if you’re guys like I’m gonna buy a couple inventories it’s gonna make our balance you know lose a little bit of money guys but we do need it we do need it because we’re gonna need a ton of

Space on round guys so yeah if anybody also go actually do that that would be sick I just bought you guys a winter dub of grass I’m gonna do a second up as well it’s you because I I really need this guys we really need it we need the

Grass we need the room does it just like wasted space if we’re not you know have grass or anything even build with in the first place so there you guys go guys grab the grass I just put two dubs of them in there go in there guys grabbed

That grass and place it in please I would give you a shout out if you do shout to DB kingly for helping I do this guy’s a legend but yeah we’re soon to go and hopefully get that done soon as that guys that should be sick without birds

You jetpack I’m gonna show it to you guys in a second um mmm next up I think we’re gonna go build a grinder um yeah let’s do that so guys if you guys don’t know how I can you build my guys this ever you shouldn’t do like dropper

Grinders I mean they drop and they follow our death so we’re gonna do is make something go and buy some hoppers I don’t know how expensive they’re so I’m gonna flip figure that out first miscellaneous know um armor tools or sweet guys how do you get hoppers can

You craft them on here wait can you guys craft hoppers or my team is like you need to play spawners I know we’re tram placement right now I’ve seen hoppers do you guys buy hoppers or do you place them in because you feel these servers like or at least the Scout servers I

Played recently they don’t let you make hoppers you put like buy them yourself do you buy them on the server do you craft him below in shop where mob drops in the wood the woods right in here and the shop the wood well okay there’s no

Hoppers in here but there is wood there is wood guys I’m so confused um I think we honestly might just really craft it they said no down what do you mean down down farming and miscellaneous oh wait what’s I swear miss last time I cooked miscellaneous I

Thought it brought to the farming and I was like oh okay miscellaneous oh okay CDF them I mean oh well it’s like 25k I was like see not bad um mmm Oh wampa we take snow forests that do that’s expensive I don’t know how much we’re gonna need guys I want to

Go with 32 to start off honestly I need a ton for this that’s gonna be it guys it’s gonna be a really expensive holy do I buy that guys I guess we’re gonna have to 800k rest in peace we kind of need it though we could have invited more people

Guys I guess with that money but we do we do need the spawners to make us money so without further you guys let’s go do this I think we gonna wait though for my team to maybe finish building a bit more though because it’s not really any way I

Can really place this you know let’s sound like wanna make it open in the corner I mean you know what I could just do in that corner yeah I was just doing the corner guys let’s see you in the corner okay so we’re gonna do guys is

I’m just gonna go and do it right over here hopefully this does work out good and um yeah this is essentially just gonna be it and I’m also seeing some chest wall to go inside this up guys but it should actually work stay tuned stay tuned I max need some Chesto real quick

Would them sorry for stealing someone’s what I’m pretty shots mine though are we go guys here we go a bit and over here we’re gonna do another chest but two guys and we got two times sixteen boys insane insane and she had two guys of you so got 53 plus you guys watching

Live ever just smash like and the video guys on murdering some crazy crazy giveaways and don’t forget while once y’all do like sneak smash the next giveaway chat we’re doing some even a better give away so defer to go and keep going you can’t stream what is this you can’t

Stream and you’ve got bad person howdy guys guys guys I’m sorry I do say guys lie it’s kind of just like something I say bro honestly like I can’t really help myself to apologize I know a lot people always arrest me about that but Allah guys I

Just said again for real anyway ladies and gents we’re gonna do is minutes ago actually placed in a bit more of your guys and we’re snuff I guess make it a bit bigger hopefully it does work out I don’t forget out enough hoppers that that’s the only thing guys cuz if you

Guys don’t know if we’re dropping guys you need a ton of hoppers this is not gonna be enough visit mmm okay let’s go and try to make it bigger guys but like that’s that’s it guys that’s it this is a side this is a side build guys this is

This like kind of sad isn’t it yeah we’re really trying our best chat but that’s all we got for real we need we need about four more to even make it look all decent offer this to work yeah I read for more alright guys so I’m

Gonna go and see if I can get a bit more money but 20 all the 25k huge I have exactly enough for four more let’s go guys let’s go okay so miscellaneous months again guys rest in peace the money’s in the chat would I fiend to buy

Some more Kray keys or something but I we needed it guys we needed it okay so this should be enough money also my mom’s let’s turn office in peace I can buy for it’s alright I just bought it River a nice new server players shut

Down and went to 130 then went to 260 after it came back up although yeah someone is definitely boarding the server I don’t know who is doing it but yeah like somebody’s definitely blowing to serve like you can just like tell like all those accounts are fake like dude that’s so bad

Whoever’s pulling this search like just stop guys anyway it’s not really – y’all ready to build the shot my team as well yes that’s fine outside that’s gonna be sick only don’t do Tunnock’s i want to make a glass i want to make it like glass so

Only make it like a couple bits for like the bottom courts but should be sick alright so we’re gonna do guys we’re gonna go and do that and then i guess we got a bit of grass like dressed we’re gonna collectively place this in at the

Top but essentially we need to make the spawner floating in the air guys and then lotus ball down to their death and then we get some insane loot so let’s go guys mmm-hmm let’s go mmm that should be good okay so let’s exa coat mine this one down you know it

Should be good okay so let’s test out with the zombie because I don’t want to test it out with the witch the witches are like super super expensive let’s see if this works hopefully it does guys our fingers that this grinder works because it might not work guys cuz I

Don’t know five enough hoppers but I mean that’s a million dollars worth of hoppers guys exactly 1 million by the way guys so if anybody’s wondering like dude it’s kind of expensive but wait what are you doing no no it was good it was good yeah yeah however your building

Is good I guess it’s like since it and also we already need someone XD FK up over to you guys while we’re doing this and yeah if you guys can make the chest go down that would be sick Bobby good idea also I just noticed is someone

Building a second – what is that guy’s for real what’s up Jesse field what are you doing up there he’s like killing himself in the block he’s getting stuck in a pro what is happening and also shadow Z Billy DB kinglet you’re the best thank you bro thank you you’re

Actually the best – TV kingly bro like you’re do an amazing job building up the island guys my teammates we’re almost done building out I mean we’re but like halfway I’d say you know if I’m feeling this online but it’s coming okay so I haven’t seen this

Amish falling yet guys we just need to wait for them falling and see if it falls in the area if it does though we should be good there we go it went in let’s go okay we’re okay so let’s actually add in dresses a’m be and then

It’s also adding the witches and they should be the exact same yes boys and also if you guys want there’s also a commando server or are you actually right click and you can actually just add in more spawns in a stack you don’t even need to actually like click it on

Top of it cuz i’ll sometimes two guys go – I like that buff for real we got it working yes here’s this boys this look so easy grinder in the server bro okay so next up we’re gonna do is Mike’s thing we need some glass to make it look

Cool I want you guys actually comment down below what kind of glass can we buy it from Kobe boss on here if we can’t I’m gonna be disappointed I’m off to get the other side of that in but no colored glass okay well it looks like we’ll be

Sticking actually is there all there ASA there is some colors we could maybe like we could maybe like craft like some of the like the mushrooms can you craft that into red dye mate maybe I don’t know anyway I guess in the meantime guys risk have to go normal glass but if

Anybody knows any other ways to make them look cool let me know also on one of $8,000 you for real guys kids sigh guys could someone hook it up with like some money bro I literally spent all my money on hoppers and grass like I’m honestly so bad also people say a blue

Glass with oh that would be sick with oars I can I can get lapis sick okay shout to guys for the money we actually while we actually got people donating together my team 705 give me 100k I’m blood give me 6k and my Moken

Gave me uh 2.5 k thank you guys and yeah because wouldn’t be inviting guys we still don’t like invites like director eyes to the video so you guys want to BIA we still have a ton you guys if we can actually go to invite should be sake and

Don’t really keep smashing like guys but to be insane brothers and next page yeah there is there’s a nice page but there’s not anything in there anyway we’re gonna do guys we’re gonna buy glass that’s 5 I don’t know how many stacks miss Li 5 4

Now I know it’s actually going over here and wow she’ll our friend the chatty said I sold five diamond blocks for 400,000 guys comment down below I really don’t want to do it but like dude that’s kind of expensive like I feel like the server eco like that should be fixed cuz

That is so expensive and look at that emerald blocks pretty probably get even more holy guys call it download you guys see wish Exley like destroy all this and then I have like 10 million doors or do you think I should keep this because I

Mean is helping out the team a lot but mmm I would get with so much money anyway that furs you guys will take to go and grab some lapis now so /i that takes me buy some lapis wherever this is or it’s out lapis right here alright ill

TechSoup ourselves buddy stack off is 3000 that’s not bad and then what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do crafts and then hopefully this works there we go alright guys we’re bytes losers here we’re going crafty and all this in over here guys we’re gonna do blueglass i’m

Sorry you guys didn’t get the choice issue i get you guys the video to make silly like boat and like pick which one but yeah sadly guys there isn’t really a choice on here we don’t think contacts believe it was it a blue or like normal

Which is kind of boring I’m pretty sure you guys won’t blue right of course you guys won’t believe yeah yeah yeah riveting there’s 152 likes AEO shot to get streaks to be crushed and lakes in the video awesome yeah Rex are you waiting on wondering 75 though

For the next one are the likes really 152 though like I thought we were higher than that well on sec one sec guys let me go and take a look at the likes but yeah guys the next giveaway is actually happening shot at 175 so just in case you guys

Have any chop make sure you guys actually go and do that one 25 so just in case you guys haven’t sorry I was just checking a look at the likes because people said we’re at 150 and we’re actually 172 so shout out to you guys I was like bro wait what we’re

Still at 150 um holy guys that got me so scared I swear guys that was so scary I do firstly probably apologize so I guess in the video that was a little ear rape anyway yeah makes your voice happening very very soon also the guy from Alaska

By stud he’s filling in his rank I’m gonna tag the owners um but yeah he should actually have gone in his rank by now guys 90 games like the owners um I put in the group chat but yeah they might be doing like some server stuff

Though so it might take like a bit longer than expected dude but you’re actually to go and get it soon for sure for sure yes and don’t forget guys to more like so like and so we’re getting inside giveaways so just in case you guys have

One to make sure you guys like squad smash that like button shy you don’t exceed two legs away and honestly hope you guys like this grind over here though this grinder is sick guys look at this thing look at this baby we got ourselves all blown over here guys and

Maybe ever sells like the hoppers the bottom are you kidding me this looks actually kind of good like usually I don’t build with dark blue but X looks kind of cool Irvine please stop my username is sup darkness invite me yes dude I’m liking along the server I don’t know if you

Guys are sorry I’m gonna turn on my render distance guys I actually never like but like I’m kind of liking along here I’m getting like 800 FPS it must be the server because I’m getting like 800 FPS anyway guys hopefully the server does get fake soon I do partes guys

There is like a little bit of lag I will say I will say that but yeah we’re gonna actually keep placing some more stuff over here guys should be good should be good though mmm and hopefully it does work out good but we just got a bit more

To go and see place in bit over here bit over here we are progress guys so far it’s going pretty good in the video hope you guys enjoying it and see ya refrain please invite me oh yeah sorry guys if you want to be my throughout the whole

Entire video we actually still have about like 6 slots left so if you guys want to be invited to my isla makes you guys actually post in the comments and so we’re gonna do that and shout to a mega loop your title lies what are you

Meeting guy is my title lies the server is not 1.14 it is it it should be guys sometimes though other servers I do play on they do disable this certain versions like what went on people are streaming because obviously it does create a lot of lag but it

Should be 1.14 like i like to be a pretty surprised face and see what’s not 1.14 mode should be I shot the lizard bro I do apologize through but like just be patient dude I’ve honestly spanned the owners anyway GG guys okay alright so shout out to my friend the chat dude

Um lizard he said I still don’t get the rank the owner said he putting his inventory um the owner and the staff they both DME they both told me it’s your inventory so maybe check your inventory dude but yeah maybe maybe you go out at night and just check that it

Should be good shell that baller unmuted for some reason um no I can see your comment bro if you’d like I wouldn’t even see your comment to you but yeah I can see you what’s up James shot you for dropping by today what’s up skids there guys like

And subscribe on the channel join up on sky blocker because an amazing day there guys right now on space MC you guys are killing it today guys so much for joining up today but yeah we’re just gonna keep placing a bit over here you guys keep placing in oh my gosh that is

So much let’s go and keep place it over here that is a while and I’m out okay uh does anybody else have any more blue glass or I think we might need to buy some more guys I sleep didn’t think we needed to buy that much but it looks

