Surviving Alex’s Caves – Hardcore Minecraft

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Okay I need someone right now to tell me why is there a T-Rex in a cave why is there a velociraptor in a cave why why is there a giant fish in a cave that’s not a cave that has an underwater Paradise no no no no it is not a

Paradise that’s not a paradise down there all this stuff is in it’s all in caves there’s all these caves that I got to go down into there’s a there’s a cult full of moles or something there’s this there’s this creature that flies around and drops heavy objects on your head

There’s giant pools of acid what’s what’s going on with that all these caves there’s five of them five big huge caves for a man like me to go and explore and I’m I’m going to try to survive every single one of them okay here we go a man going down underground

Deep deep underground go see what’s going on but before I go down be sure to leave a like on this video and comment this man is going deeper than any man has gone before I hope there’s no giant fish down there that scares him and if

There is may he break stop don’t I don’t know okay I’m going I’m going down now start Let’s Get Down Below okay so the first cave I went into was the primordial Caverns it’s a huge cave system with a bunch of dinosaurs and uh dinosaur plants and I’ll tell you right

Now hearing that there’s dinosaurs in this mod ooo they got that was the thing that got me excited in the first place so I had just one question what dinosaurs were going to be down here inside of that cave there’s Dinosaurs the primordial cave and I’m about to get I’m about to

Get absolutely smoked going in here there skeleton who oh okay okay okay okay not going in there yet yeah I’m going to die immediately what is that what are we 22 seconds in I’m going to die okay there’s okay so this let’s just leave right now cuz that’s

Uh what was I thinking just walking in there like that those was nuts I got to get down in that cave and I got to I don’t know you can kind of see it’s the cave is coming through over here as well this is a massive cave whoa look at that

Tree I got to get down there it be nice to go down there with more than just what is that I I there a venus fly trap there’s also a creeper right there why why don’t I get some Stone stuff and then go you might be realizing there’s no shaders on

Uh doesn’t work with this mod hopefully that gets fixed later cuz there’s a lot of creatures in this mod that I would love to use for other things and uh I’m a man who really really really really likes shaders oh I’m Steve right now for some reason here’s what I’m doing building

The building the crafting table throwing the crafting table down doing the thing like this getting this getting this I don’t even know why when I was building my starter pack I bothered giving myself wood should have just given myself Stone right away it’s big waste of time to

Even even have the wood just just immediately throw it away and replace it for the good stuff and now I’m going to go down there and hopefully not die to that creeper oh look at listen to that volume here there he goes who you hear that c what does this thing

Do can I pick this thing up fly trap oh that’s so cool what was that there’s like an egg right There give me that Okay no there’s a regular getting battered by regular Minecraft Mobs I hear something down there that sounds good can I descend this way no what I need to do is I need to build a little house and make myself whoa whoa here we go that’s water going

Down I have zero clue what is safe and what is not safe so we’re just going to launch myself right in Oh what is this thing oh oh my god oh oh oh oh okay oh wo W wo wo relax oh oh w w w w okay go go go go go I don’t know why I gave myself wood there’s trees down here are those things friendly the flying things are the

Flying are the flying things friendly oh my God oh what Is oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to Die okay okay that was that that was way scarier than it needed to be the dinosaurs aren’t supposed to be scary they’re supposed to be fun what was going on there so now I was going to was going to take my time and get ready before I went in okay if I’m

Going to survive down there I got to got to do this properly first thing I’m going to do is just get some wood then I’m going to get iron then I’m going to get a set of armor then I’m going down there and I’m going down there slowly

Not not jumping down a waterfall again so that uh Raptor thing can just rip my head off there’s Al there’s also those flying like pterodactyls no clue whether they’re hostile or not at that point I was just running trying my best to survive what’s this it’s a regular cow

It’s not like a dinosaur cow you know what I learned recently the best place to get iron is up higher the higher you go the more likely you are to get iron I thought it was you got to dig down but I guess the game has

Changed oh it’s probably a good place to get no don’t oh should I go there no don’t go there why why would you go there right now you just made the mistake of going in the cave getting smoked and now you’re going to go what are you doing

Right now start start Minecrafting just running around on this hill well I’m trying to find iron what is it I’m not going down there yet even though there’s glowing stuff I’m just get my stone and I’m hoping that I’m going to mine straight into some iron here everyone in the last video telling

Me Go Up High to get iron cuz I was having such a hard time getting it down below so you know what I’m up high now better see Iron real fast I’m going to be real mad okay here we go look at this stone pickaxe beautiful absolutely

Beautiful site okay not seen any iron whatsoever no iron not a sing single piece of iron there where’s the where’s the meat there’s the meat what’s oh look there’s a bed right here everything I need right here I saw some meat around here too hey how’s it going oh he your meat oh

Oh oh you know one of the worst things in the world was when I was playing rlcraft and I would get 15,000 comments of people giving me tips and then I would follow the tips and and they just wouldn’t work and that’s that’s what I’m thinking about right now with this whole

You can get iron in the mountains thing cuz I just went up there no iron and I’m looking down there thinking maybe I go down and get the iron but I know what’s down there and now I’m getting hungry real hungry is there food down there like am

I going to I’m going to be a man who’s got food when I go down there I’m sleeping down there going to be honest with you the rap that Raptor scared me I’m thinking about going back down there and I’m thinking about that Raptor and it was it was completely unnecessary

For that thing to jump at me like that and make that sound that scared me more than the the horror thing I just did cuz at least in the horror thing I was expecting scary stuff that I was expecting to see like a pterodactyl flying around and a T-Rex to CH iron

Here we go okay you know what I take back the comment I made about people giving me bad tips with this mod you’re supposed to do this thing with like this Obelisk and these world word puzzles and you’re supposed to like find the cave and I’m

Not doing any of that I’m just going to do it this way I got to find my way back hey you know what I have no idea where I’m going okay day two just got to find my furnace and uh I’ll go underground cuz I got a lot of meat cooking in there

With leather I’m going to make a leather chest piece cuz you know what it’s better than nothing one point of armor or three armor I got this now I’m going to go like this look at this most valuable item in the game Shield then what I’m do is like

This okay I am not not dying day two man’s going in I’m going nice and slow nice controlled descent do I have torches yes I do look there’s a raptor right there there okay there’s three Raptors right there okay there’s four Raptors right there

Okay I am not going that way I am not I’m not going okay there’s there’s there’s one there’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay they’re coming up I’m not even I’m not even in the cave they’re coming up I’m not this isn’t even this is Alex’s Raptors at

This point I don’t want to do all that again I don’t I don’t want to have to go get all the I don’t want to find iron again I don’t want to have to find my furnace again I don’t want to do any of that that you think they’re hatching from

Those eggs right there there’s like multiplying who the okay you know what he’s now dead and the Raptor is about to the Raptors are descending on him the the Raptors are jumping off I now they’re they’re attacking the Llama now okay so that’s I haven’t I haven’t

Even entered the cave yet I’m going to go down this way keep myself alive going to have to make a new that’s fine I’ll make one real quick here I’ll make one even better the sound design in these caves are excellent but it I I don’t know like you hear you hear

Roars and screams it makes you think wait what am I going down into and this is just one of like five different caves I don’t I don’t even know the only one I know is the toxic one and this one I I don’t even know what the theme of the

Other ones are I’m in Sandstone now is this part of it still how deep is this thing okay how long before there we go waa that is deep that was very deep going try to build a safe way down cuz right now this is oh look at

That there’s like a mine shaft over There maybe I should try to get over there what if I what if I build out over to that thing and then climb down it’s probably the probably the smart move the only thing I’m worried about is the flying pterodactyls like they’re they’re very close and I don’t know what they do I

Also don’t know what this big honeycomb thing is is it going to damage me when I is it going to am I going to get stuck in it is it going to be sticky is it going to harm me in any way wherever I’m building my house down here I got to I

Got to eliminate as many of those Raptor eggs as I can find cuz those things are just going to become a huge problem please don’t fall through okay now it’s solid that is a big boy in there the M shaft’s right there look I can build my

House I can find a nice place to build my house where there’s no Raptors is it night time sleep yeah okay sleep okay day three Okay I uh yeah I don’t know about this if I drop down there how do I get back up well I’m not going to drop down I’m

Going to make a staircase down okay I’ll drop down for a second hey cave spider cave spider cave spider cave spider I don’t know I don’t know what I why I’ve done that what are you doing relax okay that was just dumb like that was really dumb of me look how much