Like we are on it by like two more stacks hopefully that’s enough I’ve done the math guys I’ve done the calculations I think we have enough for this oh let’s go yes okay actually had enough for a couple more actually two probably can either stack on top of that

Anyway thought friends you this should be enough guys fingers crossed I’m literally Albert Einstein Weiss is not what dude why is it’s not it it’s not placing in guys it’s just the leading the blocks every single time I place it in um you good bro you good

Dude I actually hate this bro what is happening you know what I’m just gonna place it in guys regard this it better work is it gonna stay ok it’s working ok it’s good now oh that was so weird it was go channel for me anyway guys we got the

Home testing done except for this side over here I mean technically we don’t really need to place anything there but I feel like we should anyway because like what if this zombie is like spawn like right over there they just like sit on this ledge and then yeah like there’s

Loot there’s loot they already like they were just dying the legend it when you go in the hoppers so what we need to do guys do we need to do this later as well too and it’s like kind of unnecessary but it kind of is that certain the same

Time guys like trust me trust me you guys I’ve played a couple bits of sky blocks in the past before just just a little bit because shot so you guys are sitting over you guys once again if you all have already makes you guys do crushed out like putting guys go get

Turn on notifications subscribe I don’t know if I mentioned this but by the way guys there’s still one more like away from 175 so pretty going to keep going and shout out to blizzard they said I still don’t see my inventory but yeah um shuts my friend lizards he said I still

See the rank my inventory bro the owners told me they gave it to you they said it’s a fragments in your inventory so check for a fragment bro and it should be good yeah yeah check for a fragment bro it should be in there I know we’re gonna watch they keep doing smart

Building guys keep doing this doing that I’m gonna need some more bro I thought that was it but looks like we need some more man we actually did not think we’re gonna need this much this base is literally taking me so much money to make guys it’s gonna be worth it though

In the long run hopefully but yea RS buy some more guys let’s buy like 20 more that and then I should be good and the slash craft such craft such crafts there we go oh there we go bit over there bit over here times 16 sick alright we’re

Doing good we’re doing good guys um I think shells my friend is over yet some people hope but don’t know what’s up SBT top you with a video been trying to get me to ice mod hacked by a sweetie oh it’s it work oh okay we’re shut out

Oh I’m gonna give a couple people mod a bunch of guys the videos actually been telling me you guys tweaks to give people mod for some reason it’s not let me give fusion mod it says doesn’t use ranked sorry oh maybe you oh maybe that’s why maybe

You need a maybe need to have a rank on the server to be a moderator that’s that my next thing makes sense I’d give one to Jessie peel this – do you feel for rank um I don’t think so maybe you don’t then I don’t know I don’t know I gave

Them the Jesse blue though and also gave one to my other friends so shout out Sam bro if he’s watching the video again tweaks to give it to a couple people in a very guys should be sick over to smash link as well there we go guys we just

Want to finish the whole entire kinder take a look at this Opie vortex thing guys this looks unbelievable without Birds you uh let’s break out of here guys and let’s Lisa get out of here if it breaks no ho just let me out dude I’m trapped in this grinder forever

No you know what guys I am actually done it’s all in me out I’m just gonna do is go bro I don’t know why commands and stuff are working the server guys I mean obviously is release obviously every server lease does have their shoes um it’s not that bad though and also forgot

To mention this is the old sighs well I hope you guys like it so we call it zombies and we also have witches in there super super expensive guys definitely like a fifteen million dollar I know it’s a 15 mil and then obviously down over here as well real self ourselves

The chest guys are we’re gonna make like it any system as well for later as well like this looks really good right now but I definitely make like a system where there’s actually stairs going down here so we can like walk down cuz like great now we can like fly down but it

Would be cool free got like a nice little like court stairs in there something like that oh yeah let me don’t you guys except you think about that right now like so insane there guys tougher do you let me go any silly going over here I’m gonna throw some stuff out

I’m gonna put that in keep that keep that throw this out I’ve so much black balls in here guys family want some you guys can have them all honestly you guys you guys take them I don’t meet them bread pupae actually shouts my team I can’t keep these decide the other people

On all my team maybe let’s a lunar set that’s all my team you guys can grab it I guess people my team if you’re not on my team you can’t grab it which sucks sorry but if you guys are my team sick sick sick um you know I mean I’m I keep

A couple splash bottles I’m just trying to get rid of like so much stuff my inventory guys cuz I do have a lot of stuff and I don’t want to like have like a messy mmm you know like player vault and stuff guys calls me code you guys gonna have a

Lunar blueglass i might actually keep that for real and then i read got a lot more organized guys dope that i just delete bro I was gonna say guys duplicate it we didn’t duplicate that rest in peace I know that I was like see the hope you guys did enjoy super super

Insane guys hope y’all did enjoy that little segment anyway guys quick plug in the chat don’t forget guys we’re about to go extinct you want to know right now that you guys likes me so much for smashing 175 likes guys all in space MC guys join up one space MC and don’t

Forget if you have already subscribed my channel guys 100 or PayPal get white every Co month make sure you guys subscribe it’s free and so without further ado let’s start the giveaway cuz you guys did hit 176 you guys are killing it so thank you anyways offers

You guys let’s actually go ahead and now do this giveaway the phone in my house bro I actually sell annoying brexit now I gotta go you choose me winner though for the next one at 200 so guys obviously you didn’t know this one is actually for the solo rank guys

We’re just like suing the top ranks if you guys do with the lunar though the actual top ranked guys like the top of the top it’s literally the top ranked guys makes you guys exceeds do you go ahead and smash like for that should be insane and yeah we’re giving that away

Soon so high um refrain as a house phone I know I don’t even know why my parents still have that dude like who even uses a house phone anymore without further ado guys let’s take City go and get into this game boy like the video type

Giveaway at let’s choose a winner if you don’t win I’m giving away a better rank at 175 and yeah without further ado guys let’s actually go and do this guys it’s a 107 chance of winning shot you guys like see all four inch in this giveaway don’t forget typing giveaway I like the

Video without for the US choose if the winner guys mounts of 109 chance of winning and the winner is drumroll in the chat Luis anv so shouts you Luis AMV bro a fraction over here premature the winner so shot – Luis AMV bro let’s go I thank you for the

Subscribe as well guys whoever just subscribe on the channel let’s go my friend Dennis Thank You Venice guys subscribe we’re literally almost I 16.8 que guys definitely subscribe right now guys hit that like button I swear guys smash that subscribe button free you can’t lose anything yes it says

Okay so we’re waiting for Lewis AMV I don’t think its exit here so shout – Lewis dude um I threw up like f3 pic to window guys cuz it doesn’t look like my boy Lewis is actually here guys so rest in peace be on hopefully Lewis isn’t

Over here so we can actually go and get it hooked up with you dude let’s go let’s do this he’s got like 13 seconds left guys y’all can still enter we got 110 entries now so shots you guys for entering don’t fur to go and keep going boys

Without further ado though its effect and and um yeah yeah yeah let’s do all right Lewis AMD isn’t here guys looks real to giveaway new winner is Zen view Hayes so shot Suzanne view Hayes I seen this room walking earlier yeah I remember it guys I remembered stood

Watching 100 set because I’m like bro like what kind of name is that no offense but yeah shouts my friend Zen view and Hayes I’ve just never heard someone called that name it’s like it’s different brands different me after exiting over you the next winner we go

Actually bro I just put your minecraft name in the chat where you actually give it to you right now guys and yeah shut the golden freddy is well for jump in the video crazy name shouts you I can’t get masters night bought is all for doing the giveaway forest Kai’s Cooper’s

Almost up cause Cooper is what’s up guys and also shots lizards they said no I don’t have it in my inventory um shots a lizard it’s like the owner said you resolved it on their discord I don’t know all that cg owners again maybe they got confused I think they got confused with

The wrong person guys but yeah you should be looking at the rank in a second I do apologize they got must think I confuse with like someone else I know I shot the skin kind of lingo for watching video shot to remyxx right riverain BFM do who actually named

Themself that River a BFF what is the kippah way it’s actually first time top ranks today guys right now works to give away the what rank is it this solar rank so you guys when when the solo rank guys like the video and to make sure you guys

Do post it down below yeah we’re just gonna go oil in here guys we’re gonna chill we’re gonna wait for my friend though once again I think it’s been a minute though oh it’s like something two minutes hold me okay let me gonna show you real I

Knew where is kelvins this dude’s got to be in here Calvin’s gotta be in here alright so my semester shout out to Calvin’s for watching guys hey sorry chime just like sharing the views with similar people on Twitter guys we shelter who actually follow my Twitter if you guys have any link in

Description obviously though we are gonna go actually try to hit some more giveaways after this too so that should be sick without free to do though we’re still waiting for my friends people said they’re not here as well so Calvin’s I’m gonna roll it new winner is spike spike

Shout these fake spike guys people this giveaway like 60 times guys please be here please be here we need you to be here we need you to be here and also who’s doing all that st. they stuff on the ground yo guys don’t be throwing out much like during the camera whoever did

That guys I’m gonna put that back in the chest guys if you need if you need dirt from my own by the way guys my team it’s autumn in the chest in here but um yeah yeah make sure you guys do go and check it out for real and then we’re actually

Almost done building as well to shout to my team bro they’ve actually gotten and I’ll bit more than half of it done actually I’d say like 60% guys so good job good job to my friend millon and also a bunch you guys others 4xa opener anyways fix spike

Oh fix mic is in here yes it says propel me outside uh yeah you’re on our island we I did you I remember that’s a shout to POW me outside sorry sorry guys I’m messaging the owner of the winter Oh solo rank sorry solar rank giveaway also awesome alright guys

Hope you guys did enjoy it again without like super super insane shots ryg shot that column all of you guys and yeah you’re actually gonna sleep the rank soon anyway guys I was like City giveaway for 175 hope you guys did enjoy ladies and gentlemen we got another

Giveaway exiting happening at 200 next up I know guys it’s a lot of likes but guys if we can’t actually go in here to work see me give my even better rank and we might see continue with the giveaways to this matrix to live for another 1

Hour guys and then working to go and actually wrap it up exactly one hour guys makes you guys like the video guys subscribe do all that I’m adding about an hour but yeah I mean guys next giveaway is actually still about to happen like guys a team like so I for

Real and don’t forget as well if you have already type giveaway make sure you guys like the video and type in giveaway yes he is here I know I already gave it to you guys ah or I’m already message it’s the owners the owners are hooking up right now

It’s actually pound me outside so shut it to pound me outside I know though guys for real I think next to the video um what I’m gonna do when I only have a ton of help like helping out with the grass guys so I’m gonna help in maybe

Like placed in a couple stacks I mean I really find this kind of boring guys I do polar guys I’m only gonna go for like 5 minutes guys or maybe less but what we actually do need to do guys is actually needs to go in place in a bunch of this grass

Because if you guys actually do take a look I’m like team in here guys like we we have a couple people helping out but we could we could be doing better we could be doing better and so we’re gonna do guys I’m gonna just go play some a

Couple stacks here guys should be good and hopefully does help our island get done faster we’re just really trying to get our island completely guys and uh I guess this is what we have to do a shelter fusion is well I can’t try it in a second fusion for sure riverain loa

Spudger name wrong sorry i love radios no problem dude shanthi for dropping in today though thank you so much but not plays all rights actually his Mon Mon plays I always called them an op leis unless there was some of the stream called my not plays and Mon plays I’ve

No clue I know I shot you guys both for watching but yeah I so where I thought your name was called my not plays like monopoly either way they’ll also name you either way awesome name River and I’m still trying to sup to everyone you know it’s insane my friend

The chat is if you guys don’t know is actually subscribing to every single person that actually comments in my streams so I guess what you guys want to comment you’ll get a free sub by them and don’t forget as well if you guys like someone going into into our PayPal

Giveaway but you guys definitely do going to subscribe to my youtube channel chat but yeah that’s butch we’re doing now guys we’re assuming works to keep doing some we’re building guys off on space MC makes you guys all like and subscribe it’s about to happen

And if we going to join up guys for the mercury realm the release just came out today guys weren’t a super super fun time and um hey what’s up my friends attack just said I got my first key dope dope dope dope I actually wonder if I

Got any more keys I should have to check that if not though I should definitely check my votes too but hey what’s up mom plays thank you so much for subscribing oh my gosh you server’s liking badly holy guys yeah fix the lag dude I actually am so annoyed right now I don’t

Know what this good is it is so annoying that guys every feel type place in a blog it just deletes a blog it’s so weird Theo is watching please fix it because it is kind of annoying okay I think it’s good now hopefully I don’t want to jinx

Myself but like might be bit over here though guys but over here we still got a lot to weeks to go and place it over here guys for real and then we shake see be completed but yeah further we have a lot of stuff to do a one two one two

BAM what’s up hashtag fix the lag yes guys we need to start out we need to start up a rebellion we need to start a rebellion guys hashtag fix lag I’m sure the owners are working on there guys like for real don’t worry about it thank ya I’m sure the owners are working

On it guys I’m sure it’ll be fixed within like next couple minutes I know guys for reals go and finish this up over here and let’s actually go and finish placing this in by um alright so we just won’t place any bunch of graphs guys elbows sake stocks at least we

Helped out a little bit I’m quitting for now cuz guys I just sell boring but anyway what actually would like to next up is I see build kind of like a cool staircase for this over here if you guys take oh my team already did it all

That’s so sick thank you guys they already made kind of a cool staircase actually what siding some stairs though cuz yeah it’s kind of central Oh so thank you go in the shop real quick guys likes to go under blocks real quick and let take so you going by some

Stairs little spies like some Bertrand over here and then I will no not redstone birch are not right red sandstone not red sandstone there we go okay so we got some logs guys it’s decent craft real quick and I’ll text LIGO and craft these into some stairs

Guys and we shakes to be good be I hope you guys do like this and then oh whoops umm there we go but guys come on places hey get out of here get out of here – stop it no I want there like that no I wanted guys bro I’m

Getting so annoyed right now okay there we go thank you thank you server for working okay so there we go guys this actually brand new one let me don’t you guys think so now we have ourselves kind of leaks in staircases we can now get easy access boys going up and down and

Let me get you guys exceeds you think about that and I guess Mighty Mite I’d like some doors wherever to also what’s up Malaya I think they’re trying to get with spawners you know something I’ll and they think for this phone is I appreciate it what kind of what kinds

Are these can i play some man also ah thank you sadly no villagers or anything we still need to get some villagers maybe later but burn now Oh what happened he also has over here before we also said before anyway I guess we lost them but we I’m

Wearing now anyway guys thanks for the video uh we’re gonna check out or crates cuz I feel like we might have some and then we’ll see you know what’s more people know it’s the live guys I don’t want everybody who went guys but we kind of lost like half our viewers chapter

For two weeks to keep going guys and so once again is well if you guys could miss you guys all like sports smash that like button guys we’re giveaways some really cool stuff today guys and it’s about to be insane but yeah I just in case y’all have any makes you guys like

To do go crush like putting guys and so yeah alright guys we just let some other people know it’s live guys on the channel hopefully we get some more viewers but yeah once again guys as well if you guys could like Scott make sure you guys to do good and smash that like

Button guys turn on notifications are we’re doing some really crazy stuff today guys and um yeah hopefully it does actually go and work a decisive our people know excited guys in I sorry sorry guys Rex Lee back I swear Nixie shared to be with a couple more people just really like some comments

Over his well shots he may not play shot that fusion be betting that shot all of you guys sorry sorry sorry guys I swear we’re back for real now we’re back for real I shot this kid’s site as well and we’re gonna go and read some more comet

So – so if you guys have anything to say make sure you ladies an gentlemen to go and post it in the contact comment below I’ll be applying to my fields I can and honestly it’s been an insane AMPA so it’s so far guys like I said saliva here

For an hour hour we still got a lot of stuff to do but I’ll see you later fusion rest in peace I’ll see you later bro anyway alright guys what actually want to go let you guys know the concept on blurs kind of wouldn’t debate about

This so let’s check our crate so we have 0 right now I’ve already opened up a time what I do want to go into now is exit voting cuz we could get a couple more from that and apparently voting likes in this over actually good is

About to go so we’re gonna go in test mode for you guys actually show you guys how you guys can you exceed room as well just so you guys want to know and then also after that I might be selling some stuff I’m also you guys what it is but

Stay tuned okay guys so this is pretty much it if you guys it’s new go check them out guys one the first one you just have to click on our robot guys type in your minecraft name remains three vote for the server and then BAM that’s it so

Make sure if you guys are doing to go and vote on the server you guys can you get every single 24 hours and you guys can see you go and get some really cool stuff on space them so you mean join up guys the space MC server this is so

Insane known it’s a brand new one guys brand new server just came out this is their season 1 map as well too so if you guys want to join up we be having a fun time but yeah that’s all you guys have to do is type your minecraft name

Party 305 people have done it while click to vote naughty valid player name what do you mean wrong not a valid player name I mean some of them might not work I mean is expected but click f5 to reload page okay as we’re River rain 1 2 3 a quick to

Vote there we go but yeah it’s actually pretty easy if you guys like student go and check that out makes you guys do voting the server and I guess the last vote someone must have voted on my counter make sure if you guys do bone trick that

Makes you guys do pretty get pretty epic and yeah you guys will get a bunch of free Crikey’s so let’s actually go and do this guys we’re not girls three moon Crikey’s so these are actually aka the voting crates on the server guys actually called moon Cranky’s so we’re

Gonna go open them up hopefully gets its a bit of money and you got some blazes in here oh I just I just opened up and I got a moon crate umm collect I guess it’s the exact same thing we just got it oh my gosh guys alright let’s roll it

Super guess I mean bail time is – yeah let’s go like that okay let’s keep going guys see what else we got but yeah these crates are a beaut I haven’t even won anything you have just one more crate keys we’re up to four but nice all slots ballers you know

What let’s roll that actually also stars in thrall right but I could get something better I could get some embarrassed let’s go with it 50k let’s do it boys last let’s go we’re gonna keep open up some of your guys let me know the contact on below as well

What’d you guys get level and harvest their home early I really use comp strikes to get money if anybody’s running the best way to make money any skybox every guys is pretty much just from spawner so check those bonus guys check out crate keys while those like

The best ways to get money tuner 50 tokens you know what I don’t really need tokens but I don’t know we’d only have 7 or 50 right now Simon’s little cape it and the last one let’s go one more Moon Creek assets going to do this and chef

Mike to charges yes yes I still X II don’t know what jet packs do apparently like you fly in the war PvP swear I finish Reds you guys later in the video those are sounding super super insane also as far as those are crazies while it’s you and then also birch wood plank

Oh yeah what do we have those from those are from builds all right let me save those I guess in here – I don’t know I mean use them with but I’ll save them in there – nice refrain what does they give away at 200

Guys breaks to give it away the next up right guys for the lunar city Isaac to run with you lunar ranked ladies and gents it’s gonna be happening at 200 so this in case you guys come to meet you guys likes go ahead smash that like

Button and as soon as we smash 200 we’re gonna be doing it I’m about to or if you like see lively in my discord guys maybe some other people in my server chat oh my goodness bro I’m such a noob no all for god no guys I forgot to post my live chat

I’m like literally the biggest noob ever uh guys I was wondering I was like bro why did we leave like 30 people in here I’m like wondering like where everybody is legit guys I forgot to post the stream of my discord no wonder anyway hopefully you’ve ran smart people now

Guys we just let some more people know in my disco that we’re live guys don’t look likes to drill my discourse blog guys a link in description if you guys have already we’re only laughs for one more hours well we’re going to try this giveaway for 200 skies if you guys want

The top rank guys smash it without further ado let’s go to our island and I’ve actually got a proposition for you guys if you guys don’t want me to do this I will understand but if you guys do it’s gonna make us a ton of money and also someone’s already been stealing it

Dude okay so guys we’re gonna have to do is we’re gonna actually thinking about doing this so what I’m thinking is right hear me out guys we can either keep all these over here for island level and try can Pete and I stop or I could destroy

All these and sell them and I kid up I could potentially be at 10 million dollars I don’t know guys we’re gonna be at least at least five to ten million dollars though if I if I sell these No so let me know the chat guys what I’m thinking though is if we

Sell them then we can exceed by more spawners so let me know in also no way Molly said I just want to rank for moon crates oMG wait what rank yo shout out to you guys in the video yeah bun free proxy winning ranks same rail 5 uh you just when the

Astronauts oh yeah my my dad yeah I got one too bunch you guys on the server but yeah guys let me know guys do I sell them or do I keep them I mean personally I’m thinking we sell them but yeah and also shelled the killer Salt Lake hey

Frank can I get my mod back now guys if you only can a stream on the channel oh yes I theater be active or if you guys gonna go and donate link in description honestly be already have a couple hundred mods and if you didn’t know

Killer SOI K we didn’t remove a couple about four months ago in the channel because we had way too many mods so if you guys won’t want back now you guys have to be a lot more active or yes that’s a donate but yeah bro like if you

Did buy the in stream I’ll hook it up I just I can’t be given it’s every single person and also survey I want it I want the AIC you have them row thank you thank you guys we need to save it cuz like I’m not just keeping this for myself guys like

When we sell all this I’m gonna sell it for the team but like to be fair this is like 90% of my oars so like guys 90% of these are mine anyway but yeah just see people shout to him you gotta go help me out as well guys mind this up over here

And hopefully we get ourselves a ton of money from this guy’s to buy some spawners I mean it’s gonna be kinda embarrassing now we’re just gonna have like empty areas here guys but we’re gonna have tons as far as now like it’s gonna be insane guys and mmm yes yes yes

It’s gonna be hype guys it’s gonna be high Thank You Jesse before awesome okay so we got 60 48 that’s cool we have to go oh let’s go guys that’s so much if you don’t know literally one emerald just one emerald not even a block sells

For $9,000 so I mean guys like we’re gonna be making Bank like we guys might be Bal top number one on the server what is about top number one actually mmm it’s funny okay 27 minutes kind of a lot 27 most shot through the dark art destroyer bro insane guys there’s

Actually belt hop in the season they get over 6,000 dollars worth of prizes on spacing so you guys like join up if you guys want to win money for literally playing minecraft you go as six thousand US dollars if you win at every single one of them but yeah technically I’m

Sure it’s gonna go to like a couple different people not just all one percent anyway shot yo yo yo check did you guys pick up any pound me outside guys I need this stuff I need this stuff guys can you drop it cuz I only got

Thirty there was at least a stack and a half there you know who collected it guys um I need it tell me outside help me outside I need the diamonds yo do I need the diamonds um oh he gave me a couple like 47 but like where’s the rest of them um

Guys I need the Diamonds yo say Oh message say oh you pick up daya’s a message pound me outside um you got any diets any we’re actually see a shot to 320 LV riverain you know you can cross hoppers right I don’t think so if you can 320 lb I

Definitely waste a lot of money but yeah it’s on million dollars for all those you better not be able to I gave you all guys I feel like I definitely got a scan really 47 I mean maybe I’m just complaining I don’t know but guys like

Say hello to all of you guys like if you guys are gonna help me mind these you guys need to like give it back to me because I need to buy smaller to the team but yeah dude I feel like we can find a co-ed scam there was definitely

More than 47 diamond blocks there like there was at least a stack and a half but whatever I mean I guess someone else must need them more and more than me Sheldon my friend they said go try it alright shout the three 20lb they said I can actually crack hoppers I don’t know

If you can actually got if you can that’s like a huge money hack but yeah I don’t think you can actually do that if you can that’s a huge money hack though also guys don’t forget to smash like up to in the giveaway you guys would see

192 likes they get so much for likes about today guys don’t quickly keep going at all so guys we’re going to mask my sneaky boys and next get what he’s doing on the channel guys is actually to be ads and bam eight more away so just

In case you guys happen to miss you guys do go and crash that also I just found this like really really funny you guys have eight dislikes in the video so literally if they’re people it dislike right now just like go out rid of that

And left the like guys we would be at the giveaway but just in case y’all have her to make sure you guys do go and crush this one guys for 200 should be insane and I’m gonna continues well past this is well we’re probably known with

225 if you guys do hit that too so stay tuned guys we got a log giveaways actually coming in for you ladies and gents and it should be insane guys up on space and see boys I let’s finish this whoa boom boom BAM alright six so guys

Drop it all on me guys drop it all on me right now drop it drop it all on me we eat all the ORS cuz it’s about to sell at a holla Pro it’s like I’m dancing for money guys in Minecraft these guys are so insane thank you guys anyway we’re

About to do guys is Rex Lee but so you go ahead and do such crap and what I’m gonna do is we’re by two oh he’s got more thank you guys okay so we’re gonna go ahead and crap all this real quick and we’re starting to see how much we

Get all dudes gonna get us so much money because you guys don’t know you can taxi sudden blocks we have to do it like this but okay first little bit guys this is just for the goal this is just really go let’s gunner Ora’s guys three two one

BAM 970 cage shot let’s go reversals Niners not bad iron blocks garrus 2.2 mil and that was even all of them as well we still got more holy moly guys I mean let me go holy moley donut shop guys this is actually crazy I’m home oh my gosh okay hopefully we