Damage one spider does it’s cuz I got no armor okay I don’t want to be fighting spiders right now I want to be fighting dinosaurs I’m also going to grab that string I’m going try to destroy the spawner wherever it is cuz I don’t want to be

I’m so bad at this game like it it baffles me how bad I am at this game and I don’t want to be fighting spiders who cares about spiders who cares about them oh there’s spiders everywhere is that the spawner yeah I’m worried about spiders and there’s a T-Rex right there okay

What does this cave have for me look at this place I want to get down there oh oh there’s a big fight going on Raptor versus dinosaur they’re fighting wonder who’s going to win this okay they’re not fighting anymore there’s a king king Dino right there

Okay there’s some eggs I I got to figure out where I’m going to build my house I also got to figure out what the weakness of those dinosaurs is I got to destroy those eggs right there cuz I don’t I don’t want to have them leaping across this Gap I keep

Saying build my house what I really mean is build my shelter I’m not there’s no way I’m building a house in these circumstances I’m building a shelter okay where’s the egg just get rid of it get rid of the whole eggs go go go we don’t don’t be needing those things

Okay now how do I get down can I climb these Vine I just build a like a yeah I see them they’re they’re they’re vicious you think there’s one and then 2 seconds later there’s like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I think my best route down is to build

Down there and there’s even a water little pool I could jump into but I don’t want to just leap down there and then be a man yeah I’m going to jump down into that okay is there a better way down I build over to that and then

Somehow I have to find a place to build a house how can a man build in these circumstances I I one shot that dinosaur the one time I one swing and he went down so I don’t think they’re that strong I think they’re reasonably strong and I think they I think their power

Comes in numbers so as long as I can distance myself from them and everything’s fine I feel dumb right now like I feel like I’m just dumb he there’s a lot there’s a lot forming up can they jump I wonder if I should jump I should jump into that

Water or I should just I should safely go down and try to fight them and if I need to I can just block the way yeah that’s probably the smartest way to do this oh my god when they jump is scary oh oh what am I doing right now get

Back ah oh he he slashed me okay it’s getting it’s getting out of hand here he’s not coming up here is he right I’m getting what is going on here I should leave I should leave they’re leaping at me okay okay he’s not coming for the Raptors is he he’s coming

For me okay that thing that thing is that Beast is coming for me how can a man survive in these caves oh my God he’s coming for me oh look now these guys are getting involved my hands are it’s snowing outside right now my hands are cold I can’t feel my fingers

Look how look look how many there is now one of them does like half oh where am I going what where should I go I I need to get another egg just hatched I need to get over there to the great waterfalls I wonder if I should

Jump down run as fast as I can and then like dig into the wall there and then at least I’m on the ground floor the problem with that is that I’m going to be chased by these things like look look how many there is wonder if I can dig

In no I cannot dig in do I have the resources to make I’m going back to Stone back to the Stone Age that should be an achievement in Minecraft back to the Stone Age there we go there’s there’s always a way to cheese it come here come back up

Ah it’s the the r it’s too scary it it scares me they they I think they I think they only do a little bit actually I think I was incorrect when I said hey he’s getting they’re they’re they’re squatting low on that block right there maybe I should do

This you got get a good look at Them I wonder if there’s any fish like uh River Monsters in this uh this is just one of like what five caves I don’t want to open that block up they’re going to come in put that there I need to come up with a plan cuz this just is not it’s not

Working I have no armor too I use my axe does the axe nine attack damage okay I’m using the axe I’m dumb keep the shield up so no no these remind me of a Yu-Gi-Oh card for some reason there we go kill my first dinosaur that’s not my first one

Oh these things are these things are vicious okay what’s the situation up here I am not surviving in these caves right now I’m getting battered around by these things I think I should jump and run I really think I should I think I can outrun these things but but then

Again do I want to start over again no I don’t come up here I just want to kill one more I want to dig lower where are you oh there we go this is the spot Jes the sword attack F there’s so many of them look at this like Feeding Frenzy oh I W I wish I could get these things rigged up to another mod so that I could send them over to Kim okay come here come on everyone let’s go is that everyone any more there’s one right there they died pretty easy but it’s the king

Okay I’m going for it I’m going to fight the king that one had so much health okay I’m finally in hey how’s it going is it sleeping it’s sleeping can I ride this thing here let me on like what do you like okay I think it’s night night

Time I left my bed up there didn’t I not nothing sleeping in this cave it sounds like nothing spping okay go up get the bed go back down okay how would you be able to sleep with that nearby did I really leave my bed I got to stop doing that someone should

Make a mod for Minecraft called peaceful man a man who can it’s a mod that lets you sleep without a bed peaceful Man Mod just falls asleep any anywhere my my fingers are cold I cannot feel them okay here we go got my bed now

Time to get down and get out of here look oh the Raptors are back cool I just killed like 100 of you more eggs hatch that’s great oh want a T-Rex now hey that’s good oh okay I’ve already conquered these things I’m going oh is that coming for

Me no it’s not coming for me okay okay wait no it’s not coming for me okay here’s what I’m doing I’m I’m sleeping right here day four I was going to spend 5 days here probably going to spend more hey how’s it going you awake now you let a man ride

You nope okay I was supposed to get some sort of guide oh the famous iron get this iron real quick oh there’s gold too okay what there’s got to be a reason to come into the cave like why would you come in here there’s got to be some sort of treasure down

Here you know what I should give myself the guide oh look at that I got the guide of the biomes five or known you got to tell me this no no no no no no we got to not how do you I don’t want to be

Looking in the book right now hold on let me get somewhere hey more iron make myself a little bit safe here one further back so they can’t hit me two back I don’t know how far they can reach okay here’s the book I I need

To this is the stuff that I should have done before coming down but I okay hold on okay I was trying to look up information on this couldn’t find it so looks like I’m still going in I don’t even know what the other caves are still

How much iron do I have now 11 I can make okay enough with the enough with the this is good now there’s iron in this cave which is is a beautiful sight for me I don’t know why I even have torches it’s so bright without sh what is This do you produce meat okay okay that was a mistake that was a huge mistake it’s still coming for me there’s a raptor right there I’m going to die there’s a T-Rex chasing me now okay my heart’s pounding my heart is pounding I don’t want to start over I do

Not want to start over I don’t want to start over give me a block give me one block this is limestone block of raw iron oh oh I can turn that into nine where did I find that Limestone Limestone okay keep blindstone in my inventory at all

Times I thought I could get meat from that thing there’s my hole right there I’m going to have to run to It Go That’s not my hole the what’s with the the slight lag I’m calling solo I’m going to need more of this so we’re going to have to do something I didn’t want to do put that there and then start I got 12 12 beautiful beautiful iron so the process can finally begin chest

Piece get rid of this thing who cares about that thing okay then boots look at this three more plus I’m going to need two of that throw throw that in there and take both of these put that in there throw that in there things are looking

Up I just want to know if I can eat that meat from that guy two more five can I make a helmet with that I want to make pants next let’s just wait till I can make pants this is stressful this is just one cave pants okay this is good I saw a

Little bit more around here whoa get rid of that put that in there that almost going to me killed last time that is a big triceratops and I have no interested in fighting that’ be very cool to get some diamonds in here oh oh oh my God they make no noise when they

Attack there’s two of them come on come on come on come on oh oh it’s a tree that guy grew that was he was small when he was chasing me I wonder he remembers me do you remember me do you remember me oh he’s eating that what is that do you like

This what are these or I can give him this hey you want this no you don’t you don’t even care about this what do you eat what do you you like these things what’s this Fiddle Head here come here oh he’s eating it Fiddle Head what what can you do with

That Serene salad pine nuts tree star and Fiddle Head what’s a tree star fiddleheads are good they they grow where I live and I love them what’s this thing curly Fern oh who Who whoo Who whoo who what about you what do you like I want to ride one of these

Dinosaurs these caves are pretty cool makes me want to do like a scenario on one of these scenario where we’re all in our own cave biome what is that thing what is that thing what is this what is it are you all friendly around here okay this looks

Important what is this Amber you can use this Amber monolith okay what is that over there there’s like oh oh he slaughtered he killed the fro these things are a menace I’m going to that I don’t know what that is I’m going to it look how big these trees are down

Here what is this what is this there’s already a house for me crafting table look at this Limestone spear dinosaur what can you eat those you can eat them you can eat the dinosaur Limestone spear I guess you can throw these I got a cave tablet get rid