Get a lot of money from this I estimated we would get 20 million guys we’re gonna see how much we actually get by the time we’re done all this oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay 16 mil let’s go oh my gosh that’s like almost dude we were almost like

Bang on well we were a bit off but I mean dude sixteen million dollars that’s kind of good I mean we’re not on paltalk number one but we just went from lillybot top like zero to number 16 on the server or oh not even six number not

Even 16 sorry number six that’s that’s so good Wow Gigi’s also shoutout to John Fisher jump in they said lol hi yo sub shellfish thank you for dropping by I’m glad you liked my stream shut it – who is that bro a YouTube channel just joined it says baby river dude where’d

You even get that picture yo that must be mean the baby filter yo Chad – guys new video that’s actually kind of funny he not notice now I seen it all so shout to robot mill and check your balance I give you some money so I’m going to bed your shoutout um when

Did you give it to me cuz you must give it to me the same exact time I was telling stuff um oh you gave me one point 1 million shots you mil in uh on the server thank you so much dad that was dope one point one minute let’s go

But yeah yeah that’s baby tick tock yeah makes you guys do good fall all my social don’t read off all mic take talk as well Lincoln is your pee I mean it’s kind of cringe but if you guys want to follow it go ahead and yeah also guys y’all just

Stuff your legs away from the giveaway somebody going keep going on or on the verge guys about it this we don’t have a ton of people watching right now I’d only know where everybody went guys but hopefully we get some more people in guys I mean we’re seven more likes way

From the giveaway you guys are about to this you guys got this I swear but yeah don’t forget going guys it’s a bite tapping seven more likes sign now okay we let smart people know we’re live on discord hopefully that helps but yeah guys a I join up join up guys

Prefer to actually keep trying the video is just about to be insane and yeah we’re just uh you know giving shots to a bunch of people guys hope you’re enjoying it shots at be bearing the chat guys it’s about to be insane shots you chaotic for jumping in guys

Yall already know the vibes in the streams shelter for a yellow salt for jumping in shots you guys guys we’re still seven like so I hopefully do hit that soon anyway this is kind of sad guys we actually got our to move but now

If you guys need to take a look guys up over here we’re now Gabriel buy yourself some more sponsors without further ado sorry we just messaging back to more people guys ah let’s go to the shop over here guys and let’s actually go ahead and buy something brand new smart so

It’s actually going here um I’m not exactly sure the wood to buy guys like do I buy a villager like is that good why don’t you guys let me know though in the cons people say buy more which boners I mean which bars are only three

Mill eh we could yeah so like maybe I should buy a villager to you guys they honestly I’m kind of tempted it’s most expensive spawner I’ve got enough to buy one guys comment down below try by either villagers witches or zombies Curran we have witches and zombies

Already though so let me know guys what idea what do I do people said by a villager oof we could but then I could also buy a bunch of witches too it’s up to you guys so guys comment down below either zombie witch or villager which everyone gets the most

Comments guys we’re gonna mix me by right now in the video let’s go and do this and don’t forget as well if you guys are any guys make sure you guys to go and actually slap that like putting guys do some crazy crazy giveaways and we’re just waiting to go and except the

One for 200 on space MC right now so let’s see if we get to us I’ll see you later baby Ripper though thank you for dropping by bye a load of villager I only met for one okay so it guys it’s 50 million for one villager um I people said we need

Villager guys if we bought it guys all my finger guys know that was not good guys we just went like tap and then we get anyway we just got guys hope this was worth it you guys honestly don’t this um by the way I think voters sexy dude custom

Drops on the server guys so definitely check those out I could be wrong I could be totally wrong but I’m pretty sure villagers actually drop emeralds I want to see what they see drop because I’m kind of curious but I think they drop by roads do they guys I don’t know maybe

What in the hopper we’ll have to check the hoppers guys but I’m almost certain they drop emeralds because it is a custom drop on the server guys and I don’t forget going up guys on space MC the link in description number to smash like and if we take a look in here

Fireworks star on flash maybe they drop firework stars y’all my friend is taking all yo DB King drug don’t be taking nah we still need to recently get some more emerald room in there and stuff but anyway I subbed to baby River crazy villager I bought the villager she had

You guys for actually voting for that that was awesome anyway though guys if you take a look at the island it’s actually almost filled up guys and I think what else he’s gonna do out next up in the video I mean really have much else to you guys so I think we’re gonna

Do so I’m just gonna go under blocks guys we’re gonna grab some grass and that should be sick guys but once again real quick plug as well if you guys already makes you guys like button guys make sure to go and smash that like when we’re super super close and team I swear

We need more people my team needs to help out guys my name might see myself up here I’ll give you guys actually a idea guys each person that helps me up placing grass right now I’ll pay you guys a hundred K each guys if someone goes goes and serves placing glass right

Now with me I’ll pay you guys 100k each to you guys cuz I just want this island diamond guys like I’ve been waiting on this island for like the whole entire video d be king bruh 100k better you guys go for real dude you 100k sup darkness there you go one hundred one

Two three guys we need this island done I’m paying you guys off we’re paying people to building that guy’s jaw super you 100k let’s go sorry guys this is only for my team I wish I could help but I’ve cracked minecraft I save a video all on crack minecart actually coming up soon

My friend XE owns a crack my care server and actually you averages about like 750 players so yeah shutout guys I’m actually playing it soon it’s a very well known server as well too so stay tuned but oh my gosh there’s so many people here Bobby

Oh six one hundred one two three Bobby oh six we paid you okay yo my team is going crying crazy guys I’m actually running out of money guys my team is giving away two crazy I gotta stop paying people I’m sorry guys if I didn’t

Pay you but like dude I’ve only got like one mill left now oh my gosh anyway we’ll keep placing in a bit more to you guys but it looks like my team is about to finish this off this was literally like such a big hole like a

Minute ago and I said I would start paying people and then look at what you guys did you guys are literally killing it right now with the built-in here this is unbelievable shot two guys in the video we got Josue people coming up we got sup darkness all of you guys

Like just killing it thank you guys so much with the bills dude what – no way however the server is kind of lagging when this is happening so rest in pieces Oh someone’s dropped their kit there you’ll Sarah male 5 you might want to collect that but yeah I’ll help him out

Guys the really close might as well help them out bit over here bit over here but over here there we kill guys and I’ll do some over here too but yeah like for the majority guys we’ve like complete this whole entire thing it’s good no problem honestly Foxfire thanks so

Much for dropping the by today shots of Bieber in the chat – jassu feel also guys I don’t mean to be like this but like guys we’ve literally been seven likes away from the giveaway but like the past like half an hour you guys were killing it like the start

Of the video we’re kind of going abyss sorry now guys but hopefully we do go and wrap it up guys with hopefully getting this giveaway guys somewhere to join up on space MC but guys I’m giving away this super Opie lunar rank I’m pretty sure it’s like a

$50 rank by the way – so you guys what I’m in the lunar rank guys it’s already in my inventory I’m purchasing it though for someone this is just kind of like um I can’t actually give us you guys it she’s like a prop but if you guys do

Actually with me giveaway we will be buying you one so if you guys want to win the lunar right guys all you have to do is a smash like we’re seven more away get your alt account saying get your friends and get everybody you guys do you know through books these smash like

In the video no rules as long as we hit the giveaway guys but hopefully we hit this guy’s we’re literally still 7 away though come on guys jazzy food is joining you just said just who is jassu peel that’s literally you that’s like me saying like who is River who is your

Brain 1 2 3 it’s literally me bro like how does it make sense a shout that remyxx radio for dropping by shut it – jazz soup bill baller dude awesome name by the way baller – you’d love it also shot they watch shellfish I don’t know if he’s

Actually still here but shellfish if you’re still here bro if you ex don’t jump on a call we here dude we could jump in with you might be fun might be fun but yeah for you guys just got a bit more so you go and play sand bit of

Grass over here know the glitch the glitch this is the last hole dude and then we’re done Wow guys where’s my team where’s my team at oh we still got two you guys thank you who’s about to start like yelling my teammates again for not helping out guys

Please help oh please help out okay there we go guys we’re now completed and then we also shout to my friends T dog for subscribing thank you so much T dog guys hit that subscribe if you have already it’s free it gets be inserting watch our paypal

Giveaway also if you guys need more insert there’s a bunch in the chests up darkness I like to dubs in there if there’s none left in there um I mean you can just buy some more that’s kind of cheap but alright we’re gonna leave out

To my teammates guys I think you guys go out this Saturday o 5 and also Bobby think you guys already paid Bobby with the pacer male 5 you know I still have I still have 1.1 million my bit more one hundred one two three I just don’t want to I thought I paid

Him a million for a second I just don’t want to go under one mil I want to at least leave one Miller guys at all times in my account anyway guys next up in the video what I do it’s only go and check out is bar way inside

Alright this is kind of random guys but how do you get to the token shop is it just like sash token shop or what do we see you guys if anybody does know that be always token shop Wow token space shop all that’s sick ok so

If you guys actually don’t know we might see on a lot oaken’s throughout the whole entire video I haven’t really been sure that what we can buy anyway see you guys 60 bytes owners Blaze’s that’s kind of expensive holy but I’m it’s about to happen so you guys make see Whitney

Buncha smarmy are you guys can also go ahead and get harvester ho cell wall jetpack we’ve already got that so I need it though and that’s Selene 1 charge I’ve already got like for common enchantment boats there’s also enchantments in the server I don’t I mention there’s also custom enchants

Guys slides cool to definitely have to buy some of those for speed in the videos collect your ol collector those are really good if you guys know what that is um appearantly collects all the blocks in a radius 8 hoppers oh that’s a good deal only 150 Wow astronaut kid

Well nice guys nice and also kit Orion wow I think where do you have that kid I’m wearing right now but oh wait no it’s not wearing the kid Ryan maybe I already did the kid Orion anyway I’m fine with this one wait I never my kids

Solar oh that’s cool I don’t even know how to kids solar nope I guess when two kids you guys can have it they came with more Wars yes let’s go if anybody wants to kids told us he have it real quick I’m just gonna drop it in my eyeline

So people Alan guys um but yeah this is over here makes me go in crap that we’re gonna sell it I swear guys I don’t really do this purposely with the Eco I swear on the server is so good for selling ores it’s unbelievable I’ve never seen a server

That gives you that much money for selling stuff guys like that’s crazy so make sure you guys for sure go and check that out and don’t forget to join up on space MC we still get about 2 or 50 plus you guys on and also no way chat y’all

Do go and smash 200 likes let’s go guys sick sick sick all right so they guys likes me so much for smashing 200 likes guys you guys finally to go into it it did take a minute guys but we all pulled through guys we all did pull through and

Without further ado you guys give me one second and the works are you going getting to the giveaway but just in case you guys happen to miss you guys do going lights go ahead smash like button um it’s about to be insane and so I hope you guys are excited BAM alright shout

Out guys ok sorry just messaging the others over there guys works anyone see if we could do a nother giveaway guys for 225 likes obviously so just in case you guys hard to make sure you guys lace boys smash that like button guys and if

We get to wanna keep going cuz we got some more giveaways for you guys coming up and also thank you you’re the best to you bro um but yeah even if we don’t like it sponsored by the owners I probably goodbye you guys won’t anyway

Because I would like to go and see if we get a 225 so just in case you guys have already guys we’re gonna watch the giveaway probably the Orion rank or something next up so don’t forget likely keep going guys both out further ado guys let’s actually go choose a winner

For the lunar rank guys that’s about to be a vibe and don’t stick it’ll respond for this because I feel like our island and it’s kind of game boring so let’s like see over to the spawn guys and let’s choose a winner and only guys hop three nights of the giveaways like the

Video and type in the word giveaway and then that’s it you guys are done you’re done completely free so let’s do it oh and I’ll let me go to spawn again and you guys didn’t know there was like kind of a glitch and I wasn’t let me go to

Spawn earlier to rest in peace for real bro shots of my friends see coolest for subscribing thank you so much and also looks like they actually did fix like you see you guys Casey now see people respond to so anyway guys we’re actually back over to guys let’s like since I go

And choose a winner though for the giveaway all you guys some gents have to do and since gay boys likes to like the video and type in gay boy thank you guys so much with 203 as well it’s you guys were going to now at 205 keep going but

Without further ado guys alright for sure let’s actually go ahead and sum I guess picked winner for 200 alright guys it’s a 1 in 118 chance of winning shots you guys we don’t have that much people um usually we have like at least 300 – so yeah guys like you guys are actually

Gonna have a good chance in winning this guy so without fruit do let’s roll the rank if we guys smash like subscribe let’s do this in 3 2 1 and bam the winner of the giveaway is so preload slie socio – supremo SL f drake xenovia you’re the winner and we just