Of the sandson I’ll take the charcoal absolutely take the charcoal take more dinosaur nuggets take that I guess bones uh sure I’ll take the bones make bone meal the cave tablet what is this it belongs in the museum okay I got my dino nuggets I

Got I got some good good stuff let’s go take a look at some of these dinosaurs and explore this uh Place whoa let’s walk right in there okay how’s it going what are you friendly or not friendly I want to plant to start destroying the ecosystem I put is this a

Good guy or a bad guy can I get on him no okay I didn’t even get to look at this Obelisk type thing here let’s just uh what is that Amber monolith no clue what you do with that but I got one now I kind of want to try

To destroy a T-Rex what’s this okay he’s not I don’t think he’s friendly but he’s stuck right now So and when they’re stuck that’s when you take them on oh Jee okay okay what’s that there I’m going to try to Oh SC it’s scary there’s these guys just trample around yelling at everyone oh he’s coming for me he’s absolutely coming for me will he fight this thing let’s see if they can fight come on after me oh relax come on no no relax why are you

Here you’re the wor first guy to be here oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh w w oh w w wo wo wo wo everyone relax just snapped on me I wasn’t swinging at you I was swinging at the other guy oh he’s going for the D he’s

Going for the the T-Rex killed the Ste they’re going to fight why are you coming for why are you he’s lunging at me are you running away from the T-Rex or you coming for me you’re freaking me out with your just sporadic movements like that Okay the T-Rex and this guy are going to go at it yes they are why you walking towards me you’re supposed to fight the other Guy okay yeah I’m oh what’s that they’re fighting they’re doing it oh I missed it because the cuz the the things were Chas the veloc options were chasing me oh I need bow and arrow what do I have two FL I have Spears let’s try throwing this spear oh okay okay oh oh

This this is oh okay he’s oh my God can I pick these Spears back up okay fight this thing fight this thing what are you doing right now come on the two of you need to go at it and weaken each other not go after me oh he’s coming straight for

Me oh great now there’s two of them where’s my Spears can those you can pick those Spears back up obviously right can I make more of those Spears I can pick it back up I can okay okay okay good to know I’m going to go over my

House and hide for a minute and learn how to make one of these Spears how do you make this recipe oh I can make so many of these so quickly how much Limestone do I have okay I’m going to make a million Spears and just start

Haing them oh this is this is amazing this is the best news I’ve ever received okay recipe look how many Spears I have okay I didn’t think I just thought there was 0% chance I was going to kill one of these things today it’s going down Oh oh oh oh oh my God he’s coming for Me I need my Spears back ah ah how am I doing for food not good oh there’s even more Spears here he’s outside of my house right now doing something look I can see his little face right there okay I don’t want the T-Rex to regenerate

So he’s screaming out there but I’m out of food so I I don’t know what I’m don’t know what the plan is here didn’t I get food in there or I got I need way more Spears all around okay that’s enough food to can I eat those fiddleheads cly Fern

Die the fil heads are gone okay where’s the T-Rex there he is I feel bad killing him this way well he’s stuck so how many Spears would this guy it’s four damage every time I’m out of Spears I i’ I’ve thrown a million Spears at him oh look look who’s coming he’s not Coming there we go even though I kind of had to cheese them ooh heavy bone and all my Spears dinosaur chop you can cook that up you use that to make seething stew or a bunch of dinosaur nuggets I think we should make the stew I need to get

The Venus fly traps right let’s get some Venus fly traps we make some that stew it’s going to be good I’m probably going to kill this thing too if I’m be honest see this guy’s sneaking up on me I heard him this time not how I’ve learned I’ve learned from

My I need the Venus fly traps behind this guy I just looked over at my recording to think if I I was like What if I wasn’t recording there I’d have to get on here and say believe it or not but I killed the T-Rex when I wasn’t recording wonder

How that would go over okay this guy is going to need a couple what the what why are you all Landing I don’t want my Spears to despawn they’re freaking me out how they’re doing that come on there we go oh it’s like crying as I killed

It well you know what going to relax oh feathers too okay then last thing I need now is what do you do with this thing oh you can make primordial soup cool we’re going get the Venus fly trap let’s go make the stew bowls up here for

Me everything I need I’m going to cook The Cook The Flesh my dinosaur Cube or dinosaur chops I can make even more Spears and like lost a bunch of Spears somehow don’t know how but you know what okay and then if I take this here we go

Use we got three sething stews and then some of this things are looking good perfect timing to go to the next cave after killing a T-Rex and whatever else that big thing was I was ready to move on to the next cave except this one I this isn’t really a

Cave it’s like an underwater I I don’t know I don’t know what you would even call it I guess they they call it the Abyssal Chasm but I think it should be uh named the scariest place on Earth cuz I had absolutely no idea what I was

About to get myself into when I went down there I I thought this was going to be a fun underwater adventure and maybe I’d crack some River Monsters jokes and have a good time yeah no who thought that underwater stuff could be you know what just take a look at this

Okay directly below my feet is the next cave except I don’t I don’t really know why we’re calling it a cave cuz it’s it’s not a cave what is okay well I got this thing no clue how to use it I don’t know how you can just ask a man to use

Something like this it’s a submersible what it it just told me how to use it GS flood lights oh okay and how do you descend left control what spaces go up left control is to descend okay oh who who who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh okay this is Uh this is a lot scarier than I thought it would I what am I even looking for down here oh this is a Is that diamond no that’s that’s that’s lapis don’t ever to the left of it that what is that that’s Diamond okay thankfully I I gave my I mean I found this diving suit I found it in creative mode what I’m going to do now is I’m going to get out I’m

To am I going to get out here am I really going to get out of this thing and wait I don’t even have an iron I got to make an oh what am I do how do I get out is that just going to stay there I’m going

To drown wait no I have a diving suit I’m not going to drown I’m drowning it’s the diving suit doesn’t work I thought I thought wouldn’t a diving suit make a man be a get in get in get back in I want want that oh I can turn the flood lights off

I don’t need them on right now can I interact with stuff oh I can interact with stuff well in here can I place things I can place things can I mine things if I can place things I feel like I can mine things okay give me

This is this working or is it working really slowly it’s working real slow but you know what it’s worth it for the diamond okay little sonar ping man never likes to hear that sound you know I don’t like being in a submersible right now give me the

Diamond give me the Diamond Give me the give me the diamond there we go now give me my give me my belongings what is this stuff just why did it just go dark I’m so bad I can get get the I’m going to be getting this furnace for

An hour I I need to build a shelter down here at the bottom of the ocean and park my apparently there’s a little house or something that you can find down here like I found in the this is taking forever I already have one of these

Things I don’t want it I was about to break it I’m going to I’m going to be down here for for two weeks at the rate that this is going give me give me give me give me where did the I got it okay okay I like being in

This thing cuz I’m safe in this thing I don’t like being out look at the surface look at everything going on on the surface okay control to go Down’s get to the there’s more diamonds or was it more lapis what was it stop getting out of the the vehicle the diamonds are right

There I want to find there’s a lot of diamonds down here what do you mean there’s a lot of fun too whoa glowing What is that okay going to be going in the opposite direction now oh GL stop this thing is this thing is completely out of control I know I should have got that diamond but no I should have got that diamond it’s just so hard to do anything right now right there what’s this

Stop can I enter this I’m going to drown I’m going to drown I’m going to drown stop sorry I don’t mean to freak out but my mouse is it freezes sometimes how do I enter this building what is the son the sonar ping needs I’m scared right now why why is Alex Alex’s

Caves a horror mod how do I get in this Tower should I just should I just mine my way in I think I’m getting sick was it was it Best Buy today and the guy who was at the cash register was a lot I try to take a step back from him

It breathes right on me and what do I smell Fisherman’s friend in Halls you don’t you’re not eating Fisherman’s friend in Halls unless you you’re sick so just got coated with whatever that guy was what is this what’s this this looks like a building hey here we go yeah this a building look

There’s Windows how do I get into something like this do I got to mine my way in probably not Shell City okay if I crash into one more thing probably from underneath right yeah okay oh there we go Bingo okay look there’s another submersible here I didn’t need to there’s also

A okay skull That’s anvil I don’t know what I’m doing here furnace whoa diving chest looks like I didn’t need to get myself uh any any special armor either hey use scrap metal to make valves and metal scaffolding magnetic activator oh let’s not worry about those what’s all this oh that is an underwater part of

This oh wait wait hold on hold on hold on let’s throw away this I drain the water how do you oh I thought I closed the door oh you press it and then it I’ve drained the water what is it what has this done for

Me okay well I’m going to spend my first night down here okay day seven or eight I don’t know lost lost count soon I’m going to try some of the sething stew okay let’s see what we can repair I can repair my stuff I got upgrade gear this is for that sort of

Thing this is the hide the contraption I was just messing around with and this is I don’t know how do I get these lights on should I make a lever to turn them on I want to go back and get some of those diamonds I found going need a lot more

Levers than that okay we just make a bunch of them there got to be a better way to turn these lights on want to be able to see this place from the outside I have water water breathing what was that Thing can’t hear anything under water oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my what was that what is that thing what Is the Deep ones now regard you as a what do you mean it was coming after Me it’s see the thing swam after me what do you mean they regard me as a what is that what is going on down here what those diamonds there’s three diamonds right outside of this thing oh they the the Deep okay okay okay okay okay okay what are

You what do you mean the Deep ones what is going On oh I don’t know if I want to be cruising around out there look at that thing what is going who is showing up in my house how do I use this magnetic thing too I’m very far underwater like look up look up top okay okay stop I want there’s diamonds

Right like there somewhere but there’s also these things I what am I doing right now I’m just sitting in I’m scared to go out there I need to get those diamonds okay you know what I’m just going to I’m just going to go I’m going to get in my

Little cart and I’m going to sail away from the the Deep ones I don’t know I don’t know what the what what the why the Deep ones are getting involved with anything wonder if I can eat the Deep ones actually where’s my car okay okay okay the Deep ones are doing a lot

Of damage right now oh yo oh going to say you got a little stuck there didn’t you ooh ooh oh oh shouldn’t swim out after me oh oh oh oh oh oh what is this rage yeah I am raged I’m I’m enraged I want the diamonds I came I

Came to the bottom of the ocean to get some diamonds not not to have a what is with these deep ones what do you guys want I didn’t do anything I was out there swimming minding my own business did I not get I need cooked let’s cook let’s eat this

What every time I go out there something happens I I’m running I’ve got no food I have this seething stew but I don’t think the sething stew helps me at all oh there’s another there’s another deep one getting hit what I need to do is I need to go out

Here was that a shark that just swam by what is going there’s just some oh wait a minute hold on I’m dumb here’s how you get the diamonds just do this I need food though this is is a grim situation can I make some more

Torches I had a furnace did I not or did I did I just leave yeah I left the furnace with all of my coal okay I have two torches and I got a couple things of Stew I’m going to try not to I might have to go back up to the

Surface to get food where are the diamonds they were around here maybe they’re on this wall okay I got to eat more of the sething stew what is go here take This I can’t be playing did you drop any food I want to get out of this I don’t want to be in here anymore I want to get out of here and I want to where’s my little cart sleep okay day 8 9 or 10 I don’t know what day it is

It’s one of those days there’s a shark swimming around then what is that that thing like what is that where’s my vehicle where’s my vehicle oh oh oh oh oh go go go where are the Diamonds oh what is with this this mod is terrifying who go

Surface why am I not ascending Ascend Ascend oh oh my God look at that thing Ascend which one’s ice which one’s not ice get me out of that thing I don’t want to go back down there what is on my head what is this bubbled what is this what I’m not going

Yeah look look who’s still here yeah I’ve had enough of them I’m going to find meat that stew gives you nothing that stew gives you just a little taste it gives you the buff I should have just eaten the Nuggets that biome was terrifying thankfully there’s

Meat here I got my I got my Spears I’m javel in a pig and what are you doing don’t near me okay I’m missing every throw with this thing where’s my axe don’t have an axxe anymore okay need to hunt these sheep now cuz my bed is currently in the worst place on

Earth with the Deep ones the the Deep ones drop no meat deep ones would be a lot better if you could get like a a deep steak from them or something I love these Spears okay I got my meat cooking I got three more caves to explore and if they’re anything like the

Ones I just went into I there’s diamonds down there there’s so many diamonds down there feel like I should go back down I don’t want to go it’s scary down there it’s so scary but there are so many diamonds I walked down there two within 2 seconds I got half

The half the ocean trying to eat me and who started it I got that debuff saying the Deep ones now regard you as aggressive well you know what I was minding my own business swimming looking for a diamond and then the the most terrifying face I could ever imagine

Comes swimming up to me at full speed with a pointy sharp weapon to impale me with so what would you do would you you swing at that man well guess what that’s exactly what I did I swung at that man and now apparently I’m aggressive how can you

Swim up to a man like that and then when he Strikes Back you call him aggressive also I don’t want to go down in that submersible either that thing’s going to I don’t feel like that thing’s going to last you know put that in there and then

Cook that once I have all this food cooked I’m going to consider going back down what no no stop this my meat no oh I need this meat you don’t you’re you’re a creature that doesn’t need it to survive you just walk around in the world these guys are these guys are

Going for it he’s got my meat hey give me the meat give me the meat okay you know what you want to play that game okay did he just eat that meat okay now you’re going to become meat you eat the meat you become the sh

What am I doing right now right now what am I doing I’m chasing like a fox or something give me this cook that get this meat and then figure out what I’m doing next okay that’s all the food I’m going to sleep I figure out

What the next movies okay I know I said I was going to go back down there and get the diamonds but uh I no I’m not I changed my mind right I’m not going back down there ever again I don’t even want to go back down there to to film shots

For this video not even in Creative I don’t want to go back down there oh who are the Deep ones yeah what was that massive fish thing didn’t even see it up close just saw it from a distance and that that told me everything I needed to

Know about what was going on down there not cramming myself into another submersible and taking a little a dive down there especially those fish people trying anyways the next cave was a it was a real treat toxic Cavern again I had no idea what I was going into here

And uh well you know it was a highly radioactive place and here I was strolling straight in with uh no protective gear just my pure flesh soaking in all that radiation okay directly below me right now is the toxic cave who wants to go into a place like that toxic cave I’ll tell

You a man like me man like me is going to go down there I’m just I’m just taking a little Peak right now see if there’s any uh I didn’t bring my furnace with me so yeah it’s fine okay I don’t want to eat my food

Yet well sometimes you got to all right I’m going down let’s see hopefully I can get some iron down there or something I don’t know anything about the toxic cave and because I record the little intros to all these caves after uh maybe I explained what it was there I

Don’t know I I haven’t written it oh can I survive that drop why even why even consider it just dig down what what what what I want to save 30 whoa what’s that oh look at that little radioactive symbol a skeleton the skeleton I’m not in the

Mood for all right I’ve I’ve had it up to here with skeletons by the way if I sound sick it’s because I remember what I said a few days ago well a few minutes ago for you a few days ago for me uh about the guy at Best Buy uh yeah he was

Absolutely sick because now I’m sick so uh my man from Best Buy hey thank you got him sick right now where am I going right now where’s okay it’s this way so I’m being dumb I got to go this way okay that drop I feel like I can

Survive easily but then I got to use food and food’s my most precious resource right now so there’s water right there maybe I should make a bucket I’m going to lose my iron pickaxe digging down here I just saw there’s an end here you know that might actually be

Useful to get an ender pearl maybe I’ll do that so what I’m going to do is I’m going to drop down here kill this guy quick then I’m going to see the Endermen I’m going to dig a little I don’t want to get too close to the

Toxic waste okay look at this okay my man how’s it going oh why why why this why this of all the things I just want your Pearl where’d he Go why are you stuck up there oh my God they do so much damage there we go and of of course there’s no pearl okay let’s see what we got here I got to get rid of some of the stuff in my inventory got too much of it I’m wondering if Iron’s better I don’t know

I can make more beers if I want to all right what is going on here look at this should I make some torches I feel like you should make some torches to oh hey zombie I’m scared to touch this stuff like rods what’s this what happens if I mine this

Up what is this waste drum can’t really do anything with it what’s this stuff oh oh oh oh I’m radiated because I’m holding acidic rad okay get rid of that I don’t want oh no if I go in water does it clean It stop picking it up how do I how do I become under radiated there’s iron right There what happens when I’m radiated oh no the water I want the iron okay you know what enough of this is it cuz I touched it of course it’s cuz I touched it what type of question is that whoo look at this what is that oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh it doesn’t want me to get close but you know what it’s got to go oh oh my look at that what is this the Ooze what is the Ooze what is the Ooze toxic paste polymer plate rad Rock what can use polymer plate for remote

Detonate Hazmat boots H I need a I need a hazmat suit bottle of radon radon and sulfur dust oh man I’m not I’m going in here without anything I’m going here unprotected this is this is going to end with me dying like you think you should mine that but