Did your minecraft name so yeah it’s republic minecraft name in the comments I was gonna go and hook it up with you right now she’ll be super super sick and let do it guys let’s do it supreme lone SL I’ve seen them watching the videos as well – you guys

Like I dunno this account so shall the supreme lone I know you’re here somewhere I don’t know where you are but you don’t know you’re here somewhere hello alright guys they got 30 seconds out to reply obviously so we’re gonna wait 30 seconds for them guys and

Hopefully it does do good and also guys oh yeah don’t forget one keep going for 225 the owners by the way did just reply and they say we can do the own ryan ranked at 225 somebody wanna add it to description so yeah just in case anybody was wondering guys a video giveaway

Number seven is happening 225 likes equals alright ring giveaway alright sick guys so yeah thank you guys so much for 200 I’ll be at 225 will give one all around mm which is even better rank we’ve given away the astronaut the solar lunar Orion it keeps going up

Every single time guys so hype in the chat type in the chat please leave a bedrock shooting tomorrow I do pies guys I usually do stream on Java dating guys so I’m planning to be streaming Java again tomorrow but however I definitely do video on battery

Condition not this week but next month I have look like three videos on bedrock edition coming outs of stay tuned for that that’s gonna be super super sick guys and yeah stay tuned for that and don’t forget to follow my don’t forget to follow all my social singing ascription guys go

Followed me on Tik Tok go follow me on everything discord everything’s leading description bro all right I’m gonna pick the windows so shout out to supremo and SL I’ve waited actually to – they still don’t reply let’s roll the winner was even supposed to be that long new winner is through

Underscore 0 0 or no 0 – 2 4 sorry through underscore zero TT 4 I shout to you if you’re in over your ear in the next winter if you could please reply that’d be sick and LexA cooking up idea right now but yeah shouts a few guys

It’s through in over here people say mmm not here reroll what wait 30 seconds I could still be 30 seconds guys but yeah guys like if you guys do into my gay boys like please be in here don’t leave the stream guys like this is the second

Time we’ve had to reroll I bet you were gonna have to redraw let’s give away like so many times guys but I like her but that was like a really cool cape I just noticed that I can’t see him anymore he had a really cool cape was

Like another star bro alright foods in here guys reroll yet new winner is crumby 3:16 wait didn’t hear any way to give away earlier I feel like was sued already won but i knew i you guys if you don’t know you can only won once per

Video just an FYI also shot the duker all of you guys you know those are some cool capes bro what is that it’s like a cool design this over here we got the Gucci docker that’s a sick cape I don’t know why my cape isn’t showing up guys

If someone could like help me with that that’d be awesome cuz I’m supposed to have a cape right now and I don’t know these guys I’m so sad for real maybe someone like took the cape back anyway we ready for crummy guys they got like 20 seconds I’ve to

Reply if not we’re gonna like Siri picked a win but crummy if you’re here please her pie we gotta give it to you ie shots gets a video mmm what’s up cloak see what’s up B bear all of you guys this ring some more comments if you

Guys have anything to say I miss you guys do go post it in the comment section down below replying as many people’s like hang guys and it should be really six makes you guys do you go and do something alright crummy song here it’s been a minute new winner is flies

This dude is gotta be in here flies I swear dude I know you’re in here flies please reply it’s F Ellie’s dad dad and it’s a picture of a Deadpool minecraft skin wearing a gold chain you know that’s actually kind of a funny minecraft picture she had it’s like

Flies bro but yeah he’s the next winner guys or she um but yeah I’m pretty sure it’s a guy I’ve known Flo’s for a minute I’ve known for a minute I know we’re gonna go away for them guys he already won did he I don’t I don’t think so did

He remind someone stole your village responders no did someone actually wait who just stole my villager spawner there’s no way when these giveaways right now and I’m doing know what every 25 likes no waves you someone actually stole my villager wait who stole it guys I swear

Who stole the villager wait guys who actually just stole my villager it’s actually gone that was 15 million dollars guys I’m gonna forget the owner to get on and do world check oh my gosh guys I swear staff can check easy I know it’s just like kind of a hassle guys honestly

Though guys if you are stealing from you guys are gonna get fan so I’m gonna get the I’m gonna have to get this staff to come he’s gonna get banned now yeah 100% guys you’re not allowed to do stealing and stuff guys especially like guys come on like I’m literally youtuber on the

Server like I’m just gonna message the owner but rest in peace I just messaged the whole staff team guys we’re gonna look into it but yeah if you guys don’t know that like I mean I’m really care if it’s like I don’t want to get respondents but like that’s like a 50

Million won like I just bought it too so we’re gonna let seafood X to get that fixed in the meantime where you watch the upper back the spawn guys and we’re gonna continue with this giveaway because that guy we’re here that just won the game boy isn’t here it’s not

Letting me go to spawn guys I swear dude let me go to spawn I’m literally typing small as anybody else getting this issue or is this just me cuz i legit can’t go to spawn I’m literally just sitting here forever guys oh just load it in okay never mind okay

So we’re good I guess it’s actually gonna roll to get boy sorry flies in here guys I’m rolling it new winner is Ethan Ethan guys please reply and also shout it to my friend Luke is blue IRA I have accepted you on discord guys go fall my discord link in description and

Our pipes as many people as I can and it should be sick well let’s not be thin Ethan what’s up with scoochie Sarah Mayo v is left a game did Sarah meal fives feel it what happened it ghost someone took my villager spawner just one it was on the blue grinder on my

Island all right shouts it goes to surviving guys massive massive shots to stop in here guys I really hate bothering them but I mean ghost is actually gonna help us out looks like so massive massive shite two ghost guys hopefully can figure out power me outside just went offline to they just

Said Oh some Saturday off IV I said I just crashed primal aside there just laugh guys guys I’m not saying you guys are doing this but guys it does look suspicious if you’re logging you on like are you’re logging off as soon as we’re looking at the

Carpet act even if you log off line though it’ll still tell us like who did it so I thought even try do it anyway I want to be roll the giveaway again guys efforts is a new winner shout it to effort for exceed winning Z giveaway

Guys and effort if that takes you please reply in the chat if you could that’d be awesome and I legit God goes to help you remember thank you Sarah male 5 I appreciate I really do I already do you guys are you show shut it to expert

Omega it’s like an effort and then the Omega sign so shout them guys if they’re over here Oh people said not here alright guys I do appreciate you guys I’m actually now give you guys like 30 seconds it’s your plan to give voice just cuz we’ve literally retold to get by like six

Times now so what I’m gonna do guys is I’m actually gonna go ahead and for real yeah I guess go ahead and uh I guess press we roll again 30 seconds new winner is team skill Unga shout out to Tim for watching the video once again though you guys only got 60

Seconds out to reply though and then we’ll choose a new winner I’ve just like guys we’ve been waiting forever for y’all to reply and we need this guy to your piety so type giveaway like the video it’s all you guys left you answer and when they giveaways today it’s

Pretty easy guys so make sure you guys enter for free guys definitely no one to miss out what’s up tooth pumpkin what’s up cc cool ways um what’s up helmets all you guys just choose me lol I’m an old fan Yoshi had the two pumpkin yes you’ve actually been watching for mathematics a

Long time shut it’s a tooth pumpkin folksy drop in my in our stream today real ready to appreciate it yes yes yes thank you for real shot that NK subscribes no videos Luca all you guys see coolest way to say Carrick medicals um okay so we’re gonna go and see who

Did it I know I hopefully this thought connects me fix up or Alan guys but I’ll they give me a voter Spooner back thank you I hope they bands whoever did that or at least let me know because I’m gonna message for real once he goes who did it

There’s like whoever did it want to kick them from the Allen like I don’t want to sell my land you know so shot that goes so they can figure out who did it at least we got the villager back though he’s got the build your back river a near my favorite youtuber yo

Shelter Josh Hopkins thank you so much for watching the video I’m glad you guys like the Vince I choose me I’ve been so unlucky guys I’m sorry I can’t rig it for real it’s gotta be random chance Tim so Dylan goes in here Simon is the new

Winner shall the Simon um dude I swear you’ve removed this kid way so many times it’s like the 20th entry it guys I swear Simon a friend over here police or pie I’m gonna give you guys 30 seconds out of those so make sure you guys

Exceeds do you go into this and some yeah yeah yeah guys it’s about top man but they guys so much for joining up guys don’t forget to join up guys on space MC comm just replying to as many people’s like hang guys I’m weird of an amazing stream right now yeah yeah and

We’re still doing – giveaway – 25 – yeah for sure alright sign is on here new winners Jonas Jonas are you here um Jonas bro please reply if your name is Jonas Skye is your the new winner everybody’s saying they’re not here either rest in peace guys literally

Nobody is here dude we I’m you psycho 40-plus you guys watching which is awesome but yeah it looks like the majority of people like must’ve like a left or something cuz like ivory rolled this give like 60 times at least new winner is Caleb Kelly Caleb Kelly please

Be here um remake the giveaway I’m gonna remake to give up Caleb Kelly’s not here she has a video yeah shut it to to yeah it was awesome until you know kind of got messed up but yeah I shot it to you it was fun yeah I was

Funding the beginning I liked how many digits is my money have your shot it to tooth pumpkin I’m actually not too sure I guess seven digits bro seven guys seven digit flex on the server okay I’m just gonna redo the giveaway guys okay so chat um

Well let me just read role he gave away okay guys so I just I just took out the whole entire giveaway what I’m gonna do is get a reroll it cuz it’s just been not nobody that’s one gone so guys what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get you guys

To retype in the giveaway right now so make sure you guys like the video and I know you probably typed in giveaway an hour ago you probably typed in 20 minutes ago just reput it in again guys because I’m gonna really give Boyd just who the people are watching right now

Because literally ivory rolled together like a hundred times and yeah so it’s not going anywhere guys so you guys like the video like let’s smash that like button and then we’re going to see me one picked a winner soon hopefully but yeah type in giveaway yes it says

Boys it should be good and don’t forget to smack 225 you guys got this hopefully I’m wrapping up in like half an hour probably last probably last team so yeah yeah yeah alright let’s read pick the win guys it’s a one it’s one night chance of winning now let’s roll it

Sorry one a thirty chance the winner is Dennis s alright sorry guys I just had to cough just doing some more comments so guys mass mass of shots you guys extend over here you have so shot it to Dennis F bro a fraction over here please

Do reply that would be insane and yeah Dennis F bro would you send your Minecraft name then is bro where you at my dude where you add Dennis anyway shout the tennis pro um Dennis as he said up through 20 LV yes let’s go dude I remember you watching yesterday what’s

Up dude 320 of yachts an awesome name guys a juji’s and I hope you guys like 16 really give boy guys I was super awesome for 200 finally got a winner legit that was so insane also shot my friend the video refrain dude I wanted astronaut rank and enjoined the sir like

10 minutes ago I know lunch of people actually winning moon crates obviously front phone you guys give five these every single day so check those out and yeah Lapierre I see one astronaut right guys so check it out you’re the second person I see has told me that from the

Stream to smokin so awesome bro awesome any without further ado you guys it’s like to go pick me next winter for real guys and or no not pick the next winner sorry I’m like I’m gonna keep the winner like this for now I was thinking it may be rolling to get

But I think right leave like this for now should begin next giveaway though guys it will actually be at the next one for 225 which is about 14 more away guys so make sure you guys X Nico’s 540 more likes on to these video ladies and gents

And then once we do like since you at works the b-team next giveaway guys for 225 but thank you guys so much true support so far it’s been insane this is Alaska boy by the way off the video for the Orion rank guys it’s one of the top

Ranks today and you guys can win free completely free literally this dude over here has it bunch people already have Vince but to be insane also yes sorry I forgot to message the owner that’s 51 sorry who won the giveaway again guys it was 200 something LV are a 300 something lv3

320 LV okay 320 ovo won the giveaway for lunar ranked lunar rank I sick alright so yeah shout out to wall 320 LV bro you’re Xing to go and get it soon also shots against the video for the likes right now it says 152 you really no

Shadow I mean that’s kind of weird likes right now say to wait for me they’re kind of going up and down right now but it says 208 also is someone plotting my stream guys that says there’s 180 people watching right now dude we they we were

Like 40 or 50 people watching and then just went to like 180 bro is someone bonding my stream I’m so confused anyway I don’t know what’s happening guys but let’s head over back I guess you were ound and all those go with the villager boys but yeah thank eyes so

Much with 200 by the way guys next one set to 25 it says 163 likes for me I don’t think so guys it’s as 210 likes for me right now I mean you guys can refresh your page maybe it refresh your pie let’s go place the brainy spawner and