I I’m going to get a radiated and how much I got 20 seconds left on this radiated thing so let’s see what happens when I that scares me what there’s more cockroaches down there too okay 1 second left oh I’m normal again oh I’m going radiated again okay I

Wonder if it’s just like a debuff all right well what happens if I get this Stuff is this more rad Rock I think it’s different from rad Rock uranium oh nuclear nuclear n not nuclear it’s nuclear block of uranium uranium Shard uranium Rod a ray gun a bomb okay I’m I’m going to set this off at the end of the video What is that what is going on what is going on what is going on why am I taking damage why you taking damage it’s cuz I got uranium here take it take it take it I don’t want it why did I just take damage here I’ll

Get rid of the toxic Pace too there we go okay no my hearts are still and I’m radiated again okay I don’t seem to be regenerating oh maybe that’s what it does oh that’s not good you don’t regenerate Health maybe I should have came to this cave last oh no like what

There’s a creeper and a machine down there let’s try to deal with that before we go down there hey eliminated okay we go skeleton guy get rid of him these Spears I’m so happy that I went here the to the place that gave me the spear first what are you shooting at you’re

Not going to hit anything and now I’m going to need to do something that I maybe don’t want to do just go down there and start lighting this place up with torches who’s shooting at me who’s shooting arrows at me right now I can’t afford to take a single ounce of damage right

Now okay I just took a lot of damage oh my God there’s so many I can’t regenerate those three hearts okay this is so bad I’m a one of those cockroaches ah ah ah it’s all everything’s coming for me okay I got Spears oh Oh there’s so much coming for me ah I forget how to play when I get scared why is there so many zombies what if you have anything to do with radiation stop immediately stop he dropped [Applause] Iron oh that spider almost tagged me I need more Spears what am what am I seeking to gain from being down here there’s crystals over there maybe those are the The Treasure of being down here there you go I knew I knew that last year was going to do

It give me this give me this give me this visure core that’s that seems like an important part of uh something what’s this stuff what is it sulfur what’s my guess is sulfur it’s sulfur sulfur dust okay I got to find like a little house I can sleep in cuz it’s clearly bedtime

Okay wait did I just regenerate oh I started to regenerate if you time it just right cuz your radiation debuff goes away soz I’m not I’m not technically in the cave anymore all right okay what we going to do with this remote Detonator ray gun I

Just need I just need polymer plate and I need how how do you get a bottle of radon that’s not too hard if I knew how maybe I got to find it I don’t know I’m carrying around so much junk with me I have so much Sal for dust I got can you

Do anything with rad rock you can make you can build okay all right all right let’s go see if I can find some of that some of that stuff do not want to take damage I don’t want I don’t want to take damage yeah good go after Him I take care of take care of the boys you know hey where the where’s the big where’s the lake probably up there right oh my did you see how many skeletons were there the one m I don’t want to be dealing with right now oh I just heard there’s our farmer down

Here oh now it’s just a regular cave let’s stay in the toxic area please I I feel like the toxic cave is the Best Buy guys’s breath what this is what I breathed in I can go lower but there’s there’s 1500 skeletons though that’s a problem don’t eat the don’t eat the

Flesh oh there’s another this is this is just this is just a disaster this is what this is I got to go back up to where I was what is this this is Not this is not the toxic cave this is just a regular cave oh there go there goes my sword I’m a man with nothing now okay I need to get this iron look how many Spears I’m throwing at this guy pick this up here finally iron

I know this isn’t this has nothing to do with toxic caves but you know what you want me to get through the toxic cave I got to get this iron been looking for iron this whole time all of a sudden I see it not going to turn away from that

Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop immediately allow me to take this iron from here I have no sword that’s a cave spire that would wreck me right now cuz I can’t regenerate Health holy moly I didn’t even consider the the implications of a beast like that chasing

Me I don’t know what that thing does I have no idea what his attack is sounds like some sort of angry machine just can go in here there I need the rad suit I got 11 iron that’s not I guess it’s something okay let’s see let’s let’s take a let’s

Take a closer look at toxic it won’t nothing’s going to come up rad what is that thing rad Gill okay cuz there’s Lakes down here oh maybe if I eat these things it will help me bucket of I got to find this fish wandering Trader spawning we H

I have to I’m going to need a fishing rod too for when I do find it you know what I’ll make a bow too cuz probably should have done that a while go make a new pickaxe all right everything’s okay everything’s fine there’s Absolut Ely no problems anymore me that make a new

Sword we are doing good everything is fine I don’t know why I stopped that okay there we go I’m scared about this food situation maybe I need a few more Spears that’s good for now okay okay I got to I got to figure out some sort of plan Here the Spears are the best thing ever invented I just go pick them up look at that whole 15 okay here’s the plan I’m going to run this way and I think it goes down somewhere similar over here cuz I remember seeing kind of a yeah right

Here oh yep but I don’t want to fall into here with the creepers raining down on my head I get scared I get like real scared really fast I went up here right oh my God what is that thing I just took so much damage straight back into the

Hole and now I Google how to remove radiation in Alex’s caves okay there’s a 42 long minute video so we’ll just sit here and I’m glowing right now oh I’m glowing what I can use sulfur to heal myself I got tons of sulfur how do I do it

I don’t want gunpowder I want salt slam spunky so you need sulfur and bone meal and raw pork chop I don’t have any of that stuff I need to get out of this cave and get raw ham with three or sugar which you can get from just sugar cane or honey I need

To get back up to the surface why don’t I just dig up right here nice spiral formation go straight up all right for me it’s going to be several minutes of doing this for you it’s going to be right now hey I’m up but it’s uh just becoming morning now and I don’t

Want to have spooky mobs after me cuz if I go up there uh I don’t want to get smoked by something you know got three hearts okay chicken zombie I don’t want the zombie don’t care about the zombie chicken’s actually good can’t take any damage just please stay back I guess I’m

Going to get rid of my iron leggings probably dumb but okay I learned a few more things so I need to get these pigs then I also need sand oh I get sugar right there I can get sugar from this honey too but I don’t know how to

Take honey from it so I’m not going to do that I can’t be taking damage I got a big I got a big to explore I really regret throwing away all those bones oh I don’t need bones I don’t need bones now I need well no I don’t I can I

Can make this but I feel like this isn’t going to fill me up as much I don’t even know if this is going to get rid of the radiation I think it’s just going to heal Me I need this as well I’ll keep the Flint what what do I get rid of I’ll get rid of that okay that’s some good stuff now if I just get a few more things CL back up down into my hole I’ll make my spunky or whatever it’s called

And heal myself up I also learned a few more things while I was watching the YouTube tutorial on this mod which I probably shouldn’t have done but if I didn’t do it let’s be honest here we would uh a man like me with three hearts isn’t going to be playing this very long

You know it’s going to be it’s be dead very soon so where’s the little hole I came out of okay here it is I was deep underground very far down here okay so how now do I make sugar I I don’t even know use sugar okay and then I use

This we’re going to throw out the Ander sight and now I have my spunky if I eat this now what happens it regenerates me okay good and then I’ll cook the ham or should I save the ham to make more of this if I need to I’ll cook the chicken I should

Probably make a chest or something but I don’t want to do that cuz I’m lazy I’m going to throw out stuff I’m not using gravel sand I’ll need I’ll hold on to the Limestone the Flint we’ll make some arrows D do do okay keep the sticks the feather we’ll just get rid of

That’s four more arrows Cobblestone we don’t need two stacks don’t Three Stacks got the chicken I’ll eat this now then lastly you got to throw in some sand cuz I’m make some bottles fizzle core I don’t even know what I called it earlier probably not that and we can use

Okay so use the sulfur I can make this but I need bone meal which I can get need to kill some skeletons which there’s no shortage of them in here so should everything should be okay how many bottles you get from this three bottles perfect okay okay

Sulfur and skeletons here we go oh there’s slime down here there’s also another one of those those things oh my God I’m just taking Dam what am I taking Dam he’s throwing barrels at me oh my where’s my Cobblestone how you got to do it you got to do it like

This thankfully you can remove a man that way what what even was that thing I want more sulfur give me all that then I want skeletons not zombies skeletons so let’s let’s get some skeletons after me not I don’t care about the zombies I about the

Skeletons here we go come on take care of them for me I got the bone right okay few more bones oh there’s another one I’m going to have to eat some my my spunky or anything oh the he’s riding a cockroach you see that where’d he Go that like range damage I don’t understand what is hitting me skeleton riding a cockroach come here I need your bone two of them perfect come come closer why you one two okay give me all these goodies I’ll close this up take that I I don’t even know what I’m going to do

With this now but I’ll just take it I guess okay I’ll I’ll make more bottles that’s what I’m going to do okay it’s 12 bottles that’s good now I need to focus what was I going to do I was going to make bone meal okay I got bone meal I

Got the ham and I got the stuff so let’s go like this nine of these things slams that’s good I’ll eat one and I’ll see what happens I’m saved okay okay I know how to fight these creatures now got three arrows this is good okay sleep okay so

The plan very simple now that I have everything I need need I’m going to one of those legs and I’m catching one of those fish little baby oh oh oh you got to oh my look at that thing right next to me what just happened everything fell apart so quickly There okay well I was going to try to do something smart with like the the trap doors to stop them from getting in But this this I don’t even understand what this thing is Hey dead okay okay finally now I’m going down there I’m sealed down in here just me in the lake where are those fish oh I just saw oh oh look at that let’s get a rod in there I don’t think it works like that I

Don’t I don’t think it I don’t think it works normal oh I got one oh you ever stop to think what are you doing right now I want to eat one of these things I’m going to go ahead and assume that they’re probably very aggressive and I’m

Going to assume that if I were to go in that goo I probably wouldn’t come back out oh I I would love love love if Kim was standing here right now give the man a little tap on the shoulder send them in where are you I’m probably going to have to maybe

They don’t come for me I got to reel one up get it on land there we go okay come here oh it’s deep in there come on how do I get one of these things right there I really want to jump in there and see what happens I know I’m going to die

If I do it so I’m not going to do it but how can I get one of these guys out of here they don’t seem to be jumping for me oh look how deep it is there one deep pit I need one of these guys be careful there’s like

Almost walked into it right there there’s supposed to be like big air vent things that are bubbling up that I can find too cuz if I can find those kind of giving up on catching one of these fish it goes deeper goes way deeper should I let this stuff flow down

See what happens when it hits a zombie oh yeah oh yeah look at this oh oh oh oh make a little safe platform for me here I think the fish went down there oh that was my chance can I make a bucket I have I have this stuff to make why why

Don’t I make a bucket right now there’s a lot of stuff going on below me I’m not even paying attention to it that’s about to break do I have enough yeah I I have enough to make a new pickaxe we just throw that there’s a creeper right there

Not taking my eyes off that guy that would that would that would ruin my day bucket of acid where’s the fish he’s doing way too much damage to me I’m going to have to eat another one of my hams how is he damaging me there we

Go okay no more ham I got to save it wait I think I know how I’m going to get down there I want one of those fish so bad I can’t even begin to explain to you how badly I want one of those fish I want to get to that I’m thinking

That my solution might be to jump and run dig myself into a wall and then figure it out I’m going to deal with these guys like this clean everyone up that way and I’ll pick up the goop make it go away put my hand back here slow and

Steady wins the race all right oh creeper right there all right go this was dumb look at this place there we go I’m safe oh but I kind of forget which one’s that’s the way out okay okay now I can come here and I can see what’s going

On put two torches here so I can’t lose it and see what it is that all Iron no way way that’s iron what is this plant there those are the vents okay okay okay look look look where my bottles if I do this okay I’m going to be honest I

Didn’t know those were scaffolding that reaction was uh unnecessary okay look does it stack it Stacks thankfully look what I got look what I just got see that oh is that a is that a barrel I can go metal Barrel metal barrels here go back to my safe Zone okay now look what

I have the I I got the raid on radon whatever it is and I can use it to make the polymer plate but I need the I need the paste but I got rid of the paste for some reason can I can I manufacture paste paste that’s what we’re wondering

Now I have to kill cockroaches I don’t want to do that oh I have paste wait I have everything I need okay hold on again I got to make four of these for some reason so if I use the paste I only get one oh I need I need iron I used

It okay but I can use the polymer to make boots Hazmat block I can make the whole suit I can make a oh I can make a ray gun should I make the Hazmat suit or should I make the ray gun I need one more polymer plate so I

Need I need to find just a tiny microscopic amount of iron in this whole place just a little bit of iron tiny bit of iron I don’t know if I’ll find iron down here I haven’t I don’t think I’ve seen any iron okay but I could find iron

On the surface and then I can make it but I need uranium right there’s the uranium I need a little bit more probably I do not want to come back down here okay I can use that to make oh I Blaze Rod so looks like I will not be making the ray

Gun okay I’m going to take one more Peak around here get more sulfur in case I need it got 19 I got plenty More bones I’ll take them okay I want a fish Oh where’d the fish go give me a fish Give me It right there right There okay maybe if I use both the fishing rod and the thing I can catch one oh oh there’s like a second where you don’t get the debuff back where did the fish go they just leave when I’m around hey come on come on out there’s no fish here anymore

Right I’m worried they’re going to knock me off into the there come on I want them to like land on one of these things There got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it bucket of rad Gill okay okay okay now everyone calm down the fish is mine now all I need to do is make it back up to the surface make it into my little cave cook the

Fish and then I will be out of here going to need some blocks in case things go bad I’m going to need the food here in case things go really bad okay here we go I don’t want to get hit by any of those big brain guys anymore Okay wait in case there’s a small zombie now let’s get a look at this fish let’s get a look at this Thing I want to take the water out and there we go look at that and now guess what I’m going to eat it there’s its food okay let’s get this thing cooked up I’m looking forward to eating this I looking forward to eating this cooked

Rad Gill what can you do with that all right go up to the surface oh don’t forget my bed I might need to get rid of the toxic supplies I have just thinking about it there all all my toxic belongings are gone aside from this the sulfur should

Be fine and look I’m not getting the radiation it’s gone is that why I was getting radiation because I was holding that stuff okay after coming out of the radioactive cave I had a nice third arm growing out of my mouth and the taste of

Metal in my mouth oh and real and I’m recording this voice over like 2 weeks later I’m still sick I don’t know what that guy from the from Best Buy had but I I am still sick with whatever that was I’ve been eaten Fisherman’s friend to

Try to get through it this cave took a a toll on me both in-game and out of game but nonetheless I had to move on in the next cave it was the magnet one a cave full of magnets how do they work not a clue and you know what I probably won’t

Won’t ever know how magnets work and uh if I’m being honest I don’t care how magnets work I don’t I don’t even want to know how they work magnets are just why am I talking about this anyways there’s this is the magnet cave right here we go okay directly below

Me magnetic caves and I’m going to be honest right now I don’t like him oh wait I can try this fish the cooked rad Gill let’s see what happens here hey nothing nothing happens just looking for a little bit more beef before I go down oh go down right

Here give me the last beef okay I’m going down another another day in another cave more Skeletons come here also need this make a few more torches a lot of coal right here all right grab that throw this on here boom 60 that’s way too many torches what is this a magnet up there is this is this a house that a man like me can Enter what is this packed bana make a gauntlet Pharaoh slime Ball Scarlet magnet look at that look at the achievement magnets how do they work yeah EX exactly exactly how do I get down well I guess I’ll just start digging down right here heading down to the magnet cave okay there’s a different type of rock here where this what is this Glena it takes a while to mine this stuff I hear all sorts of buzzing going around right now oh iron right here beautiful oh a lot of iron amazing there’s so much iron right here wow oh look at how much iron there is I’ll come back and get the the rest

Of my way out this is so much iron okay where’s the big opening like I’m shredding my pickaxe right now okay my pickaxe has got like no life left in it I’m going to have to do something here oh some scary sounds going on here 25 of this stuff but I don’t have

Any more use wood it’s going to take forever to get down under there we go there goes the pickaxe oh what is this what’s this stuff this just more of oh there’s a red one I don’t even know if this is going to lead me to a cave

I’m assuming it will but yeah there we go wa look at this I’m going to assume there’s nothing scary in here because why would there be something scary in a magnet place there Magnets what was that there like pulling me over to the it’s like pull it’s pulling me stop it stop stop I’m being pulled what is this give Me it’s pulling me oh it’s going to pull me off the edge oh oh no it won’t because I’m holding ship Whoa what what is this this scanning me stop what is it stop come here where’s my spear I’m I’m going to throw a spear at it where is it I mean okay I’ve got to remove these pillars where’s that device that’s scanning me I am I am being I am I what was

That what do that thing I can’t I can’t oh my my mouse is malfunctioning ah I can’t I can’t play my mouse is not working and well now it’s working these magnets are causing my mouse in real life to malfunction you know why it’s malfunction because it’s a wireless