See if you guys don’t know we got that grief still don’t know who it was I don’t know if I was paying attention maybe I wasn’t paying attention or maybe it didn’t happen I don’t know also shelters raping us dude wait what this is the dude that

One the giveaway um thank you you just pay me a million dollars cash thank you so much that’s awesome anyway reciting another smaller to stack over here hope you guys like it so we got the villager we got the zombie I’m a server sells the riches

Of all nights you which is actually kind of hype so how – you guys think about that in the comment and yeah that’s kind of the grinder right now I think we did a good job of it I want to go and check up on the loot though still dude

Somebody’s still taking the loot from there there’s no way we got just a piece of dirt and that in like an hour like bro someone’s definitely taking that guys whoever’s taking like calm down also I actually wanna go and check up on up over here I don’t know who did this

Chat but actually just notice we have like a floating island up over here and it looks like there is actually people building up over here so first of all 705 I was like this hitting grinder okay over there there’s crops dude there’s like an extra dude there’s like a whole

Extra world up here how come this silent looks better than that one dude whoever made this the SEC’s looking awesome private grinder jassu feel well this is sakes you guys seem just like ran up in your like this awesome yeah I mean this isn’t really the best picking the server

Its efficiency 5 but mmm that’s decent alright so if you guys like some to go and test this out guys maybe grab a bit in the server check out jassu pillows place dude I don’t see any mad I hope he’s getting mad if I’m in here

Like what but let me test it out guys I’ll go in here for a couple minutes means yes you feel are connecting here’s in my island seeing an awesome yeah definitely do at it might be a bit hard cuz they’re not really the same level

But now that’d be cool and also guys if you could remove maybe that like wood thing because that looks kind of weird how I was like a wood because now you can just like tell like you just built up there it’ll look a lot better I’m

Saying if you removed it would look like it was floating that’s what it would look like it would be sick jaw soup you lost his eyebrows wait javis math is did Jess appeal actually wait how did you soup you lose his eyebrows sorry brain um I am the so grinder because my alts

Is there if you want me to let you sell it you sell it oh no no it’s fine bro I just I just wanted to see if what how much money we were making from the grinder and like if it was actually doing good also there’s chests and there guys are

Just not loading in but yeah if you guys could maybe like not sell it for like maybe like 10 minutes but all wrists I would be sick it also shot to lethal Brahmas just joined the stream he said I’m dying to do a 24 hour stream want to get in a

Call yes dude I’ll definitely jump on a call with you in like five minutes but yeah shout it to um Boris he said he sex me you told me this actually like yesterday he was trying to do it have you been streaming since yesterday dude

Oh my gosh oh he said he just started he’s only two hours in okay well good luck in the 24 hour stream bar I mean I thought my streams were long holy refrain I’m the biggest fan yo what’s up updated job I thank you for dropping by

Today um anyway I’m gonna start mining here guys it’s kind of game boring but I mean check that out guys it’s not bad you guys make some Bank from there I’m gonna leave that money though for Jesse but that looks sick and they also have like kind of a sugar cane place here

With – nice nice anyway uh yeah we checks to do it to our grinder or not our grinder um our base our base so what I wanted you guys um kind of random but I want to go under blocks and I want to buy some bone meal because it looks a

Lot more textured like your eye looks a lot more textured and good if we could add some bone meal I feel like so let’s go buy some bones guys oh you can only sell it wait what do i buy it then yes bone meal 6400 Wow you

Buy for 6,400 you sell it for $1 dude how does that make any sense I mean whatever but I know I just doing some more comments guys we’re back to normal as well night see we got 32 plus you guys ain’t over your shots you guys now

We got 36 what scoochie anyway yeah we had like 180 people watching a second ago dude someone’s definitely pawning me um anyway I don’t know how much of this we’re gonna need there’s gonna cost a lot I’m gonna say that much also shots were paid me I’m at 3.2 or 3.7 now if

You point seven million thank you guys anyway for you guys we’re gonna do is I’m just gonna go spam around the island guys and what about Susan I’m gonna go in place in a ton of foam you know obviously I’m not going like doing the houses and stuff like we’re gonna leave

That off limit or it’s a casino oh they’re doing casino flowerpower pay for dinner to start and then yeah if you grow flowers it’ll give you like a better chance of any money that’s cool so you like double triple your money check though guys that’s not bad anyway

You know in the meantime though we’re just need to go over you guys around the island we’re gonna place any bunch of this and trust me guys I’ve been playing Scrabble for a long time this is gonna make it look a hundred times better and

I just hope it Law Lord saying cuz I feel like it’s not keep it a load in cuz like dude there’s like so much people on the server right now on space MC guys but we’ll see we’ll see shoutouts you insta-kill of unfortunate video OMG face reveal your shelter prowess bring

Brack MC memo yo shut its you guys hashtag bring back MC memo do they don’t have that this season I mean guys they should definitely haven’t seen well on the server I don’t know why you said that fun I know let’s go keep going here

Guys I feel like I actually made one a bit too overkill with the bone meal about five stacks for like 32 K guys or 36 k I don’t remember we bought it for 30-something thousand and yeah I’ve only used about a stack so far great investment guys great investment mmm but

Yeah we’re almost done here guys it’s a bit more if you guys have anything to say that makes you guys you gonna post it in the consolation down below guys I’ll reply ensues mate feels like an or just having an amazing Garry now you guys only several makes you guys all

Join up on space MC you guys were having the best time ever let’s go but yeah this is essentially just sip and I hope we get this working and faster I swear this bow meal is like taking so long to place in guys it’s taking forever bro

Mmm I mean it’s like alright but it could be better Yolo so promise I’ll call yet yes I’m definitely gonna call you in a second bro first year for sure shut it – well bros for jumping in just let me finish up with this over here and I’m gonna buy

A spawner and then I’m gonna jump in a call with you at the end bro its first year for sure sorry when I say five minutes I mean like maybe like 10 or 15 in real in real life guys I just say 5 minutes for everything okay guys I think

We finished up the entire thing guys we need to cover this whole into our island no more grass or no more block without grass guys every single block and needs you ass right now you guys let’s go and add it all in bro this is honestly taking a while bro broski

Come on this is so boring guys I definitely do buy some spawners that’ll be hype just yeah there’s some boring stuff we do have dude in the videos guys in Skyblock but there’s also some really hype stuff this is kind of when those boring things but there we go we’re

Actually now done you guys alright so hope you guys did enjoy guys Rickson out good I think like the homes are animate it’s like a little couple more spots we could go in place and I’m probably gonna do like off-camera though I want to give you guys the best content in the streams

Oh so guys without for you to let’s say just go put that away and then um I’ll do it rest off-camera what I want to do the next up though guys is I would expect to go in actually place these also sparse because I forgot we had some but real someone keeps

Taking these also as far as I placing like every single time I don’t know where they’re going but anyway we got four more in there guys not bad and then also there’s really fishery beside it bro can we take my cat mr. cat can I team you know oh we actually tamed it

Hey yo Jessie feel I were just about to tame it dude did you just do you just killed my cat bro that’s so sad anyway whatever guys let’s actually go and check out Oh shots my friend he just want a jetpack to try from the rink

Right GG axe tracer that’s dope I know guys next little bit I want actually buy something with three million dollars I already know what to get a bond might be an ass you guys in the chat I’m gonna buy the the whoops bar for three mil and

Then I’ve got seven or 68k left so I’m gonna buy an or zombie you don’t buy two and almost do it oof 18k oh the server just got kicked no rest in peace guys I we Scout kick you in the server should be back up soon did you guys miss Kay cakes

I think everybody’s got cakes right mm-hmm anyway we’re gonna be back up on the server guys soon bombing she guys if you have already join up on the server super super insane and like take a look at this spawn guys like this is honestly crazy guys join up guys on space sim so

You guys are killing it tonight let’s join back up in the queue 42 spot awesome and the queue on the server doesn’t take long either I don’t unlike Akuma to take a minute guys but it’s a lot better in space MC no no offense tsukumo Combe is good but but the yeah

The queue is little a little while they said reboots okay is he aegyo thankfully you know let’s go River ready yes I’m coming one second bro I just want to place this forest and then also I see forgot I actually meant to shows you guys only video but it’s

Also jetpacks on the server too if you guys didn’t know and um yeah I actually forgot to show it to you guys as well we actually two of them too so definitely going to definitely an actually have to show you guys the a jet packs which

Would be sick so yeah servers should be backup of like two minutes there guys everybody is wondering I know a lot people asking reckon out like River and what’s happening the server was going down guys it could be back up in like one second um but yeah like dude I don’t know if

This is just me like this server spawn is just so insane like you so sexy guys like take a look at this phone it’s like literally like a planet we’ve like a destroyed planet over there oh the lavas like to be moving – Wow Wow I don’t know I just really like the

Server guys is so sick and then we got like earth over here Bros Ola stop Samantha shall do for jumping in they said River River River river that was so many are is why was why are you okay also there’s toggle pvp wait really all that’s cool so we’re waiting for like

This over to join up we just like pvp people no way free like just like pvp jazzy feel dude you know toggle it guys there’s a toggle pvp in the server that’s so cool actually looks like i’m about to break my sword can i just like break my sound right quick guys every

Books like break the server i got time to rest in peace did you guys get o the server crash no did it actually oh my gosh guys this server just crashed yo shots you guys we killed the guys today on space MC join up you guys have

Already whole we though i can’t get in the lobby why servers broken yeah i’m sure they’re just doing a restart maybe or they’re doing something guys but if it did crash I’m sure we back up there’s no way to be down for long I’m gonna DM Callum guys we’re gonna like see see

He’s only the owners by the way if you guys ever hear me say the people wide YH GG gizmo or column they’re actually something stopping the server but yeah I’m just gonna go and see all right there just do it guys that was that was

Not a crash there they had to do that restart yeah they didn’t they decide to do restart they told me I’m wrecking his like saying specifics what it was for but yeah they just had to add some more stuff to the server and I guess it was

Like a restart so she’ll be back up soon it wasn’t crash though and yeah I’m shot it see my friend the video they both should be working in steak 11 or so they should be working hashtag Josue Pele first HNC River stuff guys if you want to be staff on a space

MC it’s kind of hard because it is always like a bigger server but it is honestly pretty fun one if you guys want join up and um for sure you would definitely want to go and check it out with some same umma shout out to superhero Batman for real for watching Samantha’s

Pumpkin we’re going one ear malas is so immature whoo I think I’m gonna guess right now it’s either Samantha’s or jassu Peele no offense guys no offense but like yeah I know it’s over should be back up soon guys started taking so long I should be

Back up in less than like 2 or 3 minutes but yeah for real also guys over to work so you keep going guys it’s about to be happening if you guys don’t know as well Ricky doing I really would crazy giveaway guys and yeah the next one is actually happening

At 2:00 on 25 likes also sweaty 7 the I pin the description doesn’t work it’s cuz they’re restarting the server I mean can you guys see my screen it’s not even like me joined guys yeah so if you’re wondering jails MC yeah but you guys can

Join up on the office base MC Lots weren’t playing right now that one’s down but it’s coming back up they said oh ok yeah they decided to do like a restart I wanted like their plugins or whatever I don’t know everyone pretend that he changed and he hits a 205 likes bro I

Can tell though we’re out with 212 right now like I’m looking at the video like guys stop it stop it I’m only doing the giveaway if we do it 2 and 25 for real guys it’s the owners rules so shout out guys but as you guys

Do go and do it about to be insane just play James C for now maybe I could jump back up in a sec but I think I’ll probably just like stay on space cuz it’s probably up in like 5 minutes or so but I’m gonna go and see message the

Staff guys we’re gonna let see how long it’s gonna be down for I mean the server should be back up soon I’m gonna check their discord maybe they made an announcement guys v.i.c haven’t already joined space MC this card makes me have it they never did announcement oh sauce

We’re um anyway moving somewhat still for my spawner is really dude honestly don’t know but someone is deals doing responds we’re gonna fist forget out in a second also oh my goodness guys I didn’t know any worse turn your face on guys I’ve got a new video in 10 minutes

So yeah Charlotte she could be some food guys I just ran for a second only time I got in the video in ten minutes healthy server is back up by then guys and don’t forget guys to answer all your accounts all your all its family everybody guys get them to smash like

We’re 12 weeks away from the giveaway by the way and we’re actually given one with the best ranks in the server for the Orion rank so if you guys want to in the Orion right guys make sure you guys smash that like but you guys already dunno guys

Orion let’s get it literally yeah but we need to twenty-five shout to think there bro it’s been a minute dude it’s been it’s honestly been longer than I think there I know you guys are like rivering keep going brawler’s is even doing it longer I know guys brawler still do a 24