Mouse and they don’t work place is crazy what what is I was sitting AFK for one second and the thing started SC what is that what is that thing oh what is that it’s try to tr the heavy just Giant heavy disc on me what what’s going on here I got to

Throw a spear at it where is it here it comes again there there dropped look what are you doing here drop drop it on the zombie Oh he’s swinging that thing around you hear the chains oh here Drop It come look at this oh there Oh on Drop It Again oh my oh it’s slamming it down there we go what was that thing what is this chain okay what am I doing here I’m just being pulled all being pulled all over the place I probably should sleep at one point nope can’t sleep right

Now there’s like these things what are these things that are flying around oh throw my Spears at These Guys these little there we go little thing buzzing around is a house oh little house oh my M my mouse is malfunctioning my mouse again is malfunctioning I’m going to get I’m

Absolutely going to get killed one day cuz of this mouse look at this here oh little house I can go in there’s a redstone T what I’m being pulled somewhere I don’t understand this place at all at all oh oh oh oh oh oh who W okay what it

Whoa what is that it took my sword did it take my sword no I have my sword what is that thing it’s hitting me with something it’s swinging a Sword what is this Thing okay it is hitting me hard I am out of food going in the wall closing up the wall grab my Spears no was that thing I know there’s a mob that can grab your stuff is this it grab my spear here there we Go okay oh there’s what what is this thing it’s another one of those my mouse it’s malfunctioning I my mouse like it doesn’t work look at this I’m moving my hand right now you see where the mouse is just staying there how can someone play with a wireless

Mouse this this is the third w okay I going to tell you the name of this mouse this is a gpro Logitech G Pro wirel I don’t know I I tweeted about it I said I need a good wireless mouse so everyone said get this mouse this is the the

Logitech G Pro G what gr Pro I going to tell you the name of it right now cuz I’m I’m solving this yeah gr Pro wireless gaming mouse with Esports grade performance there’s no way Esports no way so before this mouse I had uh a Corsair Wireless one same problem before

That Mouse I had a wireless razor one same problem I went through three different computers testing these things too all of them same problem my computer is maybe one foot away from the wireless mouse you might be saying why do you want to use a wireless mouse cuz I hate

Having a cable on the counter I can’t the cable hits all the I get I like to put drinks on my next to my keyboard right now I got a smoothie there sometimes I got food on there and I always knock it over when I got a cable

So you know what I’m doing right now I’m plugging the mouse directly into the PC yeah the mouse is now directly into the PC cuz I’m not dying to this the cable also pulls on the mouse so if you see it doing this it’s cuz the cable’s pulling

On it so it’s like I either fight the cable or I fight the how come a wireless mouse doesn’t work that’s what I want to know okay anyways let’s just Scarlet magnet don’t know what I can do with that what am I doing in this cave right

Now what am I doing down here I am running out of food whoa we can blow those things up kind of I was wondering about that whoa that’s a huge explosion Hey There goes my mouse pulling pulling me off the edge all right what am I doing down here

This’s the magnet okay you know what I’ve had enough of the magnet cave time to climb out of here okay I’m at this Village and uh what I need is food this has been the story of the the world here just a man trying to get as much

I left that iron in the furnace remember I found all that iron I I left it in the furnace and walked away okay that’s good anything anything useful in here empty broom sand hey that’s good there’s nothing here yay you guys got a bunch of empty houses perfect

Don’t don’t villages usually have a bunch of houses with food what was that what is what is that what is that what is that okay so there’s like a shadow Beast I’m not even in the cave I’m just looking for food I eat this rabbit I got to eat something come

Here what I got rabbit hide I need rabbit yeah raw rabbit a shadow Beast over there no one has food wait you got food up here how can you send a man down into a cave with Shadow beasts with no food here this guy right here you got food right what is this

Smoker no no I want I want you to give me food I don’t want to give you food from emeralds none of the where is your food how how are you guys surviving cook this up once this is cooked and going in wa wa where you guys going those are

Four of you just hanging out back here don’t be don’t be trying to take any of my meat by the way here go go in the caverns we see see what’s going down there for me going on down there okay what am I not bringing in oh that’s

Probably the way I’m going to go or that way I don’t know which way where where’s the map that way so I go this way it’s not I got to go that way that is the way okay there so what are you guys doing they’re all all coming over here they came to

Watch a in go down into the hollows there’s a guy going down there call the villagers we’re going to watch them go down gather around everyone he’s about to venture into the four La Hollows four La Hollows the last one we sent down there turned into a shadow beast but he

Is different he will grab the orb and break what are you doing I’m trying to I’m pretending to be you guys right now like they’re talking they’re they’re they’re betting whether I’m coming back up or not I’m coming back up going down there grab him the orb I don’t even know

If there’s an orb down there I just made that up all I need is a little bit of meat you say if you give a man meat he can do anything it’s going to be night time okay I’m going to go to bed get up I’m sleeping here the last cave that

I’ve entered into was the one that I knew I I didn’t even know this one was in the pack to be honest uh so that tells you everything that you need to know about what was about to happen to me this cave was called uh the four Lor

Hollows okay uh unknown to me at the time it was a big cave system full of cultist and uh I don’t know for some reason here I am trying to approach them as if they’re friendly creatures oh something’s going on down here look at all that oh that’s stuff

That I threw down there I’m an idiot oh he’s going he’s took he eliminated the Enderman he is going down in the the forlorn you want to go down too we’ll have fun with them down there we’ll have fun so you get they’re they’re multiplying why is there so many of them

Around here okay I’m going down it’s time someone goes down into the four Ln Caverns I’m not going that way though that scary oh that Is a lot of zombies there it’s this way I am going to I don’t really know what my plan is here probably going to need to get some more iron oh I should walk right down okay let’s take care of this guy real quick grab this

Iron I had so much of it now I have so little there’s a whole pickaxe right there grabb a little bit more coal eat another one of these things grab a little bit more coal cuz I’m going to probably need to make more torches keep going down look there’s

Some grass here and there’s some deep slate oh I just saw something with red eyes Scurry across the floor there so that’s uh okay There’s okay this is uh who is that guy I’m going to okay here’s the mistake I made in the Abyssal depths I came in here I came into their home and I started swinging swords I didn’t I didn’t okay there’s a lot there’s a lot

Of them there’s moth is flying up to me a lot of them coming down there I came into this moth moth’s getting closer they’re getting a little bit a little bit too close for comfort they’re definitely flying towards me I went into their home and I started swinging swords with them without

Without really giving them a chance to see if they’re friendly I don’t want to make the same mistake here so I’m going to what is this moth doing what what is it doing what is it this does not look like a they’re Gathering below me okay the what the what is the moth

Doing look there’s more of them coming they’re coming from their little houses and running over here this is just a zombie this is a normal guy hey they they little they’re like little moles I don’t want to accidentally strike one so I’m going to I’m want to

Kind of here you guys coming to say hi hey how’s it going this moth is what is this moth doing what is what what is the moth doing there’s so why is there so many coming out they they all they all want to see a man like me hey how’s it going come

Down okay okay they’re they’re not they’re not H they’re not happy they’re not happy at all they’re screaming there’s Diamonds what was that they were not friendly at all they they started screaming at did you hear that they they were they were angry they were they were angry that I was there they weren’t that was not a friendly what is this place I suppose I can put a bed down here

I chewed up quite a few Tor oh no I didn’t I got torches right there go see what’s going on this time I know that there was a spider oh you wanted that diamond there now whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa before I do anything

Else every time I see a glow squid I get excited thinking I found something like rare so it’s just a diamond sword yeah at same with a glow skid it’s just another mob that I ignore there’s another diamond right there I don’t know why I’m getting

Diamonds right now I should be in the four loone Caverns oh two diamonds one on Three I got one more I got a pickaxe all right I want to know what those eyes things are and what’s going on in this little house I’m going to I’m going to try to sneak

In some sort of red ore right there look at these are cool doors who this is A what is what is all this what is this Burning arrow Dark tatters guano that’s isn’t that bad droppings I can make burning arrows if I get some teeth Shadow silk hood of Darkness dread bow cloak of Darkness this is the coolest biome yet oh it’s a bat oh my what is that

That think he Massive oh come Here okay come here it’s too fast for me for a below average skill Minecraft player this thing is too much okay okay enough enough from the clown so come Here come here there we go what did it drop vasper wi that’s what I need for the bow pure Darkness I don’t even know how you get that maybe from these things what did I get porous something you get pure looks like I got to find pure Darkness okay this is scary

Actually there’s that moth I think that moth was telling the come here oh my God there’re right there they can come out here you want to you want to play okay go underground come here you guys you guys do not give me a rly like hear them oh here they

Come here oh there’s so many of them oh there’s another one right there you guys want to go come here oh my God there’s so Many come here want to kill all of them it’s creepy mold [Applause] people give me your Tatters I’m lighting this place up so there’s no more of that going on oh here’s another one of these terrifying bats oh oh oh three hits they go down where’s the bat I got to put torches down so the viewers can see drop your wing NOP okay oh this place is

Massive the whole world down there how do I get down the bats are nothing now I me they’re easy find a way to get down here okay put some Tores so I know where to go got to get even lower for when I inevitably run out of here a little

Staircase okay what are these things are these the pure Darkness oh the way they attack is SC scary they like pop up And like strike what is this chain going To Nothing oh the bats are frustrating to deal with okay these these guys are so weird oh oh what is that what is that is like a coffin what is that who I’m going to eat the steak and I’m going to deal with these guys okay there’s a lot

Of a lot of creatures out right now back all of you all of you what is that thing there I’m not familiar with that Beast wait that’s a shadow beast from the Surface what is that I Dro something interesting what is that desolate dagger what does it do oh oh oh my God it makes a floating dagger stab them after what this tree thing here oh it’s a it’s a banner on it should I go deeper what is this though

Whoa oh that’s that’s poop okay oh sneaking up on me getting out of here for Now those lava waterfalls over there that is massive oh oh oh hey you guys want to do that here I’m going back to my little hole for a minute okay there’s only one thing left to do and you know what it is not going to be pretty I have a nuclear bomb

And you know what I’m going to do I’m going to put it right here then I’m going to put this lever here I have no idea what this is going to do all right here we Go it’s still going oh my God this man’s walking right up to it oh All right no more cult you know what if you think that explosion is Big just wait till you watch our new scenario okay one more one more I’m S I have to do it in here I have to do it here I have to do it there wonder if

These guys are going to survive

This video, titled ‘How I Survived ALEX’S CAVES in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Forge Labs on 2023-11-22 14:04:04. It has garnered 720730 views and 30009 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:32 or 7712 seconds.

How I Survived ALEX’S CAVES in Hardcore Minecraft

ALEX’s CAVEs in Hardcore Minecraft is scarier than FROM THE FOG. Why was this Minecraft mod so scary?

#100Days #Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft


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#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100Days

I TRIED to Survive VR Hardcore Minecraft For 100 Days And This Is What Happened

Video Includes: Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Minecraft Herobrine Hardcore Minecraft Herobrine Modded Minecraft From the Fog Minecraft Mods

Forge Labs

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  • SoftSlayer (1.9-1.20) Play MC meet your future spouse! ☻

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • 2s1m

    2s1m2s1m: A new minecraft server that i made! It is inspired by 2b2t, and this server originated in ClassiCube. MC Server opened on June 4th, 2024, Server Opened on CC (Now Closed) somewhere in mid-2023. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft gets a pixelated makeover

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gets a pixelated makeoverAnimator plays Minecraft: “I’m just here for the block party!” Read More

  • Steve’s Diversity: The Great Transformation

    Steve's Diversity: The Great Transformation In the world of Minecraft, we’ve been turned into Steves, Playing Diversity 1, with tricks up our sleeves. The original map by qmagnet, a classic delight, With friends by my side, streaming in the night. Akiera and Antari, joining the fun, In a world where we’re all Steve, a race just begun. Version 1.7.4, the game we embrace, With glitches and laughs, all over the place. Check out the map, in the description below, And visit my friends’ streams, where the fun will flow. Stay tuned for more rhymes, in the Minecraft domain, As we explore Diversity, with joy… Read More

  • Trying to Distract Sigma? Good luck with that, sweetie!

    Trying to Distract Sigma? Good luck with that, sweetie! When you try to distract Sigma in bedwars but end up distracting yourself instead by thinking about Herobrine and his creepy eyes staring at you from the shadows. #fail #minecraftprobs 😂 Read More

  • Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge

    Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge The Epic Minecraft Experiment: Dogs vs. Wither Battle! Imagine a world where brave Minecraft players pit their loyal canine companions against the formidable Wither boss. In this daring experiment, the question on everyone’s mind is: How many dogs does it take to defeat the mighty Wither? The Showdown Begins As the battle commences, the player unleashes their first wave of canine warriors. 2 dogs charge fearlessly towards the Wither, barking fiercely as they attack. The Wither retaliates, but the dogs fight valiantly, determined to emerge victorious. The Numbers Grow With each passing moment, the player summons more dogs to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS’s!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS's!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh hello hi well speak to myself let’s go we got speaker to myself don’t we all right hello subie hello Ray hello Gog hello Josh how are we aler let’s go I’ll be backck I agree oh my God bro why is my mic so loud all of a [Music] sudden oh my God bro okay there we go way better let’s go all right this I’m just going to turn to 5% how are we doing I’m doing good let’s go if I’m too loud uh tell me please… Read More

  • Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!

    Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zgadnij moją najwyższą rangę! #minecraft #polska #mc #fortnite’, was uploaded by shizak2 on 2024-06-04 16:39:27. It has garnered 67 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts Minecraft Pet simulator X Pet Sim roblox studio how to send robux free robux for free robux January February March April May June July August September October November December roblox roblox pl in Polish roblox verification scam how to ignore roblox players roblox verification protection roblox scam account roblox murdery mystery 2 spend robux cheap robux allegro free robux bloxburg best… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start – Insane Roots UHC s3e1

    Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start - Insane Roots UHC s3e1Video Information hello everyone and welcome to Roots UHC season 3 this season we are going back in time to make a couple of you feel old we’re playing a version that came out in January 2013 which is over 11 years ago 1.4.7 to give you an idea of what is in 1.4.7 you’ve got anvils you got enchanted books but uh Sprint key is not a thing you can’t drag click in your inventory I actually don’t even know if water bucket landed is a thing so just be aware of that and the other thing to let… Read More

  • EPIC Vindicator vs ALL Mobs in Minecraft!!

    EPIC Vindicator vs ALL Mobs in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vindicator vs Every Mob in Minecraft (1.21) – Vindicator vs All Mobs – Minecraft mob battle’, was uploaded by MetaFit on 2024-01-14 20:02:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Vindicator vs Every Mob in Minecraft (1.21) – Vindicator vs All Mobs – Minecraft mob battle Get ready for an epic clash as the … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Showdown! Guess the winner!

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Showdown! Guess the winner!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which Minecraft Building Looks The Best ? #shorts #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by GOUPENARD on 2024-05-14 12:53:14. It has garnered 13418 views and 612 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Secret base Minecraft at different ages! #shorts #viral minecraft ,minecraft, monster school, monster school, animation, minecraft animation, Vtuber, monster school animation, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft school, minecraft funny, cursed minecraft, noob vs pro minecraft, lucky minecraft, unlucky minecraft, minecraft but cursed, minecraft life, minecraft challenge, monster school life, rip monster school, funny animation, animation minecraft, monster school… Read More


    CRAZY FIND: JJ & Mikey Discover GIANT EYEPRINT!Video Information I’m finally here could I have ended up in this stupid world well now the people you’ll have to pay for sending me to Hell let’s see what you can do now I hope you won’t disappoint me I couldn’t believe what I just saw it’s just terrible we need to tell everyone urgently guys run some kind of demon has come here it’s too late to run because I’m already here are these your houses they’re kind of fragile you used to have huge strong locks what happened to you why did you decide to switch to… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE RICH DADDY SHOWDOWN: WHO'S THE REAL MVP!?💰Video Information was findet ihr die restlichen Körperteile von feister seine Beine Arme und sein Rupf sind überall auf dem gesamten Server verteilt aboniert habt wir müssen uns drauf einigen dass wir aufhören damit ALR okay wir müssen wer ist Mike Mike wichtiger ah sorry das ein bisschen länger da im Start aber was habt ihr gedacht neun Leute die erstmal alles einstellen müssen was habt ihr gedacht dass wir direkt nach 2 Minuten starten ich mein stegi ist dabei This video, titled ‘BASTIGHG CORE – WER IST WICHTIGER!?…😏🥶 (cold moment)’, was uploaded by Opa Rico 🅥 on 2024-01-14 18:05:03…. Read More