Hour stream but like I’m not dude I’m not no like that’s that’s too long hopefully space MCS back up though soon for sure anyway just like smart people who are live guys um but yeah for real the server they said there’s really proxy shark guys I guess that should be

Back up soon oh yes we’re back for real yes okay guys let’s get in the queue ASAP but guys I’m not even joking like I actually do friend I do to end off the video regardless if we do get or not within like ten minutes guys so just in

Case you guys haven’t makes you guys smash 225 hopefully and don’t forget to also subscribe to my youtube channel guys just in case you guys haven’t got some insane giveaways actually coming up for you guys in the videos and so yeah it’s about to be crazy so just in case

You guys how many guys smash like subscribe also I don’t want my lights for my face have been like so messed up today maybe maybe it’s not bright enough I’m gonna go fix up for the next dream but yeah my face cam lighting is like not really that good right now I’ll fix

It by next dream also she’ll actually funny Braille love your skin love your skin bro of Tyler all right we got zombie skin and we got a witch oh not a zombie harlot not a skin smart so we got a zombie guys doing our souls a witch

Let’s go and do this and also guys quick plug in the chat guys everybody smash like guys were super close away from the last one you guys are still 12 weeks away I’ve already shared the video as much as I can it’s up to you guys if

Y’all like someone go and smash that but hopefully we can do guys cuz this might be our last chance for the Orion rank also why are these not stacking I saw what is happening dude I’m just in a box yo my team is actually trolling me so

Hard right now get out of here bro get out of here okay there we go I was wondering why I was stacking I guess it was lagging bro okay we’re good now and also dude don’t be doing that all right let’s go for back to our

Island guys but yeah guys you guys are 12 more likes to waste bill don’t we go and keep going I know though we did a lot of stuff today we got a grind over here guys grant over there got another one over there we got a

Second island even and we also have been wrapped it up with actually even placing in Bamiyan which we very rarely actually get to do so hype to be at that I know you guys to wrap it up this could be a you know die situation here like I could

Die guys for real but what I’m gonna do guys to wrap it up is I’m gonna go for Andy war zone and I just wanna go check out the brand new jet pack so if you guys like seeds don’t know it’s exiciting only server called a jet pack

And you guys if you hold it down supposedly supposed to lift you up in the air and I really were to go and check it out so works about c1x to wrap it up guys and checked out right now but don’t forget guys to smash this last

Giveaway I know I said I shared the video bunch I guess I could tag some more people might just go like one last time guys but yeah guys cross their fingers hopefully we do with this game boy you guys are super super close away from eating 225 it would be insane if we

Could wrap it up with taking this guy’s butt mmm or not 11 away guys 11 away we could still hit this however after up in the video 9 minutes you guys 9 minutes to smash 11 likes that’s like more than I like a minute but we’ll see if we can

Hit it guys we’ll see if we’re getting it and don’t forget well if you haven’t already guys answer all your accounts into your friends and don’t forget as well to go and type the word giveaway without further ado guys let’s do this Golden Apple let’s hope we don’t die you

Guys better not kill me you’re on my team bro you better not kill me and let’s actually jump in over here right now okay guys so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna like walk away from civilization because like I’m not trying to PvP cha I know this probably be like

A ton of people from my video guys like following me at rest in peace of you guys to both sexes ego test so three two one jetpack oh that’s sick so we pretty much get fly what’s oh my goodness yo how long does this last okay I don’t know

How long it lasts but dude we can they just like fly around in the server oh my goodness so it’s literally it’s not like I thought it was gonna be like an actual jetpack like we were flying up and down stuff I mean it kinda is but okay the

Jetpack command is kind of just like slash fly guys but you guys like some gifts five in the PvP zone okay that’s actually kind of cool so make sure you guys are gonna check out and even if you drop down you can still keep going guys

How long does that last for cuz I don’t know how long the last four as anybody know like how long you last for or does it just last forever either way though this is like super super sick guys so yeah meet you guys you gonna check it out everybody the

Server’s complaining about lag I mean I’m not really liking right now but alright I’ll see you guys there are seven more likes away from the giveaway all the server is liking this is a post load in oh my gosh it literally cut off the whole entire server there’s supposed

To be like a giant portal right there chat it literally cut off the whole entire server um test bruh XD hopefully do do this but yeah guys maybe kick alts in the server there’s a bunch of people who have alt sin the server guys I feel like maybe

That’s why it’s lagging like fakes done oh I don’t know if like is fakes let me do spawn servers are you starting it as okay alright guys well there you go shot that’s all you dragon I just joined alright we’ll shout out guys I’m ending the video in like exactly seven minutes

Thank you guys for watching though guys like and subscribe last chance by the way it said to the cable you guys were still boat uh eight likes away from the giveaway now so that’s cool so you guys got seven minutes this match eight likes bro you guys my taxes so hit this so

It’s no forget guys to like and subscribe I’m wrapping up though regardless whether we hit the get boy or not guys like I’ve been here for a minute and bricks bricks P this is the last Frankie boy for the Orion one happening at 225 so make sure you guys

Do go into that River and we won’t talk to your puppy I don’t off doctor puppies on today if he is all definitely I’m gonna call it them yeah yeah for sure um mmm anyway guys leopards do what sexy jumper to call with brawl we’re actually waiting

Schatzi bros guys let’s take some each I’m gonna call them real quick and then yeah alright he’s actually on the server by the way space mc2 he’s but like spying me the whole entire video dude you open to call it this man so let’s do it bro Yolo Yolo BRABUS well it’s all

Dude what’s up are you on are you on space MC you are bro okay okay are you wait are you my island by the way did I invite you you want to get invited oh yo shut the hydrant that’s a sick let’s say cape guys it’s like better than my blue cape

What yeah nice dude nice like like you mean just like a normal spotter or it generate way once how do you get that okay sorry how do you how do you get that really nice I’m gonna have to pick up a loop barks guys for next episode there’s also

A bunch of stuff in the video I didn’t really get to show to you guys because you know they’ve been doing restarts and stuff but yeah awesome yeah you’re doing a 24 hour stream apparently it’s a long time you learn how many hours three hours bro I’ve been in for like three

And a half I’m beating you know pro yeah for sure for sure okay well yeah anyway good luck on getting 24 hours pearl like I is you to be even capable to post a 24 hour long video I don’t know that’s like a long time I feel like that’s like a

Mr. B’s challenge or something for likes okay that’s cool yeah probably oh yeah cuz there’s 10 hour music videos on YouTube anyway nice bro are you like a team on are you on here or you like your own team or how’s it going you’re called a girls what’s that’s actually

Your name okay well okay well good good name mine’s everyone c3 I just go by rearrange sorry guys I saw her in to check it out riverain why do you always keep ignoring me I’m gonna call with you right now brah rez oh please like bro come on

People said left click this so oh yeah if you guys left quick this so there’s actually a PvP thing you guys can jump into that’s cool these people are like literally fisting it I’m just gonna like break them up no more fisting guys I got a sword just see Christ if

You want to PvP well you guys actually waited we got hydrants over here oh my goodness guys hydrants is actually sort of Opie shots against the video we’re gonna go against some people over here guys gets do a bit of PvP while we’re waiting here little swamp all you guys

Don’t forget to smash the like cha oh my pearl didn’t work no my pearl didn’t work there’s a cool-down what’s your hydrants is going ham on me dude you want to help me out in the PvP hydrants is actually going ham there’s so many people here wait what oh you’re in hubba

Oh there’s different hubs hey I kill hydrants okay let me get back up there yeah I guess what you guys are we waiting this acts like a PvP thing that’s also kind of cool I like that I like that feature Buress I see you bro 1v1 1v1 bro bro I’m actually sorely good

At this like you can’t be running away no my pro that work bro is get back here get back here dude get back here what do you do bro is get back here I call you bro I got you oh oh oh why’s hydrants keep targeting me stop it

I’d rinse I’m not trying to fight you I’m trying to fight it I’m trying to fight progress oh my gosh what a dude oh my gosh alright let’s actually go off room I guess I guess I should actually try now guys I’ve been practicing like a

Little bit on PvP let me know if I’m getting good guys I don’t really think I’m not good but I’m decent he Jesus hydrants just threw their pot on me yo shadow dude you just threw your own pot on me bro oh my gosh guys no no no all

The server’s back up that was a good one v1 and also there we go so our guests are jet pack right now I’ll show you guys one more time you’ve activated jet pack but yeah sensually you guys just fire on the PvP zone it’s pretty cool

Also you guys are too like sorry for the giveaway guys I’m ending it though and two minutes guys so make sure you guys and like the video if you guys want to go into the giveaway guys two minutes leads to more likes has it been an epic stream it’s been in

That big one anyway I’m gonna call you later broke something but see what chooses one of her things so much for dropping by and good luck 24 hours but good luck at 24 hours I’ll see you at this time tomorrow all right peace boat peace out Michelle depor always dude I can’t

Believe you streaming for that long but anyway guys check out the brand new jet packs also really cool and I actually don’t know long the last four I’m gonna ask to meet the Osprey built like a minute to five minutes so you guys do check no they actually last

A while like you can do this like fly over here and have someone’s like Tracy you could like hide and then like keep going on so it’s kind of cool anyway I’ll leave though I don’t really need anymore but yeah oh just right now wow you’ve deactivate your jetpack okay and

I’ll send it back to your eyes go guys wait only two guys I leave in like 60 seconds so it’s up to you guys whether you guys can smash like button or not guys but yeah this is about to be it guys hope enjoy there are freak apples

And stuff in my base if you guys want that but yeah guys fostering is gonna be for the orion’s if you guys want it make sure you guys like school smash that like button over here type giveaway I’m literally ending it though you guys in 60 seconds

You guys got 45 seconds left chat guys drumroll in the chat do you guys think we’re gonna hit it you guys soon we’re not also yeah if you guys want to be invites down we still got spots I can about you guys little swamp yeah we definitely need some more invites softer

Puppy I don’t think dr. Whoopi’s actually on right now guys he actually doesn’t get home so school to like later oh he is on the weekend so we could call him I think I wanna I think I wanna wrap the video though right now guys like it

Wouldn’t really be worth it for me to just like jump in a call it thumbs like one minute but definitely soon guys definitely soon what is this guy’s name Angie you been that’s not an actual name is it that’s not an actual name dude guys one more like I’m wrapping up in 30

Seconds for real this time for this time you guys got 30 seconds let’s go River and it goes from 60 seconds to 45 seconds and like two seconds river ain’t totally knows math a little well dude I dunno math bro like bro come on I need to be on line

Yeah if you guys do when they give what you guys do need to be on a server or your account at least needs to be on line like if you log it on online chat on your phone if you guys don’t know you can download that app it’s free no longer

Count on so you can do that if you want but oh my goodness someone just joined the server called Netflix HD but that must be hardening yet anyway lies let’s go and wrap it up oh you guys said going to it guys worth two hundred and twenty

Six boys let’s go alright thank eyes likes me so much guys I’ve tuned it though right now so I’m gonna pick the winner real fast guys like and subscribe in the channel thank you so much for 226 guys I was insane let’s go ahead though

And roll the giveaway and guys it’s a 1 in 50 chance of winning Massa Massa shoutout guys the winner of the giveaway is Jackson ragam so kind of to Jackson Riga for winning the giveaway if you’re over your Jackson please replies like guys we’ve been in for a minute it has

Been an epic video though like we did prisons today we did be a Skyblock for this stuff on space and see um so yeah shout out to Jason Raghad um I don’t even know what the profile picture is a picture of I think it’s like a plane it looks like a plane

That crashed or something definitely know or like I know maybe it’s this art sculpture I’m not sure anyway shadow and yeah don’t forget keep going guys like past you in 25 if you guys want I mean we’re not do any more giveaways but it would be super insane guys we are doing

Daily give voice and yeah keep going even though or passive you guys are enjoying the vids alright guys without further ado guys let’s actually go and do this mass mass of those shots you guys like seen over in cities vet jazz Jackson’s Auto beer I’m gonna pick to win new winner is

Actually underscore funny actually underscore funny if you’re in OVR you’re the new winner I hope this isn’t like before where we have to like pick the winner like six times like guys that was not a vibe honestly that was not if I’m a hey guys join up on space MC you

Guys got this actually funny guys let’s do this thank you for watching that guys check it out and don’t forget to go check out the sale on mah space MC guys definitely more videos coming soon out a lot of you guys exceed enjoyed today’s video so yeah guys we’re gonna be posting some

More Skyblock on this tune – and also prisons prisons is gonna be coming soon – um actually funny I don’t think it’s here guys everybody’s like tagging them in the chat because I guess they were here like a couple minutes ago but I guess he left

Guys um I’m gonna be picking it’s been a minute the new winner is cave spider with two R’s chat it – cave spider Forks – jumping in if case butter is gonna be our your the next giveaway a little 10k just admitted to all its who’s 10k is

That a guy in the server guys don’t be putting all to the server don’t and but yeah there’s definitely like a lot of bolts in the server I don’t know who is doing that dude but like there’s so many bots in the server do you like calm down all right

Um cave spider you here bro you good bro you good and you good k spider all right let’s actually go and read pic it again guys for real I guess case butter isn’t here for real a new winter guys is a dog man shot the dog man are

You here dog man all right is dog man here guys guys if dog baits not here I’m just gonna lick would you have to like um someone’s Boateng someone’s alting I think some loss honestly might be it says with 200 watching again Oh dog wins here oh wait wait they said turbo Panda

45 a GT Road several Penta let’s go dude finally we got someone ah your dude you’re not online sir turbo no it’s about Panda bro you’re not even online ah make sure you make sure online he said I’m here you’re not it’s not showing up turbo he said I’m in the hub

Okay for real all right we’ll just give it to me cuz I do if they go but shout-out to him guys just make sure all on the server I guess he’s like stay on the queue hey alright guys thank you guys like you all so much for watching

Today’s video guys it’s been an insane one someone’s already balling the channel guys I don’t know what’s happening but so you guys so much watching guys make sure you guys like and subscribe on the childhood free to go inter notifications and also today’s video was a bit later guys at 2 p.m. and

Then we had to stream at 3 p.m. for threes to this but guys tomorrow stream is gonna be at 1 p.m. est I know it’s the time you guys all did want just today we had to wait a bit later for releases and everything be I hope you

Guys enjoyed this video guys one more time if you have already guys turn notifications like and subscribe reliable 1 p.m. East to tomorrow can’t see all of you guys there and so it’s gonna be a vibe but we’ll catch y’all bros in my next video Pease bye guys

Make sure to stay tuned for his market

This video, titled ‘TOP 1.15 OP SKYBLOCK MINECRAFT SERVER (FREE TOP RANKS) 1.8/1.9/1.12.2/1.13.1/1.14 2020 [HD]’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2020-02-22 23:30:55. It has garnered 2975 views and 212 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:38 or 13598 seconds.

TOP 1.15 OP SKYBLOCK MINECRAFT SERVER (FREE TOP RANKS) 1.8/1.9/1.12.2/1.13.1/1.14 2020 [HD]

IP: Play.JailsMC.Net & Play.Space-MC.Com

Join My Discord Here! http://bit.ly/2Rak4SI Follow My Twitter Here! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain Follow My Instagram Here! https://www.instagram.com/river.rains

PRISON GIVEAWAYS! Video Giveaway #1 50 Likes: Legend Rank Giveaway! Video Giveaway #2 100 likes: Jails Rank Giveaway!

SKYBLOCK GIVEAWAYS! Video Giveaway #3 125 Likes: Astro Rank Giveaway! Video Giveaway #4 150 likes: Astro Rank Giveaway! Video Giveaway #5 175 likes: Solar Rank Giveaway! Video Giveaway #6 200 Likes: Lunar Rank Giveaway! Video Giveaway #7 225 Likes: Orion Rank Giveaway!

Merchandise Link! http://bit.ly/35Mr7or Donate: https://streamlabs.com/riverrain123

Song Used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDm81gUMXAQ

Description Titles Minecraft Top 5 Top 3 Top 10 Skyblock top 5 Skyblock Minecraft Top 5 Skyblock Servers Minecraft Skyblock Minecraft Skyblock Servers Factions mr woofless prestonplayz Minecraft Skyblock Server IP Minecraft op skyblock minecraft skyblock server op skyblock op skyblock server minecraft skyblock servers with /fly op skyblock servers with op kits op skyblock servers with /fly minecraft skyblock skyblock server ip minecraft skyblock server ip skyblock server minecraft pe Riverrain123 skyblock free minecraft servers op skyblock servers with fly op skyblock servers with op kits op skyblock server cracked cracked minecraft servers minecraft server free ranks minecraft cracked server free ranks Riverrain123 new op skyblock server op skyblock server 2018 best minecraft servers 2018 op skyblock servers that need staff Minecraft Skyblock Server IP Skyblock rankup Skybounds rank giveaway Skybounds free ranks Skybounds ultra rank Minecraft drop party Minecraft drop party hack Minecraft live Minecraft giveaway Minecraft giveaway 2018 Minecraft giveaway live how to get a free rank on any minecraft server free minecraft free minecraft ranks best minecraft server 1.13 minecraft servers new minecraft servers new minecraft servers 2018 new minecraft servers need staff 2018 1.13 minecraft 1.13 minecraft update 1.14 minecraft 1.14 minecraft update 1.14 minecraft update 1.13 minecraft survival 1.13 1.13.1 1.14 1.14 minecraft server 1.13 minecraft server 1.13 minecraft server download 1.15 minecraft minecraft 1.15 1.15 minecraft server minecraft 1.15 server 1.15 minecraft update minecraft 1.15 update aeronetwork skyblock aero network trailer aeronetwork minecraft aeromc thebajancanadian grian grain 1.13 Riverrain123 blocksville minecraft giveaway free minecraft minecraft cracked minecraft free minecraft rank giveaway minecraft giveaway giveaway minecraft giveaway live minecraft giveaway live 2018 new op skyblock server new skyblock server need staff op skyblock server reset minecraft server need youtubers new skyblock server new skyblock server 2019 new skyblock server 2018 new skyblock server need staff verixpvp skyblock verixpvp trailer verix pvp trailer verix skyblock verix pvp factions new skyblock server new skyblock server 2019 new skyblock server need staff minecraft top servers minecraft top servers 2019 new minecraft servers aeromc aeronetwork aeronetwork skyblock #roblox #minecraft #giveaway #mineheroes #opskyblock #skyblock This video may contain sponsored content This video may contain sponsored content

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  • SoftSlayer (1.9-1.20) Play MC meet your future spouse! ☻

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  • 2s1m

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    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gets a pixelated makeoverAnimator plays Minecraft: “I’m just here for the block party!” Read More

  • Steve’s Diversity: The Great Transformation

    Steve's Diversity: The Great Transformation In the world of Minecraft, we’ve been turned into Steves, Playing Diversity 1, with tricks up our sleeves. The original map by qmagnet, a classic delight, With friends by my side, streaming in the night. Akiera and Antari, joining the fun, In a world where we’re all Steve, a race just begun. Version 1.7.4, the game we embrace, With glitches and laughs, all over the place. Check out the map, in the description below, And visit my friends’ streams, where the fun will flow. Stay tuned for more rhymes, in the Minecraft domain, As we explore Diversity, with joy… Read More

  • Trying to Distract Sigma? Good luck with that, sweetie!

    Trying to Distract Sigma? Good luck with that, sweetie! When you try to distract Sigma in bedwars but end up distracting yourself instead by thinking about Herobrine and his creepy eyes staring at you from the shadows. #fail #minecraftprobs 😂 Read More

  • Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge

    Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge The Epic Minecraft Experiment: Dogs vs. Wither Battle! Imagine a world where brave Minecraft players pit their loyal canine companions against the formidable Wither boss. In this daring experiment, the question on everyone’s mind is: How many dogs does it take to defeat the mighty Wither? The Showdown Begins As the battle commences, the player unleashes their first wave of canine warriors. 2 dogs charge fearlessly towards the Wither, barking fiercely as they attack. The Wither retaliates, but the dogs fight valiantly, determined to emerge victorious. The Numbers Grow With each passing moment, the player summons more dogs to… Read More

  • Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft

    Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival with Only One Chest! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the unique challenge of surviving with only one chest! Join Mert_mn as he navigates through this intense gameplay, striving to stay alive against all odds. Unleashing Creativity in a Limited Space With only one chest at his disposal, Mert_mn must carefully manage his resources and make strategic decisions to progress in the game. This challenge pushes the boundaries of creativity as he finds innovative ways to thrive in a world of limited supplies. Strategic Resource Management Surviving with… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS’s!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS's!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh hello hi well speak to myself let’s go we got speaker to myself don’t we all right hello subie hello Ray hello Gog hello Josh how are we aler let’s go I’ll be backck I agree oh my God bro why is my mic so loud all of a [Music] sudden oh my God bro okay there we go way better let’s go all right this I’m just going to turn to 5% how are we doing I’m doing good let’s go if I’m too loud uh tell me please… Read More

  • Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!

    Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zgadnij moją najwyższą rangę! #minecraft #polska #mc #fortnite’, was uploaded by shizak2 on 2024-06-04 16:39:27. It has garnered 67 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts Minecraft Pet simulator X Pet Sim roblox studio how to send robux free robux for free robux January February March April May June July August September October November December roblox roblox pl in Polish roblox verification scam how to ignore roblox players roblox verification protection roblox scam account roblox murdery mystery 2 spend robux cheap robux allegro free robux bloxburg best… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start – Insane Roots UHC s3e1

    Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start - Insane Roots UHC s3e1Video Information hello everyone and welcome to Roots UHC season 3 this season we are going back in time to make a couple of you feel old we’re playing a version that came out in January 2013 which is over 11 years ago 1.4.7 to give you an idea of what is in 1.4.7 you’ve got anvils you got enchanted books but uh Sprint key is not a thing you can’t drag click in your inventory I actually don’t even know if water bucket landed is a thing so just be aware of that and the other thing to let… Read More

  • EPIC Vindicator vs ALL Mobs in Minecraft!!

    EPIC Vindicator vs ALL Mobs in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vindicator vs Every Mob in Minecraft (1.21) – Vindicator vs All Mobs – Minecraft mob battle’, was uploaded by MetaFit on 2024-01-14 20:02:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Vindicator vs Every Mob in Minecraft (1.21) – Vindicator vs All Mobs – Minecraft mob battle Get ready for an epic clash as the … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Showdown! Guess the winner!

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Showdown! Guess the winner!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which Minecraft Building Looks The Best ? #shorts #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by GOUPENARD on 2024-05-14 12:53:14. It has garnered 13418 views and 612 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Secret base Minecraft at different ages! #shorts #viral minecraft ,minecraft, monster school, monster school, animation, minecraft animation, Vtuber, monster school animation, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft school, minecraft funny, cursed minecraft, noob vs pro minecraft, lucky minecraft, unlucky minecraft, minecraft but cursed, minecraft life, minecraft challenge, monster school life, rip monster school, funny animation, animation minecraft, monster school… Read More


    CRAZY FIND: JJ & Mikey Discover GIANT EYEPRINT!Video Information I’m finally here could I have ended up in this stupid world well now the people you’ll have to pay for sending me to Hell let’s see what you can do now I hope you won’t disappoint me I couldn’t believe what I just saw it’s just terrible we need to tell everyone urgently guys run some kind of demon has come here it’s too late to run because I’m already here are these your houses they’re kind of fragile you used to have huge strong locks what happened to you why did you decide to switch to… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE RICH DADDY SHOWDOWN: WHO'S THE REAL MVP!?💰Video Information was findet ihr die restlichen Körperteile von feister seine Beine Arme und sein Rupf sind überall auf dem gesamten Server verteilt aboniert habt wir müssen uns drauf einigen dass wir aufhören damit ALR okay wir müssen wer ist Mike Mike wichtiger ah sorry das ein bisschen länger da im Start aber was habt ihr gedacht neun Leute die erstmal alles einstellen müssen was habt ihr gedacht dass wir direkt nach 2 Minuten starten ich mein stegi ist dabei This video, titled ‘BASTIGHG CORE – WER IST WICHTIGER!?…😏🥶 (cold moment)’, was uploaded by Opa Rico 🅥 on 2024-01-14 18:05:03…. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!

    INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!Video Information all right what’s good guys welcome back to another video um so I’m going to start a new series on my channel where we do a let’s build Minecraft sort of thing uh it’s going to be like fully unedited you know no webcam it’s just going to be simple let’s build you know if you want to learn how to build stuff uh and also I’ll be learning how to build stuff on the way as well so we’re just going to building a city um and you can see behind me that I have got a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information हो एक्सप्लोर कर रहे हो तुम्हें मजा आ रहा है वाओ भाई कितना प्यारा पिग है वो देखो कितनी प्यारी काऊ है हेलो गाई कैसी हो और एकदम से तुम्हें पता चलता है कि वारे मैं तो एक न में गिला ह This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #backgroundmusic #freefire #mlg #music #gaming’, was uploaded by MR_RID_GAMER on 2024-03-02 04:59:12. It has garnered 426 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

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